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Frog Event Interlude of Illusions - 7/25 – 8/7
SSR Strasbourg, SSR L'Audacieux, SR Dupleix
RQ skins for new botes plus Hammann, Joffre L2D, U-96
Zuikaku STI collab skin
Secrets for Hwah Jah, Friedrich Carl, Royal Fortune
Manjuu Grand Prix Season 3
Highway Star Rerun - 7/25 – 8/7
Foch META(Cruise Mission) & Attilio Regolo skin(Cruise Pass) - 6/1 - 7/31
Wichita META - 6/13 - 9/4
Shimakaze Archive
Golden Hind ASMR https://www.dlsite.com/home/work/=/product_id/RJ01230156.html

Kasumi META(Cruise Mission) & Roma swimsuit skin(Cruise Pass)
EN 6th Anniversary

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>487724951
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>Cop Sex
*special touches (You)*
so who was it this time that convinced Agir to dress up as a prostitute and she decided to play along totally not because it would make skk hard?
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lovely fox
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Why are krauts like this?
*violent coom eruption all over the place covering everything in 20m radius with a sticky white goo*
I need Guam to turn around.
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All Cops Are Big Booty Bitches
tight teen bote pussy
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Gib missiles
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Lulu bros!

Drawfag here
Which one is your preference?
There is a thread to choose from.

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why is my dog so fat?
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Not canon
They look like they're from that manga where cops were tasked with declining birthrates and they basically go around pinning petty crimes on men to rape them
They could really make an overlaid webm with this one
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>guess you'll just have to stay with me forever, haha
Joffre a cute!

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Not canon
that's your headcanon
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Happy 30 million registrants, Azur Lane! Sister Sara is very cute!
is that supposed to be a gas nozzle, how does it vibrate?
The school morals committee is going to have words with Noshiro.
No, it's an impact wrench. Likely to replace tyres.
Why we are so dead despite 30mil registration
It's a dremel for loosening or tightening the nuts on the wheel so the tyres can be swapped.
sex with those three in that classroom
>using impact wrenches to pleasure strasbourg
How would that work? Applying torque to her clit?
I have my own "impact wrench" on the job already.
as an improvised vibrator
Cover the end with something soft lol
My classmate and childhood friend Jib!
Is this supposed to mean I am not enough...?
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>/trash/ ERP
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I didn't realize she was the tsundere type.
All krauts are like this secondarybro
She really mellows out post oath and with the skin
The fuck are you on about
registrations does not mean active players
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>buy a woman some shiny (((jew)))elry and new clothes and she suddenly stops being a bitch
botes are just women after all
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poorfag cope
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The Love affinity line is already good, but if you want to feel jaded feel free to be like that.
>Expecting anyone that unironically uses irl/poltranny comparisons to ever be happy
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Will she defend my rights in bote court?
>Helmet busy
>calls the sleepy fox
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Shinano in her bed room...
Dunk Retro when?
What happened with that artist his pixiv died and I never heard of him again
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Soon + 2 weeks
Asian 'tism probably
I want a Sister Sara schoolgirl skin
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Date a live collab soon
I can feel it
I think Larger stopped drawing once AI was able to copy his work.
Trust the plan pinksis... next event he'll hug one of us... for sure...
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Pink stink
Blues never lose
It's only natural
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Pink always wins, because even on the inside you're pink.
Essex meta is decayed so im sure shes not pink
Arbiter tower is a blue glowie
Me in the back, the front, the left and the right at the same time.
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Sex Meta is pink on the inside.

And Tower is just wearing a blue glow suit.
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Sex meta in the EN event gacha
I believe
Sex oath skin
I believe
Sex l2d swimsuit
I believe
are we a hot pink general or a sort of pastel pink general
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if you were serious you'd make a today is essex for every day of the week instead of just spamming thursday
ahem, blue board
Which bote has the saggiest tits? Napoli? Joffre?
How about the perkiest?
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but it is thursday
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Tied between Yuudachi, and Yuugure
>he thinks skk likes them pink inside
6F 68 20 6E 6F 20 6E 6F 20 6E 6F 20 6E 6F
SKK is eating good tonight
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BLU and PNK getting uppity again?
>Golden Hind ASMR
>Royal Fortune's secret
Am i in danger?
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Red has what
The cuckquean
The forgotten monarch
Aaand.. zara with the african memes?
Yeah no, blues ftw
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Bro you have brainrot
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Red needs to be shown her place.

Platinum Blonde > All hair color.
don't fall for bluefaggots' wiles, we have perseus
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This kills the bl*e
*Gulp* Wow... Those are massive...
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imagine her placing them on your face when you're asleep on the couch.
>The date a live tranny is shitting up the thread as usual
I replied only 3 times tho
What does the sign in the door say?
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30 million people playing Azur Lane!
There's a reason why Memphis is SKK's canon secretary.
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They're also not for you, so keep looking because that's all you're going to get
Women only. They wanted to jump SKK.
Do not use, bathroom broken. That's why the water looks like shit.
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Hows your pr grind going? 70% on napoli's 2nd exp mission here
I oathed her and she said yes so they actually are for me though.
SKK is in the tentacles rape dungeon with Royal Fortune and Golden Hind, right now
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>He doesnt know
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I know, it's great
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your asshole is, absolutely
um bro i don't think you can post that...
The cuckqueen?
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my skk rights...
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Slowed down since my brain tells me to farm event points and don't waste oil on speed. Glad I got the DRs out the way for that and EU vanguard is pretty much baby mode. Will likely go Bayard next, for which I wouldn't mind if fucking Audacious dropped soon.
That was a gift from me, the skk
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gotchu covered
>you have the right to remain fox property
i like this pic because it looks more serious than usual art
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Yeah. Almost makes her look like someone who won't manage to job to her own plan. Almost.
There just needs to be more fanart protraying the characters seriously or suffering
I'm slacking off pretty bad
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>No Antoniotto
Another watermelon smashed until they add her.
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What's Soyuz doing with her staff aka the North Pole there?
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I want a Navigatori sandwich.
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I told Agir that I thought she was very attractive.
I told Agir that I thought she was very repulsive.
What did she reply?
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Why post Soyuz then?
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I was referring to the entire faction
first time in a long, long time I'm out of oil.
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Guess what....
I got her pregnant with twins
Yeah, since i want the 60k gold plates the grind feels kinda insane this time around. SP and freebies barely push you to 20k and the remaining 40k points are like 40-50k of oil or something. Fucking hell. I think last time i was getting this fucked oil wise was back during Sextown event hunting for the rocket planes.
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yeah I was thinking on giving up on the 60k plates but farming 12-4 isnt actually that much better, exp isnt the bottleneck and I'm not sure the handful of cog chips is better than 10 gold plates
I'm at 30k points now
>Sextown event hunting for the rocket planes.
Oh, that were the times. Too bad the rerun will have fixed drop rates.
i'm hoping for the audacious drop since buying all the pr7 prints and now being out of points. 30k and she hasn't come home yet
I'd say 12-4 is much better, double coin and like 500+ exp or so? More in middle of new PR season. But then again i would also suck dick for gold plates, so it's not like i have much choice.
It might seem a lot of oil, but the weekly gain is also higher than you might think
>canteen 16128 (assuming max level)
>dailies & weeklies 6540
>0 gem package thing 4000
And then commissions obviously, but even though they can vary lets say it's another 3-4k atleast.
How's that third PR 7 farming going, /alg/?
Well, that's a problem I have sorted out already.
What comes next week though, does it need oil?
Botes that like a SKK with a huge dick?
Botes that like a Dicklet SKK?
Botes that like a SKK with a medium sized dick?
No big rush, not like I can fully utilize these ships till like Dev 10 or so.
This is a 2 week event, so nothing?
forgot muh pic.
Oh, that's nice I guess.

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