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Wolfdaddy Edition

Previous: >>487820364

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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You just can't fucking escape flat def up. It can't be done.
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billions must roll
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Lost my 50/50 to Big tits oneesan how bricked am I? Any cope team to build?
bump for recycling soon
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Rate this boy
noone likes brickmata
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The only winning move is to roll a disc without it
furryGODs won again
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I literally just cleared the damn thing on the first run with 5 corruptions
This is the gayest level 5 corruption I have ever seen
>nyooooo you have to take damage over time regardless if you don't get hit nyooooo
Not that it matters because billy with max dodge resonium never gets hit
Why is this not cleared?
Billy is so cool I would love to be friends with him if he was real
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Can't stop thinking about her. Why is there no fan art?
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I hate RNG stat gearing systems so much. Whoever invented it needs a bullet in the head.
This is cropped porn, isn’t it.
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Lucy love!
Everyone in this thread is now officially a furry.
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I got you a job, now let me honk a titty as payment
She's cursed to be the game's spook gremlin
>sentient robots
>even a nigga that is made of fire
Why is it that the Urban/Sci-Fi setting has more races running around than the fantasy ones in Mihoyo games?
yep using this one
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I am the storm that is approaching…

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I just watched a bunch of porn with a 10/10 police officer.
I also signed an NDA, just don't tell her I t
Is she a furry?
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Rare Soldier 11 art
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>Lady Brickiana Brickxesis Brickodoro de Brickefio
Billy Kid
>Ben Bricker
>Bricker 11
>Grace Brickard
>Brick Yuan
>Brick Doe
>Brick Daddy
One day and another day…
I have seen a retard saying anything with a tail is furry because people that like it like animal features so if you go by super retard rules yes
The guy was mostly arguing that monster girls are furries but I guess that applies to Sukaku as well
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Who's ready for more PVP kino?
>Billy is the coolest dude around
>gets utterly fucked in terms of strength
>meanwhile Zhu does what he does but a billion times better
Was it fair?
>Billy Brick
If Hoyo wants Section 6 to shine they should just keep the mask theme for the entire team for either skill or ultimate.
Have Soukaku have her Oni mask, give Yanagi a Hanya mask, Harumasa gets one of those magistrate masks with the long nose and Miyabi gets her Kitsune mask.
katanafags really gotta stop copying vergil at one point
>even a nigga that is made of fire
Somehow I missed this one.
As bad as it is, ZZZ's gear system is the best across all hoyo games
Not every iado user is a Vergil, she doesn't have the repeat draw strike that Vergil and Ayato have.
he gets normal multipliers through HZ resonium
why is it locked behind a gimmick mode? we will never know
he does however, become retarded strong if he has those normal multipliers
>Charismatic agent is actually incompetent
True to real life
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Zhu's dynamic background is really underwhelming desu
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Mr. Chandelure himself.
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Why does she keep looking at me like that?
Billy's Starlight Knight alt will powercreep the fuck out of her
trust the plan
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wow such a subtle request
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sex with

sex with belle
Pull the rat and you’ll have possibly the best duo in the game
Ben Brick
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Lycaon is perfect husband material.
What is the final commission in ch1? I'm IK44 and it's still not open. Is it hidden somehow?
>whale out the ass to get the characters I want
>game still gates progression behind energy
I would unironically pay a monthly fee to avoid the energy shit. The fact that even end game content has weekly reward caps is fucking infuriating.
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Please respect her boundaries
Billy just needs M6 and an S rank engine to be competitive with Zhu.
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I am honestly shocked Genshin ended up going this way
It had such an explosive start
>Basically Botw on mobile, during peak botw popularity/totk waiting room
>Except anime and cute girl playable characters, hitting so many brownie points and demographics here they're reaching for the stars
>Massive success all around, one of the most profitable games of all time

>Somehow start churning that all down the drain within 4 years
And for what? Because they want to keep pumping out handsome men instead of cute girls? Because the devs are allergic to actually creating cute girls of colour?
Like would it actually have been so hard for the devs to keep the twittards at bay by designing one black girl with a cute afro, big lips and a nice ass? Thats all it would have taken
So if I have 10 pulls until guaranteed S and wait for the banner to change it'll stay at 10?
Soukaku? More like Suckcaca because she is SHIT and SUCKS your DPS away
IK45 unlocks one
>whale out the ass for characters
>but wont whale out for energy
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if there's no food, can she cut off her tail, eat it, and still live normally
Not the only thing she sucks
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last comission in ch1 is interknot lvl 45
If you don't know where he is from he is from this trailer
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This. >>487853035
Would unironically roll for him as long as I don't have anyone else to roll for.
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The Legendary Red Rider: Billy Kid alt in 1.5, trust the plan
Thanks anon. At least I don't have to painstakingly pull singles.
I wouldn't think too hard about it. Genshin has some overblown drama happening every other week.
Though, personally, what killed it for me was the quests becoming infinitely more verbose without any way to speed up/skip dialogue.
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About to start that infinite abyss quest, any tips i should know?
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this blue, ever hungry semen oni....
how is she so cute and sex at the same time
Genuinely the most kino faction hoyo ever came up with.
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are finding these just random or are there specific stages you have to target?
Never doubt the ability of writers/trannyslators to reach above their station and think they fucking hemingway when their job is to give an in-universe reason as to why you're collecting 10 bear asses
It's not as hard as it looks like it is, don't waste too much time pinning shit once you're past the early floors. You'll die of boredom before you hit floor 99 if you keep playing quizzes/watching the pin animation over and over.
>can't hang out with Piper and Lucy
>they get no events or story quests despite being out in the world
>can't beat the last stage of Hollow Zero
is this the part where I'm supposed to be farming discs?
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theres some good shit waiting for you on the 99th floor, go for it
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There's another demon in the metro. She was trying to disguise herself, but the tail gave her away.
You can farm them at Metro 2500 at like 3 times a day.
You forget chinks are their big market, they freak out the moment a character isn’t paper white, as being dark is looked down upon in their subhuman culture. Chinese are all gay for some reason so the attractive male characters sell like hotcakes
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Name one thing in his kit that didn't exist before Virgil.
He's but an amalgamation of every "cool" katana stereotype.
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Shark nommie!
the quests read like the intern had a word limit to hit it be fired.
Dude is given tasks like design quest dialog for npc that lost cat in tree, 5k word minium. And he just offloads this to chatgpt. It's all slop.
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Get Avocaboo to carry you
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Wait I just realized one of the Void Hunters has angel wings looking at it again, we also have bloody angels around
does hoyo release s-rank versions of a-rank characters in their other games? i only know of the two dans in HSR
i want s-ranks of the cunning hares so i'll save up if it might happen
We need more alternate skin colors like her
I fucking regret pulling for Zhu's wengine. I really thought it was going to be a whole lot stronger than my R5 Starlight.
NPCs shouldn't have tits that large
pin pressure reduction
once in a while pin pins
fights are piss-easy
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I took breaks so if you speedrun it you can probably do it in about an hour

tips: pin other pins and the item that removes 40 pressure. don't waste pins on the blue ones since they only remove 30. If you do this you will have no problem
>metatard team
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IS she raiding a weed house?
Koleda / Lucy (M4) / ZY (M1)
Koleda / Nicole (M6) / ZY (M1)
Sorry I'm not poor.
Like bgreen?
Go do it yourself big boy
>Because they want to keep pumping out handsome men instead of cute girls?
They can do it fine they are just retards about it, if you play through Liyue now without events it's nothing but dudes hitting on you but no one hates Childe, Zhongli or even Xiao like they hated Neuvillette, Wanderer or even Kazuha.
pretty much this, the last hollow is a shitty survival check so shield resonia are especially good
Jane Doe?
More like Fucked Silly.
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that pretty much sums it up
> Koleda / Lucy (M4) / ZY (M1)
Assuming you have the other team of yours already set up. The other team is much better against trash though.
technically Zhu already gets a bonus with just any support (which is dumb), so Lucy would pass and allow Koleda to get her own bonus, but bonus-less Koleda is already a very decent stunner
I'd take Nicole for the shred tbdesu
I think HSR has Tingyun coming up as well so we must simply hope our boy Billy gets the same treatment.
The A rank or B rank dodge resonia that gives you 5 seconds of bullet time on every dodge every 10 seconds is also amazing.
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The Nun's faction is becoming more possible every single day...
every new patch filters out even more people because nobody wants to spend 20 hours reading through ai generated chinkslop to progress story
devs refusing to implement a skip button is killing the game
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Two questions /zzz/
Is shark actually better than butler?
Is shark actually better than butler for the mono ice team?
I have both
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stunners are bricks in 11/11
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HI3 had augment cores, which didn't change their rarity, but changed their playstyle.
I only had a good Energy Recharge % disc for Ellen, so I tried it on her.
I think this is going to be viable in the future bros.
Run a character (not necessarily Ellen) with decent skill damage and just spam your EX skill, which probably has more AOE than your basic.
You're invulnerable during your EX skill, so that has that going for it.
this pic is retarded
actual text on the right is like 2x bigger than on the left
and there are wall of text quests in mondo too that are longer than that
>homoshit op
Nice thread zzzbabs
>check on some older missions if I missed collectibles
>Last Delivery missing 2 purple boxes
>can't find them anywhere
There isn't a clear winner but sharks damage isn't that bad at high levels and butlers energy gain has been severely nerfed
>reached knot 45
>no venus
We love homosexuality and furries here
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Billy is secretly the strongest (at m6(starlight engine maxed(perfect discs)))
has anyone done calcs on how good energy recharge is? if i slap a 30% ER disc on ellen, how many real time seconds of energy does it save?
if it takes 10 seconds to recharge normally and 30% ER makes this 9.5 seconds then its worthless
if 10 seconds goes down to 5 seconds then its absolutely worth it
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>Let me do one more 10 pull to get some Nicole dupes
>C1 Zhu
At least it was right at the start of pity so I can't be mad, was kinda hoping it would be an off-banner so I have a guarantee. How is her C1?
The problem isn't the amount of dialogue
The problem is that none of it fucking matters, it serves no purpose, it is empty fluff
It's not lore relevant, it isn't building to anything, it isn't entertaining or clever or amusing it's just filler

Their current event is like reading a children's book where you take up an entire page to say the frog was happy and then the frog jumped and everyone saw the frog jump and everyone was happy
Why am I reading this slop?
aren't you embarrassed typing that?
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How can you tell the # of chain attacks you're allowed to do
>How is her C1?
How many one pulls was that?
wow 3 chapters seems like barely any content. im pretty sure hsr had more content than this and def not even half of genshin. and this one is way easier to make too
Depends on the type of enemy stunned, normal enemies once, elite enemies twice, boss enemies thrice including bangboo
Do we actually think this game's getting character alts? It just doesn't feel likely to me for some reason
He should have posted the painter daily where you have to click through all of the same dialogue every day and it just repeats daily with no purpose
her C1 merely increases her bullet gain, which is actually useless because you want to dump both your ult and your EX during the stun window, thus getting a full refill anyway
Isn't it enemy tier dependant
>fodder 1
>big enemies 2
>bosses 3
depends on the type of enemy
regular mob = 1 attack
elite (miniboss) = 2 attacks
boss = 3 attacks
you can also extend the chain if you stun another enemy with a chain attack
>this one is way easier to make too
Not at all. The comic art takes more time and effort to make than walking to and talking to an NPC model
Mainly just improves her sustained damage for when you choose to play her on point the whole time.
>because you want to dump both your ult and your EX during the stun window
explain? wouldnt you need to dump existing ammo first which takes fuckload of time
I won’t be going for C1 Zhu I will be saving for Jane Doe
they pandered to females, adn those females are the ones obsessed with race.
never pander to females.
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Fuck, this could have been an off banner giving me a guaranteed rat
But muh open world!
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Thank you
How do you tell the difference? All I can come up with is that bosses have corner HP bars (but when there's multiple like the ballet twins I will probably get confused because I'm a retard)
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genshin walked so zzz could run
I'm dating Zhu and Ellen
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I have a confession fellas. I was gonna ignore this game just like all other hoyoslop until I saw Nicole. She's so hot that I decided that I had to at least try this game to get her (very glad she's free), and now that I have played the game for about a week I have to say it's very fun
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should I buy another one of the 2x bonus packs to get Zhu Yuan?
Big enemies/Elite are the ones that are cards in the VR training
Bosses are Notorious Hunt and the end of Hollow Zeros
>you can also extend the chain if you stun another enemy with a chain attack
Would be cool if we got a challenge commission similar to the 'only kill with dodge counters' one where you have to keep a chain attack going as long as possible.
All her C1 does is when you have no ammo, you automatically refill to 6 bullets again correct? The problem is you will not be using those bullets again anyway during the whole stun window because after doing her ult and popping all 9 bullets and maybe an EX skill, you have no chance to use the quick reloaded bullets in that window anyway.
There's no indicator but that's a problem with most of the things that should have an indicator, maybe a 1x 2x and 3x sign to the right of the HP bar when an enemy is close to being stunned. Right now only way to tell is to memorize arbitrary enemy rankings
I have yet to play this game. Does it have a cool villain organization like the Harbingers and Stonehearts from Genshin and HSR respectively?
>HSR whenever Acheron or Black Swan walks in.
Remember when the genshin devs banned that nigga for using an auto clicker cos he didn’t wanna listen to their chinkslop nothingburger stories
Woah the new HunterxHunter chapters drop on Genshin all this time?
>cool villain organization

In any case yes and no, some villains and an evil organization got introduced and anons were simping for a super hot hag there, but we don't know their names, goals, if they'll be rollable etc..
assuming it's not a boosted decibel/energy gain stage or final Hollow Zero fight, you can neither ult nor have enough energy to do that, even with energy discs (which you shouldn't be running on Zhu anyway)
You start with enough bullets to do maybe one EX
>Chain +3 bullets
>Ult +3 bullets
>EX +3 bullets
there was like 1 extra bullet for the full combo or perfect assist too IIRC but the point is, empty your entire mag on the first chain/stun window and then drop literally everything that you can on the 2nd, that's the loop
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W-wait, is Tin Master not a unique robot?
Do you know where we are?
There is a playable evil rat woman soontm
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Are you Team "Nicole is a slut!" or Team "Nicole is a virgin!"
jesus why does zhu yan require a mathematics phd to play
>dead thread
>homo OP
Speedrunning EoS
no she's mid if you dont also get quingyi
literally just click spam bro wtf
There's a challenge stage you can encounter in HZ to kill enemies using only chain attacks
genshitters will eat that up and ask for more
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I wonder which faction is larger and more powerful in /zzz/...
these two often go together
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>Billy is the coolest dude
He is cool but Anton is cooler
>comfy thread
thats all I need amigo
Just do her dash after the first 2 strings so you'll just skip 1-2 and repeat 3-4-5-dash-3-4-5-dash for faster bullet recharge.
zhu yuan is annoying because her shoot moving can also dodge but sometimes it doesnt and you just get hit or you waste a dodge/assist
Nicole is a virgin that knows she's attractive and uses that to her advantage in business dealings, but in close relationships she get embarrassed about cute things like holding hands.
So far we don't know any names but there are a bunch of conspiracies that seem to point towards one or more of the TOPS (aka the elite corporations)
These include a weird creature that doesn't seem like a common monster or corrupted person that could take over multiple machines, a CEO of another company getting killed and nobody ever finding the body, trying to 911 a building to get rid of a loose end and probably the creation of hyper advanced AI that has the ability to take control of smart tech
Do we need cuckposting and fujoshit to make it more to your liking?
A robot specifically made to make the perfect cup of coffee?
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Hand holding with Zhu Yuan
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F2P GODS any tips for clearing SD17? I got Zhu on 1st side and Grace/Piper on 2nd side but I can't do it in 10 minutes. Any tips? Should I swap the teams?
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Nineveh feels like a co-op raid boss, I liked it.
>furry fujoshit in OP
It's already there
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nah screw this, I'm not gonna farm for woodpecker anymore. At least with the other stages anything you get can be good and used by most, but Soul Rock is literally only for the fat fucking bear
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Did you guys hear about gbf's director? No franchise deserved to go through that man...
They absolutely did it on purpose too since it's the shilled generalist dps set.
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The only use I've found her combat dodge thing is that if you hold attack after a dodge counter it'll chain the iframes together
>GBF director stepped down
>BA writer stepped down
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Wait, you DO watch porn with zhu in her max trust event, what the fuck
Its baffling as well because bardic needle's rate up only used to be 50%, not 100%. But they changed that probably because that felt like absolute shit.
Really annoying that they'd change that but not the farming dungeon
which BP wengine do I want
Also I bet that defender characters won't even want it, they'll be hybrid stunners or for anomaly build up and need those sets instead.
Nicole is obviously a virgin slut
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abigail tummy...
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Nicole is a virgin slut. Alternatively she's a slutty virgin.
its always like this in 1.x hoyo games
good set paired with brick one
Why is Nicole a virgin?
>Just do her dash after the first 2 strings so you'll just skip 1-2 and repeat 3-4-5-dash-3-4-5-dash for faster bullet recharge.
there is no way you unironically typed and cant see how this is a problem
i shouldnt need a fucking dictionary and a spreadsheet to play characters in a gacha game
Meanwhile hsr still has Shaoji pushing his yurihomo shipshit and ruining the game.
No drama, they're stepping down for personal reasons.
Meanwhile that hack Fat Xiao still running Genshit
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It's for investigation purpose so it's okay!
The bear doesn't use Brick Rock. His best set is Swing Jazz/Inferno. It's a useless set.
need grace
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BA Writer's stepping down was already known months ago since it was announced already by the producer then. It's nothing new. Also people already liked the new writer's story so BA is in good hands.
GBF is an actual issue because KMR (director) is the face of that game.
does she have lobby background or not like s11?
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>Our second defender character won't even scale on def%
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Is this bozo even worth helping?
What asian is running zzz
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F2P BROS????
GBF = KMR wants to do new things so he's stepping down. No drama.
BA = Writer wants to do new things so he's stepping down. No drama.

That's actually it really.
wait are you guys actually farming the level 40 disks? wow
>GBF director stepped down
Good, that game has been ruined by homoshit meant to pull the fujo audience and neglecting waifufags
>BA writer stepped down
Good, the writing in that game is just cringy slop
>asking for help in homo thread
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3 years ago the game changed director, said director kept aggressively adding more homo/yuri/shipping that slowly killed the game by driving away the main gacha demographic(straight men)
I just hit knot level 45, can I farm discs now? I have 7 characters at level 50 and everyone's skills are at least level 7
>he didnt mostly farm discs since knot 35
just quit, you are bricked beyond belief
Fucking timer bullshit. Wish this game got rid of it and just determined winning based on if you survive or not. Get rid of the parry indicators and make it an actual skill based challenge.

Your Corin????
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The iconic duo
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Get good then.
Find out yourself
I rerolled for BIG ASS cop and her W-Engine.
What does bricked mean
I did it with Zhu and Ellen but only 20 seconds remaining, can't help you if you don't have Ellen which is basically shilled
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>have around 60 PEN on gear
>PEN ratio is still 0%
what does it mean
Miss Rina....
Uh oh wiseinserter “””chads”””
Looks like you were the bottom, imagine self inserting into a twink bottom when you could have looked at girl butt and thighs all day instead
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If you think Mihoyo's homo shit is bad, don't look at GBF
>he skipped shark
Best zenless to put a vibrator against my caged cock, licks my ear, whispers she loves me while cuddling and shows me her bbc cheating videos?
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it means you got kotted
Gbf still had some good pandering, genshin doesn't even have that.
>he doesnt know
It's 60 flat penetration. It's it's own thing.
If you don't have any PEN ratio% gear or bonuses you don't have any.
Hoyo games are for homosexuals so the OP fits
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>C6 Nicole
>Still no Zhu
I'm bricked
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Your account is fucked. The term comes from phones that lock up permanently due to software issues and become small bricks.
the loli cop
you'll find plenty here >>>/pol/ >>>/lgbt/
Reminder that if you're doing ANY of this shit you're playing her wrong
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Why even bother wearing a thong.
I got C10 Ben before hitting Zhu on 50/50
I am NOT building the bear
It should have been swimsuit Ferry... At least there's the mod.
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what the fuck happened to my exp bros...
does battery have a hard cap?
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>Most popular character in the game
Are people braindead or is she actually fun?
How the fuck do you brick your account? can’t you just grind for shit if you mess up?
I would unironically buy that skin
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Fuck he does 1st side so much faster with Ellen. The two tower at the start takes Zhu so fucking long to kill cause I can't stun them. I tried using Grace/Piper but the towers are too far apart for me to apply anomaly to them at the same time. I don't have Zhu's signature weapon either so my on-field dps with her sucks
Lips is the best by far
you definitely want the Zhu on the first side since it's the more annoying one and she's the shilled character. your case is most certainly an upgrade issue or a very rare skull issue, those teams should be able to clear the stage with not much problem
>Slut in Debt and Pure Cop
Pure Kino
why is her popsicle shaped like that...
the implication is that you spent too many of the one-time resources (first clears etc) on something that's useless. it's not actually true
Skill issue. I've collected them long before IK44.
>lv50 cat
>Piper 15
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First time I got anywhere near this length.
I kept this going for like another 20 seconds before I got tangled up in myself and died, but it was fun bullying my opponents for most of the match
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>level 50 neko
It's just a meme. You can screw yourself in the short term by making bad decisions or having bad luck but yes you can make up for it in the long run.
Do pity pull carry over to the next banner?
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I'm more bothered by the fact that they didn't go all in and gave him a massive cock bulge. Fucking cowards.
This would've been peak masculinity if not for that.
lolihag and OGEY RRAT is dead
People are mostly just memeing
Don't worry too much about it
The boo naming theme implies the existence of a Jiggaboo
Will this game have evil people like Arlecchino?
takes more time to build weak characters like billy, anton or ben than good characters like zhu yuan, lycaon or ellen.
you can clear with all but the effort is high with weak characters, this is why /zzz/ praise billy or ben clears.
Both pity and coinflip carry over to the next limited banner
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Here was my go if it helps:

It's suboptimal, the towers take so long that I should have used Nicole energy and bursts earlier instead of saving them for a stun which isn't coming any time soon. She's obviously bad on this floor because of the towers, but the 2nd side is easier so I still managed 10mins.
Bro, your Niggaboo?
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you see, most gacha players are seanigs who live in extreme poverty. normal people never care about being inefficient because you can just spend a little money to mitigate any disadvantage but to seanigs, wasting $0.001 of ingame resource is akin to death because that could feed their whole dog family for a month
>Nerd faction gets a Weeaboo
Blandest shit I've ever seen being cooked by the WuWajeets
what happens when I get a character that it's already M6/C6 ?
Damn Anton got nice tiddies
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Bro why the fuck are you listening to the ubisoft nigger drama while you do shiyu hahahahahaha
Oooooooo nice, then I'll save up for the katana girl
>All bland white hair
Wow, so creative.
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Shark sex...
This is some soulless shit, and i think most designs in mihomo games lack soul as well, those are worse slop.
My sides hahaha
What's Nicole doing?
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>the bread incident
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Reminder that this general is over 50% NA server
Where is the cute bruiser girl?
You get 20 refund currency instead of 8 (20 refund currency = 1 pull so you basically got refunded while getting a free pull towards pity.
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another miyabigod is born
Do they have white hair fetish or something?
Not even MHY with their Kiana pandering fetish are this bad
Even march's hair have pink tint
That just means Americans don't care about privacy, makes sense they use apple and microsoft products on the daily
poor billy… left out of the cumming hoes goon sesh….
Are they trying to shoot themselves? The long haired girl is cute tho
Which disks have impact? Trying to get Koleda kitted out.
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hahaha holy shit these designs are so fucking boring, makes our boring 1.2 agents look unique in comparison to whatever this shit is.
Nicole and The Cumming Hares
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why do disc stages not progress the ingame time
Their bestselling banner is the first homo banner anon.
even CHANGli can't beat the homocock
>basic 3x
She's retard-proof
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Scarbros... not like this...
Bottom right is cute, who is she?
I mean this completely genuinely.
They look like AI character designs.
Cumming whores
Shockstar disco is the only impact set, disc 6 is the only one that can get impact % as a main stat and theres no impact substat
4x Shockstar 2x Jazz is a good set on every stunner
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seanigs often pick NA servers to feel more white
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You can. There is no permanent loss in ZZZ
The longest possible downside is missing a limited banner S-tier agent. But even then they'll come back around in 6months, and even then none of them will be essential to clear anything

Its just the idea that someone pulling Lycaon and Ellen is gonna have a temporarily stronger account right now than someone who got Neko twice .But with time, everything varies out and balances itself
They have white, black and varying shades of red hair fetish.
Only disc 6 has main stat Impact %
Impact is not a possible substat.
There is a disc set for impact
And also some w engines give impact as a secondary stat
rainforest gourmet or weeping gemini on piper?
I think I already have this character
Thanks its probably both a skill issue and having Anby vs Koleda. Can I see your Zhu's stats as well?
It is possible to brick your account for doing stupid shit like deleting all your gold disc and s rank weapons
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Looks like the Mysterious Goddess who you see in the beginning cutscene which makes me consider the validity of this image.
Okay actually fuck this dumb retarded mission
Billy literally cant cum he's an android. Hence why he's all about the waifu life with that monica chick. He has nothing to be shamed for, because he cant reproduce. So theres nothing wrong with him dedicating himself to an idol he worships
Thanks. I made a bunch of shockstar disks and I was wondering why none of them had Impact.
Don’t let this shitty ass thread distract you from the fact that ZZZ wants to associate itself with fighter games
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welcome to TVkino bwo
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what if they reworked Miyab as a defense ala Ben but it's iai Judgement Cut instead
Who are the 1.2 units?
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Thoughts on this hag?
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By definition that isn't bricked. You can still play and get those back.
nobody thinks black people are attractive, not even other black people. that's why black men all go for white women.
I would roll for Ryu or Chun Li
>Can eat
>Can drink
>Can smell
You really think he don't got that robocock
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Not like this, Kami Northbros...
Will they add more elements in future?? Seems a bit limited atm, but surely they want more elements
>Right now Ether is very limited
>But it gives people future potential comps to look forward to as more ether agents are released
>"They arent great now because they dont have the support, but before long they will"
>Eventually all elements will have all roles
Surely they want that "Carrot on a stick" effect to stick around
easily the worst tv gameplay in the whole game
this game made me cum to women again
this but Grace
Yeah but that's gonna set you so far back, and grinding while naked sucks
I honestly may not fuck it given the opportunity to irl
barren womb
guys please help where is the superstar explorer bangboo in lumina square
This soon already?
better to cum inside
>piper feet
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Exploration commissions should take 5 mins each at max
Anything longer than that automatically makes it tedious slop
Soukaku is wind in the CBT, we will be getting wind 100% but when?
Chun or Juri pls I beg you Oyohim.
the male and pink haired office lady
in the parking lot
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ooh emotional baggage and debt erotic
Parking lot in Lumina square. Opposite wall from where Wise parks the car
And I thought Genshit designs were bland...
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Release the HP scaling stunner, I'm ready
Sponsoring Capcom EVO
Anyone got the list of what's most efficient to farm at each level? I don't want to give "content creators" any views.
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>No one wants Cammy.
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i hate it
There are 20 variations of roles in the game, it'll take a while to exhause the gameplay options
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ENTER even worse TV quest. You can't even use your toons here.
thanks bros appreciate it
When does the last mission for watch your step unlock for us?
I'm still waiting for the true PVP gamemode.
Zenless Zone Zero x Street Fighter 6 Creators Roundtable
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Frankly, I think she's too much of a girlfailure to be a real slut. She wouldn't be in so much debt if she was actually capable of leveraging her wiles against unsuspecting men.
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bro I would lose my shit
1-34 literally doesn’t matter
35-39 start farming discs now that you can get S Rank discs
40-44 go back to farming agent mats because there’s a huge spike in rewards compared to 30
45 go back farming discs because more S rank disc
50 go back to farming agent materials.
i mean have you seen zhu yan gameplay?
chinkhoyo really expects to buy a fucking fighting stick to play her
not my cup of tea. I don't like her classic outfit
Besides, Chun Li is sexier. Maybe Juri too
The male is a S unit? The fuck? Miyabi is not 1.2?
I reaaaaally like the moles on Nicole’s body
Cammy's fine and all, but I got my favorites.
now I'm no fag but that does look pretty sweet
ellen and lucy too
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>Can I see your Zhu's stats as well?
er, she's upgraded a bit since but I have this which I conveniently made for an identical conversation
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Why did they put an ass cop in the game who makes even the millennials in the audience go "GYATT"?
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>team bonuses: extra Dennies rewards if you have Ben Bigger and Nekomata on your team
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I want to blow raspberries on her tummy
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I didn’t think she’d be this prudish. It makes me want to push her boundaries and see how she reacts…
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Best TV quest. Absolute Cinema.
I dont play fightan. Which Street fighter girl has the biggest tits?
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Ellen also has three visible moles
That entire commission is pure fucking soul.
I though this general said that Starlight Engine is bad on Zhu and people should roll on her Wengine?
Why is her age constantly increasing? From loli to hebe to hag.
Eventually, she'll be a gran.
>having shit taste
all adds up
Poison :)
with a secret hotdog too
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post your qingyi stash
You guys will just to point to “ally appears in the final moment while Rules of Nature plays in the background” and scream KiNo
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Somehow I've never considered this as a possibility and now I desperately need it.
Nah forget it. I think I'm going to go insane, the fucker always teleports when I use Anby's thunderbolt. Its like they made his teleports sync up with Anby's daze combo
what stats do i want on grace? is crit%/crit dmg needed or do i want to focus on anomaly
This isnt your average mihoyo game, our designs are actually appealing. Probably thanks to having a porn artist heading the designs
I think stunners are all bricked anomaly is the future
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I don't think I have a better option than Nekomata now.
Ellen, Nicole, and Zhu have never seen a penis
>Make a good game with good action combat for the first time in their lives.
>Hide the good part of the game behind the most boring shit ever.

Is Mihoyo retarded?
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I want to get more shiyu defense clears, but do I really want to build Ben? I wanted to get his m2 to have an incentive to build him, but in the long run I want to replace him and I'm already at 40 pity and I don't think I want m1 Zhu Yuan.
I want Qingyi and Rat.
I also have Piper on level 40 but not really built.
Soldier 11 seems to be lacking a lot compared to Zhu Yuan, her talents are leveled, but her discs are crap like those of all my characters.
But I heard he got fired by hoyo.
I just watched vintage porn with Zhu Yuan tho
made for forehead cumshots
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He's about to be rehired in the next 3 minutes
Miyabi's 1.3, alongside Biker Jalter and the flamethrower girl
Is there a lvl based daze/impact penalty ? Ie my stunner lvl 40 fighting lvl 53 enemy?
4-Anomaly Proficiency
6-Anomaly Mastery
You can replace any of these with ATK% if you have shit disc rolls.
I've tried adding crit, it really didn't do much.
How good is Zhu Yuan? Should I use the guarantee on her or should I wait for Qingyi or that Jane Doe catgirl?
I want to mind control Lucy and force her to rape me
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>day 1
>M1 Zhu is absolutely needed
>M1 Zhu is a brick
Which one is it?
I'd say Rose, but I don't think there's an official chart or anything like that.
Juri herself went up a cup size or two between 4 and 5.
M0 is needed for my dick
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She’s actually a mouse
Wish I had her because running Grace by herself is pretty meh
30 tapes + guarantee, might shell out a little for her w engine
the solo ending is kino too thoughbeit
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Why are we so dead we literally just launched
Probably not. I don't see any level coefficients for Daze in the damage calc document.
Have you seen his weibo? He just got fired again 1 minute ago bro
Reroll for her and save the rest for Loli cop
im saving up for jane doe and miyabi
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Explain this pose
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>sees your saved images
marisa, she clearly has the biggest everything
>Soukaku is wind
If they change her wont that fuck her ice synergy?
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Is there a hq version of this
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it's weird how most of the ether resonium is based around anomaly shit, when there's no anomaly characters for the element now or anywhere on the horizon
>Expecting Wise penetration but also looking out for danger
That means the filter is working
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Man and here I was wondering where Piper was
She identifies herself as a cat and we should respect it
The higher I go up the Shiyu, I feel like Anby is just a hindrance for my Ellen/Soukaku team, I really need to pull the knot huh
How good is Resonboo on non-Zhu teams, is it a good general grouping boo?
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these are always worth buying right
It's saturday morning in America...
Jane Doe said:
>What am I? A cat Thiren. You bet I'm the real deal.
>"*sigh*... Having such a rare lineage used to give me quite a headache."
>"Why would I lie to you? Meow~"
She said she's a cat. Why would she ever lie?
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Her image stash is probably way worse
No I meant they have thought of another element, so they will definitely come up later
Wait you guys actually went further into the Infinite Abyss? I just did the 15 floors necessary to complete the quest and left
I didn't have a problem with anby stunning him constantly, im timing out more because only my zhu has investment, and mediocre one at that, the moment nicole and anby get more than 400 dmg on him and my zhu gets proper crit dmg he's toast
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cute and canon?
Anons are getting filtered by button combos. ZY is still strong.
Yes, mandatory every month. If you don't buy them your account is bricked.
Ellen does compensated dating, she has definitely sucked many old man cocks but probably never popped her cherry.
Nicole has definitely whored herself, she’s taken many cocks.
Zhu has probably bathed with her father when she was little so she’s seen one but that’s the only one she’s ever seem (Twink Wise definitely has a smaller cock than her dads)
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i wanna fuck all the girls in this game ngl
Who's a good stunner in an Ellen team if I don't have Lycaon?
It's really easy after you pin 2 question times
Starlight Engine is not "bad" on Zhu, it's the best F2P option, but it's not "as good" as her engine even if her engine is relatively poor for a signature. The calcs that put Starlight almost exactly on par with her wengine are nonsense. Brimstone is better than Starlight but it's easier to make use of Starlight with Zhu than Ellen so I have Brimstone on Ellen.
This but only the lolis/hebes
never felt a need to regain bullets with her so i don’t know why m1 is necessary at all
Holy shit I can't believe the cop is filtering me. Kinda wish I lost my 50/50 to S11 instead
>Metal Gear Rising
Ruined Metal Gear. I've never met a Metal Gear Rising fan who wasn't a retarded ironic weeaboo.
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Actually never mind, this wasn't so bad after all. Thank you, just watching your strategy made things a lot easier for me. Got a lot more time for 2nd half now.

Still I gotta say Anby's really shit vs Koleda
Its not like you have much choice, but also stunner for Ellen is not strictly necessary.
I use koleda and it works perfectly well
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Why the fuck can't I rest more than once a day?
How am I supposed to pass time?
>always teleports when I use Anby's thunderbolt
I wouldn't ever try to do a full Anby combo in open play against that guy, if you want to use Anby like that you should probably do a Defensive Assist with Zhu to slow time then manually swap back into Anby and do your shit there
at least Cammy is one of popular street fighter cast meanwhile this girl will never get out from SFV
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>had enough of generic techwear and chinese dresses after HSR
>Wuwa is literally JUST that and nothing else
I'm so glad I dropped it.
Because she isnt a street fighter character
Do the "hard" missions.
anon..it's not just Capcom EVO but it's the Entire EVO
They're adding a feature soon to let you change time at will.
>How am I supposed to pass time
HIA does it
I think Scott Outpost activities do it too?
Metal Gear itself is ironic weebshit for normalfags, MGR is the least ironic weebshit since that hack kojima gave it to another studio.
ark knight bros got an updates so they all left
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>Dick tells me to only roll for Lolicop
Do I need both?
which was the really fast mission again? something involving Koleda iirc
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Consider this.
Playable Ethereal.
Zhu should be able to clear those towers in a decent time. Are you using crit dmg disk with at least normal skill level 7? I didn't even need anomaly triggered to kill them.
>getting a S rank eats your A rank guarantee
This is clearly not how it should work. I got scammed.
whats the catch here? what's mihomo's plan??
sorry anon that's the best one I can find
Considering SACRIFICE being a thing, yup could happen.
Did you do the mission to unlock level 50 agents?
No. Lolicop is a stunner and can be universally used. It's just she's Zhu's best stunner.
Oh she WAS wind you meant.
Yeah I read that Wind got replaced with Ether earlier on in development
Go to the front counter, look at the bottom in the left corner and press whatever button is there. It will bring up exactly what you need to do.
It would fucking kino if they actually add Starlight Knights as agents.
Still the fact that we have to question the strength of her Wengine basically almost means that there's no point in actually pulling for it.
>Supposed to be badass bikers
>They are mainly all short midget women and one fag
>Don't even have them on their bikes in the game

I don't get it.
I could see billy getting a skin at least
>BA summer
>Arknights streams
>GBF stream
I love Zhu Yuan, I will not be rolling for Lolicop. I refuse
LOL GachaFags couldn't do a quarter-circle-forward if their life depended on it.
I would be super happy just because I know Billy would lose his absolute shit.
You need to do a exploration mission or something i forget
>GBF self-immolation stream
>Burn stuns humans
>Shock stuns machines
>Corruption stuns Ethereals
Who is wind supposed to be for?
busy playing the game
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The Nostalgic girl says all my tape picks are wrong and that I'm only picking modern stuff
Why is she so picky?
Trying to capture a new audience.
That said I fucking hate Iyo trying to act like he's the god of the FGC when he's fucking unknown until the goddamn drama. No one in the FGC even knows the guy.
is it true that KMR left and they changed how collabs worked?
Yes I've unlocked lvl 50 agents. It just says I need to complete "corresponding missions" with no further detail.
one of the main reason to market zhu yuan
Anby is good because she's a stunner, but she she ends up being way too slow.
Having to hit her 3 NA -> Hold/E combo puts her down a notch.
The ideal for me would be a Chun/Cammy/Juri faction with the costumes they wear in Street Fighter: Duel, the SF gacha.
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same but I love Zhu Yuan's college friend more. I just get the biggest dopamine hit when I clear with cute girls and cute animals. no males and no children allowed.
I ended up remembering to use Nicole's EX so the towers did die fairly fast, I am using a crit dmg disk.

Yeah I realised that after a while, I just parried a lot for the slow-mo instead of evading the attacks. Ended up clearing it under 5 minutes >>487861560
we are going at 5 posts a minute but it's a recycle thread
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Mam, that's an invasion of privacy
It doesn't work that way, very rarely you can get pushed to 11 rolls for an A rank if you get an S rank on the roll you were guaranteed to get an A rank.
They announced a whole bunch of awful shit including that yes, collabs are gacha now after a decade of being freebies and then ended with "the producer is stepping down and the director isn't as involved anymore btw lol but please don't stop pumping money into it the game is fine!!!!"
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its kinda fucked how my lvl 30 rocketboo completely outshines a lvl 40 uncapped cryboo in a fire team.
feel like no A-rank Boo can do shit compared to the S versions
i would impregnate ellen until she gives birth to tasty baby caviar
Just play through the story then.
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The audience of Kuro games are literally just teenage weeb social rejects who haven't grown past black, white, and red being cool.
If they were born 7 years ago, they would be Kirito fans.
Most sharks don't lay eggs, specially half sharks like Ellen.
Yes they are.
I think your son or daughter scribbled on your image below all the characters anon
You literally Belle and Fairy on your shoulders all the time, retard.
homo thread
is bottom right barefoot? literally only way I'll look at the game.
Grim, sounds like dragalia all over again, but I guess the time has to come even for the big ones, they're lucky they could coast it on sunk cost as they did, the game is really outdated in more ways than one, at least they have a good IP on their hands to make another game, though I heard Relink wasn't the success they wanted with how troubled it was to develop in comparison
whoa they have mr. shakedown from yakuza 0
>Literally only one character with no dull random color + black palette
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We NEED mantis thirens
Dragalia was always dead. There wasnt a single time it was alive due to the fact that it was insufferably time consuming, it forced upon you a lot of co-op and uploading gameplay had nintendo lawyers on your ass 24/7
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Wuwa doesn't have homoshit like your OP though
Fairy sure, Belle isn't a weirdo who'd keep tabs on Wise
Why do Bangboos get mistreated but Paimon gets a pass?
Hold up, this hag is dangerous.
There are 12 non A-ranks in between my 2 latest A-ranks in my W-engine history right now because I got an S-rank in between. And also when I did my 10 pull where I got the S-rank, I did not get any A-ranks and it showed 4 pity to next A-rank.
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Jesus christ how horrifying
fucked up but cute
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Does completing hard-mode story missions raise internknot level and give exp?
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Of course not!
no, just polys
Holy cute
20 polys each thats it
based taste
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They really just brought it on themselves. I played for nearly the entire decade and I don't even want them to keep the franchise going. Just let it die, it's been years since any of the og game content was good and Relink was a disappointment on every front.

Zenless Zone Zero.
Hard stage does not give you IK EXP, sadly. Just some change money for the 2 minutes trouble.
just let me play the videogame
READ the fine print retard. You can go 19 pulls with no A rank now.
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Kinda hope they give future thirens some of the weird eyes animals can have
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I rape paimon every single night what are you talking about
Nice job, with Zhu I cleared first half in 4 mins, and had to use almost 6 mins to clear other half with a scuffed Anton, no anomaly characters so no idea how they fare in comparison. gl bro
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But anon we haven't reached Estalucia yet
homofujo thread
homofujo game
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I'm so glad Mihoyo made this game for people without hands bros, combat is so easy
The boos are there to look cute anyway, the S ranks do like 1% of the overall damage. Maybe Resonaboo(or whatever the ether S-rank is called) is useful because he has some CC but thats it.
Granblue thread is the other way bro.
Ass too FAT
Can we import zoooooeyyy
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Bwos I have like 80 rolls, will i be able to hard pity Qingyi as a free to poor?
I like how they need to disable fast-forward and show you an unskippable cutscene every single time something gets pushed into a hole.
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>You guys will just to point to “ally appears in the final moment while Rules of Nature plays in the background” and scream KiNo
Yeah that sounds good to me faggot. Simple and enjoyable stories work better for gacha. I vastly prefer it to the pages of psychobabble in other gacha.
Damn that's hot.
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Why is gachashit so averse to letting me fug the bug?
this is getting changed
What a way to go
In disgrace and greed
Just go for Zhu Yuan
Found it, you have to do the Black Dance Shoes commission.
the boo's are not there for damage, they are there for cc, anomaly build up or any other effect.
That's why i say that rocketboo, who is severely underleveled, fucks over cryboo since he can do his job better.
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She's too good to be forever stuck in that dogshit retcon ass game but alas.
reroll for zhu and save for loli cop.
lmao who the fuck is rolling for collab characters
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blow blow blow away ur trubles
>no anomaly characters
You can't play anomaly on the first side because you can't build anomaly on the towers
I don't know where I saved the screenshot, but there was a Chink that said the team was replaced around the end of Inazuma and they wanted to change a lot (he also said the Hydro archon was a fraud which was correct). The developers started pandering to women which forced out their male audience and it's been in freefall ever since. Truth is, women don't roll, and since the team doesn't want to truly reverse course (which means T0 female and no dragonslop), they do incredibly scummy things like giving fewer rewards and making every character a 5*.

I have a hunch that Genshin's team was a reason ZZZ was censored in CBT2 since the game was still making most of the money. Now that HSR is on top which does have T0 girls and more (You) pandering (at least with Firefly and holy shit did they push her), that ZZZ is healing. Zhu Yuan's trailer focusing on her massive ass gives me some hope for the future (also I just like the setting of ZZZ better than Genshin)
>relink wasn’t the success they wanted
really? yeah im sure development was very costly with how long it took but it sold pretty amazingly well for its genre, not everything needs AAA sales to break even and they now have a fantastic base for a sequel
Boos do way more damage than people give them credit for.
Even in the later stages of resetting shiyu Rocket and Sharkboo were pumping 30-40k+ on normal attacks while obviously doing build up at the same time.
Its really not insignificant unless you're coping with A rank boos who do almost nothing even at rank 5 outside of their chain attacks
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>day1 player
>just learned that shokaku's skill can be spammed
>and that was the correct way to play her
Bros...i used to make fun of retards who found gacha games difficult, turns out i was one too...
Don't insult Ben like that...
These hollow zero double fights are actually hard
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Poor Nicole.
Don't talk smack about Devilboo he's a real one.
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Nice thread losers
i think hes one of the only good damaging ones, the others are only good for the anomaly buildup, coordinated attacks are crazy
And yet you lost in both popularity and sales. How curious!
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I spent nearly 2 FUCKING HOURS for 3 fucking gold chests?
What do you mean losers? You posted here too retard.
Isn't it planning a Bangboo revolution someday?
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Why did they make Wise's shirt like that?
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Counterslut when?
>mogged by a furry game
Changli was going to save you bro?
They didn't make getting to the bottom a requirement for completion for a reason
>tfw hoped that we could coexist with furfags
>they just shit the thread with fagshit
I liked it though
It's just a cool way to depict SNS
I would go to jail for wearing that though
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is this bait?
Dragalia had no chance of winning when nintendo sued colopl, they lost a lot of goodwill
Belle is a good sister who harbors no ill intentions towards Wise
Wise is just a good brother
Wise is for Nicole btw
we can't, they're subhumans
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Because stuff like that is made for people who enjoy 100%ng thing and if they locked good rerwards behind it people would cry
Literally Ben and probably Caesar
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>Thread is filled with gacha doomposters
Ive read every single one of these copes trillion of times and they are wrong every single fucking time so please shut the fuck up and play the game or let me play it in peace.

how about instead of bitching about games you clearly no longer play you just move on and shut the fuck up.
you doomposted grubble, fgo, feh, uma musume and literally every game under the sun for months and they are still there making one gazillion yens. They are not in free fall and they did not "homo pander" or whatever boogeyman you invented
>"hujuuuh ur pic"
im using this pic because i like it. i can save pics i like. i dont care about your gay tribe posting or made up culture war.

Zenless Zone Zero. Play the game and shut up
What did you expect if the only fur ones are males
Ben is not a slut how dare you
We need the furfags that like fur women to fight them just like what we do with yuri and yaoi fags
hot hot HOT
better than honktroons shitting up the thread tbqh
Seems like a free dupe of a S rank without wasting 70 pulls
Hard to see it being bad.
Belle also gets a fair amount with Lycaon yet is suspiciously absent from most imagedumps.
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how deep do I have to go for maximum rewards?
>a jockstrap
daddy let me eat that cake
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>and they did not "homo pander" or whatever
LMAO Go type this shit in /gbfg/ and see what happens. Also you do realize most people typing that doomposting is people who actually play these games?

I agree though that they need to stop posting off-topic garbage.
furfag turbobullied the hi3 yuritroon, hes a good poster in my book
If you're only after rewards its not worth it.
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Noodles >>> Burgers
15 is the last exploration data
Its interesting because ZZZ threads, at least early on, had a lot of folks who didn't play gacha or at least didn't play Genshin/HSR. That was the one thing people forget about HSR is it was played almost entirely by Genshin people. ZZZ at least feels like it has some fresh blood even if there is a lot of former Genshin players (myself included). Interested to see if Fighting Game people actually try it out.

And yeah, Iyo is kind of a faggot with his whole "fighting game player" shit. He just likes to throw around jargon and then uses it wrong anyway
what the fuck does this bitch want
I talk to her every day
I have to ask someone something? icba to read the text
>Its interesting because ZZZ threads, at least early on, had a lot of folks who didn't play gacha or at least didn't play Genshin/HSR. That was the one thing people forget about HSR is it was played almost entirely by Genshin people. ZZZ at least feels like it has some fresh blood even if there is a lot of former Genshin players (myself included). Interested to see if Fighting Game people actually try it out.
Yup also got the same feeling from the early threads we had or even the general reception of the game.
>cba to read the text
>would rather read 4chan text
kek deserved
>stays off-field 99% of the time to conserve ether bullets, because her basic attack is complete trash
>only appears during stun to hold basic EX hold basic
I'm not feeling Zhu Yuan's gameplay at all. I rolled since she seems to be the only Ether DPS we're getting for a good while.
go speak to the shop boos after speaking to her
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which one?
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Do noodles or burgers give you battery?? Yeah, didn't think so.
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This desu
Burgers SUCK
>Interested to see if Fighting Game people
we should probably stop pretending we aren't in the same discords
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What did you expect when all the furries available right now are male? If hoyo has any balls or intellect, they'll make a hot furwoman that mogs the fuck out of Lycaon.
>already glazing at pre-rendered gameplay the game
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that's how all attack characters work
should have saved for an anomaly banner
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The nature of this game either makes it so you'll be playing with your stunner for most of the time or running anomaly comps. If you want her on-field all the time just go solo and dodge counter everything.
None, keep the box for sovl points
>stays off-field 99% of the time to conserve ether bullets
Do defensive assists into her to build bullets, having her off-field just enables swaps into her to parry
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I'm so bad with Zhu Yuan that I'm feeling like I shouldn't have even rolled her. I'm retarded and ugly and worthless
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AAAA where's the last one?!
>>stays off-field 99% of the time to conserve ether bullets
Skill issue. Bad pilot. PEBKAC
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>Horny loli posting almost all the time
>Get rare horny posting of furry

I don't see the issue since we will go back to the same posting of Piper and Soukaku being basically naked.
One's hidden in the beginning room, one requires buying the treasure radar, and the other is at the end
>no left click gameplay
>no tvs
>you get to manually use your characters
we lost
wow wow calm down Ted Kaczynski
Drama faggots, ignore them
I want to toy around with equipment, attributes, specializations, and timings like in Azur Lane.
Is this a good game for me?
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Corin love
>>Get rare horny posting of furry
STFU faggot. Furry would be fine if it wasn't all homoshit. Die of AIDS.
>driveable vehicles
>First Person Driving
we lost
She generates a ton of bullets even without M1. You can legit on-field her for anywhere except time trial high Shiyu Defense levels and it's fine dumping naked shotgun hits on whatever.
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place your bets (standard)
It's almost like in a loli site....loli posters are the majority. Woah.
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Perfect wipeout
ok furfag
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It's gotta be Rina time
Well if you wanted Belle to get knotted all you had to do was ask.
>that character design
When are we getting our bob?
you need quingyi she's the onfield stunner
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anomaly mastery for Nicole?
>surely they want more elements
>But it gives people future potential comps to look forward to as more ether agents are released
Elements don't really interact in any meaningful way. Not even all core passives have an elemental option for activation.
As far as gameplay goes elements are simply Crayola damage numbers and adding more would bring literally no difference.
Furfags are the ones keeping normalfags out of /zzz/. They are okay in my book.
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I can't believe it...M2 now
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Furries are alright, anon.
They and the lolicons filter the worst demographic.
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>the next slop to shill after wuwajeets game crashed and burned
Tower of Fantasy devs. You are placing your mouth over the barrel of a shotgun if you purposefully play shit made by them
Yes? That's the life cycle of content creators. Once the game releases they'll shit all over it and say it's trash, then a couple of weeks later they'll make their "is it actually good?!" then their "DEVS LISTENED!!!!!" video, then the "why I'm quitting"
>moneyhatting their way into every genre
>it's ok to post loli in a board that is accepted
>it's not ok to post furfag shit outside of its communities
Where else would you use her aside from SD? For every other content, I just use Ellen since she can run and her basic combo is far better for shredding mobs.
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Some call me the ghost whisperer
You have 3 copies now? She must really like you.
>growing video game company wants to grow in a diverse way
The only reason why Street Fighter even exists is because they use that same exact tactic lol
This is acceptable
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I found it, big thanks.
Why does Nicole keep getting cucked?
Games with real furries attract furfags. It is the law. I don't play the game, but every time I click on an Ark Knights OP because I got hooked by a bait OP the thread is a disaster and convinces me it's not worth starting. I've since learned there's only like 6 furry characters in their roster, but if you give furfags a foothold it's over. They could not get a single drop of future content, but they'll cling to what they had.
Except homosexual men are part of the worst demographic, and lolis are more than enough to filter undesirables.
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When will I get Rina too to complete my bro dream team...
Why butter? Is this a dog thing? I don't geddit.
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Ehn-na-neh (Why didn't Amillion participate in the last day of the Bangboo event? Where is he?)
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Both are better off just posting their images and shutting the fuck up. No one wants to hear how much you want to suffocate on cunny or a knot to rip your asshole open.
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Anime meta is full-furry males and human-wearing-tail-buttplug females I'm afraid
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Saving for him.
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gacha for this feel?
Nips like WisexNicole but I they love incest NTR even more
animals are stronger than humans
you can't do anything about it if an animal wants to fuck you
He wanted his friends to stop bullying Eous so he stopped hanging out with them, they accept Eous later but he doesn't know that because he wasn't around you run into him on sixth street later
Women put butter on their hoohas so dogs will lick it off
I do
is the +15% dmg from the support set its own multiplier?
Clara v2 cant make me come back for even more luofuslop
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honestly, i dont mind losing my 50-50s to either soldier 11 or Alexandrina Sebastian since they emit pure sex for me ngl
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Anyone who uses "derriere" has already proven to not be an NPC and to have an inner life
>Games with real lolis attract lolifags. It is the law. I don't play the game, but every time I click on an Ark Knights OP because I got hooked by a bait OP the thread is a disaster and convinces me it's not worth starting. I've since learned there's only like 6 loli characters in their roster, but if you give lolifags a foothold it's over. They could not get a single drop of future content, but they'll cling to what they had.
I don't mind them much. Ben poster is alright. The ones that spam gay shit are annoying though.
tower of fantasy had no money it doesnt count. zzz had all the money and they made shit. now they both have money its on an even playing field. NTE WILL win in the end
Ehn-na-neh (Amillion is a good dude)
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Who should I raise to 45 next
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I couldn't clear the 2nd half in 5 minutes 20 seconds...I'll need to find better discs etc in the next few days. I wouldn't even call it a skill issue either, the 2nd half is way easier than the 1st half but he's just too tanky for my agents
I get the feeling he's going to a comic cutscenes only character like Perlman and Bringer desu, he looks like he should be a Sons of Calydon member but they're already the faction with the largest known roster at 5 members
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And how do you know this?
The next OP has to be something other than Lycaon or we'll get endless whining about furries forever
No they don't. Stop watching hentais.
Are you really leveling everyone you have?
First gacha or something?
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Is this the shark girlfriend experience?
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Be the change you want, snipe them with a Katto thread
Woud no questions asked
Lucy looks especially cute
The fuck. How do you even have resources for that. I can't even get my second team to 50
Yeah, I do it in every gacha(8+)
bwo where's your limited 5*
demoralization is a good thing
My biggest fear for ZZZ is that the dialogue gets like this.
HSR’s dialogue started out a lot faster than Genshin’s but quickly bloated like fucking crazy.
the game is good. I made an alt but it already caught up with the story.
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Get Zhu
Sorry, Thirens still count as furries. I'm thinking of another character.
So, lorewise who is the strongest in the maid company?
Lycaon or Rina
Why? If she's pregnant then I've already gotten what I want.
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can someone post what a good disc looks like
i feel like my stats are way to low
Lycaon and Rina. Raw brute strength it's either Ellen or Corin though.
I wonder if we'll get story every main update in this game because technically every story is self contained with the important overarching plot at the end.
But didn't they say
Lycaon + Rina is as strong as Ellen + Corine and that the strongest one of them is in the 2nd team?
What an odd image
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>ToF had no money
Ellen for the few seconds of energy she has, then it's Lyacon, they say Lyacon and Rina / Corin and Corin is a close split in combat power then you realize Corin is the only 4 star in the group
Why am I stuck with ‘Life has returned to normal build the Interknow account’
I hope so. The episodic structure works really well for gacha.
i want trust events with nineveh
ain't that the case for both genshin and star rail?
It's Ellen no, Lycaon said they should split up to divide their strength evenly and Ellen went with Corin who's the weakest
Corin+Ellen is allegedly equal to Lycaon+Rina, so its probably Ellen.
It's another spelling of "To Be Continued"
Because content ran out.
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>Bennett is a 4*
>Literally the strongest pyro
>Qingque is a 4*
>Literally the strongest quantum
>Corin is a 4*
Man, I was really hoping the Nineveh HZ would be a full blown raid.
Bit disappointed at how easy it was. Hopefully these difficulty multipliers make it more challenging.
It means you beat the game. Congratulations! Now it's time to uninstall and come back to Wuthering Waves.
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>for the 120 seconds boost cheevo in Snake you have to stop boosting after 120 seconds
They gave away cunning hares for free so no lmao
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It's an edit of this
One thing I'll say about the furries is that they seem to understand that it'll be a rarity if another one shows up and they aren't complaining about that or tearing down other character types.
We know males are coming and the homo crowd still bitches about it. Not to mention the typical "it's ok when we do it" garbage, if a shota was added they'd be posting hentai of him and Wise non-stop.
Lycaon, but he sees huge potential in Ellen and is frustrated by her lack of effort and dedication, basically the Gohan issue
In the story Rina basically confirms the order when she says that the teams being split into Lycaon/Rina and Ellen/Corin is a good balance of respective combat strengths
Genuine question are guns as fun looking to shoot like this game makes it seem like
One of the research challenges is to clear it with 5 corruptions, that's a real good time.
Max difficulty is still pretty easy if you don't get the fifth purple corruption or the increased dodge cooldown corruption. I'm also hoping for coop HZ in the future, it has potential
avocabros, is it worth investing in? seems like it's the best at healing currently
I’m level 39 and haven’t unlocked agent dates yet
waiting for the lycaon thread
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Cats are unreal
Why do you need healing? Just dodge, bwo.
Does SD not have a quick lineup option or am I stupid?
In real life? They're fun but in the sense that you have a really loud dangerous tool in your hands.
There are other promising gacha out there but it is wild people are getting tricked by that dev again.
I also think people haven't really looked at the gameplay in that trailer. The cars look absolutely horrendous to drive and move at 10mph.
>can't clear SD 9
rina was the biggest brick ever
You did not pay attention to the story one bit. Ellen's usually slacking attitude is there for a reason. This has nothing to do with potential, but with power preservation.
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>He needs healing
Just don't get hit bwi
Paperboo seems like the best for survival purposes, but I don't think either is relevant for any current content.
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>Anby is getting replaced by Qingyi
>Piper is getting replaced by Jane D
>Rina is getting replaced by Seth
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Corin is stronger but she sucks at fighting. Ellen has power but has no endurance. Lycaon is probably the best power house given he is a good mix of fighting power and knowing how to handle anything. Rina is more cunning though.
i need to get those hollow zero blood payments bwo...
Lycaon + Rina is as strong as Ellen + Corrine
Ellen is sleeping half the time and Corrine picks up the slack. Corrine has also been shown to have monstrous strength. It's used as a gag elsewhere, but for combat purposes she rips ethereals in half.
Utilize those Shield Resonium bwo
You got them from the beginning of the run
For cuteness, yes.
>i need to get those hollow zero blood payments bwo...
What? You get a shield Resonium and they give you shitloads of bandages too to cover your ass. Bwo, use a controller.
i don't think i have those yet but i'll keep it in mind
no, not sure about star rail but in genshin there were only 3 patches that advanced the plot if you don't count the summer patch that foreshadows the next region. Events used to advance the plot but that doesn't happen anymore as late comers couldn't play them and missed out on story.

Interludes are also used to advance the plot now but even they can be filler and completely unrelated and some patches have no story at all.
The Vault, probably, since it's at least actually good on Nicole. Demara Battery isn't even good on the character it's meant for and the other two aren't that great either.
It's more comparable to Xiangling a character with high burst damage, Bennet is more comparable to Lucy considering she basically Bennet + Fischl.
Billy is great but does no damage, Zhu Yuan is a little more complicated to play but still fun
It's 30 bangboo pulls for a dupe
Definitely not worth it now if you still don't have S rank bangboos for all your teams but probably worth it later once you have all the ones you need

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