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>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Additional Links


Update on July 25

>Developer's Note: July 2024

>Current Events
BEAUTY FULL SHOT - July 4 ~ July 25
Dave the Diver Minigame Collab - July 4 ~ July 25

>Upcoming Events
Union Raid - July 26 ~ July 31
Solo Raid - August 2 ~ August 9

>Current Special Recruit
Sakura: Bloom in Summer - July 4 ~ July 25
Mary: Bay Goddess [Rerun] - July 4 ~ July 25
Neon: Blue Ocean [Rerun] - July 4 ~ July 25
Rosanna: Chic Ocean - July 11 ~ August 1

>Upcoming Special Recruit
Ein - July 25 ~ August 8
Anis: Sparkling Summer [Rerun] - July 25 ~ August 15
Helm: Aquamarine [Rerun] - July 25 ~ August 15

>Current Costume Passes
Maiden: Under The Sun [Mission Pass] - July 1 ~ July 31
Viper: Shine of Love [Costume Gacha] - July 4 ~ July 25
Guilty: Wave of Disbelief [Event Pass] - July 4 ~ July 25
Mast: Mast the Diver [Event Pass] - July 4 ~ July 25
Anchor: Anchor the Diver [Minigame Reward] - July 4 ~ July 25


Previous: >>487092361
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I love my wife Rapi.
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*koogoogoogoos into the thread*
So do Black men!
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Welcome to Eden https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66405802
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Mark your calendars https://timee.io/4mD
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*wobbles into thread*
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Is that...
Is that a PS5?????
If were not getting Taimanin
Gems are safe
so are we wrapping up Crystal Namek with this next update? Are we fight crystal Frieza this time?
Already accounted those for
Why though? Spending gems won't guarantee you the result you want to get, meaning tickets are more valuable than gems
My wife is ready to save Nikke
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I love Anis
The fuck tickets are you talking about? That's not guaranteed either
>new event at the same day as EDF6 release
We know, (Me).
Save the planet from any alien attack or roll for a slut?
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Why is there a satellite dish when there is not even a sky in the Ark
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I hate Rapi.
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>Anomaly Interception introduces bosses of higher difficulty levels such as Combat Level D, Level S, and Special Anomaly Combat, featuring bosses like Ultras and Indivilia, unseen in previous combats.
>As the level of difficulty is high, instead of rotating bosses, you will be able to select and challenge bosses directly.
So I just pick the jobber boss every time?
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The AZX?
>from A to Z with Xtreme speed
gook hack writing
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>Anomalous Individual
Satellites aren't the only objects that can emit signals, retard-sama.
>the drop rates are fixed for every boss
>easiest boss drops mostly abnormal gear
u rike?
I will always be a powerlet...
No Trony is the biggest calamity here.
For those too lazy to read
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If she won't go on the chart I'm not pulling
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Nikke went too far this time.
Who's the largest?
Unleashed Ade?
bro your ad?
it cost money
me no money
>that generic AI ''mix several popular anime girl faces'' face
lol weeping for anyone stupid enough to roll for this
>last summer we got 4 bikini units
>this summer w got 2
>next summer we getting 1
>the summer after...?
Looking grim, bwos.
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
>anonymous individual
Can i have more gear fodder as well?
Oh, and i'm gay btw, dunno if matters.
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you chose this.
you were okay with this
I don't see what that has to do with anything but cool
lol weeping for anyone stupid enough to not roll for this
>next summer is Pilgrim Kilo (summer edition), so it’s only one banner
Wow a generic school girl. Crazy, sick, nasty.
>Faggot still seething over Ein
>everyone hyped up mother whale as the hardest boss saying it has actual gameplay mechanics
>accidentally auto it because I broke the wall yesterday
at least the music was good, but that was kinda anticlimactic, can I get a rematch?
Get some standards before this game gets flooded with lazy AI shit with 0 sex appeal, ty. Also kill yourself.
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You'll get your rematch in Hard Mode
The only thing I care about is if Ein will show her panties or not. When was the last time we had a nikke that showed her panties off during shooting? Quiry?
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nikkers really beat everything late postnerf with cp Inflation and have the nerve to say its easy
who the fucks keep the music on
I do, shittaste-anon
why wouldn't I? this game has pretty good music
So does Ein go with the Exia/S.Anis metacomp or the Frima/Laplace one?
The same 5 tracks repeating over and over is appealing to you? absolute autism
HOLY SEXO. Finally some good looking character after that ugly Cruella wannabe
It was hard back when it released and we didn't have all the broken shit we have today. The Hard mode version nowadays is still kind of hard with red numbers though because if you don't have a RH with godly OLs then you cannot break the core and just instantly lose.
>good looking character
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>same 5 tracks
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JK sex
fuck the planet, slut rolling it is
>game with potentially thousand+ hours of playtime
Whatever the amount is, it can't possible not get grating
You'd rather get rolled over by isopods and we both know it
Less grating than reading your shit posts
You'd much rather read the same 5 ritualposts over and over again after all, legobrain retard.
>breaking cores
What? Looks like you got carried by the CP update
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>CP update
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>CP boost
>CP update
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>Correction Points
all of you fags are going to end up on a watch list or two
I been there for years, I fear nothing
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For 2 letters in a row?
I was at 60kish deficit and managed to do it after resetting for over an hour. I don't really know how giga whales back then did it and I don't care.
Watch list for cool people?
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Gonna MLB her so I can see this smile on my lobby screen everyday
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All right buddy turn around. Miranda check his phone and pc browser history.
Ein is another character made specifically to pander to women and fags, the last nikke they got was troony
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not smug enough
This is just like in my animes.
God i love Asuna.
>foot-centric character is somehow for women and fags
Terrible statement and I hate Ein.
Nikkes can't be treated like humans. There's no aoc for them, probably. Knowing Nikke, she is probably older than skk anyhow. Actual number of nikkes younger than him might be pretty small.
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Thoughts on this nikke?
Collabo when
anyone who doesn't like her is gay and/or brown
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>want to skip Ein
>but she's electric my favorite type
>she's missilis, the only manufacturer I have gear for
>also sniper so I can probably macro her if she's not full charge garbage
wasted slot but browns love her for some autistic reason
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I'm tired of this kingdom, these citizens. I'm tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives.They claim their labors are to build a castle, yet their heaven is populated with exhibitionists and bad food.
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Doro Domination.
We are all here already.
Dayum MLB
Yall tiny dick if you aint rolling her
>skks hand
yuritards lost
I like Ein and Zwei. I like the fact of being free from the NPC jail. But I'm not gonna roll for her even if she's meta, because sooner or later she'll end up in my collection anyway thanks to wishlist. Gotta save some more for the collab and 2nd anniversary.
I kinda wanna know more, especially about the Adiction family.
>White girl
Yeah I'd roll for that over any brown trash.
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Doro Destruction
There's like 2 brown girls and they mog all the other ones
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>8.3 Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Packs Update
> New Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Packs
>- Added new Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Packs to the Cash Shop.
>* Update time: after the July 25 server maintenance
>* Navigation: Lobby Cash Shop Ordinary Package
>※ For more details, please check the in-game Cash Shop.
> Discontinued Packs
>- The following packs will be discontinued after the maintenance.
>(Nikke Boost Pack, Nikke Grow Up III, Nikke Growth Package I, Mechanics Boost Package II)

Doll packs confirmed?
Will get her title on day one.
I'm bl*ck and love her
I wanted Ein and Zwei over Naga and Tia.
Normalfag anti-sex ''people'' have won. Game is dead within the year.
hag faggots have been having a melty over her since the news dropped
>Doll packs confirmed?
I hope so. Maybe F2Ps will finally start complaining instead of taking up ShiftUp's cock into their arses and defending this system with shitty arguments like "I-It's good because you can't paypig for it!"
What colour is it, Ein?
Wouldn't really surprise me.
Both doll and maintenance kit boxes would be a whale magnet.
I hope they have more melties. It's funny.
33% of the summer event was just skk and Sakura having sex
It's mostly just newfaggots and tourists
>building sandcastles is sex
the absolute state of this general
Ein'a thighs as so fat German burst is probably just her crushing raptures with her legs
She looks like a BA character.
I’m going to swipe her banner to show SU that we want more designs like hers.
2deep4u faget
It's over.
stick legs
Ein is probably older than SKK lol
friends, with benefits
okay thunder thighs
If anything she's way too old
>Rapi logo in the bottom right corner with the fluoride cuckqueen stare
>watching as SKK goes off hand in hand with another nikke that isnt her
This just gets funnier and funnier the more it happens
won't look like that ingame lol
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Why is Guilty so large?
Naga and Tia are better in every way
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it will look like this
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>won't look like that ingame lol
okay, /nikg/, give it to me straight. which nikke has the biggest tits out of all of them? biggest, heaviest milkers?
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>Ein'a thighs as so fat German
nice selfie
>SR unit
>Uses an AR
Explain this
Obviously the story is going to be about her and zwei which is what the friend thing is, SKK is just going to watch on like a good little manservant while the girls les out.
>One is brown and the other is obese
Lol retard
Imagine being this gay
It's either Guilty or Noir
I'd take Ein's targeted fat thighs over Tia's entirely fat ass anyday
Guilty, Noir or Nihilister
>double 68% max ammo rolls on my dorols
>all my rerolls were charge
This shit is so rigged
How do I become an iguana?
Tia has zero ass
glad I get to save my gems after going hard on summer
All of Tia's fat went to her tits, she has zero ass.
the ideal woman
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My Brid fig has something to sit on now
I got a shot glass laser-engraved with her name and the IR logo
Sorry for the bad quality, my phone camera is total ass
I did a total of 50 rolls, and got 1 copy each of SSakura and SRosanna. Summer didn't do shit to my stash.
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With enough modifications, you can turn any AR into an SR.
>not MLB'ing both at the minimum
ur gay
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based best girl appreciator
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how come not Rosanna or Mary?
because their breasts are smaller..?
and why isn't Tia mentioned
mlb is a meme. Anyone with more than 1 brain cell would realise that. This isn't like other gachas where they lock skills behind limit breaks.
>This isn't like other gachas where they lock skills behind limit breaks.
Yeah, this one locks progress behind limit breaks.
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negative test post
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This one locks sex lobby behind limit breaks
Good morning everynyan, today we will have lots of fun!
>He's still walled
Have you tried not being a newfag?
>they didn't unlock the correction facility yet
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don't respond to my posts you ꜱoydicked cuck
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Disgusting tattooed whore
>synchro 376
Have you tried not being a retard?
Needs a led light inside the glass
funny you say cuck when she's clearly NTRbait
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Sakura won, it's time to let it go
Expectations for the next story chapter?
I can finally get my virgin slut gyaru gf and summer Anis.
tired of this brat
fuck all will happen to advance the plot, maybe a quick fan service scene if we're lucky.
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>it was a brownoid all along
yeah ur super gay
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yeah, only brownoids like rosanna
>virgin slut
Bit of an oxymoron innit
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when will Shiftup have mercy on poor Rapi
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I am once again asking for your financial support of 200 gems I have 5 tickets
>ur gay/faggot
Is this the lowest IQ general? Get some new material man.
The crystals react negatively to being attacked and we are taught the meaning of near death again.
shut up, brown gay faggot retard
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>t. brown gay retard
>Spotted the brownoid
Frima buffs are too good to waste true damage dps on a shit team like anus team.

Besides, pure element teams are retarded because SR requires you spread your elemental units around.
i'll shit a creampie into your waifus mouth
1 chapter prison break
1 chapter back to crystal namek
That's what NAtards soon to be referred as with their soon poo pres
You're too retarded and gay to do that
Also brown
retarded europag
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>You've been waiting for a long time. Main Scenario Chapters 31 and 32 are scheduled to be updated soon. In this story, the owner of the Crystal Region will appear, and various incidents, including the opening of the previously closed coffin, will occur. You can also meet new characters and see beloved characters after a long time in this story, so please look forward to it.
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Shift up needs to write a story where guilty rapes us.
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NAtards on around the clock suicide watch
>free tia costume
This is funny because nobody uses her anymore. Naga has a new better, stronger, sexier lover.
tiktok you got until end of 2nd anni of Nikke
Imagine Naga, but white.
Nikkes can't get pregnant.
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>new chaps coming out soon
>still wont be caught up
I've never felt like
So miserable
I've never felt like thinking this will last forever
real ESL hours
IHer name is Asuna.
Dead game.
Clearly amerifats shitting up the thread, you can tell by the uninspired, repetitive and autistic statements
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How can Tia compete?
>chapter 31 and 32 are not on loveryn but on crystal stuff
Ok then
nobody fucking knows because no one buys consoles anymore
using the crystals to power up nikkes. That's why they're the icons for overloading equipments
What sync are you, might be skill issue
Sounds like streets of rage
Complaining about americans is the biggest indicator it's ESL hours
she looks so...pure
Good, I'm so tired of women
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My retarded ass just realized that I actually beat the stage I was walled on a while ago (crystal chamber) and somehow forgot about it leading me to wait and level up for absolutely nothing. I'm currently 259 let me see if I can push this shit out
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I complain about everything, thread would be dead without my efforts
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In order to keep up with Rapi, the rest of the Counters must now fuse with other nikkes and become super saiyan dual cores as well.
Who do Anis and Neon fuse with? They must be primarily yellow and blue respectively.
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>nyus and dyev nyotes
>the seething replies to this
tetradev is angry his summer flopped
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>keep up with rapi
what the heck do you mean?
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Dorothy's pudding enema
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Sodapower soon
>neon fuses with novel forma de prinny and becomes even more reddit
>anis fuses with rupee and becomes a gyaru
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But they will permanently glue shit on my nikkers!
zoomer nikke
>no pudding enema animation for any nikke yet
this is literal oppression
i wish the most horrible of deaths to doroposters. Goodnight nikg
you know what I will just say it and close the thread.

I don't like the new character, Ein, at all. Not her design, not her premise. Goodbye
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Huevo tho
you know what I will just say it and close the thread.

I love the new character, Ein, so much. Her design, her premise. Goodbye
Same, it's so uninspired, rather have a fucked up trainwreck design than this
We know, tourist
>Einfaggots shaping up to be the most annoying posters already
what went wrong?
Same, it's so inspired, rather have this than a fucked up trainwreck design
This but with Rosanna.
>Anti-Einfaggots shaping up to be the most annoying posters already
what went wrong?
What were they thinking
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>that time DoroTV broadcast footage of Dorothy taking a shit across every screen in the Ark
Nikke could've easily been the best gacha available

I played this game day one. This was the only gacha that I was extremely hyped for prior to launch. I was new to gachas then and I could tell that nikke was going to be an amazing game. It helped that it ticked my preferences of a 3d shooter game.

It finally launched and man...it was magical. Literally first multi summon on first account got my boy scarlet and from there on just played my ass off. I played and played, even waking up in the middle of the night to play sometimes. Yes, I was shafted by RNGesus from time to time, but that didn't sway my enjoyment, even as a full f2p player.

Then I hit a wall...a wall of realization...that this layers upon layers upon layers of RNG bullhsit was just going to drive me insane. Farming that jobberbox, only to FINALLY get the equipment piece you want, only for it to not have the manufacturer you want, then only for the wrong stats to increase when upgrading. Like, who thought of that? I can tolerate a lot but months and months of that, I just had to stop.

BUT here I am. Every 5-6 months I'll redownload the game and see what's going on. I never really play it, but I do get in a few missions and just admire how great the game plays and looks. When I start considering playing full time, I just remind myself of the crap RNG equipment system, snap back to reality, and delete it again.

Nikke could've really been it. Too bad.
Rather pull her than Ein
At least she has a sexy body
Hagfags having a melty whenever they don't feel that they are being pandered to.
This but she's growing on me for some reason
>Approaching people and striking casual conversations have always been easy for Ein. But one day, she realizes she has no friend to confide in. For the first time, she feels lonely.

I hope that friend isn't me. I don't want to be friendzoned.
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The Neon
ch51 ep48 rapi fuses with red hood
>Dorothy taking a shit will never be an event
I'm livid, I'm fuming
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What does have to do with their posters though?
Tetrafags really having a melty when a 2 week event after 6 full months don't have another Tetra
The core fans are just worried about the game losing sight of it's identity. Nikke is a hag game, a for (You) game, and a sexy game
File deleted.
Can I buy this 30-day supply package every time the 30 day period ends? Do I get the 330 paid gems every time I buy the pack or is it a first purchase thing only?
>inb4 SEAmonkey
I know, I didn't ask to be born here.
>bar is so low this isn't considered a hag
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>tetradev seething that people are more excited for Ein then tetraflop summer
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>Nikke is a hag game
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>Launches game
>The voice saying "Shori no Megami: Nikke" is Andersen's
It's over. We're becoming the next Genshit.
I finally get it, I finally understand Doroposters
Fuck wrong ss.
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why did you post this? is that your name? what the fuck are you doing?
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Delicious strawberry pudding made from fresh ingredients found on the surface in Eden
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>nguyen tuan long
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This aged like fine wine
>Chuyen tien thanh cong
what the FUCK?!
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Mom what are you doing?
Sanjay the Ameritard is erping a Vietnamese
Thats low.
This was me shitposting btw
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This is the QUINTESSENTIAL Einfag enjoyer
Doro poop is still healthier and more nutricious than splendamin
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Clicks Advice tab

selects Rapunzel-Sinful Nun Days

Rapunzel is reminiscing about the past

>Andersen-san, what do you do when you feel anxious?

>I rub one out thinking of Liliweiss (+50)
>I rub one out thinking of you, Rapunzel (+100)

>Oh my goodness Andersen-san what are you saying?!
>I can't, if you speak to me like that I... Argh, my groin is all twitchy now

>I (Andersen) help Rapunzel relieve herself of her pent up desires...

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why does everyone from nam have nguyen as last name?
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>tetrafags are the original cuckposters

Actually a disgrace there's no proudly pooping nikke's yet. No vore either. Fuck this game.
Can someone at least answer the question please
We are all inbreds.
not everyone but its really common like muhammad
Going by how skinny and short most in the ark are, sounds true
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click Advise tab

click Scarlet: Guren Days

>My Lord Andersen, what doeth thou do when thou run out fo wine?
click Advise tab

click Scarlet: Guren Days

>My Lord Andersen, what doeth thou do when thou run out fo wine?

>I indulge in Liliweiss' love juices (+50)
>I indulge in your love juices, Scarlet, they taste like top of the line sake (+100)

>My my... My Lord Andersen wants to drink me dry, whatever am I to do...?

>I spend the rest of the night drinking from Scarlet's fountain of youth

>I indulge in Liliweiss' love juices (+50)
>I indulge in your love juices, Scarlet, they taste like top of the line sake (+100)

>My my... My Lord Andersen wants to drink me dry, whatever am I to do...?

>I spend the rest of the night drinking from Scarlet's fountain of youth

>jk gyaru
>coded to like rupee
>hold hands
>texas thighs
If we get even a little ass or panty it's done, she's best girl uncontested
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I know right
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Good lord what is happening in this thread
It all started with hagfags
Einfags having a melty
Yes you get the paid 330 jims each time you buy the pack
Rupee is an energetic gyaru. Ein is a lethargic one. Big diff
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Bros, I just passed by the front door of Yukimi Hot springs... I swear, I could hear Deputy Chief Andersen's and Ludmilla's voices coming from the main bath... They were clearly short of breath... I also heard Ludmilla moaning...

What is going on bros? I went out to gather some snow to melt for Ludmilla's tea, like she asked me to, I thought she loved me...
anti Einfags having a melty
a gaggle of wild dororongs have escaped and are now nesting in the thread
*Poops in diaper*
>sex with sakura on beach was actually practice for the jk sex event
Heh...shift up never fails to impress me with their writing. Bravo, Bravo.
Good times
Eintard creativity is about as much as went into her design.
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The legend never dies
Welp bros, this is it. My final post on this general. At first, I thought that I could balance Nikke and ZZZ with ease, and at first, I could. But I can’t survive on gacha alone; I need to play real games again, like Honkai: Star Rail and Genshin. I can still drop into ZZZ while doing so, but Nikke just requires too much investment to have a gaming life outside of it.

Admittedly, this was not an easy decision for me to make. Partly because I’ve spent $700, though that is a paltry sum to an adult like me. But mostly, I feel like I’m responsible for this entire general. I created the first thread ever, and even came up with the name /nikg/. As the one who gave birth to this community, I’m saddened that I have to leave it all behind, and let younger anons take the reins.

Before I go, remember this: though I may be gone, I will remain with you in spirit. I’m proud to have been part of the /nikg/ family, and given the chance, I would do it all again. Goodbye, my friends. May we might again, in another time
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easy skip
saving for collab, Halloween (real) and Christmas nikkers
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Bad look for Eintards right now, just getting DESTROYED on all fronts lmao get a real waifu
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Halloween alts will always be perms anyway. Too close to anni
/drag/ bro....
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The PLAPmire?
Some of you need a stone cold stunner
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>2 days left
aint gonna bother to finish this shit fishing "minigame"
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Especially this brat
Seriously though where the fuck is any new elysion unit. I was hoping that the next two chapters would resolve the liveryn shit so we could get hammering and drilley asap
trans reddit meme
No straight man could earnestly think this.
>not the ludmilla shipping andersen and skk
bait so miserable not even gonna give you a (you) go play a game to properly shitpost
Hi, Andersen here. I was just lifting weights in the bath, don't worry.
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>Hey Commander, I think you've got the wrong door, the leather club's two blocks down

>FUCK YOU! (+120)

>Pick 2

>I wrestled Rian to relieve herself of her pent up desires.

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I hope Ein actually power creeps Maxwell and does a secondary weapon thing
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>they got so mindbroken by Ein that they started to cuckpost
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>Nikke's ESG report will include changes made by the dev team by being accomodating to nikkes with petite builds on the following banners after the summer event.
To balance things out, nikkes with larger curves will be given for free on the 2th and 2.5 anniversary.
Idiot. YOU aren't a straight man.
Men are programmed to hunt. We enjoy the thrill, the conquest, the battle, the domination.
Naga and Tia are free eats. Those buffets legs will always be open whenever you want. They're for the weak.
Ein and Zwei are the hunt. You have to earn them, dominate them, conquest them. Get through their defense and make your move.
You're showing low t by picking naga and tia
Having sex with Maiden and mid-through she starts moaning how she's low on mana and needs a potion (lube bottle)
All Nikkes are made to hurt your feelings as much as possible. That's why they are so good at ntr and can cause deep psychological damage to your psyche. A good example of this is Helm in the summer event making love to you, but then saying that she hosts "secret fund parties" to rich old men. Damaging the skk beyond recognition and the player (You).
won't matter, cursed ever Einfag with brickage anyways. t. high level /x/ chaote.
Her smile is a little...you know
I like to hunt the biggest and most stacked prey, a stupid school girl is not going to be a challenge. Turning a huge titcow slut into a wife is a challenge.
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In this day and age where you can be happy without being married, I want to be hurt by a smile like that
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I will, no doubt
It actually wasn't a challenge. Her entire event is about how much she wants you to fuck her from moment 1. Heck naga didn't even want the stupid arrow until she realized Tia was about to get dicked from the prologue on
>bought the 15 dollar daily supply thing
>been using every day on credits because of the academy and gear upgrades on top of nikke leveling
>still not enough
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literally this girl but with 0 sex appeal. bravo shitup
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Ordering Centi to wet herself in the middle of the fight with raptures
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>Ein is an Attacker who uses Near Feathers to deal True Damage
>Her attack frequency increases according to the number of Near Feathers. With her Burst Skill, she can summon a large number of Near Feathers for explosive attacks
>Code: Electric

>he didn't trust the plan and pulled Clay
>he didn't gave doll to Frima
>he didn't believe in Electric Summer

It is so owarida for you i don't even
Which is a shame that we refuse Tia's advances in advices because she is le student.

I'm guess we would also be fucking in blue archive if the girls weren't students.
No. Not racist, just don’t like ‘em browns.
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Collab onegai...
Can you go 2 weeks without having a melty?
Less NTR compared to Asuna tho
>anon vs his mirror
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She has lots of appeal as long as you're not hyperfixated on big tits.
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Gigantic tits are alright every now and then for the novelty but ultimately look ridiculous, especially when done in the style you just posted.
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Okay I will
I love feet but Trony exists + every girl has good legs so that's not really a drawing point either
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I can't go 2 days without having a melty
I see you Sultan
While you're completely correct you should also know most people here only care about how big the girls are and how explicit the sex is. The game is targeted at horny people that are too lazy to just play h-gachas instead
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How the fuck are big tits ''ridiculous'' you homopants
??? I didn't see anything in the dev notes
>Jackal is unironically my newest key to pushing campaign
I love this dog. She eats sand and shits out tons of burst charge.
>But what about Centi
My dog is more invested than my tomboy
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Look again hombre
I like niche stuff but she is just too generic to care about. Just nothing that stands out.
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What the fuck??
>Look at me I'm straight
>I'm so straight everyone
>I like tits!
Shape>>>>>>>Size is the universal truth and your balloon tits don't have any shape to them at all.
Sneedon haters BTFO
please make tia nice to look at finally
You have been getting a full year of gigantic tits. You surely can deal with 2 weeks of having a petite JK that has been in the pipeline since the game's release.
You fish for an hour every day with max upgrades. It's not difficult, just pointless.
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>he thinks 4 million is autism
Name and union?
She doesn't have tits the size of Alaska so that already makes her stand out in this game you flat hater
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Personally I don't mind that much that they made the fishing minigame easier for phonefags, but I kinda stopped playing it and going for bigger catches because it feels sluggish and less fun on PC now.
>update notes are a separate thing from dev notes
I like flat but she's not flat enough plus there's plenty already
event about the horrors of nikkification when?
Mmmm nyo, not selling my union bros out like this.
Then just the union?
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>because fuck you
That person has MLB SNeon BTW
that """person""" is retarded BTW
The retards only come here to have a melty
New event same shitposting
One is to update people on immediate plans, the other is to update people on long-term plans.
To each his own
don't have a melty just because Ein is shit please
Is the new interception this update?
no because they said it comes in August
The update after the Ein one.
Save your melties for the collab at least. Ein isn't my cup of tea either, but she has been in the game for a while and her event is just 2 weeks of downtime between big events.
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Aurora borealis
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Burr tho
give that cat a nap
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Retarded newcutie here. But with Ein's event will we also get story, challenges etc. like the summer one or is it only new banner + log in bonuses?
> next event is about the meaning of friendship
oh no no no
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>Main Scenario Chapters 31 and 32 are scheduled to be updated soon.
I started during Crown event and I'm stuck at 30. Go on without me bros
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>Crown event and I'm stuck at 30.
Cute piggu
The normal sized events don't get a map or minigames but everything else is still there
Story will just be 1 part + hardmode instead of two parts
Newcutie... next event won't have a map or a mini-game but there'll be a story (just normal and hard mode) and challenges.
Considering part 2 of the summer story had nothing of importance that should have been a 1 parter too
Get updated you moran
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no minigame no play
>I started during Crown event and I'm stuck at 30.
Newfag got it good
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Kilo thread
Kilo board
It's good to not have a minigame sometimes.
>how come I could auto something at blue number
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>> next event is about the meaning of friendship
SKk should be a master at friendship, no Nikke truly hates him all the humans that hate him have a good habit of ending up dead.
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Did you get her skin?
man fuck you
Nah, I didnt like it. I do regret not getting her bunny skin thougheverbeit.
>paying $60 for a skin that's less sexy than her original skin
Viperfags please tell me this isn't you
Worst gacha skin so far
They are adding the previous Summer minigames, just play those.
Not really. I'm kinda picky about these $60 skins, so I only own Rupee and Crown.
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Was Guilty well recieved enough to be used more in future?
So are they going to nerf chapter 29 and 30 in a few days?
>no rewards
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Are gays allowed in the Ark?
Summer 2?
Someone please post the funny picture of the chibi commander and snow white kissing. I want to show it to my wife. It kills me every time I see it.
Hope they give us ein microbikini during summer 2. In fact make summer 2 school summer vacation beach trip
Doubt it
Adding oower increases to overload lines and cubes, plus dolls, was effectively a gigantic campaign nerf
whore does not deserve it
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give me a snow white picture in return too
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No its a shit skin. Like I wouldn't use it even if I got it for free, her bunny one is superior.
No but enjoy this next schoolgirl event
2 collabs a year were a mistake. We could easily fit another special event a year without the second collab, including making Summer 2 a staple of the game. I wouldn't even mind shit collabs if they weren't taking a month and a half of content.
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Does this count?
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The Ark is gay
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Canceled apparently
payment received
Does Dave count as a collab?
Most of the ark is fucking gay if the men aren't fucking nikkes
Fragile, Drilley, and Liveryn are all top tier wives
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Thst's fine, I didn't like the map, as long as there are rewards I'm alright. I still would have wished a 2-part story but whatever.

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Chances that the collab will be girls in bikini ? Ngl if that's all for summer this year I'm going to be disappointed. Where's the SR turned into a SSR this year ? Worst part is they post good pictures like this one.
I prefer feet/pits over anything else and I'm eating bad rn.
she's only been used on the wind raids so far
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It apparently didn't since we are getting another 3 week collab next month. Making the second collab just side content of a normal Nikke event would be a decent compromise.
seek help
>impregnates Helm
>refuses to elaborate
based Dave
People saying the bunny event counted as Summer 1 were probably right. I wish we had another Summer event instead tho.
>Chances that the collab will be girls in bikini ?
Literally the straightest man in the Ark
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Summer Eunhwabros... we got robbed.
>Nihilister is the coop boss
does nihilister have white circles? I thought she didn't, does that mean people will actually play the damn fight now?
>teased a "popular franchise" collab
>popular franchise means animes that are protected to death by their studios to prevent "damage to the brand"
>most likely will have tons of conditions and executive meddling like re:zero and csm had
I wouldn't have too much hope for it. Nier was an outlier since Yoko Taro controls the brand and he's a horny dog, but anything else that is currently popular is ruled by a committee of suits. I don't even think the mangakas have that much control of their works nowadays.
I'm just going to join and not shoot anything at all
you guys will spoiler tag 31 and 32 right? right? I'm still months away and don't want to lose my chance to see it for myself (and want to read the thread).
they will add now if she didn't have
the white circles are there so you can bail after hitting 9 and that's not gonna change unless they ask again in the surveys
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>triple boss glasses at start
>triple glasses during boss wave
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hey nikkers do we recognize /wuwa/ as allies?
We need a skin that fixes Eunhwa's face. Additionally we need a skin that fixes Tia's face. I doubt the freebie coming next week will fix Tia and her horrible idle pose, but maybe an alt can do that.
Leave now
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Nikkes can't get pregnant!
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By a commander*
>I don't even think the mangakas have that much control of their works nowadays.
Depends on the author's deal with the publisher but most authors probably don't have time to hash out gachashit collabs and probably just leave it to their publisher
DAYUM what a bulge
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Gatekeeper created men can get nikkes pregnant
Where is the manufacturer gear recycling in the dev notes this month? Did they scrap that? All I see is interception super hard mode.
This place will be spoiler central in a few days when the update begins and the datamines start leaking. Contextless spoiler time is the best time to be here to watch /nikg/ go full mindbroken.
Are we getting story this week? A 7 hour maint for a regular event doesn't seem right.
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it may be an item that drops from the new interception
Is it a good time to start?
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Where is all the yuri art of crown putting a golden collar around naga and brainwashing her into a worshipper?
Too Chinese...
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Cat = Doro
Ninja = Scarlet
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I'm a very active player and I've never heard of this before
Im at chapter 10, will any other nikker canonically join my team or am i trapped with these 3 dummies?
I feel i dont own my rolled units
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Not a surprise.
Only if you're doing drugs.
Overclock was tested 8 months ago and still isn't out. They are probably waiting to see how people react to super hardmode gear to determine how they tune the gear recycling
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It's your chance to get her lobby.
Guess not
>He doesn't get spa massages from his bros
What are you, gay?
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Dominacion del Derro
Clarity enhancing drugs, yes, like the shit from Limitless
It's too late, don't bother
We know the next monthly pass isn't a swimsuit so that is it for summer.
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How will Shift Up raise Nikke's ESG score?
>meet grave for the first time
>can immediately tell it's pinne
Couple weeks ago when I started was the deadline, you missed it dude
It's over... and I really wanted to try this game...
fully clothed fridges
Guys, any good h-gacha to share with your fellow nikke fucker?
She's Snow Black thoughever
man, the night theme is so sweet and lovely but it makes me sad no woman will ever say that about me.
why the fuck do you have ads? are you retarded?
how did Pinne get so jacked
Cuckoldry is always a plus
Damn, I wish Shitup's CEO stopped reposting 3dpd cosplayers. He's forcing my hand into unfollowing him.
you probably haven't even tried. Just actually try and it will work out.
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H-gacha games are never good and they want you to whale or grind for the porn scenes which is retarded because you can find the scenes online for free. This is the latest one.

Every H-gacha is cheap like this.
You have no excuse since even mobile has adblock now. I haven't seen an ad in this site since forever.
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>unseen ninja behind that gay, ugly cat about to kill it for slaying its master
Based >S keeping us safe.
they open by themselves
I'm not even touching anything
Use ublock tard
Your computer has aids
you have actual malware.
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she is so fucking cute i love her
Didn’t their game have a disastrous launch they never recovered from?
Been seeing them spam every thread to come back and play, its desperate and pathetic.
H-gachas pretty much suck by design. The only one I can think of that had a bit of budget put into it was Magicami but that EOS'd lol
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Time to wipe your hard drive, retard.
>on a phone
disabled js and it stopped
fuck you gookmoot, eat shit nobody is buying your garbage
Now that sono bisque doll turned to absolute shit they better show us a happy event with Ein
i don't think any game can have a worse launch than nikke bro
Nikke like this when?
>Been seeing them spam every thread to come back and play, its desperate and pathetic.
I didn't see them anywhere anon not even here... maybe except for /gig/ and /zzz/ but fuck those cucks...
I just did research.... men without vapaus blood can get nikkes pregnant....
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>Wake up
>Good news for the game
>JALATINA and his discord troon buddies dumped all their cuckposting catalog
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Don't care.
Didn't ask.
Stop being poor and update your virus-ridden shitphone.
Shouldn't have installed that Bonzi buddy
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Holy shit, that lauch was part of the reason I stopped playing and only started again a few weeks ago
Phones can also get malware. I swear Apple gaslit retards into thinking only Windows gets virus.
Delicious. Schoolgirls are the best fetish. The nirvana for high test men and only hated by seethinghags/faggots like >>487130641
Happens with literally any update announcement. They realize it's prime time to try and get attention
Not when FGO JP's launch exists, newfag.
oh please nikg is filled with normietards who consistently shits on other for (you) games
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Infecting NiKKEs with your malware seed...
You won't get a virus on an Apple product unless they're specifically targeting you though. Nobody makes viruses or malware just to fuck with people anymore, it's to steal shit from you. and the people who make that make windows things because that's still what most people use.
wasn't around for school of lock and i sure don't have enough film reels for it, is zwei not ein's close friend?
Let's not get that crazy. FGO was unplayable for weeks after launching. That new Taimanin game killed itself on release by putting every single player into gem debt. Global Love Live SiF 2 announced their release and closure in the same tweet. Nikke was really bad on release, but I can probably think several more examples of games with worse ones.
me too bro, i started again end of rezero, the game just didn't work lol
i wouldn't know bro, i started gachage with gbf in 2020
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STOP outing yourselves!
She probably just gravitates around Rei as part of the same squad, but it wouldn't be the first squad where the members aren't really friendly with each other.
Nikke was successful as hell despite the massive technical problems
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found the normalfaggot
fringe outliers still do it for the lulz sometimes, but mostly yeah hackers moved onto companies instead of individuals cause that's where the real moolah's at. that's why you don't really get many viruses nowadays unless you open ladygaga.mp4.mpeg.jpg.zip gotten from w5.g00gle.org
>turbo censored genshin copy
No, they can fuck off
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I guess if their game is for (You) and they're anti-cucks then, WELCOME ABOARD!
>ankle-high stockings
i am going to cum
yeah, i don't really understand people, wuwa was borderline unplayable on launch on phones, but made 40m, who the fuck is spending for that experience i don't get it
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Anis said ohhh commander I think I'm pregenant
I said lets go see mary
Mary said ohh anis you are not pregnate you have kidney stones too much soda bad for you!

The moral of this story is drink water
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>they open by themselves
I'm going to march into crowns kingdom and have all her subjects watch as their king services me.
NIKKE is my first gacha, what does that make me?
A nikka
From da hood (nikg)
>He didn't Lumimaxx.

baka desu senpai
are you confusing wuwa with something else bro, how is it censored compared to genshin?
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they're knee high
t. stockings connoisseur
feeling kinda sad I won't make it to chapter 30 before the update. i'm still just starting chapter 25, but if I really pushed I could clear chapter 27. I'd just be stuck there though, so I'm thinking of waiting for a while for some OLs or doll successes.
too big
Rosanna owns my penis.
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Too small
Who is the most classy Nikke?
Not a shitpostrt but what's the good news?
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uhhh is stage 7 going to be unlocked later or did i brick myself somehow?
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>Nikke was successful as hell despite the massive technical problems
If what you >>487151772 said is true, maybe they're kinda like nikkers after all, being successful despite a slow start. Checked trailer of their game, it kinda looks like DMC with genshin's UI, I can see why people would like it desu
it SHOULD be dorothy but we know how that goes
it unlocked today, you're behind
not big enough
Aria or Ludmilla
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sorry i'm retarded and posted the wrong picture
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i love her smile
kuros other game is full-on self-insert pandering game, everyone wants to fuck you, men and women, i trust that they will go the same direction in wuwa too, but any shipshit i am out
you get that one on Infra Stage 11
it's a free reset for Centi's shop
bro is ratted, delete everything
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ah ty
>full-on self-insert pandering game
>saw their latest banner has Chiwa Saito
hmmmmmmmmmm can I afford another gacha game? Nikkers do we know who's gonna be in summer 2: electric boogaloo?
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28 was really designed to be used with egg on the team huh
was cockblocked by one stage spamming super tanky projectiles, swapped out naga for egg and it cracked on auto
I have tons of harems
You can use any machinegun on those bombs, it's like the flying healers' shields
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The shitty launch was exaggerated because retards forced the whole genshin killer narrative for months and when it finally came out it didn't start by shitting on a genshin icon so the same retards shitposted it nonstop.

The bugs were fixed fast, the only valid criticism is the unskippable chinkslop story at the start and optimization, but the game was fine. Nothing will compare to ToF's shitty launch with gamebreaking bugs, rampant cheating and shitty first map, culminating in 1.5's inventory/pull stealing.
no, just level up evenly
you need 5 3star nikkes when you reach 160
once you get to lvl 200, you wont need those crutch anymore
crown alone wasn't cutting it and I'm already at a 30% deficit
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i feel like a nigger to shill wuwa here so my last post bros but she gives a feather from her heart that only you and she has
The only 10/10 nikke
got my boy scarlet and from there on just played my ass off
Gets me every time
Doll-kun is so lucky
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That's kinda cute and their 3d models look leaps and bounds better than genshin at least, but until I know who's in summer 2, I'll be holding my credit card back for now...
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>CHAPTER 31 : Mabeasts that seek to engulf the world
>CHAPTER 32 : A delayed advance

ESL Here, what the fuck is a mabeast, I search on Google but there's only ReZero stuff...
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>Implying it is not just regular SKK
>Implying it is not the reason he can tease her with zero issues.
Summer has shown he can change his size anyway.
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This perfectly shows everything wrong with rem.
>visual glitches
>absolutely useless in combat
Trannylator error, is supposed to be Monsters
As an isekai connoisseur mabeast usually stands for magical beast or monster. It's when you need a distinction between beasts, demons and some magical beasts.
I'm google translating, but the Japanese one also says magical beast (in re:zero they are shortened to mabeasts), so I'm guessing the trannylator also Google translated and used the Re:Zero term for some retarded reason. Google translating the Korean version says "demon beast".
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cute anus
would give a lick
Man, I know it's a filler event but I wanted Rumani.
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It's exactly like genshin: turbo censored. All female characters literally wear burkas and males are half naked with abs and buff chests out. Wuwa is literally the same. Both are homofujo games and can burn in hell.
That's Rapi...
>ps5 sold over 59 million
>"no one buys consoles anymore!"
no, I meant licking Rapi's anus
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Leave the Mabeasts to me.
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Superior in every way.
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59 million of no games...
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Not so fast
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My Queen.....
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>doesnt MAMAbeasts have a nice ring to it?
Best squad is returning to save the game
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bonk smiles
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Man, what a sad state of affairs.
>Rate-up alongside SAnus
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A bit of an awkward smile, but PETRA GOON
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>Over three hours till reset
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Just started
Should I roll any of the current banners or wait?
>other m*les in MY wAiFu gaemu
You should hoard until the 2nd anni and brick yourself
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Sakura / Rosanna are both good for starting out, sneon and smary not so much. There are some niche cases for smary, but neon is absolutely useless. 1 copy of each will suffice.
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Sakura and Rosanna are pretty good but in a few days they're rerunning the rest of the summer units from last year and Summer Anis is really strong
Up to you, follow your dick
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I want to slamfuck Privaty
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Bring back hyulla.
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Thank you thank you
I saw his shit art on gelbooru yesterday while browsing Last Origin's character designs. That fucker should be banned from the industry.
inferno of nihilist?
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>elegg release chapter was all weak to electric, huge pain in the ass because some stages were unclearable without her
>trony release chapter is all weak to fire, not an issue because dwife and alice cover that
what's the weakness in 30
>what's the weakness in 30
also fire
I think Emma is his best work desu
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Pink haired girls are weak to anal
He just needs a dedicated face drawer.
The first several months of Nikke was the best time to start.
Thought this was a sex doll from a thumbnail
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Motherfucker, for a second I thought that said "Pinne underneath"
that's a relief then, should cover for the cp deficit somewhat
So what's all this mabeast talk and shit my nikkers?
Did they release a teaser for the chapter or something??????????????
No one cares about 3DPD, Nguyen Tuan Long.
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Not sure about that chief
pinne brainrot
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Machine translated chapter titles in the update notes
It's probably just supposed to be "monsters" or something if its more crystal bullshit
Only if you rerolled Scarlet
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I don't understand why is 3D getting deleted all of a sudden? The time to do it was a long long time ago
>"you will be able to select and challenge bosses directly"
"pick the wind weak boss everytime for an easy win"
What now little nikka?
No way this wasn't done on purpose. It does seem too clever for them though
Check DNN (doro news network).
more like "pick the Iron weak boss" and auto with Red Hood
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I think your pattern recognition is just going off the fritz because you've spent too much time here
tJɴʏ Muck cHᴀRGe!!!!!!
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>Not picking Ultra with SW/Maxwell/RH
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>pick the one with iron deficiency
>haha railgun go brrrr
Hey new(er)cuties, your leveling is going to outpace new chapters. You'll make it.
It's a drill not a railgun
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Rapi got Pinned
Newfags get the fuck out when the update drops or you'll be spoiled to death
I feel sorry for you if you think pattern recognition is being able to see Pinne in the word Pinned. I hope when you find out that Poli is taken from Police you don't have an aneurysm.
does it include the boss?
Am I missing something?
>The current Favorite Item release plan was to update the character’s one Favorite Item every two months. However, based on your feedback from the recent survey, we plan to change the Favorite Item release cycle to approximately 3 releases within about six months.
So there is no change?
no, the boss is weak to electric
>grave is kind of moe
Oh no my doki doki is going kokoro
I want Cinderella sex, I dont care
Either the notes were translated fucky or they mean we'll get them in batches so you can finish at least one treasure in each set instead of getting blindsided by a new one every other patch when your luck has been too shit to finish the first one
My favorite item is Ein and I'm her boy toy
yeah i started like 2 months ago and read everyone struggling with mother whale boss, but accidentally beat it alt-tabbed on auto. i guess that cp calculation change made it easier to push
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He's responsible for one of my all-time best faps
Isnt Ultra the easiest boss?
Just use Redhood and Alice and rape his ass?
I forgot the idiots in here couldn't recognize a joke even if the game slapped them in the face with it.
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Let's see
one every two months = 3 in 6 months
3 within about 6 months... huh...
What the fuck, newcuties are clearing content 3x faster.
I think the only thing they cant catch up are number of t9ms
I wanna treat Ein like shit and ruin how she sees men but make her eternally dependent on me
I will send a truck to SU if Ein is not a B1
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NIKG NA (6459), has two slots open. No requirements besides being mildly active in the Log during UR and doing your hits, we usually finish within a couple of hours of starting, so it's pretty lenient. Reply to this post if you apply, thanks!
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something about the face just doesn't seem right to me, eyes too far apart maybe?
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I think it's the nose/nostrils
What if each boss gives different manufacturer gear?
Wind is abnormal
or maybe you're a retarded faggot and your joke fucking sucks
Here's a novel idea: Shift Up making a good toon
tbf i got extremely lucky during crowns banner and got moderina and sbs, but the game was unplayable before without any attacker pilgrims
Unless they massively overtune his damage for intercept like train yeah
If his poison shit starts busting cover in one hit he'll be a problem
Yeah you called me a retard because the joke was bad not because you took it at face value like a dumbass lol.
Anis > Rapi > Marian >>>> Neon
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>hardest one, water weak, gives pilgrim gear
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Indeed. Screenshot on the left is from exactly a month ago. Am I likely to continue this pace or am I doomed to slow the fuck down?
The Crown Femdom
People havent been using Tia lately maybe she's good enough defensively instead of crown if needed. I remember Ultra is one of the easiest major boss in hardmode
thanks for admitting your joke fucking sucked retard lmao get dabbed on
i feel like she is too retarded for femdom
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>SMary, Rem, Lewdmilla, Emilia, Privaty
Too ez
If you dumb nikkers don't stop fighting I swear to god I'll call Guilty
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Rapi > Anis > Marian >>>> Neon
Leveling does slow down past 200, nothing to do about it but suck up any core dust you can get from events and such
Keep working on gear and skills
you aren't killing the whale with that
most are being used to mine crypto you fucking retard lmap
Crystal Chamber
Emma is pretty hot but IMO Pepper is the best looking.
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Only Rapi and Scarlet.
>opened 11 of those t9 boxes after pushing campaign
>5 abnormals, 1 missilis defender, 5 with no bonus
Pepper's face looks pretty decent for a Hyulla.
You rike?
Might not be drawn by him, sometimes the lobby art and the shooting sprites are pretty clearly different artists
The edge is insane
very much do, I don't even have a missilis defender
so how do they actually balance this?
unless they're expecting everyone to have different rosters, so it's just qol to be able to choose what you want
He draws decent faces for characters he tries to make cute rather than "sexy". For those he gives the lips and doll faces
If it's whale, should be Dorothy, the 2nd wave will be popped by Rem and Ludmilla.
I wonder if we can survive the elites without a healer. Could always get Helm I guess.
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Give her DD bazongas and we talk again
>8 billion people in the world
>1000 million to make 1 billion
>60m units is anything
anon.... i
>Shift Up
choose one and only one
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Why does Enikk get to be free, but Einkk is shackled?
What secret power does she have?
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it's basically what >>487158816 mentioned. instead of 1 favorite item every 2 months, we get 3 bundled together every 6 months. we know this because it's exactly how SU framed the question when asking players for their preferences in one of the surveys some months ago
She has cute elf ears
she is a girl from a flashback
Enikk is just in a larger prison. Actually can she even wander about the whole Ark? They might be the same basically
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>Without a healer
i thought it was a joke reference to the re:zero anime, rem jobs to a whale that literally erases you from existence in that one
Naga? more like negra
fuck off negra negra negra negra negra
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This is better seen with Mihara.
Her lobby art looks like absolute dogshit, but the combat sprites are surprisingly decent.
Its Joever, I have amnesia all of a sudden.
Not him but Rem probably isn't gonna heal you through the elite wave either
Your best bet for that shit is Noah or unironically Diesel
shut up midget retard
Mihara is the most underrated nikke
That doesn't really solve the main problem which is the fact we don't have enough exp.
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My shard is so fucking dead it's insane.
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Which nikkers probably have the lowest IQ ever?
The true secret the Ark is hiding is the existence of elves and magic.
Crow, Yuni
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I already told you to stop speaking of Her Highness like that!

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