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さよăȘら Edition

>Patch notes

>Steam page

>Pawn/character creator archive

>Old Pawn sheet

>Updated Pawn sheet

>Skills, core skills, augments, and more

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Ask in the thread, and check the following for up-to-date pawns: https://www.pawnguild.xyz/


>Dragon's Dogma 1 OP

>Wanna play Dragon's Dogma Online? Click here:

Last Cycle: >>492221979
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
The cruel unending ring..
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Still taking it all in. Thanks for the memories Itsuno.
How can Pippi even compete?
What a ride
What a terrible day for rain
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Xth for fuck Itsuno
Now we can heal
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It's up to Kinoshita now...
If you pay attention, you can see DDON in the background!
Kino's in his name. He CAN'T let us down.
>shits out kino
This skill is pretty hilarious in big groups. Feels like I'm playing Dynasty Warriors.
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>Itsuno makes DD1
>Kinoshita upstages him completely with Dark Arisen
>Itsuno makes DD2
>sees Kinoshita fixing his game yet again in the office during DLC production, immediately forfeits his position as director out of shame
Imagine if Capcom let him shit out the kino in the last two seasons for DDON
I liked DD for the RP/storymaking potential so the "regular" part of the game is ultimately what I like about DD. It's just that BBI/Everfall help with giving the adventuring feel more variety imo, wouldn't hurt to have more fleshed out dungeons in 2.
Those caves where you could camp in 2 were some of the best since it really felt like the arisen and the gang were actually committing to a dungeon dive.
>Grigori as a common enemy, using Daimon's model
What the fuck is going on in that game?
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This is hard to accept but I still can't believe that I got to play Dragon's Dogma 2 after all these years of waiting, the highs were so high that I can't enjoy playing other adventure games anymore. Whatever he works on next I hope it will be something new and exciting, let some fresh blood take care of this franchise just like you did with Devil May Cry, Itsuno. Godspeed.
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Itsuno literally said that he's "starting to work on a new game in a new environment on September", what the hell does that mean? He's barely out of Capcom and he's already working on something new? With what company? What game? It seems that he had been planning to get out of Capcom for some time.
kojimbo situation but without the mainstream name recognition kojimbo had
DDO has asset reuse out the hoo-hah
although it's likely that it's not meant to be 'the Grigori' and more just a generic fallen angel 'grigori'
I can't wait to know what studio got Itsuno... I suppose we'll know soon considering Itsuno had not problem saying he's starting work next month.
The wacky physics, being able to interact with the environment, grab enemies and such. God dammit anon.
thank you for the new perspective on things. In the end, Dragons Dogma 2 was real. All the hype and community that DD:DA built was real. I got to experience all of it. I will never regret that.
Has anyone played fighter till level 60 on DDO? was it worth it, seeing how fucking expansive armor and weapons are it's making me want to change vocations to something more powerful, like high scepter or something.
Better ask Septiego-senpai, he posted some max level Fighter webms.
I'll wait for him to notice me then.
I've played fighter. Do you mean how expensive its crafts are, or do you mean NPC shop gear? You don't have to update your shield all that often.
>Do you mean how expensive its crafts are
That's exactly what I mean, and all that for the crafts to become obsolete once you reach the next level. I need some many material to make some shitty looking rapier.
>all that for the crafts to become obsolete once you reach the next level
You don't have to make a new weapon + armor every single item tier. After the first couple of weapons, assuming that it's your very first vocation, you can easily get away with skipping tiers depending on what your current gear is at.

That said, crafts are virtually never obsolete because you can always use them while leveling pawns or another vocation.
What level is your Fighter right now? If you're feeling weak, the usual issue is that you're either not using enchantments from party members (Alchemist/Shield Sage) or you're completely ignoring slotting crests into your sword.
Not that anon, but how significant are Crests? I have a few of those Crests that add 4+ Physical Attack, that doesn't seem like much to me, and what about the ones that say "Inflict catch on fire 20%" or something like that? Which ones are actually worth using?
>you're completely ignoring slotting crests into your sword.
Yeah, I'm feeling weak as fuck, how to I slot crests and such and do they nullify elemental party buffs?
I played Fighter up to lv75. Gear is going to be expensive or require crafting for all vocations though. The only vocation that can really get away with using an underlevelled weapon is Sorceror. As far as Fighter goes though, I honestly think its kind of a weak vocation. I really wanted to like Fighter and I feel like DDON took Fighter's basic moveset as far as it could go with the new counters but and climbing attacks but you will never feel particularly strong with Fighter. They have good survivability with the Shield and Shield counter skills but I felt their damage was pretty lacking and the addition of EX skills kind of overpowers their other options.

Tusk Toss, Cymbal Attack, and Skyward Slash all have EX versions and they're all so good, you'll probably keep them on at all times. My problem is that those skills are very mash heavy and it gets boring using them.
What vocation would you recommend instead?
Depends. As far as status effects go, even if you stack 4 of them, the status buildup is pretty low, maybe EA augments to increase buildup would help with that but not sure. However, there's some weird mechanics behind the elemental status crests. I need to do more testing but I think they add elemental damage but only if the enemy is weak to that element. If you have the shock crests, you'll notice you do more damage to enemies weak to lightning but nothing really changes against enemies that aren't weak to lightning. This is different from an actual enchantment where if an Alchemist or SS gave you a lightning enchantment, you would do noticeably more damage to all enemies regardless of their resistances.

My theory for best crest for a physical weapon is the one that inflicts Physical Resistance Down but those aren't available anywhere. So as far as elemental crests go, I think Ice is probably the best overall, the Frozen status ailment stops enemies and makes them take more damage.
It's all personal preference. Personally I really like Warrior since I think it's more interactive than Fighter, but in terms of raw damage, I don't think they're that much stronger. Other than Warrior, I like Seeker, Shield Sage, and High Scepter the most. The only vocation I didn't really enjoy was Spirit Lancer. I feel like they're in a weird spot where they have to balance support and offense but neither are particularly good.
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The elemental crests felt nice to use between how cheap they are and the crests seemingly acting as a 24/7 enchantment to take advantage of your magick attack.

Elemental Party Buffs have higher priority than the elemental crests so your weapon won't overwrite anything. If you don't have enough riftcrystals to buy them from the pawn cathedral, there should be a few low-level quests that are easily spammable that give them as a reward; one of them gave Incineration crests at I want to say around level 12 or 15 or so?

The big thing with Fighter is that it's sort of middling if you are expecting to just level up willy-nilly, but with a good party/gear setup, Fighters can pump out absurd damage. This applies to most standard physical damage classes IMO.
As the other anon said, Sorc is probably a better option if you want to level up your first vocation without doing much gearing. Sorc has a pretty low barrier of entry between all of its damage being elemental as-is, and the class coming with elemental boost augments which are a huge source of free damage. I'll also second that Fighter has a few moves that are mashy as fuck, namely Sheltered Spike (fairly ignorable if you don't want to use it) and Pierce Slash (One of your important mounting skills as it goes through yellow shake checks).
i was upset hearing that itsuno left capcom, but after hearing he had nothing to do with dark arisen and ddo, as well as the guy who did it still being on the team i'm still hopeful for the dlc coming.
In 3-5 years were gonna have videos about "Dragon's Dogma, the franchise that never was". Screenshot this
wasn't this how people generally treated DD before DD2 was announced though I do feel like DD2 has the potential to be a controversial favorite some time down the line.
Thank you bros, with this knowledge I will become more powerful and finally crush orcs and armored clops in my way.
honestly with what a fuck up capcom is when it comes to anything that isn't RE, MH, or SF, i don't have hope.
What kind of damage would you recommend? I'm thinking holy for undead and ice for everything else.
They better get their shit together and fast, it's been 4 fucking months, if anything Itsuno leaving just places a spotlight in the game.
I liked alternating between ice and fire for freezes + burn procs, but holy is a good option if you're more inclined to grinding in dungeons full of undead/ghosts. The life drain effect is a nice bonus if you manage to proc it.
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Anon, it's been 5... We just entered the 6th month of waiting.
Dragons never cry
Fucking hell...
Wait a fucking minute, do none of the level 75 items have their mats dropping?
Which ones? There are a couple missing items in the game but you should have access to most of them.
Neat, thank you.
>"From September, I will start developing a new game in a new environment," he continues. "I hope to create fun, beautiful games that are as memorable as, or even more memorable than, the ones I have created so far."
Absolutely fucking based, glad he finally got out, pity it wasn't a little earlier but that's the way all the great old devs are going. No more compromising to kowtow to Crapcom and Blownami and Bintendo
>IR 55 weapon
Everything except Rainbow-Colored Claw drops; the Bifrost doesn't spawn where it should.
>IR 50 weapon
It MIGHT have everything but I haven't found gatherable spots for all of the items yet; Phindym's Area Rank is set to 1 by default so the dungeons you're intended to farm for items like Shrieking Mushrooms are blocked off. Shrieking Mushrooms can be obtained from a few chests and gatherable spots in the overworld, but I'm not sure if the same is true for Twisted Iron Scrap and Icon Fragments.
If those are gatherable then on paper you should be able to craft this level 75 weapon if you can sneak into where Grigoris spawn, it'd just be a massive pain in the ass.
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Worth mentioning, if people are wanting to re-allocate the crafting levels for their pawns you can do that at a riftstone, just go to the Main Pawns tab and select them.
>check last thread
>people were actually BAWWING themselves over Itsuno breaking free of Capcom
seriously? lmao this is literally the best thing that could happen
>glad he finally got out
Agreed. I'm glad for a different reason than you though
>surely Capcom will change course now and we'll have the good old days back
Seja G.Mane
Straightforward Sorcerer
>Meteoron/High Salamander/Augural Flare/High Hagol
Kill an Ogre for 10k
Good to know, easier to max out consumable quantity.
I don't think many people know Itsuno has been teetering on the edge of quitting since at least 2010
It's the way the whole Japanese industry is going now, the companies get bigger and bigger while all the former auteur developers bleed out. Oh well, we'll never want for pachinko machines.
I don't care whether they do or not, it'll be better just by virtue of him not being involved
DD IP is on the shelf, its fucking over, maybe we will get another shot in the end of 2030s.
>it'll be better
You can't be this retarded.
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I get the sentiment but they're not going to just throw it away like that, it sold at least 3 millions. To put that into perspective, Resident Evil 4 Remake sold ~7 millions, that was the highly anticipated remake of an absolute classic. Dragon's Dogma will be fine.
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Yeah IR55 is definitely fucked without the Rainbow Colored Claw, but IR50 is doable. It just takes a long time to make since there's not shortcuts and you have to gather the get 20 X to make Y regional materials. IR60 (lv77) used to be impossible to make because of the Giant Fossil Shell, but they added Thick Shells to Elan Water Grove so it should be doable now.
my brother let me tell you about a little series called dead rising, and what happened with its third and fourth installments.
It's okay buddy, Itsuno left the company, you don't have to defend him anymore for his bad decisions so it doesn't reflect poorly on the game. Say it with me: "Itsuno was a bad director". There you go
People were reacting that way because Itsuno's departure, while likely a very good thing for him and potentially for us in the future, might mean that DD2 could be "confirmed" to have been abandoned.
It looks like it took Dead Rising 2 fourteen years to sell 3.4 million copies, we're talking like 2 weeks here. One would think Capcom are not that retarded
I honestly don't even know if I care. There's no DLC that could save the base game's problems, they're too fundamental. I guess it could distract us from the game's problems if it transported us to a whole new island where the design isn't so terrible, just like in Dark Arisen. But I don't think even Kinoshita could create another poignant story for the DLC with the garbage fire of a story he was left with from the base game
You are actually retarded? Really? You don't even know what you're arguing. Tell me, who owns the rights to the Dragon's Dogma franchise?

Well no shit it has been. I mean that was pretty well apparent within the first month of release.
They've been working on the game silently, or so it seems. Last branch update was yesterday.
>Tell me, who owns the rights to the Dragon's Dogma franchise?
Capcom, thank god. If Itsuno was allowed to keep working on it, I'd have to give up entirely on the IP
>it's doable
I was afraid of that. I'm tempted to just skip it and push to 80 by spamming the level 70 golem near the portcrystal instead, but I might do one loop to get a sorcerer staff since that would probably see the most use between my pawns and myself.
>retarded tribal shitposting nonsense
>dude my corporate IP will become good now because-
Ok, so you are a mentally ill child, got it.

It took them half a year to raise the storage stack size from 99 (a lua mod did it in 3 lines of code, internally it's just a single integer variable). They did a handful of ultra slow, taildragging patches that effectively changed nothing. There is no "big update" planned, anon. DD2 was a Capcom cashgrab.
I'm not a hope fag, I'm just saying that the games hasn't been abandoned yet.
NTA but they promised FSR 3.1, aren't a bunch of console games starting to use it for frame generation? I think Immortals of Aveum is one of them. The game could receive a significant performance update down the line and they might want to throw in a hard mode and speedrun mode as well in the spirit of the first game, which would be enough for some players (no new assets, just carefully adjusted variables)
>NTA but they promised FSR 3.1
When? I know AMD has Dragon's Dogma 2 on their list of games that will support FSR 3.1 FG, but did Capcom themselves said DD2 will have it?
I think they must be doing something significant, or are having issues to continue updating the game, because as far as I know, that one website that shows changes to games on Steam has had constant changes for quite a while now, they're doing something to the game.
>dude my corporate IP will become good now because-
>reusing the same exact strawman I already shot down
Lmao okay dicksucker. If you're too retarded to understand the concept of "n - 0 = n" then I have no further words for you. But what else can I expect but a rotted cerebral cortex from someone who defends Itsuno in the first place.
Capcom didn't announce it officially on their own channels but both Nvidia and AMD advertised that the game would support their latest tech. Nvidia even had a video on this, promising that DLSS 3 FG would be there at launch, which turned out to be false of course.
Would you really call DD2 'Open world?" It feels kinda funnily linear in that the interconnectedness is literally depicted on the map in branching roads that connect. Every other arterial road is just a linear corridor with little to no deviation. It feels like this weird inbetween.
It's my favorite kind of open world but I admit that this definition might be misleading. Still, you can go straight to Volcanic Isle without doing any quests so it's definitely open in that sense, much like Dark Souls 1 was open.
Hmm, I do wonder why it took them so long to add DLSS3 FG, and why they haven't added FSR 3 FG, as far as I know, if you've added one, it's trivial to add the other, same with upscalers, modders add FS3 FG to games with only FSR 2 even.
Technically it is open world, even if it is rather "claustrophobia-inducing" at times.
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Just heard the news

Does this increase or decrease the chance of a Dark Arisen-esque expansion?
When DLC?
We just don't know...
Itsuno had nothing to do with the first DLC (evident because it was good) and Kinoshita is still employed and presumably taking over his position, so it probably slightly increased
So a better term would be accessible world?
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It's funny, his position is so similar to Itsuno's back during DMC 2-3.
It only seems right he'd be the one to continue Itsuno's work and elevate the franchise like he did for DMC.

That's something I'm surprised to know, he leaves and immediately is working on a different project? sounds like he has planned his retirement from Capcom for a long while now, either because he finally got to do DD2, or because Capcom messed with DD2's development so much that it broke him.
I wonder who poached him.

I think the most likely case scenario is that DD will get downscaled, perhaps a smaller, but more focused title, DD2 tried to be too large and do too much in an engine that was unprepared for such a title.
How much would a golden Eliminator statue fetch, I wonder...
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>Itsuno out
We can have eternal ferry stone or fast travel between rift stone now?
>drawan cyclops quest
This shit is bananas
EXCEPT now there's a cursed dragon here what the fuck
>smaller, but more focused
Sounds great to be honest, give me 10% of the dungeons but bigger
If Kinoshita takes over, that means they're gonna force microtransactions into a DDON2
They've already done that on DDON1
Honestly? Itsuno will do well in his own environment. I think he has a plainer kind of taste in games than Capcom's. I wonder what he might achieve on his own. I hope he's not like Itagaki or Naka only able to make unenjoyable games on his own.
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Well at least it dropped dragon shit
>they're gonna force microtransactions into a DDON2
>he doesn't know
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>Back to back Shield Sequence
I'm sorry Mystic Knight, I can't go back.
>only one pawn for the anchored post
tell me
>he doesn't know
I can't in good faith anchor my DDON pawns knowing they'll gimp the arisen's XP to oblivion. There are only to people here that can hire my pawns without feeling any adverse effects.
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>Arisen Name:
Chae Young

Pawn 1 (Left)
>Pawn Name:
Will turn to gold sometimes which is pretty funny but can do an awesome Tekken 3 Jin Kazama impression when putting down enchants

Pawn 2 (Right)
>Pawn Name:
Standard sorcerer pawn with Comestion/ Levin/ Seism/ Frigor
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Pippi, level 41 Element Archer with up to date gear
Gal, level 33-35? Shield Sage
I think their crafter levels are 18 and 16, gear focused, not item.
Arisen: Grandpa Soren
Send friend invites freely, easier to find your pawns too.

Hyun also has a funny lolibaba voice. Never change it.
you could post to the anchor if you got a pawn with good crafting skills; some people rent just to help with crafting iirc.
No posters at this hour
These are kipping hours, ser.
>Arisen Name:
>Pawn Name :
>Vocation/Job :

She's in lvl 41-46 generic armor but trying to get her into at least lvl 49 warrior gear soon. 2nd pawn is still having an identity crisis for now.
i can't sleep so i'm mindlessly farming but i'll probably lie in bed soon
>wake up
I hate this
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to anons who got reshade for DDON working: what presets are you using?
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is turning into gold just a side effect of playing as an alchemist?
Found a lost child wearing sunglasses in a middle of a rainy night in the forest
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So how does crafting work in DDON? I know it involves pawns somehow, but can't find anywhere to do it.
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> can't find anywhere to do it
you can only craft at the WDT crafting room. it's the two big doors in WDT plaza.
talk to the female pawn in the middle of the room to access the craft menu.
>I know it involves pawns somehow,
you need to use at least one pawn to craft an item, and that pawn will be dismissed from the party once you craft something. after crafting you'll need to collect the item under "production status"
note: if you want to dye a dye-able item you'll need to at least enchant the item to 1 star in order to be able to dye it
>to 1 star
>that pawn will be dismissed
That's a weird mechanic. Haven't found a good way to get RC yet, so hopefully I won't need to craft too often early on. Thanks for the heads up.
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>hopefully I won't need to craft too often early on
>that pawn will be dismissed
Probably to incentivize 1. pawn hiring (you can use support pawns to craft or use a different pawn in your party while one of your main pawns are crafting) 2. to promote buying paid currency to make the crafting timer finish immediately (DDON was f2p)
wait i'm retarded, you need one main pawn to craft
Speaking of which, are the additional main pawns something that you unlock later on in the story?
>LVL 103
>Thief/Calm/Woodland Wordsmith
>Receive Pointed Fang 1x for Ring of Predominance Ring
>Implicate, Skull Splitter, Plunder, Formless Feint
>Ring of Vehemence for Knockdown Power
Captcha: D0DN
Holy shit, it's that good? I wish leveling up new vocations was easier.
>bad remake
It's a free-to-play mmo, of course it's "bad", but the gameplay is arguably better and that is more than enough to help me cope.
>you can use support pawns to craft or use a different pawn in your party while one of your main pawns are crafting
Oh fuck, they are totally going to restore crafting time aren't they
i think we should update the anchor post by adding a
bit, so that people can easily pitch DD1, DDO and DD2 pawns with no confusion (especially between DD1 and DDO)
it's not like Itsuno leaving was something that happened overnight, they likely had months of talks about it and months is exactly the time that passed since DD2's release. They sure as hell didn't have a normal work environment that let them properly work on a dlc, so i wouldn't expect anything anytime soon. On the other hand, it's not a "okay it's never happening now" cause capcom was pleased with how well the game sold and surely wants to capitalize on that
this you?
You can get your second pawn once you unlock your first as long as you have 10 rift crystals in your inventory (you can buy them from vicelot in the shopping district for 400 each)
third pawn you get after completing the 3rd Blood Orb tree. It's optional to complete these trees but they give you bonuses. You unlock the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th trees by progressing the MSQ
no, confirmed by the server owner and multiple devs previously. it's similar to the unlimited beauty salon thing; they don't want to bring it back since the timer is primarily an incentive to get people to shell out money for the game originally.
Do they not have the idiom "strike while the iron is hot" over there?
unfortunately we have capcom's track record to work with.
wait didn't they roll that back?
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adding exp penalties like that without having something along the lines of ffxi's level adjustment system, or having leveling as easy as WoW's, just means that you're punishing established players for trying to get new players into the game
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I put Into Free on and it started raining
feel like that hardly matters nowadays, they can't whip out a dlc in a month (which is the time i'd say the iron stays hot) unless they were working on said dlc while also making the base game. Which is something capcom used to do, but idk DD2 evidently had a hard dev life, it selling more than expected and Itsuno leaving means even if they had something planned before it's likely all up in the air now for two, pretty important, different reasons
they could also just say "fuck it, cancel it" or "fuck it, cancel it and do a DD3/DDO2/Another DD game instead" of course, after all DD2 selling more than expected had made them go "DD is now a key franchise" which just means they could do something more than planned with the franchise, not necessarily with DD2
on the other hand, as others said given dark arisen and DDO weren't made by Itsuno him leaving could also have not changed anything at all, or maybe it slowed things down but nothing more than that. It's one of those things where i wish i was a fly on their walls i guess
Supposedly it's to discourage powerlevelling. DDON technically had EXP penalties but it's based on monster levels, not party levels. Party level EXP penalty was once a thing in-game but it was removed from Season 3.1 onwards.
feels like it should've been 100, 70, 50, 30 and 10 instead
I mean you don't have to blow your load all at once, but you could at least release some things that were probably close to being done but cut at the last moment, to keep interest in the game going. New monsters, or a harder difficulty.
lil' kino shitta
sure, i understand that, but you could also cap the amount of EXP that a character can earn per kill from a given enemy. it just discourages people playing together at all as is. people really don't like getting fucked out of their EXP, that was something everquest players learned pretty quickly when they were trying to play shit like ogres.
PS3 or Xbox 360?
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Second time in a row now, I need the mats for armor, fuck this shit
I just spent 15 minutes killing an ent that I got halfway through during the first DC. This time I DC'd while talking to the guy to hand in the quest lmao
again fly on the wall but it's up in the air if they were even working on anything like that to begin with. Or alternatively, they just didn't see why they should have free content updates when they can sell them via dlcs, i mean we can see some practices as industry standards but in actuality some dev teams just don't want to do that stuff even if not doing it is fucking them in the ass. Also, some stuff is obvious to us but we're just a bubble and devs are their own bubble too, sometimes the latter is just unable to see what the former wants or is asking for.
Maybe as far as Itsuno was concerned DD2 is feature complete and didn't want to add anything to it, i still think about zelda totk and how the devs just said "nah the game's good we don't want to do dlcs" even though the first one got dlcs and this one could've easily got dlcs too, they just went "we just don't wanna" and that was it, people are weird like that
I honestly think that entire "Capcom was happy how the game performed" is just pure cope given how they basically left it do die after release in favor of monster hunter, their true golden goose.
i would never put faith in "capcom likes x series" considering what we've seen them do to many of their lesser series. hell, even including megaman.
if it's cope then it's one they said themselves, and they really had no reason to do that. Like, they could've just said nothing but instead they did
They were hoping it would sell a lot more for sure, but you bet they were fully aware of the state it was in since no demo.
They can say whatever, It's cope because everyone keeps repeating it like DD2 has gotten any updates in the past 6 months, c'mon now, it's fucking ridiculous.
The last update was 2 months ago.
Are you trying to make a point or just shitposting?
>They were hoping it would sell a lot more for sure
maybe in a "we hope it sells 8 billion copies cause every person on earth buys it" way, but what they said was "it sold more than we expected it to" so they were expecting it to sell less than it did

i don't see how that changes the game having sold however many gorillion copies though. I mean, you're argument is "capcom likes it now" but my argument is "capcom says it sold a lot so they now consider it more than before", but "more than before" doesn't mean much.
also, as evident by Itsuno leaving, it not getting big updates also doesn't mean much, it's clear there's stuff going on behind the scenes, what kind of updates are expecting of them given the context?
Kek. Seriously though terminally online faggots like picrel should be cut off from the internet.
that's the whole point, lesser series didn't sell a million billion copies in a week or whatever, including mega man. It's also why they care so much about RE and MH, cause they ARE indeed the ones selling a million billion copies, you think they'd care about them if they didn't?
Pure anon.
Sigh..Whatever, is not like some small miscellaneous bug fix patch is worth anything.
good luck with your optimism, anon
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i'm fully prepared for every outcome, be it good or bad. Just remember that this very general exists right now because of anons hopes and dreams, that eventually came true. Latest of them being DDO's resurgence, it was a personal hope of mine at least
Hope is the last thing that dies in men.
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>elf twink dies not too long after formally meeting him
I thought he'd be more relevant. Why is Mayleaf so important anyway?
WITH the quest? The Seeking Peace quest from Joseph?
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Good lord, too bad she's way to high level for me, I'd love to hire her and respect her.
shit pawn desu
She's one of a handful of elves remaining in the world. After being alive for so long, her life energy is powerful enough to power up the Vessel of Life when it would normally take like a hundred lives.
it might be a nighttime spawn. just did the quest during the day and there's no dragon
stfu fag.
Okey so the xp restriction thing is weird, if you have high level pawns with you and you try to level up a new vocation you'll earn half the xp you'll otherwise get normally.
Hope rides alone.
[Spoiler]Act 3 when?[/spoiler]
anon your spoilers....
see >>492711513
Yeah, I'm phoneposting. DDON doesn't like when I alt tab for some reason.
Sorry for rambling - I have no life.
It's weird. In a way, the exp penalty update actually made solo boosting easier for some cases. Previously, if you wanted to boost yourself while playing solo, you needed to get your own pawns to 85, but now if you reach the 40s, you can just hire a team of 85 sorcerors, take the 50% exp penalty and farm high level areas.
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>wanted to take a photo of my pawns for the riftpost
>the weather is cloudy and gloomy
>It's over...
It was a quest spawn?
Ohhh. I had like five quests active and didn't even notice. So then I must have done it back to back without returning the quest.
Yes, the famoust Dragan Cyclops is a quest spawn, have to get it from Joseph at WDT audience chamber.
I'm trying to find a brainlet image from my folder to represent myself, but I just find 'jaks I refuse to post
is the arisen's room supposed to be customizable or is it supposed to be already filled with all that shit?
What sort of state is DDO in right now? The pastebin warms of missing stuff but I see a lot of anons playing and posting about it, are you just putting up with the missing/not working shit or is it can it be ignored or worked around for the most part?
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3rd attempt, I think this is going to be the one
It at least seems to have all the events on at once
>is the arisen's room supposed to be customizable
It's surprisingly playable. So far the unfinished stuff hasn't really impacted me that much. Seems like they fixed the issue where you would get disconnected if you tried to do something that wasn t implemented yet, which was my main hangup. I'd say it's definitely worth trying in its current state.
You actually went for the human version, thank you! This is the first fan art I have of him in this form so I appreciate this one a lot, it looks great so far! I still have to make progress on my Artoria piece, sorry: the news of Itsuno leaving Capcom put me off a bit, ngl. But it will pass and I will share something in the next few days.
Thanks for making several attempts on this one, you could stop here and I would still be happy with it!
Definitely playable but you can still see that some aspects are missing.
Combat is pretty much completed and we have most of the S1 content available to us. MSQ up to S1 is playable but some quests are missing from the overworld (as well as some quest types like the quest board) but overall there's enough stuff to do to.
Stuff like clans, room customization, translation, pawn affection and more. are missing. There are also little things not implemented like how the riftstone has some search options that don't work, how job masters don't do shit or how level locks aren't implemented yet (so people can just enter every area without acquiring the proper rank, etc.)
The general exists because DDO managed to get cracked and set up for public use, hopes and dreams have nothing to do with it. The only other thing to talk about is Itsuno no longer being associated with the series.

Interesting, thanks anons.
How do pawns work if it's set up with just a solo server? Is there enough of a selection of default/pre-generated ones for it to not really be a problem?
They have a public server up and running now, so you can play with other anons if you want. Check the DDON section in the OP.
>if it's set up with just a solo server
for the solo server specifically you'll have to use a debug code to get pawns in since from my understanding the solo server does not come packaged with the updates that the test server has
>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Arisen Name
Mike Hawk

>First Pawn
Mae (Right)
>Pawn LeveI
Level 57
>Pawn Vocation
Shield Sage
Force Shield (T), Slow Light, Hypnos Light, Earth Shake (T)

Mae will attract enemies, inflict Torpor and/or Sleep and stagger minor enemies, Support/Tank role.

>Second Pawn
Rinze (Left)
>Pawn LeveI
Level 58
>Pawn Vocation
Comestion (P), Levin, Frigor (P), Seism.

Using Comestion instead of Bolide and Frigor instead of Gicel for accuracy and reliability, Bolide and Gicel seem hard to use properly for pawns in my experience.
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>Arisen's Name
Aldwin Leod

Skills: Spark Slash (P) - Savage Lunge (P) - Heaven Thrust - Clarity

Skills: Frigor (T) - Levin - Comestion (T) - Darkness Mist (T)
No worries, I plan on at least finishing up the weapon and giving him some proper line-art. At first was a bit worried about drawing him as a Shield Sage but then I saw he was changed to Priest, makes it a bit easier just having to draw a staff.
Take as much time as you need, I'm coping with the bad news by grinding in DDO.
Awesome job remaking Mogrum. Consistently the coolest pawn in every game in the series.
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Thank you, I really appreciate that. I'm still annoyed I can't make him properly green, though.
Aye, was gonna make my DD1 greenskin as well, and was equally dissapointed.
Good to know, I still want to try out a lot of the vocations.
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hired Melchior, trying out 3 sorcerers
Thanks for the eye cancer
It still unclear, could you explain to me with an example?
I think we need to add our Pawn's crafting skill(s) to the Pawn Posts, I'll do it next thread.
It's one of her skills, turns her 100% invulnerable and turns enemies to gold when they attack her
>inb4 everyone respecs to +18 equipment enhancement
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it means he probably had already left some time ago, but only now is making it public knowledge because he starts working in September
>With what company? What game?
we'll find out eventually

>They can say whatever, It's cope
they said it in an official and public earnings report of the previous fiscal year
it's on paper along with their revenue from their other products
they can't just lie about this to both their shareholders and the taxman anon
so what was the general up for in the 2 years before DDO got playable?
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getting action shots in this game is hard
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>Arisen's Name
Septiego Heladin

Sorceror or Priest depending on what I'm doing. I'm not actually sure when this game updates the pawns.

Bark (His crafting level is as high as it can get and all points are into Enhancing)
Skills: Frigor (P) - Levin - Comestion (P) - Darkness Mist (P)

Skills: Pile Binder (T) - Alma Wave (T) - Rex Elementa (T) - Regal Barrier
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Where was this taken? The thumbnail gave me Made in Abyss vibes
bark looks like he's here to kill chaos
Chae's helloing again
They tend to do that when they're in heat.
>Beastren get in heat
Oh my
One of the dungeons in bloodbane iirc.
DD2 being confirmed, i.e. something no longer being a hope or dream but an actuality
Makes sense, I have one pawn with equipment enhancement 18 and the other with equipment quality 16
where to get "Key of Jewelry"?
I think the store had it but it was extremely expensive, any other places to find it?
There's one in Ancient Burial Mound: Chamber of Immortality in Mysree Forest near Peddler's Peril teleport but you'll need to be pretty high level to get it since it requires killing bosses. I submitted the recipes JSON to craft the keys to the devs as well so it'll probably show up to craft in the next update.
the amount of times I've died today is approaching the triple digits
Troll pudding
It doesn't matter anon.
>something no longer being a hope or dream but an actuality
i bet the two aren't related to each other at all :^)
Just imagined a horror story of my save file getting corrupted. Any tips or tricks to avoiding file corruption? I'll try making back ups too.

I just have like 10 hours or something and new to this game but I have my port crystal set up and vocations and upgrades. Etc took me a while I cannot imagine doing that shit again
Save corruption isn't common at all with these games, I know you could corrupt your quest log in DDDA on PC if you use the Dinput8 mod and saved the game where you weren't supposed to, I think you shouldn't worry at all, and assume Steam's backup will keep your stuff safe, though manual backups wouldn't hurt at all.
so why was /ddg/ dead for several years before that since it was used as the basis for "hopes and dreams" being represented in a visually accountable manner?
>if a thread wasn't up at all times it means people weren't hoping and dreaming for DD2
>the general, which is not a single thread, existing isn't proof of that by the way, people made it just because
and this is of course ignoring the threads that were made from time to time on /v/
>if a thread wasn't up at all times it means people weren't hoping and dreaming for DD2
see >>492719253
>this very general exists right now because of anons hopes and dreams
That's what's being disputed here. Again, why was the general dead for a few years?
I think this guy is autistic...
now imagine playing with a fren and having five sorcs
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Correct. Autistic people don't understand the world at large and only view it through their own personal preferences.
nigga thinks he has a gotcha moment but he's really just showing how autistic he is lmao
>Again, why was the general dead for a few years?
maybe i wasn't clear enough here >>492753962 so i'll try to dumb it down: your question implies that this general being dead meant people weren't hoping and dreaming for DD2, cause if they were the thread would be up. 'Cause of course, the basis of your question has "hopes and dreams for DD2" being strictly linked to "/ddg/ being alive", which again means the thread not being up means people weren't waiting for DD2. Is that really what you're saying? If so, what do you think i could answer that question with, if not "it was dead because people weren't actually waiting for DD2"?
>if not "it was dead because people weren't actually waiting for DD2"?
forgot to add: which is not true of course, given people were very much waiting for it and their waiting, aka hopes and dreams, is what fueled this general for 2 years before release as the general never died again after it was officially announced
not to mention again, all the threads made on /v/, especially during the announcement, and how i personally saw people talking about dragon's dogma in other threads and generals as well, for example in /crpgg/ before it became shitposting central at least
>your question implies that this general being dead meant people weren't hoping and dreaming for DD2
Not at all. My assertion was that hopes and dreams mean infinitely less for the general being around than an actual new game to play or announcement of a new game as demonstrated by /ddg/ being dead for a while until DD2 was announced
>the basis of your question has "hopes and dreams for DD2" being strictly linked to "/ddg/ being alive"
I'm not the one who said
>this very general exists right now because of anons hopes and dreams
maybe people shouldn't make easily refutable statements like that, eh?
ah but if /ddg/ dead then no one thinking about game at all amirite guise? i smart i take thing literaly (taking things literally with no nuance is a symptom of mild autism please be gentle with me)

nta if it wasn't obvious but our autistic buddy here might need it
>finally unlocked the 3rd BO tree
time for pain
>all the threads made on /v/, especially during the announcement, and how i personally saw people talking about dragon's dogma in other threads and generals as well, for example in /crpgg/
>this very general exists right now because of anons hopes and dreams
>this very general exists right now
>this very general
So you admit that statement was wrong then? Thanks for vindicating me.
>My assertion was that hopes and dreams mean infinitely less for the general being around
that's because again you evidently think people weren't hoping and dreaming about DD2 during that time, but posting "i'm currently hoping and dreaming about DD2" doesn't fuel a general. You eventually just run out of things to talk about, but that obviously has no relation whatsoever to hopes and dreams
>or announcement of a new game
that's hopes and dreams by definition, the announcement fueling the general for 2 years alone proves you wrong. You got yourself anon

uh no? What's the correlation here? Like are you implying people talking on /v/ aren't also able to post here or something?
>if /ddg/ dead then no one thinking about game at all amirite
ask >>492719253 that since they made the assertion that "this very general exists right now because of anons hopes and dreams" when really it's DD2 being announced reviving it and DDO being cracked and release keeping it alive
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>you hoped for 10 years about getting your dream job and you only got it now? That clearly means you didn't actually spent those 10 years hoping for that job and those hopes clearly didn't push and motivate you to get said job, those two things are completely separate from each other
>you evidently think people weren't hoping and dreaming about DD2 during that time
Wrong, especially since I was one of those people hoping for it to come to fruition. Pretty sure you're just shitposting at this point because you keep repeating the same false claim you can't prove.
>that's hopes and dreams by definition
Wrong again. That isn't a hope or a dream, that's an announcement of something actually planned rather than hoped for or dreamed of.
Anyone have Giant Tough Pelts to sell? Trying to fight the Colossus in Greenleaf Terrace but it never shows up
>What's the correlation here?
There is none, that's the point
Don't reply to bait guys, let the kid enjoy his last day of summer break
You can do the Manticore in Castle Dreed for that, it's kind of hidden though.
>Wrong, especially since I was one of those people hoping for it to come to fruition.
tell that to your argument then

>because you keep repeating the same false claim you can't prove.
i mean, so are you. "but muh general!!!" isn't the proof you think it is, and apparently multiple people here are making fun of you with different examples of this reasoning. If people weren't hoping and dreaming about DD2, or DD in general, this general wouldn't exist, just like lots of other games don't have a general. But that also doesn't mean hopes and dreams and looking forward a game are things exclusively reserved for games/series that have a general, besides /vg/ hardly being the metric for that given the barrage of gacha generals it contains

>Wrong again.
try reading the rest of the post where i said the "hopes and dreams" part comes also from the announcement. Besides, thinking about it, that original post never mentioned anything about DD2's announcement NOT being the source of those hopes and dreams, if you really want to base yourself on what was said specifically
>you hoped for 10 years about getting your dream job
hoping is not actively working towards something
you can hope for success while actively working towards something but just hoping is infinitely less likely to make it happen
>hoping is not actively working towards something
i think your issue is picturing "hoping" as someone sitting on his ass and praying to some deity. A farmer working the soil is also hoping for a good result, it's not a either or
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>your argument
not even my argument
>so are you
Can you prove that /ddg/ never took more than a few days break from being on the board?
>"hopes and dreams" part comes also from the announcement
hopes and dreams were no longer that once it was announced, it was a reality
I don't think it's bait actually, this seems like the kind of autist that would argue for hours about a glass being half empty or half full.
>Can you prove that /ddg/ never took more than a few days break from being on the board?
what would that prove?
>hopes and dreams were no longer that once it was announced, it was a reality
hopes and dreams for the game itself dumb dumb, what was gonna be in it etc etc. You're making it way harder than it needs to be dude
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>A farmer working the soil is also hoping for a good result
or he understands that the work he puts in should yield a comparative crop
what he HOPES for is for is there not to be bad weather or other conditions he can't control that ruins them
ah so you're just autistic then, carry on
it really is that guy in the pic, outstanding
i bet he thinks minmaxing is crucial in DD1
>what would that prove?
>>492719253 's argument that "that this very general exists right now because of anons hopes and dreams" rather than DD1/DA/DD2/DDO being games that people want to discuss because they're actively playing them
>hopes and dreams for the game itself
so again I have to ask why did /ddg/ cease to exist for a few years?
This is the most complex castle I've ever been in wtf. I wonder how the original inhabitants even got around
Can't refute anything? I'm not surprised.
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I'm exaggerating a bit, Mystic Knight still has plenty of merit but I think giving more attention to the magical shield aspect helps it stand out a lot more than just being a magical Fighter with a big shield.
Troubling foes everywhere
nothing troubling about this one arisen, more like troubled
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>Hello in chat
Found it! Saw yours/Septiego's picture in discord
Do fighter augments work on shield sage?
yeah, you can use any vocation's augments for every vocation
I just mean is a shield a shield or a specific shield
Mystic Knight feels like it was divided up between Shield Sage and High Scepter. A few of their stray abilities are even on other vocations too, you could argue that Magick/Great Cannon was adjusted and handed to Alchemist
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>MMO actually has SOUL
Took me way too long to realize I'm supposed to attack the ribcage next lol kept hitting his legs and arms and wondering why he didn't fall down.
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you can make it so in the settings that there's a meow sound every time anyone says something in chat and now it cracks me up to randomly hear Chaerisen meow
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i know it's effectively the same in DD1 and DD2 but DDO making you go solo for a bit (provided you're not partying up with other people) really highlights how much of an addition pawns are to the gameplay, i now wish DD1 and 2 did the same instead of basically never letting you be solo. Like it doesn't have to be a grind or anything but after being solo for those first few missions and hell actually going through a dungeon to get your pawn the game feels deeper once you do get a pawn, like you found another way to enjoy it. And especially with how you can then manage pawns to go solo again if you want, idk i thought it was against the concept of dragon's dogma but now i kinda get people that would brine their main pawn and keep going solo
Oh man I want to fight an upgraded version of him with Seism. Broken bones city.
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any traps here (or deprecated stuff i should not account for like something this server is not doing unlike the official game) or i can safely put points where i see fit?
There's no craft timer in this server amd the lead dev is adamant that there never will be so anything but that. Enhancement is probably the best overall but Quality and Cost are nice too. You can reset the points at the riftstone though so no big deal either way.
Production Speed is useless, it's instant.
I basically have Enhancement>Quality=Performance.
I don't really use consumables, I don't know if that's more of a thing later later on.
well, you can break his head AND his arms with each broken arm forcing him into a down state again. After his head and both arms are broken, his ribs are a massive weak point but depending on the skeleclops level it might already be dead at that point
Sorry bros, got disconnected.
Only the first option is completely useless, but don't worry, you can freely respect at anytime at a rifstone.
In my experience as long as it just says "shield" and not a Fighter specific skill it works, but I'd say it's also worth testing on some fodder to make sure.
Level 45 and pawns nearly caught up. Oof.
Hired both your sorcerer and her, she's pretty fucking tanky helped me get materials fast.
I want DD3 to start off with an adventurer travelling solo for several quests and not even becoming Arisen and getting pawns until three hours in
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Yes, one of these shield augments is from Fighter. When I combined it with Shield Sage's equivalent, it more than doubled the guard power on my shield.
useless/disabled on the server everything is instant
All useful. Consumable Quantity is probably what you'll want to focus on first since it affects material items like ingots.
Enhancement/Quality affects the initial quality of crafted gear and upgrading gear, one for each system (upgrading vs adding crest slots)
Cost can be good if you intend on brute forcing certain material crafts later but money eventually stops being an issue.

That said you have free respecs, so abuse them if you're crafting something big.
Interesting. I was hitting his arm for like 5 minutes straight no joke and nothing happened. Grabbed on and started hitting his body and he died quick after that. But now I really want to see what attacks an armless and headless cyclops is capable of lol
Nice nice. Because I don't really care what my pawn does other than park somewhere and draw aggro.
Just got done fighting that guy for the first time as well. Game actually has some pretty neat reskins.
Rule of thumb, if something gives a big glowy number then it's a weak point. Some weak points will break if you hit them enough, but the broken weak points either affect the boss' moveset in a significant way (Skeleton Cyclops, Chimeras, etc.) or reveal a new weak point to hit (Golems)
>hire pawn
>pawn actually had no skills, it wasn't the UI bug like for everyone else
Came back for a sec to ask, was it ever found out if you could get the mom to take both twins, and not fire the maid, or was that quest simply left unfinished/poorly written?
noted, thanks anons
These pawns looks like shit
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I got disconnected, FUCK
The co-op looks really fun. What level is most of /ddg/ at right now? Trying to grind up quickly enough to get close to where everyone else is.
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in DDO, any reason to not instantly go to the vocation you want? Like stats gain or augments you can keep between vocations or whatever?
ps i don't even know how to change vocations yet, is it something you have to unlock?
Still doing blood orb runs through the Mergoda Security Area, anyone/any level can join.
There seems to be a wide range, but most are higher than LVL 30, I'm not sure if there are a lot of people from here starting to play in the last few days.
It's time.
Stats are separate, augments are shared and are surprisingly versatile in most cases (ex. Seeker has augments that affect every form of dodge in the game, so you might want to level it if you're maining a vocation that uses I-frames)
You can change as soon as you finish the initial tutorial so play whatever you want, the only real thing to be cautious of is Spirit Lancer/High Scepter's weapon crafts being a bit of a bitch if you're a fresh player.
go to the inn at the relay station district. head to the left and there should be a counter with two knights that let you change vocation/skills/auguments
sounds good, thanks anon

thanks, completely missed that
>Spirit Lancer/High Scepter's weapon crafts being a bit of a bitch if you're a fresh player
enchanting them to the max will help with damage at least
Yeah, figured it'd be a while until I was anywhere near the rest of you. I'm having a good time exploring the map and stuff anyways, so no big deal.
Maybe I'll find some other newbies before then, too.
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Yeah, enhancing their weapons is more useful, but the initial crafts can still suck if the items you need aren't on the bazaar. A few different anons were turned off from those two vocations because of it so it's worth keeping in mind for the newfrens.
Thanks you bros for the boost, I'll get the 33k left that I need for the level.
Thanks to taking me to the trip, Romana got lots of levels.
Feel free to ask for help here or in-game if you need it, there are some parts that could be a bit challenging solo.
Thanks anon. Fighter plays enough like it did in DD1 that I've been able to manage so far, but there have already been rough patches where it's hard to get enough money/mats to keep my gear up to my level. That and fashion aughtism.
Remember that you ought to be crafting your gear, at first it might be preferable to buy some gear pieces, but crafting is really the ideal way to get stuff.
>That and fashion aughtism.
By the way, there's transmog in this game, if you can wear/equip something, you can use it as a "Fashion" item.
Nothing has changed, that's just the way they wanted to do it, no happy endings I guess.
>This is fine.
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>Remember that you ought to be crafting your gear
Both options are pretty expensive, honestly, but I'll try getting into it more.
>By the way, there's transmog in this game
was DD2 a huge piece of steaming shit because of Capcom or was DD2 a colossal piece of horseshit because of Itsuno?
It was me, I sabotaged Itsuno-san's project.
capcom for blitzing the game out the door for the fiscal year (there is enough blatantly cut content to support this)
itsuno for being too autistic and unrealistic about his game ideas (DD2 had no reason to repeat the exact same mistakes and should've at least had enemy scaling if they were fucked over on enemy variety)
I liked it tho '3'
>was DD2 a huge piece of steaming shit
Go back subhuman /v/ermin
What the fuck are these level 45 and up crafts
ignore them and push a bit further for the paraffin crafts at 49
Server died.
Right after I stopped. I could sense it.
I was able to log in just now, it's not kill.
I was buying stuff..god dammit
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I set it to that now and bark for party.
Apparently there's a "Phyindimian Ent lvl 55" in Deenan Woods, anyone knows exactly where it is? I need 2 "Writhing Live Bark" items from those Ents.
we gotta get these dirty channel 1ers out of our pristine channel 4
I don't know why they're even hanging out in other channels
>Changed my pawn's vocation and inventory box may have been full
Now I've been disconnected and have entered the private server limbo until the admin wakes up. Oh well, I'll just take it as a sign to stop playing and go do something else.
The true endgame
Yeah, need to get to BBI to get BIG MONEY, then you won't have to think about gold ever again.
>griffin fight
>either delete the fucker or spend 5 minutes tard wrangling it because it keeps flying out of its leash range, going invuln, flying back to its spawn point, then flying out of range again
I get griffins were always faggots but this doesn't seem like it was vanilla behavior for ddon
Just get money bro
What does the holy debilitation do?
It gives lifesteal when you attack the enemy
It's not as good as it sounds because it's capped by white health
should i skip the level 49 and 53 paraffin weapons for the level 55 paraffin weapons? what's the play here
Just get them all unless you can boost yourself to lv55 in like 5 minutes. The paraffin gear is just really easy to get. My guess is Capcom probably added them at some point in the game's lifespan as a way to skip some of the grind.
>just craft all three
somehow didn't even think of that
I'd make them all, you can easily get one paraffin from that one chest in pit of screams.
grab the 49 one and the 55 one
only get the 53 one if you have a party member who skipped a few weapons or if you're running multiple of a vocation and want to alternate weapons (ex. double sorc)
you can get free paraffin from an early chest in the well (pit of screams, x275y74) right by the Fanatic's Hiding Ground warp.
Is there any way to tell what a hired pawn's augments are? I have no idea if this shield sage I've hired is on retarded settings or if she's failing to keep aggro because of poor skill choices
>0 hoes
lmao this arisen has stacks but no bitches
Should be able to look at their profile and it will show their skills and augments. SS pawns seem kinda iffy though, I had one who constantly kept jumping to avoid attacks rather than blocking
The skills tab only shows Custom Skills and the core skills. The same is true for my own pawns, they only show their augments if I go into Check Status/Equipment.
>SS pawns seem kinda iffy though, I had one who constantly kept jumping to avoid attacks rather than blocking
Yeah, they require a little bit of tinkering with their AI settings. Since the augments aren't showing, I'm not sure what the issue is with this high level one I rented to help boost an alt vocation for my normal tank.
>Pawn could be working under retarded AI decisions, either due to no tweaking or bad tweaking
>Pawn is overprioritizing Earth Shake (T), and the aggro it provides is less than spamming normal SS actions
>Pawn could have bad augments
>Pawn could have NO augments at all due to a pawn rental error, since augments aren't showing in the first place and there is no way to check as far as I know.
This is the exact opposite of my problem with my SS. She blocks way too much and kept losing all her stamina. That's why I'm leveling her as a Fighter just to get the shield augment.
Is BO good for you?
Take a bath, stinky
You need to reach level 60~~70 for that shield.
It'll only take a few hours.
I'm level 40, still struggling to gear and materials.
Only when I need the buff.
>Rental Sage finally manages to hold aggro for an entire fight
>She kept running away
Okay, I think I figured out the problem with the rental pawn I was using in >>492801527, it was probably a combination of default Pawn AI for her preferred distance and Earth Shake (T) having a stupid amount of priority, either by default or by choice. I've replaced her with a good sage hire now for alt leveling.

>She blocks way too much and kept losing all her stamina
What level is she, what augs does she have, and is her gear up to date? Also, what weight tier is she at?
The only stamina/block-related augments I had on mine were Adamancy (Decreased Stamina loss on block) and Solid (Increased Guard Power), but I plan to give her some Alchemist augments once I switch her back.
>Heroic Spirit for a stupid amount of extra Stamina
>Vigorous Vitality for more Stamina Regen
The main stamina-related issue I noticed with her was her tendency to hold her guard up and kill her regen, but she was also Heavy from gear load during that period and that could have gone away for several reasons, whether it was me upgrading my own shit so that I could stun mobs faster to give her a chance to recover, her equip load lessening, general gear upgrades from leveling, etc.
Pawn hiring has been such a game changer, now I can just hire a sorcerer pawn and blow shit up. (and open those doors all over Deenan Woods, Erte Deenan and Mysree Grove on my own)
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They got that system working? Maybe I owe it to my pawn to get them at least a bit established, even if the MMO style grind curve isn't my thing
Yes, it's a bit barebones at the moment, but you can indeed hire other players' pawns now.
Yeh, pretty handy but it's not perfect.
How many pawns can you have in your party? Assuming you have completed your BO Tree.
holy fuck you niggers are actually playing DDON? looks like so much has improved in the last year since I tried it out
Only 3.
It feels like a lot of us started playing about ~3 weeks ago, though we have a few regulars that have been playing for a lot longer.
Damn so I'm not even that late to the party especially if some of my progress is still there from last year. I'll see you fags in game then hopefully.
Sounds good, we are using Channel 4, it's our "unofficial" channel.
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My Shield Sage does okay but blows all her stamina when a boss is down to tickle it
Little over half-way through that 3rd page... 3rd pawn soon, tomorrow I will farm a shitload of BO.
>blows all her stamina when a boss is down to tickle it
What's she doing, spamming the shield charge? You can set her to prioritize spamming other skills while a boss is down if you go to your room.
Yes, but I don't know what
Just set her offense/support priority to lean toward support and she'll usually use one of her status lights on bosses instead.
A bit late, but is the world quest for that area bugged? Can't seem to open the locked door or find the key for the Alchemy Tower
Thanks for letting me know, glad they're working out.
Looks like you're going to need a whole raid team of level 85 players to even put a dent on Catobles.
I had an issue with the part after that area, but not with the main area itself.
Do I need to do the main story quest to unlock anything etc? I still have a level 70 spirit lancer with IR 40-45 gear from playing last year when like less than half the shit in the game now was working.
pawns need to be unlocked via the MSQ and the BO tree for the 3rd pawn but the vocations aren't locked
I still have my 3 pawns from when you started with them but I'll rush through it just in case anything weird happens. Kinda consider starting a new character though since everything's so different from when I played.
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>Arisen's Name
Karin Maize

Heaven Thrust - Defensive Stance - Pommel Strike (P) - Devil Burst

Shield Sage
Earth Shake (T) - Stun Burst - Force Shield - Slow Light
I think accounts who were present before the MSQ implementation get to keep their pawns. Not sure how the main pawn MSQ will work if you already have all 3 present, though.
>that white griffin near mergoda
Stupid fucking bird.
FYI You can have 5 pawns in your party
So that's your 3 pawns + 2 hired pawns?
Interesting, I have 2 pawns and tried to hire more than one but it wouldn't let me, did you have to use chat commands to add the pawns to your party? I should have tried that.
>hire main pawn
>hire 2 support pawns
>/invite other main pawns
Makes sense.
I've already tried three times to make sure it works.
How exactly does the Element Archer's level 45 augment Invigorating Arrows: Duration work?
Is it supposed to be Energizing Bolt?
if it doesn't matter, why insist that the game was a comercial failure when evidence points to the contrary?
Can I ban or block Capcom or something in dd2? I'm so fucking sick of seeing these hideous diversity pawns in my world.
best bet is to keep hiring pawns from actual players since their pawns will eventually fill your world instead of the capcom pawns. iirc some anons here reported that their random pawn spawns consisted of /ddg/ pawns after hiring here for a while.
if you can find jap pawns this will work too since they're more active with hiring each other's pawns over there
incredibly valuable information, thanks
So in chat /invite pawnname?
What's PP used for?
Talk to the guy next to the vocation guy
the exchange items are endgame gachas for accessories that have augment effects and weapons that are extremely powerful + equippable at level 1
Yes and it's case sensitive was the answer
>endgame gachas
I should have seen this coming
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On the bright side, they don't seem to be super mandatory or anything like that, it's mostly something you can grind for while continuing to play your vocation if you really want to minmax your augment slots. There are both generic accessories and vocation-specific ones.
You can talk to the exchange guy down in the shopping area to take a quick look at some of the potential items, here are Fighter's as an example. All of the vocation augment accessories can only be equipped by their respective class.
>ruins with an undersea passage and lightning saurians
>mfw I'll have to ditch my own pawns just to live ina nicer neighbourhood
I know it's what they'd want...
were you hiring your own pawns from a different account? you don't have to do it all the time but it does takes a bit to "populate" the world with previous hires or similar hires. the game will sometimes recommend pawns that other people who hired your pawn have hired as well so you don't necessarily have to keep hiring new pawns.
>were you hiring your own pawns from a different account?
Yeh, it was comfy if a little samey. I'll give it a go tho
She looks like that "It's ma'am!" troon.
unprotected sex with witches
good luck with the repopulation effort, anon
this but with beastren females
>clicking on that moon rune button on whatever mission listed in the lestania news gives you a free teleport to tel
also, should i bother hiring pawns as of now? The system looks kinda busted still unless you go for specific pawns and i don't want to hire specific pawns from here cause you guys are already high level
>should i bother hiring pawns as of now
erte deenan solo needs 3 pawns. also they can help with lowering costs for crafting
I think it was posted here before, does anyone know how much BO it takes to complete three threes?
How? I can only have my 2 plus a hired one, unless you mean by using console commands.
around 19370 BO
anon specified later on that he the /invite command
Anon, I don't understand why you insist on arguing about dumb bullshit, you look really stupid talking about sales, especially when the game is still in an absolutely pathetic state. Does it make you feel better that at the very least the game wasn't a commercial failure, even though it was a fucking disappointment by every metric?
Make sense given how fucking janky the hiring system is still is.
Forced soul.
Does it make them drop more gold?
>sphinx gives you a pawjob
>sphinx pins you down with her tits
I didn't realize just how god damn in-depth pawn training is in DDON. This is nuts.
They are still a bit retarded in the sense that you have to be careful what you make them do, specially shield sages.
You are a faggot, a retarded faggot at that.
I'm just happy I can make them prioritize certain skills and distance relative to enemies. I can see how messing with action priorities could accidentally make them worse, though. I'll just have to do some testing with it.
Also, what's up with the "special skills"? I don't remember unlocking any of them, but they seem really useful.
Is DD2 good ? I'm replaying a lot of DeS these days and I crave for more medieval action
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its pretty good , if i were you i would wait for dlc to come out though if it even comes out and if you havent already play dark arisen
yes. get DDDA too if you haven't played it yet
Is the a trick to it? I keep getting "no pawn found by that name".
>Abloo abloo
Absolute cope mode.
Add one main and two hires to party. Then add second main pawn like
>/invite Pippi
OHHH I see, thank you.
Those special skills will trigger sometimes when appropiate, just equip those that seem useful to you and hope that they trigger, they also have a cool effect and dialogue line when they activate.
>have 4 pawns
>game is a bit easier now
>too much fucking yapping tho
Nice. How often does the revive arisen one proc? I burn through my three free revives pretty quickly trying to do stupid shit, so hopefully it's somewhat frequently.
Decreasing your own pawns chatter in the character edior will probably help a bit. You're at the mercy of others for the support pawns, though.
I'm actually glad that it's Japanese, since it's easier to filter out if you don't understand any of it.
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i'm assuming these are like capcom pawns?
I feel like it's about a 50% chance, I wish I knew the exact proc chance, but that's what it feels like, I've had trigger 3 times in a row, and I've had times when I had to use my 3 revives.
Yeah and they used to crowd the towns in undies, that's why you get the error message(s) when you go to one.
I need a blue leaf ring. How to aqcuire? It's not in the crafting menu.
we need to build a wall around channel 4 to keep these OUTSIDERS out!!!
Chat turned spanish fuck's sake.

"Special" crafting section if that was one of the crafting leveling things. You need to make some earlier rings to craft it.
kek I was wondering why there are a spics in the chat suddenly
I have it on both pawns, and I've jumped down the same chasm twice trying to get to a chest, but no luck so far. Does it seem to stack if you have it on both pawns, or is that a waste of a skill slot?
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>spics get in
>server connection lost
Many such cases!
I look through the crafting menu a dozen times and didn't see the ring, but noticed it immediately after posting
It seems only appearance rating "works", dunno if the arisen gets a notification or anything.
The private server dev has his issues, he's pretty stubborn about some of the dumbest things and he's surrounded by discord yes men, but in all fairness to him, I will say that being plagued by a horde of new players speaking broken english constantly begging and asking dumb questions would be pretty annoying.
Enough to make a man go insane and become cynical.
>the fate of all mmos
>90% latino playerbase
it was inevitable desu
Guess ai'll be brushing up on my Spanish lmao
Not sure wjere these guys suddenly came from.
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I love four pawns so much
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Do photo mode screenshots actually save somewhere, or do you have to rely on other programs right now?
Appdata folder
They're kind of deep.
C:\Users\*YOURUSERACCOUNTNAME*\AppData\Local\CAPCOM\Dragon's Dogma Online\ScreenShot
Ah, no wonder I couldn't find them in the game files. Thanks.
just use %localappdata% instead of bothering with all that other stuff and it can be copypasted,
%localappdata%\CAPCOM\Dragon's Dogma Online\ScreenShot
Wow, I didn't know about that, that's a neat trick.
it's real handy because a lot of games store stuff in either %appdata% or %localappdata% and it's annoying navigating to them otherwise
>All these DDON fags talking about BO
Damn... You niggers are nasty as fuck!
I'll just pin it in file explorer. That's the easiest way to get to buried files.
This will be extremely useful, thanks again.
I just created a shortcut to the screenshot folder and placed it in the DDO folder, but that works too, even more convenient.
>Halfway through getting the wyrmking ring
>Blue Tower again

Holy fuck thank god port crystals are a thing but I definitely wish I had more. I think I'm going to take a break once I beat the campaign whenever that happens.

With that said, does DD2 have an eternal ferrystone? Is there fast travel? I figured I might give it a try after Dark Arisen story mode.
I'm guessing this is a normal occurrence?
Crashes a couple times a day, yeah. It's a little frustrating since quests reset to their first step if you disconnect, but it is what it is.
No eternal ferrystone, and ferrystones are somewhat hard to come by. If you don't like foot travel, it's gonna be rough for you.
Well, that's fucked up.
Big lizard for a big guy
DD2's fast travel is basically like DDDA's, but without the eternal ferrystone.
Based coop enjoyers.
Thief's can steal ferrystones from certain enemies iirc, thief OP
This clearly shows Slopgma exceeds with multiplayer. Did Itsuno just ignore like a typical jap boomer like the guy who played Demons souls or what
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Coop was part of the plan from the very beginning.

Well what the FUCK are they waiting for? Don't they want to keep their game alive and still make some money? Either release DLC with eternal ferrystone or sell it as standalone add on?
>putting more money into DD2
they got what they wanted, now they're moving on to Monster Hunter
don't worry KINOshita is hard at work
dc? we were doing so good
Oh no so close
guys... I timed out...
I died so hard that the game disconnected me...
Can't play, server is under heavy load and has massive lag spikes and frequent dc's, also too hot.
Big's Guys in BBI
Should we temporarily switch channels? it seems like channel 4 has a lot of people.
That guy just grinds 24/7 jfc, you need to be like 63+ and have pretty good gear to go and do BBI, also the server niggas have to balance the quests and give areas reasonable levels.
lots of latinos
There are like 5 Latino guys on the server.
They just popped out of nowhere
They are just farming Orb like us.
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El cĂ­clope que termina con los servidores
So how carried am I by having level 70 (IR 45) gear for me and my pawns from before?
It's an MMO anon, it's a group effort to survive and push forward, even by doing 0, 11 damage to enemies and reviving you are helping the party.
Moments before disaster.
No that's just after
>Grandpa prepared a big fart just to hit the clops like a wet noodle.
I like how must of use went for shield sage as a second pawn, those little rascals are so comfy, just give them a good shield and let them go to town. I don't know how the elemental rod mechanic works or what augments are good besides the perfect block ones tho.
I switched to faster spells hoping they'd at least cause a debilitation. They didn't. Turns out 36 levels is quite a jump.
Just completed first tier of dragon force. How do I start the second tier?
Keep doing the main quest
If you do no damage and get oneshot 2 levels above, now imagine 36 levels.
I was wondering this as well, you can scroll up but I can' seem to be able to unlock the tree, I assume is tied to story progression.
Copy, thank you.
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>If you do no damage [...] 2 levels above
I do not know this feeling
How about we try Channel 5?
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that's sega, not capcom
Ï need Stalactite Tip, but couldn't find it in the infected den earlier today. Is it really there?
Character level being tied to vocation progression if fucking bullshit.
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should i bother crafting equipment with the low level mats? Mission rewards don't seem too compelling equipment wise
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Just checked, doesn't seem like its working.
I have a suspicion the values might be mixed up though, earlier today I checked Enemies Defeated was 35 and now its 36, so something is being updated.
It makes you nolife the game longer.
Too many of those little thigs add up though
Equipment is all crafting, yes
Should be there. I remember farming for it a while back. Might be in a side chest though and not the chests at the very end of the dungeon.
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lmao even
Makes it to deal with enemies at that rank, and since materials are rank based it doesn't matter if you waste low level mats on low level gear.
It would be a non issue if they didn't implemented the xp penalty, just a time waster really.
Is the any way to bypass the enhancement gacha?
Calling enhancement a gacha is kind of a stretch but just hire high level pawns with a high crafting level that put their points into enhancement. With high enough levels, you can get guaranteed lv1->lv2 enhancement in a single enhance.
>It would be a non issue if they didn't implemented the xp penalty, just a time waster really.
the xp penalty is still a really fucking stupid decision when we're missing bounty quests and dungeon clear rewards
if the autist wanted to stop boosting and make people play the game then there were several better ways to do it
good to know, thanks anons
Shield sage bro and hawk mike are the two most based Arisen in that picture, just saying.
Is that how it works? damn, thank you anon.
Yeah they should have left that for last and focus on getting more important shit working first.
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>go to sleep
>feel like i should be playing
>add in one of the other penalties the game had instead of the one that capcom stopped using
>add in the course that disables the penalty if you get one of your vocations to 70
>get all of the world quests and dungeons for S1 + S2 working before penalizing leechers
at least they increased the level range, even if the whole "the penalty won't apply if the monster is lower level than you" thing isn't working properly.
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It was surprisingly fun to fight a powerful boss, we should do it again sometime.
How exactly are you sluts surviving BBI at such low level?
>The latino guys talking about farming and leveling up fast
They are just like us.
Arisen are better at fighting and have better gear than pawns (generally), and this was an all arisen squad + Ceciel was carrying us
This boss was Torpor'd 100% of the time and made me want a shield sage pawn next
some areas of BBI are doable with a 50-70 squad. for this specific battle it was due to ceciel carrying and status effects. pretty sure the team could have made it if everyone didn't get DC'd around 20%
replied to the wrong guy, fuck
>another throwing rock
nigga why are you going full retard?
(you) were the one that was arguing with every other anon that the game was a comercial failure and that to say otherwise was a delusional cope
I merely adressed that point and showed that no the game was objectively not comercially unsucessful
>it was a fucking disappointment by every metric
says (you), sucks for (you)
while DD2 unfortunately didn't yet realize the potential the series holds, the 2 components I most loved DD1 for (the combat and the feeling of adventure) were imo far stronger here
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The game sort of feels easy with the 2 hires + 3 main pawns combo.
I think the party size is supposed to be 4 and only increased to 8 for specific things like the unimplemented Extreme Missions. Not to mention that you're definitely not supposed to be able to hire max level pawns for 1000 RC. But in general, just like DD1 and DD2, it's not really a hard game, just a heavily gear dependent one.
>strong thread is needed all the time for later crafts
>"wtf it's a low level material why don't i have it"
>one of the ingredients is only dropped by the black goo guys near the hot springs
Who designed this shit
>he didn't kill every mob he came across like an autist
some of the later chests/dungeons start dropping craft materials if you don't want to go to the tar pit, strong thread should have several direct drops somewhere
>Replying with cope
Look for the spreadsheet, loot in current game makes no fucking sense.
The New Game Plus Difficulty mods are dead.

Why did crapcom not even just scale up the HP and damage of enemies for NG+? Anything would be better than what we got.
Okay so I hired some lv 200 pawns free and rushed through main story quest. The dragon was cool. Now the game is post apocalypse and some endless pit is the endgame? Final Quest says hand over 20 wakestones but I read online this causes ng+.

I enjoyed the playthrough even though I kinda cheated? I don't quite understand the game completely but got the basics (my weapons got a dragon instead of 3*?).

I have DD2 available should I try my luck with that and then once I beat it come back to DD1 to finish endgame and DLC a bit more seriously?
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wait till you reach gleipnir/electrum hell
>I hired some lv 200 pawns free and rushed through main story quest
I hate zoomers so goddamn much
Thank god for the bazaar.
gleips stopped being bad once I found the secret farm
>Okay so I hired some lv 200 pawns free and rushed through main story quest.
But... Why? That sounds retarded, you had 2 pawns completely trivialize the game, how did you even enjoy that?
Is the secret farm that one new WQ on Zoma?
I wanted to have a smooth pace enjoying the story? Maybe not everyone's into grinding just to progress the main story?

Not like I just start over when I want to challenge the game seriously?
I thought it would be, but it turns out it's bugged, you can't turn it in and it's only being fixed next round of maintenance. You can get Dromi through a WQ which makes the grind only slightly less painful.

There's always 1 or 2 ingredients that's never on the bazaar
What grinding? Nigger, you didn't even try to play this easy ass game to even know if you need to grind or not, if you wanted an easy mode why didn't you choose it? It's there for a reason, but you pretty much just cheated the whole game, I seriously doubt you'll enjoy DD2 unless you're willing to cheat again, or DD1's DLC, I'm not sure you can cheat your way through this one, I frankly don't even understand why'd play that way, what a shitty way to experience the game, if you just wanted the story you should've just watched the cutscenes on Youtube or something.
Because no one has sold them yet, it's not cheap but it does save a lot of time.
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Calm down nigger its just a fucking videogame. Go touch grass since I won't be while playing this again
tell us your secrets anon
spreadsheet is also outdated in some places fyi
90% of it is still accurate though
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No, I was making a joke because of the area name.
The only reason I even know about it is because I was being retarded with a friend and we brute-forced our way through it while underleveled/geared for exploration's sake.

X85, Y92 in the Royal Palace Level of Mergoda, break into that house and enter the basement for the "Secret Proving Ground". Go in, kill the golem, then enter the next area.
Chest #1 is at X60, Y46 just outside the Dangerous Area.
Chest #2 is at X54, Y71 after you kill the Cyclops, just before the final area.
The golem is the most annoying boss in the dungeon.
Thanks for the tip.
How the fuck do you boost Shield Sage's white health? Don't tell me I need to get like 40 levels of Element Archer.
For Arisen's or Pawns? Never had a problem with white health as an Arisen.
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Oh, I'll also add that the local map/minimap may show the house coordinates in >>492930984 as X34, Y92 instead.

No problem mate.

I think white health scales with Healing Power, so give your sage some items with that.
IIRC Shield Sage also has a few augments that boost how much white health you keep if your guard is broken.
Forsaken Well right next to Bowered Stone Statues teleport in Dowe Valley also contains Gleipnir. I've gotten like 4 from the chest there. The boss is a Medusa which is way less annoying than the Goliath. I think the levels should be comparable to Mergoda Secret Proving Ground too.
Pawn. They always take that one big hit and half their health is gone.
The "Healing Power" stat affects how much white health you maintain when taking a hit. I think EA also has augments that help with that.
Never tried a Sage Pawn before but I assume they don't know how to perfect block well enough/avoid moves they shouldn't be blocking (ogre double hammerfist, etc). Probably just keep upgrading their gear/augments, prioritizing guard power/perfect parry timing.
The well would probably be a better spot to farm for them, I'll check it out. At the very least it'd be nice to fight the Medusa.
I have a Shield Sage pawn and a Sorcerer Pawn, what should I make my next pawn? I'm thinking one of the green vocations.
>S-33 a few minutes later
I'll play more later...
What vocation are you playing? If you're a Warrior or also a Sorc, you could try making a priest pawn and using the reduced cast/charge time skill that Priest gets
I had been thinking about either a priest or an elemental archer, but that priest skill sounds good anyway, for my Sorcerer pawn at least.
Elemental Archer is better for general use and has access to enemy debuffs but Priest gets access to more powerful buffs.

Priest AI is also flawed in that Priests are supposed to channel their buffs and then use the Phase Shift core skill to move the buff to a player but instead they'll always just try to walk over to you instead so pawn Priest is never playing the way it's supposed to. However, they're still good because they have good buffs and they have access to Guard Bit (think of Palladium in 2) which blocks all attacks and essentially makes them immortal. Priest AI is always gonna stick close to a player while Elemental Archer pawns will stay in the backline and shoot their buffs towards the player.
Do we have a definitive list of which vocations are good for pawn AI?
Anyway farming anything at moment? I'm interested in materials for lvl 60+ stuff, asking here because the in-game chat is busy as fuck.
Elemental Archer sounds better, I prefer my pawns to be more reliable, I'll start with that one and try Priest later. thanks.
I don't think there's a definitive list, but Sorcerer/Elemental Archer/Alchemist appear to require the least amount of tard wrangling.
Every pawn is good/useful with some basic AI tweaking in the Arisen's Room.
Materials? Just find a chest or quest that gives a good amount and nust do it over and over again.
Like, without tweaking?
Warrior for heavy damage or fighter.
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I'm down for 60+ farming.
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Haven't forgotten you Anon!

Do you have a hairstyle pref? Seems like you've changed it up a lot. Weapon pre? Drew the pose with Mace & Shield in mind but a staff would work just as well.

Tell me about her. Is she really a dwarf?
I'm working on getting Dark Metal ingots, anyone is welcome to join. Name is Aldwin Leod.
Hey Septiego, I'm joining Aldwin's party.
My waifu...
Barton is your whyfoo?
The fucking brazilians are still at it, it's fucking unreal they are truly the worst latinos
anon the DD1 MSQ is easy as hell even without OP pawns, the most difficulty you'll face is grigori at best
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Actually, would someone mind posting a picture of that armor from the back? Not sure how the straps are meant to link up.
My priest does a pretty good job of staying back after tweaking her AI to tell her to stay at a distance. The only time she really gets near enemies is when she's trying to cast anodyne or halidom on someone.
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tfw I've been there and I just made stuff up. Let me se if Fe'liis still has it and I might grab some screens for you, I can't remember the name of the armor. Good stuff by the way!
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Still playing DD2
Level 100
Kill gorechimera for 5 allheals. Woodland wordsmith. Kindhearted.
Frame Plate, unless they called it something different in 2. I can't remember.
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looks like the lattice just continues all the way around
>>492947498 Mommy. .
Thanks friends!
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Thankfully >>492947498 took a better pic, this is lowres and also Fe'liis is way too thick. But it looks like you're on the right track.
Very good as long as you don't give them Brave Raid, the pawns tend to spam it and either run out of stamina or eat shit during the animation lock, even if you give them an option like Sword Flash to cancel it with. Intimate Strike is a good alternative for a "spam while down" option. Speaking of counters, they seem to prefer using the innate Shield counter rather than any custom skill ones, so the augment that restores stamina on perfect blocking and general guard boosts would be handy.
Tends to stick near you unless you fuck with their settings + the field shift issue a few posts have pointed out.
Set the preferred range to Close to avoid them kiting bosses outside of their leash range. Also doesn't seem to like using the Anchor debuff abilities.
Commonly complained about in the discord; I haven't used it but I wouldn't be surprised if it was secretly good with specific AI tweaking. JP Wikis imply they're like Fighters, needing to avoid certain skills to be good.
Mostly good, but can have tard moments with spells whiffing/canceling. Giving them a preferred range usually fixes this.
Also, the classic trick of only giving it 1-2 spells can be useful if you want something spammed.
Mostly works if you just want heals.
Works fine, using it as a Tank seems to be a somewhat popular option if you are running a party that doesn't need enchants that badly (ex. 2 sorc)
Marginally more useful than SS out of the box, but can still be pretty retarded at times. Give them the same range/support adjustments as SS. If you use them for Enchants, they'll always walk to you before casting it, so give them the extended range EX version if you're using one as an Enchant slave.
Seemingly good, but I've seen complaints that they never use their offensive devil trigger, only supportive. They also like using aerial attacks. Spec them for mostly support/healing.
>too thick
No such thing.
>Also doesn't seem to like using the Anchor debuff abilities.
They used them but it's super inconsistent.
Yeah, the shield sages I've hired (and my main pawn SS) only used it once or twice throughout fighting several different bosses. It was rare enough that I decided to slot in a different debuff instead for my pawn.
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>Look up tips for DDDA
>Its shit that breaks the game
Every fucking time. I get it but is there anyone left that tries to not break the game so hard?

>Bro just sell this dlc item you get for 3,000,000.
>Bro just go to BBI and noclip to get items that one shot the base game!

So where the fuck do I look up shit if I don't want to do these as a new character.
What kind of tips do you need? You having issues with something? Usually people will find and abuse shit like that to trivialize the game.
I'll be doing a few runs of some of the easier BBI dungeons, if you want materials for LV.62 gear, let me know and I'll invite you.
ddda is an easy game, harder if you play in hard mode but eventually you just out stat shit via gear and levels. BBI will have a few challenges regardless of your level but, otherwise, the only real 'tips' surrounding it are minmaxing a build (pure aughtism) or doing shit the fastest way possible
the only real tip for DDDA is to avoid running cand suddenly stopping near a cliff's edge or else your pawn will do the same but instead of stopping it will brine itself and be returned to the rift
Brunhilde's Embrace, I'm pretty sure that's what it was called
I'm irrationally starting to hate Monster Hunter Wilds.
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What am I doing wrong? I tried petrifying talos 3 times without success and even resorted to watching horrible youtube videos and I am doing exactly as they do. I even used 2 heads and he keeps going. Was I given dupe medusa heads when I killed her?
not sure if this is still going, but I'm down if it is
I'm not sure, I did it on my first try with a preserved medusa head.
We are, Musica?
Does it make a difference if it's preserved vs not preserved? I only have "medusa heads".
I have absolutely no idea anon, do you need a preserved medusa head? Are you on PC?
My only assumption is that it works with a preserved one, my non-preserved ones don't touch him. I am on PC. My pawn is Gil, the only DD2 PC pawn in the anchor.
What would a Dragon's Dogma with PVP look like?
everyone running rusted bow strider with instant reset and constantly chugging kingwarish and liquid vims
I'm going BO farming in BBI, who wants to join. Note; that your XP will gone.
>striders/hunters/magick archers/anyone with a bow running around trying to snipe
>sorcs casting nukes from the backline like it's ragnarok online
>fighters doing fighter things, the human-sized pin/grapple is surprisingly relevant
>two warriors playing chicken in some corner because the damage reduction while charging means whoever fires first dies
Now that the dust has settled, can we finally admit Itsuno is a hack?
Fuck no, he could have reused all the animations and the basic framework of the previous game and then improved on it just like Fromslopware has been doing with their games since Demon's Souls came out back in 2009. He had the balls to start from scratch and rethink the entire fucking system, giving us the weighty feel of Dragon's Dogma 2. You liked DDDA better? That's fair since the games have a very different feel, and that's the accomplishment Itsuno deserves credit for. I'm glad he left so that he can keep doing what he wants.
Nooice, looks good! Probably hairstyle 47, I only changed it up recently because I had it so long, but will probably go back to it. the braid is nice and feels the most kinda 'dwarfy' without being overtly unfeminine, and while personally I prefer the longer hair version, I hate that it was clipping. Also dwarf girls with long hair held up in tight braids are cute.

Probably the staff to be honest, but I'm perfectly happy with the mace and shield if you feel like that's more fitting. She is a dwarf, and it really wouldn't have been hard for them to do dwarves considering their creator is a little anti-loli the way it sort of squares up your frame the smaller you get, which is, funnilly, perfect for a short/buffstack. Although personally I'd like it if the system supported bigger breasts, since in my head cannon she's got bigger milkers than the game can represent. It's hard to really spin up much of a backstory given what few lore details there actually are about the dwarves, but basically my concept for her is a mix of princess/ battle sorceress/ shieldmaiden. She'll start most engagements with the shield and mace, swapping out to cyclopean thunder if she begins to get swamped or something big just needs to be knocked down on its ass. She saves a spellheld High Seism in her pocket if something REALLY big needs to be put down on its ass yesterday. In gameplay that usually looks like cucking a drake out of meteoron. Everything else in this game is too easy to really suck the fun out of the fight like that with guaranteed knockdowns.
I will give him one more game. This time without the capcom excuses
>Fromsoft out of nowhere
The inferiority complex is real
>Found a really cute mage in the rift but she's only got high flagration at levle 81
I love Demon's Souls, I hate Elden Ring, it's that simple. I also respect Itsuno for not having made the same game 6 times in a row.
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me n my frend (hes sleepy)
I just sent you a preserved medusa head but I was an idiot and rested without storing it first, so make sure you go straight for Talos without wasting any time once it's in your inventory. Do report your findings since I'm curious about this too.
When I become the Seneschal, I'm gonna make a world where cyclopes never have to worry about Monday and they can sleep in as much as they want.
Zanzibar Land feels kind of unimplemented at the moment. There's the first village and its surroundings which mostly are a thing, but then you go to north and there's like no quests and and a sphinx without a boss health bar.
Will do, thanks a lot anon. It's 6h00 here and time for bed, so give me a few hours please.
No problem, glad to be of help.
What music does Artoria listen to?
>He could have been smart instead he was an idiot
>then improved on it just like Fromslopware has been doing with their games since Demon's Souls came out back in 2009
Every single Elden Ring weapon has new attacks due to how chaining works
>He had the balls to start from scratch and rethink the entire fucking system, giving us the weighty feel of Dragon's Dogma 2.
You think adding endlag means they remade completely new animations?
>could have been smart
He wanted the game to have a completely different feel and he accomplished that, doesn't make him a hack. If you think that makes poor business sense that's a different story. If what you want is straightforward refinement you can go play DDON for free while the higher ups at Capcom get their shit together.
>ER has new attacks
That doesn't contradict my statement, also reusing animations heavily is not a bad thing when you don't do it 6 times in a row while also ignoring the fact that enemy attacks still go through walls.
Not worth continuing this discussion if you can't see how different these two games are at their core. Mistakes were made if that's what you want to hear, for sure, I won't deny that. But that doesn't diminish what this game has achieved, therefore Itsuno is not a hack. That's like saying that Kamiya is a hack because Scalebound was an internal failure.
AAAAAAA shield sage pawns are so frustrating.
They can tank a boss without taking a hit and without moving, or they die within 30 seconds and run and jump around the rest of the fight.
They can instantly grab aggro, or maybe they'll stand still and do nothing while I'm getting orc cleavers thrown at me.
At this point I'm considering taking all skills off.
DDO aughtists, Im having trouble with downloading, google drive keeps failing at some point and having to restart and the torrent is super dead, what do? I assume i should keep insisting with drive, idk I always have this problem with direct download for big files
There's a link in the OP pastebin.
Try following the "favorite" trick mentioned in the pastebin. You have to use the drive link that ends in =sharing and you'll also need a google drive account to do it.
Depends on what skills you give them.
where do you think I got the links from? imbecile
yeah, tried that, I guess my connection is simply unstable, left it downloading this morning with that method, thought maybe someone had some other work around, thanks though
There's no freebie level 50 gear like there's weapons right?
I hit the level 49 quest that's full of 55 enemies and just fuuuuuck. I could probably beat them but it's gonna take forever and I suspect the boss is going to be even tougher.
I have no idea what tiny dungeon to spam either.
I had to use the favorite trick as well. Hopefully it works out for ya.
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Elden Ring doesn't reuse most Dark Souls animations, especially because Dark Souls 3 reworked R2s and Elden Ring R1s. The oldest movesets it received are Bloodborne movesets with Shadow of the Erdtree, but even stuff like the untrasformed beasthunter saif used for the 1 handed backhand blade was changed for the attack chaining system to give dimishing returns on attack spam.

There's absolutely no reason why DD1 skills are missing in DD2. There's absolutely no reason why there's no Necromancy or Fulmination. There's no reason there's no elemental shields that can change deflection and shield attack properties, especially since there's no MK. There's no reason why DD2 is even worse and more shallow as RPG in terms of build crafting compared to DD1 itemization. There's no reason there's no Flight Response or Clairvoyance for Fighter, but so many redundant shield block skills

I also like DD2 more than DD1, it has objectively better combat, which is absolutely wasted, but it's still at its core DD1 with grapple heavy attacks and much more endlag, the two games could (and already do) share assets and attacks when properly tuned.

Nobody called him lazy, but he straight up lied about the game being finished and reflecting "his vision" and having content when he could have just been, if not honest given his delicate position, a bit less enthusiastic.
The fact that he entered the industry with the specific goal of making this game yet fails to understand RPG mechanics and progression to this day certainly isn't a good look.
Then don't also why are you looking guides? just play the damn fucking game your fucking retard.
>where do you think I got the links from? imbecile
You ain't getting nothing from me with that attitude.
>Elden Ring doesn't reuse most Dark Souls animations
there's was no need for From to mostly stick to 1 game's assets when they had 6 games to recylce from

>There's absolutely no reason why DD1 skills are missing in DD2.
aside from mage and sorc, the philosphy for skills in DD2 seems to have been cutting fat and buffing what remains
For example you mention Flight Response or Clairvoyance
Hindsight and Counter Slash perform the mechanical function
So really why keep them?

>There's no reason there's no elemental shields that can change deflection and shield attack properties
You'll have to explain this better because there is elemental shield buff that change its properties

>There's no reason why DD2 is even worse and more shallow as RPG in terms of build crafting compared to DD1 itemization.
Expand please

>the two games could (and already do) share assets and attacks when properly tuned.
Not in the same way ER does
ER literally copied and pasted assets from previous games
For DD2 given the history of the REngine, they probably had to recreate the assets from scrath as there was no way to directly import assets from the MTFramework (it's what happened with DMC5 after all)
Any more cool DDO webms? I'm trying to forc- "convince" a friend to play
Same. I'll probably cave and get it since I know friends will be getting it but still.
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>For DD2 given the history of the REngine, they probably had to recreate the assets from scrath as there was no way to directly import assets from the MTFramework
You have no fucking clue of how game engines work. Also "RE ENGINE" is a marketing stunt, it's an upgraded version of MT Framework with more graphical features, similar to Dantelion for Fromsoftware.
90% of DD2 bestiary is just straight up ported assets
Ah screw it I just hired Mogrum and Melchior
Some of you are alright. Don't go to channel 4 tomorrow
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>Fromdrones when their slop is put in any sort of negative light
>You have no fucking clue of how game engines work.
NTA, are you >>492987880? The same anon that said that there is absolutely no reason why DD1 skills are missing in DD2? I'm sure you know a lot about how game development works.
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Is there somewhere I can get Troll's Poisonous Moss at lower levels? I need it for level 28 armor, but the spreadsheet has the lowest possible option as a level 42 monster for some god damn reason.
Let me just kill this griffin, I'll post some on the bazaar.
Appreciate it man. I only need one. Just say in chat when it's up.
>there's was no need for From to mostly stick to 1 game's assets when they had 6 games to recylce from
Taking assets is done to focus on creating new ones. There's also the opportunity to rework various game systems to better implement attacks and playstyles that were already there, which is what Elden Ring did. They aren't just straight up copied either, a lot of it received several changes to how they work and they frame data.
You seem to believe that it's just as simple as copy pasting stuff or that Elden Ring
>So really why keep them?
They aren't the same at all. Fighter has no parry, but has several alternative ways to use the shield. The counter isn't a parry either, it's a counter. Having Flight Response would be HUGE given the limited jump/air mobility DD2 put. Magick Archer can't dodge nor teleport, a lot of arbitrary limitations feel completely unnecessary
>elemental shield buff
I'm talking about innate elemental
>Expand please
Worse map progression relative to okayer scaling, worse dungeon balancement, lack of features, lack of throwables
>For DD2 given the history of the REngine, they probably had to recreate the assets from scrath as there was no way to directly import assets from the MTFramework (it's what happened with DMC5 after all)
So you believe they can't port assets to DD2? lol do you believe Wilds won't have World assets?
And now some key enemies died so fast that it bugged and isn't opening a door.
This is the bug that I hate the most.
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I swear the admins of this server are going to cause the actual devs to have an aneurysm.
Discord and its concequences etc. etc.
Server shit the bed Big guy, thanks for tagging along.
>that same user also posts in the spanish channel
lol. lmao even
nvm I'm just racist, I didn't realize that same guy was also a dev
He's one of the main devs as far as I can see, maybe not most contributions on github as of late but seems to be one to approve a lot of pushes and consult other devs.
And to be clear this exact thing of Dix/Ritox just not having up to date shit and triggering the actual devs has been going on for over a year.
they didn't play DD before? Cause for me if you're sold on DD then you're also sold on DDO, besides some obvious differences, which mostly steam from it being a multiplayer game instead of a singleplayer one, it's very much still just DD (but a bit flashier i guess). Like so far the only "downgrade" is grabs being completely different, but still
P.S. I went to grab a bite, I'll rejoin in a bit.
How do you even make the IR 75 weapons? Do you have to organize a raid party to take down one of the Lv 87 bosses or just pure grinding autism.
You didn't need to reply
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Hopebros, what's our status?
Big Guy
~40 (about to increase greatly maybe)
High Scepter

Dim slice LV10, Terror blast LV10, Full moon light LV7, Mirage Shift LV6
skills are likely to change
Anyone happen to have giant tough pelt or know where to find it at low level?
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I'll believe it when I see it. If it does happen though, it's pretty much guaranteed to have been directed by this guy and I'd be curious to see how he handles it.
ur mum gay
There's a level 38-39 (IIRC) manticore inside Dreed Castle that drops it
This guy shits out kino
Thank you anon, I'll go there.
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>"Sir, another cope has hit the general."
why is the quality on this so ass
Yeah summoning higher level pawns was the solution to the level 49 quest.
What a piece of shit design choice.
It's a little hidden so just look for this specific trap door in the lower levels of the map (top right). Courtesy of our friend Septiego
The Rift is a bit of an idiot, do not trust him.
DDO Riftposts are gonna be rather long for those that have 3 pawns...
>tranny pawn
lol nope
Only posting one or two per thread is probably the way to go.
you could just format it like this:
>Arisen Name
John Dogma
>Pawn Name
(left) Pawn1 - Vocation - Level - Skill1/Skill2/Skill3/Skill4
(middle) Pawn2 - Vocation - Level - Skill1/Skill2/Skill3/Skill4
(right) Pawn3 - Vocation - Level - Skill1/Skill2/Skill3/Skill4
Pippi is level 50 now, been experimenting with different damage skills.
Gal is 48, she's getting a new shield today finally. And her AI shouldn't be completely ass right now.
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I was doing some BBI dungeons earlier today and got these crests from the Cockatrice at Picturesque Grotto.
Didn't know you could get crests like this.
>Taking assets is done to focus on creating new ones.
Sure but a very significant chunk of ER assets are straight reskins from 6 other games
And it's not even a Majora's Mask situation where they use the old assets in clever new ways
It's not even a DD2 where they change properties and AI of the old assets
They are straight the old assets with a new coat of paint and even worse is the fact they shamelessly repeat them thorughout the whole game
>There's also the opportunity to rework various game systems to better implement attacks and playstyles that were already there, which is what Elden Ring did.
I argue it didn't because all those tweaks and new attacks still mostly suck compared to Roll+R1 and the playstyle is still primarly Rollspam and R1spam
>They aren't the same at all. Fighter has no parry,
Perfect block and shield literally serve that purpose
>but has several alternative ways to use the shield.
So in the end the shield mechanics are even better than in DD1
>The counter isn't a parry either, it's a counter.
So is Clairvoyance idiot
Did you forget your own point?
>Having Flight Response would be HUGE given the limited jump/air mobility DD2 put.
No more limited than the first game
The series isn't DMC5
>Magick Archer can't dodge nor teleport, a lot of arbitrary limitations feel completely unnecessary
Because MA now isn't also a melee vocation, it's firmly a long-range vocation
>do you believe Wilds won't have World assets?
it will probably have, but they are probably recreated assets, not direct imports
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so i know there's a xp penalty for having higher level pawns, but is there a penalty/reduction based also on the number of pawns/party member you have? This is about DDO, i feel like i kinda need more than just me and my pawn to go through story quests so i want to know how this shit works
There isn't, just level difference
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So I tried DD2 after MSQ on DA and I gotta say the game definitely looks prettier.

However is it just me or does the game feel weighty a bit different than the first? I was trying both fighter and thief as melee and combat feels sluggish? I mean it looks cool that they have weight but that feels a bit more slower than DA with all the animation canceling. Just threw me off

So this game definitely getting reworked back to become a better Dark Arisen right?
From 5 days to 4 days to 3 days every new thread
We're so back
>So this game definitely getting reworked
Yeah I think I'm going to wait for the final edition of the game with dlc included and addons and other stuff. I'm on console so any faults the game has cannot be modded or cheated.

Back to Dark Arisen time to endgame and access DLC
You mean the expansion that just added BBI abd didn't do much to the main game? DD2's combat is great. I think I'm the minority where I actually like the weightiness of the combat. DD2 needs an actual overall of the main game to fix outstanding issues.
I think I'll delete my Pawn from the directory
Changing from handmade animations to mocap is a big part of it.
Getting mocapped animations to look good while also being as quick and snappy as the first game would have been really difficult.
Beyond that, I imagine the added weight behind movements was intentional anyways.
I like both systems for different reasons, and don't mind that they changed it in 2. It takes time to get used to it, so just give it a bit more time.
I thought the event ends today, I was farming like mad.
>23 hours left
lol me too
Thank anon, that thing was tough but I got it.
Autistic headcanon :
Upbeat war drums and aulos pipes while training
Harmonica while out camping
Sometimes asks the Arisen to play the kalimba/harp to help her sleep
Doesn't really like hearing people sing

Not sure what the modern equivalent would be but there'd probably be some heavy metal in there, maybe j-rock even.
DDO is just great. It's sort of sad you have to hope no streamer or someone discovers it, for obvious reasons.
>It's not AL anymore
>It's DOGM
Servers can barely handle the small number of people as is. If it blows up because of some streamer or YouTuber, it'll basically be DDON's version of SS13's Ssethtide.
Only a matter of time before baldie discovers it and unleashes his army of zoomers
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so what was the point of Beastren when the crux of different races in RPGs is them offering different gameplay experiences by way of pros/cons, and the Beastren didn't have even that going for them
I'm perfectly fine with it staying relatively unknown, I can still play with you guys and have fun.
Unfinished game, rushed development, budget cut, etc, etc, etc.
How far can lvl 40 ich gear take you before you have to move to the next tier? material requirements are kind fucking insane.
I used to change every 5 levels, then it became 10 then 20, it just gets harder to craft at higher levels.
only thing i can see them having would be night vision, otherwise them being "humans with feline traits" means they're just hairier humans, no superstrength or anything like that
it was a stupid idea anyway starting with the name itself, "beastren" but they're only cats. Like i completely get focusing on the kingdom that has only cat-like beastren, but i don't see why that should also limit the character you create (which has no real origin anyway so it wouldn't be bound by the game focusing on the cat kingdom). And now that i'm on it there's the opposite of that as well, having elves and dwarves as races in the game but you can't make elves and dwarves (or well, i guess you can kinda make elves but they're not really elves)
Fucking brutal.
thanks, now if only i wouldn't get disconnected everytime i hire a pawn only to log back in and find that i need to hire that pawn again
I've resigned myself to farming gold and just buying equipment
That said, are there any armor store at all past level 50?
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Too late
Not for the moment no, past lvl 45 you'll have to craft stuff.
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The village after the purification chamber sells level 49 shit but it costs 320000 gold for each piece lol
I'm hopping since April, but I'm expecting nothing.
>Fast thread because of MMOslop
But at what cost
You've got slop for brains, baiter-kun.
I said brb Nd got dc'd frest stuff, thanks for the BBI bros.
>The rift
>News and source
Fucking kek.
New Thread
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Beastren ladies make me hard, that's all that matters.
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