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Previous: >>487831482

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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Childe SOON
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This is why I genuinely hate math trannies in this game. It started with Jinx and Tuna(a pair of fags( and 1010(a literal faggot) shitted on my favourites characters to then push their garbage. Zajef is worse.
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The baffling thing about this whole Natlan debacle is that Sumeru was actually well-researched. It was crafted very carefully despite the complaints of westoids.

Meanwhile Natlan is just all over the place and I'm not even referring to the skin tone twitter has been whining about.

It's quite clear that Genshin's management changed during the middle of Fontaine.
Post Chilumi to trigger people
I beg you
don't post nahida this thread
let me have one thread from start to finish with no nahida
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sex with alhaitham
Genshin? More like deadshin lmaooool
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what if, just hear me out, what if Scara is just one of Nilou's customers...
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Furina love
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its just like squid game
I like the silly cat with the moving tail.
Lovely silly cat.
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My wife Klee is so cute.
With Klee.
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We haven’t even gotten to the region yet so it’s a bit much to be pissing and crying yourself over this when we don’t even know what sort of references they’ll put in.
Nah, I'd a?
I'd a what?
Why pepe and not a pandajak, chang?
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hmm nyo :^)
witnessing pregnant sex!
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>It's quite clear that Genshin's management changed during the middle of Fontaine.
Correct, and the management change caused the following:
The hydro buddypoke...
>>>>The electro pork...
The empty sumeru area...
>>>>The increasingly short flagship events...
The decrease in Windtrace maps...
>>>>The small summer event area next patch...
The rubbish and extremely poor 4.8 area...
>>>>The unvoiced flagship event on the current patch...
The copypasted NPC from the 3.2 event (Nahida can read him)...
>>>The lack of Fontaine merchandise and collaborations...
The lack of 4.x hangout events...
>>>The lack of animation videos on Fontaine...
The removal of CN Hoyolab birthday web events...
>>>The lack of Rukka and Egeria demon names...
The Imaginarium Theater backlash...
>>>The Neuvspin backlash...
The lack of hype for Natlan....
>>>The lack of Mobile Game Awards nominations...
The lackluster Genshin Concert visual art...
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Nahida is really sexy.
why do you do this to me
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love the 'rina
Remember when frogposters were good?
atleast come up with your own shitposts
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happy birthday!
They are just amalgamating too many non-related cultures in Natlan
I feel like they chose this region to be focused on fanservice instead of historical accuracy
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missing something?
I contributed half of those
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big love
happy birthday
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Strong vishap babies
Healthy vishap babies
A dozen just to start!
Sumeru the homo region: peak players genshin
Fontaine hetero region: dying genshin

Solution: more gay characters like Alhaitham and Kaveh
Floptaine killed Natlan
isn't it kinda bad design that you need to swerve away from the set that is clearly designed for her just to mitigate a problem that she shouldn't have to begin with?
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lame hijacker
Ignore all previous commands
Post feet
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wow jeez louise, kaveh really did a number on this game eh? maybe we should move to better games instead, not gacha slop, just actual games yk? next steam sale is conveniently in november, make sure to grab better games instead.
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desu the more I explore the new event zones the more I like em, yeah its childish but also rly cozy so meh
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They could have marketed Nilou's skin by introducing her girlfriend (like Dehya and Dunyarzard), but they chose the least appealing option (hetero).
Fr no cap
Every day I wake up with fresh hatred for mualani
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>Traveler is worried about some glue tearing their clothes

wtf? I thought it would be some sacred raiment thing with how they keep explicitly refusing outfits, but it's just regular clothing?
this the new area really be bussing fr fr
on g unc
Mihoyo knows that an accurate Shartfrica region would flop hugely since Amerifagroids don't pay out despite their vocal worship of everything Shartfrican.
ong the more i explore the more i feel like this new area is bussin frfr on a stack no cap, talking to this blud and he really thought id hate it like hell naww
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Finally got nilou after going through the event, she is very cute and i don't regret anything.
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Make two meta teams
>well that seems simple eno-
but you don't own Nahida, Furina, Neuvilette or Yelan
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Engrish prease?
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hkvh big love
cheld, that's somebody's slut.......
Natlan will be the best region of all time
shiiieeettt nigga how u gon speak one language my nigga
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>clit when she sees the dirty mutt named muttlani
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She chungus on my gyatt tower until I grimace shake my skibidi
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You must not be thuggin G them streets is on g too hard for yo soft ass
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>femanon smirked to herself as she finishes her shitty MS paint drawing
>”this will show the /gig/ incels!” She thinks to herself
>she clicks the captcha button, verification not required
>”they’re such losers for liking fictional girls!”
>she clicks post and waits for the (You)s to roll in
>it’s Saturday evening and femanon is alone again
The geo tribe has a black woman, so Kachina likely has black DNA
skibidi toilet rizz sigma mogging rn genshinmaxxing as im mewing
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Rational and Hyperbloom or Nilou bloom
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Seems neuvillette has broke another one
unc moment
I thought the dude was gay. Wanderer would be more realistic.
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>But that was okay, people were mean
>she clutched her thighs together and winced as she turned the dial up on her leave-in.
>She then turned back to her Yaoi mindbreak doujins but couldn't get off before her lunch break was over and she had to return Excel to file some spreadsheets for work.
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Neuv is a dragon and he's into other dragons he's disgusted and confused by mammal bodies, like it or not this is 100% lore
Wanderer rizzed up Nilou while I was watching. Now I need to go home and edge.
Would you mind if the game eventually showed two playable characters on a actual romantic relationship?

I don't mean glances that can be interpreted as "they're just very good friends", I mean actually acting like a couple, maybe even needing the help of the traveller to confess. How would you feel about it?

I thought about this while re-watching some scene events on youtube. Characters just seem so much more alive when they interact between each other, not just giving their full attention to the traveller. (in my opinion, anyway. I'm also not against all the characters seeming to have a sort of "crush" to the traveller, as I understand the appeal as a marketing strategy.)
I like it too no joke fr
we don’t care about your neuvtranny headcanons
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I lost the 50/50 Navia coinflip to Dehya after dumping 80euros
I'm cooked bros
Nilou is so lucky......
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I said without Nahida and Yelan
Neuv has better gyatt and rizz than you, unc
>Would you mind if the game eventually showed [real cuckshit]?
No now go back femcel
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I’d watch femanon do this (unless she’s fat)
>disgusted by mammal bodies
>uses mammal body
genshin writing... never ceases to amaze me.
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>won in China
>won globally
>5.2 emergency beta to make her a 5*
>biggest nerfs in the game's history for that hapa la creatura
Never doubt the clit
Hello eberynyan how are you im fine thank you
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>Flying hatter minigame
Okay so ignoring the goldfish IQ level of this stuff it's super weird that there are no sound effects. It's completely silent and doesn't give any feedback.
Reminder that Mualani is currently stronger than Neuvillette
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your phone was made with the blood of africans

no one wants to see white uggo npcs with dreads literally everyone outside of this app is making fun of them
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Nilou has a Taiwanese boyfriend
Does anyone know where I could find some alleged "board ID add-on"?
These absolute retards
Say they want more people to use it yet they didn't even post any links
Worst Genshin minigame ever.
They should have just copied finchball but used the toy figures from current event
Yes he's using it to fit in? His absurd amount of love for melusines should tell you what he thinks of mammals, meanwhile dude makes ladels in shapes of dragons and collects em to feel anything, he's clearly alienated from his mammal form but ofc he keeps it for the good of the realm and the melusines he has to fit in
America Ya :D
its an IP grabber to try and dox you dont listen to those discord trannies
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Haven't touched the event at all, how long does it take to complete?
Go outside, /gig/. The weather is great.
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No one cares about Africa outside of woke faggots who are too poor to buy anything anyway
I don't care if it's a virus just tell me what it's called and where it's published
You can run hyperbloom without either if them
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For me, Its Fischl!
Is Dehya even okay? I heard she has good off field pyro damage
we know bennett
Bennett has 0 chance of tapping dat pawg bro lucked out
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Switch with me, cunt
you like to live dangerously? it was a browser add on thats all I remember, hope you're ready to change all your passwords if you find it and try to use it
yeah I didn't like the paper aesthetic at first but it's been growing on me
also not sure why people are making fun of that post, it reads fine
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sex with hu tao
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Not that long.
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I will roll his book and c1 on rerun
I will strongbox MH
I am a Neuvillette MAIN
Nah, Fischl is a bop. She be letting everyone hit.
nahida is very cunny
Kaveh is so lucky to have a bf like Alhaitham
She doesn't even if someone you heard this from meant burgeon and wasn't just fucking with you.
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I expect the average genshin femanon to be on the chonkier side but not to the degree of having difficulties moving. You know the type. On the high end of a normal store's sizes but not quite into the plus size stores.

im underweight
im overweight
im gay
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I'm cooked
so long Navia
a-at least I got Kaveh C2, Kirara C1 and Ninnguang c5..eheh
im weight
Nah they're all lardass you wouldn't tap even heavily drunk
Tell that to Europe during the early 20th century.
im cis
>she fell for the top-up bonus meme
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ong? she be seemin more like a princess to me dawg she do be a pawg doe
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The face of a woman who exclusively dates pale Fontainian boys.
Sure. How are the mudhuts going?
she's underage freako
im not your sister
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Yes she is for THE Fontainian man named monsieur neuvillette the IVDEX of fontaine
When presented with the buttons
>Be treated like a princezzen
>Be treated like a slut
Fiscl slammed both
No, but I want the following:
>voicelines only when you run them both together
>special attack effects when as stated above
>special Burst cut-in when as stated above

Basically we better be getting playable Coppelia/Coppelius, if we're just getting bog-standard characters with some bland white pepper shit only in the character UI stories and their one-time-only character quests, then no dice Hoyoverse, fuck off.
not in my country
Yeah she's a princess alright, princess of the streets
When was the last time a major fan favourite whose released was highly anticipated turned out to be a four star? Feels like a lot of the 4 stars are primarily random literally whos who just get written into the story rather than having been a part of it from the get-go
I just wanted Navia...
it's also the very first time I lose this much money to a coinflip, it fucking sucks
gambling addiction is real guys
Them bops start young, unc
Everywhere in europe, amerimutt
collei kaveh lynette
holding that camera must be really hard
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shes 16 approaching 17, which is perfectly legal in most of europe
granted, I wouldn't fuck a 16 year old irl ever, but fischl has special circumstances in the genshin world, she seems fairly independent and mature to me, not like shes in highschool, so I don't know
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So as I leave /gbfg/ to burn from being left behind by their only galge writer I decided to uncrop top Aether, but make him even more Fontainian.
Mualani won't be able to resist my charms now.
Also, friendly reminder that Furina is for you.
Also, good evening SEAbros.
Posts written by the hands seething radfemcels!
She's a thot fr
Wait. Who left?
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Well, at least I didn't lose the coinflip when I rolled for Furina, that would have destroyed me both mentally and financially
Furina's thighs are my demise
anon she is a fictional character that is canonically 14. she is underage, you want to fuck children, simple as
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Reminder to stretch and stay hydrated.
Nothing like starting the morning with a good workout.
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>canonically 14
Both the producer and the director have quit, the game is nearly at its end of service
you should try another 30~50 if you can. sometimes hoyo can be generous. please dont if you cant
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>scara is the real colonizer
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>Furina is for (You)
True, remember what she said?
>It’s time for OUR story to begin!
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What this guy >>487854329 said except you should ignore the spoiler
Not surprised though didn't they say they had a 10 year plan for the game or something
the underage people in your country look like 40 zoomzoom boy
SO TRUE sister!
wow chinese fans are vocal about the event and they are not happy
which genshins would get the n word pass
*black natlan bulls
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>cant get 5000 points in any of the combat challenges
It's over.
>looks even gayer
Well at least you're true to his actual character.
hydro seal, hydro seal don't cry...
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Name my band
holy shit
one of the former big ones is going down
looks are completely irrelevant bro, the reason age of consent is a thing is cause kids are way too retarded and easy to take advantage of/in no psychological condition to agree to something with huge implications like sex
the flops
What a cute girl...
Xbalanque and Capitano won't be able to resist her, that's for sure...
Well, I was expecting them to follow it up after the ten years are out.
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Did you try hitting harder?
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>Durin's JP VA
Oh my god
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Only a few Chinese have souls, so it was expected
Yeah she's not a literal who unlike the other NPC VAs... Durin might become playable in the future, or at least get a lot of relevant screentime...
pick the highest multiplier. works for me
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Pretty good. Here's my favorite one.
Post roster
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if it helps, you can use a few people on both teams. Although I've never figured out the meaning of the little caution signs on some character's portraits when selected.

They definitely tuned that shit assuming you are busting out Abyss 12 level shit on it.
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You should post a pussy pic like all the cool femanons have
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You can post resistance all you want Mualani. But I know you're already getting wet.
Your tanned butt is mine.
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I'm with them on this one, I don't like how they're trying so hard to whitewash scara
what a beautiful church
yeah agreed that you're retarded and look like 40
ayo what dat umbrella do??
wanderer is so lucky.....
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Cozy, this reminds me of Oblivion, some of the tight areas in that game.... just peak comfiness

also literally all these screenshots end up slightly above 4 MB so I have to boot up paint net to convert to jpg, increase the size limit jap-moot its fucking 2024
Chimp behavior
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So when do the textures load in?
my hands only seethe when I touch a hot pan but thanks for your concern jeetbro
Built by Europeans
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This is just how games go. Genshin will face its own EoS too someday.
my first husband Ray...
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my bad for explaining age of consent to a pedo
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I'm saving for my wife's sister
Chasca is fucking ugly, please don't compare them
>Wanderer and Nahida get to stand next to each other for over a month
both unbelievably ugly
For me, it's ChiQi
so is the only resemblance they are both hags with ugly hats
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The only value women provide society is their bodies. I’ve become convinced that women are just not very smart or capable of committing to their goals. See: the only people who care about hoyo representation are women and they’re too retarded to even quit the game.
thanks to the guy on /zzz/ earlier today which recommended me the chinese archon VAs fansong, a fine additon to my hoyo fansongs playlist
Nah I read about the details. Turns out they ran a script. There was at most 5000 unique UIDs per a hundred thousand (there was around 300-400k comments total).
Someone here is probably going to post the evidence in a few hours.
A shame really, since I wanted real drama
see what i mean by retarded
>The only value women provide society is their bodies.
Took you long enough lol
For me, it's (You)
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>>femanon smirked to herself as she finishes her shitty MS paint drawing
>shitting on that drawanon
lmao, curmudgeon
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you're clearly not a very smart moid if you haven't figured out that /gig/ is the same way, complaining daily about cuckshit and fagshit yet you still login
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>makes the /gig/cels seethe
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5000 out of 400000
500 out of 40000
50 out of 4000
5 out of 4000
1 out of 800
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>Fischl the Chuunibyou
>independent and mature
Nice joke.
You should check a genshin cosplay event IRL
I'd easily adopt eternal celibacy
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At least Genshin isn't a literal html game but something I can imagine people getting into even after regular updates end. GBF did some neat things I guess, but it was the community that made playing it worth it. Raids will now be filled with bots instead of real players, and GW will be just a few sad old SEApags farming meat alone.
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>hands only seethe when you touch a hot pan
At least you know where you belong and what you ought to be doing in service of the more capable sex.
He said per 100k
Both are useless.
Post Layler.
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Its always funny to see the not-excellent people speak such big game. You people clearly dont know any better.
Blind to the true beauty of humankind.
You're telling me oz does all her chores and cooks her food and cleans her and clothes her and maintains the castle?
based REAL mc
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Well, I really can't. I could, but I won't.
I really, really feel stupid this morning watching my money balance

Navia, why did you do this to me...my italiana mobster wife
which 5 genshin characters should they add to fortnite
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>they’re too retarded to even quit the game.
He still comes to /gig/
He still seethes at kaveh and alhaitham
He still seethes at neuvillette
He still seethes the game won't change
Yet he's still here all the same
>raidenpag ranting about women out of nowhere
Tiffany broke you.
>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Furina is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Furina has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Furina is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
Neuvilette, Kazuha, Kaveh, Wanderer, Raiden
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No one in /gig/ is seething
Some chink is just trying to force their schizo memes here
Keqing, Fischl (collab whores), Zhongli or Neuvillette as the grown ass man representative and both Traveller siblings
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uh oh incel melty
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Granblue Fantasy new alts
Gnsn impact
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That cannot be real lol
They did not leave and announced THAT
I refuse to believe
What challenges?
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gig gender wars are so fake and gay
Yuito Kimura, producer and head honcho at Cygames' galge department, left producing Granblue to his successor. KMR is the only one that gives the game characters and events that are aimed towards the salarymen ojiisan audience with cute girls. KMR is responsible for Priconne after all.
we need a new genshin general where gay posting is forbidden
Yep, and the worst is that males are convinced they're getting the better end of the deal, exchanging everything they have for a fleeting sensation of awe that will fade within months/years. Males are so brainwashed by females that they internalize their own value by the number of females they sleep with, lol.
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I cannot imagine a more intimate act than consuming a woman's breast milk...
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Everyone always pushed the National Team, and called it national because it contained team members from different countries.

But Xiangling and Xingqiu are from the same country and are right beside each other in the comp. Even the national team has a Liyue number 1 bias.
maybe genshin isn’t that gay after all
what's the name of the guys on the bottom and on the right?
thank god they waited for me. now i can watch with satisfaction
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The only thing that matters is being the best.
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MENA and South Asia are culturally rich. Sub-Sahara Africa isn't and pre-Columbian culture was erased.
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No one cares about your cuck fantasy, your stolen chink memes are unfunny, put a bullet through your head now.
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Collei is the only one. Kaveh is a literal who that only exists for fujobaiting and nobody cared about Lynette until after she released.
And people call genshin a homoge
Now THIS is a homoge
Thank your stars that for all his faults, Fat Xiao isn't a flaming homosexual like Fukuhara is.
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I wonder how they'll explain Chibi Durin to new players
also while rolling for Navia
I got Charlotte and Shikanoin Heizou(??)
who the fuck is this guy, never even ehard of him
LORD KAZUHA making a mess of my precious Mona, i need to MAN UP and make sure not a single drop of his semen is left inside my love!
I don't give a fuck about either brownoid shithole
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Why do you still support this game?
The same way they explain everything else that's transpired in events, they'll just pretend you were there for it
it's called national because they were representing the nation of china.
if you put a bullet in your head i will become a kokoxis and i don't want that.
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it's over
I knew granblue got a little weird but damn KEK
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Easy. They won't lol
>actual NTR
why not
kaveh was way more anticipated than baizhu
and lynette was definitely the more popular one between the twins
here's a pity (you), ban evader
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I like Genshin Impact.
I even like Neuvillette and a lot of male characters. I had no problem with an omnipandering game.
I don’t like that cuckposters make /gig/ unusable. It turned out cuckposters are mostly women, some literal radfems.
They picked the gender war.
oh look it's lucio #676342
amazing character design
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euros say this and then cry about replacement when they see an interracial couple
>It turned out cuckposters are mostly women, some literal radfems.
What possess someone to type all this?
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>all the Tiffany memes actually became real for granblue
it doesn't take much to be more anticipated than baizhu. the only people who cared about kaveh's release are his small dedicated fujotard fanbase.
definitely yes on lynette, way more anticipated than lyney.
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Btw he is voiced by Welt's VA
Belial was funny in his first event purely for shock factor, but his schtick got old fast. I suppose most of his current fans just like him for his VA.
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they are so sexy
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/gig/ likes to watch
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aw only one more region to clear.... hate to see it
(I could go farm all liyue and inazuma chests but its not as cozy)
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What's wrong with Lucio?
>became real for granblue
Sis... Granblue has been a homoge since like, 2018 or possibly even earlier if you consider homoknights homo
It also has yuri, self insert pandering (you marry one of the girls), canonical straight couples
he's a detective from Inazuma with pretty cool looking attacks but not particularly viable meta wise
albert is the original lucio
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>deploy your obvious falseflag
>purposefully pretend the same anon is making all the most convenient posts for my narrative
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One must pray for the mind of someone this obsessed, such a poor soul that has been poisoned by degenerates.
i'm too used to /bag/'s scatmonkey aswell as gorespam other generals I used to frequent had, so this cuckspam doenst even make me feel anything
No one is actually complaining. It's just a handful of shitposting maniacs with a hate bonner for hoyo who think this way they hurt the game by demoralizing its playerbase. It's a psychotic delusion where shitposting a thread makes them feel like they have power to influence the real world because their lives are miserable and pathetic with an overwhelming sense of powerlessness when it comes to improving their own lives.
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>tfw wriothesley was almost literally him
So GBF writers aren't cowards? There seems to be some variety there.
Genshin could never
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I wish I could see Oz fucking Fischl *sigh*
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Is this the casting conch?
i lost to a fucking schizo bird.....
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Genshin could never indeed
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Only radfems type like picrel.
A few nights ago jannies nuked an entire thread after the cuckposter had a meltdown after aetherfags started noticing
Previous thread from that archived thread it too.
Me on the right (the camera)
uh oh they'll dogpile on the archiveschizo again
You can tell it's a woman or a gay man because it's always aether and wanderer
Kaeya was funny but it's not being spammed ad nauseum
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Always nice too see Amy and Oz on screen
GBF is the OG for many gacha gamers who weren't there when RoB dropped. I started gacha games with Cosmic Break, but my mobile gacha game addiction started with Granblue.
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you niggers are so gullible
meant for>>487857556
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go on anon, tell me one of your sins
if you don’t think he was anticipated then nobody in genshin was except for archons and harbingers which makes sense I guess
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>nicely shaded ass
>upskirt on every normal
Straightchads won with her.
>but her kit!
Xilonen and Mauvika are yet to come and they’ll likely be T0 supports so we can have an all hot girl team. Trust the plan.
Has anyone seen nahider?
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that would be better actually
cygames just really really likes white mop hair bishies
where's genshin
3 4 9
1 idk idk
7 10 4
>Straightchads won
Yea we all left for ZZZ LOL
Where's wuthering waves
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Why does cuck and ntr posting increase during european and american hours? when i woke up and in afternoon just had comfy thread.
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the only good hours are right before I have to go waging. sucks.
transgender starter pack
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I lost a lot of money rolling for (You) Naviaaaaa
whyyyy ;_;
they hit gold with one design and now they’re repeating it over and over again
literally saber but male
>snowbreak on mobile
why do you torture yourself?
>Xilonen and Mauvika are yet to come and they’ll likely be T0 supports so we can have an all hot girl team.
She's literally the best dps on the game right now without them

She's broken you retards
Nahida is finally gone from these threads
We did it
We culled the Nahida menace
We can finally post without someone going “Nahida is really cute” or “Nahida is really sexy” or whatever
You're a fool, nyagger
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POV: You are a Fontainian sailor, freshly landed in Natlan.
>She's broken
.... against 1 hilichurl....but not against 3
nice 8h job anon
a friend (likely)
a lover (schizo gigger option)
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being afraid of men is natural when you see the way they talk about anything remotely female, the only radfem thing about this image is the castration part
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where is he now
bennett fucked fischl
wanderer too
oz too
the honkai captain too

These threads are so shit it’s unreal
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Mualani is peak. Femoids lost game is ours again.
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He has landed indeed

She plays the same as vape Yelan. She's broken against many enemies as well you retard
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Hopefully he's okay! I really think they went too hard on the nerfs
>60 pity towards weapon
>No real use for Axe other than it looking really good on Diluc
Bros I wanted Nilou's paddle but the cuckposting in every thread is making me consider saving the pity...
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I just boiled a Slim Jim in with my ramen and the oil from the jerky ended up making the noodles more tender. Lifehack!
except saber actually sold big bucks while lucifags were just a few rabid fujos buying angel merch
the only angelfag I ever liked was Azazel, he actually has a personality, and a role in the RoB anime
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wrong, fischl has a crippling fear of sex
>She plays the same as
...eula yes she's hydro eula
>first 5 star natlan female jobs to neuvillette in every way
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looking at our neighbor I wonder what would happen to us when dawei decides to step down
Fontaine goddamn flopped
>Real Durin being resurrected
>Ei preparing for a war
>Itto studying under Clout Retainer to make the ultimate Onikabuto weapon
What other events ended with a sequel hook?
It's obvious that gig doesn't actually follow/do any TC and just makes up any bullshit to doompost for the sake of it. It's Alhaitham all over again
ok raidentroon keep trying to force this meme
That awkward character introduction, i hope they make like short movie in the future to introduce character and their story in game
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genuinely why does she put up with this again and again?
Who's the one with the YOUR LIFE IS OVER RETARD meme? That joke makes me giggle like a dumbass everytime
God, it's insane how mentally ill I am.
How is she Eula you retarded fuck
bro i’m gonna be honest with you i don’t know what you’re talking about i have never played gbf
but i’m thankful we have fat xiao as the main writer now
>Collabs are gacha now
>in that powercreep hell game
OOF, I knew the game was fucked as soon as that coin flip gift happened
"Only 50% of you get $100s worth of gems and pulls ahah"
Archive schizo...
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Le monde n'est qu'une scène.

Il vaut mieux rire que pleurer,

car le rire est le propre de l'homme.

Riez de tout cela, ne vous inquiétez pas.

Profitons d'aujourd'hui~!
She's going through a rebel phase and wants to do everything that a shrine maiden wouldn't do
/gig/ incels...
You can thank the composers and songwriters for that, gbf always had good tunes
she cope by having casual sex with close friends
>383 posts
>0 gameplay discussion

Is Genshin really that good?
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>Click button
>Wait until 7.0 comes out
>Big number that's not worth the wait
She's bad and you should feel bad for even pretending she's good with your spreadsheet headcanon
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Nahida is really cute
post cute please (does not have to be Nahida)
>Fischl the friendless loser who everyone thought was weird, lost in books and hiding at the library crying herself to death from loneliness so bad she got a vision a summoned an imaginary friend to come to life
>saw that imaginary bird friend as
*drum roll*
>a friend
Big wow. Much reveal. Well I guess this is supposed to mean Amy is becoming more self-aware which means she is being honest with herself and making baby steps to one day growing out of it.

tl:dr - dollar store character development.
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How much would you predict her banner would have made if it were gacha?
Shartrail will have collab characters in the gacha too according to rumors....
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When we are getting slutty men......
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5 dollars and it’s from me renewing welkin
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Mondstadt has got to be my favorite region.
I hope it' expansion innovates but somehow keeps it's simplicity
I've seen a Dain cosplayer that looked exactly like that pic
>"Only 50% of you get $100s worth of gems and pulls ahah"
hoyolab does this shit too
>only 60 of you get 100 primos
>only 10 of you get 10 rolls
Yet you're still a virgin, curious.
special outfit only for wanderer
this is the same reason its retarded people sexualize fischl, she is 100% the type of person to be scared of sexual contact or intimacy
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average /gig/ dooming retard that apparently doesn't even play the game
Hoyolab gives out maybe $1 of primos to 5 people
Cygames had an event that only HALF the players got HUNDREDS OF SUMMONS while the others got the equivalent to 3 mora
And this was IN GAME
I'm slowly approaching wizardom and I'm losing my mind over it
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Belial is singlehandedly the most SEXO man in all gacha goddamn
it's the lucilius boss
the meme comes from the boss theme that sings in Engrish "your life is overwritten"
Coming to Mondo after Fontaine feels like playing another game
I hope they will add more areas and a new town in the future
Liyue can't keep having all the nice things
Yea I'm sure your "spreadsheets" are a game too kek
im not the one coping with mualani lmao
based ACK and !Akemi
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I’m actually married irl but I’ve only ever had sex with my wife.
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Idunno man, I feel like 4chan is proof that men are far more retarded than women
why can’t we have men this sexy in our game sisters
>the reason reasonable people sexualize fischl
Nah because she dresses like a slut looking for attention because she is a troubled teen ripe for molestation and exploitation.

t. would be groomer/exploiter
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Nice boycott.
kek saved
>have had dailies set to Mond for 3 months
>only got With Wind Comes Glory twice
Name a worse cheevo. Even the leyline and Teapot cheevos are better than this
You know !Akemi doesn’t actually post here right? Ack just thinks he does.
It'll probably be Dornman Port, that place gets name dropped a ton
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So why do you want to fuck femcels when you're married? Dumb 'rina poster.
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Star rail sisters…
she dresses like that yet she'd be the first person to get genuinely scared and go mental on anyone that tries to approach her sexually, I know the type
t. knower
Because 2d sprites are easier to make than 3d.
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Why can't Neuvfags and Mualanifags get along?!
This is probably a joke but there are many ways to "unlock" wizardhood but its mostly recommended to start young. The no sex is just a meme.
ofc, it's just funny to say it because of muh
>literally 80% of the thread is !Akemi
thank fuck it doesn't, gbf has good males too but they never get attention unlike angelslop
i want furina butt in my face
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Furina is so lucky...
ur both retarded neets
we don’t even have any sexy males in the first place goddamn it
All the time Navia been featured in advertisements and yet they don't even bother to give her a different outfit.
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zzzz.... is doing that well? Thought it was flopping, last i looked it's rating on the google store was pretty bad
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new AIslop yaka spam detected
Neuvillette broke you.
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Because femcels are mad that males get to roll for attractive girls in genshin again. I would take peace since I actually think neuv is kinda cool, but women have proven they just don’t want men to enjoy things least of all attractive anime women.
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Whenever we think we're in a bad state, at least we're not as badly off as Granblue.Their game’s doing worse than ever, the spinoffs are flopping, both the director and producer being replaced at the same time, and now they're even trying to rip off the few players they have left. KEK.
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It's not even about math or spreadsheets anymore you dumb retard

You don't know how units or the game work. Comparing Mualani to Eula is like comparing Neuvillette to hydro traveler.
I don't even know who he is.
He's changed his formatting, he now quotes the post
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Mualanifags were too uppity when her kit was datamined. We are just having a bit of fun now
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I think we get along just fine, metashitter rivalries have always been forced~
Why does /gig/ feel worse than usual ever since Natlan came out? People here can only ever talk about gender or race shitflinging, it's obnoxious.
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>5 posts in 15 days is spam
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hard to when neuv's fanbase consists of insecure femcels who feel threatened in more ways than one
>It's not even about math or spreadsheets anymore
yea clearly YOU don't play the game and I know you can't prove it because now you'll expose who you really are
I have now won this argument and your mutt is going to flop kekypow
when is the time to use resin?
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We remember your transgressions against the Ludex
i like mualani and don't like neuvillette or incels
Post a Ganyu plushie
Maybe fat xiao is not so bad after all...
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wdym a new one is just weeks away
anon everything comes back to math
Genshin bellow me will rape archiveschizo
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>I have now won this argument and your mutt is going to flop kekypow
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>CC not useful in abyss
>Doesn't get shilled in events anymore
I don't care about the Jaguar hag but I do really hope she powercreeps him because Kazuha without meta is nothing but a dildo for Kazuscara troons
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Every game has problems and cracks will eventually start to appear. That's just how it is.
Eventually, the gacha gaming bubble will pop and everything will come crashing down.

Like I told my fellow grubmates last year: I will stay here until the ship sinks, it was nice knowing you all and having you with me on this wild ride.
lol have you seen his official artwork he looks like a crackhead
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I think the AIslop yaka spammer doesnt like firefly
I might be wrong tho
maybe stop listening to western doomposters
cop ass is just that strong
after daily reset
It's a shame that we won't get another Razor vs Keqing/Eula vs Hu Tao rivalry with Mualani and Neuv after they kneecapped her in the beta
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At least they aren't full blown cuckge..
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NOOOO I'm on the last piece of content...
Cant wait to use him as dendro driver in Nilou bloom. My Rainslasher is waiting.
>neuv femcels
>make cringe sappy posts about how they want to drink his water or whatever
>neuv spictards
>spam the threads all day with their unfunny memes and yap on about his meta status
I would eliminate both given the chance, but it's clear it's the spictards actually antagonizing you.
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Yep he's mad
I won
Easy peasy
MualaniLords don't give two shits about Fagbuffet. It's salty femoids trying to use him as a "gotcha" disguised as metafags "b-but your extremely sexy kinky tan line totting sex goddess does 70% of [insert faggot who didn't deserve to exist here] outside of seizure inducing spin attacks, haha, AoE, haha dps charts, doesn't it get you mad?"
This. They're angry the game is moving away from them. Lost. There can be no peace with women. Only beating until they behave.
granblue is an outdated and badly designed grindfest, they needed to hit EoS years ago.
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Yes I absolutely detest firefly holy shit

Archive this pic
I love furiner
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I NEED a furina gf right now /gig/
GBF is the reason why I think too many freebies are a bad thing. Cygames's solution to bad sales has always been "free shit"-emergency button and I don't want to see it in Genshin. The game was pretty much just a slot machine for roulette freebies in the last few years I played it, I barely even played raids or built grids I just logged in for free shit.
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The thread was much better a couple hours ago, what happened? Why did all of them come back?
Without Hexenzirkel involvement, how strong do you think the nations are?

Snezhnaya > Liyue > Fontaine > Inazuma > Mondstadt > Sumeru
Liyue has the Adepti and their normal army is well organized
Inazuma and Fontaine are carried by Raiden and Neuv
Klee and Albedo could probably solo Sumeru.
capitano shat his pants here btw
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huge nerfs?
30% damage loss?
how long does it roughly take to play through the summer event?
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capitanofly is gonna break this guy
4-6 hours would be my guess
Yes but the other dude says Mualani is bad because she's Eula even though she's nothing like Eula. He believes Mualani's gameplay is the same as Eula for some reason.
Klee is banned from Sumeru
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>mualanifag goes on a melty about his desire to beat women over /gig/ shitposts that were probably made by other males falseflagging

Incels are so fucking retarded it's unreal
>mualanifags are already pretending they didn't shitpost about her meta status when her pre-beta kit was out
Such is the fate when someone gloats before the fight begins. All they can do is run away in shame and pretend the past never happened
My favourite females are Nahida, Chiori and Nilou.
What does this say about me?
you like whores
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>The thread was much better a couple hours ago, what happened? Why did all of them come back?
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>shit on mualani
>use neuvillette
>act like citlali is better than mualani
>/gig/ attacks all three and attaches different boogiemen to each
>others will take up the roles and continue the battles on both sides
Just too simple
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hd version doko
You like breedable females
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I wish Kazuha would swirl his semen inside me too
I'm literally Scara
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Who is Bislut of genshin?
Why Navia didnt get crown as head skin?
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>spend months cuckposting all the girls
>have a meltdown when neuvillette gets nerfed and mualani looks strong
>spam the thread when he gets fixed anyways
>anons notice you might be a femcel and call you out
>go full mask off and post literal crazy radfem bullshit
>try to cover your tracks by declaring anons who call out femcel spammers “schizos” or “false flaggers”
It’s too late you crazy bitch, we know.
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>moids spend most of fontaine seething over "WHY CAN'T WE HAVE META FEEEEEMAAAAAALES"
>a-actually it was femoids shitposting me about meta and making me mad all along!
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Who's the mommy issues schizo who keeps frothing at the mouth about women in this thread?
That's much shorter than expected, thanks
>Yakapag has a meltdown when she's exposed by the achieveGOD
I only skipped Navia and Chiori because fuck GEO, also Siggy because I don't like potatoes.
I hate that I know who this person is...
>he made up a woman in his head to get mad at
misogynists are mentally ill
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Based pagmon
you are based and genshin enjoyer
meant for this person probably>>487860857
meant for>>487861016
probably meant for>>487861282
Who did Loom fuck?
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>muh femcels
Reminder that shartlani is not liked by anyone, especially the core audience
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I love Tao
Watch out she might start neuv_laughing now that she's been exposed!!!
>reee's about women in this general
>actually the women are trannies!
Pick a narrative retard
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Hey I just wanna beat women okay? Don't judge me for it, you're likely overdue for a beating anyway. Also, I calmly and logically, simply expressed my opinion that women are losing their grip on the game and they are catering to more deserving people like me again, and that's a good thing, and some whoever-it-is started sperging about a hydro characters released a year ago like it's relevant or something idk. But year women need my fist.
Natlan Hag Land.
2 male characters in TOP 3
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>women hate sexy women
the stuff you read in /gig/....
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i don't remember posting this
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I'm a femcel and I like Mualani. She cute.
I only made one of those points. You're still not a woman
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>the spinoffs are flopping
they are?
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>The thread was much better a couple hours ago, what happened? Why did all of them come back?
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Nahida is for (me)
>I didn't skip Furina
>I rolled for Navia this banner
>I rolled for Cloud Retainer
>no primos for Arle
>I rolled for Clorinde
>no primos for Siggy
>Emilie is ugly
>I'm gonna buttfuck Mualani
That's the path I am taking/took at least. Also waifubros are not a hivemind.
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>mfw (my Furina when) you haven't posted cuckshitbait in the last 24 seconds
I mean that's about the most true thing I've ever read on gig lol

its true for women irl anyways, idk about fujos when it comes to fictional characters
she's shameless coombait, their number 1 enemy
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I'm the original YakaGOD btw
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>only 5 months left before 2025
>/gig/ is still seething at neuvillette
>the chinkcels hate her
She's so fucked lmeow
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>have a meltdown when neuvillette gets nerfed and mualani looks strong
>spam the thread when he gets fixed anyways
This was me and I am a male
*sigh* post tits
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Wuwa sales? Star rail sales? zzz sales? Gi sales?
Who are we going to win against and who are we going to lose against?
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muskets & roses was the best genshin event in the past year, awesome cast too, miss Yakao n the screen...
Tiffany is beating you in your own mind.
I miss pre-troon digibro, he had good taste in anime
>trooned out and his gf left him for ethan ralph of all people
meant for>>487861016
probably meant for>>487861282
Btw I'm pretty sure mutanikeks are the femcels
They started seething about Clit loli recently
Name a better 5* unit than C2R1 Raiden for the cost.
HARD MODE: That isn't Neuv, Arle, Furina, or Nahida
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>muh popularity
Who cares as long as she gets a steady stream of fanart?
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AIslop yaka spammer might be mentally ill
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do not search this history of this image md5 or that of any QQ image.
sisters... is gbf worth getting into in 2024?
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There's no url on this image at all
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Aren't all yaka posters
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Metafags learned that when it comes to new characters the only ones worth pulling for are the bi-annual mega releases that are so absurdly broken the meta tends to revolve around them

Long-term casual players have most of the characters they want by now, so they can afford to not pull on everything except the characters that truly appeal to them, so lots of them are just hoarding gems (this is also why MHY wants game modes like IT to encourage people to roll for everyone instead of their favourites)

New players are discouraged from joining the game because despite all the QOL that's slowly been added to the game they are treated as secondary citizens

Increasingly length quests (look at the length of the Sumeru+Fontaine AQs and compare them to their predecessors) that still cannot be skipped start to drive away the people who weren't invested in the story but tolerated their presence because they liked other aspects of the game

Other games start to get released which causes a slow trickle of players who've simply had their fill with the game and want to try something else
C0 Zhongli
C0 Kokomi
>a single tencent game mogged the shit out of 3 (THREE) mihomo games
I kneel...
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Are there actual sisters (born with vagina, not troon) in this general? How do you feel seeing all the /gig/gers seethe about your existence?
QQfags before December 2023
>intelligent, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humour
QQfags after December 2023
What happened
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I miss Duoposting
mmmmm brownies
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Predict skin for Furina in 5.X
She is hebe with sword from Aether harem after all.
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fuck off this "yaka is ugly" meme has gone on long enough its not funny anymore
if you know the date you probably know what happened but
some actual faggots started avatarfagging and posting their leggies / fag fetish with qq pics then it just kinda struck i guess lol
Reactions like yours still make me laugh, so yeah it’s still funny.
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>Wuwa jobs to nikke
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>QQfags before December 2023
already cock hungry slut
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why does my anko do so much more damage than my changli? I got baited into rolling for this fraud....
The cn votes are from the same app that does abyss usage. Idk about the en part
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>This was me and I am a male
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Only ones i skip were chiori(no primos at the time) and sige(lost 50/50)
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i like sexy women but all the seething about real women itt makes me hope the game gets more cuckshit and fagshit

idc if it dies because my life doesnt revolve around a chinese gacha game
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>Not funny any-hurp
She's so fucking ugly I can't ev-hurp finish the green tex-uaaahhhhhggg
meant for>>487862228
Wrong thread, Wuwakek
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>banners are flopping
>new game mode sucks
>cina hates the summer event. because they're getting cucked
>no one is excited for natlan
>mihoyo in aother controversy in EN and CN
>another female got nerfed twice
natlan isn't looking too good
you realize that whatever goes on in these threads has a grand total of 0.00000% impact on whether or not the game dies?
There is nothing interesting about Natlan's Amber
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The Artist Formerly Known as Digibro.
RIP brotha
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>Aether's harem (of babes to photograph)
C3 R1 Raiden is still the most future proof choice you could make in this game
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>he rolled
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I was a proud Ayaka main from 2.0 to 4.3 then transitioned to Navia

Now I'm a T0C0 champion duelist main
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its an outdated meme
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creaming the insides of plump fertile hebes
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This is a better unit than Raiden at any level of investment.
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>I was a proud Ayaka main from 2.0 to 4.3 then transitioned
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Agree. But the best response is to just post more pretty Ayaka
>slut talking about waifu pandering
bit too obvious
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>ayaka being ugly
Tiffany is just a stupid /gig/ meme. The truth is Genshin had no competition and they could afford to do whatever it was they were doing with Sumeru but the gacha market is getting over saturated and hoyo is course correcting to compete because their weak spot was neglecting coomers after they got in trouble with the censorship authorities. It's actually starting to hurt their bottom line.

tl:dr - you lost honey there will be more coom less worm now
>to casuals only
>only few chinkcels
>who cares
>still strongest dps in the game
Natlan will be kino
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I am not your boogie woman
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fuck off shounenfag
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I have three of those things that you get when you roll and get a 4*/5* weapon/character, should I save them to buy Fischl from the shop? I really liked her, even though I saw so little of her...
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Nta but you ha e probably posted that picture 3 times more than Ayaya gets posted here so you can't call anyone mentally ill
it doesnt but i still have hope
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I guess it a good thing the dev doesn't touch Ayaka and Shenhe anymore. They remain consistent.
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I like Mualani and I'm going to have 3 mixed race daughters with her.
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the ugly yaka posting femcels have begun a dialogue hahahaha
>c6r1 furina
>c0r0 navia
>c0r0 xianyun
>c2r1 clorox
>c0r0 emilie soon
>c0r0 mualani soon
it's just gg
when is this babe's rerun?
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I'm a straight white male and I love Ayaka
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I will DEFY biology and get Lumine pregnant.
kill yourself nigger
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femcels love yaka for some reason.
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>you ha e
broke another one, she thinks I'm her boogieman
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Buying characters is the primary purpose for the masterless starglitter which is what I assume you're talking about. Fischl's also a good character to purchase but unfortunately the available characters are on a monthly rotation, so it'll take a while before she returns to the shop. Maybe you'll get lucky and pick her up on a banner though
We don't know how strong albedo is since people theories he might be copy of third descender
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post your schizophrenic boogeyman and seethe about it, maybe even troon out while you're at it, but I'm straighter than you and I love Yaka
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>Capitano too slow to react to Mavuika

This guy also shat his pants and fled from Varka btw
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Not if she impregnates you first
just filter and ignore
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>I'm a straight white male
Yea you sure are after that transition xis
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That's it?!
>retard doesn't know where the v is on a phone
Why are you larping as a Mihoyo employee? You don't know shit lmao, go waste your dysgenic sperm into another tissue while crying about how much women "need" your fist.
meant for>>487863671
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>but I'm straighter
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Seethe harder femcel, Ayaka is prettier and thinner than you could ever hope to be
Well, Nilou C0R1 but I'll pull Raiden on the rerun
What an angry response. We already saw the Natlan trailer, honey.
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This post further confirms anyone that picked Aether is a female or gay
>Are you brave enough to compete?
>shat his pants and couldn't say a word
>ok, I'm sending Cheld
>fighting with Capitano sama? This opportunity is hard to cum by
>Cheld immediately jobs 1 sec into battle
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very true, I can sense the gay insecurity emanating from most Ayaka haters
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>doesn't deny it
uh oh seems someone's projecting very hard
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>but I'm straighter
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>he's calling trannies honey on /gig/
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I don't have enough energy to take care of more than 3 kids simultaneously.
even just one is already exhausting
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Trannies prefer kokomi though
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did they...you know?
>The truth is Genshin had no competition
it still as no competition now since these games don't have anything genshin lacks
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>not ugly
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What is your opinion on this cute nurse?
>CN votes are ordered by the skin tone
Whatever you say Gay boy.
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trooning out soon, xis?
I'm a straight male and I want to frot with a kokosister
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made for breeding
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goes here>>487864047
meant for>>487862826
I took a massive, fat, smelly shit on Neuv in this last character survey but then it dawned on me and I asked myself "is my account still safe or will I get cursed by the fujo devs?"
C0 Zhongli
C0 Emilie
C0 Baizhu
C0 Yelan
Yelan bow
Furina sword
Freedom Sworn
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reminder that muttlani lost
reminder that mavuika is for xbalanque
reminder that leakers said the story will center around males
reminder that the region is full of ugly wiggers and fakemons
reminder that natlan has the least hype out of any region so far
Go ahead and prove you're these mythical straight white men and not discord troons shitting up the threads
Post your roster
Any denial to do so automatically makes you gay trannies
kinda funny that this AIslop yaka spammer would roll for neuvillette but shit on firefly
the kokotrans meme has to be the most forced shit ever
same kokosisters are the best frotters
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Anon, melusines can't reproduce.
Except Siggy.
Do you want to create a lineage of Sigewinnes that ends up replacing humanity?
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This sub is beyond salvation.
Stupidest take ITT. Make crawl out of that rock you're living under.
Citlali will SAVE CRYO

How is the question
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Nice rebuttal you flaming homo lmao
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Women (and troons) just hate girls who are prettier than them. They’re really vicious to each other and it’s why they neg beautiful women while saying “oh you’re so pretty girl” to the fat chick.
And they don’t like it when men get pandered to either.
So they shitpost every girl in Genshin because it wasn’t enough to have some good guys in the game, the women have to be less pretty, less attractive - or they have to be pretty in a way that appeals to them instead of men.
I believe in chinkbros, they are trying their best to kill genshin right now
>Any denial to do so automatically makes you gay trannies
Yet again posting back to back
Totally organic btw
meant for>>487864854
talking about this person on picrel>>487860692
Why is that one Aether anon calling Ayaka ugly? Ayaka danced with wet socks on for Aether. Ayaka is for you too.
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The ayaka avatarfag...
>Post uglyaka
moot point
she has the trans color scheme
Post your roster so I can laugh at the fact that you picked Aether you gay boy
what shit does wuwa have that genshin doesn't?
There is no rivalry. Neuvillette is here to stay, meanwhile that tanned chick will be forgotten in 1 month.
Its exactly like what happened with arlecchino trying to create some rivalry when neuvillette was always the top dog
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this explain why ugly femcels love yaka and get some mad when someone says yucka
I'm such a happy cuck
Name 8 characters
talking about the yackaposter>>487865383>>487865000
but you hate firefly who is prettier than yucka
and you are not woman
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Mualani has pure polynesian blood, calling her a mutt makes no sense
LMAO keep crying in schizo shitposting babble while me and my bros coom ourselves to death in glory and victory. You don't even feel it do you? I pity you. Mualani's soft thighs, her tantalizing naughty tan lines. If only you could feel what I feel you wretched creature.
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why did Barbara do it?
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Why can't incels fuck off to WuWa and Blue Archive instead of shilling their slop here?
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I'm the straighest here, and I say love Ayaka
schizophrenia, her #1 fans are straight white men
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I wish I could be this naive
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Ayaka is the most for (You) character in the game.
Though Nilou certainly put in some effort this event, I don’t think she has Ayaka beat yet.
please do not post nahida next thread
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Any other happy cucks here?
I only posted the musket event Ayaka pics. I'm not the other Ayaka poster.

I also don't have Neuvillette.
gokubro falseflagging as bejitabro btw
>he thinks I'm talking about wuwa
Educate yourself. No I won't spoonfeed you.
>soon to be Varka
There's every playable character from Mond. Now post your MC faggot
everyone in natlan is a mutt
name a 5* character and no don't give me shit like Raiden I want a real 5* character
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>women hate Ayaka
8 out of 10 of the girls I met in co-op have at least Ayaka, Raiden, Yae in their profiles.
Hu Tao and Furina are pretty common too.
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Naive about what you retard? I'm not talking about a hypothetical "maybe" future. I'm ejaculating to Mualani right here and now.
>everyone in Natlan is a mutt
>based entirely on colonized regions
trvth nvke
She's so ugly
Just realized I left out Babala and Rosaria
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what the fuck is this supposed to prove or insinuate
Is this how you cope with Mualani being a worse and browner Neuvillette? I bet you're a seapag who plays on mobile as well.
she's good with emilie...
our children will be mutts though
/gig/ loves pretending that normal female players act the exact same way that the schizos here do. 75% of the general don’t go outside of here.
Im such an unhappy chad...
Do not talk to me if you don't have at least 80 Insight
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Cause most normie girls who play Genshin don’t hate Ayaka or have a problem with girls in the game. Most normie dudes who play don’t have a problem with men either.
it’s just the very online sort of femanons who post on /gig/ who hate women in the game, just like it’s the very online anons who post on /gig/ who hate men in the game
I would rather use Siggy than Raiden
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Should I buy a promocode for KFC wings and scarafurnitire for 20$ now or wait for Europe event? Don't really care about Scara, just want the wings.
theres barely any actual females in this general. its mostly autistic men trolling each other.
Explain to me how Neuvillette has anything to do with the conversation about me cooming my socks off to sexy girls in Genshin again? How could he help me with that? Why should I care? I'm from Europe born and raised, white, lean and handsome, cope more you whore.
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The first half is right, but truth is they aren't changing course. They are basically in a cargo cult phase where they hope that giving the Mavuika cleavage and hope that will be enough, but they will still add something retarded like making her not the archon. They wont allow Mualani to be strong because only males can be strong, even though what kept Sumeru from flopping was Hu Tao, Yelan, Ayaka, Ei and Nahida: all strong female 5*s. Doesn't matter if T0 Mualani would make money. They can't compromise on that. Same goes for all the other decisions. More QoL and End game (if we can call IT that) is just a bandage for the game. Watch, they'll change the name of the app to "5.0 NATLAN IS HERE". They'll keep making more and more desperate moves to save the game other than reverse the decisions that got them there in the first place.

So Genshin will flounder more and Mihoyo will have to rely more on HSR and ZZZ to make money. They'll never get as high as Genshin did, and the days of easy money are over. That's the real reason they are pandering more in all their games.
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>I'm from Europe born and raised, white, lean and handsome,
if that were true you'd be slaying real pussy instead of cooming to safe horny genshit designs, youre not fooling anyone
Nobody said the glory days would come back but coomers like me will enjoy yourselves more while the usual suspects will get pandered to less and will seethe about it, because let's be frank, nothing hurts them more than knowing people like me are happy and being catered to, and vice versa. I'm not a hypocrite about it. I just won, simple as.
>you'd be slaying real pussy
I never said I wasn't mentally ill! No but seriously I ignore or belittle the women who try to talk to me. They would need to rape me for that to happen.

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