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Previous: >>487127961

>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE [EN]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY [JP]

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 [EN]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s [JP]



>Official Twitter Accounts:

>Redeemable codes (claim in-game or online)

>Signal/Pull Tracker:

>ZZZ's Damage Formula

>ZZZ stickers
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Corin-chan is making her AV debut. Say something nice about her
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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Listening to post hardcore with my emo shark girlfriend.
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I'm level 41 and I still can't auto
At what level do I unlock auto?
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where are the sex mods
>Nicole trust shit just wants you to lie to her face about how good her prices/how good of a boss she is/etc
why are women like this
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the day of reckoning is coming
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Her pussy is tight and I want to cum inside of it.
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>>Zhu reading all the lewd posting about herself on /zzz/
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Shark butt
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You still there?
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ZZZ for this feel...
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Now thats what I call cute and canon.
Miyabifags BACK OFF
domination loss and it's wise who loses dominance
apparently, if you hit the marionettes at the same time with anby and billy's EXs before they start doing the spinning throw combo , you can complete skip that phase and return to phase 1 then skip to their dashing phase
well it's not that helpful since you can just destroy the marionnettes with joe
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The fuck is wrong with this bitch? Going around and finding stores to fuck with. This bitch needs to be put down.
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Soon Zhubros
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This thread is now on PUBSEC watchlist
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Just did Rally Operation: Purge

that was pretty fun, I hope they'll focus on more missions like this with no TV segments
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Kek nice suno anon
Zhu Yuan is too tall! Petition to nerf her height!
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>the day of reck-ACK
whats auto?
the devs are cowards
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Ok /zzz/ post what you think her fight theme will be like
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Every single Mihoyo game has yuri, you're completely delusional if you think that somehow this one will be an exception.
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Man, I'm really liking the art styles for the fanart in this game more than the usual teetering-on-AI-slop shit we get in hoyogames. It's really refreshing.
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Rat friends?
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Is this edited? She doesn't look too bad in this one
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kys tranny
I have really to try to abuse the swap thing I still thing like there were an internal cooldown for it
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I want Zhu Yuan to brutalize me
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>Is this edited?
I need Zhu Yuan NOW
Go back to /hsrg/ eango.
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Still here, that looks really cool, thanks anon!
Definitely experimenting with that same comp
Love how you switched off to Rina at the last moment on 0:07 to get another quickswap/chain attack in with Neko
stop posting cute Qingyi art
I’m saving for the rat but you’re gonna make me pull
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I love tight plump asses so much breh
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I will NEVER approve of this ship. Zhu Yuan is for her heterosexual life partner/cop buddy/sexdoll girlfriend
Yuritroonsbians will be BTFO when Zhu Yuan releases and self-insertchads like myself start dating her.
I like the TV segments but I think it should just be used for puzzle missions and Hollow Zero. I'd like to see them focus some more on Rally missions like Purge.
plap plap plap plap plap plap plap
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Why is she giving me that look? Does she really want to get bred so badly?
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delusional tranny
yuritroons are not welcome here
Is there a female love interest in Tears of Themis?
Didn't think so.
at 1.25x speed
>all those exposed tummies..
>combat game
>no hara-pan content
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Auto battle. I click the button and the game plays itself
My wrist can't take it anymore
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Pretty good
my fully erect penis sliding in and out of zhu yuan's wet and slippery vagina at police chase speed
But then they get tons of Belle/Zhu art. You didn't think that one through.
>Ehn – nu – nah (neh)
LMAO this is good shit bwo
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Rina is great for Neko as she can easily trigger quick assist. This in turn lets her keep Stealthy Paws up quite reliably, along with refreshing it with an occasional dodge counter.
This, except I play Belle and its still yuri.
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ghhhk....gasPPPPp....roll for meeeeeurrghhkk.... water... neeeed water....
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this isn’t edited either
Not funny, forced meme and the rat is still fucking ugly
>using fanart to troll
So do I roll for asscop if I want Lolicop?
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I love him...
Good night.
Wise in the streets, Qingyi in the sheets. Miyabi on vacation.
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Cute retarded fofoposter
*smooches (You)* mwah!
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miyabi is a beautiful maiden that deserves love and respect
Look at all those awards behind her, so accomplished!
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Stop getting my hopes up that she's gonna be this comically skeezy and nyeh-heh... it's not gonna be fucking fair when she's just some Kafka-esque sexywoman... this is gonna be Kokomi all over again with how good the silly headcanon is vs. how boring the actual character is....
Never thought of using the two of them together but clearly works amazingly well
It's funny seeing people trying to argue which gacha game is deeper.
It's a fucking gambling game on steroids, accept it or leave it.
How long will it take for Ellen's weapon to be pullable again?
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yeah I like her as a character but never got what the funny about rats in general is supposed to be
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Good night Lycaonsis
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she's a rat anon, meow~
Wait, this looks sick. How the fuck do you do that? Does ZZZ have room for skill expression after all?
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You do know the idol lolis are just struggling idols that spread their legs to the highest bidder, right? Once they get pregnant they perform abortion shows where they squat and put their hand behind their head with heart eyes waiting to get punched in the belly by paying costumers
Her forehead is fucking HUGE OH nonono
>yurifags pretending they like self inserts
LMAO, everyone knows you guys are shippers and have to cope with Femc because you get no ships to work with.
I think i'm done with belobog. how much longer until i'm finished with 1.0 content?
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>start mission
>Fairy starts yapping, camera pans over hinting like im some 5 year old kid with downs
>Go over a specific spot
>Camera pans over, yapping
>Cant move during it
>Move to next stage

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Kokomi is the worst: a smart character written stupidly.

Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men is a smartly written smart character. When Chigurh kills a hotel room full of three people he books to room next door so he can examine it, finding which walls he can shoot through, where the light switch is, what sort of cover is there etc. This is a smart thing to do because Chigurh is a smart person who is written by another smart person who understands how smart people think.

Were Kokomi to kill a hotel room full of three people. She'd enter using a secret door in the hotel that she read about in a book ten years ago. She'd throw peanuts at one guy causing him to go into anaphylactic shock, as she had deduced from a dartboard with a picture of George Washington carver on it pinned to the wall that the man had a severe peanut allergy. The second man would then kill himself just according to plan as Kokomi had earlier deduced that him and the first man were homosexual lovers who couldn't live without eachother due to a faint scent of penis on each man's breath and a slight dilation of their pupils whenever they looked at each other. As for the third man, why Kokomi doesn't kill him at all. The third man removes his sunglasses and wig to reveal he actually WAS Kokomi the entire time. But Kokomi just entered through the Secret door and killed two people, how can there be two of her? The first Kokomi removes his mask to reveal he's actually Sara attempting to frame Kokomi for two murders. Kokomi however anticipated this, the two dead men stand up, they're undercover police officers, it was all a ruse. "But Kokomi!" Sara cries "That police officer blew his own head off, look at it there's skull fragments on the wall, how is he fine now? How did you fake that?". Kokomi just winks at the screen, the end.

This is retarded because Kokomi is a smart person written by a stupid person to whom smart people are indistinguishable from wizards.
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Huh? Stop it PP you are not supposed to do THAT!!
Always did. I like to think of different characters like a different weapon loadout in muh DMC.
Final day. What will fate choose. Let's make it fair

0-8 Skip shark
9 Gamble
>got M1 Ellen
>only stunner is still Anby
do I unironically just spend all my polychrome on standard banner so I can get lycaon or Koleda or do I roll for sex cop and pray I lose a 50/50 to one of them
I have already been spooked by neko's ball twice on standard banner
Who am I supposed to roll for?
>nooo yurifags can't enjoy girls flirting because ... they just can't!! My narratives!
I hope they nerf soul hound achievements, Half this shit is genuinely crap
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He can be very cool.
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It never lacked room for it, retard. It's just that the game is easy as fuck, but you CAN go crazy if you actually care. It's just that you can pretty much adequately clear everything without doing so.
Please don't tell me you're using that term to refer to HSR Kafka
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Yes? Hello!
I like TV way more. Rally is cool sometimes but it boils down to run through the stage you have cleared a hundred times already and kill the boss. TVs are creative
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You have two more chapters + hollow zero
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is swapping characters a bunch of times "skill expression" now?
Hold the fucking line.
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Fat JK Shark Butt...
Any other autistic girls?
Nekomata in particular has to juggle a lot of different conditionals to maximise her damage.
If you look closely at any anime girl's head, you will notice how crazy high her hairline is.
>jane doe backstabs you, revealing her true identity
>"my name is ... cheesed to me you"
>boss music starts playing
yes yuritroons are subhuman and should not be allowed to enjoy anything
glad you figured that out
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I am. I guess I realize the unfortunate overlap between a pretty common term, but I was using it as shorthand for "mysteriously smiling, villainous sexywoman". I hope she's at least a little gremlinous, her emotes give me hope, but her animations (barring the autism raptor hands) don't.
Watching the webm after reading that made me chuckle
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>Zhu Yuan and Miyabi are fucking!!!
You think China PUBSECchad will let their character fall in love with Japanese SECTIONchuds?
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what with cunny artist and being into sci-fi shit
waterkuma, hans B, as109
you name it
this game is no exception from this rule (ex: Quingyi, Idol robot)
reminds me of how the 2 new star rail guys were on screen and the fox dude told the assassin guy to inform the higher ups about the demon wolf escaping in the trailer and now fujos are shipping them nonstop
All yurifags know that in omnipandering games Femc with female characters is headcanon though, which is why they always search for ships, interactions and different dialogues.
Then why do you provide so much funny impotent seething for them?
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hi /zzz/
This game really bringing out the sheer degeneracy in people
She's most likely to be like Yelan
>3 hours spent of doing the prophecy, once for the true ending and one for the secret ending
>accidentally exchanged all my Residual Signals for Master Tapes
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the funny part is that this isn't even the first miyabi I've seen whose eyes are just a liiiittle too far apart
glad you used the proper pronouns for yourself, they/them xister
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Well, if the goal is to "look flashy as fuck in a particular way", and the particular way is achieved by swapping characters a ton at the right time, yeah. I mean, it's clearly being done in a deliberate fashion to minimize time between desired attacks.
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Piper has a reasonably-sized forehead
>You think China PUBSECchad will let their character fall in love with Japanese SECTIONchuds?
Are you saying they will be incredibly tsundere for eachother, like China and Japan are?
I didn't say it couldn't use some QoL and smoothing out anon.
that's my sister right there
Hello Belle
This is someone's son
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little succubus planning nocturnal visits
That's a man
I can see your sister's panties.
This websitr is ruining my enjoyment of vidya
please be a boy
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Yeah, same shit as Kafka but without the depth, which was the only part I liked about Kafka...
for the BILLY: THE LEGENDARY RED RIDER alt of course. coming soon during the Outer Ring storyline, trust me
I must have missed that page of the yurifag rulesbook.
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If you don't pick Cookie and Chalky for your weeklies, you don't deserve to call yourself a gamer
Woah, she has a very puffy vagina
it’ll be revealed in Chapter 5 that Zhu and Miyabi were best friends in school until Miyabi killed Zhu’s pet gerbils, Nan and King
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>did the 100 free rolls
>still missing 20 residual signals so I can grab lucy and make the s11/lucy/piper team
you should only lurk and post here if you're mentally ill
She is a rat pretending to be a cat. She will be silly
very nice art bwo
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>How the fuck do you do that?
You swap characters during long animations how is that even a question.
I swear the vast majority of anby posters are complete retards
Miyabi will rape Zhu Yuan for historical accuracy
Now that you say, it they will definitely be a thing. Chinks can't resist having the grorious nippon character simp more for the chink character.
i need money more than nicole what do
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Hey Wise~~~
This game basically mastered 3d anime girl but miyabi is just so ugly
Extravagant designs are cool. Put a loli in there and is 10 times better
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>Only forum-style site for constant/back-and-forth discussion of a game left
>Site also sucks
It's not fucking fair....
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>Dooming about a character personality before it's even out
At least wait before going on the retarded rants not saying you're wrong but you fags ruin the characters for yourselves
Ramen and vidya take it or leave it
the art this game gets is incredibly based
Yes, you pretend it doesn't exist when it suits you. All "lesbians" in the other mihomo games follow that rulebook to a T for some reason.
Wise doesn’t love Belle. This was proven during the storyline. He loves that furry guy and even got knotted right in the arse.
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Ok prove me wrong then, what's deep about her character
>omg she's my mommy so much depth
Also I hope some game gives hans B an opportunity. He seems to really like design characters
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Help me out bros.
Which is the better secondary team here?
Lycaon/Soukaku/Corrin or S11/Lucy/Ben?
her womb is really deep when I'm pounding her
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For a hoyogame, yeah. I like that she cares about her adopted retards, which is more depth than Yelan could ever hope for. Not saying it's actually deep, but having any extra dimension is crazy in these games.
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I don't know man, you can look flashy doing just about anything in this game
it's like mashing in tekken, you can look like a god by simply pressing random buttons
I don't even know what you mean at this point and I suspect neither do you.
There is a shitton of femMC yuri art for gachas. No one but you cares about this cope you made up in your head.
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>Zhu release
>new TVkino event
>new daily login bonus
>all in two days
someone invent time travel please
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>300 energy
>0 purples
Surely he means kafka from final fantasy
Horrifying yet eroctic.
That's Kefka anon...
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>this character who hasn't shown up in the story yet doesn't have any depth
You should feel bad about yourself.
uhh... should I be worried about where that's from
>There is a shitton of femMC yuri art for gachas
And we all know its headcanon unless the characters are proven bi, so?
>it's like mashing in tekken, you can look like a god by simply pressing random buttons to anyone that doesn't actually play the game
He's kefka in final fantasy 6
Bwoskis, how do I start the Prophet quest? I look it up online and it says IK40 and it'll appear on your schedule but I'm at IK41 now...
He can love both. The siblings live the swinger lifestyle.
Simply acquire fortune, sister.
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>No other short girls insight
Am I forced to roll for green miku?
>HSR getting a collab
Who would you like to see a collab with, if there HAD to be one and you were in charge?
Personally picrel, would be fun as fuck to see Billy and Travis geeking out about weeb/power ranger shit.
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I-I knew that
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Why would you ever talk about shit you don't know anything about?
stay silent next time.
They're bi until proven straight.
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>he doesn't fengshuimaxx
>he doesn't read tarot cards to tell him which is the optimal farm for the day
luck is a skill, git gud
>doesn't actually answer or prove anything
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Please stop posting this image of my little sister.
It makes me incredibly horny and i need to start gooning every time i see it.
>No comeback
Like I thought.
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The only guy fucking Zhu Yuan is inspector Bringer. Classic WM-AF couple. Can't resist the BWC. Anything else is cope, verification not required.
probably 1st
s11 wants piper/lucy ideally
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literally everybody ask me for sauce on the girl whenever I post this gif.
I have no fucking idea, I just like the reaction.
>I need to see them proven straight
So you want to hear all about their boyfriends and part sex affairs, cuck?
What about me, a white male?
roru rumao
I see so you don't know what you are talking about
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I didn't make the comparison to Yelan, the other anon did. I simply said Yelan IS like Kafka, only without the more compassionate parts and distilled down to the shitty risk-loving mommy dommy shit. At least read the whole context before replying.

That guy's not me. You can see what I replied with here, there are a few reasons she's deeper (critically "deeper", not "deep", still pretty shallow) >>487144963
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oh gog
Thanks bro. I just hit SD7.
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there is...an outlet
Everyone is straight by default unless proven otherwise though, just like real life.
>c/u/ck projecting
Is your chin square enough?
Basically any Trigger/Gainax property since the devs are clearly fans. Panty and Stocking especially since the new season is coming out. Or hey something completely out of nowhere like a Dead Leaves collab lol
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yeah that's like most of the playerbase right?
That's not how it works, you're the one who claim that kafka is a shallow character so you have to prove it, which you obviously can't because you're a secondary.
Female agent that gives the best gawk gawk?
Bringer can't get an erection because of the steroids
Alright, I bite the bullet and say it. Edgerunner.
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Shut up anby, go do some part-time at a burger joint to help nicole earn some extra money
Sorry to burst your bubble anon but played HSR since day 1 and did her quest. You know... the one where she tells you she's your mommy and your destinies are alighned
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What IS Anby's brand of autism? What are some other characters like her? IDK if it's just her voice actor killing it, but she's funny as hell and that kind of blunt, extremely forthright blurting out of shit is really dumb and charming. I dunno, Rei and co. just don't scratch the same itch, it's a different kind of quiet autism.
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Funny video bros
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Nicole, Soldier 11, Rina
>just like real life.
Kek typical normalfag thinking. "But what about muhhh realism" You will never understand otakus.
Stop posting incest. That’s immoral
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How does this system work? If you pair characters from the same faction together, they get bonuses. But you can also pair characters of the same element?
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Would you dare?
She's what would usually be the typical "android girl" character-type.
yes, that is for the current characters. don't know how it will with upcoming ones
depends on the core passive, new characters require a specific agent type (eg. stun/attack/support) instead of element
goofy unmasked autism, eg. no expectation of adhering to social convention
within similar aesthetics:
>jet set radio
>street fighter
>persona (EOS aside)
less expected/surprises:
>just dance
>the one where she tells you she's your mommy
well that's the thing anon she's not. go google her quest real quick to save face.
feeding her? sure
Help me god, I would. Even if I risk her clamping down when she falls asleep mid-blowjob.
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Why is she like this?
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Its moral if my cock likes it
>hrtroon thinks omnipandering means everyone is gay
Back to your Faggots Gate 3 tumblrina.
Are you six years old pausing Smash in the middle of a game to look at the funny models
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Is anby the herta of ZZZ
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Fucking retard has no idea about what he's shilling
NTA but she did literally raise TB and teach them everything they know, from basic common sense to combat skills. She's definitely the closest thing to a parent TB will ever have.
You're confusing it with the wrong answer about being her genetic child.
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>40% off
just ask Nicole to join, she'd never pass a good deal
>she's going to be a boss
I hope she's Neko's antognist
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Yeah, they've just never endeared me in the same way she's managed to. The android girls are usually way too mean-spirited or just boring. Anby is like the quiet one in your friend group who interjects with the best timed joke/dunk in the world, she strikes a balance between earnestly caring about and respecting her friends and being a mega-autist incapable of holding back her thoughts.
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>makes a mess of his sisters bed
>doesn't even clean up in the morning
Is Wise .. a bad onii-chan?
Or does he lack the strength in the morning?
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I unironically want a BNA collab.
Either persona 4 or gridman, since both involve the mc going inside a monitor and both are retro themed (crt tvs and flip phones are retro now).
Bro this answer is a lie
yes but it was obvious anon was talking about her lie see >>487146260
classic case of not playing le game
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I think this has gotta be it. See this post, you pretty much summed up what I wasted a ton of words attempting to describe in detail.
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What's a good option for Soldier 11? I have BP weapon ready to be picked.
This would actually be pretty fitting.
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He said it himself, he doesn't bother tidying up her bed because she makes it messier to spite him.
invest in starlight engine
that's the fucking truth or lie part dumbass, she also claimed to be a knight of beauty which is obiously a lie
The just get BP, since you have nothing better
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Belle and Serene mommy RP when?
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embarrasing secondary....
Play dohna dohna
It doesn't matter if the answer was the lie or truth, it's obvious why they put that there. Because her whole personality is "le sexy dommy mommy". No one has yet to show any depth to her personality besides "she cares about her friends" which is every character in every game
Anby is, essentially, just a tomboy. And tomboy's are awesome.
You guys are gay as FUCK!
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hey what's the best way to catch up another team? I Finally got Ellen and now I need to catchup my Ellen Lycaon and Soukaku. my team before was Piper,Nicole,Neko.
>Talk to the people in the alley behind your shop
>talk to the scared lady in the same spot
Why yes, I did do that at that age. Was cool and funny as fuck bro
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So for slot one of the disc drive, the main stat will always be HP, so in that case I just have to focus on the substats being the relevent ones like crit damage/rate/etc?

And the music shop lets you what, re-roll a disc drive you have to get different substats?
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Any good mod to replace her spats with her thong, like they had in the beta, while keeping the skirt? The shitty upskirt mod on banana also shortens her skirt, which makes her look trashy
Calm down Ben
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man, fuck those little riot shield niggas
>anons are now learning how to play with Rina
lmfao retards, told you since day 1 she is the most overpowered unit in the game, not only with support
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Uh, oh Kafkafag melty
is actually meant for >>487146795
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Is it gay, to fuck your butler?
Why is there no art of futa ellen with shark cock(s)? I thought this was a furry game?
I only brought it up because your video brought back a memory of my buddy and I playing Smash back in high school and being forced to play with a six year old who proceeded to do just that
sharks don't have cocks
would asscop work well with anomaly?
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is actually meant for >>487145687
There is, but we can't post it.
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why are star rail trannies trying to shill their game?
I'm not going to play your fucking "space" wuxia gamrle
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Yes that's right. Slot 1 is HP only, Slot 2 is ATK only, Slot 3 is DEF only. Slot 4,5 and 6 have random main stats though (from a limited pool which is different per slot)

Its not rerolling, you're creating a brand new disc (and you can dismantle spare ones). You want to find discs with desirable sub stats, level them and pray the level ups land on the correct substats.
>she has sex
>her name is... porno
b-bravo kojimbo
>battle pass ends in 20 days
>already at level 45
Like genshin and hsr, there are discs which mainstat is fixed. Slot one two and three will always be HP ATK and DEF. So you want to have a really good roll on the sub since you already removed one RNG from the pool which is getting the right mainstat. The other 3 slots have RNG mainstat so you need to roll the right one before gambling the sub.
Bardic needle lets you salvage unwanted discs for materials which you can use to craft a disc. There are two choices, one which will craft a random disc for a random slot, and another lets you pick which slot you want but the stat will still be random. There are items you can get usually from events and bp which lets you pick the mainstat you want, but this item is incredibly rare and should be used sparingly.
SMT, but for it to really fit with ZZZ would have to be SMT 1, 2, 4 or Dx2
Devil Survivor could also work
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remember to pull for Quingyi
Please post the sauce anon!
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Are the boopon safe to blow whenever?
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Here you go lil bro
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this shit takes too long
but then I won’t be able to pull for the rato
Nevermind reverse image search worked for once!
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A challenger appears!
No, but you could try deleting one or two files, one of them has to shorten the skirt, so just getting rid of it should fix it
is actually meant for>>487142861, >>487143084, and >>487145838,
Reminder that incest is only immoral if its straight incest because it can lead to deformed babies, gay incest has 0 problems
Miyabi is gonna be this games resident town bycicle, huh?
There might be new boos for future factions
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Yes, unless you want the new one. Then you might wanna save.
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Is this any good? Also what the fuck is 'attribute counter effect' and how do I trigger it?
I'm starting to think that stunners are the true main DPS
All forms of sibling incest are good.
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thanks for making me google "shark penis"
what does this guy do
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Hey anons can I get raped if I play Belle and I'm walking around Lumina Square at midnight?
isn't that the designated anime for trannies though?
that last part is no longer true, you cant double dip on main stats
dealls 50% more damage against niggers
Thats how it literally works legally in many countries. Normalfags are even more fucked up than schizos on 4chan.
no prob
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Nope. Officer Mewmew makes personally sure of that!
There's nothing about him yet
Okay, done.
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is she the Ayaka of ZZZ?
his leaked kit just has him do physical damage burst and nothing else, but it’s very underwhelming and might be different when he officially drops
>Was seeing some leaks and the nun is part of a cult faction
Oh shit I wonder when we will get the cultists
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Anon this isn't Degrees of Lewdity
You don't want your stunners to be dps though
the more impact they have the less time they spend on field
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he's fun
content drought...
Yes, you might run into Corin.
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the answer is no, anon.
Belle is so cute but damn I hope we get skins for her, I'm not a fan of her outfit.
BASED, that's why Wise should fuck Zhu instead of his sistah.
I'll throw Qingyi a few bones if Zhu won't suck me dry
I'm 100% certain about skipping Ratto
What video tape do I recommend to the Nostalgic Girl?

She's been cucking me out of my dennies for 3 days now
I never even looked at that, just at which disks roll which main stats
>post about who gives the best head
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Just stay on field after stunning
It's not Nihility what is it
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Thanks, I get it now, I actually get it, now it's time to sink all my battery recharges into grinding
herta is like anby + grace
she should have cute pink animal panties
Return to Giallo City
pretty sure she has a translation issue or something because it doesn’t fit the prompt
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You do realize that enemy takes less damage if you hit it from the front?
We have to wait and see if she dances in water first.
Soil something under retro
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What do you buy every day at the store?
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Anby is the Anby of zzz
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What stats to prioritize for Anomaly characters? Do they need their attribute DMG bonus too or anomaly damage just scales with ATK?
Thanks! This one worked.
Most teams have a particular character they want to be on field at any given moment and switching for the same of switching is then actively harmful. Especially right now when nobody has damage built on supports so talent damage teams have a single character with any investment and the other 2 are just cheerleading
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>still 2 more days
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Less daze too. It's like the combined two brain cells of Lycaon players diluted into a Webm.
God, I hope Nuezou draws Zhu Yuan but he doesn't play oyohim games
Needs undies that say Paethon.
Yeah, because the dialogue afterwards implies its a movie her grandpa must have played in.
I only buy plating agent nowadays to save dennies
Everything that costs dennies except the red disk xp
>not allowed to have fun
But the immorality IS the good part, the thrill of pumping inside your sibling knowing there's a decent chance of siring a monster baby adds to the pleasure, kinda like suspension bridge effect.
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Ellen is so cute
Just started this game and got Nekomata and Soldier 11 in the same pull... Which one of the two would be better to build for starter account as my 2nd team?
I'll pull for cop girl on next banner for my main team, for what is worth.
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>Go to 6th street
>Go to city square
>Go to any alleyway
>Sit at the coffee shop to enjoy a drink
>Stay at home and don't leave your room
>Raped (Wise felt horny)
Yeah, I can see why
that commission made me sad
this game needs to stop with the bangboo abuse
>Ahem. Attention New Eridu citizens! There's been some strange rumors floating around in New Eridu. A strange and unknown cult seems to be roaming the city late at night. Their members dress in red and black attire, and carry with them a very remarkable symbol: a barred eye with three tears. If you spot them or get approached, please flee to safety and report them to the authorities.
Here's the leak text
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Have all the fun you like, just... Try to be somewhat effective atleast.
Does anyone know what kind of weapon Lighter uses? I remember animations getting leaked for Caesar and Lucia, but not him.
Are you overflowing with xp?
She's jank without Mindscape 2 bro, just go with Nicole. Very flexible support.
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>for the SAKE of switching
I do not want to switch, please fuck off
is it worth upgrading all your shiyu team to lv50 or dps only?
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Wise, explain to me why is your dick is rainbow colored?
realistically what enemies even let you hit them from behind that arent shit mobs?
s11, nekomata really wants c1 and her sig engine to do damage. s11 you just need to practice timing your inputs. Lucy and Piper or Koleda and Ben are her best teams right now.
This. The only thing that could improve Belle/Wise, is if there was someone who could find out.
>I gotta save for idols AND sex nuns now
god fucking dammit
None of them are using real names in the story
his cock
that's not how incest works btw, you can have a child with your mother/sister/wathever there won't be any birth defects or malformations it's only when the entire bloodline is tainted by incest that this shit happens.
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Belle please use your bed to sleep on like a normal person
I see thanks. I got Lucy and Ben too (no Piper so far).
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>go too fast
>die of random falling bullshit
>go too slow
>die to bullshit fuel drain
>expected to go to 600 and get 180,000 points without being hit once
Cool game
Where do I take a peep,
Fist weapon, apparently. There is a animation leak.
Punch guy, seems like a KOF homage
is there an actual achievement for getting all the chievos in these minigames?
Anyone have both furry and koleda? How do they compare in harder content like SD
Don't buy anything its a trap!
So is there a follow up quest for the ??? guy one the payphone on 6th street? I talked to him multiple times in the morning and now he's gone
Arcade games were made to be rage fuel. To drain kids of their coins. They were more predatorily designed than gacha.
show roster
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How long until we get a character with weapon/style switching?
is street superstar good for anyone or just scrap it for resources?
Practically all (some of the human enemies have a snappy turn rate...) who whiff their attacks or you use any form of counter to stun them (or use Attribute weakness). There is a stagger threshold in the game outside Daze too, which gives you a chance to reposition. Doesn't mean you need to shove Anton's drill into every mobs ass, but you've got plenty of options on avoiding or hitting shit from plenty of angles when you wallop them decently.
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not exactly, there's always an inherent risk for less notorious repercussions like heart and blood ailments, 1st generation incest kids are just kind of sickly but nothing really noticeable, i know because one of my friends is the product of incest between father and daughter, he grew up thinking his mom has his sister and his dad his granpa, im surprised he didn't break down when he was told the truth
2 days
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2 patches
>finish maxing my HZ investigation points or whatever for the week
>still halfway through the commissions
suck my balls niggerfuckfaggotshitfacefuck
he looks even more like a homo than seth
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>87 pulls from a guaranteed Zhu
how lucky do I have to get to be able to also pull the rat?
2 hours
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any other art site like pixiv or danbooru for r18 arts?
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if rat is the 2nd banners from zhu maybe
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>another free 10 pull event
it seems we are absolutely feasting my fellow zoners
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Zhu yuan is straight and for (Me)
And that's why he is S rank
https://x.com/hourlylighter/status/1814151943406653879 think this person has all the animation leaks
Knotboy has a 35% Stun dmg multiplier, he's better by default because he's like a stunner+support.
>weaknesses: ice, ether
>weaknesses: ice, ether
>weaknesses: ice, ether
>weaknesses: ice, ether
fuck off
this, fucking pos game
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What were they thinking
Buy chromes and gamble.
so rina is basically a rebel noble that loves rock or something?
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>free ten pulls are boopons
And this shit is so painfully low effort in all seriousness
Billy can clear S10 alone, so it doesn't matter
it's over, EOS
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I care
>runs an hourly [hoyo character] account
>is still actively promoting Lighter
>has #BOYCOTTHOYOVERSE in his name
these people are mentally ill
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>Ahem! Fuck Ni...!
why does hoyo keep doing this
no one cares about B rank engines
9 out of every 10 rolls are nothing but building pity
they should instead give tokens to play the arcade and have the arcade pay out tickets that you can redeem for materials to level up your agents/engines
I do.
>gay faggot is retarded
Are you surprised
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>"Watch your Step" event is tvslop
Funny how it's always "hourly, daily, weekly [Character]" accounts that are "boycotting"
There is no S10, it goes to 7, unless you mean the tutorial permanent one in which case Hahahahahhahaha.
Best way to get level up material? doing 4 characters to level 50 has drained all my investigator tapes and I don't want to spend energy getting more
cartel style execution for every faggot that post this pic
Yeah and its another kino minigame. Cant wait. The ice/cant step more than once puzzles in pokemon were always fun
She fucks black men exclusively tho
that's called a bounty hunter
a very defenseless and revenge plappable one at that
she's an elf she can take it
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>”Watch your Step” event is tvkino
>breaks into your bedroom
>sucks your dick
>refuses to elaborate
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That's my girl!
This is still more event than 1.0 genshin and hsr.
since she’s a rat does she like dick cheese?
crit set on Zhu Yuan right?
The idea looks fun, will depend of the level design.
TVs have been the best part of events for now anyways so i will gladly take more.
What is going F2P but an extended boycott where the company is wasting resources on your enjoyment with nothing in return for them?
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I think I like this game
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What disks does soldier11 want? Im using Her, lucy, and piper for disorder.
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one guy got his dick crushed in her palm, another had his pelvis shattered under her ass
I'll never financially recover from this
this was a side gig of her so Victoria House Keeping is not compensating either
the fire set and a 2pc woodpecker
why the fuck would mihoyo care about their boycott if they are f2p?
kill yourself
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h-hey guys here's my new cutie wife after ellen in 3 days, say hi to her
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M1 Nicole is an anomaly unit in disguise.
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When is the feet pandering character coming up?
>Fire set
Wouldn't Piper get rid of burn too quickly for it to matter?
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Favorite stage intro?
it’d be fine if he was just playing the game
but actively promoting and sharing information about the game while you’re supposedly boycotting it is dumb
it’d be like boycotting Toyota then retweeting Toyota ads
they are both to be all over my dick
this is a harem bait you retarded twitter tranny
I'm too busy clearing Tacet Discords with my Changli in Outer Huanglong.
Sunbringer wouldn't stand for this
your wife is very pretty, you must be a lucky man
Is polygamy legal in New Eridu?
not really if you proc assault first then go for burn
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assault disorder porbably would fuck with it.
Could always go 2 2 2 with fire, crit, atk
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I like Nicole's smug intro.
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>Red Fang's leader was called Miguel
>Most of their members were brown
>They all came from a favela-esque place
Nekomata is actually a Japanese Brazilian girl with a Japanese mother and a black (Brazilian) father
isn’t it only 2 days?
Which one's better for Anby?
I thought steam was better because of Energy Regen, but then i saw someone saying Energy Regen and Energy Generation Rate are two different things.
either the loli cougar or the maid mommy would unironically be therapeutic for him
"just" playing f2p isn't a real boycott either because you're still contributing to the player stats for investors and, most importantly, it means you can't actually live without the product you're "boycotting"
>Have to build up burn again from scratch in every rotation
Sounds like a dps loss every time Soldier 11 is onfield.
What in the Ding dong bing bong is that?
use normal discord bro
Energy Regen % affects the passive energy regen, Energy Generation Rate is the energy gained from hitting enemies
Sounds like 4pc woodpecker is better for a disorder team
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I'm boycotting hoyoverse by playing ZZZ 10 hours a day since release
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They need to chill with the events
At this rate they're gonna use everything up and 1.1 will be dry as hell
what combat level allows me to skip time the easiest?
Sooo.... sex?
she could wing it with an electric guitar at some point thanks to general understanding of instruments IIRC
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Wait a fucking minute, this won has FOUR substats? They can have FOUR?

So I need to make sure the substats are relevant to my character, AND have 4 instead of 3 stats?

Good god.
4pc Ether, 2pc Crit
first hoyo game?
honestly for the most part you just want 1 or 2 good substats and hope you hit the good upgrades
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What does she have against burgers? Does she hate burgers because of Anby, or does she hate Anby because of burgers?
S ranks can have 3 or 4 substats at level 0
if they have 3 then they will the 4th at level 3
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>I didn't do 15 clears of HZ every week since release
cat food
I played Genshin for years, this kind of min maxing is not required.
AnomalyGODs are already at 90% peak performance with just main stats
I have no idea who this is
some marvel character?
>this won has
Did you just slip a japanese accent into your post
it's very situational
your support needs to have the element the target is weak to
I played E7 before Genshin released and it was the same dogshit
>Anby likes junk food (like burgers) because she’s broken free from the military and doesn’t have to be disciplined anymore
>S11 hates junk food (like burgers) because she’s still under the military’s thumb and needs to be a good and disciplined soldier
high cuisine delicacy
The rain...
gonna be hard to beat
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>my 4th Corin from standard banner
she loves me
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>if they have 3 then they will the 4th at level 3
Oh okay, thanks for letting me know
search Homelander

Superman but psychotic and has massive mommy issues
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>Japanese Brazilian
no wonder why I like her.
I WILL get all the cop bitches
ZZZ widget when?
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I will too but I might have to swipe
>it is another yuritranny vs anti-yuri schizo shitflinging thread
Are you two the same mentally ill retards in every gacha general? Get a room already you obnoxious faggots
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The Wolf Comes (Inter-Knot Commission)
Help me bwos... I'm trying to save, and Grace is my only 5* so I had to assemble a makeshift 2nd Team. Are these comps good enough to S the endgame or should I just blow my guarantee on a proper damage dealer?
Gata dos Tijolos vai fazer você perder o cinquenta cinquenta a não ser que você deixe ela chupar teu pau
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saraba da
also she's a thief so it checks out
Are you pulling Zhu Yuan?
this so hard, seth self-insert godchads win again
darkies are so fucking ugly, why do they keep polluting my games
Not gonna get far like this. Grace, Anby, Anton can work. But Anton 'needs' a shock applier. Do you have Piper?
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is ZZZ worth coming back to?

i stopped playing at around interknot level 30 after the inital hype ended
>rolling for LGBT p*lice
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
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shark bwos?
she can't be Brazilian, she can't double jump
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Whats up?
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remember when ZZZ was new? the memes were soulful and the general was usable. now we're just another /hoyoslop/ on /vg/
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Luv my shork
cat is the strongest character in the game, invest in catcoin now
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what discs for Zhu Yuan? There's 2 4sets and 3 2sets that all look good on her.
ether and energy regen. Her disc domain gives both
>Bangboo rape porn
It was only a matter of time.
I'd argue Woodpecker over energy regen. The energy regen discs are good for lots of agents though
>level 40 seal missions can drop 0 purples
Is this shit actually worth doing?
no, go back to where you're from
>log in
>remember I have to play hollow zero at least 7 times this week
>log out
kill yourself dawei, lower this shit to 1 already you fuck
She needs %Attack IMO. Probably a 2-Piece.
I'm considering it, but ideally I would want to save for the virtual idol agents
A missing piper is really damaging my potential, so I'm hoping she shows up on the shop. I may have to exchange Grace for Anton and see how it goes if he can't self sustain
>bangboo rape
Hes just the hypnotiser. You can see two men in the final frame
It's insane how random gacha shit like this have community of leakers. I thought leaks only happen for AAA games
Every crit-based dps wants woodpecker 2p until you hit the right crit ratio at least. If you got that, either ATK% or Energy%. Whatever fits into your playstyle. And 4p Ether, obviously.
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>Out of batteries
>50 poly for only 60 energy is a complete rip off (Even if it was 240 energy it would be hard to swallow)
>Just want to farm mats
>Gata dos Tijolos vai fazer você perder o cinquenta cinquenta a não ser que você chupe o pau dela
You need to get them somehow. Agent level is massively important.
>get her friendship event
>It would be really weird to find porn mag in your room master proxys, not like it would hapens
Corin is a huge pervert
ok well I'm definitely not going energy regen. Ether looks good, I just realized the bonus 5.5% you get might be crit damage, I thought it was corruption damage and kind of mid. But if it gives 53% crit damage total that's kind of insane.

I wouldn't be surprised if puffer beats out woodpecker, especially because you already have def shred with Nicole. The fact there's flat pen in this game just makes def ignore in general kind of broken.
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>I'm considering it, but ideally I would want to save for the virtual idol agents
You're not gonna have fun waiting for that long bro. They didn't even have a real name yet, its gonna take until the end of this patch cycle at the earliest.
>A missing piper is really damaging my potential
Yeah, she is a big lynchpin in a lot of cope comps too. Consider building Corin for your second team and Making Grace/Anton your dps carry in the other one. Although Grace can do the job herself, especially in a distortion team.
Genshin is a global phenomenon, it's not that weird
that's gonna be a def senpai
where do you actually get disks from? I got the tutorial and they gave me the 4 stun disks but I don't see some way to farm them in VR or anything
Monster and Weirdo really is the best stage to farm discs.
Ether set for Zhu Yuan, Swing Jazz for Nicole
clean-ups which you unlock later on
What does this have to do with genshin? ZZZ and genshin are two different games
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Gonna be a flat def fampai
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>her black father abandoned her
>Miguel, her adoptive father, was albino and that's why people called him Miguel "Silver"
>she only cared about him and didn't hold back when she had to attack her old brown friends
Nekomata hates niggers
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I really like Anby's silly little combos.
>go on date with grace
>go to her workplace and lift boxes for the day
legendary proxy phaethon is a fucking simp bros
i mean, how else are you supposed to get lvl up mats? it's scummy but it's the best there is.
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Just bond with her and you actually get to know how it feels.
Steam still has more impact bonus
I just burnt all my batteries on disc grind, none had good stats, so all that and I got nothing to show for it

same dev, some of the community is obviously going to spill over
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I'm gonna kms
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This quest is fucking amazing. Why cant they make TV sections like this instead of the slop that is the usual?
I am becoming increasingly demoralized by all the left clicking
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You fell for it. I warned you bwo...
Any of the A+ alternatives is better for Anby because of her Sig's very limited Impact Bonus.
how she looks when i teaser her over her panties..
I'm gonna fucking burn my betteries on ZY mats probably
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No one warned me!!
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Whats the point of these characters
Welcome to post-genshin world. Genshin changed everything!
honestly it's just normal for leaks to exist, Solo leveling arise has a leak community, some people speculate it's all done by companies themselves to drum up hype and future excitement without having to polish or pormise anything.
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I want ZZZ to succeed because I get my dose of anthromorphed waifus in ZZZ. HSR plays it way too safe and only does fox girls and robot guys.
My dick.
free sex
This hidden room is unavailable or quite rare after u get past the newbie zero modes fortunately
the box clearing one?
>50 poly for only 60 energy
Yeah this seems super fucking jewish, is this the norm for gacha? shouldnt currency give a full recharge
if you rape them they'll be too shy to report that to the police
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I don't even care about full recharge, but it should atleast give 100
i really don't get discs.
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Protect them from rapists.
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what's his problem?
The Disc Grind is explicitly designed to be the long burn treadmill when there's nothing else in particular to do. I don't think it's worth rushing unless you've got a specific goal with a deadline in mind.
>is this the norm for gacha?
It is now.
This would've been nice with distortion off
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stop giving me def [5] disk u nigger robot, AAAAAAAAAAH
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whats my a rank gonna be bwos?
pray for lucy
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Thoughts on this brown elf?
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>moid cuck cope
she is already taken btw
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Could be better but finally got a disc with no +1 into retarded meme stats
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lucky you the kot is coming
>is this the norm for gacha?
No not really. They pass it off as disincentivizing their chink players from playing less than their government mandated 2 hours.
>Why yes, I AM a social pariah who never had a real life friendship. How could you tell?
too late I already fucked ZY and now she is strictly dickly
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>character calls friend on phone to dump exposition
>MtF thinks it's about sex
Touch grass
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this quest doesn't start for me yet for some reason
I need to do something?
More of this?
robospin the slot, bruh
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>ass shot everytime on wipeout screen
What did they mean by this
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I dunno if the guy who wanted the Ellen chatbot is still here, but it's done, and huge as fuck. She has four greetings, truncated for not taking up the whole thread with their schpeal:
>LAZY as hell, flops into bed with you
>PREGNANT as hell, experiencing REALISTIC SHARK PREGNANCY and being VERY DEMANDING about food
>HUNGRY as hell in God Finger when you bring out your steak lunch
>HIPSTER as hell when browsing at Bardic Needle togethe on a date and making fun of the music

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>moid cope
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>yurichud mass replying
if someone came up to me when I was on the phone and started bothering me i'd have the same reaction.
To reproduce with and watch her have a mini-melty every time the baby cries
Shouldn't be the case, you should just get the quest marker in the noodle shop
Not that anon but gonna give this a go, thanks
>literal twittertranny post
Can you make your retarded bait any more obvious?
Why is always the honkaitroon the one obsessed with homosexuality?
and then you woke up in your bed shitted and pissed like all moids do.
>the MtF only has one insult
because it's a homo game.
I hate Soukaku’s voice but I got her to C6 and she’s actually really fun
build up her wengine stacks and she hits like a truck
it unlocked at IK39
I'm IK42 already
I think shits bugged
what's a moid
speak in plain english
uh oh melty
she have a photo of miyabi, they are confirmed lesbians.
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Ayy, nice! Be sure to say yes to importing the lorebook, all models know NOTHING about ZZZ, so having a basic rundown of the Victoria Employees and what Hollows/Ethereals are is critical.
>I hate Soukaku’s voice
switch to JP voice
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what bangboo should I go for with this? Amilion? bangvolver? pray I get lucy and grab rocket?
S11 and Billy (and obviously anby) have their signature engines
I have a photo of my schoolmates that doesnt mean im a crap compactor like you, mtf higger
R5 sig + C1 gives 39.5% energy gain though, isn't that good?
Fuck, I hate this early part of gacha game
I wish I could comprehend the mental gymnastics needed to come to this conclusion lmfao
Now I understand everyone is so against yuriposters and why they are said to ruin fanbases.
keep coping btw
>moving goalposts
cope straggot
I'd wait a bit longer and see what else you build. But if you insist, get Bangvolver/Rocket. Unless you really want to build a Hare's comp.
wait until you exhaust your standard pulls, you still have a good chance to get lucy and the rest of the 4* and their engines
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>lycaon furfaggot
>posts fan art he likes and respects other posters
this is why everyone hates yuritrannies
>retard cant comprehend the concept of photos with friends
Confirmed friendless loser.
Femoid basically means "not a female" like how factoids arent facts and meteoroids aren't meteors. It referred to mtf trannies. Truncating it and using it to refer to straight males makes zero sense as you've noticed, it's basically just schizophrenia.
Zhu if she was a good character
I thought all honktroons made themselves taller after hi3 2.0 flopped
I don't think you understand a word of what you just said
RQ, maybe give it a redownload, updated it with more critical world info.
honkaifags ruin everything
>Femoid basically means "not a female"
Its from "android" you fucking retard. How the fuck can you be too new and retarded for not even half a decade old normalfag /pol/ slang?
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>do trust level 4 with Corin
>a bit short compared to others, but sweet and she truly thanks us for our friendship
>this is the name of the achievement
Was Hoyo in on the Bully Corin meme the whole time?
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>the /bag/ scat spammer is a yurifag
>The /alg/ BBC spammer is a yurifag
>The /nikg/ cuckfag is also a yurifag
>The gig/hsrg shizos are yurifags from /a/
>the worst zzz poster is a yurifag
Are you underage? How can you know this little about english roots? I'm sorry about your retardation.
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>stelletroons get btfo the exact moment they are forced to play as wise their born gender they are trying to forget
>now they are forcing their yuritroon delusions into miyabi and zhu for being high school friends
I keep trying to see if his storyline would progress but nothing's happened. I'm IK41 too so I guess it's safe to assume it won't happen this patch?
im not letting your bullshit slide grace!
miyabi and zhu are lesbians since high school, yes.
600/20 is just 30 rolls, so is just better get a weapon for u s characters than rolling 30 and just get 3 A-gents
You seem to be very weirdly tsundere to Grace, considering in some events you have no problem letting her manhandle Eous and in others you act as if she is gonna dissect him.
Holy fucking newfag LMAOOOOO
Androids literally fit into the same group of not being "andro" but still resembling "andro" which is literally how the word was made.
HAHAHAHAHA exposed as a retard in one post, so pathetic.
>mole forgotten
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>expected to go to 600 and get 180,000 points without being hit once
don't know if that is the cheevo I'm thinking about. but the nr. 1 rank of NA or whatever region said on reddit that it's impossible
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you know I used to buy tranny's delusion about wanting to be a woman, genuinely

then I saw one irl and yeah it's just their brain being fucked from jacking off too much, ugly both in look and attitude

remember to rape Quingyi
I fucking told you guys to stop posting this image because it makes me hard every time I see it please stop it
Please stop posting your stupid fucking agenda.
You are the only person who thinks this way, because you are delusional. Touch grass.
Women can be friends, but I understand why you may not understand that since you probably don't have any.
small indie game company outsourcing character writing to new delhi, please understand
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just report and ignore nigga
Maybe stop feeding the troll?
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>still waiting
Nice .. grats anon...
does soukaku core skill help with her buff? im level 50 and its still at level A
anon you must have talked to him already. Go to the construction site and talk to pepper and see if it changes anything. If that doesnt work submit a ticket to hoyo explaining the bug.
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Me (Miyabichad) and my friends (Zhuchads) all join together in stomping on the necks of fragile yuri trannies.
futa faggots are the most obnoxious retards in internet, they only get content because poor artists need money in the same way furry get but the only difference is that furries for some reason are rich and futa faggots are 3rd world poor shits looking for free.
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>All the cute fatties here
Forget shork, I'm gonna have a field day with these. Holy based.
Which character will be the best in bed and which one will be the worse?
miyabi and zhu both hate moids though and will never cooperate with them.
I hope all furries itt are having an absolutely miserable afternoon.
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the moment when I see her in the story standing there and the street I pulled down my pant and, like a monkey, start jacking off furiously and came in an instant, then I sent a thank you email to mihoyo after that

waterkuma is a bleesing
>figured out the Snake Duel meta
>every game looks like this now
Good event but I feel like I solved the game, once you get to 80~100 you can just loop off a huge chunk of the board
It is really fun to corral your opponents into double kills though, hope we get more arcade game events with a twist or something.
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yeah I'm fucking them both so is all cool
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>2 hours
WHO the FUCK thought this was a good idea?
which of the battlepass engines should I pick?
I don't really need any of them as it is right now
all of them also seem worse than most other A rank engines
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>which of the battlepass engines should I pick?
Lips > Rotor > whatever the support one is called
Will this game go the path of Genshin and pander to fujos? I loved that game and it makes me really sad at its current state.
at least the trashcan is nice enough to give you a warning, unlike k*nd bear or r*st
Its actually more in theory, because it has multiple endings. Enjoy your JRPG kino.
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Anby Nicole
Zhu Yuan Miyabi
Those are the cannon couples
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My brothers, may your rolls be blessed with cop butts
it doesnt take 2 hours unless youre a brainlet
>play normie game
>normie get pandered
we have a pedo lead artist and furGODs so I hope not
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every time she does this I start compulsively masturbating
Yes it will by releasing one male for every 5 females
better stop playing now if you don't wanna turn gay
That's what you get for saying such things to a police officer
It annoys me that I have soucocku C6 but there’s no change to her fit,
meant for >>487155919
Switch to Chinese, it has stats for him. Just google translate.
You are about to witness KINO of the HIGHTEST ORDER nigga
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congrats rinabro
Miyabi's autistic sword obsession is an implicit form of cocklust
Energy gain is only good to the degree that it allows you to have EX Special(where the majority of her stun lies) available. That energy is only doing something for you if you're converting in into additional EX Specials via more field timr. But she already has energy replenishment elsewhere in her kit, and thus this feels like overkill to me. The other options simply give more stun straight-up to get your DPS on the field faster.

Maybe with your team that Regen will let you hit a breakpoint of one more Special that is critical. But I'm skeptical. It's something you could time against a training dummy though, and decide for yourself. See which stuns faster against a could different enemies.
Do you lose your unused merits at the monthly reset?
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I will just submit the ticket
>all of them also seem worse than most other A rank engines
because they are
I think the only one that's not absolutely terrible is the defense one, and that's only if you plan to use it on seth
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poor Seth
barely in the promo material
rat wife spotted
So we do get story patches constantly
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On the topic of energy regen. Is lucy's sig really better for Rina over [Reverb] Mark II (it gives 16 anomaly mastery when using any attack)?
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>Decide to give it a go despite it being 5 gorllion tokens and having clearly fetish intros
>Actually very cute and a lot of fun
Sorry I doubted you, bwo, this is actually pretty well written. Why are there only three greetings, though?
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>tired of waiting traveling mimo polychrome reset
>spend all on gacha
>get fuck all
>have 20 HSR coin
>get picrel
Way better unless you are lacking in Mastery for a Anomaly-based team.
I updated it... forgot to hit commit, oops...
how far into the game does the true gachaslop hell begin?
Thinking about it again, there isn't that many wide open window for anby to do her normals anyway. Maybe I'll stick to steam.
>hrtroon thread
someone please make another
>>spend all on gacha
>>get fuck all
did you even get anything at all? I only get 5 points back each time that's why I stopped doing it
>seth doesn't do anything
lazyass motherfucker
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All of cunning hares are non-virgins
All of Belobog industries are virgins

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