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Previous: >>487120140

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Resonator Showcase | Changli — SEIZE THE INITIATIVE

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


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>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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lovely bird wife
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first for potatolove
15 heckin' years old...!!!
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The queen stays slaying. Changli could never.
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solon PLEASE bring bianca
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>No steam visual effect when Changli swims with max-stacks
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You guys got any more homoverse humiliating materials??? Sale chart screenshots? YouTube view counts screen shots?

Watching them seething is just too fun.
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Solon please bring robot ass
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where I live the age of consent is 14 (12 if you're under 18) so 15 is prime breeding age
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>tower has fusion side
>becomes easy mode because encore exists
Thank you changli for being a fusion character(shan't roll for a encore downgrade)
Canon wife
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OK that changli quest was peak holy shite
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We will 100% get a region full of mecha
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>loses the 50/50
>Guess I'll skip her
>Folded by her Danjin on steroids gameplay
>takes away 13K
You fucking BITCH, almost 80 fucking pulls twice? Soft pity my ass, how many rolls are we getting on 1.2? I need to recount my Camellya funds
Holy fuck she actually calls you my dear

Non of my genshin waifus do that....
Just post any ingame model or for (you) cutscene that really gets them going.
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switch to japanese and post pic, I want to see what she calls you
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I thought we were better than Genshin??? Remove this copied system shit. DEVS listened to MY ASS.

You're the same as HOYOcucks.
Bless be Jue Voiceover mem
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I have enough to guarantee either Jinhsi or Changli
Your call wuwa
Serra said she's the worst limited released yet. It's over...
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You have to give your thanks to her master.
He made her for (you) after all.
>trusting Who's tier list in 2024
Changli won't come home if you skip the Lady Magistrate
based master shinzo abe.
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Anon, i know it's hard right now.
But find it in your heart to leave some rolls for me.
there's not a single world that yinli is higher tier than encore so this is a trash tier regardless
when is she out
Sure thing anon
>trusting tierlist made by prydwen
>the same retards who can't even play encore properly
Changli is a whore

Join in… let’s discuss WUWA in a better place…
Black Shores = 1.3
Source: I made it up
Let me ROLL
Vegata bwo? You barely lasted 2 hours.
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>Y-you still have some roll for me right...?
yea, for me
Uuuhhhh, how do we survive Azur Promilia and NeverEverness? We're fucked.

We need to be better and have some identity. We are the WoW-clones.
>she actually calls you anata
>word used to refer to your husband
Bit too forward, Changli
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Man I regret rolling for Changli
She is mid as fuck, easy to interrupt, long rotation and ok damage
My zhezhi funds for my Jinshi...doomed
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everyone called topaz a brick too still beat every single endgame f2p
will do the same for changli
no amount of meta faggotry will stop me from pulling sex
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Lost Yinlin coinflip. Guaranteed Changli took too many pulls. Weapon arrived early though.
We still have awhile bwo.
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Wuwas are cute like otters!
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also used to refer to "you", but hey I won't judge other's headcanons
Changi could have been a decent character if not for the you pandering
unlucky, game needs its own identity and still doesnt have it besides "lets just copy Genshin"

catch you boys on the next gacha
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>Yinlin buff is 14 seconds
>Changli with practically the same buff is only 10 seconds
what the fuck
>The feather I gave you before? Well, it was forged from the fires of my heart. There are only two of them.
As long as you hold onto that feather, my fire will never harm you. In fact, I can use it to track your whereabouts if you wish. However, if it ever falls into our enemies' hands... hehe.
Why are they always stalkers....
She's literally your wife now.
Mention to them that their latest women got nerfed while the sasuke wannabe got buffed
The shark girl in particular got her damage halved because of course they wouldn't allow a femoid to dethrone the devs pet called Neuvilette lol
Meanwhile wuwa devs buffed Changli
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i win
>azur promilia
meh, palworld but gacha isn't a great sell
>the other
literally who?
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fuck off nerd
Wrong thread genshitter.
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Get a girl that will look you like this. /wuwa/
>also used to refer to "you"
no, the context is wrong, she wouldn't use anata here if she wanted to say "you"
I assume you don't speak japanese or you are still on a begginner-intermediate level
saved it all for her and cummyllia
Meanwhile in reality.
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Feels amazing to play, no random flying that cucks you from controlling your character
Random flying, completely mazed character that has one braincell rotation
Random flying, slightly better than Jinhsi
>Glasses girl
Random ass fucking flying

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Big boobies?
I roll.
Simple. As.

Wuwa bro we are winning so hard.
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nah fuck outta here, hags can't be mahou shoujo
And I can assume here that you genuinely believe at any point in this game's life, something in-game outside of your head canon will prove that she meant husband.
Junior you are courting death
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Just want to appreciate Kuro games for pumping out petite women after petite women. Nothing wrong with titty monsters but it refreshing to have real qt pies with a petite frame.
Cannot wait for camellya.
Changlifags on max damage control
I lost 50/50 as well and had top go to 70+ each time. Hopefully i can get the weapon with the daily jims
There's Changli Cunny bros, is this true??
bros i love jinhsi and changli so much
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Get a girl that will look you like this. /wuwa/.
lol you're such a cuck. why do you want it to be anything but personal?
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the english is (correctly) translated into my dear
the japanese can only mean "my husband" (or my dear) in this context
I don't speak chinese but I'm pretty sure it's the same there since 2 translations already confirmed it
>another shit tier list
Have enough for her. Hope I have enough for cammy too
very true, I dropped snowbreak because every single release was cowtitted hags, even worse they were turning previously petite girls into hags, disgusting
bro your ER?
would the mask stays during sex
Not only f2p, but also unlucky f2p (lost 50/50 to calchudro, 72 rolls for stringmaster, 70 rolls for age of something, 71 rolls pity for Jihnsi guaranteed)
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umm bwo where do I get 1 star fusion echoes?
>Characters that panders to (you) in a GACHA game that has (you) pandering
Its not rocket science anon, also hes right, anata isnt commonly used for a casual 1 on 1 scenario.
I'm convinced, I am rolling.
lads, I'm lazy fuck and can't be bothered to check revenue sites, did we get any tiktok hours this time?
godspeed anon
The fusion rocks are almost always fusion.
I will be waiting for literally anything in-game confirming that rover and changli are now husband and wife(or wife and wife). Until then, literal head-canon.
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Go walk up to a Japanese person and use "anata" when referring to them and see what happens.
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>My dear
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Good luck anon.
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I saw havoc rover was recommended over Encore in Changli teams.
Havoc Rover

How does Changli+Jiyan+Verina do?
No way i spend pulls on some loli wannabe
wot fusion rocks
Why EN would use "my dear" instead of "you" then you retard? Gachas were always like this, the girls always refer to you as husband,dear,lover, etc
Stop being a cuck I imagine GI was your first gacha
just clear up the sea of flames or desorock or the map around dreamless
you'll get a lot of them in no time
dogshit, no synergy whatsoever, all jiyan does in tthat team is being premium jianxin for sucking power
>loli wannabe
THat's the dumbest take i've seen all year
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gif related but with zhezhi
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I wanna yank these down bros. I feel like it'll go boing boing...
Bro see that Japanese screenshot? See the character "妾” that's usually a term a queen or Columbine would call themselves in the presence of the emperor.

She's confirmed wife

Wuwa is not genshin which most of the females characters you spend money and time getting and building cucked on you.
I will paint her white with my semen
explain the zhezi meme
is she unpopular?
or hated for some reason?
my dear certainly has never been used as a term of endearment and nothing more, sure. I feel sorry for you.
The round rock enemies that are immune to the element theyre made of, i forgot their name.
Also lizards are almost always fusion too.
Upset your "Wuwa has no (you) pandering" shitpost got obliterated that fast?
I can't stop thinking about how many men have gotten her before me.....
Why are we the one who has to prove with anything? you're trying to debase the inagame text as headcanon, it should be you the one who try to dismantle this headcanon, if your usage of "anata" mean as basic "you" and not husband and wife, what are the prove of it? there is also ingame text explanation about the feather. at this point you just throwing mud at a wall and see which one is stick
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shes just mid af fr fr
The MAN who did the concept art first drew her naked...
It's so fucking over...
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>Hoyocuck is having a melty over the word DEAR and ANATA
lmao you can't make this shit up.
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you're trying too hard
Why Jiyan? Just use monk girl instead
Also protip, Jianxin can proc Mortefi's ultimate when using her field
あなた means husband!
Holy cope, my japanese teacher call me that all the time
Its a mix of shitposters and changlifags
Can't help it, I started this game for Danjin and Chicken here is like her but more flashy, here's hoping Camellya don't need her weapons
I'm not waiting for you prove anything, I will be waiting for the game to show actual proof, retard, learn to read.
Some people think her design is a step down compared to Changli or Jinhsi.
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cute bike for encore!
Im 20 pulls into changli sig, is it really that good? shit looks mid as fuck i'm starting to think cope 5* is good enough
What's the synergy between havoc rover and changli though?
Nah, just the usual battered wifes grasping at any straw they can.
Please excuse the genshintards, they have been cucked for 4 years.
So (You) pandering characters make them go schizo
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I came across this pic while I was browsing x forma de twitter or something
SOMEONE post the Chinese screenshot of Changlis birthday message.

It's a chunk game, chink language will have the best original meaning the writers intended to convey.
traveler - camera
gotcha, thanks bwo
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>when the partner is married
so the implication is that I am married to Jinhsi but sometimes I secretly sneak out of my palace to have hot illicit sex with my concubine and I also pay for her living expenses
I am fine with that
Yes, I will mating press this nerd
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You're trying too hard to be a contrarian, no way you're actually this retarded
no, you literally asking people to search for the prove ingame and not yourself despite the prove is there. as i said, you're asking people to do your own work while trying confirm your theory that "anata" is not husband and wife. regarding the game to give you proof, why not again, read the feather and do her story? if you still think she's not for (you), you should explain why in here.
but the Nilou stuff they got is (you) pandering...I mean surely getting her as sloppy thirds after Alhaitham and Scara is just what they like.
Is it up in NA?
I'm a Turkeyfag and i like Zhezhi, stop getting one guy'd junior.
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lemme help you
As long as I get r2, then I win.
This is a Genshin Impact general.
crit% weapons are great
10 minutes
Are your character level 90 or something? My 80 Encore barely dents the Heron before 3 minutes.
But you are one guy bwo
cope 5* have crit rate%
fofo the smelly!
>when i was younger i traveled to many places and saw diverse customers
aka codename for coalburning cock carousel. wow she celebrated birthdays by stuffing her mouth with melanin cocks
you cucks are pathetic
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from which part of her body did Changli pull that feather that she gave to you?
changli buffs liberation dmg, which havoc rover excels on
Just to be clear: Japs refer to each other mostly in 3rd person, anything else is or meant to be degrading or accusatory, or show a close relationship depending on social hierarchy and distance.
あなた is one word that you would use or to accuse and being rude towards some nigga you hate or barely know or someone with whom you share a very close relationship, hence its use as endearing term by spouses.
The proof is right there you fucking faggot, she gives you a feather made from her heart that only you have aside from her, you lock hands in a starry night sky just the two of you, and she calls you dear
You're just having a melty cause you can't cuckpost with Changli anymore
12 gems later, 20k left.
Zhezhi wait for me
Male on the right btw
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>Changli doomposting started

KEK. this morning i already seen SEAbros complain about changli is so mid
bro, learn english before you pretend you know japanese, retard, this is hilarious.
I'm also a ChangliCHAD pulling for Painter+weapon.
You can upgrade to 2guyed now.
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nta but she looks like a mahou shojo with those bright pastel colors and oversized wand brush thing, problem is mahou shoujo are meant to be loli or hebe at MOST
>Canonically fucked many black studs.
check your eyes
Stupid sexy nerd
i had to farm for credit my god it's so over
>Bro i totally learned japanese and not understanding what anata mean
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cope 5* actually is more than good enough
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>Im 20 pulls into changli sig
When you said this, I rationalized my gamba brain to just do 20 rolls for her weapon then afterwards whatever happens I'll start to save for Zhezhi but I unironically got it within 20 rolls....
Godspeed anon, I hope I didn't steal your luck
I mean every Chinese emperor had an official wife with tons of concubines
Seems fair that chink jesus has his harem
Yeah nilou hugged you and then complaining about you resting your head on her legs is causing her feeling itchy.

Wtf is wrong with genshit writer? On minute she's like"OMG IM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU", and then she's like"OMG MY LEGS ARE ITCHY, WANDERER WHY DIDN'T YOU PUT HIM ON THE GRASS THERE??"
(I) so lucky.......so fortunate.....
fofo but fujo
This general makes homos out themselves without effort, very fun to see.
Thanks wuwa.
i think we can skip my lack of english, since i dont say anything about any proficiency with Japanese either, and again, im trying to stay on topic. another anon already gave you proof about the usage of "妾" and simple google search does back up that anon point, do you have anything to counter that?
why is the battlepass weapon in this game so shit
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>He didn't invest in SHELL during 2x event
cute boy
Out of 10
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the middle tower has a healing gimmick, which makes verina buffs even higher than before, outside of that, no, my encore is pretty average, this is using fusion damage bonus x attack 3 cost.
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>b-but she's not your wife, nothing confirms that
>she had hundreds of men, you're a le cuck!!!!!!!!!
>muh char could be good if it wasn't for (you) pandering, now it's shit eos soon
>don't pull for change she's a brick this is le hardcore game
>the game just copies genshit because they have a redhead too :^)
that crit value is not average bwo
Lol that guy is probably a virgin irl because if any girl do that to you irl she's definitely want to spend the rest of her life with you.

In other words, genkeks doesn't have any experience with women irl.lol
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WuWACHADS get a hot bird girl call you my dear/husband, meanwhile the most for (you) character in Genshin:
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should i explode?
left is hot
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let's see...
well, I'm sure delusional anon knows better.
ICBM strike inbound, seek immediate shelter
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nyooo delet
ex gig catching stray bullets here
Yeah il leave it at 20 pulls maybe a better sig rolls around later on
hello lucksucker
I still remember that NPC in her quest only cater to Female MC meanwhile treat Male MC a friend
Man Hoyo just hate straight male
what, my crit damage inferno rider doesn't even have crit damage substat in it.
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>Changli wants field time, Rover doesn't care for it.
>Changli buffs resonance liberation, Rover loves that shit.
>Changli buffs Fusion dmg, no good fusion dmg that fits either of the above.
This is why
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Keep yourself safe :)
>game goes out of its way to show that nobody can actually touch Changli
>You are the only person that can
>cuck headcanon after cuck headcanon
I guess it goes to show they don't play the game
okay mr. humblebragger
>In other words, genkeks doesn't have any experience with women irl.lol
Anon mihomo trannies WANT to be woman IRL, thats why they seethe so hard when mihomo launch "sexy" female designs because it reminds them what they will never be KEK

“あなた”は“あなた こなた”の“あなた”です。

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Whom should I use my 5 star ticket on?
I'm f2p and don't want to regret my decision later.
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>which havoc rover excels on
haha yeah... about that...
Yeah you need to stop this.
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1.2 done, now we save
>atk x fusion damage 3 cost with 4 cost without all crit substats is humblebragging
ok bro
considering the amount of echo exp I used I certainly should've been at a point that it would feel like humblebragging, but it's not the case.
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Get a girl that will look you like this. /wuwa/
Alright, thanks. It's just my echoes then like always.
Is this game really good? I tried it for 2 hours and it felt really cheap. It's feels like Tower of Fantasy levels of cheap. Sure it's fun, but any game mod is fun.
ill find you
Now add in dreamless's nuke after Rover's liberation.
Is ChangLi banner out on NA?
encore is your only choice
calchudo gets powercrept by a free 5* in 3 weeks and lionboy is garbage
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Now read the echo, realize dreamless is not liberation damage, and call yourself a stupid bitch.
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1 hour

Come the fuck on
So how many free stuff do we get in 1.2?
>absolute dumbass cuck just proved he didn't learn japanese and only google translate
Wife calling husband 'anata' dating back since Edo period retard
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who the fuck levels up aalto?
10:00 server time, might need to adjust to your tz
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Changli... Wife...
So how is everyone liking the turkeywife?
made for kentucky fried chicken
Thanks bros
>Enhanced damage after using liberation
Sounds good enough for me.
Youre welcome to tell me if anyone else has good enough synergy with Changli
10/10 would whale again
red flags are usually taken
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what the fuck
morning NA bwos it is our time yet?
>hoyofaggots having a meltdown cause their brains can't compute a sexy woman being for (you) after getting mindbroken by gayshit
Kek keep at it wuwa
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wuwa > gay faggot mihomo slop
simple as
telekinesis anon
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nooooo anata just means you with no context whatsoever!!! how can this girl be catering to you????
You can still save your account by pulling Jinhsi and her weapon.
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Whats the most for (you) moment GI had?
Ayaka wet socks dance?
Surely all the NA bros will wait for the wagies to come back from work right? We will roll together right bros?
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do you use molten set on both changli and encore or one of them needs to be on the the 3headed chicken?
genshin has (You) pandering too
Ayaka literally asked you to hold your hand in her teapot max affection dialogue
wuwa will never win
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>a filthy dekinai and a fake weeb
ahahahahahahahahaha it keeps getting better
i refuse to believe they are not just shitposting and actually believe all those shits they spout here
its too grim to be true bros
>have hoyofaggots live rent-free in your head so anyone that disputes your head-canon is your boogeyman
keep at it, bro. can't wait for the cutscene where Jinhsi shows disappointment that Changli is your wife and not her, and all the other characters congratulates Changli and Rover for their wedding, it's happening any patch now.
Probably Cloud Retainer stocking her pond constantly for Shenhe to get more chances to be around (you).
Other than that, Navia refers to (you) as partner, which is what her parents were considered.
they are here to self-humiliate and bump the thread
Yoimiya 2nd story quest.
That's it.
Out of game? Probably Navia's pv
In game? Either Ayucka's story quest or Nilou hugging the cameraman
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Do not make a mistake Lord Arbiter
Jinhsi is literally the strongest character in the game now and probably for a long time.
No ONE should be skipping her
Changli is skippable, Zhezhi is skippable, even Camellya is skippable

Non-Jinhsi accounts are literally BRICKED tier
>Even anytime is here
Wuwa chads
I seed her every day Jue. What more do you want from me...
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100+ rabis, including minor NPCs
5 rabis before the only drawfag in this general quit

We NEED more rabis
We cannot compete with /gig/ until we have a comparable stock of rabis
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Nigger, i saved my account since i got Jinshi in my 50/50
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Design: Best in gachage history and i play like 10 concurrently
VA (jp) : Doro/10
Combat and visuals: 8/10 but i don't know what i'm doing take with grain of salt.
Place in meta: Don't know don't care
Companion story: actual proposal with not that much ""implied"" beating around the bush shit / 10
But she's ugly tho
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>shits on genshin and zzz
>Defends HSR
htrgfags are mentally ill.
Changli is playing for keeps while Jinhsi is in bed resting after her fight with Jue.
>Companion story: actual proposal with not that much ""implied"" beating around the bush shit / 10
are you serious? WuWON AGAIN?
wait shes actually blindfolded?
its like those doujins where husband put blindfold on wife and they start having more passionate than before sex but then wife takes off the blindfold and turns out she was being fucked by a black
At least she's hot bwo
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lol lmao
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she goes blind when her temperature rises too much, so she gets a blindfold (don't ask why) and she removes her coat so heat can escape much better
>Committing to one girl instead of having a harem
you lost hoyofag go back to being the cameraman
joke's on you that just makes me love her even more
claim your main and side /wuwahoe/
You now remember mihomos going about NTR smile on Changli.
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Mind your tone when speaking to your betters.
You rolled the worst limited character in the game. Who wouldn't feel deep, deep regret?
As nature intended
Baizhi is my main hoe but in my fantasies she doesn't even acknowledge my presence or look in my direction
Changli and Jinhsi, alternatively Jinhsi and Sanhua so Cameliya has to guess whose pubes are in my underwear this time
Did they wear identification when posting about NTR smiles? Or are you just associating every post you don't like in this general to mihoyofags?
how's Jade banner going lol?
I forgot about this lmao, she even fucking dindufies him
>So what if hes an deranged psychopath? Hes good with kids so he cant be that bad
Jinhsi Danjin.
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They’re used to cuckshit.
real talk?
Changli is built to be a concubine
You don't even have funny memes/lore/roadmap. You guys are born though sheer genshin hate. You will lose steam.
She's ok for overworld but for tower adversity she sucks.

We will see NAposting soon when changli drops
>cuckposting up by 800% since changli release
ntr really sells huh
>Traveler what do you mean this guy is a bad guy. I understand you are my friend and probably know this guy since you are making claims like this....but I trust him anyways sorry!!!
I really got lionfag instead of SEXli... what do i do now?
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>Did they wear identification when posting about NTR smiles
Yes, it's quite simple:
cucks = mihomos
bold of you to assume she won't smell your dick and underwear
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Save banner as expected, still mogged you
Zooniggering Cameraman.
BAHAHAHA don't worry sir the investment is safe!
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Choose wisely, Rover
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I did the pavlova rabi but I'm just too lazy to draw more.
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stop falseflagging
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How many disciples does Arbiter-sama have?
I choose both
>d-doesn't count
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>She calls you あなた, you are literally her husband!
>What do you mean its only a (you) address, look at these descriptions i pulled from google translate! You dont know japanese!
She calls you あなた throughout the whole quest
>The no. 1 wife greets thee, the my dearest and most beloved husband... I heard you've added another concubine to the harem?
>You guys are born though sheer genshin hate
Don't shitpost with lil Gui you tranny.
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Yup, certified bonafide melty.
I feel like i'm literally the only guy who has her. I refreshed support list like 30 times yesterday and only found like 3 or so and they were always e0
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>he skipped
Ayaka c/u/ckbait

Shenhe shipbait with Chong and with flirts with random NPCs in front of the protagonist
This clingy dragon bitch just won't leave
Can we port this sex demon?
Encore and Verina (or vice versa)
Again, unoriginal universal memes. Come up with something new.
>she calls me "my dear" during throughout the whole quest
wow you obliterated me and everyone in this thread
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its been going good so far...
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Literally me rn (right now)
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I'm guessing if we use standard 5* we still go crit dmg inferno rider right
At least 1 or 2 per region because he keeps waking up on every other place.
>invents cuckshit out of nowhere
Man, no wonder everyone calls you guys cucks lmao.
ah yes I LOVE /gig/ mental illness yelling to the void every thread, I NEED SPEED cause I'm a dumb ADHD that needs the most popular thing
It's insane how there's retards pretending anata isn't used for you, it's like they never played a voiced jp game before, it's especially used in games like this that has character gender selection.
Is that a Genshin Impact character image in my Wuthering Waves general???
Holy shit im rolling (just tried out all her moves in the event) Chiwa sexo will be mine
>open /wuwa/
>see luckshitters bragging about their rolls
>close /wuwa/
when is the first limited loli...
Its safe to say that changli has the best animations in the game (also mogs hsr and genshin easily) right?
she got shafted by oyohim fucking fags, make her useful for anything else other than PF
even then you're better off using Herta/Himeko
I S6d her (cost me around 600 usd which is fairly cheap for me since I’m used to whaling in Hoyo games) and now my chores are peak comfy. I just literally spam square and things die. For overworld bosses I just forte - lib - forte and I’m done.
She also satisfies the tryhard itch with her quick swap / cancel shenanigans, I’ll probably try to learn the h. Rover / changli techs over the weekend
Havent even done her quest yet. Just having fun going around the world and killing things
>b-but we were supposed to be the camera men in porn!!
I remember when I played Genshin like some time way back, the thread got overrun so bad with cuck posting, it was damn near unusable for weeks. Same shit happened with HSR when they made the girls into dykes out of nowhere. It’s why I don’t play Mihomo games anymore. Just rampant ship and cuckshit everywhere.
What's the website for this?
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>JP: Nothing, i just thought this will be a nice memory for us
>EN: nothing, i just thought the snow is beautiful today
What's wrong with these trannylators? Do they hate straight people?
Your answer bwo? >>487144416
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>what is kimi
>what is nanji
>what is nushi
>what is sonata
Isnt that what her e1 literally does?
Technically that wasn't for (you)

It was basically like "ohhhh I am looking for this firework , oh taibibito you know someone in Sumeru? Can I tag along with you when you go there?"

She was using you.
Bros I lost 50/50 to R2 Verina, if this game was shit I would have dropped it but guess I will have to do without Changli.
I have her E6.
Feels good, especially for high level DUs. Erudition path is broken
>The side eye and hidden smirk yangqing gives you as he cucks you
bwo... look at the image... bwo...
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If she says my dear in English and it connects to Anata in JP, why would you assume it's just her saying (you)? English would be the first to change her "my dear" to "(you)" if she only wanted to say (you). But they didn't. Why are you massive cucks haha
They know Jinhsi is the real endgame and won't cater to Changcel virgins.
it's also used for married couples, stop pretending to be a nip cause you ain't
All variations that can be used? being able to use one or the other doesn't change that anata is often used in games to refer to the player.
>not a single instance of the characters in question
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>want to throw 40 rolls at changli just because
>know my luck is shit and I won't get anything because my average is 80 rolls/character.
enjoy you early lucky rolls sisters...im so jelly...
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where is the
posting now?
imagine thinking you are being pandered to over handholding AHAHAHAHAHA wuwaggots are something special
At least shipping fuels the thread
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This tower is too hard bros.
Name next thread /GMG/ - gaykek melty general
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Looking is for fucking NERDS
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Here's a lucky charm bwo!
You're trying too hard
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>Changli is (You)r wife!
More like everyone is my wife
Yeah they probably even do it on purpose at this point
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Can be, sure, and that's it, look, I'd love if we could marry Changli in game because she's hot, but you fucking know this isn't a thing, and nothing in the game will ever acknowledge Rover and Changli as married outside of delusional people.
Her counter attack is so sexy bros
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umm bwo your fate changes today. I said so. dump 40.
Why is Ayaka cookbait? I barely remember the valentines duel event
Iirc Ching is her nephew, maybe apprentice? Do you remember in which quest did Shenhe flirt?
explain why EN used my dear then instead of just (you) surely you can explain it
Anything that helps them to fight against imaginary social gender war with people they never met on a basket weaving forum i guess
Literal mental illness
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>Same shit happened with HSR when they made the girls into dykes out of nowhere
I will never forgive them
Already stop spending
>male units
>male npcs
>male mc

the only non cuckshit perspective is (You) existing but not having any ingame avatars
So how much longer ameriCHADS?
trump survived and gonna win
tick tock liberals

Looks like someone didn't finish the whole summer event.

Later, when taibibito was getting knocked out and resting his head on Nilou thigh, nilou was like"my legs are itchy why didn't you put him on the grass there wanderer???"
>uses my dear in EN
>which also coincides with anata in JP
are you this fucking dumb or pretending?
I self insert as Yangyang
>female units
>female npcs
>female mc

if she has a pussy she is capable of giving birth to another man's child
the only non cuckshit gacha is one without any females
29 minutes... the agony...
I thought Kuro was using MTL.
changli's sig or standard 5 star?
imo standard 5 star feels much better because of CR. CR is insanely hard to accumulate with echo gacha unlike CD in this game.
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It took me hours and hours to understand Jinshis kit
Please tell me Chang li is not that complicated to use/understand
it was all for nothing too, just a full-on nothingburger ship, they have literally no relationship. in 2.3 they tried to course correct into (you) pandering with ACK but a bit too late, already reduced negro swan into dykeshit
Jue bribed them
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These hags keep fucking me over.
which is admittedly on brand
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>Later, when taibibito was getting knocked out and resting his head on Nilou thigh, nilou was like"my legs are itchy why didn't you put him on the grass there wanderer???"
No fucking wa-
>It's real
She doesnt get the speed buff from it, right? Also at this point it would be better to run energy rope for more ults and stacks i guess
I can't help but laugh at how pathetic you people are with using EN translations as a fallback, especially when this game had several incredibly bad ESL-tier translations. And even then, my dear doesn't directly translate to married couple speech in english, and you know that as well.
Dogbwo Jinhsi's kit is so simple tho...
saaarss invest in genshin right now, wuwa is eos soon, changli is a brick and noone pulled for her, eos soon guys, by next month revenue game is gonna be on the bottom
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No wonder hoyo cultists are insane. This is fucking grim.
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nta but the explanation in game is so verbose like a nu-yugioh card effects, so I kinda understand the difficulties
We get no jades or free pulls, so fucking stupid they are really neglecting us now after sucking our cock on launch eh
bro just
>press 2 twice
>press basic attack 4 times
>switch out
is this what mihoyo brainrot does to you?
LMFAO what the fuck is this shit hoyotroons? explain yourselves
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>Traveler is so cucked even NTRMAN starts helping him out
>wanderer actually tries to help you out with a girl
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What's the fucking point of setting up a wingman if this is how the girls treat you?
decide yourselves if the translations are based or tranny I need to know the hivemind's opinion
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LMAO no wonder gencucks are throwing a melty over my dear/anata...
because english localizations have always been the first to remove more personnal/intimate writing. they would never be the first to imply anything for (you). so if they have it, it's all but guaranteed that other languages have it written for (you) too.
there's a simple way to play changli and another not so simple way to play changli.

The simple way.
5 Basic -> 1 skill + basic -> 5 basic -> 1 skill + basic -> (full gauge) -> heavy attack -> special -> heavy attack -> outro.
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>Look up random video guide
>Just copy whatever
Heh, nothin personel
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I wouldn’t even mind if it didn’t happen after the fact just to pander to shippers. Basically you roll and then suddenly the next patch goes full shipshit. Genuinely made me cautious about just rolling.
Delete this
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I just have this screenshot, i think it was when the whore was selling herself working for a restaurant
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the way they are trying to redeem wanderer for male player base by making him a wingman, but nilou just doesn't want it, humiliation ritual
Have you tried reading her kit? its fucking stupid
I learned playing the character...
Pretty sure she threatens them afterword
>selling herself working for a restaurant
You miss where she asks you on a date once she gets paid?
>hoyocuck having a melty
kek never gets old go back to the cuckshed being the cameraman
>have a complete bro for a wingman
>do the perfect set-up
>girl still refuses
Traveller is literally me
why the FUCK are the banners released like this? this is FUCKING retarded
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Hoyocucks should stop saying
>I play Genshin Impact
and start saying
>I play Humiliation Ritual
They outright hate their player base. It's is so crazy.
Fucking twinkli
saar you might wanna try ZZZ for easy to understand gameplay
there was some kino potential in changloli and encore with perfect synergy if she buffed fusion damage and basic attack...
>makes a big show of finally seeing you again, hug and all
>Scara realizing them decides he is going to do the perfect setup
>this happens
Imagine being Scara here watching your boy just get brutally rejected.
Black swan fan art tanked after that, some hi3 yurishizos tried to hide the reality against those two black swan fags.
yurifags don't spend money in gachas just like fujos, shipfags and yumes.
Imagine you're a newer genshin player who fell in love with Nilou but started after her 1st banner, saved up the 500+ pulls to get 1 copy of her and her weapon, waited and waited for the rerun and when it finally comes, it gets packaged with this shit >>487145249
just Lmao
ToT, need a mod for permanent loli mode
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>even with a wingman the girls still fucking hate your guts
>>male mc
This is the hardest pill to swallow.
The "self-insert" card is a massive cope.
You will never be Rover.
You will never be a handsome anime boy with black anime hair and golden anime eyes and magic anime powers.
The only non-cucked attitude is to be your IRL self.
Female Rover is just another cute girl to collect.
WuWa should do a swimsuit event for the summer
I thought it was 10am EST for NA? Why the fuck does it still say <1hr
So how do you explain the mihoyo yumegame making more than WW?
Why do you try so hard to live on your bubble world?
why did you call me that
not cool :(
>Hoyodrones don't even play their own game
you know this shit is really realistic
women (especially younger ones) do this exact same shit
they have no issues hugging you and saying how they missed you etc but when you are trying to get more intimate with them they pull this shit
HOWEVER I don't want realism in my escapist gacha fantasy
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put me in the screencap
Ok bros, how do I Chixia+Changli?
It's simple to use once you get it, but reading it from scratch is a nightmare and there is a lot of irrelevant "bloat". For example they have to explain that after you do her full combo, before using her nuke, all her attacks become heavies, but that literally never comes up.
I genuinely have no idea what they were thinking with these two.
Both are initially setup as prime (you)bait.
>BS being obsessed with (you) and the memories (you) will created
>Archeron and (you) being the Mei and "Kiana" (they even did the same scene where she catches you)
Just to try and force some quick yuribait in a fucking PV of all things just to have none of that reflected in game.
every ship kills almost all fanart except transbian -male faced yuriart, and aislop cuck porn. there is almost nothing else for navia, clorinde, black swan etc.
Nilou is just begging to be raped.
jesus christ, and I rolled for Nilou as well
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I actually feel sorry for genshin players now
Nah bro, they redeemed hat man but maintained our cuck status?
I always knew scaradouche was a bro
Maybe next year, wuwa launched too close to summer to have anything.
Although, OUTERPLANE also launched close to summer and they did a summer event anyway.
One thing wuwa needs to 100% is have their version of holidays not just chink year.
Wuwa needs valentines, summer, halloween, christmas, new year, hell even spring.
Does PGR have em?
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black swan got ruined...
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Yeah "apprentice" KEK

>Pretty sure she threatens them afterword
Sure bro...
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the rider is such a shit fucking echo you literally die as soon as you use it against scar
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fat pig
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>uhhh black swan gets noooo fan-art
>check rule 34
>jinhsi 125
>black swan 449
lol this is just sad bros, please stop coping, it's getting too pathetic.
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>we are the fastest when it comes to discussing cuckshit
this is nikg 2.0
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>he uses echo skills except bell in illusive realm
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We loooove Mihomo around here
How is the banner still not out
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/gig/gers status?
>Try to redeem the one guy the chinks really hate
>Sacrifice one of the girls to do it
You can't make this shit up
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>in genshin
FTFY false flag faggot
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Just passing by. I'd kill myself btw if I was playing a self-insert and this happened.
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All my nikkers are in here!
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>consensual hug
>forced awkward uncomfortable lap pillow
>nilou is known to be a dumb airhead
whats the problem here?? are you really that mindbroken of incels? seetheing over a line of dialogue???
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No wonder i suddenly started to see far less black swan art.
15 mins, meanwhile you can bully mihoyo cucks >>487145249
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Chinese kino
I kneel Xi
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Good enough?
THIS is what hoyokeks were hyping up as their epic genshin (you) pandering? Stick with Firefly next time retards. I can't wait for Hoyoverse to ruin that one for you too, maybe you will finally learn your lesson.
me in the middle
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Bro the ads!?
Sex with everyone in this image.
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kill yourself tranny
That's pretty nice
>121% energy regen
Moonlit set?
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i like a good pandering game as the next guy but holy shit /wuwa/ is just being lowly petty today
you are no different than those "all men are trash" screechers
do better
That fololo is stacked.
It's Molten
Who won?
Who lost?
yeah 100% wuwa is just fishing
Nilou hugged (You) and she just doesn't want your head on her knees because they are sore, but she is still in love with (You)
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not gonna fool anyone you fake ass yapyap
go back to your designated cuckshed by dawei
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isnt yumegame mostly pander female like deep space? i think hoyo game cater more of same-sex relationship
I really wanted to believe people here aren't just obsessed with owning mihoyo shit, but nah, it is true, they have nothing else going on with their lives. A shame.
Changli tower is hard as fuck what the heck
God, this is so brutal. I don't wanna know how many Genkeks committed sudoku over this.

LMAOOOO, this your future Kuro keks. Copy game then die off.
theres no content in pgr though? you retarded?
These trial characters SUCK, why do they hate good in-game adverts for their banner characters?
My Jinshi nukes the stages but based on the trial one you'd think she's a brick
How do you build forte stacks with Changli?
Sounds like hoyodrones should stop shitposting here with their delusions, maybe then they'll stop getting btfo
>hoyocuck get pandering event
>still getting cucked
kek put me in the screencap
this is why i love /wuwa/ i dont need to visit other general to keep up to date with the current news, especially when it come to salesposting.
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straight man with a broken soul and teary eyes wrote this. it is okay bro, there are better games for you now, you don't have to endure this humiliation no more...
Have these hoyo trannies been seething in this thread all night? I just woke up
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If I don't get Changli at 50/50 I'm quitting
Damn, can you post all your echoes stats if it's not a problem?
At least i want a blueprint for my own Chang
basic attack and basic attack, thats all, no read the kit?
Same. Good thing ZZZ just came out
PGR is not a game you watch but play.
There is no reason to watch it, since you just fight.
And the story is in a VN format, it's not for everyone.
Yeah we won
>relentless shitpost as soon as Changli drops
>tout their game as (you) pandering
>get utterly destroyed
Not sure how this is petty, they are getting exactly what they deserve.
if I dont get at least 2 Changlis in 1 10 pull I'M quitting
Yeah debut banners always has shitposting and seething on overdrive
If I don't get Changli in my mail when her banner drops, I'm quitting fr deadass
If I don't S6 my Changli in my first 10 pull I'm quitting.
Yeah, even then Rexlent only streams PGR whenever he gets to beta test new frames and bosses.
tower sucks
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>Enter a wuwa thread after two weeks
>It's still just other game shitposting
First fucking gacha???? It's been like this before genshin you fucking zoomer.

Azur Lane had funny Essex memes.
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>he's a jinhsilet
why are they making fun of a ww2 boat?
sound like "they" are living rent free in your head so they will keep coming here, enjoy
Good Luck NA Bros!
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I thought the hand was a flaming boob at first glance, despite this I will wait for the only opinion that counts before pulling
We have the mental capacity to wait for viewers/revenue/hours shitposting for a couple months when things stabilize, right?
Or at least a week?
Maybe even just a day?

Surely we know how peaks work.
This applies to both anti-Kuro shitposting and anti-HoYo shitposting.
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preach brotherman
Finally clear holograms up to level 5 try the tower and can barely get one star in the middle zone T-T back to the echo mines.
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Don't get lioned NA bros I believe in your pulls
No free shit? how will I pull fuck this game
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VERINA'D on the 3rd pull, i guess ill save it for zhezhi
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what happend to early day of /pgr/ was more brutal than this, back then the schizo Rabi poster from epic 7 using /pgr/ as his personal toilet.
This round of tower is pretty brutal
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Alright Chinkman you know the drill
You give me my Changli or I drop your dogshit game
>muh sunk cost
don't give a shit i've wasted way more time on worse games
you were warned
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It's just that easy.
It's so funny yet so real it gets scary. Women are fucking evil.
I bless every single NA bwo with eternal luck
May your pull give you the wife
my $100 paypigging was rewarded
you have been riding on this headcanon for weeks, are you sure you are not the one obsessed with cuckoldry?
seek help
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i bless every ameretards with several lionbros
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I don't think they are impressive since I have no exp tube to reroll
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>70 rolls but won coinflip
alright you're forgiven
Everything's fine, cuckshit nigga, but at this point at least learn how to use camera properly
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>Get chang li

It's that easy.
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i tried, i can't do it with just encore and even with a team
>won the 50/50
today is a good day bwos
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>Both changli and sword in 20 rolls no guarantee
Yeah i'm thinking they earned a couple topups
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Well I have an excuse to quit now at least.
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Damn i really dont remember this shit
retarded monkwives are best girls, whatever the universe
>fucking nothing
Monkwife supremacy
is it bad that i want to moo and wish i was a pink cow?
i prefarmed
i got monk'd
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all straight men in /wuwa/ have all of them and their weapon right?
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How we feeling?
damn changli and her upgrade grats
Bc it's fucking Scar, he has fusion resist.
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e z game e z life
That Lingyang spook was on Jinhsi's banner when I was trying to get Sanhua dupes
I'm actually not min maxxing for ToA so it's not a big deal for me. Slow and steady for me I guess but I have gotten decently lucky after amassing a huge amount of echo exp n stuff so hopefully I roll some good stuff for my fusion team. My Calcharo/Jinhsi are basically both 70 crit rate 250+ crit dmg so that should carry me to 60 being able to clear content easily. Just gotta push a little harder in ToA and I'll have the basic gameplay on lock.
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I won the coinflip, so I will continue to wuwa.
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>literally every NAfag got Changli except me
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Life's good honestly. Was used to having to hit hard pity and 70-80+ rolls per character in other games. I'm feeling nice here.
I need more..
fuck yeah
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I'm so happy bros...
it's goat scar he doesn't have fusion resist, retard.
How did you get this picture of me and my wife, delete now
so whats the optimal team build, encore/chixia + healer, or something else?
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never mind, i did it
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I lost the 50/50 on the 3rd pull and got the S4 mortefi i wanted, im waiting for the nerd now
>got lion'ed
It's over... bros...

I did get her early on the guaranteed at least...
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I'm ok
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I got Changli and I don't even play the game. Git good.
I got Verina'd
I like the easier small fries on ToA but holy fuck Scar and Inferno rider are overtuned, not even mid is this hard
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Got Changli but my account got bricked in the process.
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https://wuwatracker.com/ bwo
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my wife came home
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That's 2 coinflip wins
She's so fucking hot bros wtf
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Nigger faggot cunt, she's now S2, fuck my luck in this shitty kusoge
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>doing Changli's resonator trial for 20 astrite after losing the coin flip
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Things could be worse
Congrats to everyone who won. Post some gameplay later
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148 rolls, I gave everything I had to her, too bad... fucking whore
>won the 50/50
Replying "begone, YING" actually works
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>won the 50/50
>weapon came early
>at the point where even the gay boy with hat on help you
>girl treat you like filth
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bwo farm a few more rolls she's guaranteed...
C&C for Changli and Rover
So many sex birb havers wtf post more Lingyang
>got cursed by Ling post
>didn't reply "Begone, LING"
>get Ling in 30+ rolls
>got Changli in 70+
I will never miss a BEGONE ever again...
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>Wanted to get Changli or lose 50/50 to Encore, got Verina instead
Go on without me bwos.
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Like shit
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You guys listened to me right? You only do single pulls over the course of 10-15 minutes right?
I have nothing left, 100% map, every treasure, every event, everything. I can potentially scrape like 2-3 more rolls with her questline and the trial and today's event, but that's it, and we both know that's not happening. I lost the 50/50 to the fucking green goblina TWICE
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I love my Anko seeded account
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>got lioned at 80
>30 more rolls for changli
>no desire whatsoever to keep playing
see y'all in zzz
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30 rolls is all you need
...Rough... That's some bottom 10% shit...
Enjoy your bricked account bro. Changli is trash
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Decided to try for some dupes because I had a lot of extra pulls.
but your 5% healing bro...it's gonna be lit...
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don't be mad kekold
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what the fuck does that symbol means
Show holograms
it means she leveled up
Where the fuck is the place next to a ring and hanging eaves
her womb has descended and is waiting for you
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Is this good?
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Yes, I also covered my PC in magic crystals and smudged sage right into the cooling air intake, now I only need to find a goat to sacrifice and pour its blood into the cooling pump and I'm ready to summon every 3.33 minutes
Lost the 50/50, but maybe her character quest will get me to continue rolling. Good luck bwos.
I've got no clue then bro
I'd say so if you're not expecting godlike luck
traveler - camera
It's actually e2 so it's not the worst, I didn't mind if I got changli or not but it's better that I can guarantee zhezhi now for my jinhsi I guess.
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Oh cool a Gold on my first 10 I wonder who it could be-
wait she's officially 15?
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Bros, she loves me
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The homo look cool, will you pull his weapon since the standard kind meh
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She's better than Changli, just give Anko an opportunity anon
what the fuck does that symbol mean then?
Is that her age or something? 40? Then she's a fucking hag?
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I wish i could seed anko....
Oh no we lost a nigger... anyways Changli sex.
>Encore AND Alto
Cute child and caretaker?
do not lewd the npc
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This is just fodder right?
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Ayone knows what is this?
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>outselling BA anniversary
Thats... unexpected?
bros what skills are highest priority for changli?
only with freebies(if they give any) and shop reset ones, i gotta save for folololo and camellya
I have the crit rate sword, is it alright if I use a C.Dmg 4* echo? I think that I'll only get 53% crit rate with it.
However I can reach 75% c.rate if I went instead with C.Rate 4* echo. Which is the better main stat between the two?
Southern burgers say that all the time bwo
I feel like BA was never a big seller? Humongous in the doujin scene but never a top seller for the game itself? Or so I was told
Encore dupes are crazy good so explode
Man who the fuck gives a shit about sales, can't you get some fun playing the game? Leave the /bag/bros alone.
Just wait till tomorrow for that
t. cant login into nips BA and have to queue for 100k people
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I'm out of materials.
Is it time?
If those aren't impressive you should see the ones i have on Encore lol
Thank you anon
changli gets a bit of extra crit rat from her top skills did you include that?
>Bamco game
What's that? Does it have global server?
those are the buffs/debuffs you pick before the run
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Life's alright sometimes
It was never big, yes. Struggles to make average profits outside of huge events.
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They can't even log in
i thought changli was a subdps? she's fucking shitting on my encore's damage
The fact that wuwa can't hit #1 in nipland is kind of a bad sign if you consider that Changli/Jinhsi are probably the biggest banners for 1.0-1.2.
both gets molten, yes, you want 2 (two) set lmao for encore+changli team
Im@s, guaranteed to sell no matter what
gakuen idolm@ster. nope. no idolmaster game ever gets anything. we DID however, outside of gacha, get starlit season fully translated
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we are gook games not nips
the sub DPS schizos mysteriously stopped posting once they saw "Main Damage Dealer" listed on her tags lmao
ohhh, I didn't checked that part. It seems like I can reach 60% crit on her, guess I'll go with C.Dmg echo on her, thanks.
You could make changli a dedicated support, I guess. but outside of that yes it would be molten for both.
what's this website?
60 yet?
I thought that one is Cygames not Bamco
Uhhh bwos, why is Changli's damage higher than anko? You said she's a brick
damn, im on the fence about getting her weapon
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There's many Changlis but this one is mine.
Potato servers, classic jewstar
Kuroko revived the playerbase.
Cygames is love live
hasn't the subDPS schizo moved on to ZZZ?
mentally ill do, half the posters probably from sea + india, the rest are weak minded people getting affected by the shitposts
gakuen is bamco. cygames is cinderella girls. shiny colors is also bamco + enza.
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Yeah I'm thinking wuwon, I'll probably drop $50 on zhezhi.
AHAHHAHAH WTF??? I would like to sign an apology form to hoyocucks I genuinely feel bad for them. I've never realized how sunk cost can genuinely fuck with gacha players heads. Because why would you spend half your day shilling games for a company that never misses a chance to humiliate you? I pity hoyoshills.
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F2PGODS, where we at?
>that one im@s fiasco where the game literally filtered the non-nip players from playing the game by asking an info from their birthcertificate (or was it a zip code?) as a proof of nip citizenship
A lot of producers were fired on that day....
Stream was peak. Hope the jp baggots get kuroko
i hope you get cancer jesus fuck
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Remember to grind intimacy 10 to unlock
What is the main source of dmg for Changli? Basic atk, skill, etc..
>wasting rolls for 11% dmg
qrd? How'd it get this bad to the point where they can't even log in?
is that wuwatracker? my avast blocked it... and there's some wuthering.xyz that requires me to log in with my google account... doesn't feel too safe
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I got her in 30 rolls
Yeah, that's a winning
Dunno what all the doomposting was about, she feels strong as hell with no echoes.
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I just crawled out of bed at 4pm, did we wu won? Is the thread wu comfy?
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The garbage combat camera is tilting me. Shit is so zoomed in during non-timestop skill cutscenes you can hardly tell what phase of an attack animation the boss is in.
Fighting scar in this week's tower rotation took me a while to do properly because the camera just spergs out extra often and forces you to look the wrong way, or won't let you look up if Scar does his long windup jumping slam right on top of you.
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Never complain about wuwa pandering again hoyocucks kek
depends, 33% of the thread is cuckposting
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BA JP server has always been shit for some reason
They once have a 36 hours maint lmao
Hoyofags...lost >>487145249
good job anon, the tower this time is pretty hard
Busy bugfixing pls sirs understand
Go on without my changli sisters, I will have to wait 6 more weeks until I can pull for Zhezhi now
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With my luck I'll be waiting for the next banner
No. As long as 50/50 and 160 pull = 1 pull exists. We will never be free from Hoyoverse's influence
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i had to move all my echoes from encore to changli because she hits so much harder
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That's insane given how much those pedo nips like blue archive
yeah I'm sure she does
solo hazard tower floors with changli NOW
>didn't lose the coinflip
my account is slowly healing, now i just need to get a ssr early and WE ARE BACK
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That's a lot of Jinhsi
you are destined to be with the nerd
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>Genshin Impact
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sometimes it gets better
wuwatracker is safe bwo
>Trusting avast but not your wuwabros
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I'm sad I didn't get s2, bros....
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God it feels so good to finally roll.
I started at the end of last month. It was a near thing but I somehow managed to stay F2P and bring home this bird and her weapon
Press screenshot doesn't take screenshot...sadface.
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Well, I pushed for C2, got Lion'd and immediately got her afterwards, so it's not all bad
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>in 2024
>he probably also have an avast add-on in his browser
Please tell me you are using windows xp or 7 then I can understand why you still have that in your pc
holy bricked
lol no, you look like a boy with glasses, i only roll for sex

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