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Previous: >>486934638

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki Douji Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png (embed)
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

cute assholes
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MMMMMMNMMMM. Bless you, retards.
Hehe, N! She said N!
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Kama Love!
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Yuyu love!
>Melt fails to meet his standards.
Them fighting had nothing to do with her failing to meet his standards for women. She was killed by him for literally almost blowing up Leo and everyone else inside the highschool.
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sussy baka
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nasu and sakurai upset me. i just want to indulge in my favorite franchise without these retarded mistakes.
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Sakurai > Nasu
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Adult pussy
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I want to BE anon's servant! An awesome, badass, powerful servant!
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Would you have sex with Douman?
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Enjoying Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park.
Higashide = God
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It's the guy.
i need auntie as my wife
i like the guy who wrote the beast nero stuff
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Sakurai = Goddess.
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Adult ass
Amphibian is the best.
uhh why does mom need an ass that big and perfect?
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>tricks you into rolling for him again
He's great, I hope he writes another event, maybe a summer event with Gogh?
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The biggest joke is that I did roll for him this year and got him NP2 and proceeded to roll for her for no fucking reason, and of course that didn't work either.
Let me guess, the villain is Merlina
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That's really nice of you, but I'd feel a bit bad for you if I knew. We don't ever get to take turns being master and servant, so you're stuck being my servant forever...
I hit pity for Merlina and I'm still skipping the event. I hope I'll get lucky with Erice and Ibuki tomorrow so that I can feel better about the event and start reading it.
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Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll?
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Don't forget to roll intersting and powerful(both meta and lore) Sakurai character tomorrow.
Just heard the news bros, I think I’m gonna be sick.
Yes. Because he'll be fantastic. He already promised to melt your mind with pleasure.
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>skipping an event because you got fucked by the gacha
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Man I hate the way Medb's artist draws faces.
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>>skipping an event because you got fucked by the gacha
Yes. I'm gacha coomer addict. YES I feel le bad and skip the whole event/story while writing that the story is le bad!
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please dont
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does anybody know when the next double fp is
The general shape. mixed with the eye to head ratio No clue why, I just can't stand it.
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>he is a merlinlet by choice
What news?
owo what's this
No. It's still in the cast though.
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I mean I'm okay with being one forever but if you wanna swap every now and then that's cool too!
We were robbed of her Lily form
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The perpetrator? Nnnnn, surely it must be that devilish Heian brute Sei Shonagon.
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where my dragon butt at???? i need her
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Such a shame...
19 hours
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Which Servants would say this?
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>strongest on /alter/ are sisters and cultists
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I was just offering out of pity, if you wanted to be one forever then I guess I'd exploit that...you sure you wouldn't be the type to kill their master?
Hmm, I gotta go do something
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>she's in general a better merlin
False in nearly every category. Merlina's "extra abilities" don't make a wink of difference when they're on 1 more turn of cooldown than merlin's equivalent abilities. not having your party charge or party invincible up by 1 turn makes or breaks a stall. You do not use the charisma for its damage, you use it for its charge to keep your triple np chain pumping consistently every 3 turn. It might seem nice to be able to charge or party invuln as needed, but considering 99% of the time her NP is in a chain with castoria, the invincible is useless if you're using it for the charge to be able to np chain, or the charge is useless if you invincible then just gain NP that turn from carding anyway. its a false sense of utility

Her kit is jank. the extra bonuses don't synergize, and the OG merlin ends up being better in the end.
The only tangible benefit she has is that you can use an arts DPS to greater effect than the unkillable stall, which again, in a stall your defensive cooldowns are for just that - defense, so hero creation is a 3k overheal and sword creation is an invincible. You do not waste them on DPS unless its to nuke out the tail end of the quest. You use them to cover for when the boss decides to whack 1 servant 9 times in a row and you need more than 5 AED stacks to keep them alive.

She's usable, and a damn decent servant, but to imply she surpasses dickwizard is naive unless you whaled for np5 so that her party np regen becomes an undeniably worthwhile advantage over what merlin can provide.
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Unless my master is exceptionally cruel or horrible why would I want to kill them? I'm just here to have fun and be a sexy badass at the same time! It don't get any simpler than that! Just treat me good and there's no problems here!
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so the op lied....?
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Should I be worried bro?
dont post gross out.
so what's the most optimal card order with mighty chain?
I assume you want to start with Quick?
Grand oberons is is the strongest
QAB for damage, QBA for np refill
thought so, thanks
>She's usable, and a damn decent servant, but to imply she surpasses dickwizard is naive unless you whaled for np5 so that her party np regen becomes an undeniably worthwhile advantage over what merlin can provide.
If you continued reading my other posts, you'd know I pointed this out.
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let her cook
Dark is 100% for you which is funny considering the whole "she doesn't want to be a good wife" thing
She says all that shit about humanity and then looks at you with a face that says "I'll leglock you and force you to creampie me until you pass out"
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>Nightingale is holding down Skadi to prep her for a "magical energy transfusion"
Don't mind if I do
If pretty much everyone is reminded of Merlin when they see Purlin how come Douman doesn't see Seimei in her if, according to Kiichi, Seimei was likely him larping?
I find the park news super funny
BQA for np refill unless your servant has high hitcount busters like berserker nobu or scathach.
sakurai forgot
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let her cum!! let her cum!!!!
Oh yeah? Tell me a good one then.
Your mom
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wait, starting it with buster is no longer optimal? I thought the only change was the 20% crit rate on each card
Lori slut
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JP stream when?
You get all the effects if you mix all types of cards now (mighty chain)
Yeah, I suppose this one makes more sense.
I'm going to fuck Melusine.
My Bitch and Her Bitches
what about light?
You gain all 3 effects on a mighty chain, so the card order only determines the degree of the bonus effects
So you'd want to put Buster last to maximize damage and Arts last to maximize NP gain
He does mention she reminds him of Seimei, doesn't he?
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Sup Aurora.
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Still the queen.
Go back to alter, raikouschizo
im tired boss...
they didn't just buff quick cards. they also added mighty chains, which gives you all 3 first card type bonuses if you use one of each card.

That means you get the 20% crit chance across the chain and boosted star gen for cards 2 and 3, AND you get the boosted np gain for cards 2 and 3, AND you get the boosted damage for cards 2 and 3.

in a mighty chain, you organize cards from weakest to strongest.
prioritizing damage? weakest damage to highest damage.
prioritizing np gain? weakest np rate to highest np rate.
prioritizing stars? weakest star rate to highest star rate.

for damage its always straightforward.
for np and stars you may need to consider hit counts for some servants.
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but this IS alter...
Sup onii-chan.
Anyone have the screencap of Skadi giggling about the letter N?
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>Go back to alter, raikouschizo
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>skadi has been the shopkeeper two times
Truly the best Lostbelt king.
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if he did in the event I failed to notice
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This nogga in the wrong thread!
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where do I get one?
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you shouldnt speak to your mother that way shell be sad
Kind of looks like she's upset when standing in front of a scale
It's that bullshit where Albert lives on the west coast so he thinks everything should follow west coast time.
I love this man so much, no homo
while everyone should use west coast time, i think rateups should be consistently timed, so it should have gone live 1:30am LA time
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its FGO NA not FGO EN. operating on west coast time is perfectly acceptable. It's the playerbase's fault if they can't convert time zones properly.
fuck off west coast elites
Devs too lazy adapting the time when there are means to do it.
The boys is such a weird fucking show.
She's for you as well but doesn't show it too much, she does slip up sometimes and give you the look/say it
She's more of the type to tease you and talk about how you need to pay 1 million QP per thrust (and in the end she'd say the final price just to see your reaction)
Which servants would make for the best girlfoes?
i miss pekora
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If there are outer gods, are there inner gods too?
I only know of her from people who can't help themselves to post unrelated shit here, and had apparently completely forgotten about her
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servant for this feel?
Scandinavian gods are earth based I think.
Salter, Bob, Oberon, Melt, Nito(?), Marie Altet
official ambasador of fgo...
*Marie Alter
and >>486957924 as well
She's unironically the best low stakes antagonist we have, she just works when you need a petty opponent that isn't necessarily dangerous but will make your life difficult.
im so poor im going to college for nearly free no scholarships...
feels good being a westcoastoiddesu
they said in the stream plain and simple. The first rateup started at 1:00, the 2nd and 3rd start at 21:00. Surely even without timezone knowledge, you'd know the first one came out when the server came back out of maint, and so the successive rateups would come 20 hours later in the day than the first one did on its respective day.
Its Douman again. He's the one that gave Skadi the grail lol
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Nito? I don't think the cute dork works for it.
And this changes what I said how?
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>all the extra slack on teen's top
What kind of freak has white pee
She has a potential for it with her personality
mine is red
THE hag trio!
Mine is azure
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Well, she is bossy in general, but she instantly jobs to basically any pushback. Maybe alter.
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Need Raikou lily gf...
Mine is neon green.
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Need Boudica auntie...
It doesn't change what you said, it just highlights how stupid what you said was.
i grailed two of those servants
Most competent developers has something that adapts the time depending on where in the world you are. I don't see how that's stupid other than you being too stupid yourself to do make it, so you defend lazy developers (in a bad way).
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The app is called Fate/Grand Order (English), not Fate/Grand Order (North America) dumb Melukek.
America is where the English language is based, so it's NA.
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yeah but look where you are
>/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General
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Skadi love!
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Only because autists refused to accept EN threads.
/alter/ must die! *Unsheathes blade* TAKE THIS!!! *SLASH*
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How come Scat has so many different outfits? While Boudica has NONE
It's absolutely Ibuki again.
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NEED a big sis Boudica!
you got gym mommy Boudica, dont get greedy
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Good Takao art
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Boobica sensei.
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Any Servants like this in FGO?

NOBLE PHANTASM: Weisheit Torheit
67000% Light DMG (PHYSICAL). Sacrifice 10% of own MAX HP. For 15s, increase Allies' Noble Phantasm gauge by 6/s. An additional effect occurs depending on the Sword Mode Emperor Isliid is in when Noble Phantasm is activated.

When in Sky Light Sword Mode, activations of own Noble Phantasm increase Allies' accuracy by 30% for 15s, and DMG of own Noble Phantasm against Gods is increased by 150%. If Emperor Isliid is in the 1st position, he will only use this mode.

When in Terra Master Sword Mode, activations of own Noble Phantasm increase Allies' DMG RES by 20% for 15s, and DMG of own Noble Phantasm against Humans is increased by 150%. If the Emperor Isliid is in the 2nd position, he will only use this mode.

When in Dark Bringer Sword Mode, activations of own Noble Phantasm increase Allies' ATK by 50% for 15s, and DMG of own Noble Phantasm against Demons is increased by 150%. If the Emperor Isliid is in the 3rd position, he will only use this mode

If Emperor Isliid is in the 4th Party Slot, he will change modes every Noble Phantasm (Skylight -> Terra Master -> Darkbringer -> Repeat)
>Fate/Fate Piber
*Symphonic orchestra kicks in*
>Death is but a part of the journey. Or are you prepared to usher in the stranger eons they speak of?
"Lifeless Conglomerate /alter/ the Grand Wizard" boss bar appears
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Look at how they butchered my mommy...
Eric Bloodaxe is your best bet.
Forgot your indian tranny
where the FUCK is this from and why is she cute as fuck
OC2 Obviously
>school-like character sheet
gee it couldn't be from the school based story chapter japan got earlier this year.
Here you go, bro.
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I want a high school singularity with Foreigners instead of Avengers.
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i havent played it OBVIOUSLY
man she's cute. GRAIL YOUR BOUDICA
Well the Dinchi family and Horta were 10/10 designs, I guess they ran out of gas.
When Lady Avalon called me "onii-chan", I got so hard.
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I will never grail a silver or bronze Servant.
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Fuck off. We're clearly Luvia, have you seen their designs? They have like 2 decent pairs of tits between all their franchises.
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Bro I'm working on it, I've already gotten her at 116/120 but FP continues to yield me nothing
Isnt there supposed to be an Ibuki banner right now?
Get lost.
God I love Baobhan Sith...
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Soon she will be joined by another
My brother.... You better post her when you manage.
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>thot keys
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When other characters call me a lady I get so hard.
You guys don't ACTUALLY like it when another man grails your waifu, right? That's, like, weird.
You thinking it's weird is weird.
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It's OK to like it when other men take your waifu from your supports and use her, right?
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You're just making it weird
I wish everyone would grail my waifu
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JK Koma...
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She is drawn by Koyama. That's why :)
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dat'z why all my servant in support list are males ;)
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Ibuki soon…
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>thanks to new anni outfit she will get new art again
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Thanks bro.
its not weird, because there's millions of FGO downloads, there's bound to be hundreds of grailers of every servant at minimum, in many cases thousands. Being jealous or posessive would be weird. It really depends on the servant in question though.
If your servant is super popular, its better to be critical of others for grailing them. They could just be gameplayfags or hypetrain riders or cumbrain fetishfags grailing your favorite for what you consider to be the wrong reasons, in which case they're cringe and make your servant's fanbase IE, (you) look bad.
If your servant is noticably less popular, you're more likely to find a kindred spirit in your fellow grailers. I wouldn't expect boudica grailers to be metafags or bandwagoners.
But that's clearly Wu's domain
It's always the slavs. Always.
based and sane
How satisfying is the end of LB? Did we get taken on for a ride?
Rate my grails
emo phase peter parker lookin ass nigga lmfao
t. falseflagging /alter/kek
By popular demand, Wu has been replaced with Ibuki
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Rate my grails
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t. most submersive mihoyorat
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I take responsibility for racism.
>most bland and ordinary dude on the planet and every woman in the series wants to ride his dick, including his sister and daughter

What did Nasu mean by this?
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I demand to see the statistics!
Yoooo, can I get a job?
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I look like this
I'll take 3
need tiny goth tea enthusiast gf
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>actual, unapologetically dominant character
>but letting her dom you means you die
It's not fair!
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>Takeuchi once (accidentally) confessed to Nasu by comparing her to a sunset
>Takeuchi has a terminal aryan fetish
>Nasu wants Takeuchi to look at her
>writes her story featuring an average looking bland and ordinary dude on the planet has women trying to ride his dick
But Beryl was her husband.
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>means you die
I don't see the downside
Guys, Fate is a japanese game made for Japanese players
Skadi is for Asian men. And everyone knows that white women go gaga over asian babies.
You can't demand anything, you aren't even part of the game anymore!
Beryl is my husband too therefore by transitive property that makes Morgan my wife
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I like living. I think it's inherently a good thing no matter how bad things get.
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There are a number of animals where the male gets eaten during sex. It's natural.
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>go gaga
agoo agoo :D
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For me, I see you grail my waifu, you are my bro. Added and locked instantly.
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Place your bets who is going to be a new anni servant
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Agree to disagree I suppose
It's not natural for humans!
Pls don't drag /pol/shit into here thanks
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Would you roll for her?
Scathach Alter (Aife) Pretender. Basically Quick Oberon.
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Yeah, I don't think it's worth having a protracted argument on. You do you, live as you please.

...yes, despite everything I most probably would.
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Hibiki & Chikagi
What skill set could Touko have?
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Post sex
Give me a quick rundown on this servant
Complete list of grails
Wrong room, bro.
>102 but no 120
Also gay, bro.
This is /alter/
Takeuchi kneels to the gook AI gods.
wtf Iyo is so cute
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It’s against 4chan rules
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Made for sex.
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Shoreside Offering Dance A

Increase Quick Card effectiveness for all allies (3 turns). [10-20%]
Increase Buster Card effectiveness for all allies (3 turns). [10-20%]
Increase NP Gain for all allies (3 turns). [10-20%]
Apply Evade to self (2 times, 3 turns).

Show Info

Available from the start

Watatsumi Shrine Gate A

Increase own NP Gauge. [20-30%]
Increase NP Gauge for all allies. [10-20%]
Increase Max HP for all allies (3 turns). [2000-3000]

Show Info

Unlocks after 1st Ascension

Tide-Ebbing and Tide-Flowing Jewel A

Increase NP Strength for all allies (3 turns). [10-20%]
Apply buff to self (3 times, 3 turns): Decrease DEF by 10% for the target (3 turns) when attacking with Quick normal attacks.
Apply buff to self (3 times, 3 turns): Increase own Critical Strength by 10% (3 turns) when attacking with Buster normal attacks.
Apply [Near Water] battle field to self (3 turns).

Show Info

Unlocks after 3rd Ascension

Noble Phantasm TypeAAnti-ArmyHitsPer Hit Percentage82%, 5%, 8%, 11%, 13%, 16%, 19%, 26%EffectIncreases own NP generation rate by 20% onWaterside Battlefieldfor 1 turn.(Activates first)
Removes all enemies' defensive buffs.(Activates first)
(Defensive Buffs:,,,,,,,,,,)
Deals damage to them.
Deals 150% extra damage to enemies withChaotic Alignment.NP Level12345Damage +600%800%900%950%1000%Overcharge EffectIncreases own Quick performance for 1 turn.(Activates first)
Increases own Buster performance for 1 turn.(Activates first)Charge100%200%300%400%500%Quick +10%15%20%25%30%Buster +10%15%20%25%30%
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Screw the rules
Most would say you grail too many things
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let me see your bond CEs, oniichan
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I agree but that's exactly why fatal fetishes are hot.

I like the idea of the fear of big spider woman killing and eating me. I like the idea of the poison empress deciding she wants to mess with my body. I like the idea of getting hurt and bleeding because a heel poked my skin to hard. Those are sexy to me because I'm scared.
This is a f2p (true) account. NP5 is Impossible to achieve
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I mean legend and personality-wise, you cards
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That’s the spirit
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Y'know what, that's honestly fair. Fear itself is a delightful feeling, I just prefer it when it ends up being a false positive in the end.
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They're lesbians.
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I read their manga and it's shit.
Bros, Skadi is dying…
/alter/ failed to protect her smile...
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>16 limited non-meta supports in the image alone
>HOw WouLD anYONe GEt Np5 THAt\S unsaNE
... of old age.
Do you want your dick turned into a noodle?
I got NP5 with 420 quartz ur just a lucklet.
I tend to avoid getting bond 10, getting to stop using servants even when I like them. For example I still didnt get Romulus or Caesar bond 10
Who's having a melty today?
Nice. I stop using Servants when they hit bond 9.
/fgog/ and /gig/
Koyanskaya of Dark (Beast)
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Did it even go up at all...?
I have enought copies and grails to 120 but the amount of embers it takes is just insane...
I dont do that shit. As f2p player every quartz I get is such a rare resource that I never roll after getting one copy. Even my 4 star ones with np5 are results of trying a 5 star or for years spook acumulation
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Understandable, I do the same thing. But then /alter/ was always like "why didn't you max bond your favorites? that means you don't like them!" and I get all sad about it.
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I love Yu
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Do you only know how to complain about leveling? How about you go back to the rice fields motherfucker
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3 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:

We have to protect Skadi's smile...
And the other bond part collection
Hotdog in a hallway.
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yep. takes around 20m xp per level above 100, which comes out to about 250 same-class SSR XP cards per level, or 5000 total, minus super successes.
Its a shame you didn't grail her sooner to realize that you needed to be farming xp on half ap dailies and triple super success chance from last week.
3 more days until Ati passes away from his cancer tumor and Skadi is killed off from FGO and deleted off everyones accounts to pay respects.
will us latelets ever get the mystic codes from previous events?
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>The two generals get merged
>We now need to figure out a tier on THE list bellow serf for the /fgog/ shitters
Sasuga onii-chan?
Untouchables. Done.
Theres no same-class embers for Moon Cancers only for Sabers,Lancers etc. iirc
How many embers does it take of other classes embers.
I like collecting bonds.
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She’s so cute
The green one isnt
I’m gonna do it
I’m gonna arts looooooooooop!
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Its all about moderation, even before flames were introduced, if you got bond 10 that is it. For example I stopped using Gilgamesh and Rider after bond 10. They carried me so much but it is also fun to use other servants.

Nowadays it is easier to get bond 10, but using other servants is also cool. I learned to love Tesla over my Gilgamesh, and nowadays I prefer him over Gil to play, even when he wasn't buffed as hell.
They're all identical twins.
If the green one is ugly this one is too.
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We WILL protect it
>There's no same-class embers for Moon Cancers
In the context that I said you should be farming half ap dailies, you're technically correct, but ALL-class embers exist and you can stockpile them over the course of the year in your mailbox and 2nd archive.

Off-class gives 1000 x 3^stars xp, IE, 1star is 1k, 2star is 3k, 3star is 9k, 4star is 27k, and 5star is 81k.
matching-class gives 20% more.

Generally, the burden of xp is so high that it isn't worth it to minmax class matching beyond farming the daily that gives a partial match. IE, if grailing a saber, do the Saber/Rider daily, but still use saber and rider and berserker XP to grail your servant because autisming about class matching will leave you with no inventory space left before you get even 1/3 of the way there. Similarly for Extra classes, save as many All-class embers as you can over the year, but when it comes time to actually grail, just dump everything you have into them regardless of class.
quick is equivalent to human excrement
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My king and my queen
hair color and style accounts for a lot.
twintails are super high tier, but green hair is super low tier, so on the whole she's left wanting.
Thrud or Hildr?
Mathman is gonna be the first male Mooncancer
At last i will have a reason to roll this shitty class
I see...
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We can breed servants currently!?

As a senpai, quick is one of the greatest joys of a man.

Arts is completely soulless. There isn't no luck,it is all about spam np and no glory into a low crit chance hitting saving your ass.

To this day, they never made a more fun servant than bazett to play.
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let it rip
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Skadi runs out of magical energy too QUICKly. Non stop breeding sessions required.
I’m prepared for this role so go on without me bros.
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>but green hair is super low tier,
Karen mogs every single FGO girl and she has green hair so i disagree.
Why Valkyrie is named (g)Rindr?
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>honkai star is getting fate UBW collab
WTF bros...
BB you're like 2 days behind.
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Is this a green hair appreciation thread now?
Even moon AI was damaged by recent Microsoft outage…
I was too busy doing a week long orgy to check the news.
WINDOWS fucking broke.
It's not my fault.
>everyone taking pink
We really have been invaded by hoyosloppers with their 500 characters with pink hair all named yae something.
Pink gives green and green is best.
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she's obsessed with dog dick and mine
so glad I got her np5 and her coins. Definitely my next 120 project
>ai that can destroy humanity
>run on windows
Yae yae da ze...
it had nothing to do with microsoft.
It was an industry scale software updater called Crowdstrike that deployed a bad patch that caused BSODs.
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We have always liked pink women (and boys)
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Ati is based?
What's wild to me is that they usually don't announce shit until two months ahead at best but we got this announced a solid year ahead. Posts before it was revealed leaked it and implied it would be a substantial collab with unique locations and full characters.
You were warned for YEARS that you should not redeem.
Pink Love!
Sisters, he's so handsome...
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I'm pleasantly surprised. Back when LB2 was released, she's the least popular valk in /alter/. Her popularity boost this summer makes me happy, though part of it might've been because of Run.
>Ibuki just shows up randomly and does nothing of importance
>gets a busted 5* servant release
???? What is with Ibuki being treated as a big deal? She literally does nothing in most of her appearances in events or story parts.
Caconically as powerful as Lostbelt King Zeus.
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Sex with a tanned ass and thighs…
Tell me about the coffee man, why does he love tanned girls so much?
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Well, nearly 4am. I had way too much caffeine too late in the day today, but I'm finally feeling my collapse. GN eurobros. Catch ya in 6. Please post a jet image with a harsh criticism post in the next thread for me.
>trying to make pink hair a Hoyo thing
Hildr was always my favourite out of the 3 and the ascension I used for my Lancer Valkyrie. I want to play video games together with her.

Ackshully our version of the game was called FGO (US) until recently. In fact the official branding on twitter and the official website is still FGO US, see: https://fate-go.us/
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Purin bros... do the needful
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Do you think she fucks dogs?
Shes the younger sister of the Alien God.
>frilly dress
Uhh, no.
The game is made for Americans only, it is Fate Grand/Order USA. Don't believe me? Go check twitter.
I don't think Asclepius would approve of your decision making...
I personally think he'd love it.
Nurse would DEFINIETLY not approve.
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I agree, bro. Death is sad even if I'm not afraid of it.
I went to sleep i woke up and it was 1 hour earlier than i went to sleep and i thought the clock was buggin but i checked my phone and it was actually right it was the next day i slept for 23 hour straight lol.
And i STILL feel tired.
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Jalter Alter...
Go directly to the doctor. Do not pass go. Do not collect 100$
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Skadi will be on every support again.
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He will be caster.
Our Quickfriends will have lots more supports to pick from soon!
which Valk do I pick if I'd like to get Irs?
>have to get through several days of work before I can roll
Cut my life into pieces
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This has to be done on fucking purpose.
Thrud I think.
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The point of life is to die.
Life is a journey towards death without death life loses its meaning.
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End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.
nobody with a brain is rolling for a Skadi sidegrade, quick will never be relevant
I agree. I just don't want it to end prematurely. Memento mori, but I'll remember it tomorrow.
Skadi is /alter/core and will always be beloved here.
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that's bullshit
What? Lip? See what?
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Finally I can use this incredibly specific and situational image again.
You know what? I'm fucking done with all of you pretentious shitters. I've decided that I'm just never gonna die to spite you.
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White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.
The lipper is quoting JRR Tolkien.
Stop avataring
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Oberon, more like Pooberon
good shit sis
So was he.
Asclepius is really fun and underrated.
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>Theatrical performance
Literally me when I invade 1000th host named Guts in Elden Ring
What % of them even remember the crossbow and not just the big sword?
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>Reddit ring
Go back www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/
Most of them use rivers of blood anyway
Lay down... Your sweet and weary heaaaaad!
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>1 SQ rolls for Avalon
>oh shit
>my first hime
I'll take it, I like her
Fate Grand Order NA?
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well, we already had Asvatthaman play the super sentai
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>the game was called FGO (US) until recently

No, that's bullshit. The app has always been FGO (EN) on app stores.
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Love Melusine.
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Still based.
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>He will be caster
The rules are there only to be broken
That's bullshit. The entire "immortality and absence of suffering is bad!" thing is just a way for humans to cope with the fact that they can never have either one. If you can gaslight yourself into thinking that suffering and dying is a good thing, then you won't feel so bad about it. The entire thing is just sour grapes.
What is this expression supposed to convey?
Merlin gave her a FUTA cock and she enhanced it to make it bigger and then raped me
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>ati pretended to be sick just so he can larp like skadi in the event getting chased by nurse
I prefer getting vored and absorbed.
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Just as based as previously declared.
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That's why Narita's Baccano is great.
>main gang gets immortal juice from a demon
>proceed to have a bunch of adventures through the ages and become bros
>none of that aiiiie the monkey paw curls we got tricked by a demon immortality sucks
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I hecking LOVE when they re-explain the obvious
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the desire to breed shotas
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Stop noticing things!
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Literally every story chapter. Sometimes I just wish we dived straight into it, like it was done on the Con event.
Nah he will be some random extra class like moon cancer or something.
How old is Merlina supposed to be anyway? She looks loli adjacent.
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he will be archer and have a np related to burning glass
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I guess this is the night niggers die...
...Not really.
Out of 10!
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>She looks loli adjacent.
At most you can say she's shota adjacent.
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How would Melusine footjobs feel like?
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I just finished reading Mahoyo. Sono-G is now my favorite TM protag and I will definitely grail him.
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love her
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Like getting your dick grated with 2 cheese graters.
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>Rapid Chanting (Monster)
Bros, I’m suddenly scared of her
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As long as you have semen to give her there's nothing to be afraid of.
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Built for dog dick
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We are so close Skadi and Ibukibros.
hmm fate
>Granny glasses
>No granny skirt
My pain is constant and sharp...
hmmm yes quite
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master-sama lady avalon is dangerous hehehehe stay away from her
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Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......... faaaaate.
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Ok bros I noticed something
The only story support servants to have been level 100 were always Grand servants, King Hassan in Babylonia was level 100, Orion in Atlantis was level 100, etc. So why does story support Sigurd get to be level 100 here?
stop noticing things
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>Have 3 sq saved up for Summer Skadi
Yes, all is going well.
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it's the power of LOVE
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i have 2
im goghing insane
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Please tell me that we'll get to listen to the map voicelines later in the servant's profile. I NEED to hear Skadi running away from Nurse again.
Grand Lover
Should be in her voice lines. Otherwise they should be up on atlas.
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Mama Mode Melt is so cute...
Who is the father?
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that's Romeo or Orpheus
For me, it's Castoria
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Lmao that Skadi's scream at the end.
Sakurai doesn't care.
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They wouldn't put another saberface as Grand Saber right? It would be prime lazy shit
I still don't get why Tezca is grand assassin and not someone like Cain
Does anyone here besides those who like him even like Sigurd?
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Grand Saber will be Musashi.
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Hola Amigos
How does it feel to be whitelisted?
whoever's making skadoodle suffer is in for a spanking
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>be Hoyofag
>interested in Fate cuz of the crossover
>come across this
will it be enough to stop them?
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oh shit is JP summer live now?
is Vritra in?
Seems Nasu really understands the state of the World
The Mages Worship Descending Serpent Fire.
The Elite Worship Descending Serpent Fire.
When Lucifer says you will open you eyes and be as Gods,is 6D DNA Activation,Caduceus DNA Activation.
But in the Original Language,says that Lucifer is Downward Serpent.
The Bible is Trash,because the Bible was Made to Make People Sheep Cattle.The Bible is Draconian Agenda,to make Humans Soulless People.
Ancient Civilizations,were Activating 6D Luciferian DNA,Caduceus Ascension.
That the Reason why The Christian Cult,cutted the Nose of Greek Statues,because Draconians Created Christianity.The Real Jesus was a 9D Niburian Luciferian.
Christianity was made to make People Soulless People.
Khechari Mudra is 7D DNA Activation.That the Reason why The Christian Cult cutted Noses of Greek Statues,because they wanted to Make Humans Soulless People.We are Trapped in the Atoms.When one Dies,by resonance ones Reincarnate.Khechari Mudra,makes one a Soul,Christianity makes one dust,like they do in their Ashes Rituals,Curses the Heart,when the Heart conected to Brain,makes one a God.
How many dragons is too many?
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I want to bend her over something and stick it in
>Skadi dying due to running out of mana
>no one suggests mana transfer
Type-Moon has fallen...
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Come on, bros. We all know it will be Lip this summer.
Uh, isnt there supposed to be an Ibuki banner on right now?
When did Kiichi ever say that?
...of course bro.
>What the fuck why aren't you collecting old baseball cards like your grandpa did, grandpa, why not do something mature like the childish thing your grandpa kept up until the grave because it brought him joy instead of the immature childish thing you're keeping up until the grave
Seek an official autism diagnosis kiddo, they might be able to bring some perspective and space for joy in your life.
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top kek
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How would it be to have a Koynskaya wife?
Think your bot had a stroke bro
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One of her voice lines.
the amount of mana needed would probably turn (you) into a husk before much time passed
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1, if you get 2, they'll start kissing each other
Are they actually scared of lolicon though? That' more of a reddit thing. Didn't they all want to fuck the sheep horns toddler?
Mors King: Oberon as (another Card) Oberon.
I need to speak to the HLIC (Head Lipper In Charge)
Even reddit is into cunny, they just don't show it openly
even reddit only cowers because their admins can nuke the whole place
she has a Dialogue line about Merlin :
>"The Mage of Flowers...it's been quite a while. The last time we met was when we―mgrhmrhgjgm...! What's the big idea? Why are you trying to shut me...(muffle, muffle). "
It was then theorycrafted that the way they met is that Merlin is Seimei
Does Morgan represent Israel in this case???
Enjoying Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
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Hibiki's true form is a "white haired boy."
The 60 year old loser is having a melty uh-oh.
Hes going to shit his adult diaper from arguing with teens online somebody call for the retirement home caretaker.
The fairies represent Israel
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I hope you like being treated like this...
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only reason i support Palestine is because i hate the jews, if it was up to me that entire area would be getting nuked right now
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Don’t let Chrissy see this…
Also because when Seimei is talking in 5.5 it is using the exact inflection and style, complete with flowery illusion, as Merlin. AND he likes to fuck around dressing up in Japanese dress.
What compels two 35 year old men to pretend they are a 15 and a 60 year old having an argument?
>tortures your prostate
If you are into that, a lovely wife
>Making fun of someone for being retired and getting to sit all day in the house they own pissing away their pension on whatever they want and never having to work again
Yeah you tell em chief! Imagine being retired at 60 what a loser lmao!
You will never retire. You will never own property. Your wife will not gladly cook and clean for you. Please tell me more about how much better you have it.
I'm actually a bit optimistic about her chances this year, considering Nasu was pointing to Takeuchi being the guy kinda blocking her as a Summer servant on a recent interview. For him to extern that it probably means they managed to finally get through him, otherwise they wouldn't mention that.
My assumption is that Douman has never seen Seimei in person but loathe his existence.
I feel like they dropped that considering he doesn't say anything about merlina. probably nasu saying "no" similiar to urobuchi implying vitch is daji in lb3.
But Douman doesn’t have a voice line for or any interaction with Merlin?
>xaxaxaxa stupid americans care about palestine
>oh niet not the heccin civilians in dobass nieeet
I love latinas sluts
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I too take the Oberon position.
stop giving me flashbacks of Heian-kyo
Bros, what about your bro, Romani? King Solomon?
That doesn't suggest he's Seimei.
The way they talk (seimei and Merlin) is very different. I mean the japanese pronouns and all.

That suggests Merlin's going to get a subplot that has yet still to happen and doesn't want her to spoil it. It happens. Shit like that let it sit for years.

Tamamo knows Seimei and never gave any indication he's Merlin.
Bro? They literally have a conversation face to face in the end of the chapter.
"historically" they met tho, Douman challenged him and attempted to sabotage him more than once
Yeah, but what if his hat is VERY silly?
Fate is founded on collaborative foundations with distinct writers writing different installments
This carried over with the art, where artists are chosen for their specific style (see the Danganronpa artist on Cleopatra) over homogeneity
Also this is an eroge franchise
Seimei is an immortal mage with extremely powerful clairvoyance, illusion magic, who is of mixed blood between human and demon. Oh, and he dicks around repeatedly being a massive troll while simultaneously using a group of warriors (led by a woman LARPing as a man) to slay monsters and establish a society.

Does that or does that not sound like it's literally Merlin in a kimono?
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based Toledo's door openers hater
That's, uh... he was hallucinating. Yeah.
He would support Palestine too. God only gave HIM the land, not to the usurpers who fucked his family up because they wanted power.
And anyway, his descendants are the mage families.
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>Tamamo knows Seimei and never gave any indication he's Merlin.
Probably because she doesn't want Merlin to give away her identity. And it's mostly a theory he is abe no seimei, since he has been to Japan if you take Kiichi into account and some stuff he did during heian kyo resembles Merlin's style.
Merlin is a person who can be anywhere and everywhere due to his current situation of being immortal. He seems to send out shadow versions of himself from time to time.
That sounds very problematic...
I thought that was him communicating with telepathy, but I might be misremembering.
Historically Phantom of the Opera didn't exist, but he did in fate.
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Is the Oberon position the one where we nuke everything?
Solomon was king of Israel, but that kingdom collapsed and was conquered in like 600-700 BC, it isn't the Judaea that existed during Jesus' time.
The entire epilogue is from Seimei's POV.
I said "historically" as a way of saying "according to the lore"
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Could have been that Abe sat on the other side of a wall while Douman was sitting on the other side talking. Stuff like that happens historically in Japan.
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That's my position!
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Everyone knows about her identity though.
I think whatever Kiichi is referencing is going to be the Beast accident Merlin will suffer because Nasu's been foreshadowing it since his Valentines.
You are misremembering. He was hiding because he didn't want to deal with Limbo, and Douman called him out. He can't do that, remember he relied on Murasaki to transmit his message.
He went out his hideout because his boo was feeling suicidal.
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Solomon wasn't jewish, he was one of God's chosen people, inheritors of Israel, the jews that translated the bible into Latin changed it so the jews are God's chosen people
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I assume this is bait and I know you've just taken a talking point from Twitter that is like two days old, but I want to praise the game for this so I'll take you at face value and answer you.

Type Moon started as a small amateur company out to make their own vision and retains that spirit of putting the artists vision first and FGO heavily retains that. Their original games were eroge (erotic games), including Fate's original first iteration and as such they have ties to people and companies who are related to that, which also means ties to the self-authoring, amatuer zeitgeist of the 1990s and 2000s.

FGOs retention of this in how its artists have complete creative freedom with their character designs, something that Nasu and co. have made clear in interviews, and that massively colours the personality of these characters. To me it's one of the things that makes FGO truly special, especially when the high budget competitiors in the same market are all so visually homogenous. This is also why I appreciate FGO Arcade, which attempted to bring those designs to 3D with no cut backs or homogenization, and it looked jank as fuck because of it, but it dripped with soul.

FGO has a ton of artists of all different kinds, many who are former or even current porn artists, and that's awesome because every single one of them got to design cool ass characters with no creative control wrested from them and it makes for a wonderfully colourful cast.

Also just in case you aren't baiting and actually are as much of a twat as you sound, I want you to know this game has a 12 year old girl in a revealing bikini tell you she wants to be your "young lover", you should probably leave and not play this game if you have issues with lewd and porn.
Hitler's retarded "lore" researchers trying to make David, Solomon, and the entire family tree as Aryan was fucking stupid.
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My knees hurt
Just realised that each summer Valkyrie also has a different valentine scene and valentine CE as well as having different bond CEs, ouch
>I think whatever Kiichi is referencing is going to be the Beast accident Merlin will suffer because Nasu's been foreshadowing it since his Valentines.
Could be. Or he has been to Japan on a visit since we know he can communicate with the outside world freely.
>You are misremembering. He was hiding because he didn't want to deal with Limbo, and Douman called him out. He can't do that, remember he relied on Murasaki to transmit his message.
>He went out his hideout because his boo was feeling suicidal.
I guess you are right. I should reread it just in case.
tl,dr + redditspace
He was Jewish, what are you talking about?
Yeah, I'm not reading all that. Can you summarize it for me?
Anybody know what the Valentine scenes for each are?
>You will never own property.
I already own 2.
>Your wife will not gladly cook and clean for you.
Neither will you since you're still a virgin at 60.
No the nurse in the retirement home is not in love with you and basically your wife because she says hello to you when she comes to do the daily diaper change.
Medea was a Georgian
I'm reading it, thanks for elaborating more than I cared to, it's well written
You literally have the footsteps effect approaching Douman. And Douman said "Oh so you returned " so no, he was present.
>But muh Hitler
>But muh Hall of Cost
Don't care. Didn't ask. Synagogue of Satan.
In that case it is weird he doesn't comment on Merlin.
also HOLY BASED with that last paragraph kek
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Taibou also knows Abe no Seimei and interacts with Merlin once or twice. It's not him. Also Seimei's magecraft is the eastern school one. It had nothing to do with Merlin's. Merlin's great mage but lazy while Seimei's actually mastering his magecraft.
>I already own 2
Your Roblox houses don't count. You must be 18 or older to post here+ratio+didn't ask+your hair looks like a mushroom+you didn't wait for marriage before you had sex so you're going to hell
Why would he comment on Merlin? Merlin isn't Seimei.
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expectations for anni?
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I want to read it but I have a feeling it was made by 120let Jordana.
We don't know that. Could be that Abe is just an equivalent to Merlin in western mythology in the end.
Would be funny if he actually larped as Abe though and I will remind every single person in this thread if that happens that the signs were there.
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M-my knees...they are bending on their own...
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שום דבר לא חינם, פלסטינים מסריחים
עזה תישאר מכתש בעזרת השם
בקרוב גם יהודה שומרון
How many larp servants do we now have outside the authority of the summoning system?
>Void (larping as servant, completely bypasses summoning system)
>Merlin (larping as servant, completely bypasses summoning system)
>Proto Merlin (larping as servant, completely bypasses summoning system)
>BB (hacked system)
>Kiara (hacked system)
>Dantes (rent free)
>Oberon (rent free)
Sure I'm missing at least one more living rent free in (You)r head.
honestly I'm surprised he changed his outfit
you'll get Aria in 1.5 years with the F/SR re-run that will be extended just like it happened with the El-Melloi Case files and Faker
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Also it gets further cemented with Douman’s new line he gets in Chaldea boys a year from now.
Melu is "technically" summoned. However she actually bullies Allaya into giving her whatever spriit origin she wants, that's why she can be a Ruler next summer.

Abby hops into your head too, and so the Space Ishtar we summon is her sending a bit of herself over. And MHXX is just a space cop from Servantverse vacationing in Chaldea.
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Ibaraki Summer is actually kind of fun since the mighty chains with all her buster hits and gain bwos
>Your Roblox houses don't count.
My grandpa kicked the bucket during covid and left me both of his houses in the will and im renting both of them out and they're paying for themselves and then some its basically a free money glitch.
>you didn't wait for marriage before you had sex so you're going to hell
You never had marrige or sex so you're going to be the end of your bloodline.
Also hell isnt real religion is just a psyop by rich pedophiles to extract money and sexual favors with kids from people using peoples fear of death.
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bond 20/30
blank coins+grail to 150
Kazuradrop anniversary moon cancer (quick support/AoE that saves quick better than skadi)
saint quartz for every OC 90++ free quest, 10 for each challenge completed
LB6 anime reveal
summer 9 preview
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Nuh-uh. Quick Saviour coming through!
She's an idiot.
All the Independent Manifestation servants:
Proto Merlin

Koyan Light
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Yes she is!
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>Got my Merlin
>Forcing her to support Arthur while doing these shitty timelock nodes
I hope you didn't think Chaldea was going to be a vacation, sis. You're here so I can order you around and stop you ordering my King around.
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Did Morgan teach Bob the cloning technique?
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My game keeps crashing when I get to wave 2 of skadis fight, what do I dooooooo???
My little sister!
Why are you trying to hurt Skadoo? You should give her ice cream offerings instead.
How would it be to have Merlina as a servant in grail war?
She is lazy as fuck but seems to be quite powerful mage.
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>blank coins
You niggas say this and 'passive bond CE' every year
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Can't summon.
>But if you could?
Instant win.
unholy sex
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>Passive Bond CE
Will people still bitch about "muh Hercules" as if the game hasn't gotten powercrept to hell already? We should have gotten that years ago.
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Mornin' y'all. It's Suzuka Sunday!
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>bond 20/30
Stop expecting thing they already confirmed are never happening.
Well, it helps that the game started experimenting with bond CEs more instead of yet another 'give 15% buff to allies while on the field'
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Let's do it, at least a 5k today
You get to make a bond CE passive if and only if you are 120, NP5, max append fous and paws. Will you still clap?
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More free quartz
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Anon, a long time ago they promised 'Merlin prototype is arcade exclusive' which is why she's called Lady Avalon in the mobile version, so it's proto Merlin but at the same time not technically proto Merlin.
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But Hercules...
Master... we need to rebuild humanity... I'll be harvesting your seed five times a day from now on so we can repopulate!
Is mighty chain stronger than buster chain for dmg?
Time to save.
>This is also why I appreciate FGO Arcade, which attempted to bring those designs to 3D with no cut backs or homogenization, and it looked jank as fuck because of it, but it dripped with soul.
I disagree on this point, I think TM has distinct simple enough designs that it can get away with homogenous 3d models and still have enough flavor, just like how all sprites in FGO are homogenous.
Go get Edison to help you, he's actually your type after all.
not directly, but indirectly you may end up with more stars/np the following turn
if you NEED max damage that turn, do the buster chain
Unless bond 20 costs either a subscription fee or something they won't make it. Or maybe they will. They have been getting stingy with bond grails and rare prisms.
>Zenobia got a new np line
when did that happen?
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Trace... on...
Trigger... off!
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>pre work week 5+ k
>it took Douman most of a year sitting on a grail to decide Skadi would be a good pick for it
Based retard
I wish there were more meta jokes. Would have been funny to see Dantes comment on it being a problem for his battle capabilities if Skadi was too tired to support him or something.
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deep Aesc lore
Where did he hide it for all this time?
Under his pillow.
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Mods, this is not Fate/Grand Order, kindly remove this post from the thread and maybe permaban Holmes too while you're at it.
thank you it was mostly for damage yes
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Fuck yeah
does koyanskaya's s3 affect NPs or does it only buff buster attack card damage?
You can hide a holy grail inside your body.
Any Buster attacks, including Noble Phantasms.
The one exception might be if you don't have enough stars that turn, and QAB would add 20% to all cards, but that's a very specific scenario
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It really depends on what you're talking about. Something like Samurai Remnant or Melty Blood, sure, you can go with a single homogenous artstyle because it's designed around a relatively homogenous style in the first place, but if you're adapting FGO specifically to 3D I really think you lose a LOT of what makes it so visually charming. Servants like Edmond Dantes and Colombus stand out as much with their flashy artstyles as they do with their big personalities.

Hell, look at Dantes in Melty Blood, what his design looks like adapted into Takeuchis style and how it's way less impactful because of it. I love Takeuchi, don't get me wrong, but this just doesn't have the same aura as his FGO art (which is fine for the designs usecase in Melty but I'm glad FGO doesn't rework artists designs like many other gachas do to unionize them into one style).
Nobody likes a snitch
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I will try Next year, don't have money
I think it's possible to both maintain the unique style and avoid jank, it's a resource allocation issue, which TM seems to be allergic to.
I like Arcade spirit but not the execution.
I pulled Lady Avalon today, can I finally bench my bond 14 Castoria
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t. mossad agent
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How will she answer for her crimes?
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My wife Morgan
14 hours 42 minutes until oni sexo
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Do you like the Voyager/Abby ship?
You can keep the card art, which was a thing in arcade. And in fgo you have sprites, which are homogenous.
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What's with her wanting to be a little sister.She doesn't give off "little sister vibes", she's more like an older sister. Also, little sister characters suck.
many intimate activities under a thick blanket in a warm room
Yeah, they suck my cock
She will go scot free again.
it's actually kinda endearing but that's it
yeah it's interesting
>She doesn't give off "little sister vibes", she's more like an older sister.
That's the joke idiot.
no, I'm fine with Voyager x Erice
I do
both are shit characters from the same class
they are perfect for each other
No ice cream till pregnant
I see why it's a thing thematically but I don't really see them that way. I don't think they've interacted much and Abby's writing is very "for (you)" so to speak.

Funny image though.
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Oli blood
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Where the FUCK is Wu Zetian?!?! I only bought this game because of Wu Zetian!
Anyone have the quote from the ghost from the Xu Fu summer where the ghost wanted the characters read a book about some older office lady teasing her high school age neighbor?
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I fucking love that guy
It's cute but kinda of crackship so I don't care.
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yes and i also like that meme format
harmless cute au ship
doesn't change the fact I still wanna fuck Abby
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You bought the game?
Holy fucking BASED
it's implied that taigong wang is similiar. in his story he came down from the kunlun mountains aswell.
lmao I love mr thought keys
You didn't?
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>he bought?
>delete wu zeitan and replace her with cursed arm
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Only as a crackship.
he was great despite how bad tunguska was
Is there a reason why (You) just don't mana transfer with her to provide a reprieve while solving the singularity?
Who was this.
Comfy mom

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