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Welcome to the Vidya Creepypasta General. Feel free to discuss video game-based creepypastas and their related content. And most importantly, h̷̰̰̋̈́̆a̴̦͘v̸̧̳̦̔͐e̷̞̜̟̕͝ ̶͇͘f̶̨̓͘ú̴̦̰̓͐ñ̴̜̠̦

ROOM #473 - Uhcakip Edition

>/exeg/arbage Site & Archive

>Video Game Creepypastas & Gaming Urban Legends

>Official 4chan-Approved Creepypasta List

>Creepypasta Games, Web Series/ARGs, SlenderARGs and Fearvlogs

>Old Man Reads Vidya Creepypastas

>/exeg/ Archives

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>Homemade/found pastas

>Room Template

Reminder that posts crying about FNF OCs is not vidya creepypastas and should be reported for being off-topic.

>Previous Room
first for sex with tails doll
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"Exposing SpongeJared"

>Jared “SpongeJared” Reinhardt is a stomach-churning piece of fuck. Everyone he has involved himself with has been made miserable. I, WoodsTheArtist, started this document to bring light to what he has become. His victims, along with my close friend, ImTortellini, will be disclosing their experiences in this exposè. If you ever have the displeasure of coming across SpongeJared, contact the proper authorities. Do not fall for his bullshit.
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>OliverEst0 - Hi, I’m Oliver, and I used to be friends with SpongeJared since we were 17. Before I get into my experience with him, I want to make it clear that he isn’t just some dumb kid on the internet. He is now 26 years old, and he has been offered help as far as the eye can see. He refused it, and instead embraced his obsession.
>SpongeJared is, as you would’ve guessed by his name, a fan of SpongeBob. Not just any fan, though. He took the character so seriously, that he now thinks he is him. At first, when we became friends, he seemed like a pretty nice guy. Someone I could play games with, talk to online, whatever comes to mind. I used to draw SpongeBob stuff with him, and it was quite nice.
>Then, when he turned 22, he began to speak in this weird, nasally, high-pitched voice akin to the character. It was awkward talking with him in voice chats after we moved schools, but I tried not to think much of it. I thought he was simply getting sillier, probably from someone else’s influence. I later found that was not the case.
>He started uncontrollably laughing in the most horribly-timed, uncomfortable situations. I know that the next thing I’m about to bring up is out of nowhere, but it’s one of the many examples of how immature and childish he’d act over serious moments. I was diagnosed with colon cancer when I turned 23. I managed to beat it in the long run, but when I still had it, I vented about it to the people I genuinely cared for. One of those people was Jared.
>Unlike the other friends I had, who were there for me and ensured me that I can get through this, Jared laughed when I called and told him. He had the most shrilly, loud cackle I think I’ve ever heard come out of a human’s throat. I was holding in tears when I asked him why he was laughing, and then he laughed harder. I could hear him repeatedly punching something in the background, maybe a wall or some sort of object, but I’m not too sure.
>I haven’t spoken to him since.
>Anonymous - I am Jared’s driving instructor. He spoke to me in a weird tone, but I won’t get into that as it isn’t important. He failed on the first test for running over several traffic cones, but I felt like I could give him a chance to retry. After all, no one’s perfect at using a vehicle. I’ve made some mistakes myself in the past.
>When his second test came, he came into the driver’s seat, shaking erratically. I asked him if he’s okay and if he needed help with something, and then he turned to me. Not even exaggerating here; he was missing a tooth. He wasn’t missing any the day before. I asked him if something had happened, and told him that he can talk to me if he wants. He kept insisting not to worry about it.
>As soon as he buckled up, I asked him what he should do first. He proceeded to put the car in drive with his foot on the brake, and then asked me if he should “floor it.” Do I even need to express why you should never do that in a car, especially with someone in the passenger seat?
>When I told him no, he continuously clarified if he should, as if he couldn’t hear what I was saying. After I said no the fourth time, he slammed his foot on the gas pedal and nearly, NEARLY crashed us into a tree. I quickly activated my emergency brake, which thankfully stopped the car, but led to my head recoiling and hitting the glove compartment. I had a big bruise on my forehead for a week.
>I yelled at him to get the fuck out of my car, and to never come back. He then burst into tears and ran off, but not before trying to manipulate me into feeling bad for him by crying about how he’ll “never get his license in a million years.”
>Jared could’ve possibly ended my life if I didn’t have that emergency brake.
>MalorieVA - SpongeJared is my ex-boyfriend. I met him at my college, and he was the first person to tell me he loved me directly. It made me genuinely happy to know that someone cared. Before he told me that, he was being as nice as can be to me, which didn’t necessarily make me uncomfortable. People are built differently, right?
>He then showed me his true colors.
>At the time we started dating, he told me about how trolls riled him up online, to the point where some people impersonated him. It was very personal right off the bat, but I felt bad, and told him to stay away from them, and not give them the attention that they want. He didn’t listen. When I came to his house, I would find him constantly screaming at people over his computer, over the most basic things he could ignore, like if they called him fat or stupid. At times, he even tried to get me involved by barking at me to come and defend him.
>Whenever he didn’t get me involved though, I would pet his cat. It had black and white fur, and was quite loving. I wish I could’ve brought the cat out of there when I had the chance.
>One day, I decided that I had enough and I told him. I wanted to break up. His reaction was something I’d usually expect. He started to complain about how he did everything he could to show how much he loved me, how I’ve “given so much back” in return, how I’m the only person that ever helped him, etcetera. I informed him that he’s a grown-ass man, living alone and constantly roping me into drama online.
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>Then, he just kind of stared me down for a moment. The more I told him the truth, and the more I told him to seek help, the more angry he got. He then pinned me to the wall and pressed his head against mine to where it gave me a headache. I tried to get him off me, throwing as many punches as I could, but he didn’t even flinch. He didn’t move a muscle. His head didn’t even jerk sideways when I hit him in the face. It was like I was fighting a statue. That’s when he said something.
>“Of course you’d use that to solve your problems. What should I expect from a talking weasel?”
>I am now in an apartment with a decent-paying job. I didn’t tell people about what he did, for years, because he threatened me with murder if I did. He also somehow found my Discord tag, and told me he would end his cat too if I exposed him. I wish I could’ve gotten the poor thing out of that hellscape when I had the chance, but he tried to ram me into his wall the second I attempted to take his cat with me.
>I am not afraid anymore. I’m tired of staying silent. Just to help people be able to recognize him further, he is 5 '11 with blonde hair, he’s Caucasian, he’s unshaved, and he’s missing a tooth. If he sounds like SpongeBob alongside all of that, then you know it’s him.
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>ImTortellini - I met Jared at a restaurant. I thought he was quite the funny guy at first, and he seemed to be into SpongeBob as much as I was, so we exchanged Discord tags. We talked for quite a bit, and I even invited him to my friend group.

>After some time, he started weirding out my friends in voice calls by yelling and screaming. Every time we played games together, he’d rage and start punching his desk. When he was proven wrong about something, he’d scream at us. The final straw that led to me kicking him from the friend group was when he told Woods to kill himself during an altercation. To give context, Woods was telling him that acting like a cartoon character wasn’t normal in the slightest and he went apeshit.

There's an audio recording of this exchange:
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>I decided to take a nap to clear my head and get me in the right mindset before I told him that I didn’t want to be his friend anymore. I got into a Discord call with him, and made it clear that his behavior was unacceptable and I sincerely hoped he gets the help he needs.

>He went silent for a moment, and then I heard him clear his throat. He then spoke to me.

>“That’s alright. People disappoint me anyway. Right, Gare Bear?”

>He then turned on his camera, and I saw something that made me want to vomit at first sight. I recorded the audio, but not the video, and to this day, I’m thankful I didn’t. I don’t want people to see this. I saw the corpse of his FUCKING CAT LYING ON HIS LAP, AND HE WAS PETTING IT. The poor thing’s eyes were dangling over his leg like clackers, and I saw countless grubs clung onto its fur.

>I hyperventilated. I couldn’t stop freaking out. Before I could even tell him I was going to call the cops, he hunched over and hung up the call. The last thing I saw was his cat falling off of his knee when he leaned forward.

>I contacted the police and shared his full name (I knew it from when he dropped his wallet on the way out of that restaurant we first met at) along with his appearance. I couldn’t stop freaking out that day, and I couldn’t breathe right. I didn’t know what to do. What else was I supposed to do at that point but wait for the cops to arrive at my house?
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>It took hours upon hours, but an investigator finally showed up to my place when night came. He told me that one of their officers said they would go to his home and investigate over the comms, and he never came back to the station. Police were sent over to Jared’s location after looking through some background information, and not only was he not there, but the officer that went wasn’t there either.

>I didn’t get a wink of sleep that night, nor for the next three weeks. In the middle of those sleepless weeks, I was informed of another thing by the same investigator that came to my house. Apparently, forensics only found one piece of evidence containing the fingerprints of both the guys they were looking for.

>It was a half-full bottle of bubble solution.
well that was a load of shit
The funniest part was the driving instructor's segment, everything after that was mostly lame
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Sonic 4 is now in OSF
now give him boost just for the heck of it.
>boost in classic sonic game
I'm going to cry
AHEM, Sonic 4 is now in OSF
where do you want to be buried
Sonic rush shows that boost works splendidly in 2d
you can kill me
knuckles your penders is showing
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Hatcher what is this
I'm not hatcher, it's a mockup of what I think his appearance under the sonic suit might look like
finish it
this is just bad
Goes with the character
whatever you say
Do not insult Sonic.EXE in my house
red skull mf
Jaiz posted a Sark game (it is freely downloadable)
i thought he stopped making games?
Apparently not, but it seems to be just a reskin of the my5t game
Okay so what if there was this super powerful recolor and his story is that he was associated with this other recolor who has an army of recolors but they aren't friends anymore and he's different so he does the exact same thing the more famous recolor does of putting people into his sonic recolor game and then they go up to this recolor and say "woah is this sonic???" but actually it's not sonic it's a recolor which is what the more famous recolor already does but he's different guys also he cannot be killed in any way and totally beats your recolors in a battle unless you do this super secret spell thing that only the other recolors in this recolor universe know also that guy you just saw that you thought was Tails and Knuckles and Eggman those are actually Tyrone and Kwamin and Quintavius
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It would suck?
Dustborn pasta.
Someone make it.
No balls.
it's already a creepypasta
we live in south park
fuck you
Best start believin' in vidya creepypastas, kid.
You're in one.
new Luigikid upload
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Well I am, and I have some design notes for you
His actual proportions are much lankier outside of the suit, but he just retracts his ligaments to fit
His muscles are usually pretty droopy, but he can pull them close together to achieve the compact, cartoons proportions that Sonic has
His teeth should look like finger or toe bones but with a front incisor in place of the tip, but he also does have gums in his internal form as well.
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>His teeth should look like finger... bones
filename must be german for The shillbones
Look at how small Zero's shoulders are. Complete beta male.
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Which creepypasta is the gayest and most retarded? This is including stuff like Vibingleaf
In terms of writing or themes?
That, and everything else, like its reputation, the kind of people who like it, etc
Wii Deleted You
>His muscles are usually pretty droopy
does he look similar to Tarman?
>Which creepypasta is the gayest and most retarded?
depends. what makes a creepypasta gay?
is it the author being a fag? or a Twitter user? writing like a Redditor?
What about retarded? is it bad grammar? bad writing? overuse of cliches? something else?
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stop posting fnf shit or you're a niggerfaggot
oh that explains everything
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what a pussy
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i don't care
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i care
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embarrassing... yeesh
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goodnight exeg
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new pasta
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Cosmic Luigi Master Race
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didn't several scp mods turn out to be groomers?
An understatement
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Isn't it technically rapist instead of pedo!
What is this?
Just graphic shirt designs. No idea why that anon posted it here of all places.
I'm assuming it's only because the artist also does creepypasta work?
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Same guy made picrel so you're probably right about that.
here's your sark kino exeg
the guy behind nightmare beginning making a low effort sonic.exe reskin and paywalling it how far the "mighty" will fall in this new age
jaizkoys is just trying to be like his idol
the hyena?
>Why is this place so bloody? It wasn't like this before. Maybe it's ketchup?
I laughed
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Hasn't this guy been doing this for like 10 years? You would think he'd have improved his craft by now. Even MrPixel's latest walking sims are clearly better than his old ones.
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The smooth transition to running on walls and ceilings is definitely the most complicated part of the Sonic physics system, but I've almost got it down.
yes, and?
how old is he anyway
Put aside the game which is allegedly still in development. Is the original Lost Silver a good story?
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NGC status
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Father and son...
no osf x's son is impasta (he transitions from sonic to mario in a heartwarming allegory for what its like to be a transwoman)
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rayuko status
The in-game events are OK but the author's narration is bad, like at the end he has to spell out for you the spiel about how Gold couldn't escape the inevitability of death etc etc, instead of letting you come to that conclusion yourself. And the story does not end with Gold's grave (perhaps leaving you to reflect on the finality of death, as the author seemingly wanted otherwise), but rather the author talking about how much he enjoyed the then-latest Pokemon game. It's also hard to take just about any story seriously when it's got "I WAS TERRIFIED AND I ALMOST SCREAMED" kind of reactions from the author about the game.
OSF X transitions from Sonic to Mario because he gets sent to Sonic 4 in OSF's good ending
He goes insane and breaks free to kill Iizuka and escapes into a prototype of Galaxy DS (which would go unreleased) before he can be captured
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what am I looking at
Mouthless sonic
rayuko's obsession with speedduo taking a break of self spamming
pokemon pastas have a trend of overly dramatic narrators
>but all creepypastas do
pokemon especially
legacy build guys
it's dolphin porn guys
don't fall for the jewish tricks
is this legit?
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If it were it would be posted on /funkg/ first which it was not
niggerfaggot behavior detected
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it's better than legit, boy
why is it all pictures of dog penises
is there something you want to tell us anon?
Sonic CD Miracle Edition 3DS Port
haha, i lied its fake
but there have been some real legacy leaks roaming around, want to see?
the same trick won't work twice, dumbass
does it have raven beating sadako redraws ?
oh sure, and i'm the queen of england
post them or else you're a nigger
Wow that was easy
Thanks for the (You)s guys
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NTA but i have actual legacy leaks
No you fucking don't
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I've already seen this and it's for EXEtravaganza, not Legacy
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trick? like. jokers. trick!?
show me or you're a faggot
>that gum shading
nice try
EXEtravaganza doesn't have competent artists dumb nigger
>trying to get a demo out before 2025
that's funny
drawing was never this anon's strongest talent compared to his writing
i love how exeg falls for the same traps every single time
like a bunch of starving africans
what part of "don't take the bait" do you funkfags not get?
these are real legacy leaks btw, from the Archive Server of Kings
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you're all fucking retarded
Minecraft vanilla 1.21 in 25 minutes
Mojang won!
oh forreal?
>30th April 1945:
>"Adolf Hitler Situation is Insane"
it's up
there is geysermc support so bedrock clients can join. however it was added last minute and idk if it works
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sort of on-topic but how come Minecraft creepypasta/horror mods aren't brought up? Is it because they're all dogshit
>Minecraft creepypasta
that doesn't answer my question
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i will dropkick you into a sack of puppies
kill this nigga
why are you like this
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you faggots stop giving attention to the attention-seeking tranny
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whatever happened to that portalfag shitposter
You know I can start spamming Niall's fucking goat persona every thread if I want to right
yes, that would make me a rivalry
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that's somehow worse
annoying spam aside, I'm glad revie's happy now at least
happy with what?
just happy to be accepted again, it's a little sweet
accepted by who? twitter?
yes anon, twitter.
>it's a little sweet
nigga. that's not a good thing. that ranges from pathetic to concerning.
Takashi Miyamoto-san?
what 4 years of no content does to a mother fucker
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I didn't even play paper jam and I know what this is referencing
they're usually dogshit
any good ones
if you think about it Turbo mogs like 75% of creepypasta
I thought people posted pastas here, but I've only seen one posted, there rest is just cringe sonic talk, like wtf
sonicfags should have their own board like MLP because they are incredibly autistic too
very rarely is there non sonic discussion
do not spell the demon's name
use synonyms, like horse show
aside from that, you are correct in your statement.
but know that the exe fandom isn't as big as you think it is
why do you think i'm a tranny
the pointless revie posting
not sure what you're trying to accomplish with this mediocre "trolling"
>that's not me
then this conversation is irrelevant.
fair enough
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I've seen some books/authors being recommended for aspiring pasta writers. But that got me thinking. Is /lit/ literature recommendations good? Will they help me write creepypastas?
/lit/ is full of shitposting niggers just like any board on this godforsaken site, so take a guess
if I told you unknowingly and vibingleaf are making a turbo fangame would you believe me
wouldn't be surprised, they're the type of people who would make an evil macdonalds simulator
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they made my beloved turbo... scrimblo...
This is entirely because there was a video essay about the character made recently
this video?
also, the top comment is funny. It reads as follows:
>It's better when you realize Turbo only did this to the one Sugar Rush unit. Meaning, there is exactly one unit that had a character, King Candy, who exists in no other copies of the game, cannot be found by rom-hacking, and the developers have zero notes about this character. King Candy is a living creepypasta in this setting and should be bringing in more business of people who just want to see the character who doesn't exist.
This reads just like a comment you would see under an FNF song about Sonic.exe. The crossover is real
on paper this sounds like a retarded idea but I gave it some thought
>turbo fangame is a compilation of original IP games or parodies of existing IPs with one playable level
>every time turbo barges in to steal the spotlight away from the protagonist the game becomes corrupted and crashes
honestly, that works as a nice trollpasta.
>the story starts with the protagonist stating he thinks he's being harassed and stalked by turbo
>he has nightmares and hallucinates turbo
>the pasta has screenshots and videos of turbo fucking things up
when will exeg make wreck-it-ralph creepypastas?
also ralphs mogs every exe
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goodnight exeg
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pokepasta bros......
a ?th rewrite has hit the wacky towers
we're so rayuback
we NEED to chase out hatcher
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What does it MEAN
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nn has a furry harem
How would Impasta meet Cerise?
My hero
slendytubbies stream
don't hate me for this, but i absolutely would
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you're not the first person to say that
post full you coward
this makes me livid
is this an attempt to discuss another fnf mod that's never coming out?
yes but this time suddenly making the main character black and trans for no reason
cancelled build in 2 months btw
nah, it's just me saying that i'd fuck black gf up the ass
and i was hoping to simply leave it at that
I don't care
go back to funkg if you want to cry about mod drama
>that's never coming out
V2 already came out thoughever, if the Ship of Theseus-tier revival comes out that's just a bonus
do funkfags have a humiliation fetish?
holy shit mathrus
wrong general, go to /uh/.
>a Turbo/King Candy Anal…
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is this roblox
should this be added to the cytube for shits and giggles
Finish SLZ alterworld track
what do (You) think
Where do you think that drawing came from?
Minecraft today?
>About now, you're probably wondering when I'm going to start telling you about how there were Unown in my party and the Buried Alive guy in Lavender Town started eating my player character, because any preowned bootleg game story is bound to be some creepy hacked shit. Well, it wasn't that simple.
Pokepastas really like doing this "I'm not like the others" thing huh
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sonic 06 wii prototype
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sonic 3 mobile prototype
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sonic prototype 2017
you were not invited
Moonbase Alpha Nintendo Switch Prototype
How long has it been since this model was made
over a year most likely
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he looks like the grinch
and nothing has been done with it?
obviously not
almost as if they're all garbage
then why bother making the fucking thing
to deceive retarded children into thinking that you're making any progress whatsoever
Yeah I could play some more Minecraft if the server was up
new Luigikid upload
>latinx children continue to ignore the "no retakes" "rule"
MXican is really a latinx character at heart. He belongs not to any individual tranny teenager, but collectively to the country of Mexico
There is a motherfucking Poppy Playtime general on this website. EXEcore?
There's a general for fnaf is this a surprise to you
FNAF is almost like a real video game that normal people can play
ha what a faggot haha
b3313 really loves mirrors
thought that said minors at a glance
I think you need some fresh air.
please stop going on twitter
terminally online user
rayuko tier response
thought that said please stop groping the kidders at a glance
reminder that the ROM hack version of I HATE YOU is superior to the fangame version
if only because it has no jumpscare at the end and the fact that you get to fight luigi in a mega man-styled boss battle
fnaf is actually a franchise unlike sloppy playtime which has 3 chapters and a shitty multiplayer game
The jumpscare is soul however
>a shitty multiplayer game
are you fuicking kidding me?
>a shitty multiplayer game
It's called project playtime.
there is no god
it's real, and it has a fucking battlepass, god is dead.
Hook the kids on them microtransactions early.
>Verification not required.
this but unironically
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Does he like Avery
it's out
isn't this just mario 85 but all stars edition?
don't make that into a habit
it's actually a crossover with dario
you mean nario
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Forced soul
is it?
if jeff the killer visited silent hill, what would he see there?
Next you're gonna tell me there's a general for Minecraft
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would it be fucked up to base a Sonic.exe OC off of smartschoolboy, specifically, the unsettling AI pictures
that's questionable if I'm being honest. I can get behind basing an oc off of CWC or jasonic but this specifically is sex traffic criminal territory. If you want to make use of AI go ahead just don't be using real pictures of kids
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smartschoolboy9 has a fetish for dead children, so maybe steer clear of that
explain what smartschoolboy is i'm too scared to look him up
a pedophillic necrophile got it
i just meant the disturbing ai photos part, would NOT use real children, that would obviously be going too far
>dresses like a kid
>takes pictures of kids
>hangs around schools and playgrounds
>uses ai on actual pictures of kids
>fantasizes about being a little girl/boy
>poses as a child to try to groom kids barely in middle school
I can't even make a joke about this son of a bitch I just want him dead
oh so it's just some sick pedo who found his way onto the clear web, no creepypasta or anything
report him to cybertip
yeah some fucker from the uk that was brought up a while ago
The makeup he wears and the thing he does with his tongue all are meant to emulate a child that's been strangled to death
He's lucky that he's in the UK, since the cops there are all cucked, but if he were to go to good ol Muttland USA he'd be lynched by the townsfolk and hung from a telephone pole if he tried any of that shit here
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It's notable because his "artwork" is so ridiculously creepy that people thought it was an ARG at first
jesus fucking christ that's going to be in my dreams tonight
Why does the kid look like a less white version of Jeff
and sonic.exe is THE omega faggot lord who wants to enslave and rape humanity
your point?
what why? it fits so much!
are you a faggot or a underage? how can you be scared of such thing?
is he... trying to emulate plastic surgery? like one of those hollywood kid actors?
I think that if you're comparing a real life active predator to fucking sonic.exe, you are very retarded
this is real life criminal get off your high horse asshole
it's not about comparing, it's about using it for inspiration. when you're making a fictional villain, you have to use real life events to make it effective.

just look at Billy Kincaid. also, X is a creep.
I think you should stop talking now
because it could be illegal stuff
so you cant use this creep as inspiration because it's illegal?
it's not using him as an inspiration i'm worried about it's getting on a list because i looked up his name
oh that's understandable
yes you retard do you want to go look up his creepy pages and risk being put on a watchlist? stick to cwc for god's sake
im not enlarging that what is it
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Why does this type of posts get so much traction?
CWC and Jasonic are literally both sex criminals
I chose them as inspiration for OSF sonic.exe because A: they're intrinsically linked to the concept of a monstrous, deranged sonic fan, B: they're lolcows, which means that there is plenty of documentation to use as resources, and C: because they're funny to laugh at
Smartschoolboy9 just fills me with a deep, deep visceral disgust and sadness
googling cwc won't put me on a watchlist
Lots of people are talking about this guy right now you will be fine
You are more likely to be on a watchlist for posting on 4chan than you are for googling this
I'm not touching that shit and neither should you. end of story
You are a PUSSY
fuck off
Post schoolboy beating sadako
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alright enough with the pedophile posting
let's discuss about another subject, one that hopefully isn't tied to exeshit.

i'll start. are there any pastas relating to artificial intelligence. or anything similar to mgs2 or deus ex?
>are there any pastas relating to artificial intelligence. or anything similar to mgs2 or deus ex?
kind of? I remember this one story about an ai learning how to play chess
only thing i can think of is m64 classified by greenio
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gotta go fast
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I'm still mad
Sonic particle accelerator
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just finished it and it's pretty mediocre. not worth listening.
this one's a little more interesting. the story is meh but i like how believable he made it look. still, the ending ruined it for me.
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goodnight exeg
Sad the little guy isn't going to be in legacy anymore
>villains!X is not in the fnfslop mod
thank you allah
Legacy is just rb exe mod revival but directed by joe and people from his circle jerk
i don't want Villains!X in any fnf mod
Obviously fake lmao
Op who made the art here, it was never intend to be leak I just tried finishing the pose concept for fun
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I haven't kept up, who are those two and why is Peridot there.
I'm doing the same thing as well right now
that doesn't mean anything to me
revie rebranded and changed his name to raven, he also likes peridot
why do you keep posting that shit you parasocial faggot
because i'm bored
kill yourself or find something better to post no one wants to deal with your fixation on a sona
Neat !
Curious to see yours
no you're just retarded
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i Hope you guys liked my build , we deliver content fast as all hell!
it's rayup
>formidable robot did a narration of green mountain
Yeah instead the FNF mods are coming to Villains!X
it's rayup
I love you Workbench/CUE
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rayuko status
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Nearly finished with the foundation of the physics. All that's left is to make the player slip off walls at low speeds and fix a few bugs. The horizontal sensors extend outwards according to the player's speed, so that you can't clip through walls when you're going too fast, but this causes a problem where it can falsely collide when you're going up or down slopes at a very high speed; this is a glitch that actually happens occasionally in the Genesis games (especially in Sonic 3 in levels like Ice Cap) and it's very annoying so I want to fix it.
Swappy Mix
wow this is very gay i hate faggots
why is this a thing to begin with?
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>1080p 60 fps
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it's a long story
sonic villains wanted to have a take on sonic.exe for their fan movie. he's a rogue virus made by eggman that has his IQ and sonic's personality. because lord x, faker, and xenophanes weren't available, the team decided to go with rewrite as an alternative form
i know what villains x is. i'm talking about the gay ass rewrite/twitter/fnf shit.
why did they have to mix up with fnf? for views? they're all fags
I'm not super concerned about the fnf music being used for storyboard art sequences. at this point rewrite has a legacy outside of fnf and it's not like springtranny can just make music specifically the portions of SV that revolve him
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god damnit it's not about the fnf music being used in any shape or way, it's the fact that the creators have decided to interact with a fnftranny. it's like talking to a exetranny, it's never a good idea.
>at this point rewrite has a legacy outside of fnf
no it doesn't. rewrite will always be know as a fnf exe oc because it's what allowed them to be popular, just like faker or lord x.
>it's the fact that the creators have decided to interact with a fnftranny.
obviously they don't care as much as you want them to
>rewrite will always be know as a fnf exe oc because it's what allowed them to be popular, just like faker or lord x.
he outgrew his fnf status to the point where his mod is treated like an afterthought
>obviously they don't care as much as you want them to
i'm aware. welp, hope sonic villains doesn't get cancelled by grooming.
>he outgrew his fnf status to the point where his mod is treated like an afterthought
outgrew with what exatcly? a GOOD story? a GOOD game? i've checked 3 wikies and i've seen nothing aside from the vs. rewrite mod link.
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>outgrew with what exatcly? a GOOD story? a GOOD game?
it's really simple to understand why
>ongoing arg and animations made by the creator
>meme videos
>a memorable design
that's about it. I think him being portrayed as "goofy" may have been a contributing factor
he doesn't have a story that is true
but he has his own animations, non-fnf music and a rather memorable design
yeah he's probably still only known because of fnf, but people seem to care less about him in that area
nominal has a fixation on him for some reason
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>ongoing arg and animations made by the creator
>meme videos
>a memorable design
people... like this?
i knew twitter users had twrrible taste in media but this is a new low.
then again children are easily impressionable.
the only thing i'll give him is his non-fnf music. sure, it sounds like sonic 4, but atleast he's trying. the rest is mediocre.
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Is this Shadow the Hedgehog?
The last 12 posts are all gay
Do better /exeg/
the truth is that rewrite's design and voice carries him farther than fnf does
i just love sharing a cozy hot cup of lapsang souchong tea
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no fucking way
being in /exeg/ automatically makes you a gay ass motherfucker
one of us
one of us
one of us
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/oursir/ is BACK
fair enough, i don't really pay much attention to this guy

>the only thing i'll give him is his non-fnf music. sure, it sounds like sonic 4, but atleast he's trying. the rest is mediocre.
that's fine by me if you think that, personally though i find it enjoyable but not something to obsess over
sonic.exe but he's the detached soul of jun senoue haunting you and making every song you hear sound like sonic 4 music
where are you getting these schizophrenic ideas from
your mom
jun senoue
Not this time, asshole
you know you can just filter xir, right?
I love you tranny/rayuko
and i love you random citizen
just got one question
who is tranny/rayuko
don't play coy
yuko stop lying and accept you're shitting both generals for once it's been over half a goddamn year
funkg user detected... initiating gangstalking.
jesus it's been that long?
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starting working on something
osf related?
this is taken out of context
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New lullaby gf got me shooting gallons out my urethra
what fnf mod is this for?
thoughts on special stage music?
not for an existing one, trying to make a new one based off my own exe story
good shit
I can't hear any special stage motifs. is this an original track or a remix?
what kind of a question is why
because i want to
/funkg/ is literally next street nigga
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peak cinema!
theyre gonna come back in like two minutes just watch
>EXACTLY two minutes and one second later
i am so sorry
shame panties
you know the only thing this nigger can do is spam images, right?
just filter xir
submit OSF to sage next year
would they be okay with that?
the only concern would be any edgy jokes hidden ingame
otherwise it's a fangame, not a romhack or retro engine mod and the alterworlds alone are considerable enough changes from source material
>the only concern would be any edgy jokes hidden ingame
then remove these changes, and publish 2 versions
streamer friendly version?
call it the luigikid friendly mode
something like that yeah
remove the actual offensive part (if I remember correctly they said that one feature planned for the full game is to have the word 'nigger' randomly appear on the game), and leave the more mean stuff, like the fatfag mode or the comments on skins (like the blue shoe.)
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rayuko status
>luigikid friendly mode
I like that
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anon I was fucking joking
I remember when this guy would post 4 second old tweets and you had actual trannys here being like "can't believe the spammer is just THAT dedicated" and then getting mad when people said it was the same guy
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rayuko status
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GB (from friday night funkin') and Clown.EXE (from /exeg/ (friday night funkin')) have the exact same lore.
What are the political implications of this?
>7 seconds ago
that's your main
Marco Antonio is the clownfag
that's your main
it's rayup
I swear on my left nut some kid who I have known since middle school did this to one of his tails plushies.

Me and a group a friends broke into his house he had moved out of after highschool. They had left behind a bunch of shit behind like garbage and whatnot and there was a tails doll amongst everything. It had a hole ripped into it right where the anus was.

believe it or not it was real. never really caught him fucking it, but the dude was legit into weird shit so we kind of assumed it was real

hilarious shit
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what he saw
I've thought about doing an extended rewrite of that dot lisall story for a while. I even came up for a full name for mark chadical
this sucks ass
also, lord x looks like a used condom
Sonic's got that FNF Boyfriend smirk
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least schizophrenic exefag that has never touched a modern sonic game
the guy who made the edit has pico as his pfp and draws epic iconic horrorbrews
I don't care
you very much do care because you got mad when someone called it fnf art
I wish faggots would stop posting fnf shit and started posting ngc fanart
what am i looking at here ?
go play sonic rush or something I'm not listening to your dribble
An abnormality.
I rarely ever see ngc fanart honestly
Don’t know what that is
This is what Sonic's smirk looks like. It looks like the Nike symbol, with only a very slight dimple. The aforementioned image gives Sonic a much more mischievous grin with a more pronounced dimple, more indicative of the expression typically worn by the character Boyfriend from the hit game Friday Night Funkin'. This connection is strengthened by the presence of the character Lord X who has made many prominent appearances alongside Boyfriend.
I'm not reading that shit
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be the hero you wish to be anon
post them fanart
Sonic is better than Godzilla
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Sonic would beat Godzilla in a fight
not sure why you're focusing on that, but keep going anon, you're funny.
Sonic fucked Mothra and Godzilla watched from the corner
keep going I'm enjoying this
is that you dhaeanon
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oh ok
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goodnight exeg
i hope you die in your sleep
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spongebob movie or shitty gmod horror maps for sunday night
Singular point Godzilla murders Sonic and fucks all his human girlfriends.
Video game creepypastas are funny to me, there's just something amusing about the idea of some demonic presence choosing a singular cartridge/disc/etc. to inhabit just to fuck with a single person
that's the standard sonic.exe trope. not all video game creepypastas are like that. some of them are urban legends or fabricated stories about working with nintendo or sega
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why is he wearing a fucking cardigan?
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If i had a nickel for every time syro gave a monster a flaccid penis I'd have two nickels which isn't much but it's strange that it's happened twice
don't give a sakkth, quirky
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I forgot Herobrine was also interchangeably called Him
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what does herobrine even mean
are you crazy
legendary in latin, according to google
(mario mix)
new Luigikid upload
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>hatcher gets 3
hatcher appears 6 times
i dont get it
not funny
didn't laugh
8 actually
OSF final boss song better be a remix of this
sanic can't hack
you don't know that
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>>492794734 why are you doing this! this is out of context and unnecessary! i'm asking you why do you leak sonic legacy!
this is fake as fuck
this is real as hell
yes I do, I know him personally
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rayuko status
Changing one pixel to create sovl incarnate. Faggots such as Jack Black will never get this
the only one allowed to wield the scrimblo eyes
it's rayup
If it's old it's good
If it's new it's bad
it's rayup
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it's rayup
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The Krazy Kreepypasta Krew
You did not have enough people for this joke
who's the dark blue mario supposed to be ? and no i'm not talking about marwiiu
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Some more progress on this physics rewrite, added rolling and slipping off steep angles. Hitbox size doesn't update when you roll and jump yet. Probably not going to work on this for awhile since I'm gonna be giving something else my full attention for the time being.
>I'm gonna be giving something else my full attention for the time being.
other project or something personal?
show art first
Evil Sonic
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draw this rabbit
fuck it draw Dimentio from super paper mario
never type again.
Draw Luigi with the poltergeist 3000 dealing with the boom boos from pumpkin hill.
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goodnight exeg
Please self immolate
Draw smartschoolboy9 beating sadako
Another project. Let's just say I have a couple different things I'd like to finish before Halloween and we'll see if I've overextended or not.
gmod wins
see ya sunday night at 8pm pdt
next poll :^)
fuck off
Can you add smartschoolboy9 to the hunger games I want to see smartschoolboy9 slips on a frozen river and drowns
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is it bad that im actually starting to get attached to this particular refsheet
and all because i appreciate one extremely small detail (his lazy eye)
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but his icons look like this
his human form is undoubtedly jeff the killer inspired
I guess you could count the fangame as content https://youtu.be/dCl7chGRLr8?si=F5Ezm7i7tU30RWT2
>Another project.
is it fingerbones
it's rayup
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Jun Senoue.exe
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Sarah puyo
it's rayup
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it's rayup
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apparently this is a trend. should I post some of the art?
>apparently this is a trend
eh, only if it's any good
otherwise i don't see the point
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new Luigikid upload
also the mr virtual fangame got an update
first time i've heard about him having a game
OK here's the game
It's a single screen
There are instant-death obstacles coming at you that you have to dodge
You have to dodge them for 6 minutes
You get a checkpoint every 60 seconds
Every 60 seconds more bullshit shows up on hte screen so it's harder to see the obstacles
You have 3 lives
If you lose your lives then you start over from the beginning at 6 minutes
oh neat, i like those kind of arcardey games
yes. yes it is bad.
undoubtedly shit taste.
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MX (Sonic Mix)
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you will never be a mid-late 2000s creepypasta
Someone should go back and time and replace all of what would become popular creepypastas with Mario and Sonic recolors. How does history change?
it implodes and nothing of value is lost
Zalgo and Slenderman FNF mods are what become popular in 2021. 2 years later, Mario and Sonic recolor fans are bemoaning the undeserved popularity of pastashit at the expense of true oldfag exekino. The 2023 Super Mario Brothers movie is replaced with Mario.EXE the Movie.
Zalgo and Slenderman FNF mods are what become _o_ular in 2021. 2 years later, Mario and Sonic recolor fans are bemoaning the undeserved _o_ularity of _astashit at the ex_ense of true oldfag exekino. The 2023 Su_er Mario Brothers movie is re_laced with Mario.EXE the Movie.
i have to suck vivian's _enis right away
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the og faker
honestly that's a good thing
kinopasta shouldn't involve himself with fnfaggots
alternative universe where faker gets a sonic jam or whatever the fuck his game is styled after mod and a shitposter cabal that gave him 3 different comics
the date
decently drawn but it's tied to exeshit so it's automatically trash
not a funkfaggot so I have no idea what that even means
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marwiiu wants those ghost tranny cheeks
what's the worst line from any pasta you read?
>I was the one who murdered my friend and those two other people. I was the one who would take the blame. But worst of all, that Mii, was Mii.
nothing beats
> Worst thing was that they even looked like they were enjoying it and, for a moment, I think I was too.
in terms of "what the fuck am i reading"-ness
he rapes anything that moves
man woman old young human animal alive dead
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based beyond belief
Join Bf and Gf as they rap for their life against a creepypasta legend!
tommy taffy rapes gf infront of bf and makes him watch
and then rapes bf right after, can't leave them both untouched
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it's rbkino actually
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i need to find a fujo willing to draw lord x fucking exe
would that be incest or selfcest?
that would just be incest
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selfcest because it's two sonics fucking
incest because it's father (lord x) and son (exe)
how old are both characters?
neither have concrete ages but lord x is an old man and exe appears younger looking than 2011/young X in my opinion
Ah, the good ol' "Dirty Old Man" trope.
A classic.
This is the REAL problem with Strangled Red
>Curious, I saw he had the starter amount of money, no badges. He didn't look like red though, his hair was longer, almost reaching halfway down his back, Red's usual smile replaced with a confident smirk. Honestly, I found this sprite much cooler than Red.
Red is not smiling on the trainer screen. This is a much bigger problem than the name of Mike's Squirtle and it has to be fixed NOW
kill smr for this
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He's not even smiling in the manual artwork. Why does he look so angry while riding a bike? Where is his joy? Somebody should write a creepypasta about this
peta should make a game where red is evil and rams pokemon with his bike
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>The REAL Reason why Red Doesn't Smile

>There are rumors out there on 4chan that Red from the video game Pokemon doesn't smile because it was an artistic choice. That is wrong, it was an autistic FORCE that made it so he had to be depicted that way.
>At the time I was working for the Pokemon Company. It was nearly the end of the week and I was close to my breaking point of having worked more than 20 minutes in a day. While doing art of Red I received a phone call on my Gameboy telling me to go the board room IMMEDIATELY.
>When I did, what I saw shook me to my very core.
>It was a smiling Japanese man next to a drawing of MissingNo.
>"MissingNo?" I said when referring to MissingNo, "who is this character?"
>"This is MissingNo. We've been thinking of adding him into the game as the 151st Pokemon."
>I knew this was an evil decision. 150 is a perfect number, 151 is an evil prime number. Doing so would bring armageddon. I knew I had to stand up and fight for what I believed in.
>I stood up from my chair and boldly shouted:
>They knew I knew I wasn't joking anymore.
>The smile from the Japanese man's face went away, and when I exited the office and went back to my desk I realized the faces on all the Red art I drew changed to be less optimistic, to be more creepy.
Alright exeg, how would a _a_er Mario cree_y_asta work?
mario vivian sex scene cree_y_asta
_erha_s something involving a cut conce_t for the Shiver City mystery? Maybe Herringway actually died or some shit like that. Could be taken in many ways.
Those ideas sound interesting.
I believe one involving the Underwhere is an obvious choice, as it is the literal hell of Su_er _a_er Mario. Then you have Bonechill, who is a reference to Satan, and then there's the World of Nothing...

For TTYD, cha_ter 6 could be used in a very similar way to cha_ter 7 from the first _a_er Mario, with the murder investigation and all that. There's also the bad ending in which Mario becomes a slave, Doo_liss with his identity fraud shenanigans.
Mario cree_y_astas are inherently more SOVLful than Sonic cree_y_astas.
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hehh- hehh
heh hehehe
hehh- hehh
heh hehehe
hehh- hehh
heh hehehe
hehh- hehh
heh hehehe
bum to the boom to the bum to the bass
bum to the boom to the bum to the bass
bum to the boom to the bum to the bass
bum to the boom to the bum to the bass
And then Lavender Town started playing
>666 posts
ermagerd spooky
it's 668 now
I broke the number to save us all
how many of (You) have cs:s
asking before i add more maps to the collection
not me
have but don't play
good morning exeg
good afternoon exeg
There is no place for Sonic in Pizza Tower Rip-off Expo
Thanks for playing the demo!
It's OSFver
>2017 X in the OP
which one of you broke containment again
Post this on r/Nosleep NOW
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what the fuck lol
But Bigot Tower Trace would fit right in
i'm kinda dissapointed that a lot of the fanart about NGC is always centered around Red
he's cool, but i'd like to see art of the not-Monsters or something more often
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Shouldn't be surprising that the main villain gets all the art, greedy bastard.
Mario 64's Terrifying Analog Horror
>Our grandparents fears being obliterated at any moment by nuclear fire
>Our parents feared the possibility of terrorism at any time
>Our children fear file extensions and empty Mario 64 rooms
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The Limp-Father
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This should be redrawn with Fred Durst instead of the Ferret
I get so many youtube recommendations for "What Mario 64 is Actually Terrifying". Zoomers afraid of memories they don't have about games they never played.
We played M64 on the DS.
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Zoomers have a fear of "liminal spaces" and Mario 64's 3D is very much minimalistic, which is scary for them.
I blame the L is real rumor getting proven real and the shitty Switch port for making the conspiracy iceberg and its contemporaries more popular.
Oh I can get that, the controls were the true horror experience.
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I don't think it's the liminal spaces themselves that are the cause of fear, but rather the feeling that you are completely, unequivocally alone, at least to some extent.
There exist people that are simply unable to be left with their thoughts and always need some sort of white noise as a distraction, and kids of today get constant stimulation, whether it be watching those godawful shorts on that chinese app or talking with other strangers on twitter/discord/whatever other social media, so the thought of being completely cut off from any communication and only having you and your thoughts as company is a nightmare for some, especially for those who have always had something to keep their mind busy with. Or maybe I'm just reading too much into it.
Personally, liminal spaces always gave me more of a 'cozy' feeling rather than scary, but that's probably due to my general preferences.
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>more slender content soon
thank god
liminal spaces aren't even intentionally supposed to be scary. they're meant to give off a feeling of emptiness like a deserted parking lot next to an abandoned mall. underages who think mario 64 is scary because of this should have their phones taken away
it isnt even empty because there are other beings in there with you (the toads)
>especially for those who have always had something to keep their mind busy with.
Youtube is supposedly working on a feature to let people watch 4 videos at once, catering to the family guy clips with GTA below crowd
if anything mario 64 is closer to surrealism than large empty spaces
Mario 64 gives more of a mystical vibe than a horror one.
As a child, I always thought that rooms in the castle would change and grow if I left them alone.
They do that already thoughever
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i don't remember asking
they don't.
the stairs don't count because that's an illusion.
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hes not wrong though
you just aren't looking hard enough
seeing exe xitter users having the audacity to call normal sonic fans worse is hilarious
They're basically on the same level
at least normal sonic twitter fans argue about things that matter, like muzzle curve
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finally some realistic takes on X
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would wife
osfx must be a woman considering his fixation on collecting shoes amirite
>autistically obsessed with a franchise likely on a surface level
>pornsick degenerate
>projects his fetishes onto the characters
>confirmed to have mutilated himself in order to fit in the sonic costume
osf x is very ftmcore
Sonic creepypasta game level concept:
>dodge barbed wire
>hit a switch to make a statue heil hitler so you can run up his arm up to a higher path
>get a fire shield so you can run through the ovens
>when you destroy badniks the animals inside are wearing striped pajamas
>the stairs don't count because that's an illusion.
No, it's Bowser's magic.
>No, it's Bowser's magic.
That and the Power Star artifacts. Power Stars effect the castle, and create dimensions beyond the paintings.
if Cosbydaf wrote sonic.exe how much more different would it play out
>After his seeming defeat by Eggman, BLUE reconstructed his body into his gigantic Final Form, transporting us to a beautiful green paradise. It was reminiscent of our first picnic. Except now the scenery, much like the true power of Red, had become very real. The music had erupted into the awkward sounds of birds chipping and wings flapping, a furious wind of death, blowing in the background.

>Faced with BLUE’s insane amount of health, my demise was imminent.

enjoy your new exe slopkino content, shitlips. no refunds.
still an improvement but I was talking about how he'd handle the vessel gimmick and transform the game into something more challenging
>he'd handle the vessel gimmick
if you paint shit gold, it will still be shit, just golden.
remove the vessel shit. it's unnecessary and does nothing. in fact, it fucks things up.
Red is a Sonic recolor now so I can like him
what about level design and enemies
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notice how 2017x got removed from a game instead of having any games
just like faker
forever contentless
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>contentless jobber who probably loses to a goomba vs metal chad
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lock revie in a room and make her do the comic all by herself
cool art bro
where comic
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is it possible to obtain this physique ?
be greek
yes, her
>it's a him
>it's a me, mario
>it's a mii-u (it's-a-me wii u mix)
>despite everything, it's still you
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the image above me is disgusting
have bleach for your eyes
have wario
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i think you mean below you, i will not take slander on the name of sonis kinoslopis, queggle
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both are terrible
now bake new bread or eat a nasty garlic
what should the next thread edition be
has godzilla prototype been done already?
what about 1999?
crybaby lane?
nevermind I got it
I decided to shine some spotlight on freaky attractions this time since I like him

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