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>Guides and resources


>8/13 (Tue) Update Notice

Moment Ring: The Eternal Preserver
Outerplane Festival
Mystery of the Oasis
The Reaper and the Gangster (Permanent)

>Developer's Note #8

>Code Redemption Website for iOS

>Increased rates
Maxie 8/13 ~ 9/10
Edelweiss 8/13 ~ 9/10
Gnosis Dahlia 7/30 ~ 8/30
Monad Eva 5/21

>/opg/ Guilds
Netori (Put /vg/ in profile)

Previous: >>491589030
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>Didn't even bother updating the new bread info
Rabibro would have done better!!! He would have done better!!!
We were on page 10...
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>Edelweiss in the outerplane booth
Best girl won
Is it mathematically possible to get kimono Eva by hoarding fireworks or do I need to payfag?
The latter
Still cant believe no burgerbros is going to the booth to represent our mongolian weaving basket forum general
You need to buy a pack with 3000 bingo coins in it.
Ideally the $10.99 packs. Since you need 3100 bingo coins (free 300 bingo coins in the shop tomorrow) for eva skin after completing the daily task event and firework event.
How do Japs never get tired of being pandered to with the exact same "Japanese themed" shit in every single game
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>Outerplane booth is just right beside the Epic 7 booth
Am I just supposed to save my outerbucks for an enitre other 365 days? Everything feels like a bad idea to roll on, I don't even want to try the start dash cause I'd only be going for Aer and probably end up with a bunch of Christina and Eternal dupes
who is the delicious drakhan lookalike on the left
Sorry bros but I just installed cat fantasy and I can grope the catgirls so I think my gacha money is going to be spent in that game from now on
Eva is so fucking flat
Bro... Majority of the heroes there are males....
Its better to spend it to get more heroes bro. Since at late stage of the game you'll get a source to farm event pull tickets and you can buy pull tickets from the shops. And to get to that point you need good mono team for each element
All the purple and yellow units I've got are catgirls though
I heard they did a demographic shift and are a fujo game now
Wait a minute why aren't there fujo gachas?
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Play the animation
There's a super popular yume gacha right now
All mixed toilets are becoming fujo gachas. Just look at Granblue and their recent homo summer.
>want to use Maxie avatar because she's literally me
>don't want people to think i'm a pedo
Just use her bro, It doesn't really matter what people think. but it does matter if you are an actual pedo then i will hunt you and kill you as as an act of mercy to my fellow outerbro
its very simple bros
2d loli =/= pedo
3d kid = pedo
exactly what a pedo would say
Limited Tamamo will save outerplane
Why am i not surprised to see Tamamo, Kuro and Ame?
At this point they are the mascot of the game.
It should've been slutella!!
ame is apparently very popular in Japan
aer... forgotten
Because Japs are all insect people genetically programmed to all like the exact same things
>all 3 of them are for (you) in the event that came out almost the same time as the JP version.
Ame was already planned long ago but Tamamo and Kuro where probably made with the JP players in mind, same with the (you) events.
Gyaru girls are extinct bro...
Nobody actually likes Aer, they just want to breed her
And all 3 are the most played out trite jap stereotypes in existence
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What? There's like 5 joke male characters that are low-rarity, everyone else is female. All of the high rarity characters are female, and so far literally all of them seem to be for (You)
To be honest I'm not sure why a lot of games do this, they know no one wants the male characters unless they go full fujo or mixed toilet, and don't even attempt to try and give them screentime or anything. But then add a few low rarity males as if filling out a checklist
>nobody likes this girl they just want to fuck her
Name one thing you like about Aer
her giant, huge, explosive damage
Her optimistic personality
Her enthusiasm and love for life
Her friendliness towards everyone
Her bazongas
Her bond 10 line is pretty cute too.
I don't have her so can't post it.
Do any characters have bond 10 lines that aren't >Er... um... Fine! I like you a lot okay!!! Baka!
G. Dahlia's was nice. She talks about how you're the only one who has stayed with her and how she wants to freeze this feeling she has for you forever.
wtf regina dies??????
Bro, your event??
We need a place to post all the characters bond lines.
It need way too much gifts for a single character.
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Wtf I'm regina??
(You) are just someone she calls her minion. Regina is already dead, as far as I can tell. G. Dahlia does mention her, though.
I'm LITERALLY Ivanez btw
>(You) are actually Ivanez
>(You) are also an alternate world version of K
>Stella is your descendant
What does it mean?
None of that is confirmed in any way yet so it's headcanon for now.
It means my sex with Stella is incest and she reminds me every time
t. schwartz
only Jihoon himself would remember Jihoon exists and refer to himself as Schwartz
>tfw the Director of another game I play is named Kim Jihoon
>tfw the avatar he uses to portray himself is a cute, harmless dog
Why didn't you rape correct the dragon? It would save the troubles of chapter 2 part 2.
Vlada could have as well
It's better when they rape you
I was in the evil woman phase.
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I maxed Kappa just now. She was close but became retarded at the end.
became implies she was ever not retarded
Retarded and cutesy - f tier
Retarded and angry - SSS tier
who the fuck fists anymore
Where did you get this information from? Out of your ass?
If you do the dailies for fireworks (use 300 stamina) and dailies for Bingo points (3 missions daily) and save enough fireworks to get a good amount of bonus points you can get the 125 Bingo Coins to complete the full bingo sheets.
Count the coins and points both in the firework event screen and the Bingo event screen.
Nevermind that last post . I did the maths and we are lacking 3k bingo points. Sorry about that.
Dammits devs you are getting a bit greedy you already have been giving us free outfits so far with Mene, Rin, Drakkan, Dianne, what's one more.
(you) release when
So are we getting an event in 3 days or 9 days?
In 69 days.
Idk mate I only know that I think we should get a guild name change.
I speak for everyone here when I say We Agree
>Bro, your event??
what event? I dont see it
>He didn't complete the best event in the game
Post more Dahlia
2) Adventurer License and Weekly Raid Missions : Scheduled for September
- This content, in a Boss Rush format, allows you to use unique Quirks
exclusive to this mode to gradually challenge higher difficulty bosses.
- In response to Adventurers' Guild Cindy's request,
players can increase their adventurer level and attempt to upgrade their Adventurer License.
This content is designed to offer weekly goals and a sense of progression by defeating progressively harder bosses in stages.
- This content is planned to offer high-grade gems, which are currently relatively difficult to obtain, and will provide various rewards beyond just gem farming.
All I want is e7 collab so rabi can be in outerplane
We will get a Collab with one of the mainstream animes and you will like it.
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Is a collab even announced yet...?
Didn't E7 collab with Overlord?
what weapon and neclace dahlia need? She need crit rate and damage right?
use attack necklace, her shield scales off of attack.
revenge set is probably BiS but immunity/attack is also good but will give you smaller shields most of the time
So its just fighting more bosses...
Thoughts on sex?
controlGODS rise up
with these 2? every night
>milkers biggr than head
I agree, repulsive that they're wasted on a girl with such an annoying voice
>equip new skin
AIEEEEE what happened to her arm?
I still don't unlock it but I bought two packs for this shit?!
Holy shit, an Irregular
She's an evil women...
they'll probably fix it in a few days like with the valentine skin bug
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That's ML Luna from Epic7. She was released a month or two ago
Do I need to start playing this game???
You can but just know youre never gonna catch up to a 6 year old pvp game bro.
pussy talk
K warned us about this...
How did mirsha win the 1st great fiend war?
By killing chaos iirc
You can bro, but it's just Outerplane but p2w and PvP focused.
faunabros won
needs to be bigger
>it gets reveal who killed chaos
>It was a character named Jack
Would be kino
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Newbro here. Will they plan to continue main story? Or is it so shit they scrap it and focus on event story?
main story is unironically good
They update main story but it takes a while.
For events there is at least one per month.
Recent events gave some teasing for the next main story season.
>Recent events gave some teasing for the next main story season.
Is it Dahlia event? I missed it
All last 3 events did.
So Iota world, G.Dahlia event and the twins event.
>finally got d.stella
>realize her damage is nowhere near my aer and ame
>1 mil outer revenue
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Rabibro its time to come home, the gibs are about to start!
Does your leader always do the fight intro if they're on your team?
I have M. Eva as my leader and use her everywhere. The answer is no.
E7 is the most gacha-ass gacha I've ever played
30 seconds in and I'm getting 5 different currencies for growing creatures in a forest
Good outernight outerbros
Amount of busywork and sheer time wasting made me drop it
It's clear to me now Outerplane is the dumbed down more 'accessible' version for babies but I want complexity, just in the combat, not the menus
G. Dahlia, our savior
Remember when redd*tfags were talking about how outerplane would EOS in a few months?
1M revenue
the outerRISE will continue for years to come
Every time outerplane news get posted redditfags seethe that we are still alive
Why does Reddit hate this game?
>no males released since launch
to be fair at launch it was a mess
>blocks your path
What's the point of cheating in this game?
Don't they get banned in 3 days max?
Forever seething that devs removed getting pity from using event tickets
They just want to have temporary fun. But its kind of a mental Illness at this point that they just keep getting banned and then keep creating new accounts despite being banned almost daily.
pure retardation
every week there the devs post a ban list on stove and there are always a few hundred accounts banned
Veronica's power if true to lore.
too lewd for Mihomos
season 3 is planned to come out in November
Real Time Arena... forgotten...
Unironically, yes
we lost our Ace thanks to RTA...
Are you talking about the guy with Hanbyul that got banned because she was unkillable?
What happened to him in the end?
some are still mad that the game was prereleased in select countries (resulting in the now zombie asia 2 server) in april 2023, but it was maybe a good decision as it was hsr release month and a global release concurrently might have killed the game. the prelease players might have helped secure the game's release.
I'm talking about our best guild raid hitter...
1. they are psychos and it provides a thrill to them
2. they are haters who don't understand the mechanics and falsely think their actions are justified against everyone else's "cheating"
3. they are actors being used to sabotage the pvp ranking of others
4. they are farmers making illegitimate accounts to sell
5. they are hackers being used to test system integrity and are a smokescreen for the actual hackings going on
He got unbanned a few days later iirc
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Show me your GDahlia builds bros I don't know how to make her good.

Also in the quirk system for strikers, what does it mean by attacker and bruiser heroes? How can I tell who's a bruiser hero?
Outerplane wiki can show you the subclass of a hero
2 G.dahlia builds, one has immunity other revenge, revenge is great because it makes the shield she gets from her EE massive when at lower health, but immunity can counter regular dahlia and generally be a surprise as most have her on revenge set.
I need to craft a new accessory for her, you want attack% that generates shield on counter attack just in case you don't crit, as the other attack % accessory increases eff% which is useless.
If you go to a hero's page, there are tiny icons up at the top right that will show you the general idea of their stat spread, as well as their subclass
every class has 2 subclasses that are always effectively just "Nuker" and "Debuffer" and very often wrong.
To word it better, every 2 subclasses are
Tank that defends - Tank that do damage?
Ranger that supports - Ranger that do damage?
Support that heals - Support that buffs
Mage that do damage - Mage that debuffs
Striker that do damage - ...and I forget the other one

>this is the best I can do
It's over. Guess I'll go back to the fire hunt mines thanks bros.
Which weapon is that? Violent Sledgehammer?
Element with the worst girls?
dark before g.dhalia came out
I knew there was no possible way for me to word any variation of that kind of question without you chinkbrained faggots immediately thinking only of clear times and metashit
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>Mentions G. Dahlia
>Anon immediately thinks it's about the meta
D. Astei is top tier, though.
probably water, all of them are in their own world
/ss/ pov
New code:
10 purple tix. unannounced. tried it on a whim.
Existing code:
100 ether, 5 purple tix.
Anime collab incoming?
thanks bro
I'm still here bro... ace was our top guild scorer
kek those entitled ftp peasants are even worse than normal ftp players. im glad they are purged. those wimps take refuge on reddit to
Tamamo just replaces Eternal in any comp she's in, right?
Eternal if you need def down and buff removing
Tamano if CD push
wtf the outerplane wiki hasn't been updated in a month...
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outerplane fc?
the wiki owner left bro.
We will never know damage numbers again
It's overplane...
Hopefully never
This is my last jap thing that isn't polluted with collabshit after Daisuke bent the knee to netflix
cat fantasy is already getting a nekopara collab....
Remember joint challenge shop has refreshed
Will Rabibro host it?
>Dont have enough coins because I didnt do the last challenge boss
Its over
Why is Dianne's ult animation so horrific and disturbing
No its not
Cat RISE too bad there's no Cat Fantasy General
nah save the big purchases for AFTER joint challenge is up or the coin spending won't count
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>Didnt even manage to give away all the merch
Its OVER. Rabibro could have gotten all these merch....
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does this have time limit?
No patch note today?
Event is next week then i guess.
Yeah. It leaves on sept 5th.
Project nipon
Who the fuck is Ace and was he in Outerplane Netori guild?
He was our top whale bro, He had 200k ether on launch. He alone was the top scorer on the early guild raids and raised our rank to the top 15. He left the game when RTA beta came out as he felt that the game was gonna lean to PvP instead of PvE like epic 7 and soon deleted his account. Afterwards outerplane went to the PvE route and he never got to see it...
>imagine staying for raffles when the world's first disneyland is right next door
the specter that haunts us
Outermerch is limited
Disney land stays there forever
I got unbanned after 5 days when a bunch of outerbros went to the official DC and messaged the mods about it. My appeal ticket got priority afterwards. But the bros who helped me are no longer with us...
I'll become the next best damage dealer!!
I believe
thursday is the character teaser
He left because there's nothing to fucking do in this game
He said he'd come back for world boss but never did
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>deleted his account.
bro.... is this normal for whale?
normal for fraudsters
That was the netori leader who said that though?
He charged back bro
Why have they not changed the arena ranking system, what is the point of having Top 50 and Top 100 when at the end of every week only about ~6 to 10 people even make it out of Master 1?
They are waiting for JP to catch up before the server rankings merge
I would guess that its a honeypot to lure arena hackers in that was never meant to be a real rank
Good outernight outerbros
Sleep well
How do you build Kuro for pvp?
Bad aislop, boobs way too small, completely off-model
She's there specifically to put on a team where you don't have 4 optimized characters so she'll give you a benefit when she instadies to a stray aoe before she moves as opposed to just being there for cosmetics like any other hero without maxxed out armor and transcendence, you don't build her
you don't, the strategy of using her only works on low end pvp like on the asia 2 server
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We have to do this every month?
You rike?
Quick clear it
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Doing 50 fireworks per 2 days aint so bad.
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>No one bothered to report the dianne skin bug
Yes, you wanted CONTENT, right?
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Back in my day. We didn't get to sweep tower and had to manually clear it monthly!
its been reported on other channels, a ton of people stopped using the discord after they forced mobile authentication
What could we do to get more fanart?
Receive girls with larger breasts
Will Nella be the next demi?
G. Dahlia...
>Release evil big tiddy milfs
>Make Outermillions
its already happening
attract an artist or a commissionwhale
I'm still scared of a jap whale skebbing a bunch of horrible fetish porn or making cuck doujins and having those being some of the only outerart in existence that you're all going to constantly reference/spam
Have JP host a fanart contest
New Soulslayer schoolgirl!
bad post
more outerads
I just need Revenge Boots for my Dahlia...
Bros do I have to stop playing SG games cause they bent the knee to hurting the feelings of the chinese "people" or not care because they considered taiwan its own country in the first place
Outerplane had the same post but no CN pushback...
no CN playerbase its over...
>Going through the Side Stories
Is Sotis a retard?
please someone tell me the fireworks strategy, do I use 50 every 2 days? or do I horde them until the last day and use the 99.99 multiplier?
it doesn't matter too much
I used 50 every 2 days and already have 30+M points
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>100 rolls
>100 homos
no thanks
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>100 free elsons
>no dedicated Outerplane streamer
nyo... where are the neets who play 24/7???
We're all functioning members of society
How the FUCK do you beat this joint boss? 100 WG and 1 shots your team after 3 turns (enrage ends and he starts enraged)
and he only gets WG reduction from chain skills and dual attacks
hes even immune to prio decrease, speed down (hes 250 speed), frozen and stunned
just do easy mode bro you only get 15% more from hard and using the demons gives you 12% anyway
>can't break Snow
What's the point?
but the % multis are based off the damage you do
Maybe when we get RTA bro. Epic 7 didn't have good streamers until they got RTA either.
>no plane
What's the point
>Epic 7
>Cant set team to 7
Why even live
Spam poison bro
joint challenge team doko
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>1.5k stamina
>only 4 orange gear
>discovering you are colorblind via 4chin
When monad gate releases.
meva, roxie, maxie, gdahlia, in that chain order
ideally all will have executioner's charm which grants 12 chain points per attack
the more stars and charms you have the less copium the run will be
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You can only quick sweep until lv80?
Yes, Just auto the remaining 20 floors.
monad gate kino...

Project Siren - New VA Games IP
>try out joint attack
>got demolished by lvl 80 boss
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Bike archive
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Automatons for this feel?
Eva, Alpha
>3 more days until I get the eva black panties outfit
I'm getting impatient bros but buying the bingo points now would just be a waste
I wish we could do something about the overflowing bingo points... I accidentally bought the pack with 6k bingo coins
>costume is more covered up than her default outfit
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How do you accidentally buy a 40 dollar pack?
Iota tits distracted me, I hope they use my funds well
Good outernight outerbros
3d modeling seems to be improving
outernight outerbro
I used d.drakhan, M.eva, and both loli demon twins
managed to get 1.4M damage on very hard
JP whales are using Dianne and Ame instead of d.drakhan and M.eva
spam poison bro
Twins plus Eva and dianne
>Make sure to buy the new heroes for extra points!
>the boss doesn't interact with their kits at all and doesn't actually have any mechanics period
So... this is pve content...
Is that wuwa
it kinda does, every extra action helps generate chain points
and if the boss is shocked, during its turn you gain 10 chain points
if you don't break it, it will instakill
A bump from me
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Server stats derived from day 1 joint challenge stats:
Asia2: around 15% active
Korea: around 50% active
Asia1/Global: around 130% active
Japan: around 300% active
Why didn't he just fuck Angela?
nope its a new project from the same devs as Outerplane (VAGAMES)
i kneel jp gods
Harem bro
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JP literally carrying this game on their backs.
what is the difference between Asia 1 and Asia 2?
We are getting more soulslayer schoolgirls for this.
Another side story, another jobber-ass archdemon being retarded and getting destroyed by randos
Asia 2 is where grandpas stay with their old accpunts rather than making a new one
>JP has better hitters and more active users than global
Thoughts on Dianne?
>Two boys, one girl!
What the fuck did she mean by this
Very sexy. Wife material.
ear piercing voice and weird gross ult animation
One of her voice lines when she uses Action Points
its immune to poison bro
content... soon
outercollab doko
Feels weird that there's no point to a light or dark team, you just smash them together and swing them into both elements
elements don't matter too much bar elemental tower and terminus isle
even gear dungeons can be completed with off elemental heroes
And they should change this
is Chimera 11 in 7 days good or is my account bricked?
>Accidentally dismantled ALL of my gear
Good, my dark team is shit. The only good dark I have is Demiurge characters.
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>follow Outerplane on Xwitter for codes
>Xitter starts recommending other tiddy gacha to me
I fell for the paizuri hole.
But astra seed is a shit game
Well no wonder the official site doesn't have any gameplay footage.
Its good, Took me 2 weeks to reach 12
I honestly can't remember the last time that I've seen an official site for a mobile game (even ones with a PC port) that show off gameplay. Even the 3d action ones usually don't, and instead just have landscape shots, character art, and then some lore. And those are the games you'd expect to try and shill their gameplay the hardest
I want this iota image more pixelized.
she mentions that she wants her first son to be a paladin, the second a priest, and her third a girl she is undecided
it turns out that she was probably the first victim of maxie and roxie that we see, given their side stories and how their banners have been lumped together, and in a bittersweet twist, she ended up believing in love instead of hatred after seeing a wedding vow being done amidst a war, defying the twins expectations
outerplane is like that game that remembers what gameplay and storywriting used to be
I don't recall her ever interacting with Maxie and Roxie. In fact she came out before either of them.
Bro? your lock function?
it's implied that the girl whose parents were killed by unknowns in diane's side story and now known to be who in maxie's side story are one and the same.
winners have been announced for the raffle tickets:
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NIGGERo Won...
>Half the winners comes from the JP Server
>Not a single /opg/ bro won
Its actually over
It's ok, I didn't want to win and give my shipping information to slimegate anyway...
I don't see my name!
I just learned that devs changed the recruit system to be more jewish. Now i want to quit because i will never be able to catch up as a new player.
You guys didn't seriously want the weird coomer merch did you?
same bro..
>special recruit
>2250 ethers
>lose featured banner 2 times in a row
It's joever, i even spent some money too.
Catch up to what? Regular characters are still trivial to get, I started a JP account and have almost everyone except 2 already. Demiurges yeah it kinda sucks to be new but 2 free rolls daily is still better than most of these games with super-rares. And they added seasonal limiteds recently which aren't really that bad either it was just a gut punch to people who spent all their ether since you can't use tickets.
i did..
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Who wouldn't want outermerch?
You will eventually have all the heroes regardless bwo. I've been playing for 6 months and have them all and still around 200 free tickets.

The real issue are the limited and demiurges, where you will need to spend to 6* them BUT that only matters for pvp.
erm i don't like rabibro, is there another guild i can join?
Isn't zatzgod the guild leader?
Good outernight outerbros
outernight outerbro
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lol after several months the e7 devs dropped advertising their r1999 clone game chaos zero nightmare on the outerplane main page altogether, no longer links to the twitter after putting the link right on top of the sidebar and then right below it. what a shame. screenshot from before it was axed.
It's over...
Did that game release already? I literally heard nothing about it aside from seething on e7g.
no updates since july
I think they showed off a new PV or trailer or something recently, which then revealed to everyone who didn't see the leaks that the game is like some dungeon crawling thing with chibis instead of proper 3d models
What's funny is them realizing they could just integrate Chaos nightmare's gameplay to outerplane.
sort of reminds me of trickal:revive, but no soul
Is patience the best set for Kanon or just defense set?
Patience. Because Kanon receives a dmg reduction with def buff . With that she can utilize Low HP high def scale of patience set.
has JP finally caught up with the rest of the servers?
I think so. maybe even better in progress. The World boss, Arena and Guild rankings merge would probably happen this month or the next.
Chaos Zero Nightmare flopped so R1999 could live
Hopefully R1999 flops so Cat Fantasy can live then, I need my catsex
Thanks bro, even though I rarely use Kanon in arena anymore
>Wake up
>Check raffle winners
>80% are from JP
I know Smilejews are pandering to JP since they are funding the servers, but no need to rig it this hard...
Gonna start a JP account
Why not join the winning side bros?
its outerover
I got a Friend that just started and want the M.Eva costume.
He is fucked and can't get it even if he whale right?
You can only get 6k Bingo point from shop max and he only have like 5 days left.
He didn't even finish the second Bingo pannel yet.
I'm so bricked
I don't think so bro the bingo packs are unlocked depending on how many total bingo points you have collected
4.2k, 5.5k, 6.6k respectively
he can probably get close, or wait until its in the skin shop if they plan on putting her there
also tell him to join Netori
>also tell him to join netori
>"Wow bro, didn't know you were into that... I'm uh, I'm gonna pass, thanks"
How much points does the third pack have?
pack 1 - 500
pack 2 - 3k
pack 3 - 6k
He could maybe make it if buying pack 1 and 2 unlock the third one.
RABIBRO SAVE US change the guild name
bro dont fall for their tricks, netori must live
just make it Outerbros it's so obvious!!
collab soon, trust the plan
You people have been saying this since launch
Silhouette of new character coming out soon
either earthling idol slut or Nella
Would Mero be worth raising to swap in on a team of Tio, Valentine, Eternal and Maxie
She feels like Lidl Valenternal for people who don't have either except she doesn't do near half of Eternal's damage
Just change the guild name to OUTERSEX and open it to new ppl
>limited and demiurges
That's literally the end game of these type of games. Collecting meta characters.
ps regina, meva, twin demons are probably the best team for joint boss
The nyew character showcase?
Think that's in 2 days
Post team bro
maxie, roxie, m.eva, s.reggie
cp gen charms, if you can't build max cc on maxie or roxie use the gain cp on attacking enraged unit charm, and cp gain on hitting advantageous element on m.eva
roxie/maxie ~220-240 speed
m.eva ~260 speed
s.reggie ~230 speed
break boss using skill chain before he finishes enraged
I barely killed him, you need really good gear or 6* reggie (I don't)
>tfw started after Summer Regina
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Fire Idol hero...
Nella when...
It's Liz v3!
Hopefully we get some idolsex
Hopefully we get some more outerpanties
is she meta?
Can't wait for the Aer battlepass skin
>Have everyone except S.reg
Its actually over for me
Bricked account.
She better have a big ass and see through panties.
When is the guild change coming?
>guild name change
Its still in debate limbo bro
>Guild raid change
This month along with monad gate if being optimistic
Is that supposed to be a horn?
Is she another Yokai?
I vote we rename to serin
controversial post
She's an automaton Real
missed opportunity to say kappa
monad gate is coming in December
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JP Dahliagods... mercy...
BASED f2per in the middle
>No summer regina

Also how do you tell what sets the enemies are using?
Good outernight outerbros
you can either record a battle session and playback to see what effects proced
or you can search them up by friend search which will show any equipped support units
outernight outerbro
JP whales and top players are probably as powerful if not more now than global/kr/asia
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hmmm nyo
i don't think i will
easier now more than ever due to units and ult skip
Doing 1 run take like 1 min with the right team on auto.
I'll try the friend search thing. I want to see what sets they have before attacking them since there's no rematches.
but the ether and gold...
she'll be back soon... only ~10 months
What are the droprate differences between the top hunt tiers? Am I bricked if I don't farm 12?
Nah, just stay at 10+
Difference isn't that big. Sometimes I get more red equipment from doing stage 10 in some bosses than the ones I have at stage 12.
>300 minutes doing that if you're optimal.
My phone will die from overheating.
Will it be more difficult to beat the guild raid bosses or maybe the point system will change? Have they said anything bout the changes?
You want to do at least 11 so you start getting seals and tokens to craft your monthly transistones, 12 gives 3 instead of 2 so it's better but if you're already doing all your crafts then it's fine and you're only missing whatever 0.001% drop rate difference there is for red gear.
Is there an upload of the halloween event scenes? I started playing after, and I heard Mero is introduced in there. Couldn't find it on youtube
I forgot about the transistones. Don't you need to do 3 different types of hunts for those to get all the elements?
>tamamo side story
holy shit everyone i like in this game is the evilest fucking woman
At least she sort of got tamed by (you) in the Onsen event.
Light and dark hunts give random tokens so you can get everything if you just spam those, but if you only do chimera, glycis etc. you'll have to do some of the other hunts or use the conversion craft but the rate is pretty bad.
I started playing after that event ended so I missed it.
I don't think its been uploaded to youtube... sorry bro
use mumuplayer or ldplayer
google play games also works
There is 100% a difference, red drops are mythically rare even on 11, where on 12 they're fairly regular
It might be different for you though, in my experience accounts that have good hero luck tend to have garbage gear luck and vice versa.
Too bad literally all light and dark armor and weapons are dog ass
simply not true bro
dark accessory that increases pvp damage for rangers?
This anon is catless and foxless, as well as JKless...
Bro the only relevant rangers in pvp just want speed.
>Almost kill a boss
>Game crashes
This keeps fucking happening
You don't even use that, or you'd know it was from the Light boss
Cleave is dead and Notia hasn't been a part of it in ages
how do I units skip?
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>got the critical strike set from hard tower
>put it on g.dahlia because her gear is shit
>she becomes my strongest character
Feels good.
>Manage to get two "-50% Trap Damage" Artifacts
>Just run around on every single trap
In settings
nice g.dhalia bro, just make sure to build more cc because her ee gives her shield on crit
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I only see ulti animation in settings
there are several teams in the T100 that still use noita + d.vlada on defense
just because its not the #1 strategy doesn't make it useless
also dies irae is BiS for regular dahlia
>just because its not the #1 strategy doesn't make it useless
Bro its a gacha there is 0 non-cope reason to not use the best strategy, it's not like there's any kind of real difference in "playstyle" to any arena team
for when rta comes out soon... for sure...
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Rare fanart
an iota of sex...
What did she mean by this?
We fucking won
My queen...
>Wearing panties
OOC and non canon
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>400+ roll on normal recruits
>only 2 SSR
fucking nigger
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I will now play your game
I kneel. This better be the OP for the next thread.
Dies Irae doesn't stack for Dahlia. She will get less shield from the amulet than her passive.
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He's talking about regular dahlia bro...
She doesn't exist she's a figment of your imagination .
Is Eva the best demi now?
Is there any point rolling for demis past their first month since the next one is just going to be stronger than all the others every time?
>new hero is a cute idol
We are so fucking back
Eva is the best demi all around.
There's still a point in getting the rest. by priority wise. its M.eva, D.vlada, D.stella, D.drakhan then D.astei
They all do different things and it's more about the meta shifting that makes them not as relevant than just getting powercrept.
All demis have their own specialty. They dont really powercrept each other.
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Dont forget the image bro...
Nice tits
Somi Choi my wife...
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they noticed and hes been replaced by the following winner lol
A Prima Vista for strikers is the accessory you're thinking about
Doot Irate grants 40% priority on inflicting a debuff for mages
even rabibro deserves a chance, thats not very progessive of them....
NIGGERo oppressed again...
We want the hololive audience
Good outernight outerbros
Why do you all constantly say D.Astei is the worst demi when she is the most consistently used across every kind of arena team and generally just the best aoe damage dealer in the game, on top of being an instawin vs any defense team that doesn't have a well built Drakhan

She's not the worst demi, No demi is terrible . Its that she is just not used that much for other content besides PvP which makes her priority low when pulling for your first demi.
dahlia's self speed buff, priority push, speed decrease, ability to inflict frozen without triggering counterattacks and shred buffs has long surpassed her
dastei has been countered by extinction, invincible shields, unhealable, silenced and priority efficiency decrease. kanon likes to torment her by chaining after another enemy unit too
Ok I figured out why E7 feels so bland and soulless compared to Outerplane and it's the characters, E7 characters are absurdly boring.
Outerplanes never shut up, they have voicelines for absolutely everything, if a character is on screen, they're talking, and also animating. Epic Sevens never say anything. They're like silent cardboard cutouts. Even in combat, all you'll hear is "ha! haa! yah! By my sword! My sword will strike! Heh... I've grown stronger...". They silently stare at you on the mvp screen and its awkward, you can't poke them in the lobby, and even when they DO talk, it's all the most inane generic bullshit you've ever heard. I got Rabi, who has somehow memed her way into becoming the mascot of the game, and her camp conversation is "No human could defeat me, I'm really strong!"
...great, good for you
They talk like fucking Dota characters

This is all on top of the fact that their kits aren't actually that complex? Like why does everyone go on about Epic Seven's rta, that they straight up have esports tournaments with prize pools for, when the kits are the exact same old "deal damage and inflict a debuff" shit as every other game?
It was the first good 2D gacha game so its was highly praised back then. Old players there have battered wife syndrome so they cant leave the game.
Hell, porn game that copied E7 has better characters
I'd say DStella is pretty bad actually. She gets cucked by a lot of things nowadays.

Scratch what I said. I just beat all of them. Drakhan was the true carry.
D.stella has high value due to her immune to control passive plus counter attack, Her chain end skill, and plus she has good stats. She also takes reduced damage from single attacks and does AoE attacks.
Me on mirsha
The cut-ins and 3d models were insanely high quality for the time back when it released when most of the competitors back then were using chibis or dogshit browser flashgame-tier models; and then sunk-cost kicked in when the devs decided to pander to the Twitter normalfag crowd

Bryn owes me sex
The voice is going to be unbearable
What made the devs think we needed another fire hero
outerbwis is this real? >>493393372
BROS there is a damage calculator for Outerplane
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Basically true. Out of probably close to 100 girls; there's 2 married woman (one of whom has a daughter who is for (You)) the other is a widow, and then two literalwhos that have a love interest.
An enemy male being cucked to DEATH is true though. This is the girl he's in love with
>An enemy male being cucked to DEATH is true though.
wtfff what did the MC do
Wish D.stella had bigger ass and bigger tits...
they learned from their mistakes
>Becomes powerful
>Immediately gets naked
its weird how realistic this is
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never played your game but I like your fox
vtuber lookin-ass
>special VIP service
if it means I can fluff her tail I like your fox even more now
Dark healer for sure...
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I started the game 5 days ago, which character should i aim for?
A proper DPS-carry like Noa/Ame/Aer/(not avaible right now but) Gnosis Dahlia and then Monad Eva
>this is a robot created to conduct genetic experiments on the alien species of Mirsha
Eternal, Valentine, Astei and Maxie are going to be a very good fire team, focus on building them up first and beat Chimera up to at least 10 but try to clear 11 or even 12. Then you can start farming 6* gear and get stronger.
For the banners right now, Dianne would be very nice to have but not mandatory, you have Astei and Saeran who are good healers already. But Dianne can cheese some stuff later.
Just roll all the standard tickets as you get them, you'll have a bunch of characters soon enough. Save your ether for now, there will be a limited in october.
Women won't admit it, but they like being sexy and to wrap men under their thumbs. It's just 99% of them are fat hambeasts who can never do that so they cope with it behind feminism.

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Your fire team can clear Chimera 12 and with the gear that will give you you'll be able to clear Dekrill 12
You literally don't have to pull for a single fire hero ever again
welcome to Contentplane
the only banner that is mandatory right now is g.dahlia, all the demis will always be available to summon at any time, so don't use ether on demi banners only the daily free summons
GDahlia isn't o banner anymore bro..
I forgot...
Reroll until you have roxie maxie dianne secured
Roll with your cock
classic two types of gacha players
Evil woman is a SLUT
I don't think that will fly with the devs bro...
Dude never had a chance. She always loved (You)
I have no idea how anyone gets higher than Master 2 it takes so long and you get attacked very frequently

anime impulse outerplane convention
You're not fooling anyone rabibro
Is that GM snow?
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>tfw no one will random give me coomer outermerch
meant for this
>quoted wrong post
Dumb loner can't do ANYTHING right.
Why is Eternal so FLAT
This is why I ignore eternal every time i get her encounter in terminus island
don't bully the retard please...
>They dont know about the upcoming Genesis Eternal who is actually the calaminity of the west
So in story it's K pov and in trust level it's our (player) pov?
Bros Faenan is broken again...
its M.eva telling you about the girls
idol sex+ adventures license content in just a few days bros!!!!
I hate these levels so much it's unreal
Mostly. There's a few exceptions where the trust lines are from K's point of view. Most of the character profiles are from K's point of view. But unless they pull something crazy out with Season 3 / Monad Gate stories, it seems like
K = (You) but in the suffering main timeline
(You) = K but in the happy go lucky SoL sex timeline
lets go
I am still quite surprised at the lack of a collab
Maybe they are waiting on JP to catch up?
monad gate is probably the groundwork for that to happen
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>so what should we do for this floor
>idk just slap 4 eternals
the devs know who the best girl is
When will they buff my mom Eliza?
Leo's mom...
No anon I said my mom
make her s3 not able to be countered and not activate agile defense...
can't wait to go to sleep and lose 100+ points from being attacked...
It is fucking ludicrous how hard you can just get fucking brickwalled on terminus
Warming up G.dahlia's cold pussy!!!
You mean his grandma
Idolsex soon
Its the roughest 2 days of the week for opg... The weekends...
the next update better be good.
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Newfag here. idk if I should save my Ethers for next OuterFestival this October or get my last Demi
Save, Use the free rolls for demi pulling.
Save, Vlada is not that useful at 3* anyway.
Just have 6* DDrakahn and Monad Eva in your defense.

Vlada is cleavecore tho bwi.
Good night, outer bros
Night bro
Akari battlepass skin this tuesday
How do we tell him
He could be right, the next BP wasn't announced yet right?
It wasn't, Still on monday.
I got 12.5k ether from getting to Top 3
im probably not going to end this high though...
Holy shit, Congrats bro. You should have done it before weekly arena reset for a better chance of staying in that rank.
I mainly did it for the ether and portrait, I don't think I can survive the final day scramble
Dropping to master II is fine
6* G.dahlia and 6* monad eva is basically necessary to get this far
The gear gap is insane at the top ranks, the difference between Top 50-100 and Top 10 very noticeable
That's crazy you made it that far with a regular dahlia defense.
As of the last update, 2000076 bryn has a designated battlepass outfit, whereas 2000064 akari still only has the event shop bathtowel outfit.
nude idol skin?
Post Cloudy's attack team bro
Really sick of people going "erm newbro here" and showing a better account than my year old one
I don't think I ever attacked him
erm newbro here look at my 100k g.dahlia
Newbro here, Just pulled all heroes and demis within 2 months of playthrough. Got decent gears (All 18 speed, 18% crit chance and 24% crit damage substats). Is my account okay?
Yeah I just bought the new player pack, literally spent like 2 dollars so now I have all demis 6 starred, is this good enough for meteos 10?
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I'm a newbro (JP) and pulled all heroes and demis but only Eva and Drakhan are 6* is my account ok?
My gear is fucked because I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm using knowledge from playing the game for a few months on release and epic shit years ago so I probably wasted all my precise crafts on stupid garbage but there doesn't seem to be a good resource on who uses what set weapon and acc and I don't want to spam the thread all day with dumb questions.
wtf this is better than my account
feel free to ask any question bro
>Newbro account is actually better than my beta oldfag account
World is so cruel bros
> a good resource on who uses what set weapon and acc and I don't want to spam the thread all day with dumb questions.
Its okay bro, You can just ask. This whole general exist to help each other.
Till be like Tamarine's peasant clothing. Would you buy it?
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erm what the sigma
>Be designated attack automaton
>Is the worst automaton in terms of damage among her sisters
She would be better if her debuff wasn't shock but burn instead.
Thanks bros, I think I'm getting better on PvE, at least reading the teams posted here for world bosses and joint challenge was always really helpful. It's PvP that's still confusing but it's not as big of a deal as in epic shit so I'll take my time and experiment.
Good outernight outerbros
outernight outerbro
You can play in JP using English translation?
I still don't understand what's wrong with her eyes
her textures look unfinished
She was damaged
She was one of the first units designed. They all looked kinda shit.
Fags here will actually tell you this looked better and genuinely believe it
Do I want attack or health for weapon and amulet on Maxie?
Well done outerbro.
every time
attack outerbro
It's not that I don't believe you but wouldn't staying alive for longer be helpful for more burn damage?
I guess regardless it's a meme build since she's not for PvP. Enemies may have cleansers.
you should be able to protect her if you run the right team composition, you want her fast and with high attack
remember burn scales off of attack
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how do you even exist day to day
I barely exist. The will to get my waifus is one of the very few things that keep me going...
Oh... I thought the attack scales off the attack of the person burned. That's why my Dahlia dies first before my Kanon whenever they are burned.
Are you sure it works off my own attack?
>the attack scales of the attack of the person burned
I don't even know what to say.
yes, thats how burn, shocked, and poison work
scale off of caster's attack
Then why the hell was Dahlia dying before anyone else in the last raid boss. When I built her max HP and Attack for bigger shields. She had way more hp than everyone else on my team.
I think you may be trolling me. I'll go and test it.
you don't build g.dahlia with hp due to her s2, its actively detrimental
little hp as possible and as much attack as possible
Is GDahlia even worth building without being 6*? She always dies before doing anything for me and if I build her speed she hits like a wet noodle.
Demis are specifically made to be trash before you 6 star them
in pvp? 5* or lower is trash. in pve she works fine
at any * level
relatively dependent on the demi, some like d.drakhan, d.astei, and d.stella work fine at 3*, but some are absolutely necessary like d.vlada and M.eva (she has 2 powerspikes, at 5* and 6*)
>Still can't beat stage 10 Sacreed Guardian
Only monad eva needs a mandatory 5* and same goes for D.vlada(Prio reduc eff) . 6* Demis are just usually for PvP.
This looked better!!! It was better!!!
>Scales off the attack of the person burned
How did you even reach to this conclusion bro.
probably the tyrant toddler mechanic where it inflicts shock, bleed and poison on itself and increases its own attack every turn lent to their confusion
h-how would that in any way lead to that confusion...?
Because newbro didn't read the boss mechanics and Thought that the same thing applies to heroes
You think this guy was reading anything?
Yeah, age of consent law loopholes
reading? i statmog all battles
Don't forget to enter the raffle bros. Only 100 entries so we have a higher chance of winning.
pink haired girls are my weakness
hopefully fire as her element was just a placeholder and she is a dark healer
would be cool if she was good in pvp as well
>Hi, there! I'm Bryn, the biggest idol on Mirsha! Looking for the ultimate idol? Look no further because you've found her. I've got the looks! Obviously. But dancing, singing, acting...and even modeling. I can do them all! *sighing* Sometimes my talents scare me! Once you become a Brynnie, you're always a Brynnie! Don’t forget it!
What's elysia doing in Outerplane?
she got isekai'd...
once patch notes come out on monday morning for burgerbros the thread will be popping frfr
Evil smile
she seems kind of narcissistic just from her description
dumb gooks need to release the update notes earlier than 12 hours before the update
You have time to figure out if you want to spend money if they do that
too bad for them
i'm a patiencechad
not enough global bros for an fc...
Sorry, dude...
Did everyone move to jp or something
We have enough bro but maybe it will have to be once a month like e7.
would the 14th of september be a good time? around this time (10pm cst)
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>can't complete 4th bingo board
There's one more day right?
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nope. today is last day
Says 1d 20hr on my machine
Tomorrow is the last day bro
ame love
You need to buy the remaining 3300 coins
Its a canadian schizo from fire emblem general who was originally from /e7g/. The people of /e7g/ told him to post here instead... So we are kinda fucked but on the bright side he's gonna bump the threads on canadian hours.
Skibidi toilet
I'll never forgive /e7g/'s betrayal
We finally have our own schizo? We're almost a real general
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He doesn't originate from this general so its debatable to whether he is our own or not. He's only doing this to get back at zatzgod (former e7g player and the guy who created the /opg/ netori guild) but I dont think he knows he left this general 6 months ago.
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