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Previous: >>487174942

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Resonator Showcase | Changli — SEIZE THE INITIATIVE

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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Jinhsi anus
Prydwen tranny - Concussion accepted edition
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Changli, regret or no regret so far?
Stop gaslighting me on moonlit set. Is it good or not?
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>Stop with this bullshit
is what I'm gonna write on the feedback form
wtf that's me (on the left, specifically)
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Why does my Encore do no damage? Jinhsi hits like a truck with the same crit ratio.
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It's not good. It' BIS in slot.
Shrimple as.
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It took everything.
F2P btw.
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launch 5 stars are really weak compared to jinhsi/Changli
It's bad.
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if you just want to quickswap with concerto energy it's good. to transfer on buffs to your next character. if you want changli on the field for a while to play with her rotations then a fusion set is much better.
So the answer is to get lucky with echoes.
Those stats are cracked even compared to my Jinhsi who I farmed a ton for + got her signature.
But sex also
i think changli sucks
jinhsi is just better
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Dude who the fuck said changli is bad ? this bitch have cheat code parry with crazy dmg
good on some characters, bad on changli cuz she wants field time.
- standard 5* are not that amazing now
- your attack is quite low
>boosts damage on main DPS by 12%
>also gives 22% atk
>and 10% energy regen
>40% elemental damage on you sub-DPS
Gee anon I din't know you tell me
Do yiu think it's good?
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None whatsoever.
We always join competitions (and do photo shoots or promotional events) for money. Otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned a "group". He's free to be a fat cosplayer somewhere away from us to avoid tarnishing our reputation - also keep in mind that this is not America and landwhales aren't the norm here.
For the most part.
Chairman Xhi.... forgotten.
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my bad, meant for >>487198357 in last thread
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>1.4k ATK
>subdps monkey is back at it again after getting btfo not even 24 hours ago
The agenda must continue right? Tenacious little rat
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Please stop lewding children if you don't want to burn in eternal hellfire
To be fair even encore can be played as a subdps
Is encore that much of a dps loss? Don't have her but pulled for s2 changli however my spectro rover (lv80 UL56) clears heron in the same amount of time as the showcase shown. Did they buff the new tower because no way that time is supposed to be impressive with the amount of inputs this had? I'm using emerald of genesis between spectro rover and changli too.
Dumb anko poster
Get pregnant.
Watched the Changli trailer and realized she's just Jingyuan with boobs. Entire trailer is the exact same as Jingyuan's. Everything about it. Right down to even saying his lines.
Hopefully they didn't copy Jingyuan's status in the meta too...
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When the fuck are we getting supports

Verina can't be on every goddamn team
no the answer is spend 160 rolls on weapons
did you not see he has changli's sig AND stringmaster?
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>gave Jinhsi the idea for the sundial
>it was actually a test to see if she wanted (you) for herself
based bird
Isn't painter fujo next patch a support?
your Cowqi?
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umm bro just luckshit haha every f2p can do this? if you can't KILL YOURSELF
funny how retards keep forgetting Baizhi exists
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Why is this here? I haven't used it at all.
It's a duo (which also means he doesn't get the current buff) with ton of time to spare lmao.
>they're so easy to get! 160 rolls is nothing bro!
okay record yourself wasting 25k astrite on the standard character banners since 160 rolls is nothing according to you
Spectro rover is good? I considered trying it out against Scar because Changli + havoc rover obviously wasn't going to work well against a havoc resistant enemy but I realized I had all talents at level 1. I can just hand her my Jinhsi's gear, though.
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Should I aim for 70% CR?
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>- standard 5* are not that amazing now
Say it to my face if you dare. I'll CALCHUD you so hard you won't be able to sit for a decade.
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I feel like that's kind of hard to do. Impressive really.
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Next time you want to roll, make sure you do it right here
If you ignore this post you WILL get the Lingbrick.
baizhi is fucking shit
t. verinalet
Because Jinhsi is fucking broken
Like, stupid broken

Like, beyond Archon tier broken
I got both Changli and her weapon with like 12k astrite starting from 10 and 0 respectively
You're also being disingenuous as you wanted Jinshi to be compared with her signature weapon for your 30% point to hold true.
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How can Changli have nearly DOUBLE the polygons of Jinhsi, yet be so much worse in gameplay?
Hard to take you seriously when you're the same anon who's been gloating that Changli's sig is only a 10% increase.
Pretty sure there's a condition for that.
Starts with Homo.
>got Changli C1
>wanted some Baizhis on the way since rate up
>all of my 4*s were Taoqi
>literally every single one
>she was c6'd in the first month of the game
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>p-please Rover look at my body I can also be s-sexy just like that vixen harlot, I can also call you my husband if you want
We only lewd females who has had their periods.
where the FUCK is maygi
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Someone who is good at echo tuning help me fix this...
use Emerald of Genesis
boom, fixed
>people keep playing this game that already made 1.0 dps irrelevant in 1.1

How fucking grim is this game's future looking?
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So do I unlock a Baizhi sex scene now or what
>eat crit rate+ food
Problem solved
crit rate 4-cost retard
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>How can Changli have nearly DOUBLE the polygons
Because a third of the polygons are used up by her MASSIVE jacket. Yeah it's the jacket, specifically the removable part.
Good for supports or off field dps like Mortefi
Roll signature, ez
She is dying from blood cancer and can't do content as often anymore.
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NTA but I got her weapon in the 10-roll they handed out for free a couple of weeks ago. Doesn't mean everyone can luckshit though, someone else might need 140 for character + 70 for the weapon.
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Okay it was worth it
Sorry, I only have eyes for Changli.
Maybe go ask Jiyan.
>jinhsi groomed as a kid for (you)
>changli groomed as a kid for (you)
is rover mohammed?
>off field dps like Mortefi
Characters with assist attacks lose so much damage if they go moonlit instead of dps set.
I'm starting Tales of Vesperia
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She sleepy
I'm in about the same spot since I got gear for the standard 5* and then luckshitted her weapon. Everything rolled crit damage.
>Jue really though "Damn, Lord Arbiter would love this woman"
>Changli's master really thought "Damn my old friend would love this woman"
and they were both right.
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I slept through and forgot that it's Jinhsi's last day. So that waveband lv2 goes kaput. At least Changli's pretty fun...
i STILL dont have C4 Mortefi

i KEEP ON getting this thick lab slut
Jue knows what his master wants.
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This is with the 15cr S1 active. I'm only missing one crit damage roll on my heron. When I cleared boss floor it was with verina energy set/outro + taoqi heal set/turtle 1s rotation.
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Maygi got raped
I really think this grooming shit is creepy
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Spectro rover is an insane subdps. She's too fucking strong for so little field time.
okay record yourself wasting 12k on the standard banner then
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don't care gay nigga
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Fair enough but honestly you only use Mortefi for his ultimate
Moving goalposts I see
Jinhsi is fast asleep in her room, and Sanhua is taking care of her.
Now tell me, my dear: where shall we go on our little escapade tonight~?
>w-well i luckshitted them in 75 rolls
talking about yourself?
Stop cucking the Magistrate.
So do Changli and Jinhsi have much synergy or is Verina and Yinlin still the best option?
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I'm talking about you sperging out about two signatures weapons on two S0 character with one of them being a standard character. All of this on a duo run with a lot of time to spare. And after you just claimed that Changli's weapon was mediocre and that Jinshi should only be compared to her when accounting for her signature weapon.
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Bres is Changli’s signature mandatory like Jinhsi’s is?
you realize that only makes the run MORE invalid right?
when a sig is a must roll you can argue that most people have it
meanwhile 99% of people are going to skip a 10% sig
I saw a webm of Jinhsi and Changli air juggling Crownless earlier and its pretty cool
I took a better picture than the last thread's OP
>huge problem
>changli can't 6/6 without multiple limited weapons
>posts a run with 2 limited weapons as "proof" of that being wrong
your cope and seethe doesn't matter
you've yet to disprove this simple fact
>changli can't 6/6 without multiple limited weapons
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How can it be a huge problem when Verina is so smol?
Stop ignoring baizhi
I'm posting a fucking DUO run lmao and it's not even a close clear
If you don't realize how much of a disadvantage it is in hazard then you're beyond retarded.
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>sub dps
>solos an entire tower
Ok so now that everyone has gotten posting their rolls and simping over their bird wife, can someone please clue me into a simple Encore rotation. I want to run them both in a dual dps setup and need to know if I need to run some super tight setup or can I be a bit more loose without losing too much damage
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WHEN CAN I HAVE THE LITTLE GIRL CHANGLI?????????????????????????
$200 skin
You guys weren't joking about the grooming, her master literally says for her to find you.
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>the optimal way of playing Changli is to do constant swap cancel stuff
my old man hands won't survive this
If spectro rover with 2 supports can do it I don't see why changli with 2 supports can't. Doesn't she do more damage than spectro rover?

Anyone figure out where this goes? Not bricking myself with unclaimed quest chests lmao
Changli intro - conquest
skill - conquest
skill - jump version
Mid air heavy attack shortcut into basic attack 4 to get final flame mark
nyo tamamobro it's not as important because the standard 5* sword is op
you can honestly just duo changli + support
you just need 6-8s of downtime for birb
they used two signature weapons thus it doesn't disprove changli needing sigs to clear
simple as that
>b-but it's a duo verina gives +10000% damage
>b-but they they only have 99% perfect echoes!
>b-but mars was in retrograde
doesn't matter
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I would honestly buy that shit. Loli with a sword? Flashy moves and playstyle? FUCK I WANT THAT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>loli changli mods are out
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All around me are familiar faces...
You're as dumb and annoying as the stupid bitch anime poster, please kill yourself.
sounds fishy
gib the rover clear
suddenly, she's a must roll
Post doko?
Why is Taoqi so shit lmao
an outfit swap would've been appreciated, she just looks like Verina with a wig
Why didn't Jinhsi get a companion quest?
Stop being pedophiles.
I haven't done the new tower so if that one is harder then Idk but this one's me

Wasn't the whole of Thaw her companion quest?
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Imagine Changli. But LOLI SEXO. What could have been bros...
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Bet against me I DARE YOU
Stop calling Chixia "Ma Xiaofang"
main story is the companion quest.
They should stop making the lolis so damn hot then, literally asking for it
>out of the pitiful retardation he calls arguments
>resorting to screeching reeeee kys kys kys
easiest W of my life
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Is it an actual mod for Changli or is it some crappy bootleg encore mod?
He also doesn't benefit from the tower buff you drooling retard.
And there is enough time to spare to imply that the clear would have still been possible (and with a good margin as well) with 10% less dps, which is what Changli's sign amounts to. Use your brain retard, he isn't cutting it close enough for the sig to make a difference in the run's success.

Not to mention : https://youtu.be/nPVi6f9_fbI?si=n9_giOnXqU1XainT
And you'll only see more of them pop up through the day.
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I just call her my wife
>trust me bro
yeah nah
I smell Heavy Attack Damage.
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it's over
use THAT
It's time to use THAT
>In pgr you get a kiss
>here we cant have kisses but the characters can still be for you
Im so excited to what other bullshit tey will come up with for girls to simp for us.
Also it was very cute of Changli to hold ouer hand and feel the warmth
i didnt read a single line in the loli changli quest, can someone qrd it please
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oh shit lmao back to the mines
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I think you guys complained about free stuff too much. Now they're not giving us any free shit. Fuck
The only thing I haven't cleared with spectro rover is mourning aix because rover was literally my only dps until I pulled changli lmao (I'm also still waiting for static mist for my chixia)
>to advance the task according to the task step information

holy AI translation..
>you get send to the past of Changli
>you meet loli version
>you acommpany her in this broken time space
>Changli memories meld with that time space
>Changli teacher also groomed her to be for ((you))
>quest is about her learning to not give up and controling her powers so that she dosnt burns herself to deaht
>in the end you hold her hand as she says>>487200749
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I blame my ancestors for instilling the natural ability for me to detect when a girl is capable of getting pregnant
so every single run is
>farm busted echoes
>swap cancel constantly
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>Changli was a poor orphan girl
>Changli found her master(your friend from a long time ago)
>Her Master taught her/raised her, and told her if she really wanted to see her goal out(to make a peaceful prosperous world) to find (you) and that she would know (you) when she found you.
>Changli determines (you) are the one her master told her about during the quest
>Changli gives you a gift(phoenix wedding ring) so she can touch (you) without hurting (you).
You mean on ZZZ or Genshin? This game is confirmed to EoS, didn't hit #1 revenue spot because lack of investment globally and in regions like Japan. Don't waste your money, wuwa doesn't have any good redeeming features that can sustain it long term anyway, you're better off sticking to investing into a Hoyo game which is guaranteed to stay up for eternity
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Thanks bwo I’ll just settle with the standard then
How do I unlock the Changli sex minigame?
Yeah sure it will EoS within a year lmao don't get delusional hoyotranny
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>Never used verina for anything
I don't have such problem.
thanks bwos you saved me hours of reading pointless chinkslop
Are there any support characters that are leaked coming out

My Verina is getting gangbanged by every team because they all want her
It's vaguelly alright now just because you can ignore healers for most the floors and baiz is good enough just a bit awkward. I like that currently the buffing difference isn't major, future 5* healer has the risk of being way too good and making high floors dependent on them
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Bro I have been through this carousal many times before. I don't """invest""" into gacha I simply play them for as long as they provide entertainment and what I want. They all will EOS in the end.
Hold up genshin flopped everywhere except in china, does that mean genshin is going EoS before wuwa ?
pray that phrololo is
>worse gameplay
>then the cutscene character
not going to lie but changli looks less pretty without the jacket
wish she kept it on and the dress itself burned away
>his gacha broker is not shorting wuwa
How does Changli do her intro after using her echo?
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Blue Archive...lost...
What the fuck is the current tower. I'm doing worse than the last one with way stronger characters. That spectro construct fight seems impossible to 3 star.
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>we've been faster than our sister generals since yesterday
So this is the power of the phoenix
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I got 27 stars on the last tower, and I can only get 24 stars on this one. If getting AR60 and level 90 for my characters doesn't make a significant difference I'm proly just going to uninstall. Grinding echos is unironically worse than genshin relic farming.
Already got S1, is S2 Changli worth going for?
>sister generals
But we only have PGR?
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that game isn't even available in my country... And Wuwa fell from 4.4 to 3.9 on the playstore...
Why do you want us to stop being based?
Changlis fat tits
That is all
>In pgr you get a kiss
Proof? Can't find anything
dumb corin poster
da 0.9% dps increase...
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How BRICKED is my account bwos?
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20/30 gang
I'm sensei (rover) (i was reincarnated into Kivotos one time)
how much
Wasn't going for it, just happened to get 2 copies in a 10 pull so I still have plenty of pulls remaining to try to get s2
do you refuse to lose 50/50s or what?
>level 80 Chud
Eternal brick
there's no brick if you're just spending money
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should i buyed astrite for c2 now??
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Its in the chinese version
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just win your 50/50s, you can't get knotted if you just say no
You get more than that, the MC has a daughter with one of the villainess the kiss in on the last patch with Lucia and there is also a few girls that confess to you and the woman who is in charge of not China took you as her husband.
Finally a version of nahida i want to have sex with
I did it for her.
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slow and steady wins the race...
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Bwo your Rukkha? We know what she's going to look like in a couple of thousand years
based bird enjoyer
You'll eventually get to a point where you'll mainly just be farming tacet fields anyway unless you pulled a new character. I like it here more because you can brute force main stats until you finally get a good piece. In hsr I've been playing since the beginning and I still don't have a single decent fire damage orb despite dozens of self-modeling resins and thousands of stamina spent so that I even have several perfect salsotto ropes. I'm f2p and only really have my e6 topaz waifu to carry me
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Based birb lover
Mind sharing the echoes?
At S2 right now. This is me in six months
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what the
Is one 3 cost with fusion% and one with atk% okay for Changli?
Too old. I prefer middle school girls.
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Imagine loli Changli look at (You) with disdain and hate...
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You will get there
the lion king...
Where? Please tell me it actually works.
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You ever have your brain going "You SHOULD be happy, you got everything you wanted!" but your heart just goes "Why are we still here...?"
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Is Changli good or a brick? Also is her weapon only good for her or is it good for other sword users too?
It's alright, not a huge damage loss but it's not optimal
she's a good main dps for sub dps Encore
her sword is also good for Danjin
sword is also a brick and only 10% better on her, less on other characters
You'd think that the Lionfag would get buffed after all the complains about him being garbage
Love her but I didn't go for her sword. Didn't feel great idk
character you like how it looks or plays = brick
character you dont like how looks or plays = brick

either way
we are bricked
Uh, bros, how do I get past this? The loli talks about her resonator power, and then I get soft locked.
Stop being a metafag for a second and pull for the character you like and have fun you dumbass.
Only gacha I know that does consistent post-launch buffs is FGO. Not sure if any others do it.
What levels of autism do you need to reach to procrastinate work by doing math in a wuxia cultivation simulator?
hold W
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Bahaha stay in the dirt WuCHUDS. Get deleted while BAbros stay cookin' with Genshinbros. Only good investment games allowed in our subreddit.
It's been about half a day since Changli's release. Any regrets after pulling her yet?
Oh, you have to literally look in the right direction
i regret being excited for her but managed to calm my dick and not pull
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How's your luck bros?
Spent everything i had and got lioned... idk if i will stick long enough till Camelia. Idk how but all my enthusiasm for the game just vanished.
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I did it!
bros how come they can keep talking about how much better x games are doing than wuwa but we can't even get a wuwa post talking about how well changli sold on release? it gets deleted with people saying it's off-topic? this is illegal...
>stay cookin
that's enough thread for today.
>f2p btw
People are streaming WuWa again. Changli saved WuWa.
For me its the events, i really hope 1.2 bring actual content instead of doing the same fights over and over again, the worst part its how long it takes how awful the rewards are, 75 for a 3 star floor or 40 from an event stage where i need to fight 5 bosses in retarded
I love loli Changli.
>skipping jinhsi
Why tho
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I'm saving for zhezhi but waiting for people to post more Changli nudes
well done. sanhua felt awful in that rogue like mode, maybe it's because i only tried with the shitty prebuilt
who is the real NTR queen? Baizhi or Changli
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Copies or more pulls?
Didn't like how she played, didn't want to risk not getting Changli since I already had a guarantee
Personally, more pulls but that depends on who in the future you might want.
Is Changli's sword worth it if I already have the standard 5*?
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no /bag/got talks like this and no one in that community wants to be associated with genshitter troons and women
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Ok I think this is the best I can do because I have non-molten cost 1 atk left
why do people keep getting this wrong, it's meichou
character was kinda boring and although her animations were nice didn't like her playstyle
I don't understand what Changli's appeal is to you guys? Her damage isn't even the best.
fucking explode
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Comments prove you wrong retard. Rest of /bag/ agrees with this just not you because you're invested in wuthering flop.
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She's good now right?
This. She doesn't deserve it.
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>wasn't going to pull for Changli's weapon
>think "fuck it, just throw the 10 free pulls i have from before on it to build pity"
No they don't and I don't care what the opinions of people who lurk on a subreddit dedicated to salesfagging wars thinks. They don't have any actual allegiance to anything except shitposting like what you're doing. So you should go back.
Have you tried using echoes? They're busted on trials, I breezed through it with Sanhua and the thundering thing, the echo did 99% of the damage
But this is with the freebie though. It's not that hard to play. Just keep doing the qte and everything just dies. Just have to get the resonance liberation reset, since Scar randomly 1 shots at like 80%, so you have to start spamming invul from liberation/shields/intro.
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Pretty bad bro. I got lion'd.
very good.
is Changli good
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We salesfag all the time as #1 kings in JP and you're acting like you're above it. Hypocrite fag you ain't part of us you fake /bag/got.
For me, it's still Zhezhi
BA only makes decent sales during bluefes and you would know this if you actually played the game but you don't.
if going for c6 use coral, 360x2 is 90 pulls
>#1 kings in JP
no one has ever been able to dethrone FGO, stop falseflaging as a /bag/got.
What constellation/eidolon is best value to get to for Changli?
S2, S4, S6
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What are your collections looking like bros
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Not good enough to pull if you don't really like her since her performance is slightly premium Encore, won't survive more than 4-6 months of powercreep. Get her if you like her a lot, think she's very fun etc. If in doubt wait a week or two for things to calm down and re-evaluate if you really want her. Don't pull right after doing her quest, it's designed to bait you.
2 solves her crit problem. 5 is the first huge damage upgrade. 6 is the next one.
kys farfag you're a pathetic waste of (a lot of) space (because you're fat)
No one asked
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These NPC designs god damn
You're not /effay/ nor SOVLFUL
So am I investing in a second fusion set to pair Changli with Anko or not? What's her actual best team setup
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>four seas
So this means the other continents will be away from us through the sea? I hope they give us a boat or something later. Maybe even some random mobs at the sea?
Don't care didn't ask.
I can always use a mod to change the looks of a weapon.
are the mods safe?
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When are we getting a gun user?
Bro the game is taking place on Sol-3 it's the earth.
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Is it just me or her eyebags increased? Don't tell anyone is lewding this hag?
Seafaring is fine and all, but some land borders would be nice
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I got Changli in 20 pulls
as safe as every single mod
until you get banned then its not safe
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>Sol-3 it's actually earth
No fucking way.... Wow... Did it really took you that long?
And yet you answered. Fool. Enjoy your ban.
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>Taoist cultivator
Are we going full wuxia now? Courting death memes doko?
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I didn't know it was this kind of game...
>Taoist cultivator
Just wait till you find out who it is
You know how characters disappear when you get too close to them?
Not Changli post-quest at the game board.
>captcha: J4NNY
Is Changli a better subdps for Anko than Sanhua?
If you have a strong manko with stringmaster and maxed out skills Sanhua will be better. You need 2 good fusion sets to get it to work too. It's why people run Changli with havoc Rover instead.
just use a mod to get rid of the blur
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Actually, no- i don't know
Jesus Christ, have some dignity, you freak. Use boorus like normal people. Those buoys don't even have turgid nipples.
I refuse
why are you showing us the redditors penis....
>I showed you my forte please respond
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watch out for cars when you get home tonight
focus on your stream fob
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Her angry face is kinda hot. But I gotta stay strong for the cute megane girl...
I'm happy for you bro
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You'll give in, eventually.
That glare was pretty nuts. I was expecting her to brutalize that NPC with her heels
one half of 1.3 is used up on cammelya too. i wonder if we're gonna get a pistol user or a second support first
>these towers
what the fuck
>Seeded streamer account
coastguard is going to be a gun user that shoots butterflies trust
taoqi can't heal others right?
Whats she again, Rectifier?
So Huanglong is this game's not-China, what's the New Federation then? Not-U.S? Can't be the United Kingdom or some other EU nation because Mortefi, Verina and Aalto don't have the accents to back it up..
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She's getting angrier nyo....
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>they rolled for a sub dps
Call yourself a stupid bitch.
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>the tranny anime poster is here again
are you gonna pull just like when you said jinhsi was a brick?
I'm a stupid bitch who rolls for girls in gacha games simply because they're sexy
I got monked. I love monk-wife, but i failed the past 2 50/50s...at this poont i will keep pulling and save 1.2. If cam-wife is in 1.3, Its all or nothing. She will determine everything
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>wayfinder is just a codeword for wife
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These translated comments from the Japanese sales website are pretty funny
People really are having the exact same arguments all over the world
Just download the correct version of the game, she says what she really means in it. As you can see here >>487198687
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>pulling for a hag encore

Apologize for being a repulsive stupid bitch!
taoqi is fuckign miserable to play jesus christ
>Soulful emojis
Why can't we have emojis too? :/
It got reallt fucking bad on mobile after the last hotfix. I went from no problems to fucking shit. This dumbass company has had weeks to fix their biggest market. I have no idea why they arent prioritizing it
if they keep that old kit from before her remodel, she's sword
Don't mind me, just adding this >>487173139 to everyone's sound playlist.
major optimization on the next patch, just hope you win the optimization gacha on mobile
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i love my level 50 Yangyang workhorse who helps me with 5 floors of the tower, my favorite utility character since i dont have a monk wife
Bro your 5* selector?
One ticket and one banner selector.
are characters guarantees like the weapon banner or no?
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50/50 guarantee if lose
No. Characters have the 50/50 and they are guaranteed only if you lose.
Let me guess, you used your selector on Encore or Verina instead of Jianxin
50/50 first pity, then after that you guarantee the banner character next pity. It carries over in banners though
No wonder it failed in China. Its not some fucking intensive game, just optimize it ffs. I hope the character designers get hired onto other projects if it goes eos. Their designs are too good to fall by the wayside
>22 days
these banners are pretty long you could probably hit the 50/50 on each one with monthly right?
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She waited so long for you though
>22 days after a fucking month of no content
Its like they want to die. These decisions are beyond idiotic, i just do not understand
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Are you guys bored of Changli yet?
Can't rerun banners in a one month old game.
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day 1 status report
Oh boy. I cant wait for a double event a week and maybe another boss rush until 1.2. Its a new gacha competing against hoyoslop. Why didnt they prepare more content?
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Haha... Don't tell me it is who I think it is.
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>Yeah bro why can't they release a new character and a new region every 2 weeks bro wtf dude
Well if you still aren't sure....Changli will tell you at the end.
Literally nothing about that post implies rerun banners. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are drunk

Yes, tomorrow we will see changlidoomposting because she's worst dps
Sure you do know better retard.
they didn't for genshin. do people not remember 2020 dead as fuck weeks? I guess lockdowns made people skip time irl
Is it true that Changli is a worst dps than Encore?
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She is a sub dps. She ensbles fusion comps. She isn't a main dps despite the advertising
>a long time of saving is somehow le bad
???? i dont understand
she is better than Encore, the pedos are just coping
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Is this Scar? Pavalov? Or some other new character? Don't tell me it is (You) or the other Rover?
I just realized. I can use the same weapon for different characters.
Encore's max dmg output can only go as far as 410k, Changli is more than double of that
How can a character be sub dps if she cant deal damage off field

what is this retardation
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they're tourists, bear with them, they read her outro and easily declared "oh she's a sub dps, skip"
Dom DPS when
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>be me
>be bi
>luv me jingle twink
>luv me dommy mommy
I can't stop winning, can't wait for Xiangli Yao so Lingyang will have a busted weapon too and I'll have a perfect male harem: Jinyan the top, Xiangli Yao the switch and Jingletwink the bottom, and TWO dommy mommies
They are setting up for the obvious shitposts in 22 days.
Changli is a sub dominant predatory species?!?!?!?! PULLING NOW?!?!?!
Is Gamebanana just NexusMod but horny?
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"Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro" Manga has ended today
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Iyo vs. Rexlent debate
1.2 will have controller for mobile right
im gonna be in the mountains for weeks...
I love pandering
Self inserting is gay though
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She looks like a fish more than a dragon when she does her dragon ascent attack
all gacha games should have zero (0) homos
all gacha games should be avatarless
it's rover
did they finally start dating?
Did they kissu?
Self-inserting as Brover is for biGODS, your feeble minds and floppy cocks could never understand
Impact frame
>all gacha games should have zero (0) homos
But then how will I convince my female acquaintances to play?
How much Coral do you need to buy out the rolls in the shop every patch
godd riddance
most punchable face in weeaboo history
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Last page.
It was so shit anyways. Nagatoro didn't bully shit past the first 20 chapters. She was acting like a worse tsundere.
This fuckin nerd has been wearing the same clothes for thousands of years...
hes just like me
Thats literally how every volume ends. I hate weak effeminate protags.
can the author go back to drawing porn? that shit was kino
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Is it normal that loli Changli's voice makes me hard
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Genuine question, at what level should I stop leveling support role units? For instance, Taoqi i just want to use her to buff Changli but i dont want to invest a whole lot, does it matter if i stop at like 60?
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>BA picture
>loli voice makes them hard
normal for a /bag/got, yes.
he's too famous for that now
so literally nothing happened?
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check out my changli bwos
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Is Rover a groomer?
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why am i doing negative damage
No, your buddy and pet are though.
Is there any point to farming an echo set more than once?
have you tried clicking with your mouse
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It took me 490 rolls to C6 Changli
Im so fucking glad im not the only one who hates that hack
More like her master groomed her for the Rover cock
2 dps of the same element
i have two havoc sets and two electric sets
Nagatoro lose to kanojo okarishimasu...
Thank god,this thing should have ended ages ago when literally nothing happened.
Interviews with monster girls is better. Fucking nagatoro probably cost that a second season
i was expecting some time travel fuckery where present Rover time travels to the past to save loli Changli
Ask Sanhua.
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Who asked?
how can anyone lose to rental girlfriend... it's the worst romcom I've read and that includes all the super passive go nowhere romcoms that just end with the status quo maintained...
help a bwo out...
I pulled monk e1 in 20 pulls. How bricked am i?
you're not gonna bait me luckfag
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they should give us more filler event or something fun with the current playable cast at least so you will be more attached to them. Right now they are running 2 hyped characters for but what about the next patch with only these two for 44+ days?
because the japs felt related to the cuck protag

Sanhua doesn't do dmg off field, detonation switching doesn't count.
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Just lost 50/50 to Encore who I previously didn't have. Still had enough to guarantee Changli
I still have my selector. Should I spend it on Encore S1, Verina S1 or Jianxin S1?

I'm thinking about doing Jianxin for 2X Chi generation as support.
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Good fucking riddance.
There's a new romcom king in town.
would jinhsi agree to a 3P if its with changli?
Zhezhi will kill Wuwa...
they related to him popping a boner thinking of ntr in the swimming pool??? it's over for japs
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Check out my garbage Jinhsi.
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I'll say it. I think they made a mistake by releasing Changli this early. She's the peak. There's no character they could release that could surpass her design and character. There's no reason to spend anymore.
Because rental girlfriend is a drag. Dragging = can still selling....
>Sanhua doesn't do dmg off field
That's my point.
>Should i get a dupe for a 5% increase
Get Calchud instead
>purple Jue
>purple jue
I just dont get it bro. Why do they have no real events? Maybe a double once a week? They wont maintain any llayer retention this way.
Idk but it seems to be the only place hosting mods for certain gacha games that i know of (Hoyo games and WuWa). At least for us Western english speakers. But they're gay and ban cunny mods
tsubaki will mog her
I'm just glad that I managed to get my Phoenix wife. Especially considering I did it without the assistance of Wallet-kun.
league data has shown that almost all females play female characters exclusively
Out of these Verina S1 is probably the safest option. But Jianxin S1 is good too. Don't bother with Encore S1
I don't know whats the deal with japs and their obsession with never ending stories.
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>this will help us compete with hoyo
I already have Jiyan.
I guess I'll go Verina then because I know I'm 100% using Verina well into the future.
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I saved wawu
>frogposter is a retard
Every fucking time.
I like the current pace. Gives me time to play other gacha and real games
Why? It's not worth it yet.
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large breasts its just that simple
what is Scar's weakness? Jinhsi is doing no damage to him, is he spectro or something?
still f2p
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I want Changli to look at me like this
I think thats just because 99% of the support champions are females and females are by default dedicated healsluts.
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>Cultivator Autist vs Dragon Mommy will fight for the right of Rover's cock
I would pay to watch it. Haha...
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Well, that was unexpected. If Changli was my guaranteed, does that mean getting the twink skips the 50/50? I dont' get how it works.
This is what BASEDNESS looks like
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A measly 500 bucks gave me
>S6R1 Changli
>1 Calchud (now S1)
>1 Metarina (now S3)
>1 resonator of SEX (now S3)
>all 4*s S6 obviously
Feels good man
Imagine the list in a year.
>lost 50/50 to Calchud
it's over
Yes, if you got Ling after Changli, then the next 5* is guaranteed.
I still don't have Calchud what the hell...
is her weapon worth R5ing
When do you just admit to calling it quits? I lost both my last 50/50's
So is Xiangli Yao a literal upgrade over Churro?

Wow, that's awesome. I got Changli first and then Ling, yeah. I really like Changli, her story quest actually had me pay attention to it and not skip that shit for once. Might try and rank her up. Thanks.
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Is there any way to influence what you get from this or is it just luck?
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Not everyone craves Rover's pussy...
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Xiangli Yao is husband material
Zhezhi is an ugly spinster but as long as she buffs my Jingle Twink I’ll be happy
yes, by a mile too
did we get confirmation if he's free or not?
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Calchud could still be used until 1.2, lionfag is the biggest brick
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Changli has surpassed Yinlin top grossing ranking in china.

Changli is the only limited banner available right now so it's clearly her banner sales driving the massive jump up 89 spots to #6.
theres an actual event next patch, so you can hope for that at least
>There is an actual event 4 weeks from now.
I appreciate the info anon, but this does not restore any confidence
Explain why Lingyang is a brick, go ahead i'll wait.
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>Was my first 5* in the Novice convene banner
>Got him again in the beginners choice banner
>Lost 50/50 in Yinlin banner to him
>Lost 50/50 again in Jinhsi banner to him
>Bought his Resonance in shop with corals
I am growing stronger.....
>Barely better than a 4*
Lingma balls
how many limited pulls are we getting in 1.2? 60?
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Brover’s bussy
Don't let anyone stop you from getting RS6, King.
I must be blind. How do you know if you have a food buff active?
speak for yourself frognigger, you don't speak for me
It’s literally above your HP bar
What a fucking G
Im trans, if that matters
above your HP bar, friendo
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most based nigga itt
I haven't done her quest yet, but I'm probably gonna skip bird.

She doesn't really get my goat like Jinhsi.
Apparently 1 free copy via event but don’t quote me on that, I hardly follow leaks, I S6 everyone I like anyway and “saving” is not a concept I’ll ever be familiar with
I heard they making shadowverse 2.0.
How good is Zhezhi? I'm tempted to go to 50/50 on Changli I wouldn't mind losing if Zhezhi is good.
About 40, its over...
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just luck
Looks good. At least we show signs of improvement at least. Hoping for more improvements in the long run. If they handle Camellya well I feel she can surpass Changli
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>weakest Calchudo believer
>take Changli's head and splice it onto the head of a little girl
that's not how it works why didnt they make an actual young changli
Was supposed to be out in summer 2024. Delayed to 2025. Fucking rat fuckers leaving shadowverse in a year+ of set reruns with 0 new content
any news for her yet? Changli's banner kicked my ass. I need her to at least be in 1.5.
she's ice Yinlin
Anyone else getting raped by this tower? Am i being punished for losing the 50/50?
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Calchud I kneel...
Cautiously optimistic about this one.
1.4 earliest. Kuro is so fucking stupid.
Makes sense.
While both girls are for (you), Changli is over the top with it. Also helps that Changli is fun to play and her visuals are great.
best sub dps for Jinhsi if you have her, probably good for any future ice dps
Is that the Black Shore update?
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I like her voice
She looks fun with Sanhua
I'll take it honestly, I think my account luck is running out if I lost 50/50 and both pulls are over 70+
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Is she big enough yet?
1.2 characters are a homo and someone whose head is 1/20th of her body
1.3 is what?
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>Yume ded in BA
>dealing with eventual loss in Wuwa as well
At this point I would assume 1.1 was originally launch content that they pushed back because of rewrites
is there a way to get resonator EXP without using stamina
Black Shore is supposedly 1.3
Bro Changli is dying too and you are worrying about some other mans women while yours is dying too???
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People with skill issues who rely on giganukes and button mashing to clear stuff consider him a brick, along with super straight trooncels who experience melties when they look at his ideal twink body and pop a stiffy, simple as
simulation training clears purple triangle coin?
Depends on the leak
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I will save Changli
Trying too hard
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>wuwa told me to skip all signature weapons
>my Jinhsi hits like wet noodle
This is your fault
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Why does this game have such little content? Do we really have to wait 6 weeks for every region? What's the point of Changli banner if there's nothing to fight with?
>shops: illusive realm, tower, simulation
>souvenir stores
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>skipping any non sword / pistol resonator sig
Sensei, you have to fix Kuroko first. She still needs to smile. She has her verbal tick back so it is only a matter of time.
Post your 30/30 ToA and Changli stats, I need to see how to build her because I have no fucking clue.
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wu won?
So that's what this open world exploration game's content amounts to? Grinding echoes until your OP enough to 30/30 tower? Come on.
A girl with FAS, one huge boob and one tiny boob, crossed eyes and a peg leg in part 1
A morbidly obese big fat bastard whose story will be about him NTR’ing Rover with every single character in part 2
This is the logical conclusion following Zhezhi’s design
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You're supposed to have fun in the open world map killing mobs and running around collecting flowers
>/zzz/ talking about wuwa
>/wuwa/ talking about gameplay
zzzoo fags lost bigly
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I don't quite understand this fight...can I get some general tips other than "dodge lol"? Everything is so bright and there'sa lot of oneshots that I didn't even see where it comes from.
I do, which is why I want more than 1 region every six weeks. What are they doing with the millions of dollars they make each month?
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She's (mine), sorry guys.
>only 111 rolls and 10 weapon rolls
>m*le on her banner
Changli bros, I don't feel so good.....I'm gonna wait for her rerun.
Part of it goes to PGR too
Did someone actually make art out of that mod lol
Be honest with me, bros. You're all Asians here playing a Chinese-made gacha game, right? I can't picture in any scenario any sane Caucasian playing this game knowing the geopolitical enemy is behind it.
keep playing you can get to pity bro
Every attack has either a light ring to indicate the timing of a dodge and when it does the somersault grab the wings glow to indicate the parry timing. You should try to parry all grabs otherwise it will do the triple projectile attack that's cancerous to dodge.
it's ai. it's literally renne's grimcatz suit in trails through daybreak 2
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How old is Changli's master? Must be a thousand years old cultivator to have met Proto Rover right? Juebros looks like we have met our match...
hi wwbros
Shiet, its getting good...
>I can't picture in any scenario any sane Caucasian playing this game knowing the geopolitical enemy is behind it.
Yo retard, you are on a gacha general on 4chan. You think any of us are sane here?
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I’m simply stating the truth, if you think I’m trolling it means I struck a nerve
If you are on 4chan then you are probably mentally broken in some way.
Wait, you can roll crit rate again?
>You think any of us are sane here?
Uh, that thought never occurred to me? Is this an actual thing here?
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dont worry sis I VPN to JP to buy my topups I'm basically stealing from China
He was already pretty old by the time he met Changli. At the start he remarks that 20 years had past between yours and his Go games, not counting the other games you played with him. However like you said he was cultivator too, so I would bet at least well into his hundreds.
He was at least young enough to get Changli to the point of ovulation at the thought of you though.
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>rolls double crit stats
>crit. Rate 6.x%
>crit. DMG 12.x%
Hey I just started 2 weeks ago
time to reroll babby
I'm playing that also and I'm drowning in server-wide events and random shit to do in between dailies and weeklies. Granted I only just started but still. It feels like there's more life in that game.
Yes I loved that mod enough to make a lora so I can plap her in it. Gonna make one for Jinhsi later today.
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I'm brown on the outside and white on the inside
turn off volumetric lighting
This happened to me rolling Jinhsi but at least I can save my guarantee for Zhezhi
Is there a pull guide?
I have no clue what to do with my asswipes and carls
does it work if I log in to a JP Apple account and use gift cards from JP?
Does any chaaracter benefit from energy regen on an echo?
The Chinese don’t tax me, my gooberment does
It's good to be black.
You're not supposed to dodge everything with this boss bro... you gotta parry or it will fuck you over with the missiles
oops, just topped up another $100, burger btw.
name 1 thing bad about china
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Just finished the quest bros. The ones from 1.1. are miles better than the ones from the start. To be honest I liked Changli's story over Jinhsi, but Jinshi is cuter. But if Changli has a loli form she would win hands down. I hope we get something more lighthearted with Zhehzi though she looks like a cute dork.
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>cant get good artifacts in genshin
>cant get good echoes in wuwa
Jiyan and Calchud and H rover for your main DPS, it's good on your moonlit set because using your ult is necessary to build consistent concerto. Verina wants it, pretty much everyone but a few like Jinhsi and Changli(Skill DMG characters) want it.
It's fine, we have two hands, Jinhsi and Changli would want you to accept both of them at once.
it's a good substat on most characters
as a 3 cost mainstat only healers and supports want it
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Now call yourself a stupid bitch.
Uh bwos... how do I increase my changli damage output? She's at 66CR 250CD. Sometimes her burst move will leave enemies still standing...
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bwo your attack?
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>they rolled for Changli
What do we call these people.
that's your answer
same but 240
I need Jinhsi and Changli with me, they're both made for (You)
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>Gave 40 more rolls after the securing the guaranteed
It is over I lost... Loli Changli is cheating!
>t.this message was sponsored by videocandy.com
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my changli deletes shit idk what you fags are talking about
she's s6 thougheverbeit
tasteful gentlemen
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At least you know what your daughter will look like
Why does Lingering Tunes exist? Literally who needs it?
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They want to invade Taiwan and make the prices of GPUs and phones soar
They’re not killing enough muzzies in Xinjiang
Xi looks like Winnie the Pooh
They somehow managed to handle The Coof worse than any other country worth mentioning on Earth
They censor characters who show skin
They can’t into guns
I can do this all day
changli for how much damage she's jobbing
How do you respond to this without sounding mad?
Calchud BiS, shouldn't be bad on some other characters if we get some good boss echoes for other elements too.
Where are my free 10 pulls?
Spent $30 on this whore but it was worth it
Time to grind and try to get her RC1
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Changli just isn't appealing.
She's very ugly.
He was talking about zhezhi, but you're right either way
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Is it worth collecting these achievements? I've played since launch and haven't claimed any yet.
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I wouldn't respond to someone with utter shit taste.
So I'm somehow poor now and down to 200k just from getting Changli geared leveled up. It's going to be a pain when I hit UL 60 and I have to max the weapon and level for all my resonators
I just got her around 50 rolls and won the 50/50 lol

I got TWO moidtefis I'll never use so I built up luck.
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bought a rerolling account with C1 changli and her weapon for like 8 bucks
how do i go about 100%ing the map?
just drop the treasure thing and run around?
Chinabros, our response?
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Mention Emily, Ayana’s forehead (post this picture) and wet socks, and shit on their goblin potatoes. Zhezhi’s design does suck ass though, at least her moves look cool
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Chiwa Saito is the voice behind the newest 5-star Fusion Resonator who wields a Sword, the Counselor of Jinzhou Magistrate, Changli!
What does wuwa think about that?
Map I'm using. You just gotta get to it. If you want to do it guide-free/help-free good luck bwo
yes bwo...
you are a literally a homosexual who got railed in the ass and ghosted

shut the fuck up
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That's cope and Stockholm syndrome anon... They "love" their bobble heads because they've already spent a grand and close to half a decade in their stupid game that cucks them every patch... They don't know genuine human proportions anymore and think "BIG HEAD = BETTER" because that's what their mihomo masters sell to them. They "love" the cuckslop given to them because to say otherwise would be to admit that they've wasted all that time and money in a mid game that they just casually picked up because there was nothing better to do at home during the pandemic.
Why do you even bother with these guys tho anon, I'm sure you have better ways to use your time.
What tiny head?
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Thank God I did not bother to do map completion before, now I get to do I with my lovely wife Changli.
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>bought a whole account for Changli
Are you serious....
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My own government has done more to hurt me than the Chinese ever have, and western game developers have done more to hurt my feelings than any Chinese game developer could ever manage in a thousand years.
Changli was a Danjin???
I love this pic
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>I did not bother to do map completion before, now I get to do I with my lovely wife Changli.
Bro...you have to make it out of bed with her first.
At least we don't kowtow to Israel.
forgot the part where he's divorced too
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yeah ill prob just DIY one region and see how i feel about it before using the map
the map ruined alot of the fun of exploration when i played genshin
also not going to lie changli is not as fun as she looked
im having more fun killing stuff with danjin
the whole controlling a sword with your hand is kinda ehhh
nothing beats slapping people with a sword yourself

hey i did 2 rerolls and got nuffin
its less than 10 bucks and saves me more than 1+ hours
id rather waste time exploring the map than redoing the tutorial
biggest problem is that the story is on act V
might need to watch a youtube video on the story or something
any reccs would be welcome
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thanks I got it down
this and turning off bloom legit helped

slow kill but Ill take it
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Hey, I needed to compress the webm somehow and other methods didn't work. If I find a way to make a version without the watermark, I will.
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Holy guacamole, how utterly retarded
I dunno bwo I skipped the whole story. I heard it got better after >>487224043 SCARGOD appears in the story but that's about it. I did play Mount Firmament 1.1's story and it was fun. + Changli's character quest was fun too. Just yt act 3-4 I guess. Act 1-2 kinda sucks
Use WEBM for lazy bro...

Just set the size limit in encoding and you're good
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A technique I picked up from Genshin is to use your map pins. You can ignore regular chests that shows up on the lootmapper, but whenever you clear a puzzle or a hidden chest, mark it off using a map pin.
Eventually you'll finish but you'll have inevitably missed a few things. Now you can go to the interative map and use your map pins to mark off what you've cleared and what you've missed.
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>WEBM for lazy
The west has fallen... literally 1984
Billions must die
Never forget the old name
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mm ill do that
the only info i got from osmosis is something something your the emperor and everyone is your wife from a past life or something

ah puzzles dont show up on the overworld?
ok this might be worse than i thought
i thought the lootmapper showed everything KEK
Meh, too edgy for my taste. I prefer Lazy frfr
wtf are these scar attacks, i cant dodge for shit
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I wish to fornicate with this amnesiac.
Just block them with your face bro
Go back to Genshin, you sound like a toddler
Yep, lootmapper only shows chests that exist in the world.
So that means chests stuck in rocks, those yellow flies that you need to lead to totems, any puzzle that spawns a chest after you complete some kind of challenge, hidden chests that appear after you do something random like pick four flowers in a certain pattern, quests that give chests, none of them show up on the lootmapper.
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That's not very nice bwo
Why is this general so dead?
so the lootmapper is utterly useless
I haven't watched it but this guy seems to have played the full 1.0 content, so you could skim through it if you want to see what you missed.
We know, General
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bwo you should've bought an account with Jinhsi AND Changli for 16 bucks
Schizos get BTFO fast so not much spamming like hoyo generals
Well the anime schizo still here with his dumb takes though
You can probably get each region to 70 - 80% just by using the lootmapper.
that's like 20-40 chests left, which is not ideal.
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Only for a bit since Kroni is on ZZZ more often.
>Kroni is playing hoyoslop
I knew that bitch was a fucking casual.
Give him a break, hoyoverse games appeal to his fetishes.
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>hidden chests that appear after you do something random like pick four flowers in a certain pattern
i will now use the interactive map
that sounds like cancer

thanks bwo

sadly those don't exist
only got this since it got lucky with the limited pulls and is 70/80 on the weapon banner
which for 9 bucks is pretty good imo
I have misopedy, you ableist fuck. Check your privilege and do as I command.
Luckily it seems they stopped doing the hidden chests thing so much in the most recent zone, so hopefully they stay to that pattern.
SEAhours usually dead hours, but it gains some activity when schizos brigade it because like the immune system of a body, wuwabwos suddenly mobilize to excise these furry fags from the thread.
Does Changli use 1 ATK% 3-cost, or did I just get baited by a youtube comment
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>"how to play changli?"
>10 minutes of regurgitated infos on obvious shit like her kit her echos and her teams
>nothing about her combos, mechanics, efficiency
why are CCs like this
My god changli's hips are giant
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They aren't too common so it's not that bad, but it can be annoying if you've got completionist autism
Here's an example of one
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So I assume we will be #1 on the sales chart right?
because these parasites rush to make baaasedjack face thumbnails and be FIRST instead of digging for meaningful content. We gotta wait for a while before someone releases efficient quickswap combos I think. I'm sure there's already some people experimenting with her.
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Simple strats my brother. You want to max forte gauge and unleash her left click hold aoe.
To do so my nigga, you intro skill - resonance skill + 1 normal attack - resonance skill + 1 normal attack - full normal attack combo - unleash forte gauge. Your ult also replenishes your forte gauge so you can do the combo, ult, then aoe again. Get gaming.
lol no, we are not beating ZZZ that's for sure. We are probably going to be still under the 3 hoyo games.
Maybe they're related
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I'm not into salesposting but I do like looking at national charts to see who's playing the game with us
Looks like in the west the answer is a bunch of Canadians and Australians.
>Already falling to 7th in china
Kaveh is his dead name. kek
ATK/ELE is comparable or slightly better than ELE/ELE going by calcs for other characters. I see DMG bonuses in Changli's kit, so I gave her ATK/ELE.
>Canadians and Australians
Any aussie and leaf itt rn?
“Content” is infographics for mongs and simps, and it’s your fault for consuming it. Think about it, can you expect a high schooler to get published on Nature Biotechnology? No. Same thing with “content creators”. “Content” is garbage they use to make money off of downies.
I'm sorry Ameribros...Kuro gave me changli and her wep with the rolls I have saved.
I'm a Leaf and I threw money at the game today as well.
Wtf she's just litering...
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How valuable are Basic Atk damage, Heavy Atk damage, Skill damage, etc susbtats on echos compared to the usual ATK and CRIT?
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no..no... NO!
why what? Kuro is from HK, not mainland china. To be expected that their fellow HK friends support the game.
Kaveh is prettier
Swedes are too busy getting culturally enriched, Burgers are too busy warring over two unhinged candidates
Indians can’t play mobile games well because half of the screen is covered in shit
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oh, I thought they're China.
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I think the CN charts only got to 6th place, so the game didn't really fall.
Looking at this, the revenue actually seems to be increasing in China percentage wise.
Now I'm going to stop doing this, revenueposting is yucky and I would be a hypocrit if I started doing it regularly.
They are depending on who you talk to.
I haven't even faced scar yet
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this tower is fun bros
then where the fuck do you get info
/wuwa,/ reddit, discord are just as garbage
Fuck, now I look like a retard because my E key isn't working, and people are going to call me an ESL and ignore the rest of the post.
At least I can deflect and pretend to be Korean.
So she’s busted, got it, thankfully that ugly retard provided quick and accurate assessments
We are healing boys, as soon as we're done appeasing China we're going to be set for life.
>difficulty too hard
Also why retards want a unit with insane outro buff do jinhsi damage too
These retards also complain about powercreep i bet
And phone saleposting is irrelevant when >50% of the playerbase is in PC.
Changli feels so fucking good to use.
I love Jinhsi but having all her damage tied to this tiny burst skill window is so cringe now that I've seen the other side.

Jinhsi skill does like 12/10 damage, and her ult is maybe 7/10. But everything else is 1-3/10 damage.
While Changli does maybe 8/10 on her ult/empowered heavy and 6-7/10 on every other source of damage. But anything you do feels like it has weight an impact, its so nice. They really nailed the feel to her combat

Do not open this
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>Changli is just Fusion Calcharo
Is 'that' one of the things affecting the sales?
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Madagascarbros??? Where we at?
I can read a character’s kit, do some toddler-level math and test it in-game as opposed to in vitro
wait, isn't it like 03:00 am in your timezone or something? Why the fuck are you still awake
Everything after the first movie is trash
If phone players can net the game this much, imagine PC.
Why is everyone saying Changli's outro is busted? Seems pretty standard to me.
West Coast. It's only 8 PM.
Pretty much, and yet you have these homoshills screeching whenever the game drops out of the top 10 3 weeks into the banner. Bunch of retards.
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CameroonCHADS... MadagascarBROS...
I'm calling redditbros over to prove you wrong chud.
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Gimme this chick
I guess that depends on genshin PC:Phone ratio which I guess is the same as wuwa?
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Ankobwos. My Manko is not level 90 yet. Do I level up any other nodes(Forte Circuit) here or should I just work on Sanhua?
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>Try Korean voice
>Get Elsword, Closers, Soulworker flashbacks
good times
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Depends on the game, and seems to be very random sometimes. Snowbreak seems like a very mobile game, yet the devs claim 80% of their revenue is from PC?
Wuwa seems to appeal more to "le hardcore gamer" types, not that the game is actually very hardcore, but they're the type of nerds who would probably have a PC. Then I would guess that something like Star Rail probably doesn't have a huge PC playerbase compared to Genshin.
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Ours are probably more skewed for PC as the game runs shit on phones, but yeah probably similar.
are the chinese truly mongoloids? Are they missing chromosomes to think
>Intro -> BA -> E -> BA -> E -> BA -> BA x 4 -> Forte -> R -> Forte
is hard? Nevermind the i-frames she gets on forte and ult...
Good thing SolonGOD's moving to the gooks and nips now, these fuckin chinks aren't it.
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Development? Geez they really don't mind leaving money on the table if it's taking that long.
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Who's the caged bird now?
my cock?
Bro? Your quick swaps as Changli does her Forte'd HA?
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>are the chinese truly mongoloids
Uhhh... well...
Just block any content creator that doesn't show at least some spreadsheets comparisons and actual basic gameplay flowchart footage
Kuro is such a fucking joke. I hate that they have such great character designers
>a lot of the negative reviews left by the Chinese are probably because they got slammed by the blue bear, i.e. anti-cheat
We're gonna get Helldivers 2 content cadence. Kuro needs to speed up development.

Don't copy open-world gacha if you can't keep commit consistency. Gamers have insane ADHD now.
You can technically quickswap after every E -> BA anon... but it's kinda niche for the likes of ankobwos that can truly maximize it me thinks... but I haven't limit-tested it yet, I'm waiting for our autist gookbros to show us the optimized rotations.
I'd like to think people who can fill their concerto fast are also good because they'd make it easier for changli to stack forte with her intro. So in a vacuum I think Danjin x Changli quickswap comp would be lit, but yeah I've yet to try
Good night /wuwa/. I love you.
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Why are people in the comments asking for a PS4 version? That shit was outdated back when I was in school, and now I'm so old I need to take pills to make sure my hair doesn't fall out.
what's the point of third wolders being on these charts
their currency are barely worth anything
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goodnight wuwabwo

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