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Previous >>487037660

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 07/18
>Cover art for The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- is now out!
>Mini original soundtrack for The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website is updated
>Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is coming out in the West in Early 2025
>Ys X: Nordics Releasing in the West on 25th Oct by NISA in both English and French
>Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Being Released in the West by XSEED in Early 2025 on NSW, PS4 and PS5
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II coming to Switch on July 25 in Japan
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Best girl Emma
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Do you guys really think that McBurn is Epstein? We don’t see McBurn in Kai marketing so far.
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Why isn't Tio real?
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>it's Maam!
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>Do you guys really think that McBurn is Epstein
>We don’t see McBurn in Kai marketing so far.
That means nothing since we only just saw Novartis 2 weeks ago, and multiple other characters like Celis and Rion are nowhere to be seen but we know they'll be in the game. It's not an assured thing but it's pretty likely that he'll be appearing since he's so relevant to everything that's going on.
He's Nayuta.
If he's not Epstein he has to be directly linked to Epstein because he came into Zemuria when Epstein disappeared.
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Epstein disappearing is fanfic. Nobody in Kuro mentions him disappearing.
Sex with sara valestein
True, Epstein didn't kill himself
Unless they show the dead body of Epstein then he just disappeared and had a fake death like Franz. Even then, showing a dead body isn't really enough.
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It's great that Kuro 2 brought back the CS2 title screens.
ronnie jobbing again
You aren't supposed to point out CS good
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me on the left
Hunting for shotas... i can only imagine what she did to her brothers.
based, kiseki needs more /ss/
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Haha... that's our Ronnie!
That logo looks awful NISA really saved us
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>he's so relevant to everything that's going on.
how? just because he is ~le demon?
It's funny how Cao is canonically stronger than Aaron in Kuro and that he's someone Aaron needs to catch up to.
Cao only uses 1% of his power
Crimson shit all over your face
Ultra Instinct Grendel will beat Cao
you must be 18 or older to post on 4chan
Cao can just cancel it out with the Zeroth Genesis.
hi zoomie
it's over...
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it looks pretty good desu
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Fufu... Cao will break Ronnie for good in Kai, then he will reconstruct his mind like Weissmann did with Joshy.
kid, you weren't even swimming around in your daddy's testicles whilst I was using Windows 3.11 and 95.
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>9 games old character
>STILL holding back his s-craft
McBurn was a filler antagonist until Falcom realized he was an extremely shallow character and gave him some backstory related to important things
I bet it's just Falcom using the character as sequelbait
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He never faced a situation where he needed to go all out so bringing out his ultimate move wasn't necessary.
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>McBurn fights Van
>Van: what the hell are you?
>McBurn: Haha, it has been a long time "brother".
>Lost to Lloyd Bannings
>He is over 50 years old and has power from another world and his biggest rival was a young edgelord with no supernatural power.
>His ALMIGHTY FLAMES can't even overcome an inexperienced witch
>His true form didn't last 3 turns against my party of high school girls

McBurn is a joke
>He didn't start with an IBM PC JR
oh no no...
I started with BBC Micro and Amiga then moved onto windows.
Damn grandpa why are you still here
Nice bait. Lloyd could never beat mcburn and would have died if it wasn’t just a robot that couldn’t handle using much power without just exploding.
How strong exactly is Shizuna supposed to be
Because the Trails series is the single greatest masterpiece ever made by any human. It towers far above great works such as Lord of the Rings, Mona Lisa, Godfather and Hey Jude.
Trails is the absolute peak of human creation.
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Van says that she's probably beyond the level of divine blade, but she also jobs to Kasim's STRONGEST gun, so yeah. The story portrays her as super strong, so I would be really surprised if Rean could win against her fair and square without 20+ clown helping him.
Screen this the fight between Shizuna and Rean will be interrupted by Ka-fai.
>Lloyd could never beat mcburn
Lloyd canonically made McBurn kneel.
Whatever the writing requires. If she needs to fight aidios a new power will be made up.
that’s not mcburn. its a robot version of him that isn’t even close to the same strength and just starts self destructing if it tries to actually use his flames. Play the games.
Saying Llyod made McBurn kneel is like saying Rean beat Arios you inbred retard
Remember the hype between Arios x Rean?
Same thing in Kai
Falcom lives on hype but never delivers
I love my husbando
Shizuna by herself in Daybreak kinda made Van's whole crew look like CS2 Class VII when they went against ALL OF ME Mcburn the moment she pulled Spirit Unification out of her ass
>Remember the hype between Arios x Rean?
No I don't remember that because the Reanhate back then was even stronger than it is now.
>Remember the hype between Arios x Rean?
That fight made me laugh so much, not only Arios was a fucking robot, he was already fucking damaged and then Rean goes "it almost felt like i fought the real arios", lmao fuck off.
>Shizuna and Rean will be interrupted by Ka-fai.
Let's be honest here, having the fight either a draw or as you said, interrupted is probably the most safest option. If the Rean vs. Shizuna fight has a definitive winner, the loser will end up getting shitposted to the end of time by here, twitter, reddit, and the falcord.
Van (and Bergard) is probably the only spriggan who can stand against Shizuna on his own, given he can access the Grendel. She did say in her connect event in Kuro 2 that Van's mindset is not in the right place when it come to fighting, so I hope he fixed his "mindset" or whatever in Kai.
Kek, and to add even more insult to injury Rufus' route had the real Arios solo TWO of his imposter robots
The robot version just couldn't access his CS4 form. He's equally as powerful otherwise.
If not more powerful considering how Robo-Rufus was way stronger than the real deal.
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Wean is asking Ka-Fai about what he even taught her in this image, so she's going to push his shit in but Falcom probably won't have him kneeling either.
i think rean should get a haircut.
don't be dumbass, he should grow it out and get a beard instead.
It seems like it'll be a motion capture fight scene, because there is no textbox .
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I don't think rean has enough testosterone to grow a beard.
Any chance we'll get a story trailer this week?
It's possible, but I'm guessing the first week of August.
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Threadly reminder these two will be the only characters that matter in Kai
He's had the exact same haircut for like 10 years kek
Altina is irrelevant in her own games and only exists as a coomerbait
She will be irrelevant again in Kai (Falcom not even tried to give her a good reason to appear)
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They clearly put more effort into her crafts than all the other characters though
He's ok, Astro Boy is 90 years old and still has the same haircut. You faggots pick on the shittiest things, it's like you guys don't even know a thing about the generic media you guys consume in general.
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>Altina is irrelevant in her own games
Except they treat her as the favorite in literally every given situation
>Falcom not even tried
>to give her a good reason to appear
Why would they spoil her entire reason of being there this early. Fucking braindead kek

Nice melty though
whyd you get so offended from a shitpost hahahaha
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Everytime I see this image I focus not on the girls, but Jusis’ love handles. Make him a fatty in future games Falcom…
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Reminder that Van has 6 s-crafts when you include Grendel.
thats just a remake of his first scraft except actually animated this time
>they treat her as the favorite in literally every given situation
Still an irrelevant character. The only relevant homunculus was Millium. Altina is a bad tio clone and the most generic new class 7 character

I don’t give a fuck about your shit language.

Every other C7 member so far has a reason to be in Calvard except the shit coomerbait character
No shit. He has that one, the one from Kuro 2, and he'll be getting another one in Kai.
There's also an scraft from the first trailer where he jumps from a stun calibur for a spin kick.
>Every other C7 member so far has a reason to be in Calvard
Not fie or crow
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How does the Kuro 2 fan translation look? Should I wait for NISA at this point or does it do a good enough job?
Yeah, I wonder how the grendel variation of it will look like.
She is working with Bracer Guild in Calvard since Kuro 1 and it’s an inspiration for Feri

He is working with Towa since Hajimari and he has a cameo in Kuro 2. Also he is now with Marduk and now to pilot a Tyrfing.

Altina description is basically: She joined Epstein foundation Erebonia branch but who cares? She is Rean’s pet and will go with him to Calvard
barely serviceable, not good if you want to talk to all npcs. might as well wait till early 2025
van should have just been a kunlun protag why does he need the stupid sword
Thanks anon, I'm haven't been big on NPC dialogue since mid CS-era, but if its still not decent outside of that, then I may just wait
Falcom thought the stun caliber's flexibility was a good mirror to Van's flexibility, but really it's just because they thought giving him a sword-esque weapon is more marketable than a full martial artist.
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>Absolute melty on shit he's clueless about
Play the games on that 1st gen switch you bought with pesos you third worlder
>Altina description is basically: She joined Epstein foundation Erebonia branch but who cares?
Again, that spoils literally the whole point she's there. Are all mud hut dwellers this bad at comprehension?
Yeah crow went from ripping off loewe in every scene to ripping off van in every scene. Not needed.
>Every other C7 member so far has a reason to be in Calvard except the shit coomerbait character
"I play the violin!" and "I like swords!" is even more flimsy than Altina's excuse, Paco.
Elliot can really be anywhere the story needs to be even if it's just for a cameo and nothing else under the visage of he is now a successful traveling musician.
Rean 1v1'd robo Arios
Lloyd 10v1'd robo McBurn and stole the last hit after doing fuck all during that fight
Not even remotely comparable situations. Lloyd wouldn't have lasted 10 seconds against Robo McBurn on his own.
And there's also Bergard in the party so having 2 characters with the same combat moveset would be bad, but I do think Van is way better with just kunlun, my favorite craft is when he puts down stun caliber to the ground and crush everyone with one fist strike.
>Rean 1v1'd robo Arios
A robo Arios that was already damaged from getting jumped in a previous fight. Meanwhile the REAL Arios wrecked two of his imposter bots.
there are like 5 playable 8 leaves fags in this series and they all have different movesets
If you delete Altina’s character from CS arc nothing changes because the majority of CS arc is a pointless 4D chess and Altina is just a small pawn created to receive cum

Tons of E.F. employees in Zemuria and they send the new member to Calvard. What a dogshit reason

Are Laura and Elliot in Calvard?
Because I don’t see them anywhere
Elliot go to Calvard to play Violin and be Rean’s orbiter is the same shit as Altina going to Calvard to be Rean’s pet.
I'm more curious if Nielsen and Bleublanc will appear this time, since they've been in every arc until now. Maybe Anton too.
>that was already damaged
It was still functional and Rean dominated that fight implying he could handle more
>Meanwhile the REAL Arios wrecked two of his imposter bots.
...with a surprise attack after they were weakened from fighting the picnic squad
They aren’t in Kuro arc
This is Kai arc
>the REAL Arios wrecked two of his imposter bots.
After being worn down by the Picnic Squad.
Nielsen should be in, don't really care about Bleublanc. Anton's story is done since he finally got laid.
I kneel
Nielson will be. Bleublanc could appear, but also could just give Van and co. a quest like Crossbell and not actually appear.
Van is literally the one who copied everything from Crow down to his style and personality.
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Hey guys have you guys heard of the sept-terrions?
>If you delete Altina’s character from CS arc nothing changes
play your switch rodrigo
Are Laura and Elliot in Calvard?
no ones talking about them schizo
I like panties
I just saw dorothy hyatt, we are getting them very shortly.
I hope we actually get to see Bleublanc's past end up catching up to him at some point. Given that Schera being from the south has been retconned into her being Central Eastern, then the place Bleublanc is from is probably also in the east. Maybe one of the Iska city states?
>If you delete Altina’s character from CS arc nothing changes
Wrong. If you delete her the game improves
We don’t need Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu Ka? characters in this franchise
>Given that Schera being from the south has been retconned into her being Central Eastern,
She can still be from Elsaim and be factually correct as being from "south"
You're telling me being a complete faggot and horrible to each other on a daily basis in the span of 5-6 years is how you people chose to live ? sheesh.
>he got to pound joshy's bussy
It's not fair sisters...
Let's be honest here, put Llyod in Rean's situation where he has to 1v1 robo Arios. No backup from anybody from Class VII or SSS. Does Llyod come out on top?
If cumdoll was removed from the plot parts would have to be rewritten. Not irrelevant
When is way more east than south it's a little bit of a stretch to say south.
Cringe. I agree though, I wish I was weissmann so I had unlimited access to Joshua hole. If trails was BL weissmann and Joshua would 100% be a couple. I hope the sky remake on the horizon will get people to see the vision and more fanart comes of it.
not when discussing latitude
renne is so strong and valid for becoming a successful student council president after being raped
She also makes sure all the boys aren't sexually frustrated fufu (except Albert the incel).
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Give me one good reason why they didn't make him the protagonist.
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>We don’t need Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu Ka? characters in this franchise
We need more actually
Nah, but the rape correction she would’ve gotten from the adults while she was in ouroboros would’ve been crazy
Why do cold steel haters have so little intelligence?
“If we delete character x the game remains the same”, “if we replace character y with an item the game remains the same”, “character z could have done what character x and y did and nothing would change”.
All cold steel characters have a role in the story regardless of whether they are “very important” or not.
I know the story mostly revolves around Rean and he is a great main character but the story isn't just about him. Why are the most popular erebonia characters the ones who receive the most hate?
Keep that faggot shit to Cold Steel and Kuro where it belongs. Estelle is a trad woman and does not tolerate degenerate homosexuality.
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so it's never explained why olympia was even doing this?
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SHE may not tolerate it, but that doesn’t stop weissmanns homolust for little Joshua and how he is the best boyfriend for him. Also I think her seething over getting cucked would be funny
In normal conversation people don't tend to measure out latitude and just say what the prevailing direction is.
Money problems.
Grew up without a father.
Shame. Do you have any other panels? Very sexy.
It's always the third world niggers
What's Tio a clone of though?
Normal people do not fantasize about Weissmann fucking Joshua. Just throwing that out there.
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Please stop doing this shit falcom
Normal people do not use /fg/
she brought her sister back through the power of dance
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bros why can't elaine be real i love her design and her jp voice is just perfect
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i wood berry my dick so far up her butt whoever could pull it would be crowned king arthur
We know, Maxim
But she only has one brother.
Erotic as fuck, thank you
it is trust me i have three doctorates
where the fuck is ys vs trails i need my terrible pvp kusoge
that leak was most likely fake
That's a nice butt
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I saved her life solely due to this scene
well, maybe they'll rerelease ys strategy instead, haha...
Dinosaur translation when?
This but yume
>tfw born too late to have sword autist gf
>tfw born too early to get robo sword autist gf
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cute and canon
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Anies lost.
What actually is the max unit rank in the gacha? I thought it was SUL, but it seems like it can still be upgraded further. Are further upgrades just to unlock a higher level cap or something?
ur only person who plays it, also your off topic.
Wrong, and wrong.
falcom general, gacha game not made by falcom. you're off-topic buddy.
Falcom gacha, Falcom general.
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anieskeks will never recover
>game not made by falcom
Falcom has been secretly outsourcing games after Azure
Where does it say in the OP that we can't talk about games outsourced by Falcom?
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Who is Cao fighting here?
It's okay when Tales anon does it
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>it's another Bleublanc steals something episode

We literally JUST had one before leaving Rolent
Lavian Winslet
Someone here posted a theory that the maskfags are recreations of historical figures like Taikun and Sheena Dirke, but the more likely answer is that they're just AI OCs created by the Genesis after they observed the various Kuro characters.
It's Aaron/Taikun.
SC is pretty formulaic. Expect a Bleublanc quest every chapter.
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so what's the running theory on the identities of the masked figures the genesis brought from a different time?
yuito sumeragi
>literally copying the True Organization XIII now
Why is Falcom like this?
>ripping off scarlet nexus designs
i'm so tired of falcom
For that, you'd have to look at which Genesis the masks correspond to. In order, it'd be the 2nd (Creil), the 4th (Tharbad), and the Seventh (Pandemonium).
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>shard ronnie fights cao and gets his ass kicked
Yet another loss for the "prodigy".
i see. so each mask matches each genesis symbol and then we can speculate which figure was brought in from a different time to represent that specific genesis.
That version of Ronnie is Taikun so Cao will have to actually try in order to win. Cao's days are numbered.
You could argue the middle one could be the fifth instead. It has Tharbad's yellow, but Basel's vertical lines.
But I don't know if that theory really holds water now. Melchior would make sense for one, and I suppose the 7th could have pulled Ronnie anyway at a stretch, but the female masked figure in the middle doesn't match up with anyone I remember being in Tharbad or Basel.
yeah the ones that pulled in ronnie and melchior(?) seem to share a smilar design but for some reason the masked female has a different color so i wonder if it's to signify her as the leader or atleast the more relevant genesis.
Haha... don't look up what was ripped off in Sky...
falcom ran out of ideas for this series years ago so they just copy other jrpg plots and call it a day
though i wish theyd copy actually good plots haha...
It's honestly sad. This is such a blatant ripoff that I'm honestly embarrassed.
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Holy shit I haven't played a Falcom game since CS1 and Daybreak is just way better in almost every way except maybe music. Who knew that basedboy main character was holding the series back this much.
I think that every SSR+ you pump into the SUL unit will get it a star, up to 5. I imagine that it’ll just heighten the level cap and boost stats further.
I'm already half Campanella
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We were saying that all along. Rean was disastrous for the CS arc and the series as a whole.
Nice fabrication
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Ban is so cool...
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feri is very sexy and cute i don't know why she doesn't get any attention
Is that shit still not out? Have they really been editing a completed translation for 3 years?
Why do you hate kino? It's a good way to close out the Calvard arc anyways.
I guess child soldiers are kinda getting stale in kiseki, Feri is cute but she also didn't really do much to be more memorable and since Van can't romance her no one's talking about her that much. Kondo said that Khurga clan will be important in kai so let's hope she'll get her time to shine.
i don't hate feri but she's suffers from a lot of the same problems most of the kuro characters do, it's just "been there done that" and they all got shafted out of their arcs in kuro 2 so you can't really latch onto them
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Culo no Kiseki
I think that Feri erosion scene was the only good one in kuro 2, but you're right that half of spriggans are still underdeveloped.
I was interested in Risette and her whole lost all of her senses angle sounded interesting and she has these occasional moments where she reveals what a deep well of sadness she has but then they barely go into it except for her connect events in Kuro 1 and 2. Typical Falcom I guess.
What was ripped off? The only similarities I can think of is some Xenogears inspiration and Kevin being heavily influenced by vash. Weissmanns design is also extremely similar to Richard from psychic force, as well as Rennes to iris in Sakura taisen
why is falcom so lazy
Org XIII is great unlike Falcom antagonists
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True. Org XIII mogs these clowns.
Sky is Moonlight Witch 2.0
This is why Kuro flopped.
You seriously expect me to listen to xis opinion?
>I feel so mean for how negative I'm being
I hate how much of a hugbox the modern internet has become
I mean, yeah? Kuro is good but it's not great. There's a reason none if the characters caught on and the games sold so poorly. Everything is all so underdeveloped so no one really gets attached or hyped.
This isn’t even the first cs cultist I’ve seen who feels bad for being rude about vidya
>there's no haremshit, i can't enjoy this
>Right for once
The world is not the same...
Stop samefagging Reanbro
Protect the soul society, Ban-san...
Cute surrogate father/son sex
the characters were all underdeveloped as fuck in zero and nothing happens until the final chapter and everyone loves that fame
This is exactly how I felt playing through the first two Cold Steels. I just felt a whole load of nothing the entire time. The only part that really got my attention was when they dangled Lloyd and Rixia in front of me for an hour before returning to boring Reanshit for the rest of the game.
I don't really know how to feel about the fact that the only enjoyment I got out of the Cold Steel arc is the member berries.
No one's acting like kuro 1 is a masterpiece, it was a really good first game in a new arc that fixed more than half of the problems I had with cs3 and onwards. It didn't completely get rid of cs dna and tharbad chapter is definitely the lowest point in the game, but listening to a CS faggot and a deranged Alisafag who posts something like "AGHHHGFFFHH" with attached pic of Alisa is beyond me. All those faggots on xitter who are obsessed over one video game character like if they were real people are fucking deranged.
>All those faggots on xitter who are obsessed over one video game character like if they were real people are fucking deranged.
Just wait until you find out about the Rufus schizos who think they’re married to him and have melties when they find someone else who thinks they’re married to Rufus
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Crossbell works because they sell you on the setting of Crossbell. You can walk between the Erebonian border to the Calvard border, from Mainz to St. Ursula. You see how corrupt the government is, how Crossbell is caught in the middle between the great game between Erebonia and Calvard. Kuro doesn't sell you on any anything about Calvard except that its just a generic modern country separates by loading screens.
>listening to a CS faggot and a deranged Alisafag who posts something like "AGHHHGFFFHH" with attached pic of Alisa is beyond me.
I hate alisa and alisafags they are cringe

>tharbad chapter is definitely the lowest point in the game
Sorry but last chapter is worse and chapter 4 is tied with chapter 3 in terms of ''shit writing''
Human fusing with a robot because muh Elysium is curse mask tier of bad writing (and mary sue renne working with the bracer guild + the study fields vibe gave me a taste of the bad days of cs3)
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>Just wait until you find out about the Rufus schizos who think they’re married to him and have melties when they find someone else who thinks they’re married to Rufus
Who is Calvard's Emma?
Paulette, Risette or Nina?
I like the nips more than these weirdos
They like the characters but you never see them larping like western fans
paulette definitely
Personality wise - Nina (when she acts like an actress, even her speech pattern is similar)
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Feels good being a Skyboomer.
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>Anchorville served as the setting of Sunshine Agnes.
Do you think Sunshine Agnes books will turn out to be relevant in Kai?
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design? paulette
gameplay? agnes
lore? I don't know if risette is related to the septerrion of time but nina has the girl with secret magic power vibes
I would have dropped the series at cs2 if not for the catharsis of beating up rean as lloyd and rixia
Ronnie will bang Emma.
Emma is a witch and most of her crafts are more reminiscent of a black/white wizard with some references to LoTR

Agnes is a white mage and will have a craft that looks like a witch's craft attack

Is Falcom dumb? Or is Agnes really a witch or sunshine Agnes?

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