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Previous: >>487055694

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki Douji Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

no you
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Beni Rabu!
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stand back bros, erice is about to chorb! (chuuni+morb)
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Kama Love!
Want to have sex with Ericeanon so bad.
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>walk in
>see this
What would you do to Nobukatsu in this situation?
I love Touko
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I am
Turn on the AC it’s clearly really warm in here
Wish I could chub with her while she chorbs. If you know what I mean.
Imagine actually rolling for a Raita character because "muh meta"
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close the door
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let her cook
Man, when are we going to get that qt new Oni from the samurai remnant dlc
1 hour until my wife(BIG) makes her appearance at last.
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Imagine actually rolling fo- *SMACK*
I thought the oni came first
Mom love!
>Sorry mom I’m gonna roll Ibuki
She is not your wife, schizo.
which one?
Cmon Castoria yes you do care.
He is talking about wu showing up in the event
I hope you enjoy it, bro.
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Why didn't the Archer card install work?
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Douman deserved more costumes
Why’d she just stand there and take a telegraphed punch like that
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What Ibuki doujins are even out there?
Forgot how to spell her name, it started with a M and she was mom like too
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1 hour
Trips of Genji.
I have to imagine that if you were an ages of gods-era super mage you simply wouldn't actually expect your master to deck you one right in the jaw out of nowhere
Trips of a pissed off teen.
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Me too, Toukobro
Post Skadi's Skadi's
i will masturbate non stop to her as a catalyst
i need material NOW
Look at me constantly telling people I don't care about thing I'm so cool and aloof
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This one by Tabigarasu.
What the fuck, /alter/!? You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)! You told me she would be for (You)!
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Why does she look at me like that?
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She is for (You). We never said she'd be exclusive.
shes a succubus
she is only for herself
Bro she's a succubus. She's for (You) but not ONLY (You).
She was probably overestimating his intelligence
The absolute stupidity of this dude always astounds me.
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Sweaty skadoodles
She is, look at her ascension lines and Valentine. But if you don't keep up with the mana transfers to ensure she is satisfied, she will go walkabout.
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Another fucking .jpg that betrays me
Dogshit game
You pissed her off by summoning her.
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Melt love!
Good taste bro
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***2 HOUR ALERT***


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if i ask for forgiveness enough times, Mom will forgive me for rolling Ibuki right?
Her reaction times are too slow. You can literally see the frames where she starts to click.
don't you enjoy seeing attractive women in swimsuits?
roundhouse kick all illya posters
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>.png face demeaning me
every fuckin time.
How old does Merlina like them?
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>extra remake has arcuied
It's been a while since I played Extra, remind me again what was her deal?
skilI issue, I self-insert as futa gudako. works even for sakurai servants.
Mom Love!
She cradle snatched Arthur.
Your getting corrected later at night.
Some fanatic summoned an >extra nerfed version of Arc because he's an idiot.
servant of some bulky green haired dude that treated her like a god. She was an easter egg fight, I believe.
Random clap
she was the joke version of the "vampire servant" fight since they expected the indian girl to be less popular than the rin expy
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>How is a succubus not for me exclusively
your only hope is satisfying her enough so she never has to hunt small boys.
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kintoki and shuten are so cool together
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Remember to keep your Skadi up to date on her shots next time so this doesn't happen again
Anyone have a compilation of the text box memes? or rather just the Castoria one that has mate and reproduce?
Big muscle man and his mysterious sorcerer Loli is a classic combo. Tale as old as time.
Her third skill is literally her sucking off every enemy on the field, repeatedly, for multiple turns.

Who the fuck said she is for (You)? Even Medb is more chaste.
unironically lurk moar you dumb tourist
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Fanservice for people who sided with Rani and wanted more Melty in their Fate/Extra rather than siding with Rin and getting more Fate per Fate.
why is our merlin not this slutty? that fucking prude
Mom BLOCKED 400sq on Ibukis first rate up. Didn’t get her until that one in August
How much satisfaction is necessary?
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new appmedia list dropped
Wtf purin is based? I need cute boys. Someone post some good yandere male servants doujins for us sisters to enjoy.
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This much
Thoughts? Prayers? Concerns?
/alter/, do you like the Evilkyries?
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>You told me she would be for (You)!
/alter/ fact checker here, it's time to fact-check this dubious claim!
To conduct this fact check we need to see what /alter/ said about Lady Avalon (Pretender) in the time leading up to this event, the most convenient and reliable means of doing this is by checking the archives.
Ok, now let's take a look at one of the archive posts.
AHA, see here, this is a post that pretty strongly implies that she is not for (you).

Fact check conclusion: FALSE
I want to lock Marin up and have her do housework
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>Skadi is stupid cute
>but I have zero space for her on my 3 Supports
>and a 4-5 Extra class slot deficit after Summer 8
I wish I'd saved that one Tristan to express how sad this makes me.
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Doesn't look like an /alter/ list. I have a feeling it's been tampered with.
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I want to be one Don Quixote maxxer by next year.
Based and educated Lizbro.
This should be illegal to post
God, Liz never fails to crack me up.
Based, good luck on your quest!
>have space for her
>can't put her up because no teatime slots
His fetishes are far more demanding
What would an /alter/ list look like mr detective
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Remember: Don't roll unless you have 1800 quartz. Remember who your first priority is.
If you fall for hype easily I recommend closing /alter/ tonight
Strong lawful potato
A more diverse list for sure.
Thanks! I'll do my best!
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I'm watching UBW because of the collab. Why is the red man lying?
Raikoufaggots are deranged
Probably been here longer than you friend. Found it anyway thanks!
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i hate this thanks
No one borrows Oberon
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Oni is first but she'll show up tonight in the event so I get to see how monkey pawed I got for wanting her.
Not that anything will stop me from rolling her.
Kiara is the most actually maxed /alter/ Servant. The 120s on that list are 120 with low NP levels (NP2-3), missing command codes, sometimes gold fous, and so on.
Have you ever had the urge to squeeze milk out of Skadi's boobies and churn it into ice cream to feed it back to her? Scathach's MILF status should make her milk contain at least double of the average milk fat content of 3%
I have thirty quartz and a dream. Screw your probability.
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It's okay, she's happier this way
Since when is Super Bunyan good???
I miss this drawbro
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no thank you this hurts my soul
Arcbros do for one of their setups.
I did for meme farming
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I've been using nothing but Teatime Oberon since Arc
>Lv 120
Is that even possible
Servants below S rank are not gameplay, btw.
Based, I want to get him to 100 myself
what's so good about summer skadi
Not updated, Morgan should be tied with Melusine now.
god we see a different version of this every thread, and every thread it loses a few pixels
NP2 and bond 12 is enough for 120 with no appends. NP3 allows 120 with one append if you get to bond 14.
Milk..? Only babies drink that
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yeah. I've got five. like... 2 or so other people have more than me and they both have 6.
2x Vitch + Edison does the job.
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Go do the free/interlude quests and get the extra SQ rewards ya bum. Scathach rewards hardworking men like that.
Also, that's literally what I did when I ran out of SQs for Skadoo back in JP. Rushed through the first part of the story just to get her 1 pull short of pity.
She's wearing either a swimsuit or a sweater with glasses
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Everyone is talking about Ibuji, but here I am being excited about finally rolling for Erice. I'm still amazed she even got a summer alt.
>A hawk cries in a distance
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Cleanly shaven Erice pussy...
Is Summer Skadi for (me)?
about four litters of seme- mana, every 3 hours.
2x Oberon + Vitch is stronger though.

Or 2x Vitch + Ibuki for that matter.
double vitch and edison is nearly as bad as double vitch atlas. don't kid yourself.
This is 2500 vertical pixels which is near the cap. They put all servants into the same list.
note that this is already outdated
I've been using support oberon during dead weeks farming. I used to run avice, habby and some randon AoE. Now I run arc, some AoEx2 and Oberon.
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Thanks trap anon, I tried a bunch of shit but the VT shit worked. So fucking glad I dint lose my account with my sexy wife
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I have more than 1800SQ but thanks for the advice skadibro.
Is anyone elses audio fucked up? It sounds like static or something
I'll provide it.
half an hour!!! half an hour!!!!!!
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>already 14 Arcs
Arcchads, we cannot be stopped.
Very nice. I started playing FGO in 2019 and quit after Nox shit itself on me, glad you were able to keep your account.
I am prepared for whatever happens
We need more autistic graphs
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Good potato
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Lip love!
I would love to enter Akiha
I'm buying strawberry ice cream for skadi, I can roll for ibuki with no worries.
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Still the Queen.
Based Artoriabro, are we friends? My name Starr's with V also
I am not compelled to roll for Summer Skadi. She is IDENTICAL to regular Skadi with some minor buffs. Meanwhile Ibuki destroys everything and remains god tier even to this day on JP. Skadi suffers from the same issue as Proto Merlin, in that both are barely different from servants we've all had for years now.
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bros im on a date with paenis, what should i do?
You're doing dead week farming where the damage threshold is about 200k and that was something that NP3 JETS and NP2 Dantes with MLB Kscope could clear. 2x Oberon is completely overkill for dead week farming. NP5 Lv.120 Arc with Edison should have no issues killing dead week shitters.
Needs a update
If you're the giga chad I look up to with the super maxed Artoria support list then yes i believe so otherwise, if we're not, add me!
1. I don't have Edison
2. I'm not wasting my Koyan bond
3. Friend Teatime Oberon + Arc with maxed A2 + any ST or AoE that can muster 50% charge on their own + the TsukiR MC with 10% lets me 6CE farm anything and it's what I now mainly use
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For being a 1yo 4-star who can't Alteraload, Barg's doing well.
Nice to see a cute Dechi down there with Bob too.

And Meltchads have momentarily defeated Cultbros too.
Ibuki is Raita though. Skadi is not.
Who cares? They are the same type
how old is barghest
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>summoned everything I need to 120 max appends arc
>won't do it till hisui releases
it's a matter of principle
You are legal to her
No one's using fucking edison, fuck off
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Can Summer Ibuki match these numbers
Over 400 years
400 years old at least
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Another servant for the high-test RAITAGODS?
I hope you're friends with the bro saving for Kohaku
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And no one with half a brain is using Teatime Oberon, almost as worthless as Teatime Waver. If you have Teatime Oberon up, maybe you should rethink your choices.
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>look at raita servants
You can't even play the "high test" meme, I like Barghest just fine.
She won’t be happy about it, but her love is unconditional and will forgive you
post your ruler moriarty
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I don't know why you're lying when multiple people have said they are using TT oberon ITT. Do you think we can't read?
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>I like Barghest just fine.
You like used-goods whores? I suppose that says just about everything I need to know about your tastes.
They can, but it’s good you keep an image to remind you of your own taste saved.
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how long until onii-chan gets their new summer servants?
I literally used teatime oberon to farm hands for my 120 arc though, over and over and over again.
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Ibuki tanking Raikou NP was unexpected...
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Post Bobs
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Yeah I am a whale. Looks like we are friends!
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I will be looking for teatime on Oberon when adding bros from now on.
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This year for sure!
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i miss titoria. i wish nasu latched onto the concept with his autism as much as i did. she's really cool.
>says that Barghest is a used-goods whore
>posts another used-goods whore
Makes you think.
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Which one of you bastards stole Gareth's nose?
>Raita writing how he noticed Skadi's boobs jiggle when she gets poison damage
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Anon they literally mentioned what was going on before hand.
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So...how does it feel to live with half a brain?
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what the fuck, don't call Kirei a whore
reduced to redman orbiter...
its over titoria bros
>/bag/ just hit 50post/ minute yesterday
Bro when was the last time we move that fast, the game is dying...
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wish me luck i'm aiming to max castoria and bunny in the future
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that list is missing my Barghest, i didnt submit her until i saw the list so she is 7.
>starts falseflagging with melu
submersive rat
If I don’t get Ibuki in 4 rolls I’m gonna go buy alcohol and do 4 more. If she’s not here by then I’m waiting for Skadi.
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I will be removing anyone with Teatime Oberon. This is a Teatime Skadi/Vitch/Castoria zone only.
>redman orbiter
isn't that saber? i don't recall titoria even interacting with emiya.
Big ass >>>> Big tits
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>Teatime Skadi
This is not your blog, nobody cares
Invincible... goddamn... Raikou wth
>fgo related gameplay post
I care.
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So Raitabortion denouncers, how many of you will actually purge bros off your friend list for plapping up Summer Ibuki on their support?
What exactly is your problem? Are you that bored that you need to start random shit for no reason?
that's a moderate ass tho
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Now that is a /fit/ support list.
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if every single servant in this game was drawn by raita I would be completely okay with that
He should do more cute servants, he's clearly capable of drawing cute
Other anon insulted Edison, I cannot let that stand.
A big 5 inch dick can't even reach past all of that...
Ibuki is used goods as well though. She's a hedonist since she's a Shuten.
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Mom takes her job seriously whether pampering you or protecting you.
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Gonna do story, dump my AP on the new node, and then go to sleep, riveting
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Effortless. Victory.
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Why would I be a dick like that to my bros?
I may not agree with the shit taste I think plenty of you got, nor you with mine, but we're still bros here.
We've still got each others' backs.
Edison is Nasu's revenge for hiroshima. he is an insult to the american spirit in every respect.
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>She is IDENTICAL to regular Skadi with some minor buffs.
Those minor buffs are crucial. The extra 15% quick up(30% doubled) decides whether it's 48% or 50%, and you know how annoying it is when it comes to quick looping.
The extra 15(30 doubled) star gen per turn is a bless when the main dps doesn't have a star gather rate boost, and for quick to gather the extra 35, or 20 for a guaranteed 1T crit won't be a problem.
The buster crit buff is 3T, she even works for Draco sometimes.
That has little to do with using Oberon from support.
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After summer skadi releases, I'm probably booting skadi from my support entirely.
>castor skadi devalued for farming
>I refuse to give up an extra slot for her new version
Eviction notice is coming in.
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I love gacha!! I love gambling!!!!!
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>She is IDENTICAL to regular Skadi with some minor buffs.
Yes but Summer Skadi shows off her massive mommy milkers
I know someone here REDEEMED
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SKADI SKADI skldjmglksdjntlk jest lksjdlkt ijesik tjskl;dj tgI BUKI UBKI Bao ksfj wker aroll for IBUKI ROLLING ???? nooooooooooooooooo NOOOO raitabortion nOOOOO i'll remove YOU!!!!! wait for Skadi roll for Skadi yes
This, even if they have shit taste that doesn't mean I should delete them.
who's better? morgan or ibuki?
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true, but i wish the ugly ass fish wern't there.
fish STINK
I do it all the time
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gl friend, Bunnytoria's next rate up is a whole year away!
ibuki. morgan has the arc problem where she struggles a lot even maxed out.
Gacha =/= gambling
You can’t profit from gacha. It’s spending money on a jpg.
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Interested to see if we'll get a lot of NP5 Erices just like Gareth. These new SR rates are crazy for single SRs
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i pumped Mom full of mana just so she is asleep and i can roll Ibuki, i will deal with the fallout later but i am sure Mom will forgive me.
You won't do shit lauren
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I got NP2 Proto Merlin and no Garerth. Which I'm more than fine with.
>The extra 15% quick up(30% doubled) decides whether it's 48% or 50%
This really only matters for shitters. For example, Caren can already loop with MLB Black with Caster Skadi and Oberon just fine.
>when the main dps doesn't have a star gather rate boost
Quick NPs already produce stars, unless you're trying to use Quick for Lv.90+ or god forbid Lv.90++. You really only roll for Summer Skadi for the following three reasons:
>you like her
>your favorite is quick
>quick is your favorite card type
I've had TT Oberon since he dropped.
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yeah.... i'm happy i have so much time to save but i'm also worried it might be the last time ever.
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Gareth is basically Griffith.
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gambling doesn't necessarily have to reward you with fiat currency bro. gambling is typically the act of spending currency for a chance at something you want.
if you value the JPG, then you are gambling by rolling for it.
12 hours of morality correction is the sentence
(I don’t have THAT image but you know what I’m referencing)
I got NP8 Gareth while rolling for NP2 Merlina, crazy. She's super cute, but basically a worse Saber Lily.
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Bella Lisa Castoria
Tea time Oberon
Tea time Arc
Tea time Koyanchikuwawa
Poster Girl Skadi
simple as
incest is a lot more appealing when you have attractive family that you get along with
Now that the dust has settled was Ibuki worth it?
>Tea time Arc
This is such a fucking meme holy shit
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Good luck bros. I hope you get Summer Ibuki.
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What is she good for then? I thought she was supposed to be a good ST arts looper?
I’m trading my time for a jpg. Not gambling. Purchasing. Especially since pity exists. There’s no pity in gambling you’re not promised a profit.

Gambling can also involve skill. No skill in gacha. I don’t feel anywhere near the same when I get the character I want vs hitting a 5 leg parlay.
Sorry, Gogh keeps the Teatime.
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Not my fault your Arc is only NP1.
>Tea time Arc
It's actually the best but so few of you will do this and fewer when Summer Skadi takes yet another extra slot.
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>Bella Lisa Castoria
>>Gambling can also involve skill.
That "can" is carrying a lot of weight though there bro. There's plenty of types of gambling that are entirely luck based.
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TT vitch
TT castoria/oberon depending on the day
TT van gogh
simple as. Honestly I can do TT arc or s.skadi in that last slot. Maybe I'll make it TT Arc.
What's /bag/?
Betraying my race for oni pussy yet again
She is good
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Goghbro are exempt, they have soul unlike TT Oberon.
Stop overcomplicating things

TT Castoria
TT Vitch
TT Skadi
yknow what NO, these fucking rituals have never worked for me!
Tell that to the people who gave me the FPs for it. I don't care, there's demand so I provide the supply.
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Blue Archive
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I haven't thought about it too much until now. I may do it myself.
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I feel like I'll have to pull for this bitch since my favorite girls are Ushi and Barghest(dog girls rule), and I want to use them at the same time. I wish I could like her too...
Fuck them
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>Erice wakes up from a nightmare in the middle of the night during Kiyo’s Valentine scene
>something that Marie Alter said happens to her near the end of her Akihabara event
>Guda appears shortly after to ask about translating what Kiyo said
>she provides the translation but has him leave soon after
I think it would cute if Guda could ask her if she was still having nightmares. That he paid attention to that line from back then and show concern. It’s being slowly foreshadowed that Guda may be having nightmares as well. In recent chapters like Summer 6 and Traum there were several instances where (You) can’t sleep.
TT Arc is a meme.
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time to listen to ibuki's theme while i roll!
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mom is sleeping
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Ōh nō nō nō nō...
If you have Arc in the All slot does it even matter what CE she's holding, no one looks at All
I curse you all to be spooked by the nurse.
So umm is she for (you)?
cкpины c poллaми oт тёти cpaки из диcкopдa ceйчac oжидaть или ближe к oбeдy?
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Ibuki no mitama - Hachimyaku doto
Not really when you can farm nodes like Mt.Ooe with double Arc and 1 singular alive servant like Kuro.
is she okay? doesnt look like it
People who type it out are more soulful than copypaste niggas
Where is she?
>nobody rolling for Ibuki
Lol what a flop
>Ooku music starts playing
i got erice!
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>Bluestacks Notification
Nine tix.
Toot me, bros
Rolled 1 ticket. Got a 3 star CE. Well at least I can say I tried.
That summer Wu made me throbbing
No Arcueid but maybe I can still get skadi.
Believe me I am.
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Based blind retard
>first 10-roll
She couldn't wait for me to frost her cleavage.
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hai hai in first 10
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Any luck?
NP3 maximum I'd say
NP1 is already good
NP3 for maximum performance
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>gold sparks
>Ericebro successfully swapped and is waiting to rape you
This is for all the people that laughed at me for getting cute ojii-san Moriarty from my Destiny Summons.
Ibuki is for (you)
No Ibuki, is OVER
Time to keep saving

Is Ibuki for (you)?
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Oh shit I forgot Big Wu is in this event.
120 Rolls:
4 Erice
2 Ibuki
Finally my 5th BG after 1714 days
500 rolls left for skadi, draco and summer 2025
Me on the right.
W-what is it, empress..?
Yes >>487092592
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Captcha: J00WS
Erice is for (me) so I'm satisfied.
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>His Erice is failwhale
Brb gonna KMS
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>Birb in the list.
>like 300 quartz and 40 tickets
>Valkries (new)
>Saber Lancelot (new)
>Summer Ibuki
>Summer Erice
I didn't even want fucking Ibuki. Erice just kept dodging me over and over.
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is ibuki intentionally rigging the summon system so she shows up super early for everyone?
90 quartz
30 tickets
1 Erice
That's all I came for, just needed that 14 year old sexo
fucking rip 300 sq and not one ibuki
lol wtf
This is insane, first ten roll, actual hot period
That sucks.
I'm am legit so sorry for you. I got spooked twice on Skadi's initial rateup with NP5 Weaver and NP2 Brown Schez...
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what a bro
Oh no no no
Here’s my 1 Ibuki roll.
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Wang Love!
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>try out support ibuki in one of the event quests
>still loops effortlessly with xu fu, merlina and support castoria
BA Discord bro...
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Let's go, bros!
Musashi has basically the exact same refund as Ibuki
damage report: 180 sq
>np3 summer ibuki (!)
>np6 summer erice (!!!!)
my skadi luck is going to be fucking cursed. there's no way in hell skadi comes easy. I'm still in shock.
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>got this after you said that
Thanks bwo
>no Ibuki
it's OVER
>he rolled for shitbuki
post FC so I can blacklist you
Strongest ST!
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990 SQ and 10 tickets
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>3 11's for my snake
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I want to destroy Artoria's pussy so fucking much, bros.
Cool thought keys man
>np6 summer erice
Jesus, I'm jealous.
Oji-san Moriarty is soulful.
And what's worse is that I already have fully maxed both Vlad and Kriem, she literally has no place in any of my teams. I might do 1 more roll, because I'm saving enough to hit pitty for RSkadi
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>Verification not required.
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450 SQ
10 tix
NP2 Ibuki
NP3 Erice
NP1 Europa
Do I need Np2 for ibuki, or is NP1 fine?
I'm experiencing a similar sort of feel. I got NP2 Boyager from less than 60 SQ and S.Ibuki in 30 SQ, I hope gambler's fallacy doesn't prove itself real
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Did you get three erice on that NP2 Ibuki summons?

His interlewds are also canon plot points. Super cool evil ojii-san!
I love my king wife so much...
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Congrats on your 120 Erice
Ericebro would be proud...
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You already know the answer.
720 quartz for a single copy...
I suppose NP2 is out of the question
I seriously considered whaling for Summer Ibuki. Then I remembered that you need 3 copies minimum of a looper to farm high level content with them. Then I remembered that you might even need np5 if you want to minturn some of the highest level content in this game. Then I realized that I wasn't going to waste a cent on this kusoge until next week when I have to whale for Summer Skadi to make my quick servants good
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Unironically skill issues
Imagine wasting all that SQ rolling NP3 Arc and only to then call it a meme. What an idiot.
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>NP3 Ibuki in 200 sq
Welp my luck is gone for this event
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>3 Erices
>0 Ibuki
>I'm the only guy who likes Ibuki instead of gameplayrolling
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A mere 100 quartz was enough to call her to me.
i'm sorry bro...
The SR on the other hand...
Condolences bro
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What benefit is there to farming a node this way? The benefits to this comp are minimal. There are no shared buffs so everyone will hit like a wet nodle.
Now you have enough to fully max her. 120 and all appends.
Mom when she catches me plapping Shuten's fat ass
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It's salmon
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>1st 10-roll
You guys weren't kidding.
I did a second one at got nothing so I'll stop for now. NP1 is enough, right?
What the FUCK is a nite brite?
>150 SQs
>1 Nice Pants
>1 Tomoe
>1 Beowulf
>1 thighs lancer
>0 Erice and Ibuki
It's over, fuck this banner I'm saving the rest for Skadi
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I'm sorry to hear that, bro.
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>4th ticket in
I am not greedy, thank you RNGesus, now foe dragon
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Piss. This and a Marie spook.
510 SQ. 20 TICKETS
NP2->NP3 Tomow Gozen
69 event CEs (35 golds [5 5*])

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Got her on my first multi. Do I keep rolling for NP2? I have others I wanna save for.
>LIMITED: NPC Ibuki Dōji (Berserker) is fixed on the front line
Chen Gong, you're up
Why do you need another Berserker when you already have Morgan
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Good morning, bros! Happy Ibuki day!
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Me, le happy.
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>The benefits to this comp are minimal.
I guess saving bond on a meta support? But you can just switch around the three card types if you have all three supports and appropriate loopers.
>There are no shared buffs so everyone will hit like a wet nodle.
May be fine for dead week farming, however, the third farmer will have to be counterclass.
You like blue more than red
>I have others I wanna save for.
You've answered your own question
Literally me bro what the fuck.... I'm gonna have to hit pity
Castoria Employment Act of 2022, duh
Morgan is for the Victch Employment Act of 2023.
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kira kira
500 SQ gone...
Ibuki Hair looks like bubblegum.
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I want to roll too.
This taking forever.
NP2 with a lot of quartz to spare. I shall quit while I'm ahead.
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t. lorelet.

Merlin is canonically half-demon and the anti-christ. It is only through the intervention of the Church that Merlin is christened, purified, and stripped of his demonic destiny, thus allowing him to become a hero.
But even after this, Merlin was still a lusty and degenerate person.
Merlin helped Uther Pendragon rape Igraine.
Merlin traded magical lessons with Morgan for sexual favors.
Merlin seeked to court Vivian / Nimue / The Lady of the Lake. He sexually harassed Vivian so much, that she ended up sealing him away for all of eternity in either a Rock or a Tower depending on the story.

What made you look at a character sith this track record in their lore, and say: Yup, this wifey material? You do know as a half demon, she's a literal succubi?
I love her
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had to go to pity, thanks for nothing /alter/
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2 ten rolls, also np3 Erice, over 1200 left for Skadi. Fuck virgin masters.
I thought succubi were the hot demons on /x/ you could summon to your bedroom for free sex
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i hit pity. this really bums me out.
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>8th ticket
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Damage report: 300 SQ (plus 10 tickets)
>NP2 Ibuki
>NP3 Erice
>First NP copies of Salmon and drake
All in all pretty good haul, especially since I only wanted Ibuki to support my Arc.
>One of Ibuki's ass cheeks and thighs is twice the size of the other one
>The larger one is the further away one so it can't even be perspective
Raita does this all the time and I can't figure out why. Does he just not know how perspective works?
In 530 SQ I only got one Erice and two Ibuki. I don’t want to have to use THAT so I guess I’m in it until this event is done…
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So when I impregnate Proto-Merlin I'll be what, Satan's in-law?
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Which way, white boy?
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>coomrolled for Merlina, Ibuki and anni servants
>now I have only 150sq for Skadi
and dream!

btw got NP2 Erice, another copy of Nikitich and Hephaistion lol
No one going for np5 ibuki all I see are filthy rollers playing it safe with np2.
I dont need np5 when im using her for arceuid plugsuit support
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How the hell have I not gotten 1 black grail but I have rolled

x3 Kscope
x1 Imaginary Around
x3 2030
Arc took most of my funds.
I got to np4, I'm broke now so I'll try for 5 next time, see >>487094736
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i hit pity what do you expect
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Roughly 1400 SQ, at least I didn't get spooked twice in a row again and NP3 titty monk is nice
Saving rest of my funds for summer skadi because I don't trust my luck any more
I'll work on NP5 over time, she can be NP2 alongside her Saber version
You have to be a completely naive idiot to think that this game doesn't have a chance to get shut down just because it earns money. Back in 2008 to 2012, there was a video game I played called Yugioh Online 3: Duel Accelerator. It was the first big, official online Yugioh game and it wasn't even a gacha game. It was a pure pay to play game where the only way to get new cards was to spend real money on duel pass points so you could buy packs in-game. But unlike Duel Links, you could trade cards with other players, so there was practically no loss to having duplicate cards. The game also had clans, official tourneys, custom tourneys and a good and active chat chat system, including specific chat channels for clans. At it's peak in 2012, it had 4 million active players. And despite all of that, the servers shut down in October 2012. Moral of the story: if Sony or Aniplex or whoever the fuck decides for whatever reason to shut down this game and work on other projects, they'll do it.
>Rolling for meme cancer
Enjoy your leftover hands.
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I just want her to support Arc
>So when I impregnate Proto-Merlin I'll be what, Satan's in-law?
Who knows? Merlin's mother LITERALLY did not know who the father was. She was literally fucked and impregnated by an invisible demon she couldn't even see
would summer ibuki hug arc?
Mom loves us too much. She held nearly all the Ibukis off…
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Whichever one gets pregnant first!
What the FUCK does thar have to do with wu zeitan?
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I did two 11 rolls and got 8 Cruising Date CE
this is the actual worst luck i've had in this game. i'm not sure if i should even go for skadi now.
>2 packs
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And there we go.
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Two more days until Summer Skadi...
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welp, got 1 copy of the oni butt in 60 SQ
I'll roll for skadi adn then try to get a second Ibuki later
>using Arc for hands
Wish I still had my Ereshkigal “yikes” image.
1400+ sq
Erice took up way too many resources. I picked up NP1 Ibuki along the way but meh. Skadi is the real target for this summer. Hopefully i can get her within 300 SQ.
Wait does Ibuki np1 still have a utility purpose? If I roll Np1 of her, does that enable me to use a friend list 120 Arc for DPS?
My Arc clears hands just fine tho
Get fucked wheelie.
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I enjoy Fate forward slash Grand Order
>If I roll Np1 of her, does that enable me to use a friend list 120 Arc for DPS?
No, for that comp you want 2x Vitch + Edison/Ibuki.
ibuki obliterated my kkk funds damn it
That's just TeleDAD at work.
Her moniker is Caster of the Nightless City aka Bright
The Lite brite thingy is bright even at night
It’s a bit of a cold period right now.
Will you 120 her?
Will you 120 her?
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>people getting NP5 in 1400 SQ
>I got NP2
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>400 for first copy
I still have 500 more to roll, but my luck has really taken a turn for the worse.
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Got a couple of Erice along the way.
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That's a lil goghie
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That sounds contrived and dumb
When you're over 500SQs the luck is extremely cursed. The less you have, the better the odds. Don't worry, bro.
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>NP3 in 300 sq
Got my first ever double SSR pull in all these years
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Thanks for your patronage!
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>30-something ticket got Dragon 1
Holy Jesus almighty her voice is made of sex
Yeah it’s a hard pill to swallow. I really need Skadi to come in 1 big pull like her caster form did. That was half my savings for NP1 (609+22 left) And Kuku+Tia aren’t really that far away…
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And NP2 Mo.
i will
Based Gameplaygod
it hurts when it's put like failing a 50/50 6 times in a row
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Why do you think you're entitled to content in the game just because you spent $160 on it?
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weird fucking rolls man, I had it coming after tenrolling merlina and arc b2b. But I still have enough for skadi guarantee so summer is saved.
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Which means it's perfectly in-line with the game where you can cut a castle because the name sounds similar.
>all that beautiful JC pussy
Was she a target for you too?
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Who the fuck are you? Isn't this the chick who wanted to give Paisen death-aids or something?
What game will she want to play?
*3 times
This is the only canon version of Merlin. All others are lies.
Not really. Just a bonus. Now I just need 1 Skadi and I'm done.
>Will you 120 her?
No. I got her because she can farm any node without plug suit. Which makes her much more fun to use than other loopers if you're manually farming
Pretty sure it's 3
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My damage report:
330 SQ
NP3 Summer Ibuki
NP4 Summer Erice
NP1 Atalante for the road

All in all, amazing results.
I hope it's Yu-Gi-Oh and we go hard it all day and night
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>514 SQ
>3 Ibuki
>Lady Avalon
>4 Erice
>A couple of other 4* (Zenobia woooo)
Overall, the most lucky I've ever been. And I still have 1500SQ left over.
You can still summon at least 6 more times.
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>400 sq + 40 tickets
>Ibuki NP3
>Erice NP5
>1x Vritra, Nezha, Martha, Panda, and Xu Fu

I really really fucking hate that 4* fishing CE. I don't even want to count how many of those I have.
Some of you retards have zero imagination. If you can farm hands, you can also farm other shit with similar format as hands. Use your brain a little. No wonder you people need ati to spoonfeed you farming comps.
FINAL, FINAL Results: (800 quartz + 40 tickets)
>NP2 Ibuki
>NP8 Erice
>Lancelot, Ibarki (fuck you), Valkyries, Prince of Lan Ling, Beowulf (you too), Kiritsugu
Impulse roll for Lady Avalon afterward (60 quartz)
>NP1 Lady Avalon
300 quartz remain for Skadi.
So it was Sakurai? Damn you Sakurai!
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You're right...
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One of these days hen I'm bored I'm going to spend an afternoon making an image matching Servants to their Disney equivalents.
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1,150 SQ and got NP3 Ibuki. Not too bad all in all.
Will Summer Skadi make him op?
I bought more and got one Erice and two Ibuki.
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>no noco servants
>no raita servants
it's not fucking fair bros
im pretty sure you can 6CE with triple skadi on him
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The Bradamante spook made me kind of mad, but the Vritra one I didn't mind. I love dark skinned girls.
im really jealous
Disney Merlin and the Once and Future King Merlin are cringe, whitewashed versions that take away all of the character's complexity and flaws
>64% the way to pity for NP1
30 Quartz and dream got an Ibuki.
Time to get the cold shoulder from Skadi.
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>gold berserker card
>get excited for another Ibuki copy
>get this
I'm so fucking mad.
Guys please help, which Valkyrie i should choose? Which one are the most lewd and for (me)?
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Used 30 Quartz and 40~ tickets, got NP2 Dragon and NP2 Penguin and a stray lesbo chink
>666 Quartz left
Uhhh is this a sign to stop, bros?
Stupid bitch.
I got spooked by Frankenstein you ass
Is NP1 even meta?
>210 SQ
>2 ibukis
fuck yes, I'm done here
>no erice
hardworking, sex is something special and only happens behind closed doors. she blushes when holding your hand, and tries to not flirt in public.
Very cheerful. Enjoys being around you and would never complain. Generally a joy to be with, both inside and outside of the bedroom. Flirts in public and is very protective of the relationship you two have.
Rather anti-social at first, but turns into your typical girl next door once you two start dating. She wants a normal relationship and is very possessive. Enjoys romantic dates and wants to get married + kids asap.
She has little to no friends outside of her sisters or personal hobbies, so she requires a lot of your time
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Is this Solid Snake?
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man. i cant believe i got spooked twice. this blows.
NP1 on any damage dealer is a meme
> I bought more
Based pigCHAD forcing the game into submission
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Bro there is literally nothing more cringe then hating on the Disney animated feature versions of anything, unless you're one of the five people who actually gives a shit about The Chronicles of Prydain. I can understand them since it's probably the only adaption those novels are ever getting.
>Easily able to get Japanese servants
>Had to hit pity to get ProtoMerlin
>NP3 Ibuki Douji in 120SQ
>Am able to get ANY GUDAGUDA character without hitting pity, can even easily get NP2-3 without exceeding 300SQ
>Any Non-Japanese servants almost ALWAYS require pity or near pity
Are account seeds a real thing? I swear I'm cursed. If I need to hit pity to get Skadi, I'll be upset
This isn't Erice....
That's Dan Blackmore, he's sort of cool I guess
Hey Summer Ibuki rollers, post your Saber Ibukis too!
Hildr objectively sounds like the best girl here.
Thrud sounds boring
Ortlinde sounds like I can fix her bait for people that want an anxious and low self esteem girl that they can olay savior to.
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woman opinion
I am cuck. How based is this?
>bait for people that want an anxious and low self esteem girl that they can olay savior to
You say that like it's a bad thing
t. hates fun and childhood
Ask fgog.
Why isn't there a cunny version damnit?
It's an omen if you're rolling for Skadi.
Lewd right out of the gate.
[servant I dislike name]bro…
So what goes where
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Lift weights
ask onichan
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>Want NP5 Dragon Pussy
>Got Horse Cock and literal Pussy instead
It’s probably used up and abused girls getting pissed off that men want to save a pretty 2D girl while their uncles keep giving them dirty looks and they keep opening their legs for trashy guys.
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So any lore reasons why the doujis can't see each other?
Okay so if I stay at NP1 that means i have more SOVL than everyone else. B)
does that mean she's a whore?
Girls like that become boring once you "fix" them
The pink one is fun and stays fun so she has an edge here
I'm not coming to this version
riding erice-anons bussy..
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Aaaand done. It's really true how easy that bimbo is with people, seeing how I got her at the 2nd tenfold; I guess it's contrapasso for MLBing literally all male event CEs without seeing a single Erice...
Oh well, at least I don't have to come back here like for Gareth.
I think they were using the same body or something.
Are you okay bro?
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This bitch ate all my fucking pure prisms.. she better be as good as you say, /alter/.
I could save them...
1,244 quartz rolled
all saved since december 2023
NP 10 Erice
1 Lobo spook
1 Marie spook
1 Tamamo spook
And finally NP5 Ibuki, I made it bros
and I still have enough to roll for summer skadi and hit pity
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Here you go bro! I also have both versions of Raikou and Murasaki. I love Raita!
Something about how their legends/origins overlap to the point where it's too obscure which one is fact and which is fiction and it can potentially cause a problem if the world didn't step in to blind them from this fact or something.
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>Rolled all 696 Quatz and 56 tickets
>That FUCKING CAT cucked me out of a NP5 Dragon
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>2nd spook
I'll take the hit bros...
I never got raped so yeah.
They feel too guilty and dirty to be saved. You stick around them and they’ll drag you down too.
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This shit seems incredibly stupid when Sigurd and Sigfried exist at the same time.
Bro just buy a big pack you'll definitely NP5 her on the next roll...
>the five people who actually gives a shit about The Chronicles of Prydain. I can understand them since it's probably the only adaption those novels are ever getting.
I'm just going to say it. I like Black Cauldron. It's a fun movie.
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>hagified loli variant
>Blue Archive notification icon
And all the Artorias
Wu came to me on the roll before Ibuki, you got this.
>Are account seeds a real thing?
I would love to say no, but I have a friend who gets EVERYTHING. Maybe in one ticket, maybe in 400SQ, but she gets EVERY SINGLE SERVANT. If she has 15sq, then she'll get it in 15. I know it's all RNG, but damn, it makes me wonder.
Huh. Well wouldn't it be great if the writer WRITES the reason behind it? Oh well
Sigurd and Siegfried are two very similar but ultimately distinct legends. These are two directly interrelated legends of the same figure, more like Charlemagne and Karl der Grosse, or Vlad III Draculea and Vlad Tepes/"the Impaler".
Remember that we're not actually supposed to be able to summon Charlemagne. He's just flat out supposed to be a shadow of Karl.
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She uses the sail in her NP. Though maybe you could headcanon that she’s not entirely against the idea of rubbing her pussy on your dick and then taking it all in so you let her experience her first orgasm.
Same reason why Castoria and Artoria can't see each others. Their legends overlap. I guess you can look at it as the time travelling thing that two of the same person can't see each others or something similar.
>that Gareth fight
That was the most retarded random reason to put her on the spotlight ever.
>720 kama
>900 ibuki
maybe i should quit going for what i want...
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Holy shit, bro! You're right! Thanks for the encouragement!
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>630 sq
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I know I was greedy, but hearing her moan this ever time she levels up makes my peanis hard
well shes done a vvery good job stopping me. ive probably put 1200sq towards both ibukis and only got np1 of each
Oni are naturally lascivious but Ibuki is probably a virgin who just masturbates all day. It's Shuten who fucks around.
If you haven't realized it already, she's the protagonist of this event
Oh, I meant "before seeing her", just woke up and I could be dumb like that.
Sakurai did not write this event.
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>Same reason why Castoria and Artoria can't see each others
They can tho. Castoria literally has dialogue for Artoria:
>"Altria Pendragon...is her name.
The king who holds the sacred sword... Yes, I know her. Probably better than anyone else.
But I'm sorry. I guess I don't see myself in her." - Dialogue 6, (Artoria Pendragon)
Hell, in LB6, Castoria LITERALLY gets visions about PHH Artoria.
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The power of Aoi Yuki's sultry voice...
So why does Proto Merlin need to avoid Proto Arthur?
It's LB2 + Heian Kyo summer, of course she did.
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I got this while collecting my Ibuki's
Is she actually good at anything...?
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>The power of Aoi Yuki's sultry voice...
People say things like this them completely forget she voices characters like Jinako.
Read arcade storyline
Or even just their room lines
i hit pity man it could always be worse
Hahaha nice joke
The scandy gang is sakurai's characters
The heian gang is also sakurai's characters
Wu / Erice side might be other writers since summer tend to feature multiple writers, but this particular summer is most definitely sakurai as a lead writer. It's not like prev summers where you have enough of mix that you don't know how much of the writing is sakurai.
makes a silly face for you on command.
>she voices characters like Jinako.
Yes, I don't see the isssue here?
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>all sq gone
>only 1 ibuki
She's broken
You'll need her for the final LB7 fight
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>NP3 Ibuki
>Only 3 copies of Black grail after 7 years of playtime
I'm sorry Ibuki, I can't make you as strong as you deserve.
She really did her dirty by making her utterly obnoxious, unlike Ainsel!Gareth
I think she's a rare prism
You're right. It must have been some other bad writer like...uh...Mateo? Higashide?
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My dick is going to explode. Please Lord Jesus give me strength
It's time to use That.
She wrote most of the event
I luckshit my way to np2 Ibuki. I will not be baited by the people posting np3-5 Ibukis. I see the ones hitting pity. Summer Skadi is awaiting.
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bros? where's douman's junk?
Kama and Melt are 2nd and third.
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Obviously he's wrong, but I don't doubt Meteo wrote Erice's zone tbqh. Cute history chuuni nerd.
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She's good at taking cock.
>Gender: Unknown
Just that there's no latent sultriness to her voice, she really has to force it for characters like Shuten, and it's barely even present in Ibuki
Last one was unmistakably a Higashide/Minase joint
Before that it was Nasu/Sakurai
The casts are a dead giveaway
She's good at molesting shotas.
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What the heck, they made a berserker-specific black grail
Who the hell is this girl on the art though?
Is this good enough?
>give a JPEG a big and shapely ass, big and bouncy tits, and an hourglass hips
>have the JPEG flirt with the player character and say that they love them
>make literal millions of lonely men who whale to obtain said JPEG
is it really that easy?
uhhh bro your ibuki looks a little weird
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That's Illya
I don't know, but I bet she could tell me beserker is the strongest in the world
that is literally FGO's entire business model for the past nine years, yes
just tweak the specifics of the girl a bit here and there to appeal to different tastes.
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servant for this feel?
Goth Illya (my wife)
Hard hitting avenger of you don’t have Jeanne Alter already.
It is that easy, yes. but im f2p and havent played consistently in a few years
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What the... when does Ilya look like that?
It doesn't look like Testament
Don't forget making her an S tier looper
Do you really think she'd get as many people rolling otherwise?
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It must have been some other writer who can't stop including the Raitabortions, the Norsefags, and Dantes for good measure then
you need to get him bond 5 for interlude/strengthening gibs, but yes.
F/Go doesn't have a lot of super stacked hourglass bombshells. Many women in Fate are tame and modest in terms of voluptuousness.
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Yes. Paisen will be very satisfied.
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how do I cope with knowing that I'll never be a 7' tall buff incel like douman
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So which ascension are you using for Boogi?
>roll for shits and giggles even when I really shouldn't when I don't have much
>np1 in 60sq
Stopping here, being greedy has burned me before and I need to learn some self control.
I like Serpent God better anyway, ditzy Ibuki doesn't really do it for me.
>s not like prev summers where you have enough of mix that you don't know
Summer 1 - Nasu
Summer2 - sakurai
Summer3 - Nasu
Summer4 - Nasu and sakurai
Summer5 - higashide and Sakurai a bit
Summer6 - minase(pretty sure)
Summer7 - sakurai
Summer8 - nasu

Each summer has a main writer and each writer can write a section of the event, while the main writer writes the overlapping sections of the event
You see the exact same thing in this event. Main sections of the event are sakurai, while stuff like erice's section or Raikou's section might be written by different writers.

Eagle eye viewers know exactly who writes each section of the event
>Summer 4
>Suddenly all the Guda Guda servants shows up
>Kennichi must have written this section

>Summer 6
>Section where caenis guards the camp and suddenly Raikou, Ibuki kintoki, shuten, Napoleon, signed, begin etc show up
>Sakurai on iousog wrote it
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Did you get her?
Even "modest" anime girls are voluptuous as fuck by real world standards.
She’s one cm shorter than Jeanne but weighs 4kg more than her! Healthy kouhai!
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You can get the 2nd part of that just become a 5'X gymcel bro.
For starters, visions is a different thing.
Secondly I'm still a bit confused how this should be translated:
Since it says something in the style "as for me, I can't seem to see her". To me the whole dialogue in Japanese seems to be that someone started talking to her about Artoria, she knows the name (due to the visions and her overall existence) but she can't perceive her.
>Summer4 - Nasu and sakurai
>Nobu casino is clearly keikenchi
>Jannu casino is clearly higashide
Summer 4 is the outlier
yeah im a twink gymcel and i have bigger boobs than most women who arent fat
Yes, Raita has a lot of fans. Maybe they would not roll for more than one copy though.
Time for a reminder
>Eventually these pressures of maintaining territory became too much for the mice, and they began to withdraw from the rest of the herd. They slowly became more and more anti-social and would congregate in the center hub, away from the dominion of other mice. They stayed here, completely inactive, ignoring each other.
>They became so withdrawn from one another that the only activities they would regularly engage in were eating, drinking, and grooming. In fact they spent so much time grooming that their coats were immaculately clean. In light of this, Calhoun took to calling them “the Beautiful Ones.”
Sincere question, what is this?
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Mom I already 100'd you, but get ready for a new Berserker 100 roommate
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They released a meta JPEG who treats the players like trash and people would still roll for them.
Case in point, pic related.
She's just my Prostate doctor ok
I'll knot her right back.
Rate up is a lie
1000 quartz down the drain
No that's what I just said
Main writer for the event writes the outline of the story, and overarching bris, while each writer writes the subsections of the event. That's how every summer works, every writer gets to write one section of the event, but the main writer writes the overarching elements and the ending.
She sent him on a timeline hopping quest to hunt down Beast VI and he isn't allowed to come back until he accomplishes his goal. Meanwhile, she was going to stay behind... and did not.
The Erice section was 100% Meteo. Not even just because it was Erice. His flavor of humor was all over it.
Damn this post can’t be made by the same unironic fag, must be some other fag that probably likes cuck shit like Medb.

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