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Previous: >>486821662

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Resonator Showcase | Changli — SEIZE THE INITIATIVE

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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for me its my encorebwos
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Jinhsi changing her panties for some reason...
how many more hours before changli
Waiting for a real thread.
Changli's smile is what I wake up for
Never make a thread ever again
Why you should skip Changli
how much does this give
what could save wuwa from certain damnation?
The event is so disappointing
Press skill and bosses die
They don't have their hologram 6 moveset
i haven't logged on in over a week
Fatfingered the link, that's what I get for being a mobile fag
jiangshi cyborg wuwas when?
cmon kuro this is an untapped market
Do we know what bosses and other mats are needed for Zhezhi? or Changli for that matter?
Why is the human version of the funny cat meme girl in this photo?
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Now forget about Changli, here's your Cummy set

And for the anon who wanted the retarded yapyaps, here are a bunch of them.
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lmao the gooks are alright sometimes
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>wuwatracker already got Changli's banner on
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Yeah both skins are free.
>Changli is bad
>everyone skips
>becomes SOVL
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im already filtered by the ungodly amount of things to do in pgr and have been quite busy irl
should I even go back
go back to play with baby blocks genshitter, wuwa is for real gamers
You cracked the code that's why I'm shitposting her
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Worms of /wuwa/! we have given you ample opportunities to surrender, but you have stubbornly refused! Know that today, your entire game and your ancient game studio will end! Dawei himself has come to claim the lowly home of wuworms!
Not him, but I'm in the same situation and still enjoy it. Event farming is comfy for building units. Shit is a marathon, though, and I have to deal with being biblically bricked for a while unless I swipe on anni banner.
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*blocks your path*
I have 60 nigger cocks locked and loaded to fend off dawei at any given moment.
You fool, that's why he's haunting our threads!!!!
Gomen hsi ..
Is anyone here actually retarded enough to no roll a character they like because of """"""meta"""""" ?
i will roll all females no matter what. i will never intentionally roll a homo. if you do anything other than this you're a gay faggot with a bricked account
They need to justify their choices in order to not feel bad about themselves.
F2P actually has to care at least a little bit. If we roll a brick we get fucked over WAY more than if a Whale does. Yinlin and Jinhsi allow me to complete the story content just fine.
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In hoyogames, you can ignore meta.
But in this dark soul hard game, we can't.
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I'll never roll for meta, but I will skip for meta.
I don't mean characters like Changli, I mean a hypothetical future character who's just a brick and not fun to play at all.
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I am. That's why I'm rolling for Changli (she's meta. Always do the opposite of what /vg/ says)
Wuwa is a hardcore game, if you don't roll for meta characters you will eventually be gated from completing the story. If you want a game that let's everyone play equally I would recommend ZZZ personally.
shit characters aren't fun to play
>Real gamer needs a meta character to clear content
Who's the shitter here huh?
>Wuwa is a hardcore game, if you don't roll for meta characters you will eventually be gated from completing the story.
>But in this dark soul hard game, we can't.
* Only if you're bad
(You). next question
I just need a pool of water lolis can swim in, and Memephis is no issue
Lady Jinhsi said this: Roll for who is meta.
there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that got seeded solely for meta reasons
>Only if you're bad
True, most people aren't at the level where they can compete in this game, it's for the hardcore crowd.
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It's objectively correct to pull for Changli for your future Scar team right?
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>press basic attack twice
>character flies all over the screen
who does this appeal to
>I would recommend ZZZ personally.
Ugh, they're back again
based Karenchad
>there are sub room temp IQ gig/zzz niggers here who will knowingly brick their acc by skipping changli, justifying it with skill issues
Absolute state
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i even quit arknights and BA lately and simply play wuwa exclusively for now
oh well let me reinstall pgr and see how that goes
>justifying it with skill issues
Yeah, i'm not a Korean I have to roll for people I can actually play. The Yao dude seems simple enough for someone like me and He is free too.
wasted my selector on encore and built her just for changli am so bricked bros
>i'm not a Korean
We can tell
>for someone like me
The characteristics for people like you are provided in the first part of the post you replied to
Stop saying "I don't care if Changli isn't meta, I will roll for her anyways".
You are conceding to the shitposters' claim that she isn't meta. You are cucking to their framing of the issue and just pretending it doesn't bother you.
The correct response isn't "I don't care" it's "You are wrong".
Changli IS hot as fuck but she also IS meta and anyone who says otherwise is a stupid faggot.
picking the best fusion dps isn't a waste though. just skip flopli.
Encore Changli is the worst advice I've read on /wuwa/
Literally just retards matching the colors lmao
So? I'm not bothered by not being god tier at the game, I enjoy it regardless. But I still need at least a somewhat comfy character so that a retard like me can play. If Yao provides that instead of Changli what is the problem?
Guys, hear me out: teen Changli
>fuck math im a feelscrafter
the state of changbrick copers. nobody cares if you roll for her because you like how she looks just don't get all buttblasted when people say it's not recommended to roll for her when taking account health into consideration.
>changli's highest dps team is the worst advice
what did anon mean by this?
Sirs good afternoon, I have a 5 year old CPU, why can't I run this game properly?
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>what is the problem
right here
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Xiangli yao-yinlin
Then who? Rover? jinhsi? jiyan? calchudo? zhezhi?
Changli is so shit that no sub can pair with her
>what is the problem?
There isn't one, ignore him, also try out monk if you have Her, she can be quite comfy too.
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My Ryzen 5 3600X from 2019 runs the game perfectly fine, thank you.
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>account health
>in a single player game
what the actual fuck? than what's her best teammates aside from verina? you telling me i picked that garbage loli for nothing
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what the fuck is happening in this thread
Narhwal boss in 1.3 black shores right wros?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbR__LPniBg
Is it Glacio? Does that mean that Coastguard is Glacio as well?
Changli's chinese anus can't save wuwa
we need western anus
>Forgotten by the Japanese
>Forgotten by Western streamers
>Art is mostly consisted of AI slop
Reminder that if you paypigged in this game you made a bad investment.
hag schizo melty
giggers and ziggers learning the definition of riposte
Jiyan impulse rollers who wasted their astrites on a powercrept homo don't want people to roll for the new hot girls
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"Investment"fags having a melty.
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Even if you're arguing about stupid shit, I still think it's nice that we're actually talking about the game
Would Changli's sword be good to pull for other sword users
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how the fuck do i increase the score in this?

is the scoring uneven by stage because there's no way to get to 4000 like the game wants me to for max rewards. my current best is just slightly over 1600
Scheduled mihomo weekend
You get 1000 points for every "The devs listened" twitter post you make
how can someone be this retarded
you asked for hard content bwo
Just leave, you aren't smart enough to play Wuwa.
>new banner approaching
>full time schizo and melty posting
just more signs that wuWon
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Sexy legs
Signs of a dead thread, this is just sad.
post holograms genshit bab
nta but how do you get the monkey to not fucking run off whenever it spawns?
>you telling me i picked that garbage loli for nothing
You did.
Changli Encore is in a weird position.

If you use her as main DPS, Encore does nothing for her. Soon as a fusion support cokes out, you'll ditch Encore.
If you use her as subdps for Encore you will ditch Changli as soon as a fusion support with 23% fusion amplify (like Danjin) comes out.
There is not a single part of her body that is not made of pure sexual sex.
Why are people so mean and angry here?
I got a little bit over 1500 points, I think the later stages will give much more points. You can probably oneshot the monkey right as it spawns if you time Mortefi outro and Jiyan's ult right, tho
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nigga all you're doing is making a case for how dogshit changli is lmao
Because this is a game with a nice level of difficulty and no one wants to see it be ruined by shitters, play ZZZ or Genshin if you want easy mode.
Shitposters from other generals.
Jean simps getting cucked by Chiwa sexo for the better game
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Bird sex
There's one more (most likely) scenario.
Kuro will 100% release a liberation based fusion DPS. Changli will be the best subdps for that character and Encore joins Calcharo in his cuck shed.
What is this forcedass kumbaya ass OP? I don't even care about fateslop
Alright I will leave, not going back to mihoyoslop though.
probably yeah kek
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>how much does this give
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thank you so much anon
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too based
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You know you can just swipe for a character if you really want them right?
how do you get technical points? doing outro swaps?
That goes against my f2p lifestyle.
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shank you for the yapyap
if you want to have a maximum value account you should've rerolled for Jiyan+sig, skipped bricklin, and rolled for Jinhsi (not her sig tho)
you should be sitting at around 20-30k gems right now
not sure if Changli is a brick or not yet, will update after analyzing Prydwen's placement on his tier list
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Even with plenty of disposable income, spending hundreds on gacha feels humiliating.
>not sure if Changli is a brick or not yet, will update after analyzing Prydwen's placement on his tier list
pffft hahahahah
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this is what I look like irl
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>account health
>maximum value account

damn that's me except i have Jinhsi's weapon too. Up your game metalet
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now post your 30 star clear from last rotation
You should IMPULSEROLL on every unit if you want to stay meta
kuro prefers horizontal investment in their endgame
PGR needs 6x3 characters for their endgame (norman) and 9x3 for Babel
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I can't because I can only 26/30 because im bad. I can show you one of the 2,000 accounts i rerolled though
Fucking investors meeting here today or what
whats the max points from the first stage of the event?
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>they invested in game
I got 1.66k so if you got less than that you're a scrub
if you got more you're a cheater/hacker
Who the fuck even is Calcharo?
>New simulacra
>expected to get 24k points
>first fight
>get only 1.6k with loaner characters 10 levels over
It's over...
Some vigilante from another city. He collected a token shell credit coin as protection money in exchange for ppl becoming his spies. Source is the special modifier items in illusive realm.
>claims having high end pc
>claims stuttering
>claims boss glitches
>won't post clips
>look at profile
They really won't leave this game alone for some reason
Norman is optional since the reward you get it's just for CUBs.
And babel isn't around at every patch.
But I do agree, PGR needs 4 teams : Dark/Physical/Ice/Fire in order to clear everything.
Nta but hologram aix is a genuinely bugged out. Shit like landing on the nearby rock and softlocking the fight. Landing in the air and doing his ground moveset in the air. Lock on constantly breaking.
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Bro your skills?
Just get gud.
you also get BCs and 6* weapon res materials which are really valuable
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Bwo I'm literally dodging like a god but every dodge only gets you 10 points and you want to kill quick for time points so you can't just farm dodges.
I will only roll for design because kuro gives me every unit I need to beat the game anyway
So I will roll changli and skip zezhi
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just roll for DPS for each element then build the roster around them

that is how I cope in the early year of PGR and now I will do the same with WW
zzz is perfect for you shitter
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Just dodge and kill them fast lmao.
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I regret to inform that this is the most skill-dependent character in the game and unless you run her as your main DPS you have skill issues that need fixin
How do you even play her as main DPS?
What do you do when her liberation & skill is on cooldown?
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oops wrong pic my bad
Wuwa is much more difficult than your average gacha, I would recommend finding a game that isn't quite so fuck you about it.
Sanhua as main dps is bait. She farms concerto energy like crazy. Just build her echos for regen and she'll get you crazy stagger on bosses like heron that have very few counterattack opportunities.
>on Sanhua
lmao retard
Finished the Mt firmament story. Still not feeling it man. The fight with Jue was pretty good but it was fucking slog until the last part
Post points.
Like what? I'm obviously not good enough to play Wuwa, but is their another game that scratches that Wuxia itch that is like Wuwa?
I basically one shot all the bosses and only got 1.6k points, so I think it wants you to fuck around and farm technical points or something?
Heh pointlet
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idk man to me, I think this is the first times I feels notChina is really at stake, in a story made by Chinese writer

Not even the Liyue story can do that
Nah farming techs is inefficient. You only get 10 per tech so it's more efficient to go for time points by killing quick.
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>using AIslop for new threads
Truly the most soulless general. Fitting for the most soulless and deadest (LOL) Genshin ripoff on the market.
I can't think of one off the top of my head, sorry. Leaving shows maturity though, so hats off to ya.
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Go back to raising that knot level, gayboy
My dps uptime was nearly 100% and I weaved dodges in perfectly and only got about that much. I think the next fights will offer points modifiers like illusive realm and alloy smelt did.
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Calm down retards, there will be more bosses in the next stages.
More bosses = more points.
>have like 4 crit rate inferno riders with crit substats
>can't get 1 rider with a crit dmg mainstat
Post gameplay

No not the usual Jinyan-in-illusive-realm tier webm, the ACTUAL gameplay clip from you furry game.
You can btfo wuwa easily if you post the gameplay clip bro, just do it
I'm not going to be able to clear it, I failed.
Post points. Wanna see if you're a real Taoqi chad or a pretender.
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used jinhsi btw
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I don't have Jinhsi
Leave then?
What happens if cum gets in her right eye
hmm odd the latest update just reverted the 120fps hack. i was able to unlock it again, but still odd. maybe DLSS-FG is being added soon.
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>Behold! My true form!
What do?
nakadashi full nelson
Mating press, pronebone and general licking all over.
just use the trial characters???
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Playing gacha in general is a humiliation ritual, so it should be okay.
holy brick
I will accept your results.
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forced deep throat
Forgot pic
Bro it's 'light' symbol

We won't collab with PGR anytime soon
isn't she the girl from the intro?
the handholding slut
mine didn't get touched? if u mean the sql edit
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And even if you do spam dodges, most of them don't even count because there's a time limit between dodges for them to grant points.
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Wewoo? Woowee?
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Really feels like they are gonna connect PGR and WuWa with the way that PGR story is going, the story for playable Ishmael would be the perfect opportunity to make Commandant and Rover be the same person somehow.
>Already past crownless
>not st 350 points minimum
Dead run. Restart.
>get jiyan and his weapon early
>luckchad jinhsi and her weapon
>more than enough rolls to double pity and pity Changli's weapon
>don't care about 1.2 characters
feels good
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hello wuwas
get blobbed, idiot.
>>don't care about 1.2 characters
What's wrong with Zhezhi?
he is homosexual
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That run was just there to test whether you can farm dodge points against the monkey, if it worked you could get 50 points every time he spins which would have been the meta.
post cute rovers
Punchable face and bootleg naruto animations
bros where's the prefarm sheet for chongo
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Doesn't look fun gameplay wise
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I play in Chinese. Ganxue speaks fast as fuck like the most jewish saleswoman ever.
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I love sloppa
1.2 chars shit on 1.1 chars simply because they toned down the vfx clutter. Zhezhis kit is unique as fuck too
Justice for the Magistrate!
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Here bwo
I'm mindbroken. I counted how many toes these feet have.
But why is Changli crying?
>Torpedo tits
more like this
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That's her heel, not 6th toe
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Let's all be friends wuwasisters
kys yourself
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WA2 kino...
Sanhua is my wife and I love her very much
I know, I just count digits on every image now.
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it doesn't just feel
it is humiliating
that's the point
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Are there some actual good mods for this game?
yeah I'm gonna mod
I'm here to Save you DO NOT REDEEEM THE ChanglEEE!
I'm going to redeem the Chang Lee
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You're gonna regret that decision
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I'm mooooooooding
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Nyo, both!
Why does Changli look sadistic and mean but actually has a very kind personality?
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>sadistic and mean
What? She looks super kind and sweet
>event only give 40 gacha currency

isn't that stingier than Genshin?
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my kind sadistic bureaucrat
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Does this look sadistic and mean at any level of interpretation? b honest
Only adjectives that come to mind is, motherly, calm, happy, modest, reserved, pure, caring, nurturing. Check yourself.
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the only thing that omes to my mind is bow badly I want to pin her down and fuck her.
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Quality post.
>do new event
>everything dies in a couple of hits
>filthy sex
Fuck you she deserves head pats, kisses and hand holding
/hsrg/ is making fun of WuWa
/hsrg/ is based, now fuck off.
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I never said that wouldn't happen.
Don't post this image
Why do you find Changli attractive? I honestly can't point out the beautiful parts of her. Is there anything that you can kindly say?
holy sex
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How do I convert rewards from tower into asterite
Also how the fuck am I supposed to clear roguelike lvl90 challenge with sanhua
i can kindly say tht you're 100% homosexual SAR
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
What is """"" a s t e r i t e """"" ??
by getting good
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No one cares.
you use jinhsi instead bro, mine was level 70 and she absolutely rekt the mode compared to npc sanhua+baizhi who lagged a ton on the normal fights and got rekt by first boss fight
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I already posted it though
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Are these faggots really putting their signatures on AI generated images now?

Next you'll tell me they actually, unironically, call themselves "Prompt Engineers" lmfao what a fucking mess
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imagine the smell...
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puffy bitch
base model looks better
did the mod buff her tiddies or are they really THAT huge in the normal model as well?
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Pretty big if you ask me.
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There are loads of people doing stuff like that, plenty of them have patreon accounts and make decent money as well. Here's the first one I found from google, 609 paid members for pumping out dogshit.
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'EEELLP... what's the best team i can composite featuring jimjoe's speedster?
this is why jeets need to be gassed
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it truly does
less really is more
something i can use before tower resets, please!!
Why is femrover such a slut?
I mean look at her shorts is so fucking tiny and those thighs...
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Wuwa models being so good is the main reason why I'm not making mods for this game, despite the fact that I made tons for ToF. Everything I've seen so far looks worse than the base model.
Also I'm too lazy to learn 3dmigoto.
>he thought kuro would be generous forever
they obviously only wanted to retain the playerbase during 1.0 to keep people addicted.
why do you care? You don't play this game
I've seen some actually good, non-coomer generated images that people have tweaked and worked on for hours, but these retards that generate images with 3 prompts, the default model, and a shitty cheap lora are fucking pathetic. Watermarking it is the cherry on top
Nice false flagging.
Lady Arbiter's godlike sensibilities are beyond your mortal understanding.
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it's a miracle that thing stays on during battles
Aren't they using a different tool now? WWMI or something, Idk I don't really use mods
Is Changli meta? I dont have a fusion dps so contemplating her but if she's a brick then I will go all in on Zhezhi for the Sanhua pots.
>are fucking pathetic
I agree but i think people actually paying for that are even worse; isn't the entire point of AI that you can do it by yourself?
She's literally worse than the free nigga in 1.2.
Gigabrick SAR, do not redeem
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wuwu? wa?
Just wait until she's out and tested.
Then you'll see if she is worth it to you or not.
The free nigga is electro tho.
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wa !
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wuwawa wuwawa wuwa wa!
>on par with anko
hmmm nyo
I have S0R1 Jinhsi. How did I feel about my pull decision?
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Does anyone else have these sort of white particles flying around the screen whenever you use havoc rover's ult? It bothers me every time. I thought they were glitches or whatever, but I've been changing settings and it's the same.
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You are a happy fellow
It's all wu, but also wa...
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WuWa Wu
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wuwa won??? wuwa wa!
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Btw way desu honest I've been building Baizhi before Verina, because Baizhi needs more investment than Verina to perform well.
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How is snowbreak making more money than wuwa?
i built her because she's fucking hot
save me /wwg/... save me
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Perhaps you get extra 3k if you take no damage at all?
I was too lazy to try it out.
because its their anni right now and our banner has been running for 20 years at this point.
is changli strong
Who is changli?
Not really, she's cool.
toddler-posting hours again?
googoo gaga?
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wuwa! wuwa!
It's almost like making characters that are for (You) instead of bbc ntr bait like a certain brick will make players want to spend on your game.
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Wuwa !>>486885843
Wawu !
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Sirs, I did made decision. I redeem changli.
because their anniversary update is pretty kino desu
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Why is Changli?
What should I make tonight for dinner /wuwa/?
lotus biscoff cheesecake
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Loong bao
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they're going through a pretty kino phase right now
gotta give them that
yet by the end of the day wu continues to wa
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Doro burger, ideally using the thigh meat.
thank you very much saar
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Bwos, ZZZ ntr'ed our cosplayer...
Man I can't post any picture of chibi changli, I get an error every time...
How do you guys manage to post it?
wuwa flopped...
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noodles with eggs
Same shit
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I hate how the male protagonist is always the canon one.
Why? Male MC is cool most of the time.
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Well you can't exactly give camellia your seed with FemRover. Don't pretend that seeding THAT is optional in any way.
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Next stages will probably have more bosses so more basic kill points for each.
Games like Elden Ring is actually significantly easier than wuwa because you can cheese virtually all bosses with zero effort using shield poke builds if you want to, same goes for Armored Core 6 where you could face tank every single boss with tank body and double needle gun + double shotgun.
Fromsoft intentionally leaves broken builds like that in their games so that plebs with skull issues can still beat the game which is why their games are so popular among normies and sweaties alike. You can't really do any of that in wuwa unless maybe eventually brute forcing it with level 90 characters but most players aren't even close to reaching that.
The correct answer here is both
dial 8
kill yourself
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Try using these ones instead
I think some of the others got corrupted when they were converted from webp to png
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try resaving it in paint or something
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Elden Rink is the Wuwa of AAA slop
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That's it
I'm done with lecherous white asian women
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It worked.
Thanks kind anon.
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Man changlin is REALLY mind breaking the Mihoyodrones huh?
who's changlin?
She needs lv50, lv0 rejuv echo set, her 1st passive and concerto regen weapon, that's fucking all
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My wife Changlin
They had 0 non-ntr characters since the release and we get the literally dictionary definition of wife in 1.1
Sar ! NTR SMile no redeem okay???
Saaar? SAR!
What? Can't hear what you say. Redeem wife? Redeeming wife!
Rover made one of his student to take care of changli just so she can be his future wife once he come back.
What a Chad.
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I can't take Changlin seriously because it's a male name
>one of his student to take care
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>Subhuman gendrone trying to force the Saar like he did the pag shit
>Wuwakeks aren't 15, so they just ignore the subhuman
You love to see it
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>made one of his student to take care
wuwa hags are for (you)
genshin hags are for each other
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a couple of hours left
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Post your:
>Changli funds
>Rolling plans (Skipping? Rolling her weapon? Rolling dupes?)
>Willingness to swipe on her banner
now if only you could do the same
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The best part is that she is a phoenix and should theoretically be able to reborn and go through loli-schoolgirl-twebties-hag pipeline again
Skipping for Zhezhi
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162 rolls
Going to roll for her only, hope i hit the 50/50 however.
Not needed but 80% i'm going to swipe for Zhezhi.
I regret skipping Jiyan
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19k asterite, 35 gold pulls
only char, no dupes, no weapon
What's swipe
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And hebes, and loli, and when Xiany release even grannies.
Saaaaar do not notice (I'm just drunk and tired friend I'm gonna go to sleep right now)
Saaar!!!! Please play WuWa saaar!!! We lost to genshin and we lost to HSR but we must win against zzz!

How dare they get all the fanart, revenue, and players. Changli must save us!!!!
Fuck me dude, did I turn Jinhsi gay by picking female Rover?
I don't care about anything you posted but EncoreSlave is a kino name
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im redeeming the bricks
What killed the hype?
FemRover and MRover are siblings and they both exist. At least that's how I headcanon they'll explain sex swap feature for rover they're working on
21k astrite.
Gonna pull one copy and hopefully win the 50/50. For the weapon I'm gonna use the standard 5*
I won't swipe, I like her but I know Kuro can do better. So I'll wait until I get a character that I really like both esthetically and gameplay wise.
based, i agree with everything he says (didn't read)
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I'm outta here, cya! maybe in 1.3 or so
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Game is heavy on (you) pandering so probably.
Don't FemRover user enjoy yuri?
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Holy shit they're going to allow us to change gender?
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What broke the pag?
Killing yapyap is a bannable offense
Changli countdown?
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Better travelling
Better endgame
Better gameplay
Best models in the gacha market
You lost.
Gender swap won't happen.
They can only be one God and that's the character you picked.
I'm just shitposting. I'm used to playing Atelier games, so I'm fine playing as the female protagonist, as a straight white male.
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>302 rolls.
Spending it all.
Then back to saving and spending all again in her rerun.
>Completely unrelated image
What happened to WuWa? Why is nobody drawing the game. Deflection isn't going to improve our game
Gods do not have defined genders, they can do wtv they want
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kek I hope he's at least getting 10 polychromes with that amount of free shilling
Fug, haven't you rolled at all?
Shows Mon, 22 Jul 2024 11:00(I'm cest timezones, eu server)
What is this mental illness?
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lack of advertisement basically
artists like to draw the current big thing for exposure (read the shark girl)
>Monday for EU
Shouldn't Kuro advertise more? Our downloads are not even register able on the charts. This means decreasing new players
Asshole status: Blown the fuck out
holy based
There's genuinely one schizo who melts down in almost every single gacha thread and that's him.
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Is it paghours already?
Oh yeah sorry Kuro only just released the game and doesn't have a bunch of anal artist slaves on a paycheck like dawei has gathered over 4 years. Moron.
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Is this our new cope?
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I will never install zoophilia simulator on my PC
I will never install cuck simulator on my PC
Simple as
The character designs in ZZZ are way more appealing. Yeah Wuwa characters look nice and are hot but they're just generically hot.
how long till changli drops
explain why blue archive gets so much fanart without sounding like a schizo. literally every single r-18 artist i follow on twitter has drawn blue archive at some point, if not regularly. meanwhile /wuwa/ has to cope with AI sloppa literally in the OP
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nice thread wuwabs
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My cope is that you'd rather shill that boring ass game here all day than play it or post in your own thread.
You rike?
>he doesn't know about commission
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because they already have a dedicated fanbase
what a dumb question
that's like asking why fate has so much fanart
explain why you spend you time here in a constant state of seethe without sounding like a schizo.
Did they say anything about making it easier to get exp mats for echoes? It's honestly the only thing that keeps the game from being amazing
Why did she leave us for ZZZ?
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Is this the new angle? Vandalize OPs with your AI shark tranny then say wuwa likes AI?

Actually I don't even really care if so. Since people here are too lazy to make threads. Make the next one right at 750 thanks.
More money, women are whores.
>he STILL can't answer a simple question
this is why all the other generals laugh at /wuwa/. deflection and whataboutism is all you know.
its really sad
Yangyang is really cute here.
explain why you spend you time here in a constant state of seethe
>the OP must have been posted by a ZZZ player falseflagging as a wuwa player
>surely it cannot possibly be the same people who regularly post AI Jinhsi and Changli in the thread
You genuinely sound like a deranged lunatic. Is this what tribalism does to a mf?
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I bought gold pulls from holograms but they're not added? What do
NTA but we all know you don't play either game.
Bake at 750 monkey
>focusing on the AI when 2/3 characters in the OP aren't related to wuwa
Yeah it's vandalized
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Do not fall for the doompost, those are made by genkeks, hsretards, and zzzhitters trying to demoralise us because their game is so fucking shit and they got nothing better to do.

Daily reminder the wuwa is winning and won, and will conitune to win.

Homoverse is imploding.

-Hype for HSR died with Firefly. Homoverse is so desaprate to hype up this shitty autobattler corridor similator they decided to announce some obscure collaboration with another dying Gacha that won't be available for another 12 months at least. They have done the same shit with ufotable genshin anime before.

-zzz flopped it's launch, no hype for its future banner. Most serious and respected YouTube content creators are either treating zzz as a joke or actively shitting on it.

- genshin is slowly dying. Fountaine flopped. Getting boycott in the West due to colourism, signatures are already hitting 80k on Change.com, 100k by end of next week. Hoyoverse even manage to piss off Chinese players on all sides by nerfing the homohydro dragon and then undo the nerf.

We are witnessing the long waited implosion of Homoverse. It's fucking glorious

to all the hsretards, genshitters, zzzzzzers, go back to your shitty no hype autobattler hsr, toddler impact, and zzzzzzzzzzzone.
I spent $600 on jinhsi (God she's so fucking beautiful) but now I have no pulls for changli and if I whale again I won't have enough for my car payment
>how can I bait the baiters
you know you could have just stopped at like s1r1 jinhsi then gone for changli
It's still the same guy btw.
>rolling for meta in a powercreep game
Silly sheep
Roll for design or gameplay only
lol there are genshit shills in this general acting like they are wuwa players.
I know but she's so pretty and hits so hard that I went all in :(
>"um, ackshually I only roll for waifu not meta"
>so you won't roll for weapons because they're just stat sticks right?

hoyodrones spotted.
I've spent 0 astrite on the weapon banner thoughever
>open /wuwa/
>still seething about hoyo
>close /wuwa/
>not rolling for your waifu's weapon
She's not your waifu if you don't roll her weapon.
I kinda like the game, bros
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You now remember Yinlin
QRD on your schizo of the month
Doesn't even try to hide it.
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Why is Jinhsi the designated gomen girl? Shouldn't it be Yapyap?
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i am avoiding exploring the map because i want to do it with the love of my life Changli.

btw can anyone give me a list of materials that i need to collect for my wife Changli?
Changli is Jinhsi's teacher. Makes more sense for it to be these two.
Baizhi or Chixia would be used with YapYap.
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Just google Changli materials.
Banner should be in 27 hours
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done playing the toddler game genshin impact yet?
>changli main colors are red and white
Yep, I'm thinking based
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Is Yangyangyangyangyangyangyang considered cute or is she considered very cute?
I'm 60/80 on a coinflip, and I have 20 pulls saved up.
I hope to God I don't get spooked by the lionfag AGAIN. Once was enough...
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I can't imagine Chixia gomening Yapyap. It would be the other way around
>tomboy best friend is happy to help her friends get together
>but then she realizes she loves the man best friend loves as well
>but it is too late because he considers her as one of the boys
>sentinel's dagger again just like jinhsi
>still can't farm this
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Real talk.
I thought Mingshao was a bossing game. Why are there trash mobs on floors 1-3 when Kuro knows very well that we don't care about them?
Incredibly cute. Also wife material.
Yangyang appears to be the main/mascot girl, or the closest thing to it, but Jinhsi is blatantly for (you) and forced down your throat so it's more satisfying to cuck her
F2pfags keep the game alive so that whales could justify spending on it
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Next tacet field double drop when?
is there one of these up to a certain level? like how much needed for lvl 70?
If i'm not UL 60 by then my account is bricked
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But I still actively use her. I hate using Jinhsi, bitch does no damage 90% of the time. Missing big crits is especially unfun.
as if hoyoverse would ever listen to feedbacks and fix their shit lol. it's been 4 years and genshin still does not have

-separate weapon banners
-energy accumulating system
-skip dialogue function

it's a fucking disgrace really.
those rings are fucking dogshit to drop, been farming exiles every day for the last 2 weeks and i'm nowhere near enough
her banner was loong
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thanks bwos
where can I gather the plums?
Yangyang is better built for Arbiter cock than Jinhsi, to be quite honest desu senpai.
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Your google? They're on mt firmament in this one area
I wish this game had more crit rate. Even end game Jinshi with god roll echoes will only have around 80, meaning that 1 in 5 times your e will be a dud and feel like shit. Meanwhile in Genshin you can easily get 100/200 if you want.
its only a matter of time before a support's outro gives crit rate and damage to the incoming character
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holy shit those stats fucking suck
if you get god roll echo substats then you can hit 90, close to 100.
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>free homo one patch later is way better than RC 2 Jinhsi and Changli
the sad part is this underage retard thinks hes making a point

chinese are so based for ignoring these tards
That means you are being ignored too
Yeah trial characters make me feel good about my echos
yes paid artist because BA is for incel coomers. Wuwa is popular purely for hard gameplay just like Elden Ring so there is no reason to pay for artist. Also the AI sloppa looks good anyway better than Genshin tumblr tier fanarts
What the fuck is an "Arbiter", I've never heard of this term before in my life, what the eventual fuck.
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Just did a quick test on the new event and how the hell am I supposed to reach this score with only 6 trials?
Get good
stall and doge a lot
ya blew it
Isn't yapyap into the green general? I still remember that cutscene in story mode where rover meet jiyan for the first time, yapyap was looking at jiyan with puppy eyes and her jp dub almost sounded like she had just found her lost husband or something. It was kinda funny
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tfw trial characters make me feel bad about how shit my own are...
sis please do your daily echo hunt
if they add a feature that lets me track every echo or make a cohesive route of stuff I want to farm at once I will resume it
Even though they made it total aids now that I'm UL50 and doubled the time it takes to kill anything
Would changli want Inferno rider CR or CD?
Even if you one shot all the bosses you'll only get 1.6k. Lets say you manage to one shot all the bosses while also weaving in 10 dodges? 1.7k at most.
You'll be fine, later stages will give more points.
Objectively speaking, there is nothing wrong with AI art
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Hello there
CR with her sig, CD with standard 5* sword
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Is this echo good at all?
I think Changli uses everything, could be good for her.
>heavy attack
>no crit stats
Well technically it could be worse? But yeah it's pretty dogshit.
It needs crit stats. Skill specific damage types are worse than regular attack%.
It can be decent as fodder.
Our gremlin is playing!
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Wow, it's my wife! And by wife I mean I briefly saw her for 5 seconds on the ToF test server.
Crit rate. You'd have to fish for some good rolls to get cdmg to work. Difference between low rolls is 30% to 50% on high rolls. It works on Yinlin because her weapon gives 30% on it's own. So even with the lowest rolls, she'll still reach 73% (+her skill) no matter what.
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>"sub" dps
>no off field damage
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Salmon deserves to be in a better game
You need to wait until we got a more diverse list of enemies.
The game is only at 1.1 give the devs a break.
You enjoy your eeeqeee swap sub dps you fucking little shit?
I burn the top of my mouth from the pizza that I made.
more like no damage at all lmao
>i thought that [retarded head canon]
shut up nigger
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While I agree homoverse is suiciding hsr for zzz, it's not /hsrg/ shitting up the thread. Reminder that it's just a bunch of bitter zoos and giggers falseflagging. Giggers came for /hsrg/ when it was the new game on the block and now it's more of the same but with /wuwa/ and the zoo cucks still think /hsrg/ is on the same team. Hilarious!
please tell me that annoying ass voice is fake
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Nope, that's just an authentic lispy tard
fuck off back to /hrtg/ schizoid
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How much longer...
>no glasses
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Based, fuck zootards
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I'm gonna dump all my load on changli like I did to topaz first.
They killed Genshin for HSR, its not a surprise they are doing the same for ZZZ
my wife looks very cute for the 2 seconds i see her on screen
ZZZ already flopped so mihoyo pushed the emergency button in the moneymaker games
HSR gets a fate collab to reel in the japs while genshin next region is a hard powercreep which characters only work with others from itself
There's no way ZZZ flopped. It's the best mihoyo game.
New game is already the 3rd wheel 1 patch in
When using Heron echo do you need to wait for the animation of going up in the air to get the buff or just do it immediately (the echo swap thingy)?
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Fairy is streaming tower then math autism for Changli
>boss jumps
>they hover in the air for a slow-mo second then suddenly slam
can we just make everything real time
this is gay
in fact, add an option to remove the slow-mo when you dodge
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my wuwadevs are listening!
they have the perfect game for you over at the zoo
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When someone shits the thread up, you just KNOW it's them...
why don't we have this in wuwa
explain why wuwa flopped
Alright I did some thinking but couldn't think of anything, which means [spoiler[wuWON![/spoiler]
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Thinking on it, I could be the only person who's read 100% of the text in Rance X now. There's multiple cut scenes (alt ending, alt prologue, etc.) in here that I have also translated. They'll be hidden in the same way in our release for any enterprising computer wizards.
oh nyo....
Bwo your shortcut reps
uhhh...anon this isn't /hgg2d/
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It's okay, I can post fake blobs to scare him back to /hgg2d/
I already asked Solon to add monster girls. I'm a paying customer so he should listen to my feedback.
/bag/ is a couple blocks away
you don't wanna come here today
why, what's going on?
You don't need to wait for the animation so long as you're not tap clicking it then it should be fine. Also if you're not using anyone with a direct outro amp feel free to quickswap as much as you want. The energy buff and heron buff both stay on you even when you swap out so you still retain the buff when you swap back in. Same is true for yangyang's energy outro. It's why I use energy/heron on verina and heal/turtle on taoqi instead. Taoqi really only has a 1s rotation and you only really use her outro when she has it.

taoqi skill/turtle swap > verina full/heron outro > changli
verina full/heron outro > changli swap > taoqi outro > changli
substitute changli for whoever

Taoqi is actually really good for what she offers. Big nuke, 65% damage reduction, x2hp shield on intros, 1s heal/turtle buff rotation, massive skill amp whenever she has it. Prydwenfags will insist on doing full combo strings on her to fill her outro every rotation though lmao
someone's posting scat, cycling hundreds of IPs to spite the thread and the mods
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lmao, jannies cleanup at aisle /bag/
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Blue Archive
Oh and to add to this you don't even need to outro right away with heron to apply the buff. So long as that character uses outro within 15s of heron you will give the buff on your outro. This means you're actually free to swap characters around as you want especially if it boosts your forte circuit faster.

verina heron > taoqi skill/turtle swap > verina basic attack345+heavy attack outro > changli
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>they still haven't fixed this weird spawn where the base is technically occupied by both Rangers and Scavengers
small indie company, please understand
So just another day then?
the scat schizo finally grow some balls after posting yuri for so long?
Is there any way to force or at least increase the chance of certain substats or is it all truly RNG? I saw some schizos on fb saying the server clock actually affected the chances of certain substats appearing.
Taoqi huh, do you need her to be built or just Yuanwu treatment?
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ma xiaofang bros we fucking made it
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farming 4* echoes is so fucking aids man
idk what other shitposters say, this was my first gacha and I love you
I don't care about other gachas and I'm sure they're awesome
Only if you don't care about her shield or ult damage. Imo it's worth it after building all your dps since you can just swap into her, ult, and then go back to whoever. She's pretty easy to build since she just needs high level, the free dauntless, and some crit since you'll roll into defense for everything anyway.
>Just a couple days until I lose the 50/50 and uninstall
It's sad that it has to be this way... It was nice knowing you all.
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impressive shadow even on lowish res
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The cutest
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>healing bonus
>healing bonus
>*no drop*

im at my fucking limit with this kusoge
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Kuro fucking ruined Lamia on release. Her original look and voice were miles better than what we got...
listen to her in her boss fight
wow, wuwa sure fell off huh?
>girl failure
>sex goddess

we won
Although at that distance it really should just look like an abstract blob
Idk why it didnt link at the timestamp in the url, but it's at 1:20
Pic unrelated? She looks like a psyco serial killer
Jue was supposed to look like an ugly bastard dragon but now he looks like every dragon ever. Jue posting is still peak tho
>ugly gremlin
>dolled up gilrfailure
ruined how again?
That's just her face when you skipped her
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we won...

at least against Genshit.
no wonder they've been seething nonstop kek
HSR is entering the worst zone ever
I cancel my monthly after firefly, all in Wuwa baby
>HSR is entering the worst zone ever
>meta female char in a new game nearly full length banner
>rerun not meta char 3 days in
lol ok whatever fits your narrative
>4 days of dead patch with bad characters made half as much as a month of a hyped magistrate
wouldn't call it a big victory
kek hoyoslurpers get so mad so easily
>must skip banner next
>zero content
Next couple of weeks are going to be non-stop humiliation ritual.
Back to China freight containers planet
>suddenly giggernigger copers
>D-Doesn’t count!
Why do these threads always get bad at night time?
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Don't care what "side" you're fighting for, all revenueposters should kill themselves
You would be doing your parents a favour
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We lost.

is changli gonna be at least better than standard 5* by a mile? need to free up my yinlin verina jihnsi team in tower. cant afford to spend resources working on my anko when i don't have any good rectifiers, so sanhua. also echoes are shit.
Bwos, who is this good for?
Also is Mortefi a good replacement for Calciumdo? I'm getting sick of his gameplay
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Who should I be building now?
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>genkeks ALWAYS has an excuse and couldn't just take it up the chin like a man because they're all homo faggots that live to ship and be cucked

Anyways wuwabwos, how many hours till the fire birb lands? My compulsion to roll is making me give in during the last few moments... Doing 10-rolls on Nikke isn't doing it for me anymore...
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I've missed this Mutterfly at the top of the radar the first time I was here
>pic related
Monk should be good
bro xianzhou 2... I don't even remember the name. 1st is luofu 2nd ship this one is ...??? genshin and hsr have literal trash banners and regions to make their other players go to zzz. but I ain't a company loyalist I'm playing wuwa while hsr is in extreme slow down.
>is changli gonna be at least better than standard 5* by a mile?
no lmao
revenue posting attracts them like flies to shit
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24h me think
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nta but hsr is stuck in space china like here but for hsr it means several dead patches in a row... the best space china had was ghostly grove and that event only worked because it had sovl instead of constantly forcing 5* characters down your throat and now it's time for space china electric boogaloo part 2 please pull the fox homo and the next general jobber pls pls oh pls lmao if I didn't have an e6 topaz waifu to visit (f2p) I would have no reason to log in at all
changli soon?
I was skeptical but after seeing that trailer Genshin looks like it's going to be a better long-term investment for serious gacha players like myself.

In less than 72 hours.
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>is changli gonna be at least better than standard 5*
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>One pink bird vs the power of honkai
Someone at the weapon name department is a discord mod, not surprising
>Sub 1 mil for character release trailer
That's pretty bad.
why is this video cropped so weirdly
24 hours
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>Where the Miracle Begin
My tagline...
not surprising, no one cares about troonkai shitpact
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stay mad genkeks
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I prefer her as a shy cute timid girl. Also I love Gotou Saori.
>4 days
more like 6 months, neuvilette broke your game beyond repair.
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Should I roll for S3 Jinhsi before it's too late?
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>pet cat/dog
>character doesn't go and actually pet it
How long until this is fixed
Wuwa china at least has Wuxia kino
HSR china has what? Fox people? Shit is even worse than Liyue
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>I was skeptical but after seeing that trailer Genshin looks like it's going to be a better long-term investment for serious gacha players like myself.
I want fox girls in Wuwa...
I need a white boyfriend
Don't let the Filipino guys hear you say that, sis.
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Sorry you will get wolf girl instead
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was that supposed to be bad!?
Good enough
yanKING is kind of wuxia but he's an omega jobber...
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Getting calcharo to 80 is a mistake right? Heard he sucks balls now
why are you all whores for the bwc?
Only if you really love her
wtf this easily mogs all the upcoming wuwa characters
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Elysia lost...
Pair him with Yinlin
>Even honkai can’t save the shitty knotgame
How much longer until I can roll for the bird?
one more day
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hsr china has influencer kino but that has nothing to do with it being space china lmao it was just haunt cliches but the NPCs had chink gowns and vests
you all retard who buy the "starters meta"
The wait is killing me
You guys really went from shilling sweetily to some 2 view autistic looking fairy pngtuber? That's kind of embarrassing...
I knew the starter dps might suck so I stopped at 70 until I pulled jinshi but I keep hearing now calcharo is garbage cause of his slow attacks
you can use him for 3 weeks before he gets powercrept by a free 5*
I'm glad seapags picked up this normie show instead of 86 or world dai star or hell even jakku chara. Y'all don't deserve the best of Hasegawa Ikumi kino
Wuwabwos. How are you feeling with your investment?
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just go to sleep or something
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I'm thinking I Wuwon. Bigly.
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It's a good game and I'm still enjoying it but it's a game where I would quit instantly if something better came out is how I feel
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this thread is unholy
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who is this? shes p cute
I will never understand SEAniggers or Asians in general.
Anyone have the webm of Jinhsi touching your cheek?
>it's already starting and 1.2 isn't even here yet
uh oh! the next 9 weeks will be brutal

Do people really have trouble with the tiger boss?
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>1.8K views 1 day ago
My wife No.21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-BSJ7PGlGQ
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winning status?

are we winning? or won?
>UL 63
well the title is not wrong and I also have no credits
I will win when changli drops. it's too fucking far away cmonnnnn
What is with these mentally ill MMO players playing gachas and complaining about no content
wait, 7 months ago? is she finally coming out soon?
Having NPCs in the open world doesn't make the world seem more lively because the AI is so bad. It breaks my immersion.
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chudbros wtfff
Your qiqi's notebook?
prydwen status?
*having NPCs fight in the open world
She already released on global.
is she good?
she's currently in the meta
is 60/240 good enough stat wise?
WE told you about the interactive map being mandatory, bro...
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>It's just from reddit
>He likes the game
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Coming from hsr at first I thought this was just part of the joke for topaz bwos. "Investing in victory means playing the long game!" It wasn't until later I realized I'm the normie compared to hoyotards lmao
Just a reminder 100% isn't true 100% since there are lots of chests and small quests that don't count to the progress bar.
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better than mine at least..
70 better, i'd take some points out of the crit dmg for that but I guess you can make do.
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go back to your toddler impact summer slop shill
I am Solon, I'm banging your mom, new content once I've finished
Do we have a roll simulator?
just play a different game bro
fixing the game
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Wait you guys don't memorize the routes after doing it for a few days? I'm a zoomer but bwos come on... don't tell me you're like my friends who need google maps/siri/whatever to tell you where to go all the time.
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we won
How many hours until chang?
"Kuro where's the 10 pulls since we won against ZZZ?"
I'm the same Union level...
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Take a show..er...
Don't waste your luck on simulators, bro
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pee-yew onion boy
that's why you use up your bad luck on the simulators before rolling the real thing
But I'm having so much fun with this game...
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nta but I dump my badluck on uma since I don't play it anymore
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how is that even possible?
dump your badluck on russian roulette instead, it works for me
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Not that hard
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so that's why you have brain damage? no hard feelings
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>maygii stream is crunching the numbers for changli rotation
>it's dogshit
oh nyo...........
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Looks like the event is going to get one extra boss each day
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Jinhsilets incoming
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How many days would it take for you to memorize this?
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I can't clear the Holograms
The game is too hard
Actually just wrapped up desorock myself(have been missing 5% for like a month now as the last place) wasn't too bad just using the improved loot scanner.
I'm watching it too. It's a shame that Infernal rider is such a scuffed echo
what the fk
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Bro your wallet?!
You don't need to clear them at low level. It's not like it resets like tower.
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>maygii stream
who? wha?
Bwo stop farming 1costs and just use your merge feature... It would save you time and it's not like you'll have the echo exp to roll all that anyway. It's probably not that bad once the 1cost clutter is out of the way though so probably like two maybe three days?
what if UL50+?
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https://www.twitch.tv/maygii Kuro better fix this............
Pullan', playan', not shittan' myself over damage calcs
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The old queen of /tofg/
Mostly because she was the only english speaking human who did theorycrafting for the game, and people relied on her graphs for shitposting purposes
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Wuwa is going to die when this releases next year. All of our investments will be for nothing.

She sounds like a dork
i dont like how half of memphis parry windows are out-of-range baits
I'm not listening to the opinion of a woman, especially one who can barely speak English properly. Have any men confirmed this information?
Stop shitposting nerd
/wuwa/ and /tofg/(what left of it) are friends!
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it sounds like she has a cock inside her mouth while she talks
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Wasn't too bad, route was just over 3 hours. Perfect for an audiobook listening or stream watching
Jinshi stats after 3 days
>ZZZ is going to kill wuwa
>natlan is going to kill wuwa
>project mugen is going to kill wuwa
>azur primillia is going to kill wuwa
>neverness to readyness (NTR) is going to kill wuwa
Stop crunching numbers and just pull!
People with lisps should have been bullied more in school. It's something you can overcome but these lazy retards refuse to actually work at it.
I play games and enjoy them
I don't watch content creators
Anyone who watches content creators is a retard anyways who can't think for himself
That's just her retainer. I know because I had one when I was younger
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The solution is to play Danjin and parry his first 5 - 6 attacks, then reset. Do this for like an hour and you'll naturally be parrying everything even if you don't understand how you're doing it.
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I'm shit at the game but taoqi shield/verina heal/spectro rover autoparry carried me. It's cutoff but first tried dif6 crownless too
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you're going to start hating the game at this rate
take it easy bwo and just enjoy the ride
Could you really trust her numbers if she wasn't a spreadsheet creating nerd with a lisp?
i am and im getting filtered
his 2nd attack in particular has weird timing

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