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Where the fuck are the teasers edition


Latest News:
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what build do I play if I love huge booba?
>reddit thread
Off to a good start.
SST bleed gladiator back?
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sometimes i drop a divine on the floor for the special sound
Reminder that slayer is better than glad at EVERYTHING because it gets permanent 48% ele damage reduction from Masterful Form.
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>sc trade
Specters. Raise an army of large breasted golden women.
All non-melee niggers must fucking HANG
Anyone with less than 8 endurance charges must fucking HANG
If you are relying on bleed damage SST glad is weaker. If you are just using it to proc bleed explosions then it's only a 3 notable ascendancy so it's kind of sucks either way.
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Can I get a QRD on how will the new currency exchange impact the prices of items?
Impale Double Strike Champion 1-2
Ranged Animate weapon Guardian 3-4
Tumult Ele hit Warden 5-6
Chieftain tectonic slam 7-8
Fucking boring ass jugg 9-10

I'm hoping for impale. lets do it
Everything cheaper
We need more details on how it works. If there are no limits on transactions or taxes, it's ripe for large scale market buyouts and manipulation.
Bowsissy AACK! festival starting in 6 days
Don't miss it
very expensive and unstable
the items you have a ton of but cant be bothered selling like chromes will be extremely cheap. like a few wisdom scrolls for each
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i do it to hear maven moan as shes the the custom sound of my loot filter
the opposite of u're mum lelelelele
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Jugg overall got nerfed but Endurance Charges are so fucking broken that he's instantly S-tier again lmao
Can't know until we know how hard the league feeds ressources. Still, seems to be a LOT of solid crafting options like recomb and Rog shit so basic crafting currency should be fine and well used.
Doesn't the currency exchange actually make "bubblegum currency" strategies way stronger? Since you don't need to waste autismal time trying to sell shit
I still don't understand how the market will work
how do I know what an orb is worth?
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>chromes will be worth wisdoms
are you dumb on purpose?
their drop rate makes that an impossibility
>take all tincture nodes on warden
>100% increased effect and ~1.5 seconds til mana burn and first 6 mana burn do nothing and CD is only a second or two after it burns all your mana away
The mods on these gotta be sick or tinctures are fucking garbage after day 2 of league when you milk them for free 100-200% increased damage.

Prices on rare, meta scarabs/fragments/currency will be extremely volatile because streamerman will have his guild buy out the market repeatedly. You will see a lot of shenanigans and flippers. Reddit and /pooegg/ will freak.
i guess it was meant to be. Now to decide between crit or Precise Technique
Those things being easier to trade means more people will be selling them means their value will be lower
Why the fuck is everyone hopping on Warden's dick?
>trash defensive option, no speed
>tinctures are garbage
Yeah, the entire ascendancy is picked just for +1 max endurance charge. Absolutely insane. Hiero is the same deal and would be SSS+ tier if it weren't for the blanket spell nerfs.
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Rollan for ssf
1-2 phantasms
3-4 Hexblast
5-6 Archmage
7-8 ele hit
9-0 ele reave
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I made two trees for Slamming, one Chieftain and one Berserker

>Lower damage (by about half)
>Twice as much EHP
>Requires pianoing warcries, but gets huge buffs because of them
>Tons of regen thanks to 100% uptime on enduring cry
>85-90% max all res
>Higher armor
>Endurance charges always up
>Less exerted attacks
>Slower in general because of no rage AS
>Generates rage via warcries and attacks

>Twice as much damage
>Half the EHP
>Endurance charges harder to maintain
>Twice as many exerted attacks
>Attacks way faster
>Has to attack to get rage

Genuinely just no sure. Pianoing warcries sounds like kind of a pain in the ass, even with urgent orders giving way more speed. However, Berserker feels like it will fall over with a slight gust of wind and I can't imagine pinnacles will be very fun with it. I could have fucked up somwehere in my calculations on one of them, but I do feel like zerker just has WAY more damage, which is kind of its whole thing.. Both are going maces and resolute techniques, but maybe I could go for crit + staves later on with battlemage's cry, which would work a lot better on chieftain.
free 10m+ damage + freeze day 1
defense with items/tree
not enough info on barkskin
>want to play a necromancer?
>your best options are gay legolas totems, a holy magazine rack, or spicy popcorn

Because you get 2 scorches, 50 shocks, and the ability to go super saiyan. It's just a damage ascendancy. Tinctures might be okay if they can roll good mods.
Haven't played since 3.22
Is expedition still unbeatable S tier for early currency?
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has the atlas tree planner been updated yet?
@everyone Ruetoo is live over at https://www.twitch.tv/ruetoo !
Don't you get rage from warcries either way? Autoexert them
Expect mass inflation. Faster circulation of currency means more currency is changing hands more frequently, which will lead to an increase in the general price level across the economy.
As one anon in the last thread said:
Xibaqua+incandescent heart+EC stack
Probably even better that the old unbreakable (if we look at it from the new, nerfed baseline defenses pov)
With no barrier to trade you will see FAR more crafted items hitting the trade site. Possibly 10x more. Everyone will complain that game too easy because they bought their endgame gear off trade for 1d per slot.

Crafterniggers this league will have the absolute greatest profits they've ever had, at least the first week or so. Then the prices of materials will rise exponentially as other people try to make their gear.
poeplanner yes pob no
cant wait for the frost blade retards to not be able to kill ANY big boss lmao
rues build is giga bait
If you're autoexerting them you don't get the buffs so there's 0 reason to play it on chieftain
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Is bleed bow gonna be good now??
if you go melee with it like ms/ls
fortify with unique gloves
spell supp with rare gear + tree
end charges from lethal pride
lightning coil
80% evasion
enough ehp to do most content in the game
The prices might actually go down for smaller currencies
The reason why some shit like chromas are not dirt cheap is because trading them is a pain in the ass
This makes trading easier so every bit of currency you drop is now 100% insta liquid
>be jugg
>hit War Banner button
>160% increased accuracy rating and 100% more melee phys damage
It's that shrimple.

It's a 2 stoner to get people going. Gotta do something til you get your Ralakesh tranny boots.
You only get it based on power, so with Berserker you need to actually be near enemies for it to count, meanwhile Chieftain can just shout whenever to get it. As for autoexert, you lose the buffs and it costs mana reservation. On Berserker I was planning on automating intimidating + seismic and just pressing rallying, on Chieftain you gotta manually press them, but that opens up reservation for purity of fire for 4% max all res + a chunk of resistance.
way i'm looking at it, Warden with all the ele shit and the doomfletch enchant would be incredibly good and fun.
what's up with all the redditors acting like there are builds that simultaneously inflict 25 shocks a second and 30% scorches?
>Everyone will complain that game too easy
But that is the point of trade league. Are people still pretending like it is hard to beat end game with trade league items and a build guide? You have plenty of other game modes if you would like to challenge yourself.
Ralakesh post-change is my favorite item in the game and I fucking hate every single one of you for using it.
their favorite streamer is baiting the fuck out of them and they don't know it
sc trade stinkies in this very thread. so fucking gross
give it to me straight
do melee skills actually deal more dmg than before (with totems active) or did they just falsely advertised removal of totemshit as melee buff when its same dmg?
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zUxVLEVcR4PkgS78jNSnHcC_o1ivEQv3AY32zVWY7f4/edit?gid=0#gid=0 This sheet, apparently, is comparing skills to before and after the changes including totem buffs.
personally if i'm doing warden i'm keeping my basic shocks, double scorch is the shit tho.
leagues more damage
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you realize things like wardloop and nimis exists, right?
Yea. Certain currency prices will go down, but item prices will go up. Real traders won't want the garbage currencies and just want raw divs. So expect high div prices, which means high item prices since every item price is based off the div/chaos ratio.
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why didnt they make it like pic related? Shit UI
What game is that?
PoeBros, how do we stop the incoming EVE-CHADGODs from destroying our bussy and making us their economic slaves???
Maybe. Some people are saying it's going to be worse. Others are saying it's going to be at least twice as good as it currently is.
I don't know. I haven't played bleed since it was FoTM a few years back.
Roll the dice, give it a go. Even if it's worse than it currently is you should still be able to grind out a respec by the end of day 2.
If you're willing to shout a bunch of times they do more damage. Otherwise they do less unless you cheese berserk with warlord mark stun or chain's of emancipation.
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liquidity causes prices to stabilise retard. You are an RMT seller trying to create FUD
>going to be too busy to league start
>possibly too busy to play the league at all
It's over.
But PoeBro, the discord trade mafia has been doing that for years
Just break up with her
So from this, double strike of impaling is basically double damage BEFORE the better impaling mechanics ? Yeah, i guess i'm all in
In a game like PoE prices will be extremely volatile because 1 person can buy out the entire market within minutes. This problem will only be worse now.
>div at 400 chaos
>guilds / tft cartel manipulating the market
don't follow the meta and you will strive, otherwise it's over for you
Nigger I'm so broke I'm on the verge of homelessness. Unironically going to have to beg my dad for money because I won't be able to pay rent in a month.
more participants in the market takes away from monopolies. FUD is actively being generated by discortrannies because they know their jig is up. They will no longer have the resources to outpace the mass movement of the market against all players since there are less barriers to entry. This is going from a barter economy to capitalism. We have won. Varga lost.
I barely ever played melee, do any of melee skills have smooth feel to them (besides cyclone) without feeling janky ?
Any flicker knowers? I'm messing around with my old Raider in standard a bit before it gets nuked and fixed up my gear, but my damage still feels underwhelming. I get that it's all going away on Friday, but I just thought it would be better.

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Waiting patiently for the addon that looks through my entire stash and tells me the price of every single item and I can price an entire quad tab with 1 click per item.
name one other game with an auction house where monopolies are a widespread problem, ill wait
wrong. see >>486901019
This is true in markets that have a low number of participants. In a market with many participants, it becomes impossible to monopolize because you'll have too much competition. You are dumb. Concede.
>Divine Flesh
Excellent tradecore build.
Post disregarded
That's been me for 3 years after she left me. All I live for is league start. My condolences.
sent :^)
Yeah, honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if there was some major bot activity manipulating the market. People have already developed the tools for other kinds of markets. But if it means I can liquidate loot without using a fucking Discord owned by an RMT goblin then that's a risk I'm willing to take.
>xhe doesn't know
>triceratopsfag has to team up with absolute fucking literalwhos for his "podcast" because nobody from the real streamer clique gives a fuck about him
farming any random xibaqua is the part your ssftroon has with that build??? You're gonna get 10 of them before you get an Incandescent
What melee shit is playable on trickster other than frostblades
While we complain about how fake and worthless he is, he creates the narrative that he is the B-team of PoE content. He will outlive and outpropagate us unless you start that channel, anon
Frost Blades but it barely tickles monsters compared to bow skills.

Bro you don't understand at all. There just aren't enough items entering the PoE economy to support all the crafters. 100 people worldwide farmed >99% of all items last league - straight from GGG. Almost everyone plays this game casually. You can't beat Varga's goon army when they have bots searching the data stream in real time and auto buying out everything. The market doesn't adapt because people don't want to run garbage like betrayal.

I've bought out entire markets of scarabs and caused 3x price spikes and I've never finished a league with even 1/10,000th the resources of a Belton or Varga who are online in PoE 20 hours per day.
No one ever plays flicker unironically
Wild Strike of Extremes for the ES leech.
can someone give me the lance v. rue cat fight rundown? who won (unbias)?
>lacerate gladiator
good or no
ephemeral edge splitting steel
Bros, I just wanted to play bleed Glad. And the only shit I can find that has any damage is 30 mil dps mirror tier builds.
Is glad just shit?
nta but number of participants matter irl because a single guy cannot buy the whole market sector
in poe you have varga with 10000 div and 100 bots ready that will take over the market in a week

Eve is the Goat when it came of a true economy simulator. At it's height it had a higher GDP Than russia.

To bad the rest of the game is complete dogshit and would be completely uninteresting to our dopamine starved brains.
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You niggas aren't going to last 3 seconds playing Pianocries and the only way you can autoexert is picking a dogshit ascendancy and reserving 90% of your mana.
Lance won because he accurately pointed out that Rue has never made a good build and Lance has made literally 10 of the best builds ever made, including the first build to crush T17s.
Lance won because he's married, has kids, owns property, building his own house.

Ruetoo has autisim melties because people don't properly MLA
There are jewels to steal that ya know.
No you can play with Jackoff the Axe and do a milli DPS with 1c gear in every slot. 1 million DPS is enough to clear T16s as long as you're not doing something funny and the bleed pops will make it comfortable.

If you want to actually kill hard stuff it will take a lot more work.
you are discounting accessibility and asynchronous trade entirely. People don't trade when they play casually because of opportunity cost. They dont have one now
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GGG predicted this, that's why there's a gold cost per each transaction
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I played pianocries when they came out and I liked it, if the damage this league is going to be anywhere near what it was pre-nerf I'll be just fine.
rue won pretty decisively, lance was babbling absolute retardation so even though rue did his usual unhinged schizo shit he still looks better just because he was objectively right
it helps that what kicked this off was lance shitting on reddit's favorite kween(female) dslily
Will (melee) Elemental Hit + EEquilibrium work for Warden?
Near as I can tell it makes weapon damage irrelevant which is a bit scary, like its a caster build.
But on the other hand FREE exposure every time I hit after the first, plus omega synergy with the acendency.
You need gold to make trades and you can't trade gold. You only get it by killing mobs. It seems like a really clever solution to prevent abuse and mass manipulation here. The only way to do this is run large bot farms farming gold 24/7 and transfer items to each bot to trade with as their gold supply allows.
Lets see
>terrible with women
>winy faggot voice
>gigachad mirror build maker

Lance wins
Lance suggested having 2-3 core ones be autocasted and 1-2 be selfcast.

Masterful Form is going to be 50d+ a jewel, probably 150d+.
I dunno anon. Remember, we are getting wildwood back. And that seems like its going to be prime farming content, and I know that 1 mil phys dot is not enough for that shit. I was struggling with 14~ mil phys dot during wildwood league.
it's not even remotely the same wildwood and you know it
Sushi died 4 times with that t17 build because it was so bad, the build used mirror tier gear btw
defending a tranny means an automatic loss in my book. Good for lance
What is there to understand? You have a bid and an ask for each item pair. You set the item you want and pair it with the item you have and the ratios for how many. Price discovery will happen automatically as people either undercut others or the items move so fast that the price rises. Basics of supply and demand. Exact same way the stock market works.
I don't think this would be enough, unless the cost is high enough so the bots couldn't keep up by farming white maps
I suspect the wildwood will be about 1/100 maps. Not even worth entering at league start.

If it's more common than 1/50 the meta farm strategy will be stacking wisp scarabs in every single map and pulling the lever lmao.
How many people are going to fall for the melee "buffs" and quit in the first week?
it will be shit. melee ele hit is terrible, ele equilibrium does far less damage than AoF elehit, and warden needs to hit a gorbillion times to builds up shock and unbound avatar which melee elehit is terrible at. tranny elehit suits warden better, and is probably still going to suck.
Lance didn't win but Rue definitely lost. It's turning into a pattern where he stirs up drama by shrieking like a woman on stream for views. That little shit is actually more annoying than Big Cucks and I never thought anyone could top him.
Lance won
By being a white man
Rue lost by being born as an autistic gook chimp
Lance won, because he got 200 magebloods out of valdos
Rue lost, because his spraying shit of dead detonation got btfod the very next league for being absolute trannycore
lance died zero times on the same build and farmed like 100s of magebloods in the first week alone. Sounds like a skill issue
at least one (me)
I said unbias please restrain yourself
how do you get 12 frenzies
What makes you think the scaling is going to be different? They already removed the best drop from the boss, the ascendancies, so the only thing left is the quant/rarity boosts it gives, and even that has been nerfed because you can not multiply it with gear anymore.
It will still be the best quant multiplier, and I don't see why they would nerf the dmg reduction scaling from the mobs because of that.
Well yea, I'm assuming scarabs for the guaranteed wisps will be used. The question is how many can we stack? Can we just go full 5x scarabs? Or will it be limited to 1-2
Lance died multiple times though
im going to be a currency flipper :)
wtf is this eve from like 15 years ago? market doesn't look anything like that
Fact: If you don't think this is hilarious and based, you are a tranny
im going to be a burger flipper :)
you will make reddit seethe for some reason
Any ideas on how to make a flicker bleed gladiator viable? I want flicker with the pops. Or does bleed not work well unless you have single big hits?

Well that's a you problem. Just like in real life the rich understand how the system works a much greater degree than your average wagie. To a point where wagies will just never be able to compete.

It's why the rich are rich and the poor are poor. Knowledge and the will and means to exploit it.

Anyone can be the top 1% if they have the mindset of understand the system at a deep level being ultra optimized and knowing what is worth my time and what isn't and understanding how to ruthlessly exploit the system at it's maximum.

Some of you probably pick up every shit rare item you find that won't even sell for an alch while the top 0.01% don't have bother to pick up single chaos orbs.

It is very much a mindset issue and most of you are sad to say never gonna be able to compete ever.
6 base 2 rings 1 masterful form 1 belt (if DoT) 1-2 gloves 1 Sublime Vision (if you wish.)
thinking of dual wield gladiator bladestorm focusing on impale, crit, and bleed pops (using the bleed/crit wheel)

>Or does bleed not work well unless you have single big hits
good luck Matth
Lance lost his build once to a table, so he went on an autistic rampage to make the immortal build
Rue lost in life, so he went on an autistic twitch drama rampage
Holy shit rue seems to be salty that someone knows more about the game than he does. Is this what happens when someone's EGO gets a reality check and gets compared to their actual achievements?
you can get 1 more from a shield
this meme was only funny when it was used on subtractem
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Hilarious in the same way it's hilarious that my dog eats turds every time I take him to the dog park.
Shit that nobody wants but rots in stashes because it's too annoying to sell like Redeemer Orbs will fall drastically in price. Stuff like rare scarabs will rise in price.
>because it was so bad
Are you sure it was not because the T17s we are talking about are not the regular T17s but valdos maps with void multi ghosted feared. We are not talking about the baby mode T17s that are required now to unlock the map device.
People who are team Rue:

People who are team lance:
These anons
Rue has probably fucked a tranny
can you retards stop talking about ecelebs?
I think the chieftain infinite power node is just too good not to make something with. I'm probably going to make my second build of the league some slam build using this. No idea what else to use.
He only died once with the Lance build to the the A-10 Warthog Elder proj spray against the wall
Since when does anyone actually tolerate rue? Besides tripolar i guess, who will try anything to suck up some popularity from someone, even if he has to suckle it from that persons ass. And Belton I'm pretty sure would sell off his mother to get ahead in PoE.
>Rue sounds exactly like this angry jewish dwarf ,screaming at the trumpeter
someone needs to make an edit out of this
>Gets insane handouts from viewers and makes mirror tier char for t17
>still dies
>Spicysushi mirrors his gear still dies
>rue makes an actual good build a week later with currency he had to farm himself and it farms t17's much better

Yeah rue won
I heard ruetoo can levitate
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very true, ourgirl never gets herself mixed up in pointless drama
Great, so farm 3-5 hours to buy the jewel.
captain lance: kai cenat
rue: ishowspeed
ziz: duke dennis

yall needa hear more?
his voice is annoying and he's an sperg however he invents most of the tech and all the top build creators ask him to review and optimize their builds. he is genuinely more knowledgeable in the game and mechanics than 99.9% of players and creators
but you didnt post allie
You guys dislike Rue because he is obnoxious incel? Why? Isn't it nice to be able to relate to him?
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>Make a slammer tree
>14 int
>Need 78
>32 dex
>Need 70
what the FUCK
your mageblood
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What do you retarded faggots think of this atlas tree?

This post about Jungroan rings true and I'd have to agree.
We were talking about Lance vs the chimp drama tho
Golly gee, it sure is going to be difficult getting 70 attribute points across all of your gear slots.
>The Sulphite Scarab of Fumes now has "Monsters affected by Enraging Fumes have 50% increased Item Quantity" (previously 500%).
Kek it only affected like 12 monsters in a map anyways. Was this some sort of pre-nerf to a potential giga jackpot with wisps/scarabs that give mobs extra rewards?
what would you start as on a jugg to later transition into strstack accstack ms of zenith? or should I just get bls for 2c during the campaign, slot in normal ms and try to scale from there with eventual switch to replica alberon and zenith? I'm not really interested in anything besides strstack or manastack and I'm feeling more towards melee rn.
Why is he so mad? Lances builds still work well, what is the problem?
Rue supporters: Very honest
Lance supporters: very disgenious, have to lie and twist details

Yesh I know who won
very low test tree. this tree has no chest hair.
yo ziz here to remind you again that I play hardcore
another ancient and bad system from nostalgia d2 days
they gotta remove that next
I like ritual but blocking is a waste of points that could be much more efficiently used elsewhere
Lance build sucks even he rerolls them
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rate my build
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Is Beyond really good specting into?
Guy was facerolling Valdos for like 80 div profit per map. He knows what he is doing.
ben / 10
i rate your build 1,828 life cost per second out of a potential 7,268 life
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Fakers and build-baiters need to be aggressively bullied out of the community and if it takes a screeching schizo chink to do it because the other streamers "don't want no beef" then so be it.

Wish he woulda kept the beard. He looks so much happier in the first pic.
It was not good because he is a good build maker it was good because he got insane handouts to fund the build making it insanely well geared and despite the build being worth all those mirrors he still died because it was badly optimized
Supposedly Lance (the homeless, mental institution escapee) played the trumpet next to the holocaust museum, which made Rue very mad. The rest, as they say, is history. Source: >>486903923
options - opt in for beta
people have been running new tree in pob for the entire day now
not on the trickster he didnt. He died with his ivory tower build which was just a sanctum farmer
>reddit still not figured out armor/weapon quality buff means their respective currencies will now be as rare as divines
Expect nuclear malding about this in a week
probably not, they want it to be more accessible and have locked >20% qual to drops to compensate

not looking good for ruetoo
Is Warden Ice Shot Heatshiver gonna be good for a League start? I can't be bothered to PoB or look around. I'm gonna gonna YOLO it.
>meanwhile 3 years ago, Chadthil pioneering
The hillock, and later perfect fossil and beastcraft 30% qual removal was so gay. I didn't count on it and got excited for the qual change. Very anti fun from GGG, as always
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how can you say such things
I have thought as much at times, I'll still block the things I really don't want like heist though
I just think they're neat, also they're very close to ritual and synergize well for packsize
just do deadeye and use mines with fury valve
>X stole my build
>Yes I did :)
why dont people just say that
Mathil sucks
There is a reason everyone copies ruetoos builds and not mathils
Also this is bow and not shattering steel
Rip anon
Why is the new season Farmville? The fuck are they thinking?

I love farmville
Why arent you making posts like this for Lance's claims he invented fire explosions and aurastacker
Streamers never invent anything, they just steal build ideas from viewers and claim as their own anyways, what's the debate.
Thats just like us 4channers, isnt that based?
How are you this pathetic?
That's also my current problem, Deadeye is just way better league starter than Warden. Just get Tailwind and you are good to go. Warden on the hand gets nothing crazy. Warden might be better late game tho, we will have to see.
hahahahah what a fag
Now am on his side. Based af and real fellow Anon
Thoughts on venom gyre warden?
nice revisionism
Now you VILL pickup randomly 20-30qual'd ilvl 86 bases and you VILL overcharge for them
actually playing venom gyre is fucking cancer with the namelock whirlwind spam
An /ourguy/, so to speak
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>I "made" something in poe
uhh no you didn't. you are living in chris wilsons world as a tourist. it is not your will to allow something to happen.
I can't wait for Trump to become president so he can place you people into prison
>Lancels absolutely seething
he literally never died on his valdo farmer retard
Claiming builds is kinda faggy all around. The majority of builds influencers put out were either already in play around the community or the concepts were obvious enough that many people had to have come to them at the same time but didn't put them on a platform, or did but aren't prolific. Very rarely do you see something as crazy as exploding totems. It's usually just that someone takes an item that's already meta and attaches it to some skill that was recently buffed and it happened to land right.

I can respect something like Jungroan's autistic crunch builds even if they're fucking ass to play, or Gog just running us through early theory and not committing an actual guide so we can make our own decisions, but most of the time when I see any league starters pop up it's just a grift to get engagement.
>Gook is actually posting itt
You get some points for posting in le heckin based thread of ours aspiebro, but Lance still won
Like he did last time, right?
You reveal your own ignorance
Go back and watch the streams and videos
He is serious this time, it's over for you people
DAAAAAMN, what a faggot
i bet he is, gay boy
how the fuck am i supposed to get fort on melee bleed builds? using cruelty and hoping the hit is enough sounds like pain
He died on his first character, not the character he specifically made for Valdo farming.
Hmm? You want my opinion? Well I used to like Lance but I feel like he got boring last 3 or 4 leagues where all his builds are the same stackers abusing adorned
He looks unhappy in both pictures.
>Faithguard helm
>nu belt
>Brass Dome
FREE 2,600 ward that refreshes after 1.2 seconds of not being hit.
Ok lancel
aurastacker proof was already posted
this was day 5 of the league
>Hey, I know the amulet slot is the most competitive gear slot in the whole character, but just go ahead and blow 2 suffixes on it lol :)
He was just another jew loving schmuck before.
The attempt on his life (he knows who is responsible) left him a changed man.
Zion don got reborn.
The servants of satan are in for a rude awakening.
He will let Israel hanging, either due to domestic problems , or due to his change of heart. So it was foretold
honestly it's better to just skip the content you don't want to run rather than waste the point blocking it. I would skip the whole right side as wellspring of creation is pointless, or at the very least drop that and the blocking nodes and pickup shaping the mountains for free juice.

These are the changes I'd make following the same major mechanics choices
Does anyone know what decks he plays in MTG
Why would I not use March of the Legion on EVERY SINGLE BUILD pre-Ralakesh? Free 30% more damage.
Keep planning for those mirrored t1 perfect elevated affixes on your day 1 league starter, anon.
There's nothing wrong with bench crafting stats early into a league.
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here's his valdo farmer, still alive, in standard. You fucking moron.
Not every map had that void mod you retard
Less damage then old glad more defenses. So pretty shit
have you considered that the maps without void he didn't really care if he would die then lmao
There are reddit builds that predates this
Thats right, he steals builds from reddit
12 frenzy wander Frenzy slayer. Why not?
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Any of you niggas tried viper strike of mamba lately? The buff makes it look insane and I assume it doesnt care about totem nerfs anyway
so he didnt get voided then like you claimed? Oh right, nice moving the goal posts you fucking faggot.
Only mono red or mono white when feeling spicy , supposedly
Never claimed he got voided, just that he died and he did. And it shows his build was unoptimized. I accept your defeat Lancels
> not being a red blooded UG chad

WHat a faggot
okay then post it
can the lancels please leave and stop with the e-celeb worship bullshit
>seventy-eight days until the league starts
wtf I love rue now
Ain't got no phooone
Yeah I like that, I'll change to that when I feel like doing those more end game things

I also like this which is more focused on mapping and map bosses
>if you die at all in the hardest content in the game your build isn't good
lmao. Rue routinely has 100s of deaths on all of his characters you retard tranny shill
well the tinctures suck so probably some wild strike or ele hit or something. it looks purely offensive so don't expect to have a huge ehp pool, I guess get suppress cap and stack evasion
if you're doing destructive play it's always worth taking the synth, elder/shaper, and conq map nodes because they apply to the additional bosses as well, you pretty much self sustaining then you can loop invitations pretty easily. I tend to always have 1 tree like that when I feel like just boss rushing and farming awakened gems. Even if you don't want to do them you'll get so many that you can sell in bulk and actually make some decent money
Hmm good point, I'll keep refining and take out the stuff that feels pointless after trying it all out
Infernal Blow of Immolation ignite? 1800% weapon damage ignite.
gooktoo is the least entertaining gook to ever grace poe
baked chicken > cute dog > any of the minor tier gooks > gooktoo
Should be fine. Your whole build is low tolerance cluster stacking though. Also right side of tree is kinda paper now.
I sense it.

The Assassin league.
>Lose an argument against an asylum escapee
Not looking good Ruebros
good over all calculations but some of these numbers are likely wrong. ie, boneshatter with the attack speed totem is going to scale way faster since you have more% attack speed, resulting in more stacks, and increased dps, more attacks landed means more rage for berserk, which means even more attack speed etc...
Assassin one of the most meta builds for group play until the bama stuff started for group play to get around resists
Could be. Poison skills are top of the spreadsheet in damage buffs from the patch notes.
I can never understand how it's consistently considered a shit ascendency I feel like I always see it doing well
>tinctures are neat put them back in the game
>add a ramping mana drain mechanic for no reason
>stop to pick up some cool new drops
>all of your mana is drained with no way to recover it
>turn off tincture
>wait 8 seconds
>turn it back on
>attack a few packs
>stop to pick up cool drops
>Stormblast Mine: Now has 120% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 130% at gem level 20 (previously 130% at all gem levels).
What is the fucking point of shit like this???????????
it's fucking garbage on its own, but it soaks up gear decently.
+1 frenzy implicit bases are going to be more expensive than mageblood, aren't they.
thx m8
Everyone and their mother will be playing slayer and trickster
>1800% of 0
Feel the weight.
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I'll be clearing T17s on my Trickster while you Gladiator shitters are stuck in white maps
enjoy your 0 damage and 0 speed LMAOOOOOOO
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wow great interface twitch.tv!!!
to make leveling worse
spectrum ele hit

ignites to scorch, unbound, then a combination of either better freezes or the tincture shit. Shock shit is probably a trap unless they last a longer time or you have 25 attack/s.

Dual or triple flat bows, poised prism ? extra arrows shit. Dunno if it shotgun but it should clear well enough.
jewtue hands (with slanted eyes) typed this post
>recommended channels
>some nigger
>some other nigger
why are you the way that you are?
Well, extreme buff on poison skill and a FREE 100? extra poison damage from tincture looks pretty good.
Is trickster safe as a starter?
I don't use that website, twitch is just promoting that trash.
keep dreaming xis
parity with melee
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i WILL be hitting DOT cap by the end of week 1
It's the mentally ill anime tr/a/nny. The one saying stupid shit and asking dumb questions all the time.
Learn to quickly identify his posts from the weeb images he posts and skip reading them altogether.
yes it's one of the top ascendancies in the game next to heiro, slayer, and jugg
Yeah I don't get that shit, surely there's a better way of doing this.
Do they want them to be temporary? Flasks already have that concept outside of building into their permanence.
Do they want them to be more permanent than flasks by default? This just makes them like Berzerk which sure is longer than a flask most of the time but not permanent.
Do they want us to use Mana flasks more to recover from this burnout? NO ONE WANTS TO USE MANA FLASKS
Always was, always will be
(Till the vision catches up)
Tinctures could still be good if the modifiers are good. But I suspect they thought 100% increased damage on tinctures was sufficient and removed the +2 projectiles modifiers and anything that was actually strong.

As far as the manaburn goes, it doesn't matter. In fact, it's much better uptime during bossing. Fagets act like their flasks are active 100% of the time when it's only when they're breezing through maps.
trickster has been the best ascendency for like 2 leagues straight
it just has the most boring options for skills
>all the comments on Lance's video are calling him out
Lancels? Our response?
Ruet*o flopped btw
Rue is far worse than our resident animespammer
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what melee skill are you going to play?
Does Toxic Dellivery even interact with Perfect Agony? It's more, unlike the increased multiplier on the small nodes but I'm not sure how the interaction goes.
>As far as the manaburn goes, it doesn't matter

>one stack every .43 seconds
>1% mana drain per stack
>After 5 seconds over 10% of mana lost per second
Yeah, no, it's a problem
Static Strike because I won't have attack speed to make anything else feel good. I don't know how Boneshitters are going to survive with 1.2 attacks per second.
2nd char katabasis slayer or 1st char reroll lightning strike
You have to admit that is a really nice dick
Retaliation skills.
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probably just using sunder for the entire first day
Why kata over the normal gem?
I never tried it
Yeah, if you're running absolutely no mana recovery, you fucking donkey. But who runs managain on hit or mana leech? Fucking noone right.
Double Strike of impaling

The trouble i'm having is if i should go Slayer for masterful form and leech shit, with eventually getting master of metal from flesh/flame or going champion straight up. No way in hell i can afford masterful form forbidden jewels.
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does it matter?
any slam i get my hands on
30% quality ilvl86 Sadist Garbs with 0 mods are gonna be worth like 20d each in 3.25
+5 metres to Melee Strike Range

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.05-1) metres to Melee Strike Range
Thoughts on any of these starters?
>Yeah, if you're running absolutely no mana recovery, you fucking donkey. But who runs managain on hit or mana leech? Fucking noone right.
>5 more seconds 20% of MAX mana lost per second
Bro, you are not going to have that much recovery. Leech only works if you can attack, and you can't attack if you have 0 mana
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Flicker strike is normaly used with elemental damage right?
is there a skill that feels like ficker strike but pure physical?
Is there a retard proof guide on getting minus mana cost craft from Betrayal early league? I always start with it and do hundreds of incursions, but hardly ever get any veiled jewelry drops at all, and have quite literally never dropped the mana cost craft.

Clearly I have been doing something wrong, but I have no idea what.
>any slam i get my hands on
Ruthless players with no skill gems are the real chads.
>you can't attack if you have 0 mana
You looked at the new tree? You can absolutely attack with 0 mana.
Yeah bro. Masterful form just isn't happening. The only one more expensive i can imagine is conviction of power, with aspect of carnage gone.
pure phys flicker is a thing, a russian guy (Magefist) makes a lot of youtube videos about them
Lol yeah by skipping mana at all you tard
its the new vortex
for cold degens
To be fair every sub is toxic against criticism.
Thats just how read it is.
buy an ad, they're all dogshit, don't post links to that channel here ever again

flicker can be either, but the most powerful ones are likely with voidforge for ele or some crazy rare for phys. Paradoxica is another option
dual strike of ambidexterity, use ephemeral edge in main hand brightbeak in offhand. you now have a 4kdps weapon
you get it from jewelry dropped by elreon. you can use the bribery node on the atlas tree to get him to drop more.
sunder of diapershitting
been playing his builds, his last two flickers were pure elemental, really fun stuff
but I I want physical this league
Vaal Double Strike
Probably much more
>everyone just completely forgot the 50% attack speed buff from totems and rage
whats the point in doing 75% more damage when you attack half as fast as last league...
The eternal asian has been a disaster for PoE streaming. These slant eyes cannot help but ruin our game.
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hope everyone has a good path to stun immunity planned out
yeah thats the thing thats going to kill this league. Literally no top end speed at all. Mapping is going to be slow as shit on all melee builds. Like playing the game in 2.0 slow
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>Find a (white) item on the ground that I think looks cool
>Use an Alchemy orb on it
>Doesn't give me a perfect modifiers I want
Are you stupid.

Let me run it down for you:
Tinctures drain mana over time
This isn't a problem because your attacks cost 0 or 1 mana and you gain a lot of mana over time, so the duration of the tincture is still fairly long
So tincture mana drain isn't really a problem. You can have significant uptime and hit the button when there is a tough rare or boss

Is it clear to you now? Do you need a diagram? Maybe you should play a game that is more your speed.
skill issue
Seismic Cry buff gives me like 120% increased stun threshold on Queeftain. I might as well be stun immune.
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>blight gigabuffed
>bestiary gigabuffed
>big essences no longer have uber boss health
yup im thinking left side with a side of harvest
Just find one of his physical videos and understand the principles. You can easily translate them since flicker will remain fundamentally the same ability
I think the solution is to not change anything about your build and then bitch about how it's worse on >>486897592
You are retarded

The tincture turns itself off when you hit 0 mana
Sounds good to me!
attack mana costs got increased though
>3000% modifier (diablo)
>3000% damage effectiveness (path of exile)

>poetards still can't refute this simple fact
how good will retaliation skills be? Im going all in on league start with it
Hear me out.
Sunder totems with the exarch boots.
How do I scale a 5 link to do respectable damage in the endgame?
Good news everyone
mf lives!
Pretty good
for dealing damage every 5 seconds!
DUmbass question but, immune to physical reflect is also immune to impale, since it phys reflected damage, or is there some weird shit i'm unaware off
>shoutbots are replacing aura sluts
the vision...
Don't worry we are all dumbasses here!
Isnt that right Lancels?
and this it's objectively incorrect for ggg to not put an auction house in the game
bro, your immutable force?
it's up

out of all the shit they buffed, I'm tempted to go for the glacial hammer league start. May God have mercy on my soul
Do you think the player count will peak?
Or will the slump continue?
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I need a new mouse for league start /poeg/ what should I get?
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>Take all the increased effects of impales on unimpaled enemies
>Take the new anoint that gives 50% increased impale effect after 1s
>Impaler node
>Use Sunder and Hydrosphere (so you hit often enough to proc) along with the node that gives a 20% chance to rend all impales
The rend would deal like 6 x 120% of the damage of the hit and you get to ignore attack speed for impale scaling. Seems fucking insane.
I'll be shocked if it's worse than necropolis, but there's no way it hits a new peak.
Tuna always looks to me like he is about to shapeshift into a snake, hiss, then slither away.
Anyone else got the same feel?
This is some Voldemort shit
>massive melee "buff" bait patch
it'll hit a new peak, but the retention will be legendarily bad
I mean, yea? He's it*lian
A new all time peak is guaranteed, with all the random changes and additions
So then why isn't the chink outing lily for her copied builds and shit content? Oh that's right, he loves tranny dick
I think the league mechanic will be super tedious (like heist leveling)
new AH will probably help retention
Probably lower peak than necropolis but better retention
Razer deathadder
Can't be topped
Can someone explain to me how every league uberdan is able to make some unkillable god build with 100 million dps and 500k ehp like 2 weeks into the league on hardcore? Does he get funneled currency and items or what?
>buy a $300 pro gamer mouse designed for FPS
>break it in a year or two by playing PoE
Brilliant plan, bro.
>$300 every two years is a big deal
bro do you even buy supporter packs?
it's easier on HC since it's a small playerbase and people don't know the value of their items until Uberdan buys them
Tranny resides in the gaze which sees trannies everywhere
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Daily reminder that GGG claims it "can't" make every boss capable of being stunned or frozen, can't build countermeasures to these into the code, can't give us a death recap, but it CAN turn every single single target damage instance from melee skills into hitboxes for both players and enemies, which they did in the Legion league in 2019
Witness the rue chink gaze
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does crimson dance work with aggravate?
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Bets on what they're going to nerf when they get into the office Monday? My money is on Endurance Charges. GookiazerX will get what he fucking deserves.
some ~gamer~ mice sure, but just sorting it by large you could get the hyperx for like 25 / 30 bucks. razers are regularly on sale. whether or not anything is actually any good, well, i mean, it'll be good for like two years. you'll be lucky to get that. that's just mice now. you can buy a tenbuck logitech at walmart and technically come ahead since you'll obviously be replacing that, but what can you do with tech now a days, man.
it's a good site anyway. reviews for all of the mice so you can see it. real human being talking. doesnt pad out the videos to hit ten minutes. lots of technical detail. i like getting to sort by large because big hands
They've already said there's a nerf cooking for Taming + warden shocks
The demand for paradoxica is going to be insane this league
Please say asian american
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He sounded semi satirical while defending Larry.
But the pic itt proved he actually yearns tranny dick.
What incelism does to a mf ... baka
nope. no clue why so many people think it would
yeah betrayal league
Endurance Charges probably going to be changed thanks to the Slanteye-squad not shutting the fuck up about it. Chances are they nerf Overexertion before they reveal it. They might even revert the Fist of War change.
Only because people don't understand what it means when flat physical damage is taken off all the skill gems. I don't want to exaggerate because I still think Paradoxica will be a usable end game weapon, but it took a pretty big nerf in the patch notes.
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hear me out. zerk sloomer.
One handwra of all kinds will be complete shit. Gladiator is massive bait
someone pretty pretty please make a bleed glad pob thanks
They'll nerf how warden shock stacking works with items that affect it and probably that's it
People are stacking end charges largely for the PDR and that's been on end charges for ages
Even if the reduced ele gets hit it really doesn't matter, left side builds are still best because of PDR and the large amount of max res nestled in the southwestern corner
ok done
I'm just glad I don't have to spec into corners now. At the same time I'm a lil sad the new league doesn't have its own nodes
I think sneedmage is making one
>no new archetypes
>no new interesting gems
>nerfed end game clear speed
>shitty bloat from poe2 added
I'm just not seeing it. I wanted to be hyped because of the item bases and currency trade but this shit just ain't it. I don't even care about nerfs I just want cool shit to be usable again.
lmao party faggot in full cope mode now that wagiegods will make more than him sending out ships and going afk for 8 hours
here u go buddy
>no new endgame bosses
BTW, they will announce delays to the beta again since they have 0 endgame content atm
I've been using my g502 for 5 years and if it breaks I will do an amazon swap scam
if this patch doesn't interest you poe1 will never interest you again
I did, 2.3 million with a few easy to get uniques and nothing else.
No time in Presence for War of Attrition either. I don't know if I want to league start it though.
>Zizaran had a melty and threatened to sudoku if GGG doesn't ban double fractures with nu recombinators
What a fucking snitch.

Not really.
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is it worth starting last epoch league right now?

yeah i was hoping someone could do better than that in day 2 gear, i want it to be somewhat competitive with alternatives i have in mind
>150% increased armor and minus 150 phys damage taken
>guaranteed evade cap if bark ever falls off
And why would I give a fuck about block when I can just play Warden?
if you're asking because of trade (why else would it matter when you start) then no, economy is completely broken due to a gold exploit
it might actually be a great time to play because you're only really gonna get about a week of content out of it. maybe try two builds. i'm playing an unarmed falconer that punches explosive traps onto people and it's legitimately fun. it is a fine game. it just needs more content.
>economy is completely broken due to a gold exploit
They still haven't fixed that?
>stun immunity
>with 8k life
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Is Essence really worth it?
>Why would i give a fuck […] just play Warden?
Because it's never a good thing to die.
Consider investing into 65/65 block
that's my gf you're posting
necropolis is gone mate
Yeah, I just don't know if the damage is there. I'm sure it would do fine, but there are starters pushing much higher numbers. The cleanest starters I've seen so far are Holy Relic of Conviction Necro/Guardian and Power Siphon Locus Mine Trickster. The Frost Blades of Katabasis and Lightning Strike builds are probably also fine, haven't seen them much. The one I really want to look into at this point is Dual Strike of Ambidexterity
predict top 5 ascendency % on poeninja week 1
the exploit is patched, they did nothing to remove the gold from the economy
Glad before everyone realizes block is cringe
Trickster, Slayer, Necro, Warden, Glad
Probably in that order
>Flat phys taken off + qual changes + fucked with mana so aura stacking is even harder
paradoxica will get outperformed up till late game by a fucking marohi erqi
>block is cringe
The hands of a child typed this post
are lightsweight mice a meme? I have never used one, I only play Single Player shooters however
Oh its all 5 so slayer / jugg / hiero / chieftain if pohx is still doing rf on that
The traditional Doxica builds have their own source of scaling flat (ice bite, replica alberon)
deadeye has to be in there somewhere
>+4 amulet on heist base
>reverse monty hall chance of FREE +8 skill amulet
How expensive will they be?
Trickster, Slayer, Hiero, Deadass, Warden
Forgot about Deadeye
Probably replacing Glad
Expensive shit is going to be more expensive and the cheap shit no one wants will be cheaper. Actual trading has a cost (your time) but this is free so much more currency will enter the market. I'd easily cap out the currency tap on basic currency but i'm never selling that, now its gonna be on the market
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>Expensive shit is going to be more expensive and the cheap shit no one wants will be cheaper
How can you be so sure of this?
+4 and negative proj speed more likely
ball lightning chads?
FREE -300% lightning res necklace. DORYANI CHADS LOG IN
>are lightsweight mice a meme?
kind of. a lighter mouse like a lighter hammer is supposed to be less fatigue-ing, but how the fuck do you prove that. would you even really notice? but the only negative is, like, maybe a shell with holes in it gets dust in it which i guess could do something. get on a switch or the scroll wheel but you've got a hole there anyway. if they're the same price as something else, then it doesnt matter. they feel fine on the hand. don't pick a worse mouse because it's lighter weight, but totally doesn't matter
some people say optical switches are worse than mechanical switches because they require more pressure to click and this can fatigue your hands? this is like audiophile getting into shit. but who knows maybe it does fatigue your hand a little bit
they uh capped it at -200
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recomb's gonna be an essence sink
That's why I said till late game. Late game alberon is gonna be billion+ dmg, same as ever. Up till then you can buff up maroqi exi (1000-1200 flat) with other shit as well.
I've always wanted to try it but I feel like lightning dots would drive me crazy.
I think it was specifically because of Kalandra league too with the insane jewellery
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i really want to start a dual wield gladiator but i have no way to generate endurance charges. with how important they will be this league would speccing into these be worth?
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I wonder how many doomsissies will crawl back in 3.25 only to get onetapped by the first rare they see because their build doesn't have grace+determination+100% suppression+4 defensive flasks+molten shell+instant leech+lightning coil lmao
Will probably just pick the g502 since I don't think I care that much about mouse weight for a game like PoE
so we can do the negative charge discharge build again right?
if you full convert lightning to to any other element you can ignore the Mana Siphoners and Crusader enemies. But that requires you to use either a meme talisman or expensive sublimes
Nice photoshop.
Recombs were nerfed, Neon confirmed.
No fun allowed
g502 is trash. The scroll wheel fucks up if you use it at all and it double clicks constantly. Just get a deathadder.
Nah, they fixed it after Kalandra league finished. I think they also fixed negative aoe shenanigans
disciple of unyielding and then manually casting enduring cry on bosses is probably the best way until you get ralakesh (which everyone will want this league).
just use enduring shout or varrul's fur you silly man
god forbid GGG ever lets people play discharge again fuck
for sc all you need is high evasion, spell suppress, and a hh or mageblood. you won't be dying much while mapping
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Just by replica fur for the lo-lo price of 20d
Is warden actually good? All I'm seeing is people justifying it by saying
>w-well all you need is to hit 50 shock stacks
>w-well sure all of your damage is only accessible 30% of the time b-but
>who needs d-defenses when you have ALL THIS potential damage
>you totally CAN freeze everything just attack them fifty times and then do it again
Give me SST build
Have they just totally stopped teasers? i thought we'd get more impactful stuff after the release trailer
>There are now more Notables on the Passive Skill Tree than there are Oil combinations to Anoint them all.
Doesn't the new oil just take the place of one of the three oils? Doesn't that give a metric fuck ton of new combinations? They only added like 10 new ones to the game. Why did they have to remove allocates beef?
>Have they just totally stopped teasers?
on the weekend yes. stuff'll restart tomorrow / monday nz time. we still have challenges and gems to look forward to at least
thanks just assumed enduring cry was changed. ill just drop herald of purity and use Autoexertion. FUCK PIANO PLAYERS
Kripp is a vegan.
Beef was a huge no-go.
Octavian won.
Mark won.
Matth lost (he's roasting Beef annoint in the MC rn)
i'd pick a death adder over the g502 too but i dont have any experience with the g502. i've had a deathadder, though. it's comfortable it works. scroll wheel broke after like a year and a half but that's just mice now.
you can use partpicker dot com to find deals and whatever with whichever you want to buy
i think it won't generate endurance charges if you link it to autoexertion. autoexertion is just for exerts.
>scroll wheel broke after like a year and a half but that's just mice now
That's just the deathadder. It's been a design flaw since the product line began. I remember guild mates back in my wow days going through four or five of those fuckers over the course of my time in uni
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You WILL press the warcry
Might as well get the 60g version of it then
Fuck it, give me the most off meta but actually usable skill gem or unique that you can think of and I'll use it for my build.
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holy FUCK i hate reading. my build is in shambles kek.
guess ill use cast on death portal
Chainhook. Usable in the sense that it can function.
It's just janky as shit and functionally horrible
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I'm a simple man.
I'll be hunting for synth bases and having fun in the ritual casino.
I'll also visit the Tujen slot machine, ultimatum roulette (all or nothing) and stacked decks poker.
I'm not addicted to gambling
I'm addicted to HAVING FUN
im driving to another state tomorrow to go to a casino
As you should. It will prepare you for the new league better than anything.
poison molten strike assassin looking juicy, exiles
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Is ANYONE here still playing ssf next league or am I the last cuck?
time to get the logitech superlight instead
you 'avent 'eard?
Tujen got clean
'eard hes a dock worka at this new joint
kingsmarch or somthn or annoda. anyway, my advice? do yourself a favor and find somewhere else to peddle your wears. 'eard hes off limits now.
I invented all builds, you all just stole from me.
I'll be playing SSF. There's no way this league isn't being extended by two or three months, so I'm in it for the long haul building this city.
>Not at least trying the new auction house.
First character trade, if trade is fucked then second character ssf. That simple.
That’s why you use the 1 alteration cost skill enduring cry until then
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>still no pob true update
>no teasers
its the weekend brother
just do the beta update, who cares
is that beachlink
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chieftain sloomer
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>phys taken as ele removed
okay how does right side survive against phys now?
The freeze node is fucking nasty broken OP. If you can do a 5% shock worth of cold damage to a target they're frozen for 2 full seconds. If you're such a fucking weakling that you can't even do that in 1 hit after a couple hits you only need to hit a 2% shock worth of damage. If you have a 200k hit you will permafreeze anything that has 10 million health or less (50% less action speed on bosses.)

I'm thinking bark, scorch, freeze, 80% damage, and cold+fire damage. We'll see how it goes.
you don't, now die sissy
The FUCK is bark??
I was just fucking around with one of pobs template axes and got 3million dps on an otherwise naked berserker. are people saying this ascendency is bad or something?
sound a dog makes
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eve online was created for mouse + kb
poe initially was, and then sold out to paint huffing controller users.
MANY such cases.
SST build
>frostblades heatshiver
the more things change
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couldnt they just hook their matching speed into inflation rate and adjust how fast matching trades are done based on it?
>be me
>vaal pact LS warden using 2 tinctures and Bloodsoaked Blade
>melee hits leech instantly, projectiles leech over time
>5000% increased damage from tinctures
It's gaming time.
Is PoB updated yet
tree yes gems no
>be occultist
>50% chance every 4 seconds to freeze non-frozen enemies for 0.4 seconds
>be warden
>freeze anything you hit for flat 2 seconds
Nobody playtested warden. It's just not fucking possible that someone tested that and said "yup, that looks about right."
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Ay, Tone, how come that little one legged jew always has some currency on him?
Wheneva I bring him exotic coins he pulls up some neu wares.
Look at those Kaalguran schnozes, always stickin togetha.
It's giving me the creeps.
Any half way decent build has an essence slam starting gear set you can use day 1 so essences are always amazing on league start.
put on the cuck coil
ggg here we're fixing that right now, thanks for telling us :)
I'll be playing SSF. There's no way the currency exchange won't totally be fucked in the first 2 weeks of the league. I don't want to deal with that.
Everyone tries to sell out. The Eve devs were just horribly inept at every attempt they made to sell out with consoles, crypto bullshit, and who knows what else. They came crawling back to their Eve audience on PC because it was the only successful product they made in 20+ years.
It seems very good for skills like KB frag (10-20+ hits per attack.) Shock prolif will be necessary for mapping but it should be insane. I think it might also be very good for crit EA (take scorch and shot nodes.) For wands though, it's almost certainly the BiS ascendancy after the far shot nerf. Exactly how good it is depends a bit on tinctures.
soulwrest occultist
Oh, yeah.
I've got one build right over here.
what's a good sanctum runner that you can get online by a10?
>People playing up Warden
>When we don't even know if Tinctures are good
>They're guaranteed to be clunky to play with
>Awful defenses because right side of the tree
>Barkskin is shit
Enjoy getting one shot by everything you don't freeze in time
some energy blade inquis faggy shit
i like using less than 6 portals per map
>sure all of your damage is only accessible 30%
Depends how often you activate it.
If you have 1 ailment and hit it 5 times per second (0.2 limit), it's 20 seconds off, 10 seconds on, 33% of the time, effectively 26% more elemental damage.
If you have 3 ailments and hit each 5 times per second, it's 6.6 seconds off, 10 seconds on, 60% of the time, effectively 48% more elemental damage.
Turns out mirror weapons are pretty pog, huh?
>Glad damage nerfed
>Got 50 block chance to shield but the old nodes have 20% plus armor and evasion and can not be stunned by blocked hits
Base shields have 25% block chance so the node gives 25% block. Only 5% more then what old Glad gave.
Lucky moves 65% (because you will want spell block) moves it up to ~85% for a gain of 20% more.
So 2 major ascendancy nodes to gain 25% block and lose out on armor+eva increase.
Also there is no good 4th ascendancy node. 1% bleed damage per second you are near an enemy is shit for everything except ubers so smarter to just spec into when you are ready to boss. Aggravate technically increases your damage a lot but in actual function a lot of map enemies you encounter to are instantly killing because of bleed pops and the ones you aren't are most likely moving anyhow. Yet again a node only for ubers but there are other ways to get aggravate then using an entire ascendancy notable. The weapon and retaliate nodes could pass as skill tree nodes they are so shit.
600 pdps is no where near mirror tier for a 2h axe though
Glad is literally, unironically, Haemophilia: The Node. Fun class for SSF, thoughever.
>The rewards from the quest Deal with the Bandits have been reworked. Depending on your choice, you now receive the following:
>Helping Alira grants 15% to all Elemental Resistances.
>Helping Kraityn grants 8% increased Movement Speed.
>Helping Oak grants +40 to Maximum Life.
>Eramir grants 1 Passive Skill Point if you decide to kill all three.
Why? Why not just make Alira/Kraityn/Oak worth taking?
idk with eva/es gear with decent prefixes and a lightning coil, pob says i have 14k phys max hit with guard skill down. that's with ghost dance and leech. i think it'll be ok on week 1 gear, day 1 might be a little rough but whatever
The moved 1 skill point to the gilded hand quest so now they all get a free skill point. They are overall all better except 2 skill points which is the same
they should have fixed raider instead of replacing it, then use the bandits to each offer one of the wildwood ascendancies.
Much better off keeping block at 75% and just getting less spell block. Getting 40% is extremely easy with block mastery (that you should absolutely take because it gives you endurance charges) and Tempest Shield. That combined with suppression is going to make spell damage a joke.
War of Attrition is all damage, not just ailments. It's a very good node for bossing. Presence radius is basically your entire screen.
Weapon Master is extremely bad and all of the values need to be either buffed or it needs to make all your weapons into Varunastra.
Measured Retaliation is garbage, I don't care how good the skills are.
Jagged Technique is just not good enough aside from niche cases. Needs much more added to it.
The funniest part about Gladiator is that they turned an ascendency infamous for effectively only having four nodes to choose from into... an ascendency that effectively only has four nodes to choose from. I don't know why they bothered.
whats with the sst meme? it was exclusivly a champ+emperors vigilance build? both nerfed
They forgot to check the other options. Turns out that if you play
Jugg, you're immortal
Slayer, semi-immortal, but also shitting out damage
Berserker, totally different and special (validated)
Chief, easily 90% ressed and a pianist
Champion, dead class
So why the fuck would you pick glad then?
Lucky makes taking the -10% max block worth it though. The difference between 75% and 65% block with lucky is like ~5% in exchange for a bunch more spell block.
But yeah Glad is a pretty bad ascendancy still.
I'm going to take Alira 99% of the time because fixing elemental resistances is annoying
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Cyclone of Tumult Slayer + Masterful Form + Ceaseless Feast to generate Frenzy and Endurance charges + Staves + Crit

This would work, right?
Is warden gonna be the biggest bait this league? Why would anyone play that on a tri elemental skill instead of just deadeye which got buffed?
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I'm going to play gladiator and quit before maps to make the player dropoff bigger.
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>open my free lootbox
>maven back attachment
Ehh... the threads being different lengths based on max stacks is kinda cringe when you're focusing on one or two types of charges and even when you have charges the colors on the attachment are kinda subtle.
Any interesting melee builds based around stacking all three types of charges? I kinda wanna mixmax this back attachment now.
Don't enemies have like 17k armor which means you gotta get 4 procs of corrosion before you even start generating charges then you gotta hit a 30% chance 3 more times to get to max charges assuming no extra. Seems highly unlikely an enemy will survive the 21 hits it takes on average to get that.
ignore damage numbers and cope dd jewel
For mapping you can get frenzies on kill via blood rage and the staff node that gives endurance charges on crit. Then on actual bosses you'll hit them enough to get their armor/evasion to 0 since I am hitting 10 times a second.

I could also be a mega retard, I dunno. I normally don't create my own builds but I wanted to try since I am hyped.
75% helps you get past the first block quicker and also even small amounts of block are worth a lot as you approach 100%.
I don't think new Glad is bad, I just think half of the rework is useless. Aggravate was a bad idea that should have never left the drawing board, it feels like a nerf to bleed builds when no one was even playing bleed to begin with.
Any Glad build is going to have crazy clear with 20% pops and it has great EHP while mapping because of lucky block. Slap on a life gained on block shield and Glad makes maps a joke with very little investment. War of Attrition also helps with the little investment, because if your build is bad you get to double your damage. I don't know if Glad is going to be any good at high investment, but it should be fine early on at least.
Glad is easily the biggest bait, its best build before was CF and now its way worse with CF then before.
oh and replace icd with gmp whoops
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Real shitstain hours from /ourguy/
my love for you is like a truck BERSERKER
do you want to making fuck BERSERKER
average poe player on the left
chris wilson on the right
Aggravate is an improvement for bleed builds that didn't have something like ensnare to count enemies as moving.
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it's too early to pick builds when gems haven't been revealed
Aggravate is literally, and I mean literally, only good for slam bleed builds, which is weird to put on GLADIATOR when they're all about dual wielding or using a one hander + shield, so they're gonna likely go crimson dance.
hmm low iq take
Overexertion will be giga damage inshallah
>Ignore damage numbers

>+200% to all elemental resistances
>+100% to chaos resistance
>+300 to maximum life
>+50 intelligence
>+50 strength
>Skills have -7 to total mana cost
>+2% to critical strike chance
>20% more attack speed
>100% more damage
>100% increased elemental damage

>300k dps

No, I don't think I will.
Every bleed build had ensnare, I don't understand how that is an issue
>le 10% aggravate is just as good as 100% aggravate
who is the middle bottom video?
I am literally, and I mean literally slooming
I almost always played casters, but since this seems like a melee league i'm gona try to do different.

I have never played a slayer, or really delved into leech shit, so probably that.

What i'm wondering is how many defensive layers do i need for slayer ? can i make do with armor, suppression, endurance charges and a bit of fortify ? Do i need to add block in there ?
You'd be surprised how quickly you get endurance charges even while mapping, it's actually quite rare to get frenzies until you're on a tanky rare or boss from corrosion stacks however. It also drives your DPS right up if you have sub par accuracy the longer the fight goes. There's an argument to be made having a weapon swap to build corrosion with fast attacks then swap to big unga once they have no evasion.
me :3c
Did they do something to Call To Arms
what build are you playing?
Reserves mana and no buffs only exertions :^)
Stacking endurance charges with masterful form is going to be the defensive thing for Slayer this league. Armor, suppression and fortify also important. Leech for life sustain but you don't take vaal pack anymore.
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>we took away totems
>now literally everyone has to use warcries (3-6)
Who are you quoting?
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Good goyim you only need to reserve 60% of your mana and give up all your warcry buffs (we took a divine blessing aura away from you too) and we gave you a gem that gives you more damage when you slam! Aren't you thankful?
Aggravate as an effect existed before this change and it didnt make bleed anywhere close to good. Glad losing 20% more damage and 20% action speed is massive and Glad was already shit when it had those things. It had 1 use before which was CF Glad on league start before you had multi to swap to champ for smoother mapping and even then most people found the ascendancy swap not worth it. Bleed bow has never been good.
no melee player ever used divine blessing you silly spellcuck
and banners
Totems were added as a reason to gut melee damage BUT LOOK YOU CAN STILL HAVE IT IF YOU PRESS THREE BUTTONS
Now that we have that damage again it's okay to remove them.
The warcry thing is for the same reason. More damage and survivability that you wouldn't have due to the nerfs, but can still have through a minor inconvenience.
>99% reduced projectile speed molten strike
>100% of projectiles hit every target
>returning projectiles make them hit twice
yeah, it's gaming time again
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I'm ok with the removal (you can still get them with those boots) I am annoyed that now I have functionally the same issue as before on even more builds but now I'm encouraged to press even more buttons
Eternal blessing pride as well
Have you tried playing with a controller?
The interface is fucking disgusting, and anything involving passive tree, inventory, or trade management is a god damn nightmare.
But for spamming multiple buttons it's pretty damn cozy.
Even Zizaran had to admit that all of the banners are unusable dogshit except War Banner. Oh thanks for the fucking conditional block or spell suppress or 1% increased movement speed very helpful.
So laceration, in reality, does not receive that many changes besides the melee overhaul?
Wintertide Occultist
I skipped Kalandra completely. Thought it's some recomb shenaningans. Shouldn't lake krangle some stats to go into negatives, while raising others? How does that shit have all 3 affixes positive? Can rng hit the nonexistant affixes with negatives while raising only the 3 existant ones? What gives?
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are claw trinity nightblade builds just godawful even post-buff or am i missing something? i cant get them above 10m dps while also being tanky.
>we feel like having to put warcries on left click is silly, so we're removing left click warcries and automating them
>but we'll gave you auto warcries at a gem tax
>next patch we'll add a 15% reservation cost and remove the warcry effect if it's automated
It's amazing this isn't raged about more.
Might look into it worst case scenario is just setting up a macro though
Ziz also tried to shill that necropolis was good
Retard faggot cuck can't be trusted to tell you the time
15% is so much I can't believe they let that shit go live
Is there a good way to get so all dmg can ignite without being elementalist? I want to play melee ignite but I don't want to die.
you are a retard
because you can now automate multiple
this is the test for Spirit and automation for PoE2
All those cast on crit meta gems will also be a reservation but with Spirit
Enjoy the new normal :^)
Convert your phys to fire and reach crit cap
100% crit
Why is that good for kinetic blast
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is this really making it into the game?
Yes, they even mentioned this was intended in during the stream.
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Diablo 3 tier numbers of power creep
And poe goy streamers lap it up
I just googled it for you. It turns everything into aoe, so KB does its shotgunning shenanigans.
+1 curse isn't even close
i think proj returns was just 1h melee weapons so it's as big as it sounds
instant leech is obviously op but you can get it from vaal pact now too
pffffft ahahaha
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Why is one transformed and the other isn't? Is it just to make me mad?
It's an enchant.
has to go over the centre of the node
You sure that allows shotgunning?
>the left wins
what do they mean by this
Because they don't have timeless jewel/thread of hope/etc in mind when designing the tree. It's mostly accidental when such jewels turn out to be super overpowered.
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Can someone take a look at my Chieftain Slam build and tell me if I am retarded or not?


Current issue is that I don't actually have enough mana to cast my warcries, currently solved by dropping two damage nodes to grab some mana nodes which gives me enough mana to use them. Eventually solved with -mana cost on rings.

This is with very basic gear, a 580 DPS mace that is being increased to 700 via the new quality changes. Eventual goal is to use a Lightning Coil to get my phys reduction up. Echoes of Creation + Ashes of the Stars are also something to look forward to using, though they may be expensive this league.
I did my best to simulate the buffs via the config. This is obviously a very piano heavy playstyle but I actually went out of my way to grab warcry duration on the tree and will be using the new more duration support, I should probably have like 12-15 second long buffs, and if some of them fall of during mapping it won't break my build. Ancestral cry is another I am considering, but Jesus, four warcries is already a lot to be pressing.
This is my first time actually trying to create a build and not just copying someone, so my pathing may be bad or inefficient and I am happy to get suggestions.
Pretty sure that's the point of the mark.
It gives buffs you retard it just makes them not apply to your allies
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For whatever anon was looking to get endurance charges, here's a node for a possible alternate
cooking up a secret build... it's looking VERY strong
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FUCKING NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
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If you're using Warcries do you need to link them to urgent orders for them to feel comfortable? Or is there a cluster people usually take since we're just not allowed to have instant Warcries for whatever reason?
the email has watermarks all over so i cant prove it youll just have to believe me
Automating multiple isn't useful if they do nothing but exert. People put them on left click for their effect.
There is the admonisher wheel which is 3 points for 80% increased warcry speed, but that is if you can spare 3 points. It does give some damage via warcries done recently, but that is kinda inconsistent as it is only the last 4 seconds and you really do not want to have to press that shit every 4 seconds.
If it's the same in PoE2 then those cast on crit meta gems will also have a little asterisk saying "Spells cast this way don't do damage".
Putting a 15% reservation tax is one thing, completely removing the effect makes it completely useless, arguably even in builds that like the exert.
Why would the invite email have watermarks. The beta is a known thing and that people will get into it. There is nothing to protect.
how do you guys even make pobs right now if 3.25 isnt out yet?
except for seismic and intimidating which every berserker will have automated, then maybe rally or enduring to self cast
>and now has "Supported Warcries do not grant Buffs or Charges to you or Allies"
bleed SST seems like shit no matter what i do. bleed melee like lacerate and even perforate do like 4 times the damage with worse gear. i want to play it but it seems not buffed enough
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So is chieftain just going to be the most busted shit we have ever seen? I feel like warcry buff effect will be the new "aura effect" gremlin of PoE. Stacking Warcry buff effect seems to be insanely good now.
are you fucking retarded
Bro, you literally have to press them every 10-12 seconds.
Who cares what the 0.5% use rate ascendancy thinks.
many people lack object permanence
It's tied to a playstyle that most people fucking hate so it doesn't really matter how good it is.
that is the class that the automated cries was made for. something tells me with top streamerinos playing it it won't be 0.5% playrate
It is but you're nerfed by playing pianoslop
diablo 3 power creep was kino
Would a Retaliation only build work? Even with the big damage and a bunch of nodes to reliably be able to loop through a few of them you are still going to need to pull of a block in order for them to start. So you need to walk up to most enemies and wait for them to hit you first before you can even attack, so you'd likely need pretty much capped 90% block and that's not too easy to get, normal cap would be easy to get but still to risky I think. I don't think it'd be a very league friendly build.
How did it get buffed? Seems like warcry buffs got nerfed.
if you want to press 6 warcries every 10 seconds be my guest.
Automated cries were made for everyone because literally everyone used them on left click (assuming they didn't have something else there).
Sure, this change probably swaps it to Berserker but it obviously fucks over everyone else other than this recently nerfed class.
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I just remembered eternal apple exists I have to go pob
just automate them retard
or use an autoflask macro but for skill buttons
Why are people obsessed with "automation" and "automating" things in a build? I strongly prefer to press buttons repeatedly and I am fine with that. It seems like everyone wants a one button build. Why is that? Doesn't that just bring you one step away from playing basically fucking cookie click? or whatever other tard idle game? Is it an insane thought that I believe that any build which has a very active play style should deal more damage than builds with very passive but simple playstyles? Like if I am over here doing full rotations, I should be dealing high amounts of damage.
Oh, also, another big late game damage boost is anointing charisma + level 3 enlighten to fit in Flesh and Stone for another 20% more damage.
Can someone explain to me how crit and bleed interact? PoB tells me that taking Resolute Technique tanks my bleed DPS, but I thought crits didn't increase bleed. I don't think I have any dot multi from critical strikes or anything.
I remember some nerd making an auto-cry earthshatter build, you should try to make that build in your own imagine.
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If you set up a macro you will lose control of your character without knowing because they are NOT INSTANT so you'll just randomly get interrupted.
Big hit makes bigger bleed
A critical hit adds +50% dot multi
Because its a boringly shit button. Its not an attack or at least a curse, it doesn't change anything about the other buttons I'm doing OTHER then make them do more damage. There's no thought or intelligence put into the first set of buttons they're just stat increases. The kind of increase that are hardly every stopped, like there's no reflect or map ban of them, at worse they just expire quicker.
I agree with what you're saying about varied builds but the kind of builds these people want to automate are already essentially one button builds, they just don't want to have to press the boring "do more damage" button before using their one skill.
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Im right next to Admonisher though I'm not sure it's worth 3 points...
I'm going for Natural Authority though because I'm making a Perfect Agony Chieftain tree and Warcry Effect scales Base Critical Strike Chance with the new Battlemage's Cry.
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>Glacial Hammer: No longer has Cold Damage added against Chilled Enemies at all gem levels. It now has 218% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 165%), scaling up to 622% at gem level 20 (previously 269%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 5 at all gem levels). No longer has +0.2 metres to Melee Strike Range. This is a buff.
it adds +50% dot multi which is barely relevant
maybe you can do crit bleed builds now with the new perfect agony but it still sounds shit honestly
>They removed increased strike range from every strike skill
LMAO can't wait to see all the retards that are flocking over to melee miss all their swings when the enemy moves.
Your options are to use Admonisher or Urgent Orders, or hell, use both, though that is not very efficient. I am just going for 6 linking my warcries in my weapon and having my slam in my chest.
Intimidating + Rallying + Seismic + Enduring + Urgent Orders + More Duration.
be honest with me, how much better is laceration bleed glad?
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Ben is the best player in this game right? I can just copy his berserker melee guys and it'll be good?
>50% dot multi
>barely relevant
Lmao, t. Never actually took a dot build to dot cap
>DOT cap
>Melee league
Thank youuu~ :3

>barely relevant
How much multi are you stacking?
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>copy Rue build
>replace skill with my favorite skill
>drop a defense cluster for more damage
who else /master build maker/ here?
Go ahead, invest a ton into to crit to go from 400% to 450% dot multi occasionally. Lmao.
doesn't matter for the relevant strike skills desu
I'd be surprised if he runs that LS on hc
Path of exile suffers from a "everything must always be up" issue I think. I see where you are coming from. People sincerely feel that every buff must always be up. I wish in the future they would make adjustments to make certain buttons more meaningful obviously. Like on the new chieftain, he won't ever have to worry about warcry power which effectively means all situations are the right situation to use a warcry. Whereas before, using a warcry on a single white enemy would yield hardly any buff.

On the flip side, I guess warcries were never really used for specifically their buff but rather the exerts.
This is what PoE2 is for. When you have multiple skills that are 6 linked you'll actually want to have skills that do different shit for you. A clearing skill, a set up skill, a big burst skill, buffs and stuff. In PoE1 it sucks when you build your entire character around 1 skill but then have to drop little annoying totems, or spam warcries, or use a dumb banner.
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Melee buffs? I'm going to play Ice Shot Deadeye.
Probably Dual Strike, since I used this league to test the thing. Possibly fiddle with retaliation skills, because I enjoy that shit.
There's an ARPG that does that called Diablo 3. When your buffs arent up you do zdps and your entire build is about making those buff be up 100% of the time because its dumb to do zdps every 10 seconds.
go to options and opt in
>invest a ton
There are a shit ton of turnkey solutions for guaranteed occasional crits
Hey that's me, but with Snipe support too
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Ok chefs be honest, am I cooking something here? All your damage can poison with the grasping vine tech, you just stack crit multi to convert it to dot multi using Perfect Agony, and you get 350% global crit strike chance with no downside. All you need to do is stack crit multi on the tree and gear and your poisons will do insane damage, yeah?
Surely this is foolproof?
which no sane person bothers with
Is that one bad? I'm not gonna play hc anyway
do totems inflict grasping vines with that anoint
it's probably fine but it's still quite a bit of investment for 350% crit chance
Yes, KB works this way. If a boss has adds right next to it, every projectile will hit the enemy first, cause secondary explosions, fork, hit something else, cause more secondary explosions, chain to the boss, cause more secondary explosions, and then chain more if you have more chains. In rare circumstances where you have invincible adds around a high hp target (archnemesis gave us lots of these moments) you will find out that KB has absurd single target potential, because it shotguns in what is basically an exponential way. Yes, your PC can lag really hard when this happens

The penance mark is not perfect, since it's only 3 adds per second, but every one of those adds represents a bare minimum of 1 extra projectile and 1 secondary explosion hitting the boss. Also, they grant on-hit and on-kill effects, so you can use those in single target now.
For sc it's good you'll die a few times though
many streamniggers are pobing pathfinder poison builds with the boots + anoint. it will be played, but i think youre going to need something that hits fairly fast because youre ramping into dot
+150% additional elemental DPS
it might be the rise of mixed damage builds
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>the rise
>xe doesn't know
I wanna see some phys shit, though I'd still throw that on a phys build, just sucks you have to stop using brutality.
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Playing Vampire Survivors and other games in that genre made me wonder: Does manually activating spells in farming genres have any inherent value? As far as I know, everyone tries to automate as much of their builds as possible. This game turning into a 0-1 button festival isn't something that the devs set out to do, it's what players wanted to do. On top of that, 2+ button builds are avoided like the plague despite being objectively stronger most of the time. That pretty much means that more buttons=less fun for most players. It's also not an esport so there's no need to take into account skill expression.

So that brings us to the initial question, does manually activating skills have value in this genre when you're just mindlessly spamming them as often as possible anyway?
>Does manually activating spells in farming genres have any inherent value?
No? Why would you want to hand cast if you can have your build automatically shoot a billion projectiles a second as you run around and hold down a single key. That's why melee buffs are irrelevant, just play some wander or w/e and clear 5 screens worth of monsters every second.
Is this anything?
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general's cry (literally any skill) chieftain
>Resistances: -35%/-43%/-43%/-60%
>DPS: 2,558,313 Speed: 1.29
oh nonononono
That's without items you faggot.
>General's Cry: Supported Skills now deal 60% less Damage at gem level 1 (previously 45%), scaling to 51% at gem level 20 (previously 36%).

hahaha. ermmm... emmmm.. No.
learn to read a fucking pob anons
I want to play the new league while watching the Olympics.
Just pay with your body.
>it's with a weapon
>>DPS: 2,558,313 Speed: 1.29
What the fuck happened to Breach bosses? I just ran like 5 Flawless and 5 Regular Esh looking for the shitty mirror and I only got 1 unique drop across all 10
are the mirages allies?
i'm a mongo, does it work with double strike of impaling ( with the impale explosion on death) for extra single damage ?
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Don't forget the cluster jewel for more vinemaxxing
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>Why yes I am going to use every warcry in the game come league launch except generals cry. How could you tell?
Why are you wasting your time on video gamez then?
It would work with anything that uses additional enemies for increases in single target damage.
So yes.
But also no, since it's going to be like 100 divines and out of your or my own reach for quite a while.
why did you send me down this rabbit hole fuck
this is not the league you want to go to 0 endurance charges
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is generals cry dead with the new warbringer?
or perhaps saved by chief new infinite warcry node.
im too smoothbrain to work out a fire based conversion for them
i dont care about gaylee unless its cyclone or flicker. did these get buffs?
im guessing no, because they are the only nongaymelee abilities
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Am I retarded and don't know how to set up PoB properly or is my build just actual ZDPS

Chieftain with infinite power, no longer need redblade banner, stack endurance charges and use tec slam of cataclysm
ain't no way lil bro wtf is this shit oh naaaaaaaah
your bow sucks
they were, cyclone probably not enough. flicker strike inexplicably buffed a lot.
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But even if I use some 1000 eledps bow the DPS of the build hardly increases?? It's so so so so over...
>18k ehp chieftain
Sadly, Shockwave only got like a 30% damage buff, so Cyclone will just stay the CoC vehicle du jour.
Are there any good channeling builds or are they all bad because you need to not move to channel?
just cyclone
Because people are just shitting on you I'll point some stuff out. Cruelty and deadly ailments conflict, you kinda want to pick one or the other. Also that bleed mod on the axe you setup isn't going to be in 3.25.
No. Mirages, just like totems, count as an extension of yourself. Notice the lack of minion tag on the gem.
use a citadel bow, dumbass lol
*reinstalls warframe*
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thanks mate I'll try that
>generals got a huge nerf
>yeah im going generals!!!
260% -> 336% is not bad for a gem that requires no attack speed. Rage gives "more" damage instead of attack speed and increased damage, plus you get better weapons too. I know Shockwave isn't a meta skill nowadays, but it definitely got a decent buff.
quit samefagging retard
bots exist and are always farming the low end shit.
take your meds, nigger
the attacks you use with generals got huge buffs qt
using a two handed weapon and skill buffs more than makes up for it and it was already a strong build
There're basically two mindsets towards automating builds.

One is that you're lazy and play PoE because you want to brain off and make slow endless progress. You're playing it as a familiar relaxation game really.

The other mindset is that you're a builder or optimizer where your end game in an ARPG is to create builds that're as mechanical and automated as possible. The pinnacle of ARPG character building for a lot of people is a build that plays itself. In this regard, they're the opposite of the first type because they're putting in disproportionate amounts of effort to do as little as possible and still clear everything.
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scram kid, you're making our generals cry
that's not how carlos works
I'm going RF, we got buffed this patch RF bros
bowsissy detected, i will enjoy seeing you ACK nonstop in white maps now that you can't phys convert everything :)
buff how
I keep having to remind myself that all the temp buffs got gutted when I get excited by shit like the shield crush numbers
open up poe and equip shield crush and you'll never care about the damage numbers for that skill again
is Ben a good build maker or is he bait like jungroan where you have to be a high iq player to understand how every component of the build works otherwise it completely falls apart?
anyone buying the $500 supporter pack for the new 2 hour early access league start thing?
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new max ele res nodes in RF territory
also, use a cloak of flames lil bro. phys mit and also ignite duration
They all just copy other people's builds and have no clue
They need the engagement for money
endurance charges buffed
more life on gear in general
chieftan and jugg both got cool stuff for it
>where you have to be a high iq player to understand how every component of the build works otherwise it completely falls apart?
yes, every passive/item/affix/support gem is optimized around making the build work as a whole, one missing thing and it's turbo borked
its never struggled with tankiness
it needs damage
I've played it before and its fine.
>open up build guide
>DON'T follow the guide
>wtf is this fucking bait build
RF has plenty of damage for mapping all the way up to T17s, you only need more damage if you want to be a bosser (which is not the point of RF)
>RF has plenty dps
Please anon this a lie. The only reason to go RF is that you want a super tanky map clear and dont mind being slow.
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>RF has plenty of damage
I will now proceed to fix retaliate skills
>They activate automatically when you block
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he's a madman
NTA But doesn't every leaguestarter need to be a bosser? That's how you unlock most of the Atlas, right?
rf is for running heist (based)

Do you even play the game?
No, you just farm currency quickly with a mapper and buy boss carries to get your voidstones from miners.
new thread
talking about pinnacle and uber bosses, not map bosses
Wow man just get a mageblood and you will be slower then anyone else who can wear mageblood insane.
The mobs all died within 0.01 seconds of popping into existence. You're unhinged.
People played it with fleshrippers on berserker. Look on ninja for people that have a gray bar below their dps. Idk if it survived the zerker nerfs. There's also trauma flicker but I think that full cold converts.
Do we have any idea which beasts were added other than morrigan?
Would they really move vultures over?
I don't think you can put special bases like that in
Tempered by war + mahu
You WILL click Wind Dancer
by being an SSF GOD

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