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>Watch EVO 2024

>M. Bison Release, Gameplay Trailer, and Guide

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Footsies Handbook

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

Last round: >>486973905
You niggers are mentally ill.
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I keep seeing this shit on twitter but I don't get the hype

They wanna make a new Daigo so bad, but is not as iconic as Daigo's parry, this just looks corny
Yeah i’ve done shit like that in fightcade games
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gotta say this is exactly how i'd expect people who are still playing jive in current year to look like
jive won
remember when people in /sfg/ were genuinely dooming that gbvsr would kill dix
its just amazing that dixies try to pretend sf6 is anti-tranny when they literally hired trannies to be in the game and promote it. what the fuck are they even doing with this shilling approach?
the loser contest
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>gotta say this is exactly how i'd expect people who are still playing jive in current year to look like
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you just hate him because he's gay
Turd strike in general is a psyop. Even Daigo's moment is mad overrated.
idk if he's gay but beyond any doubt that nigga is sweet as a sugar plumb
Jive is woke shit, give me based Kami6 anyway
>supposedly everyone hates dix and wants jive back
>the jive stream has 600 viewers, which is 25% more than the ........................................................ skullgirls stream

Yeah I am sick of seeing this fruity ass nigga in the thread.
Not enough black trannies on the screen for you?
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/sfg/'s official wishlist for season 3
bit insecure m8
>most popular street fighter since 2
yeah what the FUCK are they doing?
The new one is COTW
Man watching this shit makes me really want Urien back
Reminder Cammy is quite literally upper mid-tier in season 2 after being mid tier season 1
I'm enjoying the Granpoo stream more than the Jive one
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jiveGODS run this shit
Nigga looks like he is trying to do a Jojo pose.
>crMP crMP
>crMP drive rush
How many people were watching jive again?
706 real niggas
Maybe 200 or something.
I think even smelee locals had a wider audience.
cr.lp, cr.lp, cr.mp xx M spin scythe
Urien is such a sick ass character man. He was my favorite top tier to play against in SFV
Imagine browsing SF thread if you didn't play at least the three previous games
You already have Marisa, you're never getting Urien back.
how many people would be playing sf6 if it had no million dollar prize pool?
lmao look at this delusional capcuck thinking
mk one
tekken 8

isn't going to kill sf6
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My wife and her bubble butt.
oscar is just a worse sakura
heihachi is the only scrimblo i want from tekken
We had to get... E. Honda in SF6 instead
la di da di da
Marisa has shitty pokes and is fucking DUMB
I want mirror and a narcissist with sick as fuck buttons like that CHOP
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cope lil crabba
the chun frog at least, he hates it when sf6 is mocked
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More like:
>jiveGODS spam this shit
This tournament is proof everyone with a healthy bmi has moved on
brian_f is one weirdly built motherfucker I cannot lie
>rashid wins immediately when he gets tornado
>urien immediatley wins when he gets reflector
fucking based nooch based gameplay
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Damn right, lil Timmy.
Best Mexican player
is that your boyfriend in the pic lil timmy?
look at how angry the dixies get whenever jive is on the screen. They are legit seething and running to stream numbers lol
>His leg hair doesn't go all the way to his foot
Weird ass low t. nigga
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i played chun for the first 3 or 4 months of sf6 but i didn't want to be lumped in with the sfg chun mains who talk like she's the hardest fighting game character ever
these chunfags would have a stroke if they played any older kusoge like mvc2 or jojo hftf, hell even playing sf4 would break their fingers off
Sixsters why do the jive numbers keep rising? Someone get Matsumoto on the line! Tell him to pay a streamer right this instant!
That combo looks actually fun.
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>Mai voiced by Suzi

How would you react?
>mk one
I don’t think he’s the delusional one.
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>Daughterwife in the back
Best game
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I’d laugh like a hyena for a few days then not care since she’s going to JP voice
if you think dix is going to survive cotw coming out you really need to ask daddy cuckcom for another load of copium you capcum gorgers
she was supposed to voice poison or roxy but i'm happy for any role she gets
Suzi already secured a role as poison's VA after befriending Aleks Le
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the state of street fighter in 2024
alright see you guys in 8 hours
Granblue looks boring, is it boring?
The only thing MK One killed was itself
What was the point of putting such sexy child in the back?
arcsys really said "we won't let SF6 have the worst season pass ever"
bros what do I do until dix
immediate switch to JP voice even if it wasn't Suzi. 20 years of "YO! NIPPON ICHI!" is too ingrained to take out now.
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Meanwhile Jive gets 700
Fuckin LmAO
is that OUR yams?
chun x cammy goon
he only has one testicle anon give him a break
did you forget
Just watch Jive if you're craving SF
The game isn't perfect but it's still fun to watch
It is SF5 Zangief, how far could he possibly go?
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you gotta admit japan was cooking when they created serafuku
I can’t find the information for who made it into sf6 top 6 anywhere.
it is 66L: the videogame
ST has more viewers than jive kek
Don't care, only play in JP.
it's all on start.gg
jp voice
MEXICO runs SFV now
I just got fucked by Zangief a lot in Jive and want justice for my pain.
Mika and Zangief put a bottomless hole in my heart for my hate of grapplers
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Ah, fair enough. I get how you feel.
>top 6
Granblue and Guilty Gear Strive are better than SF6
is there anything else on besides this trash ass anime game
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>16ers hating on hayao
crabbas hate good ass grappa gameplay
Thanks, can’t wait
>Guilty Gear Strive
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I dunno anon
We have Lucy now.
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Makes sense that 3S attracts zesty gooks.
Commentators talking about playing fighting games to make friends hit me hard ngl, I will forever hate covid for planting a stake in locals
Saltmine is just Broski and the fag playing together.
is the competition more fierce than the abang bald cup?
the word you're looking for is SOVLFVL
Jive is so fucking woke how can anyone stand it
Which character in SF6 allows for the most player expression?
Shut the fuck up already loser no one gives a shit about your fabricated drama
Member when ski lost to Bonchans Nash at brussels after saying he would never lose to a Nash and it wasnt even close?
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DA ALFA is who a silver 1 modern ryu such as myself will be rooting for.
Bonchan's Nash was inspirational
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cammy x chun
aint no way 55k are watching gbvsr
unironic Tekken waiting room
the only game that has been proven with video evidence to be botted is sfv/sf6
Dragunov mirrors till the end of time
Buttmad woke Jivers will never not be funny
mathematically the frame data says it is a one frame link in sf6 but the players say it isnt. why?
Modern gaming/streaming is full of botting like other industries but basement-dwellers don't know that because they still live in the early 2000's. Last time they went outside.

The same applies to SF6 and it was present in SF5 too.
because this game has a 5f input buffer. any "1 frame link" is actually a 5f one
input buffer makes it easier
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watch kino not turd 5
is evo featured in the front page of twitch?
because the players who say that are obsessed with SF4's awful input system and feel that anything that makes things saner is haram
That isn't MB AACC
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What's funny is that there's literal evidence of this and people still deny it
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Again, not me schizo-kun.
not gonna hit 1900mr before the reset bros
sorry i let you down
I hate this I have a penis pimple so i cant jerk off
4 frame boofer
Thanks for sharing with the class
share your sf6 season 3 characters that you think are guranteed. for me it is sakura.
jivebros wtf?!?!?!?!?!? i thought people loved sfv......
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I can't do Juri's jab jab short
it's on my other monitor while I wait for the good stuff
towards forward
that's not even how the counter updates
rog, and hopefully alex for me
Yes, although it's not even about having evidence or not, it is common knowledge nowadays outside of gamers who are the most gullible of citizens. Companies will use whatever tricks they can to make the thing they are selling seem popular and botting is one of their tools.

SF6 player numbers are complete bogus too.
Ahri is guaranteed to get in. Sub-Zero pretty much too
1. Gen
2. Makoto
3. Shadow the Hedgehog
4. Poison
Roy Bromwell
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yeah sakura's probably a safe bet
i think there's a non-zero chance of one of the heavenly kings getting in, i wanna say vega but that's bias talking
also it'd shock me if there wasn't another third strike pick if only because of people constantly talking about them and the generally decent reception to elena. if that's the case i'd argue probably dudley or makoto but i think there's a decent possibility of alex (even if only to play off luke as the face of the new gen)
Vega, Balrog, Sakura
Laura or Menat is coming in season 3 and the other in season 4
i unironically think next season will be some variation of sakura, balrog/vega, cody, and seth
>bronze sfv gameplay

i'll pass
kek what a retard bitch
nobody wants hag sakura with the same tired sexperate schoolgirl dlc costume. We want new characters that are YOUNG and don't have crow's feet on their face.
exactly we need li fen but with her shorts replaced by cute little panties
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We want hag sakura with the same tired sexperate schoolgirl dlc costume. We want old characters that are MATURE and have crow's feet on their face.
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There exists a Elena and mai only version of the fighter pass art. I must find it soon
li fen will probably get the ed treatment and they'll roid her up when she becomes playable
So what could possibly present Capcom for SF6? A new character trailer seems like it would be too soon.
cant wait to see elena in her og costume gonna goon so hard
you'll get a world tour trailer without gameplay and you'll be happy
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this outfit shouldn't be allowed on stream
wtf grandblue carries the fgc
Season 3 characters leaked
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Probably right. Aki had an Evo comic, a WT teaser at top6 and a udon artist + Evo comic spoiling her stance, all to shill her for the obvious trailer that did get played. And said trailer was ONLY a World tour cutscene. Andy has no build up so I’ll take the assumption we aren’t getting anything for him this top6
It is Terry so i could see a trailer happening. Saudi money, after all.
not necessarily terry could be released as soon as september
Costume 4's
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i'm sick that they added 2 women to this pass.
terry teaser and nothing else
if theres trans or black in the top 6 the game cannot be good
female characters are the only thing saving this game, teme
>if theres trans or black in the top 6 the game cannot be good
That's like 70% of the fgc anon
Capcom just puts in who they want and not who the people want. People have been asking for Makoto for like 8 years and they put in shit like Rashid.
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>female characters are the only thing saving this game, teme
a huge chipotle collaboration
Only people who watch streams want her, not us players.
that looks like shit, are they hiring 35 year old cat ladies to draw this?
we need to fight and take back whats ours then
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School girl Chun…
Huffing and puffing right now
God…just imagine being the teacher that finds her
>take back whats ours then
Can't take back what you never had bruv
why was sf5 allowed to have cleavage and feminine women?
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Not playing SF6 is not an option.
imagine a chipotle quest where you can gift chun li bowls but if you give her too many you start a sidequest with her (li-fen gets kidnapped by a company with a name very close to taco bell) but because she just ate so many chipotle bowls she keeps farting and almost shitting herself in every battle
fighting games have always been BLACKED
go play your shooters timmy
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mini robtv
listen do jordan b peterson and stop doing stupid shit like collecting Ls just stop.
if biden can step down at the last second and take back his life from the bullshit of politics, then I can step down from SF6 and take back my life from the bullshit of fighting games.
Can someone tell me why people pretend SF5 was good? There's no blue screen slowdown and barely any cinematics. I literally don't know when I'm supposed to be hype. The matches are over before I can even register what's going on.
people can keep begging for a turd as much as they want but if capcom thinks it would not be a good addition to the game then they won't
because they made that game for sf fans. sf6 was made for twitter and streamers.
because /ourguy/ ono was in charge
imagine the smell
When's top 6
lmao, I'll never forget the 2015 seeth when sf5 characters weren't close to nude. fuck off tourist.
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i hope momochi takes it but he always fumbles bad
momochi descends a lineage of samurai
ninjas, actually
Strive has Lucy. We got ............................... busted Mai
Do we have a evo watching threads?
momochi 09er chad needs to win
Momochi needs Cody to truly reach his peak
How far did he get before choking
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sf6 has elena in pants as their big update

nice fucking character pass capcom fags
season 2 roster is just another capcom L. ngl. Maybe I'll come back for next season. Two Guest Character, basically betraying their fans. If want to play a titcow and a bum I'd play KoF
to be fair elena's sf6 design is better than her original
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SF6 respects women.
There was no such seethe. There was the opposite, people were complaining about Cammy's nipples and wanted R. Mika censored.
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread.
that's a man
owari da....
fuck off and kys
people shit on laura's design because half her hair was braided 23er
only 4 characters in one year is always bad, one guest in a four characters year is worse, but two? complete hype annihilation
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There's 2 eds in winners top 6 at Evo.

I was told by many he was mid tier. He seems to be top tier to me but then again I don't play. Someone enlighten me
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and now we have things like......... this....... >>487024747
it'll take 5 seconds to unlock her nostalgia outfit 2 in world tour
He always felt strong to me. My winrate against him is not that great.
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He's coming back and Dudley fans aren't going to like it but fuck 'em, they're going to have to deal with it.
guys im not feeling very well
Only you purist fags complain about guest characters in fighting games. Normalfags love that shit
m bison announced he wont be running for a second term as head of shadaloo
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gooteckschads, we did it!
bored kid wants to talk about off-topic current events instead of fucking off to the containment board
>bleached by luke face
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fuudo still in?
She's honestly very attractive
oh fuck he just endorsed fang
>tumblr filename
only if its interesting like Lucy, Negan, Warden, etc...

Noone asked for Terry and Mai in their SF game and its the most uninteresting guest picks one could go with just because Capcom got paid big bucks to have them in.
is her ass really so big
She's cute in art, but looks goofy in game
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For the love of God, PLEASE, do not make Mai a charge character, I dont give a shit how hard she is to play, just don't make her charge
only "purist fags" even know who terry and mai are
They nerfed Ken’s throw loops btw
is there a fast way to get kudos for the battlepass? i need to finish it off before tomorrow
SF6 is truly the Tumblr game for true Tumblr audience
we love rawg
normalfags don't know what Terry or Titcow is desu.

Also 4 Characters per year is truly sad.
>capcuck mental illness
>tumblr troon art collector
sf6 everyone
Would you buy an SF title with Sakura, Sean and Li-fen but no Ryu, Ken or Chun-li?
/sfg/ shitters have no idea which characters are good or bad.
yeah >>483142513
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>we must make the game easy to have more evo moment
I hate this timeline so much
SF needs Ryu and Ken. They are Street Fighter
Not a Dudley fan but Balrog is a boring nigger
hayao changed my life
timmy needs to farm their good boy points in dix
hayao made 3s look mickey as hell
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>2-0 vs Ryukichi
>2-0 vs Nephew
>2-0 vs Fuudo
It's coming home.
this is dixie cope
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Bless 6 for giving us hot gay bitches
>lost to noah
/sfg/ only complains about which game looks better nobody plays the games here actually
mashen 8 died
Terry was in Smash and Mai has a shit ton of porn. You guys are salty, but they are more popular picks than characters like Makoto or Sean.
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It is his destiny.
nigga this is two gay men
>have to sit through strive after this
The mods actually strike /pol/ stuff for once. Kinda scare but then again I guess the cia and fbi mandate it now
this seems bannable
>sees hot women
>thinks they're men
you are a special kind of homo anon
I like Marisa for her cute personality
I support Vega and his vice leader Balrog as the next shadaloo leader
she doesn't have one
the option is there if you want to use it at your own risk, i made it and nothing happened, it's not even adding kudos but pretending you're clearing out enemies in world tour
if you want to grind out manually go to the subway and keep clearing out the subway trains of npcs.
This but unironically
yo granblue has rat girls?
It’s ai I think but the patreon is baxmax11
the twelve zodiac animals all have waifu versions in
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>granblue got giant mommy version of bison thats better in every way
>granblue got minnie mouse
>granblue got giant patch and other updates
>we get....terry from smash

capbros, we just cant stop losing
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>momochi wins evo
>matz and fatz hop onstage
>terry trailer
>actually we lied
>surprise reveal of 3 additional characters this season set to release between each of the already scheduled ones
Listen Timmy, Smash is a popular game, but Vappas and Smashers don't mix that well.
capcom really is the laughing stock of the fgc lol. everyone hates this shit.
ayooo dis nigga is wrinkly as fuk
capcom can't keep secrets
why was infiltration banned? his arrest happened a long ass time ago and he was found not guilty
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>now, fight a new rival!
>makoto is announced

frieren would have been more hype than cyberpunk lucy
that looks like a girls show
the reason he was banned was for the rookie bracket rigging thing iirc? he let one of his friends join a gold and under tournament but he was plat or diamond
the hopium is crazy
>30 minute break
>that looks like a girls show
you're too young to be on this website
dis nigga look like my ballsack
soulful events like that are no longer possible. corporations won.
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This would have triggered the Strive playerbase
Jive is... so good.
Why did we ever move on? Look at the SOVL
ngl i don't even know what a frieren is, get your weaboo shit out of my realistic anime game. ggst is not a corny as animeme ip.
Würd als Deutscher sagen das Frieren son typischer Japanischer Versuch westlich zu klingen. Häßliche Schlitzaugen.
finna main sub zero in season 3
Crapcoom needed to sell battle passes and avatars
Clay Trigger V
Capcom asked "why make characters and let people play without P2W walls when we could instead be making stickers and burritons, these retards will buy and worship us anyway"
the perfect street fighter game
alpha 2
lucy fits more in a fighting game because of her monowires
current generation fighting games only get good after 3 Seasons. before that they just suck.
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aww hell naw they got that annoying motherfucker with the gun in strive finals again

I swear every time I'm forced to watch this shit game it's literally just that fucker with the gun shooting someone from fullscreen with the most annoying SFX ever
>Granblue adds a female bigbody that's actually hot
>we're stuck with......................................................................................... Marisa
How would you know that? SF6 is the first retard generation game
he's exactly as retarded as you think. happy chaos gave people superpowers
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You zoomers don't know a good show even if it hit you in the face. Le elf adventure, pussy ass nigga we had CHAIKA KINO you don't even know what that is you just graduated highschool.
b-but all the twitter people say sf6 is epic so its worth it bro
the fuck is this moeshit? watch some dragonball nigga
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Dogura and Yung Zhen just linked up
I'm 34 and the only thing I know about chaika is that she talks in the third person like a retard

also there's that gif where the spider thing stabs that other girl in the head
how does EW keep guessing right?
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>watch some dragonball nigga
I have, but anything past Z is retarded and has dogshit animation
It's more like he makes people guess wrong
His pressure is fucking relentless
Basically he's like a way more refined Noah
frieren is better than chaika, ive seen both and im a 35 year old balding man
that webm is sovlful doe
shocking truth
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biden dropped out of the presidential race lmao
Multiversus got Samurai Jack. We got........................ healing Elena.
First bit of good news for the dems in like 3 months albeit
.......... with pants
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its too late but if they did it 3 months earlier that would have been good news for the democrats
4 years too late
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Calm down /pol/ zoomie
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My wife just announced her campaign.
I like it when Germans say her name
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Alright /sfg/ we know the top 6 now, gut reaction who do you think is taking it?

I'd say Punk but there is always the nerves factor and Bigbird could rob him and Ending
Bad call. No one else in the Dem party is as popular.
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Its Ryu's birthday in japan! what are you giving him?
imagine if you just went and groped her fat ass
with all the money she has she could end you in a thousand ways
I’m rooting for DA ALFA, he’s the first gaming athlete I knew about when starting sf6 this month.
Just some good ass strider
Based silver 1 ryu learner
Punk is the safest choice. I want Nemo to win though.
Poisons is bigger.
I got him a silver trophy, no homo.
3S kinda stole the hype from SF6 ngl

surprised capcom allowed it
because the trannies would get very upset on twitter
Only Hayao was hype, don't try to pretend that anyone else made the 3s top 6 bracket worth it.
Fingers Crossed we'll get our representation back in season 3
his protagonism back, abel was forgettable, rashid and luke are too cringe, only ryu works as the face of the franchise
>Only Hayao was hype
and nothing in dix is hype
The entire top 24 was great desu
Yes, took me 135hrs. Sf6 is my first fighting game, also I’m learning on my own without irl friends to show me the ropes. I’m youtubing and asking questions here, it’s been a journey for sure. I wish you success in your journey.
yeah I liked when the ed player throw looped that guy
for me? it was when that guy playing ken did the crouching mk into the drive rush into the level 3 to win the round
who is our?

I get the feeling punk will make GF and choke
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Punk's EVO
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i think all drive rush cancels should come out on whiff rather than just from lights
That's really good, I mostly used YouTube to learn sf5 and it took a long time.
There was this grandmaster rank Karin guy that made good guides
Still totally applicable in 6 also
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Poison is for the Dolls sweetie
This would be healthy for the game but will make zoomers drop it immediately
hello broski
The animations in 6 are beautiful desu
Chun's winpose is really smooth
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gootecks could 10-0 y'all
why is it that whenever any of the jappa pros post a tweet there's like 50 fucking indians replying to them in broken english and/or japanese in the comments
>I’m learning on my own without irl friends
That's 90% of us bro
I’ll really have to look into that, I’ve begun watching my replays and fighting in battle hub also. So I figure tomorrow during my playtime, I’ll practice in the padded room then go to battle hub to warmup and implement what I learned in practice then jump into ranked. I want to get my anti-air more consistent along with trying to get better at di countering, and also crouching medium to hasho.
now why in da fuck is there a shirtless man on the jive stream
Who does he play?
Did he unJUST himself?
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Granpoo won
i want lucy in sf6
Strive is getting Lucy from Cyberpunk...
This game gives loners like us something to struggle for, feels good getting better.
Sf has poison and Mk has li mei, would be cool if tekken also had a tranny character
Tekken has Leo
Literally who the fuck knows anything about the characters in this game
What happened to GG music being good?
I don't know anything about her either but I've jacked off to her before so I clapped
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what a cheerful little lady, it would be greatly arousing if she became catatonic due to intense trauma
it had to be westernized and modernized
It was already westernized and modernized.
Strive happened.
when has GG music ever not been western and modern
Remember when Bison's scissors were a charge motion?
Xrd was pretty mediocre. Honestly once Ishiwatari got comfortable using vocals he ruined it.
We used to be a fucking country yknow
How did the ancient ones initiated their offense with Bipson when they didn't have charge and drive rush wasn't a thing back then?
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Don't trouble your pretty head with such questions, just focus on the sliming.
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strive was the first
hate ryu players
hate jamie players
hate zangief players
simple as
>a dude in a tv show said something
>i better make it part of my character
Unpopular opinion; but most people think when a game dies it's because it actually was shit the whole time or the skins were too expensive or 1 or 2 gameplay choices weren't well received.
I vehemently disagree, I think we're spoiled and there's way too much competition out there. GVBS is a fine game, in a good state gameplay wise. It just averages 2k players because there's way too much other shit on the market.

Translate this same idea to any new game that comes and goes like Multiversus. It's fine, and good to have a WB platform fighter, but why stick with that when 20 other games could get your attention. Our attention spans are fucked.
don't they have a reveal after top6
Every time I tune into evo, the chat is filled with cocky Tekken fags shit talking every other game.

They get no sympathy from me.
its one of the most popular games in the world actually. way more people know vikala than your troon sf6 characters like marisa.
What are they going to show? Fuckyouman?
Kek this made me spit my drink out for some reason.
Yeah bro all 500 of them are playing Granblue VS lmao
The only thing anyone ever remembered from this dogshit was Chaika face photoshops lmfao
Did they show off the strive dlc thing already?
Why are Fighting games ALL THE FUCKING SAME!?!
Strive gets Lucy. SF6 gets... 50yo Mai
SF won...
And both will be censored, so no one wins
Gimmy that silver Ninja Bush
i dont think they will censor lucy because it would change her official design. guilty gear got lucky in that regard.
I'm quiting SF6, what game should I go play?
World of Warcraft syndrome

Street Fighter is too successful so everyone wants to copy it even if they don't understand why it works
Who the fuck is Unika? Another guest or OC? I dont watch anime.
Sims 4
I’ve wanted to fuck Mai way longer than Lucy
this but fps
strive pop offs are so silly
Clay fighter
granblue. they have the best girls right now and a huge update to the combat coming too.
Cyberpunk 2077
I wish granblue played more like an anime fighter. It's too slow and has a fucking dodge button.
If I wanted to play street fighter i'd play street fighter.
I hope Momochi wins and we get Ken buffs
apparently she's going to be a character in the upcoming strive anime or something
For teenage girls.
Already played enough.
Gacha mobage can go to hell.
Garbage AAA slop for the illiterate ADD patients.
true im hoping the big update will add more crazy shit. they already said vikala will be a weird archetype and the giant woman looks to be the most unique one yet too.
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What the fuck happened while i slept????? Why is everything happening all over the world???
Unika is the main character
No one cares about Terry
No one cares about Mai
No one cares about King of Farters or Fatal Faggy
>What the fuck happened while i slept?????
granblue mopped the floor with all the other announcements and joe is over
anime is cool
anime fight games are kuso
My name?
No one
Capcom is desperate so they gave all their money to SNK to get them in their game
anime is cringe
anime fight games are kami
Granblue announced some literal Minnie Mouse chick, how is that a big deal
That is the appeal. People like that game because it has anime aesthetics but it is not an air dasher. You already have a bunch of anime games with air dashes, but games like SF and Granblue are rare nowadays.
disney is a big deal itt new fag thats how
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Honestly, your Tone, and the way you're saying "Why are you doing this", its, its scaring me
I dont wanna call the police because im a good fucking person, but push comes to shove, I already did,
>Minnie Mouse
>Implying thats an insult
Chun-li is also a Minnie Mouse chick.
>First guest characters in the 30 years of SF
any of these guys on the SFV stream would get to grand finals in SF6
Did litterally anyone care about Lucy over any of the other cast members of edye runners?
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lol they put dood and his crew on stage commentating
>Waifu with different hair color no.18596848
Man. Anime characters are so fucking boring and generic
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For me it's my wife Kiwi ;_;
i heckin love cumtown
That isn't an anime character
People who watched the anime liked her and David a shitton and people who didnt but wanted to feel included obsessed over Rebecca for easy twitter bux despite the character not being all that prominent aside from Dying first
We were robbed
would be cooler with a kung lao hat
You're making me hungry, /sfg/
>normalfags misusing "waifu" thinking he knows shit about chara design
They really need to induct DSP as part of the inaugural HoF class.
I hate shows that want you sympathize with criminals and lowlifes.
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I pray to God every day they dont negro-ify Elena. Classic costume will be so based
I only see people talk about David or Rebecca.
Lucy seems like the least popular by a mile.
Did they only choose her because she's still alive?
What the actual fuck did he mean by this
Too bad, the black consultants are on the way
How long does Ryu's birthday last? I saw a message about it 3 days ago in SF6
>make a cool male mc that isnt a total pushover for once in recent years
>dont put him in
its not fair
Kami is so silly
Sf5 makes you sympathetic for balrog
>Implying anyone sticks around for any Sunday after parties when almost everyone has a flight to leave Vegas first thing in the morning.
Who the fuck wants to watch them just watch the same shit going on behind them?
God I jhhate all zoomers and streamer obsessed shitters
Daigo feels a lot more like Akuma than Ryu nowadays
EUbros we get to watch... strive
His stream is so fucking high all the time lol.
>I feel like that Nigga couldn’t even win a local in V, at a Dave and busters
nice pros goobers
The guy who has always only played top tiers feels like Akuma? No way
Where are grand finals being held at? I thought they are held at the MSG Sphere?
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You are seriously going to be disappointed then, because she has a charge move that she's always had since the start. What you should be hoping for is that Street Fighter adopts SNK's short charge times for KOF. Now granted this move isn't central to her gameplan but you can't entirely ignore it either.
She's important to the anime and its secondary protagonist. David and the emotional core of the show wouldnt work without her desire to escape a life of crime/poverty and live in a perfect moon.
Also she has laser whips that probably made her an easy pick
yes lots
it was basically between lucy and becca as the most popular characters
ramlethal is reddit
Not all africans are of the western African phenotype, where slaves were taken to the Americas. Elena is from eastern Africa.
the entire valentine lineage is reddit
Kami was always a total bum
Got put on Punk's team for SFL in kive and I don't think he won a match the entire season
Think of it like this, Lucy is such a good character that it turned Cyberpunk 2077 from a failed brand into a household name and even encouraged CD Projekt Red to not abandon the game.
Thats *power*
I doubt they were choosing over anime importance bro.
Lucy is probably just daisukes wife or someshit
Extreme reddit vibes from this post
I wish it was Kiwi but that's just because I'm a sick freak who want's to cum in her weird mouth
That was thanks to David though.
Not Lucy.
Every ounce of positivity is reddit to you, if there's no shield of ironic detachment to hide from critiscism you start to panic
what does that have to do with street fighter?
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it was both
"i really want to stay at your house" is practically lucys theme song now
>haggot Lucy.
Cyberpunk isn't a household name.
I just think you should fuck off to /ggg/
You got fucking Terry Bogard
Theres nothing to discuss there and its fucking EVO
lips still too thick for timmy's comfort
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Black folx tend to have humongous gorilla lips
Terry is the best known character in fighting games outside of street fighter and Kazuya/Jin
People are not picking up strive this late in the game because they put an anime character in
rebecca and lucy are the same age
sf6 is so bad that even strive looks more hype by comparison
Gorilla lips are thinner than human lips, you moron
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hell naw some nigga named "reddito" did NOT just win strive
Gorillas have thin lips.
Take it easy homie
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Umm... cheesed to meet you?
soive troons
I want to know the history of "blacks of (insert ape here) lip!" because most apes have thin ass lips
Not yet, he still needs to beat Ooey Gooey Chewy Snicker

flyquest guys get taken care of by this after their top 8 runs
Its because white people have thin lips and white people tend to be racist, if you read the tomes
>that's their real handle
what is going on in this game
all the same nigga
is that a male named asuka
Blake people are some of the most racist people I’ve ever met, yet they believe they cannot be racist.

Even if they murder a toddler out of racial hatred it’s still not racism to them. Jews did a hell of a job on them.
My name is Blake and your toddler would have grown up to be Hitler. Or Trump. So he had to go.
Fuck off /vpol/tard holy shit, go back
Blake here, you shouldnt have been teaching your child about the Souths failed reconstruction and execution of all the confederacy's leaders. That mightve motivated him to do something drastic and we dont want that.
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theyre right though
blacks assault asians at a disproportional rate
Blakes smell like shit
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Balrogs stink, Dudleys smell like lemon and morning dew
This is the street fighter thread, go jerk off over crime statistics in your containment board
Your Evolution 2024 Street Fighter VI champion will be Punk da gawd
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I remember that stop Asian hate shit.
Remember that? why didn’t it go anywhere
Anyway punk will reach GF and lose to bison
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>open strive stream
>see this
>close strive stream
I actually only thought of Minnie Mouse when I saw this, is there something wrong with me? Did SF6 give me brainrot?
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Hear, hear.
average day in the fgc innit
blacks assaulting elderly asians is LITERALLY street fighter culture AND lore, chud
and we're about to see it tonight with punk
hi broski
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>smug didnt even make it to top 100
damn the training didnt work. rog or dudley better come to save this nigga soon
i hate diamond 4 so much

such a waste of time with the most tryhard gimmicky flowcharts, and your reward for getting through it is having to do another entire rank before master

2 game win streak to start diamond 5 though. can't quit and can't not get it before sf6 finals for evo tonight
I’m rooting for your success, and for you to enjoy your game while succeeding. You can do it
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Give up.
>guest fighter that isn't a fighting game character
cringe and gay
It's at the convention center and there are nowhere near enough seats for those who bought access to the 'arena'

Hella gay to have to go at noon and sit there are all damn just for Street Fighter and not to lose your seat
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need dis
Anyone watch Strive?
Can someone post the Punk wojak
Stop reminding me that I had the chance to date a cute Zimbabwean chick and turned her down like a fucking IDIOT
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I still have a penis so no
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i onwy wet da bwacket weset because da mawntor was waggy bwo
That’s the gaming athlete I’m rooting for tonight, I think DA ALFA is really cool.
looking like a soviet intellectual who got killed in the purges
I'm not trans, sorry
this but unironically
Yeah I saw your first 3 messages we get it
yes, problem?
She will be enhanced over time. A blank canvas is a beautiful thing. You can create anything, anything you imagine.
no im waching sfv randoms. really gotta wait until like 2 am for sf6
Trotsky? Lmfao
I’m rooting for my guy, I even got the shirt.
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Elena is gonna save SF6. Her, Hugo and Necro would be the ONLY DLC characters I'd ever purchase.
>not being all that prominent aside from Dying first
her brother, Dorio and Maine all die before Rebecca
sfv bison was truly something special
Rogettes aren't beautiful cease your propaganda
I only play SF but GBVS was a lot of fun to watch honestly but I don't get how anyone can find Strive interesting. From what I just saw from these matches, I honestly believe you don't like fighting games, if you play Strive
Edward already saved SF6.
When you have Momochi obsessively labbing and playing a character than you know it's kamige
that's Kimberly though
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Nigga went from basic whiteboy cornball character to kino
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They turned mans into Donte
>would only purchase elena, hugo, or necro
this is actually one of the most based things posted in this thread and y'all are gonna call it "reddit"
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I truly believe they've been leaning heavily into the manga/anime influences to really endear people to the characters in 6
Ed = Hajime no Ippo
Akuma = Baki the Grappler
Bison = Hokuto no Ken
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more like nero, and its criminal theres no fighting game with nero in it
Wait it's Red Ditto, not Reddit-O
I feel lied to
She is literally base on that one tall tanned JAPANESE female model from the 80's
We get it Timmy you don't like black people
He's right though
lil chuddies still coping about how the kenyan character was actually white in the original japanese
If I gotta deal with blue rose putting bombs on me while Nero sets up his devil arm command grabs I'm not even touching whatever game he's in
that's not what he's talking about autismmy
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whatever you say bro, keep digging your head further in the sand
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and dudleys based on this guy. doesn't stop you retards from saying hes a pajeet
Let's fucking go Reddito
Cubebros it's over
dudley got blue eyes though
the jew has been felled
Fucking Rog sometimes had blue eyes
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Wrong general nigger
floe died like a year ago
FUCK reddit-O
Eubank is so fucking funny desu
kys soivers
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Anime players are so fucking unfunny
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the more things change the more they say the same
sfv top 6 is on
Literally everyone from SF4 sucks dick
are you guys so obsessed with race because none of you can make top 8 in anything that isn't a bathroom weeb game?
niggas watching strive when jive top 6 is on....
Warrior monk, last of a dying breed. His son is not like him at all when it comes to boxing.
Reminder that SFV doesn't have throw loops.
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im rooting for our guy terrence
it did for nearly 3 years
Doesn't have neutral either
I'm so glad I can Chipotle punch people in Tekken now. Thank you Harada
Skinny black chicks were God's final gift to the white man. Be shaped like Elena
Only 7 more people entered USF4 compared to Jive at the Evo side tournaments. People still love that GOOD ASS Jive.
Objection, relevance?

people complain that CE is too reliant on footsies and hitconfirms
Are you watching these anime fighter finals at EVO or just posting here until SF6 Top 6?
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Why does nobody believe that Momochi could win SF6.... He's in winner's and everything...
I'm waiting until sf6, maybe I'll watch kekken 8 Grand Finals
Posting in the tekken waiting room.
So much 'Tr*ns Rights' spam in the strive chat...
Momochi already won 2 EVOs, it wouldn't be as hype as Punk, Bigbird or Ending winning
bison could fireball drive rush in v!?
pretty sure that neither Nitro or Reddito are trans or gay in any way, the chat is just spamming it because thats all they do
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punk getting 2nd and crying like a bitch while xiaohao flaunts his evo trophy would be KINO.
All I see on stream is crush counter and v-trigger
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who are the current mickeyge monkey characters? I played chun before and I'm looking to reinstall
Bison is the dumbest character in the game, he's so easy he carried fucking DSP to 1600MR
turn off the strive stream
Stop being a hater
I seethe every day about Cammy being a broken piece of shit character but even I would like it if Punk finally won an evo
Everyone, but Bison is the mickeyest
>idom falls off after almost winning evo
>punk's on the rise
80% chance this nigga chokes and fumbles it all but it'd be hilarious if he won
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sounds based to me
>command grab
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if you understood why some people consider throw loops to be a design problem you would be able to deduce why command grabs also aren't relevant for that discussion
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Command grabs shouldn't give grapplers oki, I agree.
I love Strive
They should nerf him again
I don't like Strive but Jacko is hilarious to watch so it's at least enjoyable
Super Street Fighter II Turbo top 6 has more viewers and a crowd lmao...
We know, sphere hunter
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This was the moment that buckbroke Daigo forever. He's been obsessed with throwlooping people ever since
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>Mfw an American believes Punk will finally win an Evo near me
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>/vt/ranny thinks that the alfa isn't going to 3-0 everybody
it's not over yet, just install the reframework battle pass script. you can search the archive for it.
She's fun to watch but holy shit is she unfun to play against
I hope Punk or End win. Either of them taking the gold is fine with me since I want more Ed representation and Punk is the only other person at Evo that I like.
Eh I don't care that much, I'm EU and I'm going to bed so I can wake up and watch SF6
Capcom will get my €2 this time
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>she thinks it was restricted to command grabs
sis really thinks she ate cringe ong fr fr
Woshige game design so godly
As a bong I should be rooting for EW but really I wanna see Punk finally win big
Puke is a choke artist when he reaches finals.
It's so weird seeing you groomers rooting for end outta nowhere
so how good is ed in sf6?

top 10?
>beta footage
nigga posting LAUNCH SFV
top 3 if this tournament is anything to go by
lol '19er
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>Mfw Testament reveals his 7 incher
Top 10? Top 5.
strive has way better gameplay now than sf6
i said ed was good when he came out and you bums laughed
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I only play Kimberly, Elena and Storm.
He’s an Ed main. I stand by my fellow brothers.
Says a lot about you that you think someone can’t root for a teen without wanting to bang them
I love how mena is going to bat for nemo's honor on X because he got flushed by him
Therapy, right now
You mean before he was buffed two patches in a row?
Least schizoid striver
why are people attacking nemo?
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they aren't, mena is just pointing out the stupidity of top 6
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It's so funny that hungry is the most normal smasher and they hate his guts
he's right
Stop posting this ugly bug
top 6 has always been a retarded idea, fuck Sony
Did they show the strive DLC crap yet or is that after
I want to know if Capcom are likely to show off Terry before top 6
Yeah pokimane is a whore and snoy is shit
battle pass done, thanks to that anon who reminded me about the script. back to streamboaring jive.
He's not wrong
>People bitching about top 6
No one wants to watch SF grand finals at 11pm.
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meat fighter v
yeah, season 4 dlc is Dizzy, Venon, a new character, and Lucy from cyberpunk
but i've only posted it once before
I do. His Ed is better than EndingWalker's. His chances are looking good.
Fuck Burst as a mechanic
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good ass tekken next
someone just mentioned it a few posts up
>Bunch of /sfg/ uncles with over 20 years of playing SF and nothing to show for crying for months on end CAMMY IS BAD! ED SUCKS!
>Both Cammy and Ed Top 8'ing one of the most, if not THE most stacked supermajor of the year
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>Mfw I get triggerslop added to my game
is sf before or after tekken slurpfest?
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Blacks own Granblue and Strive. We are taking SF6 next.
grand finals last year still ran up to 10:30 pm with it only being top 6
the only reason they stopped doing top 8 was to make room for more ads
Don't forget the Ryu/Luke upplayers saying the were still amazing good.
And some lunatics saying Lily was meta as well after 1 (one) result in some mickey tourny.
After it’s the last event, has been for like most of Evo anon…
/sfg/ is always wrong.
the worlds best ERGHEIZ player
why did they boo that one dude
what happened to the tranny in gg

umisho or something?
Cammy/Chun/Juri will always be meta because they are marketing slop characters.
It would take a serious nerf wave to make them actually bad.
For some reason, Ryu is the only character they never made blatantly broken for more than 1 season, but I guess is because Ken/Akuma just overshadows him while he stays being the tutorial character.
>taking things without permission
As they're prone to do.
Evo weekend is the best, I'd had tons of gay sex all weekend and soon SF6 top 6 as the cherry on top
Punk is just that good.
Wheres that cammy schizo nigger saying Cammy being Top 2 Legend online didn't matter? Character is pure cheese, neutral skipper bitch.
They said “any cubes”
Beaten before top6
Hes jewish
Last time Ryu was worth a fuck in a game was 2016
lost to a nigga named reddit
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Ryu was pretty good in S1 of Dix, but Luke was just better than him.
I'd kill for a threesome with those two
>east asians
>anime watching blacks

fighting games is literally the autist championships

white autists live in the suburbs and play minecraft
Akuma is forever Ryu for retards
Theres nothing Ryu does better than Akuma even in this game but having 1k more health as if this matters
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This image is foul.
straightest SF6 player
Does SF6 have an ice-themed character yet? I liked Kolin in SF5
Luke was never broken. Even in his best days he was just a solid character all around but never broke the game like garbage like Bison, Akuma, Cammy, Rashit or Ed.
what's your favorite thing about kolin?
>any cubes
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>Luke was never broken.
Luke was broken but the good kinda of broken
>You need neutral to maximize the potential of this character otherwise you will be farmed if you just flowchart
Type character
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I've always liked playing the ice character in fighting games, it probably started with Sub-Zero back in the day. Her ass and titties are nice too, I guess
Luke's nerf would make sense if the other characters stayed somehow on his level.
They buffed everyone else, except Blanka and Honda, then released some seriously powercreeping DLC.
>Blanka nerf
Pure bullshit as well, besides Mena nobody else was doing shit with that character.
Persia said WHAT?
Coomers, that's who
His jump ins were retarded but the real thing that made him too good was his damage. Needing less interactions to kill in this game is absolutely huge and was the main reason he was such an over represented tournament character.
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>Viewer count on all Evo streams will plummet once Tekken 8 GFs are over before SF6 Top 6 begins.
Power creeping DLC like Bison/Akuma who have..... One representative in top 8/6 of big tournaments so far
Kinda retarded to do that but release Bison and Akuma afterwards.
the delusions you read on here sometimes
People don't know what broken means anymore but Luke was definitely the best character in the game S1, possibly still.
>guys people will stop watching when no game is being played on the stream!!!
no shit vtumor fag
hopefully they show the sf6 stuff at the beginning so i can go to sleep. ill fall asleep watching it anyway its so fucking boring.
They’ll probably get the same treatment at some point. At least Akuma has less health.
Hardly anyone is going to stick around to watch SF6.
street fighter five won
based terrence
>possibly still
Hello Ken player.
>dnf duel and skullgirls have more views than jive
there's no winning with this retarded opinion because you'll just blame viewbotting

either way >>>/vt/
anisoy troons would rather watch than play
im here and yeah, top legend literally doesnt matter. just like top rank doesnt matter (unless you think lily or aki were the top characters of season1).

if cammy being top2 in legend mattered, we would see a bunch of cammys in top32, where in reality there were 3. honest (upper) midtier.
ken and bison on the other hand...

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