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Previous: >>487152992

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Resonator Showcase | Changli — SEIZE THE INITIATIVE

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


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>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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Wuwa won (as usual)
a must watch for /wuwa/
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Bird wife!
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how the fuck do you fags have so much crit rate
Why did kusogames have to make this tower so tanky, I have to put skills into my spectro rover now
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Your damage reports?
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>use the ult in a cramped room
>camera freaks out
>got this frame tho
worth it
How did this entire community get ass fucked by a single black guy?
Post only cute birbwives.
>zoo yuan
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Damage report anchor
kys yourself
There are retards here that actually enjoy the current state of echo farming, and are willing to spend countless hours with terrible drop rates and low rng.
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Can any one stitch this picture with some Changli's for(you) moment?

Need something that has the maximum humiliating effect.
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Reposting mine again!
character that replaces verina when??
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I probably used all of my luck
Changli havers, do you regret pulling for her instead of Jinhsi? Really considering pulling on her.
dear God
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My weapon luck is pretty bad/mediocre, but I suppose I can't really complain
Probably the flattie in 1.3
Not in a long time
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Give me straight doc, how viable is this comp as a quick swap team?

I have test a lot of comp but nothing click so far for Changli
This anon had a shitty substat strategy and wasted time & resources
Ok guys, who won real talk?
Changloli ---- Changhag
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I have both but I don't regret either in the least, Jinhsi seems stronger right off the rip but Changli is more fun to play and seems a little more versatile and mobile.
Straight up replace? probably 3.0, we might get something better before that, but you can just keep using Verina on a different side until then
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I got Jianxin'd and got the wrong hag, but I now have an E6 Mortefi, E5 titcow and I don't remember the third character. What do I use them for?
Why the fuck is your Jianxin lv3?
She's probably one of the top three characters in your entire roster.
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I can't stop critting
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hags are ALWAYS better
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Saving til Phorolova, just gonna skip everything
The only 2 characters that fit Changli right now are Chixia and Taoqi.
Everyone else is cope DPS padding.
cute anon
to be nice somebody should make another version of this picture with Jinhsi in the room, just add all the sound effects in Spectro colors to signify Jinhsi getting pounded too.
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Her quest is fucking KINO. Esp this whole sequence. So are 1.1, which has been a huge improvement over 1.0.
I had doubts but I think I'm playing this game long term now.
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That'll be a really strong team with good investment.
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I don't because her signature weapon has crit dmg
Why not Havoc Rover? Why not Encore?
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>b-but she's not your wife, nothing confirms that
>she had hundreds of men, you're a le cuck!!!!!!!!!
>muh char could be good if it wasn't for (you) pandering, now it's shit eos soon
>don't pull for change she's a brick this is le hardcore game
>the game just copies genshit because they have a redhead too :^)
Does Changli Idles and attack/running JP lines sound scuffed for anyone else?
No, I like booba. But even with good to great echos, she can't carry in the new tower, which sucks. Makes me belief the brick rumors
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Imagine her milking prostate.
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where can I farm shells outside of the daily? You truly don't get enough credits as it is now...
meant for >>487176227
Wait she really can't 1-man tower? The fuck.
should I play changli with jianxin or baizhi?
verina is in my jinhsi team
>Fat Xiao's masterful writting of getting china to like scara is to make him your wingman
>Then write Nilou complaining
What's his goal?
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Are any of you who skipped Jinhsi for Changli's banner also regretful that you didn't pull for Jinhsi after recent tier lists have placed Changli below Jinhsi in DPS?
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We love femRover here bwo.
Changli is so soulful
>ground attack string
>aerial attack string
>outfit changes based on stacks
>two enhanced moves
>weapon with and without fire effect

we already got this game's HoS
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why are they melting now? Sure is not only about the red haired girl right. Just checked their general and it looks like a shitshow is happening
Why yes Havoc Rover? Danjin provides a much better buff.

Encore works I guess, but why would you set yourself up for powercreep like that?
They'll release a fusion Xiangli Yao and then Encore joins Calcharo on the bench
Metapig status?
who cares if she's 5s slower in autistic DPS tests?
Hoe of Sex?
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Their upcoming female unit got nerfed so hard that she's a brick now
This tower cycle feels a bit fucked up honestly, like floors that should be easier are harder, and floors that should be harder are too easy.
They are using 4 4 1 1 1 , don't be fooled
So, why is the game selling that good in Korea anyway? Didn't they do everything to appeal to the chinks?
Do korean like lolis?
so 4/4/1/1/1 is the way to go??? frick
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Absolute kino character quest, its the best one so far and its not even close.
>More Rover backstory
>Actually get to learn about how Changli grew up
>Gives you Changloli while doing it
>Her master basically groomed her for (You) which makes the Changloli interactions even better
>Phoenix feather basically acting like wedding rings
>For (You) kino towards the end with bonus points for using an NPC couple as a parallel
10/10, whoever came up with the idea of having Rover walk around with loli Changli during her backstory needs to get a fucking raise.
It's not. Just a cope set.
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personally I would choose monk wife, her Outro skill can buff the turkey considering how Changli Ultimate has over 1000% damage multiplier at lv 8
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Indeed. But
>giving attention to pag
the shell credit waveplate thing
It is not the way to go but it's how they are getting absurd cr numbers like 90%+
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Imagine using femRove lmao
>Extra dupes over S6 get voided
You can get over 100% CR with S2 Changli, too
I was gonna skip Jinhsi but caved because I got lion spooked at my first 10-pull on it when trying to get Danjin and her dupes, got her in a total of 40-50 I think now I have Changli and her weapon.

If anything, anyone who whaled on Jinhsi ruined the game for themselves, she nukes everything at S0 with a Helios Cleaver.
>Two sexy women on my screen
Yea, imagine
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are you using standard 5* sword? best i can do
>anyone who whaled on Jinhsi ruined the game for themselves
More like they just love the Magistrate that much. I don't blame them though, she's perfect.
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Find yourself a gf who looks at you the way Changli looks at FemRover.
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yeah but I just pulled her weapon so time to lose 22% of it
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>get jinhsi and her sig
>she's incredibly powerful... for 1 hit
>when she can't use that attack, she hits like verina
>building up to that one hit takes at least 20+ seconds (to get full forte)
>even when it is ready it takes another 5+ seconds to use because you have to do a full combo to let her enter enhanced state, then another full combo to let you use E once in it
>by the time you actually get forte charged and get into the dragon state and let E light up for use, the enemies are low enough its just a 50k+ overkill anyways so its kind of a waste
>going around farming overworld echoes to gear up my characters is a pain in the ass because of how easily things get desynced with her jank E
>just end up using yinlin to do all the killing anyways because I'd have to use her to charge jinshi anyways and she kills 75% as fast and has better general aoe
>then swap to jinshi once every 2-3 packs to delete one when she's actually ready to do her role of main DPS
>actually hate even doing echo farming because my 40m daily route takes me just under 70m with jinhsi/yinlin

>get changli
>just equip her with all the stuff I prefarmed and don't even read what any of her skills do or how to use her
>unga bunga button mash without a care
>every pack of echoes gets deleted mere seconds after being near it
>don't see the 75k+ I do on jinhsi, but she still feels like she's doing at minimum 5x the overall dps just on kill speed alone (because she does more than verina dps without her one real move)
>finish the 40m route I usually do for daily farm in 35m, literally half the time I'm used it
>tfw Jinhsi is still 'better' than changli on tier lists

Is Jinshi just really fucking bad at daily farming and general purpose content? Or is Changli really fucking good at it? Or am I just retarded and using Jinshi wrong or something?
Changli actually "feels like" what a main dps should. Jinhsi is still my favorite character but my god is she terrible outside her fully charge E.
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Biggest regret....

I thought this game was going to be like genshin where you constantly getting cucked, plus femrovers body is kind of hot.
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hoyo drones sure have been quiet today...
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cause they're sleeping
I just don't understand what is going on with Genshin. HSR just finished doing some of the most (You)pandering stuff that people have seen out of Mihoyo. ZZZ lets the protagonist have at least some flirty dialogue with agents while being incestuous with their sibling.
Genshin is like the odd one out.
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Can't you guys go at least 100 posts without mentioning genshin?
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Could she be any less subtle?
The problem with Jinhsi is that she has 2 ultimate moves so you're constantly locked in cutscenes, with Changli you're actually playing the game.
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>character that relies entirely on building up a long ass nuke
>heeey guys is it good when hitting mobs every 5 seconds
People actually play this game on keyboard?
My condolences
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She looks fire
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Birb > tiger
Leave that for the seamonkeys. You don't deserve your waifu.
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>don't speak about our affair with Rover
that's not bad tho???
Who is this semen demon?
I thought Changli was main dps...
wtf bros
Is there a difference with Changli????
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Not in public, dumb bird.
I think the genshin devs unironically hate their male player base. Like right now they are upset because the new half naked white haired girl is supposedly nerfed and a shitter now.
Level your Jianxin, she's good.
109 rolls per limited. Unironically very average luck and most people end up around the same after enough patches and rolling
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How to get exp outside of using waveplates haha... I want my sword.
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jade like beauty = snurge blade
birb = rimming energy
Why are her fingers so long?
idk bwos chiangli feels weaker than encore
especially in exploration
go back to launch and log in every day :)
>ZZZ lets the protagonist have at least some flirty dialogue with agents
While somewhat true, it usually ends in a cockblock from what I've seen.
I love the ongoing hoyofag humiliation ritual
>fire banner
>add fire immune enemies and scar to abyss
LMFAO what the fuck?
playing as one is hella gay thoughever
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You were today years old when you found out that Changli has i-frames on her skill.
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>rippa onee-san
Watch your tone stupid burb. I'm older than you and you werer groomed for me.
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>usually ends in a cockblock
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Zhezhi zhisters, did you secure your guarantee?
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>Got uber fucked by Jinhsi banner like 150 rolls or so
>Changli on the first single pull
God is real and he is benevolent
Give it a few days of dailies and you will get the sword
They paid the gremlin to play our game

>the blue rectifier of voyager is better than purple options
am I being gaslit or is this legit?
>Changli's quest
bravo Solon
will now roll her weapon even if it's a brick so i can make a cute&canon Changli+Rover team
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Just means Changli loves (You)
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Solon won.
Does Changli reacts differently to male Rover or fem Rover????
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no, i got changli s1 instead. wish me luck next time
bro you forgot your Encore
I don't have the pic, but Grace asks you for a hug but the sibling interrupts it before you can even hug her. Then it literally gives you a black screen with text saying "oh sorry, you won't be able to tell how the hug felt since your sibling appeared"
cool it with the anti-semitism christcuck...
Just read lmao
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Nice awoo-seeded account.
Find the tallest building in the yellow circle and climb on the roof, bird-brain.
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Ladies and gentlemen, may I have a bit of your time? On this day I just wanted to make a toast to us all, WuWon, thank you.
There's no flesh between the fingers. Try making that gesture.
It's not her middle finger is long, it's just impossible to position your ring finger and your middle finger like that because the skin between them will get in the way.
there are zero reasons to not use waveplates. maybe hold onto 5-10 of them in case of emergency but the rest just spend
It was going to happen sooner or later, no one can escape the gay lion
>there are zero reasons to not use waveplates
Bricked lol
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the fucking arrow points down
wtf since when do you play wuwa
>got her sword with 10 rolls
Do you think the outro damage buff from the attack echo set will buff all of the off field damage from Xiangli Yao's outro skill?
Might be cool to try building him full off field damage
He saved us.
Thanks for funding the game pay piggies
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>he needs BrickLi to clear tower
lmao even
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CN is completely angry about the Nilou NTR. It's like a bait-and-switch. They showed the hugging scene early to incentivize players to buy the skin. Due to the time gating of the event after a few days, the ending scene shows that Nilou (the princess) is completely loyal to Wanderer (the prince) and doesn't want Traveler to sleep on her lap.
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Climb higher dumbass. You'll see a yellow spark on the roof.
Yes, but his off field damage so far is pretty low
God you're a dumbass. I pray for your ability to survive much longer.
Just climb the highest building there, ankobwo. You'll know if you pay a lick of attention to the dialogues. Zoomers these days baka.
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Why would they play a humiliation ritual game if they didn't want to get cucked?
I don't know what any of these words mean
Interesting, can it crit or does it only scale off attack?
Might be time for a meme attack only build
What's their take on changli's quest?
It's safe to say that they liked it right?
>he uses homo
Go back.
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bros... mc even had a wingman yet mc still failed...
What are they doing?
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You got the achievement right anon?
It can crit just like anything else.
It's not worth investing.
>Guy who no-lifes the game and has all 80+ resonators can clear 30/30 on new ToA
Wow guys, really fwee to pway. Pwease pwaise onwy me. Alright buddy now show the echoes and character weapon stats.
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Found it
>reading chinkslop
I love cowtits so fucking much Jesus Christ I'm gonna die
also known as "butthole sunning"
So much for muh wingman narrative, at the end of the day, they know he's the most controversial male character and use him to further their agenda, whatever that is
Uooooh both erotic
I have C6R5 Scara and now I'll have C6R5 peaCOCK whore
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Just stretching haha
>Havoc Rover
Can you get any more soulless than this?
Pay to win achievement.
At this point those, who spend money on that game deserve it.
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Tabibito? More like TabiBTFO
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Only true 30/30 ToA GAMERS can post in this thread from now on.
Yeah go back using tiktok catering to illiterate retards.
What the...
Are we really getting 0 gibs?
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Jinshibros, you still love her right?
oink oink paypiggy.
Wait, did metafags change their mind on her? I thought she was considered to be the second biggest brick of the standard pool
Always bwo
I will never not love her
Who are the next wuwas?
Yes its over... ZZZ won...
Haven't built her yet but I'm also planning to roll for Changli
>using homos
nice clear, cocksucker
holy I kill overworld mobs so much faster now with Changli compared to Midhsi
does /wuwa/ believe in pull luck/ritual shit?
where do I go in-game location to pull for best changluck?
I won my 50/50 on her boat
Vergil's chair or the top of Mt. Firmament
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Bros... How good is C1 Jianxin? I got spooked by her while rolling for Changli and I will use my guarantee on the cute glasses girl...
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cope and seethe
I am a monthly chad (but could've cleared as F2P too because I have a surplus of gems anyway)
You must go to the location where the magistrate and changli played go.
Madam Magistrate... forgotten...
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I like her.
But I love Changli sorry Jué I don't trust you, you stupid dragon. Meanwhile my disciple prepared me a hot woman with fat tits.
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The Chinese are not happy with changli gameplay...
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The best most important thing is you pulled CALCHUD. Now you're my friend forever! I just CALCHUDDED my 4th world today, join me and let's get CALCHUDDING together!
Not sure what point you're trying to make posting your stats of the top meta units in the game.
Still completely soulless, bro
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Chat is this real?
I went to the dock where we were supposed to first meet her when departing for mount firmament.
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is it THAT time again?
oh nyo nyo nyo
How is she even a brick?
Do I pull for Changli before or after finishing her companion quest for maximum immersion?
Most of the standard characters don't really get any good dupes
I got my 3rd copy of Anko and it does basically nothing
Ahahah, I love it, chinkcels are hateful and thus must learn the justice of the cuckoldry and the true meaning of maidenlessness.
The tanned shark girl who people wanted got her damage halved cause god forbid a female powercreeping mister water dragon
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Do it but now but use her after finishing her quest
>Most of the standard characters don't really get any good dupes
Which ones are good then?
wtf chat...
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>overworld mobs
>press mech abomination on yinlin
>press jue on jinhsi
>everything dies

People care about overworld?
Can someone please explain Changli rotation or combat plan so someone with 1 single brain cell can understand?
>y-your clear is invalid because I couldn't do it
there are 19 units in the game total retardbro
I dont have 4 of them
I used 11 of them
so out of the available 15 units to me I used 11
Your point is retarded
You are retarded.
Is this game worth playing if I only care for Verina
How easy is it to get her
Mfw watching people with their shiny new changli while i'm stuck in the wagecage. Can't post a face cause i'm on my work pc.
You literally get a 5* selector that you can pick her from for free
She is the best support in the game currently at until at least 1.3.
>Is this game worth playing
>Roll for a character
>Use echo instead
Why are you like this anon?
Are you using your characters in ToA/Holo only?
>70 pulls to get lion'ed
>30 pulls to get changli
>stuck at 40 pulls on weapon
>nothing left

These niggers better give enough pulls for the remaining 3 weeks.
She's free
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You want to pop her forte skill (left click hold). You need 4 stacks. A full left click attack chain gives 1 stack. Skill + 1 left click gives 1 stack. Ult recharges forte to full.
Do intro skill -> skill + auto -> skill + auto -> full autocombo -> left click hold -> ult -> left click hold. Get creative
You paid your way to victory, it's a hollow one.
Intro E BA E BA 5xBA HA
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Well you're lucky, because not only does this game give you two 5* selectors (one in the mail, one that requires 80 standard banner rolls) that would let you pick Verina, she's also so meta that every team in the game benefits from having her.
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You could get her very early from the first 50 rolls
Even if you don't get her there you can use a 5* selector on her
You get a 1 time custom banner with guaranteed character of your choice + there was a 5 star selector, dunno if the selector is still up though.
>raised Chixia for my Changli
>she deals no damage
I got scammed
Verina's s2 gives you more healing
Jianxin's s5 gives you a bigger range on ult
I don't think it's ever worth buying wavebands for standard characters period
>Nilou NTR
I don't play Genshin, what happened?
what the fuck
are you retarded? check my screenshot, I only have 2 limited characters (Jinhsi+Jiyan) and 1 limited weapon (Jiyan's sig)
you just suck at video games bro
If you have her just try her trial (not the one that give you rewards but the one in the character menu)
After that just get creative.
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>he missed out on free Verina because he was too busy slurping mihoyo slop
It isn't NTR, but it is some brutal rejection. Even after wanderer does you a solid
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went to the dock where you met her. Got both her and her wep in 40.
Tight and warm cunnli.
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I would used as much money as needed if this was her model to get her to R6
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I want to be the little girl...
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ToA is ass because of the stamina system. I want to CALCHUD IT ALL! There is only CALCHUD. This is CALCHUD SIMULATOR 2024. Maybe I should get two other CALCHUDDED accounts so I can CALCHUD IT ALL!
which mods is that?
would what
I don't understand people wanting the Genshin MC to get some action nigga looks like a cartoon.
nothing. as someone that likes ntr it's always a huge disappointment when there's a freakout over "ntr", i check it out, it's not ntr. really wish fags would stop this shit
Licky lick her cunny dumb anon.
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Been saving my rolls from the start and I rolled on Jinshi banner right before it left. Went to full 80 pity, lost the 50/50 to Calcharo. Went to full 80 for Jinshi. Went to full 80 for Ages of Harvest also. In that time I got 12 Yangyangs, 0 Danjins, 0 Hat guys. Pretty bummed out. Anyways I'm probably gonna uninstall because gachas are not a good genre for cursed people. I hope you all have fun and gl on the Changli banner. Cheers guys.
they are cucks, imagine wanting to see some other dude bone (You)r girls
that said, wanting to rail Genshin MC bussy is pretty based
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based calchizo
I know we has been raided by revenue shitposter constantly but at 6th place during BA anniversary banner? I think we're doing a very good job in this Changli banner desu, doomfag btfo
It's over. The top Chinese players are saying that Changli is extremely mid. Too much effort required for too little reward.
I remember people calling her a jack of all trades character that is mediocre at everything and has a slow and easily interruptible charge up for her shield
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Its not NTR since she doesn't give a fuck about the hat guy either, but it is just a rejection that makes absolutely no fucking sense since when the event started that character did pic related, then out of nowhere she gets uncomfortable when the hat guy sets that protagonist on her lap?
Lol, lmao even.
>guys look at my tower clear
shut the fuck up
nobody cares retard
me in the background
>Too much effort required
she is easy to play
everything harder than Jiyan is too much effort for chinks
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fuck forgot pic
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Nilou is just the kind of girl that gets embarrassed in front of everyone. Are people just retarded? She's cute.
She's second best behind Verina, people didn't care for her when the game came out because she wasn't a main dps or Verina but shield + aoe pull + healing set with the healing gauntlets is really good
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bwo? your zhezhi?
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>guys look at my TOA clear
>green homo faggot
we are #1 in the only country that matters (South Korea)
just 6 more weeks zhisters
zzz is going to rape us tomorrow...
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no blush. Looks more like she is thinking about a way to get rid of him.
moonlit heron jianxin sweeps
This is why you're gay.
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ZZZ is next door bro
You can cope however you want, that game's writing is fucking dogshit and inconsistent. Nilou has always liked the traveler a lot and would canonically be delighted to give them a thighlap but those writers have so many sticks up their asses they just cannot fucking fathom the idea of a female gacha character being attracted to the protagonist
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i've been farming inferno rider for 5 hours and i have gotten fucking nothing
i hate this game
Someone make a mod that only removes the black cloth on Changli's breasts please. The one on gb doesn't fully remove it (covers underboob), it deletes a strap for some reason, and removes the coat. I just want the black cloth gone.
mc is incest coded so all the genshin girls know to act distant as not to be homewreckers
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this is the face of someone cucking you
why didn't you farm infernocuck earlier...
100% you're too picky with echoes
I got all I needed with just the weekly guaranteed drops, never farmed an overlord boss
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I like how Belle acts enamored by animals too.
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Why does she make my thingy down there so hard
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>Patreon version
What a kike, someone dump it i know you have it...
>100% you're too picky with echoes
no i'm not i just want two of atk/crit dmg/crit rate i've gotten ZERO of those
>I got all I needed with just the weekly guaranteed drops, never farmed an overlord boss
giga luckshitter or extremely low standards
because it's fucking ass and makes me want to uninstall
beating up the same sandbag for 10 hours is not fun
then she likes the hat guy?
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do NOT touch
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I had to roll to zero, but I got her
Modders that paywall their shit are the gayest. Its ok if they eventually release it for free but its funny when those that dont are surprised when they get copyrighted
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wtf my grimcatz is fucking kike-locked??? FUCK YOU JEWS
>no i'm not i just want two of atk/crit dmg/crit rate i've gotten ZERO of those
you are not picky enough then
ALL of your echoes should have double crit, because each crit stat is worth x3 ANY other stat (except atk%, crit is like 2x better)
the echo is passable if you have 1 crit 1 atk and 3 good substats or 2 crit and 3 whatever
Does Jinhsi or Changli make things tingle more for you?
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And now, behold, I impart unto thee this arcane wisdom
What is the most optimal substat strategy?
Alright, guess I can at least try building her. Some more flexibility for my third team slot and being less dependent on Verina can never be a bad thing
nigger i'm not farming for 100 hours to get that shit fuck off
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I'm glad I still have my union 45 weapon selector, because I have no chance at her banner weapon...
Jinhsi, I lost the 50/50 for Changli but there was no urge to keep pulling. Still happy for my bwos
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My wife Changli
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I'm kinda loosing the plot here...
So she's supposed to have smaller lifespan than average people
AND she's on the island that fucks with lifespan shortening even further
But the whole story about her master teaching her to control her power is 100+ years old?
How old is she? Can she actually respawn like a phoenix to negate negative effects?
Weird how /wuwa/ cares more about this than /gig/
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She knows you're thinking about her.
Jinhsi for purity fetish. Changli is too much of a sexbomb for both heart and penis. It's not a fair fight since the latter mogs every single anime girl in existence.
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they are paired up by the devs as prince and princess. So yeah they belong together.
god damn it what's wrong with EU internet
first nyaa now this
>trying to farm turtle healing% heal set
>literally impossible
fuck healers
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In that case, while you search for a vpn I'll post the mega link
>Just checked their general and it looks like a shitshow is happening
You're talking about /gig/, that place is one of the worst gacha generals on the board
and never has not been a shitshow
kemono pulls new updates? i thought they stopped months ago
Yea, why do you think she said she doesn’t care about her lifespan when she takes you into the barrier
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oh vpn works but I'm tired of shit not working
4chan thread updating was bricked for me a few weeks ago as well
why is she so CUTE
I am confused by this controversy, do some people think that a girl hugging you means she likes you enough to let you use her as a lap pillow?
Cmon now, don't embarrass us, there are levels to a womens interactions. Hugs are something girls hand out like candy,
I still remember on FF trailer when 1 frame of Caelus going on the rooftop with her was enough to have all the yuritroons and shipfaggots have a meltdown on /hsrg/ kek
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How are you Jinhsi skippers coping right now? I'm not feeling so good...
Chinese cultivators live for hundreds or thousands of years.
If you haven't been paying attention this is a xianxia.
As far as I know, it's all user updated so it just depends on whether someone has posted it yet.
zZz raped himself already by how shitty it is.
Monster Scar is havoc and the only fire immune enemy is in the spectro tower
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im going to say it now, changli without s2 is a huge brick
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>402 jims left
Holy changli dropped a nuke on my pulls, good shit we get a full saving patch
She's a sexbomb that is pure though. + daddy issues + she considers you her god and savior + smart + chill + kind + godlike eyes and smile, almost as if kuro took that extra week of Jinhsi banner just to brainstorm what a perfect woman should look like
>rolled S2R1 with some luck
>no Encore
Do I just use Taoqi at this point? Chixia is shilled as a potential teammate but I wonder if it's better to beef up Changli's damage considering the dupes and weapon.
I didnt skip her because i wanted to, but im F2P so i have to choose. And i pull for Waifu not Meta
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no one is up voting our wuwon in r/gachagaming...
Chixia is good she is like 5% worse than encore
if you have the 5* gun she is better than encore with the standard 5*
Read her voicelines then come back
Her animations are still better imo, Jue appearing from nowhere is peak
How many copies of Changli is "optimal" to at least make her okay in dps?
Nooo my updooots
>cuck cuck cuck cuck
>its a character not even from wuwa
Why is this general like this?
noooo r/mihoyogaming hates wuwa!!!
what's new lol
That sub is just another slopverse shill place. Nothing other than HSR/Genshit/Zoo gets upvoted there.
That is a lot of work for 1/8th of a pull
I've run out of shells for the first time ever
c2 is a stat pump, c3 is huge, c5 is huge, c6 is massive
>gayshits fuck around
>gayshit DO NOT like finding out
Why, really
More like I lost the 50/50 trying to get Jinshi, I'll skip Changli and I'm using the guarantee on Zhezhi
>bringing up reddit
Lol, can you fuck off already /gig/ger nigger, no one gives a fuck about your slop or reddit here.
At S6, very important detail...
ah yes sorry forgot about that
So what's next for you after Changli's banner? I plan to save long-term until Camellya releases.
If you truly love chang lee you will c6 her to make her always stay on your screen.
She's only S2, her dupes look really good so I'm robably gimped. Took her for a spin in the current tower and idk how I'm meant to get off her channeled skill against the last two floors that shill fusion, they are pretty active.
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They're upvoting this instead
Lmao cuck game
Yao then Zhezhi iirc
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changlipipi my wifepipi
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>brags about top 6 on iphones or some shit
>meanwhile ZZZ is literally mainstream on ps5 with the likes of call of duty, fortnite, sportsball, minecraft, and elden ring
there are LEVELS to this shit that you can't even comprehend. surely wuwa will at least reach top 50 when it finally launches on console assuming it doesn't get cancelled, right?
I don't really care much about chingchongli is the next patch really just going to be a fujo and homo? what the fuck is there to even look forward to?
Same. I'm not interested in the other characters for now.
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Bwos I haven't touched the story yet but I will do it after work. Do we have tons of loli Changli scenes
>top 10
that's a fail in america bruv
Ok, not planning to pull zhezhi, planning to pull camellya, should I pull for S1 Changli? I should have enough corals after pulls to buy her S2.
What you claim is a statistical impossibility.

There's 3 categories of substats:
>desirable (atk%, flat atk, ER%, matching bonus%)
>undesirable (all others)
Roll +10, tune both.
If at least 1 crit or 2 desirable, roll +15, else trash.
If at least 1 crit or 2-3 desirable, roll +20, else trash.
Only roll +25 if no undesirable until here.

This minimizes resource loss so you can roll much more = higher chance of good pieces.

Allow imperfections though. Fishing for perfect echoes is a waste of time.
Ah yes, chinese animal crossing
I regret rolling for Changli Lawrence
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So fucking great
>have verina
>all my teams want to use her
>alternatives are kind of shit by comparison
Kuro, pls.
>only top 10
Next sensor tower post will have PS revenue added to even "beat" wuwa.
Saving until the next SEXO character releases.
>Verina derangement syndrome
I have baizhi S5 at this point and I'm an f2p 1.1 starter
another humiliation
How come when I try to use wuwatracker it says import success but then shows no information found like I never rolled?
how has this dogshit company not been boycotted yet
Cause you never rolled, it's time to wake up.
Easiest skip of my life, i can finally save up freebies...
If a retard can get better echoes than you, what does that make you? lol
Don't bother replying, I auto filter you now
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u don't exist
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>star cuckoo land
genuine, unironic, humiliation ritual
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>male rover
>roll +5
>if crit +15
>if no double crit, discard
>roll +5
>if desirable
>roll +10
>if no crit, discard
this is the optimal rolling strategy
never +10 4 cost echos, they are too easy to farm
3 cost echos with matching set + main get benefit of the doubt to +10
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I've run out for the 3rd time in a row.
You can drop 4 cost echos on lvl 5 if they don't roll crit, unlike 1 cost or 3 cost you have endless supply per day
Why would we care about a region where Madden (LMAO) is a top selling "game". You burgers don't like games, you just like simulators of whatever it is you watch on tv every weekend and that chart is proof of that.
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Kek can't make this shit up
>i won the lottery therefore i have 200 IQ
how can it be that low behind actual paid games tho this all assuming somehow it doesn't drop even further
Call of Dutybros we cant stop winning
>d-doesn't count
>w-what about this chart?

sure buddy, whatever make you feels better. Deep inside you already knew doomfag got btfo really hard today
me on the right
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She sure grew up well. Sucks we didn't get to see her teen years
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My Baizhi is resonance 3 but level 80 with all fortes at level 6 and higher tier ones unlocked. She's my favourite character to use in the illusive realm, but doesn't really compare to my resonance 1 Verina in normal combat.
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Rejuvenating her eggs with my omnipotent powers.
I can't wait to extrapolate all of this at the end of the month..
I'm gonna use a sports analogy that you probably wouldn't understand. Wuwa is celebrating being a starter for a Division 2 college football team. Meanwhile ZZZ is in the NFL playing for the Dallas Cowboys.
There's. Levels. To. This. Shit.
I didn't get Changli and now I can finally stop playing this shitty, shitty game. See ya, wuwakeks.
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Fulingkeks shan't be sleeping well tonight.
Best way to brick yourself by wasting all your tuners.
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Meanwhile... tieba, at anti-mihoyo central...
Everyone is popping champagne!
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Something kinda odd about looking at a loli knowing she'll grow into a leggy seductress with big fat milkers and juicy thighs
Don't let the door hit you on your way out
Whatever makes you cope at night after how much shilling mihomo did with ZZZ anything less than top 1 is a failure
And you can keep coping
That's not a sports analogy, that's a seppo analogy. Do you need to be reminded that Americans aren't welcome on 4chan? Reddit and Twitter is where your disgusting ilk belong.
We never specified NPCs too…..
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>Mihoyo is FINISHED
haha YES YES
what levels nigger. console gaming is the smaller in the entire environment plus that's only a USA chart
Give the girl her goddamn MALK!
If ZZZ is at the bottom of the top 10 for American PS5 active users weekly, it suggests a few things that might be considered concerning from a performance or industry perspective:

Low Engagement Relative to Peers: Being at the bottom of the top 10 means that while the game is among the most popular, it’s the least popular in that top tier. This could indicate that it’s not attracting as much sustained interest or engagement compared to other titles in the same list.

Potential for Declining Popularity: If a game is consistently at the bottom of a top 10 list, it may be experiencing a decline in active users or engagement over time. This could be a red flag for developers or publishers if they’re relying on a high level of user activity for ongoing revenue or community support.

Market Competition: The video game market is highly competitive, and being at the lower end of the top 10 could mean that the game is struggling to compete effectively against other popular titles. This might impact its long-term success, particularly if other games in the top 10 are showing stronger or more consistent performance.

Revenue and Marketing Impact: For a game to be considered successful, it often needs to maintain high engagement levels to generate revenue through sales, in-game purchases, or subscriptions. Being at the bottom of the top 10 might indicate that the game is not performing as well financially or in terms of user retention compared to its peers.

Perception and Community Sentiment: Gamers and industry analysts often look at rankings to gauge a game’s success and popularity. Being at the bottom of the top 10 might affect how the game is perceived by potential new players, and it could influence the game’s reputation and future sales.

Overall, while being in the top 10 is still a positive indicator of popularity, being at the bottom of this list can signal challenges in maintaining user engagement and competing in a crowded market.
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Looks like the western country that likes this game the most is... Australia
There might be... Australians among us... right now
just for posterity's sake, genshin has never reached top 10 in ps5 activity and it makes like a billion dollars a month. its actually not an insignificant feat
western countries don't play games on mobile
Is the changli from the simulacron event not build as a main dps? i tried to test her out on that mode with the best supports and her damage was pretty bad even compared to the jinhsi on there, i have no main dps except calcharo and skipped both jiyan and jinhsi for her
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ya easy uninstall desu
>WuWa: Rally racing
>ZZZ: Soapbox racing
>finds out his wife is a brick
many such cases
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>Insufficient shell credits
wtf that could actually happen
all trial characters are built like shit, around half of the atk they should have at their level
All trial characters in that event are built like bricks, even their Jinhsi is bad
Here's a /wuwa/ relevant question. Does Changli lay eggs? Discuss
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Aussie here.
Changli is my wife.
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Do you have CALCHUD? All who have CALCHUD are my BEST FRIENDS FOREVER. Unless they use other characters. Other characters do not exist, they are figments of the imagination of very sick minds. But if you have CALCHUD and only CALCHUD you can join me as I RUTHLESSLY SLAY EVERYTHING IN SIGHT for the 5th time today. I need more CALCHUDDING friends, I'm getting faster and running out of CALCHUDDING CLONES (we are One; it is written - Amen, Amen without lie, Amen, and Amen of Amen).
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>alright fuck it i'll settle for atk or crit rate it's only like 2% less damage
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Abby is just Paimon, but slightly less obnoxious as he's not around as often
I forget, is % element damage better on echoes or % atk?
More like ZZZ is the Detroit Pistons in the NFL kek
That's an acceptable Anko.
They're going to make her playable and with a skimpier outfit, right guys?
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If I lose the 50/50 I'm rerolling
No questions asked
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Double Element is like 1% better than Element/ATK%
Literally doesn't matter.
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I will see you in the mines
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True, I resort to an iPad (with keyboard and all) on long-haul flights and I still pop the laptop ASAP when I make it to the hotel.
if you're so hellbent on getting Changli, why did you spend your gems in the first place, retard? You should have enough for 2 characters at the very least, worst case scenario
Abby is just a less annoying Paimon. Honestly not that bad since they don't just keep repeating shit and talking for you.
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Do you come from a land down under
Where women glow and men plunder?
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I'm kinda getting cooked by scar ngl
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How would /wuwa/ feel about something similar to Genshin's elemental resonance? Two Havoc users could give a little crit damage, two Spectro give a little crit rate, two Aero users could increase attack speed a bit, etc etc... I think it could be a cool way to add a little spice to teambuilding.
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Oh nonononono
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she sounds so cute when she says this. I love my bird tamamo wife.
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there's none anon
I got Lingyang'd...
You thnk it adds spice at first then you realize it actually just restricts teambuilding
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>Making teambuilding more strict than it already is
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I cant play this game because I have to fap every 20 minutes
How so? Resonance is a consideration for team building, but teams function just fine without it. The balancing is on the devs to make it helpful, but not mandatory.
Have you seen how femrover's tiddies move with the big breast mod? I can't live without it now.
show me...
what mod?
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I don't have her sig
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Got lion'd, but only after getting her once and he showed up early so I can't even be mad.
Also got her weapon in 25 rolls.
kinda low on crit damage
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I got her 2 ten pulls later. she realized I was frustrated from getting lion'd and came early to cheer me up
I have a problem. My friends introduced a new friend to the group, and thus far he did no harm (but ate a lot of ham). The problem is that he's fat and wants to cosplay Rover becuase our group already cosplays Lingyang (me), Jiyan, Chixia and Baizhi. Now, me and Jiyan don't want the fat guy to join the cosplay group but the females do. Is there a way to diplomatically tell them we don't want a fatso to ruin our group or should I reveal my power level and tell them what I really think?
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>tests your love with by getting you LION'D
Delightfully devilish.
Put that shit down Sanhua, you are icicle
not flamethrower
its like when you tell your wife to cuck you and she does but then you start having anxiety attack and she feels bad so she gives you a nursing handjob while retelling the tales of her adventure with another dude
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got lion'd in 30. get changli in 10 pulls it's that easy
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Lol name a more pathetic MC in gaming...
Is this canon?
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damn, AIslop got real.
If you think about it, cowqi is a grown up anko that cut her hair
Anon? That's a little too specific...
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Flirty granny...
Just tell him the truth that you're a douchebag furry and don't like him. Pretending to be friends will only cause more drama and bullshit for everyone in the long run.
Changli is unplayable with the fucking camera in this game
I just got the cutscene where changchang solos the baddies while (You) and Jinhsi ride the elevator.
How much further do I have until I can get to and start farming Jue? I want to power up these waifus
holy fuck please source
>skipped Jinhsi for two Changlis
Why would you need two bricks?
Holy cumbrain
>changli signature or standard 5 star
I'm at 75 pity and haven't used my 5 star box yet.The free lightning guy looks cool, so i wouldn't mind getting his signature instead because the banner sword has crit rate.
ToT Aaaaaaa
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>Chiwa Saito
Wakamo Changli mod when?
Easier to get more CDmg than CRit
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It's 10% DPS increase, farming better echoes is a better upgrade
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How is everyone enjoying their Arlecchino rip off? Do you feel thoroughly scammed yet?
They're the same picture.
>males come in 15 rolls while females are 60+
Reroll your homo seeded account.
Aren't rip-offs supposed to be lower quality?
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Also the name of Nilou's skin in Chinese basically sounds the same as "Wanderer's wife". And notice how there's a little bell on her waist that looks just like wanderer's sig weapon. It's like the writers of genshin deliberately did this to humiliate their players. CN is having a complete meltdown because of this.
>Genshill out of nowhere
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Sorry wuwa bros... I enjoyed the first month, got changli with my very last astrites but then hit the coin gate while leveing her up and decided that I didn't want to grind in the game anymore.
I hope all the anons the best here and may we meet again in a future gacha thread.
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That first LIngyang was on Jinhsi's banner, not Changli's.
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How the fuck does that happen?
I upgraded Changli to 80 and still have this much left. Never did credit farming either.
Yes? Changchang looks like she is a dollar store character.
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i was so close to uninstalling the game holy shit
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Is the white man pulling chang?
Nipples don't bounce like that...
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top looks better
bottom has better performance in-game

you raised a smaller team of characters, most likely
fuck you bitch
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what a white man's ship this is
It works in genshin because there are tradeoffs. In mono element teams you have resonances and better energy efficiency (due to colored particles). And of course using different elements opens up reactions. I agree it would be bad to incentivize using the same element without a system mechanic that encourages multi-element.
Genshitfags like it
See you tomorrow demoralization chink.
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Sometimes Kuro can get their shit together
>you raised a smaller team of characters, most likely
6 characters at level 80
the only cc I care about for this game is the dorky autistic spreadsheet girl
she was wrong btw. changli mogs anko
>There's FINALLY a new big tiddy baizhi mod after 1.1 broke the old one
About time
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changli hot spring scene when
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As someone who liked Arlecchino and is the first genshin character I rolled since Dehya, I had to remove her from my team. She is too much powercreep for me. It ruins the game when everything dies in less than a full normal attack string. And apparently the other newer characters like Neuvilette are just as bad or worse.
Been running Eula, Yae, and Jean for years and it doesn't look like that will ever change.
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Those are some big fucking thighs
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Had to check it for myself lol.
Do people really like watching someone else roll for half an hour? I don't get it.
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so how are you liking her, /wuwa/?
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Cant fucking wait.
This is a coomer's game
Yeah she friendzones you if you're female rover because you're a slut.
If you're male rover she fiends for your cock because she knows how much of an alpha you are.

fucking kek
Arleshit is the ugliest Genshin hag by a wide margin, a terrible character throughout, Changli mogs her in every conceivable way
you could not have picked a worse character
yes she makes mining so much easier
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That's a pretty good point, but I think the big problem with team building is the lack of worthwhile synergies, there's always going to be a best option, I can't see an electro dps not wanting Yinlin for example, but like for Havoc Rover, he doesn't have much synergy with Taoqi, with a mechanic like this, she might not be the best option in terms of dps, but she would help by activating the resonance and giving a tiny bit of extra skill damage, while also being a shielder who can make playing a bit more comfy. Instead the only options are Danjin or someone with a liberation outro.
When they see other people have bad luck it makes them feel better about theirs.
On the other side, when they see other people have good luck, it makes them think they'll have good luck too.
And then they blow their rolls and realize, no, they actually don't.
Its the same.
Chat is this real?
>is hot
>is fun
She's everything I ever need in a character.
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What are they up to?
builder spender, very technical if you want to squeeze as much damage as possible

>stack builders
intro auto
e auto
n1-4 auto
dodge counter n3-4 auto (fastest resourceless stack builder )
jump n1-4 auto
plunge n3-4
you will know when the next attack will be the stack gainer when her sword appears, missing the attack wont give you a stack btw
you can hold onto your stack attack for 12?s
all her moves is roughly 3s to gain a stack

from personal feel she plays like a constant melee damage dealer which can stick on the bosses ass even in the air, to deal damage you need high uptime without getting your strings interrupted

>self atk buff
ult forte

havent found any good place to use rider, probably better to just use a summon echo or something
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You sound fat. Also I've never pretended to like or be friends with him, he's been forced into the group, but yeah I'll tell him that.
what's your reasoning? Changli's S2 is actually quite underwhelming
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She's so hot bwo.
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>straight up saying a taoist cultivator
Have you accepted Wu Wei as your style of life, /wuwa/?
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Nyo me and my Mihoyo army are downvoting and reporting you. See you! If you're not part of the big 3 and an enemy of ours don't think of posting here again!
Companion quest part 2.
She's very fun, but her mechanics work against her when fighting bosses that sperg out constantly. Boss attacks are timed in such a way that dodging them usually prevents you from reaching B4 to get True Sight. She would be infinitely better if they also let her dodge counter give her True Sight.
is this mod?
missing a crit on her heavy/ult is HUGE and it is impossible to get more than 75% crit rate with her weapon
that 25% puts you in the perfect range
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I love that dorky vtuber but it was obvious crunching a shit ton of calcs into spreadsheets doesn't matter until the character is actually released and see the real gameplay.

I'll still use both. Encore's great and Changli's great.
>boys don't want fat rover
>girls love fat rover
bwo you're getting ntr'd by the chose one
Discussing Rover sex schedule.
Sex with Wuwers
I need tubes, the echos for changli eat everything and none of them rolled good this hoe is cursed
you don't care that she's shit?
To be fair we've already been shown this is definitely not the coomer game, though Changli did add some spice they're laying heavily into the story and gameplay mechanics. There are so many coomer games out there tho, so I'm fine with it. mod it how you like it's fine. Ship or self-insert as you want. As long as you enjoy the game I feel like you're winning as long as you're not also going into debt as a part of that.
>but I think the big problem with team building is the lack of worthwhile synergies
I agree with you. I don't think wuwa's team building will ever be as interesting as genshin's, and I definitely expect powercreep to move faster.
With that said I'm enjoying wuwa's combat much more ATM because of the better controls, more involved execution and rotations, more fun kits, and more aggressive enemies.
dudes in the background dont have enough melatonin
It's hardly big enough to make her go from brick to viable. It's a good sequence by itself but a 18% damage increase is nothing mind blowing at all. You can shit on the hardest content available with S0R1 Changli with ease.
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Hag seed
Me on the right (behind Rover)
I'm not having any trouble with her.
Maybe that's just a you issue.
Sounds fun af
Yeah if you're fat even a little to achieve Rover aesthetic tell him to do the Saitama challenge, or to die trying. If he's fat by the time he wants to cosplay, tell him it would've been better if he died.
Genshin's current team building is at an all time low.
It has literally never been this uninteresting, Dendro dragged it down and Furina buried it.
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Rover truly is so unfaithful. You have already forgotten your canon wife?
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when are we getting a mahjong themed resonator
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Not early but at least I won 50/50.
It's out of the top spot already there. Youtube is back in #1. Also dropped a spot in Japan now, but I guess you can say it's the best result in China yet by about 2 spots since it actually managed to get above QQ music this time. Still no TikTok hours though and this is looking to be the last banner of consequence for the foreseeable future. Games kind of lucky that Hoyoverse seems to be doing everything humanly possible to piss their players off basically continuing to give them an opening still, but things are looking to be kind of quite till some time in the fall with WuWa.
Jinhsi is happy being my concubine
post your 30/30 tower without sigs
No mahjong.
Go however
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Yapyap is Rover's canon childhood friend she should have won...
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I did it bros.
It took everything.
>caring about meta in a single player gacha game with no pvp
There's something seriously wrong with subhuman's of the SEA yellow variety (nigger adjacent).
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Big Bird
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Yes, I'm tired of isekaishit.
I want to see Mount Tai and reach the apex.
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camellya phrolova scar

But if I luckshit then I'd like coastguard especially if she's fun/meta
what exactly makes genshin's teambuilding interesting?
If her story arc is as good as her cameo...I wouldn't mind skipping just to enjoy the story honestly. This story arc is so hard that you feel compelled to roll for Changli despite her not being that great of an addition to most accounts. Also I hate the very fast combat, that takes away from good combat and by that I mean you can just jam your finger down on left click and attack a lot but that won't help you where it counts.
Same here! wuwa team building is still fun to experiment with, even if the results are disappointing most of the time. Contrast to Genshin where things work a little closer to how you imagine, but it's starting to get a bit stale with how homogenized the units are.

It's WEIQI you uncultured weeb.
Bow down to superior chinese culture and learn TAOIST CULTIVATION and XIANXIA.
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I'm being sandwiched in this moment
when is this coming out....
>thick phoenix hag always hot and ready for (You)
>butch dyke single mother with 3 ugly brats
Yup i’m thinking wewuwon bigly
How strong Changli?
Just woke up, Wuwon right???
>Wuwa's Yaka

forever cucked
Dude it's not even remotely necessary unless you mean to C6 her why would you do this instead of saving ugh you retards make me so mad. Unless you've got 1k in disposable income for every banner or really really love them that much and their gameplay will astronomically change your entire happiness in the game, just save. No doubt in the future copies will be easier to get than they are now.
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Same. Grats regardless. She's been really fun and peak sexo.
> but it's starting to get a bit stale with how homogenized the units are.

It won't get better, the theater mode just showed that Mihoyo had no idea how to fix all of their fuck ups so they just arbitrarily limit your roster instead. Worst possible way to work around that, I'll even argue that the team building has reached Wuwa's level of blandness.
are you guys saving for C1 for a unit? I almost have enough to get C1 for the next limited that I pull, but I just lost the 50/50 on Changli and could get her if I spend it all.
Get off the computer Jue
>start new companion quest because im in a mood to play video games
>its starts off with chinese poem shit
>suddently i lose all motivation listening to old poem shit
why did they do it?
All of these mods and coomer posting is genuinely cringe. Why not just play an r18 or watch hentai at that point? Being a coomer isn't a personality trait btw
Waiting for the ojo-sama, Kuro is going to use the old Camellya design for another character.
Other than that I don't really know, I'm waiting for a character to catch my eyes, hopefully another girl with fat tits like Taoqi or Changli.
Brick status, don't roll unless you're a massive waifufag.
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Moonlit set is a scam. Its +22% of your characters base attack and not your full attack so you get a pitiful boost in damage and you sacrifice a 40% damage boost which is a lot more damage than the buff you would give your main dps.
Ahhh...that's hot.
>muh singleplayer
retarded argument
power and fun are directly related
would you enjoy playing a character that needs 3 minutes to kill a basic overworld mob?
still T0, fuck off tard
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Mt.Firmament is really beautiful.
I hope all new regions and zones are this striking.
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yinlin is unironically the most valuable character on my roster and I have all 3 (jinhsi, changli, yinlin)
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Got my S6 Taoqi too.

>Its +22% of your characters base attack and not your full attack
That's how all ATK% work retardo.
You also misunderstand element%.
why are metafags like this
Eh, arguable. Dendro opened up a lot of new stuff and and furina at least incentivized healers. I'm more bothered by neuv. Even then I think it's more interesting than wuwa's.
But yes, a weakness of combat based on team building is that it's hurt more by balance issues.
Yes they do.
Does ToA get that easy at level 90? I'm getting stat checked hard in hazard tower, nothing takes any damage.
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I have high hopes for black shores island.
Hopefully Kuro delivers.
>power and fun are directly related

Not in the way you think, dumb retard. If this reasoning held up you'd have more fun playing a flying turd with no animation hitting at 9999k per hit than any other character.
A character's lack of power only start being detrimental to their fun factor if they can't clear any content without jumping through hundreds of hoops, which isn't the case at all in this game.
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every time lol
>That's how all ATK% work retardo.
Its still shit and elemental set is way better.
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Depends on the teamcomp.
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Anyone get these copies? Is it worth it for Changli?
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I cant stop fapping aaaaaaaah
>No proof
i accept your concession
Well 4 character slots just means more choices. And system level mechanics, particularly reactions, create neat inter-character synergies and team archetypes that exist independently of any one character.
not great and don't bother rolling dupes to salvage her
save for the limited fusion dps that will form a good team with her instead
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I mean I'd say Genshin team building is better partly because of the elemental reactions but mainly because the game is years old now. It has an assload of characters with different kits. wuwa may be off to a rougher start but it'll get better without a doubt, I just hope it's a priority. Who here played launch Star Rail? Team building was awful then.
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>the highlight in her eyes trembles
Flirty hag.....womb pounding is needed...
Dendro raised the floor so high the team building became almost irrelevant.
Almost everyone is using the same teams to clear abyss. You can clear it with other teams but that's just you trying to have fun by yourself, nothing in the game actually incentivize you to think about your team building.
Genshin's team building is good when you're a beginner and gets significantly worse the more you play.
I'm gonna fucking moooooooood
looks painful, buy an onahole next time
*cooms on you*
the bottom half was enough.
The enlarged boobs just feels off for some reason.
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How can non Jinzhou resonators compete? Can these two be dethroned from the roverbowl in the years to come?
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lol no Jiyan and I are FWB and the other two are raging dykes, pretty sure fatman is the only straight entity in the picture
point out where i said power is the ONLY thing that matters
so early in the game's life cycle and mods are already this high quality
Nah i don't see value on dupes, rather get pulls for either weapon or character if needed.
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why is the tactical simulacra event so fucking short
add some more shit to do kuro so I can use my bird wife
You say that power and fun are directly related, as if the slightest shift in one or the other would alter the balance, it isn't the case AT ALL and Changli certainly doesn't feel lacking
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Wuwa's art has always been pretty good though I wish Jinzhou final product looked more like the kino concept art
The engine kuro used is very easy to work with
but at the end of the day it's the same
>pick x, y and z or lose damage
>I skipped this
People also forget how Genshin was in its first year
By parity of patches our 1.1 is a little better than theirs since it didn't come with a massive shitshow alongside Zhong Li and the realization Geo was forever outside the usual reactions.
If the game was PC only it would have looked better but I guess they needed to downgrade it to make sure it runs on mobile.
This one gets it.
the queen of moles.
no? what the fuck are you retarded?
>the speed of your car the slope you're driving are directly related
>so what you're saying is is a 1 degree slope makes you go at 1 mph?????
absolute retard logic
It's going to be interesting to see how they are going to outdo them
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I hope we get more of dumb fun events with funny stories instead of just combat ones. Seeing that Wuwa is already popular in KR maybe they should hire some Korean writers there? Generally the quality of KR writing is better than JP(not Nasu) or CN. FGO, Counterside and BA are able to make me laugh. All these years playing Genshin and I didn't laugh even once I just cringed
The reactions are incredibly overrated and the vast majority of them are nothing more than colored numbers. Only Freeze and Overload feel like actual reactions on the field. The elemental system of Genshin is absolutely overrated
jinshit’s loong ass banner almost killed the game, you had plenty of time to roll
forgot to mention you can n4 the air and get the stack attack (you wont gain forte if you miss the stack attack) so you can get the thing and use the air phoenix to parry flying bosses with grapple + auto, spacebar uses the phoenix

doesnt look like she has iframes on the stack attack, animation makes it look like she does
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>stop fapping to a game where they sexualize their characters this much!
A slight change in the slope will affect your speed, that's a fact yes.
But your damage being 100k or 99k will not affect the fun factor at all.
those boobs look like condoms filled with cum
>Almost everyone is using the same teams to clear abyss.
That's never really changed, the playerbase has always gravitated to a few team options despite others being twice as good, and hoyo has always designed abyss to shill things.
>Genshin's team building is good when you're a beginner and gets significantly worse the more you play.
Funny, I feel the opposite. I didn't find it interesting until I had a mature account with a lot of choices.
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Be nice to him you wannabe meangirl fags, cosplaying is about fun not accuracy unless you’re joining a competition for prize money
...wait you and the other male are friends with benefits? y-you're gay?
Because Genshin also attracts casuals and normies. And casuals & normies are creeped out by excessive fanservice shit of any kind - whether it's straight, gay, interracial, etc.
Basically Hoyo wants to bake their cake and eat it too.
We'll probably see it in "festive" events, Halloween, Christmas, etc. or specific character quests.
which makes them hot.
this modder is GOAT
Jinshi wishes she had tits that big
Explain a gachalet how "rerun" banners work, is it a separate banner alongside the limited current one?
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Ok, this made me switch out my previous Jinshi mod. Thanks for reminding me.
you'd have a point if it was 100k vs 99k
in reality it's more like 100k vs 50k
depends on the game, we don't know yet
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>disappointed mom and dad
>despite others being twice as good
This isn't really the case nowadays though, the most popular cookie cutter teams are also the best because the balance is fucked up.

>I didn't find it interesting until I had a mature account with a lot of choices.

When you're lower level you have to make do what you have and you can experiment a lot of different teams with a very light resource investment. This isn't the case later, characters get a lot more expensive and if you want variety you have to go out of your way to get it since no content incentivize you to do it and you'll have to put the artifact building of your favorites on hold.
>ignore the two good official cowtits ingame
>ruin a perfectly good flat aristocratic beauty because you can never have enough to be satisfied
behead all gooners
Dendro did kill teambuilding though, in fact I'm convinced Dendro killed the elemental reaction viability so hard the hoyochinks are ignoring it and now characters just hit hard by themselves or dmg buffs one way or another, Neuvillete was a warning, Navia was an alert, Arlecchino was a threat.
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Damn I love Baizhi
breed all the wuwwers
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This is what revenueposters see from their parents when they climb up out of their basement for dinner.
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Tacet mark on the thighs is pure sex.
it sure killed cryo
Yeah I'm sure Changli takes twice as much time to clear any content compared to other characters.
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A Jinzhou scrambled egg cream pie...? WHAT!!
Great angle
dont think i will be able to 30 star this time around
scar is way too tanky
is this a vibrator control?
It just occurred to me that she summons Lugia from the successful game Pokémon Silver featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry™ Series
Jueposting lives on
>even someone who fully clears hazard struggles with scar
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Personally I'd love to see an aerial zone that utilizes the glider. Maybe a bunch of floating island tacked together.
What girl archetype are you hoping to see soon, wuwers?
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How tall Changli?
Do I wait to farm echos after I have access to 5* ones? Or how does this shit go? I've mostly just been logging in and doing whatever events, but I want to play more since I got Changli.
What are your likes and dislikes with Changli so far?
compared to the actually usable dps like jihnsi yeah
just on paper alone she does 30% less damage
and in reality where the enemies fight back and don't just sit there letting you do your 10 second string over and over her dps is even lower than that
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Oh, okay. Thanks for the free 10 weapon pulls from two weeks ago, Kuro.
>Taoqi's S5 generates 60 energy
Hoooly talk about a required sequence
Busty tomboy fist user and psycho gun loli!
she's from wuwa
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>3 chambers
>only 2 actual healers released
What's the best spot to roll for Changli in-game?
holy cow
>ameritards nowhere to be found
Jesus man, why are americans like this?
Need pulao wuwa version
Especially Jianxin
An apprentice of Rover, preferably a Yandere who was searching for us all this time.
I like the phoenix sounds in her kit
I am already tired of her voiceline that plays when you use an echo from doing illusive realm and spamming that shit
She's the most fun character I've played so far. Rotation is flexible.
Payoff isn't as big as an effortless character like Jihnsi, and dodging kills your forte generation.
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I like her appearance and design, her kit is fun to use and satisfying, her role in the story is great, and her power level seems just right to me. Dislike? I don't want to sound like a drone but I can't really think of anything, maybe her kit could have been explained better for what it is? I'll probably have some gripes come up as I go.
Any source for the 30%?
And there already are clears of Hazard with Changli at S0R1 and a lot of time to spare.
>left a groomed girl for centuries waiting
Imagine the schizophrenia she developed
I just played this on a cliff and she came.
her boat
Moonlit or Fire set?
Yeah exactly that's what I'm look for.
Luna expy
>And there already are clears of Hazard with Changli at S0R1 and a lot of time to spare.
6/6/ stars? let's see them then
>inb4 limited weapons up the ass
>Changli just starts holding my hand out of nowhere handing me something telling her to meet her
Uhhhhh, this seems liek I am just going to get raped.
why would you want moonlit on changli?? her ult got reduced to 125 from 150. just get 10-20% ER off her substats...
For women:
Sardonic, quiet goth girl.
A bubbly support who isn't lolibait.
Sexy femme fatale gunslinger (Chixia is more tomboy than anything else.)
Dommy mommy who turns into a literal semen demon/succubus for their ultimate.

For men:
A Cloud Strife knockoff to go along with our Sephiroth knockoff.
Any kind of support character that provides heals or shields.
Mysterious masked chivalrous knight.
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luckgods ww@
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forgot the link
Needs s1+healer, pretty annoying to play, dodge counter should skip to conquest instead of 3rd basic attack and her weapon is gay, hope chinks complain.
And that's a good thing
>Dommy mommy who turns into a literal semen demon/succubus for their ultimate.
moonlit 100%
she's a subdps that does way less damage than anko
Oooops I meant to write "despite others being just as good."

And yes, you have to build the characters, not just acquire them, which is another issue with combat based on team building. Not an issue for old accounts, I've been playing for 4 years and I have nothing else to spend resin on. The game gives you enough resources to scale up your roster pretty large while still grinding artifacts.
And let's be real, the requirement to grind to build up a large roster of viable character picks in endgame is applicable to all gacha, not just genshin.
>Abby is telling me she asked me out
Yeah, I can't help but feel this is a setup.
her damage is way less than main dps so its better to go for moonlit.
Don't fall for the moonlit meme.
Try to get a couple of energy sub stat and you're good to go.
Especially if you use Emerald of Genesis.
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S6 Taoqi
S2R1 Changli.
S1 Manko (formerly S0)
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But you literally made that up
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>People saying to put Moonlit on Changli
>Probably the same faggots that told me Moonlit Sanhua isn't good

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>subdps shit
lol here we go again
yes, anyone with a decently built account is 30/30 at lvl 80, lvl 90 will just make it a breeze.
Dendro saved electro. Before it the archetypes were basically just vape, freeze, and mono. Vape and mono stayed viable.

That wasn't a direct consequence of dendro itself, it was more an issue of enemy design.
retardbro... read the numbers

I'm so sorry.
According to your source, Jihnsi only does 11% more damage at S0, and even that's skewed in Jihnsi's favor because Prydwen is calculated by literal retards, so they assume Jinhsi has full forte already, where in their calculation for Changli they assume she starts with has no Enflamement.
>30/30 at lvl 80
Yeah that's bullshit
You literally edited out all the subreddits that are far higher
check the main post anon, S6 Taoqi was the true goal.
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Man, those sweats are playing a completely different game from me. Glad the combat system is versatile though.
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Good work anon
Help! scar forma de chicken is raping my assholes
still not seeing any levels
you should have full forte by the time you get to the nuke if you're using her properly
and the 11% is with cope weapons
if you're using jinhshi you're using her sig
at that point it's 30%
>inb4 why not compare sig to sig
changli's sig is a pitiful 10% increase which is a total waste of 80 rolls

and once again this is discounting the fact that 99% of the time you will not get to do changli's rotation because surprise surprise bosses fight back
You know, sure, elemental reactions were already did since everyone only cared about Swirl and Vapes, Freeze got killed unceremoniously after Ayaka's hostage rerun I think. Electro did deserve a Melt/Vape like reaction, that was fine.

But to me it doesn't change Quicken and Bloom thoroughly massacred balance.
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Anything else?
Shortstack with heavy armor
>maxed out in every way
>level 90, meaning ul 60
literally impossible without wasting astrite on stamina lol
Surely you're providing source for all that retard vomit.
hard mode: Not troonwen
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a stacy type
No signature weapons. Lot of time to spare too.
>d-doesn't count! t-tranny source!
funny how you can't actually disprove any of their numbers or point our any erros in the math so you just resort to screeching tranny
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>my jinhsibros were actually just meta calctards who'll probably move on when she gets powerecrept
well somehow you're doing at least twice as much damage as my units at similar levels
Concussion detected
Concession accepted
Is it worth rolling Changli if you have Jinhsi, Jiyan, and Encore?
and 20k astrite down the drain on stamina refreshes KEK
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Changli does too much damage for a sub-dps. Unlike this shitty elf.
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I know how you feel friend.

Level 80. Only signature, and duo.
I have Jinhsi + Changli sig, standard sword, Danjin S6 and my echos are pretty juiced since I focus everything into one character until I'm happy with it.
>signature and stringmaster
called it
Don't pretend signature are hard to get in this game. It's a duo too, with time to spare. And in your exchange with the other anon you explicitly said Jhinsi should be played with her signature.
Don't be disingenuous

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