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It's so fucking Blowver edition

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How to WebM

>Previous >>486836460
it's nolgover
Blowbros... not like this
the pedophiles madodev (develops pedophilic Ero Dungeon), eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt (develops Dreams of Joy Departed) should kill themselves
proteins look cool as shit
I need to make a game that takes place inside a cell
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Why would you give it your all for placeholders? Dummy
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what went wrong?
codelet here, is it alright to people controller script to use it in your game without crediting the one who write it?
OMG yes sister!!! This reminds me of my favorite Neil Degrasse Tyson video where he’s talking about how science and math shows that God is a silly made up magical sky fairy and how the vaccine is totally proven by science and truth to be 100% safe and effective!!
>OMG yes sister!!! This reminds me of my favorite Neil Degrasse Tyson video where he’s talking about how science and math shows that God is a silly made up magical sky fairy and how the vaccine is totally proven by science and truth to be 100% safe and effective!!
I didn't intend for them to be placeholders I was just terrible at art and still am.
how much brain-numbing trope trash cancer can this nigga fit into one game?
Depends on the license.
Not enough content variety.
>Do you like games like FE, FFT, Ogre Battles or Symphony of War? Good, go replay those instead. I was willing to look passed the terrible use of the retro style in promise of deep customization etc of your heroes and dynamic combat. It is not these things. At best, it is a $20 gimmick to try and get access to the reemerging tactics market that's been expanding over the last few years. Dull game play and a boring soundtrack. The random map generation does nothing to make the levels feel any different. I'm not sure I have anything good to say about this game except that it does let you find out real fast it's not fun to play so you can return it before it's too late.
>Far too minimal. Perhaps there is more to this game that I am missing, but the fact that there's only 3 starting characters (and 3 slots) makes every run feel similar.
>Eh. Grindy and punishing, and not really in a fun way IMO. I'm not sure that there are even good outcomes to shrines, every one has been devastating to my party and led to quick losses.
to steal people controller script*
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>a game about a badass cop who rescues cute little girls from psychos
Holy based, that piece of junk can get 55 reviews? I might unironically be sitting on a 5k review game lmfao. Insane to comprehend
stop posting on this pedophile forum or kill yourselves
the pedophiles madodev (develops pedophilic Ero Dungeon), eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt (develops Dreams of Joy Departed) should kill themselves
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lmao same
Omggggg sister!!! Jonathan LieberSTEIN (I wonder why he changed his name? What a silly goose!) totally invented that heccin genius and cute crab walk our DNA and cells are so freaking cool and epic!!
if it's CC0 then i can use it without crediting the owner of give him something like "royalty" money?
Have you posted your games here in the past 3 months? Because I haven't seen any game in development that's likely to have even 1k reviews.
your taste is notoriously bad, unbelieverposter
I decided to draw some characters, one similar to my current style and another in chibi style. All while not referencing my current style at all but still pixel art. They came out better than the current art in my game, significantly better. I tried at least copying the color palette onto my current game's character design and she was coming out terrible before I even finished! I started just fixing her design while keeping the majority of the overall shape. She came out good. I don't want to go through another character art overhaul! This time there is a bigger problem, I have to redo the countless NPC's I've already made. That's 10's of hours of work that was mostly for naught! Do you know how boring it was to do that months ago? I was literally losing focus and feeling like I was about to fall asleep!

Aggy daggy why must this be so hard!!!
>some retarded incel on 4chan with no job who lives in his mom’s basement is the ultimate taste maker and has omniscient astral projection abilities allowing him to know how every game will perform on steam before it is even finished
The internet is an amazing place!!!
30,000 sales isn't actually all that much. I'm pretty sure around 3-5 of the top 10 most popular last demo day could manage that.
my game is guaranteed a pretty easy 1k
the actual question is just how far beyond that am I able to keep going
Yes. If it's CC-BY you can credit them by having a a web page with hundreds of assets listed and linking to it at the bottom of your game credits.
Yes. CC0 is equivalent to public domain.
It's still good manners to credit them.
Here are some games that came out recently and look decent with 10 or fewer reviews.
10 https://store.steampowered.com/app/3055780/PERMUTER/
3 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1829310/Corsairs_Madness/
4 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2696660/Kiopioke/
0 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2560020/A_Walk_in_the_Park/
6 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1625930/Galaia/

Good luck anon!
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

How many wishlists are you getting? How many likes on social media? What are you basing your estimates on except optimism?
If you think cosmicalligger is selling more than 100 copies you’re coping
You could post the Into the Breach storepage with the reviews altered and "what went wrong" and retards here would say the same thing.
Every single one of those looks like complete dogshit, you didn’t seriously think this was some type of own did you? It just shows how low your own expectations are for your own work output. Truly grim, I’m sorry for you
Cosmic Call has never reached top 10 of any demo day
ah alright, thanks
Each of these games look better than 99% of all Demo Day entries. It is not an 'own', it is a wakeup call that your pretty graphics won't automatically give you the sales. But post your game if you think yours looks better.
You are a contrarian retard.
Almost all games posted here look like complete dogshit except the space ship game and ToK, but even they are probably going to be in the low hundreds of reviews.
Demo day 57 had 101 entries, and the top 10 all look better than those games, so your "99%" is already proven wrong.
Lurk more, I can tell you haven’t seen my game lmao
>pretty graphics
>he exclusively linked 2d pixel shart, puzzle games, and platfaggers
I’ll be ok don’t worry, thanks for the concern trolling though it was very valuable!!
Aura and Ero both already have thousands coming in monthly on Patreon. Getting ~30,000 sales will be trivial for them. Ctesiphon, Landsword, Archtower etc. all have production level art already in and could probably hit 30,000 lifetime sales. Some of the other ones could probably as well once they hit production art too.
>Lurk more, I can tell you haven’t seen my game lmao
ok, but... >>486921470
The spaceship game will never release and ToK will have a rough time passing 100. It would depend heavily on how much marketing effort his publisher puts in, because there's no way that game will sell itself.
Lol is there a more dedicated shitposter than ericschizo?
is that a loli?
will not reach 500 reviews ever. It's had 73 reviews in 18 months and there's a formula to calculate EA vs 1.0
the other two games I'd be very surprised if they reach 500 reviews never mind 1000 or 5000 as that original confident anon suggested.
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If you don't add "1" to the end of your game's title, then you're a pussy ass bitch who's too insecure to assume that your game WILL have a sequel.
If you add a number to your game, then you don't have an ounce of creativity or confidence that your game will stand on its own merits.
The original fallout was just fallout you absolute fucking mouth breathing retard
What if I absolutely refuse to make a sequel?
I'm against the concept of sequels on a fundamental level
>He needs a sequel
how do i neet? life is so fucking boring that i wanna kms. i dont get what neets do all day
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Working a way to show the list of order given when choosing a path.
>No job
>No game
>No gf
>No money
it's so fucking over
I want to start life again
you may NOT lewd the ATP synthase
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>Saw Cris's thread on /v about using ai to create 3d models
>Check it out myself
>It's actually pretty damned decent with workable topology

Bit depressing. Makes me feel like a chump when I'm working on making a model that takes me days that AI can shit out in a few minutes. Is the topo perfect? No. But jesus, it's like 80% there. I don't mean to be a depressed sack of garbage but this is pretty demoralizing of how many nice games will be released quickly now.
My game is the prequel to my dream game. that's why I put ":Origins"
You want to know the top performing type of game across all games in history?
Whats the best way to do a double tap input in godot?
I'm not soulless corporation with the sole purpose of maximizing profits
Baldur's Gate 1
Baldur's Gate 2
Baldur's Gate 3
easy solution:
-burn down server farms
-lynch the corpofags behind this shit
-stage a worker's revolution
this will always be the morally correct course of action
Yeah feel that. I fight blender every day, I can make decent models but it takes ages. I can paint, so I can see myself defaulting to AI models generated from my art in the near future with manual touchups.
I've added "Zero" to mine.
Cant I just make a video game about doing that instead?
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Can't believe Marmoreal will release before Bokube.
Same.. except several games and little money.
can i limit how many polycount i want?
Bokube will release before the year is out, mark my words
>he says while posting on the very same forum
just DM me bro
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there are about 3 settings for polycount, low med high. low is still 1000s of polys
So for playermovement, I should be uses forces (input force, friction, etc.) to move my character around?
What the fuck
that would be very gay
pretty nice
Thank you
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I love this pedophile forum
I am trying to make a nice 3d platformer. I'd like for the player to gain speed and momentum and have it feel somewhat natural
every time you post this I gain more power.
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proper agario would be interesting
hardcode things to modify the velocity vector. do not interact with physics except for collision.
is there a way to teleport a node to wherever the mouse cursor is pointing in the godot editor?
the most pavlovian response
ban evasion that this hour, looneytroon?
That was my intention. I'd have a force increase my velocity in a desired direction and then apply friction to velocity afterwards then call move and slide. I'm just figuring out how to cap movement speed without using clamp.
i'm kinda new here, is that faggot local schizo here?
Which one? There's like 12 at this point. And yes, he is.
i'm not schizo, unlike you. kill yourself schizo pedophile
the pedophiles madodev (develops pedophilic Ero Dungeon), eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt (develops Dreams of Joy Departed) should kill themselves
>it's not a bot
we've known that for a while, kinda sad he's spending his saturday night doing this
Unity 6... need it or keep it?
It's Godot 4.3 for me.
unreal 5.1 for me
For me it's Unity 2021
>unity 6
supposedly you now can reload scripts asynchronously while still being able to use the editor
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I hired an egyptian man to make me a character model today.
I really hope he doesn't just take the down payment and run.
Even the gore bot was better than this
unitybros we are so back
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this but unironically
Jim Cramer, who was famously never wrong about anything.
Based, on the phone with my broker right now. Unity still runs almost the entire mobile game space. My boy Unity just needs more time.
I mean it's not looking good, anon. It's been almost a year since the drama and they still haven't recovered.
idk why but this made me kek
the infamous jim cramer that /biz/reali's state to invert? bro's is unity about to make another screw up that pushes more than half the devs out? i'm scared bros! are they about to reinstate a fee per download of your game regardless if its the same person redownloading it?
wonder how much he get paid to say it
So like I got no pc I'm typing this on my phone.

I'm using scratch and learning C# on the library computer my life is great
I was just commenting on Jim Cramer being seen as a reliable source of any prediction.
If I have a demo long before Steam Next Fest, can I then use that demo or otherwise a new demo for Steam Next Fest still? Or did I ruin it by already having a demo out?
you have to be 18 to post here
heh, my life is great too
Unity 2017 is all one could ever need in a computer game engine
Kill yourself :)
>watch "pirated" course
>few video has no sound
i'm ngmi, go on without me /agdg/
That's all it took to stop you? All of these courses are like 10-15 dollars you jew. Skip lunch or something
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can it do this?
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where the FUCK are the CRPGs
tf does this mean nigga
who would ever need that? nobody
Crpgs are lame as fuck doebeitly
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rate my MC
Too big for a solodev. CRPG's are notoriously lengthy and filled with tons of stuff.
>640K ought to be enough for anyone
We need more centaur characters
should be black anyways
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i actually found a youtube video explaining the same stuff, now i'm motivated
dumb dotard
Are there any youtube guides that actually teach how to build a game from the ground up?
Not some "I made pong in 7 minutes" viewbait shit that teaches you to copy their implementation of pong and nothing else, but a proper guide that lays out basic coding, engine features and functions you'll need, and how to structure a full-sized project.
females should never be MC's.

Girls can only be sexy or cute. Not badass or cool.

Stop. As soon as I see game with female MC, I pass on it. Instant pass.
a real Baby Maximillian moment if I've ever seen one
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Guides can teach you how to make something, but your only proper teacher is to remake crappy games until your brain magically understand how shit is made.

And there's not shortcut over that.
Just making hundreds of crappy games over 10 years.

There's still some books like clean code and clean architecture that deals with the top down view of software.

And no.
No tutorial will teach you fucking CS, except those boring MIT lectures that are university shit about boring CS topics like software design.
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Anons, do you ever feel like video games are punching below their weight, so to speak? Or that they could evolve into a medium much greater in scope than any game today?

Take Tynan. From his blog and GDC talks you can tell he has a deep understanding of game design. He created a game that's played by millions of people for millions of man hours. People love his game. By all measures he's a success and one to aspire to. But can we do better?

For ex: There are elements of sports, tabletop games, and outdoor rec/exploration that blow video games out of the water. Basically anything games try to simulate can be much richer at peak moments than the condensed and neutered video game form.
yeah yeah this old bullshit
the best way to learn is by doing, but that only works once you've got a foundation to build on. people only learn to drive by driving because they've got 16 years of cultural context and interaction with cars to build on. you know the pedals make it go, the wheel makes it turn, you stay between the lines, and so on. you show some uncontacted tribesman from darkest peru a car and he's going to be fucking clueless. you can't toss him into the street and expect him to learn that shit by doing, he needs someone to explain what the hell a car even is.
no one can learn to make a game by opening unity and pressing buttons. it's simply not possible without some sort of explanation. coding even more so, trying to code without being taught is like trying to write in a foreign language with neither a dictionary or a grammar handbook. just stare at the blank page until you figure something out.
feels like i have a mild headache. i've been drawing a lot today, took a break just a short while ago but some form of it is still there
here's a tip, sort by duration
bing "handmade hero"
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niggas made a game about becoming an agdg poster
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the solution is to look at passage, not your AAA showelware.


Play passage.

the foundation of game development, isn't looking at pewdie pie videos about how to use unity or godot.

Basically you need to study CS to get the foundation on shit like math, data structures, computer architecture, compilers, C++, networking.

Which sadly, not tutorial will ever teach a fucking CS degree.
Just create a max speed. In my experience you just have to fuck with the player movement and tinker around until it feels like how you want it to feel
you can't be a cuck if nobody wants you in the first place
make a game bout time travel with full butterfly effect functionality.
>cris trying to give advice
ok zoomer
DAMN that game looks kino thanks for the next game ima emulate after i finish demon souls holy shit that looks good
>Not some "I made pong in 7 minutes" viewbait shit that teaches you to copy their implementation of pong and nothing else
Can you make pong?
If your answer is anything other than yes, then that clickbait youtuber is a more knowledgable game developer than you, and you might just learn something from watching their video.
If you can make pong, then just learn how to make other games the same way you learned to make pong.
I really wish English had a more natural gender-neutral third person pronoun than they/them. The fact that they/them is used for plural third person as well makes it sound awkward as fuck. And yes, I have to use a gender-neutral third person. The ambiguity of the player character's gender is a plot point.
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Trying to determine the best workflow for building levels. The advantage of landscape splines is it conforms the terrain to match. The disadvantage is that's the only advantage.
english also lacks separate versions of "we" that include or exclude the one being spoken to, unlike some other languages
this is really begging for a giant ball to come rolling down
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the dawn of Erlang KINO is upon us bros
The natural gender-neutral pronoun in English is he. Fuck feminists and everyone who said he isn't good enough it has to be HE OR SHE and then THEY instead
What is this game and was it actually programmed in erlang
The game is made by a guy responsible for Sigma Finite Dungeon, and it was a game I've spent more than 50 hours. It was a small scale masterpiece with amazing progression system paired with Into The Breach style combat and procedurally generated dungeons. Granted, I bought it because it was -80% off and the story is non-existent but I had a blast. I genuinely believe Crawl Tactics is just as good or better and all he needed was more exposition.
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There isn't any time travel game that can surpass the ones that already exist in terms of storytelling quality.
Fun fact: The word man is gender neutral. Originally there was a masculine word to refer to an adult male human (wehrman or wereman) alongside the feminine woman and neutral man, but it fell into disuse and about the only place it's still present in English today is in the word werewolf (wolf MAN)
>Can you make pong?
>just learn how to make other games the same way you learned to make pong
I learned to make pong by watching a youtube guide, retard
tranny faggot
because it's always evident from context. anyone with half a brain can tell when they're being included in the "we" or not.
>t. youtube grifter afraid of the masses waking up and walking over to the actual teachers
He'll have 100+ reviews before end of this year
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its a new browser MMO. yes networking is all Erlang. Everyone is sleeping on it. Insane for multiplayer games
what makes it so good why not just use C for networking
What would you do to combine these two together? The buttons align with the representative item in the same index. Should I keep it as?
The struct both of them are contained in is called PlayerItemStack
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Forgot to attach picrel.
just use male pronoun as the neutral.

A woman should not be offended for being called a he or him due to gender neutral pronoun usage.

A man is right to be offended for being called a she though.

Everyone knows this to be intuitively true.
everything in Erlang is a process. Processes run independently and communicate via message passing. So you avoid lots of pain around multi-threaded programming. It all runs on a very optimized and lightweight VM that manages the process initialization and scheduling, You can group processes under supervision trees and get free logging/monitoring/error isolation. And then it supports hot reloading so you can drop live updates to the server logic without any service loss.
It's not, but you're free to think that.
Games are just a collection of systems.
There are plenty of tutorials for each system, but since every game has different systems, you have to learn them separately. Character controller, camera, menus, enemies, stats, physics, generation, shaders, particles, etc.
Learning what systems exist is just a matter of looking at other games and dissecting them.
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i drew a little concept for my mlgs ripoff
now I need a side profile for the blender reference image
It's the same reason we can say mankind or "guys" to mean the group of people you are with.
-combining systems is a task in itself
-systems like a character controller are easy to find tutorials for. something like setting up a worldspace is very much not. everyone wants to teach how to make the guy jump, no one wants to teach decent methods for adding gameworld terrain.
Name a single situation where "we" is in any way ambiguous in context, retard
Well what's it called? It looks like a stripped down version of UO.
I tell friend 1:
friend 2 sent me a neat article about the school we went to.
without additional context, it's unclear if I mean "me and friend 1" or "me and friend 2"
it's not a make-or-break thing, but it lacks distinction
>ban evasion
Erlang is fine, I've used Elixir and other BEAM languages for backend web projects. But, really, I much prefer Rust. It's better in every way. Other than the community, which is really fucking gay.
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I now wanna make a horror game with this.
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Why am I not allowed to use 'item' in a seperate case? The code from the case above would never reach that line because of return. It makes no sense.
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SWARMMO. I never played UO but some people have mentioned that. Its not aiming to be an old school grind MMORPG. Focus is more on large battles between player + npc factions. The a.i is all controlled by a director that will take over the map if you don't fight.
evo was fun today
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lil bro fr coming to the pedophile forum and tryna act like he ain't a pedo :skull:
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most of what you've produced is horrifying to look at, cris
Maybe you need a break after each case to make the compiler happy, even though you have a return. Not sure, I don't use C#. Give it a try and see if it makes the error go away.
I'm really excited to start working on my game again on Monday.
Gonna get a lot of work done next week, I can feel it.
I now need an easy to use engine to make a fighter.
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it's obvious from context because friend 1 already knows whether or not he went to the same school as you, moron
>Play passage.
Ok, I played it. Not sure I'm fully getting it but I see what you mean. I feel the same way about Baba Is You. So I guess the rule of thumb should be: only make games that need to be made. i.e. if it's already been done, do something new & if it can be better expressed in writing/film/etc don't force it to be a game. Make something that must be interactive to be properly expressed
What the fuck is this. It is hideous. Model is cute but the bending is very unsettling. Good for a horror game I guess.
sure it's not, frogposter. was it high school? middle school? something extracurricular like a music school? there's a million things that could be going on there. plus, you as a third party also has no idea if "we" is inclusive or exclusive there.

There's better mediums to tell stories than games.

Even manga is a better medium than games to tell a story.
Thanks but no luck unfortunately. It even tells me 'unreachable code' detected. I'll just name it something else for now.
game about an exhausted baby cat man chef who works on a space station....
>Light punch
>Has extremely long start up frames
See this is why people make pixel games with 0 frame attacks.
>was it high school? middle school? something extracurricular like a music school?
how the fuck is any of that relevant to your point? regardless of what kind of school it is, friend 1 already knows if he went there. if he did, the "we" is you and friend 1. if he didn't, the "we" is you and friend 2. if you, friend 1, and friend 2 all went there, then the "we" includes all 3 of you.
he looks just like my cousin (on his third japanese wife)
Alternatively, you could probably set the PlayerItemBase item uninitialized, above the switch, and then assign it in each case.
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>linguistic ambiguity
>linguistic ambiguity, Japan
I'd get BULLIED if I make a RTWP crpg and turn-based CRPGs are hyper advanced tactics games aka the nopest of all amateur gamedev
say, friend 1 and I only went to the same middle school, but friend 2 and I only went to the same high school.
Again, you came up with multiple possibilities as well, showing its ambiguity.
I could but its just extra code that isn't used.Its fine, i could just be more explicit with the variables.
in that bizarre edge case then it'd be made immediately obvious like 2 seconds later when you show him the article and it says the name of the school, if voice tone indicators didn't make it clear already
It's another ESL episode.
>advanced tactics games aka the nopest of all amateur gamedev
You don't need to have very advanced gameplay.
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I think I'm going to miss my next deadline. Deadline was to have my game be demo ready by the end of August. I set out on this maybe late last month. About 2.5 months on that deadline and almost 50% of the time has already passed! Most of my dev time was spent handling stuff not so important to making a demo. Sure a little was done towards fixing some important stuff but the amount of stuff I still need just seems unfeasible.

I don't think I can make it in time. Some of you might think this would be quick if you knew what I need to do but I just feel so all over the place and anything on the art side results in me spending hours just trying to get it right. Anything on the code side I end up dreading but it ends up being a coin flip of <1 hour to do or multiple days of trying to get a simple looking thing functioning as intended with 0 bugs. The worst is anything with UI that ties in with interactivity. Also I need to add music and sfx.

It's over!
But it is ambiguous. Were there inclusive and exclusives versions of "we", it would be immediately clear.
Again, not really a huge deal, but there are some languages that have two version of "we". See this article for more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clusivity
Put curly braces around each case to define a new context scope.

This help was bought to you by shanghaidev.
nta but that's really neat. linguistics is a whole field i know nothing about
you dont even post your game
>demo day 58 is quickly approaching
>1 month, 17 days, 0 hours, 33 minutes
are you ready aggy daggy? are you behind schedule? will you even participate?
What are you complaining about? You haven't finished shit.
First you deliver, then you earn the right to complain.
Not even close. I'm still a neophyte, no way I'm showing off anything at this stage. It's all embarrassing tutorial hack-job crap
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You did participate in the mascot challenge for O3DE right? You do support real engine development instead of a money laundering scheme like godot right?
if my game isn't finished and released in 1 month and 17 days I will just give up
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I believe in you, you can do it bocchibro
>be linuxfag
>devving all day, highly motivated, lots of concentration
>phone go brr
>>hey anon can you watch the family house while we're away? cheers!
>move my ass across country and watch the house
>clone repo onto little bro's computer
>raylib won't fuckin work
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trying to unclutter my UI
moved most indicators and icons to the bottom panel
drastically reduced idle and walking headbob
added a scratched glass effect
the blue circles will be "reload indicators", i'll turn them red when weapons are not ready
>friend 2 sent me a neat article about the school we went to.
I would say it with our
>Friend 2 sent me a neat article about our school
Which means Friend 2 + Me, because Friend 2 is the subject of the sentence.
It's also the case that Friend 2 is more likely to send an article about the school Friend 2 went to, not about an unrelated school.
It's also the case that if you have a middle school / high school / whatever, you'd just say the name of the school, which has no ambiguity in it. If you went to multiple schools you'd most certainly say which specific school you're talking about, regardless of if you need to use "we" or "our".

I'm sure there's a better example out there but this isn't it, having two forms of "we" would not help in this case.
Not to mention, you can emphasise the "we" or "our" if you have to show that it's not talking about the subject.
>friend 2 sent me an article about, OUR, school.
without adding "we went to" because that would confuse things.
Post build setup. If using CMake, try with CPM.cmake.
Yeah, it's not a great example. Just check the Wikipedia page I'm not actually a linguist >>486947104
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Will I get cancelled for this variable name?
It's fine anon
I should've also added that you can change the subject to be Friend 1.
>You remember the school we went to? Friend 2 send me an article about it

There's a lot of shit on that wikipedia page and I don't know if any of it is useful, but this is actually relevant to gamedev. It's important not to introduce characters and then disregard them, because the player's mind will still be focused on the character you've just shown. Apparently there's some rule in writing that Shakespeare might have followed where you don't have 4 characters talking at once, either. Controlling the subject matter is important if players are skimming the text (you know they will)
Yeah you gotta be very careful with the pronoun game if you're telling a story. I've read many books or dialogue in games where they play "he said she said" with 4 characters or more and it's impossible to follow.
tactics curse
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The eternal progress post.
We're entering a new Indie renaissance of the likes of the first 'hipster quirky chiptune' age of Indie.

It's going to be massive.
Sure, we've had some hits in the interim age, but I'm talking Minecrafts and Stardews coming out. I'm talking new e-celebs being made.

There are people here who will be named among Notch and Eric Barone.
>open source
Gee can't wait to see the unveiling of Tyson Tan's newest oc
And I'm one of them.
Still looking for help with this:
just ignore the statistics bro
Is there an unreal engine 4/5 decompiler?
I don't want fame, just fortune
tiny url DOOT com/sharplabfix

Try that anon.
Hey thanks. What is this magic epsilon? On what grounds do I tweak it, what conditions dictate the size?
This is what you get for not using a laptop for devving
my build setup is
"shards install" and "crystal src/main.cr"
the raylib-cr shard needs raylib, which is easily installed on linux, but on windows it apparently uses some powershell script that calls commands like "cl"and "lib" that won't work even when i install VS buildtools and if i just try to get a "release" dll from the raylib github it won't work no matter where i put the .lib files, dll file or the "include" and "lib" folders, no matter whether it's msvc or mingw or whatever i put in compiler flags, it just won't find it. It's retarded and I feel borderline retarded for even trying. Crystal is supposed to just werk. Why is windows deving so stupidddddd
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Thanks bocchibro :)
and me! dont forget me!
i'd rather be a eunuch than use a laptop keyboard
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What's your preferred bank for your business account?
Yeah anon, Windows deving is shit. Luckily all of the Windows builds for me are automated on a CI runner.

Use an external display and mouse + keyboard. It's nice to have, in case you must leave home.
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Consider adding more detail on the desk. The textures elsewhere are too high fidelity for the desk to be this low detail.
a tower defense game with dwarfs
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Amen. To those will take part, heed pic related. And for more inspiration, read this essay
>Consciously cultivate your taste in the work done in your field. Until you know which is the best and what makes it so, you don't know what you're aiming for.
>And that is what you're aiming for, because if you don't try to be the best, you won't even be good.

Ignorance is a superpower.

Godspeed anons, we're GMI. Big time
while I dont personally like them all being robots
the squirrel is cute
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Thanks anon I appreciate the feedback. I definitely will, I just threw that wood texture on as a placeholder so it's stretched out and low res. I'm in the props phase right now so will probably do that next.
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Getting precise melee collision working was surprisingly easy once I figured out the trick.

For anyone trying to do this kind of thing in Godot, keep track of the hitbox's transform in the previous frame and then interpolate another Transform3D (I used a duplicate dummy hitbox) to it according to the distance, casting a shape up the length each time. Do this after every frame during an attack.
any reason for not moving the green radar thing on the left down onto the left "physical" screen?

also, there's such a thing as multi use screens. for instance if you wanna have character portraits for when your commander is talking to you or whatever, you can have lets say an overhead map on the bottom left screen, and simply switch it over to the character portrait while communications is going on etc.

looking good otherwise.
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I'm opening a portal to the past, only Bocchi-sisters are allowed through. We will go back and just like make game during the golden age of gamedev! We will make it! Ganbatte Bocchi-sisters!
>use the same code as tutorial
>keep getting NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
shit work, but once i add destroy game object, the object disappear when i press play
most of my laptops are up to 5 years old by now and unmaintained as i barely use them. not ideal for devving on
but yeah I'll make a CI runner on my githob and just wait out the week, don't wanna mess up my little bro's pc too much
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that one time I bought gamemaker 1 on humble in 2015 and didn't start to learn gamedev until 2021 haha
post game?
OK who gives a fuck
If you're early on its time to figure out what the issue is and learn why you're getting the error before the project gets to big.

If i remember correctly, this is usually because yore referencing in code something that doesn't exist in the scene.
Chances are you're referencing a deleted object, you're spawning multiples in a row and the code not referencing it correctly, or something like this.

What is the goal of the tutorial? what are you trying to do?
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that does not look right, anon. Old method had only one of such triangle per concave mesh
those times I considered gamedev back in the mid 2000's when I was only like 12 or something....haha I could've been making games and learning before the golden age even began for indie devs ;_;
the radar is an area3d with a sprite3d as a child used on a 2d canvaslayer and i had some issues trying to turn it into a proper 3D element. i will give it another shot eventually.
yeah my node structure is all funky.
nvm, i fix it, forgot to uncheck something on physic2D
making metroidvania game
it's kind of shocking how tasteless most devs are
the golden age is a myth
making games was harder in the past, it's not like any old idiot was able to do it like today
And now that it's stagnant you have the opportunity to be making games and learning before the second golden age
If there was a golden age for indie devs it was 2010 to 2015. You had less competition than today but you also had Unity and Unreal.
how do you know, was there an /agdg/ meetup when I wasn't looking?
How do I accelerate my character to a certain speed cap but not over it while allowing them to move faster than said speed cap if they were to get propelled forward by something?
have two different states one is default the other is propelled
make the propulsion speed a different variable than the character speed, and just add them together to get the final speed
Velocity = movement force + external forces (gravity, boost, etc.) - slowing forces (ground friction, water, etc.)
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how's the deving going, boyos
Horrible, I haven't deved for days because I have to do menu design and it sucks. I vow to make progress starting now.
it was before normies got into gaming en masse though
Looks like the Unity FPS microgame
>year of the lord 1972 + 52
>c fags still figuring out build systems
can't make this shit up
read this book
Do the people lamenting about the "golden age of indies" and crying how "it used to be easier" even understand that even during 2015-2017 the MAJORITY of the games that would get 20-50 reviews today used to get 200-500 reviews at most. You don't want to be making the kind of game that would only make 200-500 reviews in the first place. Raise your standards a little
a game that would have made 6000 reviews in 2015 can easily make 6000 reviews today (albeit a little slower)
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nvm, i get the error again, start over from making the bullet and script, when i save that and move back to unity, i get NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object, i already add rigidbody2D and drag rigidbody2D to the RB
you didn't read the post then
it's crystal, not c, just relies on a C-coded library
Made me kek, but

That anon is using Crystal, it looks like.

I'm great at setting up build environments for C and C++ projects, years and years of experience. I don't often mess with those anymore though. Rust is pretty much perfect, and just werks.
Hotline Miami has 80,000 reviews
no shit, Sherlock, what gave it away?

I don't get it, you could be deving right now, what makes shitposting on this general far more appealing?
>inb4 disappointed because I cant dev so I come here to vent

shiiiiet, anyhow. catch you later
Yes, we just need to decide to make appealing games. I can't believe how many devs skip that step.
fuck off Faggy
because it sits snugly at the beginning of the "stupid games which appeal to brain damaged morons with ADHD" trend. Trendsetter games and outliers aren't important here. We need to focus on averages
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gonna go lift some weights now

I better not catch you here when I come back my deving break. youll get the stick again.
for some reason the error disappear when i restart unity
God this sounds like hell. I don't know how you anons ever accomplish anything with Unity.
>Let's look at the exceptions and not the rules!
but isn't the point that in the "golden age" you could release a simple game like Hotline Miami and succeed just because you were first? whereas you can release a similar game today and you're lucky to hit double figures
My game is designed to have no sequels.
Hotline Miami is not a "simple game".
why not?
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I feel like I'm very close to having a working state machine I can be happy with, one that is dynamic enough to use on everything.
I'm sure it will fall apart when I actually implement it though.
originallikes that spawn and entire wave of clones of themselves cannot be evaluated like the average game. If you want recent equivalents to hotline miami the answer is vampire survivors and balatro, not hotline miami clone #428
top down shooter with 80s music?
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the entitlement of so-called gamedevs is astounding
>nooooooooo but I want to make disposable shovelware that runs its market cycle in a single month and never gets played or talked about again but also make 1 million dollars off it!!!
if it is so simple and plain why did outsell everything else 456yu54u6y456456:1?
name a game that hotline miami is a direct ripoff of or is strongly reminiscent of. I'm waiting...
>Has multiple chapters
>Has multiple endings
>Distinct art style
>A large soundtrack that lasts over an hour
>Deep story with lore (real lore too, not fake lore)
A "simple game" would be like Super Mario Bros or Tetris. Hotline Miami might look simple on the surface but the average person could have not made that game, evident by the fact that nobody's been able to make something like it since.
I feel like I should be using rigid body for what I am trying to accomplish....
>nooooooooo I added 80s music and depression to a SNES game!!! I'm a genius and it had nothing to do with favorable market circumstances
Post game.
what SNES game are you talking about?
Loaded (1995)
the reason why hotline miami (like all other games) got picked up by the mainstream is the presentation. You can say that's luck or whatever.
But the reason why it got to 80 000 is because is has substance. This is something you can't fake. If your game has no substance then it has no legs, and even if you go viral it will never lead to something long-term
>no one shot kills
>no weapon pickups
>no executions
so there was a niche vacuum close to 20 years long? No wonder it was a hit
yes there is
holy shit do zoomers really think top down shooters were invented in 2012?
>yes there is
bro you can see the health bar on the top corner
no there was a new market and all you needed to do was clone a 20-30 year old AAA game and slap some indie flavor on it
The only thing similar is being a top down shooter
That's like calling Call of Duty a ripoff of Quake for being an FPS
one shot kills, radical new concept invented in 2012
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Switched from URP to HDRP.
Hotline Miami would be as bad as every other 80s nostalgia bait game if it weren't for its finely honed mechanics. Playing levels feels very different from something like >>486958313 because you have free range to play it like a stealth game or a run n gun and either extreme will fuck you up real gud. It's actually amazing how distinct and fresh it feels for such an overused theme
Volumetric fog and lights. Plus, it's optimized so you're getting decent fps.
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Mongol if he soulless
pretty sure URP is way faster and lighweight than HDRP
Zombies Ate My Neighbours was doing this shit in 1993 bro
The final boss of nodevness is refusing to admit that a game succeeded on its own merits.
it plays nothing like it, you are like a zoomer who just googled "top down shooters from the 90s" LMAO
Yeah but fog n shit.
I'll switch the textures around.
sure it is just walk past the zombies and exit the level there's your stealth lmao
Hotline Miami succeeded because of it's cool aesthetic and an indie game boom not because it wasn't a simple game with derivative mechanics
i'll never get the type of autism minecraft attracts. the game is so fucking boring after a while. yet even after a decade they still make those dumbass youtube videos and get millions of views.
holy shit it's fucking empty game, everybody knows every detail about minecraft. why do millions of people care about "minecraft myths", there are no myths in that game.
holy shit man i dont understand this world. fucking clown world. its probably best to dumb yourself down and think like an 8 year old on mood boosting drugs, thats the perfect mental state to make content that people actually want.
stupid 8 year olds who weren't alive back in the day watch those videos tho
minecraft is really a money printing machine.
meanwhile some devs try really hard and can't even make a living.
life is really just a gamble.
>never gets played or talked about again but also make 1 million dollars off it!!!
Yes. People should forget the things I make and only remember them as pleasant memories that they never bring up. Also I want to make a lot of money.
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Did I miss the boat on GigaMaidens, guys?

Has the ship sailed on fighting games? Or do I have an interesting product with an unexplored angle (giant sexy girls)?
next you guys are going to tell me Braid (2008) invented time manipulation mechanics
clearly it did cause not a single nigga has made a time manipulation game since lmao
Braid squeezed all the juice we could get out of that, there isn't much to it
>sure it is just walk past the zombies and exit the level there's your stealth lmao
No, my point was that you CAN play stealthily but it's suboptimal. Same for run n gun. When you play with the optimal balance of stealth and haste it all gels so well, especially with the soundtrack.
life is a mindfuck.
you need money. but there is no promise of earning money. so you avoid doing anything that doesn't 100% get you money, because, you need to survive, right? yet when you have that mindset, you almost do nothing, because you need to try things to see what works. which means you cannot care about money, or you'll never try. because you need money, so you can't just fuck around. but you need to fuck around, because you need to dig random holes in order to (hopefully) find some rare ores.
but when you are poor you can't just dig random holes, you need money now. but if you need money now you think short-term, and there is no short-term money. everything requires specialized knowledge. and also luck. and trying a lot.
holy shit man sometimes i can understand homeless people. it's like some existential suicide, but "letting go" might at least prevent you from getting cancer from all that existential stress.
>nooooooooo but I want to make disposable shovelware that runs its market cycle in a single month and never gets played or talked about again
thats all videogames
Have you considered debt slavery? ;)
Name another game that has those 3 elements and didn't get at least a little popular. And that's not even counting community mods and servers
>but why did it get insanely popular instead of a little popular
People are attracted to very popular things because they're popular and it snowballs, that part is indeed a gamble.
Thief the Dark Project
Deus Ex
Super Mario 64
Shadow of the Colossus
Fallout 2
System Shock 2
Warcraft 3
Diablo II
Thief the Metal Age
Gothic 2
Tomb Raider 3
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
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It's going.

I would undo that switch. HDRP is hot trash. There is volumetric fog and light plugins for URP.
bro your game is NIGGA ASS
old games only autistic german boomers play to relive their childhood?
Tomb Raider (2013)*
it's just, that you have no control over "getting the right idea". it's basically just destiny. you can explain in detail why minecraft is so successful. you can make a list: "it has this and that"
but ok, then use that list and make a game and sell it, see if that list works. if it doesn't work, what does that mean? it means that it's pure destiny to have the right idea at the right time.
and you can't just make 100 games, because even making 1 game takes a long time.
it's like having to work 3-4 years for getting a lottery ticket that has a 0.001% chance of winning. it's just a mindfuck.
I still play them and prefer them to new releases
some of them are older than me btw so don't come at me with "muh nostalgia"
>bug jumping on her ass
That's my spirit animal right there.
Is that zoomerspeak for cute.
your spirit animal is ass?
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Good shit.
>create landscape in unreal
>paint with sculpt brush on it
>every strokes fills ups 100mb vram until it's all filled up
>have to basically restart my engine after every bunch of strokes
>no bug reports, no forum threads, latest update didn't fix it
holy shit i just love those "out of the box features" that supposedly make your life easier, yet they send you on a weeks long mission just to get the basic engine features working without breaking.
only like 50 indies a year get that many reviews.
you're suggesting people to lock in 5 years of their life on a gamble. getting 20 reviews after 5 years is also possible.

Aftre some time watching marketing people it seems that people who've had a gem on their hands knew it from the prototype stage by reactions of people. so just prototype and gauge reactions until you get something worth pursuing.
I can do it in two years. Sounds like a skill issue on your part
>trying to make good game
>afraid it won’t get popular unless i add some meme worthy moment into it
At this point it's worth considering ways to clamp down on your game's popularity so it doesn't burn out so quickly. Minecraft was lucky to grow organically over like 3 years until it hit its peak, before youtube was ubiquitous. Release something with as much potential as minecraft today and youtube, tiktok, twitch, twitter and and all the other vultures will descend on it instantly and tear it to shreds, squeezing every bit of life out of it.

Just imagine if you could place an embargo on all obnoxious coverage of your game. Then we could go back to a time when these were the kinds of videos people made
>some of them are older than me btw
you have to be 18 to post here
Pretty much everything you do in life is a gamble so that's a moot point.
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eyp... great game
how big is your team guys? development of my game started a few days ago and i already got like 6 programmers, one musician, and one artist/animator (me)
think of it like music. people don't want to go to a museum and appreciate finest art.
they want to go to a theme park and vomit from being shaken around.
people don't want to appreciate hard excellent work, they want to enjoy fun stupid things.
same with music, same with food. people want distractions and fun, they don't want excellence.
it’s actually 4 programmers now
Just me and a art friend. It's rough. I wish I had 1 other programmer with me, preferably one that was a lot smarter than me, so I can get help from them.
i still have to do the walking animation, then i will actually start creating my boss fight script
Nope. being a wagie is stable income. choosing other "hobbies" as a side job is more stable and profitable(on average).
3. Godette, Jesus and I.
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Don't worry anon. When you make something actually good and players tell you so, you'll forget all about trying to make pic related. And don't listen to >>486962086
Me, Myself, and I.
discard fragment
normal software development: "that'll be $500 because its niche software and we don't have millions of buyers"
gamedev: "that'll be $20, because no matter how niche my game is, people just expect that price"
3 teams are just me and 1 is me+my artist
>Has multiple chapters
mario has 32 levels, practically the same
>Has multiple endings
two, and you can't influence the endings through meaningfu decisions but by picking up letters through the level, literally mario tier mechanic
>Distinct art style
awful, babby tier ms paint abomination, sure
>A large soundtrack that lasts over an hour
that's the catch, get real musicians to make real music for your game and it will sell on that thing alone. HM wouldn't sell if it hadn't great saoundtrack and people bought it for it in the first place
>Deep story with lore (real lore too, not fake lore)
>racist phone company technicians call random people and tell them to kill russians
>some people go and kill people
I'm literally Joker right now, HM is simple game
Total Carnage
if you listen to any advice given in this thread you are a fucking retard. it could be some 13 year old and you wouldn't even know.
I can't make an animation loop in the animator in Unity. The animation has loop time and loop pose activated but refuses to loop unless I feed it commands to start the animation over and over
sounds like a skill issue
My game development: "I will just work for 385937493 hours on the this thing no one wants even for free and then pay $100 so I can not make any sales "
>Hotline Miami IS a simple game that's why nobody has replicated it since!
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>what is Bloodbath Kavkaz
>what is I Can See The Future
>what is Riskers
>what is Superstatic
>what is Loud or Quiet
It's simple supply and demand retard. If you want Substance or Houdini or some specialized software that does a particular thing then the alternatives are limited. If you just want to play a video game and feel fuzzy for a couple of hours then there are millions to choose from, not to mention other forms of entertainment
just me
wacky game with really fucked up schizo levels underneath?
My game is gonna be 100 dollars for 10 hours of content and there's nothing you can do about it
what's the alternative to factorio if they'd charge $200?
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>did nothing all day but play my favorite video game, taking down notes and recording gameplay footage just so I can reverse engineer its mechanics
any other autism simulator
Why isn't it rogue-like?
you guys pay way too much attention to genres and niches
99.999% of players don't give a shit, they just want to play a cool video game that makes their monke brain feel good
The real problem is they're likely not mobile games.
I'm boutta skrrrt and hit the dab like WIZ KHALIFA
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I think this is too dark and muted.
i could literally finish my game in 24 hours if i had any semblance of a work ethic and passion
quit 4chan and social media. do it for yourself. it'll never get better. you have to make the hard decision to quit. the internet is holding you back. in 10 years you'll still come here, still have achieved nothing.
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no hate or anything
if you search "unders" on steam you get some onahole software before underspace
>cool video game that makes their monke brain feel good

we know but how do you find these cool games in the infinite search space of shit ideas. most people start with genres that already work and then try to find their way to something unique that hasn't already been made and its kind of doable as a solodev.
getting into gamedev was the worst decision of my life. it ruined gaming for me. yet at the same time i'm also tired of gamedev too. so basically went one step forward and the two steps backwards.
i've been here for 14 years already
how close are you to release?
>game by one of the biggest porn artists shows up before an anon
wow who could have seen this coming
It doesn't even have a name, characters, story, or a single implemented quest. So I'd say at least 6 months for a bare bones "prologue".
gaming is for children
gamedev is forever
i WILL have a game on steam
and i WILL boast about it until the day i die
simple as
Do you think most people have adult content enabled?
Software is used for SERIOUS BSNS by professionals so they need to obtain it legally or risk being fired or sued and lose a lot of money but games are just stuff consume for their own personal enjoyment it's not feasible to just go around sueing every player as it is suing companies so if you try to charge $500 they will just pirate your game just like they would the $500 software if they could do it without consequences
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My game is cool and feels good to me but that's not helpful if no one else feels that way. Genres allow targetting groups of people more easily.
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aggydaggies will literally give you unsolicited advice 24/7 and then this is their "vision"
I personally believe it is liberating to be limited in scope.
>project has to be cheap to make? Good. No high expectations.
>project has to work on all devices? Nice, let's find a way to make it work
>project can only use these graphics? Let's see how we can still make it beautiful.
>game has to be done quick? Alright. Let's throw something together, and whatever we do wrong we do right next time.
I find this channel useful
a lot of it is him making an rts game but it's broken down by element and he also covers various structure and programming methods
I fixed it...
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Why are you spending the summer indoors gamedevving instead of creating memories outside?
Why do you post dumb bait like this? Do you have a video game?
the memory of playing volleyball at the beach instead of reaching creative self-actualization and achieving my dreams?
Here's a free guaranteed million dollar game idea
>Woman Simulator
Good luck
yo, i give tha hell up tho
I stopped doing that kind of shit the day I got my first computer.
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That's already my life doe
stop posting this tranny image
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>stop posting this tranny image
chudjaks, just what this thread needed
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Thanks for help guys,
New weapons done, grenade launcher from resident evil 3, will shoot alternative rounds, acid/flame/frost/explosive.

And the bacon cheese burger, will throw like axe in vamp survivos and fragment vertically onscreen to damage enemies.

1 billion lumen flashlight that burns enemies will become an artifact.
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The heatwave is over. Productivity can now return to normal levels
Where are you from?
The Balkans
>i share the thread with a fellow balkanoid
>hes a wojak poster
jebem te glupog
are you Mongoldev the Romanian or some kind of Serb?
I can't wait for summer to end. Next year I'm definitely scheduling my development around the fact that it's nearly impossible to get anything done in 25+ degrees
Heatwave is over? I went to the gym this morning (Belgrade) and it's by far the worst because of the humidity.
Post games!
i saw you at ahilej in dorcol this morning, i assume you're the one with the "AGDG JUST LIKE MAKE GAME" tank top?
your bench is a bit off but good work
What was I supposed to do, come up with a story, characters and quests before I find out the game is in the 10-wishlists-a-week range?
>Balkanigger hours
Ah ok, that was going to be my first guess. I have a friend in Belgrade and he kept sending my pictures of those green pharmacy signs that have the current temp on them.
It's comparing a TOOL to a CONSUMABLE broadly speaking
if your game has a vision to begin with you would never find yourself in this situation. Games with vision find their way to being good eventually
I'm not going to make it because I have no vision.
the simplest way is to use a timer
1st input -> can_double_tap = true -> start 0.25s timer
on_timer_end -> can_double_tap = false
2nd input -> can_double_tap? if true, double tap, if not, start timer...
obviously your code wouldn't be split like this, it would look more like
>if !can_double_tap:
> some_timer.start()
> can_double_tap = true
>can_double_tap = false
>func on_timer_end():
>can_double_tap = false
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Wtf that was my Fallout idea too
>Ground physics:
>If above speed cap, decelerate down to speed cap
>If below speed cap, accelerate up to speed cap
>If no input, decelerate to zero
>If in air, don't apply acceleration/deceleration
Would this be the right way to go if I have moves in my platformer that increase my speed? I am trying to implement movement in such a way that the player can build more and more momentum.
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The retard has been told to look up state machine two times now and still won't
absolutely ngmi
i will NEVER use a a
state machine.
i just won't, that's all
I don't blame the guy, implementing mine is twisting my mind in ways I can't comprehend.
how the fuck do i design a versatile UI system without basically reinventing html
>What am I supposed to do? Make a game?
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Expedition planner UI is done.
kino progress bro
>a versatile UI system
open problem yet to be solved by anyone. the research by jonathan edwards and conal elliott come closest
bet that was a ballache and a half.
Look at modern UI for what "will do the job" and understand why they are bad.
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today, i recharge my dev batteries
i have already decided who i'm gonna collab with (but he doesn't know it yet)
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i picked up a copy of the divine comedy in amsterdam
its a good read and matches the overall theme of the game very well
same, im gonna yaru so much shigoto on getsuyoubi
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The books I ordered for doing historical research for my game finally came in, so now I have an excuse to take a break from my computer without feeling like I'm totally slacking off.
What's to simulate? leg spread?
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>"I'll see you in the next video!"
>It's the last video they ever make
>returns in 6-8 months with a totally different project
>barely even mention the previous game
collab jam
you MUST collaborate with another aggydagger
im down
yeah ill collab... myself off a cliff!
crab jam
every aggydagger MUST pair up with one of the resident nodev idea guys and produce a playable demo within a week
ive been swarmed by the third type of crab
there's negative crabs who will call everything you make shit no matter what
there's positive crabs who will call everything you make good no matter what
and now, my nemesis: silent crabs
they'll download and "play" your game but never ever give your game feedback so youre just left not knowing what to fix
i got those in waves right now! FUCK CRABS!
>I would undo that switch. HDRP is hot trash. There is volumetric fog and light plugins for URP.
Yeah, you're right. I'm undoing the change as we speak. Luckily for me, I made backups :D
i want to finish my game and move on
Bom dia, consagrados fazedores de vídeo game. Just a reminder: pau no cu de quem tá lendo
this heatwave is really busting my balls
reminding me that brazilians exist is the closest thing to a warcrime you can commit nowadays, evil
Can anyone here even make a short game in a couple of days?
game jam certified dev here
>historical research
What kind of game are you making?
It doesn't take that much to make something small
>what is the right way to...?
spy on them with analytics
I stayed up late last night working on a new aesthetic (from rendered billboard sprites to 3d models) and it looks like shit. I put together a 3d first person rig with my weapon model and it looked so bad that I just went to bed. It actually looked better when I was going to great lengths to make it look shitty and low res than when I tried to make it look nice.
I'm a fucking retard
we're back
Embracing being a retard is the only way to live on this bitch of an earth. Anyone who's actually smart and talented knows it from a young age, the rest of us just have to live with ourselves.
Looks nice, I had something like this in my main project. But for the weapon cast are you using a hitbox or raycasting? I used to have a few martker3d nodes along the blade and keep track of their last position during swing animation, then check if I hit anything from 1 frame to the next. More or less you are doing the same thing, right?
what makes devs arrive at 90% finished game and call it quits, just chill and barely update/push to release?
looking at you the gun is good
The slow and arduous process of reverse engineering another games movement mechanics...
An orgasmic feeling.
last 10% is the hardest part
first 90% takes 10% of the effort
made me laugh out loud
too much visual vomit
pixelshit platformer
pixelshit platformer
pixelshit platformer
this is a bit surprising I would've expected it to do better but it ripped off Tunic's style poorly
seems like his demo is no longer around which was probably a bad decision
I would also make the guess that he had relatively low wishlists/marketing before launch
I remember at least one youtuber playing the demo so it has a possibility there if that guy picks up the release version and it gets an endorsement
There is no "right way". Everyone makes up their own way. The better games with more complicated controllers with cases for every situation.
Finishing a game, as in polishing it to a state that you believe is worthy of putting out into the world and asking people to pay money for, is the hardest and most arduous part of game development. As an example, IIRC Eric finished the base gameplay of Stardew in something like 6 months and then spent the next 4 years adding extra content, polishing existing content, changing the art, and all the other stuff that comes with getting a game ready for release.
If you've never had to deal with finishing a game then it's hard to explain the feeling that comes with it. It's not like finishing a project for a college class, because that actually has a strict deadline and you'll receive a grade in return for your efforts. As an amateur game dev you have no deadlines. You have to know when to tell yourself "enough is enough" and try to ignore the thoughts telling you "but wouldn't it be cool to add this" or "but couldn't this thing be a little bit better if you spent more time on it". It's hard.
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weekend progress
> player controller with stair stepping (mostly code from previous project)
> learning trenchbroom + func_godot workflow
> added axe animations
> made pistol model + textures + basic animation
probably won't add a first person rig as it is meant to be a short game anyway
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Every single system I have implemented this far has been more or less as airtight as reasonably possible
and now we get to animations, and everything is just one huge diarrhea spaghetti bowl that's threatening to collapse in on itself at any moment
I miss Tomo
>addicted to counter strike again
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is this gmi?
It's like Achilles and the tortoise. At first you take these big steps to quickly make a lot of progress, but after that each step becomes smaller and smaller, and even though the finished product is right there in front of you, you just can't seem to reach it.
better than me
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Staphen's portrait.
cosmic FLOP
not bad for 1 hour after page launch
Valve recommend 7,000 - 10,000 wishlists before launch
my game has been on steam since april
It was very slow going in the beginning for Tricky Madness. Just keep improving the game and posting on social medias and hope you'll start getting traction.
Godot provides shapecasting, which has identical features to a raycast, but uses a collision shape.
The key feature here is being able to calculate collisions from multiple positions within one frame.
So the shapecast node mimics the "main" hitbox, and interpolates between the transform from just after the last frame's main position to just before the current main position..
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forgot pic
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>posting on social medias
that's true but not what TGIG is doing. I played it at a DD 2 years ago at nearly the same state as it was in the most recent dd he was in, maybe 4 months ago.
Cosmicalligger has the craziest ratio of ego to lack of skill that I have ever seen on agdg
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your twitter posting is incredibly on point, once Tricky Madness is done you should talk about how you approached marketing.
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These "pixelshit platformers" aren't doing well, but this one is: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2462320/Stolen_Hearts_Wolf_Knight/
How come? Because of TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mrmoogames
So yes, do post on social media.
i would rather 0 people buy my game than have a single 1 nano-second clip of my game be on t*kt*k
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Picrel doesn't include the arms but they're out of camera. How do I get this to appear longer, the model is long as hell cause it's an old musket but it appears so short in the first person perspective
I was literally on the beach it was full of hot women and I can't have sex with any of them. I'd rather stay inside where I can at least fap to the hot women I see.
more accurate to say that he has the biggest ratio of faggots sucking his dick to lack of skill
What have you tried?
i have never seen cosmicdev be egotistic or anyone praise him without good reason
That's actually awokendev
you can cheat and put weapons on a different, second camera with a different FOV. But I haven't tried this myself and it might look very bad
This is your brain on 4chan contrarianism.
I'm glad I have a fully formed prefrontal cortex.
Camera positions, FOV, angle of weapon, best result was making everything very narrow. Still looks very stubby when the barrel is very long. If I extend the barrel to extreme length it will look awful at angles.
it will look normal if you add hands
bump up the fov on the weapon camera or increase the z scaling.
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>struggle with heat
>name my desk fan Gale
>place her under my desk and turn her on
>mfw getting blown from under the desk while I work on my game
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Tricky madness more like Sticky mattress
>mfw getting blown from under the desk while I work on my game
I wish I had this...
>muh wishlists
>muh tiktok impressions
>muh itch.io hugs
keep retarding retards
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Ideaguys, pitch me your best high-concept game.
For free? I don't think so.
You'll have to hire me as a full time employee first
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More like icky shartpiss
Physics based 2d oil wrestling porn fighting game (single player).
>Everyone is extremely slippery
>And busty
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You're ngmi as an ideaguy if you don't have a dozen disposable ideas you can pitch for my job interview.
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your game DOES have multiplayer, doesn't it, anon?
Without a gf to play it with me there's no point in adding multiplayer to it.
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yup my game is dead
Woman Simulator, I'm telling you guys.
>putting on makeup with surgeon simulator controls
>getting catcalled when walking outside
>game becomes more difficult when on your period
>you earn less money than your colleagues
>you need to make sure nothing is put in your drink
I have to go through that every day anyway you fucking asshole
just don't
>hey anon, i heard that you're making a video game
>let's play your game together
>what? yours doesn't have multiplayer?
>i guess i'll just have to go play chad's game again
>goodbye, anon
Wow, and how does that help exactly?
how does doing it help, exactly?
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mine too. but for some reason i'm still forcing myself to work on its rotting corpse.
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guess im that kino
He's right, you know.
Ideas are a die more dozen, if you only have one you've only got 1/12 of a dozen. Even if it's a good one thoughbeit, it's certainly not a does in.
He's up there for sure, but still can't compete with cris or fygoonigger (RIP).
the more you work on your game, the more you refine it, the more it eventually becomes something that you will like to play in your offtime yourself
the amazing game with incredible magic system
Never happened even once in my life. Would feel pretty shitty to spend months adding multiplayer to play with a gf to end up having none and just playing by myself pretending to be two people like every other two player game I played so I'm only adding multiplayer after (if) I get a gf, not in advance on the offchance I might get one contrary to all my experience with life so far.
getting addicted to playing your own game is a huge trap. you'll end up thinking it's fun and good , and start ignoring all the things that are wrong with it. plus you'll waste tons of time that could otherwise be spent improving it. don't do this
I already enjoyed playing my game when it was just a wee prototype. Why would I make something I don't enjoy
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crabs end up here
should i use renpy for my visual novel? or make something custom?
Yeah, it's fine if you're making a pure VN without any mechanics.
I'm at work actually, devving comes later
who the fuck is "Devin"
You guessed it! Game broke again
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Oh look a real game loop
Pretty cool. I wonder if the leaning won't be too much and too fast though.
I'm getting polarized feedback. Some people love it, some people despise it. I'll make it a setting you can turn off
This 18 seconds was enough to make me slightly nauseous. Please tone down that horrible lean.
ok I fixed it
I see this leaning thing in more than one indie game on YouTube.

It reminds me of "Shoot em up beat em up pupperino".
motion sickness pixelshit simulator
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>motion sickness
>from an fps
Coddled zoomers can't handle classic FPS features
Classic FPS game like the one this game is clearly imitating didn't have lean, what the fuck are you talking about?
>NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO mommy I'm getting motion sickness please install a different game on the ipan waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
Quake has lean, what the fuck are you talking about?
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i have eaten nothing but chicken and rice for the past 5 days and I've running out of chicken
I've eaten nothing but chocolate bars and various fruit juices for the past 5 days
>brutal doom intensifies
I really like the little dance they do when they get shot at.
The leaning however seems a bit much, especially when compared to the null recoil.
>this game with 2D billboarded sprites is clearly trying to imitate Quake, the game that was revolutionary for it's fully 3D models and environments
why do i always overscope so hard
this nigga never heard of Doom.
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Anyone wanna move to Greenland with me and live in a house like this and dev together? Imagine finding qt inuit wives... Better start learning greenlandic, laddies.
can you wait until I become a millionaire first and then we can talk about it
Looks like lowpoly norway, I'm good thanks.
Don't like the strafe-tilt. And why are the enemies trump supporters? The pendulum is swinging back right, are you trying to get cancelled?
good afternoon sir, i'm trying really hard to improve
sorry for disappointing you
I prefer Norway. I don't find inuit women cute.
I like tall viking women.
This needs to stop. Everyone needs to stop trying to make Wolf3D clones. There is no reason anyone should ever try to make Wolf3D clone after 1993. Have the decency to at least make it a Doom clone or Marathon clone.
are you french or british?
There's nothing wrong with overscoping as long as you're actually devving. The "problem" I often see people run into with overscoping is that they plan too much before they even get started prototyping. They look at the mountain of ideas they wrote down, get overwhelmed, and give up. I put problem in quotations because these people are nodevs and their experiences are mostly irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
In the architecture business we often present a client with a concept that we know is going to exceed their budget, then work with them to keep the things they like while removing extra expenses they deem unnecessary or can't afford. Try to approach your game like that. Come up with your maximum scope, then as you dev think of what features are actually necessary and remove the ones that aren't. Who knows, you may find that you have the time and energy to include things you thought could be cut. You don't know until you try.
>lowpoly norway
>not liking chubby inuit goddesses

more for me, I guess
pizza spaghetti
>5 Games Made in Godot to Inspire You
>it just makes me depressed and jealous
t-thanks youtube...
Ok but as soon as anyone makes a successful game they're going to take their 5 million dollars and leave your frozen ngmi rock and go live somewhere nice instead.
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For me, it's Icelandic women.
stayathomedev does some pretty good tutorials
I was in Iceland in early June and I was very surprised by how big the Icelandic female butt is.

Usually the stereotype is that ultra white women got flat butts.
this costs $1,000,00 in california by the way
>and they still haven't recovered.
they're not going to recover because it was all air, fake, nothing

if the company doesn't go bankrupt in a couple years that's them "recovering"
Sorry I'd do it but I really really REALLY want to move to Japan instead.
if I moved to Japan I'd have to start adding black censor bars to everything
that'd suck
Blubber storage for the harsh winters
Yes, I wish they'd get rid of those laws. But on the bright side you can sell your stuff at doujin conventions.
Moving to Japan is fucking meme if you're not incredibly wealthy (rich enough to the point that you never have to work again). Everything is so god damn expensive and commuting to and from work is hell on earth, especially in the summertime.
The restaurants are great, it's very safe, and Japanese people are friendly for the most part, but that's all stuff you could just as easily experience on a vacation (which I'd reccomend). To actually live there is a totally different story.
>t. had to live in Japan for 6 months as a company rep
Ideally I'd work make a living with my video games rather than working for a company.
>Neighbors arguing again
>In the middle of the street this time
Why are nodevs like this
Not a problem. All I need is a hundred year old countryside house with an internet connection and a cute small town girl to make babies with.
>oh look a game loop
So your game will be walking 100 feet and killing 3 enemies while walking? That’s the gameplay loop you’re aiming for? Pretty grim thoughbeit
An idle brain is the devil's workshop.
Mexicans I presume?
>cute small town girl
This is the only thing I’m missing, most of them move away from their small town because they grow up dreaming of living in the big city. The ones that don’t move generally get married at 18 or 19 to their high school sweethearts and live happily ever after
Scandinavia is so clean and I love their aesthetic. So Norway will most likely be the place I'd chill at when I make it big.
Why do you live around niggers?
fuck øff we're full
shoot baddies
throw up
I don't care so much about the specific country but I want to live around polite and friendly people.
I'm going to move to Ireland and marry a beautiful red haired Irish girl with green eyes and pump her full of babies to save the declining redhead birthrates. I want to be remembered as the Ghengis Khan of gingers.
Norway and Finland are gonna have problems when Sweden inevitably crumbles.
Ireland is more cucked than Britain, I also dream of this but the girls you’re imagining don’t exist. They’re like turbo whore tiktok addicted roasties in the US just with an Irish accent
in my experience, polite and friendly rarely coexist
I'm going to be like Genghis Khan toward red haired 3D artist women who tap their chin with a finger and say "Thoughever", "Thougheverbeit", "Thoughforeverbeit", and "Thoughevertheless" when thinking of a problem.
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I don't care if you're right, I'm content to live with my delusions and chase the impossible dream until the day I keel over and die.
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: More war related tiles.
Project Nortubel is like the Kingdom Hearts of the next generation
I was just thinking about these posts. I taught my girlfriend a couple of these words after reading this is the past few threads. Now she won't fucking stop saying it. It's become annoying already and I wish I'd never had this stupid idea. Be grateful of what you don't have.
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Why don't you kill yourself, ritualposting faggot?
>annoyed by a girl saying thougheverbeit
She must be ugly, in my experience I found that the better looking a girl is the more retarded stuff she could do without me caring or getting annoyed
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I did use KH as a bit of reference for Nortubel like the world titles.
But the idea of a "fake crossover" means I want to do more games to the point they look/play/feel different from each other, like they're different series somehow under the same "series".
This also means that ideally, there can't really be a "fandom culture" where someone gets to love everything because of how different I want some things to feel.
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I wish I had this...
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>tfw no gf to beg me to cook for her
One day when I'm a rich an successful gamedev with my own house and garden full of fresh herbs and vegetables and a huge kitchen I will know this feel.
>mostly negative
oh no no no
>was at 61% on release
>then 44% a day or two later
>now 36%
I actually don’t think I’ve ever seen an indie game get so lowly rated. The kickstarter funders are so pissed that they got scammed kek
>Meifumado's devs were scammed by the man who was supposed to deliver them the money they got off of the kickstarter. The devs tried to complete the game in order to deliver what was promised but in vain, without that funding, this is now a 0 budget... Passion isn't enough to make a good game at this point, unfortunately
Holy fucking kek. That's brutal if that's true. Almost all those reviews are most likely from keys given to the kickstarter backers, and so they made almost no money from those 85 reviews.
>the man who was supposed to deliver the Kickstarter funds
Brother what?? Why didn’t they run it themselves?
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if anyone has something to add, feel free
no matter from which time period
probably don't live in the Kickstartersphere
in case you're not up to date on this: Kickstarter is not globally available. There are a big chunk of countries which are not allowed to run kickstarters
How hard would making a morrowind clone in unity be?
How did they make their assets and textures?
What makes it so soulful?
Do I stand a chance?
Oh I forget some people live in third world shitholes
If you're having to ask, you don't stand a chance.
every time I hear someone say the words "third world" I immediately know it's an amerifat living in some nigger ghetto or in a bug person rented cubicle apartment
>Forgive me, Zanzibart...
Just answer the fudging questions, anon!
it's hard. There's two games here that are even slightly adjacent genres to Morrowind and they are both living proof that you're going against insurmountable odds
lmao, adding this
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good night sir please be doing the sleepful
we went over this
top tier graphics, fun looking 2d sekiro-ish gameplay
crashes and bad controller control scheme
I posted the question about it, if he didn't drop the ball so hard it would've definitely hit 200(I bet on 250).
that's one wildcard no dev should leave to chance, he messed up insanely hard.
I answered the only one that mattered. Go download Unity right now and make 3D Pong. You'll either get filtered by that, or if not, you'll have the capacity to answer your own questions.
It's illegal in some countries. Asking for donations with nothing in return is only allowed for charities and even they require permits where I live
>I'm going to move to Ireland
You're not welcome here.
I’m so sorry saaaar needfully to be for saddening
unity and other off the shelf bloatware big box game engines are inherently negative soul.
Yes shooting people and walking is the core game loop of all FPSs.
It's only available in like 15 countries
I've been to amerigga you stupid zoomer. I've seen both the small towns and the cities. I know what kind of a hellscape your cuntry is. Everyone is either an imported brownoid or a local white person who looks inbred or like a tub of lard or both. Sit the fuck down and learn some humility
Damn shame. What about it in terms of world building and writing and less about gameplay?
I assumed the Irish would want to import more gingers after giving a quarter of their population over to Asians and Indians.
you mean like gamebryo back then?
then you are just an ideaguy
Americans think the only two counties are "United States" and "Third World"
>Sit the fuck down and learn some humility
saar please be making the humility tutorial I will like and subscribe
Fucking hell. What if I model and write and make a game like dreaded delusions?
Americans are so fucking based holy shit
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>What about it in terms of world building and writing and less about gameplay?
yeah... what if?
>Dude it's all fake! Nothing is real! Nobody ever suffers any real consequences for anything! It's all scripted!
The story and the world made Morrowind great.
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Anon be honest here. Are you some some 20yo toddler with no prior experience in any of this and no foundation to stand on and no past of impressive work ethic or are you actually coming in here with the qualifications to make it convincing that you're up to this? I've been in your place years ago but even then I was probably mountains above where you are now and I still wasn't equipped to do it
The original question was
>How hard would making a morrowind clone in unity be?
>How did they make their assets and textures?
If this is the stuff you're stuck on, ie. actually making a game, then focus on figuring that out first. Starting with lore before you even know if you can make the game you want to make is how you fall into the idea guy pit. I know writing and worldbuilding is fun, but don't let it become a distraction from the important stuff.
I'm actually 28 years old and I'm a tad delusional at times. Idk man. I just like want to make game that's all.
custom engine is going to always be more sovl than an off the shelf.
literally an elder crab in the flesh. He's even using the 'kid' archetype in his speaking.

Do not be crabbed. The elder crab probably started crabbing in the indie space.

Make the fucking Morrowind game and don't listen to crabs.
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I was 23 when I landed here with my big ambitions but I had already become an emotionally numbed productivity machine and I had 10 years of technical and graphical software experience and most importantly a world that had 9 years of high quality work poured into it to stand on. What are you coming in here with?
Rpg maker street cred D: and an awful work ethic.

Anon, don't let this guy's doubt transfer to you.

You can do more with less experience. This isn't an RPG where a lvl 10 is always going to fail against a lvl 30. Stop getting tricked into this crab's crafted world.

Make the Morrowind. Do not ask for permission.
so what's your game?
Please do not lie to the anon. Skills can be learned and work ethic can be cultivated. I'm not denying that, but it's more difficult the older you are and even more difficult if you don't have at least some prior experience to draw from.
But he doesn't even have any work put into the setting. Making a good world takes years. Even longer if you're not good at it. Morrowind had dozens of people working on it. If you don't at least have the world already figured out then yeah it's gonna be pretty much impossible
is this agdg game?
limiting beliefs and doubt.
If he listens to you then he's going to be another indie making shovelware pixel formers.
How to make automatic vertical background scrolling in LÖVE? Using this as reference:
no. there haven't been many agdg releases lately so the crabs have turned to crabbing random indie steam releases
okay then why bring it up?
Telling someone they're currently ill-equipped to do a job is not "crabbing". It's called being honest about the reality of the situation.
I'm mongoldev, albeit some people might call me a shitter, I did legitimately wrote 6k pages of lore and did work on a few failed prototypes. I just want to make a Morrowind like game, that's all.
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I used to think like this too when I was first getting into gamedev. I'm sorry, but what you want to do is virtually impossible as a complete beginner. It might seem like it's possible when you see similar games made by a single person, or devlogs for similar games popping up on Youtube, but it really only seems that way from your perspective because of your shallow understanding of how games are made. I'm not trying to be rude, just stating the reality.
Making a game like Morrowind (or any 3D game of the sort) is so much more than figuring out how to model and texture and make a character move with animations. For example, no beginner ever worries about having to figure out something like collisions because they don't even know what that is. This is the sort of stuff that filters even experienced programmers. On top of that, it's not just figuring out how to implement these things, but also possessing the knowledge to fix them when stuff goes wrong (and stuff will go wrong). Again, this is enough to filter experienced programmers, forget total beginners.
>I'm a tad delusional at times
Just don't be delusional enough to think you're special and somehow capable of magically overcoming your inexperience. I can assure you that you aren't the first person to jump into game dev with those thoughts and you won't be the first one to fail either. I'm not going to tell you to give up completely, and I'm not going to tell you to make some basic shit like Pong either. Please just try to find a game that you can realistically make on your own with your current knowledge. Otherwise you're going to get frustrated and give up without ever producing anything.
It's not a limiting belief. It's the harsh reality that this is an enormous amount of work and he can only do it in the perfect outcome where his learning process is the smoothest it can possibly; he dedicates every single hour of his waking life for the next 3 years to this just to get the foundation up; and he someone tricks 1-2 other people to help him out on it. It's not impossible just unrealistic. If I was him I would figure out some way to make a crapton of money first and then just pay other people to help me out on it
Why not just make a mod for Morrowind? That's more doable than making the entire thing from scratch.
I bend reality with Mark 11:23-24.
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>I did legitimately wrote 6k pages of lore
And what lore it is.
I went through a short "neo nazi" phase, but that's long over and way behind.
You're talking to a retard who thinks he can make daggerfall dwarf fortress, but hasn't been able to produce what you'd get from a basic terrain tutorial after half a year of work.
Why are yall such downers? We should be supportive of each other. And like encourage one another to like make game.
This is written at a 1st grade reading level. This wasn’t an adult right? Surely it can’t be
Being too supportive is how we get absolute stinkers releasing here. If you really loved somebody you would tell them when they're failing.
Honesty is better than hugbox. That being said I don’t support telling someone to give up or to not even try, that’s cringe. But I won’t tell someone their game is good if it isn’t, I will always encourage nodevs to become yesdevs though
And who also spams the general constantly, every single day, with his retarded fantasies of having a red haired gf that says thoughever. And one single bible verse from Mark. Yellow cube anon is a blight on this thread and he should be rangebanned just like Fygoonigger.
We strongly encourage people to try to make games, but we strongly discourage people from talking about wanting to make some game, and then never trying actually make it, because deep down, they know they can't make the game in their imagination and don't want to confront that reality with actual effort.
Mongoldev I want to see you succeed and that's why I'm telling you: don't try making any kind of Morrowind games until you get Mongol into any kind of presentable playable state. You have already started a game. For some people that's the hardest part. If you can't make anything decent out of it then you are not ready
You generated 6K pages of AIslop, that's not the same as writing actual lore.

their stock price was artificially bloated so the kikes could sell at the top and bail out and as such the stock is never going to recover
did he really? Oh no...
could have been detailed sex scene with waif but you chose some AI trash
I wrote them since 2015 and 16, and I have the original pdfs saved on Google drive with their respective dates, so keep seething nigger.
bingo. Just like make game and do that through rapid prototyping. Make the most basic sloppy version of a feature you can and test it in game. Pretend you're doing a game jam limit yourself to, say, 48h per potential new feature.
Overscoping is not that much of a problem if you're honest with yourself in answering "does this new feature add or subtract from my game?" Rapid prototyping will help prune bad ideas and polish the core concept of your game.
I am a perfectionist and will spend 3 days max trying to perfectly implement my ideal system.
You know quality is better than quantity right? 6k pages of trash is still trash. Try starting fresh and keeping it under 5 pages but this time above a 1st grade reading level
I am a successful dev so I will spend 2-3 hours implementing my system, knowing intuitively the pros and cons and tradeoffs of each method, and avoiding analysis paralysis that grinds most devs to a halt, and prevents them from ever releasing a game
I'm all fairness, that was an older piece. I've got better stuff.
every day I must resist the urge to team up with someone to make a morrowlike because I have to finish this game and become rich first
just make the game you want to make. damn.
why do you think low ambition shovelware floods the market? Because people listen to crabs.
Same except making a porn game instead
>Grounded movement states have a max speed cap.
>When you are below the max speed cap, you accelerate to the speed cap and then stop accelerating.
>When you are above the max speed cap, you decelerate to the speed cap and then stop accelerating.
>When stop moving, decelerate to zero.

>Each grounded movement state (Idle, Walk, Sprint) has a max movement speed.
>When above the max movement speed for a specific state here is out you can change direction -
>Make small incremental changes to the velocity's direction.
>After a small incremental change, calculate the magnitude and then decrease the magnitude by a small amount.
>Update the velocity.

>If below max movement speed and trying to change directions:
>Make small incremental changes to the velocity's direction.
>After a small incremental change, calculate the magnitude and then increase the magnitude by a small amount.
>Update the velocity.
This is my attempt at implementing drifting if a player finds themselves traveling over their max speed limit and attempting to move in a different direction. Does this seem like the right direction?
Are vampire survivor likes still profitable?
Fun games that people want to play will always be able to make money.
No, they never were
How do I make a game that people want to play?
Make it fun
>”how do I make a painting that people want to look at?”
This type of guy is worse than an idea guy, I think I would call this a “noideaguy”
>giant wall of text
>no real question or critique requested
>just general “is this good?”
If you already know your implementation is shit then why are you posting it here? If it’s not shit, it works, and you’re happy with it, why are you posting it here?
Implement it. Test it. Iterate on it if you don't like it. Asking here won't help. Post a quick HTML5 build of just the movement controller if you really want some anon's feedback on how the movement feels. A wall of text tells us nothing.
Ok idea guy
I've yet to implement it, I'm just writing down the general idea first and planning before implementation so I don't end up having to trial and error man than I should while also getting any insight from others.
My currently existing game is better than anything you will ever create in your entire life lmao, try again
>afraid of failure so he writes giant walls of text on 4chan instead of actually like, making game
Yeah I don’t think you’re cut out for this lmao. Trial and error is like 99% of game dev. The faggots who try to micro plan every single detail before implementation never actually release any games
I'm sure everyone in this thread believes you
Who cares?
You cared enough to reply
I plan out my implementations if I hit a roadblock and need to take a step back to figure it out. Its how I implemented other functionalities in my game. No need to be hostile.
>”you replied to that guy who was trying to insult you, that means you lose and I win”
Insufferable redditfag
well, does it work? if not, how does it differ from the intent?

my gut tells me it's overengineered, but my gut feelings can be way off when it comes to game physics.
Next tell me about your game design doc, worldbuilding, and lore. Can’t wait to hear all about it LMAO
He hasn’t even started programming it, don’t waste your time on ideaguys
oh nevermind.
yeah, anon, you need to just write this code in 1-2 hours so you can test if it works. planning makes sense for things that take many days or weeks, not for things you can prototype in one day.
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I just finished the last systems implementations I will need to be making for the foreseeable future
Only 8% of systems features are left to be finalized
There's not much left
>my gut tells me it's overengineered
It probably is but my last implementation was like that but worked and then I was able to trim the unneeded fat from it and simplify it.
Yeah my implementation I threw together on a whim worked until when i decided to do a code/game review I noticed it was not behaving in a way that I wanted so here I am reworking it.
I'm sure by the time I get to all of that you will still be here crabbing and nodeving.
>he doesn’t know that last 10% is more work than first 90%
Good luck anon, truly
clearly not cause those first 2% went by just like that
Keep proving yourself wrong
>he’s making a 2d pixel shart platfagger
>in 2024
>and he thinks more than 3 people will ever play it
darn, that was my killer idea....
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pogo3d reloaded

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