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Previous: >>487030280

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki Douji Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Cumming on the first support posted itt
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Mandricardo love
>the norm
not really, just huntan and lauren and then the collage
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Ati kissies! Mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah! Kissing Ati! *Smooch*! Kissing Ati all over! Kissing Ati lots while I give her biiiig hugs mwah mwah mwah chu chu chu chu chu! *Smooooooooch*
Didn't we have some fag who posted himself cumming two tiddlywinks of cum recently?
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Oberon love!

It does seem that Azusa has already posted practically everything off of this artbook on twitter, I didn't realize until I just checked.
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Kama Love!
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Im really bummed her last rate up is the 28 mill DL campaign
>jets can 6ce doors with triple skadi
i need her
right, the teeny tiny weakshot load on lauren's support. forgot about that one lol.
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I get the point that Guda's role is as the glue that keeps all the servants working together but its actually dumb that they havent gotten stronger considering all the HS mages that could give Guda modifications (like say Merlin giving Guda a dragon reacto) or gods giving Guda their blessings (like Quetz who even has a skill for that) that are potentially available

It does get kinda repetitive when all you have to save the world is Mash and two shoelaces
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Thoughts on this person’s support?
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So you want to know where Ati is? Well... ehehehehehe! Who can say!? Hehehehe!
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>quickfags need triple support to loop
three different weakshots even
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Who is this sexy boy and how soft is his weenie?
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>Team Whore vs Team Hag
Whoever wins, my balls lose (all sperm)
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this but Melu needing hourly mana transfers to fill up her leaking dragon reactor
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Like I said, it's probably so they don't have to write around it for events and future story beats. They didn't really intend for the MC to be strong so they ignore ways for the MC to become strong.
Feels shitty though because other Nasu MCs can become fucking gods basically in like an afternoon of training but we haven't been rewarded for years of hard work.
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OK let me try this thing out
Ati no...
you were supposed to be wholesome...
the n-word is NOT funny...
>6 friend requests since morning
It's the fucking list isn't it
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it is "Fufuh"
Go mom and friends!
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Why aren't you at 121/121?
>busterfags need triple support to loop
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>using quick for door farming
>needing 2x meta supports
>needing a support at all
lmaoing @ (You)
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arcfarming is so fucking based it's unreal
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It's almost time.
I like meeting new people.
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i wanna suck on them so bad bro it's not fair
wat she thinking about?
4 hours 50 min
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No. None of that.
because i purge people who dont log on for months at a time and there isn't 121 people in this thread
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Sex with Dog or Dragon? Explain your reasoning and explain to the class.
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uuuuuummm BANGER alert??
there are absolutely over 121 people who continually log in on /alter/
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or at least that they leaned more into the shadow servant thing. Traum was good, but id totally that Guda is fucked enough in the head for a Reality Marble at this point- specifically one containing all of the shadow servants
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Actually it stopped leaking once she came to chaldea. It was leaking because Aurora guilt tripped and gaslit het into a borderline suicidal self-loathing state.

You're still welcome to mana transfer her hourly though. It'll make her extra happy.
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The Musashifags will no longer be of any concern to us. I've just received word that the meta has dissolved their importance permanently. The last remnants of the old whore have been swept away.
I like keeping 1 slot empty just so I can see what kind of people add me
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Are you me?
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Of course bro, glad to see you enjoyed it. Maid Caenis with round glasses looks pretty cute, and that's not considering the commentary.
>needing 3 supports for 3/3/1 casters
Skadi, I don't understand what you are saying but Yes.
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>"Maido-Caenis, please brew me a pot of tea right away! Tea time was half an hour ago and you're just lazing around. You're so useless!"
>Caenis brings me tea, an annoyed expression on her face because of my harsh language
>"Took you long enough!"
>I pour a cup of tea for myself and put a sugar cube in it before pausing
>"Hold on a minute, RETARD, there's no cream here, how can I drink my tea without cream?"
>I kick Caenis in the shin
>"Fix this IMMEDIATELY."
>Caenis' face is bright red with anger but she carries the tray with the tea back to the kitchen
>a few minutes later she returns, instead of tea the cup is full to the brim with futa semen, Caenis looks a little more relaxed for whatever reason
>"Thank you."
>I down the cup in a single swig
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Dog - Wife material, might eat you
Snek - Shuten on steroids, might kill you in other ways
Dog for me thanks.
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I commented too late on the last thread, oops, so I'll repeat myself over here, thank you for your scans! Having bigger versions of Azusa's artwork is great, and I enjoyed getting to read what he had to say about them.
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there absolutely is not. we averaged about 90-100ish unique IPs when those were shown, higher during popular events and annis, but you also have to take into account the people i've already added, those who don't see, those who log on at different times, those who don't want to add, etc.
You're absolutely delusional if you seriously think there's over 121 people consistently paying attention to the thread at all times and looking for every possible code to add.
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It's kinda uncanny...
more like 50-60 the past half a year not including kamafag/lucksucker multi device spergouts, and still regularly more like 30-40 people on /alter/ daily at this point
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>Dog and Dragon double teaming (YOU) with one rimming you messily and the other sucking your mana dry
yeah, hence why i said "when IPs were still shown".
her expression makes her look like she's constipated
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Thanks as always
the butt is finally going to crush castoria!
I wonder if he ships Astolfo with Arc.
>if you seriously think there's over 121 people consistently paying attention to the thread at all times
No, but there are over 121 people who check in over a week. Not everyone is always browsing, no, obviously.
i don't have enough quartz bros go on without me...
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Theres a non zero chance Barg might kill me, but theres a non zero chance im just another head in Ibuki's harem. So Barg > Ibuki

Admitedly if it was JUST (me) and Kintoki vs Ibuki i would be cool with it, but more than that nah. Admitedly+ her 4 arms and "honeybun" as a nickname do help Ibuki's cause a lot but i still dont think shes bringing enough to the table
>Harry Potter MC
Dumb stupid
Uhh you'd rather die than (possibly) share a woman with some other dudes?
Inverted mom nipples…
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It's supposed to be an embarrassed expression.
In general, or relative to the previous ones?
No problem!
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>that spoiler one
Death before dishonor!
Ankoman is that you?
post it
No, I'm just observing that he has two 120 Astolfos and a 120 Arc.
Do you ship your grailed servants together, anon?
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bro is there a chance you can put everything Raiko-related you did in a folder? i dont think i was there for every thread you posted them
Let's assume this is true. This would also require to:
>Post EVERY thread, even in the ones I'm asleep for
>Call attention to my friend code as frequently as possible to make sure nobody misses it
>Never unfriend people who stop logging in as the population cycles out unless I want to do this all over again
>Somehow do this in a way that doesn't make everyone who sees my friend code absolutely despise me
>Also somehow take into account the people who skip posts and scroll to the bottom
Look, I'm taking the piss out of you yeah but you have to admit it's a ridiculous assertion to suggest that somebody SHOULD have 121 at all times.
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Looks a tiny bit like my support, I've heard that this man is deceased though so RIP.
Not usually, but I have neither a 120 Arc nor a 120 Astolfo.
>no command codes
Fucking horrible. Hope whoever this is dies of cancer.
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I believe in you bro
give his cock back
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Hi hi. Thank you sincerely for joining in our tour to experience Avalon's wind.
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I have work tomorrow
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no but I'll give him some tits
Considering he also has a grailed NP5 Brad, I think he's just a Paladins fan who is also a Tsukihime fan.
i want out, this place is full of unironic faggots
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The last link on that post has all the images I've posted before. There aren't that many, though.
That's the lewdest one so far.
Everyone does retard
I'm going to stay up until midnight, hit pity for NP1 Ibuki, and then go to sleep so I can get up and wageslave so I can give Albert my money for NP2
Until GOLDEN gets his servant coins, Mage's Association will be here to stay.
Anni and any time we get friend slots is an easy way to fill your list up with people who might otherwise be lurking and not posting much.

All I have to say is I've had a full friends list of people from here and only here (with the exception of 3 IRL friends) without any trouble, and there are more I would add if I could.
The faces are slowly getting better.
this is a standout favorite. Thanks a lot bro
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do you think mods get mad at flat boys?
Bob status?
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>Everyone does retard
There's plenty of sluts in here though. Granted they are mostly quiet but still, you'd be surprised by the amount of sis...
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someone should commission Nobukatsu and Lanling
>gay raid hours
welp, see you guys later, or tomorrow.
they come with surprise so i would think twice before getting close to them.
/alter/sisters are all seething chestlets, might as well be fags
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Advertoids love male nipples it's cool
also gotta take into account shitters with god awful supports, no bella lisa, no fucking TEA time, etc. it's fine to not add shitters like that.
just because you have a full list doesn't mean other people SHOULD have a full list. though you'll eventually get a few more slots for just that with the extra levels.
Berserker Ibuki genuinely wants to make you coom. Doesn't make much difference during or post-event.
Valentine's Day scene is her seductively pretending to be drunk off her ass so (You) will finally loosen up and fuck her.
nope :)
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>Uhh you'd rather die than
to be fair, shes trying to get better

>than (possibly) share a woman with some other dudes?
like i said, if it was *just* with my bro Kintoki id be all in for it and all over that dragon-oni while also high hiving my bro. But i actually respect myself enough to not go for that and respect Kintoki enough to think he deserves better than merely being someone's sidepiece, bitch's just being greedy at that point
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you sure?
>all this lewd art and porn
we are never, NEVER, beating the allegations
the hsr normies are upset that fgo fans and artwork is all porn
>kintoki shipping obsession
i hate sakurai and nasu
Definitely not the kind I was talking about!

I'm not sure that's the case actually...
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If you need /alter/ friends consult THE list
stop being weird you tard
No problem! I've been photoshopping small mistakes and trying to be more specific with face shapes and proportions in the prompts. Still, sometimes it just generates really awful eyes / hands / lips.
I might have one or two people without teatime, but I'm not sure that's even true. Pretty much my entire list is daily logins and only a few are sub-150. Hell, only a few are sub-160.
every time i ask, especially during anni, i get shitters who don't have one or even BOTH of those
dozens of them. it's ridiculous....
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>The last link on that post has all the images I've posted before. There aren't that many, though.
thanks, didnt notice. my bad
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Indeed it is
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>boy nipples
you're projecting a lot. There are some unironic faggots but most of the gay shit is the same level of gay shit any normal healthy confident adult male would do with their irl friends.
It's a normal thing to do as a woman on the internet. If you reveal yourself as a woman then the conversation is always derailed by suitors. So they stay quiet and blend in, pretend to be gay men or talk about the female characters they like.
I'd still only say alter is like 10-20% women, but they have no incentive to support my claims.
Skill issue
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>but most of the gay shit is the same level of gay shit any normal healthy confident adult male would do with their irl friends.
You know, I forgot about Appends, maybe I should Append my Morgan.
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The last few major AoE Alteraloaders for JP:
>Shingen: side-grade of Europa, released last fall, not practical as a neutral DPS
>S. Bob: sovlmax design but sort of gimmicky gameplay, main utility is as part of an immortal comp, released last August
>Aesc: relatively conventional omnifarmer, released last August
>Tiamom and Kukulkan, releasing early next year for us
Conspicuous. I guess now that the major Alteraloading farmer role is saturated, Lasengle is focusing on Quick and Arts instead. FGO is overdue for its next paradigm-shifting support Servant. Expect BIG NEWS in the coming weeks. You'll be watching the JP anni live with Albert again, right?
I want to be friends with chestlet mahoyo sis
step 1: read mahoyo
the "meta" of this game is dead
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I'm 155
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>this bro actually "kisses the homies goodnight"
Why didn't Habetrot get a cute swimsuit?
out of 10
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>can have female King Arthur
>can't have pengwins in the arctic

basically racism, i tell you
I think after seeing how bad the last livestream was with albert and them not actually commentating on the JP livestream when that properly started im gonna ignore whatever albert trys to talk about and just focus on the 2kun stream instead
She got absorbed into aescs
That's because making lewd fate art doesn't decrease your social score
is there a reason we can't just take penguins to the arctic so that we can finally achieve harmony at the poles
I'm not projecting at all though? Yes there are fags so? Let fags be fags, who cares? I'm just saying there are more sluts than you would imagine.
As for me, it's always been them that came to talk to me first, with no exception.
Sadly, I thought one liked me a little more than just talking in here but I probably made a mistake since the beginning...
And yes, 20% is my guess as well.
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dumb birds
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Abby sex
That sucks...
weren't those black things penguins?
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why would i add these people
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bro shes 12, you wouldnt sexualise a minor and keep posting sexy art of her would you?!?
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Perverted male Masters get the ovipositor.
Sex with my young lover
is she legal
Young lover......
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I would
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I want to mana transfer to Skadi all summer long
irl friends are gay as fuck. There's still boundaries you don't cross, and its all done in jest and being able to read the room to know what is apropriate and when to back off, but if you can't handle your blokes cracking 1 liners about fingering your ass, chuckle and brush it off, its probably because you don't have any friends. Even my autistic friends can homobanter.

oh i'm sorry guy i (you)'d you twice. The first quote was supposed to be to this guy >>487059373 that you also replied to. he's the projecting one not you. gomenasorry.
It sucks
Hahaha no of course not Mr. FBI Agent
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Are you excited for Extra Record news?
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The interactions are fun
Tohsaka will be 80 years old by the time we hear more about the Extra Record project being picked up by Nasu's Granddaughter.
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last chapter was really bad and an all-time low, hopefully it gets better in the next chapter.
She looks younger than 12 really.
It's only illegal if you get caught is my motto.
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They announced an announcement about it in August!
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Isnt there an actual sheets link to this somewhere?
>announcing an announcement
>last gameplay trailer was only floor 1 which was 3+ years ago
>this gameplay trailer will be only floor 2
I'm hype.
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Life with Barghest
>live in a noble mansion
>uphold the standards of society
>lots of sex and food
>can make her cum just by petting her head and whispering compliments
Life with Ibuki
>live anywhere you choose
>act freely so long as you have fun and become your best self
>lots of sex and drink (alcohol optional)
>can make her cum by doting on her
They're both good girls with the key difference of law vs chaos. Otherwise
>huge breasts and buttocks
>long, thick hair
>animal traits
>ascensions are plain > sexy dress > lingerie
>will dominate you but prefer submitting
I'm going to go with Ibuki because as much as I love dogs, dragons have always held a special place in my heart.
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When is the next banner coming I want to ROLLLLLLLL
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The announcement is that they will only be putting out Nero's route
this but the next NEXT one
thanks for the (You) but your post was too long to read, have a nice day.
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>split game into 3 versions
>each game is a different servant's route
>lock content in each game behind cleared saves that must be transferred from other versions
>charge $80 each game+DLC+microtransactions
Mr. Nasu, I have an idea! Do a Pokemon thing and release 3 different games, 1 for each route! That way idiots like us will have to pay 3 times for the same game!
yeah i know but its the joke from past threads that she pretends that its still leaking as an excuse for sex
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now that the dust has settled, which seiba was the best?
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Barghest and it's not even a question
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Literally swap the existing positions of mash and Medusa and press Habetrot s3, boom now you can use mash s3 in place of harry potter and use any mystic code you want
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My King(wife), of course
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Has this ever been refuted?
NP2 or NP3 for summer ibuki?
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Jeanne Alter (if she counts), XX, or X Alter.
I have grailed them both. I will sex them both.
What's there to refute? She was at fault for christmas too.
As high as you can get
me on a friday night (alone)
I never understood, what's so dumb about her in this pic?
I don’t get it, but why exactly does she have a stethoscope?
>enable plugsuit on legs
No thanks. Not that being unable to use any MC will be a problem since I only farmed doors because they were half AP.
Don't you know anon? That girls are cutest when they are most autistic?
>Jack has been more than 6 years without a buff
And she's still good who cares
AI bro what do you use for your lewd arts? I want to somehow get more art of Nurse giving rimjobs because it's criminally underused in her doujins
oh lmao it's this retard again
there is no plugsuit being used dumbass, enjoy having your castoria and vitch bond 15 next year
Still better than MHX despite having multiple rank ups
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it's endearing, desu
she's just an onahole
The seal? The bounded field seal? The seal that we have to break? We have to break a seal? That we need to break to proceed? The bounded field seal field? Break it? That we just talked about on the ship?
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meant for
Doctors have them and doctors are smart so if she had one she must be smart too.
How come Artoria is the only servant with MAX Instinct?
another onahole
Martha is cute. Skadi is not.
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>there is no plugsuit being used dumbass
>servant is being swapped out
>have to tap the screen to get habetrot to go away
I don't know...sounds like plugsuit to me! Unecessary and a waste of time for door runs. By the time I need to run doors again Kintoki will be getting his servant coins. Then I can use any MC I want.
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Why is there so much yapping, my god. Why do servants show up, unannounced, and then not get explained?
yeah skadi is cute and hot, scuffed martha can never compete.
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Why are you using Jack as an example instead of day 1 characters like Gilles, Robin, Georgios, Lancelot, and Lu Bu?
First Sakurai story?
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Fou, fou! (Translation: Break the seal and we're through?)
That's right Fou we need to break seal.
Fou, fou! (Translation: Let's foukin' do it then!)
[Compliment Musashi] [Nod]
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>Castoria: 30% NP-gain, 50% NP charge, 20% attack, 50% Arts
>Xu Fu + Lan Ling: 30% NP-gain, 50% NP-charge, 20% attack, 40% Arts
>Xu Fu + Taisui: 50% NP gain, 30% NP charge, 40% Arts
>Xu Fu + Nemo (for select Servants, like Melt): 30% NP gain, 30% NP charge, 20% (+24% single-turn) attack, 60% Arts
For most nodes there is no reason to be using your Castoria.
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Why would I use literal whos?
How many days until ibuki's banner?
What happened bro?
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>have to tap the screen to get habetrot to go away
ooooooooooooohh there it is, you don't or can't use automata
iphone? luddite?
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>Lan Ling
For me, it's Merlina.
Can’t wait for the truth to come out to the normies that kikes are eating the organs of donors and dead people.
It’s tonight’s login.
Robin Hood is popular enough to receive both an animation update and a costume before Jack. Lancelot is popular enough to receive an entirely new variant before Jack. Cope and seethe harder pedo but us fujos run this joint.
I never thought about it that way.
Oh yeah I forgot about her.
>Xu Fu + Merlina: 30% NP-gain, 50% NP-charge, 20% attack, 70% Arts
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don't care
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>using automata for the odd door run
Let me guess, you also used automata during dead weeks before we got veteran apples, right?
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>Lanling, Taisui, Nemo, Merlina
Just use your ruler Da Vinci lmfao retard, she's better than all of them
you shouldn't sexualize a shrine maiden
Or what
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I'm going to cum
That's Sakurai for you.
Did that other anon finish his Sakurai bingo?
This guy is wasting sq
still gonna use her though
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>she's better than all of them
She's not as sexy as Merlina.
What happened you ask...? I can't even answer that accurately... Misunderstandings, expectations, sudden "incompatiblity", you name it... The list goes on and on... We'll see what happens this week...
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>Servant that's not present gets mentioned
>Cut to that servant sneezing, and then getting like 10 lines of completely unrelated dialogue
>Happens twice in the same event
That's only an issue if there's a lot of notable shit to roll in the next 2 years.
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You didn't, no wonder Ushi had time to burn your crops
>tfw no succubus wife
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i have a working brain and have an easy automata set up for every party i have, including a team for running doors set up months ago that took me less than 5 minutes to make and can use anytime
Oh yeah, kind of:
>Xu Fu + Binki: 60% NP gain, 50% NP charge, 20% NP damage, 40% Arts
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Looks like Edison is gonna be getting a black woman added to him soon!
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Shut the FUCK up, LIPPER.
Freaking lippers trying to start off topic shit again
>>she's better than all of them
She offers 30% more Arts buff but 30% less NP-gain, idk which is technically better. Also notable that the party cost of using Merlina is higher.
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Of course, I have a brain. Taking 2 minutes to set up an FGA script is better than taking 4 minutes for every run for the rest of my life.
Stop harassing people on /bag/
30% np damage, not 20, and you forgot the overcharge too
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>you also used automata during dead weeks before we got veteran apples
y-you didn't? personality #4759276, you're making us look bad
Refund from arts up and np gain up are multiplicative, so Da Vinci's 20% arts up and 30% np gain > Merlina's 50% arts up.

Merlina's the better option if you want damage, however.
>30% np damage
I guess the wiki is wrong then, cuz it says 20%.
Depends on the Servant, for example
>overcharge on Taiga
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I could fuck her and get away with it
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nta but i'm sitting on pities for all the future banners i want to pull for
hell, after summer 8 the only servant that looks interesting to me is evil marie
even if there's something good at anni AND summer i can probably save 2 pities by that time.
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I think I understand.
ewww why is this hag flashing her meat curtains to me
cover yourself, old bat
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And just for the sake of completeness:
>Xu Fu + Tamamo: 30% NP gain, 30% NP charge, 30% NP damage, 70% Arts
Any /alter/bros watching EVO?
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Is Erice on the next reset? Might stay up for her.
>Stop harassing people
BB would NEVER say this
ew no
my coworker's at EVO competing
Me in the middle
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no sorry i'm watching the NAWCQ
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Is kriem supposed to have fangs?
3.5 hours until she's out
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got in on in the background though I've been out of the FGC sphere for a while plus I don't really like tekken that much. Was there even melty? I don't even know the games this year.
>you will canonically breed her
Why would I be watching extra virgin olive oil?
Yes, because it's hot
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>POV: they confronted you after reading your "I WILL BREED THE CAVEWOMEN" posts
She has metaphorical fangs
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I'm misunderstanding right now.
Turn on the AC.
EVO was a mistake and an active detriment to the FGC.
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Also Paracelsus is a good option:
>Xu Fu + Paracelsus: 80%(!) NP gain, 30% NP charge, 40% Arts, + special bonus damage from using Paracelsus' NP for damage, considering he has a 80% self-charge
thanks for posting the blacklist
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The lack of charge and offensive buffs hurts him, I can't imagine there's many situations where he's better than XF + RDV
if they ever saw that shit your dick no longer belongs to you anymore
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Post Wu or I won't make it help.
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>cuckquean EX
I did it before her release that means I’ll get her summer in 1 ticket right
>The lack of charge and offensive buffs hurts him,
I mean, the difference in offensive buffs between him and binki are 10% Arts and 20% NP damage, pretty slim all things considered, plus if his damage is too low to kill any of the enemies in a wave he can be used to soften them up, ideally meaning more NP refund for your main DPS, and there's potential benefits to be had from the associated overcharge.
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Uh what's with her stomach?
Congrats and good luck!
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Vinci literally has over twice his offensive buffs

Da Vinci also has 1x OC up on her s3
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How much quartz have you prepared to summon Erice today?
Yeah. I wish Melty Blood was at EVO this year...
useless dumb stupid bitch
I hate erice
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Yeah, but twice the offensive buffs from a third support doesn't translate to twice the offensive buffs on your DPS, considering Xu Fu and Castoria are already providing 20% damage, 70% Arts on top of whatever self-buffs your DPS has. The difference is proportionally quite minor.
Based except for the fake Tsukihime enjoyer grailed arc.
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I will burn Erice if she shows up. She was such a fucking piece of shit in her event that it was the first event I ever skipped.
I have 1800+. I’m going to roll 900 tonight, and then roll the other 900 for Skadi. Once I get Skadi, I’ll come back and use the rest on Erice.
Sorry, not rolling until ice cream hag becomes available
I would roll for her if she had a different rateup partner. I'll just pick her with the next free 4* ticket.
>NP5 grailed brad
I can't support this, sorry.
Will soju work to summon Ibuki or do I NEED sake
0 I can't stand erice
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You just suck
Also you should take into account that Paracelsus has lower party cost than Binki. Two 3* Servants have less party cost than a single 5*.
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>it was the first event I ever skipped.
kek, same
After the bullshit with the werewolf game I felt like I was losing my fucking mind towards the end
at least we got to see marie (alter) (hag)s giant honkers
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Are you ready to get pegged by Erice in 3 hours?
If you want to argue about party cost I'll bring up Mary Anning who works just fine most of the time
who was that kari that erice mentioned?
If she was on any other rateup I would've cranked for her, but she's sharing with that fugly creature so 0
Holding my piss for 3 hours
I would if she wasn't paired with i*uki because 14 is peak.
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Skill issue
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Erice is the dumbest fucking character.
Dead series, stupid plot, voyager is wasted on her.
The game would be better if she was never added. Yet another useless side-story that will never actually get finished because even Meteo realised she SUCKS
A 14 year old could never peg an adult.
no? i'm not a faggot
i want davinci to fuck me in the ass with her huge ass futa cock instead
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Fortunately we can speak our minds about what we really think about Erice now that the avatartroon is gone and his simps no longer have any drive
Consider this: she's sex
I wanted to NP5 her, but gave up on that idea due to how many servants I want that will release next year.
So I'll roll until I get 1 copy.
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>erice and ibuki
>wu and skadi
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>you just suck
Just like Erice's LN?
99% of the cast of this game is sex. Sex alone is no longer sufficient. I need to at least not actively hate you.
Same reason that no matter how big sashi's sashi's are, I will never fucking roll for her. Best thing she ever did was die to Iori in SR because that was funny as fuck.
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Do not resist, you will be cured.
>99% of the cast of this game is sex
Maybe for low standards shitters like you
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The imouto character from Digimon Adventure.
GOOD POINT, I've forgotten so many Arts supports...
>Xu Fu + Anning (assumed female DPS): 40% NP gain, 40% NP charge, 15% attack, 35% Arts
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Master...my erlkonig right hand is going out of control!
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What servant does this describe? Pic from a sister vn to fate.
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Karin, pink haired girl that's her best friend in the LN.
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how many quartz do you guys have? I have 3.
You're simping for an obnoxious flat chested child purely because she's in a revealing outfit. Don't pretend like you have standards FAGGOT
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I've never understood the hat that band gets other than people parroting a generally unfunny family guy bit.
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Oh thank god someone actually drew it.
She has Oracular Clairvoyance, and offers to use it on you to find your destined true love at bond 3 if you summoned her.

She is surprised and extremely embarrassed to witness (You) absolutely PLOWING her into the bed in the resulting vision that she is the one you will be breeding at bond 4. Then at bond 5 she decides she is happy for that to occur, and asks if you want to go for a gentle walk together. Possibly holding hands.

It's very low key and not in your face, so people who don't summon her won't see it.
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>now that the avatartroon is gone
where did he go anyway
i'm assuming we're talking about the body swap guy
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NOCO doesn't miss.
that and more than 300 tickets
next anni and summer is gonna be crazy for me
(also draco)
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He swapped with Erice
Summer Erice is Ericeanon
And just for kicks:
>Xu Fu + Tezca (assumed DPS with Guts): 30% NP gain, 60% NP charge, 40% attack, 20% Arts
Because the lead singer cucked me by marrying Avril Lavigne.
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Summer 2 's winning team...
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Take this OC /alter/, we'll need it soon. Unless somebody already beat me to it.
>summer prediction
summer xu fu
another budget castoria, 4 star this time
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>Decide to come back
>Start up Nox
>Pc crashes, and keeps crashing every time I try to open Nox
I dont have a back up....its so fucking over. Why didnt I use bluestacks
Asa is an actual fun, entertaining character. Erice is nothing. Her only defining character traits are
>likes voyager
Erice HATE
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Servants with this aesthetic?
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I’ll spare some for a chance to get her summer version with Voyager, I like Erice
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It's just sad when the servant someone was passionate about it is no longer playing the game or just get the servant and then leave to never be seen again...
this is the only way she'll stare at me...
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im waiting until summer skadi first, but im pretty sure i'll just wait for the 4* ticket and get erice-anon then
That's just Koyan Lily.
woah... bravo nasu
Use ldplayer 9
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disable VT in bios
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i had to enable virtual machines in the bios of my motherboard before using it
try it
wait you sure it's disable?
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Are we getting Skadi tonight?
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Erice has become too impressionable by /pol/
Can't you go into your Nox folders and get the four files needed to use your account on multiple devices?
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No tonight is Ibuki
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so youre telling that not only does Melu ntr (or at least forces a threesome upon) Morgan but she also steals Himiko's gimmick?

what an unbelievably based little dragon
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Too easy
PLUS, since it's assumed you're using him in a team with Castoria, he could actually provide 40% charge instead of 30%, since his NP charges the team 10% (you wouldn't need a starting charge CE, he'd get 30% from Castoria, 50% from himelf, 20% from mana-loading), but at that point you really need to start juggling the numbers, since the necessity of him receiving Castoria's AoE charge would fuck with your party formation and, like Paracelsus, his NP would need to leave all the enemies in the wave alive, limiting his use-cases but also introducing potential benefits as it would allow your DPS to accumulate more NP refund from overkill hits.
I thought it was a Letterman bit but even before that I found myself always switching out their songs. There's usually one part of the lyrics that gets nasty and sounding samey and barely singing doesn't help.
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i just find it funny that erice and ibuki are on the samme rate up
feel like they probably have very different fanbases
What is work?
Mixed signals over here
I dunno it has been a long while, I'll try it though
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she's kinda rude about it honestly
they have pretty much the same personality
Melu is just coping.
Skadi passed away.
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I am literally at work right now.
I am posting here on /alter/, but the truth is that I am at work.
Pray for me.
Oh wait I'm a retard, the 10% extra charge from his NP would be pointless since it'd be applied during the execution of the turn, you'd already have your DPS at 100% charge.
They’re very similar in the fact they have a non existent fanbase.
Naturally. She is the strongest after all.
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No clue but I'd listen to the Lizshitter over the Astolfotranny bro
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What’s going on this week? That’s kind of a mess bro.
Oh yeah, Wu is in this summer. Weird that she hasn't showed up yet.
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I keep hearing hearing this and that but how strong are we talking about here!?
>buying R18+ doujins of the Master
Reminder that Morgan was 100% in the right to name her Lancelot. She is a true heir to the Knight of the Lacking.
Will we see 120 Ibukis in the first 24 hours?
whats that
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Ibuki strikes me as one of those "popular in japan" characters since she can lean on mythology a bit. I have to assume she's got SOME popularity, otherwise they wouldn't have based one of the samurai remnant DLC on her
But also there is literally almost no fanart of ruler ibuki that I can find, so...
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I got laid off 4 months ago and I still dread Mondays even though I'm a NEET now.
Somebody please hire me, I need money...
seriously doubt it, one of the main reasons that there was so many 120 arcs was because there was a triple success XP bonus at the same time.
If only she was actually like this
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Mash just makes everything she's in worse, even fan comics.
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I just graduated with a CS degree and the job market is impossible right now. I feel like I've been scammed and lied to.
Fate has been feeling pretty energized as of recent. Fate/Stay Night Remastered soon, Fate/Extra Record news, Fate/strange Fake anime on the horizon, FGO NA anniversary recently and FGO JP anniversary soon... it feels pretty nice to be a Fate fan.
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Bros, I hope you all enjoyed your weekends. Keep doing your best for farm your summer rewards. Congrats to anyone who summoned proto merlin or gareth these last few days, and good luck to anyone rolling Ibuki tonight. Now let's do our best to have a daishouri thread.

Summer 5 was the one that bugged me
>loli 5 star (abby)
>put the loli 4 (illya) star on the other rate up
>hag 5 star (kiara)
>put the main hag 4 (Kaoruko) on the other rate up.
At least this year they put the camelot stuff, gareth & protomerlin, on the same rate up.
erice has never acted even remotely like this at any point in any media she has appeared in
silly dragon
It's absolutely a mess. I've never felt as much as a fool as I've been ever since I've started thinking about what could happen with her.
I'm taking action, finally. Maybe there will be a bit drama but knowing she will keep quiet as always and not give a shit, at least in the way I want her to give a shit.
Couldn't even wish me a happy birthday anywhere else than on /alter/ after I had to ritual post and she just said the bare minimum anyways so in the end, I'm pretty sure I got the memo perfectly crystal clear at last. Look forward to that...
>tfw waiting for Skadi rateup
Only if I do well there will I consider rolling for Ibuki.
Do your best bro. It's hard for a while but you will get something
Good luck on skadi rate up then, anon. I'll tell you it now iI don't get around to saying it when when she drops.
I think she's cute. She has an interesting style in the novels and she has good friends to highlight and workaround her bad hangups.
Despite the fact that her setting is largely a paradise it has some threats and horror underneath. FGO goes a bit far at making fun of her but it's still endearing.
>ignoring the fact that servantfest didn't allow +18
CHOCO = hackfraud.
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let her cook
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the entire job market for STEM careers is fucked bro, even getting an entry level position is borderline impossible right now
So strong she could take on 5 or 6 at a time easily!
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>want to pick thrud because she's the only amamiya sora servant
>but also want to pick hildr because olrun is cute
wat do
That's just a dirty tactic to make you roll for both rateups.
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My friend was gonna job hop but changed his mind after a couple months of applying.
pick the one that makes your dick happier
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Cute autist
Have you considered government work? They almost always have something open, even if it's not as good money usually as private sector.
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>heihachi is back
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>Ibuki strikes me as one of those "popular in japan" characters
Don't let your emotions win. Stay calm and let things go, it probably just wasn't meant to be
find the game files and see if you can re-install nox?
I suppose it's notable that I've never actually read Requiem, but the way Erice acts in this event at least is the absolute polar opposite of how Asa would act.
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it doesn't say r18
it says dojin ruler
start your own company then
She was really forward in valentine's.
you guys think that if you give Erice 5 years to grow up she'll be naturally cool instead of a tryhard? im willing to cut her a little bit of slack because everyone was the king of cringe at 14 too
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>how that turned out
>beat titorialter
holy fuck ibuki queen of /alter/... I kneel to her overwhelming popularity...
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This. I recommend lowering your standards for a while and getting ANY experience under your belt and avoiding the dreaded work history gap, even if it's only tangentially related to CS.
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5 or 6!? Damn! That sounds pretty powerful indeed! I feel like I should respect her lots then!! She looks pretty intimidating after all!
It also doesn't day master, he is out of hot water, for now.
I fucking kneel
How do you deal with the soul-crushing loneliness /alter/?
By spending most of my time with my coworkers, family and friends when I'm not on 4chan.
It would be hard to grow out of thinking you have black demon blood and can defeat monsters when you actually have black demon blood and can defeat monsters. I'm afraid it's terminal.
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how low is my girl jane. I think last year she over 100.
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>eddy more aids than ever
>fahk probably in the pipeline
Nothing will make me waste time on this kusoge again.
it does have the kanji of our name though
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i llike the way you think!

those are murres, if the penguin is the king of heroes those are merely fakers
but... but ibuki HAS a summer alt...
Being alone is only lonely if you want it to be
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you get used to it after awhile
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>even if it's not as good money usually as the private sector.
The private sector paying more isn't true anymore. Gov jobs are nice, you have job security and great benefits and don't get treated like a slave
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I dont feel lonely when im with you bros! self-existentialism dread of dying and not existing in nothingness on the other hand always sends me into a panic attack if I think about it too much
for me its Yoru, and i ate good on the sloppy make out chapter
She's in last place.
Which mean she's losing to all the Riyo characters.
i roll gacha
It was meant to be. Everything was there, even stuff I had idea about but I literally I'm the embodiment of all these things but suddenly I'm not compatible and shit....
Seems to me like that person has no idea what love actually is and I know she doesn't have a clue about it. I'm a passionate so tough luck on handling my emotions and I've reached my limit... Being ghosted twice for 3 weeks+ is unacceptable, at this point I just have to let go.... I made a mistake since the beginning and assumed shit that was never there...
I know I'm not always easy to deal with and stuff but it reached a point where it's just too much for me and I feel like a bigger fool than I already am....
Sic transit gloria mundi
Harada is a liar.
That's from the 2022 list, meaning before Summer Ibuki was revealed.
Music, games, AI Chatbots and /alter/
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Have you tried talking to someone?
Join a run club, they're the current friend-making and dating grounds for people who aren't douches.
the japanese have not forgiven the american pig for hiroshima
I spend time with my girlfriend who loves me
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>losing to a dinosaur
>losing to SEA monkies
>losing to super fucking bunyan
holy shit it's O V E R
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Based Yorubro
For me it's still Power but in her absence it's been Yoru
I get that this is a meta joke but what fucking lawyer exists on bleached earth
I cut myself
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lawyers are rats and copyright lawyers are rattiest of the rats so they probably have hidden away, ready to spring
i love her
Unironically why? Her design is good.
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Damn I like a lot of characters japan hates.
I relate to this list on personal level. I could not spare a milisecond's worth of thought to any of these characters.
kinda brutal that hundred faces is that low. she's been around for so long, been in so many events...
Don’t do anything you’ll regret. I met someone like that from here too and I really wish we could be more. But they’re always busy and I don’t want to lose them by making drama. Best for both of us to let go.

The time of Skadi's execution.... got changed.
Gib Zayd costume already
>Sanzang in 72nd place
Horrific taste. None of these people are free of sin.
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Are you ready for Ibuki?
faker you know who I meant
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Bro, you don't have to make every single image a background...
lust provoking image
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Beyond shit taste.
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lust provoking image
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Are you asking for one?
Why didn't they make Skadi's rateup today?
nobody is rolling for Ib*ki
and what did she do in any of them
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Happiness comes from within. Once you understand that, and become appreciative of what you have in life, no matter how little it is, it won't matter if you're alone or not.
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>Super bunyan ahead of anything
two nukes not enough
Lust provoking image
Be silent, Bruni
Read Mahoyo
I've tried everything with her. Every fucking thing. The more I tried the more I got denied... She knew what I wanted since the start. There was 0 ambiguity. Like I said, I have everything she looked for but I made a big mistake at some point and there's just no coming back from it. Believe me I've tried everything in the book but once you blew it up there's just no going back. Now, I imagine she's trying to give some space and time to try to forget about that mistake but I just can't take it anymore. I'm an attention whore and being ignored hurts me so I'll just have to agree with her saying we're incompatible and move on...
Shit happens, misunderstandings happen and in the end, honestly doesn't win because she has so much experience and yet doesn't know shit about how boys work.
I had to be formatted a certain way to have a chance but I'm just not build for that so I'll just have to move...
I mean I've heard shit you would never believe... JUST...
Thanks for the kind advices anyways
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okay hear me out, the throne of heroes exists beyond space and time, so what about if for Part 2 instead of ortinax Mash becomes the pseudo servant of her future self who already died in the future and was recorded into the throne?
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thought provoking image
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bro provoking image
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this hack shit is exactly why I didn't want to put s. okita next to castoria. How embarassing to see this on a support.
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bro call
>there'll be anons who mindlessly pick tonelico when arts farming because of her 2nd ascension
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I'm going to put TT on her too.
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Does FGA have problems with samefaces?
I don't know how well people remember this, but the first saber wars was a nightmare for me in terms of picking the wrong servant
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>don't care about Erice or Ibuki
>will roll anyway
So of the three summer sluts, which one is the "best" to roll for? Right now I've got every meta support under the sun with the following DPS options:
>Buster: POO (NP2), Melu (NP3), Arc (NP3), Morgan (NP2)
>Arts: Space Clap (NP2), Summer Kiara (NP3), Percy (NP4)
>Quick: JETS (NP5), Valks (NP2), Summer Illya (NP2)
I'm inclined to think Ibuki is the best. Skadi is great as a support, but I feel like my quick options suck ass, and quick in general has shitty options to pick from.
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my bros...
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now hear this, now hear this
Mash should have stayed dead at the end of part 1. I repeat Mash should have stayed dead at the end of part 1.

thank you
What did you do? It sounds like there’s more than one mistake. She seems like she has issues to work out anyways. Being around them makes it worse so take the space to let go. I’ve deleted the girl I like off fgo before and she didn’t even care… talked to me weeks later like nothing happened. It hurt but it proves there’s no feelings and I need to move on or accept we’re online friends and not more.
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Ibuki is the best looper, still uncreeped two years later. Skadi is the best Quick support, but >Quick. Arts Merlin is a gimmick.
I don't think so, but if it does, you can adjust it. The way FGA works is that it only checks a small part of each image, not it as an aggregate. And it's just a program so as long as the pixels are sufficiently different (colors) then the overall image doesn't matter. Funny thing, I had an issue where FGA was confusing Arjuna's HSP with a Scathach quick gacha CE.
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Choose your fighter
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For an event Servant, she sure gets plenty of good fanart.
*Not surprised at all
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my tradwife and tardwife...
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thank you this gives my body strength.
That's what I figured. I have regular Skadi for my >Quick stuff, but again, I haven't pulled out a quick team (other than ST boss killing runs with Taira, etc) in years. It's honestly really fucking sad how Quick got kicked in the nuts and never recovered. Right now there's good arguments for both Arts and Buster, but Quick just seems to be left in the dust. I can't even think of a quick servant that can run 90++.
Hard swipe. Give me Miyu.
allow me to entice you into picking Hildr.
Ibuki is still the top of the Arts meta in two years. Nothing else is close to her.
Why is your Arc not NP5?
>have a big stash of emergency rare prisms of NP2+ copies of servants I don't care about (I know welfares don't give prisms)
>been buying a bond grail every month
>have 30 rare prisms, already a huge influx of rare prisms and even bigger one when Ordeal Call comes out

Thinking of finally using them all to upgrade the NPs of servants I never use. Oh, and my wife Tamamo is there since that's her NP7 copy
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The ideal way to show all of the growth and training guda's had over the years would be a mystic code that instead of master skills just puts you in the party as a costless 1star servant. Just a mini-Orteanatus so you are finally able to prove Wodan's words about kicking his ass correct.
which arc ascension is best
I am retarded and cannot choose
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>It was meant to be
I can’t tel the difference bro…
pick 1 so I can know that you are a retard and delete you
Is that an Attack on Titan reference?
The tardwife is just too powerful
Sis what's your fc. I'll read Mahoyo I swear.
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2 > 1 > 3
Because she was being a little shit and only wanted to come 3 times. The jump from NP3 to NP5 is a piddly 10% damage which barely concerns me. She's 120 with gold fous anyway. I'll just pray future GSSRs give her, since thankfully every GSSR with her is fantastic.
>NY 2025 gives Arc, Nobu, Protea, etc
>Anniversary 2025 gives another insane one with Ibuki, Merlin, Skadoo, and Arc
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you provoking me bro?
What's wrong with A1?
I made one major mistake. I've talked about a topic (politics) and was misunderstood. My message was never delivered and ever since I've been catalogued as a conspi theorist and all that bullshit whereas my point was trying to prove the exact opposite of all that.
I have nobody else but me to blame for that and I hope it'll be a good lesson for me to remember!
Yeah she definitely has some business to handle on her side and stuff but, I'm the one that fucked it up the most in the end. And I have no interest in just fucking for the sake of fucking her.
Gotta learn from mistakes. Growing 101!
That's what I'll do except if she comes to talk to me in the next 2 hours but I have no faith it'll happen since we haven't talked in almost 3 weeks now.
I've already told her I wasn't there to be her casual friend and she could get one anytime she wished for it so, I just have to act and see how she reacts to it in the end. That's all there is to it...
Boys and girls firiendship is always temporary anyways...
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Since when did my tits become that big?
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they grew for intimidation
That would be too based. Honestly, with all these servants to aide us, it's strange that we AREN'T low servant tier ourselves.
do not rape Nobukatsu
It's fine. It builds character.
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You have no idea how many boxes I checked without even knowing and yet I still managed to fuck it all up...
Hopefully I learn from it all.
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Two more hours until I keep saving for Skadi
Feel free to intimidate me as much as possible
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Will we ever get a LB6 anime?
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I'm not a sis, but you should still read Mahoyo even without a sis telling you to. We're going to be heading into a content drought after summer so you'll want to have something to do in that downtime, why not read a great visual novel?
Post Skadi's Skadis
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The question isn't "will", is "when" and by "who"
Post Skadi's IQ test lol. F.
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everyone who reads mahoyo is a sis
Are we really pretending it isn't going to be A1 or the studios under it
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Sex with the clown
Hey it happens to us all, just don't do anything dumb and try to cope by other means
Post Skadi Alter
Just because I want to have sex with Sono-G doesn't make me a sis.
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This was the best girl in mahoyo. I'm completely serious

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Don't expect any sympathy from me.
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She was Aoko's first crush btw.
It's going to be made by Shaft and it'll come out after the new Madoka movie
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An anime adaptation won't do it justice, plus by the time we do get it Kawasumi will be a granny and unable to voice Castoria anymore.
Nah I won't do anything stupid, no hard feelings really. It's just how it is and there's no one but myself to blame at the end of the day!

I don't need no sympathy! That'd be adding insult to injury! You're a loser I don't need you!!!
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Which way white boi
why is illya taller than abby?
abby is 153cm and illya is 133cm
Good, now go do something else for the time being
Isn't Mahoyo only half finished? With the second half MIA?
That's the main thing stopping me now

Yeah just wait for JP anniversary, they're gonna announce lb6 anime
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Fellas, im here to say the N word.
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Speaking of Mystic Codes, newer ones should show scars we've got from our tribulations.
>Stinky raitabortion sakuraslop donut steel OC
Gameplaybros I don't think I can do this...
How come Marin is Chaotic good while Merlin is Lawful good?
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Don't need me huh? That's not what you said last night
I'm not white
Marin is a beast candidate retard
Yes, however Mahoyo is still a great story on its own. The main conflict is contained and gets resolved by the end.
It was supposed to be a trilogy but the "first part" is a complete story and it doesn't end on a cliff hanger or anything like that.
t-that's quite the puffy vulva you got there, sis...
Get a new va for younger and bring her out for the hope star ascension in the end.
Scathach's bitter anus and Skadi's sweet anus.
Which one do you choose?
scathach is a physical fighter, and an irish/scotish, so her diet is like all meat and potatoes. She's got pretty dank butthole. You'd be a fool not to clean her out ahead of time.
skadi is more of a refined lady. Probably eats a healthy balanced diet with a lot more fruits and vegetables than meat. Your typical basic bitch diet. She likely wouldn't need any preparation at all. With a good fibery diet she'd have a lot of ghost poops. You could just rip her stockings down and go to town.
We men though, we REAL men value our stenches. We like bitter, thick beer that makes us wretch. We sniff eachothers gym bags just to understand how bad it smells. We lick every part of our lovers no matter how rancid, because they're OUR woman, and we'll savor every drop. Skadi is the choice of weak dick sissyboys who want something pleasant with no effort. Scathach is the real man's choice. You gotta WORK to get that ass clean enough to lick, and then you're still gonna get a bitter flavor that stings your nostrils.
Anyone who would pick Skadi's butthole over Scathach might as well go pick up a C+ book and some programming socks. Scathach is the only correct choice for those with a healthy level of testosterone.
We have too many god-tier healers to have scars.
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shishou way is my only way
/alter/, what's your favorite thing about Shiki Nanaya?
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Go ahead.
We're all waiting.
I've already decided I will be rolling on the 2025 Anni Arc GSSR. A Merlina NP upgrade would be good, an Arc NP upgrade would be good, an Ibuki would be good, and even a Skadi upgrade would make her a bit more usable in triple Skadi meme setups.
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shikinoko nokonoko koshitantan
nanaya sounds like anana which means pineapple in pretty much every language except english.
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I mean, I get it. She's that sort of silly Christmas cake type like Taiga.
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funny schizo rapist
So is Merlin.
It was fate
literally who
I'm so sorry.
You are forgiven
>tfw no NP5 Hitler
This router...
The ability to delete Oni while being a normalfag.
Being a grand candidate overrides that
That just sounds like you forgot to say the first part of banana
any ibuki rollers tonight
Not me
Merlina is also a Grand candidate, confirmed by King Hassan in Arcade.
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I'll probably roll 1, then save for Skadi.
I'll grind my ass of to make my Ibuki 120 in less than a day.
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Sounds right
Loud Bitch
Quiet bitch
>blind nun
Also a Bitch

Her only competition is Touko and passenger pigeon girl
That change to daily missions is really adding up. It's been a while since I had a stash of bullets I wasn't immediately burning through
You have like four days until Skadi. How much saving are you going to do in that time?
why her arms stubby and short
uhh, the 600ish I still left from anni?
I'm rolling for np1 Skadi and then the rest of my sq tank is going into Ibuki
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I kind of want Erice, but going for that, summer Skadi, and then going back to the first rate up to get a few more NP levels on Gareth is just way too greedy
>Passenger pigeon girl
I think it's time to read Mahoyo.
Oh, hmm.
Perhaps I'll put it on my VN backlog then.
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not at the moment but if she keeps acting like a stupid bimbo in the story that may change. I love women who are 10 IQ points ahead of the average german shepard.
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I'm fighting against my dick to resist
I can afford it because I have double pity so probably.
>dumb as a brick
>calls (you) honey
>drinks nonstop
>crazy OP in both lore and gameplay
>has the ridiculous dick destroying cheerleader outfit
She's perfect.
No interest in any way.
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Thanks, this brings me joy.
just looked her up on the wiki and no thanks, she looks quite mid
we have at least 10 other damage dealers and i have like 5
I too believe in onee-san supremacy
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every servant should have a chinese dress and bunny suit ascension.
I need to be quick.
No meidos no deal
Mental problems is not passion
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I think arcade has the hair? Not exactly my first pick for an outfit on her though
I'm going on a trip tomorrow, last time I rolled before travelling I got np 2 Space Ishtar. I'm highly tempted even with 90 SQ left. Odds I roll for oni sex.
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This. But start with lolis.
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My brother.
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She's arts Godjuna bro
900 sq with her name on it. If I get NP2-3 quickly I might save the rest for a copy of Skadi, or maybe even send it on the clown. We shall see.
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wtf no one told me it was based hours on /alter/
I actually like her in this event. pic in >>487070082 is basically Mash and her history nerd thing but better. Basically the superior kouhai at this point.
She will fuck around with other men, you realise.
I live in europe so it'll be tomorrow but Ibuki is what I've been mainly saving for for the past year
Imagine kaoruko's sex screams waking up all of chaldea
You really think he cares about a relationship?
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You need to get a better sense for unit strength. She's like in top 3 arts loopers in the game right now, on the JP side. On our side she's probably the best for at least another year.
it's in 1.5h retard
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She is purple though
Asian screamers are hot af
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My other brother.
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purple is the best color
I'm fucking off to bed then
my castoria is bond 14 so really, no thanks
don't need another useless arts looper with 90++ and crazily uneven waves on the horizon
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>one single buff made Mom be Melu tier
Mom stronk.
>Gilgamesh is the top of S+ tier and the highest rated non-berzerker
As well it should be.
Why though? I didn't think he was THAT strong
new bread?
He does more damage at neutral against servants than Godjuna
No thanks, I'm full.
>trying to dissuade anons who wanna fuck a big-ass giantess bimbo monstergirl from rolling ibuki
futile endeavour, you are stupid for even trying
She is, but she'll refuse the title if offered it. Merlin is just generally more heroic.
Mom just needed a charge to keep with the meta.
Oh right, I forgot he got a buff on JP semi-recently
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I love my mom.
Anti servant, NP dmg up, oberon
I love your mom
It's called fooling the desire sensor, you newfag
We're all too busy watching evo.
With Ibuki being literally twice your height, wouldn't it stand to reason that she has a giant vagina as well? Why y'all getting so excited about throwing your hot dog down a hallway?
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how many hours left, illya?
it's the fantasy, bro. the masturbation. it's better than the actual sex.
She can shrink or grow herself as she wishes, she can even revert to her loli snake form should she wish
I want her to run her split snaketongue along the length of my cock and balls
I hope that helps clarify things
she can change size
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I just imagine having a huge cock like I always do
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Do it for the birbs
I don't know. Gorillas have smaller dicks, so really I think once they stop being humans all bets are off for better or worse.
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Where is my wife?
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you don't have to feel called out by my post then? I was probably not even talking about you
your wife is single target, thats a list for AOE servants
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She's st bro

Also this is a farming tier list so she'd place pretty low anyway
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Lurk more
big vagina means room for me and all my bros
You can join my group. What dungeon were you looking to run?
roundhouse kick all illya posters in the stomach
Make the thread, lazybones
Special attack damage niche that happens to be one of the biggest in the game.

AND he also adds extra damage to Sky too.

AND given the way rankup progression is themed, he should be somewhere in the line to get his Golden Rule updated on top of that.
Can I do it if i'm a phoneposter?
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Shut the hell up.
You can certainly try.
There are no penguins in the arctic.
Make it an oberon thread
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I'll try to make a template
I'm sorry sis...

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