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Why weren't we at evo edition? RIP OUR GUYS.
Evo times and locations: >>486656030

SilentOne tourney
Saturday July 27 @6pm EST

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2197859465 (Congrats Gran gawd)
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2185278056 (Congrats grimnir-anon)

>Older Tournament VODS:
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby
To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ Rooms
Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
>Upcoming DLC
Versusia @ Evo!?!
>this week's F2P rotation
Gran, Nier, Lowain, Siegfried
>Latest Patch Notes
>Steam page
>Twitter hashtags
>Match replays

Previous thread: >>486899743
de arimasu....
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Does Yuel get to not have her head torn off at least?

I forgot to update the tournament in the op. Its now 2pm EST. You can shame me now.
Mom had a growth spurt...
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Sex with Rice Shower
tenured and hubert committed murder suicide before top 6 so yuel is safe.
What are you honestly thinking by not playing a top tier?
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i like onion
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How embarrassing. Should've let the horses bake
I'll knock you up newcutie.
Who are the top tiers
Shutup or I will punch her in the tits like I did my cousin when I was 11 years old.
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host the lobby
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I like my big sister even if we are both jobbers.
People calling fuselit a better vas than deba are nuts
I like Cag too much
anyone catch that 3S match just now?
was pretty kino
yes i felt bad that rising is never going to have something like that (the amount of people, the cheering, the hype, the chun li cosplayer bouncing her breasts up and down, a personality like hayao)
Look at the top 6 of EVO and play one of those for guaranteed results regardless of your personal skill level.
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Horse punching is a federal crime
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Because most of time I try to play a top tier I am bored out of mind and I'm not entertaining myself(I thank Bea for this self discovery).
>chun li cosplayer bouncing her breasts up and down
you can't say something like that without a webm
That was so fucking fun kek
Tale as old as time: fighting games are hype when they are played at a high level but you're not watching a top-tier mirror match.
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mmmm nyo, nyou dyo it.
I saw a little bit of one where the chun did super off like cr.lp. Wanted to catch what I could of SFVI before it ended though.
I don't trust my connection right now.
I am not 40 yet and I am not that spry or flexible...
Ferry, Vane, Avatar Belial, Uno and Metera are widely considered to be top 5
nigga he did a full on split, that nigga ain't normal
Lol that Chun player was not feeling it.
Was pretty good. Like the other anon said, having an energetic crowd adds so much.
Gran, Lucilius, Percival, Yuel and Eustace are widely considered to be top 5
I chose them during their debut trailer therefore I'm allowed to play them
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lobby made. Come play.
>haven't played in awhile
>first match
>Lancelot that is clearly a fucking smurf wearing the dlc costume with 5 whole ranked games played
>second match
>third match
>fourth match

ok im done until the patch again
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Who are you tho? I don't play with bullies.
>>Lancelot that
what was her name
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Boot Man. I can switch to someone else if you want.
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I'm sorry it's too late for me to be playing. I'll try to be up tomorrow if there's a lobby though.
Cant wait until they randomly decide to nerf Zooey again. Seeing how she was the only character that was completely gutted going from Versus to Rising despite only being a mid tier.
Ill just keep checking for 3/9 in the room
Wow anon wasn't lying, there's a Chun-li cosplayer with big titties just fuckin' bouncing 'em around in front of 60k people. Nice.
ill join
wow, that's based, I fucking love third strike now
Same dude. The energy here is kicking the shit out of anything Granblue will ever dream of having.
If third strike was still played today at the capacity of any other fighter, the top bracket would be filled with chuns and kens and you would be bitching that the game is broken
Gonna need a clip boss
the cameraman is definitely on it
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Ren bros...
he is so fucking autistic. oh well he makes the trannies seethe so I hope he wins
Metera lost hard knockdowns on arrows so she can no longer zone. And got drastically damage nerfed so she cannot aggro anymore.
The character with the worst defense in the game by the way.
He got denied the chance to face Ren when he was the shark eating all the little american fishies in VS.

He not only beat Ren, he beat the twitch chat troons and his old "friends" who got him banned so they could farm twitter reacts of the retard they were grooming.
shinku is a pretty cool dude
Metera really just got fucked because they decided to move hard knockdowns to ultimate moves universally. Zooey got the move that defined her entire moveset replaced with a completely different move and they changed nothing else about her to compensate.
if she was able to stall out H dragon by just holding it, that would change a lot, even if it was like just 15f or 20f
She deserved it and more
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What does it mean?
he needs some milk
Holding the button should make it function like her old version where it charges up fires a straight beam then stops and fires the sweeping beam The old version already had twice as much startup.

Also change it back to not fucking sending the opponent flying away on hit since the entire point was to let Zooey follow up from it which is why she had the leaping dive. The delay between setting up dragon and firing it let her combo off of overhead and throw like she can do with lightning now but didn't just slam the opponent into the ground like lightning does.
I don't know who to play
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Was our top 24 less fucked than Tekkens?
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Play the cutest girl in the game of course.
can't believe if it wasn't for Chipotle I'd be on the big stage
Ggs soriz-anon, man i love playing against you, our matches are so fun and chaotic
that first second is hilarious nigga looks like hes going to fly off the stage
What were you and Kojicoco saying after that set?
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fun games bubz anon
I was enjoying myself to the fullest against you
the hugo player put me in good mood fun all around lets go
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that's not 24
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I want to KISS a cow
uhhh bwo?
>I was enjoying myself to the fullest against you
our games are absolute /gbvsg/ slopkino
yeah same desu, kinda impressive how charismatic that nigga is and how contagious it is
i was pretty bummed at gamera getting offscreened and xerom getting nier'd so the hugo player helped me too
though i guess the fun is gone now that gf is chun vs yun lol

on an unrelated note, last time i played was 10 days ago
i've been playing strive with some friends but man that game is so bad and frustrating and annoying and...
feels so good to play granblue again man i love grub
let's solve this the engineering way, by breaking it down

5 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 5 + 9 = 14
14 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 14 + 6 = 20
20 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 20 +4 = ???
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I don't get it, why isn't it top 8 anymore...?
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I know you don't get a lot of things, little Charlotta player. It's okay.
gonna actually play the game for the first time but not sure who to try first. i'm thinking djeeta, nier, anila, or narmaya
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in that order
I called him a bastard because he went for the meme setup and I don't remember if I fistbumped him and then he laughed at me
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Chat, did I ever tell you the time when I was really hungry, like really, really hungry. My stomach was growling at me like crazy and I didn't know what to do. I was stuck in the middle of downtown, all I had on me was about 15 dollars and I was getting incredibly tired. I was done for, right chat?

Wrong, right around the corner, I saw it, fade into my vision, the logo of Chipotle. Like a siren's call, it beckoned for me. So I headed right in.
And you know what chat? As soon as I got in there, my vision was clear, the sharp smell of abodo chicken instantly perked me right up. The clanging from the people in the back, cooking the meat fresh, never frozen. The person behind the counter instantly new what I wanted before I could say anything. He just smiled and said, flour, or corn?
I'm a flour man chat, what can I say.
I got the flour tortilla, white rice, pinto beans, of course. That amazing scoop of chicken, little spinkle of some lettuce an-
you don't like the white rice chat? Cilantro tastes like soap to you? heh.. look at this person in chat, he doesn't have the gene. You know that there is a specific gene in people's body that makes them taste cilantro as soap, couldn't be me. couldn't be me at all.
Anyways, I got the habanero, a giant slab of guac, and person working the counter just slammed that burrito together, like you knew he was training for this moment, it was so clean.
and all it costed me was 15 dollars, tax included of course. But man, that instantly renewed me for the rest of the day, and it was only 15 dollars. Chipotle always has your back chat, don't forget that.
Because America can't accept ads don't sell shit and only annoy people.
I just added the numbers together so I got 11 + Percival = 12
very gawdlike
it says SUB for percival
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Zeta... is top... 3.........
so what are you going to do with your free blowjob from anon?
me? I think I'm gonna cum. but that's just me, you can do whatever.
I underestimated the power of black butterfly Narmaya and I underestimated Lunalu's thirst to keep picking Sieg 4 times in a row out of 3 characters
most likely bad for me to think i hope some guts splattered in the upcoming patch

i forgot the last time i played probably 2 weeks ago
dicking around in dbfz in the mean time

>feels so good to play granblue again man i love grub
fucking same im somewhat hyped for Versusia
>I underestimated Lunalu's thirst to keep picking Sieg 4 times in a row out of 3 characters
That DOES happen, huh?
There is DEFINITELY some kind of priority in the RNG involved for that.
Just pick your favorite girl on the roster. This policy has never steered me wrong.
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closed. GGs Ladiva. Hope everyone had fun tonight. Cool to see a nice turnout, I'll see if I can host another tomorrow.
ggs grangawd you really are playing exceptionally well as of late. thanks for making the room.
Turnout was nice, thanks for hosting.
love it
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No doubt in my mind they did it on purpose. I want them to confirm that..
No, it's that Lunalu's RNG is fake as fuck and always has been. Whenever I play her with the entire cast enabled she personally chooses a pool of like 6 characters and rolls them consistently.
it could just be that lunalu's pool is true rng
companies usually don't apply true rng because people don't like it, say like spotify's shuffle, it is not truly random, there is an algorithm to it because when it was people complained about rolling the same song or whatever idk
>inb4 ''hmmm ackshually theres no true rng''
i feel like i got MKultra'd into masturbating to chun li
Machines can't randomize.
i like nier most because of her lore but i don't know if they might nerf her hard to the point she's useless
Masturbating to Chun-li is just the natural order of things.
I SERIOUSLY fucking doubt she will be nerfed into irrelevancy.
At most she will be nerfed into not top 1, but still top 10.
what did you not understand
thats perfectly normal tho
now if it was sf6 marisa then you have a problem
>kekken shills spam the girls to shill their game
>exactly ONE (1) of them is viable to play
They shit out patches every 3 weeks and gutted most of the viable girls
Sir, this isn't /sfg/ or /fgg/.
She's going to get hit in the balance patch with a good degree of certainty. If you are that worried about nerfs, you could hedge your bets by playing someone simple like Anila on the side.
Versusia's SSBA is 999 hits
it was the chun-li >>486936154 >>486938701 gassing up...
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>it's a tranny
oh no what have you done anon?
My cock is 9 inches.
Weren't people saying that's a dude crossdressing?
Nier can't be nerfed, she's fundamentally good and they would have to completely destroy her to make her bad. Which is never gonna happen.
yeah, that and those chun li super in grand finals
nier is being remade... reborn... like a beautiful little mid low tier butterfly.
fat chick will love you
Not a tranny, just a dude with a cross-dressing fetish. Shoulda known off the hop.
Just changing Nier by making her lose death stock when Death gets hit or she gets hit when death is active would balance her.
If her players continue to show up in the top end of tournaments the game will for sure die again. They need to hit her at least hard enough to make her no more than a low level gimmick character like Bubs.
holy agp
euro hours = tranny hours
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is Yuel in fox heaven
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Zato will never be bad guys, you heard it here first.
I know death has to stay at 13 due to the source material, but making her run out of stocks faster seems the easiest bet. Imagine if it cost 2 or even 3 stacks to cancel a special into another special.
that's a pig
we need another feet girl
Yuel isn't enough
gamera is just on a jobbing arc
he'll make his comeback
Gamera has always been a jobber, he was a good player in a dead fighting game now when actually good players are in it he gets washed
are there other hot big body FG females or is versussy some kind of first?
r.mika doesnt count
marisa is an abomination
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Are you ready for them to not have a trailer like they didn't have a Bea trailer?
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Can we try to apply some kind of logic and cross reference Rein's move sheet with Bea's to find out which moves are these?
At least this time it would not be a surprise.
At this point I'm expecting nothing, they'll have to try to let me down.
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>protruding nipples
it's a legit identity, folks
>wake up
>look at top 6
it's so over
I'm rooting for tororo
Make every cancel in the same combo cost 1 heart more.
But they're right that any sensible nerft they give her, she would still be top 10. She can't be bad unless they fucking murder here entirely with something absurd like not letting her cancel at all.
CyGames and ArcSys don't understand Strive was a success because of the unhinged free promotion they got on social media. Not because of the game being one touch kill trash for zoomies.

So they'll keep making the games ever more deranged instead of just putting out fucking trailers and hype inducing "leaks".
>hitting death removes a stock
>actually give an hurtbox to death U skills
>gut the range of U death reversed
This is a good start
It helps that everyone (yes, everyone) in the game is okay at worst, despite the doomposting some people will give.
I think throttling the death economy is definitely the key to fixing her while keeping her identity. It's a fun gameplay moment when Nier is stockless and the hunt begins. Could also incentivize actually using the install for infinite points more if it had more "exclusive" routing.
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I don't like those suggested changes
cygames also has the attitude that they're like nintendo or apple and can reveal everything through their own branded streams and conventions like a media monolith, even though this prevents the IP from having real exposure to anyone outside the granblue congregation.

they need to stop being so arrogant and go along with the currents and stoop down to the level of using an outside event like evo to reach out to new people. not even capcom or bamco are this stubborn and arrogant about it
Every time you hit Desu, Nier should take some damage as well.
I hope tororo plays percy but man
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Im honestly not really excited for this new character bros
Why not?
maybe because we saw JACKSHIT ABOUT IT
i dont know, she looks like a huge bodied character, shes not(?) from the original gacha, and also this >>486957906
bea really doesn't fit his playstyle. sure he can make it work if he gives it more time, he did it with yuel before all. but djeeta's better buttons help out a lot with his gameplan.
It will depend on the matchup. I think he prefers Sieg against high mobility characters.
>It's a fun gameplay moment when Nier is stockless and the hunt begins.
No it's not, ni(gg)er. Oh boy, will I run into a sweep, get delay 2L'd or poked by 2M while baiting a throw tech this time, all of which leads into triple RSRC death?
Bitch needs to be gutted, bottom 1 after the patch or we riot.
bubs wasn't from the original gacha either, dude had a tease and nothing else. if anything versusia being gran and djeeta's mom gives her more story relevance comparatively
Bubs was literally implemented into GBF to have his story in the fighting game.
Is 2b beginner friendly?
It's funny to think that the people complaining about Versusia have no idea how relevant she is.
Yes, she is. You might get some bad habits however since she's not exactly like the other characters, but if you don't really care, go for her.
Yes but no.
You can mash her normals and get away with it but her specials system is hard to keep track of.
Thanks, is she any good with the modern control thing?
Every character is good with that so you don't have to worry about it
At least it won't be a nier mirror or a sieg mirror gf
inb4 Tororo vs Artorias
tororo will use Percy against sieg
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T-there are a lot of Niers...
i really like this pig
>virum dqed from his pools
commentator's curse...
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ah shit
nah they'd rather let their IPs die
they're known in Japan so obviously that means they are known in the whole world
We got that from a battle pass or the crane, I don't remember.
lol someone using the Djeeta vo's victim avatar
They make $30M a month off Uma Musume alone. While Sony is collecting flop after flop trying to appeal to the west.

I wish they were a bit more normal, but if normalcy comes with californian tumors that screech at you to not make sexy girl characters and dilute your workforce with african dance studies majors, I'd rather not get trailers and reveals at EVO.
Bea needs to be at least 3, even if you don’t count Ren you had Gamera Shinku DaFeetLee.
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My game bugged and the camera is locked into this spot. Help
granblue fantasy versus...
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The EVO ads got him
?? What’s wrong with it.
It’s a lot better than 6 Niers. I’m pretty satisfied, I don’t really care what happens at this point as long as Koji doesn’t win.
It would be cool for Shinku to take the whole thing but I don’t think anyone is getting through Tororo.
Forgive me, I will kill myself now.
Pull any nice characters?
>?? What’s wrong with it.
my nigga xerom isn't in it
or virum
or gamera
or havaniceday
or zane
or lakrids
We know a ton about her, we have over a full minute of gameplay footage and people have described most of her moves by now
its ok bwo im playing this shit on the side too
I got soldier 11 and neko, my two top picks Im happy.
Its fun, I love the hollow zone the last floor is actually pretty rough if oyu get fucked by the debuffs.
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soon ratbros
my one fear is they decide to release sandalphon next
nah it's event exclusive
like xerom's trophy
I don't think we are getting an announcement bwo, at best it will be an announcement of an announcement
Sandal is gonna be the opener of s2. The wild card for the last character of s1 is either Vikala (highly likely) or Siete (might be the 3rd chara of s2 instead)
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is top 6 at a comfy time for EU?
Xerom would be in if it wasn't for Chipotle ads.
Never ate that shit but now I'm forever boycotting it.
19:00 cest
I don't even know who qualified
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She's coming out on Halloween.
who did xerom and gamera lose to?
Sieg and Nier
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Oh, right, it's the Winter Champion that we could fish up or whatever
Xerom lost to tororo and Kojicoco, Gamera lost to Ryazo and Elsa
clown ass game
Remember about 12 hours ago when Brick was making his tier list and he said “yeah, I think Zeta is stronger than Beatrix, that sounds right”.
What was that all about?
Japanese players make their tier lists based on player power rather than character potential, and dumbasses who don't know that think the Japs are into some super secret tech.

Zeta is top 10 but not top 5.
Brick is a fucking faggot that plays Ladiva.
wtf I want that
Good morning
How were the matches
there were some really good and close fights >>486939691
Watch Xerom vs Zane, Shinku vs Elsa and Shinku vs Ren if you missed them
I don't use twitter but I hope trannies are seething. Trying to bring someone down so hard and yet he perseveres.

Got a youtube link?
Shinku's matches are always legit good too, he's a comeback artist.
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Your fate is over ratard
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They'll tease her next week, in the general Granblue Stream because that's how they roll
Being in tororo's path was very unlucky for Xerom since he's the only jap that hasn't jobbed but that's how things are.
Here's the vod of yesterday's stream
Funny how for all the bitching about Nier, the only repeat character in top 6 is Sieg.
Her players are carried flops.
Sieg is top 1 but Nier is very close while also being scummy, annoying and also allowing retards to beat top players off her ultra easy, bs damage combos.
>Sieg is top 1
Lmao, he doesn't even break top 3. Pretending he is anywhere near Nier makes your bait obvious.
>Sieg is top 1 but Nier is very close
AWFUL bait
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The patch won't fix anything.
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>t. Siggers
See me after the nerfs, sexist pieces of shit
Next EVO will have an Eustace in top6
i think ferry is pretty
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Today I won't use BC when I'm in the corner
They will tease Wam before grand finals. Trust the plan.
they should be nicer to her
will you dooming faggots shut the fuck up. Jesus christ. They already said that EVERY character is getting adjusted, and based on the Gran changes this can only be a good thing for the underwhelming members of the roster.
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I fucking love WAM
He wants the cow
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>will you dooming faggots shut the fuck up. Jesus christ. They already said that EVERY character is getting adjusted, and based on the Gran changes this can only be a good thing for the underwhelming members of the roster.
i was trying to remember which characters didnt show up at all in pools, i could have missed or forgot some but i didnt see any soriz eustace gran or yuel
There was a Gran on day 2 I think, Bwas?
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I'm losing hope ratbro....
>>486973970 might be right

they tease us now with a "next character reveal at the summer stream at date XX/XX"
and we get a proper reveal at the gbf official stream
>They already said that EVERY character is getting adjusted
Can't wait for the Cag, Belial and Djeeta buffs.
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>will you dooming faggots shut the fuck up. Jesus christ. They already said that EVERY character is getting adjusted, and based on the Gran changes this can only be a good thing for the underwhelming members of the roster.
Big mom got some fanart

Wavie is STILL malding about Shinku, he’s in full meltdown mode
I legitimately forgot that guy existed.
Like completely.
>Generic balloon tits
I sleep.
She needs those to feed her two kids.
And me.
>both strive and sf6 announces their entire next season line up instead of announcing character piece meal

what chances do we have to see piss rat on the big stage
Isn't he also a sex pest? I'm certain I've read he doesn't respect boundaries and is the stereotypical troon that puts on a skirt to creep on girls bathrooms.
That Strive reveal was a link by a commiefornia troon, the video is still marked as unlisted.
Yeah but that was their plan to announce after strive grand finals, the entire season 4 lineup
Zero, CyGames likes drip feeding.
And at least our dead meme collab was with a half-decent video game.
>tranny faggot nigger with the body shape of a gorilla
>untreated mental illness running wild
say it ain't so
Why did we get Sunday main stage when we have such low numbers?
because entrant count
It's crazy that as soon as Capcom does something, everyone else immediately follows.
>"Oh Capcom decided that we should just reveal the whole season pass right away instead of one at a time? Say no more!"
Also the Strive pass looks like shit lmao, a shitty OC and the most literally who guest character they could have picked.
>3v3, lucy from cyberpunk
what the fuck IS THIS
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You're right. Wonder why Cygames only announced up to Bea instead of the whole season pass
oh WAM is a character?
I thought we were just talking about the based fetish known as Wet and Messy
>what chances do we have to see piss rat on the big stage
Probably paid entrants and they had a lot of DQs
Wam is a Water Dragon so that does fit
>they had a lot of DQs
damn, that pass is so ass
>censored dizzy as expected
>venom lol
>shitty anime oc
>guest character from a 2 year old anime who never fought anyone and has no connection to strive or fighting games
what the fuck were they thinking
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Weird interaction here while Ladivanon was beating me to a pulp. Does any know what could cause the laser to miss?
Sometimes even raging chain misses
It’s a bad game.
Ah well.
Should have gone for the 623U anyway, but my instincts command me to pierce the heavens.
Cygames would have to make actually exciting character selections if they wanted to reveal the whole roster at once
I would not have bought this pass if I knew just how bad it would be

venom is based

I'm guessing it's because 22U connected super late, so probably only the active frames right before that one would auto correct ladiva's position. But either due to developer oversight, the very last active frame doesn't.
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>cyberpunk collab
Bea alone sold the pass to most people.
And 2B got a million retard normies.
But from now on they're dumpster diving, specially if they hope to keep their gender parity bullshit.
Remember how zeta was top 3 all year and has 0 torunament results? Really funny if you think about it.
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>that dizzy design
i dropped strive ages ago but this still makes me mad, i knew this shit would happen
I actually don't dislike the Dizzy design, mom energy
>not Rebecca
You just know Daisuke got the rights to Cyberpunk then some DEI human resources bitch cockblocked them from getting the funny meme goblin girl everyone actually loves and they had to damage control.
>75% girls
Wouldn't it be nice if our DLC were mostly girl too...
Have you seen Strive's cast? The half naked loli would've been too sexo.
And the one male is literally gay, so it’s a season pass where 100% of the characters love dick
Go play Arcana Heart if you just want girls anon
nigga over half of our season 1 is female, and it's not like they have anything resembling a 1:1 female to male ratio like we do
That's why I'm making fun of them. They reaping what they sowed going for "American-friendly" designs.
They 100% paid CDPR a shit ton of money to have Rebecca and then an intern went "nuh-uh too problematic!".
Bea is the least offensive pick (other than Vikala) but not my thing. 2B is the most offensive because she stole my favorite Grub girl's voice.
There's potential for really good girl picks next season but if they just do boring shit like Ilsa + Aliza then they've lost me.
But I want both Ilsa and Aliza.
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Reminder that they're saving the trailer and patch info until the 27th so we're not getting anything during the finals.
As we nears the end of the first season pass, I would say it's underwhelming.
While it seemed big at first with 6 characters, it's actually just 5 characters since Lucilius is just an cheaper early unlock if it was released in the old way.
2B is a guest character, some might like it, but this should have been saved for year 2 or 3. There are still other characters that people want.
Vane and Bea should have been in the base Rising, they feel like obligations picks to complete groups.
Should have maybe been replaced with Nier and Grimnir instead.
That's already 4 of the 6 slots.
Remains now to see what the reactions to Versusia and the 6th character will be when they come out.
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>everyone cant stfu about the girl with mickey mouse ears
i hate this playerbase so much why do you all like shit designs so much
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>not Rebecca
fucking retarded
>Vane and Bea should have been in the base Rising, they feel like obligations picks to complete groups.
>Should have maybe been replaced with Nier and Grimnir instead.
This would have made for a much better pass yes. And Nier also wouldn't have dominated the first half year of the game.
Pattern recognition
t. homo lover
we will shut up after we get her
what character does the most(reliable?) chip after nier? soriz?
Of course, Granblue players don't like classy women. Not surprised in the slightest.
wavie was buddy buddy with shinku up until wavies own cancellation arc in which he immediately threw shinku under the bus LMAO
absolutely disgusting behavior.
It's gonna be Ilsa, Galleon and four guys to recover gender parity.
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doesn't matter if it's Rat or Sandal, not a single erune, draph or harvin being in the 1st pass is just soulless
Where? On his twitter there's nothing like that unless he deleted
Tikoh Galleon Maglielle in S2, trust the plan.
Galleon technically isn't a draph but she's more of one than Fediel
It will be Nio for the harvin pick, Theresa for draph and Seruel for erune.
He was going on a long multi-paragraph rant in discord
>reading the ramblings of a discord tranny
Maglielle would be amazing but we'll get Ilsa because she's the only one in the Japanese survey who isn't in yet. And 4 men because "muh gender parity".

Most likely a second gues. And I'll shit my pants laughing if it is actually Terry.
thank you for making me appreciate rising again
fuck this game but also
fuck strive x10
jesus fuck im never going back
i hope shinku wins it
i want it all to be awkward and silent
>mentally ill retard sex pest gets triggered because someone said it's not cool to bully another mentally ill retard sex pest
They really believe in rules for thee but not for me, don't they?
Not a ratfag, but remember that gbvs....Risingis based on a gacha, some of us want characters to get in because we like them there.
you named the safest pick possible and I doubt they'll even go that far
t.cake lover
People like rat because she is socially awkward just like majority of the player base
If mindbroken = tired of tolerating a garbage game, then yeah
go back to your own general
It was a really fucking intense match too considering they were on a cockhair of health
The lamest part of evo is how many nice fights go on off the main stage and thus off stream.
I miss the few times there were just side streams with b commentators or even no commentary.
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Fuck the rat, I want Izmir or my nigga Alethia in.
>Seruel for erune
He doesn't have enough fujopower to get in over Ilsa, Yuisis, Anthuria, Makura, Elmott or Nehan.
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Yet here you are, tolerating a garbage game, seems like we both have a high tolerance for trash.
this is awful but also believable with fkhr in charge
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I'd rather we just had Black Knight on her own with Orchid as a partner chibi at best.
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who do you want the guest to be in season 2? no guest isn't an option, as it's going to happen. choose.
Dog is too erotic
the number of retards who just whinge about the game and dont just fuck off and play something they like really is on blizzard fanboy levels
you play as the actual dog and vajra cheers in the background
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>Anime understandable, honestly
>Fucking guest character from a FOTM anime
I haven't been wanting to play Strive in a very long time, and now I sure as shit fucking don't.
Jamfags in fucking shambles though.
Terry Bogard.
I don't want it to be anyone I might actually enjoy, I just want the meme to keep spreading.
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Yes, I finished the game not so long ago.
>play a bitch either way
yeah whatever
Ryza or Cloud
garrosh from warcraft
Please pray for me kizzingtons I have just eaten a 6 day old eggroll.
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Pecorine is an actual potential canidate
If it's an U*a horse I will go to Cygames HQ and make the Kyoto fires look like a fucking tea party.
Misaka Mikoto
Cloud would be the absolute fucking worst.
You sucked Square's dick twice and didn't get one of the characters Minaba designed like Ramza, Vivi or Blathier?
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>generic blonde girl with a sword and huge tits
bro we already have like 16 of these. stop
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dead game
go away gachafag we play video games here
You're fucking dead lol.
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>bro we already have like 16 of these.
And we need 17. Maybe Saber will be the Season 3 guest and we can hit 18.
I already came eight times today pls stop
and yet here you are, invading another general to tell them their game is trash. sounds like mega season pass cope to me
2B utterly failed to give the game a bump, why would they waste more slots on guest slop?
Grea from Manaria Friends
thank you for reminding me we need a kemono friends partner pack.
>why would they waste more slots on guest slop?
My guess is that Square literally pays people to put 2B in games. Kind of like Sony with Alloy, but at least enough people like 2B.
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Faputa sosu
(Cygames was one of the anime producers)
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gimme this guy thanks
Touma could save us from Nier just by touching Death
Ackchually, Yoko Taro whores her out because he likes money.
>monkey ready for prone bone
gdi, here we go again
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>victory screen is him knotting Vajra
I'm down with that
read my original post
Keep crying faggots. I play both of these trash games.
Yeah, like I said, we both have a high tolerance for trash.
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At least grubble has a tiny little bit of fairness left.
If I'm gonna play bullshit kuso, frankly, DNFD is more fun than Strive.
>w-we a-are t-the same
nah, i uninstalled soive long ago, so im not retarded like you. keep coping faggot. you are a whole different breed of a shit eating bitch
You zoofags are worse than blacked posters
>He says as he prepares to buy his 5th BP
I was wrong, your tolerance might be a bit higher than mine.
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>has to resort to delusions to try to salvage his position
yep, i won
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It's really crazy how these events are only 3 days long. I understand why, but it's weird seeing all these hype moments to now them packing up all the cabs
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This is someone's hero.
Nothing to salvage, we both play trash games. You're just deluding yourself into thinking your a bit better than me because you play a game that gets worse support than Strive.
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>more delusions
I am a bit better than you.
I don't play strive. GGez
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Not only a HERO, but also the greatest COMEDIAN.
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This is my wife
do people actually know anything about BK? I feel like a lot of people want her because of that one doujin, but don't realize she's a dyke with the huskiest smokiest voice known to man
No, you aren't. Stop coping, we're both shiteaters.
Most people requesting chars don't know anything about any Grub characters. They're just going by whatever people who quit the game in 2018 tell them would be a good fit.
she was one of the top 10 requested character for some region, I think EU
Do you guys have any other funny charlotta comics?
> huskiest smokiest voice known to man
i want her now
I don't play Strive. You still play Strive. Simple as. I shall put a stop to your soive playing shitposting right this instant.
Sorry, I'm a dummy, stream soon?
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There are 37 comics featuring her in the gacha
I played the gacha, did the main Empire arc and read her Fate episodes.
>huskiest smokiest voice known to man
Yes and that's why I want her.
Holy fucking obsessed
I normally just roll my eyes at this type of Jap humor but this one is good.
Gacha game companies are beginning to understand that the main audience wants female characters in their games
But knowing fukutroon, you just know he has to shove some sausages in there to satisfy his ESG overlords
Cygames is dead to me
/gbfg/ is 2 doors down, blud
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If it was up to me on a season pass character it would either be a puppet character with lecia and Monika or have Lecia (probably Monika instead lol) just be jack-o light and sets up people to do chip damage on the opponent.
I want a Strum and Drang tag fighter.
>get over it
they say to the manlet...
Rising has the highest female-to-male ratio of all the current games in the genre.
I eat two servings of shit, you eat one serving of shit, we're both still shiteaters anon, our breath stinks either way.
loathsome dungeater(2x)
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? It's quite easy to check
having fun punching people with fundoshi man
I mean HER. HER obssesed with her HEIGHT.
Oh, yeah, that's half her personality.
whats the other half?
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Being chivalrous.
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which one is it...
>Copelotta Fenia
I think 3/4 of her stories in the gacha games are specifically about her height and her attempt to grow taller. I don't remember.
the first one was charlotta traveling to some random village in the middle of the mountains because they had medicine that could help people grow, then the guy at the village tells her it won't do anything for a harvin and she gets sad.
the next one was charlotta traveling to some random village because she heard of a rumor of some magical fountain that could help her grow and this fountain gains this ability once every 1000 years or something. She travels to the fountain, villagers think shes stupid for actually believing it and make fun of her height, but they also hold a festival every year because of the rumor. They go to the fountain, ruria confirms the fountain has some power, but then some evil bandits show up because they overheard charlotta talking about the fountain to the rest of the crew in a bar and instead of using the fountain, charlotta saves the village from the bandits, and the power of the fountain disappears by the time she comes back to the fountain.
I forget if there was a third one.
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>They go to the fountain, ruria confirms the fountain has some power, but then some evil bandits show up because they overheard charlotta talking about the fountain to the rest of the crew in a bar and instead of using the fountain, charlotta saves the village from the bandits, and the power of the fountain disappears by the time she comes back to the fountain.
forever pure
forever heightmogged
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speaking of charlotta

eu master charlotta here, does anyone want to play?
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Sure, but I'm only S+ rank and have almost no Charlotta experience.
Mihoyo or Manjuu needs to make a fighting game
Why doesn't Charlotta just ask Cag to make a her a tall body?
she does during her win quote against cag. or at least hints at it.
>get someone obviously coming from 2 ranks a head of me
>0-2 then 1-2
>get someone whose also trying to climb out of A
>2-0, 2-0
This fucking sucks. This isn't fun. I'm not learning anything by just playing. It's either clubbing seals or being the seal getting clubbed. Why the fuck is the ladder like this.
Different story lines in the gacha. (For the most part)
this is the consequence of a low playerbase due to the game being shit
just play in lobby
This is why Strive doesn't have a ranked mode

Go play in the lobby and use the color indicator to find opponents
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>still only 1 playable female harvin
it's not fair...
having a ranked mode is infinitely better than the external elo bullshit people had to come up with for strive
There's two though.
Not for people like that
Strive was smart with the tower, it's actually the smartest thing they did for the game
>Strive was smart with the tower
I wish I could strangle you through the internet. The tower wasn't good for player retention at any level. Just because Granblue ranked has terrible implementation, doesn't mean that the tower was somehow a good idea.
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>no playable horses
it's not fair
What region are you queueing on?
random select is not a playable character
tell me if you want to play still, I'm not forcing you
>The tower wasn't good for player retention at any level
Granblue's ranked system is the most standard thing ever, it doesn't do anything else different or worse than any other ranked system.
Strive's system of eliminating ranked for casual appeal was genius.
Sure, world lobby or a room?
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seconding >>487000373
ranked in rising is still better than tower
It was revealed to me in a dream.
I made a room!
pass gbvsg
The fact that playing new characters shoots you down two whole ranks destroys fucking new players. An S+ is going to absolutely going to fucking shred someone who just got out of B by sheer fundamentals alone.
As an S+ I know when I'm playing against a Master in a second character for the same reason.
I remember seeing that dream, nice ass anon, very plapable
Imagine if we had Vanilla with rollback
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good luck chat instigators in these trying times.
may shinku end up iin grand finals.
wouldn't it be funny if S2 just doesn't have any of the six dragons haha
shut the fuck up about vanilla it's not coming back you braindaead nigger
Just keep individual character rankings and make them play at their highest rank. If they can't get a hang of a new character, they derank. Simple as.
I don't know about the chances of most of them, but with Versusia coming in, being the large female dragon characters as well as having a Fediel color, I think it's reasonable to assume Fediel has little chance now.
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Would be great
I will have sex with you
So when's top 6 this morning
in 1 hour
i am imagining
anyone got the rest of these art pieces they were putting out each day before launch
12 more minutes...
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These are the Characters I want:
1) Amaterasu
2) Sevilbarra
3) Chichiri
4) Maglielle
5) Geisenborger
6) Manamel
Thank you for reading my list
Season 2 will be nothing but vtubers
not bad, would buy
Yeah, no, you are getting Sol Badguy, Marquiares, Kolulu, Milleore, Wilnas and Meg
Literal v-tranny garbage.
based he is a pretty cool old man Harvin
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Oh come on bro she's cute
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who are the good guys in top 6?
Shinku and Tororo
Shinku is literally killing the gbvsr scene and you're smiling?
man i love gbfg retardation
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what I have learned from the crossposting to /gbfg/ is that /gbvsg/ is an unholy combination of old /ggg/ and /gbfg/ memes
Where's the lobby game 'n' watch party?
No, she really isn't. She looks like a generic v-tranny with 400 views on Youtube.
major maleringer moment
Oops all siegfried
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Okay anon how about a compromise? how about Albert
Huge number of DQs everywhere. I was wondering if it was normal or if it was because of India's recent weaponized incompetence.
im going outside ^^
3 siegs, 1 nier, 1 bea, 1 2B

sieg mirror for grand finals?
honest A rank Sieg mirrors? FKHR would be proud.
Tororo uses Perc instead of Sieg when fighting Siegfrieds, so we might have Perc in GF.
I don't play that shit gacha. I tried back in 2020 but it caused my phones browser to lag like shit.
>Generic dude with a sword
It's normal for EVO, you have to register pretty early and it's free to register, and then if you can't make the trip to vegas + get a hotel etc, you just let yourself get DQ'd
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>bea vs 2b is the least cancer grandfinals match up possible
God I wish to see Lord of Blitz in 3D

wait it's 2 sieg, 1 belial, 1 nier, 1 Bea and 1 2B
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>Generic dude with a sword
You are a hard person to impress anon. This is my last chance which is Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
thank you
Yes, and he'd better Lowain on steroids SSS+ tier.
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>1 belial
yeah... I'm rooting for /our/ faggot
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*mouth opens*

huh, weird
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>Rat announcement incoming
homos seething
Getting the upper ranks on their alts can get frustrating (S+ gets master alts). Just do lobby games if you get frustrated, and try again when you feel like you've improved.
Reminder that Shinku winning is /gbvsg/ winning
I don't wanna see Sajam's taco adventure where is top 6 aaaaaa
>implying that we'll get an announcement
i really hope we do
if she's announced on a japanese only stream i don't get to see westerners complain in twitch chat
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thank you for the games sieganon, I hope you had fun
It's not the same
Albert's Lord of Blitz was one of the best ougi in early Granblue.
>another waifu that alienates normal players
>or a homo that alienates normal players
this game's cursed either which way
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You mean Albert, Levin Saber was one of the beat OTK cards in early Shadowverse
remember that vikala is a rat herring, we are actually getting kumbhira
>rat herring
>not yellow herring
Could just put Aliza in the game.
Fucking wish, but we already got the files, and they'd never acknowledge kumbhira exists anyways, even if she's the gacha's most famous youtuber's mascot
Watching a random Shadowverse video when you follow Granblue but not Shadowverse itself feels pretty bizarre https://youtu.be/R_S7zmvQWFM?si=HriFpBqVMFG2_qdW
>they'd never acknowledge kumbhira exists anyways
shes in the background with anila in the divine general stage
Yeah it was fun. I still have no clue what I'm supposed to do against demon flip in the corner, but I feel like I got a lot better at anti-airing Charlotta.
The first Shadowverse collab was what got me to play Grub in the first place alongside all the doujins
Our next collab should be a male and it should be this unit.
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Bros it was the Thunderswift Lord who was real helpful in early Dragalia Lost
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I didn't even know granblue was a thing when I got into shadowverse, so I had the reverse of your feeling when I realized that a lot of the cards I played and liked were existing characters
They even put out entire sets that were directly referencing granblue and had cards like Katalina and Lowain and stuff and I still didn't get it.
I forgot about Stan to be honest. I'm just surprised she isn't in the game, especially since her VA said it was her dream to voice a fighting game character. Not to mention Aliza's design looks perfect for a fighting game.
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I know everything there is to know about Satyr
Now add her FKHRT
Who the fuck are these corpos
I’m so fucking tired of these nigga always acting like 10 AM is so super early.
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season 2
what the fuck is this song
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Guys, Versusia was a falseflag! I snuck into the cygames booth and got the real next character!
>Rising is a hit
Lmao, by what fucking metric?
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The song was pretty meh but god damn that clip was well made/directed
Shinku looks like he's about to shit his pants
I have second hand embarrassment to see the sorry state it's in and the numbers Rising has
>open the video with 66L
LOL jesus Shinku stand up straight homie.
That's where all the trailer budget went
>Shinku made it
The seethe is gonna be amazing
>I still have no clue what I'm supposed to do against demon flip in the corner
mash c.L or anti air it. DP also beats every option. using it in neutral is either a 50/50 or genuinely a bad play because of this

if she uses it as an oki it's a bigger problem, you simply have to deal with it, the safest move is just to stay crouched to avoid the worst possible outcomes (Charlotta combo'ing you with her command throw or low).
also I'm bad and didn't do it but she can also bait wake up DPs/SBA/SSBAs with it with the quick version, be careful, it recovers extremely fast. specially if you get used to DP her to counter her demon flip

also I think you realized it immediately after trying once or twice, her spins are really hard to spot dodge and punish and require a precise distance to do so specific for every spin. M spin, the slow one, has high recovery however and can be easily punished on block. in fact I think you realized it immediately and always punished me with 2M, which is the perfect punish for Sieg to that move

finally her H spin done while you're in the corner is also not safe from f.L but you need to have a good one because she's distant rom you after blocking it, sieg doesn't have a good f.L iirc, Bea can probably do it with hers
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I hate Sieg but I'm rooting for Artorias
Fuck off that was kino
they took so long to start I already finished my snacks
if you mean the opening trailer
you should see undernights that shit was horrifying
i like this game
why are you fat
>get timed-out for making fun of wearing a mask on stage
They sure are trigger-happy.
>3 Siegs
Fujos won
The songs would be a lot less cringeworthy if they weren't so heavy handed with the
>le epic game reference
all over.
Dude needs to lower his fucking shoulders Jesus christ also based virum on top 8 commentary
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i ate that double quarter pounded with large fries in the average human consumption time thank you very much
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Wow character variety. What other game has no repeat characters in their top 6?
That song was pure cringe.
I didn't watch UNI2 because I find Kuon more boring to watch than any Rising top tier.
stop breaking the gaslighting narrative they push
I think that one song they used for GBVSR at last years EVO tournament saying they almost died to delay based netcode was pretty cool.
Dude shinku looks like an actual fucking goblin with his posture
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how do I see the top 6?
fraudtrix about to fraud out another win
look up shorty
Percichads rise!
>gay lisp
announcers are shit again
>DP also beats every option.
Eh, in my experience my DP causes me to move forward and whiff with her landing behind me for a full punish when I try to do it in the corner. Works as a really good answer midscreen though, especially since it beats jumping as well so you don't even have to distinguish between the two. I guess it depends on how quickly I DP and the starting distance for the flip.
>also I think you realized it immediately after trying once or twice, her spins are really hard to spot dodge and punish and require a precise distance to do so specific for every spin.
Yeah I tried dodging one ultimate spin and got throw-punished for it so I figured I would just block and take my turn. Really nasty though when you are in danger of getting chipped out.
Thanks for the pointers.
so you get no cringe ads
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Here are my picks for Season 2. Game is saved, no need to thank me.
Percy downplayer status?
Tororo is so fucking good.
So this is going to be free for Tororo, right?
is the video quality fucked or something?
>percy results
he sucks just like sieg
twitch sucks, watch on youtube
I t seems slower to me, I may be trppin?
what the fuck are those DPs
Nezu was right, Percy really is better than Cag,
Wait what the fuck? It's STILL first to 2?
definitely a desperate move
>Top 6 is going to be free and non-competitive
dead game
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>best of 3
percy is weAAAAACK
>ft2 in top 6
Those percival buffs are getting deleted I fear
I know I shouldn't let it get to me because it means the trannies win, but it's actually tilting the fuck out of me that the commentators won't even say Shinku's name. Imagine giving the best tournament performance of your life and people just pretend you don't even exist.
Up until finals, yes.
shinku be throwing
Only Winner / Loser / Grand finals are first to 3
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Enjoying top 6 with my ftGF!
3/6 of those are fairly possible
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>top 6 is first to 2
>Broadcast not 60fps
Brutal fucking mogging, this wasn't even close.
sorry guys we had to give something else up to keep our chipotle gods happy
you didn't think those bonus matches were free did you?
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I know you're reading this, get to sucking bitch!
i too love blocking 5h with my face
>The golshiTO said Zooey/Lowain are getting buffed, Charlotta/Percival are getting nerfed
GBVSR and SF6 needs to be FT3, these games are too volatile for FT2.
we need strive set rules for this kusoge
even I didn't get dogged that hard
More fem draphs please
good response in chat to him saying it's free
Please buy Chipotle thanks.
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My picks
>2b vs Belial
I don't feel so good
Gamera didn't even make top 6, embarrassing on his part.
Vanillakeks are WASHED
Americans rule Arcsys kusoge
>singing the theme
These matches aren't generating much hype bros LMFAO
Finals song needs to be paradise lost
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let's go!

YouTube stream smoother
>not a single nier/six/lancelot so far
>belial copypaste is banned
holy shit evo is trash im out
Kekken is also ft2 but the games themselves are ft3, I always thought that was a good compromise even if the average Tekken match is over far sooner than that of a 2D game
what did shinku even do to get people wishing genuine screaming death on him again? how bad was it
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Since we're posting these
check last thread
he said he wanted to fuck a chick while she was drunk
it's just strive that's ft3 and that's because rounds in that game take like 10 seconds
only medusa has a chance
some hot drunk girl he was talking to was being lewd
and he said he wants to fuck her
Would coom forever if we got Grea
Since Faa isn’t getting saved, who should I play now? Should I just pick whoever wins today?
and this game's don't?
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Have you ever seen a Strive match
Such a fucking broken ass character, in a game where everyone has 4 specials it's insane how a character can get away by just using 3 and still be in the top3 easily.
No, not even close
There are barely any Lances in general.
Just quit
Westerners rule every fighting game, the only reason Japanese used to be dominant is that they got to play each game several months/years in advance, giving them a massive headstart that was impossible to close.
motherfuckers are getting WASHED
aaron had the freest bracket christ he should not be in top 3
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Rare Bridgette fag
Toot would be based
there are plenty. they just got filtered coincidentally in pools
Why is this bo3, fuck Chipotle ads ffs
His command grab is pretty good too
>analworms vs fujoknight in winners finals
FKHR's vision.
Tororo is a VanillaGAWD thoughbeit.
>french casters are basically ranting how dogshit ft2 is for the last 10 minutes

wondering why the american casters cant do that as well hmmmmmm
whats with this fag using they/them pronouns on dudes that are obviously straight males?
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instant mim main but it's never happening
Paki and Korea still dominate Tekken, America has shit itself hard in SF6 this Evo
so is Shinku
>everyone in chat saying that the game looks amazing and they want to buy it
paid snoy shills
this is a season 1 clip. Also, we've just had 2 entire top 6 sets that went by in the blink of an eye.
yeah remember that time an american won at a street fighter game at evo in the past 15 years
oh wait
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Where are the stickers in the crowd?
Slayer can kill off c.S round start, not even CH against Chipp.
Because they've just been boring ass sweeps, just like pools. They might as well end this shit and just give Tororo the award.
Can you still use an unlocker to unlock all the characters for the free version of rising?
>remember that time an american won at a street fighter game at evo in the past 15 years
Yeah I remember this year's EVO Japan just fine, what about it?
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Who is it gonna be
They didn't get close enough. Should've came earlier.
tell me you never played or watched strive without telling me you never played or watched strive
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snake eyes won super turbo :)
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Simultaneous releases (or almost simultaneous) were a blessing. Also, video sharing sites
we already know it's versusia and vikala
Punk will win this year, just wait.
>Evo Japan
Rat or Sandy because his VA is dying so they got him to record before he dies
More proof that VanillaGAWDS are better than RisingKEKS
Gotta be a dude they said they try to do equal representation.
we already know it's Snoo Snoo Kneesocks and Peepee Rat
if he's already recorded, there is no rush to release him
punk's hubris is always his downfall. momochi is gonna take it home this year
He's the kind that'd kill themselves if they're "cancelled" so he preemptively acts like everyone is a thin skinned tranny.
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it's going to be versusia and vikala
sandal is going to be the start of the next season patch to mirror every other patch we had so far, it's always the angels
This is all your fault Katalina
ebonic is a troon/troon chaser
>Sandy dies
>Can't get any new characters he hasn't already recorded lines against
>Westerners are so dominant in SF6 that they win the single most prestigious Japanese tournament in Jap home turf
>Noooo that doesn't count! EVO Japan isn't real EVO!
a shadowverse, priconne, and uma musume crossover is warranted
How did this Bea get into top 6? Dude's eating everything.
The funny thing is that I would personally find it mildly insulting if someone called me a she or they.
hol up, i thought shinku got banned
Shinku playing like he was paid to lose lmao
lmao that shinku guy made it to top 6 to get fucking bodied
from frosty faustings, i thought
Is this the first time Shinku's gotten to play the game all day so far?
>Temu Evo is totally equivalent to the real one, because I say so
Okay retard
>max isnt streaming this
it's joever
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Should've stayed faithful.
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Beatrix is so hot can't believe it took this long to add her. She is the reason I got into granblue (her artwork in doujins)
clown game
BC unchanged btw
Tummy queen
Sorry dood, Cygames' check bounced.
I wouldn't be surprised if this were the case. imagine the seethe if he won
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the Council of Rats has finally made a decision, Vikala will be revealed after Grand Finals. Rejoice!
i hope shinku clutches a win just to piss these retards off
Trannies ITT seething
>Artorias' arms are visibly shaking
Jesus calm down you got this it's just Shitku
thank you vikala council, now can I please get something to drink... my throat... it's so parched...
man this is fucking brutal bias from the commentary. honestly feel bad for that autist
shinku's DPs are so fucking bad
you'd think he raped and killed someone. are there accusations other than making bizarre autistic dms?
get fucked shinkuuuu
i hate trannies
thats just the american left's agenda
Ugly tismo sent packing
>kneejerk reaction nerfs were a bad idea
wow... who could have told you this...
They put him in the same tier as a rapist for words dude mental is fucked
shouldn't have betrayed Virabros
Justice for Shinku, what is this horseshit commentary
>Called the character's name instead of the player
Yeah, this game is ran by troons
He looks weird,
welcome to twitter fgc
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I like these choices a lot and I think you're pretty cool now.
So who won evo, kizzingtons?
Damn, these matches are one-sided. They actually might need to do something about the damage.
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The Train Car of Horses has vetoed this decision
>refer to sieg as artorias
> refer to shinku as beatrix
you know the crowd doesn't play GB when they cheer for the Siegfraud
nope, even though if you dug hard enough you'd see rape references/usage from 99% of all old fgc heads
>mm yeah, good DP from beatrix
free my nigga shinku
>I want skill to be rewarded
as opposed to beatrix right...
Shitku and Wifebeatration will never be freed
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Siegfrauds and Niggers have been a nuisance since day one, they deserve to lose
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Transisters won! Seethe chuddlers! LOL!
Once they've justified hating you, they'll never apologize
shinku looks exactly like what I'd expect a guy who talks about wanting to rape women to look like
A tranny who creeps on girls threw him under the bus to save himself.
Games are over in two interactions. It's very volatile.
The better Nier will win
disregarding the commentators disregarding Shinku, these guys are trash on their own. You really need to get people who are actually hype for their game, not just verbose losers who play the game at locals.
Is that an Artorias skin for Siegfried Artorias was using or just similar colors?
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that's just career commentators, they are all trash
shut up nezu
Nobody gets hyped about Brave Counter Rising
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>camera away from the super
>people who are actually hype for their game
are there still hype for gbvsr? everyone is tired of seeing the same old shit over and over
Virum is actually good at the game
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What the fuck was that cam
this EVO is cursed
this is all YOUR fault
>comparing a 2 button confirm to the 3s highlights that happened last night
these casters are trying so hard lmfao
It's so blatant. It's insane how much twitter drama garbage can poison games with small communities.
I'm not watching this dogshit game, hope G2 vs Navi starts earlier so I can mute this shit until Versusia and patch reveal.
Only person with a gram of charisma who'd want to commentate this shit is Jiyuna and they didn't pay him.
can they reduce the average amount of dmg in this game? this is strive levels of trash
>getting hyped when sieg, belial, nier are on screen
lmao good one
>w*man takes over (brand)
>it immediately goes to shit

many such cases
i hate ft2 i hate ft2 i hate ft2 i hate ft2 i hate ft2 i hate ft2
All the good commentators have been reserved for games coming later, so Rising got the bottom-of-the-barrel picks.
WTF that was so fast, I turned away for like a minute and it was over
Immigrant deported.
>bea out
>2b out
rooting for nier to save us from the homo trio
this game is ft2? every round lasts like 20 seconds
you people play this shit for money?
not like ft3 would have changed the outcome
commentators are on full damage control mode over this piece of shit character
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>nothing but boing ass one-sided games
I'm gonna go jerk off, this shit is worse than TNS, Paragon and ImpurestClub tourneys
nooo our game is heckin honest and not strive levels of damage
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I get hype for belial because he's based and also my main
We could've had Vanilla with rollback
but nooooooo
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Same. I don't get the whole excitement for Zeta, Bea is far superior imo.
lactose intolerant spewing ass eating ass eaters
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the League of Unos has canceled your veto by law of uno reverse card. Long live the Queen of Rats!
Nier seems a little too strong no?
I dont really watch this game but that was a very quick match.
lmao wouldn't even be here at EVO
Someone pressed the "crowd cheers" button at the wrong moment
I would've bought it if they repackaged it as Rising and didn't change the system mechanics so heavily
clearly the decisions they've made along with the terrible balancing wasn't the right choice
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Was zeta really the more popular of the two? There's no way the fans have taste that bad
seriously does anyone who actually knows shit know what's going on here
Puppet characters were a mistake, yes. Glad 2B got fucked in this instance, though.
That'd better than having tens of thousands of people know that we play this shit.
All they needed to do was remove overdrive and add rollback and we were cooking

instead they took a big ol shart over the game and made it trash
>Ad for a wifi connection
>At a fighting game tournament
Every time
1.5 won't change anything fgc has proven they will always complain about top tier
>boring ass ft2 with no entertainment value whatsoever
>5 minutes ad cut
>repeat until grands
>tororo vs kojicoco, unmovable perci abuser who play top tiers since vanilla anyway against Rising Nier abuser who didnt have a career before Nier
>In the end Nier wins anyway 3-0 with no match
>mid claps in the crowd
>no versusasia trailer, patch in late august

that is the futur cygames wants
It's a miracle we don't have a Nierror grand finals. She's public enemy #1.
>Kizzie unboxing a Percy figure
now this is the quality grub content I subscribed for
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she was the undisputed broken tier character since launch and got a slight nerf recently
players gapped hard this year to defeat the Nier menace only to have the commentators downplay how busted this character is
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yeah dont worry they're increasing the damage even more according to the evo build LMFAO
Her and Vaseraga started the society event series so they got in first. Eustace got some protagonism at around the time he got released in Versus.
>got permbanned for saying evo is worse with a woman over it

oh no bwos how will i watch this boring slop now
Open the tab in Incognito
I'm sure that they would literally jump off from their chairs watching epic poke faggot 90 seconds snoozefests gameplay which even looks worse in every single graphical aspect.
Just accept your tranny game is dead, no one liked, likes or will ever like it except you and your troon clique (btw 99% of the trannies we have in Rising come from Vanilla).
>no six in the top 6
>no lancelot in the top 6
>no zeta in the top 6

can't believe those fuckers are going to dodge another nerf patch
She got more art, but they have roughly the same the same amount of doujins.
Bea fell off a rock in terms of popularity at their height.
Zeta is older though and has been featured much more in the main gacha despite the two being paired fairly often.
thanks touhou
Take women's rights away and end feminism
>very quick match.
All the modern games are about steamrolling your opponent in two interactions. I sure this will trigger a shift to less damage in the next wave of fighting games. I know some top players (like Tekken 's Knee) are vocal about this and dislike how matches end in one or two mistakes
shinku says zeta is an honest mid tier
>what is Street Fighter
>99% of the players we have came from Rising, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!
A VanillaGAWD is raping you Rising troons right now.
>Just accept your tranny game is dead
Mmm nyo i think i will do something else with my time
this shit is putting me back to sleep, fighting games are dead
You might want to delete this, bwo
Wow... What can I say...? You won...
>Vanilla player with 3 years of advantage over new Rising players
Yeah, thank god he is or it would be embarrassing.
Troon troon, what is on stream? That's right, it's Rising, not Vanilla, the game for shart enthusiasts.
>putting zeta at the same level as six and lancelot
even if zetas U combo are GIGA retarded you cannot on your right mind think it's even on the same tier of seox and lancelot retarded pressure, single player characters, at least zeta is punishable with badly spaced spears.
Why is the stream in like 20fps?
>only person to take a game off of the "god" tororo is a random soiver who didn't even make top 6 in soive
the "top players" in this game are garbage
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why this nigga have a plus on block low that goes fullscreen
He played vanilla
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are all these players troons?
I got perma'd for pointing out that Chun-Li cosplayer was a guy. Not in a derogative way, not in a meme way, I stated a fact "That Chun-Li is a dude" and I was instantly blasted for life.
watch youtube instead
yeah they all played vanilla
is it me or is gbvs' community exclusively comprised of the absolute worst kind of twitterFGC
>I'm sure that they would literally jump off from their chairs watching epic poke faggot 90 seconds snoozefests gameplay
that's what evo 2022 was and everyone loved it though?
Trannies have successfully astro turfed western culture and now you must use "they" to refer to anybody.
it is, it wasn't like this in vanilla though
>there is only one stage on this game xd
ive always shat on sf for the padded room and their retarded stages and now here we are
Meant to quote >>487017606
Non-troons won't ask for your head on a pike for misgendering them so it's better to use Them for everyone apparently.
"when in doubt" because if you fuck up you're the current day hitler and literally get witch hunted until your professional and social life is torched and buried.
fgc is one of the shittiest spheres on the internet, grub is one of the shittiest communities in gacha
go figure what happens when you combine them
Is Percival’s flame carpet the same as Dhalsim’s in SFV?
I want this image but for Beatrix
what if youre an esl turd worlder who speaks a non gendered language?
that doesnt sound inclusive to me
>literally the same EXACT players doing all the tweeting
>literally witnessing troons being troons with Shinku which originated during vanilla
>"n-no in vanilla it was different"
Vanilla cuckold... Please stop... The thread is laughing at you...
3 out of 5, yeah that's what I'm talk--
>Percy vs Belial
Nah change it back
he's adapting
is gamera still in?
>esl turd worlder
Learn the language.
yeah he's waiting in the bathroom
Why bwo?
Holy cope, get on your knees Risingsissy
Nope was eliminated by a Nier yesterday
53K watching on Twitch alone.
Can you imagine if FKHRT did not have HIV and PATCHED the GAME?
Tororo's dps are fucking nuts
funny thing the chun cosplayer doesn't even consider himself a girl, he literally has he/him pronouns on his twitter lmao
That's a cygames cup champion for you
This is the last time Granblue will have any relevance
i assume its because evo is featured in the front page of twitch
also strive waiting room
Good. Fuck FKHR and fuck Cygames. Hopefully the retarded horses die too.
Going to the store and when I come back I am going to laugh at Risingtroons.
Coming next month
the fact that Belial isn't just fully punishable after his full screen counter makes this a clown game
Granblue Genshin clone with half naked draph sluts... Believe...
wrong, Cygames will keep buying slots into evo from Sony
Both me btw
wait why is it ft3 now?
Tekken 8 waiting room
cause it's winner's finals
winner's final
No Nier and shit is suddenly hype.
anime fighter, what did you expect
happy RS accident
/gbvsg/ is the best section of GBVSR's community
and that's fucking saying something
vanillaniggers lie as easily as thei breathe
anyone catch tororo hands shaking when he was using his phone?
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>Going to the store and when I come back I am going to laugh at Risingtroons.
i thought strive was more troon but granblue's making me reconsider
Very natural. belivable and totally not prerecorded woooo right there.
somebody post the troons in grand finals pic
now imagine if hoyoverse made a fighting game
Is every combo in this game just autocombo into special?
amazing how you can tell when /gbfg/ spills over in here
wtf why is this general hate this game now?
if tororo wins this game is not (as) garbage
Never understood why americans called it a "winners" final.
I got grabbed
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n-no, huh...
FUCK belial
Belialslop wins, what a shit game
God this game is worse than garbage
>you le punished too early because le move is le gimmicky
damac is an honorary kizzington!!! LFG!!!
you have umisho and leffen
weve always hated it albeit
Street Fighter 6 waiting room
don't way that, that's what he wants
This is the darkest timeline
>tororo tried to play footsies
>aarondamac - lol - 66L
it's either autocombo into special or single hit into special. There are a select few links but the combos are very simple.
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>tororo does f.H into slow ground fireball 3x
>aaron jumps 3 of them and gets to start pressure
>round point on last match, aaron dodges instead of jumping thinking tororo would do something diff and try and bait it or catch the jump with the dashing low sweep special, dies for it
>1st round final match he realizes tororo is autopiloting and gets another free jumpin
cashing in your unusued bp for 50% damage RC loops because the game build 50 meter by second and you happen to touch a simple cl is apparently a good mechanic for some lunatics
Tororo for the love of god go sieg from now on, don't fall to the gamera curse of simping for your character
>Street Fighter 6
Next tournament waiting room
100% he's not because of shinku
Vanilla trannies constantly cope and seethe their tranny game got mercifully killed after 2 years of pathetic performance and every time something even minor happens they go "HURRRR IN VANILLA *retarded lies*"

Ignore them.
>AHH HELLL rings throughout the venue
No, certain characters have specific juggles with specials and metered specials
Autocombo is pretty common filler. Character optimals can require more autism, though.
Vanillafag here, how the FUCK is Belial STILL top tier?
don't forget hotashi the trannylover
>jump a throw
>press a button on the way up that whiffs completely
nearly every game works this way i'm sorry
lol strive clears it's not even a competition nigga
Strive is THE tranny game
FKHR mandates his top tier status
You must understand, he needs all those plus frames
Kosame would have taken this tournament easy
I'm ready for the Saudi Blood Money olympics
Siegfried player coming in with that villain glove
You can really tell it's just one guy shitposting. Probably never played Rising or Vanilla.
>my jp player with a gimmickfest character would have outgimmick american players with their gimmickfest characters
for sure lmao, you think granblue players know MUs
Their tournaments have less ads and actual top 8s instead of top 6s, I'm more hyped for that than I was for this Evo.
it's just a bunch of people who are bored because they're waiting for strive and sf6 to start
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total siegfraud death
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go my girl
wow people are going out of their way to shit on granblue in the chat
nice community we have here
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homo... Kill desu.
nobody likes this shit game bro
You can tell a game is bad if the top 8 (6) is majority burger.
lots of cringe dark souls fans in the chat
let's just say what's on screen right now is not the display of a good game
this game looks like straight cheeks on god no cap on a stack fr fr bro
this patch better actually change shit up cause im clocked out of finals
He smokes Fukunaga on stream whenever they meet in ranked
He does this while bitching about the lance mirror the entire time lmao
uh oh...Nier is coming
>more nier in the free rotation
kek, aroo
gacha is in maintenance now and shitposters like shay etc. are spilling over
nah koji is gonna get clapped game 1 then switch to zoi
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Heh I don't wanna brag but I'm just as good as Kojicoco
worse, there's people that went to evo to play this
Anime games look especially bad at below 60fps
>chipotle ads in-game
lmao what the fuck tekken
Worse yet, people play this dogshit game for money
american players dont even know Lance MU, both fukanaga and kosame woudl roll them not even from their skill but by game knowledge alone.
Let's just think about all the characters we could be seeing in this top 6 instead of Nier Belial Sieg
and so on...
>evo turns to actual slop, a complete shadow of its former self
>piggies still stand in line waiting to eat it up

this is exactly why governments want their citizens poor and retarded.
where's vikala?
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We deserve to suffer
are losers finals T3 as well?
We will see Zooey if Koji gives up against Tororo
Considering how many people hate those relatively innocuous characters, I'm fucking happy the competitive scene of this game is garbage
Ermmm but we got Percival? Aren’t you excited about a homoflop?
The gacha is on maintenance, gacha schizos are spilling over to their sister general
jobmera and tororo is proof that raw fundie skill ain't enough in this kusoge these days. Tako... come back... we need you, burgerfrauds are getting uppity
fly my nigga mirri out
All finals are ft3.
Yeah sure even though her kit is linear
ecks dee she has big boobs omg i love her...
wind spam no thanks
jump dive spam no thanks
Ult neutral skips yay...
No browns
chaining ults isn't skill
If Americans are so bad why did only 1 Japanese player make it to the final day?
>turd strike ended with yun vs chun
>grantroon ends with nier
nature is healing
>bitches about all the other characters
lol lmao
opinion put in my asshole
Huh? Repeat that, couldn't hear you.
Percival will win
You want Nier to win so she gets nerfed further
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This is not only the gayepost I've EVER seen (and im a literal fag), it is also the WORST post I've ever seen
I'm starting to get the feeling that Nier may win Evo after all.
Wait, Losers finals? Tororo? Uhhhh, never mind...
If the patch is further than 3 days away I'm gonna kms
le balanced chip damage
They really need to fucking gut niers chip damage..
>that fucking chip damage
how is this still a thing...
kissing your sister is fine and normal
you should bang her too
keep yourself safe
It’s over, Nier is going to win the tournament. Tororo is choking hard.
fuck sakes tororo just play sieg. First gamera sinking on the bea ship and now tororo doing the same for percy. What the fuck
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They doubted
I want Nier to win because male players deserve to fail
they made spot dodging misfortune on reaction a lot harder with the vane patch
Belial vs Nier finals is a service ending tier showcase
You should miles instead
Nier has been perfectly fine for almost a year :)))
Do a flip.
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This is so depressing, better luck with the next fighting game I guess bros
incest is only hot in fiction bro
t. has a sister and faps to incest
but you haven't fucked your sister, so you don't actually know yet
I fap to your sister
bros the twitch chat hates my wife
It depends entirely on how hot your sister is.
How can you knock something you haven't tried?
GF would be so kino if Gamera were still in... That jobber tororo is playing out of his mind (or everyone else is just that bad)
>50% unpunishable chip that costs no resources
Niggas play this game for money?
You have to be so much worse than your opponent if you lose as Nier to Percival, it's hard to put into words how big the gap is
Percival wins
Nier wins
Either is a win win
i don't want to knock up my sister
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I hope nier wins so she get more art
Ryona art?
It's over...
-2 frames on some move she never uses and that's it
it's owari da
Why does Nier have several different air stalls? What's with Cygames giving air stalls to all the most cancerous characters?
new thread?
>We've noticed that Death was performing a little to effectively, thus we have added an additional one frame of startup to her install super
No this is it, the final bread
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make it a Rat thread
there was only 4 japanese players in the bracket
they were all eliminated by niers, tororo included

so nier is the burger carry
holy shit
ah, well it's been fun
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>/gbvsg/ wants nier to lose
>/gbfg/ wants nier to win
>Nier players can't even do her babby tier day 1 combos to save their tournament lives
It is a feat of human engineering that this character lets people think they are good.
Tako, Kosame or Fukunaga would have deepfried all the burgers in this tourney easy and you know it
nier needs buffs
lets go
I guess Nier isn't that strong after all
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Hope tororo takes it all, ameriturds don't deserve to win
>tororo included
Vanilla Player
Vanilla Character
Vanilla GODS
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i do not like nier
PerciGODS I fucking kneel
Percival nerfs incoming.
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my wife dodges another nerf patch
She's getting nerfed anyway.
/gbvsg/ promised me a nier finals you lied to me why do i believe you guys
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As a superincumbent Risingscholar of the highest caliber, I...I have a confession to make. My attestations to enjoying a higher form of play are but a facade... A paper-mache facsimile of acumen carefully crafted to disguise my crushing insecurity. I...I am afraid that I...I LOVE Vanilla. Even...even Overdrive causes me to tremble from fun... And SPEAK NOT of those titans of entertainment universal overhead and throw framedata... To say they're dishonest would be the height of folly. Bravery and stupidity are not mutually exclusive... Not even Grand Bruise or Beatrix are enough to spur me towards such foolish endeavors...

I.........I kneel.
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no onion of defeat from koji
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I wish I had a cute imouto to sexo. will never outgrow the pain of never having a little sister.
Now enter..........
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Nier keeps losing
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Kojicoco looks like a massive faggot, I'm glad he lost.
IMAGINE how hard you got outplayed when you are playing the absolute best character in the game and you lose to PERCIVAL
>We’ve noticed Nier has a hard time getting in.
Here’s your patch notes
>tororo included
imagine losing to fucking PERCIVAL with nier
when I was young, my little sister would stick her bare feet in my face while we slept
burgers finding out in real time the ABSOLUTE GAP between a cygames cup champion and delulus thinking they're good because they beat up a bunch of other burgers in NA locals
LMAO the depressed face of Nier's plushie is so fucking funny in that context
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Tororo please win please please please please please eplaeplawpdlawpdefjesfi
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>page 10
>AH HELLLLLL for grand finals


It's time for men
Finally this is a man's game
uh sisters? i thought it would be a nier vs. nier grand finals?


>Perci uses U groundfire
>counterplay is sitting afk until it disappears
kek what is this character
>homoknight vs homoangel
who asked for this?
nigga, tororo grew up fighting against the monster of a belial named Tako, you really think its a good idea to pick this character against him?
dude thought he was playing Abel
Aaron is the one that sent Tororo to losers
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>perci vs belial
regardless of who takes it, I won already
that scrubby ass run up ssba would've gotten me, I can't lie. I'm glad it didn't work
Yume, tranny or faggot?
it was actually katgawd remote controlling him
>actually noticed it was the metered ver
i kneel
from the thumbnail i thought belial were fingering jeeta
We know, EU Anila player who got destroyed by KatGAWD
So what are the odds for a trailer after this
Devil Djeeta is too sexy
It's time for men
That's some stupid shit I would try. Felt weird seeing someone try that in grand finals
>In a single Evo Tororo is about to destroy years of dedicated Percy downplaying
this game is so ass that a striver is about to win the tournament
can someone post belials 2m???
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I want to BE Belial
VanillaGAWDS play are in tier list of their own
Percy is so lucky to be carried by tororo
Tororo is a literal god and the only reason Percy is even on any radar
these commentators don't give a shit about the game lmao
what the fuck am I even watching
>about to win
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sixh sikh el
god I wish that was me. you're so lucky anon.
Imma 66L
So faggot, gotcha
>out of date OP
try again

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