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buy the hoodie
get fucked happy chaos shitter
which stream are we on goonbros
Please save our dying general
We need your help.
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Main Evo for Strive, lil sis
Lucy fucks a highschool drop out and is the reason everyone dies in the end while she gets off scott free.

should have been Rebecca but she'd just be Happy Chaos and Elphet/
the actual /fgg/ stream
Shut the fuck up incels
forgot the link
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Oh, that's where fear's insignia comes from.
>>487036528 >>487036712
I honestly want to learn how she's gonna play. I guess I'll wait 'til 2025 for gameplay footage of bisexual icon.
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I'm not any of those two, but I think you misread them. 487036712 is making fun of Gresh: Notice no likes or ReXes. 487036712 is being lore accurate.
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Another Kuji meltdown has hit the FGC towers
what insignia?
more than likely she'll play like Eltnum from undernight, maybe a mid-screen Axl. She was wire wips in the anime.
That's literally what happened in the show lil nigga. Bitch is Makima if she was a cyber hacker and won in the end.
>Open the main Evo stream
>A dude called Ooey Gooey Chewy Snicker is playing Anji on winners semifinals, which makes the chat spam "SEX WITH A MAN"
what is even happening
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That is half my theory, and making hacking specials and throws.
We'll see.
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>getting mad at slop games ADDING guests chars
LuhMEOW. Wanted Becky tho
Dafuq does this lil nerd even know about gear
>Hacking specials
mmmmm like she "Shutdowns" moves but either making them not usuable for a set time or making specials do no damage. That would be pretty wild

i hate that I love porn so fucking much, like porn is my entire life since 11 years old and I can't change.
did all the notable strivers drown? who the fuck are these scrimblos in top 6?
That's the strive community, it is extremely gay
It's time for men
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That, and changing your control scheme, involuntary effects, debuffs and buffs, etc. etc..
Her overdrive, which we've seen in anime, would homage everyone she ever cared for as a finisher.
:teary eye:
soive really is a peak at the future of the fgc
no, there have been several upsets this Evo
how do we prevent this?
I watch Strive some times. I've never heard of Ooey Gooey Chewy Snicker and Redditto. Dude is literally called Reddit. What happened to the usual trannies? They all drowned in pools?
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>notable strivers
like WHO? only Strive player I ever heard of is Leffen
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Is this a parody or is this nigga really calling himself Reddit Habibi?
Have GG girls always been this tastefully thicc, or did they expand their thighs for the modern FGC nigga audience?
they made everyone fat in soive to appeal to americans
He 3-0'd KBrad
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They made May obese to make USA happy. (ASW established a USA branch before Strive came out, so they definitely had an influence on them)
Xrd made everyone wider to account for widescreen while still keeping their +R animations. You can see it easily by comparing how broad Sol's shoulders are in Xrd compared to older games where he was thinner.
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>3-0 kbrad

i remember when you spicniggas said your epic capboyfriends can walk into any game and win with their eyes closed
Remember when you said your AIDs was undetectable, nigga?
K-Brad doesn't take Soive seriously lil timtim
Okay, but Ram and Gio are sexo - so I'm not complaining
>Low-T take
May is cute fuck
look at this shit bruh
k-brad hasnt been relevant since he destroyed wolfkrones soul
Guilty Gear finals reminded me I should take a shower
Ahem, fuck Happy Chaos
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going back in time and stopping this fat ass nigga from making his corny ttrpg that would domino into my wife jam getting her slot stolen by a fucking anime character
I forgot this was today, did I miss KOF
FUCK EVO, I'll just keep playing SoulCalibur III.
ive seen porn since i was 9 even before it was highly accessible on the internet
this stuff permanently warped my brain i literally cannot view women as anything besides an object to experience sex with
ive tried nofap and it hasnt undone the damage porn has done to my brain by pavloving me into having erections at the mere sight of attractive women
the whole soive community just seems so alien. every other game has some normal twitch chat then soive comes on and its tranny hearts and niggas being gay asl wtf did daisuke put in the water
KOF was yesterday
It was pretty good
nigga is playing the chinese PAAG in samsho
what did you expect from a game with a primarily white gen z audience?
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Is Granblue Versus as boring as it looks? The Versusia trailer caught my attention but looking through some gameplay it looks really fucking dull across the board.
I'm not the most savvy of FG players either, is it more fun to play than it looks because I know other games like that.
>fake hype
God this shit is boring

I'm so glad Jam isn't in Soive. She'd probably have a proper accent or something.
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it's dogshit don't bother
>fake hype
>fake hype
>fake hype
>fake hype
>fake hype
>insanely botted stream numbers
not a single intelligent commentary made in days
whos this dogshit for?
retards like you already ruined the game, go play some zoomer anime shit
It's pretty samey with most characters trying to just do their dash attack for pressure into strike/throw.
It's free if you want to try it out, however.
The beanslayer himself
That's just anime fighters in general
Lol are you just repeating shit you read ITT?
I watched the top 6
post your granpoo rank and hours timmy

isnt that guy from /ggg/
It's a game with 1 button specials and most combos are auto combo into special. Opening people up if they decide to just hold down back and block is impossible since characters usually don't have overheads and throws can be teched with 1 button. That said, there is a free version, just try it.
That's a shame. I can't try out the demo since I'm on vacation.

What did I do other than show interest because a tall red skinned demon girl showed up on my screen?
what happened to omito and teresa and those guys.has daru gotten fully filtered
You can use your unblockable universal move to open people up
but then you have to gamble on whether or not they'll use their guard cancel move to get you off of them during the unblockable
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It costs a resource and on reaction they can spend theirs to avoid it.
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Retrospecting, Lucy absolutely is a Gear in her story. Out of all the characters in CE, she's the bioweapon that deserves the most light to come as a guest characters, and this is not hindsight bias.
-She gets pulled into the capitalist ploy from birth.
-Was engineered to extract the previous net weapon.
-Ultimately succeeded the villian's plans in the end.
-Doesn't resolve society's conflict and leaves.
Everyone else are just goons to the villians, including the reluctant protagonist.
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Strive is so shit, they don't even want to try to play it like that.
return of chudski?
I got timed out for 9 minutes for saying granblue needs more pawgs...
I don't get it.
Omito doesn't go to events anymore and Teresa spends most of his time seething on twitter.
soive did irreparable damage to the fgc
Why are airdasher niggas like this?
zoomers think that just telling you they want to have gay sex is a joke in and of itself
that's it
that's the joke
same niggas that be saying "phew thank god dizzy is wearing a burqa"
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Strive is the only game Omito plays.
With a nickname like "ooeygooeychewysnicker", you'd think he was an aspiring rapper you'd find out about on local news after he gets shot doing something stupid.
The pendulum is shifting so he's going back to the winning team
>playing granpoo
strive is the only game where every year the top 8 is 8 white boys I've never heard of
Fuck off
i don't think there was a single set where anyone just sat there and held down back. hell people hate rising because defense is trash
do you people just parrot whatever you see here? lol
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am i seriously the last normal straight guy left in this hobby?
did i really win by just surviving until the end?
they all laughed back then......mocked me...but whos the faggot now...?
Is the "6 Timmy meta" a good thing or a bad thing?
wait they announced lucy from cyberpunk for soive? at least terry and mai are from fighting games, this is tekken tier shit.
And I'm saying he doesn't take it as seriously as he took xrd
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hope the fucking polack money was worth it daisuke
SNK community is still full of normal people

the FUCKING SAUDI MONEY will help keep it that way for a while longer too
is soive's balance a mess right now? why are 5 out the 6 players all random literal whos?
>they did
that game really is the axewound of the fgc
memes like

are literally naive with the real damaged soive comunity
I wouldn't mind it if it was like Brian F and his 5 cousins, but it's more like 6 random tranny lovers, so gonna call it bad
Wish I could report this guy for advertising
I thought 2XKO would be more polished but they're not dedicating a huge team to it. One of the characters (Braum) only required 1 modeler and 2 animators. Is that enough staff? Or is Capcom retarded for hiring 20 people and 50 Indians per character?
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cappy really showing up to evo with nothing in their pockets except a 20 second world tour "teaser trailer" of terry

SNK owns you
Bruh Testament is showing more skin than Deviant art the character. What the fuck happened to Gear? Luhmeow

Everything is so fucking gay now. How the FUCK does Korean slop gachas have sexier bitches than fgs? Come on dawg
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They'll add Panty and Stocking to Strive next year and all you nigcels will hail it as the best game ever, don't lie
wtf im a kof main now
capcom wants to animate shit like muscle contractions so it takes them forever to make new characters
niggas told me the fgc was becoming more welcoming its just become more timmified
they could add my childhood friend that I had a crush on and I wouldn't play strive
This post really annoyed me. I am going to open up VaM and put Mai in bondage with my John Streets avatar to work off some stress.
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Can you retards PLEASE make your minuscule MONKEY minds up already?
really? I enjoyed alot of gbf but I couldn't get Relink on sale
Is the story atleast good?
>i don't think there was a single set where anyone just sat there and held down back.
Of course. People want to press buttons. They have to, since they're taking chip damage. But there are no mixups. It's all strike throw. I even forgot to say you can't have crossups since you have a block button.
>Can you retards PLEASE make your minuscule MONKEY minds up already?

You kids have yet to understand that multiple people can have different ideas and different opinions, even those that are wildly in disagreement with each other. And despite this still have a conversation with each other about these topics and several others.

One day you retarded children might realize that which was taken from you.
Nitro is in top 8? DBFZ Nitro? finna root for him
Yeah, it's him
He entered strive last year too I think
sin is like 2 years old and twitter niggas jerk off to him so..........
Did I fucking ask? Goddamn troon
Strive is just embarrassing, every year.
>character whose abilities come from cyber augmentations
>in a game where technology turned evil
this jappa just keeps mashing on this nigga
that's how you play Sol
that's how you play Strive
nigga keeps trying to do some set up and the jappa just wake up mashes LMFAO
Reminder 3rd strike is a bad game and the fake hype autists hyping up that atrocious play from yesterday is a ploy to get you to waste years of your life learning "the real game"
I hope you enjoy buffering parry in between everything for 10 years of your meaningless existence.
i've seen enough, no one's stopping this gorilla sol jappa
one day youll realize you didnt do your duty to prevent the children from becoming retarded and having it taken from them
Same chat spamming "kill wife" wants to ban Infiltration. Bunch of hypocrites.
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nitro's jobbing even after the his blonde flyquest manager gave him the bj buff...
soive got fanta rush?
have they removed the word filter for soive top 6 or something? you couldnt even say "goddamn" during pools
strive community #1 least funny community of all time
I teach my own children I don't hand them over willingly to pedos
this game sucks
its now statistically more likely that youre the pedo for even bringing that up randomly in our exchange kek
baited the meter
hang yourself
>2 hits into 50%
I can't take this game seriously
yeah Street Fighter 2 sucks
that sol kept apemashing and I dont think nitro proper frame trapped him once
kill yourself
we have seen what happens to people in the public school system, people like you are to stupid to address reality.
seems like once every few years the goobers are reminded that the actual best strategy is just picking sol and turning your brain off
cut yourself
a nigga named redditto
Glad to see Venom's top surgery still holds up
You cant convert from that high damage on the ground unless you're a grappler or used a super.
please tell me what hit confirms are people doing in SF2.
you look at 3s and you will see the hitconfirms.
Wouldn't have been possible without lots of downlow brothas
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...wow, Soivefags are racist? Big yikes.
>didn't get the shot with crossed legs
people like you make me not want to go to anything
That looks like a dude
quiet troon
not my problem
weirdo behavior
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No you didn't
Nobody's gonna be looking at you, Timantha.
3s 3v3 on leveluplive for anyone that is old and/or transsexual
so why does the one critter have a blue box around his lifebar
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I like how no 2D fighting game players are on the top list for this clown game lmao.
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milk truck just arrived
be my mommy pls
what the fuck is happening on screen
Holy..... bitch finna catch my BBC jr....
This nigga looking like a Korean Hapsburg
don't think just hitconfirm 80% combo wallbreak
that bitch is mid
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plapping the fuck out of this becky's dusty ass coochie (cammy cosplay on)
You'd think since they're in Vegas they could find some escorts or strippers and dress them in cosplay.
I don’t even remember this asuka character getting announced lol
gen Z is racist as fuck dude lmao, they hate this guy playing the wizard in chat just because he's from israel

horseshoe theory is insane
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Get back to shoe shining my sandals
>Did I fucking ask?
Technology is technology. It's that society blamed the AI for their mistakes.
no way I have Unschooling abusers in this forsaken board.
Not the predators, but it should be the other way around, they need to fear repercussion of snapping a candid without consent.
sounds based to me
E3 used to do that.... Niggas too gay nowadays
based terrence
What's with this reddit as crowd chanting CUBE? Do people like this character? Seems as cancerous as Happy Chaos
its a character that shoots out kaabas
hes how fighting games were meant to be according to saturn
timmies just love chanting in unison
anya is the only israeli the fgc will tolerate
it's like games done quick where the autistic people shout "ORB"
>sajam discord mentioned
uhhh hype bros? start screaming for cinematic supers. mmm yeah im thinking based and sigmas
You're right. For the modern FGC audience, you should go recruiting from Chippendales for revealing cosplays. This is how we get the zesty and fujo audiences.
I dont think this semen slurping genre is for me.
niggas joking but someones acc gonna do that
Chipotle is disgusting. Can't wait for them to go out of business
Am I completely brainrotted for thinking that Reina in the Chipotle shirt is funny and unironically enjoying it?
I was hyped for the announcements but I just remembered I hate all the current games being supported.

Maybe there is a cool game announcement at the end of evo?
damn they really started botting the soive stream after the embarrassing display last year
I think its cute and will make my wife wear one in her reina cosplay when I find a wife
can't handle the competitive heat lil beta bitch? fuck off back to Stardew Valley or some shit nigga.
Bleach FighterZ
new Darkstalkers
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Do Timmies really?
Ah yes the competitive games where now all you need to do is hitconfirm into a resource. so deep bros.

SF2 is bad btw guys it has uhh that stuff that is bad and I don't like. also don't play marvel 2 its broken btw!
sit back down on your dragon dildo you enormous faggot.
Why was that Ram vs Asuka always started with Asuka winning > out of gas > Ram winning? Can anyone playing GG explain it to me?
there's some gameplay between the ads
Marvel 2 is literally hitconfirm into resource the game LMFAO
>competitive heat
it's just trannies twerking when they win, how is that heat?
any actual popoff getsyou banned now lMFAOOOO
i only watch for the ads just like the super bowl
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why did you randomly start talking about sitting on penises and faggotry
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>2XKO stream can't even break 500 viewers
>"b-but it's totally gonna be this massive success you guys. it's gonna be the most popular fighting game of all time. it's gonna put FGs on the map as a legit esport"
Can we stop pretending this slop isn't going to shit the bed? And stop tolerating the paid shills who are trying to gas it up?
Flip the coin. If heads Left Troon wins. Tails the right troon. You can get 50% shaved off from round start on a bad whiff Luhmeow
yes go play it if its so easy.
At least the competitive skill is not just who can click the a head faster.
the 2xko audience is watching strive right now
kill yourself
I retract my previous comment. CUBE was much better than the loony troon hearts.
asuka has the lowest health in the game on top of having a mechanic where he takes double damage if he runs out of mp or something
who the fuck would watch an alpha version of a fighting game while evo is on nigga?
were talking about fighting games you stupid nigger
who the fuck is talking about FPS you massive fucking moron. stupid black waste of resources
why are you niggas even have the twitch chat open? i'm watching on youtube anyways
Did you not see that sol mashing to get his sword out faster?
What retro title should my broke ass pretend to play on fightcade?
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I rather watch the fucking tournament than some devs mashing. I'll play 2xko next month.
kof98 ese hop in there
but play it for real because it is actually good
Soivers cant handle the DooberGAWD fundies
>money is the issue
dumb fuck
Who the fuck would play 2XKO?

Like, at all?
Wait, Strive is just anime Jive?
gio is cool as fuck, they should put her in SF6
It's anime SF6.
daisuke looked at SFV and said wow they're so right! this is real gamering!
also what happened to the wall preventing being trapped in the corner? that sol was just mauling niggas in the corner for whole rounds
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No Yordle. I shan't that Timmy slop game
You can avoid the wall break depending on the route you use.
They already said there wont be yordles because combos will be weird.
kill yourself
Capcom finna announce a new Rival Schools with Mai, Shermie, and B.Jenet as guest characters.

Niggas heard it here first.
ESG excuse
Oy vey my jewish nigga. Not manly enough?
nu-capcom is souless but profitable, it sucks.
they're just polluting every IP with guestslop huh
nigga really spunked money on a vtube avatar
why is the thumbnail capcom "goes" woke when they have been woke for a long time
>goes woke
Schoolgirl Chun tearing it up in Jive
I'm sorry for saying jive was bad...
>jappa black final
SOIVESISTERS............................. WHERES OUR TIMMIES?????????????????????
They drowned.
one of the commentators talks too much had to mute the stream
imagine being on the wrong side of history over and over. imagine being filtered by strive. the game is fun dumb fucks!
Same. Jive was unironically good from Arcade Edition onwards
>domestic dispute grand finals
Surprised EVO would like this happen after all the drama with Infiltration.
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SF6 wishes
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>jappa won uni
>black guy won granblue
>jappa vs black guy in soive

uh...i thought yall said anime was full of trannies winning everything?
SF6 was unironically good from release date onwards.
>Nitro vs Tatuma

….seriously, WHO? Where are the OG Goobers?
troons dont win anything in tranime lil sis they just mash in it
is chipotle as good as they make it look?
Clicking heads in preparation for school shootings.
bruh that round only lasted like 10 seconds
not anymore.
Daisuke paid through the nose for the IP and some DEI bitch in HR cockblocked them from adding the funny goblin girl everyone actually wanted because "she's problematic".
ElevenShadow and friends had a mental breakdown because they got filtered.
Nitro twerking on this jappa APE
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Uh huh. I pray that grand finals this year is a better showing.
It’s okay
It’s grilled meat and rice at its core, it’s not like you can really fuck it up
I'm very surprised this shitty game is taking so long to finish.
nigga stopped respecting his mashing and is about go 6-0 lol, fucking stupid ass apemashing sol
>jacko in gf

finna goon
i get better (and more) food from a local mexican restaurant than the dogshit they cook at chipotle
overpriced and tastes like plastic
>ZZZ reference
Shitty excuse when Granblue has the dwarfes
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that freaky nigga hundred percent got a humiliation/exhibitionist fetish lmaooooo
i'm tired of being bullied everywhere i go including 4chan
Me and my discord kittens went nuts at that bracket reset.
It's okay. It's really pricey for what it is these days.
you racist ass discord troons are rooting for the jappa dont lie
I guess the advertising is working if people here are posting about it
You know it, nigga
Me and my eggs are pogging!
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>Dizzy censored
>Guest character from FOTM anime
The absolute fucking state of GG.
*FOTM from 2 years ago
fertilizing Jack-O’s eggs!
I miss Urien
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Golden age of FGs ended when SFV and Strive came out...
super into roman cancel into throw
doodoo kuso
a nigga named TERRENCE
Ellie's freaking out in /tekgen/
you mean SFIV?
Soive hasnt broken 100k viewers lol
silence troon
>bashing soive
>calls me a troon
niggerbrain iq
silence troony
>jack-o wins
finna jack
SFVCE carried the FGC for several dark years
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jappabros ...
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that timmy eddventure really had a mental breakdown playing jacko while some random nigga won EVO with her
Wife fight back
>reddit humor
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The last EVO champions for Soive:
>Overwatch player
>Smash player
>DBFZ player
Ellie is going fucking nuts
Finna search tag:jack-o_pose
>get dumpstered in winners bracket
>reset the bracket in grands
>go to game 5
3s finals were sick
persia...you can't be saying that word
What's the Kekken meta? 7 Dragunovs and a Reina?
SFV may have gotten better, but it's still dogwater compared to IV 3s and ST
hang yourself
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Finna jack off
>Booing the guy from Israel
>Soive ends
>viewer count skyrockets
Why did the crowd boo that fat schlubby guy?
me on the left
He's Jewish or something and brown redditappas are mad about Israel
they were saying "cube"
>Ooey gooey niggers!
The rumors about her in the evo afterparties are true.
several palestinian children died so he could be at evo
There are no Reinas in top 6.
Wife cucks you
Penis shrinks
Cuck guy SISSY
a timmy wrote that
>Future Hamas recruits died harboring their big brothers and fathers
wait, you guys actually watched guilty gear jive?
i played jive and that gameplay did not look like jive..........
only gf
this bison is choking for no reason
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jive reset
Tifa-Anon. Your time is now!
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Soive embarrassing final day EVO yet again
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dnf duel!
chun needs to be stopped
kunoichi is a safe ebw
Yep ain't lookin at that. YUUUUUCK
LOOOOOVE black panties so much

Which is why I’m dropping more money on The First Descedant and buying more outfits
what characters are on top 6 for tekken?
Is Tekken going to be at least slightly kino? I have snacks ready and I'd like to eat them.
No wonder Ellie is spamming /tekgen/ shilling GGST
six dragunovs
dont care i still want her to step on me
where do you think you are?
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>Day 1: said qanba needs to hurry up and release a leverless
>Ad pops up the second I say it
>Day 2: friend was checking the evo sale and saw the pocket version of SNK vs capcom but was saying "why won't they release SVC chaos"
>SVC Chaos gets a fucking re-release
>Now Day 3
quick what are your EVO wishes, my other two friends already asked for SoulCalibur but all fire emblem characters and for French Bread to make a jojo's game
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>Soive cant break 100k viewers when its not leeching off SF players that took too long to turn the stream off
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keisuke will drop the combo and that will cost him the set
Atif and Arslan aren't friends to say the least
Nobi and Nobi are old dogs who know all the tricks in the book
I miss Jive goddamn
this bison is really about to choke again
Why did Ellie draw Hwoarang as a tranny on his birthday? I thought he was her husbando
summon vf5 for steam, please!

aint no way
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Tifa in Tekken 8
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>They have screamed this since the release and reveal and even announcement
>at worst we only get Marduk teaser nothing else
Bandai-Namco are at hair thin line here that the Tekken community doesn't explode to pieces.
Peopele are ready for anything. Kiryu, Vergil, Scorpion... Hell even the Rey from Last Jedi
unfunny max and his three unfunny friends
can't wait to see the funny business going on DOODZ
uhhhhh terrencebros?
i dont get the hate for esfand (and max)
he is a pleb but he is having fun and bringing more people into fighting games
I love max and I think this is cringe as fuck. What are they even doing? commentating?
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dood and his entorage trying their hardest to bring shartvel 4 to life i respect it
this is why i play gacha games now
it's full of sexy cute girls and there's not a hint of woke slop depending on the game you play
He wasn't asleep, he was passed out drunk. He came to me and my friends suite, hung out and played some sfiv for a while. Then drank all our liquor, puked and glogged up our toilet then passed out on our couch for 12+ hours.
max was alright in those old ass marvel videos he did with his hot sister but since then i can't stand that guy. how such a bland boring personality became such a big e-celeb is so strange to me
cringe ass bipson won over chun in jive smdh
you can feel the fear in harada's voice, he knows hes on the chopping block kek, hes desperate to save mashen
too bad the gameplay for every single gacha game sucks and revolves around scamming you out of your money. gacha games are inherently unfun pieces of shit and no company has managed to make them fun. seeing barely softcore PNGs simply isn't worth it, and the actual porn gachas tend to be even more predatory.
watching marvel finals
he found a group of parasocial orbiters that don't play fighting games and just pog out at the latest slop
remember when ono (pbuh) came out last year?
yea, harada used him as a gag, mocked him then chased him off the stage. Ono, in his humbleness, let it slide, but clearly higher powers have not, hence mashen 8's fate
hecking fuckyouman?
you take what you can get. FGs have fallen to woke ESG slop and has been pozzed by jews and their useful marxist idiots. i'm just waiting for Azur Promilia
remember when michael murray said nigga
Shark pussy
KEK! Harada is sweating out of his suit, he KNOWS this is his last chance to save Shartken 8. KEK
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genshin and zzz are decent gameplay but if you compare them to actual games then yeah it's slop. not like the bar is high for gacha anyway
Virtua Fighter 6 will save the fighting game genre from all these samey copypaste cancel/rush mechanic and long tedious super animations. All neutral, no gimmicks.
Tekken 8 is probably selling better than Dix tho
umm... cheesed to meet you?
anon, this is exactly why Rising needs to succeed. It has tons of hot females to play, but fukutroon keeps fucking up the balance and gameplay.
yea, no. you are gambling your money away to the chinese and pretending to have a moral high ground. gacha games suck.
i tried genshin and it wasn't fun. fuck mihoyo.
reminder granpoo is statistically the gayest fighting game of all time
Holy finna cheese this rat....
It has the highest female-to-male ratio, what are you on niglet
then explain THIS >>487056530
oh shit
a rat
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>2 trannies
>3 lesbians
>4 faggots
granpoo sure is lgbt-friendly
that rat is lesbian btw

le fakeout gimmick, KEK! Harada is desperate
Artist name??
again harada?
All the females are hotter than whatever burqa dogshit you slurp up with six or soive
chill, successful, hot asian wife, and a child, and people are still hating?
unfortunately doesnt unpoz the roster
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it's aislop
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Heihachi really wasn’t in the game already?
nigga was dead for less than a year kek harada was DESPERATE
>heihachi is alive
it's cheez's father-in-law
Is that nigga ever going to die
>Fighting games cannot evolve storywise because they can't kill off characters
Proven yet again.
I can’t believe they shitcanned Harada live on stage
>kill bison
he's back
>kill heihachi
he's back

it's all so fucking boring
Nobody dies in Tekken

Reina contained portions of the Heihachi function
>getting rid of iconic characters for plot reasons
good thing you aren't a game dev
First Bison, now Heihachi. What is the point of Reina again?
you could go the KOF route with dream matches that dont affect the story
>no tifa
>no waffle house
ded game is ded
cool. i mained that nigga heihachi for the ten hours i played kekkek7
>What is the point of Reina again?
she's hot?

what's the point of lily and kimberly? they're ugly
I wish, but I feel like Sega would make it way too flashy with meter mechanics to compete with the modern games at this point...
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>DLC is all Tekken 7 characters
damn and I thought SF6 was bad with so many returning SFV characters being DLC
>Somehow, Bison returned
>Somehow, Heihachi returned
I'm not even mad.
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>no Tifa
Trust the plan
who forced this timmy house meme
they just selling base roster niggas as DLC now?
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we love kimmy, vappa
Just drop the pretense of killing them for no fucking reason and backpedal 5 seconds later every single time. It's fucking pathetic.
Unfunny niggas (real niggas, not timmys pretending to be niggas) on Xitter
Who the fuck even started with the Tifa meme? they are just like Makotofags at this point
Dragunov 8
SF6 is getting two guests while having
0 Alpha characters
0 Final Fight characters
1 SF3 character (Elena, coming next year after the guests)
1 SF4 character

I don't think any other current fighting game is as bad on returning characters as that.
Rugal stayed dead for decades. Most MK villains at least skip a game. Justice and that pope chick from Xrd are gone.

Or go the Fatal Fury route where you make Nightmare Geese as a what-if character after his death.

You know what I meant. She was made to be the Heihachi function because he wasn't in the game. It would be like adding Guy to SF6 even though we already have Kimberly.
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Makoto is an actual SF character who deserves to come back lil nigga
>lil timmy wasn’t alive for the PS2 soulcalibur II rumors
RIP is handsome god damn
harada saw the reaction to the leaked pass and told those niggas to put fuckyouman on ice to make heihachi
Kimmy is hot tho, just put a bag over her 5head
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titties spotted
Didn't they say all returning characters would be free
>that pope chick from Xrd
She was never even playable.
She would look like a fucking orangutan in Dix
yep she needs my dubya
>not a real woman
now those are some milkies worth screenshotting
harada copied sf again
>She was made to be the Heihachi function because he wasn't in the game
She's part Heihachi, part Lidia. She wasn't 100% the Heihachi function.

Why they'd immediately release Lidia and Heihachi seems kinda weird, but I think Reina has enough of a fanbase that Reina mains won't migrate to Heihachi or to a lesser extent Lidia.
finna give her my jr at the after party
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niggas just reselling old characters and timmy will eat it up anyway
true, keep her in storage for Alpha 4
Does Timmy even play fighting games? I thought Timmy played headclickers, so these old characters are for the spicniggas and nigganiggas
but enough about bison
>old character people believe to be a staple
guaranteed buys
>new character nobody has any attachment to
not guaranteed buys
I find all games boring bros I think I'll retire and play final fantasy xiv instead.
sf6 is murdering kekken so harada had to pull the emergency heihachi button early
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nigga on twitter during the evo top 6 of his own game
The games haven’t even started retard
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I hate myself for not being able to wavedash/electrics at will...

Will switch to Lidia...
Yeah, waifu Heihachi definitely moved copies, and is one of the most popular characters.

I'll push back; it seems like they have a mini cinematic campaign for Heihachi, which is probably a year or two of development work, so I think this was the plan all along.
>Bison gets into SF6
>Heihachi gets into Tekken 8
omw to Garou 2
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The Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising tournament will be held on July 27 at the new time of 2pm EST. Sorry if this is an inconvenience but something came up.


If you got questions feel free to ask.
Kazooyer bros...
you can shit out a ue5 story campaign with 6 months of overtime at a company the size of scamco
heihachi was obviously coming back at some point
Which one to choose between Granblue and Blazblue? Can't decide which one to buy
>whats your job as a commentator?
scream a lot at everything.
is 2b good
Opinion disregarded.
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Good way to promote her onlyfans
>you can shit out a ue5 story campaign with 6 months of overtime at a company the size of scamco
That's not my experience, but I also don't work in the sweatshops of vidya development.
Actually everyone dies in the end because David fucked up. But it's not his fault either, he was a product of his environment just like V and Lucy was. The corpos pretty much fucked them all. Thats kinda what Johnny was fighting for the game in his drug fueled flashbacks. Fuck arasaka and corpos, play butt rock and raid.
if keisuke gets eliminated im out lolz
watch grand blue instead
Drag's getting nerged hard, huh
Nice Yuna, soon-to-be Lidia-bro
How many hours do you need to be able to win a round online?
only fighting game i've played is mortal kombat .
pakiniggas win again
Are we rooting for the pakiniggas, gookniggas, or nigganiggas?
acting like anyone here cares about mashen
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shooting all the nut out my jr into this bitch's anal cavity
we are rooting for the lone jappa as always
bitch need some more meat on her
Now that the dust settled. What's the verdict on Hachi, /fgg/?
dayummm who is this SLUT
>not into her womb
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y'all really finna hatewatch like 2 hours of Tekken 8 now?
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Now LuzChéez has to play phantom Heihachi.
HOLY, a vtuber now owes me a shoe shine.
That's big...
nah im gonna play intead
Yep finna slide my BBC jr between them mommy milkers
>wanting to breed in 2024


finally dragunov wins so they can nerf that shit character to dust and forget he even existed in the game
you want your kid to be born with hpv?
>paying extra for characters that were part of the previous base game
>Reina is Heihachi and Lidia's daughter
>Trailer heavily features Lidia and Reina
when are they gonna kill off dhalsim
name a fighting game franchise that didn't do that
>mask user
fuck off
Heihachi can't stop laying pipe. He's like the opposite of Kazooyers autistic devotion to Jun.
Marduk is cancelled. Good thing some one else to take the spot instead.
Like Akuma and Bizon?
Sim, Honda and Blanka need to be put on the back of the bus
>Get rid of Sim
>Bring Back Necro
>Sim is season 2 DLC character 3
>fchamp is finally unbanned from comp
look at all these woman in tekken 8 crowd, i thought the fgc didn't have that
He usually be home and restreams it so this is a step up in some directions
nevermind den
damn sexy asian girls ... BWC ARMOR ACTIVATE!!
Bison and Rashid
Akuma and Ed were DLC in V
there was a young lidia in the trailer
timeline doesnt match up for her to be reina's mom you retards
About 3-5 minutes
>There was a young lidia in the trailer
How young is too young for the leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu?
cg looks terrible
nigga looks like donkey kong
nigga already on set point? not even a kekken fan but this shit moves so fast it should be ft3 in top 6
little brat needs correction
It's actually crazy that Jam's going to get added when the game's on the way out.
kuji cursed the saudis
why would you want jam added to a dogshit game?
ft4 rather, tekken is just 2good juggles then the match is over
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I don't understand tekken, I just see two people punching each other, what are the technicalities that make it fun aside from footsies?
>anime player upset because he got blacked by the best anime
nigga said kekken has footsies and in the same post said footsies isnt enough for a fighting game to be kamige. such a vappa post
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more like kekistan
there are none, its a party game
We need to cancel Heihachi. Get the twitter hashtags ready
ad breaks longer than the sets
wish mahreen would wish me good luck doods ...
Do fgcniggas that die in pools really drop a few k to go to Vegas to go full cheez towards of thots instead of just flying to Tijuana? lmeow
She put on weight
>its a party game
so I was right in my assessment, the evo matches look like me playing with my friends so I thought I just couldn't grasp the higher level stuff during these sets. When I look at other evo games I can clearly notice the immense gap in skill between me and the pros. I got no problem with people enjoying it but it's pretty boring to watch desu.
So which major modern fighting game should I get into if having guest characters is a deal-breaker for me?
Trick question, they all have guest characters now
Who are the guests in KoFXV?
Terry and Mai polluting SF
vappaslop netflixslop in soive
Kekken guests on the way
MK lol
we are finito
Some anime kusoge.
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heihachi is an unironic pedo, idk how they got away with this but they did
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i almost said uni2 but those niggas had guests 10 years ago
2XKO and Garou 2 are the only ones that haven't announced guests yet and Garou will definitely have them before release.
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2XKO and Nen Impact
Doesn't it have some Garou characters in it? I'm not familiar enough with SNK franchises to say for sure from which series each character originates.
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>all games have guests and Smash controls
LuhMEOW. We Smash now
2B in granpoo
fateslop in melty
DBFZ is the only pure fg left...
NK probably saved SF characters for Garou. There was no reason to put them in their old game.
I will sub heihachi to support my wife reina
>crossover game
>no guests
Samsho characters are in it but they're cool
Damn, this Steve nigga looking old
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2B is very good, obnoxiously so.
She ignores some rules that the rest of the cast have to follow, like the fact that she can cancel whiffed normals into other normals (something that no one else can do) so trying to whiff punish her is significantly risky for you.
She also has access to double jumps and air stall bullshit making it very difficult to anti-air her, all while SHE has a great anti-air herself.
kekken always always kills the vibe every year
cornball DLCs are ruining fighting games
They're competing for the same 10,000 or players that will buy games that aren't MK, Tekken, or SF

how do people think this is fun to watch?
who was the nigga that said big green play buttons would save the genre
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wait you guys didn't take a break during tekken?
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You're not wrong.
It's funny because her GBVSR version partially ruined 2B herself to me as well; I like her in her own game but holy FUCK it is tiresome playing against her in this. Sometimes I feel pissed off even when I win my set against the person playing her.
Also, they made her hot as fuck in-game but the only way to see her ass is by using a meme super move that is guaranteed to cost you a round so of course no one fucking uses it.
Tekken reminds of judo where a lot of matches end with someone doing some gimicky shit at the start and end the match there.
Saying Garou and Samsho characters are guests in KoF is like saying Final Fight characters are guests in Street Fighter. They're part of the universe and in the lore, even if it's a different continuity.
mashen don't even got good backdashing anymore. garbage
Tekken 8. It has no guest characters.
damn, japs getting swept in every game
>Fatal Fury
>Art of Fighting
nigger the entire king of fighters is literally a crossover of different franchises
Master Of Vappas
It has the Arab dude from Street Fighter and the robot ninja from Soul Calibur.
"Guest character" in the context of this discussion VERY clearly refers to characters from fighting games made by other companies, or anime characters or whatever.
Calling anyone in KoF XV a guest character is retarded.
alright just turn winner finals to grand finals we all know no one is beating the pakiniggas
>moving goalposts
I'm praying for Arslan to end the Dragunov meme
Whatever nigger, you being too dumb to understand something that simple is not my problem.
Kekken8 top6 is only 2/3 but Timantha Gear got 3/5 the entire tournament? And it was still a bunch of randoms in top6 anyway???
the SNK that made Fatal Fury is arguably an entirely different company to the one behind KOFXV
Typical snkuck, the rules dont apply to them but theyll happily shit on capcom
Guest character in this context means a character not originating from the franchise the game is from, therefore KOFXV has several guest characters. I get to decide that because I was the one who brought up the topic.
Old snk that made ff was a japanese company

Nu snk is a saudi company
Then you are retarded.
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if every EVO 2024 mainstage game's fanbase fought irl which one would win assuming they are matched in numbers?
>KOF doesn’t have guest characters!!!
>literally gets told 4 different franchises that have characters in KOF
>th-they’re not gust characters because… they’re just NOT, okay?!?!
https://youtu.be/m2OkS37ICsE?si=mwNcfsUcjtVBs1EY&t=342 https://youtu.be/m2OkS37ICsE?si=mwNcfsUcjtVBs1EY&t=342 https://youtu.be/m2OkS37ICsE?si=mwNcfsUcjtVBs1EY&t=342 https://youtu.be/m2OkS37ICsE?si=mwNcfsUcjtVBs1EY&t=342 https://youtu.be/m2OkS37ICsE?si=mwNcfsUcjtVBs1EY&t=342
For a certain butthurt snk fan in this thread try one of these
Wow I wonder if Max is excited and hype for new product.
there are niggas watching dood react live?
that's pretty disingenuous, nobody sane complained about in universe capcom crossovers like rival schools/final fight characters, but everyone lost their minds when they opened pandora's box to snk guests
he should do a live version of one of those videos with his sister but in my house and his sister is in a separate room from him with me
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Completely Pointless
i for one would say that samurai shodown counts as guest shit in kof
aof and fatal fury were already a shared universe but you would never see them time travelling to beat the shit out of the fighters of feudal japan
they would never interact outside of the time travel fuckery that made them happen in kof 15
this. it'd be like if dmc characters got added to SF
so he can jizz bigger loads on your face?
>Bison is dead
>Comes back

>Heihachi is dead
>Comes back

>Vice and Mature are dead
>Come back multiple times as spirits or some other bullshit

>Goro Daimon is alive, his friends are out there fighting without him
>Doesn't come back
no one cares about goro
>dead guy... but he alive!
Why are manchildren so averse to change? It's not like the old games are going anywhere
nobody plays the old games and people want to play old character in new game
what i dont get is that with heihachi, why not just play reina?
i would say there's at least one mitigating factor here; their genre and shared history with the kof franchise and other franchises of its ilk (with the same applying to last blade)
this totally still applies but i feel like it's not quite here. like, close. but not quite.
we still dont have any turd strike functions in slime 6
it all started when street fighter 3 flopped because step daddies couldn't mash with dhalsim and blanka
KOF has so many characters it’s pretty easy not to notice when one doesn’t show up unless it happened to a character you main
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if they put that trashy redneck bitch from dmc5 in sf6, you ghetto coons would be cooming your brains out
be honest
How do I beat DA Noel bros
Geese will come back,
Justice will come back.
Terumi will come back.
Onaga will come back.
ew no trish is not hot, they aged up all the DMC girls like 30 years with the new engine
Killing characters for story in A FUCKING FIGHTING GAME is the most retarded shit.
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so if pakistan was really the best region this entire time does this mean competition before kekken 7 is just invalid? they were dodging the real niggas the whole time
I’d goon for Nico
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Nah. But if Lady got in I'd break my fucking BBC jr on Capgawd
pakis have been enabled by scamco not understanding how to balance tekken whatsoever since tekken 7 s3
Nightmare Geese
Not sure
Reina plays nothing like Heihachi zoomzoom
It just proves ComboFiend was right. Characters are just functions and plot doesn't matter. They make a big deal out of the plot when advertising, like just now with the whole Heihachi trailer being about the story with no gameplay. But you just know no one will die, no one will get arrested, no one will lose their powers, nothing. So why do they even bother? Who are they trying to trick here?
nico,lady,trish,lucia all the dmc bitches could get it
>catch his dick into grand finals
theyre rushdown mishimas with very similar functions
i do understand though that characters are more than their functions, and people probably dont want a little teenage girl for their manly man character fix so fair enough
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remember when they made a homestuck character just to bring back evil ryu
>kill character in story
>still have them on the roster because it has nothing to do with the story
>give them non canon shit for their arcade mode
how fucking hard is this?
they did Ken right
>take away all his money and make him depressed and in hiding
>doesn’t change the way he plays
Don't ask me, I am literally incapable of caring about the fucking story in a fighting game beyond "X hates Y" or "X killed Y's father" or whatever.
I have more than enough with that, just some basic motivation and maybe a meme ending. But modern fighting games have to be made with casuals and retards in mind, and they fucking LOVE single player content and story modes, so now companies are forced to make and continue some contrived, retarded story every time.
Dead or Alive did that and people still pretend that game never did anything good
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>Kekken players have to fight for left or right side
wuts wrong with that?
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wha'ts going on with your du'des hand?
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i never played reddit may cry thoughbeit
what dogshit korean mmo is this
Trish > Lady > Nico
>Leon story
>dying wife says “the man I love is the strongest man in the world
>hell yeah I am
>proves it by kicking everyone’s ass
peak fighting game writing
Is Goro popular?

My nigga that's a man
Are those the women you've tried to rape unsuccessfully
do you like Gloria?
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You should know how to do your combos regardless of the side, thats just basic fighting game
T6 and T7 were asspulls plotwise
Gloria is basically trish, so I'd rank her right after trish.
I've seen way more people playing Goro than I have ever seen playing Vice and Mature, although that might have been just me looking at 98 where he was top tier. I just find it weird that he was there pretty much every game from the start and hasn't come back yet even though he is a part of the main trio.
Is this Coomer Blade?
vice is one of my mains in 98 so I'm glad to have her back

also she's hot
p2 side actually has harder execution in Tekken
I'm serious
you're at a disadvantage on P2 side even if you have good execution because P1 can do the same thing but faster and easier
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why did korea fall off in tekken?
Not as embarrassing as avatarfagging as a mid coom game
How much did this game flop? Was it as bad as Stellar Blade?
I forgot Mature and Vice weren’t in XV because they were in XIV lol
Nakoruru was in KOFXIV before KOFXV though.
In Tekken the side you play has major balance implications, some characters are way stronger/weaker depending on which side they are on. Yes, it's retarded.
No young blood. Koreans are hiveminded and only play Valorant and shit now.
yes, because of time fuckery
Harada: バフ・ドラグノヴ
Cheez, why didn't you enter Evo this year?
Heihachi is about pokes and high damage combos.
Reina is pure rushdown with very little knockdowns.
I mained Reina at first since Heihachi was gone but she didn't feel the same despite the references in her moveset.
If you're good at games, there's more money in League; and arcades fell off hard in Korea.
timmy's can make a ironic touhou vn but y'all can't make a fighting game?
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too many disgusting ugly fucking freaks
I wonder if XVI will carry on with more of the Verse story or not. Also what do you think of Hibiki in Samurai Shodown. Would that count as same universe or no?
Yeah? So it has nothing to do with you not being good enough for Evo?
>Raven: Heihachi somehow returned... again. I am so fired.
is that the power of allah?
I like how they brought back Raidou without forcing him into the story in 5, too
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tekken slop still going
I want a young heihachi TTT2 skin
Give me 5000 dollars so I can hire an artist, NIGGAAAA
pooji is too much of a nobody for this to be funny
If Kazumi could be a playable character in 7 despite being dead the entire game why couldn't Heihachi?
niggas name is BUTT
his melty is the only notable thing he's done
samsho takes place in the 1700s while last blade takes place in the 1800s, so while they MIGHT take place in the same universe for whatever reason, i feel its not the same thing as mr karate in fatal fury wild ambition for instance
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probably trooning.
Remember 18bit? now known as Stephanie Brownback?
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It just makes Kekken a bigger joke
But you hang around Baron and he doesn't bathe
is that shit
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So Draganav is getting nerfed to hell right?
Because this goonslop isn't a joke, right?
I'm too busy fucking my wife reina
what the fuck is this troon animation
boomers were really strokin' to this
this jappa getting PIECED UP
>P1 can do the same thing but faster and easier
How is it faster and easier?
>atif BUTT
so are we calling everything we dont like trannies now?
he doesn't? proof?
Don't ask Atif and Arslan what their opinions on trans rights are.
that's literally an animated troon
>sees a chick with a bouncy, fat ass
>mind IMMEDIATELY goes to "le tranny"
Every day I am thankful I do not have this kind of brain rot, holy kek
What a miserable existence.
sauce me up nigga
is this how you reddit trannies what fighting games to be animated like?
>no tits
>heavy makeup
>colored hair
how fucking blind are you
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What's tranny about a big jiggly pawg booty, lil nigga?!?!?
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whats the sauce on that animation doe
nigga really wants 2 jerk off to that looney tune ass
KBD is more difficult to input on P2 side, so you have to do a slightly slower one to not fuck it up.
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>no tits
>heavy makeup
>colored hair
According to this retard I should stop liking Lilith as well.
you should, she is gaybait
Anime timmies don't wash they asses
correct pedo
thats not even washing your ass nigga they shat themselves
>lose RPS
>lose set
reminds me of yugioh
Well, given that every other la ogra de la americas with pronouns in bio calls "herself" Lillith, I think his assessment about the coding of the character is accurate.
>flat chested, white and huge ass
My kryptonite, NIGGGGGAAAAAA
Touching a man's ass is gay
Tekken 8 grand finals is on and y'all talmbout trannies again!?
finna lab some dooberz tell me when dix starts
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OK retard.

This guy knows what's up.
hands off my wife, nigger
I thought your wife was Nico from the Dead or Alive series
that's a pic niggas have been posting for years
I haven’t played Tekken 8 but I played 7, what’s the heat burst they keep talking about?
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found it, also kek'd at this timmy in the archive, poor dicklets
Why do we hate Dragunov again? He's just an autist that wants to put together model tanks.
Like the other guys said, a few minutes of the tutorial and doing some of the combo trial will do you just fine.
This isn't me
My wife lilith is so perfect

Top tier combination.

What else would fgg be talking about.

Why do we care about plot and pairings in fighting games all of the sudden?
thank god for arslan speeding through kekken grand finals
these pakiniggas are CHUGGING them damn water bottles
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Almost to SF6, thank god
Fuck it we palm
Is that the secret?
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Honestly, if your scene is dominated by a war torn countries where women cant drive or even go outside without a male relative as guardian......your scene is weak

Just imagine Tokido or MenaRD were to try Tekken, they'd dominate
>Why do we care about plot
always have, the problem is mofos who don't play the games have a voice in the matter.
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Tekken 8 grand finals are on and y'all are talmbout BOUNCY DISNEY ANIMATION FOR SPICNIGGAS?!?!!;
Only retards do; plot in fighting games was always just an excuse to have characters fight each other. Trying to make it serious and structured was a mistake.
holy built for timmy ...
>try Tekken
He did, more than once
This reminds me of my friend when we were kids, he only knew the combos for being on the left side in whatever game we were playing, SFA maybe. Whenever he ended up on the right side he expected me to stop everything and let him get back over to the left side. It was his game and he was older than me so I said whatever. Then one time I didn't let him get back to his side and just kicked his ass and he threw a tantrum.
that's a bit racist
what does their culture have to do with the quality of their play?
I mean, even the korean nolifers can't beat the pakis, so I think it's a wrap
Is this some sort of psyop by a timmy to force a built for timmy meme?
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>no reset
Korean and Japanese eSports talents arent in Kekken, thats the issue.
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mena had to escort Sherry and Ricki around the Dominican Republic when they went there for a tournament because he thought they'd get brutally raped
why is this so sexy?
wish she would kick the shit out me bros...

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