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Previous: >>486908335

>Evo weekend


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
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Marduk in just a couple hours
HS2 isn't that great for r34 desu
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plapping kkokkoma at evo!!!!!!
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Dragang LET'S GOOOOOOOO!!! Fuck Kazuya!!
So will they reveal the character first like Evo Japan?
Based 'duk
Is Devil Jin just a metaphor for Jin trying to suppress and fight his homosexuality?
Daily remind Lidia is more easier and broken than Dragunov and shes gonna replace him and TWT is gonna be 8 Lidias.
it's crazy how everyone playing zafina is straight up not playing tekken.
worst evo since leroy japan
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Yeah it really is Leroy debacle all over again. And Drag is the absolute dullest character to spectate too
>Tekken 7
>Dragunov, Kazumi and Jack-7 were +S tier at launch
>There was still only one of each
>Tekken 8
>8 Dragunovs
>8 Dekken
>Murray shilling Nike and Chipotle
You're gay, we get it
I miss Kazumi.
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...said nobody ever
'nov got em lookin back to midken7
Alright everyone, now that Day 2 EVO is over, it's time to begin Leoposting
50% is Drag in the finals?

What a failure.
Dragunov gooks ruining Evo too?

Let's give Lili another round of nerfs! That ought to solve it.
Arslan is a body
I said it just now
All the Drag players are long time Dragunov mains THO
Murray has some serious dementia.
>Harada lost to Lili, not Dragunov
Do you see yet?
Lilypichu is a skilled gamer.
It was fully staged from the very beginning you dip fuck.
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So whoever wins is getting nerfed right?
EU what happened
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My active defense failed me. Somehow jdcr blocked this panic rage art and i died.
K-wiss got pretty far. Actually think about it. Once NA got further than EU.
No idea what happened to Joka.
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>Mattman punked out pool 2
>BP punked out pool 3
>he was only on camera once and played Drag
>Yagami punked out pool 4
Just rename this sellout event to Chipotle instead
got flushed by randoms. Sephiblack got exposed
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This is what happens when he accepts it
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Hold up. If Jin gets his angel from his mom, does that mean Jun has a milf angel form? Did Kazuya get winglocked by Jun going balls deep?
that camera 180 was pure kino
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Angel Jin is just a combination of the Devil Gene and Kazama blood I think. Jun doesn't have Devil Gene so no angel form for her, same with Asuka.
Angel form represents the positive aspect of the Devil gene. Its why Kazuya also had an angel form. Devils Angel form is still from his devil gene, which is why he loses it. The Kazama purifying powers is separate from it
It would have been kino if Kazama carried the angel gene and Jun was sent by the Kazama clan against a Devil Mishima to give birth to the ultimate being. Like their Jesus.
>He actually believes Kaz and Jin lost their D.up
The story has reeled more and more into battle shounen power level trash. New generation of Jap devs suck.
it would have been kino if kazumi and jun had a freakoff to decide whether the angel or devil gene will survive
why Speedkicks gotta do us like dis?
>S3 is Chun and Yun again
The Dragunovs of Street Fighter
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We're probably gonna get Reina vs Jun. Jun herself barely did anything in the main story.
We're gonna get Reina Vs everyone
Sephibarnacle more like .xd
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Everyone except Asuka, of course
These are the moments

where Tekgen

is put to rest

In the eternal ice of the windy storms

Hello Tekgen

Here we are again

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I was out all day, is it true there's 5 Drags in top 6?
i have a terrible headache
3 i think
Three Dragunovs
Japanese Dragunov (Jin)
Female Dragunov (Nina)
Speedkicks was working on probability, after blocking hits for X seconds there was a 93.75% chance of JDCR pressing buttons in retaliation.
imagine if the RA had actually landed
How do I get a cute Korean wife to play Tekken with bros...
forgot my post
she is genuinely cute
she looks like one of my coworkers
What's the cope for Dix cumpstering Pachinko 8 in viewers this evo
>switch game language from IT to EN
>all of a sudden for the past four years not a single person has commented on my steam profile that my connection is bad, despite me having had symmetrical gbit FTTH for almost a decade

third worlder germans really will go online with their 50/20 shit ass unstable half copper connection and will blame literally everything else except their thirld worldness
this guy ranked up by blocking the people he couldn't beat
blocking doesn't stop the game from matching you with them
>third worlder germans
last I checked, germany is more developed than shitaly
How happy would you be if they showed anything BUT Marduk or Fuckcumrag?
a mortal kombat collab character would be worse
then how come none of them retarded shithole berliners ever responds when i ask them to take a speedtest+pings of various european locations? enjoy being invaded by shitskins, ur 2nd language will be arabic soon. every single promiment german player is a shitskin already lmao
>Its why Kazuya also had an angel form.
Angel is not part of Kazuya.

Angel Jin is just Jin manipulating the devil gene with the Kazama powers. Whatever the hell Angel herself is I have no idea.

That'd be more fitting with Kazumi at this point, since she just did what her family told her.
why haven't they nerfed reina again
>shitalian complaining about shitskins
look in the mirror giuseppe





>the cradle of western civilization

when we were building the coliseum the rest of u lived in mud huts
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You forgot Marduk.
unless your opponent is on dial up or something, internet speed is irrelevant. online games only use a few kilobytes per second
There would be worse things, but if it's one of many other Tekken characters I'd be rather happy. And if it's Julia I'd be ecstatic.
It's going to be a paki winners and grand finals and you will like it. They would need need to get sick to lose
online speeds are absolutely relevant up to a certain point. if you're on thirld world 20/2 adsl the smallest instability is going to lead to a delay or loss which will be felt immediately in something as sensitive as a p2p game. thats why i need to know if ur on something like a 50/20 or symmetrical FTTH.
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that's cool and all but you still look like this
he looks like deuteragonist in a critically acclaimed 70s German drama
Asuka no neck allegations are from retards. You shouldn't need to edit images to prove a point
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>a literal normal white man with white genetics
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thephantom looks less white than sephiblack
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Can Raef beat Arslan?
How? His facial structure and skin color scream european. Sephiblack's facial structure looks perfectly middle eastern even if his skin color is slightly clearer.
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I died inside after reading two previous threads this morning is not good saars..
do you seriously waste time reading old threads? just post on whatever the newest thread is and go read a book
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>muh Aryan German super race

Anyways, why don't Americans realize that advertising over a certain level becomes obnoxious and makes you hate said brands? I will never touch Chipotle. I'm so sick and tired of hearing about it.
i don't know, it seems like a boomerism but then they put a million ads in shit like video game tournaments. football and basketball are already fucking unwatchable as it is.
hey guys
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Does Angel have the same fat ass Kazuya has (no homo)
yeah i just realized evo is literally right now and decided to drop by. god this year went by fast, didn't it?
Americans have a much higher tolerance for ads, I once watched an American tv station and the amount of ads was crazy.
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i don't just tolerate them i love them. i don't care about football since the last time the falcons went to the superbowl. i still watch the superbowl every year just for the ads. it's a cultural commune.
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Zoomer Bamco devs can't understand what made old Tekken so appealing to us.
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Based Nakatsu played those games in Japanese arcades, you jerk off to them on /tekgen/, these are not the same.
Being a fan of game =/= understanding its sources of inspiration and how that shaped the game

I feel like only Harada is boomer enough to remember.
watching the head of marketing trying to persuade Lee the company should advertise in popular video games, maybe make some small robots for them
Head of marketing here: Lee was asking if the female robots could possess male genitalia
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Wait, is this real? Will the stage look like this now?
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>Yagami is out
Lee here: that was your idea, and our robots are gender neutral. If you want anatomically correct robots (or... not?), refer to dr. Bosconovitch during your long vacation.
I doubt it, that would be pretty tacky.
They just did it for the ad, all they did was change a few textures.
i hate you. you are the reason all sports short of baseball have become unwatchable garbage.
i want reina to jerk me off in the shower
steve didn't even say any of that for the last 2 days, shut the fuck up
Bamco: Mods are illegal.
Also Bamco: Mods the shit out of the game to make an ad.
kill yourself murray
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Lee laughing at Kazuya cause he can fly but Kazuya no longer can
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Ew indian
Half the tournament participants are playing Dragunov, good thing we wont see a balance patch for another year.
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nth for Keisuke
I've gotten to the point where it's so boring to watch him I switch to different tab whenever Drag is on, so I'll probably be playing solitaire while waiting for the matches to end.
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if I see shitduk today murray, we are going to have a big problem
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Ni**a get lost
Watching so much drag bored me so much that now I plug him in game.
You won't do shit. You WILL accept Marduk in Tekken 8.
village idiot lookin ass nigga
fix devil jin nigga
why ain't nobody done been told a nigga they aden NIKE'S bruh that shit is so got dam cash fr
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how the fuck did sneed lose the entire set from here
hes black
Keisuke has the main character energy, he just doesn't die. He's gonna get the revenge on Atif tomorrow
every time i open someone's steam profile they're black. is everyone playing this game a blerd
I don't play Tekken and other fg I just wanted to ask why Tekken became so soulless, ugly and uncool? I think it started with Tekken 7? I know they switched to ue engine but the game looks ugly even by ue standards and the art style is so cringe.
name 5 good looking games
what it has to do with tekken being shit and looking like shit you monlogoid bamco nigger
Cancelling the heat burst got him killed numerous times.
I want to see what your standard for good is so I can laugh at it you worm, make yourself a little vulnerable before making acerbic posts
answer my question jobless faggot
Tekken 8 is the best looking fighter out there right now, unfortunate since there's not a lot of other good qualities to it.
give your criteria for good and bad
at the very least, give the tekken game with the best aesthetic for you
6 is the most ugly and uncool tekken and it's not close. so it started with that i guess
no doubt a jobless faggot with an english degree
i repeat
answer my question schizophrenic baboon
dumbfuck, you are claiming that tekken "became" soulless and ugly, which implies that it wasn't those at a certain point
5 looks like actually garbage desu
answer the question monkey
no faggot, I won't
you posted a loaded question with no indication of when you thought tekken had a good aesthetic (refusing to answer), just a vague claim that it lost its aesthetic with the adoption of UE
more than likely you are here to bait and farm (You)'s
it's the worst looking 3d fg right now
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I just got home from work and catching up with the top 24. What the fuck is with all the Dragunovs and Bryans?
i wish i were jin bros
answer the question stinky transvestite be a man once in your life
the other actively developed 3d fighting game like...uh...
t3, ttt, t4 and t5
Stickman fighter 3d
tekken needs a WEG
street fighter 6 looks like next gen compared to t8. even mk1 and mk11 looks better which are ueslop as well.
hey smegma chode, give one indication of what games broadly you think look good first?
you said you don't play tekken or other fighters, why are you even here besides trolling
ttt, t3, and t4 looked good
t5 looked good on ps3 but is overall not much better than 4
Jin isn’t even there
Let me fix that
answer the question skinny gaylord
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Guys I know we all love shitposting to some extent but please just answer me this question - why are Pakistani fans so fucking childish? They type as if they were mentally challenged and bring so much cringe to the point it’s unbearable. Just look at those fags posting in any live chat.
BTW. I love pissing them off calling their players „Hindi” lol
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>before Tekken 8 launched I really wasn't a fan of Lili's new design (face, etc.)
>now it's the opposite, only think of her Tekken 8 version (damn T7 was bad)
Well done Bamco...
So I'm supposed to never sideroll waking up against bears?
the average westoid is also fucking retarded
you just pay attention to pakis more because of the broken english and the obnoxious nationalism lol
t7 Lili looks worst in the series, t8 Lili has ugly grey eyebrows for some reason
for that low when fully charged, it's slow enough that you can get up blocking low and take less damage, but I don't think any grounded option like side roll will avoid the hit
dumb alisasissy
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i'd nut inside t7 lili every day
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Why are ppl confused coaching Knee to do xyz? Knee's style is to play with full understanding of the game. Knee's style is to persistently lose to you until he understands your style, then he becomes the wall. It's the same when Tekken 7 started and Knee did bad, same when Pakistan playstyle was introduced and Knee took 1+ year to gain understanding. Knee is only scary after he has knowledge. They really think Knee is going change his style and spam OP strings now? Or they think Knee suddenly past his prime on Tekken 8 release date overnight? Knee is the same as always. He's going to take the losses until he gains knowledge. If Knee hasn't retired by then, you will see Knee play at his level later. Also, Tekken 8's balancing will continue to mature at the same time as Knee accumulates knowledge - these both work in favor of Knee long-term, not short-term.
Yes, I am sure if Knee followed your advice he could have stolen the wins. But it will be short-term and not Knee's style of full knowledge and fundamentals. If Knee just started playing like everyone else, he would lose his style and it wouldn't be the real Knee.
nice blog bro, take it back to myspace
nigga can't recognize a youtube copy paste when he sees one
not utilizing a basic game mechanic doesn't seem fundie to me kneebros
more like a mechanic that basically shouldnt be in the game
blud spent time memorizing copypasta, on youtube
Tekken 8 needs to turn that Unreal Engine 5 down a bit.

Hit Sparks, Fire Balls, Explosions so large they obscure the character body designs
Hit Sparks, Fire Balls, Explosions so large and so frequent they obscure each characters fighting animations
Everybody on the Tekken 8 Roster look like they have steroid addictions or been juicin or something
Each hit sounds like a gunshot or shotgun blast
Many of the Rage Arts look like there is some kind of HDR or 4K glitch or malfunction going on
The Fireball, Hit Spark, Explosion, Whirlwind Animations make all the fighters and styles look the same
There are literally no observable nuances during a fight sequence

IMO Tekken 8 has the worst graphics presentation of any of the Tekken releases (Including Tekken 1 & 2)

I know the graphics are supposed to take advantage of UE5 and all, but OMG! It almost looks like devs had so many colors, and lighting effects, and texture mapping options they didn't know which ones to use, so they used them allat the same time

The Tekken Community needs an interventionWatching the reaction videos e.g. Lil Majin, MainManSwe, Maxillian Dood, etcthey've convinced themselves that this ugly bull$#it looks good. Somebody's gotta tell em, It don'tThe animation presentation with all of the extreme over the top pyro-technics is just Plain Ole Butt Ugly.For the good of 3D fighting games everywhere we gotta get those Tekken 8 folks to snap out of it. We gotta get them to realize that Harada and the design team must have been hella high when they were designing Tekken 8.

If the next VF imitates Tekken 8's presentation or follows any of their design leads then VF5FS will definitely be the last VF that I take seriously.

There once was a game called Tekken
Whose martial arts styles used to come in a close Second
Now there are no martial arts in the game if you're Checkin
Muscle bound brawlers and colorful explosions are all that matters I Reckon.
too bad he's dependant on it to make a living
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Yeah but
VF6 will be worse even if it's just a Yakuza minigame
tokyo game show will break us all
this whore, i'd nut inside hourly
I'm about to blow your mind but ever wondered why it's called a COPY pasta???
middle left in the bedroom
n e r d
Sissify me
Spread me
Breed me
Jin main no...
wild knee fans
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>it's here
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>Collab announcement: In-game ads
What era of post endgame capitalism is this?
Ranked Tekken unironically takes a toll on my sanity.
I have to take breaks from time to time to not lose it completely.
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Tekken is going to die today if Murray's Evo announcement is shit
You just know the NPC crowd will holler and applaud at the Mduk announcement and not boo H&M off stage like they deserve
idk why they made it ft2, this game isn't meant for short sets, competitively and casually
lmao I was almost right
it was just jin+kaz instead of two jins
haven't seen one in many threads. feels good
have you seen this?
*spreads ass*
see what?
I have a feeling the product placements are the only big reveals. Can't be much worse than VF
Fahk will get a redesign where all his tattoos are now ads for chipotle, nike and some other companies.
go to bed leaker M
you guys should wash your mouth before mentioning VF.
i wash my knee
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The game where every animation is an unnatural looking janky mess?
Having unique character designs is not an excuse to make everyone look dumber than a turd.
120 fps animations in sf6 vs whatever the fuck is our ghostly smear low res uncoherent crappy animations
tiktok zoomfluencer fakh would be an upgrade from what he is now
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Picking up Kazuya, what am I in for?
I play on pad btw.
playing kazuya will make you appreciate men a little bit more, the better you get with the character, the more attracted you get to men.
best decision of my life and i'm now engaged with another kazuya main
Do you two watch Keisuke as foreplay
I love how your game looks better on your compressed fucking webms than on my fucking ps5
yeah, we also do the wavuwavu in bed
im the realest keisuke fan here
ive been following him since mastercup 9
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you keep posting this image but we are all gay here

kwab of the year
still tony
0 dragunovs in my matches (cause i plug them) fuck you dragniggers
American tournament
Yet no Americans in top 6
You had home advantage with 4000+ entrants
americans play the superior 2d game lil bro
>speedkicks made it into top-24
Americans have never won an evo for street fighter
I hope Arslan commits to Nina.
Fuck Alisa.
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4 (four) dragunovs in your top 8?

Was it that big announcement? Lmao
can't wait for Keisuke and Raef to compltely cease pressing buttons, go back into playing Tekken 7 and let Arslan run his poking game for some reason
Phidx said Zafina was overbuffed and had no counterplay, why is no one playing her???
i am
Who cares about this no name shitter?
>fraudzuya is dragunov tier and carries you to top 6 winner’s at Evo
how do we downplay this
>3 Bryans in top-24
I hate his fanbase so fucking much.
keisuke carried kaz, not the other way around
can't believe we're only seeing 1 yoshi in this whole tournament. where tf is kane at?
he recently had a stream where he intended to "pick up tekken 8 zafina" but after 1 hour of practice mode he concluded she's worthless and he should just learn yoshi instead
Kane is a Lilichad tho
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her (and Red Bull) EVO
if zafina was a white woman phi would spend the whole day labbing her
Ok but please buy Nike and Chipotle and Lidia and Eddy and Tekken Coins and Battle Pass.

PhiDX the youtubah? The mediocre liliplayer? No way he said this.

they're leaving the stage
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I fucking cant wait to mod Lidia...
Ok brownie living in a western country or a country held up entirely by western aid.
Lidia will be like Leo - a manlike creature. No interest in modding that, ew.
The FGC """community""" is full to the brim with retarded subhumans and paypigs
>being this gay
As expected from /vg/
>no liking ugly masculine bitches (dudes in case of Leo) is gay


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She will be buffed
Get rid of the her crybaby shit ples.
Need her cock on my face asap
we need more men in tekken
Fighters, there's still time! If you're at EVO, can still get a pair of the Nike Air Foamposite One "Kazuya" via the SNKRS app at the Bandai Namco booth!

nice game murray
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i gave up on this game and on myself i just play kazuya for two hours in ranked every few days until i too minbroken and just plug last game may knee wash over me
I passed out last night and slept for 13 hours. Do we got a new sponsor? Why didn't they make an announcement stream?
that shitskin got beaten by a kid from philippine, any korean pro could dominate him if they feel like it
saar this is racism
why did the fucker switch his main to Nina anyway? he's literally just throwing on purpose
I don't think marduk will be as good seeing as they made tackles way easier to break in this game
I almost always break tackles
saar there's no kunlaimitsu in Tekken 8
pretty sure he use Zafina just as much
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I'm just hoping we'll get a Jin vs Kazuya
Why is fergus' nose so red?
any day now and everyone will be maining Lee's daughter
he's irish
I lived in Ireland for a couple of years, noone's nose is like that
That’d be epic, but we’re getting Nina vs Drag instead
So Lidia is coming in 24 hours.
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Are there really 9 Dragunovs in Top 24?
Pinocchio effect
Murray said the balance is fine and people are just overreacting.
hold me tight
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Bros he fucking solved it
Be honest with me, is there a world where Drag gets nerfed as much as azucena did?
yes, S2 drag will be paper weight wasted slot, screenshot this
i'm legit feeling really depressed right now, for knee

dude is stoic but underneath everyone can see how hard he's trying to adapt and not disappoint his fans, but i don't think it's gonna work out at all

seeing >>486973796 brings some kind of levity but just thinking about how focused he is makes me wanna tear up for real

it's like seeing one your highschool homies falling on hard times
Doubt about it, but it would be a nice place to live. Not only is every idiot playing Drag, but it feels like every fujo is drawing him, too.
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>it's been like a year and I realized the best way to win at tekken 8 is getting better at tekken 8
he can just fund his own d7 tournament
Feng is losing steam already, Steve was nerfed ages ago, yep Dragunov will be nothing but a bag of shit. There was the layer Dragunov could have been balanced and still have he's tool but the way murray made every fucking launcher skip hitboxes is what him broken with he's plus on block shit.

Worst offender is Lidia launching at Tuesday will be more broken then current Dragunov so TwT is going be 8 Lidias.
his next mission is to stop mashing after getting hit by a dickjab
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get ready for the next battle
>miguel forma de relaxo carefree mishima enters the stage holding a bottle of wine
>uses street nigga martial bootleg jackie chan arts and punches you to death with electricity
>tells you stupid joke and leaves
wish i could hug knee
me too bro looks like he could use some encouragement
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don't forget jdcr and qudans
wtf are they talking about "zafina has a float combo if you duck wr1+2"
when my wr1+2 gets ducked I jump over them and am stuck in a stance that cant turn back or block and takes 40 frames to manually exit stance
the most I can do is walk forward (the commands are inverted for some reason) and 4,3 to get out of stance after a dash but most characters can still launch you even if they expect you to do this
both are more or less retired, unlike knee
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sneedkeks lost because he popped garbage heat bursts left and right
>Dragunov Simulator 8
good job murray
i'm asking this seriously, not trying to start shit or anything, is vf5 featured at this evo at all?
Is every gook but roidding on Drag or what?
he got baited real bad, mashed like an ape while keisuke was in download mode only to cower when the beast was unleashed
Knee is still in the second step.
just pick jin
Normal people just know 2+2 = 4 they don't have to remind themselves that it's not one, two or three
is he good? i'm eyeing this game cuz of the sale
bros I thought yoshi is top 5? why is he so rare in tournaments and has a shit winrate above blue ranks? :0
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I don't get why I never got scared of this design at all as a kid
schizo can bring yoshi to top 5. too bad he is too poor for evo
the hype surrounding 3S is so forced, I checked and only 700 people on fightcade
yeah only
only the lonely
VF hype is more forced
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get ready bros
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yoshi is too goofy to be scary regardless of how he looks
for me as a kid nothing scared me more than walking into a big, dark, empty room in tomb raider
no one is hyped vf lil bro
Harada is hyped
it'll be like a dragon kart 2
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he needs ideas
It won't be VF6
why does mork surround himself with the most contrarian, asanine people?
it is tho, what could surprise the fans? another judgment? another LAD, oh WOW SURPRISE
and no fans will be interested in vf
Yakuza games are EA Sports games tier now
just add yakuza characters and you'll have people interested in it, ezpz
Virtua Fighter 6, exclusively available as a minigame in Yakuza 9.
I think Sega is retarded enough to go through with this
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saw this in the tekken evo thread on gayfaqs and now im a little worried
eyemusician will dominated TWT and EVO next year, screenshot this
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Reina Mishima in Guilty Gear -Strive- Season 5!!!
Hopefully we get Bridget or Unika in return!!
Thank you Harada!!! Thank you Daisuke!!
why does lili looking so lusty here?
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>half the top 6 are arab
>only one of them can win
Praying for you lads in the audience.
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Who killed lowhigh?
I am saying it too
guilty gear wishes it could have a guest character as random as negan
Epic memes bros. Fuck you.
He was kinda ass on commentary last night. Rip and Spag were unironically the best pairing.
It ain't even that hard to think of a "random" character to use. There's so many works of fiction that people would never expect to see pulled from
I don't feel bad for him. He's always been a sour faced drama queen and it was stupid of him to go all in on tekken with no backup plan for decades. He doesn't even play other fighting games. What did he think would happen?

JDCR has a decent sized twitch following and i'm pretty sure Qudans has a normal job and a family.
Heat burst cancel is terrible on whiff and he did it three times. I have no idea why. Any blue rank knows to never do that unless you're on the other side of the stage. He's still on step 1.
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putting non videogame characters as guest characters in fighting games is pretty random when the most common things are characters from other fighting games or action games. nier in granblue, terry in sf, akuma in tekken are pretty standard. negan and lucy are much stranger choices when you aren't looking at crossover games like mvc or bbtag specifically.
he would have won if he wasn't bald, he should write that down.
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>Knee not even Top 24
That is top 24 retard
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Oh I didn't see Knee. Must have subconsciously skipped over it because there would be no reasonable way he would lose to Trizzytherapper lol.
EUbros.. What went wrong
So I just should just throw out electrics whenever?
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DVJ is just too hard
don't know why I'm fighting for my life to survive in bushin/TK when I could be grinding for TGS with Jin
Nothing. It's the same shit as ever
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Who in the top 6 do you want to win? Not asking you think will win, I'm asking who you want to win.
>trizzytherapper beating knee
>kaneandtrench making consistent top 8s
>arslan considering picking up yoshi
Keisuke, he is the only one playing a character I don't roll my eyes over every time I see.
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Nobi or Keisuke. Nobi I think could actually make it to the grand final.
hopefully you play him because you like the character, in which case, who cares about rank
Keisuke and Nobi
It's a shitty pachinko game where winning is like spinning the wheel of fortune, which is why we won in the first place btw.
Keisuke, because everyone else is tierwhoring
I genuinely don't care this time, the game is too soulless. Best timeline is that kazuya wins and mishima drones finally stop with their retarded downplay.
>buff character
>they start winning tournament
>nerf character
>thye stop winning tournaments

nice game
>tekgen wants the coinflip simulator to win
miles better than a Nina, dragunov, or Jin broken boring shit
better than wr2 simulator
every character is a coinflip simulator in T8, atleast Kaz actually has a degree of risk unlike the Nina or Drag or any of the other god tiers
i want arsland to win but only if he picks alisa simply because it would make people the most upset
bros I bought some smelling salts and holy fuck they actually work
almost seems addictive, literal adrenaline rush in a bottle
Electrics are fucking cool
he's a specialist character, very strong but there's no reason to pick him up unless u dedicate ur time and energy which is tiresome in comparison to the unga bunga top 5
Nobi because he is an honorable 'nov main, 'nov himself being the essence of fundamental tekken.
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this is guest character day, Scorpion is coming

in my ass
>easy mode garbage
why is drag still winning?
Dragunov literally can't be bad in Tekken 8, it's like wanting shotos to be bad in SF6, the whole heat and changes made in T8 can't let him or Nina be bad ever
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>nerfed from Leroy tier to Geese Howard tier
god i hate hwo players
'nov is tekken. You cannot cripple him without fundamentally changing how the basic game works. You can now continue seething
I'd gladly exchange DLC characters we get Lucy and they can have Lidia
>'nov is runing tekken 8
better question is how the fuck did sneed win up to that point? keisuke takes way too long to wake up sometimes and it almost sent him to losers here.
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Are you guys ready
Yeah but you have to wait until Thaiger Uppercut event (after evo)
i'm not wasting my sleep on shitty evo and shitty tekken with shitty fartduke dlc reveal
I dont mind staying up late, but I'm not gonna lie I was snoozing towards the end at 5am.
Autumn DLC is blue themed, Winter DLC is yellow-orange.
Who asked
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The only winning move is not to play this kusoge and laugh at faggots who have to deal him.
yeah but what if you miss surprise Tekken x Magnum™ condoms collab?
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>lets take a look at our plethora of characters to choose from, for season 1
picks Eddy, Lidia, Fhak, Marduk
Based retards
Ok downloading right now
The biggest crime here is that Eddy wasn't base roster.
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Guest character announcement today
There's nothing wrong with Fahk gameplay wise tho
Pretty solid mix of characters. Bravo, Harada. Bravo, Michael.
Yeah, I just loathe his design.
I hate looking at him
announcements are over.
nike was the only thing they had to announce
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nothing wrong with the man that created guard breaks and with strings that make Nina and Jin look honest
Say what you want about this piece of shit maximum profit esports evolution, but at least i havent seen or heard Julio a single fucking time.
Fuck off Murray
And people tell me Bryan is bottom 5
I miss the elegant designs, from a more civilized age, before the dark times, before Lars.
Were the paul and kaz buffs really that big?
just rerelease tekken boomers edition or something and let me press only 1234 and waste 3 minutes on one round
Shaheen has all of that plus a slide >>486993789
just release virtua fighter*
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Tekken 5 DR...the peak of fighting games. Before the infestation of zoomer gacha addicted devs and unchecked corporate greed
5ers are just our version of Turd Strikers at this point
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4ers are our turd strikers because it's the weird one. 5ers are our super turboers.
Patricians who stuck by the game they loved rather than the latest DLC-riddled corporate slop?
Hahahaha lmao so uncanny
Peak Japanese form

Stupid plastic surgery gorilla idol
When's the T5 tournament
has there ever been notable tournaments for older tekken games? seems they're only ever for the newest tekken.
TTT2 players are the Tekken version of 09ers for sure
>concept art
>sf4 revived its series while ttt2 nearly killed its series
What does it mean?
No because tekken always gets better unlike some other franchises..
Apart from the Tag games there's not enough meaningful difference in Tekken entries to make people want to stick with previous ones compared to Street Fighter, Guilty Gear, Marvel vs Capcom and other big franchises
I dont know what the fuck you are talking about buit im still mad.
I heard him once on the winners stays on tourney
>old ass boomers who can't move on constantly talking about how good and fundies based their game is because they can't compete in the newest entry
There's no doubt SF has completely gone to shit THOUGH
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lil bro just called arslan old ass boomer
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Playing T8 is soul draining
and I dont even care about the older games
And tekken hasnt? Did you look at the T8 top 6?
'nov got em begging for T5 remastered
you wouldnt get it
green man won't even leave his house to drive to vegas to say hi to the community that put him on the map
what did shartslan win in tag2 again unc?
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ok but
What's wrong with it
So you're trying to prove him right?
TTT2 came out when capcom was dominating so it honestly had no chance
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b..b..bb..but SF
yeah I wonder why an underage arslan didn't apply for a visa to fly to las vegas to win 3 dollars in a game that died in a year you fucking moron
>1 korean
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so NOTHING? he won NOTHING until Tekken 7? am I getting this right?
tekken fans have capcom and street fighter on their mind more than anyone, its almost cute
Do you need to win to prefer one game to another? Keisuke said his favorite tekken is 6br and he's only been successful in 8.
covid turned him into a hermit. and i can relate
everyone's favourite game is the one they started with, it's irrelevant to how good they are
>Mainman plays Tekken
>1k viewers
>Mainmans plays other game
>400 viewers
I'd rather aris further decoupled himself from the scene rather than bring his zoomer fans into tekken. look at what happened to Guilty Gear and SF once the zoomers swarmed in
pakis brought nothing to the game. every tournament is unwatchable
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funny how you were fine with >>486994918 >>486995587 and only started crying after >>486996020
Can we just ban them from now on?
>build your brand on tekken
>people leave when you aren't playing tekken
>le surprised pikachu face
it does
i refuse to watch fraudistan matches live. i will only watch the match if I can confirm AFTER completion that the fraudistani lost.
>aris builds brand on tekken
>aris leaves tekken because namco tried to blackmail him
>aris leaves tekken
>get double viewers
*spreads ass*
What about Raef
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people walking nude at evo lmao
saudis are okay. that popoff against lowhigh was embarrasing tho.
>because namco tried to blackmail him
this didn't happen, what kind of insane obsessive thinks harada was trying to blackmail some random 400 viewer tekken streamer before he got big with variety streams
Don't open it's >>486997478
blackmail how exactly?

4 dragunovs
I thought cholonigger died of aids he's still alive?
he got that ugly rapist halo effect
It's nothing to do with his strength as a character, Drag's playstyle lends itself well to pro-style methodical play and it's easy to adjust to.
'nov got em laughing hysterically
How will k-wiss defend the nike collab?
ok but
So why is it top 6 instead of top 8?
so they can shove in more ads instead of production time
because evo is fucking shit and they want more time to fit in ads on the final day
had to maximise ad time
but 09ers are the zoomers
how is this blackmail?
"bamco decided to give some influencers early access.... WITHOUT MEEEEEEEE"
people pissed and shitted themselves when 1.04 dropped
they dreamt about a world without dragunov screaming eiyah at them
and it came true
for one second
yeah I'm not listening to 20 minutes of this rambling moron waffling about random shit
banco blackmailed him to enter the airplane
tekken is too big to fail
People will keep on playing
why do you act clueless retard 24/7?
there is a reason they don't fix cheating
i have not seen a single cheater in 300h of tekken
>I'm like..
*sub sfx plays*
>Doing this out of.. Like..
*zoomer donation sfx*
>The kindness of my heart
*uploads to jewtube for more shekels*
n0pants uploaded it
Why did Murray blackmail Aris to step in the airplane?
Is all of last day evo on one stream or something? pretty gay they didn't split more of the matches from yesterday to today.
shock therapy to cure his phobia, Murray has a PhD in psychology
i could legitimately believe murphy having a psych degree
why is aris afraid of airplanes and hotels but not of the pizza? any wagie could put his dick cheese on his pizza
I'm getting that pepper hit effect on 25 july (after evo)
yeah because that fat fuck is too busy stuffing his face to do anything remotely technical
when is evo?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
i'm having momos
I don't think they would since aris alone probably accounts of half of their income and he tips random delivery drivers 50 bucks even if they're late
guess who's back?
It's a long story lil zoomie. But Aris shit on Tekken 7 on live when Yung_P kept smurfng him and aris was really pissed. Murray said to Aris to never make negative comment about Tekken ever again. Day after that Aris was afraid of airplanes.

Only Yung_P truly knows what happened that darkened day. Don't try to find any information about it. Murray will find your your IP.
tekken 6 asuka in particular looks just like the concept. and in-game tekken 5 asuka at least moreso than cgi asuka.
I just realized tekken's top 6 starts at 1 am for me. I guess I'll take a nap and later make some coffee Azucena would be proud of.
Aris has HIV he cant really leave his house because of all the meds and treatment he needs to stay alive
The best player deserves to win and he's objectively the best player of the bunch.
wasn't he a pro player?
Aris died during covid lockdowns. Nu Aris is just ai generated content, that's why it's so stale.
Atif can't win against Arslan money and sponsor, and Tekken 8 random()
>nobody mentioning the jinfrauding saudi in top6 winners
Last i checked CBM is from Kr. Goof for him if he is Muslim though.
if raef is a fraud then everyone else in winners is a megafraud
no one cares about Jin apes, that's how he never gets nerfed since T6
is raef half asian or something
>Lidia still not out

Can't wait for December!
nah he's a nigger
Funniest thing is more people played Dragunov after the nerf than before
holding hands introduced toxins that makes you worse at tekken
many such cases. see arslan going all in on kuni after speedkicks declaring her dead.
yeah no shit retard. It takes time to learn a character
*it used to take time to learn a character
why doesn't knee use dragunov then mm??
knee has given up on dekken 8
He just did yesterday
After evo
Not really. Ulsan is like the only one who commited to drag only after nerfs and that's because they actually nerfed azucena.
>turn on KOF top 6
>1st match
>2 mexicans playing against each other
>one of the commentators has a thick mexican accent and wears a luchadore mask
>the crows waves around mexical flags
i honestly always thought that this was just a meme
he got crushed with Paul by American Crusher
You forgot JDCR?
'nov is based on tekken fundamentals which is why top skilled guys like Atif and Ulsan who lost their T7 mains settled on him
KoF has bigger scene on China but West will never know about it.
never ever reply to me again you filthy thirdie okay?
taiwan. the ccp cain't claim them no matter how hard they try. xiaohai is like the only mainland china guy that's relevant.
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>A game without NA niggers crying about everything
Seems like KoF is very based game.
>play "evasive" character
>launch punished if your evasive poke is blocked
>play jin
>your evasive moves have + on block
>yuronigger in cbarge of understanding geography
Remember when Dragunov was Hard Execution Heavy Pressure Fundies character.
Now he's just Evasive Skipping Neutral and Hitboxes Fifty Casino Mixup Mickey Mouse.
smells like a bunch of white monkeys in here
bruv really staying up to watch drag mirrors and a 'duk trailer
sounds kino
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nobody remembers because dorag hasn't been considered hard since tag 2
Lol Drag was never hard
I've already had fish for lunch, I'll be having something else tonight.
iwr2 was hard bro also some of hes micro dash combos
'nov makin em think back in history
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>iwr2 was hard bro
Dragunov was my main in T6 and the only hard shit about him back then was the deep dash into iws4 after a CH wr+2 which took me a couple of hours to completely master.
Everything else was legacy skill that carries over to every other character.
having a bit of a hangover, already did two cranks on the old balls and shaft, should I go for a third one?
Jack main BTW
you are making me want to post it.
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Harada please if we're gonna have ads in game at least make them about weeb shit and not influencer shoes.
What would it take for you to drop tekken?
I have a lot of fun with the game
the moment I stop having fun I quit
Vtubers are inherently influencers tho
futa lili? *spreads ass*
I won't need to visit r/Tekken to know they're crying about the sneakers
>He can't do iwr moves
I literally could do that shit at point blank range since T6 with both Alisa and Dragunov.
I think you just suck.
Chipotle collaboration
Nike collaboration
Dragunov ruining EVO 2024
Dragunov nerfed only to be replaced by Lidia immediately
Shit balances
Taking three months of Summer to release Summer patch
Michael Murray changed
Prowness based Matchmaking instead of Rank
I think i could go one. I hope none of these happ.....AAAAACCKKK!!!
rightfully so
No muay thai character.
yes, majority of pro players tierwhores, shocking!
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Crank it to Jun r34 imo
No more hot girls to jack off to.
I already "dropped" it but i will reinstall it once s2 goes live. I will play it for a month and "drop" it again.
Harada retiring and the franchise being handed over to globohomo HQ clowns like some other franchise
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you made me post it faggot!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzUtlOy-_9I
whats the difference
The characters becoming ugly like in Street Shitter or a hard reboot
why can't they give us a new battle pass already? they use reused resources and literal 3D primitives, how hard can it be to give us a new one?
So you admit you just suck?
I also fuck.
Michael understands the pleasure of waiting for something instead of insfant gratification from his studies of tantra.
I don't play russia niggers.
every single player in that image is NA though???
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Next Tekken guest character leaked
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I cant drop what I never picked up
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As series or T8 in particular? Cause as far as the series is concerned I'm done, in 10 years I'll just look up story to see if Jin fucked after all.
With T8 it's as good as dropped, I only plan to play offline, and maybe get other dlc when it goes on big sale.
So you haven't actually dropped it. Curious..
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Can't wait for Coca-Cola collab announcement today to go with Chipotle
>pleather comes pre-cracked
thanks murphy very cool.
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you just don't get it
Pissing our pants yet?
If I play offline, I dropped you.
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Make sure to put your shitting pants on before the reveal
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Thanks, I'll do that, also don't use the reply function when my post is less than 50 posts above yours, I'm not some retard that needs to hear his name everytime when someone says something to him okay lil bro?
Been having a blast in tekken 8. Pumped for Lidia and hopefully a Marduk reveal. They really knocked it out of the park.
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>loses one casino attempt
>turns on special mode for special kids
>goes afk
why are kaz players like this
what the fuck is it with 24ers and their fucking addiction to using the reply function whenever they make a post
ordered 3 pizzas today
because you're stevenigger
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so, i returned to my first main, nina, and basically the game has become unplayable now

the game still matches me with people of the same prowess as my current main but my nina is barely red and i've forgotten almost everything about her, how the fuck am i supposed to play?
3 seems like a bit too less no?
im not black i swear
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I just realized when you do kazuyas wavedash you can actually cancel it in to other wavedash so iy becomes easier and faster
3,000h on Tekken btw.
had 3 McMuffins, 3 cans of beer, 2 glasses of milk and 2 kinder Buenos so far, how am I doing?
1. Suffer through and relearn the hard way
2. Make an alt
I only play d8 occasionally because I have an addiction to online tekken that must be satiated from time to time. But I have completely given up on tekken ever being good again.
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Leo makes me wanna scream out loud
I wanna say how much I'm in love with him
Just one
Moment alone with him, no paparazzi or crowds
No loud sounds
Just me and him alone, nobody else around
To shut me down
as I say it's okay to be gay to Leo's face
And he weeps
As I sweep him off from the floor, and we kiss, it's so sweet
>Muh Keisuke
>implying Kazuya isn't meta
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>implying i care if he's meta
>implying i even know what you actually mean by that
why the fuck are we watching two retards eat
horrible, you're supposed to go to chipotle
in a different timeline there's tekken beta server where devs actually work and see how d8 works without heat or rage art inviting players to test it and tweak according to feedback but i guess niggen nike shoes is a better choice moneywise
Lmao. Tekkenkeks will never recover.
This amount of sellout is just incredible. Is Murray just trying to cash out an early retirement? These people don't care about Tekken.
i don't know what lucy is but it sounds just as gay as nike
Capcom showed they can do it, and Daisuke just completely proved that they can do minimal effort to do so
I want to spam Harada with this shit on Twitter. How do I do it?
Never trust toy sellers
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They really should just kill this genre altogether. The community should only play the classics instead. It has become a huge casino of sellout. It's just shameless.
? Save the video and tag Harada or post on every post he makes
>could get Lucy or Ciri
>got fucking Lidia instead
>all this complaining
guest characters are cancer
Why is Leo wearing lipstick in 8?
Still better than Lidia
Why does Leo have a bulge in his pants in 8?
Why do you need evo in las vegas and even whole tekken talk just to show nike shoes
fucking kek
you can also post in this gamefags thread if you have an account. doesn't take much to get a thread on the front page there, after which it snowballs in posts.
Lidia just pulled out
literally who
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Bruv Lidia is just off-brand Ciri, they even have the same scar lmao
What the fuck did Bamco do to Soul Blade? Shit looks like some NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN fan game.
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yo what the fyuck
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Fuck this I'm going to sleep again
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It's really hard to be a Tekken fan when H&M&N keep finding new ways to shit down our throats
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I cant believe nerfing dragunovs hatchet kick from being launch punishable to being launch punishable didnt do anything bros how could this happen
What are they going to do to him?
Jin if grunge lead man
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Murray and Harada be like: "yeah they're the ones"
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>nike shoes
>chipotle shirt
>lidia still isnt out
>ranked still broken
this is so pathetic lmao holy fuck
>Frame turning into a lolcow
Damn based of Murray and Harada to mindbreak him like this
i need to kill murray and i need to do it now
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What happened here?
is raven more broken than reina?
i doomped
Get ready for the next battle
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I thought you negroes loved nike shoes. What happened?
tekken is like suffocatingly unfun to play sometimes
Didn't ttt2 have like a snoop dogg ad in-game for his music or am I misremembering
Makes sense now. H is a cheapskate. He got Negan when TWD was dying and Nike are probably desperate for some positive sentiment right now. I hope he dies.
>Nike are probably desperate for some positive sentiment right now
Nike is doing pretty good right now in comparison to Adidas who's getting into the israel-Palestine shit show by sacking Bella hadid
They spent a big chunk of the budget on a snoop dogg stage and an original track.
Yes and everyone laughed at it. The nike thing makes me feel like crying.
Snoop Dogg should've been a guest character, he already has a moveset in that one Def Jam game too
tekken dildo
Huh well at least the Nike ad isn't out of character for HMN then lol
why would i need shoes if I never go outside
Kazuya and Jin onaholes
>the nike shoes arent even out until autumn
nigga huh they’re literally in the fucking game in the trailer the fuck do they mean autumn this isnt a character its a fucking low effort shitty asset
Azazel cock bad dragon collab.
DVJ if they think stamping the protagonist emoboy would raise sales.
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He was obviously talking out of his ass
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Street Fighter will get guest character Heihachi.
women have life on easy mode
I feel like black man trying to run away from ghetto and get a life
>fight someone with 16% disconnect rate
>"he's probably going to plug but whatever"
>he plugs on my final combo
Minoxidil x Tekken 8. Get ready!
How many bitches is Harada seeing...
this song goes very hard love from kazakhstan
If that's so, why don't you become one
there's more chances that some guy fucks me while i'm a guy rather than a woman
I want to keep playing ranked but after a hour I just feel mentally drained. Am I just weak?
maybe i should try 2d fighting videogame like granblue or something..
enough to make his personal cumhole seeth
is the nike colab shilling at least free?
maybe i would if i could magically restart my life as one
trannies aren't women
>like granblue
Come on you're not even trying pick an actual game like UNI2
nothing is free in business
So funny seeing this dude's videos. Actual mind broken little bitch lmfao
KoF is good game i meanACKKKKKK MEXICANS PLAY IT!!!!
SF is a good game i meanACCCCKKKK TRANNIES

Just play kimble bro no trannies
did you woke up and decided to be a faggot or is this just your usual self?
i want something that is not a discord game, im not sure about uni
i wanted to try kof but online is kinda dead?
i'm a faggot by nature, you free for dinner tonight?
why can't tekken niggers just change already
or i can go back to suffer in t7
I recommend you top tier content.
>want something that is not a discord game
Come on blud
i tried to play GBF. it is very retarded. tekken 8 levels of retarded.
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both are discord games, but one actually requires brain process to play
not to be rude but you guys better start training on VF5 or you won't make it in VF6
I'll never understand how that retarded sounding mid looking bitch got so popular
Nigga granblue is dead if you're not in Asia
it it really just slime smash 8 and slime rush 6..
She fucked JeonDDing. Think about it. She literally lost her virginity to JeonDDing.
i will fuck knee
KoFXV is dead.
You can try out KoF02 or 98 on FightCade. Or wait for 2025 for Garou 2 release. There's also giga boomer thoughted out games like MvC 2 and SvC.
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actually i bought garou on sale, maybe i'll try fightcade at some point
literally any other player already does that
t8 is in like 6 hours
just wait until 2xko
4pm pst.
kirakira could have saved this top6
Now but it's gran blue finals
thank (that's 1am for me damn)
i want keisuke to win but being realistic, it'll just be arslan again
Nah it'll be Atif. The nigga beat THE Dragunov specialist with his own character, he's basically unstoppable
Rock is the best beginner character and Terry beginner second best.
this. atif is super cracked. i see no emotions. he is just a fucking robot walking the path of victory.
LMAO! It's ME who is going to be EVO winner.
Tekken 8 is the joe biden of Tekken
biden retired
what does this mean for tekken lads
A beloved and widely respected leader fighting against racism and fascism (T5DR)? Makes sense.
real? i expected this after the assassination attempt to steal DT the show.
>LowHigh jobbed to Ulsan again
ulsan is crazy good that's not surprising
LowHigh losing to raef on the other hand...
i see him and atif as the only persons he could have lost to
Lowhigh was done the moment he lost to raef. He was visibly seething on stage.
What's about Chikurin losing to literally who?
What's about Mulgold losing to Knee?
Lowhigh really needs to make a decision on whether he wants to be a tierwhore and continue with Dragunov or if he wants to remain loyal and perfect his Steve
shit happen man
competition is one hell of a thing
Should Mishima Tsunami kicks get buffed to +4 on hit again? Is it really that fucking broken move?
already is, mentally
It just feels so good to win the mirror match. Knowing you're the better player is the best feeling
Nah man tekken 8 is the Anthony Weiner of tekken
how are you still using WiFi on console in 3024
blud is living in the future
Chikurin is mentally still stuck pre 1.05. He constantly forgets that heat burst isn't tracking anymore and that Lili isn't the only character who can't sidestep now.
Mulgold was just unlucky in that knee is his worst match up since Mulgold is know for punishing Tekken 8 style unga bunga
They really just nerfed Reina so hard without compensating ANY of her other moves that everyone gave up huh? Why the fuck is Kazuya and Jin getting away with the mids and lows they have?
I apologize to keisuke for calling him an irrelevant low tier main
zeta got a good one
Bro, I just want to chill and play Law. Relax and don't be too serious. Enjoy your life.
They're compensating by releasing Reina 2 next week
maskubros im getting db1,2 guaranteed after fc db1+2
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buy shoes nigga
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I can't when you're making the game a slideshow
when's tekken top 6
what's tekken top 6
like 6 hours
after evo
why's tekken top 6
why's tekken top 6?
who is in tekken top 6
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>6 hours
Nigga I'm going to SLEEP
just be back up in 5.5 hours lil niggy
kazuya or jin today
less games = more commercials
It's 4,5. I was wrong earlier.
next slide please
even - kazuya
odd - jim
not my problem lil baby
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She looks cute here
where evo

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