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Previous: >>486420612

>Current & Upcoming Rate Up Banners:
[7/15-7/26] Summer Riri (Limited)

>Ongoing and Upcoming Events:
[7/10-7/26] VH x2
[7/11] S.Neneka/S.Akino/S.Yukari UEs Added
[7/15] Story Update: Area 71 First Half; H70-3 (Phantom Thief Inori); Level Cap Increase to 313; UE Cap Increase to 320
[7/15-7/23] 3* Platinum Gacha with Masterpiece
[7/15-7/30] Dungeon x2
[7/16] 「リトル・サマー・メモリーズ 渚でみつけた小さな幸せ」 Side Story Addition
[7/16-7/23]「オーマの水からっぽ大作戦 秘密主義者と禁断の海」 Story Event Rerun
[7/17-7/22] Luna Tower (No New Floors)
[7/17-7/22] Luna Tower Dimensional Fault
[7/20-7/26] Hard x2
[7/23] S.Maho/S.Kaori/S.Makoto UE2s Added

>New Player Guide by /pcrg/
>/pcrg/ Resources/Clans
>Kotposter Resources

>/pcrg/ Collab Info
>Collab Template
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It's hot.
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Beasts are only good for breeding.
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I have a question, I've been trying to clear Tower of Luna EX quests for the past 3 hours, there's one on floor 740 that fails despite me using the past comps, any idea why?
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My knife.
No touching allowed.
It's probably because your units aren't built well enough or they're built too well, or there's RNG involved, or you're trying to run a manual comp on set/auto. Kinda hard to give you any specific advice if we don't even know which comps you're using.
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Its annoying that I cant post shit but most people seem to use:
>Creditta, Ameth, Laby, Anemone, Yukari
>Eris, Prikot, Lyrael, S!Neneka and Jun
I don't have Jun 6 star'd yet, but would that even make that big of a difference if she doesn't die? Those 2 comps usually clear it apparently.
run it manual with set don't skip
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Wait what the fuck? Is this a thing? Have I been clicking skip like a retard for the past half hour and that's why it didn't clear?
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Skip uses Auto instead of SET, so yes. Also looking at the fight helps you figure out why things might not be working, while pressing skip for half an hours doesn't really tell you anything other than the fact it doesn't work.
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I didn't know that at all, I guess I should stop delaying stuff at the last minute and do it while I'm sleepy
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Oh and thanks obviously, sorry should always start with that. You saved me probably another half hour of trying to come up with impossible comps.
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sexo.png ?
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That's a jpg, dumdum.
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So when will her beastly instincts take over?
Next week when her summer alt is released.
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I want to stroke Matsuri's ear fluff.
Is next event really another summer event?
Yes, the dream I had five months ago revealed it to me.
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captcha 4MJ4X
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>hag irl
>implying she's not a hag ingame too
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Peco when?
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They are so desperate for us. They'll have to try harder.
Left is some uncanny valley shit, what the fuck they were thinking.
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When will she get her summer alt?
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Collab TL: DR Edition: Week 2 of 6

Draw your favorite priconne in a summer or vacationing outfit. Sundresses, Swimsuits, running outfits, sweatpants in an air-conditioned room, or anything that reminds you of summer are all totally acceptable. Anything goes! Claim your girl by replying to this post and I’ll mark her name on the sheet. Claims are valid for 4 weeks, after that if you have not submitted, your girl is up for grabs!
Also, if you want, you can include a summer drink, cocktail, or food recipe based on your drawing! If it is reasonable for me to make it in real life, I will, and it will have a special place in the collab! You can use the food from the adventure game mode as inspiration! Here is an example:
Skullfather n’ Bones:
1 oz / 30 ML Lime Juice
¼ oz/ 7.5 ML Genadine
½ oz/ 15 ML Lavender Syrup (Shinobu’s favorite)
1 oz/ 30 ML Overproof Rum
1 oz/ 30 ML Dark Rum

You can also simply make up a name and some ingredients and I’ll try to make it real. You don’t need to draw the drink unless you really want to. You can submit a recipe even if you don’t draw a girl!

Jokes and shitposts are welcome. Avoid stick figures as much as you can! Even if you think you’re bad at art, draw something with SOUL and you can’t go wrong! Especially if you think you’re bad, I want to see you give it a try.

Good Luck drawfriends! View Full OP for questions or ask me if unclear.
The deadline is August 23rd at midnight (plus a few hours) EST.
I’ll repost in the next thread whenever that may be.

TEMPLATE: https://files.catbox.moe/jjo9cy.png
FULL OP: https://files.catbox.moe/coo6z2.png
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>ponytail hoshino
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The sex kot.
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My Princess Connect! Re:Dive
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Sex incarnate.
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Sex and Sex.
where is the event preview? i need my ameth
The day before Lily's banner ends
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The most successful prostitutes of Sarendia orphanage.
That's Saren
That's the maid whose name I forget.
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Too bad they're too flat to become a real priconne
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I didn't grind them out
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The things Pukichi sees must be out of this world.
He has seen more cunny than any man could dream of seeing.
this is why I think you should make a deal to swap bodies with him for a day
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Nice try, but I'm not falling for it.
I'd rather switch bodies with Akari for a day
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I still haven't recovered from the "3* Karin is fine" meme
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The things I would do with Ayane...
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>you just need to unlock l.nozomi's ue, lvl 30 is fine
UE30 is hardly ever fine.
>Has HP
>Has TP Gain or retain
Usually means it needs to be maxed.
I don't think I've been punished for having mine sit at 130 yet
I regret using a sphere on Ex.Ayane. She was supposed to be multi-target core.
6* will save her.
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Clan Battle?
A little early to be asking about CB
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CB comps doko?
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stupid sexy ghost
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Shame I can't pull.
Only one spark left so I'll wait for the August swimsuit announcement before pulling.
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nyo mp, nyo pull
I have 82k jims but not pulling for beastfolk when there's more new summer units on the way as well as Grace and Bandy Sisters soon.
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Rei is running next month rather than this month
Please someone from looplets get summer maho we need her badly
Why don't you then
Have her but danchou said no alts.
Saving my sparks for someone new
pull or nyo?
have none of these
in order: skip, skip, skip, pull, skip
Wait for UE2 consensus
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Sorry, I have no jewels
Hatsune is cute. I don't regret sparking her last year even though I've hardly used her outside of speedcrunning events.
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I got everyone except Ruka from this banner. I can skip.
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I will kiss and lick.
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The summoning is nearly complete...
Disgusting leeching faggot give back to us for once
lmao, no
I really want summer lima and if I don't have a spark when she's new I would have to whale. Please bro get maho for me
What has Looplets ever done for me?
They protected your chastity for more than a year.
You will know if she's running next month long before this banner ends
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missed my snipe by a second
The idea behind this Neneka event is very smart, I applaud whoever came up with the idea of burying secrets in the sea and having them returned as monsters
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snipe this
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already did
I kinda want Ruka, but I need to save my spark for Shefi (or maybe august banner if it's really good)
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Mature lady...
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SMaho is home screen core
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I do have an urge to collect all the mahos but I don't have any jims left. sry bwo
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How does she get so much art in these trying times?
Flat chest
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Pull her
I reckon she's going to be meta, but not worth a spark to me unfortunately.
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So cute, I really like this.
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I want her
Is it worth it how much is this time save
Is it worth rolling her for that alone? No. But if you already have her then definitely, she's fast as fuck. NY.Homare can also clear a screen pretty fast if you don't have S.Hatsune.
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I want to cum inside her cloaca.
Not allowed
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Still 3.5 more weeks of procrastination ahead of me
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Don't die
Sword of Convallaria global comes out in 9 days so this will be my last CB
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That looks mildly acceptable is it a good fft clone?
It's over
Sorry, I don't have anything to say
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Sorry danch, I'll be playing poe during CB
HKyouka might be rerunning next month, be careful
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How am I supposed to roll all these old rerun units getting UE2s? Skipping wet beastgirls and I'll be skipping the piss-wizard too.
and now pull tight till they explode
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Too bad she isn't always this cool.
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You're supposed to buy the tickets and roll the limited scamchas. Thank you for supporting the game.
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There's just too many units to ticket, and I was planning to get NY.Illya next ticket anyway. I have done pretty well out of the limited scamchas.
I only buy the 500 jim packs on sale: f2p.
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Karin looks like a nerd
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It's always funny when a family friendly franchise that refuses to show death suddenly goes full gore the moment an immortal character shows up.
who dis (i will not read story myself)
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Stupid fatfuck Yui.
serves her right but why is she immortal again? is that "yui can't lose because that's fundamental law of this world" bullshit from vol 2?
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I like those dolls on the right and left

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