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Rizzing Up Cute femras Edition

>Patch Notes

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 27, 7:00 PM EDT | Cuchulainn, Wolves' Den Pier, Top of the Ship | Casual CC Sync Meetup >>487358505 (Cross-thread)
• July 28, 6:00 PM CDT | Sephirot, Tuliyollal Instance 1 (12.9, 15.5) | Tural Thread Throwdown >>485962949
• August 3, 4:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | /xivg/ Mahjong Open Tournament >>486892289

Previous Thread: >>487818417
I love femezen so much it's unreal
I really like the arenas.
when do I get to show off my adventurer plate to the thread
femlala of darkness
my femlala of light
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is that my homeboy runar
miera are made for femra
my catboyy
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You will not survive this.
I'm a little shy about meeting new people in the game despite it being a baby MMO at times.
why don't they just increase hunt HP again
>portrait breaks
i love hrothgals even though i shitpost that they're bad. i'm hoping to astroturf people into not liking them so that there's more for me.
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femra x middies
I would consider being with another femlala as a femlala but we'd really need to get along quite well

{Great Nebula} {Heart of Corundum}
femra x fiddie
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IDK probably, I found it on online booru somewhere.
I dig the goonie
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>we'd really need to get along quite well
That requires you to want to get to know them rather than just being accepting of the idea of it
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it's almost 2am and it's hot so I'm whiffing all my seiton tenchus as I melt into a puddle
I swapped to goldsmith but didn't have the gear, so I was just standing there topless in booty shorts in front of everyone and I still don't have a shirt and I don't wanna buy one so I'm just gonna be topless until 90 ;_;
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my femlala acts a little like this
I gotta get my crafters up man. Gathering is so much more fun but nobody else is gonna level these jobs.
Being hated gives me a sense of comfort so I like shitting on the race I play as until people join in
I'd post mine but mods don't show up on adventure plates anymore
my wife returns...
I like this.

t. femra
They actually do, they scale with amount of people, but this scaling is actually capped, so when 300 retards come hit it, it's all the same.

It makes me believe that Square is very in the dark on how the community interacts with hunts, I almost want to think they they believe the following:

"Player found an A rank in the wild, surely they will shout it's location so all of the active players in the very much alive overworld of this map we carefully made and crafted will go and kill it!"
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I have become obsessed with leveling crafting, especially since I committed to the omni-crafter bit.

The things I do to delay me playing Dawntrail. Y'know, that expansion I pre-ordered and have not interacted with for over a month. It's like I'll never feel prepared enough.
{Living Dead}
i am
a meena
addicted to the sensation
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Im close to getting all my DoH leveled to 100 and geared in a few hours but im not partaking in the crafting rush on the 30th
sis that's a fiera
Post a screenshot of what you're doing in game right NOW
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heckin did it
I am about to go try to fall asleep while thinking about hugging my favorite hrothgal.
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I'm a shy fiddie who wants a pretty and confident femra eb to take the lead
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Inventory cleaning
I like you.

t. middie
name a tuber who fell off harder
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You're right, and I don't really have anything to add to that assessment
Sorry I was losing limbs to scavs in tarkov and didn't formulate that thought particularly well
bros I love femra
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Just finished the Stormblood weaver questline. Just taking a minute before I leave to appreciate the sights of Kugane.
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I think its time I slept before I make more mistakes...
Prove it
what are you
That mining helmet... makes you look like you have a really big head from where the ears are.
Want to play the game?
Turning in HQ items to my grandcompany to get a good chunk of exp for my DoH.
replaying Heavensward
Any advice for speeding things up?
t. sitting in 50-60s with every crafter besides weaver in the 80s
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crafting did not work out today
so this ugly dumbra spent her time gathering garlic
now she's much stinkier than usual, not good
but she did find a lucky treasure map
so maybe a little good
maliddie, of course
A girl in my FC called me cute and I think she was being genuine but I still can't shake off the suspicion she was making fun of me.
About to get SCH to 93 so I can spam Worqor Zormor
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I take lewd personal screenshots of my femezen and wish I had an eb to share them with.
Really fucking tired of these cringe transbians faggots on this fucking game. Female characters literally owe my male character sex. Yes, I'm a chud, and yes, TTD.
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very little
i am probably going to go work on my smeltery a little more while crafting and then pass out
I got something you can clean right here!
jk hello wife /pet
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same as it ever was
My femra is male character only. Male characters that are my self insert golems that is
I went to ask a femra out but ended up accidentally having sex with her!?
Hello wife, enjoy replaying HW
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I post about things I know my EB likes in the thread to see if he'll respond and see if he realizes it's me
happens to me all the time
Simple. Impreggnate the Akemi.
My malera needs your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.
metal concert gf
im horny and gay in ff14...
I bet you say that to all femra...
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You keep my beloved out of your mouth, chud
I like these posts. They're cute
why would you play a game you hate?
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Which one is the most fun monk reaper or viper?
how original
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male characters owe my catboy sex
keep doin GC turn ins for a good boost of exp and when i was lvl from that lvl range i was in the firmament, made some good gil from some of the scrips.
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same bro
i'm well known for my fondness of femra, what should i do to prove it to you?
meena hands
What's the best clothing aesthetic for female raen? Do I lean into the oriental or the princess-knight or yorha/military, or something else?
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Alliance roulette. I got alliance C so I can't help kill this boss
thank you anon
it's mostly just me trying to use gpose and maybe find a way to be creative with it
but i'm glad someone likes them
i'll get better someday
They are meena hands…
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I want to grief the cc meet tomorrow but I might not be able to make it
I fucking laughed when I saw Barroth.
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waiting for my frontline to pop
you're certainly on top of things
very cute tail
>vincent malera
i'll grief it in your stead
Holy moly that ass
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I think somewhat masculine aesthetics work best with how small and girly they look. Armors, suits, etc.
Sex with Aru's femra
my hrothgal would like you if you called yourself a middie
i'm treating the pain from my foot cramps as character development
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I forgot my screenshot...
sex with aru and chi
Tifa's kinda short here for a femroe.
i feel like there’s something lewd at the bottom of this image
and less ugly
There are more trannies on your race than any other combined.
Anyone else in their 30s
I'm 35
Do those hands know how to paint, by chance?
I impregnate femra
erm aru's femra doesn't exist actually
They can do a lot of things with the help of a well trained Adder.
I am a male middie
Who no longer has a femra wife...
as what?
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buying tome gear
i have a confession anon...
i'm 25
Where the fuck do i even get nightlife from? I've always just got the link from a partner like a lazy fuck.
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extremely lewd
Hey man thanks for posting that gonna fucking kill myself
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>tfw no raider eb that I can craft and pentameld a full set of gear and consumables for on tuesday so he can go have fun kicking butt in savage while I cheer him on
>not joining eb in raid
ngmi sis
you guys seem to be fond of making them mothers
Although I don't hide the fact that I'm a gooner, a lot of my friends underestimate how many hours I'm up to no good around this time most nights
yeah the table
Is himcess x himcess love possible?
ok maybe my mind was in the gutter
my bad bro
nta but im fond of that and being lovey dovey with them
If I use Sonar and I killed like ARR-SB A ranks solo am I gonna get blisted. Do they keep track of that kind of stuff....
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I am not good enough for savage I just want to help them how I can
Appal and Effy made it work for less than a year
i had this and it was not nearly as nice as you might think
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they can smell you
no anon nobody gives a shit
nobody gets pinged for those
the only courtesy you ever need to bother with is maybe saying in /sh its location and that you're going to kill it in 30 seconds, but even that is unnecessary
80% of this denizens of this board can't go out without thinking something degenerate every 5 minutes.
It's like you fags think being horny is a personality.
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>don't mind wuk lamat as a character
>think dungeons getting tougher isn't a bad thing
>going to have to see discourse on my fucking twitter feed and this thread along with who said what and who's a fucking nigger and who's a fucking trannoid for the next two years
>xivg doesn't have lulcows for world's first like /dg/ and tratto or dipshits to cause half their world's first group to get a ban from
damn this game's making me wish I was still in /dg/ for once, amazing.
here's hoping post patch gives the normies something else to chew on and discuss.
The front's not half bad either.

I really like my thighlander.
what is the common treasure map PF etiquette?
yes, and i will be looking for you now that you outed yourself
Ass worshipping this thighlander
bring 3 maps, could be FFA [everyone rolls need] or loot goes to map owner, depending on what the PF says
Really? How come?
It seems like it would be comfy to craft with a purpose instead of just doing it for gil
my bad
going to have to see discourse on this thread along with who said what and who's a fucking nigger and who's a fucking trannoid for the next two years
This is all we do here, anon.
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>dubfags insist english is the intended language
>game is full of japanese isms and jokes that make no sense in english and usually have awkward replacements
make it make sense
do braaxskin maps really need 8 people or are they doable at lower amounts
no....It was just one A-rank.........
Not a fair comparison. Photo of the back was in normal clothes this is in revealing. Please submit equal photos of front and back for judging
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>no I will be spamming treasure maps why do you ask?
>>game is full of japanese isms and jokes that make no sense in english and usually have awkward replacements
name 5-10
It's weird that you have such a big chip on your shoulder about this.
Improving at doing harder content with your future EB is a wonderful bonding experience. As long as you are willing to try, you are good enough
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me on the left
crazy the two femezen are the cutest in the party
yeah, was what I meant to also say in that post
I know that's what you guys do, was what I saw the past two years/one year since I stayed out while I played ARR to EW
while I don't care for the cheeseburger politics and "debbie said she likes x color of dicks" discussion, I can deal with it while I level jobs and DoL/DoH
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before microplastics:
after microplastics:
hheyyyy anyone wanna do a fate train for gemstones? :))
>He isn't doing content
>He just sits in threads all day to talk about the game instead of playing it
I pity you people sometimes. It must suck never playing the video game you say you do.
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Powerful Tail
man they really overdid their arms and I don't get why. Yeah they should have been bigger than the other races, but not like 4x bigger. 2x would have been good.
I am
a femlala
who's rushing to max out my crafters so I can make gear for my friends ;_;
i have wvr, leatherworker, carpenter, and blacksmith at 90
which should i prioritize for making gear my friends might want most? this is my first expansion where i've been able to do this..
>shy and flustered
Completely out of character. How do people come up with this shit?
I need a hrothwife, bros.
If they play melee you'll probably want BSM ARM and LTW
Holy fucking moly, I need this in my life.
I did notice that when I was grinding fates out this xpac, when the fuck did hunt train conductors started doing this cringe shit?
Were they not getting enough attention since they all do secret trains privately on their worlds, even though the point of trains was so that the most people can get the most out of A rank hunts?
armorer because only tanks matter
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who here /FRU/ waiting room?
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Me, Eden's promise was my first Savage tier so an ultimate based on it has a lot of value to me, I plan to go super fucking hard on it if possible.
if we got an actually interesting ultimate I wouldn't have unsubbed this expansion
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I CAUGHT HER. What should I do next?
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got any tips how to pass the girls kissing phase
I suppose to be equal I'd use the same outfit for the front then.
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*fights u*
make her lick your glue stick
pull on her ears
i'm a sticky slimy veena
Ass absolutely clears in my opinion but I’ve only seen a small handful of source material
Ryne and Gaia are just friends.
Holy moly, I know it's a golem but do you like F+
Thank you.
Unfortunately my ARM is level 1... so I'll focus BSM/LTW.
It's insane how hot the catgirls that SE makes.
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Their arms are okay-ish in vanilla. This body+awkward pose makes them look bigger also I forgot to apply proper scales when I took this pic
Their real fuck up is absolutely UNHINGED, INSANE even scaling on clothes. All sleeves are like 2 times bigger then they should be.

Government doesn't want you to know but you can just pick up hrothgal in your nearest city and bring her home.
i hope its a wildcharge
i'm going to rescue the other healer into it
I agree wholeheartedly.
who love going on dates and holding hands
probably because they're not sameface limsacat retards like elk and towa
Can we fight in the bed
its just weebs popping off after getting shit on for 3 expacs
>aims the knockback onto a bed
Uhhhh hrothbros? What's going on here?
>she doesn't have friendship kisses, friendship dates, friendship finger interlocking, or friendship facesitting cunnilingus
Yurifags are delusional, this is just what friends do
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Catgirls are for femras
Fiddies are for fieras
neet bpd eb to drop me cryptic messages just before they head to bed after keeping me up late so i'll be forced to think about it on a work night, ruining my sleep and focus the following morning whilst anxiously waiting for them to elaborate because i can no longer tell when it's a nothingburger or another one of their melties when they wake up past noon where?? FUCK
I just double teamed this whore with honey b lovely.
Does she like miera?
can ryne and gaia have babby
commie femra might be up your alley
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this may be a bad time for a treat but its too late...
the character data says she has a 100 bust
where does this come from
well zoraal ja managed to have a baby without a mommy
I think it is possible
aether works in mysterious ways
It works for a bit but then it becomes harder to disassociate the fact your eb is a grown ass man and you're only prison gay...
pure facts and logic
Would skull fuck
Very true, this is why most of my outfits show it off.
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I see something
genuinely one of the weirdest anons, i can't figure you out dude
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Malera mog the fuck out of everyone jesus christ
Is this a cry for help
i cant either
Thanks, I'll start doing that with my EB more often, it sounds fun
Not even King Arthur could get my face out of that ass. So damn juicy. Very good looking
are you actually as big of a gooner as people claim? what are you looking to get out of the game, xivg, and the people you meet here
thats kagami hiiragi from lucky star
sending malera
keep her restrained
not into trannies.
He's legitimately braindead. When people talk about posters who only think of cumming with other men they're talking about people like Zir.
Does this lizzort like sunnies?
May I save this image?
primal pals are cool and i like funny things in game that's about it i used to erp and stuff a lot
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I shitpost here more than I play the game because I have a lot of dead time at work to shitpost but I don't have a good way to play the game or any other game to fill that time instead, and when I'm not working I'm sleeping and scraping a little time to do the rest of the shit that needs to get done. It's very frustrating and is the biggest reason why I've been so miserable lately, and I'm sorry for goofing around with a bunch of anons and not being able to interact in game, but I don't have a lot of other ways to pass the time.
What mod for the body and greasy skin
literally never had that kind of interaction with him though
that's not much but alright
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i never cared for Metallica. my mom's ex-husband's band was signed to Lars's label though, and that connection got me tickets to see and meet Mastodon and their manager Nick before he passed
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>literally never had that kind of interaction with him though
no one has
literally no one says 'xaeladies' wtf
so mostly people just make shit up about you because you post gooner style characters?
I'll always love you jammies cat.
all of those are for femlalas
Femra for my catgirl?
my xaelady enjoys a nicely cooked steak
material edit the constants on body with penumbra (use a new/custom mod) a_mtrl and face fac_mtrl, set the effect to 42 and resize the tiling to 225x225 with 1.300 strength

best way to do this is to grab the material using the "on screen" function
My only issue with nightclubs in this game is how absolutely dogshit every single DJ is. They are all unbelievably bad boring and talentless most of them can’t even be considered a DJ
yes noob
Why did they make mablu so sexy
My malera
Only cool ones
You too
There I am
Aren't xiv "djs" just fags who make a playlist on youtube and then link it to cytube?
>go to a nightclub
>everyone is just standing doing an afk dance
>nobody even talks because they are all there with friends and a group already
I don't get it... what am I suppose to do there?
*makes a 9-minute long track with repetitive, unintelligible lyrics that are more spoken (with a fake gravelly voice) than sung*
*makes 300 more of them and they all sound identical to each other*
*and they're all shit*
I need to get the EW gemstone mount to now...and who knows how many other items I missed...
they kept her mask on
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you buns are into weird things like pegging.

You may
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it's da sweat pheromone expansion
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I really hope JP opens up for travel one day so y'all can experience the DJs who live-stream their mixing and shit, some of the live shows were pretty great while talking to friends in game
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I gave fate leveling one attempt and got so bored to death that I went back to waiting 30 minutes in DF for dungeons to pop
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Do you like my sci fi ish gunbreaker? Deciding between this head band or the modern baseball hat
just died in the normal raids
People have gone way too over the top with oily skin these days.
Everyone looks dirty and greasy.
thinking of doing an erp session that has mpreg in it, honestly, but i'm too lazy to do it
NTA but I always wanted to request some specific poses from you, but I'd have felt weird on a personal level because they'd clearly be designed for me to enjoy.
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Thanks anon
My male midlander
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just came. just came HARD all over my desk
I am a femlala who likes mahjong and femlalas
why would a froth have pubes or a bikini line
This bun is not into pegging. Actually rather vanilla for the most part.
i like your posts a lot
but also
>sprays cat with water in the shape of a star of david
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Oh shit it's clockwork for another 45 minutes LETSGOOOOOO
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tfw you get honey'd
Sphene is cute
Can I clean your desk with my my mouth?
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Uh oh, look who is my prae run
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Why did they turn this dungeon into a literal expansion. What is so good about this dungeons lore that made them think we should have an expansion about Wuk Lamat and lizards
gripping Preebitz Depran's hair tightly by the roots and physically, emotionally, and sexually obliterating them until Preebitz Depran hold as much disdain for me as much as I hold disdain for Preebitz Depran
that's just another cowboy
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Yes please.
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I didn't know you could sexually abuse hair roots, but alright
Do I have to play cc to get an eb?
this is exactly why I'm going to destroy you
hell is hot
Oy vey
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yes but if you are too good you get thread enemies who mark you so be careful
i think they just figured out how to make good entry-level metal
There are only like 5 mamool ja characters in the entire expansion, it's almost entirely just hroths and some melodrama with the regular races.
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Cause they made the same slop before and everybody slurped it up even though it was a bunch of filler
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You wrote it, you had full control over how you worded it

>Absolutely fucking wrecked while learning a new job
Casters get the ROPE
hot........ this is pretty much pheromone/smell-induced hypnosis so yeah this is my shit...
Because you lose out on millions of gil and your reward for it is getting to watch someone else have fun, and if you think you're going to actually matter you're wrong. You'll get mocked if you even try to say you contributed to their clear.
All being a crafter for my EB taught me was that if I wanted to get anything out of it I'd be better off making gear for myself and getting into PF.
Peeshitz Diaperman
every expac, i just sink millions of gil into buying GC turn-ins to get all my crafters to level cap but never actually use them
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Dawntrail is THE hypno expansion.
So do all these old ARR dungeons actually tie in lore wise to this expansions at all? Otherwise what is the lore reason for reuse
Serious question, why are you people so bothered by continuity? Most people are happy about species having a consistent existence throughout the universe, it's only a select group of faggots that think that every enemy in existence needs to be an entirely unique being and shouldn't be allowed to be a single member of its species.
that was a little mean admittedly, i'm just a prude
>buying turn-ins
Your gatherers retard?
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same bro i just do gc turn ins for a few weeks and then do the quests and never touch them again for another 3 years
I'm just fucking tired of fighting reskinned goobbues for the 9000th time.
I lied
Boomer reference.
my femra thinks she's bottom right (figuratvely, not literally a sin eater)
Why do you want a PvP Femlala EB? Why not a normal femlala?
i do that for gatherers too
i think i've crafted like 5 total things ever
i did do gathering for collectibles for my burger king crown, but only the bare minimum
It's okay anon I probably shouldn't talk about eating cum in the general to be perfectly fair
do you think her feet taste like honey?
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me on the left
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Gm fk work
my WoL's type?
sin eater women
A person I'm acquainted with told me they do this and it's why their crafter and gatherers were maxed so soon after the early access launched. I don't understand why he does it when he never touched them in the first place or makes anything. Same goes for you, Anon... Why!
Normal femlalas won't eb another femlala.......
death to all polycules and polykeks
The PvP Femlalas like male characters, nonny...
You want the normal femlalas who understand the importance of femlala x femala relations!
Froths need to keep those middies warm.

We take those.
I know Amdapor does, iirc Eden's from that civilization due to some cross-shard travel shenanigans
I'm not bothered by continuity, I just hate when it's used as a "omg guys look we remembered this old thing we made"
Sin Eaters and Amdapori creations being linked didn't add to the world outside of the Sin Eaters being light aspected creatures
What are you queuing for?
Nobody gives a fuck.
>he lets other people make stuff for him
relying on others makes you weak. when they desert you, you'll be helpless
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Why couldn't I be born with his autism, mine is USELESS

I think you've got it backwards
i like funny orange numbers on my character sheet
also i can pretend to be a crafter, people see my lodestone and just see 100s, they have no idea that i never use it
>I just hate when it's used as a "omg guys look we remembered this old thing we made"
This mentality only exists in your head, bro. You're the one attributing this shit shit to it.
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thanks for the (You)
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>he doesn't have a pet he has collared to make stuff and gather for him
You can go to Limsa right now and pick one up within 5min
what is the point of doing stuff like this
Fellow male brothers, reply to me with whatever you have been wanting to post.
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I mean he is pretty good at PLD, to be fair
That BLM was allowed to freecast two games in a row and I hate it

Papi Chai!
Do you need to penta meld your gear as a crafter to be able to craft the new stuff?
god forbid people have fun
>Ameko Taiyou: For this special round, we'll be giving away a Gong Cha x FFXIV Mount Code to the closest to 69 /random roller! Type /random and hit enter after I say "GO!" Remember, it's one entry per player! Good luck everybody!
So when are they adding content for people who don't raid because raiders are elitists
Erza is why I have a thing for red hair
Ohhhh! How much exp does it give? I just go for the highest level dungeons and fate spam but have heard that is a good option too.
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niggas when they see people having fun
people like talking to other people and hanging out in hubs
its funny how I watched this whole series as a kid and didn't pick up on how many times Erza was put in a situation like this (or Winry got harapan'd, etc)
wow did I make this post too
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it's less wanderer's palace and more realizing they could still extract shit from FFXI's decaying corpse over and over and over. thankfully DT knocked out two FFXI expansions in one go so 8.0 and 9.0 can instead fall back on milking whatever is left of FFXII or FFXIII
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I love these cute licking anime girls.
>don't really feel like playing
>boot up a macro to craft for me
>watch something while ignoring any tells or mentions as the game jerks itself off for busy work
Yep, peak comfy. I love Dawntrail so much bros.
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oi oi oi I thought the queues were supposed to be good
People hang out and talk in limsa = normal, okay, fun socialising
People hang out and talk in clubs = bad, weird, gooners, freaks.
Never change xivg
didn't know the name of the cat I want to fuck was work but gm
>Papa chai
Sophia chads
for me its instead of clubs its xivg
Clinical depression
I kind of feel like I'm going out to Western Hightlands a lot over the course of leveling jobs to murder deepeyes. This game hates deepeyes, so many things demand their tears.
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Am I crazy or can Midare be cancelled midway through a channel if it times out?
I will impregnate Akemi Sanzo
Bro thinks chatting in an adult setting is the same as talking in a major city
>bikini line
blame whoever made bibo texture

because pubes are hot duh!

I suppose a bun is fine too, then.
I wish i had a red haired fiddie that i can collar like that
Fat Cat Fact #239

Fat Cats can fit their body through surprisingly small spaces if they want to but they probably won’t bother unless there is some nice food is involved
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nvm it was fast
i'm like halflway through s2 and they want you to hate skylar so fucking bad its crazy
Try making friends, Anon. Then you won't feel excluded, and then the sight of people having fun won't bother you.
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if you play cc you have less chance to get an EB
if you don't have one going in you're legitimately perma NGMI

this is incorrect for some of them ackshually
red hair doesn't look good in this game sadly
Yes, and...? That's true.
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The sunnie council deems you... unfit
>there is some nice food is involved
I don't deserve a relationship but at the same time I want a moonie wife (this is not an invitation)
Last time I went to a club I added a woman on discord and she sent me pics of her hairy pussy. Was kinda hot.
bro thinks people only sexpest in clubs
I’m convinced half of xivg is people that can’t afford a house or keep losing the lottery and use this as an excuse to shit on the club/private house function side of the game
My red-haired fiddie would collar you instead.
>this is incorrect for some of them ackshually
all this work has made my femlala a little sweaty...
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logging in for mischief
it's especially good on dps since the queue times aren't too bad
if you stack the azeyma earring, food and your fc buff it can get you like 3 fourths of a level
1. me
2. I'm not telling on anybody else but some of them
I cannot afford a house but also the only time I went to a club someone sent a tell for me to get into a hot tub and I immediately logged out for the remainder of the night
cringe futranny sexpest
2 trannies and a moonie
the sunnie council acts like it has a choice in when or how it gets plapped
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Do both and not give a fuck, anon

Please reconsider
>I suppose a bun is fine too, then.
This bun is happy.
>because pubes are hot duh!
This bun is very happy.
Cool that's lots more than I thought it would
i have a large and think clubs are cringe
>own a house
>no point being there as no friends visit so you're all alone
Why would having a house help?
my pvp femlala likes male characters
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I thought you DIED
I heard this one loves male middies
Sending a Fat Cat to eat that extra word
>Please reconsider
I'm no Sophia and no, the other post from the other thread isn't me, It's from a stupid ass wabbit
I am the sole member of the shadow sunnie sect...
Besides fat cat who doesn't know he's on it too...
We decree the council will be plapped
What I want after a long day of CC matches is to fall into the arms of a tall, handsome EB as he brushes my hair and asks me when dinner's going to be ready.
Leveling alts from 51 to 71 is the most mindnumbing shit in existence.
eets is just an aussie aren't they
they've got a real normalfag job iirc it's like an electrician or something
femra aren't for anybody they are the background characters of xiv
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It would break their trust to give names sorry sis
just know that some pvp femlalas do indeed like other femlalas
I won't ever EB anybody though hehehe
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How did they make the hot cat so hot then make such a fucking ugly honey bitch
What happened to that one femra
What's a non normalfag job?
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Yeah but I don't see Eets around much, so it was nice to see even if they were FUCKING ANNOYING

The menacing one? Which rabbit is it
that's a very large bee
which one
Everyone fanta'd off femra or unsubbed after DT ruined them
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It is a big bee.
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anyone else take massive bong ripz from ur bong bef4 u q up 2 tje mew raids lol??

im so fuickiong ripopes n zooted rtigjnt now holy FGIUCKL im fuckin just took like 3 fucking buds and smached them in and ripped im fuckin in outer space LOL i think I fed like 8mtiems in my last raif tjhe one with the fuhg whoi drinks an energy fdruink LOL fuckin guy drtnakm it up and oynched the robot thats funny af frfr aasdnywnanadslkj
Big with a capital Bee
>after DT ruined them
Femra were some of the biggest winners in DT
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I might be at the pvp meetup you can find me there
Oh thanks.
I'm actually doing shit properly this time and using PSDs so I can just fix that.
>turn on /xivg/ radio
>goon house
>nu ebinism
>post ebinism
>prog rapemetal
>non-standard line dance
>rhythm & woobs
why do you guys have such weird tastes in music i don't get it
How the fuck do I give my character eyebags
NTA but I knew it was you even with the silly hat
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I had a WoW raidlead who would audibly race the countdown timer for a pull with a bong-rip

>plap wave

I would absolutely be into these
Another episode of my co healer (pure healer) in the static does not even half of what i heal.

One of many reasons why im gonna quit playing healer. Your fun is dependent on your co healer. How am i so unlucky? This is like 4th or 5th static i have been in where my co healer was shit. The last static he was a "good" healer but ego dps faggot so didnt heal either.

Man healing SUCKS.
you mean the ultra swag kino mega awesome hat <- true
>/xivg/ radio
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Just quit bro, we're playing DPS now
damn that's some good goon stuff
Ace.... what happened to you....
>>non-standard line dance
today my theory will be proven as FUCKED
Needed my facts<3 haven't seen you the past few nights.
How do I find an EB like this?
Sex La'fay
btw nobody likes miera
The problem with that is if you are looking for a static nobody ever looks for dps. I always look for hardcore-midhardcore statics
Ace I already jerked off to you 3 times today... don't make me cum again I'm empty
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posting it
ok oyasumi
Healing is suffering and a big reason for it is the co healer for me too I fucking hate them more often then not. It's only in extremes or savage though otherwise I'm fine besides the rare roulette retard. Being a DPS main is a lot more fun I wish I did it sooner because I just do my rotation and don't worry about anything. If we wipe and it's not my fault I don't have a car from the world just throw me back in and start that timer.
silly me, my mistake, sister
I should get one for myself at the meetup...
bros I still haven't done any of the extremes
i do and that's what matters
the envoys from the maliddie shadow council have granted us the knowledge of being Kenough
I love the Praetorium
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same bro
>Don't have a care in the world
Food one
for a second i thought you were AN
I'll do them with you bro
if you've been through that many statics and your cohealer was bad in all of them have you considered that you may be the one who's lacking? doubly so if you're playing SGE since people rarely run double-pure
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>losing to Black Cat
Is there a autoplugin that makes it so you don't get kicked out?
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AntiAfkKick from this repo
>have titania, innocence, diamond gwibs
>have hydaelyn and barbariccia lynxs
How difficult would it be to get the rest of these guys?
Will we get DC travel with the patch? Will EU and NA frens be able to do maps together?
Dick sucking lips made for my sunnie
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Glad you're enjoying it!

The femelezens corrupted me by locking me in a cupboard in the femelezen castle and forcing me to subsist on a diet on bread whilst only having lingerie magazines and watching the femelezens change into lewd outfits.

Anon McAnon

It was going to include Eutrope as well but poses with more than two people suck. Also Yaana is just so much more cuter IMO
Nobody unironically likes fiddies
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I just noticed the OP says Endwalker
Any meltdowns?
How does this make sense when im complaining about my co healers not healing? You mean my dps? Im still parsing 90s but when you breakdown healing done i always do around 70% of my co healer. More or more depends.
EU and NA are able to do maps already since travel to 'stralia was never closed.
I can't believe we got a raid boss named after that stupid yanny/laurel meme from years ago
I'll come help teach a clear or two if yall wanna make a PF
I enjoy Gpose and modding more than the actual game, I have been playing off and on since Shadowbringers came out and have only just beat HW

and made hundreds of lewds
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>whilst only having lingerie magazines and watching the femelezens change into lewd outfits as entertainment.

low int femra moment
I only listen to steppegaze. R1a btw
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I'm on Crystal but can go Dynamis, just loading into a PVE Tarky raid
Nobody wants to go there tho
90s on what, normals?
Ace is posting so stick around for the scheduled meltdowns about him posting lewd stuff
>no 4chan
>no xiv
how frequently do you see people say 4chan ingame
I had a taste of dps freedom when we did top clear. I was helping out some people and i played sam instead of healer. That was FUN i was free from my healer chains of pain. No care for nothing i do my rotation correctly we wipe and repeat. That was heaven
My shits are whiter than you
>au ra
>males are chasers
>females are trans
Why them?
>someone says something to me ingame about "the thread"
instant blacklist
based tarkov enjoyer I hope the wipe treats you well.
Play one to understand
I cleared every ultimate and im talking about savage if thats what ur asking. Who cares about normals? Im complaining right now because i have ptsd of that happening again and yes we did reclears on normals few days ago and the healing doesnt look good again..... So im worried
I wish this stopped PF for showing. so I don't have to see any lbgt shit
>someone says something to me ingame about "the thread"
>instant whitelist
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Would anyone be interested in fighting Extreme Zodiark?
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>Someone in a discord server, or worse my fucking DMs, talking about bullshit posted in the thread
I love my friends but I really wish people would respect that if I wanted to know what was going on in the thread, I would have it open already.
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I'm playing PVE to scratch the itch, but seeing as Labs has opened up I suspect the new wipe is coming soon, so I'll probably put another month into live like I do in every wipe
yeah some people ACTUALLY care about this threadcred shit its crazy
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Damn you're soft
most asian coded race
White poop is a sign of pancreatic disease btw
Only if you give me sloppy toppy afterwards
cant use 3 letters or less unforch
the worst is when it blocks the first 4 letters, no matter the word, "transfer", for example would get filtered
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Miera fit
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>viper has literally no utility and not even a single defensive move other than role actions, so the only thing you're ever doing is hitting the boss.
>Is somehow the most fun class in the game

I don't understand.

virus link watch out
my meena has a big cwarrot but he's a soft faggy bottom...
oh hell yeah free dolphin porn
it's like how viera attracts feminine types - fags and bioholes
au ra attracts those with incomprehensible unhinged energy
Well, yeah, you kinda have to. A thread cred score of at least 6000 is mandatory if you want to be allowed to even think about ERPing or crystal charging with the higher tier ebins. Some ebins of eld are even bracketed up to 8- or 9000.
I didn't say they're white
Why do all melee jobs play the exact same? Are the designers really so uncreative they can't make something unique?
Like just make a job that does channeled attacks or SOMETHING different
i regret opening this
It's balanced out by being absolute dogshit in pvp
We know you didn't rajesh
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>41 pages
The fuck is wrong with MMO players man for real

I mean... SAM gets a cast bar (and they hate it)
>my pc does not like being in uldah and on streets of tarkov simultaneously

I could have predicted that somehow
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When I first tried XIV I had just played Yakuza 0 so made a Male Ra mobster in U'dah, I nuked that character at around level 30 after actually meeting other Ra players.

>still have his appearance saved in slot 1 to remind me.
>I don't understand
"utility" as it's defined in xiv isn't inherently fun
rpr's utility is fun because of the auditory feedback (the satisfying crunching noise when the shield breaks, the way the burst feels when you put out your buffs, etc). but utility that's literally just "tap a button, receive % dmg mitigation" is boring as hell.
vpr is fast and flashy. that's all these jobs ever needed. mitigation should be given to healers instead.
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Holy moly
I am going to let my friends down in savage on tuesday...
>that conclusion page
japs are funny
You like catboys?
The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's RaPe completion time: 1:34.
Are you male or female
bitch we have upgraded graphics
omggggg gurl did you not hear bout them upgraded grafixxx? this is such a bad look sis you better delete this
I have promised to wipe my static repeatedly
I will not let them down
Nah, he's right
Only lalas can even come close to the average femra's mental illness density and the mizzards aren't far behind
Zodiark's Lynx is laughably easy
Also how the fuck did you get Barbie's Lynx? Bitch is stingy as fuck with them, even after the 7.01 update. 47 runs and I haven't even SEEN a flute.
Yes, I really am that unlucky.
hey cutie
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He ain't right about viera
The cat sisters are top sex
The adult ones, obviously, I'm not ZT
i hope black cat savage is fun
passin out
no we dont its 2023

hehe hello
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Thinking about buying an actual pacifier for use during raid next week.
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im fucking rn
I probably don't want to know the answer, but
for what fucking purpose, Anon?
Language, young lady
>actually meeting other Ra players.
Any stories to share?
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putting off doing my weekly M1-4 clears
>That Appendix
Nigga what the fuck is wrong with raiders
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Stand back everyone! I´m fantablobbing!
let me guess... soft faggy miera
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No, just a miera who wants to do content
Nothing actually crazy, just seeing how creepy the males were, literally every interaction they had with anyone playing a fem character was in the hopes of something lewd and how they loved to hang about Ul'dah looking for newer players

And well, the femra speak for themselves, all are attention seeking autists, some deserve it being artists or great Gposers, but every last one of them is addicted to attention.
I have a nervous tic where I constantly get the urge to be sucking on, chewing, or eating something.
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If any of those anons who thought about the extremes are around, I got out so I'm happy to run em if you want

It's okay, tile-clacking brings out passion in people, sometimes for the worse /pet

Breaking into DS's house and clapping every time he synthesizes a recipe
Well anon I have just the idea
Oral fixation!
Do you bite your nails at all when you're paying attention to something, chew on your fingers or pencils or anything?
Are you diagnosed with ADHD?
Working on it.
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standing around trying to decide what to do now that I finished DRG
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This door stays LOCKED
That armor make characters look so thicc, it's magical
That's leagues cleaner than I thought it was for. Thank you for only being a little weird, Anon.
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Open up
I'm no longer asking
sex with moonies
you are forever based
because you got this reference
Do not bang and clear the lalaboy
/pet /pet /pet I love hrothgals so much
Tired of trying to align shit with my party I'm just going to use my samurai skills whenever I feel like it

I don't bite my nails but I do pick them and have since I was little. Otherwise no, but I do find myself unconsciously chewing on things sometimes, either the neck of my pajama shirt or something like a blanket if I'm in bed. I used to use gum but would never chew one piece for longer than a minute or two before swallowing it and getting another, especially for things like mentos, altoids, etc where they have a crunch at first.
I am not, but I've never been tested.
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>get shitposted
>the second after it happens, anon, who is on my friend list but almost never talks to me, pings me ingame
>"wow the thread's really coming after you huh?"
>same thing happens again several days later
gosh i'm starting to wonder why only this particular friend seems to instantly notice and care about me getting shitposted!
>My Boyfriends Woober (Unreal)
you are the kill the nigga fast guy - however you gotta do it
My femra looks like she has the Oblivion town music on a constant loop in her head.
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>xiv community when a NPC has anything that is exclusive to them and not shared with the player character
My femlala looks like she has https://youtu.be/Ds14zhfHEvE on a constant loop in her head.
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Let my casters wear armor
His name? Albert Einstein
yeah but are you lalafellin or a lala-felon?
Don't you tell me how to live my life, I thought that was my entire gimmick

Also that's a LalaMAN

smooching both of these froths!
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give me the emotes yoship, i'll give you my shekels
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Ausfag, so both

Wonder what that cat's doin
Literally me after seeing transformed honey b lovely
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He looks so zesty he swims upstream in a dick to lay his eggs like a fucking slalmon
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same bro wassup
||do you like femra||
||that play mahjong||
hrothgals should be required to wear pants at all times
hrothgals should be required to wear plants at all times
>discord spoilers
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Any updates? I curios how many players hop on femroth train.
I love my bunny :)
i should be able to farm hrothgals on my island
plant some froth seeds
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Extreme Zodiark defeated
From which point of reference do the meteor showers rain down? I found it quite confusing
get tigers
I agree. I'm getting tired of all the uncomfortably hard erections they give me from walking around town without them.
I don't see it
casts engorge on your wol
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can i touch your boobies
>From which point of reference do the meteor showers rain down? I found it quite confusing
also hey grug nice seeing you
good lord
I have this autistic thing where I need to explain why my characters like anything, why they prefer a certain weapon, why they develop a certain skill etc, they can't just want it.


How do I give an in character reason for being into rimming? either giving or receiving?

My first idea is maybe they're an Ul'dah gladiator and they make their opponents eat their ass after defeating them, feels like something the Ul'dah crowds would love
All miera are faggots who take it up the ass and nobody likes them
holy moly
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not sure about all that
Eets it is

Oh that's pretty cool worldbu-
Yeah, they can be very cute!
You have to world build your lewds too, if it's not canon it's not worth doing.
Is effy single and does she like sunnies
I love you hrothgal
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>someone asks if I use mare
>I ask them what that is
>if they tell me about it I ask them if they use it
>if they say yes I tell them it's illegal and I have to report them
>I blacklist them and report them
Just doing my part
Hi and thank you
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covering up the already fluffy legs just makes them sweaty...
hrothgals owe me sex
That's the idea.
that's sexy, though
Udonge wouldn't be mean like that, I would know since I'm an Udonge-coded soft faggy meena
erm... eets doesnt browse here anymore
Wanna huff my sweaty gooch? No? Yeah that's what I thought.
leg marks are sexo tho
xivg... i need your thiccest cats thighs
but only if they aren't going to die from cholesterol damage
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The most masculine mierda
my wives
My gimmick? My WoL never wear pants
sorry i fantad cause cats look kinda poopy
cursed feet magic...
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To an extent, I agree, but it comes down to kink vs fetish
My femra thinks Elidibus is the peak of male attractiveness
Setting miera on fire and watching them burn to death as they realize they're going to hell for being faggots
i finally made it to grug party :)
Effy belongs to Azimborea now
come find me
Yummy Bunny
If you're on Primal, yes. Otherwise you have to wait for DC travel to open up.
How do I groom miera into changing into another race?
Wait you could only be Eets though
You're not Ace or Iri, you're the only other ausfag femra I can think of off the top of my head
>friend shitposts me
>ask if it's him
>"Uhhh no,,, that really hurts my feelings..."
>I don't really care
>"No dude, this sucks, now if I stop, I mean, the shitposter stops, you'll think it's me. and if he keeps going you'll think it's me"
>almost explain how this is retarded to think but hold my tongue
>the shitposting stops

>month later
>shitposting starts up again
>ask if it's him
>he has a huge meltdown
>sarcastically asks me "Why would I ever be obsessed with you?"
>bluntly say "I don't know why you are, you're in love with me or something"
>gets extremely mad and blocks me
doing the lords work
effy and i are dating (she doesnt know it yet) (im a malera btw)
he's waiting for his chance to get back with appal
PLEASE stop making me want to jerk off to hrothgirls, I should be asleep right now.
Based narcississy invents random people being obsessed with him in his head
How do I groom miera into being my femra's loyal husband?
lammit-coded maliddie for my ardbert-coded femlala.....
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i could be
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ok uchiki
I hope all miera players get exposed for being pedorapists and nobody likes them anymore
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Once I'm out of this tarky raid I'm hunting you down
What makes someone become a schizo and shitpost others?
Have you seen how sissy coded miera players are? If anything they'd be the ones getting raped
That's the thing though he admitted that it was him the whole time before blocking me and saying I deserved it, not like it could have been anyone else when you use information nobody else knows
my femlala is buttfuck coded
nothing better to do than seethe
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go to sleep
Fetish researcher here (off-time hobby, not actual job title)
Rimming as a fetish usually manifests due to two main sources: power dynamics and oral association. Anecdotal evidence has a high rate of both sides being victims of being force-fed as a child, also usually to break the "picky eater" habit.
Also tends to have a near identical overlap in causes with those into mouth-spitting, but the two seem to be mutually exclusive for a reason I have yet to divine.
Both, however, are also likely to enjoy sweat and scent- though those are extremely common fetishes, so that might be square rectangles.
There's your /d/ lesson for today from professor Anonymous R. Etard.
True, they're all about as masculine as a basketball American, disgusting freaks
>>"No dude, this sucks, now if I stop, I mean, the shitposter stops, you'll think it's me. and if he keeps going you'll think it's me"
Why would the shitposter know you had a private conversation with your friend? What a fucking retard lmao
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The one on the left owes my sunnie+ sex
fuck off you cringe tranny faggot
froth feet beans
im on primal :)
What about pregnancy/preggo? Tell us professor
1. miera are wives, not husbands
2. just leave a dildo under a cardboard box trap, you'll catch one in a minute
Hi Kanchelle
Thank you Professor, you hit the nail on the head there with oral and sweat too, so either you know your stuff, or you know me... lol

though in rp, an extremely picky eater would be a fun/silly character trait to give someone, so maybe I run with it, thanks!
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Holy moly... Where do you wanna meet up?
My miera is Ben Franklinpilled and exclusively goes after milfs.
God I fucking hate mierda.
I like mierda
You like cock too faggot
Are you offering? That's gay bro.
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>Anecdotal evidence has a high rate of both sides being victims of being force-fed as a child, also usually to break the "picky eater" habit.
>me with my intense anilingus and cunnilingus fetishes having a flashback to my parents forcing me to finish meals to the point that I would throw up
Yeah there were a bunch of red flags like that
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Maliddies fuck women
Mhiggers fuck women
Malezen fuck nobody
Lalaboys fuck girls
Catboys fuck women
Malera fuck women
Hrothgar fuck men
Mierda get fucked by men like the disgusting pathetic pieces of shit they are
Do you reckon stockpiling orange gatherer scrips or crafter scrips is more valuable right now?
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I like bunboys, from Miera to Mierz
I like you as a friend
You know for an ESL joke that's not too bad.
What about facefucking and choking/oxygen deprivation by other means (see above), Professor Etard? Both receiving and giving.
Thanks, frendo
Absolutely assblasted these niggers at square made a chest wrap only to give it to a single DoH job.
Miera are made for the cuck chair!
Now is this just for ERP?
Because I love licking buttholes and sniffing ass in ERP because you just get to describe it
But I would probably throw up IRL because you actually have to smell and taste things

t. picky eater
doc what does it mean if i like feet and getting bullied
newfag here what's the difference between miera and mierda
up to you
It’s just a pun.
How do I get femlalas to like me?
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I'm talking out of my ass here but

Meirda = Weirdo

That's what they're trying to say, that they're weirdo's
>But I would probably throw up IRL because you actually have to smell and taste things
Have you ever actually done it though? Because it really doesn't taste like much if they are freshly cleaned (as they fucking should be). There might be a very faint musky aroma if it's not entirely overpowered by the soap they used to shower with.
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Fk work going home
one of those things is shit
the other is shit in Español
Assuming by the former you mean a breeding kink, that came free with your human instincts. Usually exasperated from a strong connection to your family line, or no connection to your family line. Extremes are typical- think "pride of my forefathers!" level, or "I will raise mine to scorn my family." level.
Assuming by the latter you mean the pregnancy itself, once again you have the "it came free with your human instincts" bit. Possibly related to the more primal "claim, reclaim, and reclaim my mate again" instincts. Definitely less intense than the former when it comes to feelings on family. There is another subset that have this fetish that's more related to mild-to-extreme inflation and orbfuckers, but those are a whole class of fetishes I'm still trying to understand the inner workings of. They're... something else.
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so uhm ahh... mooners...
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Franklin was hagfucker and he's based as fuck for it

You don't show up in player search on any server, you're in an instance, aren't you.


I'd say you're not far off the mark. From my own anecdotal evidence and experience, Fetishes are usually created during formative experiences in somebodies growth, god knows my people pleasing behaviour is because I grew up learning to head off physical fights between my parents, so I got very good at reading people and trying to make sure they're happy
my femhroth kicks retarded miera in the chest
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So the rest of the thread is just going to be Q and A with professor pervert, right? Am I reading the room correctly?
Grooming a miera to suicide
no it is actually pure soul
job and class exclusive gear is the last vestiges of soul this game has
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leveling reaper & trust
>the malera that got cucked by a miera is having another episode
NTA but i def find pregnant women alot more attractive? is that just basic instict to protect a pregnant woman(no one specific)?
Huh. Fair enough, interesting.
Sex now
are you a villain loving female or a scion loving female
How does a sissy bottom cuck anyone?
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>my femlala bumbles into your room and wakes you up
>she stumbles over something and falls on the floor, but miraculously preserves the plate
>she stumbles and wobbles her way to your bedside and turns on your bedside lamp (the light burns your retinas and the first thing you see is her smile)
>she forces the plate into your field of vision and smiles at you expectantly
Late night/early morning snack....
Well...? Eat it...
race/gender/do you like moonies
I'm going to rape you
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lust inducing crafter gear
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are those hot fries? I'd probably eat this just for those honestly
no one here is female bro
Retarded meme fetish like miera love
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Are those flaming hot cheetos, melted cheese in a tortilla?
That looks sick as fuck and I'll take 4
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moshi moshi anyone want to do expert and high level dungeon roulette on crystal right MEOW?
Fiddie and I love catgirls so much it's unreal
Griddy on Behemoth?
I hate girl dinner.
You should be more careful with your pictures, foodlala, I can see your vehicle VIN number back there.
try again
I feel like I'm wasting time gathering without queueing for something. Is doing the highest level dungeon as DPS a good use for that? Or is there something else I could be grinding instead?
Those are Andy Capp's Hot Fries in an MRE tortilla with MRE cheese spread.
That's right. Flaming hot cheetos, melted cheese, and a toasted torta..
It's not dinner! It's a snack! Now put it in your mouth... and eat it all...
uuoohhhh... rare fidder spotted...
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I even went to your FC house to see if you had a room I could take a pic in while hunting you down lmao

I have no idea what an Andy Capp is, but it still looks extroadinarily edible

Yep, wife materia
is it possible to make a cute/good looking male midlander? i fucking despise being a male viera because of a lack of hats/any usable hats looking stupid with the ears sticking out/constant clipping
*throws the plate at you*
Bitch I ain't british
yes hello
i am an excalibro
Que paso?
This one was just a random pic I found online, but thanks for worrying about me~
Anon I think you're forgetting one of the main draws of it being like, total domination/submission or to look at it in another way, conquering/being conquered
you owe my sunnie+ sex.
Lamia, Primal.
Leviathan, Primal.
some of the profession sets look awesome on malera
there's a fishing gear one that's kinda sus with a slight tummy window though
sure, sounds good to me
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Leviathan, Primal
you come off as a creep no matter what you do
Dawntrail made me understand Zenos perspective.
*cries as it hits the wall behind me and shatters into a billion pieces*
You're so mean...!
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I woke up after having a dream of me in my lalaboy's body getting railed by a fulala again

Now I'm rock hard
but I am on the game..
We don't want you on maliddie. Stay miera you scum.
not too long ago it was the maleras undergoing the same mistreatment for committing the crime of existing. stay strong MIERDAS the storm will pass
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It's so over
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I already am though
I'm taking a break bro
Ultros, Primal.
I Love Malera (Savage)
Malera hate was a meme but we know how mierdas truly are.
>Muscle slider: 100%
heres nothing to do for me until savage drop, im bored of ex, ive already horded crafted materials for savage, i dont like leveling alts. honestly if they released the crafted shit last week then id have something to do....
For both sides, it's a power dynamics thing. Unfortunately, those are extremely common, so it's really difficult to pinpoint causes. On a base physical level, to give it feels good, and gives a sense of power over your recipient. That sound means you can deny air to them at will. To receive, it's adrenaline heightening senses, making "things more intense." A loss of control can also play a large factor, but that's been about a 40-60 crapshoot, odds favor "do".
Usually, only in theory. Most fetishes are surprisingly only fun in fantasy, and I have heard more than a few stories of "tried it, not into it anymore." This fact REALLY screws with data, and can render weeks of research only somewhat correct.
Feet? The sex centers of the brain are close to the feet-controlling part of the brain. Common for wires to cross.
Bullied? Inferiority complex. Don't let it get too bad, or you'll start looking at cuckshit. This isn't an insult, but an actual, genuine warning. I refuse to research into this area more, because cuckshit disgusts me more than I would be curious to know why they are that way.
>Fetishes are usually created during formative experiences in somebodies growth
The one thing that damn bastard Freud was right about.
Ayup. Something something protect offspring mammalian instinct. You see it in most common pets.
You're right, I am forgetting it. I'll be honest, I tend to forget obvious answers because I assume people already know them. There's a name for that phenomenon, but I'm blanking on it.
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i saw this on EC and thought he looked pretty okay, he can wear hats at least
>bust slider 250%
I'm there, on a bench
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Here's something for us to do
I gotta wait til reset for rolos, im all done
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I quite like my Midlander, they made the baby face look way better now it has a young adventurer vibe to it, think like Link, also has the best scars too.
love you too kitten
I already did mine anon...
Try me again when they reset though!
You look like you run trolleys for a living
>Usually, only in theory. Most fetishes are surprisingly only fun in fantasy
Might need to keep that in mind Mr Professor, I've kind of accepted this, but I'm kind of weird in that I can just ERP to do any weird fetish I want, then have normal sex (missionary/doggystyle/blowjob) IRL
Most women I meet aren't even into the weird stuff besides just making you happy, so it's not really worth it
My best example is armpits, loved sniffing my gfs armpits, but most normal people don't want that and view armpits as gross. Not really the same if they're just doing it to make you happy, instead of actually being into it too.
That child face with those big shoulders and biceps gives some wierd sort of whiplash.
Gotta make money somehow.
it's so fucking hot here that the stench from my sweaty balls is hitting my nose
that's awesome dude
maybe at reset @ me, im too lazy to hop on now
My femlala’s fc was talking about server travel and aether last night, and they all made fun of her when she brought up balmung too.
Splitting the fine hairs is part of the fun of my research. When I specify "people with ___ fetish" I try very hard to separate them from the partner-pleasing. To use a specific anecdote, one subject I was using as a case study for watersports wrecked about three weeks of monitoring, questioning, and other sciency-sounding words for trying to figure out how he ticks because he tried it in real and decided "this was the worst idea I've ever had."
Another fun thing is I have found that women tend to have quite a few fetishes, but because I'm not one of them, they are extremely reluctant to mention that they might have even one. It's a massive bottleneck in my research, really.

So now that I'm remembering I'm on the ever-so-ban-happy /vg/, uh, Final Fantasy XIV. You'd be none too surprised I'm a Scholar main.
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I did it... whew!
I'm all sweaty now.
reminds me of that muscle asian guy meme that has like down syndrome or something
You're also a catgirl
Hey, now, that's just playing statistics to your advantage! That's the most common type of WoL! I'll be just a little impressed if you figured out if I'm a sunnie or a moonie first try, though.
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thank you, thank you~
when my leve thingies come back, i'll finish off crp and do the others....
sup little cucky
He's the one who cucks people
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You're a sunnie
Getting my coffee in, how are you doing fella
My femlala can’t afford to live in the nice part of the goblet, and went home home tonight to a bunch of biggers on the curb being questioned by the sultansworn.
furry beastfucker astroturfing edition
new thread??? idiots??????
You lost the gil toss, and now you must pay the price.
Go play CC against a SCH-DRK combo.
My femlala has DSL (the internet)((Not the lewd DSL))(((please help I can barely do anything online)))
Bunny butt
this applies to every miera modbeast too
Spot o' the ol' midlander/viera hybrid growing in your womb, ma'am?
At the end of the thread
no one will notice
that I am a free-use femra...
pass, I don't want to eat all of the eggs
Which body mods work on femhroth?
>that I am an average femra...
never say that again. in fact never post again period
would bury my face into that cake
Damn, You were more forthcoming with information and personal anecdotes than the average moonie experiences I've had, and you evoke a couple of people I'm familiar with who have also been Sunnies, so I hedged my bets on it

The catgirl guess wasn't a shot in the dark nor statistics, though. I mentioned earlier my ability to read people, and something about the way you phrase things and the punctuation you use made me think Miqo, especially over Elezen, though it briefly crossed my mind.

>Sch-DRK in CC
That's not a punishment, being the only Melee on my team would be though
noticed and on my way
Tsk! People just cannot appreciate good sperm craftsmanship nowadays...
Why are femras so tiny compared to maleras
My femlala crawled into several strange man’s laps last night, but I was too drunk and they were too ESL for me to actually want to close the deal with them.
Body dimorphism die to harem breeding culture.
My avatarfagging gets many rapes and I can’t really tell if it’s a compliment or not but they still make me smile with a sort of sense of confusion
>eb ring
kill yourself ntr loving tranny
You have two paths to go down
Either males get pregnant or just have small members
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I am
Rogging in
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say wht now
Femra are stretchy
I crave attention
cute feet
>Sees EB ring
>Mind immediately jumps to NTR
Cute hrothgal
My sunnie+ is owed sex with your moonie
Small penises are cute
okay fine. *redeems*
t-thanks, you too...
You don't eat her eggs, silly, you inseminate them... Duh...

You should have more respect for femra! Other than my femra, that is, she doesn't deserve such things.

Thank you, I'm glad someone understands.
>Either males get pregnant or just have small members
its both
>a couple of people I'm familiar with who have also been Sunnies
Ah, I'm also leveraging the fact that I am peak literalwho, nobody would recognize my moonie.
'Tis fun to see that players of similar races have similar typing patterns, it's like a variation of the rule that You Can Tell A Lot About A Man By His Waifu.
>That's not a punishment
darn, everything I know about PvP comes from thread-complaints, so I assumed that was as painful as they say.
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I play femlala, I’m grateful for anything smaller than my torso
There is no link between small females and small penises on males
It's almost end of the thread so no one will know I can bench 100lb
pan my welsh wife...
Good job
Is that good or bad?
Does she like mierda
On my way to the 225lb club
on each side or total
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DRK+DRG is Frontlines, Scholars are damage padders in Frontlines

CC is a different ballgame

I did think I could try narrowing you down, but if you're a literal who, there's a good chance I can't.

For the typing patterns, I think it's more a personality is drawn to a particular race or gimmick, therefore they end up feeling similar kinda deal. It'd be interesting if the race changed the style or thought process, but that'd be way more rare
You’ll get there keep eating and training
Do you like Malera?
do you weigh like 40 pounds
had a dream last night of my femlala in a cute, loving embrace with someone and I woke up yearning for the same thing. bros I think this thread ruined me
He's whoring himself in /xivg/ you dumb cuck.
It's the end of the thread so no one will see that I love you :3
Blow your fucking brains out tranny retard
I think your fiddie and my fiddie should kiss
>EB ring
Hey... wanna..?
is vpr in CC "bad" like CC pct in that you cant just pick it up and kill people with a wave of your hand like drg so bad players think it's weak or is it actually shit
That's just longing to be loved, anon. That can't be from this thread, that's something deeper in you yearning for acknowledgement
Counting the bar or just the plates?
it's actually unbelievably shit lmao. Do NOT pick this job unless you're trying to grief, it's irredeemable dogshit.
Thank you
yeah but there's other things that were conveniently not mentioned...
but I understand, you're probably right
As the thread ends I a tired of pretending to be mean. I love you all no matter how gay or straight that sounds.
do you like sunnie+
I am going to yurirape this hrothgal with my moonie
You supposed to count the bar?
hey anon..
Wanting to be the femlala?
It being with a race you're ashamed to admit you want to be with?
You're the only one that jumped to that conclusion, anon
its only good as a retard magnet
I love you, too, anon.
I dunno, I think we can get another good hundred posts out of this thread. I love you too, in the most platonic friendship way possible.
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You lift the bar at the same time, so yes, and different bars have different weights
Idk, I've never really been sure on that. I think a standard olympic barbell weighs 45lb though, that extra weight is nothing to sneeze at.
Thank you anon, I appreciate that. I love you guys too, a lot of you are nice people and strangely genuine. It can get wearying to see so much negativity when I'm browsing the thread, sometimes I forget it's all just jokes and shitposts.
No that's what he's doing by posting himself looking like that.
i dont think so no, pretty sure it's standard for the bar to be 45 lbs
Yeah, I like every female
Not if I consent first...
umm ... oh look the thread ended, sorry got to go...
There extending the dc travel bans. It’s fucking over for balmung
It's okay, anon, I am also a femlala who would be their femlala if they could
I wouldn’t being a woman would suck irl, completely dominated by biology. Being a midget too would compound it. Imagine just doing shit like opening doors as 2’10” Femlala.
You're the only one talking about black men.
its a pretty good pressure job
I do imagine it, that's why I write the way I do
[10:26]You successfully attach a wife materia XII to the Ra'Kaznar Spriggan Frypan . 32 materia were lost in the process.

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