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Previous: >>487113794

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki Douji Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

liz sex
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granny Arc chads always win
Let's make this a thread for appreciating other men's wives.
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Save for her.
She's nearly meta.
it took me more sq to get one ibuki to use as support for my NP5 arc, than it did to get me my NP5
ahh... gacha.. ahhh...
Glad Lack remembers her so we don't have to
Yuyu love!
nah, she's ugly
I have 700+ quartz saved for her because her first and second ascension are pure sex
Servants with this feeling?
>ibuki looping
should be illegal to be this good at something
Sorry my predilections are too specific
The art you posted is nice though
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Two weeks.
>not Buster in the age of 90++
>get pants'd
>feel sick
>try rolling again
I feel like uninstalling now.
90++ ain't even out yet
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what happens in two weeks
How meta.
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MEANT FOR >>487130176
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let her cook
I seriously need your expert opinion about this fellas. I was about to roll for kkk but she was shat on from the previous thread. What I have now is NP2 arjuna and Np1 Morgan. Any recommendations who should I focus on increasing more NP levels>? Thank you very much.
>watching /ourfaggot/
>300 SQ
>1 Erice
>2 SR spooks
>2 SSR spooks
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Remember to watch Mr Vampire before rolling for Wu
it's when total Elizabeth rape occurs
Myst, Plushie Mistress, xNaya, Pekora, SoberOni, KitaSean. Watch all of them
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just be yua serufu and grail spartacus
Will Zenobia reference pic related too?
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I recommend NP 5 Wu.
She won't be remembered.
holy based
no thanks, besides xNaya none of them post anything valuable
That sounds terrible.
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I want that assassin to peg me in front of a mirror so i can see her smug bitch face
one of these is not like the others
>Impregnating Ericebro with a chimera from the amalgamation of /alter/ semen balls deep inside of him
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Is it just the camera angle or is her left boob like twice the size of the right one?
She will get swimsuit this year for sure
it's defintely the angle
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Wait, did we not get the coins for saber Hokusai? Is she too old?
As we all know, Living Human Servants can get pregnant so it should be possible
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That NP level seems a bit too low for the current year
i think it all works out with evocation shop
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That sweaty Ascension 2 Aoko sex
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There goes my easy 90++ 6CE comp...
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post the kuroha one
is this her year
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Wu Oink!
Oh interesting, avenger erice is a living human meaning she benefits from Arc's NP.
I wonder if she's useful in some kind of ruler killing setup since I got the bitch at NP5 for "free"
6ce is a meme outside of lotto
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>Ibuki's rate up today
>Skadi is actually already trending on X
These 3 days of wait are gonna feel like an eternity...
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I am as enduring as the chinese civilization itself. Your hooks are nothing to me
You are not doing 6CE with Hokusai. You need like NP5 viet sisters with castoria x2 and oberon for that.
She already did that in my room.
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Why did they have to make Ibuki so annoying? Actual 12/10 body ruined by her character.
>he doesn't love bimbos
You're gay.
It's a meme even during lottos
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600SQ for Oni.
Feels bad. I dont know if I should try for NP2 or attempt a SSkadi.
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More assassin Wu. I'm gooning for 3 hours now
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Happy Melt monday
Skadi is a meme
You should be able to buy a summoning catalyst for RP that blocks SSR spooks. Prove me wrong.
I'm not going to cancel my ARTS subscription for that shitty QUICK
It's Friday...
The meta-lore reveals for this event have been delivering.

>Swimsuit CE's are basically pinup photo shoots
>Shopkeepers are actually illusions/holograms, or at least Skadi's is
>Douman naked on the roofs on the news board like on his last ascension
>Backspear Boys return with their full official roster

And that might not even be all of it.
Don't speak in the affirmative unless you have no problem with me bullying you when you're proven wrong.
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You can with second append though.
>"I wanted this Servant but alter talked shit about her so actually never mind"
Hahaha holy shit
Go with whatever the next Abi rate up is then, nobody besides Redditors ever talk shit about her so she should be right up your fragile alley
the jeanne though
uhhh when can i roll for skadi bros??? I'm itching. i'm ITCHING.
I got one more from daily rolls recently too, NP3 now.
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She rests after the treatment, please understand.
I'm asking about the gameplay perspective you fucking asshole.
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3 days... have you bought your ice cream bait yet?
>Np2 Ibuki
>More than enough Erice's coin to 120 full append
Should i try for np3? Got nothing worthwhile to roll for till Melu rerun
i bought mine but i ate a tub already i want more
NTA, then you shouldn't be listening to anyone not showing numbers. Because kkk's numbers are VERY strong.
Who are the best partners Arcueid can be run with to take advantage of her NP charge for Living Human allies?
Yes double the sex
How much time i'm going to lose from the "additional button press"? is it negligible?
Damn bro, now I wanna pig out a whole tub too.
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I'd say get skadi first then do whatever you like
people automate their gameplay in this game so it's literally a non-issue, unless you're on IOS and can't run FGA
No loli ascension, no summon. Sorry Ibuki, but blame John Lasengle for not making you whole.
She's totally worth it
well it was a 14oz of haagan daaz not really a tub
It's tub-ish, I guess.
>500 SQs and didn't get Ibuki.
> Tomorrow I get the the 30 SQ login bonus.
> I have no self-control to keep them for Skadi.
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Cute mom in the back.
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You already know
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>Atk+ (party)
>Buster+ (party)
>Trait dmg+ (party)(applies the trait before dealing damage with NP)
>NP dmg+
Damn she hits hard for a caster.
Not to mention
>3k party heal
>party debuff clear
>NP generation+
>Party NP charge
>Immune to mental debuffs
One of the best 4 stars easily.
Who doesn’t use iOS though?
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didn't read
Wu sex
huh, i'm quite surprised by that.
>Actual 12/10 bod
If you are gonna have shit taste might as well go all the way.
bros, I don't feel so good...
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What is a good catalyst for Wu?
I think you could even do a mini-system with double Wu on things like Assassin and Zerker nodes, assuming a 50% charge CE. Or perhaps Castoria or even better, Vitch of Dark and Oberon switch without a CE charge.
Most players of this game, since they can automate all the gameplay using FGA
Those who do play on IOS often run Android Emulators on PCs for that functionality.
iOS saturation is largely dictated by country, anyway.
Bazett. Arcueid also has Skill Seal which helps Bazett.
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Bigger = better, and you know it
her only "problem" is that she occupies the exact same region as caster cu
still, she's definitely useable.
Anyone with a brain
Torture yourself by look at Wu porn
Skin tone like a nog chugged neon paint
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skadi wont mind if I cheap out and use a ben and jerry's tub instead right?
Watch Jiangshi movies
Every one of my friends and family members all use ios, I only know one person who uses an android phone, and it caused problems when I travelled to Tokyo with them because digital Suica cards work only with foreign iphones and not androids, do more people really use androids?
I have to imagine there's some kind of ruler enemy node where summer erice is very useful and Arc's ST pal.
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If bigger is better, why settle for anything less than the best?
>still hits like a wet noodle
>900SQ + 20 tickets
>NP5 Ibuki
>NP4 Erice
>1x Achilles
>1x Parvati
>MLB'd the Vitch CE
I'm really not going to complain, really happy about this results even if I wanted NP5 Erice too.
kek those guys are outdated losers who still use fax machines lmao anyone who keep up with modern times wouldn't be caught dead with >apple.
She's a slave to inevitably buff my scathach, that's her entire functionality.
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Lip is only big in 1 way
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They are far too big, she looks comical
It's literally a regional thing dude, look up the maps yourself.
You made her that way you retard.
Understood, I will now pirate The Gods Must Be Crazy 3
I want to roll already...
>anyone who keep up with modern times wouldn't be caught dead with >apple.
I'm sorry you're too poor to afford actually quality hardware, Pablo
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lol... lmao...
it's over.
I know that Americans have this weird blue bubble things were they gaslit themselves into using iphones, but here in yurop it's pretty evenly split. 99% of people only use their phones for whatsapp, instagram and banking apps.
BB didn't do shit. Lipper was already an abomination from birth.
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I hope this will be the year...
>we actually got a live appledrone in the thread
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Rahm your message is censored
I got my 6th Ibuki before I got my 5th Erice.
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Why are people talking about 6CE so much? From what I'm looking, you'll cap out enough ice for the level 10 buildings long before 6M points then you can just switch to currency CE or anything else.
>and it caused problems when I travelled to Tokyo with them because digital Suica cards work only with foreign iphones and not androids
entirely self inflicted problem, I returned from japan a few weeks ago and just picked up a Sakura sim card and a passmo at Narita airport.
I mean it's probably slightly (slightly) more convenient since you skip one step, but it really is not a challenge.
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You're just like me, J.
let their autistic tendencies take a toll on their mental health
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She is clearly very large in two ways.
Sell me on Scadoodle
What will people want once the level 10 buildings are capped? MLB gold currency?
it must be daaz or tilamook
Yeah, not gonna apologize for having money
/alter/ has been thoroughly brainwashed by Albert and insist on min maxing everything.
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I only have 400SQ for Skadi. I have a bad feeling about this.
wtf does 6ce even mean
I have no fun in life so I try to fill the void by being autistically invested in this game's gameplay.
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I just realized now I have enough japanese servants to fill all three support pages only with japanese and still would have spares to fill a fourth one except for rider.
brutal... sorry man
It doesn't really matter much in a ladder event since you'll normally get enough event currencies from trying to clear the point ladder
>this was with the improved 4* rates.
Pretty grim.
You still need 1200 ice for valks ascension mats, but I think people will just use teatime? You'll naturally clear the entire shop if you run 90+ or 90++.
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>having money
lmao that is a massive cope. Have you seen the price of flagship android phones? The price point is on par with iphones. What are you, a mainlander? Those guys are the one who think owning apple products are some kind of status symbol.
You're meant to be over the age of 18 to post here, you know.
pretty much exactly what this guy said >>487134281
tinkering around with setups on chaldea.centre is one of the few ways I can actually have FUN on this game.
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SIX craft essences.
Usually refered at six craft essences of the one that drop ticket in lottery events.

The goal is always to farm the best node with 6ce doing it with 5ce means you are farming the node not in the minmax way
All 6 servants with event CEs, in this case the Bazett one.
Being able to clear farming nodes without assistance from non-event CEs like Black Grail or Kaleidoscope. This is so you can maximize running event CEs for maximum drops and AP efficiency.
I just wanted to flex my 6th copy. I actually got my 14th Erice
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Hello, I uuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh
Quetz posting.
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Not really
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I wonder when will JP get their next lottery.
How did she do it? How did she become so beloved?
Liz is so smart and helpful!
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Is this a chaos agent's play? who knows!
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But for gameplay?
this anonymous idol is so smart!
so... the normal way of playing events
Why is she like that.
Christmas I guess
But there should be 2 lotteries per year...
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SIX craft essences... maybe more
>Have you seen the price of flagship android phones? The price point is on par with iphones.
Yeah, Android simps are literally just brainwashed sheep.
All Android had to do to convince people their garbage was high end was make it more expensive while failing to actually make the hardware better.
You sound like you lack critical thinking skills. Let me guess, you
>NP5 support NP Servants
>convince yourself that it's better to buy cars new than used
>think it's okay to skip college and go straight from high school to work
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Actually impressive that they managed to pull that off so cleanly, that costume does not lend itself well to that sort of stuff.
>500sq for np1
Game... what? Can you repeat?
*Think it's better to buy cars used rather than new
dance you slut. you will be servicing me later as well.
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Why do we call it 6CE when you can only control 5 craft essences and the last is under the dominion of your support list
The girl playing Quetz is an actual pro wrestler
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I feel like if summer 9 is locked behind OC unless its properly locked and you cant play it if you havent reached that point yet it might be like tam lin lotto & nemomas where you could do all the lotto free quests+event shop but not the main event story
it also implies that you dont need to use the damage CE in events like this one
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I look like this btw
it means the borrowed ce isn't a BG or etc
to me whats its impressive is that someone somewhere thought "lets make a Fate go musical" and someone else said "yeah, thats a good idea".

And the most impressive of all its it actually succeeded and people actually gone to watch that
you could theoretically borrow someones damage CE DPS unit, which would mean it's 5CE even if all your servants have currency CEs.
it just leaves less room for misinterpretation but I do see your point.
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>this is a servant
Stage plays are pretty normal over there.
Luckier bastard should be me not him !!!!
Yes, in the longer video she does her finishing move too. I don't have the link, there's a longer video with sound.
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and not only that, but that they've done it multiple times with different stage productions.
I'm pretty sure there's a camelot one as well
It's your responsibility to maintain your support list and only add players with the CEs you want, dumbfuck
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Her color palette is like someone vomited after eating a bunch of play doh
Yeah, that too.
Huh, that's neat as fuck.
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>this is a servant
Because the borrowed ce is mandatory
Her name is Saki Akai
and like the other anon said she does her finisher, named Quetzacoatl, to the extra too
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my fav btw
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Here's the longer video, with sound:

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That's not how the vomit looks after you eat a bunch of play doh. Or crayons, for that matter.
If you're going by bond point totals, it is canonically not the lowest.
can ibuki loop without her np?
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Of all the servants they could have picked to give an alice in wonderland outfit this is one of the weirdest ones.
Who is controlling your friend list?
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>This is a servant
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...That's cool as fuck.
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Dragon love!
Porn addicts (which is like 99% of this entire fucking thread) like Ebora, and he made you guys like her by default.
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Don't care, Melu won
It's Summer Camilla, right?
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Go go chaldea
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Carmillachads win again, canon winner.
It being mandatory is precisely the thing. It's 5+1CE, not 6.
Never even heard of that nigga until a few months ago and there's no shot the Japanese know or care who he is
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Yes. Canon lowest in the game, she's THE most for (You) Servant there is.
bros, I'm dying
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>Worst arts looper in the game
>Best arts looper in the game
Damn, our girl got mogged hard.
they gave one of the most beloved (if not the most beloved) characters who had an absolutely horrible life a silly goofy swimsuit alt where she's just having fun and then made her blush a whole lot while making silly faces
a genius move really
I just find her ingame art and expressions extremely erotic and i've never gooned to her.
I am a porn addict though, and I will be happy to roll her lewd version next summer.
I don't think anyone really cares for her, though. I can't recall any sort of Camillaposting. Unrequited love is also sad.
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This but Melu
Canon lover
Your friends, duh.
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We post Camilla lily all the time here bro! she's one of the /alter/ mascots!
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People liked her as a character before, but now she is porn relevant in the West because of Ebora. Same with Gareth.
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War...has changed...
There is no place for an old oni like me anymore...
She has a small but dedicated fanbase. The just aren't shitposters like the usual screeching crowd, so you hear from them less.
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I did not roll for Shuten for gameplay though. Nor did I grailed her for gameplay.

Even if Ibuki and Shuten are at the same np level and at the same np its obvious who actually won
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I don't know why I find this hot. But I do.
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>I don't think anyone really cares for her, though.
>Unrequited love is also sad
Like melusine....
Time to save.
Someone explain why Ibuki and Shuten are pretending to not acknowledge each other existence?
Because you can't see the back of your head.
>I don't think anyone really cares for her
I mean, she's kinda evil and also a bitch, and somehow not in the "ha-ha I can fix her" way.
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>Canon lover

Post the scene where Melu fucks Guda.
I'm sure Aurora will return her affections one day and she will be happy.
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They literally cannot see each other in Heian Kyo just like how Alexander cannot see the ocean for some reason
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What happened here, NOCO? She looks like she dislocated her foot, and her expression was drawn weirdly.
None of the ces increases the number of points dropped?
Bazzed only drops more ice and bargrest increases damage but not drops
>She has a small but dedicated fanbase
>0 120 carmillas on the /alter/ 120 list
they don't exist or they died
He should get glasses
Better example is probably how Shiki cannot perceive Void, but that one is actually super weird.
300 SQ and I need both remaining summer units. I thought I saved enough.
Supposedly they can't see each other. Literally. Sakurai never really explains it, since other two-part dual Heroic/Divine Spirits are perfectly capable of doing it. It's probably just so Sakurai can ignore writing one and write the other.
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not canon.
>main interludes
by examining this, we can conclude that Van Gogh is guda's canon lover.
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Summer 8
Choco made this fanart which heavily implies that (You) had sex with Melu
>But the creature born from that hideous mass was truly beautiful. Aurora realized she had done something good for the first time in her life, and smiled.
>Aurora: ...Higher. Higher. ...As high as you...possibly can...
>And so, gazing upwards with childlike innocence as the dragon corpse scattered like dust in the wind... Aurora faded away, and her radiance finally faded.

Aurora did cheer for Melu in the end, so Melu managed to get what she had always wanted, namely Aurora showing affection for her before they both died.
Ebora would be my fav artist if he didn't sexualize Gareth and Castoria
Love the aokos he draws tho
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You increase point bonus by upgrading the attractions/resorts/whatevers with ice.
So technically Bazzett increases point drops
The event mechanic multiplies points drops, and so by transitive property, the bazett CE increases points.
If we're going by that, my heart actually belongs to Melt.
I was not aware she had a rateup in june and I wasted all my sq on the korean twins.

On december for sure
I don't have a smug enough Stheno for this cope.
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>female is white
>male is dark brown
Uuhhh, I can't self insert into this, bros
Can someone spell it to me and record on vocaroo?
Post that one Servant that always manages to make your dick twitch no matter what.

Pic related has made me stop doing everything I was doing several times and goon for at least half an hour.
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>this fanart proves that these two characters fucked in the story, trust me bro!

Holy shit, Melukeks are completely delusional.
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Question. Can you get pity after getting a copy? Got a first Ibuki really early and want to see if I should stop here. Getting her NP2 at least would be neat.

Currently got Erice NP3..
Didn't Merlin and Avalon have some thing where they don't acknowledge each other.
>Cucksucker survey post
Yeah [-]
I hope they keep blue Touko
Choco is Melu's official artist, so yes, it counts
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>Choco made this fanart which heavily implies that (You) had sex with Melu
nope, pity is gone forever on that banner
gotta wait the months or years unless you're okay with literally no safetynet.
Meant for >>487136593
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Muramasa because he’s beautiful
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7 years later and still unsurpassed
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Im genuinely surprised there is not a shuten costume for Ibuki
Holy kek you're legitimately schizo.
Based and same.
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Yes you can still get pity.
Not on the same rate-up, you need to wait for her next one if you want to reset your pity
The rate up is a lie!
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I will be buying Daaz today, but Ben and Jerry is pretty good. The important thing is to have ice cream ready on the night of the summon.
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Oberon stole Castoria's beloved parka
This is not a surveypost, you dumb monkey
Oberon stole the precious thing.
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>Melu's artist drew an piece of fanart where she's holding out a covid mask, that means that she and Guda canonically fucked!

Go to a psychiatrist. Now.
That's just them not speaking, not them literally unable to see. Merlin being unable to see Oberon might be closer to it.
I wasn’t talking about yours, look above it
wait, what? No. (I believe)
You still can get pity in another 300 rolls in the same rateup.

IF you fet one at roll 300 thats pity, and if you roll another 300 you can get another pity.
They are not the same.
>CE is just a photo
This must be a samefag, right?
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>Fridge had issues and some food was ruined, and my ice cream melted
Skadi please don't go I'll buy more...
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made a rice ball
servants for this feel?
Look at her being so cute and adorable, surely she won't flip and wrestle you hard when you drop your guard. Totally a trustworthy diety.
Nope. One pity per rateup.
Nvm disregard my post the other two are right.
Eternal Summer of George...
Yeah man, it's impossible for more than one person to mock that Melukek's schizo delusions, clearly it's all one person replying multiple times.
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If it took 600 SQ for your first banner 5* your second copy should come in at most half of that right?
Nah this is too much effort for him
Whatever helps you sleep
Tawara Touta
>*official artist draws art of their servant doing something*
>erm it doesn't count because...it just doesn't ok?
cope and seethe
Nope, you are wrong.
I'm not even sure he's a genuine melufag, this is some weird level of deranged retardation that is more in line with false-flagging.
I'm dying and the only cure is Wu
I have 1 year old half-eaten tub of ice cream in my freezer, would it be good enough?
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I think he's genuine. Don't underestimate the effects of autism.
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That guy hates melt.
What if Takeuchi drew Saber fucking your mother with a dildo, would that count?
Reads like a falseflag, our resident melufags don't do that kind of thing.
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its honestly not fun how much time I waste trying to find a good abby doujin when I cant calm myself down whenever I think of her
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Doctor, this patient is dying! Bring me the bonesaw!
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Bros, I'm getting served a brutal Dariuspill at the haunted house.
How do I not get mogged by a 3* Berserker who is over 11ft tall and weighs over 600lbs and is the head of an empire?
I guess?
Remember Mexiliz. Don't underestimate the level of schizoid behaviour that someone can produce here. Especially some of the faefags.
By his logic yes. Better yet he could as draw Mash raping (You) and then drawing her getting married with you afterwards making it canon.
100% falseflag, look up images in the archive
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Kama Love!
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BB Rabu
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Ibuki personality is better but shuten body is still perfection
Being able to talk should give you plenty of points.
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>drawing her getting married with you
god I wish
>Kama Lo-
>Kama Love!
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Reminder, there is nothing wrong with date raping your master
I have about 700 quartz left and no Ibuki, should I use more quartz on Ibuki or save them all for Skadi first? I already have OG Skadi as well as Castoria, but my Castoria is bond 14 so I’m trying to use her as little as possible
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Wait, who?
Darius is too insane to fulfill her fetish, so you have the advantage.
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Never happened, fuck off
What is it about fae that makes autists go completely mental? No other girl, no matter how badly written or how many weird plots she was in, has elicited such deranged reaction
The sniper monk?
How much have you spent already? Pity is kind of the key decisionmaker here
>Darius is insane
Which is a damn shame.
Do you want to 3T unreasonably difficult nodes, unlock new and exciting ways to beat CQs and unleash the full potential of multi-core farming? Do you have a 10/10/10 Arc who is at least at lv. 100 and NP3? Go all in on Ibukicoin.

Do you love Skadi beyond all logic and reason? Are you unreasonably devoted to Quick as a concept even though it is objectively pointless in FGO? I would still recommend you roll at least 120 for Ibuki in case you get lucky before saving everything for Skadi, because frankly Ibuki really is that good. If nothing else her S2 cooldown can help your Skadi in a pinch.
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In this case? Blame CHOCO himself because he is the one who keeps feeding these delusions
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this year for sure (+2)
>Do you have a 10/10/10 Arc who is at least at lv. 100 and NP3? Go all in on Ibukicoin.
Do Arc and Ibuki have some use together or something?
Hate that bitch, fucking YIKES
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One is support so NP levels barely matter while the other is DPS that needs multiple NP levels if you want to use her for any of the harder quests.
3 multis on Ibuki already
I have level 90 NP2 Arc, don’t give a shit about Skadi except for the gameplay she offers
Bravo, you have figured it out, anon
I have no desire to roll for her after they ruined her.
Quick is good AND was saved with the anniversary buff!
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They made her better and chinkguy approves it
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Post that one Servant that always manages to uuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh eeeeeeeeeehhhhhhh ummm
Ibuki took way more quartz than I expected and I'm basically broke for Skadi. Just don't tell me I need NP2 Ibuki or something.
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Do you still remember them?
But, what is the synergy? Arc's buster, Ibuki is arts, and usually looping focuses on 1 looper not 2.
>seething lolicon
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Have you considered how that your verbiage when someone might enjoy Skadi might cause someone not to want to help you?
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>Just don't tell me I need NP2 Ibuki or something.
Douman (female)
You don’t need np2 Ibuki
got a real sherlock over here
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[Big Update]
+1 GreenGOD
+1 Serf
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Maybe for hands.
Anything bigger than those and you will start having problems.
Hag wu is one of the best things to happen in this game because it exposes who cares about wu and who is just a soulless lolicon
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truly mmmmmmmmmmnmmmm
Mogged by this list
Enjoy only able to loop normal farming node
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we were robbed and we will never get it back
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I really hope so.
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This image reminded me that paws even exist
We need an image that would remind us that PAWGs exist too...
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Not my fault! regular srs require np8 for one apend and 120.
Even at bond 15 I simply cant 120
Is 210 SQ enough for Skadi?
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Summer Beni will fix it. I hope she get some rest and a fun summer experience too.
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Do you think we will get Arcueid and Aoko reruns with Extra Record whenever it releases?
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Only if you have your ice cream catalyst ready.
>Caring about the Albert's dog list
Don't worry bro, no one is going to delete you, and I personally acknowledged your effort.
The most impressive thing about this remake is that Drake's tits got bigger
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Kama Tummy...
You want a giganigga going around fucking all the female Servants?
Those things aren't mutually exclusive. I don't think most people here 120 a servant without any consideration for their physical appearance
Ill be always be a busterchad. I mean, why think when you can just unga bunga everything.
Bets on Beni Alter integration?
i love beni
What if Beni Alter is the summer version?
Don't worry about it, it's not a race. I'm personally going to max mine eventually, but it won't happen till 2026.
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Most likely since I dont think beni alter will ever become its own thing
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Why do you imagine this specific scenario exactly?
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>1st ascension is serious beni alter, her NP is Azrael
>2nd ascension is slightly summer beni alter/casual outfit
>3rd ascension is normal summer beni with a summer version of her normal NP
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No man alive could handle double Ibuki
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Summer Skadi is kinda cute bros. My stash for Tony is in danger
Do the the later/expensive nodes to upgrade give more of a multiplier or is it better to upgrade all the cheaper ones first because it cost less
No, I'm talking about her not being afraid anymore.
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Noticing a big lack of MLB Bazett CE's on your supports guys.
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>claim to love a character
>show character at different stage in their life
>noo you ruined them
They didn't love the character in the fist place, they liked the design. Loving a character transcends design. Lolicons are just human filth and proving it.
I havent got a CE drop yet and im not spending apples until 90++
Why does Touko have blue hair?
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That sort of thing is what's depicted on most FGO AI art on Kemono.
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add him too :)
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I want the writers to justify that ascention
I only saw the Enma-tei and regular Beni during last summer, I wonder if Beni Alter could replace her regular version like Ibuki did with Shuten.
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Good moming
So First in her combat appearance?
Third wearing something similar to that CE of hers I take it?
What costume do you want to see for 2nd?
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Just get the motherfucking drop.
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>AI art
i cant look at boba tea drawings the same way again after having watched THAT 'anime'
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We need 20 bond
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what happened? everyone kept stresing Ibuki was trash and yet everyone rolled for her
literal who? not even on the list
>(Well, you certainly don't want for arrogance, Nite-Brite.)
What does she imply by this? Like, she's at maximum level already?
Lasagna doesn't want 20 bond so that people have to switch Servants they use.
it's usually one guy doing these things
the average person dgaf
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Don't like her and still didn't roll for her.
What anime?..
Now remove her bikini bottom
Ortlinde is the best of the Valkyrie.
Welcome to /fgoalter/
>scatach support at best

>ibuki was trash
you fell for some rando shitposting, Ibuki is the best arts unit in the game still in JP
I hate Ibuki and rolled because I like Erice.
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Good moming
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Still not on there and I have 2 120's maxed out.
And I'm keeping it that way
Rare moment where Gudako doesn't act like a complete psychopath...
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I present the evidence
Now be a good goy and go back to your general>>>/vg/fgog
By the way are you just doing it all over again on NA with the same servants? Top kino if yes
Yes. "to want for something" means to lack it. Since she "doesn't want for" it, it means she doesn't lack it, i.e. she already has all the arrogance she needs.
>/alter/ is one person
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I didn't blast for that trash though?
Summer Gareth's pretty cute and cool, despite not being much good.
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Touko has had more character designs then any character in type moon.
>started red in the 90s based on the really bad takeuchi art
>turned blue in the early 2000s around tsukihime, image related
>this is pretty much the main Touko look in the early 2000s
>character material releases and shows her with long almost brown hair
>turned back to red in the knk movies
>extra uses the early 2000s blue design
>mahoyo gives us short hair red touko
>case files gives her a new look every time she appears always based on movie red Touko
If you ever get to play old battle moon wars, it uses blue Touko because of when it was made. That was really my first introduction Touko.
Yes, all /alter/bros share the same opinion on everything.
>willingly bricking account
Wow, you're so cool, anon! Now post your unsummoned Oberon/Vitch/Castoria
why is her left cheek so much bigger
>unsummoned Oberon/Vitch/Castoria

You wouldn't be able to handle the soul of that.
I ate the rest of it, sorry bwo...
They do give slightly better multipliers. Gamepress is recommending saving to buy in bulk the upgrades for the last couple story chapters first, outside the upgrades that unlock extra story quests, which usually take a lvl 5 upgrade to unlock. But as it's a 2-3 week event, I don't think the precise order will matter too much, you will get them all upgraded eventually. I have the first and second zones already maxed and the rest at lvl 4/5.

Once the last areas unlock, just prioritize their upgrades to be more efficient.
my brothers in arms hassan bros, forever in the shadows...
I see, thank you.
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Bros, what's happened to me? I used to be so resistant to gacha casino games. No waifu nor "gameplay" release could get me to spend. Over the past months I've spent way too much on these fucking JPGs...
had some intense diarrhea... it's better now, bros.

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Unsummoning Kikestoria is soulless.
Game has bestowed meta so far even if I was unwilling

>meta servants I actually rolled for

>meta servants I got on normal spooks

>meta servants I got through gssr spooks

>meta I got while rolling for sr
Morgan np2 (Bob)
Oberon np2 (Bob)
Ibuki np2 (Erice)
Ancient red Touko
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The hairiest is the best of the Valkyrie.
>I don't wear clothes in the bath
>I only wear what I like
Isn't that what everybody does???
imagine bricking your account like this
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Because you're retarded gachacoomer unable to resist before half naked female jpegs anymore, shame on you.
does Summer Ibuki even need any of her appends for gameplay reasons? she already loops like crazy
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Here you go bro. I made this just now, this very second. Just for you. These are the two main ways you 6CE with Arc
The synergy is that ibuki has a targetable CD reduction skill, which lets arc use her S2 again.
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Im not against the idea of hag Wu but the way they did it its pretty lame.
I already have my 90++ 6ce comps for the next 3 lottos
I think I'll manage
might as well get the 20% charge append unless you're planning on grailing her past 100
How much SQ i need to get pity?
is it 900 or 990?
Holmes is almost mandatory for lot of cq with invencible memes, so its argueable if its meta or not, I can concede that.

But Crane is 100% meta support
Don't look at me.I've been a soullessGOD from the start, I always do the opposite of /alter/.
Cursed arm was my homie in the early days. I need to grail his ass for all the effort he put in for me in the beginning. Especially now that grails are not nearly as limited as before.
I'm going to shove a gasoline-drenched napkin up your throat.
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Brown hell practically black touko
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300 rolls
Maybe it's not the same Touko
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Vast majority of the time people will use Jane over Holmes.
And Crane almost never gets used for anything.
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shut the fuck up and take your meds
For the Ibuki rollers, how much bond do you have on Castoria, and how do you plan to use her on a post-Castoria world? I suppose you can combo her a bit with Arc but isn't that kinda limited?
so that mean 900 total sq right?
i want to make sure i have pity for skadi
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Puffy Erice.
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Soulful. sounds like he deserves it! I'll be putting some more in my Serenity soon too.
900 is pity yes.
A lot of the time you'll want a level 1 Sherlock with MLB Kaleidoscope. Calamity Jane can't "swap herself out for another support" by dying like that since she has to be level 60 minimum.
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She's just like me...
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suport castoria adn any other NP gain buffer, ranging from Dr Para, Xu Fu even bride can work
CDR and Buster steroid on S2 and ATK on S1. CDR allows Arc to reuse her second skill in the double Koyan SIbuki comp which doesn't need second append like double Oberon comp, trading higher T3 burst for better damage on T2. It matters sometimes. No clue about CQ application though, I don't look up CQs in advance.
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It happens with most Tamamo pictures though.
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Got everything at lvl10 and 800k points, is this good pace? Latelet btw
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Touko dyed her hair blue as a bit of a protest after she was given the color ranking Orange by the magus association. She later dyed different colors, eventually embracing orange in her own way. The Moon Cell recorded it nevertheless and so that's what her digital avatar looks like.
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Aren't we all? Or do you not have money?
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I dont need 2 castoria with her
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not a melukek but
I see now, thanks anon
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I need a jk gf
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good post
14 is a prime number!
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I'd imagine her 2nd ascension swimsuit be sports swimsuit while 3rd is cute polka dots like her CE
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Uhhhhh let me check real quick bro

>Bond lv. 11

Well, there you go. Plenty of time to go.

>How do you plan to use her in a post-Castoria world?

1a. Combo her with Arc like you said. I'll be max appending her in a couple days and it's a pretty comfy little combo.

1b. As above but also Koyan Dark

1c. As above but also Kuku

2. Use Castoria anyway. I don't give a fuck about bond autism, it is a spook and a meme anyway.
I'm about to misunderstand my life with Suzuka
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Bros, I'm going completely sane.
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explain yourself
does avenger erice have s niche or is she just arts?
>in a fully pve game
>with no real endgame
>with the difference between being having all the turboneta options or not is being slightly less efficient at farming during events
>farming that can be automated either way and only provides materials to raise servants, which after a point you will hardly need at all
>when all you get from CQs is a resource that is no longer scarce in the least and that they just gave out dozens of for free
There is no such thing as bricking. Unless you burn every SR and SSR and decent 1-3* in your account you can literally not brick yourself. None of the ultra hard content matters because none of the ultra hard content gives anything meaningful, because the only 2 meaningful resources in this game are tickets and sq, and neither requires metafaggotry to "farm".
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I hate the original image
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erice's is curse debuff and her second nice is servants
yeah she has two
Her niche is onahole
the day they remove party cost is the day miss crane becomes an SSS tier servant
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How many and how much
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So close now, I can't believe it's been 2 years already.
I must correct myself: THREE niches

Is Ibuki NP1 still omni?
She will occasionally miss her refund by 1~2% at NP1 but that is curable with Xu Fu
summer erice isn't that bad
just a shame they're too scared to put any ruler enemies in 90++
this year really is year for arts curses.. Like the next gudaguda has welfare arts curse support.
Sounds cute! Hope she gets hers soon.
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I have only ever grailed oni girls.
1-2-3-4 i roll for more Ibuki
5-6-7-8 i save them for Skadi
0-9 i save them for LB7
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welcome to the oni club
When do these banners end? I get student loan first of next month and can throw it all in Gacha.
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Oh neat, I hadn't checked out the welfare stats yet but sounds handy.
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>arts curses
don't forget the most POWERFUL arts curser...
People don’t actually do this right
Dont be a dumbass like plushie anon
Which ascension, buki bros?
Are we sure it was a good idea to leave Erice and Goredolf unattended together?
Shouldn't we wait until we have enough drops to guarantee we will be able to farm enough ice?
is Skadi coming Wednesday or Thursday?
for the most part yes, just the occasional damage checks will hamper you by a little
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>28 years old
How do you end up looking like this at 28?
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Cheerleader is the sexiest
NP3 Ibuki and NP3 Eric, NP2 Faker and my first Redman. About 300 sq and I'm tempted for NP4
Genetics. Look at his dad.
you're correct
whether people have the drops to sensibly get MLB is determined by random drops
Godrdy knows how to protect himself against unwanted advances.
Remove the stache and he'd look his age, probably better than the average /alter/ poster
Bulk and grow a stache
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keep that teenage WHORE away from GODulf
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Fuck, here we go fella, wish me luck
A1, onesie swimsuits are based but most people have not realized it yet just like with musashi's
In anime world, you instantly start looking like you're in your early 40s the moment you turn 24.
Well the average /alter/ poster IS 39...
this nigga will get ibuki in 3 10 rolls
Gordy only has eyes for NASCAR
good luck for ericeanon
Someone should draw a /fit/ Gordolf at some point
>6CE farming
>Arc can't 3T the newest node
/alter/? You lied to me?
i don't think i'd be able to psychologically cope with this happening to me
It's been a long two years and I'm upset that I won't be able to get her to 120 immediately.
But its fine she'll get there after the next event.
worry not bro, she can 6CE the 90++ in the next event. we can't ALWAYS win.
thx getting my catalyst ready
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holy based, kid
the fishnets on A3 do things for my Penis and also it looks cool.
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Bros what just happened???
Literally just remove the moustache and change the coat and he would look like he's barely 23.
I will fund her prostitution
Based single roller.
I look like this.
>I won't be able to get her to 120 immediately.
How come? Well, it's not like it's a race anyways.
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Do I level my NP3 summer Rice? Only pulled for Ibuki.
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In japanese mindset, you instantly start looking like you're in your early 40s the moment you turn 24.
Very handsome lad
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>tfw no honey lake ce
Do you charge the same?
now give him a zoomer haircut
She's got double niche (servants/curse), self charge
She's handy
Not bad for a start, but that NP14 Erice already
I will have sex with you in exchange for saint quartz.
Dm me if you're intrested.
Gareth is so cool.
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>Roll with 10 tickets.
>Erice in 3rd one.
>And this in the end.
My Ibuki looks weird.
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Just die young
But I want to sex YOU for quartz!
Kiyo no, you're going to catch a cold like this...
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this year, Yuyu bros! believe in patterns!
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I will now have sex with Ibuki!
Because you're a dummy.
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This is a funny joke. Laugh at it. NOW.
He seems like an f1 guy
Nurse and Asclepius are on the scene, they'll keep Kiyo healthy.
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Thanks anon. Guess I'll put in the embers when I get them.
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I don't get it
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I haven't looked into the event much but why would you want to 6CE with Bazett's CE? Besides upgrading the QP and Ember nodes, what else is there really to use them for?
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It's kinda weird how I think Ishtar is really hot but whenever I put her beside any other woman I start losing interest in her.
gudako sex
Only way to increase your points gain is to upgrade the rides. Yes even the completely shit ones.
Nurse vagina to mouth feeding Kiyo medicine while Asclepius dickjects it directly into her bloodsteam through her pussy.
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Cause I decided to get beni to 120 during the xp bonus campaign which put me just under enough on grails that I've got to wait.
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Good girl.
no prob
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I don't care much for this 6CE stuff, but you're supposed to upgrade every tourism facility to maximum in order to increase tourist interest! The higher interest you have, the higher tourism points you get, which helps you clear the point ladder faster!
Ah, I see. Well, Beni is cute too.
the faster you max out the buildings, the faster everyone will have more fun :)
Is the last stage of the event going to be a good place to farm bond?
what is her personality?
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Was it the right choice to unlock her append instantly?
One question at a time, please.
There's two of them, right there
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me whenever I look at an Ibuki roller
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Thanks bros
Unless you do your bond farming by having bond grailed bronzes in the back, no.
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In the other game.
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>1.3k bond
>200 sq
>Nothing but Erice
bro i dont think i could get Ibuki at this point
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Aoko in 643 days
why are the dude CEs in the rateup as well?
Why do they wait until the end of the story to give you the welfare unit? I want to actually use them during the story.
Yeah didnt we used to get them really early on?
Have you considered one might 4 or even, may god help me, 5 turn the node 20 times?
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>Everyone posting their lucky rolls
>All I have is a NP1 Gareth
Well then, three more days to go.
average to get the rateup is 340sq buddy
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Ah, a Skadi enthusiast I see
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I am 23 and I look like this, will it be over for me in a year?
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If Wu was a youtuber, we'd call her a Wu-chuber
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Because you have to pick one of three this time to get a feel of them.
so you can decide which one you want based on their personality after reading the event
by "we" you mean britbongs
NP1 Gareth was my lucky roll. I'm so happy I got her.
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Her swimsuit is legit one of the best I've seen in this game.
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But Sakurai is barely giving them a personality. She spends more time writing useless Douman shit and having Gareth repeat everything that's said.
Yes sar
usually you get them day 1, they give warnings like
>this is a temporary servant, any enhancements will go away by the end of the event if you do not acquire the servant
they could have done this if they attached ascensions to different valks
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>Have you considered one might 4 or even, may god help me, 5 turn the node 20 times?
>Have you considered one might 4 or even, may god help me, 5 turn the node 20 times?
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Save your luck for what matters. I got NP5 Gareth and other SR spooks in around 120-150 sq.
I guess that makes sense.
>/alter/ Unironically roll raita abortion
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OG Skadi finally came in one multi after two attempts before this, so I'll grab some quality ice-cream to share with her.
I like the colors, but I'm not a fan of the fish
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>post Shuten
>doesn't appreciate Ibuki too
>get kot'ed
That is im stop
Is maxing Summer Erice’s skills a priority?
Fair enough.
We used to always get them at the end of the event. Around I want to say the egao event they started giving them during the event with temp contracts. Sea monster and this event have gone years backwards on this front
What are they?
>Like girl
>Don't like some replacement bimbo they randomly pushed on you
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Weird, all it says is "Welcome back, Ati"?
>imagining every thrust as her massive thighs ripple
My dick is a literal diamond
I will swap freely between all 3 depending on which makes my pp the hardest at any given moment.
Welcome back George Droyd. Your first mission. Protect the master of Chaldea from the fox girl menace, his prostate is in danger.
My dick was diamonds during her whole section. Definitely rolling for her

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