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big titty silver hair edition

Previous Thread: >>486709345

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>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

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Yeah, if you blanket MTL it you'll probably break a bunch of functions and shit
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
bazed won big
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Having attempted to MTL some game files before, that's exactly what happened.
If it's a game I've fallen in love with, sure, maybe I'll put forth the effort, or if I'm doing it for a certain crowd who would really appreciate it as a service to them.
But for a one off thing? MUCH simpler to just use textractor or sugoi. Or, at least, it should be simple to use sugoi but I've somehow bricked it from working ever again on my machine despite reinstalls so lmao.
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Alice and Lyfe are playing divegrass now.
Nakadashi idolge
There are some techlets out there who can't even use something simple like textractor.
Obviously if the game is good like anything from Bakery I would translate it properly, but that's simply a higher time investment.
That all said, when the text files are so scattered everywhere to the extent that half or more of the time is spent on just locating them in the files, at that point there's no reason to MTL when you can just translate it properly.
fixed up mtls are commendable
>isn't good
>ruins the chances of a real translation being done
Fuck off.
i want beat my dick but there are no new good games to play
>ruins the chances of a real translation being done
Imagine being this much of a baseless delusional doomer.
>isn't good
doesn't matter, if you don't like it's not for you
>ruins the chances of a real translation being done
if your first point is true then there's no reason to scrap translating a ge
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Has this been leaked anywhere yet?
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File deleted.
I don't like this fumika
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Granblue Fantasyge
If you can use MTL in a way that no one notices then sure, but most people call their shit "edited MTL" because they are aware it's shit and lack the ability to fix it.
Need corruptionge with Narmaya as the MC
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This makes me curious what will happen to Shirabe.
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I only play lolige!
i just notice that the motive you have 2 externMessage is so you can create custom H scenes using the heroines by editing the empty cells in the xlsx file, the dev even puts a nuch of txt walkthrough inside the おまけ on how to do it
any hgames like the eromazun doujins where you're a bunch of pissed off kidnappers and go to schools to hold it hostage for ransom before inevitably having your way with most of the girls and sneaking a few of them out back?
tell me the last good lolige you played
>see nice looking game
>download it
>open it
>no sex stat screen
cumming to numbers is severely autistic
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Get a load of the low numbers guy.
I don't see any eromazun doujins like that though?
a cool concept but i think that the guy is severely overestimating the kind of people that play this kind of h ge
I searched for "tentacles" on sadpanda today to find some new ge.
There were roughly 4000 if not more. The VAST majority of those are, of course, untranslated.
The older ones in the gallery are from 2009, which is probably when the site sprang up in the first place. It's been 15 years since then, where are the proper translations?
I've seen this argument made time and time again but never once have I seen a translator go "you know, I was in the middle of doing this but since someone got some machine to do it instead I'll just bounce and work on something else lol".
I HAVE however seen a game get a MTL, a few months later the translator finishes his fan translation, and the MTL gets taken down / replaced with the proper one.

To be clear, I'm actually not a fan of MTLs for most of the same reasons you are (presumably), but that specific argument point is shit.
[Eromazun (Ma-Kurou)] Saint Helena Gakuen 2 ~ Terrorist ni Senkyosareta Jogakuen de Rape Matsuri!~ | Saint Helena Academy 2 ~A School Occupied by Terrorists Becomes a Rape Festival!
the three saint helena gakuen ones, super hot scenes
Play HERge
>ruins the chances of a real translation being done
tranny talking point that isn't set in reality. Mind telling me when someone would make a translation of a 5-10 year old doujin and coveniently get sniped by an mtler?
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>new onna
>many modern "women" these days are just trans who had a sex change
The state of this era.
>tranny talking point that isn't set in reality.
I can name one time an MTL'd game ever got a re-TL that wasn't done by a company selling the TL for money.
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Okay, so I don't really know any games like that where you're playing the part of rapists occupying a school. I do know of a game where a school is occupied by delinquent students that take terrorize the school and sexually harass the female students, but it's FemC
that doesn't answer the tranny talking point, Their argument is peopel aren't goign to tl a doujin now that its got an mtl. Ignoring that so many of them are 5-10 year + old doujins. Games are different because they're on a larger scale a doujin doesn't take anywhere as much effort to translate.
Did you know that chastity belts were never a thing? Just a myth.
I took it as an onahole joke.
The problem is that you have no idea if a game that got MTL'd would have been translated eventually had it not gotten one without some translator going "hahaha FUCK. Guess I'll dip LMAOOOOO".
It's a belief that exists entirely inside your head.

So let me put the ball in your court for a second. At what point in time can you expect if a game never got translated, it's not going to?
If the answer is "never" then you're advocating for no attempts made on the mere chance that some kind soul will save you from your refusal to exert any effort at all, be it learning the language or MTLing it.
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Play Ino's game.
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impregnating these two cheeky sluts
I assume you refer to Oukas game.
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Anon stop replying to him, everyone knows MTL is garbage these are people that just want to shit up the thread with pointless arguments
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>Ignoring that so many of them are 5-10 year + old doujins.
It's weird to think that there was a time where doujins would just get out and out rewrites instead of translations. Like not even pretending to follow the script or suffer from a bad translation, making it up entirely from the beginning.
Coincided with the era of anime-original endings.
No real substance to add to your argument it just reminded me of a few I've read.
>At what point in time can you expect if a game never got translated, it's not going to?
I don't have to. Part of the "appeal" of MTLs is that faggots like you MTL them on day-one. The timeframe you're asking for literally can't exist anymore.
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>not young araka blob
It's over
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but the h scenes are the best par of the game...
There's at least two of us arguing in favor, though this will be my last response on the matter.
Yeah I agree it's trash but its better than nothing.
Once a game / doujin reaches a certain age I think it's fair to say it's not going to receive any additional attention. As long as it's marked "MTL" then anyone who enjoys it enough still has the possibility of going "no this needs a proper one".
were they that common? i saw the rewrite tag a few times on sad panda never really bothered to check the original but they seemed kinda rare to me.
>but its better than nothing.
Incorrect. It dissuades fan translators from making a fan tl. It's worse than nothing.
>anyone who enjoys it enough still has the possibility of going "no this needs a proper one".
I've seen fuckers get banned from F95 for suggesting that, retard. Gigafaggots like you then jump in saying "Nahh, dazed is good enough! Mods, ban him!"

No, they never were. Rewrites are extremely rare and always have been.
mtl is god and you will worship it as god. If you refuse you will be confined to a prison and used as a human sperm bank before inevitably being converted to food for other sperm banks for the machine overlords
how do I answer never
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uuuhm, how many more games would get translations if MTL wasn't a thing? At least I can at least imagine a better money incentive being in place but I don't see every new games that comes out get a translation after 2-3 years to give a general frame, if most games are not getting translations ever anyways what's the huge deal about it?
No, I'm not advocating for mtls
No, I don't care if you don't like em
Sidestepping the question is not answering the question. Begone dumkopf.

>I've seen fuckers get banned from F95 for suggesting that, retard.
What kind of obscure appeal to authority is this? Who the fuck cares what fag95 says or does? They also ban loli and shota content yet that's 1/3 of the games talked about here.

As stated earlier I don't support games being MTL'd day 1 (in large part because those who do so often also provide the game free and take away potential sales from the dev) but older games? Absolutely.
Gorilla sempai...
Isn't that weg
>Incorrect. It dissuades fan translators from making a fan tl. It's worse than nothing.
objectively wrong for doujins because fan translations don't exist. Tranny arguments all around fag95 ban this cunt. Ignores that some super old doujins are never translated, ignores that modern games with mtl get retranslated if they're ever sold anyways.
Hell you're even ignoring that alot of "official" translations nowadays are literally dev implemented mtl.
>Sidestepping the question is not answering the question.
Your question is about an impossible hypothetical.
The answer doesn't matter, and no matter what I say, you'll change goalposts.
>What kind of obscure appeal to authority is this?
Funfact: I actually cut "lmao appeal to majority" out of my last post, but jesus fucking christ you're a retard. That's not an appeal to authority, either. It's stating the fact that F95 defends its MTLers and actively prevents retranslations.
>Who the fuck cares what fag95 says or does?
You do. It's where you post your MTLs, because nobody here certainly likes them.
>As stated earlier I don't support games being MTL'd day 1
Yes you do. Your literal first sentence in this post said "nuh uh, doesn't count, answer an impossible question!!"
End your life.
A lot of "translations" is rewrite tier. It's just that nobody can read Japanese there.
19 with a escort while i was serving in the army and it was nothing more that peer pressure and wanting to fit in on the "cool" non v club
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Fantls have been dead for years, all our ges come from kagura now and they do translate ges that have mtls so the argument is stupid
Go back to sleep Polca, the children are arguing again
man that artstyle is so lazy
What the fuck is this ESL post supposed to be? It's like you tried to greentext, but wrote it on your phone so it came out as "normal" sentences.
I'll assume it's an average MTL and tell you to go back to F95.
NTA but you're a retard
>someone will bring back and properly translate a game from a decade ago for no monetary reimbursement and mtl stop that
nice appeal to impossibilities
>You do. It's where you post your MTLs, because nobody here certainly likes them.
You were mtled at birth and no one likes you dumbass.
I'm gonna sick demonbro on you fags. He needs some more broodmares.
kekeke trannyslator get btfo no one wants your "official trannyslations", maybe you should stop being a retard anon
>nice appeal to impossibilities
Your argument is already based on impossible hypotheticals you brought up.
>You were mtled at birth and no one likes you dumbass.
Weird, that means I get front page on F95 and the mods ban anyone that tries to replace me. Sounds like I'm liked by third worlders such as yourself.
You are ge.
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>machines cannot translate text well yet
>wanting better quality is somehow "tranny"
These are the faggots who support MTLs?
This is the MTL audience?
Alexa mtl all the 4chan posts above mine from eng to jp and then back to eng and read it to me
You basically share my viewpoint.
The other guy will say just repeat "it reduces chances that they get a translation", despite years later no translation magically pops up out of the ground like a slow growing plant.

>objectively wrong for doujins because fan translations don't exist.
Anon... what?

>Hell you're even ignoring that alot of "official" translations nowadays are literally dev implemented mtl.
This is a good point actually. While plot heavy ones like what Kagura tends to do are good for an official translation, if a dev does MTL then it's somewhat obvious he has no plans to ever do / collaborate / give the rights to an official one.
I'd actually cross the aisle and share the anti-MTL schizo's point here though in that if the dev himself does a MTL, it's very likely no fan translation will happen.
File deleted.
any "fan" who won't translate something just because they'll get less internet points for it now isn't the type of "fan" you want translating anyway
>It's a belief that exists entirely inside your head.
I'm a translator and I've been put off taking up projects because someone released an MTL version and no one seemed to care.
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Male nipples!? AHHHH
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Cute male nipples.
I would rather a guy finish a TL that's decent quality, than some other faggot machine TL'ing a game poorly as a rushjob for his patreon and then defending it on 4chan as if it was proper english.
>>Your argument is already based on impossible hypotheticals you brought up.
>someone will translate a 10 year old doujin one day but now they won't because you mtled it
Ok go get anal raped anon you're so stupid you should be in a TS sex slave game. Where you get disposed of and thrown to gang rape parties in the far east
>Sounds like I'm liked by third worlders such as yourself.
america is a third world turd compared to the rest of the civilized world anon.
>Ok go get anal raped anon you're so stupid you should be in a TS sex slave game. Where you get disposed of and thrown to gang rape parties in the far east
nta but I want to be this anon
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You are a bitter savage jealous of me
>america is a third world turd compared to the rest of the civilized world anon.
third worldies keep saying this but do they actually believe it lol
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DAZED's MTL have been unironically fine
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Contribute to eraMegaten.
Hate Versa blob
mtl eramegaten
you think a third world cutie would be on 4chan speaking english? Americans have a bloated view of themselves, you're only right behind chinese/korean locust tourists in terms of being hated world wide. All the greatest fetishes in the world were created by non americans.
For fun I decided to do this.
Your post as you wrote it would be, according to deepl:
>Alexa mtl's the 4chan post above my post from eng to jp and back to eng and reads it to me.

the acronyms stay and don't translate because deepl has no idea wtf "mtl", "4chan", or 'eng" is.
So if you unabbreviate all of them it would be:
>Alexa machine translates all the 4chan posts above mine from English to Japanese, then reads them back into English.

The problem here being "garbage input -> garbage output". Your post lacks structure and punctuation.

If your post was instead input as:
>Alexa, machine-translate all of the 4chan posts above mine from english to japanese, then back to english, and read it to me.
You would get:
>Alexa, machine translate the entire 4chan post above mine, from English to Japanese and back to English again, and read it to me.

It makes me wonder how "good" native JP affects the product from "bad" native JP.
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I will not
Computer, generate a good blob for me.
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>the ESL's flailing has turned into cries of trannies, anal rape, and gang rape
Poor Araka blob surrounded by mtl-supporting tentacles
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>hates America
>uses American technology to access American websites and constantly discusses America
I love the mental disconnect you people have.
I liked hag Araka's art and design a lot more, it's very clean.
An Englishman invented the internet and 4chan is owned by a jap living in France.
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i don't know if anyone can help me here but i'm trying to play amayui labyrinth meister and i keep getting this weird intermittent display issue where the screen randomly starts flickering between normal and slightly darker if that makes sense
i was going to go through the start up settings menu again to check through what was in there but i can't even find a way to do that anymore
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Make love, not war.
No one seemed to care about the MTL? Your meaning isn't entirely clear. Was this a game that you were working on, or didn't even start before the MTL got pushed out?
I want to ask what game but that's not really necessary. If it was a new / day one affair, then F. If it was old, well, you took too long. "This game was released 11 years ago but I was getting around to it I swear!" Surely you agree that this would be silly.

Still though, fan translations are necessarily done for the passion of it. I don't necessarily see how that's really affected by outside factors. I could maybe see motivation waning because "what's the point", but if you hold that MTLs aren't good translations (and I would agree), then the original motivation of "this game still doesn't have a (good) translation" would hold, would it not?
Shut up retard, we're talking about America now.
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If fumika was released today she'd be an mtl. Fumika 2 will be mtled, you will soon join us anon.
It's 99% not this, but when this happened to me w/ a different game, it was actually my power supply unit either failing or being only halfway plugged in and the computer settings being to brighten the display when it's plugged in == darkening when it loses charge.
Even official translations are MTL
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americans and eurofags are only good as sex slaves. they shouldn't be allowed freedom because all they do is ruin and destroy.
Did dazed wonned?
his patreon and github are dead, so no
RJ364010 got a steam release yesterday
What happened to his git?
>github is dead
He moved to gitgud.
>MTL bad because what if a trannylator wants to translate it someday(never happens)
I dont think hypotheticals are worth considering at any point so MTL good in this case.
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>DQ ge with 3.69 rating RJ083724
>Release date: Sep/20/2011
>official translation just came out RJ01225983
but why?
mtl bad because they're machine translated, which means they don't understand nuance or the language, which means the translations themselves aren't really translations
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Fuck this guy, his Frostia translation patch was ass. He will never be bazed.
I mean you fags watch anime too, right? There's a reason crunchyshit has a monopoly despite being objectively dogshit. It's because most people settle for and accept that level of dogshit. That's what happens when you have no standards. Literally a 1:1 comparison for mtlshit for eroge.
I'm tired of this MTL talk going in circles
Post soundposts
People always complain about elitism and then quality goes down.
>reee stamdards
the reason we have piracy sites still ongoing is because people aren't cucks like you "oh its gotta be good and official otherwise its bad" don't like a sub find another. don't kill people for bad translations. But no you're a fucking cuck who wants to ruin the hobby please just fucking die.
trannyslator are rewriting dialogue, and lets not pretend nuance is so hard to grasp. Mtl is already used in official translations whether you like it or not
She was raped repeatedly by them after all.
free fan translations were never sustainable.
Fuck off already.
Not watching flavor of the month normie deershit so my seasonal subs are pretty good, sucks for them though
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You fucked up the name dumbass
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screech more tranny, people liek you are the reason crunchyroll is allowed to destroy our hobby. I hope you get anal raped with a carrot then thrown to a trannylator's sex dungeon to become their onahole
>don't like a sub find another.
that's the point, they don't exist
fansubs are fucking dead, no one bothers because the official hidive / crunchyroll ones are "good enough"
Who said anything about official? You can't even string two pieces of logic together to create an argument. It's no wonder you enjoy MTL.
>don't kill people for bad translations
Is this some kind of MTL babble that you believe passes off as English? I bet if we split your head it would look like swiss cheese.
Name a single fan translator that's actually like that.
I can only think of Emerald Gladiator, who is known for adding his own OCs to his edited MTLs.
please forgive am retard
There has never been a single downside to gatekeeping in practice.

You're the one killing the hobby by allowing shit eaters to make a quick buck by running a script through MTL and sell it to retards who don't know any better. Manuel from the phillipines doesn't care about you or your hobby. He's trying to make enough money online so he doesn't have to sift through garbage to eat the rest of the week.

They were sufficient for the time. Waiting a week or more for a reasonable TL was the norm and it gave incentives for people within the medium to contribute to it in a meaningful way by picking up a series that may have been skipped over prior.
I don't understand. Settling implies that there is an opportunity cost or that they are mutual exclusive, and the situations being industries aren't really similar. Game devs aren't signing exclusive contracts with MTL services. MTL being less prominent wouldn't make fan translations more common or make the broke-ass doujin eroge community more willing to commission them. If anything, paid translations are more common now than ever. We even have some larger devs doing simultaneous launches of English and Nip versions.
if mtl is so fucking good go mtl me bunny black 3 right now i'll take anything at this point
back in the day it was because there was no market for it, so fans HAD to do it
now people get fucking paid for it so why do it for free? and why put in the effort when the masses will settle for the the bare minimum?
we have significantly less fansub groups than we did 15 years ago
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I came to this thread for games, not to watch ESLs defend their broken MTLs
The closest I could think of was that one guy who sat on the Lilim Union TL for like a decade. Don't even remember his name.
That comic strip more accurately fits MTLs than TLs.
This is a fag95 general, and has been for a few years. Enjoy!
>he says, while posting kusogomi
Looks cool. What does the mod include? Is the mod in english only?
How come AI dialogue and voices are so realistic nowadays, but MTL translations are still shit? And where's all the voiced JP dialogue? You'd think we'd have a ton of these games voiced by now. They could even add voices to old games, there's no time limit/expiration date.
DIY or make a request at Sugoi Translations.
It's a weekend, all the students are at home shitposting
MTL translations CAN be good depending on the two languages.
JP and ENGs syntax is really different so it gets weird.
It usually isn't this bad, I haven't seen an MTL defense squad this loud for months
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>since it looks like suba abandoned it
Check his post history. He abandons not just the translation but the site itself for a year before someone decides to jump on it.
I'm one of the anons saying "I haven't seen a single translator abandon a project because of it", and credit to you you did find one.
I get that IRL stuff happens and sometimes you get dragged away, it's happened to me. But by all evidence he abandoned it first, and then the MTL happened.
>came to this thread for games
Your first mistake.
Fag95ers FEAR the cunny.
Post cunny.
Has anyone AI-remastered Ruins of Luxoria's art yet?
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It will never not amuse me how alarmist and extreme with very little some of you guys can be. Thankfully it's all entirely inconsequential (which only furthers the amusement).
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AItls (real ones, not dlsite's "AI") are fine as long as it's not a plotge or comedyge to be desu
Yeah, that's about right. Sounds like Dazed.
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yea because you fuckers are killing fan subbers for wanting to impose some nonsensical standards. MUH it's not good enough just kys why are you even bothering its worst then crcunyorolls.
Anyone try RJ01143103 yet?
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You think Polca woke up that morning feeling super refreshed?
But once you have all the rules ironed out, shouldn't it be easy for the machine to figure out? Especially if it's machine-learning.
>its worst then crcunyorolls.
bro you don't even know english
what a loser argument come back when you have a brain.
>reee don't let anyone translate a game unless they do a proper translation for free because what if someone wastes months of their time in secret to translate a game.
>meanwhile official translation groups are using mtl
Ya go just fuck off you fucking loser. You literally have no braincells or common sense
>Waiting a week or more for a reasonable TL was the norm and it gave incentives for people within the medium to contribute to it in a meaningful way by picking up a series that may have been skipped over prior.
>waiting a week or more was the norm
>it gave them incentives
What incentives exist then that don't now?
"Clout" is not an acceptable answer.
(I'm actually unaware of the finer nuances of sub groups back in the day so this is halfway an earnest question, I really don't know)

I will add, separate, that I do miss the early internet energy where people did things for the fun of it, as opposed to now where half of the things are done for financial incentives.

They work off of entirely different data. Voice is just sounds, it doesn't need to be "coherent" / understanding of its outputs. Basically think of a literal parrot. They've been reproducing voices for millennia without any understanding of it. There's also less dimensions voice needs to work with, considering you write the script and it matches it exactly without needing to "interpret" it like it does for translations.
Japanese is a very vague language and depends on context a lot. It's the polar opposite of English
can't argue switch to grammar nazism, This is why our hobby is dying,
>Battle fuck
Good lord, anon. Seek Jesus.
Between free MTL, learning jap or consuming kagura shit(MTL that gets a pass because corporate shilled shit) I pick the free MTL, simple as that.
I defend MTL and I'm a translator
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I did, it's awful
weird variges
Kagura isn't MTL, they're just a collection of hired translators. Pray Game's MTL happened because an MTLer snuck onboard and look how everyone hated that
Not at all. In theory you can have "rules" for something like "polite language vs. casual language" for keigo differences, but it's unable to understand implications / certain contexts, like a boy responding to his mother "hai hai". It's technically "yes yes", but the lack of enthusiasm should be seen as "yeah yeah", which is very different. And then there's stuff like all the different variations of "daijoubu". I'm alright, it's okay, don't worry about it, etc. etc.
I've been one of the ones arguing that it's better than nothing, but it is incapable of being "good", just "serviceable". There's a soft ceiling on what it's capable of achieving even theoretically due to how context dependent JP is. You would need actual AI, or multiple iterations of neural nets far beyond what we have now, and the neural nets that we have now are already starting to reach their current limits (the text ones anyway, the visual and sound ones still have quite some room to grow).
Literally every MTL is trash and useless (textractor + deepL gives a way better quality) except for Dazed ones which are sometimes better than manual TLs somehow.
Everything else is irredeemable trash.
Oh...I see.
that's what you want us to think fox
nice try dazed you're never getting your patreon back
How is deepl not MTL?
Also in my textractor experience google seems to be better than deepl as of a couple of months ago.
Interesting. Thought it would be more straight forward at first.
What's the veredict?
Trying to figure out if she's sad/disappointed or smug
This type of game looks like so much work to play.
The issue is that quality will only continue to drop when there are no standards to control it. MTL is already shit tier and barely makes sense to native english speakers. Once you are willing to accept such bad quality, let alone pay for it, nobody will bother to try to make it better because there is no incentive. If the consumer wants quick and sloppy that's what the supplier will provide, aka manuel. But let's say for example you're tired of manuel and want something better. Well too bad because it's no longer worth it for anyone to spend the time to make a good product, because they'll just get sniped by manuel somewhere in the process. It's a race to the bottom where both sides lose; the supplier because there's no profit to be had, and the consumer since they can't get a quality product.

>no argument
Manuel, please learn english before posting on this website.

>What incentives exist then that don't now?
It was a mix of for and not for profit. Early days were about genuine hobbyists trying to make the medium more available. Somewhere in the middle it was about clout and advanced shitposting, then it kind of devolved into ad/donation revenue. There were various amounts of bitching and complaining throughout the years also which definitely contributed to the degradation of the whole thing. There's a lot of finer details but it's hard to explain, you really just had to be there.
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The Yamasade are land crab creature that live in mountains and valleys.
An old legend has it that they have eight legs on each side and two large feet, can crawl sideways freely, and have both eyes pointing to the sky, so you need to be careful of their powerful claw strikes and quick legs.
However, their protruding compound eyes do not have very good eyesight.
Among the kamiges.
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I need to find a download link first
>screams about mtl being bad
>wants people to work for free to translate a niche hobby while doing nothing yourself
There's a term for you its called parasite, the hobby would be thriving more without POS like you. Also TLDR you're retard so who the fuck is gonna read your shit.
The best kind of game.
Man, the only historical quality control for fansubs was the element of competition and being made fun of.
There's one right over at steam though?
Post hand grifter.
Good times...good times...
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Are the fights normally on that scale? Looks kino.
It’s in the blob bin.
>Not rpgmaker
MTL hookbros....
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Why did she do it?
>Early days were about genuine hobbyists trying to make the medium more available.
Arguably today is the result of their success.
I appreciate what they've done but it couldn't have lasted forever. Much like the cowboys of the wild west or the samural of the sengoku period.
That's very standard SRPG studio fare. Slave Princess Charlotte looked exactly the same and that came out something like 5-10 years ago. Like that's default stuff or close to it.
Sounds like I need to play more SRPG studio games then.
shut up toothpaste
Today is the result of normalfags invading and third world manuels and seaapes trying to make a quick buck, basically the result of failing at properly gate keeping.
>still no Yarisutemuesubuta
>3d rpg
is this that fable tile 3d version of RPGM that no one ever uses?
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What's your favorite ending to a ge you've played? Preferably recently so you have a better memory of it, but anything that's just 10/10 regardless of the game's overall quality.

QRoss' RJ242203 has two endings, one normal one lewd. The normal one is nothing special, magical girl returns from dungeon and returns to her normal life though finding out the book she was wanting to read has been classified as forbidden material and confiscated, F. The lewd one has Alty finish up the dungeon exploration, return to the guild out of the reach of the monsters to make her report to the guildmaster. She then returns to the dungeon in secret, away from her familiar, to have lots of sex with the tentacle monsters (with the last piece of dialogue mentioning the new life growing within her).
Something about breaking free from all the troubles and terrors, and then willing going back for more / not being trapped so forced to cope with pleasure is great.
From what's been described, it sounds more like the failing of a lot of long-standing hobbies in modern times: Way too many contributors leaving and way too few leeches failing to to step up and replace them.
That's way too specific with too many conditions, anon. Why not just "favourite hgame ending"?
Lack of gatekeeping is a common trend with nearly every hobby. It's a lesson learned too late.
lol, individuals without power cant gatekeep, only pretend they do
Anything big or interesting in the last 2 months?
You can't gatekeep anime you fucking retards, the only reason anime wasn't getting enough translations is because japs are too stupid to market it to the west and needed streaming services to get good enough to make it feasible. The same continues to happen with doujins.
Does she even get a consultation prize in the normal ending? Seems like a dick move.
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thats a cute magical girl but sounding incredibly dull writing
shame, also dumb that this is best ending you could come up with

for me, it was no doubt pic related's vanilla route the custom girl
also I remember that Kunoichi Karin, despite not great, had several unique endings with the males of town, which as a neat touch
wdym we need to gatekeep anime by sending death threats to subbers who aren't up to crunchyroll's standards. how else are we going to have good localizations.
Played a lot of this a while ago. Solid and very impressive for their first game. Way too easy for an SRPG and the two main girls are completely fucking busted and can each solo half the map after a little. Amilia is great with by far the best scenes (should’ve gotten more focus as opposed to Nina).
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I only said recently so you can give a better rundown of it. If it sticks in your mind a year or three later then by all means.
I've played a good number of games and many of them simply had an adequate ending. There's a reason I said "favorite ending" and not "favorite game". E.g. I really liked Rain's Rave, but its ending was essentially "good job on beating the final boss, you have some free time until we need you next" and then it's just open world. Very realistic in a way for working for a group / guild, but not a very good ending.
if only rarara was still alive, mtl could've saved him, he'd make a gorilliondollars on steam become a millionaire and spend the rest of his life creating autistic based sandbox games. oh woe mtl why couldn't you of come sooner.
>seems like a dick move
The game started off with her wanting to read the book but it's always rented out again when she's off on a mission so she never got to read it. It's a nice bit of characterization that has otherwise nothing to do with the plot. So to have the ending reference that thing that only happened in the beginning was a reiteration of "returning to the status quo". A neat weird thing to include, though yeah obviously the lewd ending is leagues better.

>dull writing
You can only have so much when the entire game is meant to be a 3-4 hour affair to be fair.
As far as your pick, despite it being a KISS game I've never heard of it. Do you pick their personalities as well or just the appearance?
please buy the actual game if u played it mtled to support the developper n.n!
Stopped reading at ge
this thread should be written entirely in mtl
Bold of you to assume the manuels aren't using it to post already.
I still need to play rains rave. I moved it up my backlog recently.
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As usual, manuel wins once again
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This but unironically.
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rape rape rape! gimme goddamn male mc rape games
*rapes you*
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>translate english into ape noises
What did he mean by this?
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Give me male mc vanilla games, preferably with JCs.
Only if you blob doko.
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the game is actually shit
>90 uninspired scenes
>1 lewd point per scene
>no skip button
>1 NPC gives 3 scenes that are just slight variations of the base one
worst of all, the dev knew how much of a slog it is and added the all unlock from the beginning, just make CG sets at this point
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you won't do shit!!!
FINALLY, a new fucking blob.
Olivia blob doko?
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I made several blobs in the past two weeks, but you hated them.
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An Isabelle blob was made a few days ago
Non-H-game blobs are not real blobs
>Do you pick their personalities as well or just the appearance?
humm yeah, actually I'm not sure, because the other games for sure have different personalities
as for this one I think the only difference is between body type, because personality wise, its fairly tied on the game lore
Arisudev is gonna release another new book at Comiket. pic unrelated https://litter.catbox.moe/p1hbl9.png
While I appreciated our cultural exchange with the snowfriends I undeestand it was a bit controversial.
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americans made it into manga
Make a Lira and Helvetica blob or I'll kill you
I am legally compelled to give each and every single new blob that meets Blob Corp's specifications a minimum of 1 (You).
If your blob(s) did not meet those specifications, too bad.
Hunmph... Dont get conceited!

I shall perform the public solo cock tease and surpass you!
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I did my best!
if it's so shit why does it have such a high rating?
monster girl quest paradox rpg
soulful interactions and plotge, NOT for gooners like me
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Don't recognize the name, which game is she from?
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you want blobs? i got some
>the blob mob
Well yeah, I can't imagine it has much in the way of homosexual scenes for you to jam shit up your ass to.
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wait I recognize those blobs..
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Wait a minute. This is the same blob.
You're tryna trick me!!
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you can't just recolor konko blob and call it a new blob
save us blobcorp
those are the akagi, musashi, shinano, amagi and kaga blobs, in order
checkmate atheist
>gacha blobs
needed tits
We’re experiencing blobflation due to a sudden influx of blobs. The value of all blobs are falling at a dramatic rate.
>/vn/ and /haniho/ still don't have a single blob
>filename doesn't have name
false blob
Dekoko blob when?
i just have filename randomization always turned on
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>The most powerful h heroine
>No blob
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Real blob?
fake blob
>MC loses to bull dick
Guess I should have expected it given the dev.
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>look at md5
>all capitalized
fake blobs, you're an embarrassment
Ino blob save us...
you shouldn't blob characters that doesn't have h-stats
Games with tea kettle sex?
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This Olivia. The lolibaba who canonically cucks her daughter.
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take a break, a long one
>28 year old women becomes paralyzed from the scalp downwards
>they shove her into a robot body designed to look 14
>give her a miniskirt
>shove a second brain in, too, fuck it
Games for this feel? Closest I can think of is Hasumi.
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play vanillage
>be me
>out of shape old ojiisan
>can feel a noticeable difference when I fap or not now in terms of energy, vitality, etc.
This is the sole thing that makes me care about my ever looming mortality. It really makes you appreciate how much sex is really meant for the baby making. Fap once or twice and have much less energy or don't fap and feel "normal"...

Anyway, erection inability is caused by primarily one of three things.
1) psychological block, i.e. trauma, stress, anxiety, etc.
2) being out of shape / circulation problems
3) nitric oxide availability in the body (serves as a vasodilator). This is largely a diet thing outside of rare disorders, though you can immediately force it via cialis or viagra or the like. Focus on foods with L-arginine and L-citrulline, like watermelon.
Also weirdly enough don't use mouthwash. It kills bacteria in your mouth that help NO production.
Is Leane 1 worth playing or should I just skip to Leane 2?
>there are several blobs in the archive that have never been posted here
>the chinks know of our blobs and will be manufacturing counterfeit blobs any day now
Truly the world has been set on fire.
fuck off gachanigger
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I haven't played 1 but Leane 2 seems way better than 1 judging from the previews. Just skip to 2 since the story isn't really connected. You can go back to 1 if you liked 2.
Nobody cares.
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>Nothing worth playing since Newona
>It wasn't even good
1 is pretty eh. 2 has better characters/story/scenes. (Especially the 2 girls who don't lose to the cock.) They aren't connected at all, so I'd just skip right to 2, then you can go back to 1 later if you feel like it.
I'm having fun with it.
early august anon, make it til the new moralistkino
I care.
What's their next game again?
the aphrodisiac injection one
i'm interested since it has a body modification tag as well
Taiwan is legitimate Japanese clay.
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Any slave games where the slave is used goods? For example, the slave has been used by previous owners or trained by the slave trader before meeting the MC.
Something like Teaching Feeling except what she went through was sexual instead of just physical.
Going through my backlog and throwing games out. Are the 7th Door games any fun? To play or fap to, either or.
Now that the dust settled, why did midwona flop?
Yes but you need maps from the dev's cien to keep your sanity
Still no upload so I can't tell you
I remember the guy that translated 2 said he wasn't going to bother with 1 because 2 is just the same game but way better, so it's probably not worth playing unless you want more of a similar game
Rio supremacy?
Does Rarara Thief Girl game RaraRule? Or RaraDrool
Leane 2 suffers a bit of sequelitis. While gameplay is much better. In terms of NTR/story Leane 1 is a bit better. The unavoidable NTR prologue and with only 4 main heroine and one NTR guy the story is more focus and NTR stronger. Leane 2 just doubles everything but also lessens impact. Initial NTR can be avoidable. It double the number of main heroine, 4 NTR guys 1 King and 3 Arab guys. Too much quantity increase make you care less about girls.
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have you played my game yet...?
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Needed more content imo
Debating keeping your game. Nuked Acerola, BBQ, Gaptax, OneOne1, Enokippu, and InstantFlowlighter whole folders. Sell me on yours before I nuke it.
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Everyone has, lil' Porker. No need to cry.
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I haven't played NG+
Overrated visual novel with shit hentai and no gameplay gimmicks beyond generic turn based shit. tldr its garbage and the shills get the rope
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when is luna's game getting a translation
every ci-en update the dev just says "yup it's coming along"
We like Clymenia here.
the flan should've been a disguised ballgag.
How important is writing in your enjoyment of H-games, relative to the art / gameplay / etc?
The way the scenario writing is set up comes first, then the art if there's any, and last is the dialogue writing
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i like to connect with the story and characters first
Good writing can make up for bad art. Good art can't quite make up for bad writing.
I consider gameplay a separate category completely.
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very minimal. I have never enjoyed a game specifically because of the writing but I think it can add to the experience.
Depends on the style of gameplay.
A game like Moral Sword Asagi or an ACT doesn't need great writing, they rely on the gameplay to deliver lewdness.
So far, Tina looks like bad art Makina. Does it have better scenarios or gameplay to put it over Makina? Or should I ditch it now.
It's more degenerate overall.
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If an H-game excels in one aspect then I'll probably like it. Good characters is mandatory though.
If a game has excellent gameplay like Ayura Crisis, then it's good.
If a game has excellent writing/plot like Demons Roots, then it's good.
If a game has excellent ero like Noelle, then it's good.
If a game has excellent humor like Reincarnated as an Orc, then it's good.
If a game can combine those aspects, then it's good.
Ah, appreciate your answer Anon.
Where does Princess Go Round fit
Good ero and humor
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What is the best 2d hentai game of all time?
Completely irrelevant. I end up reading like 40% of the dialog and just use a walk through to get through the game
Was it that funny? I can't even remember, it's been forever since I played it. Heroine didn't seem that funny.
>What is the best 2d hentai game of all time?
full metal daemon muramasa
killing bad
rape good?
Coomers aren't known for their good taste or high standards for a reason
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Are there games where girls get jealous of other girls? Bonus points if it's harem and both girls are in it.
I've become more and more appreciative of slow-burn corruptionge. Honestly really weird. You'd think that as time goes on, you'd want FASTER corruption as you grow bored of long-winded games, but I can actually only tolerate SLOW corruption nowadays. Zeven was unironically peak corruption, I just didn't realize it until now.
You finally understand.
"Oops, penis suddenly went in vagina" is so boring. Gimme smooth-talking, groping, kissing, etc.
Zeven was bloatware.
Zeven’s corruption fucking sucks ass. She willingly gets naked for the shop keeper literally right after the tutorial.
most human translated games seem to be at dazed gpt-4 level anyways ... the mtl messes up some pronouns compared to human tl at worst, otherwise I barely notice the game the difference
About 5 years ago, one of you fags told me about /ftt/ in /trash/ just because I said I liked the vibe of this general
Fuck you, dude, I had the worst period of my life so far thanks to you, holy jesus
lol you fucking homo
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Anon is called /thrash/ for a reason. What were you expecting?
While I did enjoy Zeven, I don't think it's peak corruption. The scenes are gated in parts where they do the same scenes again and again but in different context each time until you get to the next phase. I appreciate the variety but it still feels a bit monotonous.
Peak corruption for me is something like scalegarden games where they slowly start from stripping, to groping, to kissing, BJs, etc. They then switch up those different actions again and again but with different levels of intensity. The flow feels more natural and the scenes are more varied.
That's some grudge alright
bros...the sex pokemon ge...
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Is this ge any good?
which one? there's two ntr ones, a fat bastard one, two wolf rpg ones, and some scattered *egs
>sex pokemon
that's just monster girl quest paradox rpg
that's femdom dragon quest
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strip and rapeges?
the recently translated one
that'd be the fat bastard one, I see. what about it? The man is very fat.
You wish I was homo
If only you knew the shit I went through, i met one really evil girl there (biofemale), and I fell in love with her, TWICE
Fucked me up really good
Anyone have the official DLC TL of Yarimon?
actually made for lovey dovey vanilla
We should start numbering the generals
I like her expression, like 'what is this weak ass shit'
Delete rararaniggerrrrrrrr
why? unlike other threads we have constant new releases so there's always something new to discuss (even if 90% of the posters just post the same shit in every thread)
She's a hag now and the stupid loser from the first game still didn't impregnate her
if he even still can
I bet her body can only give birth to monsters now, gigigi
Is it worth to play?
We should start numbering the blobs
She looks nonplussed by her predicament.
trying to have lovey dovey sex with araka but she just feels like it's a chore and you can really tell ;_;
I haven't heard of it and if I haven't heard of it then that means it's shit.
she is
once she realizes the protagonist is caught too she casually rips the tentacles apart, since she considered it a training opportunity for her.
Incorporate a massage as well, then you can massage outside and inside.
girls that get deflowered by horses?
Did Araka's boyfriend drop her like a hot iron when he found out her sex count
Tentacles are bros why would you do that
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That's hot. Any other games with that?
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haven't used this gen since 2015, what good corruption/ntr games with galleries have come out since then? did haru uru baishin ever get a full translation?
Go play Rashe's game.
Now you must pay in rimjobs if you want to get spoonfed.
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You just need advanced pyschometry that lets you both relive the horrors she went through.
It's still lovey dovey vanilla because it's with her lover!
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Too bad he's dead
What is up with her weird elf ear when she's leaning over the table?
I was really disappointed that the whole actual game ended up taking part in the one otherworld. Having some interludes to interact with the side characters and have them comment on how far the demonbro has got with you would've made it a lot better.
Plus I kinda like the setting itself, with the occult horrors being somewhat well known and just another aspect of life to deal with.
That's just the perspective. Her ears are a bit pointy.
Just call it the product of generations of biologically enforced eugenics.
Where is her blob?
Should I buy the new nyuuge?
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She got one ages ago.
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That's not perspective, anon. He just fucked up.
It should end at the green line.
what the fuck you just cut off half her ear
Imagine this game but all the scenes in blob form.
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any upcoming pixelge?
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rape scenes with feet?
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Why was this deleted? It was clearly SFW.
Yes, and share it with the family
grim reaper rapege doko...
Araka killed it, sorry.
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No wonder artists are getting replaced by AI.
yeah, it felt pretty short for how much set up there was. The actual game part barely has any story at all.
RJ01143953 is all loli rape but has a decent amount of foot focus
She used it as a test. This ararararakachan is strong...
I need airandou to make a loli game so badly.
Give her blob bigger ears NOW
any good ntrpgmaker games where you play as a male protagonist and can stumble across the heroine cheating on you, like shonen yuusha ken, a gentle girl and a short escape, ntrpg, etc, come out recently?
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>instantly loses to the next enemy
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We'll never get another game like this again...
pants off moment
I want this kind of message in non Hgames with no elaboration.
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I want no-warning random rape in non Hgames with no elaboration.
osake riesz my beloved
So you have to type out commands to get the most out of Rarara Luna's combat system?
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Canela's game was too floaty, wasn't able to play it long before dropping it.
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Too ugly.
Doppleganger Light and Shadow was loli feet rape
>feet rape
I can't even imagine, how does this work?
feet can't consent, so all foot stuff is rape
>Rice and curry for 100 yen
More arousing than the rest of the image.
I wouldn't normally ask this here, but Haitenai is apparently the most indie fucking porn game of all time.

Is Excalibur obtainable before the point of no return? I mostly want to get it for flavor purposes to fight the demon lord, but I can't find the damn thing for the life of me and guides flat just don't seem to exist on the internet for this game.
5 seconds in google
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Haitenai was kinda bad. Any actually good harem adventure games? When will the mecha harem Doubles Cores game get TL'd?
Enatus Radi was ok
I dropped it early. The girls were too slutty iirc and the sex scenes were too abrupt.
I'll have to wait f95 manuels to upload the game and then I'll tell you.
I don't buy games I haven't played.
DeepL is MTL but if you translate every sentence on its own it's much much better than putting all the game text into MTOOL and click translate like the standard MTL retards do.
>Way too easy for an SRPG and the two main girls are completely fucking busted and can each solo half the map after a little.
Disappointing, Otaku Plan also released RJ303146 which had the same problem of being way too easy
I want a difficult hentai Fire Emblem ge
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>I want a difficuly hentai ge
holy cringe, just play some real games instead of Hgames then
Doesn't it have hard mode or something?
just read a doujin or a VN instead of playing a h-GAME if you don't want gameplay
I like to have both at the same time. You'll understand eventually.
I loved the main heroine's goofy faces
>reading comprehension: nihil
I never said about not wanting gameplay, it just doesn't need to be needlessly hard as to waste people's time
I still want to have both. You might say I want the dark souls of h-games.
there's no difference between soloing maps with a juggernaut unit in a poorly made h-SRPG versus not even having gameplay at all
Mercenary's Adventure is the highest form. The dev is working on a new game too. Maybe you'll like Gran Ende II. Remains Rebirth is okay, maybe you'd like that one. A new harem game is by Akari blast, but it has a second dude amongst the harem
Minimize my use of the two main girls in combat, got it.
Shadow Garden bros, how are we holding up?
Your leader went Atomic
Gameplay is merely a tool for me to make the porn in h-games more immersive.
Quick time events to pace the tentacles
And then he came back, always trust the plan
It's up on the 'yuu
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Gorilla senpai...
Gorilla cards really are the easiest way to exorcise spirits, especially early on when it's harder to do combos with the other types.
Reminds me of an old ass /fit/ screencap about suplexing a ghost or some shit.
Bitch ass ghost can only spook you. It's too weak to throw hands.
DLC when? There's still like 50+ cards I haven't discovered after 13 hours of playing.
I really hope it gets some. The gameplay is great and I'd kill for some more scenes. Or at least a sequel using the same system.
does the newona game have any mob cgs like the ayaka game had?
No. It's mostly CGs and the occasional short chibi thing of the MC, two vanilla scenes of araka plus one short tentacle scene of her plus a couple scenes with the MC's sister and him are it for other characters.
Immoralistfags really do try hard to shill their 19 CGs game huh
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Her demon guardian enforces monogamy I'm afraid. He won't tolerate her cheating on him.
shame i was hopping we'd have some mob victim girls cg like in the ayaka game where they get violated by monsters because you weren't there to help
yeah, gameplay is king
Holy fucking retard talking about wasting time when he himself plays h-games and posts on this general. Go look at CG sets you fucking ADHD zoomie tiktok brainrot faggot.
People posting here used to be smart.
Did RJ265004 ever get a translation, even an mtl?
playing Hgames on hard mode IS wasting time you mongoloid retardfuck, there will not be a single Hgame with mindblowing gameplay EVER which makes hard mode a slog to go through.
And you have no idea who the fuck I am. I am the realest badass around, nobody counters my opinion.
Know this song?
It's about me. It was made to honor me. You bitch. Watch your tone.
Black Souls.
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It was decent, but the ending fell off HARD. It basically didn't even have one.

How early, because the sex scenes don't even start until a fair bit into the game.

Pic related
I dropped it when I got to the loli's scene. she was way too easy and I didn't like it.
I apologize my good sir, but you must have played at least one game with 10/10 gameplay.
have you tried google
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A true follower of the gorilla path of exorcism.
coward's treasure had super good gameplay shame the dev is dead after they had a new leader who decided to publish a game with 0 advertising.
Why did they take down pregnant Konoha from steam?
man for some reason after the prologue i get a black screen and game just doesn't do anything, anyone know why/got a fix?
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Today we have
>kuro shitting out a pig,
>shiro giving a footjob
We already have difficult games at >>>/a/269010494
>ge is hard but uninteresting to play through = ez skip
simple as
ETA on the game's release? WaWa1 makles em somewhat quickly right?
Does Wanwanwan ever died in the middle of devving a game? I can't recall any, based work ethics
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Any other farming lolige?
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My estimate would be around May 2025, based on their averaged development speed. Although it's hard to say because they haven't announced anything regarding the size and scale of their upcoming game.
There's no guarantee it wouldn't be another overhyped small side project like eclipse witch.
I only play Wanwanwan games when I have nothing else to play.
>overhyped small side project like eclipse witch
Really hoping they don't go down that route, i mean the fact we're getting 2 femcs is a good sign right?
>small side project like eclipse witch
what the fuck, how is that many CGs and overall playtime a small project?
based 111, the masters of the trade.
Eclipse witch was lowkey a scam.
When they did SV it has 4 playable female protags. So when they spend 50% of their cien posts talking about side girls in the witchgame people thought it's gonna be the same.
Then the witch game came out and turns out it's just a single femc 70 cg "small" game. Most of the side chicks only get 2 CGs if any.
Pretty much this, i remember finishing up SV and was ready for witchge to be of similar scope but got pretty disappointed. Also i don't know if it's just me but their newer games feels alot "cleaner" than their older ones. Guessing it's just unity being unity.
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>Slave Princess Knight Leila anon
Hey anon, maintainer of the defloration rape masterlist here. Sorry for getting back to you just now and thanks a lot for being very detailed, very much appreciated. I just updated the entry with your info. I omitted some stuff that are only tangential to defloration rape, but I hope I did it justice. I also normally include only girls who have defloration rape scenes, so I'm not sure if I should be removing some of the girls when I get to replay the game as I do remember some of them being nonvirgins (could be mistaken though).
I'll also be doing an overhaul of the list the soonest I can get a vacation, so the less-than-ideal formatting and spacing will stay for quite some time.
Feel free to post more descriptions if you're still up for it.
>I'm not sure how you do virgin rating
It's in the note that you can open by hovering over the column header, but essentially it's:
>S: Personal go-to (likely slow burn + coercion or really great art/dialogue)
>A: Personally worth going back to
>B: At least one main girl has a defloration rape scene; at least one reference line from each side OR several defloration rape scenes to choose from
>C: At least one main girl has a defloration rape scene; one-liner reference OR D but with great art
>D: None of the main girls have defloration rape scenes, but at least one side girl has a nice defloration scene OR main girl has crappy defloration rape scene
>E: Scene itself has no reference to defloration, but is implied outside (e.g., status screen) OR only via a special effect (e.g., red screen flash without any textual reference) OR only a side girl has a defloration rape scene with the scene not being notable
I'll have a rating up for RJ01106652 once I get to play it a bit more and go through the scenes again.
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Yeah, just realized I shouldn't have pasted some stuff there.
scene viewer ge?
Anyone have the RJ for this?
>people thought it's gonna be the same.
Nah, they made pretty clear it was a single heroine ge and the others were side charas. Having wrong expectations is a (you) problem.
Except they spend 50% of their cien talking about side chick.
Why do that if they're only cutsce e NPCs with 2 scenes?
The posts are still there if you wanna check them yourself.
I always appreciate your autism friend.
this is the real bin
And 90% of the CG samples were about the single protagonist, kinda gives you an idea about what kind of content will be available in the final product.
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>Hey anon, maintainer of the defloration rape masterlist here.
Canon defloration rape masterlist? As in, fucked by fat homeless ojisans non-virgin true ending femc??
geniune question, what makes oneone1 one of the only devs that actually make a STRONG woman actually want the dick? Like the mcs can literally become insane sex addicted sluts WITHOUT ever losing a single battle
u-room evil hypnosis game - kidnapped and likely dead
yahoho - camera filming rape game- family has cancer, physically ill and needing a hiatus
dungeon and bride - kidnapped
why do all the most based devs end up dead or kidnapped?
Whatever make sense for you anon
I want Elinalise to take my virginity and then cuck me
>I always appreciate your autism friend.
We're all autistic here, but yeah, I know this makes me extra autistic. Wish more anons shared stuff like this and discuss more games though.
>fucked by fat homeless ojisans non-virgin true ending femc
I don't think I've encountered a game with a fat homeless ojisan as the deflowerer in the true end, but there definitely are a few in which there is no canon ending.
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>I don't think I've encountered a game with a fat homeless ojisan as the deflowerer in the true end, but there definitely are a few in which there is no canon ending.
Holy shit. Why is it so rare to find a game like that? Is it because it is too common in real life?
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I know this kind of questions are lazy but what's your favourite game centered around prostitution?
After Bifrost I'd be okay with single heroine RPGM stuff too
For some reason I can't play games if the developers aren't around anymore. Feels like masturbating in a graveyard. Who the fuck does the money even go to?
Finally cleared my backlog. Now what? Kinda feeling a sandboxge with a couple of main girls and a fair amount of side girls.
To their children obvi- ahahaha, sorry I couldn't finish that line
No worries, and thanks for the reply.
I'll post more descriptions in a day or two (today was zero sleep because yard guys are out at 0900 and I go to sleep at 0600 or 0700 because lol fucked schedule)
It's a little embarrassing seeing my words there, wasn't expecting that.

I've played Heroine's Chord, Anthesis, and Nebel Geisterjager recently so can add to those, and several others are on my to-play list.
Did they ever uncensor the tits on the girls in the EN release?
I remember the wolfgirl and I think oni were given implants because no flat chests allowed.
>finally cleared my backlog, now what?
Help virginrape anon detail his list. All the blank ones == new backlog for you.
I'm masturbating to the game and not to the dev, so I don't have a problem with this.
>Who the fuck does the money even go to?
Depending on how secretive the dev was with porn game related finances, either to their surviving family members or to a black hole.
Alternately: what money?
Should I play the previous game? This one looks super interesthing.
sauce please anonnn
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custom reido 2 probably even if i have to use a texthooker.
5 and fantasy are manueled though so you might like those more.
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Ririka's game.
>Perfect combination of gameplay and porn
>Lots of scenes
>Staple fetishes
check n
how about the soukentyaya games, first one has you leading an army of oji-sans across the world kidnapping and selling/pimping/impregnating lolis.
second one has you be an evil oji-san spirit helping out magical girls while setting them up to be impregnated.
The first game has you sending all the lolis to rape hell and treating the only non loli in the game as an old piggy hag.
>Homeless ojisan as deflowerer rapist
I've seen this more in doujinshi, but that's also cause there are much more of them than doujin games.
I don't think the ojisan in RJ335510 is fat or homeless, but might scratch your itch.
It's also been a very long time since I played shinachiku-castella's games, but I think RJ240023 might have this (I recall it not being rape though). I think their other games might have this, but if my memory serves me right, RJ269335 has no reference to the girl's defloration during the penetration scene.

No pressure, I don't mind if you post more weeks or months from now. Get some rest friend.
>several others are on my to-play list
The spreadsheet also has a sheet containing my backlog (over a thousand at the moment). Let me know if you've played games there that have defloration rape when you feel like it. No need to add descriptions, I just want to know which games I should prioritize playing. It sucks to try a game out, only to find out that the defloration scenes are consensual or the girls are nonvirgins (or that the dev doesn't care enough about virginity to mention anything about it).
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It's still a niche fetish and can kinda fall into the femdom terriority. Still rmb being kinda surprised that Annette was a gigaslut but still had a romance subplot. Hoping they bring back some of the charm of their older games.
What's her game called? Reverse image search is somehow still absolute fucking dogshit in the year 2024.
>Looks like Ressentiment's art
Try looking up Ressentiment's games on DLsite.
I tried playing like 3 of them and you quite literally HAD to lose battles to do slut routes
Which ones did the opposite?
skill issue
fuck you, I had to go through five pages to find her ge!!
Of course a newfag who doesn't know Ressentiment would use "ge".
forced impregnation games are so hot, especially when theres gameplay afterwards and not just tied to some bad end.
there are bunch of retarded posts that uses "game" as well, your point?
"ge" post = 99% shit/newfag
game post = 50% shit

Identifying newfags and tourists by their word choice has been a thing since forever. Sadly, retarded newfags who don't know shit started to increase a lot in the recent years. It's the great replacement.
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Gamege doko?
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Better to keep them saying ge for mental or automated filtering
Gamege is the correct one.
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you're such a weg newfag. ge is jap talk you're just a wannabe filthy american.
Shut the fuck up retards, and give me translated lolige instead.
>B-but muh rimjob
Get them from the weggers if you want it so badly
angry yapper larping as oldfag
"eroge" and "nukige" are jap words
"plotge" is a loanword from /vn/
Everything else is newfag shit
NTRge is /hgg2d/ official term
Can we talk about games instead? What's your favorite game with blackmail? I like slop like RJ208776.
No one says just "ge". Nips love to abbreviate spliced up words as abbreviations for things like ero - ge or dere sute. (im@s Cin dere ra sute ji)
One syllable abbreviations are rare because it would be confusing.
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>My childhood friend standing next to another man

for me, it's correcting and overwriting used-goods exclusively, both their wombs and hearts
virgins are overrated and uninteresting
please feed me gaems!
I use ge because it sounds nicer given the type of content we're talking about. Same reason I use anime instead of cartoon.
I recently played Qross' maid...ge. Standard "blackmail" affair, in that the girl needs money for her sick childhood friend / boyfriend and so got work as a maid. MC uses punishments to sexually train her.
I wouldn't call it my favorite as I've never really seen blackmail be utilized effectively.
This shit general desperately need a split. I'm tired of seeing cool games posted and then it turns out they're either not translated or they're MTLslop.
English translated only general when.
>Learn japanese
Yeah, I'm totally gonna spend 5 to 10 years learning a dead language.
The english only general will cry about not having games 95% of the time.
you can go to your puny weg only zone then population you. and everyone else will be here posting ges
The english only general will be 60% rootfag circle jerking
>English translated only general when.
Read the OP.
>Non-Japanese games: >>>/aco/weg/ or >>>/aco/weg2d/
You're not getting catered to any more than that.
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And 60% GLOOposting in the other
Are you both retarded? I don't want wegshit. I want japanese games translated into english.
Fucking braindead retards can't read.
>wants english translated non mtl hentai games
Yes i'd also like to find a unicorn that shits out gold bars that I can redeem to a fairy to grant my every wish.
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circus hours ahead
>ge complainers acting at SEAhours
We already know from last thread that the F95 faggot is from UK
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>wants english translated non mtl hentai games
Back in my day, that's all we had.
SEAhours is a long-standing tradition around here, regardless of one supposed Britbong.
Scatological Happening! Worst Schoolwide Food Poisoning Incident
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I don't like the inconsistencies of the art in lewd realm sacrifice. CGs sometimes are colored and some are black and white? Some CGs used are just plain awful deviantart-tier garbage.
Geme with psychological warfare between a genius fmc and the various people that want to rape her?
So yep, once again ESLPlan lives up to their name. RJ01006462's translation is trash...
Honestly, I get to wonder which of their releases or GPT MTL's the worst nowadays.
Both are terrible in a way, but there's something with extremely broken english that triggers me greatly even as an ESL myself.
>can't say ge
>can't say game
>can't say geme
What am I supposed to say THEN
Erotic interactive fiction for this sentiment?
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Is it really my fault when I asked my tsundere childhood friend out but she said no so I moved on with another girl
Futa games soon.
samefag I think
Sounds like slop, I like it. Thanks for sharing anonbro
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That's just for slavge
futa only if she is forced to mate with pigs
>English translated only general when
Why not start it and see if your idea has any traction? No balls to do it? Afraid of being even more of a failure and a disappointment than you already are? Shut the fuck up then.
Enjoy your drought of games, shitty EOP.
Don't do that while she's sleeping, it's rude
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Game is RJ01226550, but unfortunately no links yet
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lmao the language alone gatekeeps the general
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>Ret/a/rd posting the wrong FOTM
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Heh, cya later, noobs...
Thanks bro, was lookin for this since a few threads ago
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No problem brother I'm the one who post that a few threads ago and then left.
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Not so fast, bro
I hate open-face helmets that are not barbute or hoplite ones
smells like TURD
This "comedy" anime wasn't funny at all. It seems catered to brainrotten alpha gen kids or something. The humor they're shooting for doesn't make sense and is just annoying in general.
smells like TURD
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Cunny Minesweeper!
Naked Dogeza edition!
It's on a-s
wanwanwan needs to do proper monster corruption DAMN IT
game name?
thanks hermano
>3D shit
>He wasted 10 years of his life learning a literal dead language
>2D art
>2D scenes
If you're trying to be clever and referring to >>486981067 it's marked as 3D and the pic alone is also 3D. Where are these boogeymen gatekeepers when it comes to 3D? Very lacking, but somehow always up in arms when it comes to MTL and F95. Curious.
Fag95spics can't run 3D games.
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literally me
you look like you curbstomp nigger skulls and bury them in unmarked graves sir
Ignoring that the game has 2d art and 2d scenes, we've always tolerated a bit of 3d game discussion when they're good and the posters don't spam it too much. MTL and f95 discussions are gray areas where they're somewhat relevant but their discussions do get obnoxiously off-topic, especially when the retards come out. Also, wegshit is cancer and should be removed on sight.
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Good art, good story, good gameplay
You can only pick 2
Depends on the type of game. Next.
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I need more yuri exhibitionist games...
fusion of good art and good gameplay, because fusing eroticism into good gameplay is hard and only purple cop has done it
>good art, good story - VN
>good story, good gameplay - NTRge
>good gameplay, good art - Kamige
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>poorfag doesn't just pay for AI-powered chinktool
I play all the games I want, must be a sad existence waiting for some manuel to upload their shitty MTL on F95
>paying to let some chink put a buttcoin miner on your PC
lmao the absolute state of manuels
Add good h-scenes. There's an method to making good h-scenes. They differ in format, pre-dialogue, setup, actual dialogue, atmosphere, etc. Art can only carry h-scenes so far.
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If you really loved her you would rape her.
I wish Remtairy would move on from adding pube DLC and other useless shit to purple cop and start working on a new game already.
>good art, good story - Higurashi Switch version
>good story, good gameplay - Virtue's Last Reward
>good gameplay, good art- Danganronpa
If I just wanted art I would browse image sets.
If I just wanted art and story I would read doujins or VNs.
But there needs to be at least a small element of gameplay / choice. It doesn't even have to be good gameplay, just a simple choice to walk away and leave a girl to her tentacle fate can make for the right moment. (Fumika Fantasy scene). If everything's on rails then it may as well just be a VN.
>oh you beat a boss good job!
>ignore the fact that if you lost it'd be game over and you'd have to do it again until you get it right
We've heard your complaints good people at BasketWeaving Inc. and we're happy to announce new changes to our line up!
Based on supportive customer feedback, we've decided to push back new content to further refine and make better the customer experience for our current line up! We will be adding "arm pit hair" options! It's like pubes but for the upper body!
See you all in another year!!
>good everything - Blue Archive
Is there a limit to the number of a card you can put in a deck in newona? What's stopping me from farming up a ton of fast steps and a handful of nukes and just one turning every encounter?
There's nothing wrong with that sentence.
That is an improper sentence, anon.
>I love the way you aren't honest
>I love how you aren't honest
Are both appropriate instead. Trying a weird and unnecessary blend of the two does stink of ESL/MTL.
Ah fuck, I mentally corrected and deleted the 'how'. Now I can't unsee it
>There's nothing wrong with that sentence
...Anon, you should start reading actual books and other real stuff if your brain now autocorrect these kind of sentences into something correct.
im waiting anon
Don't let those guys tell you anything improve to yourself anon. You're perfefct the way you are. In fact any self improooovment would be killing the current you. Never change.
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Found out that RJ01072476 is getting a steam release and I saw that the CGs are fully animated. Was the dlsite version also animated or is it steam-exclusive?
Why do they insist on punishing us with a good time? This is why female MCs are stupid
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I don't even need gameplay in my games. I just need immersive worlds. RJ01084920 is one of my favorite games even if it's just basically a CG hunter. In the game you run around the mansion and look for events that will progress each girl's story. What's good about it is that the maids randomly appear in different locations in the mansion. You can talk to them and play repeatable h-scenes. It feels like an immersive world instead of just a ghost town in some of the usual CG hunters. It feels like they're actually there, in the mansion. It's not a CG hunter where you just go from point A to point B in empty maps. The art is pretty good too

I say this but I do still enjoy gameplay in my h-games but only a few devs make genuinely entertaining ones.
And it doesn't help that the vast majority of femc games fundamentally play the same.
>lose = sex
>you have to lose to see any scenes
Gets tiresome.
femc ges should be set on impossible difficulty by default, get her raped then it gets easier from there
Which of these two is it?
>lose battle = rape and respawn
>lose battle = rape, bad end, and booted back out to main menu

If it's the first, what game is this? I like this stuff.
>lose battle = rape, bad end, and booted back out to main menu

that samurai and princess game
I think almost every H-game with lose scenes just respawn you. The latter seems more rare to me.
>Immersive world
>Consensual Sex
>Lovey Dovey / Sweet Love
>Fucking shit
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It's out and holy fuck it's bad, an utter buggy mess with literally nothing to do but unlock shit CGs, which are laggy APNGs
I'll still play it. I play all h-games.
Imperial guard has whores in it but you can just rape women for free. That's what I've been doing and I still haven't gotten fired for it
I feel like OneOne1 games need to separate the slut route from evil route. Like in the Witch game, it was actually pretty cool that you could set the main girl to be a hyperslut from the getgo and even get scenes for it.
You can't even play it because the cafe minigame bugs out after the first time, luckily you can cheat money and just open the recollection room with it
It seemed like I would like this game but the contract she does with the black haired girl is too retarded and because of that I couldn't immerse with the rest of the game. But I liked the MC personality.
>set the main girl to be a hyperslut from the getgo and even get scenes for it.
literally no one asked for this though, also defeats the point of corruption
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Games with female nymphomaniacs? Bonus points if the MC is one
Just pretend that they live in a dystopian version of Japan where it makes sense.
>me, who grinds the beginner scenes to ramp up the points
I asked for it
I didn't ask for it, but it was a pleasant addition.
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I don't know what to play anymore...
>"Translation" that took one and a half years is basically Textractor tier
Another certified Otaku Plan classic.
Any turn based rpgs where you can cast mating press on enemies?
Karryn's Prison
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samurai vandalism and witchgame, newfag
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newona's ge
playing the old games and not knowing the new ones is not a newfag behavior
Did we always like wanwanwan here? I vaguely remember that every time they were mentioned it was just to shit on them. Not that anon btw, I have to always mention that now because our newfriends always assume it's just one guy.
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Man are they EVER going to release this fucking game.
I can't even remember how long ago it was announced but it must surely have been years, like 3 or 4.
And I do also remember everyone thinking it was gonna be a NEVER EVER, they sure proved us right.
>enjoying exploration and the gameplay in general where the hscenes become bothersome
This is like some elaborate high-tier rape.
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WANWANWAN has always been beloved here
111 is and has always been bottom of the barrel shit made for 2 digits IQ brainlets.
The only thing I feel playing their trash games is boredom.
Ever played Mage Kanades Futanari Dungeon Quest? I really liked the art in the webms and gifs of it I found
your starting limit is 20, and you can get some upgrades from the cleaners but I don't think you can farm them infinitely.
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i think wanwanwan SUCKS
I know wanx3 sucks.
What's next?
Super Mario RPG.
ROBF games
didn't asked
111 had prolapsed uterus, really ear splitting awful voice acting, and all sorts of gross shit and was heavily mocked for years.
Quit trying to revise history fag
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This guy
ok but im still not playing root and shitquel
>kami roots and GODquel out of nowhere
and motherless
the voices are talking to him again
except everyone liked that THOUGH
not to mention the fact that wanwanwan outsold every single competition on every release
>revise history
mirror, retard
>sequel and root sloppers
tranny hours I see
I am everyone
Catnigger still malding huh?
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I need good lolige... Please...
try posting some loli first. almost looks like you don't even know what it is
>have loli elf daughterwife
>sexually groom her
>cheat on her at every opportunity
What did MC mean by this
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found this hidden gemge
that's high value men behavior 101
make one girl you truly love fully dependent on you and can't live without you, after that go fuck some other women when you feel the need, your mainloyal girl will still love you all the same
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Bonding time with daughter and bonding time with girlfriends/fuck buddies are separate.
Imagine the blobjobs.
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Btw will there be a loli in Gran Ende IV?
no, just a midget in a china dress
It has like 30mins of gaameplay and 5 scenes sadly
Retarded Jigger.
I don't think she was even under 150cm. Also, her boobs are huge. And most importantly, her age is
post her
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The blonde ojousama exhibitionism game from last thread's OP
Most detailed and immersive RPG setting in h-games? If you say Sequel, your dick will rot tonight in your sleep.
monster girl quest
what the fuck is a bakinplayer
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sorry but it is what it is the sequel games
Pixel art mogs TBQH
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=wine "Path to/Game.exe"

Where does this go?

If I just delete this line and not worry about it, the game runs fine. But I want to start adding it to all JP games from now on. Putting it in a new line doesn't work (error in the terminal when it tries to open), nor does adding it to the Exec line even if I add sh and -c or -i to let it know it's a shell command.

However, if I create a new line 'Encoding=" and add UTF-8 to it, it will work. But if I try to replace UTF-8 with ja_JP.UTF-8 or LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 or or JP.UTF-8 or even just JP, it won't work again. If I open the terminal directly and enter LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 wine (path to game.exe) then it runs fine again.

The guides in the OP show how to do this running through the terminal directly, but they don't show how to set up desktop launchers for them, which seems like they might need a different set of commands. At this point I can just double-click the Game.exe and the game will run, but I want to add JP locale to it from now on so I need to know where the line LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 is supposed to go in the desktop launcher. Can't seem to find any tutorials on this. There's plenty that show you how to do it in the terminal itself, but not through desktop launchers/shortcuts.
If you want your .desktop file to set the LANG env variable to ja_JP.UTF-8 when launching wine, just change the exec line to:
Exec=env LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 wine "Path to/Game.exe"
I can't guarantee that your system has that locale properly generated or that your desktop launcher works properly though.
use LC_ALL=ja_JP.UTF8
it implies LANG
what's this gibberish, just open the exe and play
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>linux user trying to get a game to run dot jaypeg
They're a special kind of masochistic bunch.
Neat! Both of these work. Thanks anons.
Sorry, we're fresh out
>use bloatless windows
ez pz
man, I jerked off to the suffering writing more than the sex scenes
So the bin is abandoned and never getting updated again, right?
Blob bin just got updated.
Get seedin'
binanon binged his last chiling.
More like...trying to get a VX Ace game to run in fullscreen.
Solution: Leave the game windowed but turn on the zoom function in accessibility settings and use the shortcut keys to increase/decrease magnification until the height of the game's window reaches the top and bottom of your monitor. Hide any visible desktop icons/taskbar/panel and change your wallpaper to a solid black image/color. Enjoy your fullscreen VX Ace gaming experience!
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why can't we have games where girls are chained up and fed to slimes. you leave them there to be trained 2hours later they're pleading with you for help, 8 hours later they're mind broken, 24hours later the slime inflated their anus and they're choking on slime goo from their mouth.
48hours later they get super stretched and broken, you can take them out at anytime before threatening to throw them back in if they're disobedient. Meanwhile your other slaves are watching the whole progress and terrified
she looks like she's enjoying it
Miyu is for handholding and vanilla.
Miyu is my onahole.
Yuri isn't vanilla thoughever
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Not either of those anons but here you go, far left
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Game for this feel?
oh yeah it sure sounds like a swell time getting raped and forced to give birth to monsters 24/7 for years nonstop and not being able to die
I actually know her, anon
goddamn, she really is the best girl
I checked the ci-en and there's still no new images of her
Finished Newona, card tier list
>fast step
0 mana cantrip that also gives +1 mana, it's absurdly good. There is a reason most card games don't do zero resource cards.
Relic only, which is the only reason it's below fast step. Otherwise it's the same card but twice as effective. +2 cards and +2 mana makes it basically pot of greed.
1 mana to trade one card from your hand for one from the deck. Easily the best tutor in the game since it can search any card.
Discard the opponent's hand, deal damage for each card discarded. Usually won't do much damage and expensive to cast but it's essentially a turn skip. By the end game you have 7-8 mana per turn as a base so even on a shit hand it buys you free turns.
>strike of the sentient
10 damage for 7 mana, replaces itself with a boundary that gives you 2 extra mana per turn and can be burnt to draw a card.
>bonds thread
Searches green cards, lets you search your strikes. With how much they ramp you 8 mana between the two cards is totally doable once you get one off even in the mid game.
>refurbishment of the corpse
Grabs any card from your grave to hand for 1 mana, letting you recycle your important cards.
>finishing blow
3 mana for 6 damage, 4 cards, and burning any mana left over. Great when combined with your zero mana cards.
>pay to download a pirated version (rapidgator)
>pay to translate (1 word 1 dollar)
>pay to play (mtool supporter version)
the steps manuel has to take instead of just buying JOPge
>download game from AS
>multiple amazon purchases made
>$1200 mac drawpad
>$600 vidya projector
better watch out bros
>tfw only seen 3 of these cards
What the fuck Mounting sounds busted.
Ok, ge
Happy now?
fumika fantasy 2 better come out before those trash
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>the only game I can think of with an alternate ballroom dress is Agnis
It's crazy how rare this is.
games where you play as a woman luring shotas into various scenarios around town? away from school, into the onsen, to the bathroom while their parents aren't looking, etc.?
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None, and I'm upset.
>no games
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These 4 are pretty good too.
The pink 5 mana allows you to cast 1 card from enemy deck. Follow it up by swapping 1 hand card for 1 graveyard card every turn allows you to repeat that and makes most boss battles a breeze.
Green card costs 1 mana and recovers 9 mana and makes a 10 mana cost trash card which you can discard with the blue 3 mana card for 10 damage.
>true romance bundle
>curse of kubel
Tiheera is a good girl
looks like mezzo pumpkin is making a new NPC sex game
holy based
Seconded. The level of investment Torototo put in on world building reaches terminal levels of autism.
NPC games are a guilty pleasure of mine like a compulsion. I think I've played all of the ones on dlsite. Mezzo's are one of the better ones.
cute vampirege?
Samefag here, I remembered they have just 1 game, but they have douj that's with the same premise also worth a read.
This game was pretty good. Very easy but a good variety of scenes. It's a lot like Meltys Quest but more limited in scope. The best thing was Makina, she is a good competent character and it's fun to make her enjoy sex
t. noob to the genre
>art so shit it turns into arthouse kino of the highest order
>interesting plot, characters and scenes
>shit combat saved by a hella hot horny meter
RJ01088447 is fucking good, unironically.
uh-oh you're going to trigger the zoomer-lingo schizo again
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Forgot pic
there is good bad art and then there is simply bad art
"Hella" was already uncool in 1998, that's Gen X slang
>no ending with the shota who likes her

Missed opportunity. They even come from the same orphanage.
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You'll have to pay me to play it.
Go play other classics like Liz the Tower and the Grimoire and other Clymenia games, and Erina City of Machines too.
the first is black souls, the second is WEGshit
Erina sucked Imo. Game is extremely linear and the scenes aren't that good
>newfag says "game" instead of "ge"
The first is SHRIFT, the second is whatever your favorite game is that I don't like
>newfag says "ge" instead of "game"
I wish her ge wasn't such a slop
play princess go round next
so, who is ge?
It's not slop, but it's definitely wasted potential.
I would still rather play Enicia's game than most games that come through here, even the other non-slop ones. I think you might just not be a fan of semi-open sandbox corruption games.
>shark out of nowhere
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make a new bread now before i fucking make you bitch
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sharkslop no.1 problem is he can't draw good expressions
how is the bland looking Clymeme blonde princess seems way more interesting than shark's new MC
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wtf this isn't /gbfg/
I hope this turns out to be better than the first game. Man that game was such a loss of potential.
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you fucking
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Too big?
>Too big
no such thing
Alear is a pretty blatant ripoff of Fumika when you stop to think about it.
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anything can be a Fumika if you stop thinking hard enough
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this is true
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>RJ01101007 being good baited me
>played all of RG63990's stuff
I've been fooled.
Its not my girl, my girl smells of sunshine, not fish.
Nice try faggot.
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I like this ge, tons of sovl like flavor text for clicking on random items inside houses. Too bad the party size is so small though.
Is there any reason not to use the oneshot cheat move? I haven't used it since the one time it was forced so far.
Party size as in not pokemon creatures? Or you can have girls somehow? I know this is that one nyuu game right?

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