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Previous: >>487743172

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - For Display Only
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began" | Zenless Zone Zero"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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>32 miliar
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UID Anon here. I've been tracking for one week so here's some stats.

150 total UIDs recorded

79 UIDs from the Americas (52.7%)
43 UIDs from Europe (28.7%)
28 UIDs from Asia (18.7%)

40 UIDs posted on multiple days (26.7%)
110 UIDs posted on one day only (73.3%)

1 UID below 1,000 in its region (0.6%)
3 UIDs below 10,000 in their respective regions (2%)
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the hell is this trash language
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I tried that, it's still Hay Fever I.
I never did figure out what this does though. I appear to have avoided these unavoidable risks.
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Knot you.
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My lovely shark girlfriend
So i just started blasting~
>say nig-... I mean, n-word
>get banned
What the fuck, since when racism is bankable on 4chan?
Who's /ourguy/?
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nowhere is safe any more anon
people are garbage
>m1 instead of w1
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Was this shot of Pipers belly button really necessary????
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Look at it
Dyslyte isn't western
so how do you use zhu yan? do you guys just use suppression mode or does the assault mode have any use?
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any video? looks cool af
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It's a completely retarded and unnecessary rule only enforced by discord tranny tier redditor jannies that do it for free
I need this on my face
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europeans hide uid more than americans
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>All three tops spots are eaten up by Mihoyo games
Isn't this what you'd call a Monopoly? Isn't this a little problematic bwos? Eat the rich something something?
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Come pull me anon
Brimstone is good!
always was nigger
Global rule 3 retard
It also isn't popular.
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>MFW I find and download the ZZZ Diaper mod with lore friendly designs and brands.
Soon, crinklebwos!
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faction themes
Throw Nicole barf bubble, do your Ult/Ex/Evasive Assist, hold click and usually whatever was on your screen isn't there anymore
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Watched a video on a leviathan who is currently whaling on 10 separate gacha games at once. It's so much money and time consuming that he literally can't do anything else.
I decided to drop my gachas from 4 down to 2. Zzz is comfy enough that I'm staying and pray to have the fortitude to stick to just the monthly card.
there's been an uptick in racism-related moderations for a while
probably something to do with advertisers because I doubt jannies give a shit otherwise
Always like seeing my UID off the list despite posting ingame screenshots quite often. I know I always crop the UID but I always think "what if they found out another way"
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Hang on with me here. Considering how ZZZ is kind of fighting game coded, what if it added competitive PVP except:
>it's a roster of only the base standards
>all with exclusive rebalanced movesets
>special maps
>stats and everything are predetermined so you can't whale your way out this
How retarded would it get?
I have a 4 digit NA UID and you will never get me!
Mihoyo earned their monopoly by outcompeting their competitors, not be acquiring them. It’s not so bad (and won’t last given how competitive the space is).
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So will they change miyabi's gameplay
Malaysian but the looks of it, but that's just a guess.
There's no monopoly when it comes to games. The problem is nobody else has come close to Hoyo quality. W*thing W*ves was the only competition and it's below average in every category except for combat
The bears shitting in the porta-potties while playing gacha games to skip work.
Calling someone a word and using it to discriminate against a specific race are two extremely different things. Curious that it only goes in one direction though

Most of the advertisers are techfag pajeets trying to shill their scam coins, so I doubt they care much
Asha's color scheme is painful to look directly at
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It'd be stupid. I think if they want to add a fighting game they need to do it in another format. Like a 2d one screen fighting game or with something like Duck Game where its players fighting in a relaxed environment in a silly pixel world.
It's interesting from an addiction study point of view
if the enemy is stunned, my support has energy for an EX skill, should I swap to him from my main DPS and use EX or is it damage loss?
It could be fun, but these kind of games have very set mechanics. How would you handle parrying for instance?

I do hope they add some retarded PvP mode with emotes and stuff, doesn't even have to give poly, I would still play it just for fucking around
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Zhu Yuan and Qingyi owe Paethon sex.
Why is she looking at me like that
balancing would take too much effort
shit idea
Brimstone IS good and her sig is mediocre because it gives a lot of stats she already has plenty of, don't listen to that guy
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I'm watching Tectone stream an animecon and I'm seeing a lot of black people? Since when there are more black than white in america? And are blacks more anime fans than whites?
The closest thing I can think of would be Nioh PVP, except instead of weapon/stance swapping you have characters
Players would need to have their own daze bars for a lot of stuff to function properly though
>better combat
>better gacha system
>better gearing
>skip button
>b-but its below average in every category!!!!
if anything this goes to show that you mongoloids are no better than console kiddies who slurp corporate semen at the sight of le amazing fucking graphics while pressing qte instead of actual gameplay
you idiots would be fine shoveling shit up your throat if it was coated in le graphics
>competitive PVP
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Wow MHY calm down with the cultural appropiation my nigga here thinking he's hot shit when his rapper name must be Ron Howard. Bro thinks he's part of the gang
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In chapter 4, Billy Kid AKA The Starlight Knight AKA the Legendary Red Rider AKA The BASEDGOD will stop holding back and use 2(two)% of his AWE-STRIKING power (this is 200x the strength he has shown thus far, btw) and singlehandedly DEFEAT the next unholy sacrifice and return Pearlman to jail where he belongs. An S-rank alt will be released alongside patch 1.2 to celebrate this joyous occasion, please look forward to it!
>they're still trying to do this shit
Guess I'll dip for a while
nah not comfy at all bwo

This guy ---> >>487746887
I don't think it's likely that they will release another limited Ice Attack carry any time soon
Why not just make a fighting gameM
>ZZZ Versus Rising
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lmeow triggered wuwafags really are like fragile ex-girlfriends
>wear shoes in your room
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And they WILL have it
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>NOOOOOOOOO LOOK AT HOW MUCH BETTER OUR GAME IS! it's YOUR fault that we're dying not the poor devs'!!!!!!!"
TLDR'd your post for you!
I think the combat is bad, the story is unbearable (too chinky), and the characters are ugly and uninteresting.
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ZZZ has Lycaon.
WuWa does not.
I rest my case.
What's a good second team for Hollow Zero if my primary team is Ellen/Lycaon/SOULkaku?
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Good news, anon.
A pvp mode is apparently on the devs plan. who knows how it will work tho
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I finally used Saarlight Engine.
>versus rising
I would hope the game is not a street fighter 2 "like" desu. Grandpoo rising is boring and slow
Make its movement like melty blood
You mean Crabs, the ultimate endgame organism that continually evolves completely independently?
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Fresh Anby art
I wouldn't be surprised. The Miyabi CBT footage is old at this point. Plus they promised "improvements to models for some agents" in the 1.1/1.2 roadmap. And Miyabi honestly seems like the most likely candidate for that.
Can you imagine the amount of people that would get mad at good Rinas zoning the shit out of everyone or good Bens countering every single hit?
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She's giving you the signal.
? When was this?
Actual pvp or just snake game-esque?
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Nicole's scat debut
Is the game really stingy or is all the rolls really peppered out and you gotta work for it?
It isn't PVP bwo, it's co-op.
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Save for C6W5Psk6Art6-15/15 Ceasar and Burny
>What is we added PvP by...
>Making an entirely different game which has nothing to do with ZZZ
Brilliant idea retard, you should pitch that to Riot I hear they're experts on the subject
Chang li is more beautiful than any character in ZZZ.
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She found the siblings sex tapes.
Can't wait for kino flashbacks to her committing and ordering warcrimes in the Obol squad
Lobsters are biologically immortal.they just need to solve thier pesky shell problem
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>I think the combat is bad
git gud
>the story is unbearable (too chinky)
skip button unlike chinkhoyo slop
>and the characters are ugly and uninteresting.
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How do you clear 11/11 Ninev?
Pick shield with dodge and turtle it?
he isn't really whaling anymore after losing his job twice
But at my worst I was playing like 5 and it was a lot of time, couldn't imagine whaling in that many too.
first jewhoyo?
Hoyo games are stingy compared to other gachas. They also have the least powercreep. Just save up.
>enter the Anbyfags
Now post her hair
I want to kick that brat
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>SD17 cleared
>Withering Garden cleared at 11/11 difficulty
>Still can't clear all Soul Hounds cheevos
is this the real endgame?
>all those small gripes
Yeah a game can do the little things better, but if nobody gives a fuck about the world, the characters, or can deliver appealing designs then nobody is going to play.

>actual gameplay
You can mash your way through literally every fight in the game.
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You didn't have to kill my game too
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pretty girly feet
Umm... Arknights?
Are you trying to imply that league was not already pvp?
no. 1 ranked player posted on reddit he couldn't do them
Where did they say pvp? I don’t remember it.
It will probably be just like HI3’s timed/leaderboard challenges.
Honestly the game would benefit from it. Since combat is low-pressure and you’re unlikely to die, shitters think it’s button mashy and too simple. Scored time attack allows people to demonstrate skill and money in such an environment.
Nice general btw.
Take a shower ik50 piggy
How is anybody supposed to answer that without knowing which characters are involved with which gear under which circumstances?
Unironically use Ben Bigger.

Defenders are going to be the kings of HZ
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What second team should I build with these characters? My first team is anby, zhu yuan, nicole right now.
Her design sucks ass. The model is higher quality of course
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>locking achievementGOD status behind OWNING EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER
Holy kikery, I hadn't noticed this yet
And I thought HSR locking achievements behind characters was bad, but at least you could cheese them with borrowed characters and trial events
What is this shit oyohim?
Anby weight gain
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She truly is the best mascot girl
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She just needs a good raping.
>the story is good because you can skip it
I will never understand this argument
Arknights is peak
If they're going all in on PVP, they should just make a new mini-game and give it an event ala snake duel. I hope they use those characters on the banners in front of Godfinger. That cat girl is hot as fuck, I can't believe we got Nekomata instead of her.
This but unironically. Arknights is better than Wuwa by a country mile especially with their new game
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>flat def
not even worth it is it?
Just go back and do it at IK 50 with level 60 characters.
>I will never have ellen's cheevo
holy brick I go hang myself
Correct, LoL is not PvP on account of being a non-interactive lane simulator
Me too bro
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Neko piper Lucy maybe
HSR's gameplay is good because you can alt tab it
can someone post the miyabi eye compilation ?
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Endless Abyss was fun
Specially when you get basically all the resonia and start deleting stuff like pic related was from one EX Parry
I've seen it done by some random chinese guy on bilibili, so it's not literally impossible
but I still have no clue what mihoyo was smoking when they made that "100m while invincible" cheevo
As an Arknights player, Arknights has gotten so unbearably bad that I'm probably going to drop the game after Walter and Rainbow 6. They keep wanting to release limited operators a month apart, and the whole KFC collab execution for westerners really left a horrible taste in my mouth.
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Burgers of noodles?
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how do i correct this bratty ai
I stopped achievement hunting in mihomo games after they made THAT swarm disaster achievements in hsr
Not even mentioning the dialogue cheeves that is permanently missable now since they removed dialogue support for cheeves since penacony
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Yea, just dismantle it now before you're disappointed, retard.
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Its only got 3 mainstats so its maximum is +4. If you can get +2 total in crit dmg or rate its a good enough disc.
Anon, I hope you aren't worrying about substats when you don't even have your set bonuses and main stats in line.
Does piper or lucy generate lots of stun?
It only exists because Genshin story sucks and you CAN'T skip it.
I don't need to cope because I already quit, the people who need to cope are the idiots still playing it
He's exaggerating a bit. In the Livestream just before release they said PVP is something "they'd like to explore." I read that as noncommittal, but they are considering it. The Closed Beta did have actual Coop combat though.
>Not even mentioning the dialogue cheeves that is permanently missable now since they removed dialogue support for cheeves since penacony
Those are STILL bricked?
Holy fucking shit lmao
Bro? Post your roster
I found out you don't actually need to destroy the tentacles in the danmaku phase. Eventually she just gives up and ends up herself after a while.
That's the only hard part of the fight, so just turtle it out if you're having trouble
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>The Miyabi CBT footage is old at this point.
Yeah she was only on cbt 1 and that was in 2022
Anomaly spam doesn't give a fuck about stun
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fundamentally it is a good game. if I could guarantee that I only match with people I completely destroy I'd play it all day. unfortunately the players are too good for me
That's what made me quit HSR. I literally self reflected and realized I wasn't even playing a game, I was watching the game play for me. Logging in every day and watching the game collect resources for me made me feel brainwashed. I still probably am but at least I can pretend I'm doing something
That interview before release? They said multiplayer but co-op was already in the cbt3 so people in the thread assumed they were talking about pvp
I don't play Genshin Impact, you're in the ZZZ thread bro.
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Kuru Kuru
Why are you shaming a grown woman for showing off her body chud?
I unironically appreciate Genshin more and more each day, it doesn't feel like every choice in that game is made by marketing algorithms to extract the maximum amount of money
ZZZ had that feel too, but locking content behind ownership, suspicion of HSRshit character release schedule and powercreep + the honkshart shill trailer made my hopes collapse
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about that
I haven't bothered adding a 2nd set of characters. What's the point? Don't you just brick yourself when you get to choose another character and it ends up being the main DPS of your 2nd team, fucking up your Resonia offerings by weighing them towards the wrong element?
I died in the Ballet Twins Notorious Hunt because I'm not strong enough for level 50. I quit.
I guess they think it means the story is irrelevant to your enjoyment of the game if you can skip it, but if I'm skipping the story then I'm not engaged with the characters and I have no reason to want to play. I need the story to at least be passable for me to want to play a gacha game.
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Anon let the Ben coper have his delusions he doesnt need to know the reality of it
niggas you want FGC cancer here?
now I have to delete the VOD
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Add me to the list
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Why'd they make a cop with a criminal body
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Adding Bopons as a rollable banner currency instead of a shop one was the most insidious choice in the game
It now FEELS like you're getting generous rewards, log in events etc. and it FEELS like you get to pull more but it's all fucking useless
Blue oni brats?
We sex those.
retarded take
genshit would improve tenfold overnight if they added a skip button. story can be immersive but theres a certain threshold of chinkslop before it stops being enjoyable and turns into the story holding your time hostage
im not going to waste 20 hours reading braindead chink dialog if i can watch a 5 minute video summary
Dawei wanted to make Bangboos paid for as well
It's not a monopoly because mihoyo isn't doing anything to prevent other games from entering the space (ex. Wuwa), their games are simply better.
Very good point. They are even more mentally ill than all gacha generals combined.
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It just makes sense
>he doesn't believe in bangbooGODS
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I don't think having a skip button is bad - I've skipped some side quests in ZZZ as well as some of the main story as I already did it in CBT3, but saying "hey at least I can skip it" is just doing a walkover on the story aspect.
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>my UID isn't on the list
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The fuck is that little bigga staring at
Metafags want to have a reason for their mental illness or they just look foolish for worrying about a 1 second difference in dps in a single player game
This but Arknights. Just feels like a routine at this point.
>Log in
>Open friends list
>Visit 10 friends
>Collect daily credits
>Buy whatever
>Check base
>Collect rewards
>Change out base operators for max optimization (still no auto-sort like 3-4 fucking years later)
>Exit base
>Load up event page
>Run the same stage until sanity is depleted
>Collect daily rewards
>Log out
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I can't do it bros go on without me
Meropide section of Fontaine might be the worst section of any game I've played. It's fucking glacial with zero actual gameplay just hours of boring text basically stalling
Well that's because Genshin's story became shit and Paimon got Flanderized from tour guide to comedic relief and story dump. Why are you bringing up a 4 year old game in the ZZZ thready btw?
Nen Bigger
I can't imagine doing this shit routine every day, especially if it requires multiple menus
At least I automated daily check ins with a bot on Mihoyo's shitty website since I can't do them in game
I've honestly seen less metafagging in PVP gacha generals than I have in mihoyo generals
Go avatarfag in /gig/ you unfunny loser
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She has been blessed by catching the eye of footbrod
>summer event
>1 min in there's fucking chinkslop dialogue between two origami frogs
that was so painful I closed the game instantly. Next day I try again and there's a monologue from an amnesiac frog, holy fuck I hate genshit
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Is there a point to doing hollow zero when i have finished the weeklies
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this is fucking impossible
Bangboo were massively more powerful and mixed in with the normal Gacha in beta. That was way, way worse than what we have, where they're just a little non-monetized side mascot thing. You'll adjust to correctly value boopons rewards mentally over time.
>Doing the trick to get all the lost items
>worked fine the last two days
>now getting some event where the girl says she'll sell me something for 2500 gear coins
>she disappears afterwards
>think I messed up because I didn't have enough
>reload and this time get enough gear coins
>she still doesn't give me the option to buy anything
>doesn't appear later on either after playing through the entire level
What the fuck? How do I get the fucking item from her? No other events are showing up for me either I'm literally softlocked.
>another soul filtered by baby puzzles
I agree, just saying that's why it's trotted out.

Wuwa doesn't get enough shit for it's awful story and word slop. The open world feels like a mid 2000's Korean MMO
>enter ZZZ thread
>complain that the Genshin Impact story is bad and has no skip button
>because of this W*thering W*ves is better
>goes in with a mindset of total negativity
>why am I not having fun
Gee anon
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Asscop is a genuine brick.
>genshit would improve tenfold overnight if they added a skip button
No it wouldn't. It would still have a shit story, you just wouldn't be playing it. Did you even read my post? I NEED the story to be passable or compelling for me to want to play the game. If your game needs a skip button, then I am skipping your game.
It's a ton of boring useless menus. Changing out your base is the most obnoxious part of the whole process, followed closely behind by visiting 10 friends for your extra 300 credits a day. It's so fucking tiring, I just do it while I'm shitting.
You still get z-merits for S-Ranking.
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Up Left Up Right Up Left Up Left Down
If you can't do that, just wait until you see floor 2.
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Big Nigger
dominated and broken by mommy nineveh........
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Wuwa feels too cheap and has no cohesive systems with the world/lore. It's a genshin fan made mod
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Some rewards are capped at like 15 runs per week.

Here you go retard
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This post needed Diluc wielding the bell.
>my lucy is now M3
>no S11 and no Piper

NTA, but Genshin really needs more events with the actual characters. 2.8 summer event with Fishcl and Mona was kino. I just cannot bring myself to care about random NPCs anymore.

Even the fucking archon quest we're chatting with random people in a village for the first 10 minutes.
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You do have to play through and find her again on the next level. I did it on Zone 2 highest difficulty.
>S11 and Piper
>no Lucy or Koleda
Bwo, we need to forced merge.
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Can we get back on topic? Let them fight each other in their own generals.

Post cute art
>has no cohesive systems with the world/lore
That gets me a lot
Even minor inconsequential stuff like giving your weapons and equippable shit DESCRIPTIONS that give some flavor about the world goes a long way
It just feels cheap, they don't have to go full Genshin and write a full History of Middle-earth with their lore drops across five hundred items spanning 3 years of updates, just show that you care about your world a bit holy fuck
If you have my UID why didn't you add me as a friend, anon
The alternative is literally nothing. Instead of 10 boopons for the second half of 1.0 you would be getting nothing like Jade's banner in star rail. It is padding, but I'll take it over nothing.
I found that floor 1 was actually harder.
>not using filter
I have m5 and debating to trade for m6 or not.
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Corin: the cutest meido!
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This is the reason why we'll never get any harder content btw
Here's your easy PvP idea:
>Dungeon racing
You just go up against another player trying to clear a level as fast as possible, you can see their character as a ghost like a mario kart time trial/dark souls phantom

Maybe even add some sort of mechanics like ulting adds extra enemies to the enemies world for them to clear or something to that effect, like pvp tetris adding blocks to your opponents screens
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Is S11 our designated retardGOD? We need some co-op events for material
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>2.8 summer event with Fishcl and Mona was kino
Absolute fact although I'd put the current event second after it
>Genshin really needs more events with the actual characters
Unironically I think it's done to quell the chink NTRschizos, those subhumans see two characters together and throw a fit because other peopl saw them together and started drawing ship art
Also the game gives a lot of effort in establishing a world outside the playable cast, so that helps with that goal

ZZZ btw I just needed to get this out of my system
But it fucking does? the echo system is so much smarter than every mihoyo gearing system, it fits seamlessly into the world and gives open world an added layer of meaning
I've been playing wuwa for like a week now and I've been playing Genshin since release, I'm still staggered at the difference in polish in general. Even presentation is better, the writing of wuwa is still shitty but it's much more bearable as you don't have the fade to blacks genshin gets, characters have many more animations depending on what they're doing and the camera moves a lot more
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I want to stick my nose into Koledas butthole
>Claim the game is more brain dead than genshin
>Enemy never stick to patterns and in shiyu defence are overly agrressive
>most characters don't have i-frames outside of Ex-skill and burst
>can get both characters hit when switching instead of getting free i-frames
I don't want to presume that every UID poster is fishing for friend requests. There really isn't a reason to add friends yet either.
Kinda neat. First we need better dungeons. Rally commissions are ok but feel more like HI3 levels than G*nshin’s domains
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I'd take enemies fighting each other in the world over chinky useless descriptions to be honest
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Here, have a taste, Proxy. I see you looking at my sucker a lot, so I thought you might want to try it.
>rolling for luckyboo sidegrade
oh nonono
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>most characters don't have i-frames outside of Ex-skill and burst
Every single character has iframes on dodge, and every single character has a dodge counter that renders them invlunerable.
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>add pvp
>whale curbstomps you



Wuwa doesn't have these.
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Just got my first game over at level 24 after bruteforcing through the game with little regard for levelling up my agents or their skills. How do I start taking the game seriously?
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you gotta catch em all bro
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I love my shark girlfriend, and I think she is great.
Every anon here deserves a good day, ignore shitposts and play your fav
It would be neat if you could setup the hollow TV dungeon or drop obstacles on the other player

Actually, a hollow maker tool that you could share maps with would be pretty fucking cool
>Every single character has iframes on dodge
So does genshin.
>and every single character has a dodge counter that renders them invlunerable.
that's part of the dodge iframes.
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>Finally clear some SD
>Make it to SD10
>Second half is ice
>Only ice agent is Soukaku
Is this even possible?
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>ZZZ btw just needed to get this out of my system
I feel you anon I would prefer to discuss Genshin in /gig/ but it’s unusable.
ZZZ is filtering a lot of women and normalfags so the community is already way comfier
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which nigga to get next? electro?
You don't have to match weakness, just don't match resistance
TCG Whales???
>rocketboo AND bangvolver
holy brickGOD
I'm at 4 and I don't know what to drop, this genre is cursed
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>events getting shorter and shorter
>large overworld addition is completely empty
>new endgame is unsalvageable trash
>summer event is tiny
>fucking duplo blocks and talking paper squirrels because hoyo thinks the remaining players are retarded toddlers
>new area is shit
>new female characters getting nerfed into oblivion
genshin killed itself sorry bwo
I've seen people shill amillion a lot, apparently its chain is really strong
Genshin's world is a fucking theme park, wide as an ocean and as deep as puddle
they don't show anything, just a bunch of loredump here and there that will never have any meaningful place in game
it's extremely clumsy and chinky to the core as it's pure quantity and no quality
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Not your hugbox retarded niggerfaggot cucks go talk about Genshit and Poowa elsewhere
just scale pvp to a certain level. now everyone is equal
matchmaking should have to be really good for this one bc a higher geared player would mog you
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monopoly would be if hoyo had control and majority ownership over the market share to gatekeep others out of it, but it doesn't
it's still fair competition
Tencent got close to establishing a monopoly by owning most of the market but those are still IPs competing with each other
Hoyo is on the top because it brings top quality none other manages to match because they are led by actual gamers and people with real passion and vision
>that's part of the dodge iframes.
No it isnt. Dodge counters can last full seconds and can let you ignore entire boss attacks and mechanics.
Genshin dodges are also innately limited and anyone having to dodge in that game is seen as shit because you have healers shitting out a billion hp every second rendering everything a DPS and element check
ermmmm that has been debunked already
take a look at good pvp gacha like epic seven. you can whale millions and f2p players still have a chance to win with better draft choices. whaling quickly gets expensive where you are spending tens of thousands for maybe 0.01% improvement
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Does this mean that Lyacon counts as a cripple?
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>Cameracucks getting uppity
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>just a bunch of loredump here and there that will never have any meaningful place in game
I like archaeology...

That's wuwa sir.
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she'll be the one doing the raping
look at n*kke
Hes a double amputee yes. I dont really know if it counts as crippled if he has better than normal gundam legs though
I'm ashamed this also took me a couple tries to get.
>brags about stolen vtuber design from a fucking Holo organ
that game is fucking doomed
everyone in the game is physically and/or mentally crippled
>Failed genshin clone fails to take over Genshin despite the latter being the literal worst gotcha ever reward wise and with abysmally low daily energy simply because Genshin has SOVL and WuWa, despite having GI as a fucking blueprint sucks hard ass.
>That's why you cry in a completely different general for a game made by the same company.
EoS can't come soon enough for you.
Wuwa doesn't stuff me with that shit using a funnel like Genshin does though
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>anyone having to dodge in that game is seen as shit
this is incorrect because dodging prevents being staggered, and interruptions absolutely tank your DPS, that's why long dong zhong is a crutch and they package interruption resistance in cons to make you whale to run shieldless/dodgeless DPS
>because you have healers shitting out a billion hp every second
This hasn't been the case in a while, abyss or late IT will one tap any non HP scaler if you're not careful
>No it isnt. Dodge counters can last full seconds and can let you ignore entire boss attacks and mechanics.
Wrong, those seconds are slowed time and only work against the attack you dodged, they are dodge iframes.
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it's not her fault!
i love my wife (sister)
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The fags here are too pussies for competitive pvp, even if it's balanced, fair and fun. Just look at how they react to the snake duel pvp, they're a bunch of grifters and pussies who rely on whaling to get things done. Smh
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ok fuck this one was quick
do i need cunning hares for amilion? i dont use homos
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holy shit stop they are already dead!
i'm glad billy got a woman, he deserved it.
I'm 100% sure you will drop WuWa for NTE.
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Name me your favorite character, and why you like them
Is this scene in any of the other languages besides Jap good/gap cute?
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If it goes the way of Genshin TCG, then
>it'll be unironically more complex and thought out than the actual game
>will get constant updates
>full of soul
>nobody will play it
Perfectly balanced
Post it, Miyabisisters
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>ben stuffed into an old compact trugg
hell yeah
I mostly play Wuwa for the chuuni powertrip, I doubt NTE will have that feel.
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You are retarded bro. dodge counters are not in slowed time, and absolutely give invulnerability. Its both in their description and also obvious with the longer dodge counters like S11 and Piper.
Ive seen footage of the latest genshin clears and its just spamming skill and ultimate while the DPS shits out DPS, I dont think I saw a single dodge in the entire video.
Im sure some characters can do it, but its not a core component. and yes the game has to rely on instant kills because healing exists in such rampant forms.
I know this is mihomo cultist general but holy kek
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Now what?
No since their comp is "ether" shock or phys due to anomaly being better. You can get her to complete the set for autism reasons though.
I PROMOTED TO NIRVANA several times in hi3rd
but it's a shit system still
Encore was the only one of these that I liked, but she was powercrept on launch. Anko manko wasn't enough to keep me interested in the game, especially with so little fan art.
I thought it was "Shining gold designs"
hime r63 vergil
Loooool?? He eating his boo poo
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>no major hoyoverse creators care about ZZZ
>nobody is watching the stuff that does get made
>no theorycrafters
What kind of /zzz/ content do (You) actually want to watch?
Ones where the girls are being fucked by faceless males
Wow, you're giving me your sucker? Thanks Ellen, you're so nice.
Tastes a little weird, and sticky.
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whats the priority buy in this shop? exp or more pulls?
What countries actually call it a "Sucker"? I always thought it was a lolly pop. Or just lolly.
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>he skipped the first and only ether dps in the entire game
you still have time, its not too late to unbrick yourselves bros.
I like her two color hair, her clothes, the dismissive hormonal teen personality, the tail is cute, she's great
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truth nukke

this game is not fun to watch
Twitter drama unironically
Ether anomaly in 1.2 and Ether stunner in 1.4~5, bwo
I can't believe there's never going to be another ether character after zhu yuan
I better roll C1 right now
why would you care about content creatures?
just play the game
it's their loss for having imaginary pride and being retarded
None of the Mihoyo games are
>most characters don't have i-frames outside of Ex-skill and burst
I'd go ahead and read the description of every single assist and dodge counter before you say dumb shit
The definition of cripple (Noun) is
>a person with a severe limitation of a specified kind
Lyacon is definitely not limited in any way shape or form compared to the average human/thiren.
In fact its the opposite
Have you seen the other Hoyo game's fanbase? Having a smaller fanbase compared to those is a fucking blessing.
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good art
I don't give a fuck about soulless metaniggers and retarded youtubers regurgitating misinformation and I think anyone that does should kill themselves
I think the pulls are the best. Compared to the selector it is 30 pulls which is a not so bad chance to get the S and in the mean time you get more coins and a ranks back
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>this game is not fun to watch
HSR is literal autoplay
The largest Genshin "streamers" are doing 12 hour marathons of walking in circles around the Abyss entrance talking about gay nigger drama and the pozzed load kektone swallowed yesterday while their map sits at 12% exploration
>I doubt

Nah, WuWa feels like a "checklist" game. If you played more games you should be able to instantly detect "cheap" games.

Maybe WuWa 2 with better world-building but right now it's a tech demo like Palworld.
Because it's funny
there's not a single gacha that's fun to watch period anon tf are you talking about
>p-p-pgr and w-w-wuw
shit chinkslop
zzz combat is fun to watch
tv and overworld slop, however, is not, and thats like 2/3 of the game.
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I was 2 seconds away from A rank on stage 3. About to try again and then attempt stage 4. How far have my f2p bros made it?
they actually don't if you dodge before the flash and you're still in the dodge animation you will get hit I've tested it on shiyu 10 trying Anby and Nicole clears
I played almost a thousand games, I'm fine, really. I can detect cheap games too. Wuwa isn't, very few games nail that powertrip feel during combat and I've played them all.
Finished blueberrys lvl and engine upgrade. Will work on Billy's lvl and engine next, money is pretty tight but I can use the event money for next two days.
Just preparing to clear higher defense lvls on last days.
soldier's fire combo isn't exactly red queen but it's close enough
miyabi is yamato
knot is beowulf
billy is ebony and ivory, i guess twosome time since he can't walk while shooting

what other staples are there? and what's missing? rebellion is obvious but i dont think it has a counterpart here.
GI story went to shit when they've started their fujo pandering.
It all went downhill ever since Scaramouche (dogshit chara btw) retconned himself into being a good goy.
Perfect Dragon God King of no faults is just the icing on the cake.
Fuck that though, do you think Ellen's tail is full of shark scales and rlas rough as sandpaper though?
A rank up until shiyu 15. S rank up to shiyu 13. Anyone else who gets a rank or higher in 16/17 got lucky with their gacha or is a refresher
>a bit confused on how some of the mechanics in the game work since im not used to hoyo gachaslop
>dont want to watch some retarded indian youtuber just to learn about the game
what are my options?
>if you dodge before the flash and you're still in the dodge animation you will get hit
Youre talking about something completely different. Are you sure you're not doing dash attacks and assuming they are dodge counters?
Ive abused dodge counters on every shiyu up to 17 with no issue. For an early example on shiyu 10 you can dodge the entire robot spin by dodging into counter with nearly every character
I want Ellen to verbally abuse me everytime I lose in PVP!
S rank 11 12 13 A rank 14 15 B rank 16 haven't tried 17
I used M0W0 Ellen and Zhu but didn't touch the disc mines yet[/spoiled]
I will only taste it if it's been in your mouth
Just ask in the thread. We might call you retarded but you'll get the info that you need.
Play the game, who the fucked needs a video to understand a videogame?
>shoo en
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who's gonna be this game's totally not out of place 69k years old self cultivated for 5k years wooshoo kungfu magician, who will get an entire cast of ancient totally not out of place but mostly dead at least wooshoo kungfu magicians?
considering their literal space game has an entire wooshoo kungfu magician faction but in space with space wooshoo kungfu magic they definitely can't fucking stop
>what are my options?
play the game
He means almost a thousand matches when he says "games." Collectively.
i thought both section 6 member is ligthing ?
>Wuwa isn't

Yeah, that explains the performance issues and sound being broken on launch. It's rushed and unprofessional. Good tech demo, though.
Stuck on stage 4. My rank is A B B. I'm waiting for IK45 to start CD farming and dumping my batteries, my characters still use level 6 purples, level 0 blues.
About the same place, but I'm pretty casual. Haven't tried attempting any of those more than once.
Wuwa fucking sucks ass holy shit how the fuck does a game like that have a community its so fucking bad
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Did you roll for the Pig Thiren?
Unironically ask here.
I have seen multiple anons saying "pull for who you like it doesn't matter, endgame is 0.6 of a roll you lose at worst", I've never seen an e-celeb saying that ever.
They are. Hes using the information of a retarded "celebrity" leaker who has already admitted hes probably wrong and they just havent updated them to electric in the files yet (cope)
Yanagi and Asabu were added to 1.1 beta as support in a mission and are both 100% electric
I've played tons of good games with technical and performances issues. Polish is good when it's there but it's not mandatory.
Do you really think they'll release a bunch of lighting characters back to back? Yanagi color schemes doesn't even fit lighting element.
They are. That anon's blind. Forgive him.
why are you so angry and obsessed you must rant about wuwa in a zzz thread
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Are you loving this event??
Bupons are so amazing, Bangboos are simply the BEST aren't they.
>It all went downhill ever since Scaramouche (dogshit chara btw) retconned himself into being a good goy.
That's when I quit the game. You're telling me that the slop before that was the good part?
Genshin and HSR are written by Fat Xiao and his lackey, this game has a different team so no one for now
I mean it's true, any character can be a monster, limited S ranks are monsters, but with less "maintenance".
>Yanagi and Asabu were added to 1.1 beta as support in a mission
Aren't they in the Hollow Zero tutorial?
I do love bangboos but my luck with them has remained the bottom 10% since launch.
I literally haven't read a single line of text from a Bangboo text box yet
>unironically considering swiping for zy after losing coinflip at 80 pulls
its SO over for me
shark tits...
Mihoyo's basically going to be the Nintendo of Gacha soon enough, yeah? One company with multiple in-house studios delivering (relatively) high quality titles, whereas most game devs just work on one game at a time. I think their Animal Crossing clone is going to be their biggest thing yet though, just look at how during ACNL people went mental about procuring certain villagers and shit. Slap them in a gacha and you have a money printer that appeals to a massive range of people across the whole family.

Sure it's all predatory live service slop in the end, but I fully expect Mihoyo to be fucking massive in a decade.
Fat Xiao can write 10/10 ludokinocinematic worldbuilding and sidequests, HSR has Shaoji's mittens all over it
Fuck you boos are the best part of the game
>no major hoyoverse creators care about ZZZ
>nobody is watching the stuff that does get made
>no theorycrafters
I'm so happy none of the fucking "hoyo streamers" are touching ZZZ. Gatcha streamers are a plague upon the world.
Hows Ceaser King Arthur and Ligher Prince Charming?
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She a perfect combination of multiple things, I love her
bros i dont want to doompost but zhuyan feels like a brick compared to ellen damage wise...
I bet 2.0 is going to go full Ether and Fire.
Since we're now getting a ton of Ice and Electric.
pgr is fun to watch desu
I would've dropped the game on the spot if Bangboos are paid. Rolling for 2 different things in the gacha is more than fucking enough.
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Lore video. There's a surprising amount of Greek Mythology influence on some of the story concepts:

>I played almost a thousand games
the target audience for this game is so fucking old they were gaming when your parents were kids
you fucking teenagers thinking you know what the fuck they are talking about with your "wealth of experience" never stops being funny
And people complain why they don't put harder stuff in the game, well here's the reason
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Okay, you convinced me, I've decided to unbrick my account
Feel welcome to purchase several top ups to my UID so I can get Zhu
Saving grace is that the kung fu characters might be more Jackie Chan/Bruce Lee inspired since It's urban fantasy which would be better than your typical wooshoo dude that keeps speaking about balance & philosophy.
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some games are just fun to play and not watch
>no theorycrafters
there's no need for that for now
wait for more content or math autists to pick up the game
cus it needs to be said
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>Miss the High schooler shark-girl kuudere maid
>Gaslight yourself into believing that a bland police officer in full uniform the personality of a sheet of paper is better than her
holy cope, just take the L you missed the 50/50 and now you have to make do with sloppy seconds
>to be fucking massive
Anon... They already are, they have a fucking personal reactor.
who's asabu? harumasa?
why is no one doing anything? there are fucking BEARS running around. people are in danger
It's just unreal engine. They was way better tech demos.
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truth nuke
every single zhufag only cares about her ass since thats the only remotely interesting thing about her character
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>Wanted Nicole M6 for that sweet crit rate buff
>120 rolls later on the cop banner i ended up with M6 Ben instead
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Real ellenbros don't antagonize fellow character lovers
Except Miyabi, autist iaido kitsune is the most soulless character archetype even for AI standards
>massively more powerful and mixed in with the normal Gacha in beta
In what way? I thought I remembered them actually conferring stats to your agents like increasing their crit-rate or anomaly mastery buildup instead of the boring shit we have now where they just do different flavors of daze and buildup, but I gaslit myself into thinking I made that up.
>kuudere maid
she's just a lazy bitch, you don't know what kuudere means
we choose bears here
i like the fact that zhu lives with her mom, i also live with my mom
sorry but I simply skipped her
Post 3x3 or rope
I like the fact that her ass serves justice
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Different strokes for different folks, anon. We should be good to each other.
t. traumatized by Sir Bearington
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Yay, just got KINO 6 Nicole
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Chinatown update with a faction of chink cooks. Two skimpy waitresses in skimpy qipaos (one hag, one loli), a burly tiger dude chef and a lolibaba snake lady manager.
Fontaine had the best written character in the game (Furina) getting overshadowed by a nigh-omnipotent, but also kind and basically perfect in any way except somewhat autistic dragon sovereign.
It also had prisonslop to market a quasi-furry male character that's the warden of the prison with a meal look and the archetype of looking like a bad guy.
Some sidequests are very enjoyable though.
I hate fujos so much it's unreal
>ZZZ is filtering a lot of women and normalfags
Really? Well so that's why our threads are comfy for the most part even when we are fast
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what's the abyss/MoC/SD of animal crossing going to be?
Congrats for the S rank support.
ok qipao sluts are always excusable chinkslop
I like the police fashion much more than the maids
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>genshinfags are taking refuge here since the eternal janny opened the door for cuckshitposters to camp /gig/
I know the situation in the homeland is dire but please behave
Same which is why I've actually been appreciating these boopon drops
now that's what I call insecurity
The game actually needs attention to play, after a certain point, so women are out by default.
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>Good tech demo, though.
Wouldn't the fact that it was so full of bugs and unplayable on launch to the point they needed to beg players to stay by giving them much more free shit and SSRs than intended mean the tech was broken?
lvl 45 IK bwos, what's the weaknesses of the Withering Garden in HZ? Is Fire finally gonna be not a brick?
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What is the issue bears are frens
nah, maids are way better
i hope they release alt outfits for them, all the cop faction outfits suck
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>They can't do anything about it but watch
I went and double checked, and I cant see them assisting in a mission anywhere
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>Two skimpy waitresses in skimpy qipaos (one hag, one loli), a burly tiger dude chef and a lolibaba snake lady manager.
You made it sound cool, anon.
desu I don’t get all the hate for Chinese designs some of the hottest girls in Genshin and HSR are chinese
No idea, but I suspect the gacha system will give you villagers and special furniture/mats in place of weapons. It's probably going to be some kind of mini-game or tournament.
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Let's be honest:

what are the chances Miyabi is not released as an Ice Attacker like Ellen? I like both and want to use both...
Sounds like you're just scared of males
>no major hoyoverse creators care about ZZZ
Man this is such a good thing honestly, that's why the community for this game has been comfy so far
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Shaoji spams nonstop UBW references and that shit is ludicrously wooshoo
the pubsexbot is kinda sus to be "muh 376367k years old ancient alchemy machine with the lightning orbs of heaven and staff of the three headed heavenly fifty five times venerated greater than the heavens thunder lord" but getting fucked by a normal as EMP(despite her own weaponry should generate such a field it should fry her right away) makes it look like she's just a Billy tier combat bot and a Cerberus reference from DMC, but lighting instead of ice
>well written
>supposedly eloquent character who is dragged down by the crippling unability of the chinks to write good dialogue

she's almost as bad Arlechino, there is such a huge gulf between what the game wants you to believe she is and what is actually shown
she's the least believable character in the entire game and Clorinde's quest buried her even deeper
lycaon reminds me of wriothesley
who is lycaon's clorinde in this game?
I like Qingyi's, but everyone else has a really ho hum design. Zhu Yan actually looks alright with the mod that removes all her gun pieces, but without it it's pretty bad. Garish orange nerf shit all over the place.
Nineveh has no weaknesses or resistances. The other enemies are just a random assortment of bosses from the rest of the game, so you can get unlucky and roll fire-resistant enemies like the mechs.
she's gonna be a dps, but unknown if anomaly or attacker.
Holy shit, Shiyu 16 is such a headache I don't think I will bother before its reset. Fucking robot having a seizure and moving around non stop, while ethereal doggy aggro like crazy with dumb trash not staying in a pack.
The fact that the buffs virtually only affect Ellen and ZY really make the critical nodes miserable. Good grief.
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I havent even gotten to the red Shiyu Defense yet...
Don't refute my tastes.
I like practical outfits much better.
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There's a lot of Rule 63 Lycaon
The usual suspects are too busy with bitching about Genshin since they aren't adding niggers and HSR for the VA controversy. All of this happened in the span of weeks when ZZZ release so it's almost like a blessing.
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>70% of the thread was filtered
I doubt she'll be ice at all. Attacker yes, but maybe fire or something with green flames due to her little eyeball fella.
I deliberately skipped Ellen though
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What name did you pick for Inky? Did you leave it as Inky? Did anyone try renaming Inky as Nekomata? Is Inky a guy or a girl?
>Scared of males
No, not at all. I'm disgusted by shoehorning males into the story forcefully, especially when you have to re-write the story around them.
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Game has no memes
I want to FUCK Shenhe
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>120 pulls for zy
>still no zy

20k polys? GONE
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maids are for seggs and doujins, the police has much better designs for an action game, everytime i see my zhu do gun-fu and do a flip during a WIPEOUT screen just feel glad that i got her, qingyi is next,
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looks like it truly feels like home for them now
Luna because S11 suggested it and I like the moon
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Sorry anon, I am behaving and I really love ZZZ too.
Post a meme from another game that we can sample.
Its all up in the air, but my bet is on ether anomaly/DPS
>cutscene has her power up as purple/blue "energy" which is ethers colours
>no ice effect at all
>spirit could represent ether energy
>the eternal janny
What? Who?
opened the door for cuckshitposters to camp /gig.
What? I know about the recent thing with Nilou and Hat Boy, but what do you mean by them being allowed to camp? Before I gave up they were a staple in the thread at all times.
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>What name did you pick for Inky?
Yes, that's the kurogames "tech" lmaooo
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She's multiplying.
There are too many of them. In Genshin also too many of them were meta staples so you see them everywhere.

HSR I think half the fucking cast is going to be Xianzhou next patch. Tired of straight fantasy wuxia spam in a "sci fi" game. I want more mecha and high tech stuff. The story was also dogshit and we are going back.

Pic related, honestly Blade and Banjo Mei should be under xianzhou too
How do you get bangbro level and ascension materials?
it was his first time in /gig/, forgive him
Red Anby feels much better to play once you realize you are supposed to play her like Zhu and ignore her timed attacks.
Considering how easily my cat, who adores the hell out of me, can accidentally hook a claw into my lap trying and failing to jump up into my lap, I would be REALLY worried about attempting a stunt like this.
I have Nicole M3 and don't know if I should pull more... I am scared of getting another Zhu and wasting pity for Qingyi
Speaking of 45, hitting that soon and will probably not do much hollow zero of the 3 center stages anymore.

Rating in terms of difficulty:
The first has a combo of a fat guy dropping mines and shit, and robot. Both have annoying ranged attacks, the robot can rush around, and the fat guy is extremely hard to dodge counter and/or parry. I don't even know if you can even parry him period. The robot is easy, once alone, but holy shit this combo is annoying.

The second has a combo including the guy who likes to warp around. If you are lucky you get a free counter immediately and can delete him making the fight free. But even if not, these enemies are funnily enough easier to handle. Or maybe I'm just more used to it.

The third is complete easy mode. Technically the hardest end-boss, but I play ice and that shit on the twins pretty hard.
I want to suck on Ellen's spit-covered lollipop..
The konbini
Pic unrelated I guess.
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Sorry bwo I just went 1-41 in ZZZ in 3 days and pretty much softlocked myself into having to farm mats to progress in Shiyu and HZ so I'm just ranting.
What’s the best way to farm for discs?
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Why does she have a handle bar on her ass?
Didn't know I was talking to a hoyo insider, I apologize.
It really is kek, it's the perfect storm of happenings to keep those types out of the game community
But M1 Zhu is mandatory?
Do you think we could reopen /hyvg/? Would it be allowed or would it get jannied?
I wouldn't. The M4 is barely noticeable and you're too far from M6 to get it without risking a spook.
one shitpost about HSR space china outfits made every autistic zoomer think they are fashion designers now so all wuxia outfits are bad by default now, but the standards don't apply to Western "just a fucking bag" and shirt+pants/skirt and just a fucking business suit because "that's just different ok?"
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some delicious looking burgers mm
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I'm considering H.P. Lovecat cause of your picture.
>copy Hi3
>make PGR

>copy Genshin
>make WuWa

This is gonna work this time for sure!
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Ellen is for the bland, bald middle-aged businessman who would pay a highschooler for a sloppy blowjob in a shitstained public toilet.

Miyabi however would agonizingly slowly rub her clit against your cock over and over again until you start leaking pre-cum, only to start fondling your balls as she circles her tongue on your tip, slowly playing with the shaft, revving it up, then plunging it deep inside her as she moans out of breath and you climax together.

In other words Ellen is the smalltown bicycle, Miyabi is the trophy wife. Weak and small little boys will NEVER understand. Enjoy your sharkslop for the next two months.
It is allowed. The real problem is who the fuck would ever post there.
lowkey that is kind of a big ass burger to just hold one-handed
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>copy gta
>make NtE
I believe.....
anal sex between two men is less gay than the post you just typed
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NTA but I understand. I come here because I want to actually discuss a game I'm playing. All sensible and noteworthy discussion has all but vanished from /gig/. I am not even exaggerating, that shithole is getting dangerously close to /feh/ levels of unusable.
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simply gweilo jealousy
Aw fuck, did you make this up? Got erect for nothing. I'd love to see a chinatown update, chinatown is actually soul and nothing like ancient magic chinkwank.
Huuuh PGR is actually better in every way compared to Hi3
this was the main reason that led me to be confident about Wuwa but Wuwa copied Genshin too much for my liking
I still enjoy the game but hope they'll realize that copying everything down to the store prices was beyond retarded
>7/7 HZ completed
>no energy
>finished bangboo event
>have to wait for tomorrow for next stage of ice event
What do?
can you even fit those extra shells into a stun window? qingyi and her engine is probably a better use of rolls
There's a black cat at my work that's called Luna.
You say that, but then the anon you're replying to confused about the dislike had to post art that removes most of the canon design as examples of them being good. >>487770295
Think about that, man.
Too many of the same design. I swear 90% of female genshin designs are "pseudo dress that kind of reveals some skin with frills and draping fabric"
Anon, half of space China are literal Sonic palette swaps
Your 15 HZ runs?
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nice post but i prefer qingyi with limbs removed as my portable electric onahole
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Imagine if the Chinatown in zzz is basically Kowloon
It'll remain one of the most broken cons in the game unless you're very autistic about your rotations and refuse to use her outside of bosses.
She gets no buff during a perfect rotation stun window but it more than DOUBLE her damage against waves and multiple enemies.
Ether corruption resistance?
Just remember to get the vibration limiter removal plug-in from the inter-knot.
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They don’t wear much more than what I posted them with.
Ganyu’s design remains one of the best.
15? I thought it capped at 7 for rewards.
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i think i might be unlucky
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Red eyes to anime girls is what brown eyes are to 90% of the population
So you say you need M1?
I honestly don't notice a big difference between here and /gig/, I can talk about the game if I want to whenever I choose
You can keep playing to farm z-merits if you're off your meds
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smae, I'm taking it easy
For Zhu, you end the chain attacks with Nicole?
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>skin tight
>the paths had rope all this time and I didn't notice it
I feel blind
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Twittard women are out because the game just kills their woke narratives by being actually too equal in too many things for now
although I wouldn't be surprised if the playerbase is actually about half in genders like Genshin because the wolf man is prime straight bait dream husband material
Breaking up with Ellen
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Both these posts were made by me.
When does the game get good? Just killed big garden bitch and it was a snoozefest
your favorite NPC? knotted.
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That's only 10,000 combinations. If he includes one of them every time he posts a screenshot of his list eventually you'll say "HOW DID YOU FIND ME!" and then he'll know it's the correct number.
You still get dennies/bangboo exp/z-merits/etc. up to the 15th clear
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We need our version of Cheldposting.
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Why the fuck does everyone go around calling me proxy? I don’t go around yelling “Yo, Glowie?” or “Hey, Hollow Raider” or “Ohayo, money grubbing wage stealing debt dodging defrauding fat skank!” In broad daylight now do I? I have a name you know.
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how come she seems to have hank hill ass in some shots?
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Does Nekomata have mating season?
I think I have a fetish for brown girls with black leggings, thanks Nekomata.
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>feel like rolling
>have no team that can use another bangboo
This is suffering
You need to lose some weight you fat fucking cat
post roster
Perfect pose to drop a nice steaming log
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>get good anomaly disks on my grace
>get her to lv50, max her passives and skills, max her w-engine
>awww yeah now im ready for piper+anomaly+disorder rape on shiyu robots
>clear time is only like 10 seconds faster than my piper+corin
because they are not the consistent wooshoo fashion space china uses
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amillion for soulful cunning hare runs
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>he fell for the disorder meme
You need Rina too bwo...
when you uninstall
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>he fell for the grace disorder meme
Oh no no no lol we got another one
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My extremely cope second team is Lucy/Piper and I have Luckyboo for that
Not enough pulls for Zhu
>Selling Nicole into prostitution as a way to repay her debts.
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Completely disregarding my distaste for the awful word salad slop that is the writing in these chinkshit games, the xianxia-wuxia-whatever designs are samey and blend together. I get that that's kinda Genshin's whole ordeal but I LITERALLY cannot tell Star Rail, Genshin or Wuwa designs apart and that's not a good thing.
Most of those characters would look a thousand times better wearing actually practical and well-thought-out outfits.
Look at the newest character released in ZZZ, Zhu Yuan. She wears a Pubsec vest that tells us and those around her her obvious affiliation which is quite important considering she's a police officer, an armored bodysuit that helps with mobility, multiple parts of her modular gun are strapped to her body so she can adapt her gun for whatever the situation requires of her, there's an earpiece she uses to listen to police comms, handcuffs on her hair that double as a hairband, shoes suited for running, etc.
You could look at any Zenless Zone Zero design and guess the peculiarities of a character by their looks alone, although Section 6 leaves much to be desired.
Explain M1 to me like I'm a retard, cause I am
Mihoyo doesn't have what it takes to make animal crossing. It'll be some disney dreamlight valley farmville slop.
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>he rolled the sharkbrick
haccka dooru sango, my beloved
Fuck, i switched from building corin to grace, am I fucked?
>I LITERALLY cannot tell Star Rail, Genshin or Wuwa designs apart and that's not a good thing.
Genshin is a lot better at this, just compare
>Shenhe VS Yun Jin
>Sushang VS Guinaifen
One is distinct types of clothing both drawing from different parts of Chinese culture and mythology, the other are recolors
Amillion my fuarking hero
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they're just gonna shove boopon rewards into every event from now on aren't they
Is it worth leveling S rank disks if the rolls aren't perfect or just recycle til they're nearly perfect?

keep getting hp/def rolls on mine and don't know if i should bother.
>he stopped building Corrin
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What cleanup should I do?
Right now I've got
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How should I be spending these currencies as a F2P newbie?
How much time until that defense mode resets?
Realistically speaking, there's no way there aren't people in this setting who install a fleshlight and wife.exe into their custom bangboo
You have to get them somewhere since you can't whale for them.
>4 S-Ranks
I only need Lycaon and Ben to keep mw happy, but still...
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>run 45 hollow with zhu yan
>takes days to do anything
>rerun same team with ellen
>instant deletes everything
ermmmmmmmmmm bros????
right now you don't have the resources to be picky, just get the right main stat
NTA but what's there to explain. More bullets. More bullets gained in the same time-frame will always equal more damage. Even if they aren't all affected by buffs, or even always hit a stunned enemy.
honestly resonaboo is excellent for grouping regardless of bonus, problem is your viable teams only give you access to subpar bangboos like butlerboo who is a nothingburger or plugboo who isn't that great without grace, if you dnot mind putting ben for lucy piper run rocketboo, or revolverboo with corin, though eventboo is nice for the assault buildup
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Zhu Yuan is pretty fun at M1W1
rolling for rrat should solve all your problems
>anomaly disorder goddess
>comes with seth who will buff anomaly like crazy
>both can trigger passives with grace
and even better
>rrat banner also gives corin cinema
if you care about either grace or corin then you will like rrat banner, just build both.
Zhu Yuan's Mindscape 1 is incredibly unique and does more for her than can be represented in calculations accurately. This Mindscape allows Zhu Yuan to gain the quick reload effect after using her Chain Attack or Ultimate, granting her an immediate refill of Shells after she uses her entire stock. The quick reload effect will refill 6 Shells when gained through her Chain Attack and 9 through her Ultimate. The impact of this Mindscape is threefold:
it allows you to completely ignore the need to build any Shells prior to any of Zhu Yuan's burst rotations as she gains an additional 6 per Chain Attack used bringing the total granted per chain to 9,
it allows Zhu Yuan to fully reload her Shotgun Shells after executing any full Burst rotation where her Ultimate is present granting you 9 Shells to use as you see fit while you prepare for the next Stun Window (refer to Mini Burst Rotation to how we recommend using these),
it drastically improves Zhu Yuan's ability to deal with inferior enemies granting her near endless ammo as you can continuously use Zhu Yuan's Chain attack on all easily stunnable small fry enemies you come up against.
Zhu Yuan can gain both Quick Reload effects at the same time allowing her to consume them back to back to recover 15 shells total (They stack and do not overwrite each other).
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You guys talk like you can't have both? Are you poor, or just unlucky?
Not even a month into the game and I have almost all Bangboos and a bunch of dupes for A-Rank ones. What were they thinking?!
Hollow Zero.
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Substats are almost entirely meaningless at this point.

Getting more 15/15 discs with good base stats on your agents > wasting disc materials because it went HP+1 once. Contain your autism please.
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Sex with Ellen.
Ellen Sex.
>Are you poor
Yes, retard
anything more than passu is too much
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>renaming Inky
>can't use space
>H.P.Lovecat is too long
>HP.Lovecat looks kinda bad
This is ass.
end of the month, same as the outpost's shop resets
zhu yuan is pretty fun at m0w0
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nicole so cute
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odds i sleep in my bed
evens i sneak into oniichans bed
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Zhu yuan deletes every boss after a stun and every pack after a nicole blackhole so how about you use these two better?
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I can somewhat understand not being able to differentiate between Genshin and Star Rail's designs, as they do share a lot of similarities, which I dislike as well.
But Wuwa designs look nothing like either of those; and not in a good way, every visual aspect of Wuwa sucks ass.
Many thanks lad
thank you prydwen
ZZZ's 1.2 is looking grim though, section 6 is indeed a low point and they all look like the blandest shit ever designed
H-How did you know I have 4 S rank characters? Only 3 are in that picture. The other is a level 1 Grace.
I'm sorry, I got tempted into metafaggotry because I lost my standard to a grace engine.
not every character has this look at Grace
Less colourful doesn't mean ass. Design wise I'd rank HSR last, definitely.
>dismissive hormonal teen personality
Real life teen girls are never like this. They may have sarcasm, but that isn't Ellen's shtick but rather a blase attitude. I don't think it's correct to call something a "teen attitude" if it only applies to 1% of female teens.
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Can Ben work as a poverty DPS?
I didn't pull S11
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Did you kissed your Ellen today?
got the Butler and the Shark S Banboos. Which one should I use in a mixed team that features both Ellen and Zhu?
If you have any s rank characters and content is difficult for you, you are doing something wrong.
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For the poorfags who can't afford a lolicopsexbot (civilian model).
Thanks for the detailed analysis anon. Mhhhh.... I think about it but it seems really useful
There's also her crotch
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>he builds his characters instead of parrying everything and bruteforcing through the game
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Did you compliment your Ellen today?
>Ellen and Zhu
Why? They don't compliment each other.
Ben is more of a poverty Stunner than poverty Attack
why are we still replying wuwaggers?
Wait, Zhu yuan's m1 lets her shoot 15 shells at once even though it caps at 9? How does that work
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>any s rank character
ellen wouldnt like a clingy loser
>using two dps who both aggressively want Ult priority in one team
Also whatever your 2 set of elements is should be your bangboo
Throw him in the fucking trash unless you made the mistake of levelling him to 40/50 and cant level another one.
would the curse maker design work in ZZZ?
because they didn't want to record two sets of voice lines for every character
I'm still playing through the story and it's not like synergy matters there since the stages aren't hard, of course for the grinding stages I'd have to adjust
I heard oreo was a popular name
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Did you say "thank you" to the Ellen today?
you use 9 shells
*quick reload effect*
you get free 6 shells instantly
so you are basically shooting 15 shells without interruption
I wasn't talking about the dodge counter skill but the dodge itself, if you got the dodge counter you already correctly dodged the attack itself.
not ever character has this see Grace
Do we have a character ascension planner like the hoyolab calculator?
i run two dps in withering garden because i don't trust myself to not get one killed
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>Less colourful doesn't mean ass
It means everything, objectively. A good understanding of color theory is very important for any visual project. Disregard it and you end up being memed to death about how shitty your product looks, like Wuwa did.
And by the way, I never mentioned anything about color specifically. I meant it when I said EVERY single aspect of Wuwa looks like hot garbage.
"Infinite Abyss" is an Exploration side quest that becomes available around inter-knot level 40. While not particularly hard or anything it quickly gained infamy on just how long the quest takes, taking on average around 2.5 hours to traverse all 100 floors. Luckily the quest can be finished around floor 25. Unfortunately for anyone who actually makes it all 100 floors the extra rewards are a few thousand denny, ten extra polychromes and basic upgrade mats. All in all it has quickly garnered the title of a trap.
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koleda is literally the worst s rank
Be 45 and do disk stages
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She's so pretty
>better gacha system
This isn't something normal humans care about.
>better gearing
Echopicking doesn't make it better.
>skip button
doesn't work for the MSQ slop

stay mad pajeet
It doesn’t do much against waves. Go try it in Shiyu 17.
What the fuck are you talking about.
Every character has a dodge, grace in that image has a dodge and is invulnerable while dodging.
You're going to need to explain properly what you mean. Are you saying grace cant dodge or what? She absolutely can.
Well they said they would touch future designs still, so who knows.
>>using two dps who both aggressively want Ult priority in one team
I don't have any other Ice characters besides Ellen but I still wanna use her. At least Zhu has Nicole
damn. Is he really that ass?
If the battlenun wasn't scrapped and there indeed is a cult faction she would fit in with a few modifications.
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Did you roll for the Ellen today?

Oh wait, you CAN'T any longer LMAO stay mad
You just gave me a reason to fall into addiction and roll again... I'm lying in bed and am considering to just get up and do it now...
>oh yeah baby, the Chinawank medicine will go down easy with sluts in skimpy qipa--
Isn't that extreme DPS?
pretty crazy if all of that fits into 1 stun window
But it doesn't look like garbage though, or not any less than other games.
Color theory is not understood by the masses, a game's reception is a very bad way to judge its aesthetics.
looks like shes taking a big dump
Cult faction is mentioned in game I think it's still happening
bro... how can they have this?
they rewrote their entire story after the first CBT
please understand...
this is something Kurofags unironically touted as a good thing
this is one thing HoYo has over most companies in the gaming industry, an actual solid vision to stick to for all of their games
bwo your cheevos
not as she is?
Star Rail’s version is kinda shit desu
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I'm glad they're finally killing off this TV shit in 1.1 Fuck these minigames, fuck this cringe ass dialogue and FUCK these fifteen hour time wasting PoS MonkaToS quests, just wanna blast BALAAAST and top the meters fuck off
Butler is fine. The energy regen isn't very significant, but neither are the on-field skills of most of the other ones, and his chain attack is still going to be stronger than any A-rank
That said if you have no team synergy just try to get Resonaboo because he has the most useful skill (it's literally just Nicole's EX without the team buff)
Me in the back exchanging my big titty gf coupon
>gives open world an added layer of meaning
Genshin's open world design is many times better than Wuthering Waves.
WuWa's open world feels like AI generated slop created for the sake of giving echopickers chests to scavenge for like rats.
If you're a pagpag licking poorfag who only explores an open world for rewards, then this might appeal to you.
Same thing for Echoes, a system that overwhelmingly rewards grind (in a single-player game LMAO) and forces you to trudge through the map.

The war torn lands of Natlan...
They're not making high art lmao, just well polished slop that appeals to the lowest common denominator
you're still gonna have dialogue bloat possibly even more this is mihoyo
Nicole C4 is pretty nice
I don’t have anything to add but this was a thoughtful post I enjoyed reading so please have a (You)
You don't want to know how fucking often Hoyo rewrites and changes everything...
Like seriously. It's not better. Not one bit.
If you aren't caring about team synergy, then Magnetiboo does the same thing without wasting your S rank pity
how can anyone argue that zhuyan does more daamge than ellen? ellen owns this bitch
before you get excited and start rolling for that m1, by the time you reload the 6 shells, your stun burst window will almost be over and nicole effect will be over, you will squeeze 6 more bullets but they might not be bullets buffed by nicole (unless you ex skill nicole in burst window which makes you lose time)
yes, its MORE DPS but if you TRULY want to boost zhu damage, get qingyi instead, as she provides additonal stun dmg modifier (40% lv1 and 60% max level) which will bost zhu damage way more under any metric than more bullets ever will.
tl;dr just run m1 if you are super lucky and have fucktons of disposable rolls to guarantee both zhu and qingyi.
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>Color theory is not understood by the masses
But they are very much driven by it. Why do you think brands are so meticulous about the colors they choose for their logos? Colors can have a very deep psychological effect on people, and how they are used in marketing has been studied over and over. It's no different on videogames, they ARE a product after all.
>a game's reception is a very bad way to judge its aesthetics.
But I'm doing it the other way around. I KNOW its poor aesthetics had a part in its reception.
Wuwa's open world design is many times better than Genshin.
Genshin's open world feels like AI generated slop created for the sake of giving echopickers chests to scavenge for like rats.
If you're a pagpag licking poorfag who only explores an open world for rewards, then this might appeal to you.

And echoes are a billion times better than artifact, no matter their flaws they fit a lot better into the world, add a special move for each of them and even the shitty grind is preferable to Genshin's artifact system
Ellen with furry is better but Zoo is better without him.
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>I'm glad they're finally killing off this TV shit
you wish redditbrain
more TV narrative puzzle soulKINO is coming
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how did they make someone so dorky and cool at the same time?
in her dodge attack the one where she dodges and spins it's part of her rotation to build stacks I can't open your image so I only responded to the text
>tfw I have no chance to full clear Shiyu until the rrat
bros...are we gmi?
There is a gigantic difference in stats between an upgraded S-rank and A-rank even if the former is 1 star and the latter is 5
There's a massive TV event with tons of minigames already confirmed for 1.1 bwo
>but neither are the on-field skills of most of the other ones
Level 50 Sharkboo and Rocketboo consistently do over 40k damage per attack unless resisted. Its not insignificant in the slightest especially when combined with the anomaly build up.
Meanwhile Butlerboo does nothing but give energy every 24 + 5 second animation seconds.
Give just enough of a framework for your headcanon to fill the gaps
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I don't care about those games could you take this conversation elsewhere?
the construction site cleanup commision music is pretty rad
where the fuck are you getting the delusions of a cult/church faction?
>Redditors can only think with their dicks
Unsurprising, really
They can but it's only used to infect the subconscious through repetition. And as far as videogames are concerned, the fact that many awful remakes that don't understand and butcher the original game's aesthetics are widely praised by the player's says a lot about how unreliable the reception is.

Wuwa's lukewarm reception is mostly due to the fact it had huge performance issues, Chinawank cranked up to 11, trash writing, jewish rates copied straight from Genshin and a male as a first banner
Sharkboo's trap sometimes just never actually hits an enemy and rocketboo has a chance to do no damage, plus can just miss if the enemy is fast
Anon through out this conversation i've genuinely started to think you have never done a dodge counter properly and instead do something like spam dash spam attack instead which would stop the counter from going off.
Grace has a dodge, if Grace dodges an attack properly, she does a dodge counter. Both of which give invlunerability frames.
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someone post the webm of the titmonster
Hammernun is just in Caldbros right?
>Failed genshin clone fails to take over Genshin despite the latter being the literal worst gotcha ever reward wise

you have to be a giga retard or only play hoyoslop if you genuinely believe this. genshin would have never been popular if it was on the same level as all those other dogshit stingy jap gachas
I don't get this at all. When I played Wuwa the open world is the least appealing aspect. It's like they train an AI on FFXIV and went ham with no distinct culture, just a random post-apocalyptic sci-fantasy slush.
At least genshin you can say there's art direction. At least each region has a distinct culture.
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>just realized Mindscape Cinema ascension strips agents
Sorry MiHoyo, I wasn't familiar with your game..
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>What kind of /zzz/ content do (You) actually want to watch?
None, the less low-T leeches and retarded genshitters in my game's fanbase, the better. Things are actually perfect the way they are right now
Never had either of these two things be an issue ever. In any of the content where every little bit matters Sharkboo traps are going to eventually hit an enemy, Rocketboo only really whiffs against shit like the TP Archer which I think any bangboo is going to struggle against except maybe luckyboo
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what is he thinking about
>every single character has a dodge counter that renders them invlunerable.
You haven't played enough Zhu
None of them are good, so pick the lips or the crit one
I don't have a second team for SD10...
blastingbros we are SO on
I know about Lucia, as >>487775887
said when I first saw her I just thought she was Luciana's big sister in Sons of Calydon.
Since everyone is too afraid to say it, I will.

Grace is just as strong as Zhu. There's no reason to roll Zhu if you have Grace.
Did now
Yes,I told her she's cute.
Always do.
>mommy and daddy are wrestling in the video storage again…
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I love him...
He's cool. I like his character. Sad to see him being ruined by furfagd
they should stop babying their retarded genshin fanbase and make actually hard tv sections
it would instantly filter retards and redditors like yourself
SoC has way too many characters she was probably recycled into something else
Well Genshin is a theme park
I've only started playing Wuwa a week ago by buying an account and going straight to the 1.1 content and the area they've added is pretty coherent aesthetically. I haven't explored much of the mainland yet but it feels like the starting area of Xenoblade X, just worse which still isn't bad.
I have both and they literally play different roles what.
And grace is shit if you don't have a well-built piper.
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Zhu again does make herself invulnerable during her dodge counter, its right there in her skill description.
Shes just one of the characters I meant when I said "most last long enough" in reference to dodging full attacks and mechanics because her dodge counter is very short.
Which isnt really a bad thing, you can easily farm multiple dodge counters with her, but it can be clunky to get used to if youre coming from other characters.
Got the crit one. The stat itself seems solid. Thanks bro
You got scammed, the crit weapon is the worst bp.
not that it matters because pretty much all of them suck lmao
>Sons of Calydon has three (tres (3)) cunnies
If there was any doubt on who is the best faction.
Incredible rebenue charts, massive profits have been made. Surely Mihomo will give back to us passionate fans something noice like I dunno,100 free rolls as gifts of gratitude right? Right?
I mean the way you described isn't exactly a ringing endorsement. And if you weren't there for the bland ass 1.0 than *shrug* I can only hope they keep improving, but I'm also just sick of the JRPG sci-fantasy slush which is why I'm so fucking glad that urban settings is the new thing.
You're too afraid to say it, clearly.
Bwo... Ur starlight?...
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? Like half of the genshin people I follow on YouTube are making zzz content
That's a pretty good name honestly. I think I'll stick to HP.Lovecat, I like my stupid pun too much.
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did Zhu Yuan save ZZZ?
I like Miyabi's mechanical arm and the way it resembles japanese armor. I don't think I'm rolling for her but I am interested in learning more about the character.
lol no shes a brick
We already have an upper limit for z-merit gain? I thought it was gonna be 33 runs like SU in HSR.
she's actually a pretty archetypal girl prince, even down to actually being kind of a dork when not in public.
the only thing she's missing from that archetype is a boyish haircut and being flat
who do i believe?
hag being the only 5 star kinda diminishes it
Anonymous is right
What are Z merits for?
Been seeing some absolutely horrendous ZZZ youtube ads on my phone lately
They should fire whoever is doing their marketing, burn their offices to the ground, and intern the ashes at the bottom of the ocean for good measure
I chose Wise because I think it's funnier when he pilots Eous
I'm right, other guy is a moron
Anonymous is left
the one who always tells the truth
I chose Wise because I want to breed my sister.
The Golden Week event did a good job of filtering people in the old CBT generals. It's going to be ran for real in 1.1 soon, look forward to it.
I chose Wise because I want to marry my sister.
I choose Belle because I want to tease my brother.
same but i also want a second wife
Can you predict WuWa in 4 years?

You even know a bit of genshin lore. In Wuwa? ZERO. New Federation???
I told them in every feedback to further use and refine TV kino
>in her skill description
yea I said you haven't PLAYED enough Zhu, because if you'd played her you'd know she gets hit out of it almost immediately after the animation starts

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