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Previous bonfire: >>492133995

FAQ before posting, if you're new:

>Player activity data
For DaSR:
For DaS3:

>The Archives
A repository of lore documents, interviews, art and more about FromSoftware games and other miscellaneous stuff:
Character planners, gameplay information, online tips, etc. for Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring, and King's Field:
terrible op never cook again
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Always has been
>>FAQ before posting, if you're new:
You prefer Saucelikes?
/dsg/ - jeenine general
fromsoftware soupbornes are fine
i prefer souplikes, 29
I don't see soulsborne written anywhere in that link
Pies of Lies are tasty too
Elden Ring and Bloodborne are Soulsbornes
You are welcome
slurmden slop is a slopbourne game
soulsborne is a retarded gaming journalist memeword
no worse than metroidvania
I take it you prefer Souplikes
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I prefer the general having the name it has always had
Not even Demon's Souls?
demon's souls is fine I was just too lazy to type it out fully
wew, double standards
Too bad you can't go back in time, Fromsoftware has branched out too much
why are you obsessed with changing the subject of the general?
Why are you obsessed with being a liar? You can't stop posting about ER anyway.
dark souls 3 isn't a soulslike
yemmy gemmy slurm tiff 3/4 mokfel 'nake poopa souplike im transbian best king
>you NEED divine bird warrior greaves and shattered stone tally to make h2h deal any dmg
and its still a rr2 stick
why are you typing it as h2h when yo ucan just type danes feet or something its a lot more intuitive
down with the yemmy bring back gemmy
what have I lied about? and I don't post about er but I don't see why that would matter since it's on topic anyways
>since it's on topic anyways
yeah, because it's a saucebornelike general
elden ring is a sequel to dark souls the writer said it himself
anyone wanna co-op ds2 dlcs
>and I don't post about er
You don't, others do
>since it's on topic anyways
And the Soulsborne part is here to reflect that, simple as
again for years this general has had the same name without issues you only want to change it because you are a mentally ill tranny
60 just dropped a truth bomb up in here
I'll take it over the Lapptranny, who baked before the bump limit and insulted the King.
>without issues
>without issues
sorry sir, but you opted into this by being on 4channel
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>the Lapptranny, who baked before the bump limit and insulted the King.
That was quite pathetic of xim
For years we baked after the bump limit without issues
Dunno, what's xis problem?
for years we used the docs from
without issues, but now he's trying to shill his cheap undercooked rentry
Um... any tips for Sir Vilhelm?
Why Miazaki thought it would be to good idea to give this motherfucker infinte heals? Am I just supposed to spam Vow of Silence?
You can lure him out and push him off the cliff, though
maybe update your ancient google docs then
gotta update the subject first
its a fucking npc anon, just bait and r1 then r1 back
Just wrapped up DS3, it was a good game though not very hard after playing through elden ring first

I still think lothric wall was the hardest part of the entire game, those fucking knights and pus monsters just murder you and you have no recovery
>Just wrapped up DS3, it was a good game though not very hard
Well, it's not supposed to be
Did you pick the Knight origin?
sorry but you cucked yourself out of the full experience if you didnt play the games in release order
ds3 could've been peak if the story was better
ds3 would've been peak if they stuck with the original story line
sorry you got filtered by god3
Nah I went warrior and didn't really use the shield, just axe

I have since replayed the early game with a knight and realized shields are really fucking good and I was probably gimping myself by not using one
>shields are really fucking good and I was probably gimping myself by not using one
Yeah, you kinda did
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>Pink Guy
nah rolling is always better if you don't have horrid reaction times
shields are a trap, especially in ds3. you can accidentally stunlock yourself thanks to those dumb queued inputs.
Devs even tried to balance it through adaptability
no one got filtered by nig3's nonsense plotline
watch your fucking mouth when speaking about the best souls game
We're not talking about God2 tho
Did Dark Souls make Demon's Souls obsolete?

Did Bloodborne make Dark Souls and Demon's Souls obsolete?

Did Dark Souls 2 and 3 make Dark Souls and Demon's Souls obsolete?

Did Elden Ring make Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne obsolete?
all of them are good in their own way. except ds3, elden ring did make that one obsolete
does the ds2 deadzone fix work online
what deadzones does ds2 have
FromSoft did turn off online support for some versions, so kinda
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new rentry update:
* added some ds2 mods to the mod section
* wrote a bit about elden ring planners
* added a table of contents and did some edits

lmk if you have any ideas or things to add.
the fsg rentry was better 2bh
that was just all of the links from the old /dsg/ op and then a link to erg
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i have 2 sides.......
Leek Soup?
whens the 'fic update
I look like that
which 'fic
that's crazy because i look like that. are you my long-lost twin?
We should merge you hollows together
there is no 'fic until a small entry of it gets posted
until that time it does not exist
I legitimately do not get it.
Why is every area, every room, from start to finish, just "here's a random mother fucker from outta nowhere!"
It's so tiring.
Why did miyazaki abandon this game. It could have been actually enjoyable
next good webm posted gets to marry my sister
you're just bad at the game, maybe pay attention to your surroundings for once
Another one filtered
no thanks
>invade in ds3
>the host is hacking
every time
souls fan are the dumbest motherfuckers in the world i stg.
level any type of criticism at their game "hur hur git gud"
actual fucking retards.

ds2 was the first souls game i beat. anyone who has played any other souls game and doesnt see the flaws in this game is just trolling.
I can't hear you over your crying
ds2 is flawed, absolutely - but the game is actually really easy and there are no gank situations which aren't your own fault. literally just look around. ds3 does this as well - every other room has a thrall on the ceiling, just shoot it with a bow
bro. this is just straight bullshit and you know it.
i just beat ds3 three times in a row, ng+, etc. Yeah sure, the game has tho "undead pushing you off the ledge cuz hes hiding around the corner" stuff, but absolutely NOTHING like ds2. its insane to me you would even compare them.

thats fucking wild lol. ds3 is actually creative with their enemy placements and zones. ds2 is just "copy and paste, also lets create this random nook to hide a couple more so they can ambush the player"

also good god the weapon tracking was the dude is charge of that an alcoholic what the actual fuck
When does the Painted World of Ariandel get good? So far, I am not having fun whatsoever, between the Farron Follower ambush ganks, millions of Milwood Knights that take forever to kill and those crow assassins that can't stop attacking.
Also that Gravetender and his bitch boss fight is both lame and bullshit.
i just beat ds2 again yesterday and started a ds3 playthrough today and high wall of lothric is gankier than anywhere in all of ds2
ariandel dlc exists solely for the friede fight, arena and the follower sabre
you are so right
damn, imagine getting ganked by patroling knights and undead sitting in plain sight lmao
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stop feeding the /v/eddit poster
Working on the the’fic today… reworking some of the gods just a tiny bit
imagine being ganked anywhere in all of ds2
k keep us posted
post a fucking entry already you slut
*crushes your skull with a +5 hairy battle axe*
who posted a webm of mine from 4 years ago on /v/
What webm?
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stop browsing /v/
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will you guys play the gacha game when it releases
i just told u about a weapon infusion/type be grateful…

*blocks ur tree trunk with m
honk mimimimi
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we already have hairy weapons xissa
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That weapon was so mid desu
maybe I'm just seeing things but Miquella kinda makes the 'Ring of Miquella' gesture on death. weird
no it's great
No, it's a curved sword
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the weapon art is fun
....Read the weapon name
was it tranimura or niggerzaki's decision to not add vertical UGS to slurm
i see what u did there

istg this is the fourth time sane ryan made afucking ramza build
GODimura invented the vertical ugs
It won't be Soupborne, so no
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>slurm's lore will be finished with a gacha game
whats the bill for tomorrow
who's up for seamless arena
vanilla worm or bust
how about i bust your skull open for wanting vanilla
im up for seamless arena, infernum providence is too hard for me.
did the mod update or can i just boot up the game like i did last time?
who tf are you. also it auto updates
no thanks im not interested in installing a bitcoin miner from puke yui
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duels are boring dude for me its seamless combat ordeal (2 more weeks till god yui adds it) or seamless invasions
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i thought u were hbsc but hes offline we played seamless arena together last time
uh fuck you neko i'm not interested. too busy eating dinner.
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nyekkers in the shop.
i only fc with 'corders
I like ds3 a lot
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caster fc?
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ds3 fc?
sl90 only
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>"In pvp, everyone does too much damage and oneshots have become too easy" Yeah that's the main issue with [Elden Ring's] higher level pvp, that's why I like to stay at low level, and it's an issue for both sides of the invasion really
Is Or*boro right here? Did L2 sticks ruin ER's pvp?
Should I get dark souls remastered? I already have Prepared to die and am feeling another playthrough after so long...
wtf no one is joining the fc i thought u guys wanted to play
I'm cleaning up a build rn
its the best dark souls game(including elden ring)
i do want to play, just not with.... you
I'm here too
okay thats mean i shut down the game
even worse... please return to /erg/.
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Why would I leave my home general
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i love elden ring!!!
why are you so mean
>LBG on a Rath
Why are you like this man
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why would someone dry finger at pontiff just to press the burger flip button as soon as their phantom dies
... i'm baby
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At least use a melee weapon
*mindless spams longsworn attacks until something dies*
i like bow more...
Please respond....
i'll fc in 30-45
ping me at 2/4
>I already have Prepared to die
Then probably not, online and graphics aren't really worth it
but i like the gun too..
where is jeenine
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Use the fatroll gun instead
In the back left
smallgun is more fun
me not fat
Every time I play BB I convince myself I'm gonna use my "favorite" weapon, the Beast Cutter.
Then as soon as I get it I just switch back to one of the Saws.
Tried saif?
This but I actually do use the beast cutter because it actually is my favorite weapon
>STR heavy whipsword
sorry i was buying haunted apple fanta
No FC?
Where's the FC
i dont wanna start it
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i'll join at 2.5/4
seamless fc when
it might just be me and you...
I love dsg
It's just me you fat liar
i said i'd join at 2.5/4 and i'm staying true to my word
seamless fc when
never nigga
downloading a stupid mod to play with some randos
nah famalam, I'll stick with vanilla
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it's like one button press you fat lazy fuck why do you love high lat so much
I don't love high lat
I love FCs
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Bros, how the fuck do I beat Balteus in AC6?
gugs is a cr1 stick tho
it's called the Greatsword
yeah it's the greatsword ultra greatsword
it's called the gutssword because miyazaki is a nerd
crypt negrosword looks more like the dragonslayer thoughever
zaki lost so hard
ds3 firelink is so miserable and boring. all grey on grey, ash, and water. and its hard to navigate too, how do you design something based on the nexus from demons souls but make it worse in every way?
i think its great
peak depression music
very comfy
>its hard to navigate
trying to watchdog in /currentyear/
You should be Aldriching in 2001+23
I want the watchdog items
Are you on console?
Nope :( thanks tho
Ringed City should've had a Pursuer just appear out of the floor in one of the rooms
There's no "one of the rooms" with Pursuer. It would spawn where the first Adjudicator, then a bit down stair, then on that staircase with 100 mobs, then in the swamp around the second Adjudicator as a pair, then in the secret room leading to the dragon fight, then as a triple in the dragon fight arena after you've defeated the boss.
The Pursuer UGS moveset when
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>Dark Souls but ... it's made by Asians
give 'fumes tier 3 hitstun
none of that has been relevant for YEARS. its empty fluff. absolutely meaningless nothing doc. update it and we'll consider it
Nah, most of it is fine.
>it's made by Asians
Unlike Dark Souls?
Imagine Dark Souls not made by Asians
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Itd probably be called Lark Holes
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except it's not dark souls it's basically god of war
teleporting myself to the nioh 2 world so I can afford bottom surgery
>so I can afford bottom surgery
A what?
You know, for appendicitis
A weird fantasy, but okay. We cut it out IRL just fine, no need for escapism.
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im talking about the removal of the peenor and balls baka since im a woman i dont need those anymore but the process is very expensive
i should've stayed in school for a better job man...
No, you're just a delusional man who worships women.
women love
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>you're just a delusional woman who worships women
uh, yeah?? do you know what they used to call me back on amino? ''Commander of the Dyke Fleet''
this shit was serious son we would wage wars against hetero shippers on there
how did you even find dsg
do you play toys with us in the fc
These posts are off-topic.
>except it's not dark souls it's basically god of war
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mom said its my turn to be the heavy armor set everyone wears
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i love fromsoft so much for making the best autism representing character
my guy just wants to collect things for god's sake
my favorite part of the dlc was when I told him to stay depressed forever and then later found him dead next to his ugly bug friend
this is a very mean thing to do
good seamless sesh, raped many pvers today
nyoo webms didn't happen
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kek, 10/10
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it's weird people take pride in this sort of thing. wow man they didn't level vigor, amazing job on your part
Are you cheating? Why didn't you take any damage?
miyazaki gave invaders temp invulnerability after spawning in
Did it always last that long? I don't invade in this game so I assumed it just worked like the other games
Ok, soo... there was a bunch of dragons, right?
And, the dragon? Lemme tell ya, huge fuckin assholes.
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I just couldn't be bothered fighting it a second time
/erg/ is down the hall and to the left
what's the point of having level ranges when peopel can summon overleveled phantoms? they should work on a better scaling algorithm and remove the level ranges. this will make multiplayer more active in all areas as well
seamless fixed that issue by scaling your matchmaking to the highest level player in the party instead of the host
i fucking love GOD yui
thanks for telling us how you got here
wdcs are pathetic
a petition to switch the thread mascot from peenine to godyui will be held soon
dogshit fashion
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L den ring lost to W kong
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I prefer Ms Chalice
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hey crappa catch
Go back to /erg/
picking vagabond for any of your builds makes you a tranny btw, you should pick astrologer for your pure str builds because ummm i say so or something
1300000 of those players are chinese
Dark Souls 3 has finally defeated me.
I guess it's the burnout, but after marathoning three DS games in a row, I just can't be bothered to finish DS3. I only have Souls of Cinder left, but I am so tired and fed up with the formula I'll just pass. I no longer find it fun.
Thank you for reading my boss.
what's with the hate spam on god3 recently
ringworms can't handle it
wdcs are cute
just pointed down 2 aussies and one added me to call me a "wipnah garnbuckle cunt" can someone tell me what that is
It means he thinks you cute and wants to hold hands with you
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fc in 12 hours
>9PM fc
i should name my next bill love2graft because i really love grafting
>6 am fc
Not a good idea. How about in 6 hours or so?
10 bills. all grafted.
worm fc today????
yea but not rn sodon't start one soon
just wait till god yui adds colosseum like everyone else retard, there is no point in playing vanilla
seamless invasions feel like wdcing in dog3.
they're too easy
where's the rl30 cs:s webms
is there already a css why do you need to add the :
>wdcs are shitters
no fucking way
new 'ullie
dead games
dead g'
the 2 remake will save us
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It's out https://youtu.be/vuVlFcd5HYg
ssbu fc lobby?
where's the deflecting hardtear bhb 'ebms
backshot GCs are bugged and don't get boosted
doesnt matter they still rape niggers
>15 stability
You get raped by UGS r1s
*equips greatshield tally*
*rapes niggers*
mari fell off
always has been an annoying faggot
gotta touch grass maybe later
we need a new queen
i nominate my girlfriend
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we are a queenless hive.
Why is he using fire damage on the Fume Knight
does that look like a fume knight to you
>immune to fire
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i would like to nominate nox
he's not immune... he's dying.
(I forgot what they're called in elden ring)
He's clearly tanking that shit tho
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the physical form of the eternal goddess mari left us but her powerful spirit energy and the effects of her presence on nature will always remain with us... the idea of mari is eternal.
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How could you abandon us...
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>Decide to replay DS1 for the first time in ~5 years
> Want to play a spear hoplite guy
> Basin black knight drops the halberd which I've never used, switch to str
> Beat game then start over to make a new hoptlite dex guy
> Parish black knight drops greatsword, which I never used before
i uhm.... i took the screenshots and had like an outline but i nyever got around to it im sowwy for disappointing everynyan..........
IM SOWWY!!!!!!!!!
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this is such a fun weaponart desu. slurm has its moments
not really he's just being a stoike.
its almost like you're not a man.
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every time man
black knight weapons are just so cool.
*crumbles into dust*
look what you've done
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changed the title and thumbnail award
the old one came back. now we have queen theregs neko and king theregs poopa both present
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you will never be a woman
stick to berndposting please
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Is Simon's Bowblade the only fromsoft bow weapon that can be used in a non-spam, non-cheesy way?
I don't know any other weapon that actually does damage comparable to a heavy weapon strike but with an arrow.
Even if it only has 20 arrows by default, it's still a lot better for bosses than any other bow I've ever tried in any souls game.
neko is my boywife
>bloodborne had blunt weapons
>in a game where all the enemies are soft and squishy
lmaoing at the people who picked the tonitrus
I don't get it, whats the beef between /erg/ and /dsg/?
there is no beef its all ironic
Oh so like single damage shots?
Ansbach's shotgun skill, ds2 sanctum xbow special shot, greatbows can sometimes dish out good damage, but simon's bowblade is special because you can build it to be a fucking gun with the right gems and build. Even if you don't build it 100% for the bow part it'll still do decent damage. It's also not really a normal bow. It's a trick weapon, so it's hard to compare it to normal bows in the other games.
*pulls out the dusty tome*
tonitrus rapes everything anyways thanks to the zappy buff
it's the only "bow weapon" in the series (not counting the ds2 bow shield)
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yoooo we got the demon's souls to elden ring pipeline in irl now
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shribidimp dark souls 3 sucks dick gyatt
will i get softbanned for changing my name within limits in ds2 sotfs? i already got unbanned once and i don't want to go back to scripter quarantine
cold or dex for tomorrow
dex cold
cold bill is already intdex
Should be Qualinty
cold warped axe is good on str
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too short tho
cold bhb deflecting tear tomorrow
warped is longer than messmer
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I kneel to ForkedGAWDS...
hatchets are deceptively long due to the swing animation giving you good forwards momentum.
where's 2h r1 2
/erg/ is the containment general made to keep the newfaggots showing up for ringworm when it came out awawy from /dsg/

Thays why everyone in /erg/ acts really new and faggy.
>Thays why everyone in /erg/ acts really new and faggy.
As opposed to /dsg/ where people just act faggy
>gay tranny posts about wanting to get anal vored by mohg or some shit

gameplay webms and posts
We have enough of our own trannies
first one is a janny since avatarfagging is apparently fine when xhe does it
second one is easily filtered
>second one is easily filtered
Doesn't mean it's less of a tranny
i'm fucig bored guys
In which game did the
>We're modeling this game after a D&D campaign but in a 3D vidya
approach totally break down?
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Okay let's try this again. Who's up for it?
I'm not home
idk im playing 2 rn
im not home im playing 1 rn
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i had unprotected sex with a prostitute
am i going to get the scarlet rot now
answer is 2 because god2 won
Okay I guess today isn't the day either since no one joined, i'm closing the FC
I'm not at home
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>Did Dark Souls make Demon's Souls obsolete?
No, Dark Souls plays like shite when they went for gay slow combat and c8rclestrafing backstabs which somehow wasn't an issue in DeS
>Did Bloodborne make Dark Souls and Demon's Souls obsolete?
eh, possibly, yeah
>Did Dark Souls 2
>and 3 make Dark Souls and Demon's Souls obsolete?
>Did Elden Ring make Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne obsolete?
Yes, and also Dark Souls 3 with them
I know I read the last few posts
Is sunday just a bad day to FC?
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>1 connects to 3
>2 fucks out
>4 connects to the slurm
Not sure, I work most days
i'm waiting for the patch to drop before i fc
Just got the Eldogshit DLC, and I haven't played this game since it came out.
Gonna go through the game again without going through every nook and cranny of the unnecessarily large overworld.
What are your thots on the DLC? What has improved with patches and stuff since the game came out? Is the multiplayer still hot garbage?
It's fun
Exploration is better, music is better, the item descriptions are worse and there's not enough hints towards level secrets
mostly a step up from base elden ring but it also has some very retarded balance.

lotta equipment powercreep.
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Hbsc u should put this outfit on fellow09
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get away from me
>What are your thots on the DLC?
Too few enemies
some cool weapons
a couple cool spells
actually good music
cool armor sets
cool new enemeows
cool new areas
but also
a lot of dogshit awful dogshit spells dogshit weapons dogshit eveyrthing dogshit so much fucking dogshit and unispired CRAP
open world dogshit garbo never replayin this shit ever again
pvp 'balance' even shittier
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'biscus here
don't @ me. don't try to dm me or comfort me. i just...i need some alone time right now
IE trollface goes so hard
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time t owork on the the'fic
hes gonna have to find a new avatar because jesus that's embarrassing
no going out in a blaze of glory no accepting death in a cool way, very sad!
he denied the "sukuna... you looked like you needed saving" line at least... but fuck.............
i still havent finished the slurmden slop "dlc". havent touched it in weeks
i only made it past relanna before getting bored. yes the map looks nice but its just too big with too much copypasted garbage and generic dungeons with unchallenging enemies
I'm the only guy that knows how to guard counter with the css
sounds like you got filtered by the DS2 hippo
ur gay
no offense
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Takes one to know one
>the giant archer dies if you pick up all the items around the white birch trees
>including dusk of oolacile's crown
>the birches are stated to be a feature of dusk's childhood
DS3 is where the elden ring loreslop starts, vs the peak storytelling of DeS, DS1 DS2 and Bloodborne
good bump
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I wonder if the messmer soldier spear r2 has any spell combos
>>the giant archer dies if you pick up all the items around the white birch trees
>>including dusk of oolacile's crown
>>the birches are stated to be a feature of dusk's childhood
They are trees imbued with Oolacile's golden sorceries based on light, that sprouted from Dusk's staff. It's in places related to Undeath and Abyssal corruption, and can resist the effects of the Abyssal curse that other trees instead absorb.
>DS3 is where the elden ring loreslop starts, vs the peak storytelling of DeS, DS1 DS2 and Bloodborne
You were equally as ignorant of Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne lore before getting second hand info about it
Dog(shit) 2 with the wi-fi linking of the Fire and nonsensical demon transformation is an abomination that tried to butcher the lore, nice try.
pvesissy meltie above
GOD2 had better lore than 3
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Explain the throne of want
does luck boost snap freeze procs
frost doesn't scale
also what's with the 1h ghru spear
Using the bow on Amygdala and Ebrietas is kino HOONTIN
It's literally the kiln of the first flame but known by another name, what is there to explain
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why do they even call it a burrito
My quest to do a Faith Build in every game is going...decent. Next and last up is DS2 after 1 turned into a Str build with slightly more lightning
What the fuck?
@elonmusk Do you allow blatant bigotry on your platform?
ds2 has more offensive options and some really good heals and buffs. also lightning is the best infusion in the game.
Starting my first run of bloodborne in years, and I’ve never done a bloodtinge build only arc and str builds
Whats fun with bloodtinge? I’ve seen people say bowblade and obviously the chikage, but never see anyone mention anything midgame
rifle spear
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STR troons be like
what a weird way to voice your obsessions
right so why does the giant die you stupid nigger
has anyone made a groyper of ludleth of courland
early game
lost chikage if you have online
or just use a saw cleaver. i personally dont find blt worth it on rifle spear or reiterpallasch… I would just do skl for those.


don’t forget madaras whistle
Thanks, I’m thinking of going sawspear early game rifle spear or reiterspallach midish game with my end goal being bowblade.
only the gun of rifle spear and reiter are affected by blt, and there's not even a noticeable difference unless you have blt gems shoved in there, beware.
I can't get into Sekiro no matter how much I try bros
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why not
Just find the constant parrying combat boring
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wanted to make a funny int cat weapon build...
lizard staff for buffing the godblade
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why arent ring worms doing burritos now that passive poise is back
nobody cares about burritos anymore.

because a misericorde crit fucking KILLS you so burritos are pointless
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Because his life is tied to the white birch trees, chained and slaved to protect them since before the way of the white turned into Deep worshippers. He still dutifully does this after many years, and the Way of the White was tied to and associated with giants including allfather Lloyd.
After all white birch trees are taken he has fullfilled his duty and so he dies because this is a Souls game (or because of his injusries and suffering)
>After all white birch trees are taken he has fullfilled his duty and so he dies because this is a Souls game
nta but this doesnt answer his question
no hornet ring animation so no point
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>the best catalyst weapon fth got was a shield
the best catalyst weapon was every weapon in slurm with an ash of war on it xD
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i forget; what was the evolution of terminology that ended up with eldog being called 'slurm'
a reg decided to call it that so everyone copied, as is the case with all /dsjee/ terminology
maybe it came from slop
so the people who call it that are just clinging to some namefag's coattails, got it
it's a futurama reference
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Either someone watched Futurama, or some zoomer heard his millennial brother talking about Futurama.
i'm aware of slurm being from futurama, but that doesn't explain why anyone would call elden ring that. the game isn't green or related to space slugs or a beverage etc. there's no connection. i expect better autism from people; step it up
erm sar you did not redeem my speculation>>492827019
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>space slugs
i will award 2/10 points if that's really the case
don't be cute.
elden ring
ring worm
and thats how poopmask gradually came up with it
shut up lerooo
>namefag forced origin
as i thought. good way to tell who shouldn't be listened to
this gen has been irreparably damaged by avatar namefags and discord troons unfortunately
comparing how it was even in 2017 to now is just sad to see
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thanks for proving our point retard
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>poopmask isnt real
yeah? let me guess the cat larping tranny in this very thread isnt real either
"Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company."
I guess people here got too ironically faggy at some point.
I just call it ER
Why bother typing Slurm?
> there gular
Who's gular?
watch out dude you're about to get swarmed by xer's discord simps
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its' s ofucking over ican't believe poopmask made slurm my life is a lie oh my gd oh my oh o oh my g g guh guh gg uhh god

speaking of dark souls 3

nobody used whips in pve
kill yourself immediately
rotten winged sword or running attack tally for bhb
There's some missing link there
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kys coalmaru
There's two types of anons, the ones who are stingy with the (you)s and the ones who just give it away (both me btw)
looking at the archive there was a short period where it was called ring slurm or ringslurm written without the space
Don't care
Also, this post is off-topic
off topic posting would be reduced if we changed this general to a unified fromsoft game general as opposed to just dark souls. Any ideas on the name?
what about
Fromsoftware General
I'm thinking SlurmDogCentralGeneral (formerly Gemmy's)
I thought we're more of a Soulsborne general
>off topic posting would be reduced
Same people would post there anyway, lol
Maybe I'm too optimistic but I hope they learn from Elden Ring if they make a Elden Ring 2, it was their first open world game and a lot of stuff was new so I hope they improve on the stuff that is lacking
no it would be new people
What if the next fromsoftware game was a Kings Field game
Dark Souls 3 is the funnest game ever.
grilled cheese
i'm waiting f

holy shit did u guys see that elden ring 3 with an even larger open world
how so?
why not make one instead of defacing this one
newfag can't into sarcasm
amusing interaction
I'm sick of being a little wanker all the time. I will become the fatroll chad for my next play.
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decided to try out that king's field inspired indie game and it got some crazy pronoun selections bro
we also have ze/zhir, ve/ver, per/pers
very interesting stuff
jee confirmed his game will also have pronouns
>the finger ruins are bad because I am stupid
Why are Shadow of the Erdtree haters like this
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Okay, let's give it a shot
Here you go
1 iq moment
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awww hell naaahhhh
im gonna say it. sword dance is mid on milady
I feel like greatshields are a trap
Playing DS1 right now, and I can either use a greatshield and wear light armor, or use a medium shield/eagle shield and wear heavy armor, and the latter just seems way better
Also Havel's ring seems basically mandatory in this game, how else in the world do you have enough weight for anything, I have 24 endurance and still need the fap ring and havel's
greatshields are only good in god2
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It's fucking over.
clearly this is because you picked up the obsidian sword from kalameet
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kill yourself lero
gode the second
chode II
scholar of the first win
scholar of the first win award
I don't agree
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zip it
your game is terrible
there's two godefroys???
curved sword tally works on smithscript cirque
why do 99% of pvers do this, get 1 attack off then roll or run away
post that in erg next time, 61
that's good to know
wdcs are cute
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and theregs go without thrones...
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this shield sucks hard, without greatshield talisman i just get guardbroken and it does no damage anyway
garbage 'ebms
im going back to tiff
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ds3 ps4 pvp on life support these days
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Is UGS/GS + offstoc good like in DS3 or not really?
ugs yes
gs no
Do they have any true combo together?
in elden ring, you're better off two-handing your ugs/gs
Just buy a PC man if you just wanna run From games you could do it for like 400
so wheres the tiff webms then big guy
The worst boss in DS1 is not bed of chaos, it's moonlight butterfly
I wish you could duplicate regular weapons in elden ring
bro your ce
combat evolved
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do NOT come to tiff
what sl
99 isn't wdc
Wait you lose covenant levels if you switch? I guess Solaire dying this playthough
thats precisely why god1 won
only with UGS
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come to tiff in 2 days
tiff is fun
you already posted this
you've posted nothing.
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deflect tear bhb is fun
fashion thief
you have two gennies for eldog
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it true combos into an r1 too, it really needed this
this is the only true er gennie
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cute lil wdc
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beast claw gc is better
does no poise dmg + worse 1v2 moveset
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counter -> wa rapes everything tho
Why did they give him an ass?
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guess how these 2 died
wdc webms are the tastiest
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its ok i will post the answer next 'ebm...
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the much awaited answer
why does this ergie think we watch his awful webms
idk but im not watching it
I knew what it would be
fine i will never post another webm ever again... farewell.
its not gay porn (what we in dsg like to watch)
shitty ass fucking general
I like your webms I have them all saved
yemmy yem it slurm tiff 3/4
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mundane build tonight
show them in your save folder
uh nyo thanks
to make him relatable
you're not a cat
how did you know
you're a mentally ill troon that's why
nice projection
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look at how you type nigga you have no room to talk
>right meow
you will never be a woman and you will never be a cat
even doe I have never typed 3 of those things
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i miss nox look how cute her character was
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someone remember tobump fsg its on page 9
do it yourself punk
why do you have fsg open?
the previous /fsg/ iteration had a 15 day old thread at one point...
I like to watch.
tekgen is talking mad shit about you guys
they have rollback netcode so they're allowed to talk shit
I laughed.
guys its on page 10 now
Good riddance
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it's not that funny, lil bro
i like making a female character and dressing her up in the skimpiest armor in the game
are you doing some site wide gag, how long have you been without your meds?
let her laugh...
he's a mentally ill creature from /a/
Smouldering lake sucks. Bad area that doesn't evoke a single bit of the awe of ash lake
it prolly would've been cooler if it wasn't unfinished
what even is there to do in the smouldering lake besides get the demon kings soul for that one pyromancy
there's three estus upgrades, a gesture, and some pyro tomes.
Would've been peak if they stuck to the mechanic of placing your own bonfires by carrying a corpse and stabbing it with a coiled sword. Yes this was a thing, the carrying corpses mechanic is even functional, although obviosly cut content.
They should've also kept the mechanic that let you perform a ritual to change the world state. So a different skybox, different enemies, etc. Basically world tendency but good.
I was so hyped before release but it all got cut in favor of normal ass dark souls again. Just replayed it though and i'm pretty satisfied, the linearity is what hurts it the most.
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Bandit my beloved. probably the best class if you just want to bulldoze through the early game with a decent weapon
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occult dead baby souls 3-- oh wait das jus bloodborne
i mean you can also get the mace and rapier like instantly. bandit is nice cuz of the 1 int and 2 atn tho
elden ring's version is better because it comes with the sexy feet stirrups
Honestly after just replaying ds3 i found myself really enjoying the muted palettes and calm sounscapes. Elden ring can get overbearing with the constant music and the strong colors.
Also i can see the case for prefering only interconnected levels instead of a huge overworld, even though i enjoy that aspect of ER.
The combat in ds3 though... Yes, ER made it obsolete. It's crazy how much better the combat got with the inclusion of jumping, so rolling isnt the only response to attacks. And guard counters made shields feel so much more active as a playstyle. Oh also parrying bosses in ER is great. It was in DS3 but only for a few bosses because they hadnt thought of needing 3 parries for a riposte yet
slurm2 will have deathblows
NGL i really do feel like playing some project diva megamix+â„¢ after finishimg my ds3 luck build run
Ariandel is their worst DLC ever, not kidding. It's basically 1 good boss (friede) preceeded by fluff, trash level design, rehashed concepts, and the most insufferable enemies and encounters ever.
deadlock fc tomorrow
Ds2 is the only one with connected enemy AIs so no matter how carefully you aggro a single one all of them proceed to poorly animate at you. It is also objectively the one with the most unavoidable group fights in annoying rooms
>le 3 enemies is a gank
i never had issue pulling individual enemies in ds2. maybe i'm just built different
assfaggots are ass
concord fc in 6 hours
Ds2, particularly scholar, is more than happy to throw upwards of 5 enemies at a time at least once every level. Not trash mobs either, real enemies.
I'm not saying this somehow makes it super hard. Most of the game is easy. But its also bullshit
2fort fc next month
Literally just go to heides tower, aproach the big room with 3 big armor dudes, and shoot an arrow at one of them. All 3 will initiate their script at the same time like fucking robots no matter what you do. The game is full of this
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I actually think ariandel has some great level design, especially at the corvian settlement. The forest before and after that are both fine too, because they're populated with little interesting landmarks, like the milwood knight areas and a few enemies like the followers and elden ring bugmen dotted throughout the map. Also there's that cool gravetender wolf encounter a couple times before you fight it later on. I think it's just way too short for a dlc.

Also yeah the painting idea itself is rehashed, but they added onto it. The idea of the painting being a rotting scrap (compared to the full majestic painting of ariamis, which I assume at some point the ariandel painting looked like in the past) and the actual internal world of the painting slowly rotting away as well, and you have two sides-- friedes side wants to keep the world slowly rotting away instead of destroying it and restarting over, and then the corvian civilian/villager dudes with their yolk sacs popping out of their bodies want to burn the painting down and stop the rot. You get a single moment where you see this conflict... the corvians are hobbling over to the gate where vilhelm is, and they're all mowed down by the quill-throwing corvian knight. In fact, it's just a shame ashes of ariandel isn't a full dlc sized dlc because it sets up a bunch of interesting ideas but doesn't actually go through with them in a satisfying way.

It also ties into the base game in a cool way, with gael searching for someone to help the painter girl (who for some reason is a hybrid dragon god? thing) and an offshoot of the farron legion having gone into the painting to kill any traces of the abyss. I just really you know what im retarded im gonna go shoot myself


this dlc sucked fucking dick kill miyazaki. ds2 dlc for the win.
but at least I got valorheart.
only people with ten gorillion wood door iq can play ds2 without feeling like they were ganked
wtf is "wood door iq"
>dude every enemy in the room is supposed to just stand there and watch as one of their own gets shot in the face
Personally, I don't think Ringed City is that good either. The sudden jump in enemy difficulty + level design is a slog to play through. And, personally, I really did not care for the lore retcons. Who the fuck is Fillianore?
They're literal hollows bro theyre dumb, they react to sound and the combat is designed for one on one fights. If cheesing aggro with a bow looks stupid it's the fault of fromsoft for creating encounters that dont suit the game's mechanics, not mine.

I agree it should be a thing in sekiro tho, those are actual people mostly.
replied to his own webm award
most pathetic wdc award
I'll give you the forest after the corvian settlement is good, although enemy variety is low. I like the lack of landmarks, it feels like being lost in a snowy forest.
But the settlement itself is bland af. Just open spaces and rooms, a few "drop down a hole in the roof" houses. And the encounters are either "lmao these corvians are defenseless beat them to a pulp by mashing R1" or "here's edward scissorhands, YOU DIED". Jumping off that house down to that platform outside the settlement is pretty sick but it's a single thing.
I honestly don't enjoy the big wolf, he's just an annoying spastic asshole. He works in the bossfight, and running into him a couple times is cool, but i dont actually enjoy those moments.
It is indeed too short and if i recall correctly it was priced almost if not exactly the same as the ringed city which is a scam lmao.
Lore wise yeah it's cool, i agree. I also like how it connects with the ringed city which lets you give the paint to the girl. Fascinating that the DLCs just end with the girl mentioning what she's gonna paint and that's it, you get no reward. I feel like if it was Elden Ring they would've felt forced to give you a new weapon or upgrade material or something.

Personally I don't mind ds3 adding a bunch of new Gwyn offspring, it feels like how Zeus in greek myth just goes around having kids with whoever. If anything I hate the reveal of the nameless king, it's trashy fanservice. But Yorshka being a child of Gwyn (allegedly) and also clearly a child of Seath always gives me an aneurism. Does that mean gwyn and seath had a kid? Can Seath get pregnant? Everyone always assumes Seath and Gwynevere had kids but I wouldnt put it past miyazaki if it was just gwyn doing it himself
Hello, >>492918819 poster here, I did not post that webm or any webms in the thread. hope this helps your understanding but you may need to take your meds first
I like Ringed City's level design, mostly. But I hate some of its enemies and everything feels overtuned.
I was looking at Midir's wikidot article and was shocked to see that they gave him sooooo much health in NG that he gets only a tiny extra bit added every new cycle, unlike most enemies and bosses.
that's cuz the heide trio gets angry if you don't do an honorable duel with the greatsword wielder. they wait patiently otherwise.
yeah midir has a high hp number, but that really doesn't factor that much if you actually attack his head which deals extra damage and more importantly opens up the riposte which does a huge chunk of damage
Another example then, huntsman copse. The torturer enemies that ambush you, theyre waiting above pillars. They all jump down and rush you like a hivemind if you shoot a single arrow at one of them. Which makes no sense and also defeats the purpose of trying to outsmart the ambush.
If you can see an ambush before it happens you should be able to do something to gain the advantage. But DS2 repeatedly says NO HOW DARE YOU
I think ds3 dlcs are really weak in terms of overall exploration and what makes souls games good, but they set up a ton of really cool ideas. Bunch of wasted potential.
you can fight all of those guys one-by-one tho as long as you don't charge through.
? i've never had trouble fighting them one at a time by shooting them with a bow
I guess playing with a meme luck build wasn't doing me any favours. Most of the game was fine but Midir took ages to kill and I only got the ripose right at the end (felt pretty good necause it was the killing blow). I ended up hitting his head with a hollow uchigatana and if he was too far a thunder bolt from a crossbow dealt almost the same damage.
Conclussion: Arcane in ER is a million times better than Luck in DS3
Did you guys play SOTFS? I played both versions of the game and could swear you can do one by one in the original but not sotfs
no you can do it one by one in sotfs
i played both and don't remember having issues with that in either
ER balance is all over the place
You are right damn, now that i think about it both the dreg heap and the ringed city seem like full-game-sized places when you arrive at them but end up being completely standard in length and pretty simple in complexity which is a shame.
IMO ariandel doesn't even do that lmao.

DS2 and Elden Ring deliver though, what you see in those DLCs vistas is what you get, in a good way.

Oolacile is probably the one I've always hated the most, it's just 2 buildings and some rooftops. Most rooms are devoid of furniture for fucks sake.
In sotfs I've been able to fight them one by one except for the last two iirc, you just have to inch forward
I mean, Bleed is fucking broken in ER, but the arcane stat itself is fine.
Also all status effects suck in ds3.
Frostbite does nothing in pve. Poison is irrelevant and almost every boss is immune to it (the one time where poison can make a difference). Bleed is *fine* but bosses take too long to bleed, get reduced bleed damage, and too many of them are immune as well.
A blood bandit knife stomps 90% of the game
Basically this latest ds3 run left me with a particular impression. Which is that the game reeks of insecure game designers.
They want to give you a lot of cool tools. Parrying anything with a weapon, causing a bunch of status effects, dabbing on enemies with weapon arts, tanking hits with poise, etc.
But when it comes to actually making the game, they get REALLY insecure that the player might be able to trivialize a single thing because marketing tells them it has to be LE EPIC YOU DIED GAME. So they let you parry bosses EXCEPT THIS ONE, let you bleed enemies EXCEPT THAT ONE and so on and so forth.
Insufferable sometimes. At least with a luck build
luck builds don't exist until irithyll dungeon
That's what I did, literally. And yes, it works fine sometimes and absolutely demolishes everything at other times. But when it doesn't it's mainly because someone at fromsoft made a basedjack face and went NOOOOO YOU CANT BLEED THIS BOSS EVEN THOUGH IT WOULD MAKE SENSE, YOU HAVE TO SUFFER instead of balancing the damn fucking mechanic better
Anris ss thobeit
This one is like half correct - if you approach slow the first drops and the second waits till you go further. But if you kill the first until he despawns, then when you approach they'll all drop. This is the only encounter in DS2 I consider absolutely bullshit because it also defies the standard of 'slow approach' because it's literally safer to sprint past them
I don't think hollow weapons were that necessary desu my bandit knife almost never left my first weapon slot, even before irithyll dungeon
Small indie company, prease understand :(
>doesn't mention the grubba
fake luck fan
I forgot how to get grubba
Red man club
Aye that's fair. Still you can see how DS2 kind of betrays the idea of outsmarting ambushes. And I don't think arrow aggroing is the pinnacle of engaging gameplay but these games don't have the breadth of systems that allow for much more so they should at least let you do it when possible
Oh right. Vomits
For the low price of 30 tongues
Good job zaki you really just

I only think it betrays it in that area - otherwise in my entire recent playthrough (first one I did) I was never in a situation where there were more than 3 enemies attacking me at once, except for the DLC where there were a few areas with 5 or 6 though I never found them too unmanageable. Iron keep, which I'd heard was horrendous, I was left thinking "That's it?" because I just killed every alonne knight I saw. Comparatively I'm replaying ds3 and there's so many situations where there are 3 or more enemies attacking you - in irithyll there's that street where there are 7 invisible hollows, a fire witch, and a second fire which standing behind two pontiff knights who shoot fireballs at you. It's more manageable to sprint past enemies in DS3 but I don't find that engaging at all
Japanese devs really cannot comprehend that down the line their games will have very few players, making the online required elements a pain in the ass to do/get.
How do i get this weapon, zaki? oh, you just had to be there
that's why they let you farm covenant items. just don't let the dogshit droprates bug ya :)
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time for another shit build
I know that part of Irythill. You're supposed to let most of them just walk down the street by themselves and then defeat the ones who stay one by one. Then for those 3 fuckers who walk together... Yeah jst arrow aggro them.

The one in ds3 that always baffles me is in the irythill dungeon, that hall with i think 8 or 9 jailers. I never got what the intent was with that one, I either arrow aggro them one ny one (pain in the ass) or try to sort of stealth past them (and fail)
you can draw like 3 at a time and kill them. once enough die, stealth becomes possible.
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>tfw I farmed the 30 sunlight medals off enemies for the miracles achievement in DS2
>tfw I farmed the 50 Loyce Knight souls in the old chaos for the ivory king's armor and Alsanna's weapon
>tfw I farmed the 30 proofs of concord kept off the silver knights in anor londo in DS3
>tfw I farmed the 30 vertebra shackles off the enemies in the catacombs for the pyromancy in DS3
What is the most retarded and tedious farming you've done in these games?
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they're doing this to me tomorrow
know what would've been really cool
a spell or an item that disables your opponent's regen similar to vow of silence
it would be called like "Veil Of Nullification"
you could've skipped the ds2 sunlight medal grind if you got to ng+2
dogshit idea never cook again
did someone say...dog?
Fucking christ I considered the ds3 ones but immediately said fuck no after looking up the drop rates.
Worst farm I've done is probably just grinding souls in ds1 but in the most inefficient place and with none of the items that give you extra souls, just that, for hours on end.
Also recently I spent over 2 hours killing the stone guardians in darkroot garden in ds1 so i could get their shield. Acording to the fucking wiki they can drop the sword or the shield at the same rates. Yet I ended up with 9 (FUCKING NINE) swords before I got the shield.
You're getting soul gs combo'd for that shit idea
In DS2 you get Wrath of the Gods on NG+2 but not Sunlight Spear, you still need to get the medals
How many bonfire ascetics did it take?
Asking for a friend
i did the medals for the cheevo by wearing agape ring and helping hosts kill smelter demon
didn't bother with the loyce stuff
i did do the proofs and shackles though. iirc my then-gf would read to me while i killed them
>can't break 300 AR on the war banner
god damn
tf are you running
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i thought it was a fun and whimsical idea because regen users in arena were so annoyinf
ugh you're so dumb regen isn't the issue
Just hit them you retard
then what's the issue
i'll give you one guess
enlighten me mister pro pver slayer
that's not a guess you fucking idiot
im not guessing im telling you to just give me the answer..
is it fall damage
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>Played all the Dark Souls, Demons Souls and Bloodborne multiple times
>Keep putting off buying Elden Ring because for some reason I have anxiety that I won't be able to finish the game and beat every boss
Why am I like this?
i loathe ER for their stupid fucking drop rates. I spent hours farming on one single enemy trying to get the aristocrats headband. I think I ended up with 400k souls at the end of it, and the enemy gave 63 per kill.
honestly it was every single grind i had to do in that game. the mausoleum armor set, the nox set, all of them just sapped the enjoyment of the game. no fucking excuse for drop rates that low
did you rike it?
because you're comparing <30 hour long games to an 150 one
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rate the drip
is your neck covered
this is why i just give myself items if farming takes too long
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irithyll dungeon sucks. ds3 has so many bad areas in retrospect
cute fashion
im waiting!!!!!!!
it only ever entered my head in ER. I have platinum'd the souls series 4 times each, except Ds3 and BB, and play grindy mmo games too, like Warframe. But for ER, it was just mind-numbingly tedious and incredibly unfun.
Cringe take. Prison levels are great (prison of latria from DeS and irithyll dungeon in ds3). The final part, profaned capital, is ass though
nah irithyll is fun...
why don't u like it?
don't say because of the jailers lol then that just means you don't like being pushed out of your comfort zone
latria is good, irithyll dungeon is not
>duhhh i love stealth sections
it's not a stealth section doe. it's a "kill the jailers really fast before you die in one hit" section.
stealth section??? you just run up to the jailers and beat them to death with your longsword as fast as you can before you lose all your hp.
Lost Bastille is the best one
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bastille is barely a prison
it's a bunch of swordsmen in a hallway and exploding mummies
/qa/ lost.
/qa/ lost but its bloated corpse spewed all over the internet and ruined it even further
>exploding mummies
you mean the prisoners?
the mummies that explode
>I actually love this shitty area because I'm a contrarian! And I'm good at the game! Please respect me!
ergite melty
Is DS2 the best retard filter in history?
you can hate it, but pretending that it's a stealth level just makes you look dumb
*shovels dogshit3 in my fat fucking faggot mouth*
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he's so mad!
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everything before pontiff in irithyl is overrated
everythign in ds3 is shit tbdesu
i came in here to talk about my playthough and Im met with this spam. Is that the generals schizo?
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god2 be like amogus
Somebody fucking KILL 71
i don't see your playthrough post
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post your shit
I haven't touched a souls game in so long and I get bored when I boot anything up
bump fsg thanks
irithyll would've been better without the anor londo memberberries slop
At least youre not that anon on /adv/ who lives in constant depression except for a couple months every year or so when fromsoft releases a new game
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I have been playing Ds2 for the first time. It's pretty fun, only died three times so I think thats pretty cool. It feels more like an adventure than Elden Ring did, as in I get to think about where I want to go next and whenever I find a fragrant branch, I get excited to see where it leads. Been clearing out the areas pretty cleanly. Most enjoyable level is Lost Bastille, most hated is Shaded Forest. Iron Keep is close because I got invaded 2, back to back and there are swarms of enemies.
Some of the enemies are atrocious and I really hate how every single halberd I find has that stupid spin around move so I had to settle on a spear. theres also no long hammers, like the Great Stars, anywhere to be found. I'm still undecided on what magic I should go for. I'm thinking about pyromancy because Rosabeth a cute. but so is Licia, so maybe miracles. If ANYTHING happens to either one of them like in ER where every NPC has to die, I will be very upset.
I don't think a single friendly npc in DS2 mandatorily dies so that's cool
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man this is so bad
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Yeah. It's really fucking bad.
I'll never forgive worm for ruining straight sworns
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I also farmed all the covenant shit for the DS3 plat. It really wasn't so bad, get some youchube on the side or music, do an hour here and there. ez.
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dw, you'll find the long hammers eventually
I miss this thing like you wouldn't believe. DS3 and elden ring are really lacking in 70 strength requirement weapons
okay but you got milady so now its all good
>one infusible weapon in the class
>natty dex instead of quality
I'm disappointed
when has natty scaling ever mattered for standard weapons
literally never but wing stance being a quality ash instead of keen kicks my 'tism
its... beautiful
Not the kind of hammer for the charater I'm playing now. Is there a more "realistic" option somewhere?
idk greatclub ig. sacred chime hammer is my fav because the 2h r1 chain is unique
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>keep getting sent to the world of a hacking nigger
block their account you stupid frog
i am stupid, how do i do that? steam recent doesn't show anyone
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>get invaded by hackerfag
>turn my back to a bottomless pit
>watch as they alt+f4 or fall to their death as they use their teleporting backstab move
there is no "wdc" in elden ring because there is no dedicated pvp spot
no webm=didn't happen
>raging beast combos into the 2hr1
wtf zaki
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Would you kiss a pkcs girl?
things that didn't happen
you'd have no way of knowing it was a hacker
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incoming wdc kino
stfu, poopa
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This post is off-topic.
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lightning bandit ax3
Nothing special
rl60 or 70 for slurming
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remember what they took from you
Why are you playing female character
i'm not. that's from the wiki
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yeah but it sounds cool
axes arent that cool i nds3 except for milwood and bkga
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remember what they took from you
vordt and greatmace r cooler
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remember what etc.
yeah no one remembers or cares about cut content slop from that dogshit game
said the tourist
said the ds3troon
non fsg defaced thread
>no archives
it was made by a troon and no cared for it anyway
>no character planners gameplay info etcetc
it was all outdated and the current rentry is more up to date with current state of pc souls even if uncomplete. we should move the activity data to the rentry

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