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Previous: >>487795818

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

liz sex
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Reminder Liz loves you no matter what race you are,what gender you identify as or what sexual orientation you have.
Liz loves all bros!
Liz supports trans rights!
Liz supports black right!
Liz says love wins no matter who you love!
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The Seraph rerun...
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Yuyu love!
When Nasu said she isn't getting a swimsuit.
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The price he has to pay for liking one of the least popular Servants.
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I hope this will be the year.
Why are there only 113?
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It's the swimsuit poll.
I wouldn't expect Jane to be so low. Chacha and Nezha would be good.
>Rikyu is 132cm tall
Bro, that's JC territory. Possibly even JS.
They would probably just change bond 16-20 to give something else than coins.
Boudicanon and Medusanon
I just want to type that even if they are ignored by Nasu and Takeuchi, and we only have 2 years left
They still remain in our heart forever
Gareth fucks dogs
Short JK's exist. They're the sexiest.
>Lancelot is called Mad Dog in FZ
Is it really worth mentioning when it was so on the nose to begin with?
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Feet love!
>Hm how do I force players to grind without putting in actual efforts?
>I know! Let's give CE level 120!
My wife and my step daughter wife!
Jalter love
Jalter marriage
Jalter breeding
Jalter pregnancy
Jalter child rearing
>Gareth: Sir Lancelot. Sir Lancelot... You were the most chivalrous of all of us. You were the strongest knight of all of us. Ahh... What more is a knight meant to do than protect fair maidens!? And you, a knight among knights, could never have simply stood idly by as Queen Guinevere was executed. I should have realized that. Please, forgive my foolishness. Please, don't think about what a fool I've been. Please... forget you ever knew me... I... I think you were probably... my first love.
I wonder how she feels knowing that most children in Chaldea are taller than her.
>You were the most chivalrous of all of us
Is she fucking serious?
Reminds me of this doujin:

I feel like Kiichi was done dirty for only being a welfare. She'd benefit from the Kagetora treatment
Way better "troublemaker" character than that dull cunt BB
I started thinking about *HER* again bwos...
i think its time to distract myself...
i wish i could dismember my highschool crush with a machete
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What the fuck?
Sup Shiki.
I'm bored. Wat do
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what is the most common crackship propeganda heer
>Master 1
>5* Hogen
The thing is, who asked?
Also, Kagetora is at least a regular of Guda Guda event. Her getting a 5* isn't that implausible.
Nobody asked but I think it's still fair to say that she could be extremely hot if she had better ascensions.
why does she call male master "my wife"
I dont see it.
S/he is a tengu, genders don't mean anything to them
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Cute kid
Go read that Pinta doujin with her and Ushiwaka
0 and I give Hans 1 grail.
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If you were a Hassan and your Hassan title was Hassan of the (your first name) (your last name), what would your Hassan title be?
Hassan of the Tamamo Rodriguez.
Hassan of the Matthew Smith
Hassan of Ambatu Khan
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Hassasn of the Heavenly Meadows Murder(er). Unironically.
Hassan of the Jane Doe
Zanbaniya is my social security code of 717-49-5863
Hassan if the Ahmed Mohammed. My favourite servant is Kama btw
Which servant is the best gardener?
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Hassan of the Fujimaru Ritsuka
Eric Bloodaxe
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Hassan of Ratko Mladic
PLEASE release a quick support this anniversary, my children are fucking starving.
Eric Bloodaxe
ask how i know your parents neglected you
You're projecting.
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>surveyfaggot meltdown
Based Eric of the Melty Bloodaxe
Eric Bloodaxe
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Wasn't this CQ a bit too easy even for CQ standards?
There is another one unlocked later?
>samefagging when the thread is this dead
brilliant play
This. Looped it with Hildr.
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Servant for this feel?
>Wasn't this CQ a bit too easy even for CQ standards?
No not really. I would say this was somewhere in the middle.
Only this. And yes it's an easy 4T.
>60 SQ Skadi and Wu
wow what a pair of easy sluts.
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I can't think of any.
Maybe just the haters, like Lip haters.
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>memory starts to go
>dizziness spells appear and become longer lasting, messing with balance
>heart has become weak and pounds at the slightest effort but only sometimes. do the same thing the same day and feel nothing.
started happening earlier this year. too poor to get anything fixed. sorry bros. i don't think i'm gonna make it much longer lmao.
if i find out i have something terminal i'll post my codes for you guys if my bestie doesn't want it. i know you can't promise not to fuck the account or sell it off but i'd hope you guys keep it active and share the progress occasionally.
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not reading all that
This triggers my Brooklyn Rage.
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yeah that's fair. you guys aren't my blog. just the only group i really interact with so i figured i'd say something. sorry, anon. i'm just a big baby who worries a lot.
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Your memories arent real.
Wake up.
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Look at this snek!
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than pussy
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Kama for sure. Most forced servant after BB
The 12 sexiest characters.
It was pretty good, but just the Ushiwaka parts.
Hassan of the Jugemu Jugemu Gokō-no surikire Kaijarisuigyo-no Suigyōmatsu Unraimatsu Fūraimatsu Kuunerutokoro-ni Sumutokoro Yaburakōji-no burakōji Paipopaipo Paipo-no-shūringan Shūringan-no Gūrindai Gūrindai-no Ponpokopī-no Ponpokonā-no Chōkyūmei-no Chōsuke
last time this happened i couldn't sit up out of bed without a minute of the room spinning for weeks and couldn't walk well at all.
Are you taking meds? It sounds like a bunch of side effects.
I see, so you're the infamous Jugemu Jugemu Gokō-no surikire Kaijarisuigyo-no Suigyōmatsu Unraimatsu Fūraimatsu Kuunerutokoro-ni Sumutokoro Yaburakōji-no burakōji Paipopaipo Paipo-no-shūringan Shūringan-no Gūrindai Gūrindai-no Ponpokopī-no Ponpokonā-no Chōkyūmei-no Chōsuke
Not really, i have to reset 2 times but that due the the fact i did not read the wiki for breakbar effect and pay attention to the number of foe i have to face
You have anxiety and depression
Brain or inner ear disorder. Could be a parasite.
I think your credit'll take a hit, but I'm pretty sure you can just ignore medical bills.
wow, that's pretty short for just one of the many titles of Ibuki-Douji.
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No way.
Well she is really strong. You can only defeat her if she permits you to after all.
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Don't forget to paypig one last big pack more, fake depression anon~
>/alter/nigga has neurocysticercosis
Oh nonono hahaha
thanks for the tip. hopefully it's nothing.
g4p so you can pay for the doctor
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No way, it's really him? The actual Jugemu Jugemu Gokō-no surikire Kaijarisuigyo-no Suigyōmatsu Unraimatsu Fūraimatsu Kuunerutokoro-ni Sumutokoro Yaburakōji-no burakōji Paipopaipo Paipo-no-shūringan Shūringan-no Gūrindai Gūrindai-no Ponpokopī-no Ponpokonā-no Chōkyūmei-no Chōsuke
I'm down bad for Shuten
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based pigger
About time, I'm sure Kiara will hope it will help him writing a sequel to a certain book faster.
Look up Epley Maneuver and do that to rule out that it's bppv
how does shuten survive this but not a sword to the head in her sleep
How many NP lvls do I need for a 5* to get them to 120 and 10/10/10 in append skills
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let her cook
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NP6 bond 12
We're getting the Road to Lostbelt 7 Part 4 soon, with new Super Recollection Quests.
>Epley Maneuver
Caused some minor dizziness. Is that bad?
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6 and Bond 12
Goodbye everyone.
Today is the last day.
Bro, go to a doctor...
i cant believe i was stupid enough to think it was bond 14.
That's normal because it causes the loose crystals in your ear (assuming that it is bppv) to move. You have to do the whole thing and if you do it properly it should get rid of the dizziness.
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Shutenkeks getting real uppity.
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Hans almost makes Kiara tolerable.
Reminds me of an Animal Planet doc where someone had an amoeba attacking his brain cells.
Are we gonna have a dead month after this
I don’t remember this character with the sword
what is up with all the year 1 tier lines for level ups and ascensions for this batch of servants? you sometimes get barely a sentence if that.
>Hans lying face down in the mud.jpg
He gives her only one buff.
You don't really mean that...
I did it again and there was less dizziness. Anon's a fucking champ.
Even a Limited SR isn't too horrific to 120 or 120+Mana Loading.
The other 2 Appends are pretty much always shit anyway since the Class bonus is much weaker than Class advantage.
its saber form stray knight
I unironically do
Yeah but I like maxing my favorites. They're great and good and deserve rewards and i'm a FUCKING DUMBASS WHO GETS ATTACHED TO FICTIONAL CHARACTERS
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My queen
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Isn't that Galahad? He's got a shield symbol on his jacket.
This is not your queen, this is reviewbrah
I did it for Melt but not for trying to go that, I simply got a truckload of Melts and only NP3 Lip... since my Lip has Mana Loading, I need at least NP5 to 120 her.
RNG is weird sometimes.
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Umm, what is that Oberon x Gudako doujin in the back there???
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Thats Kintoki blindbro
isnt that kintoki
I thought the hair was white...
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What kind of doujins would you're favorites submit to ServantFes?
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Jeanne D'Arc would submit a doujin about a holy gail twerk war where servants battle with their gyatts instead of their swords and the biggest baddie wins the holy grail.
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Yo, master! Isn't it just GOLDEN that Sakurai made me into Oberon? Wanna see me bench press Artoria and Morgan?
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>Kriem doujin
>blushing tsundere
>tags: vanilla, impregnation, leg lock
Jack would make a scrap book of body parts with commentary about what she thinks of them. Most of the comments would be about how they make her feel or how they taste.

It would all be written in the same way as the From Hell letter.

>From hell
>Mr Lusk,
>I send you half the Kidne I took from one women prasarved it for you tother piece I fried and ate it was very nise. I may send you the bloody knif that took it out if you only wate a whil longer
>Catch me when you can Mishter Lusk

and it would bloodstained. She'd only have like 10 copies because she made all of them by hand.
what's the twist ending?
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500 page study of different sea flora and fauna
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I never really looked at the image... is that Pirate Kama?

I see some Gyaru thing in the back with Santa JK and Vrtra.
>cant even 1pl8
wtf dude, NOT GOLDEN
whenever i see gudako or gudao in stuff like this it makes me wish they'd just make it canon that the chaldea master can genderswap on occassion so we can include both. sometimes i like being both and i feel bad if one is excluded.
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Would you like to have a 14 year-old chuuni gf?
too old
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exhibitionist wrestling that turns into exhibitionist sex
>Koyan is bond 15
now what?
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Marie bros...
Student council president Marie and delinquent Marie Alter remind me of this.
It's excluding all the female servants who already have swimsuits
>My destiny costs 30$
What did they mean by this...
I wonder if they'll each write a different one, or all work together on one doujin. I think they'll work together.
Asako will get a headache trying to manage this project...
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No doujins, just a food stand.
makes me feel evil and confuses me that people act like being attracted to teenagers is abnormal. i try not to think about it.
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I have forgotten to add a cute picture.
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>have all three colour supports + Oberon + other supports (both El-Melloi siblings, Crane, Tamamo etc)
>all my colour supports are bond 10+ (besides S. Skadi obviously)
>now at the point where I want to use them less so I don't get them to bond 15
>have to come up with more unique teams for farming when possible because of it
>mfw running Arcueid + Habetrot + Xu Fu + Nemo for QP farming
I actually love it, it's really fun trying to find non-typical but still fully consistent farming set ups now, while also having the option to use the easy mode if I want.
this but cunny
my cute tomboy wife
Xu fu is so much better than Purin
Why did they release them so close to eachother?
A 3 star should not be this good
cunny makes sense to me. they're stupid and it hurts their bodies to do sex stuff and they're easily mentally traumatized. plus they're not even developed for it. absolutely agree with normies it makes sense to vilify.
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>Muramasa CE
>But Muramasa cant use it because its Buster and hes Arts.
What did they mean by this.
alter ego was buster
They made muramasa arts solely because arts was the meta at the time. Buster was the punchline of jokes back then. Incredibly soulless decision.
Mine are getting up there as well. Oberon is nearly at 12, Vitch is working through 13, Castoria is nearly 15, Reines is 13, Skadi is 15. Waver is only 8 kek, I was a Waverlet for years.

So I'm needing to be more careful about who I use and when, if it's just shit like doors I don't bother with a meta support at all.
I don't know but I hope they somehow make a xu-fu version of Koyan.
The updated Muramasa ce is for arts, so you can put it either on Muramasa or on Kama or on both.
it still bothers me shirou is a muramasa psuedo when his whole thing was being a faker and only being able to make worse copies of swords. should have been a student instead or something.
His origin are swords
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It's not Muramasa, it's Shirou. Like actually just Shirou, as himself. They officially commented that the 3 CE (Limited/Zero Over, Imaginary Around and Formal Craft) show Shirou, Sakura and Rin at their utmost potential and peak as Mages.
It's not Muramasa, and the Formal Craft CE doesn't show Ishtarin.

That is actually Shirou at his peak.
yeah and none of them are original. it's silly. i wanted something fitting, like one of muramasa's copy cats.
Servants like this?
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Eric Bloodaxe
Gudako likes horses not dogs.
>can scramble enough quarzt for 1 multi
Should i save or should i try for Skadi ?
my autism hyperfocused on the hair color and quote... didn't even see the dog...
but yeah, gareth.
No it not his origin being changed by avalon
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>marie antoinette is trending on twitter because a beheaded marie figure was used during the paris olympic opening ceremony
Which popular SR you think deserves a SSR version
Reminds me of Yuyu.
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>We share this general with skadilets
Marie Antoinette 5* SOON
very arbitrary reasoning. normies say the same about what you like.
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People have been asking for zerker Liz since forever
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nah. different. still wouldn't do either anyway since it's the law.
Liz and all her variant deserve nothing
2+ years isn’t soon anon…
>another art avenger
Lol no thank we already have superior art avenger
Based SalieriCHAD
This is the strongest servant in the game. Thoughts?
>flesh fang
If Sakurai didn’t come up with a way to defeat her that doesn’t mean Ibuki is the strongest it just means that Sakurai is a bad writer.
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She will a great asset for my progression. I will 120 her and max her out. She is super cute in her cheerleader ascension.
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What did Traum mean by this?
This seems out of character.
yeah, it would have been better if guda beat her like shirou beat gil or if a bunch of penguins killed her like morgan
>if she doesn't come up with a bs way for a ragtag group of shitters to beat a god, she's a bad writer
>implying nu-shonen waifubaits have any character
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If there WAS a 6 Star servant, what would you want them to be? Personally, I'd want an official Grand Status/mechanic or a rare and powerful class like Savior. Hell, maybe make "Archetype" or "Ultimate One" a class.
Not really.
She had Beast horns. She's the strongest.
>A god
>When Shuten isn't
>When she's literally a fragment of ONE of the heads of Orochi.
This was the biggest bullshit ever did. She has NO business being strong.
Not so much the emotion specifically but the act of posting a thirst trap photo to social media with it as a caption
Enkidu would submit an artbook of nothing but this
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Hard to say. But I know it'd be kino.
She constantly uses her body and promises of sex to manipulate others though.
>Goho writes a doujin
>another foreigner reads it
>the world ends
good fucking job you stupid ginger idiot
You know that's fair, yeah.
What would happen to Valkyries performance as a servants if they experienced the pleasures of sex?
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Full potential Artoria would be rad. Full power Excalibur, Avalon Sheathe, her entire arsenal of weapons, full power of Albion, Goddess powers, etc. Just one big mish mash of her taking full advantage of the resources afforded to her. Saver with the aim of making Humanity fit enough to live within the Paradise of Avalon.
I'd also like that Grand Foreigner ORT. It was a really sick design.
I would still beat her.
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Duh. How could she ever harm you? She loves (You).
I want to put a ring on her finger and a baby in her womb
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>Artoria 6*
I can't believe I am going to skip the first ever 6* servant as well as the Beast servant.
I wouldnt know, I havent experienced it myself.
britwank is getting out of control
i would literally rape her if i saw her on the spot
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It's me, the FGO anniversary. I am the 6 star servant.

And then Mafia Kajita jumps onstage and rips his shirt off while yelling HOLY KINO
>Saver with the aim of making Humanity fit enough to live within the Paradise of Avalon.
Her and Merlin's Avalon is a prison, one that humanity can never go back to because we are not supposed to, and nor can the dead lead the living into the future.

You want Merlina's Avalon, not theirs.
What about Dun Stallion?
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what if she had even bigger tits though
Saver class Skadi who will save Quick once and for all
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Saver Kiara
or beast?
Can a np5 lvl 120 Arcueid clear the 90++? She got 100% bonus dmg on the event
There is no money making servant left for anni
The tower Merlin is trapped in is a prison. Avalon's an eternal paradise. Both Merlins have a similar Avalon but only one is trapped in a tower.
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Are you in a contest "Make the most skippable 6* Servant"? You're really doing great.
i would figuratively rape her if i saw her on the spot
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If Mafia Kajita is a cute indian girl, we'd call her Mafia Pajeeta
Female Merlin is trapped in my room though
humanity was never meant to live in avalon, humanity is meant to leave the planet
Grand Jobber Olga Maria
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I know Nasu would never allow it but I'd love the good and kind version of Kiara as the Saver version.
>herkek jobs so hard he even loses the grand jobber title
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>you invite Titoria to your room
>she shows up with her horse

wat do?
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Are you an ass guy? How about a big ass, bigger than Ibukis??
I can't believe how much I jacked off to titoria despite how much I dislike her boring ass personality
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No racism allowed.
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Hello? Content? Reruns? Excuse me?
>left ass cheek is bigger than right one
Raita did her dirty
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Now that summer is over. What are you bros rollin' next?
I'm a futa guy.
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it's "only" a 50% damage bonus not a 100%, but nope.
maybe the real content... was rhe bros we made along the way...
No, they explicitly have a different Avalon. Merlin has shut his away entirely from the outside world, it is a prison.

>Avalon will continue to exist for as long as humankind does, and Lady Avalon sees it as the ideal future humankind hopes to reach one day. That is why the Avalon in which she lives is not shut away from the outside world, but instead positioned as a goal she has set for humanity to strive towards. The staff she wields points to a place just over the horizon. It is a guiding light, and the very hope that still drives people ever forward. That is why she continues to point the way: so those who continue to advance will not falter, in hope that one day, their journey may finally come to an end.

This is why humanity cannot go back to Merlin's Avalon. Humanity can seek out Merlina's, but not Merlin's, because Merlin's is the one humanity left and need to suffer outside so we can keep moving further up and grasp the very stars themselves, leaving Earth - and Merlin/Avalon - behind forever.
Summer Bavanshee, Tlaloc, OC3 girl, summer Tlaloc, summer Caren, summer Vritra
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Is this with gold fous?
fully maxxed, yep
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Your taste is shit, your ideas are the best for that contest. No one is going to beat you at it.
This is when /fgog/'s OP was completely empty and everyone in /vg/ laughed at them, wasn't it
Okay fine then Merlina's Avalon. It'd make a great home base for our star adventures.
Try double Oberon instead
Remove iphone bobfag from your friend lists.
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Less damage since Arc doesn't get to use her S1 twice with double oberon. You generally run double oberon with Arc because you need to, not because it's better than a standard buster looping double koyan + oberon, but you can run the latter if the event (or damage CE) has starting charge.
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This thing could beat ORT
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Aoko in 637 days
Cute Ibuki
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Okay, it is time!
1-3 = Ortlinde
4-6 = Hildr
7-9 = Thrud
0 and I will need to try again later after some more depression.
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I thought it was Gigan for a second...
absolutely bricked
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If they made a new 5* Liz that looked like this would you roll?
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I didn't know that Agravain does vidya mods, these days.....
*cricket noises*
>Get told to roll for Arc to clear all the 90++
>She can't deal with the first 90++
Offer her to go somewhere else, since my room is not an appropriate place for a horse to be in.
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There, 4 turns.
Comfy CQ.
WuCHAD... i kneel
Thrud is best girl
Shuten and Ibuki are based on different variants of the same myth.
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Sorry, bro. I need them for Servant coins....
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Another Turdbro...
Liz is too young and irresponsible to be a mom
enjoy your turd
there is no servant that can 5/6CE ALL the 90++ nodes in the game
Still a literal fragment of a head of a god with 8 heads. We have actual gods summoned and plenty of pseudos. She has no business being strong.
Yeah, Ibuki is just the name Shuten had when he was younger. Nasu just took it and pulled the entire god thing out of his ass.
Castoria/Oberon/Koyan can. Checkmate.
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Would you?
Orochi was just a monster, not a god.
Tits too big.
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The number has spoken...
Nice turd
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Yes. Especially if she grew up into Titoria and got even bigger tits and called herself Mysterious Heroine XXX because it's FUNNY
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It says Thrúd.
Thrud is cute. Don’t call her turd, niggers.
You have dyslexia.
It says turd.
Supposedly a god or god like monster in nasu/sakurai canon and now she's a god. Even if I got that wrong somehow, that'd just make it even worse.
ok turdlover
I can call her whatever I want
You're not my mom
Thrust into her vagina
Are your parents accepting of your identity?
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An attractive woman with big breasts and a skimpy swimsuit? Are you insane? I don't think anyone would.
I don't know
I haven't told them yet
Give me the source, please
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She's an alcoholic smoker
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Does anyone have saber Hokusai with MLB Bazett CE? help a latelet out please
>A thuggish foreigner
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I think it's meant to be like this but the lighting/ shadowing looks off
Why would you want her with a Bazett CE? She needs the damage CE to clear the 90++ node.
Bazett CE? Not Barghest? You sure?
Good work Wubro, did you just need the MLB Damage CE or did you change other stuff with your clear?
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My apples supply are getting low from farming the free quests for Ibuki which I didn't get after 800SQ so I'm willing to sacrifice 3T for AP efficiency
holy dragon sex
Just the CE. I got lucky with the cards and didn't need to NP for the first and third turn.
Does Gareth's profile actually explain where Aned came from? I get it's named after a special dog like Cavall, but she just showed up with it out of nowhere and nobody blinked. It's not even some magic dog like Bakin's, it's just a golden.
Do you think he has thug aim?
Mine is 9/9/9, I can't put that up if it's good enough.
it gets explained in lb7
Nice. We'll get to try out our new servants again soon with the Lostbelt 4 Super Recollection quests.
My man do you have nothing else you can farm? Interludes, strenghthens, CE level up extra missions, servants to ascend, anything? You're right on the doorstep to pity, if you have the means to reach it then you might as well.
In the original Arthurian mythology it's a dog Arthur acquired to hunt Twrch Trwyth.
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I'll probably only try to min turn Arjuna with small Wu. I'm not really a fan of the super quests.
Nezha is also just a single Berserker enemy, Wu should be able to defeat her too.
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Those quests are a fucking slog and the prize is barely worth the effort.
Oh, I didn't know one of them was Nezha. Maybe I'll try that too, thanks.
No wonder why Nasu let her have so much screen time in LB6
It's more for the challenge than the quest reward. I wish they'd let us try fighting Cernunnos again.
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Because she's drawn by his idol.
Will we ever get a general pool foreigner? Every other class (apart from beast) has at least 1 servant in it.
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So wait, if the current event is online until next month and they promised the new Guda Guda event on early September, what's going to happen for the rest of August?
I assume you meant can instead of can't, I've been farming with face card crits anyways but >>487846930 already had one but thank you anyway
My apples are gone precisely because I've been ascending low star to 1 asc. for the quartz. Can't even use THAT because my country isn't serviced by FGO
Sent, 94 Kriem on all I'll get to it eventually dw/spoiler]
Honestly just add all boss fights to the simulator and let us fight them again. It's the QoL I'm always hoping for every anni and always end up disappointed.
Me too. They already let us fight Kiara and Kama as many times as we'd like in the main interlude section, so it's not like they can't make it happen if they wanted to.
are you sure there is nothing else to squrrze some SQ? interludes, rank ups, ooku, tunguska, dantes tower?
It's time to save my friend
FGO is the only gacha I know that just flat out refuses to let you fight the bosses again. I don't know if it's the game's limitations or Nasu's autism but it's really annoying.
Probably something about wanting it to be a one of a kind experience and being able to fight the boss again would take away from it.
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...So Nasu autism it is then
This CE is so pretty but I have to pick the Oberon and Count of Monte Criso CE...
I mean I guess I can ascend some of the low stars to final asc for their rank ups but my exp stash is gone and if I use apples to farm hands I might not even have enough monuments to get them there, that's why I'm farming the event to get the exp and monuments. But the Valkyries' ascension materials comes first, thus MLB Bazett CE
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>I have to
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Good morning, bros. Lip love!
do you have your cum cubes? might aswell use them for monuments instead of farming for them
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Pick them on JP and pick another set on NA then?
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Little Kama next to JKama and Big Kama(for size comparison)...
I do, I'm working to 120 both.

I only play on NA with my /alter/bros.
They let us roll for these CE that one time, I would do it if they let me.
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>were so back
Show us your progress and fc.
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Teensy Tiny Cutema...

Good morning bro
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What were they thinking?
I'm gonna be honest with you I completely forgot those exists. Got hundreds of them so that just leaves the exp cards
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Morning bro
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My Oberon is 110 and my Edmond Dantès is 100 right now. I'll need the Ordeal Call Paper Moon Holy Grails, and obviously I couldn't grail The Count of Monte Cristo (True) yet since we're only getting him in 2 years in NA.
>something about wanting it to be a one of a kind experience
But he is fine letting everyone eat spoilers that ruin the experience for 2 years, I hate the fucking mushroom
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Post hags
no worries. hope you get enough SQ.
I wonder if there's a single player in F/GO NA that actually went 2 full years without EVER seen a single picture of Oberon in his 3rd ascension or head of the Pretender class, or seen a single piece of fan art showing Oberon in his 3rd ascension or has literally never see a single gameplay video for 2 full years that show Oberon used in it.

Was that even possible to avoid?
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horns erotic
I like them, they look cool
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holy sex
Probably by avoiding every single TM community. At which point you probably aren't that invested in the "social game" so what's the point?
Time to save.
Thanks, I'll probably pay someone in the US to top up my account if everything else fails on the last day
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That they want you to keep her in the loli ascension.
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Little Kama hitching a ride...
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You'd also have to willingly stay ignorant of any farming node or CQ in the future since if you see any video at any point you'll either see Oberon's 3rd ascension or at the very least his class.
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Careful what you call her, boy.
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There's a smol Kama...
Wow, Gudao. How come you get to have two Saberfaces?
when do I have to start saving
He has way more than two though.
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finally decided to play fgo, why is the tutorial so long?
Turtlema isn't real Altera...
I meant from the same lostbelt.
it's a very complicated game.
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If you think that's long, wait until you hear how far behind NA is compared to JP.
the game was made in 2015 but it was already outdated by that point and in reality feels like a game from 2005.
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There's a little Kama...
What 4 star servant did you get
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Too slow
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hate this green crab thing
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Amakusa Satan as 9 anni Servant. He's going to be our guide through the 9 rings of hell in OC3. Thoughts?
Assuming controlma...
New Alien movie looking kinda weird
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We can rebuild her...
I don't think they will introduce the OC3 servant this early, its probably late this year or early next year.
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none for me, thanks.
Yeah probably, a super casual player. But at that pointt they probably aren't up to date with their server's chapter so
I still don't understand why Japan turned this dude into a villain.
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Work it
Make it
Do it
Makes us

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Cringe, give me vergil and dante
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bros after i woke up i just kept thinking "where would all my alterbros go once this kusoge finally EOLs" and i couldnt bear with the truth that everyone will just go away and disappear...
Realistically, is FGO slower or on par with other gachas regarding releasing major story chapters. It feels slow. Like only one major story a year. But if it’s industry standard then it’s just normal.
LB6 really did have good OSTs
Was listening to Oberons theme earlier
we will all move to /vp/
I-i-if if you try to duel me
It's gonna make me stronger
I need you to play a card now
'Cause I can't wait much longer
My deck's like totally gonna beat ya
You may think you're harder
But just wait for when I make my next move
When Winged Kuriboh's comin' at ya
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I just realized that I have about 40 unused teapots that are about to expire. What's a good way to use them to farm bond? Doing the events here? Or move to some bond farming spot for the time being?
It’s just like when a servants purpose is done and a singularity is finished. We will all just disappear into the ether. We too will have fulfilled our purpose. That will be our grand order.
Slower. Other stories release main story a lot more often but its mostly just filler.
Most gacha games' story releases slow down as they age. FGO is at the stage of its life where story releases are a yearly thing.
i wish i had teapots
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LB7 will be KINOko yet again.
/alter/ is my social life
I really think that chorus is the best musical piece in the game.
>where would all my alterbros go once this kusoge finally EOLs
we're going to /tmg/
I bet they are going to enjoy the new company considering they are always so lonely.
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Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.
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In response, I activate Maxx C
I remember Yang being introduced way before IS. Arc doesn't even have any connection to anything.
/alter/ is my life
Also Castoria releasing 10 months before LB6.
90++ event node.
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So uhhhh, the day /alter/ dies, we're finally going to post the /alter/cord invite, right? You would let your bros onto the /alter/ arc until FGO 2, right?
Don't cry because it's over. Cry because it happened. Cry because I'll do it again.
I wouldnt even miss you guys if /alter/ disappeared.... bakas....
Its not like I get worried everytime 4chan goes down or anything....
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It will be okay, bro. It will all be okay. You are strong.
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Kama no he is playing synchron KAMAA
Bro, we will all live on in each other's memories. All the time we spent shitposting together has created a bond that will last for eternity.
/alter/ is my wife
I am the wife
It's crazy to think I've spent more time with you all than I have with some real-life friends...
>having real life friends
fuck off
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I have no idea why Aesc is a saberface though
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My deck...
I just brought my Hokusai Saber into 90++ just to find out how grim my situation is. Hope I'll get my MLB big wet dog soon
Anyways check out these titties
Gaia has sameface syndrome just like Takeuchi
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if you're on natural AP you still have enough runs remaining before the ladder clears
I just checked /tmg/ and it’s so fucking slow bros.
i saw those things but that didnt actually spoil lb6 for me at all. the meaning of all those details is unclear until you play it. "pretender" could just mean that he can make unlimited blade works. he looks a bit more gloomy in this asc? uh, maybe he has a sad backstory?

simlar to douman. his ascension spoils like literally nothing of value, but its locked.
can someone qrd me on the valks personalities?
When will Drake get her Atlantis/Extella Link outfit as a costume?
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Why? It will be sad but noting really important. It's not like we are really friends, or at least not for me.
If you care that much share contacts at a /soc/ thread or something
they don't have any
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i get more dopamine from someone calling me based than i get from gooning or smoking
>When will Drake get anything
Never *dabs*
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I thought we had more time to use those! Time to spend them on that 90++ node I guess, but I feel really dumb now!
2 weeks
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That's my favorite FGO BGM.
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She doesn't do that
fuck off, woman
*S M A C K*
How does that feel?
Good moming
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>It's not like we are really friends
This poll has been corrupted by salty Locusta(and Bunyan to lesser extent) fans that spamming votes. So it wasnt much irrelevant now
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The summer version is very funny
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Morning bro
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None of you have been friendly with me so yeah we aren't friends.
Anyways, just look out for each other over /soc/ or something. Also we will probably see each other over other generals or boards. What it's sad will be FGO dying and not getting to read 2 years of content.
You didn’t join the /alter/ steam group is why
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>It's not like we are really friends
Some of you guys are ok, at least. Don't come to /alter/ tomorrow.
That was a honeypot.
there's like 4 people in it
Tamamo Cat
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I'm not browsing the shit hole that is /soc/ lmao. Faggot
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Who will be the next member of Raita's summer school?
Then here, /int/, /bant/ I don't know. Usee your brain for once instead of being a little bitch
Put on the dress for daddy.
You would look much better as a girl.
Ortlinde - shy
Hildr - cheerful
Thrud - honor student
Irs - cool
Olrun - bubbly
Rindr - airhead
now order from most to least rapeable
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It's so over
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>Sabird at the top
Based. Being Artoria or Artoria adjacent immediately ups the rapeability..
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Those are all still loser faggot boards. Why the hell would you even suggest "haha maybe we'll see each other on /soc/ other boards like it"? How much do you frequent these board?
student council president shuten with volleyball outfit for second ascension because why not
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I hope it's real. I need summer Yuyu.
Menhera JK
Shuten Gyaru...
we severely lack menheras and i love them so much... i guess theyre hard to market
That rare prisms for servants coins seems jewy enough to be real.
You're based.
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i fucking hate these CEs
Faggot is a good thing though?
The future is gay 30% of zoomers identify as lgbt.
Bigots lost.
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No you fucking monkey I'm only suggesting to do it there beacuse others make threads there, also read my post you can do it here. All I'm doing is proposing a solution to the problems people are facing while you whine like a little bitch
Holy shit, Yan Qing is alteraloaded and ready to fire?
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Delinquent Ushi
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Morning, bro.
Not a raita servant
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Do not despair. Even when this game finally shuts down, /alter/ will still stand. A former shadow of the glory days, yet still persisting all the same. Of course, not all of us will remain there. We will scatter like stars in the cosmos, throughout every board, every site, every nation. And when you say, "bro..." there will always be someone who will whisper back, "bro..." And you will know, you are not alone.
>Illustrator: Honjō Raita
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That's for summer Ushi
>Ching chong ding dong
I see...
Very insightful.
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Tummy punching is based.
I agree we need a jirai kei version of Kriemhild.
holy sex my dick cant
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Bros... Tell me it's not real...
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Its real
Confirmed by /fgog/
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This is fake because Lip is missing.
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a whore
Lip would probably have gotten her swimsuit already if her fans weren't such spamming pieces of shit.
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Uppity shitposters thought it would be funny to call Ushi Gozen as Ushi to misled bros like you
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The point of life is not to avoid this endpoint we call death but pass through it.
From the same guy who leak a picture of summer Kama and then all of summer 7 getting it right, so maybe?
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>Confirmed by /fgog/
Hard to care about these /alter/bro memorial posts when I see a lipnigger all of a sudden.
Its not since they basically already got the anniversary servant wrong
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>531 days until FSR collab and alter bend the knee to Ushi-Gozen banner
for me it's 6
Who is the anni servant?
>not 5
are you even trying?
don't do this
Why is Wodime destroying my country?
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>Confirmed by /fgog/
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Where are the muscles?
Not my ushi
>Its not since they basically already got the anniversary servant wrong
>The voices in my head tole me so
>Nasu: That's what they call adjusting based on their unique tastes, right? In fact, even within TYPE-MOON, it's not a completely free creative mode. In the end, there's Takeuchi acting as a safety valve, providing suggestions like "this might not work out." For the past three years, I've been pestering him, saying, "Passionlip should wear a swimsuit! My Lip is the strongest!" But Takeuchi always says, "Absolutely not, Kinoko."

The Type Moon CEO said no.
5 is not great the author even says so in that picture. 6>2>1>3+4>5
Either ABe Seimei, Solomon, or Arc’s sister because the last time Fou popped up in the icon for anniversary it was for Vitch. Him popping up again basically means its supposed to be someone connected with him.
Based takeuchi
Are event free quests going to be this difficult to farm always from this point on?
Saber muscled, but ass naked...
>lets ibuki douji be a thing
Maybe takeuchi just has bad taste, or is a little bitch that kneels to raita
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>If I call my friend Bobby Bob I am shitposting
Takeuchi literally stopping a money storm from coming to Type-Moon.
Imagine genderswapped Jesus drawn by Raita...
What kind of relationship is this?
Well, does your country deserve it?
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What's the point of this post? Summer Lip would be even worse than Summer Ibuki.
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read it and find out
Stop avatarfagging
Ibuki is literally an abomination.
samurai - mistress
keep avataring
So is Lip.
Stop avataring
this but to the two discordfags kamaposting while erping in the discord
>Interviewer: Even Meltryllis got a swimsuit!
>Nasu: Right? Every time my request is brushed off with a seemingly reasonable excuse like "Passionlip's swimsuit might or may not be censored..." I plan to spend another year persuading him.

Summer Lip is too lewd for FGO.
>Summer Lip would be even worse than Summer Ibuki.
Wada can be actually tasteful and draw well.
/alter/ would sin so hard
How many people have been banned for this shit?
A well drawn trashcan is still a trashcan.
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>can't sit still let alone fall asleep
>falling asleep in my chair
Bros... I can't do anything right...
6 millions
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Holy based lore joke
Unless you brag about it or record yourself using it you wont get banned.
>Passionlip's swimsuit might or may not be censored...
There's no way FGO should have to censor Lip when other gacha have way more sexualized designs.
And raita just gave us a tripple trashcan.
There's no way it was that many.
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They never lived to tell the tale.
Its a holocaust referance.
6 million deaths.
I used to have the same problem as you
the solution is to stop masturbating
chatgpt kun youre so smart!!
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Does Lasagna really have the infrastructure to ban 6 million players though?
Okay, I just finished Lostbelt 1 and I have some questions. How did Anastasia and the Oprichniki attack Chaldea if almost no one, save for the Crypters and some key servants such as Caenis and Rasputin, cannot leave their respective Lostbelts or go from one lostbelt to another? . Also, how the hell were they even there to begin with if the meteoroids that sprouted the fantasy trees fell from the sky AFTER Anastasia froze Chaldeas so the lostbelt wasn't even there at that moment. The only explanation I can come up with is that the Russian lostbelt sprouted prematurely, ahead of the others which is probably why it wasn't stabilized and its tree hasn't taken root . But even if that were the case, it still doesn't explain how could Anastasia and the Oprichniki leave their lostbelt to go to fucking Antarctica .
Ibuki is trash because she's drawn by Raita.
Lip is trash because she's trash.
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>Summer Shuten
First i would clap.
Then i would die of dehydration from cumming, especially if there is tanned ascension.
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They expect us to believe that 6 million people visited the north pole after humanity went extinct?
If Lasengle catches you cheating, they send out their goons to personally van you and take you to their HQ where you are killed via masturbation machine.
Not really her skin looks awful anyways and the design is all over the place, imagine replacing shuten for that what a bunch of idiots
Thanks! I’m flattered. I’m here to help with anything you need, so feel free to ask away!
Don't put Summer Skadi up unless she's 10/10/10
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>Well, does your country deserve it?
We used to deserve it, but not now. Unless you think otherwise because you are from Chile, Iran, England, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Uruguay, Australia, France, Spain, Venezuela, Bolivia [...]
I've fapped like once in the past 3 days
On a serious note, how are there animals in the North Pole if the whole planet was bleached? Did Skadi make them with the holy grail?
I find raita's shuten really hot which leads me to think that his main problem are the disgusting looking huge flacid tits he makes and whenever he's allowed to make big/thick women
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Koyan has the ability to warp between and through lostbelts, but yea how did the Oprichnik attacked us when the lostbelt trees are still falling from the sky?
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How are Marie fans feeling about her appearance at the Olympics?
Liz, Bob, Kama and Mom
How are babies made.
>the meteoroids that sprouted the fantasy trees fell from the sky AFTER Anastasia froze Chaldeas so the lostbelt wasn't even there at that moment
Remember what you just noticed, it's relevant.
>But even if that were the case, it still doesn't explain how could Anastasia and the Oprichniki leave their lostbelt to go to fucking Antarctica.
Koyanskaya can transport others too.
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>Summer Shuten
I would prefer Maid Shuten.
I fucking hate the french.
how do I get a sis to hold my hand?
Ushi Gozen looks nasty though so it's not just big tits
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I believe anon was making an anti-semitic joke by calling into question the commonly quoted holocaust figures.
But Marie is French?
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Pov: /alter/bros when 4chan gets taken down
even if those numbers were not inflated (they were), they were already banned in 109 other apps. maybe they deserve it
I fucking hate the french(post monarchy)
Hmm? IIRC she was born in Austria.
Regular Heracles.
This part was the only good part because of Gojira. Once they ended I turned it off and just gonna wait for Weightlifting to begin on the seventh.
Babies are made through a process that involves both biological and emotional elements. Here’s a basic overview:
1) Put pOnOs in vagOOO
2) Jam it in
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If Grands are ever available, it's going to be grail-your-own-Grand.
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Making a 6 million joke is no more anti-Semitic than making a steel beams/inside job joke is anti-American.
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Disfruta el fin de semana
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>Abbybro is at 5 days missing now
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Many such cases.
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Tanned skin is gross. Especially in real life it's all leathery and thick/hard and blemished and shit. Why would you fetishize shit skin.
Speaking of Marie, where’s Curtis?
would this make starting a new account easier?
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you tell me, retard
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The problem with Hitler isn't what he did, but that he didn't go far enough with it.
I can make new friends, I just don't feel like it!
Grands are already available. There are 3 and a half in the summonable roster.
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The rats are.... submersible?
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Literal homosexuality
Please go away you prancing la-la homoman.
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Why Austrians are so based?
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>got all my goals for the year
time to use some SQ during next lottery to farm master xp so I can hit the next break point for party cost
Go play in the mud with your 8 little brothers, favela boy.
Rats have died during this year from drowning due to the drought because they didn't want to risk breathing in heat particles above the water.
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Aoko's husband...
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>serious note
You weren't supposed to do that.
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He certainly went far enough with his meth abuse. If he put down the Pervitin pills and got a decent night sleep once in a while he wouldn't have made so many stupid mistakes. You could literally see the decay in his physical health and decision making throughout the war.
universal suffrage was a mistake
Maybe if he didn't invade Russia like an idiot....
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>On a serious note
look at this retard
I don't know what that means
Getting a bit weird in here and not in a good way
too much gooning, last i heard he went goonatose from that one abby picture
these niggas need to take their sippy cup and shut the fuck up
The fags came out
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At least i am touching grass, I'm also not from favela.
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Fuck off Maduro, your time has come.
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I hope the guy is alright
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>Tanned skin is gross.
Low test.
God I hope we die permanently
Didn't he jump ship to BA ages ago? Maybe this shitty summer was just what made him uninstall the game for good.
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Homobros why does GBF get to have this while FGO has to beg for scraps of male fanservice
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Ah yes, just what I want in a woman - leathery, hard, blemished skin like a fucking farm animal. I love when my women look just like the spics I pay to landscape my yard and do unskilled hard labor under the sun all day!
Dude is a complete veteran. This isn't the first time he's done this.
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>not from favela
But I am!
You can stop pretending to be outraged bro, no one cares
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>hating on tanned sluts
>hating on gyaru
Tastelet loser...
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Only good post in the whole thread. Tamahermanos seething.
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He didn't have a choice at that point. The war was already over.
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holy kino
Tamahermanos hate brown skin though
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Todos los días son fines de semana para mí...
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>leathery, hard, blemished skin like a fucking farm animal
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>samefagging already
is there nothing to spend the surplus ice cubes on?
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>argentinian ishtar
No, which is why you shouldn't be running full bazett CEs after completing all renovations
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>leathery, hard, blemished
Maybe if you're past 60
Albert, please
I stopped but the passive income from just doing 90++ is gonna annoy me. Wish we could exchange for QP.
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You can trade them for qp after the event I think, but even if you can the conversion rate is shit compared to farming super doors
I hate real brown skin but I like tan
the only problem with tanning is that it ages people badly
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I like this guy. Someone give this man some bronze apples!
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>pale skin enjoyers think this is so hot
holy sex
Why is EMIYA there?!
Dude, this is a blueboard. I'm about to cum.
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>the only problem with tanning is that it ages people badly
Thats a good thing though?
Just wear sunscreen already!
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Mmmm delicious brown.
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Yes, tanning literally makes your skin harder and thicker, and all tanning is a form of skin damage, at ALL ages. That's why wetbacks and spics that can't do anything but fieldwork always look 3x older than their real age.
delicious cock
It's still funny that The Throne thought it would be hilarious to bring her back as her original gender, overriding the change a God made.
Being bimbofied does seem fun.
People at Florida beaches are so fucking disgusting.
So why didn't they put her loli version on a swimsuit?
Seems? Your IQ is already on par with Illya
Based Throne saying no to trannyshit.
Low test
Everyone's gone so no one will realize that you're all my bros and I cherish you dearly.

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