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Visual Novel General #6530

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread >>487019653
I hate reading. VN for this feel?
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this is now a car wash thread
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But I wanted to make an otomekino edition
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I was in the process of making a noppai thread.
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Someone who loves butts but hates tits, please explain to me your stance.
Flat is justice.
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Liking butts is sign of low IQ like niggers in america prefer butts.
Oppai is a sign of high IQ nearly all white population prefers tits.
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he can't keep getting away with it.
abused ex-slave heroines?
Only white women have big oshiri
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Kiki the girl in top left
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God I love pantyhose.
Looks like ass won.
It's a mysteryge. You can't discuss it without spoiling the twist.
I do appreciate them giving the maid a short route in the otome vn.
She's so adorable, I love saving abused heroines and fixing them with my love.
best white women kishis?
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Can someone spoonfeed me on how to get translated vinnies on my vita? I want FSN, higurashit and the likes.
step 1 throw vita into the trash where it belongs
step 2 grab your smartphone
step 3 download kirikiri2
should be obvious from there
If they're translated, just buy them.
If they're untranslated, hack it and download translation patches. If you don't know how to do that, you're in way over your head and should probably just buy a steam deck or switch.
phones are for trashy hipster faggots, kys
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Is there any way to download the japanese ISO and then just apply an english patch? God I hate text tutorials compared to video tutorials.
There IS, but you're probably better off downloading and installing the patch on your computer then moving it to your vita pre-installed.
Look, man, this isn't the hardest thing in the world but it requires at least a moderate level of computer knowledge and will take some time, I'd only recommend it if you're absolutely certain you want to read vns on your vita for some reason.
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so it's a perfect match for (you)?
anon you don't get to ask for tech support then be elitist
if you want to be an elitist you have to know how to actually do this stuff
you can't be elitist about the vita when you don't know how to use it
Which visual novel playthrough on youtube should I watch next
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
why is futaki so comically evil
like she just manifests herself to mock haruka and then says bye, I'm almost certain she's hiding behind a hallway, waits a second to appear, tells haruka to kill herself, then does it over again
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Imagine kishis being seduced by shota
I skipped playing with tomoyos to read visual novels
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>non-virgin hag
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You prefer the incel hag?
Of course? Is this a joke? Who wouldn't?
sex with clumsy maids
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The VN kinda sucks, is all.
what a surprise
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I do not like where this is going, moebros.
Lupercalia had used goods? Holy fucking picked up.
>playing DPwithyourbroge
>bro character alway hypes mc when hes fucking the heroine
kino, it doesnt even feel like ntr

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>playing 2D h-ge
>laugh out loud at this line because of /vn/
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>Why didn't you just allow the producer to rape you?

it has been great so far
High school MC with a JC heroine ge?
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They made Misaki even more of a slampig
MC looks like a chad now.
huge ahoge
What the fuck did they do to Nanase and Hinami

They made her waist way thicker but her arms way thinner.
Fat is moe.
fuck, that nanase look ten times better than the game one
I fucking love royal women
How do we make JOP seething?
Tenshi Reboot any day now...
no henpri 2
>High school MC with a JC heroine ge?
Sukisuki. One of heroines starts middle school, while MC is four years older than her in 2nd year of HS already
Translate all Mareni and Shuumon catalogue
Which yuzuge would you want an anime from?
God of Death.
Is this even a question?
Have their never ever kamige get translated and be called mid.
Name ONE never ever untranslated kamige.
I marathoned Muramasa
What did I think of it?
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Parquet is the only one I can see as an anime. There are too many H-scenes in a regular moege route to get TL'ed. Though it'd be really funny to see Nene's routes get TL'ed just to see normalfags react to NeenTR.
It was pretty funny.
>they cut off Misaki’s little ahoge
But she works hard to set it up every morning…
this, the game was clearly not a comedy, but its comedy scenes were some of the best i have seen
>hinami's ahoge became exponentially larger
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I have a sudden urge to re-read Kanna's route.
Senren banka Lena's route
Holy based
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Don't. Wait long enough to not remember anything, then reread it. I'm still waiting to reread my first VN, which I will have read for the first time a decade ago in a week. It's the closest you'll get to reading it for the first time a second time.
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I could never forget Kanna, goslingbro.
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Literally me
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Last time I watched an anime because of a VN reference was "16 Bit Sensation." I expected some of a love letter to the industry with tons of references, like Neptunia. Instead, it was just filled with PC-98 autism.
These are my exact feelings about Muramasa.
It did an excellent job of running the gamut of being really sad, really stupid, really chuuni, and really funny
not to mention it being the pinnacle of the ntr genre
why didn't she? isn't she committed...?
What's a worse form of NTR, the heroine sucking a dick or getting her pussy eaten? In both cases she's being forced.
we sure do talk about NTR a lot huh
Why is 1/3rd of Nanase's hair blue?
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I consider this my home general.
NTR general, that's why
Muramasa won
NTR world
You love bandits the most.
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Massive downgrade in the name of making things easier to animate. Only Asane and Jun are okay. Hinami is barely passable. Most of them look better in pic related
Senren Banka would be the best to adapt
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>Hey, the outfits were too hard for our staff, so we decided to just not draw them correctly, lol
>oh by the way, you're only going to be able to recognize Hinami and Misaki (maybe) in our shitty art style
Fuck off
What if
>six foot tall
Crazy girl.
I'm curious yet disgusted
Ok but can you respond to the ntr question?
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imagine kabedoning mako
We love NTR here, it takes us back to our high school days
I only got cucked once and it wasn't that bad. To get netotare you first need a gf.
when you kabedon in a game, you have to kabedon IRL to enhance your reading experience
but I don't have a mako at home
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You do have zako at home. That's the next best thing
Isn't Junnosuke basically just Shirou?
put up a poster
No. Jun is fundamentally a gag character with leadership skills, an iron will, and perverted thoughts
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KINOmasa is a peak of the medium. Tokyo NEGRO is just a shitty attempt to re-create KINO but without KINO parts and SOVL.
I'm bidin' for a new VN to drop
ToKINO NECRO broke you.
Based as fuck.
Fuck Haruka and her stupid pranks.
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I love Karen
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Should schoolgirls be allowed to have such indecent bodies?
Haruka was literally me as a kid
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12 babies, maybe more
What is she like?
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a little shit
So these are the supposed "best hours" that /vn/ always talks about? Thread is literally dead, m8
I think that’s the point. Better dead than endless shitposts and schizo meltdowns.
if being dead is a bad thing you're part of the problem
Death is sexy.
best hours are American hours
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I love oshirimanko
Now she actually looks like she could be hiding a tummy
She's becoming a peacock
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imagine being in the same class as Misaki and trying to focus on anything other than fantasizing about breeding this gigaslut body
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Ganbare ganbare
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Sorry, I prefer my sluts pure.
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best hours are when I start posting
I don't think frequent low effort baits qualify as 'talking'
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I love traps the most !
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I love NTR the most!
I love Iori the most!

>the MC's wife isn't main girl but she's still part of the harem
>she likes it when MC cums in other girls and eating MC's cum from their pussies
name π VNs
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>big bad has antenna hair
How am I supposed to take him seriously?
You're supposed to have something to grab when you rape him.
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Imagine him as a big breasted girl.
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It's meant to distract you from his big dump truck ass.
>"Heydrich fell short of the strict Nordic ideal; his hips were too wide.... There was also a Mongolian cast to his eyes which caused Himmler when annoyed to rebuke him with descent from the hordes of Genghis Khan. It was an apt comment. Even his photographs convey an impression of cruelty; the long, asmmetric face, thick lips and slightly inclined, icy grey-blue eyes suggest something both infinitely calculating and diabolic."
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>Blowjobs feel better when a man gives you one
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Fats give the best blowjob.
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By some one-in-a-million miracle you find yourself drinking with your super hot coworker. How do you use this opportunity to impress her with your erudition and eloquence?
>whines about wanting to be called and seen as a woman
>goes and calls himself a man later anyway
People call this tranny propaganda? That kind of thing would surely infuriate them lol
because she didn't chop her dick yet
Trannies want to double their pool of available partners. That's the logic behind it. Think about it. If the world had double the women, wouldn't your change of getting laid double? It's the same with trannies
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doesn't work like that
places like chinas have a major population of women, but most men are incels
Where are the women coming from?
>wouldn't your change of getting laid double?
I never leave my room or engage with women, so no
That’s because they are all holed up inside reading senren banka
why does Riki not ask Masato and Kengo to beat up his problems? masato could unironically kill some of these prefects
they just outlive men since they die working in factories
watch some /gif/ videos
>places like chinas have a major population of women
It's the reverse. The one-child policy made most parents go for sons and abort or straight-up trash the daughters since sons are generally more productive and more likely to provide for their parents when they're old. China's got like 30mil+ more men than women because of this.
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>erudition and eloquence
my what?
Same with india
So that's why they lust over our women >>487098267
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purple did it first, tranny!
There is no need to try to impress her, I will simply be yasashii. If eroge has taught me anything it’s that this never fails.

(You will never be a visual novel main character)
can the blue get pregnant
This can be seen as a blessing or a curse, you could be a yasashii moege MC with a harem of girls already in love with him or you could be a hetare NTR MC getting cucked by an ugly bastard.
That's not Junnosuke
Any news?
I think at Anime Expo they announced a 2024 release, but it's also SP so who knows
how's Eiyuu Senki
Shit art
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I love traps the most!
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Pitbull VNs
I love NTR the most!
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girls, Christmas and Europe should be white
She has kind of a brat energy that I dislike
Maybe if it was a rapege I'd be into it
Damaged goods heroines?
Rape is bad.
Family project is kino
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This is best girl
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why would she show her pits in public? whore.
She's 13, surely no one is interested in her armpits.
Hi I'm no one
I believe in Shirou x Rin supremacy
I believe in Me x Akiha supremacy
That is
1: your sister
2: a child
3: a normal summer outfit for a young woman
Your concern over her exposed armpit is a concerning dog whistle and you should immediately turn yourself in to the authorities, chud.
does anon have a long 70 hour vn with a single heroine
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Funny how all those seemingly countless schizos, spammers and shitposters decided to take a break from /vn/ at the exactly same time. Really gets my noggin joggin'.
im reading
I've been thinking about quitting /vn/ for a while now, visual novels just aren't fun anymore for me.
Not my fault that this medium peaked with KINOmasa and we had nothing good after its release.
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my thoughts exactly
muramasa ended the visual novel age
God I wish I had a gf like Natsume
VNs where the heroine uses you as her personal chair?
VNs where you use the heroine as your personal chair?
>i-im not a pedophile!!!
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Is the only way to increase affection in dohnadohna with the once a day upgrade in the hideout?
>VNs where you use the heroine as your personal chair?
subahibi has a scene like that
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She has the hottest h-scenes.
Yeah, that was really hot
Need more non-erotic humiliation like that
Glad to here that I'm not the only one who quit VNs after Muramasa and moved on to NTR ASMR's instead.
Normal porn just doesn't do it for me anymore broskis...
Change your diaper and go back to blogposting H2O.
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Please respond ;_;
>american flag
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I need to get into those, too bad I'm not a JOP.
I just came back from 1 day into the future.
Tomorrow's /vn/ thread will be just as shitty as today's.
Is this faggot still blogposting it? I filtered him a long ago.
There are items you can get and use to pump affection. Use cheat engine to multiply them, and the items for training your whores
I forgot, it's been a long time since I played it. I only remember save scumming a lot since I was playing it by ear. Maybe try testing it if other things work?
>muramasa mentioned
>immediately thinks of diarrhea
NamanikuATK would be proud.
I'll have to make sure to increase posting of oppai and JOP stuff to buoy thread quality then, this is distressing news
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just umineko'd in my pants
Leave toKINO NECRO artist out of this.
I think of diarrhea every time you speak
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bros I've been thinking
I couldn’t get into Donuts Donuts because kidnapping innocent girls to force them into prostitution was too evil for me
If you don't even read VNs anymore, then you shouldn't post in the thread lol
who died and made you king?
meant for
Fuck off, retards.
malding karenschizo
On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is it to you for a heroine to be virgin and kissless?
>only 3 (You)s
I want a Murasame route anime produced specifically to induce suicidal thoughts in goslingposters.
Qruppo artstyle is disgusting zoomer tier
Generic moe and romance slop comes and goes each season. Yuzushit would be the last thing to cause a reaction in seasonal watchers.
Koku artstyle is disgusting aoomer tier
meant for
>KokuKING out of nowhere
Imagine if Koku did the art for Criminal Border. It'd be a certified kamige.
>drunk vtuber anime namedrops Yuzusoft and references Sakura Miko's eroge slip up
What ironic about it is that Miko streamed Cafe Stella and got demonetized on youtube because she got to the CG of Natsume in her underwear.
don't know what you're talking about
yuzoomers shoud leave
>Shiravune still hasn't made an announcement about Criminal Border part 3
Yep, it's dropped
Don't worry, I'll fantranslate it.
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their art is objectively good thoughever
meant for same manma
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Kek just saw this posted on another board
On to the extra material!
did you think of something?
The first 2 flopped too hard to justify completing the rest
>watching vtuber anime
kill yourself
What /pol/ have against /vn/?
Is a heroine used goods if she spends all her free time playing raunchy H-games?
>NekoNyan still hasn't released Tenshi Reboot despite it being already TL'ed for half a year
Yeah, I'm really doubting this "plan", broskis.
No, she's what you would call a wife.
2 more weeks
It do be like that though
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The plan is about to be revealed though?
Otakon is in a month, don't lose faith in the plan
Is there even any extra material?
I don't want to wait another half a year
They chose bankruptcy if the Steam ban doesn't get reversed. At least the chinese are smart enough to download off their own platform.
>Senren Banka
>top 100 sold on steam
It's not even the best yuzuge. wtf?
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i need help with Maitetsu
i've been playing a supposedly uncensored version and so far i've done Hachiroku and Hibiki routes bet there hasn't been any sex scenes yet
i know they are in the game since there's a button to unlock all of them but i'm not clicking that
is my game still censored somehow or do these scenes not show up in the routes at all?
>more respected names
still to translate a good title
just go to the sex scenes menu
Based, same
The Chinese really really love it.
I reject NegroNyan.
Dohna Dohna twist is that it was all a VR game.
the h-scenes in maitetsu are detached for ease of censorship
that's not what i asked at all
then click the sex scenes in the button menu

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