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Previous >>486768862

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 07/18
>Cover art for The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- is now out!
>Mini original soundtrack for The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website is updated
>Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is coming out in the West in Early 2025
>Ys X: Nordics Releasing in the West on 25th Oct by NISA in both English and French
>Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Being Released in the West by XSEED in Early 2025 on NSW, PS4 and PS5
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II coming to Switch on July 25 in Japan
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Nice OP
Who is the 2nd Best Girl after Emma?
Don't get your hopes up, only reason she's the OP is because I can't find anything else new art wise.
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Rean and Horse
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Nah... you chose a good image
Let's use this opportunity to discuss something serious
>>486876218 made for...?
Truly a western pandering character. Cringe as fuck ngl.
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>Toshihiro Kondo: Yes. A great example from the Trails series where we took player feedback regarding characters. We listen to that very closely. If there are particular characters, whether they are party characters or NPCs, if the fanbase really likes a particular character, we’ll give that character more of the spotlight in a future title. More of a close-up.

>Toshihiro Kondo: There are examples in future titles I can’t talk about right now because they would be spoilers. For the most recent title, Trails Through Daybreak, Shizuna has limited screen time and limited play-ability. Let’s just say, in future installments she gets more of the spotlight due to fan feedback and fan reaction.
>if the fanbase really likes a particular character, we’ll give that character more of the spotlight in a future title
Rean won again huh
Taikun is a eunuch.
Does Japan like Van?
Emmabros... there's hope
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Of course they do. Just because there's some oldfag retards here doomposting about him all the time, it doesn't mean he isn't a well liked protagonist.
He won the Kuro 1 popularity poll overall, but he's the protagonist so he kind of has to. Though when you break it down, he got second place from both the male and female voters.
hard to tell, if we consider the amount of fan-art he gets I'd say he's relatively popular after 2 games and Kai can boost his popularity in 2 ways:
1. If Kai will have cool and memorable scenes with him, as well satisfying romance
2. If nips will like Van and Rean's bromance.
We'll have to wait for another popularity poll, which will probably be after Kai's release.
Is that why Falcom has not done a single Falco-wide or even Kiseki-wide poll since Kuro 1? lmao
Gomma be funny when Kai sells less than Kuro 2
Not much. Van's sole popularity came from the fact that he's the most mature protagonist since the start of the game compared to other protagonists, but Japs prefer a character that grows by age over each game. That's why Rean is so popular.
They only do polls after games so it'd be after Kai
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Caochad must be incredibly popular then fufu
If Kai sells less it's because of Rean.
If Kai sells more it's because of Van.
I don't think it sell worse than kuro 2, it might even get the boost because of the 20th anniversary and because there're a lot of returning fan favourite characters, but the boost won't be that big.
Nowadays it is much easier to make fanart than 10 years ago but characters like Judith, Risette, Aaron, Bergard, Feri have few fanarts. Most are about Van, Agnes and Shizuna. Elaine is fourth but there are a lot less.
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This is a fanpoll with few people voting but he was in a good position
Doubt that, Van hasn't contributed any shit to Kai's marketing so far.
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>Nowadays it is much easier to make fanart than 10 years ago
Sure, but I'd say that Kuro has some high quality fan-arts and with dedicated artists like chiharu. I guess the only way to find out Van's popularity in japan is through the official poll, he'll probably lose to rean, but i'm pretty sure he'll get the second place.
I'm sure he'll get first. After the official poll there will have been 3 or 4 games of protagonist Van.
It's not really a fair poll considering that the fag who made it is a dedicated sen and reanfag, so you could say what fanbase he accumulated.
epic final dungeons are a staple of the series but what would your honest thoughts on them be? specifically, it's:
>Sealed area
>Axis Pillar
>Sun Fort
>Azure Tree
>Realm of the Great Shadow
>Infernal Castle
>Reverie Corridor (technically)
>Gral of Erebos
>Empyreal Fortress
>Reverse Babel
>Genesis Tower
personally, I wish we got something as good as the Gral. it's simple as is but despite that, it manages to get straight to the point by giving off a feeling of progression with it's structure, the bosses being proper setup for the Rivalries taking place in the future and Spiral of Erebos just being an amazing theme overall. shame that CS4 failed to follow up to it's predecessor and the one single reason it's not the worst dungeon is because the Reverie Corridor exists. I ran cheat engine to run through the whole thing and one shot the final boss with a one shot Millium/Emma nuke build. hopefully Kai manages to deliver fwens
>lost to lloyd fucking bannings of all people
Is van really that bad?
I disagree
Van is not popular enough to beat a lot of characters
Rean, Crow, Estelle and Altina are far more popular than him
He is probably not even more popular than Lloyd. Maybe Kai will change some things but for now he is just the guy in a love triangle with a cool armor
The floating city at the end of SC is the only one that really impressed me. Other than that every other finale dungeon is just "oh look the giant tower showed up lets go inside". These games lost any sense of adventure.
My favorites are:
3 - Realm of the Great Shadow
2 - Empyreal Fortress
1 - Axis Pillar
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I love my husbando
Reverse Babel theme is peak
i honestly hate falcom final dungeons
they're always waaaaay too long for their own good or they're just boring boss rushes
I'd say he did pretty well after the first game, but falcom never gave him a chance to shine after kuro 1, considering what happened with kuro 2.
The reason I say Van will top the 2nd place is because the memories will be fresh after kai's release and despite the subroutes he's still the main protagonist and if Kai will give him memorable scenes his popularity will get a nice boost.
>Rean, Crow, Estelle and Altina are far more popular than him
I agree, but it's not because Van is hated, but because of the amount of screentime and attention Sky and Sen characters got, and also because sen is the most popular arc.
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Su-chan and Na-chan! Cute and canon!
Van is not hated
Nips just don’t care about him
Kevin is the best main character and he is less popular than Juna...
curious as to what you think of the other 2. I don't really hate them, I just think they're lacking what made other dungeons stand out for me. it's also why I believe Infernal Castle is miles better than Realm because just that. Alberich's entire existence just drags down CS4 for me personally so it could be just that
Juna is carried by her VA.
Most final dungeons suck. Realm of the Great Shadow was kind of cool in an otherworldly way. At least Gral of Erebos doesn't take forever.
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Cute and canon!
you'd call me crazy but Cs-only fags exist unfortunately. Kevin is miles and above Juna as a character and there's no disputing that but being featured in 3 games (and retconned in 2 other titles) alongside the entire "I'm le heart of Nu Class VII" bullshit could get her some traction.
>>Sealed area
>>Axis Pillar
7/10was ok but not that memorable
>>Sun Fort
>>Azure Tree
>>Realm of the Great Shadow
>>Infernal Castle
>>Reverie Corridor (technically)
>>Gral of Erebos
1/10, but the dungeon theme was 10/10
>>Empyreal Fortress
>>Reverse Babel
>>Genesis Tower
Even if you don't hate Van, why would you vote for him in any poll? He got completely sidelined in Kuro 2 and didn't have a single memorable character moment in that entire game.
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I still don't understand how those cultists were able to make a loli out of thin air.
>Kevin is the best main character and he is less popular than Juna...
Didn't he score the second place on the most wanted characters in Kuro 2? While I barely see anyone who cares about Juna aside from some dedicated Juna x Kurt artists.
I feel like people give Axis Pillar high marks because of Liber Ark. The dungeon itself is just another tower.
In terms of design, only SC has an interesting dungeon even if it has some problems such as the difficulty in changing Party members between fights. I like the final dungeon of CS1 because the entire game creates a mystery around the placr and going there for the last time and finding that otherworldly place in the middle of the festival (great contrast) is a good experience and there’s a fucking mecha there. The music is also very good for creating the atmosphere of the place.
CS4's final dungeon has a good soundtrack and I like the boss fights even if the story is complete garbage
They're both connected. Your entire trek through the Liber Ark builds up to the Axis Pillar and you constantly see it in the background. All the other final dungeons are just "omg the bad guy used magic and now there's a giant dungeon".
Yeah he was 4th in the most wanted poll for Hajimari and 2nd for Kuro's
Returning character poll vs Popularity poll
It’s two different things
the worst is the azure tree goddamn does that shit never know when to end
>didn't have a single memorable character moment in that entire game.
He countered Grendel-zolga's s-break, he died 10+ times and is still alive. To be fair Kuro 2 doesn't really have memorable moments aside from those I listed and they all about Van. Grendel-zolga boss fight is probably the most memorable thing about the game as well as dead ends, but for a different reason.
not really, if the character is popular then you want him to be back in the next game like bean, if Juna was popular then she would score the second place instead of Kevin.
He was killed by Halle
About to start Sky SC. Have my unsolicited impressions and hype for every arc based on what I've learned from the series through osmosis over the years.

>Sku: I liked FC for the chill game that it was and I'm down to watch some adopted sibling sex. It's admittedly the arc I was least excited about going in but I hear SC gets real hype and that the Third is short and has a cool protagonist.
>Ao: I like the idea of fleshing out a single small party and a single large location. Urban setting kino. Non overpowered protagonist kino.
>Cold steel: love me self insert magic academy games, simple as. I'm also down for sword autism kino and I will romance and impregnate the little sister who remind me of Miyuki from Irregular at Magic Highschool.
>Kuro: More city kino. At a simple glance it has the hottest girls in the entire series and I will nude mode the fuck out of it. Van reminds me of Gintoki and I think I'll like him. Feri cunny kino.
i know you try to force this meme, but Shizuna and others also died with the bomb she planted.
I don't think that's a fair comparison. Kevin was absent for 13 whole years, of course, people would want him back.
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Where’s Kevin??? (Post hajimari poll)
According to your logic Anelace is more popular than Altina
Picnic Squad is not even popular but fans wanted to see them again in Kuro (worst decision ever)
There’s some characters that are always in the same place like Rean(1), Crow(2-5), Altina(3-6), Tio(7-15), Emma(8-12), Estelle (3-9), Lloyd (6-11)
based but
she sucks, simple as is I love my inseki but Elise just sucks as a little sister to the point where it's a turn off that she's a brocon for mer personally hope you'll enjoy the series fwen and always B yourself so long as you aren't a retard about it
Is Gaius more popular than Fie or Alisa? I
But I wonder why fans wanted Kevin in kuro 2 and in cs4 for example, he was already absent for far too long. Maybe kiseki fandom really cleansed itself after half of the players left after cs4 and hajimari?
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Yeah there's pretty significant overlap between the two
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I'm still hoping
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>Anime Herald: Are you more of a Bracer or more of a Spriggan?
>Toshihiro Kondo: Spriggan. I have a bit of a dark side.
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Give credit to the artists?
1 - Yes (Law+)
2 - No (Gray++)
3 - Artists? Never heard of them (Chaos +++)
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I hope in the future that a Kiseki game ends with a festival or party and there's no big twist at the end where you have go through another dungeon or chapter.
>In Daybreak II, we get to see their growth and how they can support Van rather than the opposite way around. Aside from that, we get to meet a new character who is another Grendel, like Van. The team felt that having a rival Grendel to van would be really cool. In terms of the story, in Daybreak I, the scenario writer led and directed everything. In Daybreak II, almost everyone on the team contributed something to make this game what it is and bring it to life.
So Kondo just admits there was no direction for Kuro 2 and they just threw shit at the wall lmao. No wonder that game is what it is.
Haha. Hopefully the scenario writer is in charge this time around.
FC already happened
The reason Kevin isn't on any popularity polls is because he hasn't been on screen in 6 games, and is only playable in 2 of the earliest games in the series. Of course he's not popular, why would anyone remember him when Falcom treats him like an unwanted stepchild?
If Falcom gave him Renne's undeserved screentime, people would love him.
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kondo is always very careful with what he says when he does these interviews but then sometimes he will just casually drop something like this that totally exposes what a mess falcom is
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Every single second of Renne's screentime is deserved.
That ended with Weissmann and Joshua leaving. I just want a regular comfy festival before the game ends with no cliffhanger.
>In Daybreak II, almost everyone on the team contributed something to make this game what it is and bring it to life.
No wonder it's such a mess lol
>where you have go through another dungeon or chapter.
>Guys I watched Re;Zero last week
>I love CS1 school festival
>I played FF13-2
>I read the communist manifesto
>I like Renne
>What if... Cao again?
>Star Wars is a classic, isn’t?
>Have you heard of ESG points?
>Epstein is kinda popular in America
Maybe if you're a cumskull.
I meant more twists in general. There's just usually something more than a cliffhanger after whether that's a boss or dungeon.
Haha, well at least won't turn like this... probably.
We love Cao here.
ashen pls go
Guys, I just finished Daybreak and: Does anyone have a list of Kuro 2 playable companions? Or better yet, can you tell me if my future wife Shizuna becomes a permanent companion? Spoiler it if you have to.
I love Na-chan!
wow learning that the previous literally had 0 direction sure makes me excited for the next game haha...
>if my future wife Shizuna becomes a permanent companion
yeah she does, but closer to the end.
From what I remember you can permanently use her in the filler dungeon that you can access for the most of the game but she only shows up in like half the main story.
Everyone does!
Renne is peak here. Kuro Renne is trash.
I'm sure even Kondo isn't dumb enough to repeat the same mistake, especially if Kai is Calvard's grand finale that will answer most of the questions.
Ok, I can live with that.
Honestly it's extremely hard to care about Kuro 2 being localized. I don't even know if i'll buy it. I don't think I ever want to play that game again.
then don't buy it, why are you acting like Kondo will personally come to your house and make you buy Daybreak 2?
>be me
>show up
>play Cold Steel 1 through 4
>enjoy the grand finale that is Reverie
>move on to better franchises
I won the game of Trails
>better franchises

they don't exist
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I pity your sheltered existence
Tales of
nice bum on elaine
nadia sex
you can't be serious. That franchise has been dead for a while now
laugh at this talesfag. where's your general huh
Na-chan will always be the cutest
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news when
that's the reason why he's still here lmao
This week, most likely. We'll hear something on Wednesday maybe.
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Next week
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this week we'll get Shizuna, Kurogane, Yun Ka-fai and dengeki stream with craft showcase.
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We did it Kurogods
the Tales community had enough willpower and sanity to kill its own general when it went astray and now they exist in healthier environments
do you seriously think keeping /fg/ alive is the correct choice?
there's a reason the Tales fandom has fantranslated every single game by now while you guys have "translated" 2 games and then given up forever lol
>the Tales community had enough willpower and sanity to kill its own general when it went astray and now they exist in healthier environments
Like you coming to the Falcom General every weekend to sperg out about your dead series? lmao
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>short version, tales series is too shit to maintain its own general.
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got bullied by Van, Ishmelga and Gaystelle...
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>Reankeks can dish it but can't take it
Many such cases.
you being so certain I'm your personal made-up boogeyman really says it all
and you're straight up mentally ill
Resorting to personally insulting anons after being humiliated. Now that's the sign of a bad loser.
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The curse won lol
Gonna cry?
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is this bitch ovulating or what
I am kind of glad the series is staying dead for now. Berseria was a good story and I enjoyed its cast so I'm ok with the series kind of ending there in my head. I never finished Arise.
Reminder that Arise sold 1 million
Trails couldn't do the same
And FIFA sold metric tons more, so you should be simping for that instead of the thing that killed your flop series kek
1m yet you can't maintain your general fufu...
shows the overwhelming majority of people who buy tales are just casual players.
Sky fans seem legit deranged
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Looks like some """people""" need a painful reminder, haha...
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More than 3
It's been two weeks since Daybreak's release, if they had crazy numbers they'd have told us by now.
>Trails couldn't do the same
Cold Steel 4 sold 1.2 million.
Probably 30-60k
And I’m being optimistic
There's an alarming amount of faggots and trannies who are into kiseki
Trails are jRPGs
Tales are jRPGs
FIFA is not a JRPG.
I hope that helps
NISA never reports their sales, but considering that they still concentrating more on releasing falcom games, it's doing pretty good. NIS is fucking dying because their games suck and sell like shit, while NISA unironically is doing pretty good because of Ys and Kiseki.
Falcom just needs one hit for a game like Atelier Ryza.
I like Tales of more than Kiseki but I talk more about Kiseki than Tales of
Kiseki is basically a MMO and we are waiting for the next “update”
There’s not such a thing with Tales of because each game is a standalone experience. We talk more about Tales of than Ys, Tokyo Xanadu or other Falcom IPs in this general
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We can safely say Kuro ain't it kek
I'm not saying that it flopped, I just don't think it's going to pull the crazy over-CS4 numberse that some people think.
Let’s change this general name to Falcomgeneral (and sometimes Tales of General)
Astral Milla Maxwell or Astral Emma Milsltein
Which is hotter?
Not even true, stop making shit up.
calm down reanspic.
glanced quick at stats for all trails games, seems all of them has 30% ish more players than a few months ago.
You can tell it's SEAzillian hours when the off topic posting begins.
But why Tales is more popular than Kiseki
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can't hear you lil bro you're too far down
Kuro suffered the most because of the wait. Hajimari took 3 years to come to the west, while Kuro 1 already had a pc port with a working fan-patch and not shitty overlay that people won't use, and Daybreak still did pretty well despite that, wasn't it the 2nd most selling game for ps5 on amazon at one point?
it's because of rean and kevin. everyone wants to replay the entire series for kai
Falcom seems to be doing fine though. Their animations and graphics keep getting better.
Kiseki in 2022 - 7 Millions units sold
Kiseki in 2024 - 7,5 Millions units sold

In these 2 years:
Kuro no Kiseki 2 Japan
Kuro no Kiseki 2 Cle
Kuro no Kiseki Switch Port
Nayuta no Kiseki Nisa
Trails from Zero Nisa
Trails to Azure Nisa
Trails into Reverie Nisa
Trails through Daybreak Nisa
Trails of Cold Steel 3/4 Bundle Nisa

Trails of Cold Steel Northern War anime
Trails of Cold Steel Northern War gacha game

This series is a flop
The majority dropped the series during Erebonia arc
well good for them, I'm not into doomposting, so i hope kai will sell better than kuro 2.
It's 2024, literally not a single intelligent person thinks racism is cool or a valid response
You mock our South American and Asian brothers instead of engaging with their arguments because you can't dispute facts you can only use cheap personal insults
You are the loser, you go against everything Falcom stands for, you are a literal tourist unable to grasp our values and morals
You are the unwanted one, you are the undesired outsider, you are the malignant visitor
No one wants you here and I'd wager you're used to that feeling
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>there are more people playing every kiseki game than any ys game except ys 8 which only barely beats out sky 3rd which is a game most newfags get told to skip
>The majority dropped the series during Kuro arc
>Nayuta no Kiseki Nisa
>Trails through Daybreak Nisa
the financial report was before Daybreak released in the west retard
>Trails of Cold Steel 3/4 Bundle Nisa
who would buy the same games twice?

>Trails of Cold Steel Northern War anime
>Trails of Cold Steel Northern War gacha game
lol lmao even, you really had to include this shit?
Sometime I really think that Western fanbase is such a mistake
>Falkeks cannibalizing themselves to prop up Trails
Atlus in the first week after Persona 3 release sold 1M
Where’s Falcom or Nisa happy with the numbers?
>The majority dropped the series during Erebonia arc
Yeah, because they didn't want to face the absolute piece of shit called Kuso no Kiseki
No one actually skips 3rd... right? That's just a shitty Reddit meme.
kuro is better than any cold shit game
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kek it DO be like that
>Where’s Falcom or Nisa happy with the numbers?
yes, because Ys and kiseki cost the fraction of Persona's budget. I'm not sure if you're genuinely retarded tales of faggot or just want to make another melty about the dead franchise no one cares about here.
>"Loyalty means nothing to them. They'll betray you in an instant if the price is right"
-Rixia about Heiyue, Reverie.
My ass
I myself skipped it and didn't play it until i'd finished CS3 (I had finished zero and azure too)
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Probably the most plausible reason
Cold Steel games sold millions. How much did Kuro 2 sell lifetime-wise? 100k so that NISA could carry the other 400K?
Important to clarify since Rixia is working for Heiyue in Kuso
Dead franchise selling more copies with a single game than a franchise with 6 games
They won
You lost
Dragon Quest
Tales of
These real jrpgs series are saving JRPG industry
Even Mihoyo
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>kevin is a main character and on the cover of kai
>recluse cube
its gonna be funny to see r/falcom tie themselves into knots to still justify skipping 3rd after kai comes out
Falcom will probably report kiseki sales when it reach 8 million copies worldwide, it should next year, so we'll see how much Daybreak has sold in the west.
She worked for Heiyue as a favor in Kuro because Almata were that bad.
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One gacha banner of any Hoyo games made more profit than all of Falcom's games combined
They look so cool.
Emma is sad because Leia from Tales sold more copies than her
haha... we lost to some gacha fotm tits and ass... our 20 year overarching story, meaningless.
Games sales were always going to eventually drop with the type of continuous overarching story that is Trails.
Want to see a joke (this one is from reddit):
“Maybe someday we will have HSR x Trails crossover”
Faz o L
What triggered the schizo this time?
Tear alone could probably trash on any Kiseki heroine lol
Toshihiro Kondo: When a person dies, they’ll think “I’m glad I made that game,” or “I’m glad I played that game.” It won’t be a freemium gacha game.
New Kondo interview
kondo will look at back at this time at falcom and think "i wasted my life"
cos he got assblasted for being a talesfag
that no one cares about tales of, it's not the first time he has a melty, so just leave him be.
Mystearica is Van’s sister
Kiseki lore could never
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Kondo only works so that he can fund his true passion, beating up little kids in Karate.
Kondo's dark side is his cocaine addiction
fuck bros hes gonna beat me up for calling kuro 2 shit...
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>Toshihiro Kondo: When a person dies, they’ll think “I’m glad I made that game,” or “I’m glad I played that game.” It won’t be a freemium gacha game.
>that no one cares about tales of
ToA sold more than one millions buddy
Stop lying to yourself
>ouroboros hanging around getting friendly with everyone in daybreak
wtf is this? wheres the threat?
thick planks play tales game coz you can just beat the game by smashing random buttons
Please pay attention to the games. Ouroboros can't actually do anything at that moment due to the deal with Gramheart, and Van is a ""grey"" character so he's willing to work with them. They also did this in Cold Steel, like having a random swimming contest with Shirley and Vita defecting to Wean's side.
It's okay when Daybreak does it
Ouroboros can't interfere with the government/country because of Gramheart's deal. They interfered in Daybreak specifically because Almata was directly opposing Gramheart and he wanted to stop them
ouroboros making a deal with gramheart was a hype scene when you first saw it but it really ruined the potential that the kuro games could have had
I watched a Geofront podcast clip on Youtube before where it was them reacting to /fg/ saying that Geofront doesn't understand localisation intricacies.
/fg/. Literal nobodies who couldn't rise above the level of N5 saying that Geofront, a team who main evented every fanpatch scene they ever worked for and made tens of millions of dollars mostly without even having to do a single MTL query, doesn't understand localisation.
It's like an ant saying your foot isn't strong enough.
Reminds me of this. NISA has no idea who these /fg/ dumb bitches are. I spend a few hours a week on Trails forums and they have no idea who these /fg/ bitches are. Why they think anybody cares about their opinion on the most culturally relevant localisers in the history of Trails, I'm not sure.
They are a typical NPC woman. They think the world revolves around them and their dumb shit.
They only honored the deal because the GM is an airhead like Musse. They also could've used Harwood's "betrayal" as a loophole to further their plans, but Kuro 2 was a schizophrenic game with no direction so nothing happened.
inb4 the deal actually took place in 1206 june, so Kai is after the agreement is expired
Look what you people did.
Towa the semen demon.
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Play the games.
Trails 4 starring Estelle is the only way to save falcom
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Is this the average trails fan
She only consumes Crow's semen though.
Towa is not attractive
I don't play esl mtl youtuber live translation slop
just your average reanfag
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based as fuck
>MLP in 2024
A little pathetic for /fg/ to harass some fangirl(?) on twitter.
/fg/ just can't stand it when they see someone like the games.
Then they need to go back to female MCs again. And give her a coomer-tier design(someone like Rixia) and market the hell out of it. That's the only way Falcom can break into the big leagues.
does the sequel fix the turn order and actually show you where in the turn order a character will end up after using a high delay attack?
Fuck off and stop blaming /fg/. One of the people that was shitting on that Reansister is an unironic Eselletroon. We don't claim them.
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Rean and I.
Can someone please post the Ys X screenshot with the super low detail town
Don't you have a class to teach, Towa?
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Threadly reminder these two will be the only characters that matter in Kai
yes but its still not as good as the cold steel games showing actual delay values
Man fuck Mondblut's retarded ass talking about Altina got ruined. She still looks plenty like a petite loli and she's showing such deliciously smooth armpits.
I don't think it's a coincidence that as soon as they get posted here that they got harassed into leaving Twitter. Have some class, leave the Twitterschizos be.
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If Falcom bothered to share the heights of characters we could've know definitively how taller she got (if at all), but for some reason they stopped sharing heights after Kuro 2. I don't understand Falcom.
>Kusoeaters seething at some girl for liking Rean
ban will bribe altina with pancakes and become his personal onahole
Jolda is higher quality
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Same Altina looks pretty much the same to me. She's still hot
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>/fg/ cope: He's a badass who will fuck Alisa and Emma
>Reality: He's a loser, the girl he crushes on can't give less of a shit about him and cucks him, and he works for the people who murdered his friends
Ronnie doesn't like Ashen in that way though.
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Lil' Ronnie got his cock cut off, so that's not happening anytime soon.
>the girl he crushes on can't give less of a shit about him
Why would you blatantly lie about this, Reanpaco? Did you really play the games?
>he works for the people who murdered his friends
So you really didn't play the games.
aaron is such a chad. juggling all the bitches.
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Lmao right on time
eat your tamale reanbro
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Cuckkun-cope. Your boy gets mogged by a Fufu-ing chink.
His papi doesn't get paid this week so no tamales :(
>doubles down after being proven wrong
Eat your tamale.
Screaming at someone YOU'RE WRONG doesn't mean you proved them wrong.
Who are we thinking about?
>scene wraps up
>cuts forward to a week later
>"well it sure was good we wrapped everything up"
>"yeah i just wonder if [character] will be okay..."
>cuts back to a conversation that happened off-screen just after the scene wrapped up
why do they keep doing this shit
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Altina and how sexy she is
she is a child
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Lapis and Nadia again
they're so cute
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she is legal
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>Emma shows up in Kai
>She's now a sad and disillusioned woman who smokes & drinks, and cusses like a sailor because Rean broke her heart
Going through Kuro 2 again, it seems to be implied that Yuefa's death was the cause of some sort of foul play given what Gien said in one dialogue. It seems the foul play may have something to with the Calvardian government themselves.
whenever i jerk off to crossbell/cs girls i always imagine that losing in the harem turned them into turbosluts to cope
It's shrimple. We impregnate the Grandmaster.
she'll get taikun'd so it's a-ok
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Haha, surely they're setting something up with that and Leroy.
>the republican government was responsible for ronnie's mom's death
hoo boy. ronnie's gonna go on a rampage if he finds out the truth.
Zero > CS1 > Kuro > FC
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But who is gonna tell Aaron the truth of Yuefa's death?
>I never played Cold Steel but I did my homework. According to my research, the protagonist is a Harem Gigachad, and Duvalie is an absolute disgrace and a failure
He actually fell for the Rean meme kek
The sad part is, that despite Gien being Gien, it's going to be true because we can't ever ever have Heiyue face the consequences for their actions
gien himself so he can try to get aaron to become taikun once more and get his revenge on the government
>furshit artist
Into the trash it goes.
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I'd rather something like this with brown eastern shotas
Maybe there might have been anti-immigration/eastern supporters in the Calvardian government at the time and with Yuefa being a pretty popular dancer in Langport that everyone loved, they might have used her as an example against easterners trying to strengthen their reach in Calvard.
WTF is KouAgnes?
That sounds painfully cringy enough to be real
>ronnie will attack the government officials
it would only support the anti-immigration sentiment
It's pretty baffling why they wanted him back in Chapter 2 in the first place. When you hear he's a charismatic and strong leader it makes sense, but then in the finale it's revealed that plunged Langport into Pandemonium with monsters roaming the city and him mind controlling people and you'd have to wonder why Heiyue would ever want someone who even if they didn't hate Heiyue would be way too powerful to control.
Which Kiseki girls are most likely to fuck black easterners?
It's Falcom so why are you acting like it doesn't belong in the story?
which kiseki girls molest shotas?
IT does belong in the teeth pullingly painful story they have for Calvard yes
As a part of reparations for Creil, Elaine lets black easterners fuck her every hole all night every night.
probably because if they had taikun on their side once again, other groups like revache, red constellation and almata would be nothing to them [//spoiler]
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Rean and I.
Yeah. Now if Van and co will try to get in Aaron's way of getting his revenge on the government because with how much he loves his mom, I don't think Aaron would listen even to Van.
I commissioned this the image
It happens before this the tournament here
Rean gave her an power boost
>reanspic really is brown skinned AND a female
the amount of dicksucking on here should have clued me in....
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Kou from TX...
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Ops... I forget to put the image
It's after this the tournament here
well yeah. because imagine if aaron tries to kill gramheart. there's no way agnes would allow that.
It would just be repeating history afterwards if the church didn't send Dominions in this time to kill Taikun. It's pretty boneheaded, you'd expect better from Heiyue.
>captura de tela
>literal reanspic commissioning rean porn
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What a bitch
Everyone knows that Kou is made for Rion
>reanbro haremfag is latinx
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I can't wait for TX2 to reveal that both Asuka and Shiori are pregnant with Kou's babies.
TX2 will be vague about it because Kou's not the protagonist.
the point is that taikun was someone of immense power and influence that was also helping heiyue become a powerful force just by following his leadership. with him gone, the elders with time felt heiyue became soft and weak and yearned for the revival of taikun to lead them once more. besides if the church didn't step in 40 years ago to stop taikun back then, then heiyue probably believed that they wouldn't do shit again as well. though given it was said that heiyue DID in fact get help from people outside calvard along with yin to fight taikun, maybe some of those outsiders could have been from the church too.
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*made for Shiori
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i hate the connect events in kuro 2
everybody is supposed to be hanging out at the school festival yet they all decide to just break off and go all over edith 50 times in 2 hours? this makes no sense
Oh ahahahaahahahhahahaha
TX2 will definitively confirm that Kou ended up with both Asuka and Shiori.
The last part is entirely true, we'd never hear the end of it if it was Rean and everyone who he spoke to who was immune to what the villains did
Why are you woke?
we already don't hear the end of it so whats the differrence
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I miss CS4 hype train
>/fg/ anons post the "muh conservative nobles" line from Reverie to prove that it is woke
>The context is that the two nobles are about ready to backstab each other, and are entirely willing to pull out money from Erebonia to invest in Crossbell and even Calvard
>the "conservative nobles" are literally just the ones still investing in Erebonia
You should know by now /fg/ just nitpicks and takes shit out of context to prove their agenda against NISA
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How did that possibility never cross their minds
Isn't Almata supposed to be like intelligent and calculating
Nobody ever said they were galaxy brained 300 IQ freaks like Runny and Musse, so not countering every possible scenario isn't unrealistic.
i forget what the reasoning is why no one dies in the death game. i assume van beats most of the teams and doesn't have any interest in killing them, but what about the ones that meet each other?
people do die but its only the mook teams no one cares about
does someone have the webm of a bunch of mathematical equations appearing in the background behind musse
Why is Judith so attached to Arioch? It's like the game wanted to tell us those two had some closeness with each other despite being enemies.
Sluttiest Kiseki in history vs the Sluttiest Kiseki of today
because he liked her movies
sex with shizuna rem misurugi as rean watches
is that a hotdog with lettuce
Shizuna Rem Breedsurugi
No thank you
The EDF really is the anti-immigrant proto faction isn't it? They'rea lmost as shittily written.
Bullying is not fun
We hate Rean the character
i hate rean and all of his brownoid balllickers
Lloyd losr his virginity to Tio
Shizuna's asking Van to impregnate her when he gets his diabolic core back is something that i actually could see her doing.
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is van considered "mixed"
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What the fuck did he mean by this?
No, Van was born like that, mcburn was originally a normal human who got mixed with an entity from beyond, considering the way he looks when transformed i guess he got mixed with a demon lord, similar how Gerard wanted to mix with Van's diabolic core.
can you faggots stop cyberbullying the rean fujo
>I-is that someone making fun of my Rean-sama? AAGHGHHHHHH IM GOING INSANE
Real life is not Cold Steel. We don't have to kiss Rean's ass.
Something something the teeth's resonant frequency
I don't like Rean
I mean, that's true, but you also don't really need to bully a person over it, especially offsite. Shitposting is fun and all, but if you're targeting some loner on the internet over it, you're just a fag.
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Guess who is back???
there's 2 different english craft names for gerard's first craft internally, one is Dominant Wave which is in his AI data and what it says in game and the other is Dominant Bringer which is the same exact thing but in his animation data, do you think one of them just MTL for something no one would see normally or even engrish left over from falcom? or did nisa just do something dumb?
>daybreak only takes place over two months
that doesn't seem like enough time to become best friends, other games had like 6 months
I mean that's fine I guess. Xillia runs pretty well emulated though.

Anyways, so I'm using a fucking guide to do sidequests and I missed Xin in the City? Using a NeoSeeker one, anyone got a better one? The fucking thing didn't say I had to do it prior to completing both of the mandatory quests.
What game is this quest from.
As much as I hate to say it just use fucking gamefaqs if you feel the need to use a guide.
Ah, sorry.
I checked the kiseki wiki and it doesn't mention when the quest expires and this fagseeker guide I am using merely lists that the hidden quest exists, not when it expires or when I can start it. I had noticed a pattern that I had to finish other support quests prior to doing the hidden one and thought this was the same.
Guess not tho, because to earn extra DP you head to the bracer guild to talk to KeA and Shizuku, but they're playing in the harbor.
psnprofiles is good even if you're not a trophy whore, they have really good trails guides.
3 months to be exact and I had no problem with it whatsoever because the game shows how they grow closer with each chapter, only Bergard and Judith felt a bit like they needed more screentime. If the game had like 6 months of time skip it wouldn't do shit really for the characters, because it's not the amount of time passed that matters, but how the game handles the relationship between characters and I think kuro 1 did a fine job for a first game.
new game doko...
Goddamn I don't think I've ever known about this quest before. Some dude on youtube mentioned it being during day 1 of chapter 2 I guess? I don't know if I have an early enough chapter 2 save file to check myself.
Are these guides exclusively sidequest related, or main story too? I'd prefer if it just focused on sidequests, main story stuff is usually easy, even when having to answer stuff
Guides that tell you exactly when to do side quests so you won't miss them will generally tell you everything else as well, so unfortunately not what you seem to be looking for.
Yes, the guide I am using lists them by chapter and day. Oh well, guess I'll just click on the hidden quest for the day and chapter I am on and try to figure out when I should do it relative to the main story.
I mean you can't go wrong by just doing side/hidden quests as soon as they become available before moving on with main story.
That's the general rule with trails for like every game.
Hmm, guess I will have a glance at the psnprofiles guides. Thanks regardless guys, guess this one quest is particularly well hidden.
Just peeved I swallow my pride to use a guide of sorts and I still missed a hidden quest lol
Haha, looks like Xillia is getting remastered. Our cope when it outsells the entire Gaybreak arc by itself?
That the combat is shit compared to Xillia 2.
And the cope for Xillia 2 is that the pacing is shit compared to Xillia 1, haha...
It's all good using a guide for a pre-CS3 game. It's incredibly easy to miss hidden shit if you're not the person who checks in with EVERY single thing anytime something happens. And this is even more nefarious than that because it wants you to interact with a damn door and not even a person.
The picnic squad became best friends in like 4 days and it felt natural
Haha that's our esl mtl
The combat is still great. All the characters feel completely different, and Jude's a backstepping god.
Ranster is the funniest one. Falcom did spell it that way, but it's pronounced "Lanster" every single time. They just don't know any better. "Gotchi" is definitely an attempt at an Italian name like Gotti.
I wanted the Abyss remaster... but considering what a shitty treatment Symphonia got, ps2 emulator seems to be a way better option.
Yeah during the credits of Daybreak I caught a poster on the wall of Judiths mom that said "Chloe Ranster".
Guess Nisa missed it.
Dude if I was having life or death battles every day with the same 7 people then yeah, I think I'd ride or die with them by day 4.
You can see they spilled "Paulette" with a "Pou" if you pay attention to the box Maxium buried in the intermission. Falcom English is great.
Uh, shut up.
Are you a kisekifag or not? You're supposed to shittalk Tales
Theres three major ps2 tales games they never released outside of japan that should have been getting some love instead of the ps3 games which already look fine on original hardware and emulate perfectly
My absolute favorite is playing Jap audio Eng subs the very first time van calls Elaine beauty's blade and in the audio he very clearly says sword maiden.
Well, not that bamco or any company really is taking into consideration the quality of the game's emulation when they think of porting or remastering shit.
New protagonist being in 13th place after a side waifu is not a good look.
>the film industry in still in its infancy and they're already doing crossover shit
That schizo is asleep. He'll wake up and have a melty retroactively.
this is the same series where giant robots were mass produced before motorcycles
Xillia 1 combat is great wtf
Xillia 2 combat has more options but it’s kinda stupid how Ludger is better than everyone else and there’s no reason to not play with him

Maybe for you
For me it’s the worst cast ever
I miss Liberl.
Calvard looks too much like a real country.
FC forgot
SC forgettable, it's just a spiral staircase with laser walls and side doors to the bosses
3rd forgot
Zero forgot
Ao conceptually cool but ingame it looks bad
CS1 Realm of the Great Shadow was pretty cool, reminded me of a Sonic Heroes level
CS2 also coolish but a little more generic
CS3 cool with the spooky monster at the bottom and the dread as you approach with fewer and fewer party members, probably the best one
CS4 I remember the exterior being somewhat unique but can't recall anything about the interior
Reverie a bit cooler but also a little generic, mainly carried by the music, the feels in knowing that this might be the last time you ever get to play with all of Class VII, and the climatic Divine Knight battle with the villain
Kuro 1 feels like a lesser rehash of The Last Remnant's final dungeon. Cool music but otherwise not great. More memorable than most Trails final dungeons, though.
I liked the fact that Calvard has so many different places that feel entirely different from each other, even Edith feels different with each district. I also really like how Ored and Anchorville look in Kai.
>Xillia 1 combat is great wtf
I was being cheeky. In truth I never played the Xillias so I am excited.
I am more excited for Rebirth and Destiny PS2 to hit the west on modern systems, but oh well. I'll gladly buy older Tales games rather than whatever putrid shit follows up Arise.
Ao's is my favorite
The idea of each boss's inner psyche being represented by a dungeon was more creative than what falcom usually does
I don’t like CS3 final dungeon
Out of nowhere dungeon
Boring design
Fights are meaningless (there’s some cool moments like Emma speech followed by the OST and the battle against the Ironbloods but it’s just empty battles with almost no relevance)
The final boss is meh
The fake deaths are shit
The cliffhanger is more annoying than cool or epic

I think CS1 did a better job with the final dungeon
CS2 is also bad and CS4 is forgettable
I only remeber the battle against McBurn and Osborne
Everything else sucks
>I don’t like CS3 final dungeon
Same, every floor basically repeats itself, design wise it's also one of the worst looking dungeons. Spiral of Erebos is one of the best final dungeon theme though.
>Trailsfags shit up the Tales thread on /v/
so fucking obvious, you guys are so obnoxious
I shouldn't have tried to go back and do nightmare time trial in ys vi
the bosses are not very good
>/v/ thinks Tales sucks
wow... incredible... who could have foreseen this?
Haha, we're mind broken because of the low quality games and low sales on top of 3+ year waits between games for non-ESL MTL...
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Haha... tales really is a franchise...
I've got no reason to shit up a Tales thread because I like that series too. Or, well, I want to continue liking it, but god Arise fucking sucked. Berseria wasn't much better as far as gameplay and world design went, but I love the story and cast. I think there's still hope. And for what it's worth I hope Xillia does get a port so people opposed to emulation can play it since it's been stuck on the fucking PS3 for ages.
Xillia is a great game. Definitely better than the best Trails and Ys.
>people being opposed to emulation
but why?
Haha, you should see what they think of Falcom games when you having a stealth general there...
>/v/ thinks Kiseki sucks
wow... incredible... who could have foreseen this?
You're only allowed to like tendie exclusives on /v/.
True, everything else is "bad"
Normalfags man I dunno. There's not really one solid case I see for it, it's just a thing. People who are like "I sure wish I could play THIS game but it's SO expensive and/or hard to find" and then someone will say "Well the game emulates pretty well" and they immediately spout some excuse for why that doesn't work for them. Usually something like "I don't have a computer/I don't have a computer that can handle emulation" (this could be valid depending on the game) or "I don't really wanna do that because it doesn't feel right." or some other such thing.
Playing Daybreak with the dub, I am so irritated by the NPC outside of Iota who says "They call it an orbal cafe" because the fucking delivery makes it sound like she's gonna say more but she never does.
Not canon version
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They edited a little Fie’s model and there’s Fie
That’s why they bring her back
Fie 2.0*
The laziest design so far
I never understood why they created Altina instead only Fie
Reankeks are not real Trailsfags. They are like vermin
probably for the best since fie looks really ugly in kuro
Hard disagree, they finally make the child soldier look not ridiculous.
Then they had to ruin it by introducing another child soldier in the same game :(
>Anime Herald: The Trails series is known for people asking where they should start.
>Toshihiro Kondo: Start with Daybreak. No problem.

Maybe it's the autism but "where do I start X franchise?" questions have always confused the hell out of me.
Like the answer is in the question, you obviously start at the start.
The question is only asked by people looking for an out on playing the entirety of a series. Which is valid for non-connected series like Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest or something, so you can start with a game that's actually well liked by the fan base and move on from there. It's harder with shit like Trails or like Yakuza or something because they expect knowledge of events and don't do a good job of explaining even elements of the world if you start somewhere later. Cold Steel 1 is still the only game in the series aside from Sky FC I would say people could start with since it BARELY requires knowledge of prior events and does a decent enough job explaining shit to the player about the world.
nihon falcom... now there's a phenomanealga game developer
Story and character wise kuro is a pretty bad starting point, probably even worse than zero. Not only kuro 1 has a lot of throwbacks to the previous characters and events, it also expects you to know how the world operates and Van being an experienced protagonist who already knows bunch of important characters and story events will make things a lot harder for the newcomers.
was he? I had the impression McBurn came from The Beyond and got isekai'd into Zemuria with amnesia (or at least without a part of his memories missing until he got them back in CS4). would Cedric also be considered "mixed" as of now or is he entirely different from what Rean has and Van/McBurn's demonic bullshit
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what's next for him?
>They didn't show Rean on Famitsu
>They didn't show the Crafts of Rean's group
>Kai has the Blitz system that needs 5 characters to work
>In all the parts that showed class 7 in Kai, the HUD doesn't appear
>There is no screenshot of Altina on the mountain
>Kondo mentioned more returning characters

What is Falcom cooking?
probably some random thors npc that no one remembers
Just finished the first day of Chapter 2 of Azure.
Trails can be really slow, but goddamn is it fucking kino when it wants to.
Mcburn came to be 50 years ago when a human (presumably Epstein) collided with Mera Cu Baldugh Ruang, overlord of the beyond. Since then he lost his memories and joined ouroboros some time later.
>would Cedric also be considered "mixed" as of now or is he entirely different from what Rean has
No, Rean had his powers from ishmelga after Osborne transplanted his heart, Rean's powers come from the sept-terrion of steel. Van and mcburn's powers come from beyond, they are beings not native to Zemuria. As for cedric wasn't it because of the failed fusion with testa Rossa?
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>presumably Epstein
Is this Kuro 2 lore or just speculation?
Just a speculation based on the fact that Epstein went missing 50 years ago, the same time mcburn came to be.
Better than Epstein just being the first anguis.
Always thought bling journalist guy was a better pick for that.
I wouldn't even be surprised if Nielsen ended up being an anguis. He sure is just kind of always around when shit is really hitting the fan with Ouroboros.
Just like Talesfags shit up this thread.
thanks for the refresher fren
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Why do we hate her again...?
Let's wait and see what happens.
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retarded writing on Falcom's part + haremshit
Whatever the hell you want to believe.
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It's SAAR!
Whatever the hell you want to believe, jackass.
Outstanding contribution, honestly.
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>Outstanding contribution, honestly.
She's a stupid cunt who cries and cries and moans and moans and is oh so depressed about millium getting killed yet still works for osborne.
Duvalie is the real goat; sees that the person she loves and respects is doing some fucked up shit, and instead of just going with it, she leaves even though it hurts.
OH, uh, eheh, hi there. My name's Quattie. And........ I recently learned a new trick, uhuhu. Uh, weeeell..... I can turn myself into a wolf uhuh. Can I SHOW you? Eheh, YAAAAAAY hahahuhuh. Okay, bear with me here... Or, should I say, WOLF with me here AHAHUHUHUHUH. Okay, one second...
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Whatever you want to believe
Whatever you want to believe
Gorgeous art
Jusis is so fucking lucky bros. I would give ANYTHING to be him.
Yeah but doesn't she go back to Ouroboros? What is even the point given her entire reason for sticking with it was because Arianrhod was there, and Arianrhod's reason for being there was just to keep a close eye on Osborne.
Unless she has shown up in Kuro 2 and returns to Ouroboros and I've missed it because I haven't played that game yet, then no, as of her last appearance in Reverie her and the other 2 knights are not back with the society.
This boy is so fucking erotic. I am so fucking gay for him.
They haven't shown Renne yet because she is featured heavily with returning characters that have not been shown yet.
I feel like this is literally the only conclusion you can make.
>everyone looking for almata's legacy
>can't ask the three high ranking members I arrested in the previous game because of the retarded decision to give you the option of killing or arresting them
they all died in the genesis tower.
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Well, that was the shortest 100% since the Sky games.
They fall unconscious and van ties them up in the tower if you arrested them in Oracion.
They only die if you killed them in Chapter 5.
Oh they wrote Kuro 2 under the assumption that Van killed them?
they barely even get mentioned at all haha...
which i knew would happen the second they let you kill them optionally
there's no way falcom would read your save data and include any optional dialogue based on your choice they're way too lazy for that
So far they are just not being mentioned at all so they could be dead or alive really.
Bad writing cause if alive they'd really help during chapter one van route.
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love renny
They can't show them just in case. But I feel like the canon choice is sparing them. The game guilts you that much for killing them that it's obvious what the intended route is. If any Almata member becomes relevant it's going to have to be in a scenario where they can come back from the dead and stay alive, or time travel.
We know, Estelle.
Loli renne was the best thing ever.
>Monumental Combat Design - The character customization, stage design, and character weight all coalesce to create one of Falcom's best gameplay systems that still excels nearly a decade later.
What the FUCK lol. This is from Noisy Pixels review of TOKYO XANADU kek.
>Agnes says that Van thinks that he's the darkest point before dawn, and then says he's daybreak in all but name before the Vagrants fight
Bros... Was Daybreak a good title after all?
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Big Falcom shill, especially when he's in NISAs good books now. I'm serious too, look how many Falcom related stuff is on Noisy Pixel kek

That James guy who shat on CS4 is probably shitting himself from the free press he would've gotten with Kondo Interviews & Falcom games now, ESPECIALLY since James broke the CS3 NISA news, guy fucked up LAMo
it's called hamfisting
>Monumental Combat Design
kek, it's just a clunky version of ys 8 with s-crafts from cs
>The character customization
it's literally the same customization as in cs
>stage design
lol, lmao even, tx has one of the worst dungeon designs ever, fucking lines and squares are peak stage design according to noisy shixels.
>and character weight all coalesce to create one of Falcom's best gameplay
what fucking weight? It feels like characters are floating, ys 8 and cs games pre Kuro have the same problem. Ys X is the only falcom game that has a satisfying weight and impact to its combat and kuro to a lesser extent.

Did that favela monkey review it? Orpheus Joshua?
i can get people enjoying the vibe and comfyness of the game but the combat is fucking terrible and one of the worst action rpgs i've ever played, everything is so goddamn stiff and unsatisfying and unironically caling it "one of falcoms best gameplay systems" is complete brain damage
bros, i am gonna play cold steel series without finishing skies and there is literally nothing you can do about it!
>That James guy who shat on CS4
6/10, it's way too fucking high if you ask me. Also James seemed to love Kuro, he'd probably review it higher than whatever score rpgsite gave it.
My first foray into the franchise was pirating Cold Steel on Vita and tracking back when I finished CS2 dw bro..
That's what I think too. considering the fact that Mint is appearing, this probably means we'll see most of the tech people from previous games.
Erika, Tita, Albert Russell, Gerhardt Schmidt, Gayorg, Angie, Tio, Jonas, Robets etc etc
thats why trails before dawn was a better name
I wouldn't mind if Tita and Agate came back.
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I wonder how he'll look in 3D haha...
What purpose do any of those people have besides wasting screen time with technobabble that anyone can deliver or just rehash the same jokes we heard back when their arcs were relevant?
There're 2 versions on why NISA changed the title:
1. Because of the fan-patch
2. Because final fantasy dawntrail was coming out a few days before Daybreak
second one seems more plausible
NISA went out of their way to shut down Zerofield so the patch one is as far-fetched as you think.
Tita, Albert, Schmidt, Gayorg and Angelica have a pretty high chance of appearing, others not so much because they'll serve zero purpose.
It's been foreshadowed since the last daydreams in Reverie, they are trying to bring Verne back into the fold with their technology consortium thingy. can't remember the name
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meant for >>486966701

there's a theory that NISA changed Dawn to Daybreak because of the news that dawntrail was coming out in July 2nd. Nisa's first english logo looked like it was made in a hurry, then they've fixed it later.
It really does feel like that. You could divide the game into
>Act 1/2 with Van and the final
>Act 1/2 with Swin and Nadia
>Act 3
My wild guess is that the scenario writer, most likely Takeiri, wrote most of the stuff with Van. The Hajimari guy probably handled the intermission, and dunno who did the rest, might be the same guy who wrote chapter 3 in Kuro 1 for Act 3, and Llyod's route in haji
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Today, I will remind them.
Trails Before Dawn only suits for Van's perspective of himself. Trails through Daybreak suits better as the character Van actually is.
in an interview from AX, Kondo specifically calls out "Shizuna" as an example of someone people liked in Daybreak and says "There are examples in future titles I can’t talk about right now because they would be spoilers. For the most recent title, Trails Through Daybreak, Shizuna has limited screen time and limited play-ability. Let’s just say, in future installments she gets more of the spotlight due to fan feedback and fan reaction."

Is he referring to Kuro 2 or Kai when he talks about a future entry where she's much more playable? because he specifically calls out entries plural
Does she have a big role in 2?
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if shizuna is so popular why have they still not shown her off for kai
>Is he referring to Kuro 2 or Kai
both i think
>Does she have a big role in 2?
She has a way bigger screentime in Kuro 2 compared to 1 and becomes a permanent party member closer to the end, but we still don't know much about her aside from the connect event in which she teases her hometown in the far east and wants Van to visit it and meet with her grandma.
To think that this used to be a feminist, girl power series with a female protagonist. Now even Estelle shows us her ass. Based Falcoom
In that same interview he says this
>"In Daybreak II, we get to see their growth and how they can support Van rather than the opposite way around. Aside from that, we get to meet a new character who is another Grendel, like Van. The team felt that having a rival Grendel to van would be really cool. In terms of the story, in Daybreak I, the scenario writer led and directed everything. In Daybreak II, almost everyone on the team contributed something to make this game what it is and bring it to life"

so that explains why it's overflowing with weird one off minigames and stuff. Literally everyone on the team made at least one guaranteed contribution
>appears briefly in kuro 1, doesn't actually do anything
>appears more in kuro 2, still doesn't do anything
>kai shows that she's with rean's subplot, which will be filler compared to van and kevin's parts since kondom even admitted that rean wasn't even supposed to be in the game until they got desperate for sales
Falcom never actually had anything planned for her and it shows.
We'll see, mb she'll join Van later after the fight with Rean, it's pretty evident that she was hired by Gramheart.
>Richard Garriott, father of Ultima, was going to bring Xanadu to the west in the 80s/90s and bring Ultima IV to Japan
>goes to visit Falcom and met the OG founder to work out a deal
>gets shown Xanadu
>notices they stole Ultima III sprites and used them in Xanadu
>throws a fit and tells them to fuck off
before Kondo they reused assets of other games, after Kondo they stuck with reusing assets from their own games kek
Wasn't kuro supposed to be the start of a new story
Why are they bringing fucking Rean back again
Nips wanted him back and Kondo conceded. Also sales dropped so he thinks that rean might bring those who left after hajimari.
Kondoms in for a rude awakening, nippon doesn't buy non-nintendo games anymore

he should focus on the west, unironically

at least we buy the games
it was but people dont want to through 20 more years of kiseki games and kuro was kind of underwhelming so it flopped
its gone on long enough, now is the time start resolving the mysteries
I wouldn't mind rean and other returning characters if kuro 2 wasn't a borderline filler that didn't advance spriggans stories and character arcs. I only hope that the subroutes for rean and Kevin won't take too much time and we'll mostly get Van's pov and his story.
They always bring old characters back. It's what Kiseki does
I don't trust Falcom at all. Everything is going to feel rushed yet the game will also simultaneously be padded as fuck.
They didn't parade Estelle around this hard during CS4 promotional and had her on the cover
They made Elaine and Shizuna so sexy. I hope they have some good moments together in Kai
have they revealed that quatre is actually a girl in daybreak 2?
Cs4 was still rean's game aside from the first act where you play as Juna and others, but even then the whole first act was about "where rean?". Kondo said that Kai will feature similar flow to hajimari with the difference that it's still Van's game and he'll be the main point of view. I don't know how true it will be and I'm not the fan of hajimari structure, so my expectations are pretty low.
Instead they had Estelle, Joshua and Renne take over Zero. Imagine if Rean's Yun story was happening during Kuro, and Rean accompanied the Arkride Solutions Office into the final dungeon and fought Vagrants Zion with them.
Campy and Quatre will have a hot lesbian sex scene in kai.
well the same thing kinda happened with Swin and Nadia in kuro 2 and we still don't know what structure kai will follow, will there be character routes like in hajimari or sides like in kuro 2?
So Kai will be filler like reverie
Calvard is a filler arc.
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Haha, you don't trust this man?
Quatre isn't female, he just has traits of both males and females with no decisive word on what's between his legs. They also said that when they found him he had more masculine physical traits so they raised him as a male.
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2 months before the release and we still have no idea how this game will be structured...
I hope Falcom, for the love of god, goes radio silent until release
we don't need to know all this shit beforehand
They'll probably just spoil everything in one trailer.
i hope rean dies in kai
I hope Van will reset the time-line and make normal ending in cs4 canon.
>we don't need to know all this shit beforehand
You spoil yourself watching a chinese man stream the game in a language you don't know

if kai is another filler game, i'm done. i thought reverie was the end for me, but i decided kai is the one last chance.
if, after 20 fucking years and 13 fucking games, they don't answer a FUCK LOAD of stuff, i'm done, and i'll leave the series to the psychopaths who defend it on reddit
from what? it's not like I ever play these games myself anyway
I thought she was going to be one of the Kuro arc's antagonists, same for Kasim and the others. But she got so popular with Kuro 1 that they had to backpedal on making her an antagonist. So she ended up doing nothing but being playable and Rean's fodder.
The ship sailed on her being a pure antagonist when they made her playable.
super cute
I have to admit, the only way I got through Vagrants on Nightmare was spamming Judith's S-Craft and Zeram items to take care of the mobs. Kuro was generally easily enough aside from him, but with Kuro 2 getting rid of S craft spamming is it actually harder?
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kuro's cutscenes are so long people on steam are complaining their monitors are timing out from lack of input
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What a cute girl
I'm sure her and Estelle will have a great relationship in the future
It's Fie and a Chino clone
and? Retard left his "energy saving" (good got btw) settings on default
BUILT for headpats, but she takes that as a "sign"
McBurn should be the protagonist of the next series of games. Could you imagine the kino.
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Any NG+ stuff watch out for in Kuro like how Cold Steel had that extended Vita scene?
Just staring at the credits wondering why NISA and Falcom did this to you
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Daybreak won
They put Rean on the cover of Kai and gave Estelle a figurine that sexualizes her and exposes her butt. Female Estelle fans can't be very happy right now.
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Built for cumming on her tummy as a "joke", and then cumming inside for real!!
Built for love
Wasn't zero supposed to be the start of a new story
Why are they bringing fucking Estelle and Joshua back again
Today I went to the tower to find some books, but almost all of them were gone. The request was a bit underwhelming so I went and did a monster extermination quest as well.
They are following up on an unresolved character arc from Sky.
Isn't cold steel supposed to be the start of a new story
Why are they bringing fucking Lloyd back again
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Crossbell is annexed by Erebonia and part of the Cold Steel arc and isn't freed until the absolute end of Reverie. Obviously cuckboy would return to job some more.
Oh, unresolved character arcs, gotcha, so just like Rean in Kai
Rean's character arc was finished.
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Can't wait to play Anies third game!
>rean needs 6 games just to go through his character arc
Jeez. What an awful character.
Who? You mean Anus?
You mean Rean's 6th game?
Does it mean she'll have a lot of candidates or she'll marry someone powerful?
>renne needs 11 games just to go through her character arc
Jeez. What an awful character.
Nobody says Runny is good except coomers and feminists.
I dont think feminists agree with her character in general bro... she is clearly still a slut despite being the DG cult clown car
>character arc too deep to be contained in 1 game
Haha... That's our Rean!
Haha... they needed to do it twice just to make sure it was done correctly too!
His only development are in cs1 and hajimari, really.
Never had this problem, but I only did a heartfelt playthrough as far as chapter 2 and before going to Tharbad in chapter 3 as soon as I got the hint it was just going to be a repeat of Cold Steel with masks and music garbage I started skipping a shit ton of dialogues on chapter 3, emtire scenes on chapter 4, then I played chapter 5 in it's entirety and did all the faggot routes in one playthrough no skipping, but started skipping pretty much everything on chapter 6 and final chapter I have no clue what happens in the city parts I just skipped everything. =D
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is it really gay if it's technically straight
Kiseki never reached the pure kino of FC+SC ever again.
I'm referring to him chasing after Yun ka-Fai. Who is in the far east. Did you expect him to leave Erebonia to go chasing after Yun ka-Fai in the middle of Cold Steel?
Gaystelle, Ishmelga and Ban San completelly destroyed Rean's little SEA princess see >>486892809
Nice Schnoz
Sky is trash
My nose is smaller than that and im m*le with a big one
>woke and cheer for vandalism of the series because it owns muh chuds
>based on spite for previous arcs
>harassing fangirls
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Rufus already said that he's in Van's debt for taking care of his retards. Fie already told Rean that Ban-san is a very nice guy. Now it's only Kevin left, Van said he already met him in one of his jobs, so I wonder what dynamic they'll have.
I’m in love
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Kusoeaters are the Steven Universe fandom of Trails
A kind, cute, pretty face
According to Feri there used to be slavery in Zemuria.

Born too late for a Eastern harem!
Knowing Daybreak only western zemurians ever did it lmao
It's absolutely true.
There was this part in KURO 2 that didn't let me save for hours until finally at half past 3 I could go to bed.
whose your favorite kisekituber?
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Threadly reminder these two will be the only characters that matter in Kai
None, why would I give a shit about that?
>Ikaruga is now the most popular Chapter 5 route
Elainebros, not even Shitlisa got mogged like this.
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Will Falcom continue their fujobait in Kai?
Elaine, Zin, and Fie are perhaps the least interesting bracers you could make the player side with. On the other side we've got a crazy divine blade who's also cute and her servant who's a fucking rad ninja guy with a sick outfit. Yeah no shit it's the most popular choice for chapter 5.
Crow will marry Hermes in the credits to appeal to the Yumesissies.
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they're going for a ntr bait it seems.
Bait? Towa is fertilized in that pic
people are so pornsick that they think two dudes posing together like bros means that they're fucking.
holy fucking shit this world is fucked
Why did they have to give Crow and Aaron such gratuitous man-cleavages? I hate how this series sexualizes its male characters sometimes
Alisa was the least interesting love interest, and yet people still picked her.
it's funny that you guys are just discovering siska. i had a beef with her over a year ago and while looking into her found that she threatened to kill someone because they talked shit about rean.
keep up, guys
some tards just go for the "canon" choice
The only choice that matters is mine, and I chose Emma.
I imagine that's because Shizuna only has 5 total minutes of screentime if you don't pick her route. If you like her at all you're basically forced to pick them to see more, whereas all the other factions have some presence in the game
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Keep discord drama out of /fg/
This whole thing feels so forced honestly. Not the scene in question, but /fg/'s insistence on this being some major thing. I genuinely can't even convince myself to participate in the shitposting because the foundation is so weak. This is why we need more news. So that we can shitpost harder.
Honestly? The plot of Kuro 2 is bad because the writer is incompetent. The prologue is great. Everything else is bad. I love Re;Zero, Steins;Gate, Fate and other games with “dead ends”
The problem of Act1/2 is how the characters die and how they are dumb enough to die again and again without think about it. And they are killed by stupid elements. Also the erosion ruins even more the story and act 3 is probably the worst offender.

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Towa x rean is a pretty popular ship, so I was surprised that falcom actually put her in this screenshot with crow. Something tells me it's a bait and nothing major will happen between them, but if falcom actually decided to trim rean's harem some reanschizos may find this offensive.
ah. found a new youtuber to obsess over, i see.
/fg/ never changes
considering I'm nearly done with Kiseki so could any Ys players direct me what the best starting points are? games I own are
I'll just pirate the games I don't own and would do the same for X when that comes out
Popular? Isn’t Towa one of the least popular options?
This is another Kurt x Juna situation
Is she? She might be a low priority pick in the games but I see a pretty decent amount of fanart for them despite that.
Release order :)
I'd say she is pretty popular especially since she's not in the main roster like alisa, Emma, Laura and etc.
That's the main complaint for kuro 2, shit story and retarded death scenes, if it was just a game about spriggans and swin/nadia going for another adventure or try to counter grendel zolga it would be a way more satisfying experience, character banters in kuro 2 are still good, but when it comes to the story they always shart themselves.
1, Origin, or 8
Towa and Crow actually have some chemistry together unlike Kurt and Juna.
I started with 8 and then played every single game except V in the order of timeline ys origins, I and II, celceta, oath in felghana, 6, 7 and 9.
With Ys, your best starting points are 1, Ark, or 8, though you can start most places. With Ys I'd only suggest leaving Seven until after Ark, and leaving 9 after you've played 1-8 because it has a buttload of references to other Ys games even if it's not really plot required to know them.
Thin Mishy is the perfect allegory for how Daybreak ruined the franchise.
One person with a lot of time or money = a lot of faarts
It's nice to see that everyone loves Daybreak
I'm playing Ys V PS2 version and holy shit is hot garbage. No map, annoying escort sections, garbage music because its not made by falcom, confusing dungeons where everything looks the same.
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>muzzie moment
>14 and legal
I can only respect that.
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Great art
Clearly not.
Whatever you want to believe
Plot not moving forward is a problem for the 12th game. It's late, the plot should be moving faster, not slower.
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cute and canon
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Whatever you want to believe
Tell me how I know you've never played the tournament side episode without telling me.
remove swin and nadia
they are far worse than the stupid time rewind
shit characters
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My beliefs are fact.
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Considering the two of them were almost always together throughout CS2 (the moment you get them at Legram and the part where you're required to have Laura in your party for the 3 shrines because of the Legram sidequest and Emma's required for the shrines period), I'm surprised nothing came out of it afterwards with Laura and Fie going back to their post-CS1 moments where they're always together.

You're quoting CS4 stuff while Duvalie going back to Ouroboros is over at Reverie's tournament episode.
nobody dies
Kondo wants to remake ys 5 one day, but he still didn't decide if the next ys game will be a sequel of 9 or remake of 5.
Isn't this wrong though? Guys are so much more than just a pair of tits
Altina cute wife
gayest take this thread
the hag tits ruined her
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Defined collarbones are pretty hot desu
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Like Rixia and Heiyue
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Rixia is understandable since she can't resist the allure of Cao. Duvalie on the other hand has no reason to ever be with Ouroboros after CS4.
Roselia and Lianne are friends
Emma and Laura are supposed to be friend too but CS is all about Rean and they transformed Laura into a playable NPC in CS3/4
I get the feeling we'll get Ys V remake before Ys XI.
It's not like she joined them permanently, she already explained that Calvard is still important to her and she has close friends that she wants to protect (even if the rivalry/friendship with Judith felt extremely forced).
Why not join Judith and the Spriggans then?
In the interview he said that he wants to make ys game with a more mature Adol like in IX, but they only started the pre-planning of the next game.
Let's be honest, Duvalie ended up grabbing most of what Laura's plot should have been like with the entire Lianne subplot. Coupled with Vic being alive anyway instead of her getting to inherit the Arseid sword and Laura was essentially picking up scraps at this point. Same honestly with Towa because Angelica turned out to not die, and Alfin because of Olivert and let's be honest, Olivert barely has anything to do other than giving you a ship in CS4 which anyone else could have done. And also somehow just fulfill a ship with Olivert-Schera even though they weren't that romantically involved that much in Sky for the most part.
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Because she already worked with Heiyue and despite not liking the way the do things anymore, she probably feels more comfortable being there, probably Cao has reassured her that he won't make any unnecessary requests to her. Rixia does know Van, but it's not like they are close and Judith basically does things her own way, until she joined Van.
thanks for the answers, I'll dive into it once college starts
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Don't worry, Quatre, every anon here would stare in amazement at Van's ripped upper body.
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Better to help Heiyue than a shaddy merc, a child soldier, a spoiled rich girl, and Aaron.
I wonder why Rean gets so much shit when Laura is the epitome of nothing besides the gap moe (which is pretty cute) that doesn't make up for a lack of a goal, character or personality. most glaring issues would have to be
>Victor not dying after his "revival" and she thus will continue to play second fiddle as she'd never be able to fight him at full power
>anything to do with Lianna got hijacked by the characters you mentioned
>not even a Lianne-Laura, Dreichels-Rean and Roselia-Emma were drawn between the 3
Na-chan is so incredibly cute
Kuro is the game with the worst use of returning characters. Fie's presence in Calvard is linked to Aida and Feri plot and yet their entire arc happens before Fie appears. It's Walter who helps the Spriggans here, but he has no relevance whatsoever to Feri and Aida's arc Fie could have been a mentor for Feri but the game doesn't do anything with that and at most there is some dialogue between them. Fie is introduced in chapter 3 and this chapter is more focused on Judith. Wouldn't it make more sense to introduce Rixia here instead of Fie and build her relationship with Judith?
Laura isn't the protagonist of 6 games like Rean.
I want to kiss him so much.
This is literally what she says about them in the previous game, the attempts to call it not a retcon are just plain desperate.
In the end the parallel between Laura and Lianne is inexistent (more like Shion-Laura)
Lianne was supposed to be the perfect Laura’s antagonist but Falcom Storytelling is a mess
Lianne never wanted to fight or become a swordautist. She wanted to be just a normal woman and have Dreichels babies
Laura admiration for Lianne is interesting because it’s not the real Lianne
But Falcom did nothing with this
Not even Laura’s bonding has some relation with Lianne’s character
Even Emma’s character has more parallels with Lianne than Laura
should've also added that Kurt somehow literally is everything Laura is. he has an actual goal in, his sword autism doesn't dwarf his character arc, they address his own insecurities with how much expectations are tied to the name "Vander" and the final nail in the coffin has to be the fact that he ACTUALLY gets the family swords passed down his family with Victor still being in possession of the Arseid's. 1 single game and the Picnic Squad still had more characterization than she had in a whole 5 games
Don't forget he still has a hanging plot thread with Cedric
>actual goal in mind
Laura isn't annoying like the picnic squad though.
with that final scene in CS4 and being one of the worst offenders when it comes "le curse did it actually", I really do hope they further build on what we saw of him in CS3 without all the curse bullshit in 4.
Rean gets shit on mainly because the games really do hyper focus on him. But in all honesty, I think the bigger reason why Rean seems so hyper focused is that Falcom really doesn't know what to do with the other characters. CS1 alone had some potential where Rean wasn't even that much on the spotlight till like chapter 4 where they were trying to do the entire Jusis-Machias and Laura-Fie quarrel shit. Sure Rean ended up being the guy who had to make them get along with each other (sacrificed his body to make sure Jusis and Machias didn't get hurt and decided to kick himself out of the party after Laura and Fie couldn't cooperate). Otherwise though, they really don't know what else to do with them. Hell, Jusis got developed really well all things considering and he's not even the MC. It's the issue where they make it seem like the bonding events are where the character progression is instead of character enrichment. Jusis didn't need bonding events to develop himself after all and everyone here can tell what Jusis did throughout the games. Meanwhile, Elliot's plot was already over at the end of Act 1-1 CS2 when his dad said "yeah sure, be a musician my boy", Alisa wasn't that relevant post-Roer in CS2 and tried to make her get back in the spotlight in CS3 and 4 but didn't really do much because it was mostly the Reinford subplot and even then it was just mainly due to Sharon, Machias was horribly demoted post-CS1 that people here literally had to meme him as "The Gunlord" with the only minor good thing he got was bonding with Dudley in Reverie, Emma got cucked because Roselia, Vita, and Celine exist, Laura's essentially a playable NPC, Gaius' entire interest is in his backstory and lore but horrible presentation onscreen, and even Fie was just kinda there. It was a miracle Fie got a decent closure with Rutger even though Fie ended up being a playable character for 8 consecutive games. Even Sara feels like she's just there.
Chasing Cedric is like one of the first things he brings up in Reverie.
Will Gramheart do the honourable thing by dropping out of the Presidential race and endorsing Van Arkride?
1/3rd of 1 game at that
It's fine for some characters to be fairly static. Machias is a character that didn't really change after getting over the noble stuff in CS1, but I don't think he really needed to go through that much. Confronting the noble that abandoned his cousin was good enough.
To be fair, Swin and Nadia already had their story told as books, which somehow managed in the succeeding stories to expand on their lore. Probably the biggest reason why detractors are pissed off at SuNa is because they didn't get their wish for Toval and Ein in general other than a manga side story. Or any of the other book characters.
The Republican candidate will drop out so that Rocksmith will make his grand return as the leader of the party.
>Emma got cucked because Roselia, Vita, and Celine exist
Emma did more than them for the plot and she has some development even without the bonding events
Nah, it's Elie's dad who's taking over
Here's my issue with that statement: we don't know if any of those "memory" romance bonding events in CS4 are even canon (save probably Elise and only because she repaired Rean's CS3 clothes). We don't know if Rean got rape caved by Laura, we don't know if Musse kissed Rean at the beach, we don't know Cedric and Alfin had their private talk, we don't know if Emma actually dove into Rean's consciousness, we don't know if Rean smoked Rutger's cigar after Fie offered it, we don't know if Rean visited Col. Valestein's grave with Sara, we don't know if Juna confessed to Rean after the tennis match, we don't know if Altina went to Ymir by her lonesome requiring Rean to go rescue her and then later on going to the Black Workshop again with George, Randy, Duvalie, and a few others who I forgot, and we don't know if Rean and Towa visited the crash site over at Nord where Towa's parents died. None of these ever get brought up in Reverie. Hell, the ones that got brought up and still referenced are Kurt's bonding events where he inherits Roland's swords, Elliot because when you meet up with him at Reverie, they acknowledge his bonding event in CS4, and Jusis' ancestral sword considering Rufus has Ishnard.
The famous reductionism. Whenever they talk about class 7 they need to try to point out how useless everyone is in an extremely reductionist way.
Emma did so much for the plot.
She taught Rean how to use the Divine Knight. Oh wait no, that's Celine.
She told them about the spirit shrines in CS2. Oh wait no, that's Celine.
She infodumped vital lore about the rivalries and DK system. Oh wait no, that's Vita.
She gave Rean an accessory to keep the curse at bay. Oh wait no, that's Celine.
She teleported everyone into the Black Workshop to save Rean. Oh wait no, that was Eryn Village including Vita, Celine and Roselia.
At least she protected Class VII from McBurn's second smoke?
Cold Shit apologists are on drugs.
So as far I can see, there are basically two parties in Calvard
Republican Party
Patriot League
Do they have any communist, socialist or liberal parties?
Vita wasn't at Eryn anon when they went to the Black Workshop the first time. Admittedly enough, I guess Emma's gotten stronger as a fire extinguisher for McBurn? I do get that she did get stronger as a way to catch up to Vita from her development in CS2 but otherwise, nothing ultimately comes out of it is the issue I have with Emma past that. Vita still essentially is part of Ouroboros and isn't coming back to the village either way.
We don’t know who went with Lloyd for the Auction or who accompanied Estelle in SC or which Almata member survived
It’s a game with choices since the start. Rean’s romantic life is not even relevant for the plot. The bonding events is more about the characters than the plot. There’s a reason why Class 7 is probably the most popular cast.
Emma should come back in Kai to be Agnes' mentor and observe Van and Aaron's peculiar conditions. She's wasted on Rean.
>we don't know if any of those "memory" romance bonding events in CS4 are even canon
Of course they are. The romance part of them is only included if you saw the previous heart bonding event as far as I recall. You don't have to get people confessing in the second event. The non-canon parts are the confessions.
And outside your fanfic, Emma would orbit the black hole known as Rean just like Crow, Towa, Altina, Fie, and Shizuna are doing.
There's the Marx posters you can occasionally see.
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Pretty sure NuC7 girls have 3 heart bonding events while Old C7 girls have 2 heart bonding events anon.

>Rean’s romantic life is not even relevant for the plot.
I wholeheartedly agree. Despite people hating on harem in general, people do love to ship. Hell, it's the reason why everyone wants to push the Crow-Towa narrative in Kai right now because people believe that Crow-Towa is a much better ship than being a part of Rean's harem. Even though realistically, Crow and Towa only interact with each other with what, 10-15 times at most? And most of those being in CS1?
>Vita wasn't at Eryn anon when they went to the Black Workshop the first time.
I guess, but the point is pretty clear even if it was just Roselia.
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fuck off reanspic, after she mogs him she'll come back to Ban San
I barely remember anything about cold shit considering the garbage writing and one dimensional boring characters, but "muh development" lol, lmao even.
>She taught Rean how to use the Divine Knight. Oh wait no, that's Celine.
Headcanon. The divine knight/awakener link is intuitive. Celine just gave him some lore info during CS1 ending.

Emma’s entire character arc is about how she was in the shadows about everything and how weak she was.
Since the start she used her magic to help the party. She healed Rean during Bareahard field study. She opened the door to the swear. She used her magic to help Alisa’s arrow in Nord. She did all of this in the shadows in CS1 because it’s her character arc. But CS2 onwards she learned to accept her nature and find her own path. She used her magic to help the party so many time in important moments. She teleport the party so many times. Without her magic everyone would be death during Gral events. She gave first aid and probably saved the Emperor’s life in CS3. It’s thanks to her that we had the “everyone’s here” moment.
Exposition is not character development or relevance but at least she was the first to give some hints about the true nature of Zemuria’s Beyond
Pretty sure Rean was the first one to even mention anything like that after he realized that McBurn wasn't even from Zemuria. Emma and Alisa later on just gave the exposition afterwards.
>Pretty sure NuC7 girls have 3 heart bonding events
IIRC, not all of theirs are heart bonding events. But regardless of the number, it's the same thing. The actual bonding event where they confess have variations where they don't as far as I remember.
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>She gave Rean an accessory to keep the curse at bay. Oh wait no, that's Celine.
Well she created the pendant and it only works thanks her magic
I guess Gaius as well was part of that exposition monologue.
She mentioned the Outside world way before the battle against McBurn. If you talk to her before McBurn’s fight she even mentions his “alien flames”
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Peak womanly sexual appeal
Celine guided Rean through using Valimar and the limitations behind Valimar. CS2's intro is her telling a pissed off Rean exactly what's happening with Valimar and to avoid straining Valimar so much as his awakener as well as giving him lore about the DKs.
>She healed Rean during Bareahard field study. She opened the door to the swear. She used her magic to help Alisa’s arrow in Nord.
All to hint at a reveal that was cucked from her.
>She teleport the party so many times
Then just give Rean and co. teleportation artifacts and nothing would be lost.
>probably saved the Emperor’s life in CS3.
Headcanon. Never hinted at.
>Exposition is not character development or relevance but at least she was the first to give some hints about the true nature of Zemuria’s Beyond
Could have just been handled entirely by Gaius.
Rixia dance battle vs Illya only worked because Emma’s magic was there to counter the Curse

Emma also saved everyone (except Rufus) from Bab-Retibutive Tower

Also she created the platform to fight against Ishmelga with Tio’s help
Just seems like a whole lot of plot conveniences that normally wouldn't be addressed were given to Emma to make it seem like she actually did anything.
So Emma is just a teleporter and nothing else? She's even more useless than I thought
The dance battle is quite possibly the most cringe fucking thing ever in Kiseki and I hate that they revisit that shit in Kuro 1.
Not JUST a teleporter. There's at least something to be said for her ability to keep McBurn of all things at bay.
If Emma never changed her behavior and just run away like she wanted so nothing of this would’ve happened. At least not this way. But... but other characters could- that’s bullshit. Every character can substitute anyone in a ficcional story. It’s all about WHO did it not who could do it. I am just mentioning what she did during Reverie ending. Far more relevant than 95% of the cast
And now we have masked villains in kai. Bravo Kondo.
>There's at least something to be said for her ability to keep McBurn of all things at bay.
It's just something they made up to make it seem like she was doing anything. Even Victor's lung cancer was ultimately a pointless plot detail that stopped affecting him in CS4 onwards.
>If Emma never changed her behavior and just run away like she wanted so nothing of this would’ve happened.
Another character would have done it, so Emma's contributions are worthless.
I love how Rocksmith was called a conservative despite every single thing that we know about his platforms being leftwing.
Despite the names of the parties, the Republicans are pretty much RL Democrats and the Patriot League are pretty much RL Republicans.
Both of which love open borders.
Her magic can counter McBurn flames because it’s related to the Septerrions of Aidios. McBurn’s flames and Septerrion power cancel each other. The Oz sword destroyed McBurn’s barrier because it’s related to the Earth Septerrion. Emma’s powers is linked to the fire Septerrion.
Fun fact: Emma’s Luminary Force can absorb every McBurn Skill except his attack with the divergent laws sword. Divergent Law sword can cancel the Septerrion power too. (It’s just a Physical Damage but let’s pretend it’s a cool detail)
>Another character would have done it
You need to use headcanon and possibilities against facts
Every witch related character can do what she does. Even musse was stealing her thunder kek
Lloyd kept McBurn at bay so that means nothing.
It's an ultimately worthless detail that was created in an attempt to give her some failed relevance.
Everything in Cold Steel was meticulously planned by a bunch of parties. One of them would have teleported them out. Even Osborne if he had to.
Simulacrum can’t replicate the power of the Beyond. Simulacrum McBurn’s flames is just normal flames.
Man, people were complaining about how much of a spotlight stealer Rean was and then it turned into "Emma is very important to the plot and therefore should have a spotlight on her dammit".

If only her magic can either block a sword strike from Zoa Gilstein in chapter 3 or failing that, make sure that the crash landing was smooth unlike say, Roselia for the Courageous II and Zeit for the Merkabah 8.
You would think in that scene, Alisa would have asked McBurn on why he's fighting them again after he mentioned about going on a soul searching mission instead of the party finding out that simulacrum McBurn was a fake all along. Even the other two routes figured out that their respective opponents (Arios and Emperor) were fakes easily.

You guys are pathetic and knows nothing about basic storytelling
IF a character can do something and don’t do it then he never did anything
What IF Osborne plans already included Emma’s presence there and that’s why he acted in that specific way?
>What IF Osborne plans already included Emma’s presence there and that’s why he acted in that specific way?
He would have. But if Emma wasn't there, he would have just introduced another way to get them out of there.
Built for nakadashi
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All aspects of (Me)
All characters in fiction can be replaced. It makes no sense to say that “another character could have done this” when that applies to literally every character in the franchise.
Will someone or something need to teleport the characters? That’s Emma
Will someone or something pilot Valimar? That’s Rean
Like he said: Why are we talking about Emma when there’s at least 10 other Class 7 characters with less contribution to the plot?
What will you do when Kiseki isn't connected to Nayuta after all?
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I demand he commits seppuku
In Class VII Alisa, Laura, Fie, Machias, Jusis, Sara, Crow and Millium all have stronger connections to the plot than Emma.
sex with agnes risette elaine and judith at the same time. No Feri. because she is less than zero when it comes to sex appeal
Yes, but the point is it makes no sense to say "Rean is super important to the story because he pilots Valimar" because literally anyone could be written to pilot him.
This is the same as arguing that Agnes is important because she holds the Genesis.
Ys VIII, Brights, Nadia, Risette or Alisa next OP?
Sorry dude emma is useless
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Make it a Hummel OP.
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