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The man who killed GBF edition

>Recent News
Summer Live Stream
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfK7-PHc1ko - Live

Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>July Schedule
07/23 - 07/30 Dread Barrage (Light Favored)
07/29 - 08/06 Conquest of the Dark Singularity

>Future Schedule
09/07 - 09/14 Unite & Fight (Earth Favored)

>How to Start
Go to https://game.granbluefantasy.jp in any Chromium-based browser

>READ THE FAQ before posting - It will answer most of your questions if you're new or learning

>Helpful links - These links contain useful information like important guides and other stuff
Granblue Fantasy Toolbox - https://www.granblue.party
GBF Advanced Search - https://gbfas.io
GBF Grid and Teambuilding - https://gbfguide.com
Wiki Advanced Grids - https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids
/gbfg/ Mega Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/xHkyQTy8
/gbfg/ Crew Directory - https://rentry.org/gbfgcrews

Previous thread >>487835863
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yea i love my wife
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i love my wife as well
stream opinions?
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alright bwos, what galge is worth playing nowadays?
Tourist here, the director leaving only sounds like a good thing because this entire fucking year (2 years) have felt fucking AWFUL for Granblue and things couldn't possibly get worse... Right?
end of grubvangelion
At least it over.
What the FUCK is going on?
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I can't even laugh at this. It's just pathetic
he RAN
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I thought I'd be happy about this but this is geniunely making me sad ngl.
when it rains it pours huh.
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Now that the dust has settled, did the Grub stream manage to best the Granblue Archive stream?
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Anybody else feels like it's the beginning of the end? But like for real this time.
Why da fack did they leave Pig out of the CD? Isn't her VA a good singer?
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Thank you royal grubber
>FKHR isnt leaving
Fuck this shit
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>no lolis
>devs leaving
>game dying
>gay collab
But I'll stick to the EoS. My dancho is someone I consider as a friend so I want to be there if he needs me.
no KMR said he's been letting his replacement do his job for years. If you think the last few years have felt bad, it will only continue to feel bad
all they had to do was announce the MSQ update
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How does it feel that the kusoge you loved is being violated to an extreme degree. Not only that, but they are shitting on your face outright.

I honestly think it's time for me to drop this. We had a good run grubros...
so luci zero was the final fight of the game after all.
it was fun hanging out with some of you guys, but the schizos were boring and felt like bots, see you all on the next 4 niggas in a row gacha that isn't chink-shit with 0 thoughts involved.
You called her PigfFLOP too much
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he said he let his successor work as producer for years, if anything it's this new guy's direction that sucks ass
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>FKHR and KMR leaving
>drops the most rancid shit imaginable before their departure
We can only go up from here
Surely the new director will save the game
I have hope for the future of guraburu
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I've done what I needed.

What's left of its corpse is just an empty husk. Do with it what you will.
The game is effectively over, Cygames is probably using it as a training opportunity for whoever the new director is.
>but they are shitting on your face outright.
they had already been doing that to you for years, it just took you *this* long to notice.
>>487841647 #
>Both the director and producer left at the same time
Is this the first that this happened to any game?
Is grub really doing THAT badly?
Gran and Djeeta will canonically transition before the end of MSQ, fkhrt will die on this wish
skibidi floptante
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Anon that new unknown producer is the main reason why the game has gone to shit in recent years
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powerful, in my lane
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Why is every pigfag dumb
bit hard to say... i'm not big on the GW changes but i saw several things i like. that being said i didn't personally think we'd get a Galleon. nothing about her move would prevent her work or anything, but i assume there'd be a grace period where she would be too busy to work on this particular game regardless. i think she'll get something down the line but i can't imagine what. i personally would prefer a yukata or christmas version myself or the legendary valentines version
what do you make of it so far?
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Nips on twitter are fucking pissed, even moreso than tiger being left out
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freerolls currently happening btw
the thing here is if the translation is right, then the game has been made worse by an unknown faggot that already replaced him since years ago
So he was getting paid as producer while doing nothing? I think this is just jap corpo speak for "my successor can't be much worse than me".
Oh Shart's awake
KMR is working on his real passion. Shadowverse 2.
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Won completely and utterly but I feel hollow.
Probably yes and yes.
where people u get info about fkhr retirement? I thought it's only about kmr,
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Now that these two shitheads are gone for good, the franchise can FINALLY improve!

good riddance
Is there news about MSQ?
pretty sure it's happened to korean MMOs like Maplestory multiple times
I'm not gay but I think Beelzebub is hot
Only 1 summer male
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i guess this is a good time to jump ship
if kmr can quit after all this time i will too
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Where’s all that 30 more years talk now, lil’ bro?
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I doom because I love the game and want to see it improves but this unironically feels like the beginning of the end
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How would you rate this summer stream?
It feels way too easy when literally everyone else is dooming...
i'll rewatch the kmr part after this ends to confirm since granblue_en is a retard who doesn't actually know japanese
too expensive
0/10 unironically.
I mean he's the CEO he always could do whatever the fuck he wants
Homos and Fujos won. We all lost.
There was a bunch of jps in the stream discussing about KMR leaving as well, he's gone.
>FKHR gone
who is gone?
Say hello to your new producer soon.
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>sumo 2 happens
>producer and director get fired

No new content
Back to bar farming
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naked nechang when
He left grub due to his transitioning, what is there to understand?
No anon, its going to get worse. This retard KMR has been letting the ship be partially helmed by the new guy. Now that he's leaving the new guy is going to be helming the ship and we are either going to get more of the same or its going to get way worse if the past couple of years are anything to go by.
I will be your new producer, what galge do you want?
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>KMR's successor stepping in to completely destroy the grub franchise for good
>shadowba dead
>grub dead
>imas cg about to run out of license
The Cygames era is over.
The repressed Kouhais will save us...
no, i'm aware. but i don't trust granblue_en with the specific details
Here's a spoiler for you grubabbs from the future
>they at least complete the zodiac general
>the final anniversary event is a shitty marvel shit tier
>eos after the anniversary
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are they really? I might take a look at this game again since grub is done for good...
Start making KMR transitioning edits go go go
Im looking forward to the eternal content :), people doom so much i cant take it seriously
>tfw already play other gachas so dont feel as affected by this turd of an announcement
It’s so over…
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just heard the news wtf? fkhr said years ago he would be with the game until the very end...
Can we finally get the relink gacha?
>the people killing grub are leaving
Finally Grub will be saved.
So does 200 Zoi not even get new art?
Granblue has been nothing but a walking corpse for years now anon
ship has sunk/10
trannies are self hating after all
Has a director change this late ever been a good thing into a game's life?
I can only imagine a new wimp director that won't be able to stand up to and justify to higher ups more budgets or new projects or anything and the game and community is just gonna wither away even more.
If they give me my 3rd Galleon stick next month I'll stick around
Pretty sure its only KMR leaving. And if FKHR leaves then he is just leaving gacha and will fully focus on the spin offs so the is still there for grub
won as a homo but lost in everything else from GW to gacha eternals. 2/10
>even literal trannies hate it
Cooked.....so cooked......
is bubz natty??
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JP's freerolls haven't happened yet but their twice in a year rate up is now.
dunno about global but their rate up probably isn't due for another week I think.
>christmas or valentines
yeah someone who gets it finally
also the stream was kinda bad, don't know what to think honestly
that 6d summon looked nice at least
well he kept his promise
I only get 1- 10roll every 4 days...
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Reminder that whatever cope there is about KMR's successor being the person to blame for this or that bad thing, KMR is still the one responsible for homoangels and the shift to targeting women.
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bubs culo......
I've been playing starrail snowbreak while marathoning trails and ys games since january with a grand total of 4 grub logins until today
what do you think bro
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>memed into reality
Hahahaha >-ACK!
it's been over for like at least 5 years by now.
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Drag had a director change then the game died a year later kek
>we won’t get art like this anymore once the game dies
>they think it'll get better
KMR's successor has been running shit behind the scenes for who knows how many years
if anything it'll only get worse
>no summer gibs announced


look up 福原 on twitter
Mom, 4chink materializing memes again...
who will the FKHR apologists blame now that KMR is gone but still running Priconne???
Good riddence ugly ass monkey face
and lotto. I still can't believe he got away with it
KMR and FKHR are leaving to focus on GBF:redive
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I've always been a cygames dickrider, but this is the first time I'm dooming about the direction this game is going. Adding eternal alts and collab units in the gacha pool is such a fucking bad idea.
what about the freebies? what did we get?
FHRK UNCHAINED AND UNBOUND... What's the worst he could do?
yeah i feel like this is flying under the radar in the midst of everything else
took you this long huh
Only KMR is leaving.
Is the stream a two day gig two disappoint us like usual, or is the disappointments only for today.
Feels good I didn't spent 10 years on this.
FKHR should produce a yurige with yaoi side couples
They announced the summer free rolls and campaign tho?
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UHHHHHHHH MSQ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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I used to love to death this game, but after some life changing moments i drifted apart from it, its early in the morning so i decided to watch the stream to see how are things going. Just to know about kmr retirement. Picrel is how i feel.
They had the audacity to stab us and twist the knife at the same day at least.
Horie Yui is too good for Cygames
a SEISMIC total of 10 (TEN) NWQ

enjoy royar grubba
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pysog gyames nyalways dyie styaying shyit
OK, but that doesn't inform us of what the future has in store for us.
Which is it???
What a funny year long celebration
>summer stream
>literally nothing but a bad news
>not a single improvement or any new content
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I'd officially like a APOLOGY from /gbfg/ for acting like I've been wrong ALL these years. This game DESERVES this fate after what they did to Yuel and Sochie and wasting Ninpress
and? last year we had the crystal mining and over 100 tickets you could save for flash. there's just no equivalent of that this year?
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early summer btw
september is early summer btw
I'm feeling really down right now
Maybe the doomposters were right
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who would've though Summer Hekate was the only good thing that came out from the stream...
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I am now a super casual grubber
>collab units in the gacha pool
It's a special gacha only for the collab units
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its over, isn't it?
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>the only thing of note that happened is KMR is out
I’m glad I didn’t stay up to watch this but I’m not glad that this is the only news there is.
...did they?
what do you define as new content
We are moving to ZZZ bros
>stream so bad we dropped from 1m followers FOR THE 2ND TIME
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It really does feel shit. Maybe this is a good sign to stop wasting my life and money on this game and try new things.
I am a regular doomposter and I still feel bad.
can't imagine what the actual slurpers are thinking about now.
KMR meant it was a year long celebration of his retirement from grub
Shaygod and GODpers won
I'm glad it's over. Now I can retire from my crew in peace knowing that this is the end of the line.
new raid or new game mode
There was no announcement about him specifically.
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Hold on while I go rewatch that segment, while you wait here's this reminder of what they stole from us.
At least her rebalance was the one good part of the stream
It sure seems like it...
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>pig wasn't a flop! trust me bros!
don't make me tap the sign
your gw improvement
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It's almost as if the weekly scamchas were a sign or something...
And yet, you still ate it up saying everything was fine.
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すみませんしました Shay様
Where's the main story quest announcement and Summerfest freebies?
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i was only shitposting with my doomposting
it was never meant to happen for real...
Are they ever releasing a naked woman seasonal like the nigger faggot summon we just go or is this game finally dying?
they literally announced a new raid series
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Good to see this franchise burning to the fucking ground finally.
dunno man i feel empty and kinda sad when kmr step down.... HRT i feel nothing but kmr hit hard... it's feel like game dying
Collab gacha is slimes fault not cygays. Gacha jews are bad yeah but I already had a problem with seasonal zodiacs so it's whatever at this point.
They announced new Revans tier raids coming with tier V CCWs later this year. I dont know if the new Eternal event can be thought as new content really since it seems to be just tales but with Eternals
Unironically like 1/10
That one point comes from QoL changes
But everything else is basically "Araki forgot" in terms of MSQ, powercreep, more autistic GW and more opportunities to suck money from people
Usually try to have positive or neutral thoughts but this stream was literal doompost with KMR leaving his position as a cherry on the top
As if he expects this game to crash hard soon.
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I can't cope....
>sparked raziel
>won't have a spark back for flash with likely human rights summon
i messed up
Regarding: the TenSlime collab

Starts on November 15th

There will be 2 free characters and 1 free summon
The SSR Rimuru character will be one of the free characters from the collab, and will have a 5 star uncap at the end of the event.
This, I would drop this shit years ago if not my crew.
Yeah you'll get ladiva with a little bit of nutsack peaking out
You have both. New raid series (revans tier) and new game mode for jew domains.
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just got back to bandori recently, maybe it's time for me to focus on becoming a RhythmGOD...
no I won't play any gook or chink kusoge thank you
they announced a new revans tier raid series and also eternaltales
>5th summer primal this year
This just makes you wonder how does this even happen? They know based on feedback, data and money that this doesn't work but they still keep going. Why is so hard to just do what's profitable and make more sex units? Less homoslop? Why?
wait a minute wait a minut wait a minute
I thought......
I thouhgt males were the FUTURE............?????????
Was Lily with her tits out not enough for you?
Holy shit bros, I'm actually happy for grub.
Happy that it's going to end and I can finally quit.
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dyke summer alt
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Ummmmm.... so where's the sunstone?
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I started hsr
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Rate the stream.
new HL raid: Revans tier (Drops material for Class 5 CCW)
First set on 9/24 (Paladin, Viking and Street King)
So see you all same time next year too as always lmao
That's not full naked like the shit we got now
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this is it... the end of my granblue fantasy...
jew hyperlimited alts is the most genuine sign of incoming EOS btw
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extremely depressing/10
thank god I am not a slurper for this game.
HRT will be back
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Usually there's a retard or two that argues with doomposters but this time literally everyone is dooming. Shit's weird.
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>not even a fucking moon
Why are these still in the pool?
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>shart desperately trying to get people to play snowbreak instead of granblue archive
I don't wanna shill, but I compete for plat against more people than snowbreak has total players, that shit is fucking cooked.
final hopes completely lost / 10
>got now
We've have naked bubs for over a year now, he's just now getting a summon. Like /gbfg/ wanted.
Serious question here. Why is the doomposter stops shitposting here? Is it this bad that they don't need to post anymore?
reminder that seasonal evokers will invalidate all your evoker grinding in exchange for a quick cash injection
They announced a daily drawing with the 10-rolls and a campaign, but they didn't go into detail so...
Bro, they said it's going to be this way from now for every upcoming collabs
They only said that the gacha Collab chars won't be too necessary for GW
Some of the stuff is overreactions (like rage at gacha eternals/evokers) but some is just end of days shit (less freebies announced, gacha collab characters, etc)
I think we got less than five years left.
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Collab (November)
SSR Character: Rimuru Tempest and FLB
Future Collabs will have 2 gacha collab characters and 2 free collab characters (no new characters are released during this period)
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hyperlimited collab gacha units is actually the most genuine sign though
they literally never did this before.
Think I'm moving to ZZZ, GBF is becoming way way too homosexual. Not even Mihoyo could compete with all these naked faggots we are getting.
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As a former hopeGOD
So what will be the new Revans?
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Has a pc client off steam as well, also I don't think Snowbreak is on Chinese steam. But anyways, got top 10 on mobile and top 20 on GLOBAL top sellers on steam. So it's doing very well right now
>no new characters are released during this period
I dont want collabs anymore
Dont care if my wife can get a meta alt I'm happy
>"Shit's weird."
did you watch the stream?
if you watched the stream there's nothing weird about it.
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I honestly couldn't remember what the new summer characters are since these livestreams always boil down to showing all of the new characters artwork for only a minute, no proper trailer or gameplay showcase whatsoever. Instead majority of the livestream is just 5ish hours of dumb cosplays and minigames with the guests.
>Like /gbfg/ wanted
Yeah, the one shitposting faggot totally represents the entirety of /gbfg/. Fuck you and fuck this homoge
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At least this guy keep insist on making a waifu I'm gonna miss him
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i already moved on from gbf but still sad to hear the news
sorry bros
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>You FACKING chuds don't understand
>Ever heard of punching up???
>We need more sexualized males
>BelialxBubz is my OTP
there are "people" in this thread who will continue to buy not only the pass but also the scamchas.
Collab gacha is just slimeshitters being fucking awful
>Has a meta furry, a twink cop next match, and generic yume samurai in 1.2
ZZZ isn't better
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>Future Collabs will have 2 gacha collab characters
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Damn, i havent touched the game seriously since the summer lotto aside from free gibs, really a damn shame the game ended up like this
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I'm sad the game will probably not last long enough for pic related to happen in a summer event.
if any yumejos are lurking love and deepspace is a fun alternative see you all on the other side
harvinflop stay flop
Slurpers got REAL silent all of a sudden
>Collab character in the gacha
Is now finally the time to start dooming?
I cant believe KMR is going to drop this and then just leave.
>FKHR leaving

What the fuck. i remembered when he said on anni stream 1-2years ago that he wil stilll cook grub more than 10 years
>new producer
>last three years a lot of it was done by new producer, kmr oversaw it and now is ready to leave. nothing should change
>still a cygames person
>fkhr moves to creative director
>keeping the grub world, lore, together etc. across a bunch of projects took up a lot of his time, so over the past few years he's left a lot of work to a new director like kmr
>kmr and fkhr won't be on streams anymore
>fkhr will show up for versus, relink, future grub projects.
>streams will have staff interact with us in a more 'chat'like setting, as opposed to the old format with kmr/fkhr
The whole general was meme about getting naked bubs.
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>FKHR too sick to attend the livestream
>KMR stepping down
>KMR's successor: All according to keikaku...
no you don't understand
just having slime as a collab is awful, the kicker is you can't even get all of the units from that collab for free.
Yeah it's pretty baffling they went with Slime instead of something like JJK where they can hook a bunch of dumb whales.
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The angel saga was the biggest mistake that killed grub
How fucking long have they crutched on these dogshit characters
Like how are we getting a fucking naked bubs 8 years later
8 years
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You think its bad? Wait until we get skin gachas that cost 60 dollars at rigged rates.
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Same shit, censored slop with not a SINGLE for (You) girl. Don't try to shill that shit here lil blud
Rerolling into retarded baggot shill from now on
Install JP now and you still have chance to roll best girl
give me benimaru
Hard for me to move to otomeges because they never pander to my tastes specifically. Only A3 got close but the gameplay for that was pretty dogshit
the collab gachashit is too much even for our resident slurpers
glad we agree on that then, i'm definitely very fine with waiting for a nicer seasonal. and yea i hope the 6d summon will be good, if nothing else it'll be a cool skin for sure. let's just hope that the new management will improve things from here, i'm at least feeling somewhat hopeful...
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I hate collabshit but this is ultrajewish. Shit’s gonna crash and burn so hard KMR’s replacement better start writing a resignation letter
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Which characters are getting the paid skins?
is this webm supposed to make me want to play that game
My only question is who will do the news segments from here on? Ono? Nao?
Please be Nao.
surely most of the players are on mobile or some other platform...?
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>Even slurpers have accepted its over, it's just a matter of time now
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Just seen the stream announcements (Was masturbating during it).
I'm sure this place is equally unhappy with Gacha Jews as I am?
What's the point of this? Are they so creatively bankrupt that they no longer have believe in themselves to create well revived characters?

Will Tix S.Sexeta and then just fully become a seasonal.
10 years is impressive but man i am not looking forward to the future.
>Not even actual yumejos find Belial and Bubz swimsuit hot
Whenever I’d say all gacha are shit, I’d always whisper except one. Granblue was that one and now it’s dead.
how f2p friendly is the granblue archive???
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This is partly a reaction to previous collabs, where players kept asking "why isn't XXX a playable character?" and this is another way to get more playable characters in each collab.
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>snowshiller trying to slurp players
This is some sad fucking cope but I guess slurpers need to do it
Just make them a different element and it doesnt matter.
>they want you to roll for a limited collab chara
>on game that will EoS in 2 years
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just heard the news, sorry grubblers... hopefully the game stays alive for a while longer
That idea got shelved a couple of years ago.
Other gacha collabs are always gacha units, even among Cygames's other titles (Priconne). GBF having all collab units being free is actually unique. The reason they gave for changing it is because people supposedly wanted more colllab characters, meaning the 2 gacha units will be in addition to the usual 2-3 freebies.
>Granblue was that one
wild to just lie like that
>>kmr and fkhr won't be on streams anymore
fkhr too? what the fuck is going on
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>the granblue IP is sooooo strong
>announce a bunch of homoflop shit
>immediately resign
This has to be controlled demolition, right?
Cygames literally can NOT make new popular characters. So they just need to keep pushing the same old groups. They had something with Cupitan but then fucking NUKED that
bro go fuck yourself with your shit game
I play porn games with more gameplay depth AND actual sex with the characters, I feel sorry for you if you play snowbreak trash.
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kek now it's trying to divert the situation to snowbreak to cope
have fun lmao, maybe owning shay will lessen some of that impending pain.

see pic for my reaction to your post.
>bought 3x grub pass and this shit happens
they didn't mention the role of seiyuu in future streams but i could see them not being there at all if it's really more of a 'chat'like thing.
i think ba has these kinds of streams in korea? where the devs talk about shit directly and give some cool background info. while the japanese streams are more like our va infested streams
grub didnt die, it got MURDERED
So it wasn't 2 but 4 cunts preventing shit like a new Zoi or not fucking killing off Fenrir
the funniest part is that even when slurpers are in slurp mode they can't deny that this game has only 2 or 3 years left, it's genuinely over
>can NOT make new popular characters
At least BA has cute characters but Snowshills are truly something else.
Shart doesn't even play snowbreak, those webms are taken from other people as is always the case with him
Give it to me straight, was it all the KMR successor's fault for all of these or??
>I play porn games with more gameplay depth AND actual sex with the characters
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I'm only against limited evokers/eternals if they do the same element.
Like if we get Grand Nier and she's dark, that's fucking retarded
As long as they don't make the one time only it might not be as big of an issue.
I would assume they would just have the "collab pool" like they do with Grands and seasonals right now. Still sucks that you have to use your funds on collabs instead of seasonals or grands though.
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If you want to play ZZZ then Snowbreak is already not a game you'd be interested in
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>Other gacha collabs are always gacha units
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We might go back to the way streams were on the first few years of the game it was actually kind of comfy and better so I am fine with that even if the clearly reduced budget just feeds doomposting even more
What makes a man shill a game he doesnt even play?
holy knight ricca
Another stream another round of doomposting.

See you next stream.
It isn't fun to doompost is there isn't any slurpers, we were supposed the be like batman and the joker
>last three years a lot of it was done by new producer
Holy shit. I bet this guy is single handily the reason for the downfall of this game. Fucking collab gacha should be actually shot.
How long ago was summer lotto? Did that guy suggest that too?
rance x
Zeta and Gran/Djeeta
Yeah, no Dragon in sight. Just like Pig (speaking of her - she's not in Zodiac Song CD).
Black Souls, it’s pretty obscure so you’ve probably never heard of it.
Remember the whole year celebration?
I can't even think of any doom post right now
Please say you're merely pretending to be retarded.
Who is this cute shota
nta but its the only gachashit with actual gameplay but yeah grub is cooked now
>no story
>no nothing
That shit isn't even a collab, it's just checking the boxes from Snoy's contract.
All collabs now having fucking gacha characters going forward is even worse. They are genuinely trying to milk as much dimes out of the game as possible now before they put it down
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>I'm sad the game will probably not last long enough for pic related to happen in a summer event.
They're really going to kill the game before playable Lamo, that sucks
I've been catching up on LaDs while the stream was going, still suck at the kitty cards T_T
Funny you mention them because we got a new guy who has Bubz's VA he also has noncon handholding scenes
>see pic for my reaction to your post.
He's right though, and other gacha from other companies like Kuma-San put a collab unit behind a 50$ purchase.
Very, I've never spent anything and I can get every new limited that comes out (and the meta old limiteds). Non-limiteds become farmable eventually too, though the best ones will probably have to be powercrept before they're made farmable.
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>no summer harvins or erunes
>no summer cunny
>no Toot or Kolulu sexpose
>Belial in a thong yet Naru gets censored with shorts
>"summer" naked Bubs while naked Yuni gets censored
It was time for Danchou to leave. He had seen everything.
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I’m gonna order some food to celebrate. You guys want anything?
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Maybe the real Granblue Fantasy was the friends we made along the way
Remember when gbfg said the story wasn't being rushed?
Remember when gbfg defended seasonals being stopped for 90% of the cast?
no more.... vira alts....?
What exactly is wrong about that post? Games like PAD have weekly collabs and they come with half a dozen characters in the gacha.
>>last three years a lot of it was done by new producer, kmr oversaw it and now is ready to leave. nothing should change
I don't believe it at all, KMR murdered all his games (pricunny, shadoba, gbf), don't say shit like it's new producer fault u fucking monkeyman
legfes are ragazzo and hellkate?
Glue. I need a way to cope
I knew it was over when they showed summer ragazzo
I'd be willing to give snowbreak a try if it had actual penetration sex, but alas this fag just shits on games for shallow pandering when fucking nothing happens in the garbage he shills.
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Give me an order of Granblue Fantasy, because that shit is cooked
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sorry to disappoint you bro but its a girl (female)
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they can't
what is considered "popular" in granblue fantasy is something that could be easily achieved by voiceless, unplayable NPC characters in other games.
It's probably true but like I said earlier he's still to blame for other problems like >>487842840
She already finished Infinity Gauntlet two years ago (or even earlier if you count Promo one)
That was the very moment she won
>only have shit collabs like JJK and Slime Isekai
>now they start charging for collabs characters
Cooked on god
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>Carmelinabro never got his wife flb
umm but bro the le heckin paid marriage is canon!!
>over the past few years he's left a lot of work to a new director like kmr
We are so fucked
a nice cool refreshing glass of bleach for me please
Shadowverse peaked at the Switch game.
your 13000 cryztalz
>versus finally gets hope for the future at Evo
>They then proceed to fuck it up with the gayest shit in any fighting game ever
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This game cannot die before giving my husband one (1(uno)) solo summon.....
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>We repeat that this implementation was recommended to GBF by the TenSlime side - KMR acknowledged that this could cause worry in the player base, and as the GBF team tries something new they will keep an eye on how things work out.
There is still hope that its just one time shit
almonds(fake)(forma de powder)
You rike :^)
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Such a strange feeling when doom has never been stronger yet it almost makes me sad.
Sounds way better than having two fucking nakked faggots with a bulge and ass on my fucking face, pal.
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>get to marry the girls and it's canon to the story
This is kind of wild because when Catura got her marriage fates you fags were going on about how the game was saved and were SO back but when SnowPEAK does it better its now nothing? And now you have Belial in a thong and Bubs naked ass on your screen lmao
And probably two more characters
August Flash will be Y.Song + 2 more chars + Summer Bubs (summon)
I think if it gets enough backlash they might opt out of it in the future. Maybe.
In 10 or 20 years there will be a 6 hour documentary on youtube on what went wrong and Im looking forward to it.
>>>>>meaning the 2 gacha units will be in addition to the usual 2-3 freebies.
This you fukcing dumbass, this. We ALREADY KNOW THIS IS NOT THE CASE
Were you expecting anything different? Were you actually expecting Cygames to be competent in this day and age?
The FGC will eat it up
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Granblue is cooked. Post the character you're gonna miss the most before they're forgotten media.
Siete rape was just the beginning...
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Surely another character will get a style change before Grub EoS for good, right?
Order something from shitraph’s mcdonalds. I want to see his face when he has to put the fries in the bag for real.
Lol, read >>487843812
>Future Collabs will have 2 gacha collab characters
It's joever but for real this time
I bet the current year FGC will love it though, seeing how many of them had trooned out or is gay or both.
Don't leave us doombro... Everyone is pitying us instead of laughing.
>both producer and director leaving
idk how anybody can unironically look at that and think it's not a major omen
I'm back on my copium, let's go Astral Series. Give me that Ares raid.
We literally know it is the case?
Sheep is at least in Rising. If your favorite never made it out of the gacha then they're fucked
>dragalia dead
>world flopper dead
>pricon en dead
>tried to make a dragon's dogma spiritual sequel
>but dragon's dogma 2 came out months ago but their game is still vaporware
>uma musume revenue dropping every month
>shadowverse 2 delayed
>shadowverse 1 basically dead
>relink flop
>uma musume EN announced years after release to try and squeeze some extra cash
>kmr and fkhr stepping down
Unironically cygames not looking good right now. They need to get Project GAMM out the door ASAP
We don't.
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Schizos spamming these generals have been making my time here less enjoyable and now KMR has given up on this game as well. It's been a fun 8 years bros, this is it for me. I hope I see some of you in the Madoka gacha when it comes out. At least I'm free to play whatever I want now.
I HAVE FREED YOU, ROYAR GRUBLER! But you still want to wear the chains...
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I hope you per-ordered that Naru Figure while it was available.
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But they literally said it’s going to be 2 free characters and a free summon then flash is being replaced with collab gacha that has 2 collab characters.
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Faa being there kinda makes me angry over all the others
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Looks like grubble is the b-team now. I am assuming they're putting the a-team on grubble 2.

See you then doomcats, I'm getting off the grubble 1 train now
>Remember when gbfg said the story wasn't being rushed?
if it's being rushed where is it xD
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There was no hope
They are not gonna pull any new non gacha players
And gacha players for the most part don't give a shit
Maybe when they remembered the "Fantasy" part of the title, they would, but with the weak ass shit they keep pulling, they'll keep failing
What will save grubba?
the biggest anime FGC had a literal gay orgy las evo bro this shit is actually in line with what the fgc wants
anyone else waiting for Azur Prom?
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Any other time I’d believe that new management might be a good opportunity for us to finally go in a better direction but I don’t think FKHR’s or KMR’s successors saw anything they did as mistakes. That much is clear now.
I'll play madoka but
>Schizos making my time less enjoyable
We've been the b team since Uma, you have to be blind not to see it
>Safe genshin clone slop with sanitized designs and a female MC
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>Grub can totally do risque swimsuits!
>Check out this completely naked bubs and balls Belial
More freebies. They peaked 4 years ago and it's been a sharp decline of jew.
There is no fucking reason to play the game outside of anni, summer, and Holiday roulette
>and nobody still cares
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so what have we learned today
did the 4 years of arguing that the game isn't circling the drain paying off for (You)?

are you just going to hide your head in the sand and farm bars?
are males still the future?
is grub going to live for another 20 years?
Sorry we have actual functioning brains bro
He gets paid to shill. Before he was shilling for Tencent. Now it's whoever runs shitbreak.
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Fair enough. I like tears of themis for their puzzles and court cases so there's definitely stuff out there that can appeal to more niche gameplay in otomeges

It's all jokey fan service and bubs will just end up as a summon I can't even play with him so I didn't even "win" anything

>They're really going to kill the game before playable Lamo
That really sucks. They had the perfect opportunity to continue the Wales brother's storyline last year but wasted it on fucking Lancelot and his dad wtf was even the point of introducing such a twist so late into their story?
kek I always lose to rafayel in kitty cards
that nigger is in prison, just like all nigger dads
Do you think he's happy?
Deranged fucking slurpers I swear to god. Go back and rewatch the announcement. You're getting ONE free unit, the rest are gacha.
>We repeat that this implementation was recommended to GBF by the TenSlime side
this is wrong though?
>KMR leave
>gbf stop pandering fujoshit
>more female with tits and ass
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>last harvin release was january 31st
It's unironically over
>tenslime team tells you there HAS to be a collab gacha
>can't just give the units for free
>cygames doesn't tell them to fuck off and collab with someone else instead
nah that shit sounds like PR talk
remember this is the same company that told shueisha to fuck off and made the One Piece collab units Luffy, Nami, Robin, Zoro and Sanji and put the shitty movie OC as just a summon; even when they specifically wanted the collab to shill the movie

why would they suddenly do something that would piss people off for an even smaller scale collab
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>spent nearly a full decade on the homo angel storyline
>killed the game
>"last three years a lot of it was done by new producer"
>exactly 3 years ago
>EXACTLY 3 years ago
>poseidon grand release
holy fuck
>shart absolutely fuming people at just laughing at his shilling and going to other games like blue archive instead
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the nyoticing is off the charts
true, brb about to slurp
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>you fags were going on about how the game were saved and were SO back
Anons mostly shat on it because it's multiverse bullshit having nothing to do with main story though. I even remember an anon saying this game's too desperate lmao
bro.. we still have FKHR .. >>487842463
So Heart of the Sun was the successor’s fault or what?
It was the "CAMPAIGN AND SIDE STORIES ARE SEPARATE" shit, they 100% should have just added homoangels to the main story instead of going on the massive "one update a year" hiatus we've been on for so many years
Anon... The announcement literally said two free units and a free summon, then two units on a unique collab banner that is replacing flash fes
Goddamn you're retarded.
They also said this was at the behest of TenSlime people and they might change things going forward after it.
>we still have FKHR
I don't know how you can make it sound worse but you just did
>"last three years a lot of it was done by new producer"
>They also said this was at the behest of TenSlime people and they might change things going forward after it.
no they didn't
you fucking retards
stop listening to granblue_en
holy shit
Thank god I blew all my money on Nikke’s summer instead of saving for this shit.
He's still Cygames boss. He still command the troops. He's just letting someone else do his GBF producer job. Btw he will keep managing Relink and VS
>seraph is KMR's successor
FKHRT isn’t leaving but he’s not going to be the director anyone, just “creative director”. He also won’t be showing up on streams.
Gran is now gay and has renounced interest in any women, djeeta is fine tho
dont snitch on him, let him go...
Because the new guy didn't want to cause any trouble.
Makes sense at to why we all of a sudden got a legit yuri kiss on screen then
do gbf accounts sell well??
So for fucking 3 years, we not see the true producer but only his *double*?
Brown Dust, Copebreak, or do I reboot my Honker rail account? Which slop do I go to now that this trough has run dry.
no lol
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about as well as an nft
/fgog/ here, congratulations on EOS, the rivalry was good while it lasted.
Now drown in your ideals and die.
Not after this stream lol
Yea it's shit bro... This game has been with me a long time. This is kinda the first time where it's not looking good at all. Feel like they are putting all their resources away from it now into other projects.
Still hoping all the schizos from years past kill themselves. Thankfully I don't think I'll see their posts when the game EoS's because I'm not playing BA or Snowflop.
no. After this stream? LOL
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not anymore
>shitting on Snowbreak while leaving Brown Dusts name untouched
Of course a shiploon hates SnowPEAK
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Remember, no Refunds
I should've sold my account for 1k USD before this fucking horseshitfest.
thread is going so fast no one will notice me dropping my bandori jp ID here 113913925 (do add me)
This shit is just JP corpo speak and anons are eating it up as the truth. It's just an attempt to make it look like the boat won't shake up too hard.
>Year long celebration of 10th anniversary
>by the way I step down
god i hate granblue_en so much
fucker does not know japanese and gets shit wrong literally every stream
Great time to invest in buying grubba accounts, tell your friends!
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>collab is in november
>so the collab gacha will be between Halloween and Christmas units
>even the dedicated artists are quitting for Granblue Archive
What's 2ch saying
If they ever did, they won’t now.
To be fair, BD always has been a shipshit and never tried to pretend to be anything else. MC had a main girls crawling for his dick while everyone else was a shipshit. They are being fair.
You're just cranky they go to the live events while you waste your time getting angry online
Nigga we've been dead for at least four years lmao
Kinda late don't you think
what did he fuck up this time
>expecting shit from a fatfaced chinese ratfag with glasses
this trash game doesn't deserve this godlike artist.
>Finally able to do Revans
>Finished 5/6 M3 Exalto
>This happen
I really shouldn't come back....
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Here, have more 2ch kots.
We lost to /akg/ bwos....
>It's all jokey fan service...so I didn't even "win" anything
Glad to know at least the other side's also dealing with the same bullshit we do.
>KMR Leaves
>FKHR still with grub but he won't show up on stream

Then who da fuck gonna answer, reveal thing4grub ???
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That was relink
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kmr literally said they proposed it to the slime side and got their approval and the fucker says the opposite
She's so cute that no one will be upset by the news when she says it.
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>still ratraging in midst of EOS oblivion
Lraph...true to the last, I salute you.
Which grub is Mother Harlot
They are having the new producer and director do that (FKHR is now a general Granblue creative director instead of gacha)
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>Uhh everything bad that's happened in the last 3 years? Not us
>Peace, buy the collab gacha!
>BA lead writer quitting
>KMR quitting
Is it over? Are gachas dying?
New event in December: basically Tales of Eternals. You explore the turtle Terra's back for treasure, Terra Points, and other rewards that will help unlock a new Bonus Pose for the Eternals, and a new boost system that looks like the Domain of the Evokers

Anre and Feower first
unironically Poz
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>Grub 2
It’s not looking good for the Granblue brand right now
It's such a mess that nobody seems interested in it.
Both Relink and Versus flopped because of their link to Grub.

They’ll probably just come up with a totally new game, just like how they made Grub after they fucked up RoB.
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>Adding eternal alts is such a bad idea
Can anybody actually explain to me why they think this is such a problem? You get to see the characters in more outfits/stories and alternate takes on their kits.
They're not going to take away the 150 transcended unit you worked for or devalue them in any way. If Anni alts like Siete alter and Six are fine then this'll be fine too.
Well, at least Relink was pretty good. Until they started adding the homoangel anyway. Guess I will study some new gacha to get addicted to.
I hope so.
new project
She also leaves our grub.... to become lyria in genshin
I hope so
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Seams like the perfect time to ask, when is the new group CD dropping?
>Both Relink and Versus flopped because of their link to Grub.
not beause it's homo shit that panders to the people that never pay and barely play?
Can you really not understand why adding 24 new shill club characters to the gacha is a bad thing, when there are popular SRs still waiting for their first SSR?
It's only an issue if they are in the same element.
Fire Xmas Seox? No worries.
Dark Seox Grand? End of days
>Carmelinafag waited all that time.....for this
They should have had the new guys come on stage an introduce themselves.
>after they fucked up RoB.
That one died gracefully
freaking nuts i tell you
Did they show off Summer Sig?
>You get to see the characters in more outfits/stories and alternate takes on their kits.
They have had a lot of chance in fleshing them out over the course of like 6-7 years.
they also had a 150/250 trannyscendence that resulted in most of them still being shit, this is entirely on their hands.
Lord Calvin is going to make Kyoani look like a fucking joke
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say something nice about your upcoming collab
Grand Collab Shion will be a hard hexa carry
They are making a new game together
>Dark Seox Grand?
Give me Dark Rat Grand, please.
>woke up
>game dead in all but name
Europe uncap too good so they have to balance Shiva and Grimnir again....
Honestly they should have just sticked until next anniversary, bring in the new guys during grubfest to introduce them first and then tell about how they are slowly stepping down and how the anniversary would be the last stream with them. Would be much smoother than this very sudden announcement on summer stream
At least grubble is big enough to get a grubble two, dragalia lost is in nintendo owned limbo
slimes are the best monster girls, too bad rimuru is a male
Is it actually over now? I don't see a single piece of good news...
>or devalue them in any way
That's the problem. They are already devalued when you give them a gacha alt.
The entire point of the eternals were they were free 5* units, that's been the one consistent rule throughout 10 years.
Making them gacha alts is
-A sign of desperation to squeeze more money out of people
-Another form of blatant powercreep if they are better then their free versions
-There are popular SR characters that have waited YEARS for any alts and get nothing.
this isekai created so much trannyslop, it's insane
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>They still yapping
You can only piss a character's fanbase for so long,
But i thought FKHR said he wanted Granblue to go on for like thirty years....
Nakamura bros.....
Post grid la
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just heard the news
sorry bwos
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>I don't see a single piece of good news...
I see one.
He isn't new. He has been in charge for the past 3 years since the summer lotto failure period.
There IS good news, it's just that they are so thin and unimpactful compared to the doompost bombshells that we just had
>They are already devalued when you give them a gacha alt.
Not at all. Freezing them with no new content because they can't get new units is actually a problem.
relink was a testbed for grubble 2, believe it
At least I'm free at last. Just feel bad about Rat, love her.
fofo rape...
fofo heal my grub soul please...
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they said the new guys won't join the stream afaik. And the new format will be some lame talkshow with these guests (not sure how that's different from now)
Ermmmmm we got Hekate!
>fates will just be the same old NO WAY FAG joke repeated over and over and probably gonna be like her original ssr where she runs into a old lover of hers
we got 1k less crystals and no SS
He is still creative director of Granblue, he is just focusing on spin offs now. And will also continue to sign off any additions to the gacha. The new director will work on just the gacha
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>Summer Fortune was exactly 3 years ago
Blue archive
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It's really over now...
have her live in your heart and move on.
this game doesn't deserve her.
Eternals are meant to be F2P characters which you grind and earn. They do not need alts.
Also it's adding more bloat to the gacha pool, when other characters, when they got hundres of other characters who deserve their SSR. They should have just added them as F2P event exclusive or skins.
>harvins are finally dead

anyway, even if it's not a disaster, people are going to spend less because they're not confident in the game, which will make things even worse until we all spiral to hell
doomGODs won
>Freezing them with no new content
There was an entire year where it was dedicated to just the eternal transcendence uncaps.
I missed stream because I didn't realize it was today.
So... no MSQ mentioned...? Bros??? I thought we had 30 years??? Where the fuck is the story update...
Wonder if the blowback from that was why they started training successors
>KMR literally admitted that granblue IP is fucking dead
LMAO, so much for it being the new Final Fantasy!
It will be like uma musume stream with no producer present.
>Complaints about Pig
>No one complaining about Tiger
KMR said he's been leaving it to his Kouhais for 3 years now
>3 year means 2021, the year of the great lotto
>Then Revans, sands, and now the 35mil ex+
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yes, keep raging about harvins and rat
this will save your game from EOS.
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I think they simply lost their minds at this point. I was waiting for MSQ announcement and instead got handed a whole bunch of abhorrent slop topped with KMR himself leaving. In any case, it was a pretty fun ride, /gbfg/. Any semblance of confidence I had for the future of this game is now gone. Peace.
>stop releasing harvins
>worst stream of all time
>game dies
That is from 5+ years ago.
>noticing all the garbage decisions that happened in gbf started exactly three years ago
holy shit
the prophecy is real
i'm curious about NKMR's reaction... have he tweeted anything?
bad news begets bad moods begets bad attitudes begets bad days begets bad outcomes.....
Yikes. If it was this bad even 5 years ago, just imagine how much worse it must be now.
>the first zodiac event was KMR's last hurrah
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Nah, a lot were, it's just 2:1 for pig complaints, and it's not like they were just a few tigerbros complaining
so FKHR is gone too? Which is it
i don't think it was summer fortune, 2021 was just a dead as fuck year where pretty much the only content was belial raid, and it's probably because they were training the new guy
lotto was cherry on top
All the bad shit for the past 3 years happened because of the new guy. KMR did nothing wrong apologized.
I mean yeah, that's pretty much the idea, giving taks on their kits to alternate elements.
Jews are thematically tied to their weapons rather than their elements so I see no real restrictions on that.
>they also had a 150/250 trannyscendence that resulted in most of them still being shit, this is entirely on their hands
But that's a completely separate balancing issue and has very little to do with the implications of them having alts.
>The entire point of the eternals were they were free 5* units
And they still are. You're getting domains to power them up even more, so it's not evidence that they're being abandoned.
>A sign of desperation to squeeze more money out of people
Most jews aren't even fan favorite characters, so that would only be true if they were core 10.0 units, in which case the actual character tied to that kit is irrelevant. It could be fucking Summer Pavidus and still earn as much money for esports purposes.
>There are popular SR characters that have waited YEARS for any alts and get nothing
That's been a problem for many years and jew alts isn't really gonna makes things that much worse.
I still don't get where it came from given all his love interests are girls
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I started ZZZ cus its new
>blud wasn't invited or he would have fought kmr live on stream
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I think of this too
Guess it was doom since then
>its real
Even the japs are noticing!
This game isn't an easy one to collab with.
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collab unitz
all they can do is start fresh like snowbreak did
remove all males and homos
>even the paid shills are concerned about Jews and Evokers hogging seasonal slots
The year of poz and bubs summon
this stream really destroy my confidence for this game
probably will play it less until december and see how it went. except if august is a total dogshit, might sell my account if things completely went south
I know it has 0 memorable character
They probably already know for the past 3 years since the new producer is around but just not on stream.
>Eternals are meant to be F2P characters which you grind and earn
>Also it's adding more bloat to the gacha pool
Like I said that's already been a problem for a long time, jews aren't gonna make that much of an impact in that regard, especially if it's only seasonal alts. Most SRs don't make the transition to SSR through seasonals anyway.
because he takes a girl's body as like the first thing he does in the story
Especially since there are already three other groups doing the same thing
>harvin releases dropped since the last 3 years
>intensified homo stuff (Cupitan kiss)
>multiple timelines confirmed
>MSQ crew deaths
>Wam stuck with Mugen
>random grands like Poz
>multiple yuri events
>multiple events about being older
All because of the new guys?
I guess we got cow marriage...in an alternate timeline that will never get referenced.
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>New producer is going to get blamed for this
Hehe.... All according to HIS plan
>Get Sumo 2
>game dies
She certainly isn't as concerned as she tries to show. We all know she always wanted lobelia alts.
It's more so a lore issue.
Man the EOS energy is fucking real
I strongly believe the lotto killed any amount of goodwill there was left, what a fucking shitshow
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>even siero the ultrajew harvin can’t defend this
And most trannies are "lesbians"
He’s no longer directly involved with Grub and will be moving to a management role. He also won’t be appearing on stream anymore.
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faggotry killed another game lmao
It's not just jews. It's also evokers. And it'll be saints too if the game lasts long enough, because Chichiri was too successful for them to ignore.
KMR honestly has been masterfully avoiding blame when he's literally THE man to be blamed for everything going wrong, seriously, the guy is a master criminal.
I was promised S.Galleon you FUCKING LIARS
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Why wait? Don't fool yourself. You know the direction of the game is a spiraling hellscape. Sell your account while you can.
He would be kino
>>random grands
We were getting random grands long before him
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I just find it sad that I spent 10 years playing a game and basically nobody here knows it exists
fgo has more of a legacy, is known everywhere and yet that shit is hardcore japanese
genshin is less than 5 years old and has even more of a legacy
granblue fantasy... is over...
Hyperlimiteds are now
lmao hope your favorite is in one of these groups
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>summer stream was supposed to save us
>tied the noose for us instead
KMR is still to blame if he didn't override any of those retarded ideas....
Or now that he's gone we will get even more retarded ideas... Jesus Christ
It's time for Rage of Bahamut 2.
They could infinitely cycle between adding new evokers and eternals using every single slot that could be going to a low popularity character
>>summer stream was supposed to save us
nobody actually believed this
the last two summer units and upcoming two summer units aren't part of any of those groups.
Any game similar to grub that i can play anytime and anywhere i want (no need to wait for the slow ass game opening)?
I will probably still play gbf until eos but guess i should start playing other gacha game as backup
and you guys said agenda from FKHR is real. It wasn't him
He's still the overall creative director but he's leaving it up each game's individual director to deal with shit
he's still the big boss of granblue itself but the individual games will have their own directors
I'm raging as hard as a bahamut!
>game based on a famous VN
>game with an official global release
I wonder why
Considering he was the one who let the new person do things like summer lotto, he should still be blamed
Ringing Rimuru as soon as I get her!!
grind my badges
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so....what is lil L's thoughts about this stream
don't tell me (read: (You)) he isn't online, that slurper can't afford to miss one of grub's streams even if it was during his shifts!
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I'm just glad they made it canon that I got married to my birthyear goddess.
Maybe they can leave the game in an offline mode indefinitely like ROB but even if they won't this game introduced me to Minaba Hideo and Akihiko Yoshida, which are huge influence on my style as a digital artist.
And for that I'm thankful.
At the very least, gbf made a legacy with monkey gate.
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>the only times grub can get its name out anywhere are when it’s embroiled in controversy
I just want to know if all you care about is other people's opinion
because FGO has been genuine dogshit since day 1 and it never got better, it's always been nothing more than a fate fanatics cult gathering. I gave the game a chance three times and every time I dropped it within a month.
I'm fucking tired of eternals man
Are you sure? We are getting at least 3-4 more units and they could easily throw another Enneads and dragon there
Please Cantate....lil blud is going through all five stages of grief right now
summer stream was supposed to maybe have a raid and new swimsuits
even on that front it disappointed because we already knew two of the three and the third is an awful precedent
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/pcrg/ here, do you guys really think it's eos syoon?
you can live with catura in koikatsu from now on
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true i should've used a better example
Ragazzo is an Accordant, retard.
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thank fuck my FKHR NFTs are safe
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My wife became shillcore at the end of grub's life now, so I'm set.
wyell...nyess. immediate pyosg ios
2-3 years max
Unironically none.
For better or worse grub is in a pretty unique position that offers an experience you 24/7 number-go-up dopamine addicts won't find anywhere else.
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>They're not going to take away the 150 transcended unit you worked for or devalue them in any way.
Yea, definitely alts won't be better than 150 units, taking their spots in specific eles, which already happens with other limiteds btw.
Syoon as in probably in 2-3 years
>no summer Manamel
Couldn't even do this right
Hekate isn't part of a group.
i dont think EoS is imminent but this is the first time ive been genuinely concerned about the game's future/direction
I am sure thats going to be Tikoh
It's entirely up to luck if it's going to EoS or end in a RoB situation.
Not immediately, but it really isn't looking good
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Oh hey event summons (besides collabs) also stopped 3 years ago
gbf introduced spark
take pride in that
>Style change for Eternals and Evokers?
>Fuck you pay for their seasonal instead
And slurpers would defend this, even with the director fleeing the ship.
the dangers in my grub.....
Path of Exile, Elona, Siralim
im glad that grubba will eos before i di
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It's okay, Limbus is currently in an IP battle with political grifters and Blue Archive lost its lead writer
Yea usually there would be a bit of fighting between anons about if the stream was good or not but with producers changing, collab gacha and gacha eternals it's not looking good.
osrs but obviously it doesn't have anime girls
At the very least
We probably get end msq and 12 zodiac minimum

If the new director actually can make worse decision than these 2 years
Then maybe
BA has no 'legacy' you little shitposter
I should have never started BA Global, now I don’t want to start JP since I don’t want to have to roll for all the omegacore units again.
>moving goalposts
Touken Ranbu
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I was so busy doomposting that I forgot to headpat my students
look at what you have done to me /gbfg/
style change is never happening again anon
>Fighting games top event can't even hit 10k viewers while mobas/shooters hit hundreds of thousands
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almost dropped my coffee at
>my NFTs are safe
Having awful flashbacks to rolling Joker and Arsene in Dragalia, getting all the PTs added except for Ann since I ran out of rolls, and those characters just never came back so I never completed the set.
That's not an experience I want to have again.
it's a woman. new director is clearly a w*man
He's asking for gacha
We are getting one this summer from the special summer free rolls event
When did they stop doing voices for holidays?
No more stream event from next year
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Can't believe Yuel and Sochie were wasted on this shit game. Inaris top tier design too, they should just sell the rights to these characters to other gachas
fix that png NOW
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>BA has no 'legacy' you little shitposter
people played BA for the writing?
Same here, I used to defend the game by bringing up "invisible sales" whenever people were doompostings, but I’m out of steam now. I’m just tired of it all.
So did China win then?
Will they dominate the gacha market forever?
because it was too fucking good for the game and made them no money.
do you know japanese or what
when i started they tried to convince me to start global even after i was like 'bro i know japanese why the FUCK would i want to be six months behind'
>genre defining worldwide phenomenon doesn’t have a legacy
>manlet cope the anime
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I'm not even a doom poster but that actually makes a comical amount of sense.
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>the community is already slurping
I played for the cunny and stayed for the writing unironically.
>still not playable
Mind Breaker
i just wanna say that serbs are absolute subhuman
sf6 finals had 300k views across english streams
anime fightans will never hit big numbers other than tranny support strive thanks to americans
i'm literally shaking and crying rn
Unironically yes.
>no anime girl

Jp only
Fujo heaven
>My birth year Zodiac is Pig
>She gets excluded from everything
they deserve that game.
2-3 years max like I've been saying. We'll finish up MSQ, we'll get the last zodiac, and that marvel endgame anni that FKHR's always wanted. It's fine honestly. Just stay casual/seasonal.
that just sf6 because all the famous JP streamers flocking to it.
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>lanklet mad he can’t bag
yes. it's not epic or deep but it's a very fun well paced read, at least until the latest chapter was twice as long as it needed to be.
I just started playing poe for the first time ever, it's been really enjoyable so far
>malding because he will never have a girl tower over him
yare yare.....
New producer is a woman was my first thought reading this
January - new eternals
February - new evokers
March - new homoknights
April - new dragons but only the male ones
May - new eternals again
June - I was a normal highschool student but then I got hit by a bus and now have an f rank cheat skill paid collab
July - what makes the sky blue part 47
August - summer featuring men with incredibly detailed cock and balls
September - Zois decapitated rotting head freebie
October - spooky evokers
November - grand grand Sandalphon
December - Christmas homo knights
hey I deserve that (You) >>487847973
I dont shitpost with these but I thought it was funny how fast you churn them out
So they did away with the "save rolls to be used in flashfest" from last year? Fucking cunts
Pig got too much, its time for her to step aside for Dragon and Bunny
believe in relink 2 bwos..
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>We'll finish up MSQ
we don't even have a date for the promised MSQ update that should have came this summer, EARLY summer.
I said english streams for a reason
It has the best writing out of any game released in the past decade.
Atleast the shitposters images will all be useless in a few years
It'll come...eventually...
The stream was supposed to save it
Not kill it...
Well bad news, the director of Eden Treaty, F, and V1P3 is leaving
The cow marriage is, literally, unironically referencing Hidaka Rina's IRL marriage so FKHR can have more street cred and make her appear in more Koregras (she didn't lmfao)
That's it. That's why the game treated it like it never happened.
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Yes. When every other non-rhythm gachage on the market is so focused on making 'GOD TIER END OF THE WORLD SHONEN/SEINEN STORY FULL OF GODLIKE BATTLES, DEATH, BRTUAL FIGHTS, PURE EVIL VILLAINS, THE FATE OF THE WORLD!!!111' it is nice to have one gacha that is just lighthearted, cute girls doing cute things, with competent writing and the occasional 'serious' story.

It was genuinely refreshing at the time and even now is still solid throughout.
GBF is fucking based when it comes to this. It has gorgeous art and isn't scared of adding gay stuff into their game.

Unfortunately, the game is old as fuck, still runs on the old as hell engine, requires you to go through multiple loops just to understand how to register/reroll, is pretty much a job, way too grindy and it's gacha rate up fucking sucks (Yeah, I am salty on rolling like 200 times on the dragon girl gala gacha with increased rates and getting anything BUT her).

It's also bizarre how they added EN translation for the game because people really wanted it, but still refuse to add any login method other than some japanese sites where you don't know where the fuck to click.
I believe they announced that cap in 2020, since evokers and even rat are on their final year.
ALL summer stream don't reveal msq.
guy who wrote Vol. 1, 3 and F left
2 is ok in the latter half, but 4 and 5 are boring as shit
my bad, yeah
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when I look back at them in 10 years I will chuckle to myself.
also in the process of editing these things it actually taught me a few techniques to work on my own drawings so it's not actually all that worthless.
you forgot to add "by gacha standards". because it's average as fuck
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>It has the best writing out of any game released in the past decade.
Oh lord I will be there for the BA EoS 7 years from now to laugh at all these pretentious retards
Probably in a couple of years depending on where the new director takes the franchise, 12-13 years is a pretty good run, but who knows he might unironically save it in some freak trial by fire moment.
That being said I'll fucking laugh at all of you if by some miracle this game manages to stay afoat for another 5 years.
bro, FGO is the king of gacha story
Now ZZZ is copying that story format
Hopefully the idol group forces Nexon to release more lolis
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Is anyone even going to roll for collab characters?
>mediocre kits 99% of the time
>no rebalances
>no seasonal lines
>basically no content beyond the lvl45 fates
so true sissy
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>No harvin again
Why do I even play this shitty game?
>editing soijaks taught him
That's just sad
So, any history or info on KMR's successor?
>grub keeps staying worse
>kmr has been producing a fun & enjoyable priconne while fkhr and replacement-kun are over here
Not-KMR sucks dick at his job if the mismanagement of the gacha and spinoffs is proofs enough.
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I played for the girls but stayed for the girls and the story.
By the way that’s something nobody’s been able to say about grub in god knows how long, that they stayed for the girls and the story.
The new director is 100% a fat fujo hag.
>GBF is fucking based when it comes to this. It has gorgeous art and isn't scared of adding gay stuff into their game.
Is this a twitter post?
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Now that EOS is around the corner....the question needs to be asked:

How much money did you spend on grubble fantaji?
Rising secondary here
It serves to extract money from the people who like the collab IP
>isn't scared of adding gay stuff
It was supposed to be here late spring...
It’s better than all video games not just gacha. The only recent release that comes close in writing quality is maybe Galge Gate 3.
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>It has the best writing out of any game released in the past decade.
I know this is the grub is over party, but come on bro
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gotta have a little bit of fun in your life bro
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>swimsuit human
>swimsuit human
>swimsuit erune (male)
>swimsuit human
>swimsuit human
>swimsuit human
>swimsuit draph (human form)
>swimsuit human
>swimsuit human
>swimsuit human (male)
>swimsuit human
>swimsuit human (summon)
Kanemoto will take over the streams now that KMR is gone
Djeetablue fantasy baby
They have enough funding for 10 years
They can just release any of their vaulted chars and they will make millions
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Even Nasu was praising BA story
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so /gbfg/, was the last 10 years worth it?
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>BA EoS 7 years from now
Well that’s longer than grub’s got now.
If we collab with Gwitch then i'll roll because I love that season but otherwise no.
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well over 3k at this point
>>mediocre kits 99% of the time
They will be your new powercreep
Your new endgame party will be Frieren/Emilia/Haase
Depends on the collab. Won't touch whatever this slime thing is but I can imagine that if this was a thing back during FF11 I would of cashsparked Prishe without a second thought.
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too bad that ZZZ added males so that game will NEVER be good. gbf is perfect example that omnipandering NEVER works
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Just woke up
I looked at my paypal history for grub recently, and it's too embarrassing....
>new director is clearly a w*man
That wouldn't explain 2022, where there was barely any male characters and G.Percy's fate completely ignored MC. Plus the yuri push makes it seem more like a guy
Black souls? Monster girls paradox?
Your "fun" is editing images created and propagated be actual children that got kicked off the site.
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way too much
I don't regret it though since I am always bad with my money, but I have a lot.
GBF is 10 years and more. cope galgetards
FGO is just edgeslop and cuckshit. It’s garbage.
They're hoping anyone joining from the collabs will because usually they just get their free unit and leave
True as fuck, remember when Cupitan was super popular? Anyone could look at the fan reaction and fan content she was getting and KNOW people liked her for waifu reasons. But then they give her content that is just the opposite of what those people would want. Whoever handles that stuff is retarded
About 300
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I spent money on the manga and a Naru fig. Would have bought some other stuff if it were easily available but it's a drag.
I never bought any in-game stuff, in this game or any other.
>created and propagated be actual children that got kicked off the site.
da typos...
You dont get to say HSR is better when you're going back to the chinkship.
Would depend on the collab a lot and what characters they put there. But largely no, 0 chance this game actually collabs with anything I have interest in
around 2k or something. I stopped slurping though, the only thing I slurped this year was the annitix
>They will be your new powercreep
"They won't affect GW"
They are going to be as useless as the freebies.
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$0 but I’m at $5k in BA so far after starting back in March after the awful 10th anni stream.
>the gay stuff recently might have something to do with the new producer
I think like 120 at least, I don't remember exactly cuz it was years ago.
Inflation and new taxes for the lols doesn't let me spend a lot of money without pretty much murdering my wallet right now.
Just merch and skins because my favorite is a farmable character and I'm mostly a magnafag but with gacha eternals/evokers now....well...
BA is on 3.5 right now, lil sis. 7 years from now would be 10.5.
at least 400k yen lol fuck me
0, I have in fact only ever spent on FGO for Summer BB
Eternal alts and gacha collabs is just pure greed
Cupitan waifufags were fucking morons though because there is literally zero content even implying she was into MC, it has 100% been about Tristette from day one. The blowup on her summer fates just exposed how much of the audience here are literal retards.
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2 suptixes and 2 anitixes.
Stopped spending when they stopped accepting google pay and gajin cc
Only about 3k since I haven’t sparked that much and it’s only been a handful of suptixes.
I actually complained about the weird direction on cupitan character and all I got was
>Yuri is kino, if you dont like it then leave
Well I did left, and every time I check this place is "where did everyone went" "we dead for real now" "what went wrong"
>KMR stepped down from the Producer role and handed it over to someone else.
>FKHR has moved from Director to Creative Director, and each game that he used to direct, Grub, Relink, and Versus, now has its own separate director.
>Both will no longer appear on future streams

Now that the old guards have left, the question remains, what does this mean for the future of the Granblue franchise?
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I bought the monkey skin in 2016 for $30 and a scam last summer for $30
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can't speak for global but
Granblue JP's twice-a-year rateup is ending in 2 days and they have a bi-annual suptix up right now; they are also giving 100 free rolls after the rateup ends.
if you are looking for a way out that's not a mixed toilet there's no better time than now.

the choice is yours
Cupitan literally spent two years talking about Tris and it took them kissing for you to realise she's gay.
1 skin, 4 suptix
>popular female characters with canon lesbian kiss
>still no popular male homoknights kissing each other
So how do you feel that EoS is actually happening before your eyes this time
I do like FGO and BA's story content, but it's still lackluster when compared to console game stories.
Gacha's in general are just like kind of shit in terms of writing, and only zoomies think otherwise.
>granblue JP's
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We still have the same writers and artists, who will now apparently start appearing in streams so we can see their faces and blame them. It wont have the same meme energy tho that monkey man and FKHR had. I bet their names wont be as funny either...
>it’s good because…..ummm SEX xD
>zoomers think cute girls doing cute things is novel storytelling now
>they think their BAslop is actually the pinnacle of it, and it's not all been done before 15 years ago when cute girls doing cute things became the meta after Haruhi
>old guards
more like old shitters, good fucking riddance
am i the only person here who doesnt also play BA
who wonned?
even as a retarded teenager I knew this game's taking too many leaves out of western gamedevs' book. I, a hetero male, will never be the main market share and that's cool.
I spend hundreds on commissioning art of this game's characters instead.
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My wife
>RoB is dead
>dragalia is dead
>grub is all but dead
>will have to play shadoba if I ever want to see her again
Probably $10k. I stopped counting at around $8k.
My start dash on ferry
You guys said that last year and the year before that.
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Some of it was.
people wasnt so hard against yuri before feminists got access to the internet and anime industry. it was more about "i can fix them by dicking them both"
Most people don't play BA here, it's just that BA niggers are fucking loud and can't stop shilling their literal auto play garbage
>Black souls
ding ding ding!
Nothing on the gacha, about €300 on VS and Rising? I was considering buying Re:Link at launch despite not being interest in the game play but then they added 2B to Rising's Season Pass so in the end I didn't.
also fkhr is clearly a homo biased fag
They really should have said something about who the successors are, because now nobody has any idea of what's going to happen or what they're going to do with the game. It's somewhat worrying
Idk I don't even play the game anymore, I'm just here to laugh at you guys
probably <$500 in game (8 years playing), but I spent a lot on merchs like valentines card, attending to fes, dakimakura, plushies, glass, books etc
zzz lost me in the start of its second chapter when it had the wacky shit with the two out of control robots (never got to the third before uninstalling)
i'm sad i never got to see lucy's group but it was too much of a mixed toilet
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Lil bluds....for the first Cupitan event and her ssr fates Cupitan was NOT the character she became in her summer alt and then sequel event. Cupitan wanted to meet Ris again, but it wasn't her entire character. She WANTED to make friends with other people, like danchou and the crew, even becoming friends with Tikoh. She wasn't doing shit like in her summer fates where she was making everyone pretend to be Ris or she wouldn't give a fuck about them. Cupitan was a actual character then, it was only when she got follow up content that she got completely flanderized and become essentially a one note parody of herself.
And that's not to mention her seasonals baiting the (You) stuff hard. Like her waiting outside of your room for hours or making a chocolate replica of you. Just for it to be "Oh yeah well she doesn't give a fuck about you and you need to pretend to be Ris for her to care" in her summer fates.
On top with the pov uncap art contrasting HEAVILY with her summer fates, it's clear the artists and writers had different feelings on what Cupitan should've been getting
Probably intentional because if they did, the successor would be bombarded with attention (not the good kind either). They’ll probably be kept secret for as long as possible
i'll probably roll for them if i have pulls
no reason not to anymore, game is dying who gives a shit about pulling meta
>..for the first Cupitan event and her ssr fates Cupitan was NOT the character she became
She was. She literally has a break down over obsessing with (You) to the point you almost replaced Tris.
I can't way for you faggots to start the "i miss the kmr era" just like hrt
Surely the Koregra in a few days will introduce the new producer and quell the doomposting, right?

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Too much, most was towards the start when I was had just started getting decent cash 7 skins, ~2 suptixes, 2 annitixes, some physical merch
Oh that’s never going to happen. KMR’s crimes are known too well.
i spent like 600 on the banner where s.zoi went permanent in 2017
then i bought the occasional suptix or annitix but not all of either
maybe 1k total? not counting money spent on spinoff games
What legacy did genshin gave for the gacha industry?
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>FKHR is posting Sovl
Unironically the worst fandom ever created. They can't go one month without some retarded toxic drama.
2016fag who stopped using this dogshit general here, what the fuck is this slime collab, why is it shit, and who the fuck is this 'shadow director' who's been ruining the game and making me stop opening it a year ago
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bald man played and praised relink though
blue archive literally made for (You). don't play mihomo game. they are literally gbf level of pandering but worse (meta dps mostly are males). idk about zzzslop
Pigsex was too galge for this HIVge
The shadow director's name? Numpers.

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