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Previous: >>486948134

>Ordeal Call: New Mission Release Campaign Part 7:
●July 17 ~ August 4 JST.
▶2 new free quests have been added to Blank Earth.
▶New missions (permanent): 2 Torch of Morning Star and 200 Stellar Sand.
▶5 Limited-Time Master Missions: 6 SQ, 30 Hellfire of Wisdom, 20 Heroic Spirit Crystal Star Fou-kun (10 ATK, 10 HP) and 100 Stellar Sand.
▶The AP consumption for the first clear of free quests on the Blank Earth will be 0.

>Summer Event 2024 Pre-Campaign:
●July 10 ~ July 31 JST.
▶Event starts: Mid-August 2024.
▶Requirement: Ordeal Call Prologue.
▶Login Bonus: 2 Golden Apples, 10 Hellfire of Wisdom, 2M QP, 20 Heroic Spirit Crystal Star Fou-kun (10 ATK, 10 HP) and 50 Mana Prisms.
▶Limited Master Missions: 5 Rare Prisms, 2 Crystallized Lore and 10 SQ.
▶NEW Limited Master Missions(~ July 24): 5 SQ.
▶Spiritvein Stones: 7 by Login Bonus and 10 on Mana Prism Exchange.
▶AP consumption for the main quests up to Lostbelt 7 will be reduced to 1/4.
▶The chance of achieving a great or a super success will be doubled for all servants.

>Summer Event 2024 Support Campaign PU 2:
●July 18 ~ July 25 JST.
5*Foreigner Abigail Williams(夏)
4*Rider Murasaki Shikibu
4*Berserker Brynhildr
●July 21 ~ July 28 JST.
5*Archer Jeanne d'Arc
4*Lancer Ibaraki Dōji
4*Assassin Ushiwakamaru
All limited.

>/fgog/ Friendlist spreadsheet:

>Pastebin for utility links:
Olga's getting a summer alt.
i choose this thread because of the better pic
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more like copium
the other retard didn't delete the meluko PU
Summer Kuku WILL be real and will be the most successful servant since Jeanne Alter
another dead week
Enkidu? for me
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Whose ass did this come from?
Every character? for me
At least make a believable bait
>It turns out that Nasu was just playing HSR and gooning it to Clara and Sparkle instead of writing
It is actually over
Had to post it again?
he's literally me
Summer Semiramis WILL be real and will be the most successful servant since Jeanne Alter
I never seen her on my support list (the og)
Lostbelt King of LB7, queen of flops
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What would be her traits to make me pull for her?
She would only offer to have sex if Amakusa is gonna be watching
One of the biggest cuckshit girls along with Mashu, Raitabortion girls, any LB6 girl and Jekyll's loving cocksleeve
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>you have to pay to use her skill
there are multiple servants that do that tho
that's a cuck move
he's taking note
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>peak three dimensional movement
Remove Amakusa from her character, don't make him show up, she never mention him, sex scene with (You)
b-but I have a waifu
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She's only 20 kg. That's no big feat.
Please keep your shitty fanfic to yourself.
You've been raped before and will be raped again, don't sweat it.
>Draco Alter
shitty fanfic
>You've been raped before
Rapist servants are usually not popular
>Rani for Anni

So is she going to be a pseudo or just Rani?
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loli rani
Lmao keep your fetish to yourself
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>Jack and Nursery Rhyme on the same rateup
The absolute madman
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Wrong game, Tarnished
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>JDASL gets a summer 5*
How would /fgog/ react?
Better choice than Kukulturd
If it's Rani, how much will she flop?
>but could be a support!
She'll sell if she's meta
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Jesus christ artistbro, calm down.
She's a quick turd according to the leaks.
im rolling for all quick supports tho
If she's not Skadi 3 and actually help Quick she'll sell even if no one cares about Rani
You can use img-to-img AI to remove it btw. Just saying.
I refuse to believe they'd use such a boring-
>extra record is announced at the same time
we are so fucked
maybe she'll have a hot design? h-haha...
>Wada anniversary to ensure no swimsuit yet again
47 rani bros! We did it!
If her artist is bansankan than I'll definitely roll.
>Rani the Witch
If Mashu is teasing spanish stuff for summer, does that mean Tez and City are in? Maybe Quetz?
relevant image
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a small price to pay
collabing with clara's cute and tiny barefeets!
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If there is going to be another F/E collab then Rin as lancer from Last Encore is the only thing that I want from it.
so which gacha was the body stolen from? has anyone figured out yet?
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probably the same as
So is sitonai getting a buff then
Rani the Which
Because there's a shitton of them in OC1 get it haha
the tragedy of darth rani the which
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she's not even in the game
Most servants are forgotten
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Requiem being axed sucks because it's one of the source of Servants that are actual famous historical figures beyond the regions most TM writers are hyper fixated on.
Is it axed or just hiatus?
I mean I'm sure there'll be some Extra shilling but I don't know about Rani. Wouldn't Touko fit better, especially given the collab earlier this year? Not that I think either are especially great anni picks.
Nothing, she had a chance to be at the top back then due to her design and story but it had been deleted entirely after her chocolate event, there’s nothing that can bring her back, writer fuck up, and most of us move on and no longer take any interest in her.
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News doko?
It's Meteo'd
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How exciting a Terms of Service Update!
FGO is truly the most content filled mobage
I'd rather have Touko than any npc garbage than I see people whining about
Is CHOCO releasing a new Melusine book this summer?
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>retweet this to meteo
>get blocked
I'm genuinely curious how they'll handle the fact that large sections of Extra are based on finding out who your enemy is based on details you can gleam when all these characters are extremely well known at this point. Do they just ignore it and act like people don't know or change it up slightly? Half the reason to find them out is because of the RPS system which isn't present anymore.
Don't be greedy and enjoy two weeks of nothing until anni. Don't forget to use discount, buy quartz and roll for outdated servants that came out 5 years ago
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Fuckers at least put on half AP EXP
replace erice with aslaug and retweet it to sakurai
>extra anni
It's gonna be Rani, huh?
I hope her reveal is followed by an awkward silence from the audience.
It's gonna be Buddha, the first rep of the new Saver class.
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>Draco alter
Rani = Buddha Pseudo Servant!
Was Rani even vote ANYWHERE?
That "chinese leak" was literally "source: dude trust me"
Fgo leaks are almost always wrong if they don't have a picture. The Artic summer leak is a rare case of correct text leak
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The anni servant will be related to one of the servants on the right.
Mandricardo feels very out of place on the right side
I don't remember anyone posting a link or anything in the last thread, the tlaloc seems like an edit.
Yeah that's what I meant. It's most likely fake because there is no leak pic. Summer Kama and Okita Alter leaked with pics.
He's the Shirou/Shiki/MC of FGO
I fucking knew it
Welp Koyan of Grey here we go
Beast Merlin.
If such a Koyan were to release it would be Summer.
5* Saber Alter
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Why is Alice the only NPC Master shown here
>Daybit Foreigner *5
I wish that were true
umu looks nice here
God I forgot how bad the Rani route was
>don't you want to clap and fight Arcueid and Cu??? The whole gimmick of the game is not knowing who the servants are and having to find out but have these two known servants
>two completely new servants
Probably because the rest aren't ready. The game is nowhere near release.
Wasn't it slightly unclear which of the two was the servant when you first meet them?
It's been four years, what's the point of Studio BB if they are as lazy as Lasengle
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Apologize to Aesc
That Li has seen some shit
Go back, I only apologize to Tonelico
It'll be
>Mors King Beast Lost
>Merlin is Oberon's fake name
>Was mors king
>he's VA is a special guest
The anni servant was already leaked, did you not read the last thread?
I know. I was actually coming out with a scenario Nasu didn't want the anni to flop.
Hope the leaks are true so I don't have to spend quartz in either anni or summer. I'll save them for Bazett rerun.
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I don't really believe the leaks, but on the quick support front, how do YOU design a new quick support to keep up with the broken arts/buster options?
What leak?
give a hitcount buff that gives 10% NP gain and NP damage up per quick card hit. Works for NPs too.
>jack alt ever
>in 2024
I know this would be a random nip again, but I kinda want a Kaguya servant
same but saving for enkidu berserker (2300sq in the bank). 100% guaranteed this year or i kill myself.
Mastema Servant freaking when???
Have they announced the anniversary fanworks web/entry date? I missed the news
Why is extra so popular with women?
is it? i've never heard of such a thing
but assuming it's true
>handheld release, handhelds being comparatively more popular with women than home consoles
>release coincided with popularity of RPGs on handheld devices and gaming among women becoming more popular
>female protagonist, romance with emiya
you'd expect CCC to be more popular due to being sexier and having both emiya and gil but apparently it sold far less
Didn't it release when the PSP was pretty much over?
When's the anni?
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I'm excited for Kanou famitsu interview that will totally not be full of BS
>remember to bond 10 as many servants as you can!
>still no bond 10 sq reward this anni
it's going to happen
Yeah along with the servant coins fixes he promised
here's 50 more MP for 11rolls
very generous
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>no Aife, Connla or even Ferdiad voiced by Haruki Ishiya
That can't be true...
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Nice foggsu~
>saving my gif with the same name I saved it
Ammy has definitely better things to do.
Also except for alts like summer there won't be no more Tamamo content in FGO like they said in that one FSR interview. It's not possible after all. lmao
because Extra delivered one precise package of love for many types at the same time which include wahmen.
A buff that gives % NP to the party at the end of the turn based on the number of stars generated, and give it high uptime. Something like .5% to 2% per star depending on how ridiculous you want it to be.
A powerful defensive NP.
Standard 50% charge, and a bunch of other buffs.
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That does nothing. What quick needs is damage and crit integration. The solution?
>Buff which can be applied to servants allowing their NPs to crit
>NP card will now also absorb crit stars, can benefit from crit damage buffs and np damage buffs simultaneously
On top of that, maybe something which allows a card to absorb over 100% stars allowing for a super crit which does double the normal crit damage. Rani is the key to all this
when i started the game i briefly though crit stars gave a % crit damage increase instead of crit chance. would that have been better? like the crit would be guaranteed if the card had even a single star, but more stars = more damage.
Depends on the amount of damage I guess
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Tajima should've put some of this energy in Tezca's in-game art
Maybe he's just shit at full body portraits, Tezca's FA is pretty good.
Some artstyles just doesn't go great with FGO or Gacha in general even if the design itself is great. And since Nasu is a big tajima fanboy he would've murdered anyone on the art direction team that would've dare to suggest any corrections for the sprite art.
Consume x amount stars to give one unit buffs.
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All that Kuku and U-Olga shilling for what?
As any FGO leak being right in the last 3 or 4 years?
Blame Hackeuchi
Last year there were leaks that the anni servant was uolga or even kazuradrop. Guess how that fucking ended.
I hope they give Rani more screentime this time around because there was literally no reason to side with her in the original
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>What do you mean we all known that the LB7 heroines were
>a (sex on the) city and a god cosplaying a weapons dealer
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It will never stop amaze me how hard they were ignored compared to Tez and City, glad jp people have taste
Rani route was the first one I did 13 years ago because why would I bother with Rin whom I already knew.
There will never be any reason to side with her as long as she wears gl*sses.
do you even clap bro
What leaks are people talking about did i miss something
Even the chinese fanbase doesn't care about Olga and her sidegrade, holy based
Had the same idea of star to NP conversion, but was thinking of said converstion according to star ranges (like on Jane's skill), so 10 stars = 10% NP charge (could add NP gain as well), and a mechanism, maybe on the same skill or another, that adds stars per turn to also aid that mechanic.
>Standard 50% charge, and a bunch of other buffs.
Unless it's broken into 30% party and 20% target, or better yet two party charges of 30% and 20%, it will fall on the same pitfall as Skadi. Quick needs better party charge to have some multi-core/multiple damage dealer enabling. Quick needs plenty of tools actually (read servants with a certain skillset), but better party charges is like, if not priority number one it's pretty high on the list.

Optional, but I'd also like to see a buff effect that turns a buffed servant's NP into super-effective, just for a novel way to raise NP damage to Oberon/90++ scale, without having to rely on Oberon for that.

But a more powerful defensive NP, with heals included and some needed support for long CQ formats is something the command still doesn't have. Both Arts and Buster have Merlins and other sturdy heal/defensive options, the closest to a heal a Quick servant has is Hime's NP, or perhaps using Shousetsu now, but that's not the best fit.
See >>487085704
Seems legit, the chinese discord leaks were the most reliable ones throughout the years. They were the ones who found out about U Olga
>Jack and nursery rhyme alongside damage calculation
Thats the part that throws me off it but summer caren would be a nice surprise
>seems legit
I'll believe it when they show a sprite of Rani or any of the summer servants
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I was always the anti-clapper.
>Red Saber with tits
Saber was shit her route sucks so I'm passing on that bitch
Might play maybe once but boring because you already know that nigga. He's cool but I want new stuff
>a magical Fox Girl
You already know that's probably the designated comedy route. That's the good stuff.

Know her tsundere's ass quite literally in and out. No need to experience it again.
Know jackshit about her so might as well experience her side.
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Bro what the fuck that makes me so mad, he's actually good how the fuck did we end up with that?
>Reddit sprite edit
>"It's legit"
You can literally see the face applied to make it seem Tlaloc blends with the scene.
Also her hair being the same as asc2 is 100% proof of it being fake.
Not to add, they're never doing Yuyu as a 4 star. 0 chances of that.
The image wasn't meant to be the leak, it's just s concept idea of what summer tlaloc could look like
I think tlaloc there is just an image for the sake of attaching one, im very skeptical but not outright calling it fake yet, if rani is a quick support it'd be enough to make me pull for her
>they're never doing Yuyu as a 4 star
Yep, limited 5* or bust. The Kuroboshi bias is real.
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>The kuroboshi bias is r- AACK!!!
Would pull, how is fgos only playable furry edison
Ignoring meta knowledge there's no reason to side with Rani, she helps you one time while barely talking at all while Rin helps you way more while also showing up a lot more.
My LB7 heroine is Daybit
If Melt could be a 4* then anyone can, Yuyu is nowhere near as popular as Abby or even Hokusai (and she wasn't 5*)
They are the three heroines
What were they thinking with kuku she seems to be really unpopular and boring especially compared to other lb kings
She is just a rehash of Quetz from Babylonia and nobody wanted to invest romantically or otherwise emotionally in a character who could be fucked up and ruined by a single Sakurai-written interlude
Ngl it would be hilarious if we learn that she's a Nasu+Sakurai servant like Quetz when her mats comes out.
Oh that's easy.
Her arc in LB7 was just not that interesting (and rather by the numbers) and made redundant with Olga there
Also the genki and OP but retarded girl and is also secretly the enemy is so overdone, it's not a surprise she would be overshadowed by other characters
Yeah i never even really felt anything for her playing the lostbelt either, shes strong and thats it? I'd say shes probably the worst lb king as a character
It's crazy when Arjuna Alter exists but yeah I really think she's as bad as him
>the Seiba Rin Sakura of LB7
Part of the defensive problem is the lack of deck synergy too I feel.
Many of the Quick attackers tend to only have 1 arts card, so you have less ability to make arts chains to fuel your support NP, and the support’s Quick cards are usually just shit in terms of both NP and star gen.
At this point I just say fuck it and give the new supports a 100% NP charge. You can do something fucky like make it so the servant is put to sleep with permasleep like Oberon if they don't use a quick card that turn. Tack on a quick card buff and crit buff, maybe an attack or NP damage up and you're done.
Bond 20 when?
Cute couple
Felt like an afterthought.
Nasu has just utterly lost interest in LB Kings and Grand Servants while fans still are enamored with the concept.
Remember when Protea Alter wasn't as buffed as Eresh, Beni and Nito Alter?
Hindenburg alone is already questionable but no way in hell they'd put in characters that are guaranteed to cause controversy like that outside of Japan.
Someone should make a Fate knockoff that copies the existing worldbuilding and lore but isnt afraid to use more controversial/newer historical figures
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They should add 30 quartz as a reward for each Mystic Code maxed.
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The rightful Grand Berserker got shafted
i have yet to see gameplay of him
This but unironically. Give me Super Beowulf, I wouldn't even be mad. But nope, in current FGO Grand Berserker is probably an even stronger version of Ibuki.
I'm being unironic as well. It's embarrassing that Fate's Beowulf is nothing but a pop culture reference.
No. The whole point of Fate is that it's chuuni and sexy, not queer and edgy.
2 weeks of nothing?
Enkidu could have a really cool animation update if they referenced his SF moves, but since that stuff is not animated it'll never happen.
He's ok but nothing special, just another one turn wonder with a Giant+Dragon niche.
>Grand Berserker(True)
>the "Fionn teaming up with Gilgamesh" fake spoiler
They could have saved LB7
>strip the layers of ORT
>double thumb of wisdom + clairvoyance cheats to discover weaknesses
>power of a pure human punch doing massive damage
missed kino
That was hype but Nasu is preoccupied with fixing another Sakurai mess that is Koyan.
The usual
>reddit fanart
Beowulf wouldn't be a pure human though, he is a servant/heroic spirit.
Just why? There are superior girls like BB for example
Listen, we needed to put those aside for important characters. Like
>Losbelt mandated Koyanskaya
>Edgy overpowered OC
>Rin wank
>Legal Beni-enma
>Edgy overpowered OC (Again)
>Cranky Kingprotea
>Reprising his role from Singularity 7: the old man who stands around and is super powerful, we swear
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The art he posts on Twitter is pretty good, it's wild how this happens often.
Tez nipple.....
people are into THAT?
Sex hair Pocanikki....
Popular with the otomes
Wasn't LB7 rumored to be a Meteo chapter at some point? Maybe that's why it felt so rushed, Nasu was just salvaging what's left behind by the laziest writer in TM.
I imagine its because the card art is set to "profile" style and it also serves as story sprites. This probably limits an artist freedom to a degree.
Whereas in their social media art they are free to draw whatever angle/pose that they are comfortable with.
There's no way LB7 was ever going to be written by anyone other than Nasu.
That never has been a thing
Everyone knew that ORT and mesoamericans were involved in some way and being the 7th chapter always means Nasu
Aniki let me fuck your city sister, I'll keep the bloodline going
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His art is cool.
Now we wait for Sakurai to use her magic writing hands on Kuku
Rumoured by fucking idiots maybe.
I remember a shitty rumour that Narita would write LB7. Dude doesn't even have time to write his fanfic.
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how does ivan have porn?
>QSH has more porn than Arjuna Alter
Now that's surprising to me
Kukulkan released a year ago wtf is the point of this?
yeah sure but the point is that he's a human, not a demigod or dragon-blooded or anything
She's not going to magically pass QSH with more time
To be fair QSH was from before FGOs popularity and comiket nosedive.
Barring something wild like another LB6 I dont think any new servant will be on the par of even mildly successful ones from 4-5 years ago for how much art they get
He has that sexy Kuroda voice.
From what I've seen, its DUDE homos/fujos latching onto him for their ship
Says who? Do you realise the time difference between LB3 and LB4 is like 5 years right?
*LB3 and LB7
Because Kukulkan barely get fanarts, how is she supposed to get 1k more? Assuming QSH doesn't get a single one.
Tez and City are already ahead of QSH despite not even being two years old. City also doesn't have her swimsuit boost yet.
I'm still amazed how little doujins FGO is getting now a days despite the game itself still making money considering we used to have tons of them just a few years back.
Zeus sisters....
I though Skadi would have a fair amount of popularity. I can't tell if I was wrong, or the lenght difference between her and Morgan was THAT big.
Monster dick meme
Blue Archive took our artists but not our whales
the women (who actually produce all the art and doujins) moved on to mihomo games
If she barely gets fan arts how does she have 500? Doesn't track out, sorry.
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I want Tez aniki so bad but he's a trifecta of things I have bad luck in pulling:
I have zero grands and only one SSR Assassin on my account.
>mihoyo taking all the yumes so we can eventually become full waifu game again
If thats true, then I will unironically say the Thanos meme
You should try Reincarnation no Kaben
Barely NOW, retard. Ofc she got some when LB7 stuff was still hot.
You say that like it's not one of the most popular series at comiket.
Damn...the competition really has changed a lot over the years.
Nasu not taking advantage of Morgan's popularity to make more money to fund both his shitty ass games AND improving FGO will never make me NOT mad.
Ive said it before but FGO has absurdly little players for how much money it makes.
You can look at its downloads ranking next to other equally old games and see how awful it does.
Hell we are only on a 30m download celebration. Thats really "low" for 9 years compared to other large games

FGO has always just had large amounts of absurdly autistic whales and a large amount of established doujin circles from its IP.
Barafag bait, what art he does get is fairly little but about what you expect for monster character ultimately, kuku on the other hand is way lower then you'd expect lmao
women produced the majority of straight non-porn doujins too. it's just an overall loss instead of a shift in demograpahics. waifufags moved to pandering stuff like BA too.
Imagine getting mad at that.
TM is fatally allergic to doing the popular thing. There always needs to be a retarded twist or they half-ass it. Summer Morgan, the most popular servant at the time, should have been and obvious win. Instead they half-ass it.
Summer Castoria, the most popular servant at the time, should have been an obvious win. Instead she's schizophrenic half-waifu half-shipbait that satisfies no one.
Yeah that's funny Kukulkan has so little considering how heavily coomerbait she is
You live in a bubble.
Hoyo has an ecosystem going. There was a built in fanbase with Honkai, the hype comparing it to stuff like BotW, and new character designs that drew in artists. And unlike FGO there's so much to do in an open world game.
With the massive fortune from Genshin they were able to make HSR, and then ZZZ. Dedicated fans will stick with the game they like while artists and casuals move on to the new hot thing
You know is true. Because of Nasu's lack of vision and autism, as well as Hackeuchi being a hack in terms of artist and greenlighting, and Lasengle's incompetence, among other things, we are still waiting for content until Anni and we can't get shit. There is a reason why popular things give more money, yet Nasu refuses, but oh, let's make Sakurai be in charge of Koyanskaya and fuck everything, and also have another sakuraface, I am too busy playing games every fucking day every fucking week and I don't want to organize myself more than neccesary.
>that satisfies no one
Everyone outside this general seems to like her tho
The fact Tez and City are everywhere in marketing but barely in the game after their chapter is telling.
>TM is fatally allergic to doing the popular thing
I'm struggling to think of a TM product that wasn't within popular trends at the time its made.
The fact that they got lazy with LB6 Summer literally killed whatever is left of my hope. They were right that people would roll even if the story is half-baked but still.

Is she? Her art isn't that great and unlike Nightingale who has ReDrop CEs to piggy backed to, she isn't that sexy.
It's already bad Morgan only has one summer ascension but why did it have to be the most awful looking swimsuit
Too bad that they are purposefully killing Genshin
It's not surprising. FGO is dated as hell compared to every other currently popular gacha on the market right now, we're being kept alive by sunkcost whales and our IP since it's technically the most consistent in giving Fate any content. Not to mention how little actual "hype" servants we've gotten over the years to attract more attention. The most we got was probably LB6 summer and that was last year and I don't think even that attracted any new players.
Sakurafaces are more popular than Rinfaces and Saberfaces. What are you smoking?
They aren't killing it any more than TM is killing FGO. The game has mostly stabilized and their job now is to retain the big spenders.
She 100% should've been the welfare.
She would have been the welfare a few years back but now Lasengle is focused on money. Remember when summer welfares used to be popular characters?
Alright the chinkshill doomposting is getting insufferable. We get it FGO sucks, no need to demand thing you can't change.
At the very least with Summer Jeanne Alter was justified, but not here. The least they should do is give her an extra swimsuit, or I dunno, Nasu just want to use her in a story in the future? Next maybe, or by December.
>Instead she's schizophrenic half-waifu half-shipbait that satisfies no one.
Only retards clappers and shippers would believe that, anon. It's already know that Muramasa is like a father figure to her, which is true since he was also responsible for the creation of the Sword. She is acting like the daughter that want her old man to touch grass instead of working.
Nasu Is a retard. It's one thing with Saber, which he said that her story was finished, and is another things with FGO originals.
My only hopes is that the amount of money, they actually DID something. Because if not then someone, anyone, should grab the one who is not using the money correctly, slap them, and force them to do the thing right. The reason why we are like this is because they don't put limit and always say yes or allow they do whathever they want.
I don't think her swimsuit was awful, since it works as a swimsuit and some kind of bridal dress, but she should have been the welfare, period. The 3rd ascension of Tonelico? Maybe locked or something new.
Hoyo seems to have a good enough grasp on the market right now because after HSR became a hit they rode the hype and attention they got from it to make ZZZ. Mihoyo is like the opposite of TM where instead of chasing other mediums they invest in what's making them money and make things that will make them more popular and generate more money. They have the gacha market by the balls right now.
It was Nasu that forced Sakura into everything when he got mad about people not getting about Sakura's role, and that's why Sakurafaces started to appear everywhere. Melt and for some others Kama are the ones that are carrying the sakurafaces popularity.
Isn't that because FGO is gated to different servers? Mihoyo tracks all their stuff collectively while FGO is split into a bunch of different regions. The China server is probably 30 million by itself no?
>instead of chasing other mediums
I mean they are making a new animal crossing like gacha game
So they kind of are jumping mediums
Absolutely fucking delusional, only melt and kama are the ones that are actually popular
Yes, but if you look at the state of genshin you'll see that it lost a lot of appealing and it's more for ship pandering. But I suppose they wanted to send all the fujos, yumes and shippers there and leave the rest free for waifufags.
But yeah, TM is worse for the sole reason that they are literally doing shit work with their only big source of incoming. And this will definetly work against them unless they fix it in the future.
>The 3rd ascension of Tonelico? Maybe locked or something new.
For the sake of argument, let's say that Morgan was the summer welfare, what would have been the third ascension? Legit curious here.
The perfect example of that to me is Wuthering Waves. At launch it seemed to have a giant marketing push and fan support to make it a top contender. And then 5 weeks later ZZZ released and I haven't seen anything talk about Wuthering Waves or even fanart of it. I'm sure it's out there but none of the characters became huge inspiration like Hoyo's do.
>what would have been the third ascension? Legit curious here.
Her slutty black outfit they released as a CE
Anon im talking more about PAD/Monstrike/Dokkan etc.
7+ year old games with millions more players and fairly consistently higher on the downloads ranking for IOS.

Honestly its not surprising, imagine how fucking awful FGOs new player experience must be
>Okay so the first 4 story chapters suck ass
>But you need to beat like 50 hours of them because this years summer is locked behind them
>Oh and 80% of servants are limited so if you are here after like watching Fate Zero or Extra and want Nero, Dude, or Gil fuck off.
>what would be the third ascension of Tonelico?
Idk... Tonelico maybe?
I sometimes wish TM didn't do the retarded thing with Arcade and instead just made a 3D FGO gacha game for PC and mobile, at the very least those models and voicelines wouldn't have been wasted.
It's painfully obvious there is no content right now because Lasengle wants everyone to clear OC prologue but why should I be punished for playing the fucking game when chapters come out?
I've played Genshin for ages and I can confidently say that the current ship pandering isn't any more prevalent than it was before.
There are multiple choices
>the equivalent to AA in terms of being the Holy Sword
>the ideal savior, a version where she finally managed to purge all evil from the faes and even sins, and freed all faes from their fates
>a version of herself as Queen except with her dreams achieved after all despair, one where Londinium incident never happened and after the Great Calamity she returned to make the same as her other version, except that at the end she gives up her throne when Chaldea goes to their LB and express satisfaction with her kingdom, basically the New Years CE we got
>something else
Was it? I lost interest a long time ago. What happened with Mona, Shenhe and Amber nowadays?
I'll check it out. Been waiting for something to tide me over considering how dogshit slow Redline has been
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Face it gweilo, Type Moon is going to be bought out by Hoyoverse one day.
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>New Years CE we got
This one? I dunno man, Oberon was gaslightning pretty hard but to me it feels like a tease for another LB6 related story
Hoyoverse would be better than Lasengle
Did you forget BB?
I'd say the only Sakurafaces that flop is Parvati and Durga since they're the only ones not for (You) and it shows.
With them there is a risk they ship for (you) characters, I would rather have someone else that understand the basics.
Dude Type Moon would still write the game, it wouldn't be any worse than what we have currently
Oh, that's a good point.
Not really, I'd say HSR right now is having too much for (you) pandering.
>rumored to be a dedicated planet with skins, multiple patches, and a storyline
Yep, Nasu is getting ready to sell TM to Hoyo because if he can't EOS fgo then he'll give Fate to competitors.
Which is why there needs to be an overhaul for new players.
>3 free limited 5*s minimum
>free permannent 5* CE picks
Fan favorites being Limited doesn't help new players.
Anybody who has played genshin in prolonged periods of time can tell you mihoyo's writting is absolutely abysmal and only good for setting up contexts
I mean a collab with others IPs would work
No fuck off.
I play Genshin and I'd still take their writing over Sakurai desu
Fate collabs with other IPs all the time. It's just FGO that doesn't allow other IPs aside from anything from TM into the game.
Anon even fucking artoria lancer alter has more presence in the fanbase than fucking BB, with the only reason of her being not being even more popular is how utterly wasted she is aside of boob gags
Ok. FGO collabing would work.
hoyoverse actually have devs
Anni really is the best time for newfags to start off since all the free shit actually helps to make beginner experience less miserable. Shame that we don't really seem to attract newfags anymore though.
Our situation is similar or even worse than Destiny 2.
Nasu wanted his FromSoft collab for ages. The thing is, these characters are probably going to be left in a limbo after the collab ends and will never show up again or get any buffs in the future.
Mona had some story in a summer event a few years ago. More recently she showed up in the Fontaine Archon Quest (the main story) to deal with a prophecy. She's been used to drip feed info about the group of witches that involve her teacher and Alice.
Amber has been spending time with friends mainly. She has a friend named Collei in Sumeru whose stories have all been about Collei idolizing Amber. It was a few years ago now but Amber tagged along on a winter trip with Eula as well.
Shenhe pops up in most Adepti related stuff. Like Cloud Retainer's story quest or the Lantern festivals. She's slowly learning to talk to people more, and there's another informal apprentice of Cloud Retainer who returned. Liyue also got a big region expansion
>hoyoverse have competent game devs, but shitty writers
>type-moon have decent writers, but dogwater game devs
Honestly they're perfect for each other.
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Yeah that's why I wouldn't mind getting rid of Lasengle (and Sakurai)
yeah Fate Extra came at the right time, it's when RockPaperScissors games were storming the market
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That really is the downside for collab characters especially in a game like Fate where all of them at the very least are owned by the same company and are related in some way universe-wise. FGO already barely does stuff with most of it's existing servants and the lucky ones are the servants that get to randomly show up all the time in events.
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Aniki let me fuck your city sister, I'll keep the bloodline going
Fanart did him better than all of his actual in-game art
Dropped Genshin but play Star Rail
>Sucks ass at ending stories. They can set them up well but the final third is always a rushed mess
>Hides character stuff too much. aka entire backstories and explanations are out of game in youtube videos and hidden in weird ass text descriptions like they are a fucking souls games
>REALLY struggles with pandering
The last one is bizarre to me since they are self proclaimed otakus and clearly "get" a lot of it. But they always pussy out.

They dont mind having romantic undertones for character but will literally never do a Morgan or Abby or Melusine for example who flat out say they love (you). It doesn't have to be out loud, an internal monologue would be nice from time to time. It also doesn't have to be every character like Blue Archive or Priconn, but having like a Kiyohime like character missing is bizarre.

Its not like they clearly dont get romance, firefly is the most pandering character they have made. But like even someone like Zenobia I would argue has had more overt romance in game let alone the huge overly romantic servants.
A "fromsoft collab" in FGO is practically worthless. Fromsoft characters would be rendered pointless in a 2D PNG collector shovelware. What Nasu really wants deep in his heart is a Type-Moon game made by From Software.
This is where reruns are supposed to fill in by giving collab servants strengthenings or rank ups, but ofc FGO doesnt have the budget for reruns so....
>make Quetz
>isn't popular
>let's try again!
>lalter more presence than BB
Kek what? When was the last time Lalter had a role?
It may look like a pipedream but Miyazaki loves FSN and has clearly used Nasu inspired shit on the past, I still wouldn't hold my breath for it to happen.
Nasu has been shilling From Software for years, it would have already happened if they made a collaborative work
One of the things that put me off in Star rail is not just how little (you) pandering the game has but how the MC seems to barely have any real chemistry with anyone even from their supposed "main cast". At least in fgo they actually bother to have Chaldea have fun group interactions and show they care about each other. The Astral Express crew feel like lifeless strangers with the MC and their "family" dynamic is nonexistent.
Sounds like FFXIV. Somehow those retards don't understand that not everybody wants to play 6 different 80 hour RPGs and without an organic skip, like say an entirely new story arc where new players can pretend they're newcomers, it's a hard sell.
Though FGO is still worse. Imagine pulling like, Zenobia or Tsuna for your guaranteed SR and learning that you can't actually max them until you hit part 2 of the story.
I think MC has better chemistry with the hunters than with the actual train members who are all boring wet farts who barely even interact.
But that also kind of makes sense considering the hunters were your effective family.

But yea the main crew of star rail are completely awful. Hell the latest story arc they were pretty much completely MIA for 90% of it.
True. Only March has any kind of interaction with the TB, and Dan Heng has one of the worst handled character development in a story ever. Meanwhile Welt and Himeko are just walking HI3 reference. It's funny because the Stellaron Hunters has more chemistry with each other and with the TB.
Fate/Grand Order
Nasu also is never the one that initiates contact, either he gets introduced to someone by a proxy like Mafia with Tajima and Umino or directly like with the Bamco guys, the HSR director or even that time he got to meet Kojimbles.
Nasu is a shy maiden
>Including welfares
They have priviledges, not rights.
He thinks he is some exclusive cool genius mafioso when really he's a pervert whose best years are behind him and a penchant for procrastination
Honestly FGO 2 developed by Mihoyo wouldn't be so bad. Full 3D mobage with constant updates
Nasu is literally me…
If they ever decide to do a part 3 they should legit let players skip the first two parts, have some type of explanation chapter to give you the overall history and go from there, if they want let the players do the first parts later, remove a ton of those filler fights and have it be no battle nodes.
Even FFXIV understood that they had to improve the base game lore and made some changes to it eventually.
I don’t want a fucking Genshit painted FGO game done by SHIThoyo. Go play their retarded games if you want complete garbage, motherfucker.
>Artoria Lancer Alter
It really sucks ass that the main cast for Star rail feel like strangers that just happen to be in the same group. Really takes me out when the crew claim they're a "family" when they barely interact in general, the main trio doesn't even last outside of Belobog since Dan is locked in the train after space chinkland, and March only exist when plot needs her around. It did make me appreciate Chaldea as a group a lot more now though, Gordy, Davinci and even Trashu, and fuck it I give more of a shit about Meuniere then the entire Express Crew. The Hunters should've been the main cast if they were going fuck up this much.
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>Morgan with more than all of them combined
How much does Lasengle pay you?
Nasu writing a heavy success and a heavy failure for Lostbelt Kings back to back
>doesn't want hoyoslop shit
>oh guess that means you 100% support lasengle
retarded logic
Lalter has more lines in her skill descriptions then in the story she is not more popular
3 SQ per reply.
>been several years and has multiple opportunities to update these
>limited 5* with still no updates
Jannu is got lucky. Really lucky.
You could ask for more
>Anon even fucking artoria lancer alter has more presence in the fanbase than fucking BB
How fucking high are you
That would be too greedy of me.
>Jannu is got lucky
>Wake up
>entire thread is making fun of my wife Kuku
She may not be popular but she’s earnest and cute, and I don’t care what anyone else says.
She’s MY BEAUTIFUL RETARDED GENKI ORTWIFE and when i put my PENIS in her it FEELS REALLY REALLY GOOD. And yeah, it’s scary when I do it and theres this weird like mechanical whirring and yeah i do get doused with like a huge amount of radiation but LOVE SURPASSES ALL THINGS.
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If the chink anni leaks are true and it really is Rani then I expect it's going to be because Extra Record is getting a collab to shill it like Shitmurai Flopnant.
Lucky that her sister is so supremely popular compared to her.
You're not going to have your mental health healed here go back to therapy
I have no problem coping with the fact that Salome is not popular. Would be great if she was, mostly for the fanart, but no sweat.
This is me but with Okuni.
What hurt her the most is becoming playable way before having any story content
This has to be a falseflag
Not happening.
Me but Magoichi
Okuni is underrated. Plus the supposed ship with Takasugi has been killed permanently with him being omega for (you). Okuni should have a rise of popularity for me.
One day when they finally release Memeaxe wife he will get his AU and be relevant again.
It is lol
I'm sad because Kuku had potential but was fucked over her because of the Ultra Tumor.
Skadi isn't even liked. They just care she's a meta support and a Scat face, without that shit nobody would give a fuck.
Not participating in the following two Gudaguda events didn't help, hopefully get a role this year
Rani would honestly go down as the worst Anni servant thus far. I can't believe that even as shit as this game has become they'd go that far.
Oh yeah? Why does Scathach has less popularity than Skadi then?
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Kek I thought this was a sprite edit
OC2 seems to have a lot more production going into it than OC1. All the cool cutscenes and new portraits for a bunch of servants, then you also have the avenger gimmick. Paper moon feels half baked compared to this one
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Little slut.
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It's another Takeuchi strikes again.
Kuku was fucked over by her writer and her artist, she has nothing.
By this point, we know that it can get worse, and we even joke and post about it. Like that ending someone made here, or >>487007728
Aniki, let me fuck your city sister. I'll keep the bloodline going.
Just commission art.
Crazy how Takeuchi keeps doing this
Tell me it straight guys.
Is if FGOver or are we Chaldback?
Funny since apparently Tajima is Takeuchi's favourite mangaka
Is there a single fgo sprite takeuchi hasn't ruined?
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Half of those are AI. I checked.
No Lack I won't care about your FOTM
You've just forgotten how high effort OC1 was.
Why Takeuchi keeps doing this?
but he did. that's why we had the anni tonelico stunt.
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O Cunny.
He could have made Tonelico and summer Morgan separate SSRs and double the money
I'm not talking about reality, I'm talking about my narrative.
My beautiful irrelevant kabuki girl....
I wish she was relevant...
Perseus is so lucky
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The problem with Kuku is that U Olga sucked her subplot and screentime. And Daybit played the ORT-related core and alien far better than she did.
Tonelico didn't need to also be summer Morgan. Now Morgan is stuck with one shitty looking swimsuit and Tonelico kinda just....exist?
>The problem with Kuku is that U Olga sucked her subplot and screentime
Finally someone said it.
The real issue is that she has nothing new to bring to the table.
Lore-wise she's a worse Arcueid.
Character arc wise she's a worse Olga. Personality wise she's a worse Quetz.
More like Kukul tried to suck Olga's subplot and screentime since the second half of LB7 is them trying to do the same shilling they did with Olga but now with Kukul culminating with two retarded sad sacrifces.
My slut.
You can always count with Nasu wanting to surprise us with something else involving her. By that point, you can use that hopium/copium.
She is cuter than Quetz at least.
I still remember them telling him "go as crazy as you want for the design", so he designed a giant skeleton mech with a human face on the forehead holding a very small gun, and then Nasu went "No, not that crazy"

Then they just made the skull mech into his NP
Fuck off with the wasted design.
Be happy, there’s a GudaOkuni dedicated artist, anon!
I think everyone agrees Olga and Kuku overlapping fucked over them both.
I'm just addressing that Olga at least had some scrap of things to stand on her own. Daybit overshadowed Kuku in the "alien who doesn't get humans but loves them" (real, not fake like Brolga) field, and he too got shoved to ORT core. They could have excluded Kuku and end with Brolga shooting Excalibur, and something else with the humanoid ort fight (maybe camazotz last return as a giant bat to eat the sun, and thus completely terminating the leftover).
Kuku literally had no fucking reason to exist.
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>flat out say they love (You)
>they actually don't
The only girl who said Aishiteru is fucking Kuro. Any other (Like Okita alter or NEEThime or Castoria) said suki/Daisuki at best, or some vague like "what i like? isn't it obvious/in front of me"
They are both ugly
>wasted design
How come? She was used in the game it's not as if they designed her and discarded the character.
Quetz is just fine the way she is
ok but seriously how does this keep happening?
every time an artist posts an artwork that could fit into the FGO frame it's way better than what we get
Anyone who actually played other gachas can see FGO is fucking atrocious at pandering, just because it is better than fujo shipfests like Genshin and Honkai doesn't mean it's good.
It's fucking awful without basica shit like marriage systems, bunch of servants who don't even care about you and the majority just being ambiguous at it
>check out the firefly because mihomofags keep shilling and screaming and basedjacking over her
>mfw that's it
I understand that Mihomofags are battered wives who are literally dying from thirst, like, I GET IT.
But she's literally nothing burger which would be considered like "minimum headcanon" here.
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Is it worth going down on your wife?
>no one mentions any of the faes, specially the avalon le faes
>or jalter
Meme answer: Takeuchi
Serious answer: There's a bunch of factors we don't know about involved like the some art styles not fitting the gacha game mold, how the way a character needs to be drawn for the card art may not be flattering to the artist and yes of course Takeuchi
They should have had it so that Kuku gains independence and truly becomes a god and sacrifices herself, joining the resistance of the deinos.
If Kuku were like Arc, she would have fallen for Daybit or Camazotz since they are technically the reason that "side" is born. Like for Arc is Shiki. And for V/V is Godo (who shot her down).

The whole (you) aspect is jarring because it's not even consistent with previous stuff established.
>horta lily
>brave liz
>summer scat
>titty monk
these don't REALLY need updates, even if it would be nice.
Forever never ever now that LB Morgan got this popular she will be referenced in Case files at most. Give up ever having an actual interaction between her and Artoria or her children or Merlin ever
I would remove Kuku from the story so Olga can have a complete arc instead of a half assed one
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Shut up!
>sexy brown big breasted nice ass female
>lol let’s waste the design on coupleshit I’m sure our players would like that!
>I wonder why there is a lack of fanart for andromeda..?
Yeah retarded imply she actually has braincells, she is worse than that
Reminder that fgog hasn't read lb7.
Why does Arc like shiki in the first place? It can’t be because he literally butchered her, right? Also why is she crazy possessive?
Ah so that's what you mean by wasted. Not really what I think of when I see wasted for a design to be truly wasted I would say they would need to never have actually be used.
But I get what you mean now
I would do the exact opposite and keep Olga a villain who actually lives up to the hype instead of devolving into a jobber helper clown
She was always a clown since she first showed up in Olympus
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>The whole (you) aspect is jarring because it's not even consistent with previous stuff established.
That's the best part you little cuck, my FIT SPIDER WIFE is for me because I am the Ultimate One of the ORT cloud's heart's soulmate. Simple as.
I tried I really did.
But the start is so fucking bad.
Women love when you literally butcher them
>lives up to the hype
There was never hype for her as a villain everyone saw her as a joke
it's weird
>without even any bond, "we are lovers, what I love? right in front of me"
>need 41k bond

summer is more like what I would expect
Fuck off tourist
>It can’t be because he literally butchered her, right
That is exactly why.
Fuck off schizo
I did though. That's last time I read anything main story wise.
Thank you for understanding.
What the fuck was Nasu thinking?
You guys need a break.
>You can't even cope out about it's just getting over Aurora when her bond CE is about her and summer version got the Aurora Tiara and jet
Hard to swallow pill, a lot of the popularities would be shifted around if servants whose first appearence was a main story chapter or a major event appeared in throaway events like valentines or Christmas
This is a uniquely retarded Kuku take. Well done.
That's in line with Kuku being retarded, kino.
I'm literally just back from my doctor mandate /fgog/ sanity break
The "it's all Takeuchi's fault" theory is debunked by every servant that looks good and whose artist is not part of the TM mafia.
>The last one is bizarre to me since they are self proclaimed otakus and clearly "get" a lot of it. But they always pussy out.
Not anymore, they removed their whole "tech otaku" thing. Their deal is "Into the hoyoverse" now.
Just look at the most recent genshin event
>Have Nilou hug you and make a big deal out of seeing you again
>you get possibly injured
>have Wanderer of all characters set you up like a bro
>uhhh hat guy did you really have to put him on my lap
>Kinniku Buster
Easily countered by rotating the neck to escape from the hold.
>part of the TM mafia.
Which are?
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Escape this!
Above Ea level attack btw
Takeuchi is only involved when bad.
Nothing good is ever related to him because fuck you it's simpler to pin the blame on him
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I'm not sure if Raikouschizo or just an idiot. Regardless, the explanation.

Aurora defines Melusine, she took her appearance after her, and her existence is because of Aurora.
As Melusine said in her final ascension line in summer, everything was worth it, all the pain and suffering if it led her to be with (You), and for that she is thankful to Aurora for giving her existence

Also, not sure if people notice, but her final ascension as Lancer is literally her being "pulled" from the mud again, but this time with white wings, she calls it a miracle - the same thing she said about when Aurora gave her existence.
Minimum headcanon characters don't get animated cutscenes holding hands with interlocked fingers with (You) as you fly through the sky Spirited Away-style
Aurora is just a mother figure. A VERY toxic mother figure though.The one that you just want to cut ties.
It includes but is not limited to Wada, Koyama, Takao, PFALZ, possibly Morii.
Ea ceased to be strong long ago after all the Gil retcons
She lost to Tepeu's cock btw
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Let him think FGO gets good pandering
At this point if you can't even pull off a complete Muscle Spark you may as well be amateur town.

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Space Musashi soon.
didn't know about that, to be fair.
Sure, they actually made a girl for (You) for the first time, I guess. I wonder when she will get >>487176670
The funny thing about Olga and Kuku ruining each other is that Olga's story isn't over yet. Meanwhile Kuku can consider herself lucky if she gets to show up in an event to be a one-off joke.
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You are my special~
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Bro you know wrestling is fake right?
We're talking about Star Rail, not Genshin
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At the very least we will get ASMR with a few servants next month, right? Remember to download the video before they get private'd
As I said before, being better than the homo shipfest that is Genshin doesn't make the pandering FGO gets substantial, it's pitiful.
If you want good pandering Nikke, BA and AL exist.
FGO is for masochists who still care about TM lore that sometimes get some waifu fanservice crumbs
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>yuri cuckshit
just as bad
>ruins two characters for nothing substantial to happen
Best part is at the end they go the Mei/Kiana route with (you) and Archeron.
didn't they decide to go mihomo shit with some of the girls?
Oh come on, besides the Tamamo clone, barely any girl is outright in love or pandering, it's mostly yuri shit.
>Azur Lane
good example.
I don't know, I just know that usually, this Raiden expy girl is a carpet muncher in all of their games and Mihomo loves their yurishit.
Spoken like a true ignorant
I'm not interested in those hags
just as you are not interested in 95% of the FGO cast
As expected, anyone who thinks FGO has good pandering doesn't play any other gacha game and only knows FGO and a bit of Mihoyoslop to make fun of them.
And I'm not even listing the tons of other smaller gacha games that also do a much better job despite the smaller resources
While true, that is just how it stands now. Technically it still is “Yuri” because of fmc. That won’t stop them from shipping her off with someone else later, since like you said it is mihomo.
It's a walking stockholm syndrome
he believes that FGO is the industry standard
Reminder that you share a thread with 'people' who play fgo because it's a gacha game.
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Show examples, then
It is the standard on how to disappoint your fanbase and squander the huge momentum you once had.
It's amazing how all the money FGO made wasn't invested in FGO or even in Fate ing eneral
Yeah but this one punch is worth like a million Eas, it is to Ea attacks what Excalibur's full power is to individual Mana Bursts
What's wrong with that? I wanted a new gacha, found a cute lewd girl with fox years and started it and now Tamamo is my wife. Tried getting into the other fate stuff but I couldn't stand the MCs
Archeron, when she gets to talk to you, makes it pretty clear Stelle/Caelus is "Kiana/Kevin". Her initial appearance has her saying you remind her of someone (the examples she gives are what Mei would be doing with Kiana or Kevin). Later on she has a scene with (you) that is exactly a 1:1 copy of a scene she has with Kiana in HI3.
Besides "Mei" in Genshin, Mei has only ever been with Kiana or Kevin.
I'm all for FGO2, but I do not want standard hoyo homoslop. Blandest gameplay, blandest character designs, Chink shit.
It's because Nasu just think that the world works for him when he is just draining all the money and still need to suffer the consequences
I am only against FGO 2 because I have absolutely no faith it will be better than FGO 1. For reference, compare the plot of Extella and Extella Link to Extra and even Extra/CCC
If there's a FGO2 I really wouldn't bother with it probably, it would be a lame 3D open world action button masher and you would need to roll all your servants again plus weapons. Who knows if some of your favorites will even be added to it or how long it will take?
They might also go full stupid and discard Guda for a new MC and ship characters with them too which would be the biggest fuck you I've ever gotten.
Unironically this
That being said. If the people in charge are NOT Lasengle or anyone related to them, and Nasu, even if he has some part of it, it's absolutely put in check, and people like Takeuchi and Sakurai either don't abuse their power or fuck off, then I would at least consider playing that FGO2
For me it would feel like GF1 -> GF2
All my progress with my dolls are technically gone with the new one and I have to get all of them again in a even worse gacha. I would just feel the same going from FGO1 to a FGO2 like >>487179334 said. I am really not interested in summoning for the same servants I have spent years putting effort into and raising bonds/getting NP and coins/ect.
It just means you're a bit retarded but there's nothing wrong with that.
Ah Summer 3. Back when things were still exciting.
Honestly the more things go on, the more I find myself wondering how the fuck Nasu even succeeded in the beginning. Works like KnK and Angel Notes, which I'd argue were better than the big hits, were pretty low key. It's like Tsukihime and F/SN hit some kind of universal chord with a large swathe of humanity.

I used to compare FGO to bad Fate fanfiction. As things are, we have reached levels of absurdity I haven't seen from even the most deranged fanfiction writers. There are fucking FAPFICS out there more lore-accurate to Fate characters than FGO
>the HSR collab has brought mihomos to our thread
My god, the connection goes both ways. We've infested their autism with our own but now they're here to talk about their gay ass homo games.
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>Had a dream that fgo finally made a collab with something non-tm
>It was fucking touhou of all things
Even my subconscious gave up...
i started a HSR account that i'm going to idle and collect rolls on for a year just in case they make gil playable.
That's what kinda makes me thing a reset ending is likely. Shit got so absolutely retarded that there's no way to keep Fate going unless you completely isolate most of the new FGO lore into FGO
>As things are, we have reached levels of absurdity I haven't seen from even the most deranged fanfiction writers.
So we did became Japan's Star Wars...
I played both games, but dropped the mihomo shit a month or so agoo since wuwa fills that void without the usual mihomo bullshit.
Each Archetype of a Type gets horny because someone killed them and permitted that part of them to become a normal person (or larp as one). V/V is older and had that issue.
Kuku liking Guda because "muh hairpin" completely makes her dogshit since she comes across as generic harem isekai waifu instead of a type moon heroine.
I miss when we were at the top and we were the ones making fun of other gacha and their fanbases.
Now even Limbus players look down on us. I miss feeling better than others I wasn't made to be an underdog
>I wasn't made to be an underdog
>plays FGO
yes, you were
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>Kuku liking Guda because "muh hairpin" completely makes her dogshit since she comes across as generic harem isekai waifu instead of a type moon heroine.
Bro that's literally FGO modus operandi when hey want a girl to be popular. Make them love the MC for whatever reason they can bullshit.
Sometimes it just doesn't work though
I mean it worked perfectly with Castoria and Alter. Hell, Morgan literally has all the stuff to make it work too.
You wouldn't be saying that back in the day, you would be dreaming of playing a game as popular as FGO you would be jealous of how many doujins we got
I'd say most of the time seeing as the only new female servant since LB6 who wasn't a flop was City
Draco too but she's just an alt of Nero
it's our reality senpai
don't think too much about it
It works a lot of times, it also doesn't work a bunch of times, a character needs a certain je ne sais quois for it to work and Kukul and many other just didn't have it.
That's why I said new, yeah
Even Draco (and Tiamat) are just Arcade flotsam they finally ended up in FGO
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It's disingenuous to pull this during a dead week.
We used to still chart even during dead weeks
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Been playing FGO for a few years now and only started playing HSR a few months back because I was bored. Now I'm just saving for the UBW collab.
Here’s how i’d fix Kuku while making her for (You)
From the beginning, Kukulkan is aware she’s a fragment of ORT and possesses his memories. However, she’s not entirely ORT and is content to live her own life.
Kuku likes Guda because ORT (and therefore Kuku) percieves time non-linearly and and knows that Guda gave it the best fight of its life and is waku-waku fightsexual supreme. Because of this, Kuku does something similar to Quetz in Babylonia, repeatedly antagonizing Guda and party because she
1. Wants a taste of that sweet sweet Gudaviolence.
2. Wants to prep Guda for the big ORT fight.
As she repeatedly encounters Guda and experiences his own unique flavor of strength (being a decent person who can effectively manage a large amount of people), she becomes not only interested in his strength but his strength of personality and wants to learn more about him and see him succeed.
Around the time Guda fights and defeats Batman, (who Kuku remembers even whittled down ORT), Kuku is completely enthralled and really wants to see Guda fight her progenitor firsthand. From then on, story proceeds mostly as normal until the ending of the OORT fight where Kuku doesn’t just sacrifice herself out of love, but out of genuine respect for Guda and Chaldea’s strength. In essence, the Ultimate One of the OORT Cloud is defeated because a piece of itself was impressed with our strength and character, and Kuku fully falls in love with Guda at this moment.
It doesn't work with Kuku because the predecessors followed a pattern that made it twisted yet sweet, she is just mindbogglingly dumb.
You are not a good writer but at least you tried your best, aping up Melusine's perception of time was fucking embarrassing though
>Kuku likes Guda because ORT (and therefore Kuku) percieves time non-linearly and and knows that Guda gave it the best fight of its life and is waku-waku fightsexual supreme
He didn't actually. That's still Camazotz.
Kadocsaid the only reason why they could take down this ORT was because it was a shitter THANKS to Camazotz. Camazotz fought a non level 1 one who was actually hostile unlike the one Daybit domesticated.
That's the problem here. The already reason Kuku existed (like VV and Arc - that personality-) is already a guy and it's not Guda.
I think they should stop forcing characters to be for (you) unless there is a good reason and development in the main story. Leave that to events/summon. LB6 is a perfect example of how to do this right.
Sounds generally fine but I don't want any personality attributes... attributed to ORT. ORT should remain a mystery. Kuku can have those attributes as long as it's clear they're something she developed on her own, not part of her nature.
Guda doesn't fight. He's a shitter hiding behind Servants.
Second, Camazotz fought a real full powered ORT. Unlike Chaldea.
Third, Nasu came out and said Tremendouz didn't fight Guda seriously either. Because he doesn't wanna fight primates as a natural protector of them. He basically threw the fight which was therapy.

If Kuku gets horny for someone who doms Zotz, she would like to fuck Nito.
Either she likes me because I killed her or I'm not buying it I don't care about the nice guy cope
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>LB6 is a perfect example
Good bait.

Kuku got horny for me, and Nasu doesn't give a shit about what you think the story should be. This is canon.

Cope and seethe.
Still waiting for Morgan pandering. Summer barely did a good job, and Valentine was too short.
We're allowed to dislike your garbage waifu fuck off
>fgog is now being filled with anti-GudaSaba
What the fuck.
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You fuck off, my waifu is great and I curse all your future rolls. All of them. Whale at least 500 SQ for NP1, piggy.
Go back to /alter/ already, you don't belong here.
It's healing finally
Yes? Melusine had nothing to do with Guda in the main story, so she was allowed to have a storyarc exploring her character unrelated to (You)shit from start to end.
Then Nasu can do whatever he wants after the chapter ends. Melusine's already finished as a character.
>reading comprehension
Not that I expected better from one of our resident attention whore shitposters
Kuku would be more popular if her artist was Takeuchi.
>we want the Near A Tomato audience
Unironically yeah. People may shit on Takeuchi all the time but his characters are usually beloved
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not with him here
I think she’d be more popular with about 80% of the artists that regularly work on FGO.
This but with Takeru
That cancer has reached metastasis state no healing that
Rei Hiroe is a curse
Summer Kuku will redeem her character
>He's still grasping at straws
Holy shit nigger
Not if she kept that her current god awful plot and personality
Events will all have reruns going forward.
I've no idea what the fuck those 150 replies are, I'll just assume raikouschizo samefagged some shit because holy fuck the people obsessed with belittling FGO pandering really need to show how jealous they are lmao.
>Come back to see this thread filled with shitposting and falseflagging galore
U Olga isn't popular and her artist is Takeuchi.
Where is the marriage system?
You showed them
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That's all raikouschizo does, guess he now wants to avatarfag as a Kuku poster to belittle LB6 while I carried Kuku defense for the past 2 years.

Kukulkan isn't a flop. Art isn't a reliable metric. And I don't care for your headcanons, facts speak louder than words.
Better rateup revenues. More grails. More people have Kuku, therefore Kuku is popular.
Mashu ated it
Yay she is more popular than a lesbian 3* a welfare and dudes...
A servant could give you a explicit blowjob and you would still call FGO's pandering bad you utter buffon
why would i want to engage in sodomy? i'm not homosexual
I guess raikou won this time
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Yeah so your narratives eat literal shit.
You attack Kuku because she's for (You). You don't give a shit about anything else.
Shame that she was a succesful servant in things that matter. Because pandering sells while dogshit clap and Andromeda like do not.
Some bond lines and a valentine scene is pitiful pandering if you didn't have Stockholm's syndrome you would admit that.
I wish we could get an actual servant blow job in the game and have Fate return to its ero routes but we way past that. As it stands FGO does the bare minimum and being better at pandering than Mihoyo is still subpar
>huge hyped 5* in the story only manages 6th place
It's all a matter of standards. For me that's a disappointing display and anything below top 3 is a failure in relation to the shilling she got
So successfull she gets no marketing, where is her merch if she's that popular?
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>Ea ceased to be str-ACK!
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You do realize it's literally no different if not worse in your games right?
They all rely on lines. They all rely on still 2D words.
What you want is a nukige. None of the games you're shilling are. What they do is literal dogshit compared to FGO because they can't sell a fantasy while FGO does.
>Some bond lines and a valentine scene is pitiful pandering if you didn't have Stockholm's syndrome you would admit that.
Nigger there's alot of this in other events and even several story chapters, you're absolutely and unquestionably deliberatedly disingenious just to fling shit in this thread
Why is it always the Kukufags that are in denial
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>Uhhh no the merch?!
Do you think Beryl is popular because he gets merch?
Oh please with those stupid arguments. You're not going anywhere.
>It's all a matter of standards. For me that's a disappointing display and anything below top 3 is a failure
Okay nice standards, you're just saying you want to shitpost whatever because of standards you made up just now.
That's more realistic than spamming "s-she's a flop" all day pretending you actually know what you're talking about.
Is GudaAE popular?
Your blatant revisionism doesn’t work
Really kizu/raikouschitzo? Now you moved to another girl? I hope Kuku gets popular so I can laught at you again.
What revisionism? Kukufags are constantly whining that she is popular showing that shitty gameplay chart.
Having “training sessions” with Xu Fu after tricking her into thinking Paisen wont want her if she’s bad at sex
Okunifags know she's unpopular and wish she got more love.

Kukufags just refuse to accept she was a failure.

I hope Okuni gets a swimsuit over Kuku, she deserves it.
I do not like this weird fixation over kuku in this thread, i'm curious did LB7 released in NA?
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Hilarious that he picked a girl that's still more popular than Floppy Gozen.

Gets art here and there. People really respect asc 3 being for (You).
Dude, I don't know why it's so hard for you to accept she was not a success. You can't like her if she isn't popular? What does it change for you if she's loved or not?
No, NA is two years behind so it won't release until December.
Blue Archive.
Arius Squad and Kuroko being happy.
Honestly I can't wait for NA to get it so she can lose the little credibility she still has.
I'm saying it because of this weird shitposting and falseflagging over her despiste nobody really giving enough of a fuck after the month she released
That would never happen, fate isn't that type of game anymore.
She has the pity points factor. I still see people saying they want her to be playable
she got art by the artist that counts the most, mda
Dunno. Maybe because summer is soon and some people think she has a chance to get an alt to fix her character?
it's the meluschizo, he changed targets
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I don't stand for lies. False narratives like shitposting a servant and trying to stick shit on them, not on my watch.
I've already had my fill of reading that garbage of "Muramasa was the most succesful NY" which was a blatant lie.
If you don't stand for lies, why are you blatantly defending a failure?
Speaking of that, why all the whores in that game have halos?
Feito/gurando oda
>servantfu has its own Antischizo
Now this is how i know i’ve made it in this fandom
Because she is designed like a clown (on purpose).
It protect them from dying instantly from gunshots, I think.
All servants get shit on at some point. It's 4chan.
It's popular enough to cause meltdowns.
Ah yes the regular hate Tawara Touta gets
I have seen more GudaAE than GudaKuku lmao
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Because she's not one, simple as that. Trying to spread fake narratives like those is autistic.
Every character deserve someone who'll defend their truth. I don't mind doing that since we have malicious schizos like you trying to have them stick with shit that just ain't true.
Its because of this >>487157332
Magical energy = cum
All servants I summon are sustained by my cum at all time.
All servants I summon have my cum in them at all times.
As I use them, their Bond level goes up, therefore they enjoy it.
Shame the artist that did some lewds got harassed and start making Shiki x AE.
He got hate when he was still relevant. Which is the exact duration of the release of Camelot.
At some point doesn't mean regularly, it means at least once. I'm pretty sure someone shat on Touta at some point in /fgog/ history.
Remember that time Hakuno stood there like a cuck and gave us permission to fuck Draco/Nero
Yes, raikouschizo did in 5.5 because he needed to wank Raikou so he lied as usual.
It's artificially popular. Like the result of one or two guys that keep commissioning cheap art and posting it in fan spaces.
I know the only servant /fgog/ has never shit talked
Tell us so we can fix that
Cute Ocha Nobbu, she'd make a better Lostbelt King than Kukul
Duh, obviously it’s Saber Lily
What a shit character.

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Astrea but only because everyone feels guilty shittalking her after the art she got
Personally not a big fan of Luvia. However I do enjoy her scenes and dialogues with (you). She is pretty much chill and cares for (you) with the tsun part toned down. Surprisingly wholesome.
Yea eternal shame about the art
Wasn't there something about the Tsukihime remake being made to bringing the power levels to par with fgo?
I doubt they care that things got out of control at this point.
Funny how thats among the actual valid tweets where the artist himself wanted to fixed it and admited that he was denied to do it
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This is a fgo thread, don't post your OCs in it
Way better than Kali, if I do say so myself.
The power levels really aren't that bad. If anything its the cosmology that's fucking crooked
He redeemed himself in LB1 and has no presence since
Shiva, I...
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>600k views and 20k likes
GudaCas fans... owari da
Get a life, faggot
This but with Boudicca after she got cucked out of summer and an Avenger alt in OC2
Damn kizu, really think that's gonna change anything? lmao
that's the raikouschizo
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>I know the only servant /fgog/ has never shit talked
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Dyke Draco got shit for her design and for her tone clashing with the rest of Draco's story.
Dracunny remains immaculate though.
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I don't care for Extra anymore, too little too late. Give me more FGO.
She would have been perfect to pair a new Boudica with...
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I don't care for FGO anymore, too little too late. Give me more Extra.
I just want more GudaSaba(and the story to finish)
>silver hair Sakuraface
>my first 5* AoE Arts Archer
Instagrailled. I like Kali but blue skin isn't my thing.
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Uh Oh, tamamo seethe
>have to wait till Anni to see if they do 150 so I can use my coins for it instead
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>her tone clashing with the rest of Draco's story.
Her design is not the best but all other things are fine imo
>Dracunny remains immaculate though.
Was talking about draco in general, but yes.
Found the fag that did it.
Lilim Harlot was having a serious tone that I think had no space for Draco going Super Saiyan and using her giant sword as a guitar while I'm My Own Master Now plays in the background.
>Was talking about draco in general, but yes
I separate the two in my head. I treat them like Ishtar and Rin.
Boudica will never get her Avenger/Alter alt because people hate Takao.
Supermove spamming noob. TezcaCHAD would finesse all over her in his Grand Graph.
Well he is the art directior. The whole operation is his responsibility when it comes to artwork. So yeah, blame him. If he approves shit art who else is at fault?
The artist you retard.
Except that Takeuchi is the one who approves. Nobody else can be at fault for approving shit art that makes it to live. Sure the artist can be at fault for presenting a shit artpiece, but that shit getting past review and into release is solely on Takeuchi either not giving a fuck or just having questionable criteria. The buck stops with him.
Based, fuck cashitoria shitters
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>Lilim Harlot was having a serious tone that I think had no space for Draco going Super Saiyan and using her giant sword as a guitar while I'm My Own Master Now plays in the background.
I personally can overlook draco's third ascension since it has so little on screen time she's barely noticeable.
I don't dislike how lilim harlot played in the end; I loved how draco finally found her star and ''ascended'' becoming just like her saber version, because in the end, she is and will always remain the dorky Nero we know and love
I want to beat the shit out of the retards that ask and want for bond 20.
Don't you fucking realize that eventually you will hit max bond AGAIN?
And on top of it bond 10~15 didn't give any new dialogues or lines but just coins and quartz.
Is that what BONDING with your servants is supposed to give you? Just funny quartz and a few coins? Wake the FUCK UP.
Sounds like you need therapy for your autism.
You don't play the game.
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Every time he shows up /fgog/ loses any capacity to shitpost and simply kneels
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It's ok he already kneeled to okita
It's ok she already kneeled to hijikata
>Jobs to okita too
>he doesn't know
Then there's no point discussing anything.
Just blame everything on Nasu and Takeuchi.
Idk why I love Arc's 2nd ascension design so much.
Give her longer hair and her 3rd ascension lines and she'll be the best one imo.
1st is a classic but 3rd ascension actually looks good except for the odd blue gloves.
Because that's the one where she looks and talks like Arcueid.
3rd ascension is cuter though.
I love it when you click her NP card and she welcomes you to her home.
Eh, too princess-y.
It's also the same reason why Ryougi is better than Void Shiki.
but what route is it based on
Kuudere > Genkishit
Satsuki route.
I'll take "statements that have never and will never be true" for 500, Alex.
But I want to fuck Arc.
It's obvious why they cut Olga's arc short and then brought her back almost immediatly afterwards. There's absolutely no way the Olga Quest content wasn't meant for LB7, otherwise Nasu wouldn't be writing it himself.
You think it's cut from content from lb7 because Nasu is writing it?
what do we know about the original lb7? i only remember the holmes reveal was supposed to take place there, and that mashu was going to get her big character moment.
I think it's cut content because she suddenly vanishes from the plot, comes back at the end, dies and then they revive her in a way that continues the same story with the (obvious) reveals that feel like they should've been in LB7. Nasu even retconned her death from "she's completely dead and can only come back as a soulless zombie" to "actually she just got split in 4 and each of the four Olgas represent an aspect of her personality."
>Shipshitposters arguing
>Reading comprehension
I wish she had a costume for the battle dress she wore against Vlov
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Damn, that's a lot of bots, mexicans and filipinos... however!
Kek amirite kek
Raikoschizo pls
>100K less views
>disfavored by the algorithm
>one third (10K) more of likes
Kek, these idiots really forget that Castoria's most popular art on pixiv include Guda.
Because you have mental problems.
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I love GudaCas but I absolutely despise that piece of shit.
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The irony.
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I wanted Murasaki....
Can she kill doors now at least?
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Speak for yourself. Guda x Artoria makes more sense than Guda x Arcueid. And even then, it still doesn't.
>Boudica's family that she tragically lost
>Nero is here too
This page will never not be both really funny and in terrible taste. Boudica is unsalvagable because the writers will never let anyone be actually mad at Nero.
why don't you use a rider for that retard?
As if you're any better, raikouschizo
>/alter/ BBschizo
No surprise
>they shit on the streets
>using raikoushizo as a scapegoat
kek, a new low for the bbspic.
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>2 fucking hours later
>Guda x Arcueid
It's Archetype Earth, not Arc you fucking retard.
>just this year we got a Morgan Anniversary CE, in the form of Tonelico
Why are they so fucking incompetent.
Nobody cares about Morgag anymore.
>Why are they so fucking incompetent
Sir, this is FGO.
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>He's actually samefagging
That spic utterly mindbroke you
>talking in 3rd person
That's never gonna work, spic. You are not go,na make give yourself immunity just because you're namedropping raikouschizo.
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Can't believe Raikouschizo jobbed to a spic.
Is Raikou gonna job to some spic in-game too?
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If you're against me you're Raikouschizo and Kizu. Trust ME bros.
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>Bob keeps lesbians captive to use them as her personal maids
Would Morgan approve of this?
The BBfag is also part of the shitposters. already exposed falseflagging, altefag shit stirring, cuckposting and shitting on other waifufags. No different from the Raokouschizo
Dunno why you try to defend him
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that's kinda rude to Mary
As I stated before, he only engages with other gudafags. They don't care if he's all of that and more as long as he's on guda's side. 100% mental illness.
Yeah, I haven't forgotten how he tried to attack Kuku when she released, and he was even cuckposting his own waifu here when NA got Moonsault Operation.
Lol lmao even you mean raikou or whatever your fav
Bla bla bla, shit. Your argument full of shit
>They don't care if he's all of that and more as long as he's on guda's side.
Gudafag here. Fuck that fag.
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For me, this will be more than enough and worth more than a thousand AIslop art on pixiv.
I'm a waifufag a I never liked him.
He pretends, but he cuckposted other girls before (and probably keeps doing it when he isn't avatarfagging) and he is reponsible for most the twittershit drama here.
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>Ebora garbage
God I'm so happy they don't draw Morgan or Tonelico anymore
Unfortunately, I think he still draws Morgan... with horses...
Disctroon raid
cause no one cares about Morgan, not nasu, not takeuchi, none of the official artists like her too
That this on his other account which never linked to his main accounts. How you found that and not blocked it is your guys fall.
But who has the strongest Gundam in this game?
To me it feels less like cut content from LB7 and more like Nasu changed his mind on what he was doing with Olga too late into the production of LB7 to change it much, hence why the beginning is such a heavy handed "nuh-uh can't tell you about that yet".
>That this
Christ my typing is off today.
who's the most sane waifufag
My schizo senses are tingling, they tell me to get out of this thread
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wrong mental hospital
cute doggo

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