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Previous: >>486860668

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Resonator Showcase | Changli — SEIZE THE INITIATIVE

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
the only mod that you will ever need

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why does every kita poster I see also enjoy frotting? what's going on
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Kneel to the new Fusion queen
spreadsheet autism will prevail
changli chuds, know your place
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Wuwu? Wawa?
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ermmm who?
>outdamaged by a standard character
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I love her
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For me, it'll always be Jinshi
Changli sphere is rounder.
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>For me, it'll always be Jinshi
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This Chixiablob's hairline needs some minoxidil asap
cute dork
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Like this?
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I salute the doro
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>Changli is worse than Encore

she's a "sub" dps with no off field damage and long field time
and simply just deals less damage than encore during her burst
Trust the math.
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The balding anons in this bread should try this hairstyle, it works well.
They won't let her be weaker than Anko, it's just not possible.
Infernal rider curse
she sounds like she hasnt left her room in a month, i bet she smells
If you are using the stream that the anon is shilling she said that her comparison is a "perfect" encore rotation vs a "I don't know what the fuck I'm doing" changli. I'm assuming that she's an encore main if she's saying that.
smelly girls...
Korea sure love this game huh
perfect pungency...
>plays wuwa
>can code
if she isnt fat then she is literally perfect
Because the math said so, just don't notice that all the math is done in a vacuum and nobody has actual usage numbers. Also, don't notice that Changli is getting buffed in 1.2
>Changli is worse than Encore
A character than can support as well as DPS will never be worse than a pure DPS.
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>the kuro intern watching this theorycrafting stream right now knowing he has to tell his boss they need to 3x changli's numbers immediately
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Don't care, didn't ask
still going all in on phoenix
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>Released 2 mins ago
>He runs straight to /wuwa/ to post it
Actually pathetic lmao
is anyone else nervous that if Chiangli is bad they won't be able to finish the next story quests that get released? I haven't played a hardcore gacha like this one before
new fusion cost 4 echo will make chonglee sss tier just you wait
Don't open that link it's a virus
rent free
they already reduced the energy needed for her liberation in the last hotfix DURING 1.1 lmao
they know she's a brick
>hardcore gacha
Play Arknights if you want a true hardcore gacha, you need all 12 of your characters to be meta or you're not finishing the hardest stage
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not the amplifiers again...
bwo his handlers told him the video was dropping soon so he had to keep refreshing the page so he could shill. His family would starve otherwise.
i regret rolling for Changli Lawrence
Ma Xiaofang finna pop off with Changli as the subdps, shit's gonna be bussin' fr fr
If changli doesn't live up to expectations, will there be outrage and will Kuro listen to it?
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>still no new buffer healer
So is changli worth rolling on?
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>Kuro adds an entire tag system because "theorycrafters" don't know which roles the characters are supposed to be used in
>Retards just ignore it because they think they know better
>Nah bro just skip Yinlin she's a sub dps
>Game considers her a burst dps
>Turns out that every team with her deals way more damage than the cope options
You faggots never learn, and that is ignoring the fact that obviously the company making the chararacters has foresight so they are balancing with future characters in mind.
They already know she's shit but they're rolling with it. They've been adjusting her numbers but that's not her problem. Her entire kit is just super flawed and doesn't work in this game.
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Wild that Sunday's va, Griffin Puatu, is suddenly trending for coming out in support of known abuser Chris Niosi. Anyway, and for no reason at all, this is what he had to say when Elliot Gindi was ousted!
yeah bro, they definitely made Calchud with Xiangli Yao in mind
proof? Have you already played her?
>b-but my autistic spreadsheet!!
I remember fags you called Jinhsi a brick too
the spreadsheet will reveal the truth.
Every new character is a brick.
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Jinhsi is a brick tho
All she has for her is her nuke
>All she has for her is her 300k dmg
I have Jinhsi and Jiyan and I'll enjoy my fine ass brick.
You're in the wrong thread, /hsrg/-bro
That's like Jiyan is a brick because all he has is his auto-parry beyblade ult.
if I learned anything from pgr it's that 99% of first gen characters are bricks and you should save all your jims for second gen characters
>the highest dmg dealer in the game is a brick
which are also bricked by third gens, yeah?
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This game mode would save Wuwa
Indeed, the only solution is to never roll because (you)r charas will get powercrept as time goes on.
yeah you just choose your fav homo and see him bouncing
butts don't work like that
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prove it with your butt
How the fuck do you make money in this game?
you get to play her during the 1.1 story.
you'd know if you actually play the game
Raymond is so lucky
sell crates
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If there's one thing that I learned with PGR its to trust that Kuro is always aware of the situation that they are creating, if a character looks bad at release prepare to feel regret for not rolling them in a couple months.
>Bro you can skip Dark Karen, she needs her weapon and to be SS3 to be better than the A rank tanks, even though she deals way more damage her resist shred is just slightly better
>The next Dark DPS buffs ult damage for the entire team which benefits her
>Later also gets a leap that buffs her to the moon and suddenly becomes extremely meta
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So I'm considering starting this game and people told me that there's a lot of player pandering here.

I don't mean cope pandering and vague shit. I heard it has actual pandering, the "Genshin could never type".

Can someone post some examples?
I've been hearing about it but never saw anything from in game, just art and fanfics. Or was it just a lie?
so... Changli is an investment for Scar
With a team that has no synergy whatsoever. You would know that if you actually played the game.
Actually its probably for fusion Rover, her lore is all about Rover and with her backstory they are clearly setting up those two fighting together.
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Numbers don't lie. She's an actual brick. This is Genshin Dehya all over again. Hot character, shit kit. I doubt anything can save this kusoge at this point. Free homo (have to hardcore grind for him) and a bland plank with no sex appeal and a shit kit in 1.2 will be the final nail in the coffin. Let's face the reality. This is ToF 2.0, the devs are equally incompetent.
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Should I keep farming? What other stats are good besides the DEF?
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Ah, the doomposter is just a hoyoshill. He's run out of arguments and is already doing muh sales.
Why are you posting this when these are last week's numbers? The game already fell out of the top 200 spot like 3 days ago.
She has no synergy overall. Only the fusion buff for Anko but she's not a support. She's like Yinlin with worse damage and probably Sanhua is still better for Anko. Kuro are incompetent.
crit rate/dmg > atk% > energy regen > flat atk = xyz dmg bonus > defensive stats

Generally you want to look for double crit on your pieces as much as possible
>my spreadsheet says she has no synergy wa waaaaaaaaaaa
I'll roll for the hot hag. Keep coping.
crit dmg, raw atk, energy regen
4/5 is good enough for me to stop and focus on other pieces first
if it's not double crit, it's trash
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Where am I shilling Hoyo you fucking retard? You faggots are so annoying. I'm literally shitting on Hoyo for ruining Dehya who was a potential golden goose as she was a fan favorite female character from Sumeru. Same with Changli. She's a fan favorite and her kit is trash and her damage is worse than Anko, worse then Yinlin. Kuro did the same fucking mistake and you are what, defending them? Fucking retard. Cry some more at Hoyo and eat slop Kuro serves you.
post proof you play this game
Anyone else hope they lose their 50/50 on Changli to encore, so they can guarantee zhezhi?
>see guuise? I shitted on 1 (one) character! I'm totally not a shill!
>Oh, the paimon reaction? NO DON'T ASK ABOUT IT
i can't wait until patch 4.0 when we finally get fusion rover so i have a use for her
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I don't follow sales that closely, just reposting what someone posted here a while back. Azur Primilia can't come soon enough. WuWa ain't it.
Dunno what anyone says I'm playing this game until the end, there ain't any other gacha game with a wuxia-like story.
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big if true
>sale posting
>Using AP for false flagging
Can't wait for the excuses and coping when this overhyped trash fails to meet expectations.
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I'm phone posting so I don't have anything newer but this is my Jiyan account. It's one of the early screenshots I did to humblebrag. Since then I got every limited at S0R1.
So what do we do once Changli comes out for the next 3 weeks?
>pulled for jiyan sig
bricked or whale?
she has a penis
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>Censored Primilia
AP's combat is even more simplified than genshit. If you wanna sell me on fanservice alone, there's already other much better games.
I'm playing PGR.
we play other games like resident evil 2 with randomizer mod
>lvl 60
>jiyan weapon
Post a recent pic, non-player.
Playing kino
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Just lucky. Overall I was extremely lucky in WuWa but it drained my luck in every other gacha. I'm also autistic about pulling for weapons if I like the character. To "complete" the set.
But she's the magistrate...
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You play PGR to get ahead of the other anons when they announce that PGR and WuWa share the same verse.
Jokes aside its nice to see so many WuWabros picking it up.
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Should I ? 1.2 doesn't seem that promising ...
Not switching my PC on to prove a point to a shitposter. If you're EU I'm on your friend list with a "It's rover after all..." signature.
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>Quit PGR in 2021
>Come back
>Overwhelmed by so much new things, characters
>Lose motivation
M-Maybe i will wait Kuro's Star Rail
buy high sell low
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>He lacks critical information
Next Kuro game is gonna be a FPS.
let it die
honestly, no.
just resub when 1.3 is around the corner.
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Why not? The homo gameplay look fun
I'm saving everything for Phrolololo and Tsubaki
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All big gacha games from chinks are censored. WuWa is no different.
AP has a lot of potential at least.
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>SEA hours start
>ZZZshilling stop
>Doomposting everywhere
which female character is the face of wuwa
is it yangyang because she is on the icon
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my penis didn't react so that can't be her
It's not like Wuwa shows anything more than this.
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Pretty sure that femRover is the most popular girl.
Imma be real bro, AP been suffering lot of problem lately, manju keep second guessing if they want to capture fucking genshin audience (normie and omni pandering) or go full coom, then there is a problem if they want to release female only main character or also male only main character. and now NTE is on the horizon (i doubt it will came out next year), idc how good it gonna be but its def gonna be the boogeyman of AP
its going to be the boogeyman of ZZZ, the only people remaining there would be furryfags
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Top 10 Anime of Week 3 | Summer 2024
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Whatever help you cope with your void spat shills
>banner changes late monday morning
>while I'm wageslaving
Nah there's no content until 1.3. Even then it's just a tiny new area.
Summer 2024 is the era of brainrot anime.
Damn anime fell off what the fuck is that
>more spats
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>Vagina shadow
Lmao so much for pandering to coomers
Going back to trails, I need to finish crossbell
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Collab when?
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So is her kit shit or not?
>Promilya and endfield
gacha fatigue will start next year just like with fighting games, mobas, FPS and battle royale back in the day.
the tr/a/nime era.
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Wait for the math
>he copes with one of the most asexual characters in the game
What the fuck is that even mean retarded tranny?
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Look at this faggot
This post itself is cope kek. You lost
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Fuck yourself, NOW!
>he copes with one of the most asexual characters in the game
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Post scores, bros
not doing it until changli
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>I'm phone posting but here's a screenshot that would have obviously been saved on my PC since it's a PC screenshot
is the one at the top good?
sauce on that?
It's just your standard sister fucking anime
It's literally next to her...
Not doing it until Changli, and I'm going to pick the electro bonus everytime just so I can say she's shit.
>Not doing it until Changli
Why not? Can't clear it with your current characters?
When does it start filtering people? Memphis?
no, i want to do it with changli
Ahh, I thought there was a video, my bad.
Wtf a anon in /zzz/ told me Chang is out already but it's not for a few more days
Why would people lie
It's about 21 hours to go now
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So far every boss just dies in a few seconds

You should go back
hehe dummy got tricked by knotkeks
>WuWaniggers don't know how to read
>can't even afford a monitor over 1080p
no lol
thats 2 cups of coffee. even a 3rd worlder can afford that per month
How long does something like this take to run? Or even a more simplified one with just key 3* echoes?
I've just been doing tacet fields for my farming but some of them (fuck the light one sharing with that shit atk set) blow cock.
My friends keep calling me a pedo for maining Anko,
Read my post again >>486941331

If you're phone posting, you don't have access to a screen shot
That was taken months ago on a PC. That photo would be saved to a PC. So why do you have access to it?
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wuwa won.
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>One pink bird vs the power of honkai
Wuwon. Honkai loss, Z bros, it's time to call the genshin.
they are actually melting down because of this, changli will double whammy them and they will seethe beyond belief
they really are here 24/7 lole
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Kek the ugly hag killed Star Rail
God what a shit design, Zhezhi look like a goddess compare to Jade
30 mins at most if you're only targetting a specific set (only hunting 3 cost spectro)
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So can Changli go up against ass in the revenue wars? They both release like two days apart.
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where can i get a gf like jinhsi?
>clipping already
sorry but her ass is going to get nerfed. Rosaria style.
>dogshit gameplay
>dogshit personality
>the only thing she has is her butt
Grim, all the upcoming banners look so fucking bland too
Hopefully 1.3 biker gang can save the game
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I posted it on PC and saved it on my phone. Yes it was posted early in 1.0, I don't have any newer pics on my phone because I dont play WuWa on my phone. That was the only picture I could post to in this situation.
Thought you were talking about WuWa desu.
How the fuck is this general so dead? Changli is coming out IN ONE FUCKING DAY
You posted it on 4chan, went to the post on your phone and saved it?
I'm a hagfag and I 100% the game with anko/danjin/verina team exclusively...
Remember to diversify your investments!
not everyone who plays this game spends their every waking hour shitposting in this general. what do you want? cuckbait? mc wars?
wtf fairy tail is back
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Rate my Portfolio
>Project Mugen
Pretty much. Is this really some hard to understand unusual revelation?
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wuwa bros, those zzzers keep posting this image to insult us.

our response?
No fucking way... what rank is Gardenscapes?
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only "pretty much"? or "Yes"?

Liars never state things explicitly.

You lied again because all posts with this image were made with the same filename. Even the most recent one you posted >>486938234

When you save posts on 4chan they don't save with the same filename as the original post. But you went through the trouble of making sure they had the same filename before posting. Weird huh?
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Your blue archive?
>banner is like two weeks old
>no content

wait until the latest one before shitposting. oh wait you wont because zzz is dead and flopped.
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haha laser go brr
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Missing out on Yinlin wasn’t so bad now that we’re so close to Changli.
Those are all my posts though. I didn't lie, you're just a schizo.
>When you save posts on 4chan they don't save with the same filename as the original post.
NTA but can you check the file instance the file was posted?
Idk who needs to hear this but

Wuthering Waves is made by Kuro Games

Not Hoyoverse

Wuthering Waves is made by Kuro games.

Kuro. Kuro. Not Hoyo.

Think before rate 1* on PlayStore
>gacha fatigue will force all the chink devs to take the (I) pandering + metafag pill like the old days.
funny how shipniggers, yurifags, fujokeks and yumes got exposed as no spenders.
I saved that image from the original first post I did with that image on the same day. I then used that saved image and made those posts from your screenshot. Is it really so hard to understand? You're not the Sherlock Holmes you think you are.
first instance*, but yeah he could've just kept reposting it
I pulled for Yinling and got her. I told myself I'm not gonna pull for Jinhsi. But then I pulled for her because dragon and also because she's cute. I told myself I'm not gonna pull for Changli. But now I'm planning to pull Changli thinking I'm gonna skip Zhezhi. But now she's looking really cute too with cute boob physics. and I'm a F2P. Give me a break Kuro. AHHHHHHH
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women are the only people who cares about the whitewashing thing, here's a picture of a woman thinking its made by the same company
>I won't turn on my PC for 5 minutes just for this
>But I will spend 4 hours explaining I truly play the game and if you won't believe me that's on you!
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>he's skipping
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my genociding 90% of the elites takes 1 1/2 - 2 hrs
imo its better to just focus on elites and kill whatever 1 costs in the path that you need, its not worth veering off for them since you already get so many on the path and grouped up with elites anyways
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So when is Changli for Amurica? I heard people say Sunday night, but Jinhsi banner is up until Monday morning. Is Kuro copying Mihoyo's bullshit of staggering the banner for each region?
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bwos i cant wait anymore
image hash here
first post. same filename. He claims to have downloaded it. but if he did the filename wouldn't be the same.
see above. Is it really that hard to understand?
Keep in mind you still claim to be phoneposting. When do you get back to your PC to show proof you play this game?
Kuro better whitewash too.
This link should be in the OP
"Whitewashing" is a very weird way of saying they make women with pure jade-like skin.
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Honest question, do people like hate Fate Zero or something?
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>>I won't turn on my PC for 5 minutes just for this
Yes, I won't. Why would I? I'm in bed.
Eww I want delicious brown girls.
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>blindfolded Shiyu Defence 7

uh oh ZZZ bros?
>Asia gets Changli earlier

>Still answers every reply with a reaction image
>Only "proof" of being an actual player is an image that has been posted more than 5 times already.

Falseflagging Hoyoshills are one of a kind, really. Imagine going through all of these hoops just to shill your slop, and for free...
can changli play with jinshi? if not should i just get reschain 2 on my jinhsi?
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The wuwa killer...
Jade herself isn't ugly but all her animations are stupid.
>le giant purple snake and le signing contracts to fight
So fucking lame. Wasted design. The shekel toss was way better.
Overall design and animations though barely any vharacter comes close to wuwa.
It was super popular when it came out, then became normalfagcore. Contrarians hate it, I guess. I do like TM and even bought Tsukihime recently. F/Z is still what I recommend to people if they want to check out the universe even if its kinda off from the rest of Fate.
lmao. At least they don't try to hide them anymore.
That blindfold is slightly see through. Someone report him to the blindfolded speedrun autism community.
>can changli play with jinshi?

>if not should i just get reschain 2 on my jinhsi?
S2 barely improves your jinhsi if you're metafagging, otherwise pull for whoever you like
>can changli play with jinshi?
Sure. You can even play Jiyan with Jinshi. Or Calcharo. Or Lingyang.

Question is why would you?
This is not the original screenshot. It's the repost from the original one like I explained. I reposted this one many times. Do you really still don't understand or are you just shitposting?
For anyone curious about the Fate watch order, first you have to watch the prequel series, Rance. The order is

Rance 1 - Introduces the lore and characters

Rance 2 - Introduces Gilgamesh under the nickname Bird

Rance 3- End of the first Trilogy, first HGW

Rance 4 - Hollow Atraxia foreshadowing

Kichikuou Rance - First ending of the prequel series, last HGW of that timeline

Rance 01, 02 and 03 - Timeline reset with the previous games

Rance 5D - Enkidu is introduced and Gilgamesh returns.

Rance VI - Second HGW

Sengoku Rance - Introduction of Artoria Pendragon + Samurai Remnant foreshadowing

Rance Quest Magnum - Church lore introduction

Rance IX - Fate Zero in an alternative dimension.

Rance X - End of the series.

Fats/Stay Night - forgettable spinoff
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Can confirm, that is, indeed, the correct order.
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Yeah... sorry but that isn't going to work
..Do you understand how image hashes work?
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It's that shrimple, bwos
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Okay anon. Let's make a deal. I'll put into my signature your post number and I'll call you a retard later tonight, do we have a deal? I might have to censor the retard a bit depending on the filter. I'll even throw in the original pic with Jiyan and a new one with Jinhsi S0R1, Yinlin and Jiyan into the mix. When I do you will apologize. How about it?
>def main stat
Is her banner in ~27h from now?
Is the monk good? I like her design.
You still haven't posted it, shill.
Bros when is WuWa gonna be as fun as PGR
when we get out of wuxia china

do ZZZshills really?
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When we start getting gen 2 characters.
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It's super shrimple, bwos
We got a BA half anniversary stream soon bwos...
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Iyo is that dude that was talking about how you can do little tricks with your controller to get attacks to come out a few frames faster and calling zzz a super deep fighting game right? kek
I told you I'm not getting up from my bed right now to satisfy a shitposter. Domowe have a deal? I'll post what I'm said later tonight >>486947741
You clearly don't know how reposting a saved image from 4chan works so I'll go out of my way and post a nice picture combo for you, then you apologize. If I'm a falseflagger why does it matter? Agree to it, surely I'm not gonna keep up my end, right?
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Oh look, that's another paragraph evading the question from the non-player.
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Don't worry it bricked
he doesn't even play ranked on SF6 rumao, nigga got shit on hard when he tried joining a tournament.

and the thing with comparing fighting games with 3D arpgs is retarded as fuck
I find it more fun already, but most characters at the moment are pretty fucking boring, I want more Danjin type characters.
What music does she make?
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Exactly. Apparently we all need to learn these dumb fighting game terms and it's very important, but also gacha players are stupid and can't understand what they mean.
Then he performs it in the video... and it's just some basic bitch animation cancel that doesn't even matter.
Why don't you want to agree to the deal I presented? I'll post everything and more you asked for later tonight, just for you. Are you too scared to potentially apologize? You think I'm a falseflagger so why are you scared? Agree to the deal, add anything else you want to it and I'll post it tonight. All I want is an apology when I do it.
What time is Changli out
I don't have to agree to anything a filthy shill says. Post the pic or fuck off until you do.
might be the most unpopular opinion here, but i need more slow hitting characters like cowqi and A-kamui.

straight attack strings like Danjin, Rover, Alpha CA, and weird combat units like Pulao are unironically more fun than Gen 2/3 PGR units even if their kits are flashy-fun as fuck
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when it stops being a homo game which is never
I'm down for slow parry characters too but they need more reactive parries not whatever the fuck taoqi is smoking.
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Incredibly shrimple, bwos
>Built Chixia because going "Pew, Pew, Pew" with her is fun
>Built Encore because she's Cute and Funny
>Going to build Changli because HAG SEXO
Dear God, please don't let me get cockblocked by Fusion resistant bosses in the Tower,,,
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Daily reminder the wuwa is winning and won, and will conitune to win.

Homoverse is imploding.

-Hype for HSR died with Firefly. Homoverse is so desaprate to hype up this shitty autobattler corridor similator they decided to announce some obscure collaboration with another dying Gacha that won't be available for another 12 months at least. They have done the same shit with ufotable genshin anime before.

-zzz flopped it's launch, no hype for its future banner. Most serious and respected YouTube content creators are either treating zzz as a joke or actively shitting on it.

- genshin is slowly dying. Fountaine flopped. Getting boycott in the West due to colourism, signatures are already hitting 80k on Change.com, 100k by end of next week. Hoyoverse even manage to piss off Chinese players on all sides by nerfing the homohydro dragon and then undo the nerf.

We are witnessing the long waited implosion of Homoverse. It's fucking glorious

to all the hsretards, genshitters, zzzzzzers, go back to your shitty no hype autobattler hsr, toddler genshit impact, and zzzzzzzzzzz.
they did it right with bridget and noctis imo. hoping for the best here
Daily reminder to tell kuro to let us pat our WuWives and WuHusbands 3 times a day in the next survey
She probably makes death metal music and rap songs.
Send my motherboard for rma
I accept your fear and concession. I'll post what I said, when I said and call you a coward. Because that's what you are.
What's wrong with Taoqi's parry?
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nanally anally in the neverness to everness
It's not really a parry as much as it is a defensive stance that autoparries when you're in it, and then the followups take forever, have no DR or iframes and can easily miss, also her kit is just scuffed as fuck in general, she's annoying to use.
More short shorts resonators pls.
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like Pulao from PGR?
Just %@ hours and &# minutes left of waiting.
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Is this canon?
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>juggling crownless until 2nd phase
we're so over

>reposting the same video for the 50th time
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Censorship is about showing ass and breasts
censorship is about limiting the amount of porn you can show
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>there are people, in this very thread, that are skipping this
The absolute state of these soon-to-be bricked accounts
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which one is more bricked,
skipping jinhsi or skipping phrolova?
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Is /wuwa/ going to watch? The plump thicc goddess is on the VA panel again.
stay on your pedo thread
Bruh I found this on chinktube wuwa made it into Korean news channel kek, man Koreans really like this game,
summer is always the weakest season and this is no exception but damn this season is unwatchable
Yangyang on top of the building!
but hoyo told me the game is dying?
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my take is that fate fans hate it because its extremely popular and overshadows the rest while "normal" anime watchers love it because its just good
The sisterfucking anime is unironically written by a woke leftist. I read the LNs a long time ago when they were fan translated (before it got DMCA'd). There was a part where the girl went on an autistic rant about gender roles. Later on, they meet with a blonde chink that unironically and literally engages in an open relationship, openly fucking multiple different guys at once.
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Jinhsi will be rerunning by the time skipping Phrolova is even an option
Surely Calchudo and Danjin will eventually show up in the story right? They won't just ignore them? It's strange having some rando's you've never met in your party.
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I hope the gooks make this game even harder to filter normalfags
Kekaroo is from the New Federation, so if we don't meet him soon, we'll probably meet him in 2.0. If we don't meet Danjin, then kek, it's over.
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They didn't have to make Yangyang look like this, but they did.
they're busy rewriting Danjin because she was too scary for the chinkcels.
Calculator shows up in one of the CBT1 cutscenes. All he does is save you from some monkeys in the monkey region.

Game kinda feels tailor made for Koreans now that I think about it. Just needs a 5 minutes backstory about how Rover was the most unfortunate loser of all time before he became God.
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Don’t buy used manga
That fabric glued to her skin in the middle bothers me every time.
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They can probably insert him somehow because he's a mercenary.

1 - He somehow manages to meet with Rover during one of his missions.

2 - Someone hired Calcharo to assassinate Rover.

I'm too dumb to think of any other ways on how he could meet with us, so I'll leave it to you guys.
Do you think those are real girl lips? That'd be kinda hot.
Open cleavage verboten, please understand, think of the femcels.
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Sauce please
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Sauce me up nigga
whenever he shows up I dont care but I wish for churros quest to be super edgy
crawling in my skin kind of edgy
>go to zzz thread
ctrl+f "wuwa" 0 results
>go to wuwa thread
ctrl+f "zzz" 100500 results

Man, things must be really dire here. Morale is low?
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is changli really a sub dps? how viable is she as a main dps? i only have one set of fusion echoes
Bros. I cannot farm anymore fucking echoes. They're gonna buff Tacet Field right? Right?
She's fun to use, so you would enjoy Changli more as a main dps. There's really only one option for Changli if you play her as a main dps and its Chi-fucking-xia.
She's worse than Anko as a main dps even with S1 and her weapon. She's worse than Yinlin S0 as a sub dps.
>Bruh I found this on chinktube wuwa made it into Korean news channel kek, man Koreans really like this game,
Great. They can finally get some Korean writers now. If the story delivery can just match Nikke, I'll be content.
his proof is a twitch stream who speaks like theres a cock on her mouth...
kek look funny
I'm gonna make a webm
Akobwos. Till what level should I get Sanhua up to?
same level
Why are you fags so obsessed with ZZZ?
talk shit get hit
Jinhsi... Don't look.
Getting echoes isn't even the biggest problem, the problem is how much gigametric ton of xp tubes it take to level up an echo just to get fucked in the ass by ass stats is what completely kills any motivation I have for this game.
I unironically stopped caring about towers, put the game on back burner and and went back to playing westernslops like Darktide because for how bad the itemization is in that game it's still 100x better than any these gachas. And before any homoverse shills try to shill your zzzhit your cd grind is even worse so fuck off.
So you're admitting that WuWa's community is full of mentally ill people?
This obsession over another game is not healthy. Even in the recent HSR stream chat was full of kuroshills shitposting.
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Not canon, she didn't even give him a sundial-
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Wonder if the New Federation dragon sentinel will look like this. Also why the fuck is it an eastern loooong dragon but it has wings like a western one. Just make it full western
what are you doing bro
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Lies and slanders
Jinhsi is so lucky...
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>whole Mt. Firmament is just "use guns or fuck off"
what a fucking buzzkill
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wawu !
It could also be something else instead of a dragon. Every province has a sentinel also
They said that for each Sentinel they should be a one of a kind species. So dragon is already eliminated, dunno what's up with Mortefi having dragon scales though, maybe dragon-tribe?
I'm only building one character so I still got a ton of tubes and coins. It's the COST 3 ones that are such a bitch to get. It wouldn't be super bad if Tacet Field gave more drops and also you can lower the god damn SOL3 Phase level to something where you can just quickly one shot everything around the map and not get punished for everything else.
Devs listened. They're adding a shooting utility
gomen Hsi...
as high as you can but focus on your maxing your manko first
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So because some random reddit comments with basically no upvotes, this thread is constantly malding over ZZZ?
Come on anon. Victim complex much?
When end of month revenue charts are up you're all gonna have heart attacks.
For the record I don't play ZZZ because I didnt like it. I also don't play Genshin anymore. So don't bother.
Man I just wish they'd at least show a teaser of what's to come, I'm really curious to know about the other sentinels and regions.
You haven't been here for the past few weeks? Whenever its SEA hours there's constantly ESL spamming the thread with chatgpt-like sentences trying to bait others.
How do you make Chixia good(er)?
Is it next patch (that's after the next banner)?
And even then it will probably do 1 damage, so you need guns for those worms.
>When end of month revenue charts are up you're all gonna have heart attacks.
Why? I'm pretty sure no one here is a shareholder in either kuro or mihoyo
>one schizo
WuWers and ZZZiggers should just kiss and make up.
these niggers don't even play the game they just shitpost 24/7 while playing both sides
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>This obsession over another game is not healthy
gee I wonder who fits the criteria?
Smells like someone is scared that anon is about to create a new ammo for the humiliation ritual
Ok animal fucker riddle me this why would a Chinese gambling simulator making more or less money affect my life that I'd have a heart attack you pathetic fk why don't you just fuck off to your miserable pathetic life and let people enjoy what they want.
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test test test
good player
>WuWa loses
>I-it doesn't matter...
>Revenue doesn't matter...
>WuWa wins
You know it's true. Since ZZZ already won, we are gonna be flooded due to this insane rivalry.
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There's also this.
>abhorrent post
Why is a mihomo having a melty here? Is it because of his investments are threatened?
ZZZ lost LOL
Ok, now take this faggotry and fuck off to the other thread.
imagine trying this on lightcrusher trash mob
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nice wuwa discussion you stupid wuggers
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not-japan region sentinel.
>got hit that much
>only that much damage
What? Why does this game even have a dodge?
why are people having fun with the game when the combat is like this? mihomo sunk cost?
>ammo for the humiliation ritual
Dude has close to max level dolphin characters with fully leveled perfect artifacts and plays the equivalent of the second stage, Tower 1 of the permanent single time clear of Tower of Adversary. Of course he can clear it blindfolded. Just like you or I can clear the permanent tower with Jiyan/Yinlin/Jinhsi solo right now. This shit is meant to be easy so everyone can unlock the resetting part of the end game.
ZZZ cater perfectly to japanese salaryman zombies playing on train before work, just like FGO
what about burgerland sentinel? gun devil?
>Ok animal fucker
More victim complex from a wuwanigger.
>max level dolphin characters
Pokke is doing F2P only on his ZZZ account you retard
Based from someone I know
>the least gameplay I get to play the better because I have other things to do
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we got this bad boy for reference
I fucking hate the slowdown from the dodge, man. Also from the parry. It's gotten me killed so many times from the Thundering Mephis because it throws off my timing.
It's a tutorial mission and he's 10 levels over leveled for it.
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>no content to do when i roll Changli
Guess i'll just go redo some holograms or something
Agreed, it's stupid game design
Trailblazer is too mecha....
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As a completely neutral observer.
I quite enjoy these mihoyo humilliation rituals.
Wuggies won by just existing.
You need to be over 18 to post, anon.
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>n-no u!
Kek concession accepted retard
slow down gives you i-frames, are you retarded? and you can just chain it again if you perfect dodge, unless your brain can't somehow process what's going to happen next during the slowdown that you get
Anyone have a pic of the Exile girl with the hoodie during the Sea of Flames quest? She was a pretty cute npc
>$3 cup of coffee
You don't know shit about the 3rd world a cup of coffee is 10 cents here
>>n-no u!
I didn't call you a retard. I called you underage. It's funny that you admitted to being a retard just like that. Better luck next time.
How many hours til Changli drops?
This bitch crazy
Doesn't matter, no one is pulling that brick.
NTA but why did you have to lie about something that can be easily confirmed by the retards here who watches that chinese faggot?
depends on your server
Its about 24 hours left for EU bros
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why can't we be comfy like /pgr/....
If anything these clips really shows the dedication of mihoyo
The sound in this game is so fucking good and sound cues were always important in games
>still no argument
Awww what's wrong? Mad being caught, shill?
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When /wuwa/ stops trying to wage a war against Hoyo threads.
because there's always unpaid mihoyo shills that keeps trying to doompost our game just 'cause they feel threatened, we'll become comfy again in the next 4 months when those people are tired of it
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You have to wait for another gacha so hoyoshills can cope with their sunk cost
Endfield, NTE, AP, Mugen, pick our scapegoat
>no new post for almost 30 minutes
Sir, that thread is dead
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What did she mean by this?
Why are the 4 stars so shit on Changli's banner. It was this bad on Linyin's too. I'll never have decent 4 star Resonance Chains at this rate.
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>wage a war
this is why you need to touch grass every so often
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didn't knew the best character in the game had a rate up banner
PGR doesn't pose a threat to the cartel, so it's not being continuously raided with shills. Wuwa, on the other hand, does.
I watched the video myself. Shiyu 7 is the equivalent to the 12/12 permanent Tower of Adversary, Floor 1 or 2. It's a weird "own" to celebrate. Especially since he's using T0 characters with signature weapons. Just like the other webm of the lvl 30 Rank up tutorial he's doing with lvl 40 characters.
all the chinese names sound alike
Begone, YIN
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>our game
SEApag or saar hands posted this.
wuwa is better than genshin to me. thats all that matters
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>wage a war
NGL i'd watch the shit out of Saving pvt. Aalto
I only want Taoqi dupes but she keep getting paired with absolute shitters
>all the chinese names sound alike
my exact thoughts when I first started reading chinese webnovels
>Encore blows herself up
Why does almost every trial char use a 3* weapon, it's very noticable in door dungeons
Is it ever explained how rover, the ancient hero from way back when, is here again now in current year?
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This game have some really nice views in the night
sorry bwo, I should've worded it better
Kuro's game*, happy now?
Not yet, but seem like it's not the first time he come down from the sky.
It might be for now, but once Mihoyo starts porting over features from Wuwa into Genshin will be the day the game dies. Mihoyo has already been planning big changes to the game including a revamped combat system after the Natlan patch. The Natlan patch will also be adding a pokemon system similar to the echo system in Wuwa. Genshin already has a better story, character designs, world, and music than Wuwa. What then will the appeal of Wuwa be? A smart investor would realize that Genshin is a better long term investment for the future.
>Patch 1.1
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Rover wakes up every now and then when the world is in danger, and after he resolves it he sleeps again.
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Hmmmm nyo!
I have the exact opposite problem, my Taoqi is at max dupes since I lost my first 50/50 to Yinlin. I was hopeing for Chixia or someone to pair Changli with.
>I was hopeing for Chixia or someone to pair Changli with.
You got S6 Taoqi, she pairs best with Changli
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OF course shill, I totally love it when they lock simple traversal behind a character.
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>A smart investor would realize that Genshin is a better long term investment for the future.
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I only have 2k5$ on my bank account, how do i invest to escape poverty bwos?
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buy a gun and go rob a bank for amazing return on investment
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>No candy crush saga investors
I weep for your financial future /wawu/
That's pretty cool.
>he isn't a gardenscape investor
>his funds haven't brought fruits
Explain yourself
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1 D A Y
all our characters can do that anon....
Set a limit to like 500$ and invest that, then double it and invest 1000$, then double it and invest 2000$. Only use the initial 500$ investment. Buy high, sell low is every successful business man's motto.
Invest into Nvidia NOW
>They don't invest time into mcdonalds so they can double their time investment into WUWA
Buy High Sell Low.
lmao even
you kill yourself when revenue come this month. kuroshill talk shit but silent when revenue come. you come back to hoyogames when no one play this game kill yourself
You can say "invest" in my hobbies, so why can't you use that phrasing for gacha? I wouldn't do it personally but if its their hobby then so be it. But I guess you wouldn't really want a person who gambles at casinos to call it investing either...
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Already did on my bird wife
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This banner felt very long, surely most of those who wanted Jinhsi have her by now?
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Why you guys quitting en masse?
I am considering to play Genshin now..
it has 100m downloads (we only have 5m).
Too big to fail
Should I Invest in 2 different games?
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let me see your single pull
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I'm already getting my investment back with my monkwife ccoin
Invest in Clash of Clans[/spoilers].
Lord Arbiter truly is the world's strongest groomer
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>seethes after everyone makes fun of his retardation
>"d-don't come back to mihomo w-when your revenue is bad!"
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>/wuwa/ on their way to the investors meeting
>/wuwa/ stocks at an all time high
Got my neetbux later than expected and managed to land a JinhSee
Her long ass banner saved (me)
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>he didn't invest in Yelan to gain double speed
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Yeah, that's right. invest in my game. We will spread yuri and same-sex relationships everywhere.
I assume those are all s6r5 limited 5* units?
Or that the enemy is just some random mob and not a actual boss?
I constantly FUD wuwa threads so I can scoop up my spiritual shares of Wuthering Waves (Ticker:WUWA) for cheapies.
that chink is f2p (for now), and its an actual boss, most mobs in ZZZ just get stunlocked by your m1's and they can't even hit back
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Time to spread DEI worldwide ZASED Oyohim !!
Make your new Blackrock shareholders proud
we dont know why or how but they reawaken every now and then.
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>he pulled?
It's tutorial shit and /wuwa/ is pretending it's Hologram 9 tier because it makes them feel better about their flop.
If I invest, will I get to become a cameraman too? I'd love to photograph cuckoldry like every investors
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If you didn't know already these LGBT companies in China are just a front for the government to collect data and names.
Da Wei is just a senile old figurehead boomer now, his original vision has been hijacked by shareholders looking to make money from as many retards as possible
Will this new cope work for us in the long term?
I don't want to keep getting bullied at college you know. We need something more ironclad than that.
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Look out anon, behind you!
noooooooo our monk wife (concubine)!!!
>the enemy is just some random mob and not a actual boss
I played ZZZ for a while and yes, that is an actual in game boss. Shitposters itt are coping by "it's not the hardest boss" when the endgame bosses are as hard as the tutorial bosses. Looking back, no wonder I dropped it fast. It's pretty much Hi3rd's spongefest syndrome.
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Hello, fellow CALCHUDs. I’m CALCHUDDING on a plane and people are giving me funny looks, probably because I gave myself a stroke in order to have my face get stuck in CALCHUD-core.
S-she's fast !
Our little sister game just drop their latest kino
based calchud
Do I really need to hit the last attack of Inferno Rider's chain to trigger his buff?
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How can she slap??
So they decided to make a game without combat just to try if it works?
Genshin combat isn’t this awful even if it’s often gimicky with shields and stuff which give huge damage windows when broken…
*passes out (I'm pretending so that she'd come closer then I can grope her big jiggly tits >:)
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be honest pgr players, did our investments in wuwa improve pgr in any way?
we have the color connect minigame in pgr now
We're just getting Changli? No story or anything?
That kinda sucks. I hope at least he can be used to parry
It is likely much too soon to say anything on that front. For development cycles and live service content creation you must think in quarterlies and years.
The pipeline won't be adjusted until 2025 at the latest I'd say. However it probably does change some morale and get more attention to Kuro as a whole.
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they got a new kickass skin, so maybe? also they improved a lot of things while I was gone, especially giving us a 3d animation on pulling shit (all it does was showing generic jpeg back then)
Bro PGR improved by itself.
It didn't need wuwa but from what I've seen on the CN side things are improving faster.
Owari.. d-ACK!
God I want to lick that tummy
nothing comes to mind except from the rehauled dorm feature. It is too early, I'd give it another month to see if there really is that huge of a change in pgr.
>more wuxia shit
Why does every gacha on the market do this.
Those clips are of trash mobs and one boss which doesn't alternate red and yellow attacks. Red you can't parry and have to dodge while yellow you can both parry and dodge. Now both attacks have the same sound effects, so the cue is only visual. Even at lvl 30 there's bosses which you can barely do while paying attention to them.

tl;dr those clips only impress people who haven't played the game
His fault for joining the CCP instead of fleeing to Japan like AL devs did.
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Your 1.1 xis? You do play the game right?
Sister you okay? Xis?!
Its actually pretty fucking rare anon.
delete this
Finally fucking beat Tempest Mephis VI. Unironically significantly harder with Jinhsi than with Havoc Rover team.
We're also getting her companion quest.
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The flight attendant asked me whether I needed something, but all I need is CALCHUD. No supports, no stupid snacks, but I’ll take the bubbly and refills. I told her so while giving her this look, then I cleared some mobs and yelled AAAAH, I’M CALCHUDDING! She seemed scared. She should be. I’ll absorb her echo, too. Can confirm that WuWa runs on max setting on a M2 iPad Air btw.
1 - most major gachas are from chinkland themselves

2 - its one of the soulful(?) places in Earth, the others are Japanese during the Edo Period, Europe and their well-known Victorian classic (this is the most generic thing others can recognize), burgerland and etc.
I play both WuWa and ZZZ. I'm a pgr and genshin day1 player so i like both games and ofc i played the newer games because i like both kuro and mihoyo. I like the fact that there's competition between the two because that means better games for me but outright lying is bad for both in the long run. You're only getting natlan with those designs because of characters like Changli.
Qu choose the MC as her consort by the way.
>Why does every gacha on the market do this
Name 5
And no anon, China doesn't = Wuxia
If you think Liyue or HSR China is Wuxia you're retarded
I'm not a whale, so building up Changli.
That's what I was saying too way back when, nothing good comes from sticking to chinese gacha models, just more stale stories with half-assed antagonists that get turned into playables and censorship
>fleeing to Japan like AL devs did
I don't want to derail the thread but desperate times call for desperate measures since you what AL sells and you also know what the CCP cracks down hard during "that" time.
Also I wonder when will AL release their "Story of Seasons" feature in game...
>fleeing to Japan like AL devs did
That doesn't seem to change much >>486938382
Still get fucked by censorship
Yet AP is a censored piece of shit.
You're supposed to get it during dead periods so you have shit ready for when good stuff drops. What good is 90 a day gonna do you when you need 1600 for a ten roll? Banners only last like 21 days, you'll literally waste 9 days.
So, are you ready for Zhu Yuan?

Gonna make full Police team.
>Still get fucked by censorship
That's most likely going to be applied to CN only. Have you seen AL in Global/JP?
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>Upper body is very cool, the lower body has a high defense
Imagine being this dumb to belive Mihoyo actually cares about cheap copycats that are still 2 generations behind them in game design and coudnt do original thing even if that killed them?
>Shit that is premiered in Chingchong land is censored
Color me surprised. Now fucking wait for TGS or something outside of CCP's control then tell me if it's still censored.
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Global is over a year behind so even if the money influx improves PGR you won't see it for a long time unless you're playing on CN,
and even then it would take some time to see the improvements there. Regardless, they progressively got their shit together, this is how it looked early on kek
It's only 2d art tho.
AL doesn't have full on 3D models.
Mi amigo...
If you can’t afford a beer you don’t deserve to play the game at all.
>cue MrPokke video of 1 clicking most WW bosses

What does that have to do with it. Design was still lewd as fuck. If CCP says it's a no-no, they will take it down.
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what is this /biz/?
our narrative...
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Why is there no yumeposting in wuwa?
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Brother Solon you are courting death by making Changli banner take this long to come out and what's this I hear about her to being weak too?? Just wait until the Ravenous Phoenix Poison Claw sect hears about this, your days are numbered now
Gonna be hilarious when hoyoshills start asking wuwa for help when nte starts shitting on zzz/genshin. Pathetic.
making fun of resident hoyoshills aka cameramen
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what is wuwa spreading?
Is there WuWa "pull" spot? Something like pull here for increased luck
the chair
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Radical heterosexuality
The chair

But I'll be pulling Changli on the cuck boat
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Because AP is censored as it has 3D models.
If they indeed make 2 different renders for both Global and China then I'll agree with your statement.
But for now it doesn't seem to be the case.
So I'll wait and see.
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>So I'll wait and see.
Exactly, what we should be doing anyway. Shit's still got a year to go. And something tells me this is going to appear in TGS because Manjuu might wanna capitalize on their reputation in JP.
>That's most likely going to be applied to CN only
Lmao i remember ZZZkeks using this cope when the game got censored
>falling for clickbait titles
I was there for the stream. Pokke didn't do shit, it was literally just his mods failing to clear tower with his whale account.

Meanwhile, he shat on Iyo shilling the game when he said zlop couldn't be button mashed, by proceeding to S rank shiyu with a blindfold on, using his f2p account.
>creators of ToF
Kuroshits as always in full delusion and cope mode. On second thought it makes sense seeing how WuWa is ToF 2.0, you wont have a thread when it releases so prepare to jump ship.
I mean to be fair, Elen upskirt was still there. Also, Mihomo did censorship to all regions for Genshit anyway. So it's not surprising. If Azur Promilia maintains the same style of YoStar being the publisher and JP/Global being handled by the same region, then it's only CN that will be fucked.
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femrover is so attractive
oh no he cleared the easy mode shiyu with reroll characters shocking
ZZZ bad, WuWa based we are winning saars
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Homoposting > yumeposting
Although to be fare the female characters in this game are quite likeable, except for the potatoes of course (and even still they’re more dignified potatoes than pedohoyos’).
But that's yapyap...
Uh oh. ZZZ nigger have a melty his game is button mash brainless slop
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keep coping, your shilling about ZZZ is amazingly dumb, since you dont realize its combat is actually lot more engaging than WuWa and spread the litteral tutorial story gameplay as fake arguments

Its amazine WuWa fags shill their game which is essentialiy p2w ult rotation routine just because they think missing boss attack 1 shotting you is great gameplay, while 99,9% of ACTUAL combat gameplay is completely braindead

You fags would cry doing Shiyu Defence or Hollow Zero at higher levels at ZZZ. And i not even mean bosses, normal mobs at high HZ levels would rape your ass, let alone any WuWa fag being able to do a HZ final boss with full modifiers list.
go back to your delusional AIDS general >>>/vg/zzz
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Oops I didn't mean to reply to someone
>p2w ult rotation routine
>literally have 4 stars that are about as good as 5 stars that can be maxed out pretty easily
Why is there still zoo keepers here derailing threads after all this time? MODS
>>literally have 4 stars that are about as good as 5 stars that can be maxed out pretty easily
>he says, while rolling on chars that trivialize dodging or are 100x more powerful than said 4stars
>Zenless ToF Zero will kill WuWa
>WuWa is ToF 2.0
How many times were you dropped on your head as a child, and how many gallons of wine/die did your mom drink when she was pregnant?
Is this what courting death looks like?
yes, saar, WuWa is amazing we won based kuro devs listened 12 mil in launch month we beat genshin, saar are you listening, saar? remember hard combat, takes skill, let's purify our house with cow dung saar
>doesn't address my point
>B-but you rolled for Jinhsi which is P2W
ZZZ niggers have room temp IQ I swear. Literally can go to YouTube and see people clearing holograms with maxed out 4 stars.
Danjin is going to find out what happens soon
Yes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2skD9l-VWSs
zzz are bullying us we need help, saars assemble
There's quite a lot of art of this hot bird hag in particular.
I love this bird hag so much!
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You have to take responsibility now, danna
Show me those 4 stars, I unironically want to build them
Yeah right, figured as much. I bet they're not even good and you just want to brick some poor waifufag that falls for it

The only "good" 4 star is Sanhua and she's nowhere near the level of Jinhsi
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Danjin won't last a minute against us
>The only "good" 4 star is Sanhua and she's nowhere near the level of Jinhsi
ZZZ nigger outs himself as a tourist
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I know it's great
How long until WuWa goes Snowbreak path to awoid bankrupcy? Might give it a try then.
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save me saarhua
>It has to be doing the same damage as Jinhsi or it's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
Why doesn't it surprise me that ZZZoooniggers are metafags?
ZZZ’s combat is doshit and has worse design, but it has some Persona vibes I like and I also like the TV gameplay. Bangboos are cute.
WuWa has the best combat, character design, SFX and landscapes/architecture, not to mention mobs look good and varied. It’s also less greedy.
I play both games though because I’m not a tribalistic retard.
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I have 24/30 as F2P and I never played ZZZ, before I rolled Jinhsi I couldn't even do 21/30
Show me those fucking 4 stars you brown spiritual shareholder
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It will never go that path because WuWa is all in on censorship and it's a Yume game at heart. Pic related is your new waifu.
you have to like one of these games only.
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you posted wrong pic
Waifutrooncel BTFO’d, go back sucking hoyo bear and potato futa cock
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>I also like the TV gameplay
play a real shin megoomi tensay game
How many times was ZZZ mentioned in this thread?
Punchable face
Good braless tits.
>zzznigger still pretending he's not a tourist
>asking to be spoonfed so he can continue to RP that he plays the game
So this is the power of SEA hours.
I love jiggle tits, thanks
Objectively false post so i assume you are a shitposter liar. ZZZ combat is far superior and indepth, as well actually hard at later stages. WuWa combat never becomes hard nor requires skill and is for 99,9% Genshin tier combat with 0,1% being need to remember boss patterns in arena.

Meanwhile, ZZZ is ACTUALLY combat oriented game with high skill ceiling, that actually requires knowledge of mechanics and gradually raises the difficulty bar, so you need to go all out in all encounters - not just a boss run once a week.

More over, ZZZ combat is mechanically lot more satisfying, while WuWa have no feeling of impact and connection to enemy and is just an ult spam.
I apologize to the Buddha of gacha Cucktone
when did gacha tribalwarring begin to look so much like /vt/umor SEAfag tribalwarring? is it the same people?
Surprise week long Jinhsi banner extension incoming.
Yeah you're not a tribalistic retard, just a regular one
Neither game has good combat, ZZZ isn't even a game, it's a menu simulator like FGO. Both can be "played" blindfolded
Open world is the only reason it's OK to like WuWa, when I see this WuWa vs ZZZ shitflinging I know for a fact both sides are brown
For like the 8th time each? Plus ZZZ takes some 15-30 mins a day depending on the mood, SMTs suck me in for hours. I sure hope they’ll remake IV, IV:A and the DS though.
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>Doomposting stop
>ZZZ shilling start
LMAO Retarded hoyoshill samefag seething as exoected.
Fuck off to your own thread if you can't take it.
Hoyocucks can't help themselves huh.
what the fuck are you talking about?
>ZZZ isn't even a game
As I said, you're brown
#1 retard, can’t even reply without feeling embarrassed for you
#2 retard, and a projecting raghead at that
Hoyoshits only gameplay is trying to ruin our game
its just satisfying seeing the shit game crash and burn. I dont even play Genshin or HSR, i just fucking annoyed with constant WuWa shilling. If i wanted to play Genshin unoriginal copy with HSR tier Loufu chars and story i`d play Genshin and HSR. No wait, i quit them and seeing the most unoriginal subpar copy of worst of both game being shilled is infuriating.

At least Project Mugen or NtE try to do something new (and they`ll fail, sadly). Kuro just shits inferior copy pasted products with no shred of originality or soul. What their next game, HSR or ZZZ copy? They are behind schedule!
Masks have fallen samefag hoyocuck, go back to your zzzooonigger cuckold simulator
>can’t even reply
because you have nothing to say. Your opinion has no ground behind it since you are basically shitposting and repeating the youtube comments memes. Show you Shiyu Defence or HZ zero clear then talk again about ZZZ combat. Meanwhile, everyone already quit WuWa and guess for which game.
Mutt hobbies:
watch monkeys throw ball in circle
watch cars run in circle and crash
put mountains of disgusting cheese and sugar everywhere, get heart attack, take taxi because ambulance is theft, get denied cure at hospital because no insurance and irs stole everything, hospital lady laughs and says the hospital doesn’t take food stamps, then gets heart attack herself because she over exerted herself by laughing

Monk Sexo
That is all.
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I am a trans and Filipino.
Is this game for me?
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eepy hours
time to mimimimimi
No one quit WuWa for shitty left click mash simulator, zzzniggers are hated on the internet and bullied under every youtube video COPE
I do feel sorry for your FAS and negro IQ
Can always count on monkbros to post relevant thread topics
rest well anon
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bwos I wish I could play wuwa blindfolded...
*parries your balls*
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cute boy
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Heyo i just woke up
hmm yes definitely. Also check out the other Hoyo games, you will enjoy them aswell.
What does the lock icon on weapons mean?
There's no explanation anywhere.
I'm starting to despise Kuro for doing this snail paced bullshit on me.
Are you serious? Its to LOCK your weapons so you can't accidentally feed it
It'll save it from being auto consumed if you spam that auto fill button. Basically stops you from destroying it.
Works the same for echoes.
Unlock it if you want to discard it, lock it if you want to keep it, what's so hard about that?
Thanks bwos.
pfff, ZZZ in 20 days will make more than WW since release combined. There are not even WW dedicated streamers atm. Honeymoon is over.

>hoyoshill falseflag
It means the resonator must use a chastity belt to use the weapon
Jinhsi has a butthole.
A fully functioning anus.
it'll make no money afterwards because the playerbase will drop off from the game after the initial hype
No one cares about revenue posting. Only braindead hoyocucks because no gameplay.
i'd be concerned if she didn't
litterally in 3 days it`ll make another 50 mil kek

the opposite of what you said is happening, on release shills like you shitpost about game and CCs went crazy, but by now people actually have played the game and discovered its amazing as well litterally all CC changed their shoes and praise it

Its a difference between beign an actual gem and a polished overhyped turd WW was
It's really rover
no one is praising zzz. all the content creators are shitting on it still.
>because no gameplay.
he posts "playing" a game with litterally zero content and no content in sight
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>meanwhile in reality
All CCs are quiting WW and making videos about how sick they are of toxic WW community of retards
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What a lewd bitch
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Like, listen, this is not directed at Wuwafags. because a lot of y'all, I love y'all. You guys are awesome. Playing games with actual gameplay. You ain't got no time to be shitposting here, and I respect that. but you little motherfucker are honoree as fuck and complaining zzz as brain dead button mashing when you didn't know the hidden tech. You didn't even read the moveset. I can't stand you, motherfucker. because y'all talk the most and you have the most things to say, but you offer the least literally zero. This game is dying. Have you spent any money on the game?no. Shut the fuck up. I can't believe this game makes me read an essay worth of hidden tech explanations. Shut the fuck up. How dare you get a degree and get a better job than I have? That's stupid. I should be able to be a doctor, but without reading anything, why do I have to go to med school. I can't read shit.
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ZZZ has no SOVLFVL twink god
you are objectively wrong. My favourite black CC, Iyo, said that ZZZ is the best fighting game gacha of all time.

And you are all just neo genshin tards playing a game for toddlers lmao.
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The world is already beautiful
We need more history
everything about WW is a souless copy

Genshin did copy BOTW, but did so much more. Meanwhile WW copied Genshin, but without soul. Everything - textures, architecture, landscapes, monsters is inferior quality and as if generated by AI. It set a higher graphic level making it unable to run on mobile - but it fails due to overall design being sloppy and poor. Copy without soul and understanding. Tower of Fantasy unironically had more soul and originality.
This can't be
My jade-like beauty would never!
he is correct, but this guy vocalizes his points better

how do i earn money as hoyo shill, getting paid while shitposting? god sign me up, for real

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And so, 210 pulls, 20 days and about $50 later, my journey ends.
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What do you mean ends? Changli is tomorrow
>the Indonesian phonepag raghead seethes because his thirdie phone can’t handle the superior game
Also ragheads have no souls, so they should keep their anal sphincters shut and avoid talking about SOVL
Yes, but I'm not hell bent on getting her. Jinhsi was the reason I picked up the game.
People quit this soulless game.
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cool story bro
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>Jinhsi was the reason I picked up the game
Based Wuxia enjoyer
bro please answer my question >>486967657
To think he used to be a full on furry...
She's just that beautiful.
Kill yourself
They're not going to answer so they can keep the competition away
Baizhi rape
fuck you bitch, all i asking just a share of profit and told me to kill myself? nigga we are on the same team if you told me how
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You're pulling tomorrow, right anon?
shouldn't a jade-like beauty be green like Piccolo
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>post Bennet
also, ZZZ has superior twink
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Lack of teenager will be wuwa downfall
Encore and verina are too young
Jinhsi changli and yinlin are too old
What is the equivalent of Ellen here?
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>still replying to off-topic bait
You wuggers are so stupid lmao
Of course
Depends on her gameplay
Shut the fuck up, I'll pull for whenever I want to.
I'm going to save wuwa's revenue tomorrow
eek ook la
Jianxin is a teen
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what do you mean tomorrow? Zhu Yuan releases in 3 days
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Don’t “bro” me, filthy mudslime.
Good thing that they reverted to this resonator of SEX design, furries belong in inferior games such as SOVLLESS: SOVL=0
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I'm dumping all of my astrites on her
its not like anyone actually playing the game or there being topics to talk about except about its imminent demise
God I'm so glad this game failed. Serves Kuro right for being a copycat.
Been edging for a week. Will finally blow my load on my screen before pulling for her banner
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Big boobs means must pull
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>game so dead they have to shill their game in here
kek, scraping bottom of the barrel eh?
20 pulls
I'm not wasting my Phrolova fund
Said the Bootleg Alchemy Stars
180 pure f2p, might even go for her weapon given the drought that's coming.
I suggest new /wuwa/ thread to be renamed to /zzzt/ to signify that this is now a zzz territory. Off topic discussions such /wuwa/ related are still welcomed.
>4* locked behind loli banner
>same with Moze being a 4* locked behind some generic whores
Meanwhile WuWa has men for all tastes
Ain't no way you mess up Caramel's name that badly
Zero is disliked mostly on it being a non-canon spinoff prequel that butchers the characters for Urobuchi's misery porn as opposed to actually telling the story of the 4th Grail War. The fans that came from it caused a sort of Eternal September with fans of Zero shitting up discussion constantly with illiterate takes or bias against FSN (despite having never read the VN). Calling someone a secondary became more common because of retarded gilfags and zero saber fans.

Zero isn't bad unto itself, but it's certainly not a prequel to Stay Night and basically serves as the filter for normalfags.
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thank you for this post, you game me an opportunity to once again display how totally retarded WuWa community is (double as fun as they play LITTERAL copy past game)
>lost in sales
>lost in fanart
>losing their generals
Such is a fate of a wuwanigger
Ok gaymer.
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>you game me
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Big fat birb tits
Don't worry wuwaniggers. Even though you lost your general thread, I still welcome refugees.
What kind of mental illness compels an individual to remain in /vg/ general of a game they don't play while advertising other gacha games? For weeks, months even?
are gacha games fucking dying?
Just shut the fuck up already, for your own good, fuck off.
It's gonna die soon. Chinks are pumping too much of this shit as if there's enough audience. It just needs one fucker to disrupt the market, and this will all fall over like dominos.
it wont, stop deluding yourself, gacha shit is here to stay.
true I feel like there's going to be crash because we are going to have too many similar games
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Literally who? Phrolova is where its at
110 pulls and a dream
no its not, if anything WW proven that atm no one has capability to compete with Mihoyo, and Mihoyo is two steps ahead of everyone

While Kuro copied HI3, Mihoyo made Genshin. While Kuro copied Genshin, Mihoyo made successful HSR and now ZZZ.

If Genshin is gen 1 game, WW 1.2, HSR 1.5, ZZZ gen 2

Most of current competitors still either going for gen 1, or only exists as cute trailers, while implementing all they promised and releasing in normal timeframe is impossible. NtE and Mugen unlikely to ever actually release, promilia is still gen 1.2

By time others adapt, Hoyo will already push their Animal Crossing gacha, raking billions, and when other start copy ZZZ, they`d be going for gen 3 already with MMO gacha.
>monogatari sequel at the very bottom
niggas... /a/ changed... wistoria garbage and fairy tail in the top 10 what even...
Not saying everything's gonna go away. What I'm saying is that if you keep getting flops on newer titles, then that means the market is saturated. Therefore, less devs are gonna make new ones. The existing ones will be trying to stay relevant as much as they can.
Reads like a funny pasta
it is, its been reposted here since wuwa got released
The Honkai MMO gacha (?) is already in production.
So what's Gen 4? Irl gacha?
/a/ only appreciates major brainrot now
this is also major issue i see with all new competitors - they ALL copy gen 1 aka Genshin, with all its bad stuff Hoyo actually get rid of already

NtE, Mugen, Promilia, WW - they litterally copy Mihoyo mistakes
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because they know they lost and are insecure about it lol. This game literally mindbroke hoyoshills and I don't think they'll ever recover. It's all they think about whenever they wake up.
yeah its called gambling
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they copy mihoyo's mistakes and improve on it, and then mihoyo copies it because they lack originality. checkmate. your move.
VRMMO, Hoyo officially plans to have 1 billion players playing it. Basically Sword Art Online. But its still far ahead and would require better VR gear than now.
Gen 4 gacha is just gonna be sao
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What a sad existence, but then again mods give thread derailing a pass to enable that kind of behavior. It's not like anyone cares about their tantrums one way or another
>require better VR gear
the average pagpag can't buy those you know
Yeah bros I totally want to get my brain fried by a chink machine on my head just like SAO...
>he says playing game 1to1 Genshin copy with 4 chars, E and Ults and HI3 copied mechanics while Mihoyo itself moved on for actual action combat, not game restricted by mobile mechanics like Genshin was
I wish WuWa was more like PGR's aesthetic.
It's cheap as fuck on SEA so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
>he says playing game 1to1 Genshin copy with 4 chars, E and Ults and HI3 copied mechanics while Mihoyo itself moved on for actual action combat, not game restricted by mobile mechanics like Genshin was
Well since we got Yao with his mechanical arm I'm sure we'll get some cyborgs down the line.
Pornilia is shot for pedo ragheads
yeah true. The moment they admit that they got tricked and the fortune they spend on Mihomo was for nothing, is they moment they have to commit sudoku out of shame. They don't have a choice, they must continue on this path of self delusion or parish.
notice that they dont bring up genshin to shit on wuwa again? its all about ZZZ
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This + they couldn't play this game on their phone which just stoke more hatred for this game. They always go insane whenever a new character leaks because they can't join in and are too deep in sunkcost to leave their shitty hoyogacha. Seething envy in short.
Have any other Wuthering Waves fans tried Honkai Impact: 3rd? I gave it a try now that the game has entered it's Part II stage. The Part II content update for Honkai Impact: 3rd is a game-changer. It introduces new characters, storylines, and gameplay mechanics that have reinvigorated the game. The update has been met with overwhelmingly positive feedback, drawing in both new players and veterans. This kind of major update keeps the community engaged and spending. Honkai Impact: 3rd is known for its deep and engaging story. The narrative is rich with lore, complex characters, and emotional arcs. This keeps players invested in the game over the long term. In contrast, Wuthering Waves’ story is seen as bland and uninspired, making it hard for players to stay interested. The gameplay in Honkai Impact: 3rd is top-notch. It’s fast-paced, fluid, and incredibly satisfying. The Part II update has added even more depth to the combat system, making it one of the best in the mobile gaming market. Wuthering Waves’ gameplay feels repetitive and lacks the excitement and polish that Honkai delivers.

Hoyoverse has a proven business model and a history of financial success. The recent revenue reports show that Honkai Impact: 3rd continues to perform exceptionally well. This financial stability makes it a safer and more promising investment compared to Wuthering Waves, which is struggling to maintain its player base and revenue. The developers of Honkai Impact: 3rd are highly engaged with their community. They listen to player feedback and continuously improve the game based on it. This has created a strong bond between the developers and the players, fostering a loyal and active community. Wuthering Waves lacks this level of engagement, further contributing to its decline.

HI3 seems like a better investment with its engaging story, superior gameplay, financial stability, and strong community support, but what do you guys think? I've heard good things about ZZZ and HSR as well.
new bread
>make a copy of mobile game, designed for mobile, with mobile game restrictions
>it doesnt work on mobile
Kuro games for you! Copied the look, but failed to dsicover function.
bake the thread
this, but unironically

Kuro games could never!
what am I supposed to be looking at? lesbian relationship is better than making mechanically modified humans love you?
Just play PGR instead no ? no lesbian shit and it plays much, much better.
>just play a dead game no one cares about that is poor copycat of original game it copied and essentially abandoned by dev, while original is going strong
I was the anon that posted that, and it takes about 3 hours, mainly because of my potato pc
I'm a no life neet so farming 1 costs isn't an issue for me

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