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Previous: >>492160412

>Ordeal Call III: Neo-Primate Succession War, Archetype Inception:
●Event period: Aug 28 ~ Oct 31 JST (2 Months).
▶If you clear OC III during the opening period, a new free quest will appear on the blank Earth.
▶Part 2: September 11.
▶Final Part: September 25.

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! ~ Dubai Strikes Back:
●Event period: Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST (7 weeks).
▶Login Bonus: 12 Golden Apples and 66 Silver Apples (It also counts for the duration of OC III)
▶Welfare Servant: To be revealed?
▶This event is scheduled to be added to the Main Interlude.

>Lostbelt No.4 Clear Support Campaign:
●Sep 1 ~ Sep 30 JST.
▶Recollection Quests: 6 Golden Apples and 600 Mana Prisms.
▶Limited Master Missions: 20 Hellfire of Wisdom, 400 Evocation Leaves, 1 Rare Prism, 3 SQ and 1 Crystallized Lore.

>Lostbelt No.4 Clear Support PU Summon:
●Sep 1 ~ Sep 8 JST.
5*Berserker Arjuna Alter (limited)
4*Archer Aśvatthāman (permanent)
3*Archer William Tell (permanent)
●Sep 3 ~ Sep 10 JST.
5*Archer Arjuna (permanent)
4*Saber Lakshmibai (permanent)
3*Caster Asclepius (story locked)

>Archetype Inception BB Dubai PU Summon:
●Aug 28 ~ Oct 9 JST.
5*Moon Cancer BB Dubai
4*Moon Cancer Tenochtitlan
4*Foreigner Mysterious Heroine XX Alter
All limited

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! C.I.E.L PU Summon:
●Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST.
5*Moon Cancer Mysterious Agent C.I.E.L
4*Lancer Dobrynya Nikitich
4*Avenger Xu Fu
All limited.

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! Karna PU Summon:
●Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST.
5*Lancer Karna
4*Lancer Percival
Both permanent.

>Pastebin for utility links:
Summer 7 rerun next year, please
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>btfo by Otome games
If FGO can't win in a month that was pure anni and summer it has nothing.
cute selfcest
It doesn't matter, the ending is next year.
I'd be kind if happy as FGO is long past it's expiration date
Just realized I don't have the living human bond CE. Bros...
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I think Hakuno (me) and Gudao (me) should fuck Gudako (me) and Hakunon (me).
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Let me guess: Your favorite song is Beep Beep I'm a Sheep.
Dont know what that is. Is it FGOs newest theme song?
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Personally I think that the biggest mistakes were
>tying summer, an event that despite everything is cherished and had fun moments and interactions, to OC, which is filler and A LOT of nips hate it
>2 months
Based on previous Servants, I don't think nips have a problem with Anni servants like Summer Eresh/Servantverse Eresh, I mean Tonelico/Summer Morgan definetly was very welcomed even if it had some controversial opinions, the problem is the way they handled it. Summer is like that kind of a break and a chance for comfyness and interactions.
And after the interviews with Nasu, this feels like he is legit wanting to kill even that break and interaction. I've been long enough in this franchise to understand how Nasu's mind works, and it's very likely that's his way of "killing" interest the same way he did for Halloween. And it sucks.
My only hope is that at the end, OC3 can be at least as good as OC2 or LB6, it's legit the only way I can think right now so Summer+OC3 are not ruined, cause you know, despite everything I don't want this game to fall even further.
enkidu? for me
Summer events suck ass.
>BBschizo made another thread again
We're not even getting a summer event next year.
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Read faggots.
>nasu said he wanted to kill summer
>somehow managed by killing all hype with oc
>even if it doesnt kill the interest of summer, there is a high chance that we will indeed, not have a summer next year
Can someone just kill this faggot and put another one in charge? I've never seen so much commitment to literally shitting on everything else for the sole purpose of pandering to themselves.
>>even if it doesnt kill the interest of summer, there is a high chance that we will indeed, not have a summer next year
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Castoria my beloved
>no summer Kuku
Thats why this event is bad
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too ugly
…in opposite world
just report and ignore
in the end it will be him replied to himself again
more chocoservants
exhibitionists too
Can someone explain to me how Raikou is half Oni and somehow divine at the same time? Also why was her father surprised she was half Oni? Did he get cucked or did he fuck a woman he didn't know was an Oni?
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>beni-chan we can almost see your tits
I legitimately do not understand what the flying fuck happened to the man. This franchise used to be quite something, how one manages to completely fuck up this bad is beyond me.
But you told me it's a boy.
AFK journey? huh!?
so this, is the power of space ereshkigal...
Reminder that chinese revenue is literally made up.
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I still don't understand why we have to do the order calls when we spend 3 years doing the 7 lostbelts
Its still bad and the huge drop in ZZZ might be true regardless the store.
Double the clapbait, triple the profits
Yes but its literally made up.
The data isn't reported anywhere and the guy just randomly puts a multiplier on unrelated data.
I am pretty sure it worked because we just didn't know how bad it was gonna be summer+oc3
This game is never going to die is it?
You're stuck here forever.
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I remember they couldn't get the numbers right when Hotaru made her debut in HSR or I don't know if it was on Global server or Android
15th Anni
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Without china made up numbers it look like this
wow 27M
totally peak right?
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Best girl
No summer.
None of these numbers are right due to private storefronts and now that Aniplex is appealing to the gigawhales by offering their own shop FGO numbers are going to be off even more. Well though desu all the Hoyoslop is making way more money than depicted already.
This is actually really low for fgo during August I remember last year it was over 50M and the one before it was over 70M, I guess we'll never hit those numbers again but it's still very good because this game makes way more than what's invested into it.
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She showed up this summer
Its enough
She was tasked to investigate BB, and she just got randomly erased when the chapter started LMAO
Of course FGO will never hit those numbers again. They can still probably milk 4-5 more years but every year it will decline a bit more. Luckily they need just the minimum about of money to keep servers up
Chiyome is the kind of girl that even with no alt seems to be liked by the public and the devs enough to throw her in whenever they can.
I don't know when her popularity rose but I appreciate it.
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I hate Extra and the Extraverse so, so much.
I like the idea but not how it was executed, these computers BB shouldn't have taken the center stage but an omnicient AI, with an original design, messing things around are always a neat plot for a sci-fi genre but Fate should always focus on the grail war and fighting between heroes.
Based Sakuraichad.
I also hate Sakurai most of the time. Extella was a crime against humanity.
I fucking hate Tamamo.
She hasn't done shit in like a decade so I'm looking forward to the extra remake.
>extraverse breakout characters were Tamamo, Robin and Liz (Thread)
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>don't know when her popularity rose
Even though the writers ignore her when they use the atlantis gang.

Chiyomes just giga fucked in general
>Sengoku servant but not GudaGuda so ignored there, fucking Takeda doesnt have a line for her despite her being his niece and head of his intelligence
>Ignored for Shuten/Ibuki stuff
>Less popular than the cups so Hiroyamas not likely ever going to push her for summer
She seems to be a popular inclusion to randomly bully or act goofy which is nice.
Yeah I don't know why they're not the focus of the mooncancer chapter instead.
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Devs are aware that she is popular and unlike others, they actually throw a snack or even a cake for Chiyomebros, so in general I am satisfied.
Will not hurt to give her a more erotic dress though
Yea you cant really bitch too hard when shes beating like 80% of the cast.
Im just incredulous over how stupid her exclusion in Takeda stuff is. GudaGuda was a mistake
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>OC1 was sakurashit+extrashit
>OC3 is Sakurashit+extrashit YET AGAIN
Nasu is so biased I will not be surprised if the rest of OC that involves non-sakura ends up with you having to say goodbye, while OC1 and OC2 let you keep sakuras.
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Im a Nasu lore expert.
After sleeping on it I have decided BB Dubais third ascension will not show up in the story at all and will have had zero reason to lock.
he pulled the same shit with oberon
Was was the Extra stuff in OC1?
Oberon's 3rd did show up
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Anon the entire chapter was about Rani AIs
It's worse than normal because the big whales moved to the Aniplex accounts for the 5% discounts and there's no way to track that. All the big games are desperate to dodge the 30% fees from Apple and Google so if it means offering a cheaper price to the consumer to cut out the middleman they'll do it.
She was there because she's an Atlas homomculus though. She even turns into Dust of Osiris.
Playable Ranni when?
Rani, Sakura AI
This anni.
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I would like to remind everyone that OC1 was so badly received that it didn't even rank in the famitsu poll
OC1 just kind of confirms to me none of the OCs were coordinated or thought out.

Imagine using the Rani AIs there then doing a literal Extra chapters about AI later where they dont even show up
it is a little silly to do an Extra Class chap without any of the familiar Extra Classes characters
Nasu strikes me as sort of resenting Fate for overshadowing his older ideas even if they simply weren't good. There's a reason he's scraping the bottom of the barrel to try and find obscure shit he wrote decades ago and throw it into Fate, and act like everyone knows and loves it. Except it isn't elevating his prior works, it's only dragging down Fate.
Also Nasu has wanted to write sci-fi since he started except he's not very good at it so it never caught on. He's found an avenue that the general audience tolerates with BB and Servantverse but that means he has to mask his sci-fi stuff with layers of irony, which is one of the worst parts of "modern" media.
don't look foggsubro
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I still dont fully get the alter ego class after their OC lmao
>Its a servant but one trait is exemplified
Which is literally what alt classes are.
Herc as a Berserker is his madness exemplified.
But he and Cu arent alter egos, they are berserkers.

Its almost like the class exists just to fuck around with psuedos or something.
>but Fate should always focus on the grail war and fighting between heroes.
No, anon, don't you know Fate was akshually NEVER about the Grail and the mythological heroes? They were just there because, uh, they just were, okay?
cute af
canon wife on fgo soon
What do you think happened to Nasu to have him be so fixated on Sakura.
Like, was his childhood crush a victim of molestation?
Neither Extra, FSN or FGO are about grails or heroes.
>canon wife on fgo soon
We never had this on other gacha games, did we?
rope yourself Nasu
Nasu is Sakura
He liked Utena and probably tried to write Sakura as his own version of Anthy.
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uh what, emergency maint?
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Shit, my AP is going to overflow.
Alright, so, you've got Heroic Spirits which are all the legends about someone collected into one dude. When you summon that HS as a Servant, you get only bits and bobs of that total Heroic Spirit, which is basically the same as summoning a particular facet of that hero.

So, as an example: for Herc, what you get as a Berserker is him having just gone bugfuck and killed his family. If you were to summon him as an Archer you'd get him at the top of his game, probably, maybe something like just after the Twelve Labours are done. You could probably also summon him before he'd actually done anything yet, him with his other wives, and maybe him as the god of heroism et cetera.

The thing is, to make the HS fit into the Servant container, you've got to shave the other bits away. Those extra bits have to go somewhere, and when enough of them collect, that can grow into something "new" which is an Alter-Ego. It's called that because it's a possibility that didn't exist for the original and yet it's still connected.

Obviously the explanation for what any class is or does is muddied by the fact that F/GO just gives out classes for shits and giggles. An additional problem is that you've got Alter-Egos as a class and Alter-Egos as a concept and the two don't always match.
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>sudden maintenance
I hope something fucked up and there's a rollback
I have once again failed to get Arjuna Alter
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it's fine
I don't have to write paragraphs on why the mushroom hates my love when the man himself posts on /frog/ saying so on his own.
Granblue has had multiple amusingly
>Married to Alliah as part of the main story
>Multiple marriages in characters uncaps
Most games just make the canon main heroine someone you get at the start so Firefly is somewhat unique in that regard I guess.
fuck you, i just got BB with my very last 30 quartz
I see.
They could do also like Unicorn Overlord. You get to pick a girl but it is heavily implied and even teased with one specific girl that polygamy is both real and even something to expect.
speaking of foggsu you guys watch that chink blockbuster movie featuring daji? shit is fucked up yo
Melu banner when...
Thats more or less what Priconn does afaik.
Producer even told militant shippers to fuck off and all the girls are canon.

I think most games just sort of choose to do nothing and leave it up to interpretation.
Which is what FGO does 50% of the time with the other 50% random Mashu cockblocking.
What happened?
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I'm here with you, friend.
>It makes no sense for Mooncancer to get Link Lost'd actually.
>this retard
It's literally a class that only decides about humanity's ending. The complete opposite of Novum Chaldea's stated mission. So yeah, it's getting lost something since it's against Guda's journey as were Avenger's class not need for a journey of salvation.
Now fuck off with your useless sluts.
>coping already
Oh, that’s fake.
He doesn't resent Fate when he's still trying to push Extra garbage on us. He resents FSN and FGO for being popular.
They should have added a real Anni Servant instead of a summer meme.
Ciel was your anni servant
You were just pranked
No, he resents the fact his sci-fi shit is not popular
He literally offs them all (except Nurse in one ending) in CCC though.
>it's only dragging down Fate.
I agree with this. Best course of action is just completely separate Fate as a setting. I threw up at his attempt to shill Star Ciel.
You're never getting Agravain.
Give up now.
>resenting Fate for overshadowing his older ideas
But he's also rehashing stuff from Old Fate (the one with Ayaka and male Arthur that got repurposed into Prototype) like Beasts.
I say real anniversary Servant. A Shittyhime literally who doesn't qualify either. At least they got enough self-awareness to realize that.
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Yeah I'm out.
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Saber bros?
The original plan for the OC1 was using multiple Sakura AIs as the main antagonists so it could have been even more tone deaf
Scheduled https://news.fate-go.jp/2024/0902vmail/
It's almost as if Nasu doesn't care about FGO as much as some of you do.
Wasnt mashu
When the Sakura idea was turned down Mashu was suggested.
honestly I kinda wanted to see MAIshu since they're not really doing much with her for OC
Then Nasu brought her in for his. Boss priviledges I guess. But I did wanna see her becoming friends with Lip for like 3-4 years so I can't be too mad.
We know that, FGO is a cashgrab if Nasu actually cared, he wouldn't have made a gacha or hire random artist drawing coombait then throwing a historical/mythical name on them
He should pass it to another writer, really.
>Cagliostro is just Douman. But SEIMEI is Edmond
Extremely lame.
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Wonder why super computers are so obsessed with literal who from a small city in Japan.
AI versions of higher up of the Clock Tower would have at least made more sense.
We've had Seimei talk and he's nothing like Edgeman.
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I'm saying that Cagliostro's character is the same as Douman's, and seethes at Edmond's existence the way Douman seethes at Seimei.
It's lazy writing
Seimei is unironically more like Sei
Im all in on the Sei=Mei joke
>or hire random artist drawing coombait then throwing a historical/mythical name on them
you just described WADA and extra
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uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... why tf is there a maint
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CEO Bob.
They're updating the game to make it good finally.
cant believe the company went bankrupt a day in
they read the feedback on /fgog/ and making changes
can't believe all instances of Passionlip in this event/OC are being replaced with Morgan/Castoria
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don't forget to touch yourself
Berserker Heracles is still just Heracles
Archer Heracles is still just Heracles
Neither one is any more or less heracles

Alter ego Gilgamesh is fully human Gilgamesh, which isn't the same as just Gilgamesh summoned into a different class. It's a divided spirit taking a single aspect of him and making it the entire thing. Alter ego can be used to create things not possible within reality. By removing 90% of the heroic spirit and minmaxing a single aspect of them, you can create something not possible normally.
Alter ego can create fully autistic versions of heroes based on a very small aspect of their legend blown up into a huge aspect, and removing everything else.
The harsh reality.
So why is Kiara an alter ego
Are these the new wojaks?
It seems like it.
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Lolno, I love all 4 properties and I don't dislike any crossovers between them, tribalist people who enjoy being miserable do not represent me or the people who have been playing the game since 2015, since they got onboard because it was more Type-Moon this time for free.
Sometimes I genuinely use "I am the bone of my sword." As a mantra to psych myself up.
I hope so. At least there's a layer of comedy to the way they're drawn, unlike wojaks which are just intentionally soulless spam, bordering on grotesque.
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Hakuno hovering above Gudako's legs is very in character.
She's a divided spirit of herself
>Beast(main self)
>Cuts off part of itself
>Divided aspect becomes the alter ego
So why is Okita Alter an alter ego and not other alters
Why is the previous thread from 4 days ago?
Project KV; it's a new game by the original writer of BA and the three main character designers of BA, including the two primary art directors, all of which left Nexon and BA's development team.
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Am I reading this right?
The only rewards for clearing the Super Recollection Quests this time is just A HUNDRED mana prisms??? That's it???? 100 green cubes? Not even teapots????
When are they gonna grow a pair of balls and put actual valuable rewards behind "hard" and "difficult" content? I guess they actually fear the casual and newfag player base that doesn't even play the game and complain because some quests like ORT and OLGAs quest are too hard for them.
What a fucking waste of time.
This, except for the last panel, nothing redeemable with FGO
That's the one where even takeuchi says he isn't sure what Nasu decided it. Although nothing about okita alter makes sense.

>She's an alter ego of okita as a baby
>When okita was dying as a baby her sister sold her soul to the world to save her life
>Okita alter was okitas karma paid to the world in exchange for the miracle
>Someone who isn't okita and yet also is okita, someone who is destined to suffer forever as a living bomb who's sent to singularities to blow herself up until the end of time suffering forever, until she reaches the end of the universe, the eternal white
>Guda has said that one day he'll find her there at the end of the world and save her, where she waits forever at the end of time and the end of space
All gacha games are earning less in general, seems like people are finally realizing spending so much money on PNGs is fucking retarded.
Globally maybe, the collective IQ of nips, gooks and chinks aka gacha drooling addicted retards from East Asian will always overspend on pixels and support pay2win trash games
>check news
>"Pls clear LB4 already"
>worst august ever, even worse than 2020 mid pandemic
it's so over.
>have an entire month of free story progress across the board, all the way up through LB7
>one month later, have another free story event, but just for LB4
If yall hate F/GO why yall here?
You are a raid.
She was a flop anon
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Fuck them skinny bitches. Eat a burger, sluts.
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OC3 is looking epic
Maintenance WHY?
Too many SSRs were distributed, oy vey shut it down
Is this real?
I love ribs detail.
God, I want to lick her belly button
Did they change how they count revenue?, years ago the top 5 games would be making 60M+ in this list
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Genshit is flopping hard even with a new nation Lmao
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Mihoyo seems to really want to kill genshin
Project KV, apparently Nexon tried to pull a Nexon (to the surprise of no one but zoomer BA players), some of the devs didn't like it and are now making their own game that looks exactly like BA (Project KV)
Genshit is waiting for their new Archon and the Sugiyama voiced character to live out their Naruto dreams.
At least they have a game to play, even if it's some Zelda asset rip
god what I wouldn't give for F/GO to follow Extella's footstep in terms of graphics anyways, why is this shitty 2000s Flash Game still making money?
>black desert is still the most graphically stunning MMO on the market
>it's on mobile now
I dont know if its just better teams
But its wild how much better ZZZ and Star Rails trailers and such are.
Genshin's run its course. People have too many good units and newcomers can't even approach half the content because of the pissing contest between powercreep and difficulty.
Why does Mihoyo keep releasing gachashit?
Because they have made three back to back absurd hits?
Genshin alone has made over 5 billion dollars.

Like my personal thoughts on their games aside compare them to other companies who had hit gacha games and made new ones like Square Enix, Cygames, DW lol and they tend to be one hit wonders or at least have a complete failure here or there.
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It's real.
Foggsu can't keep up anymore.
>why does a company that can only make gachashit keep releasing gachashit
Why are there so many ching chongs shilling their garbage, if your game is so god why don't you fags play it and stop with this off topic bullshit.
Chinks hate mihoyo, only gambling addicted coomers play their slop. That's why the chinks are very proud of Black Myth Wukong because finally a popular game came out of their country that wasn't gambling goon slop
It’s made them money why wouldn’t they?
Full FSF anime season announcement in 2 weeks. You guys excited?
Personally they fucked up with the la signora and wanderer situation.
because you have to be a soulless freak to make gachashit
Where prototype?
Not really, I don't watch anime anymore.
check nasu's trash bin
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>losing to another sakura face
All I see is Honkai clearing F/GO
ngl nearly started that hoyoslop because of this slut.
Got her model in KK instead to fuck so I think I won.
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>OC3 can be at least as good as OC2 or LB6
>Extra shit
>Dogshit cast
>Servant Universe
>Nasu scifi

It's the opposite of good kek. OC2 had an urban fantasy setting (inside guda). LB6 was high fantasy. Readers and players like fantasy.
AFK journey just began so their numbers will drop. But Love and Deepspace is truly taking off. Considering how shit are the eastern asian incels, now women are a huge market because they don't want them in real life.
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fate isn't a dying franchise?
Which hoyoslop character is Redman gonna fuck silly?
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firefly is uncuckeable tho
The Nahida moment makes Melushit looks good
What's the appeal of schizusine?
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Himeko probably
Being cucked by her emotionally (Aurora), and cucked physically (Percival, Nemo, Astolfo) while she lies how she's your fated lover yet never once said Aishiteru like she said to Aurora.
Also having her official artist making a yuri doujin
>he trust Mihomo
Bro? Your Nahida moment?
>he's still bumping his thread
it's 9/11 where's my ahmed servant
different team
The female MC, he's a slut for female Hakunon and he likes Rin too. Not for male MCs because Nasu insists on Shirou being straight so Emiya has to be straight too.
ITS UP!!!!!!!!!!!
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It won't go up...
Why is the previous thread link wrong?
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Gareth is a girl???
wtf was the point of that maintenance
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LB4 trailer? Huh? Why?
ZZZ....zZzzzz *snore*
>30 quartz
Did everyone get this? I tried a 10-roll right before the emergency maint, was there a rollback?
Remember when they said they'd run an event in between OC3's dead time? It was Road to 7 rerun with new super recollection quests lmao. No tickets or pots though, just apples and mana prisms.
Skill levelling/unlocking is so damn time inefficent.
I don't need a cutscene for all the steps.
I got the 2900 day Quartz at least (don't ask about the scribble)
Huh? Why. I hot nothing. Help
He's lying to you.

We actually got 60 quartz.
Its cause you're an oldfag only sub 2k dayers got the 90 quartz
Huh? 120 quartz!?
>150 quartz
We won newfagsbros.
Day 1 fags actually get 180 quartz
What what.
>try to finish this shitty summer
>Infinite loading on the second to last node
New bond CE increases bin for all casters by 20% when maxed
wtf I didn't get any quartz
I've been playing for 3000 days if that matters
The back ground of the fight is a credits roll.
There's the portraits of all the servants you fight in the summer event and their name scrolling like a powerpoint presentation in the back ground.
It's fucking cancer.
Get better phones gramps
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Well its good for one thing
I'm through the google store my nigger
Oh crap no wonder. It's probably phone melting shit
I'm not your nigger
I actually used an emulator so I didn't have problems, but the first time I looked at it I could only think "what the hell are they >thinking"
Mordred is about to fall in the Breast Valley, rip
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the sexiest
No bro, no matter how much you spam this gif ciel's still the shittiest summer servant we ever gotten
you can cope now
hope we get something tomorrow
careful bro it almost looks like you're seething
Remind me why we can't have a consistent way to get teapots like from login bonus or weekly missions again
GudaBB love
Gareth and Caenis have her beaten there in my opinion.
What's next, a consistent way to get saplings? You're crazy bro
One more shitty recollection quest
They would unironically go bankrupt if they let you farm bond any faster.-
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Do you think they're ever gonna figure out to have a Bleached Earth EXP All node? It might be the ideal time with OC3 now since Eresh beats all Extras aside Avengers.
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>Nasu says he wants to end the game in 2020: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, DON'T KILL FGO! ANOTHER 20 YEARS, AT LEAST!"
>meanwhile in 2024: "Final chapter when? Please put this kusoge out of its misery"
What happened?
I mean, something worth of giving a fuck about
The writing is much worse now than it was at the start of part 2.
gtfo FSNcuck
Not a single person yadda yadda?
Imagine grabbing Xu Fu's dumb plushie and sit on it
Like >>492774614 said. OC3 just showed that Nasu went full retard with writing, he's clearly done with the game and wants it to end.
why the hate tho
Then no.
I wish I was joking but aside from more shitty fights for worthless rewards, you can at most expect a strenghtening for someone from the 2nd rate up (Archer Arjuna, Lakshimi Bai, William Tell) or Santa Karna.
I want chuuni autistic Nasu back, not ebin vidya and capeshit referencinos Nasu. And old Araki while we are at it
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He wants Araki to become old instead of stay the same forever.
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Look at old drawings of Jotaro and compare them to how Araki draws him nowadays
One thing this game really failed to do was give the player any reason to really care about saving humanity. there are less than 10 humans we are given any reason to feel invested into and not a single of them really benefit from a restored world.
If anything our few interactions with the normal world are negative and we all just know that once things go back to normal the MA will try to fuck Gordolf and Nu-Chaldea over.
I really think that if given a choice between saving mankind or incarnating all servants in a new humanless world over half the player base wouldn't hesitate to pick the latter.
he's aking for it
She's not even the top 3 shittiest summer servants from this year
I’ll believe in GudaBB love til’ the very end.
I like how he's spamming way less in these several threads, as if that'll save him from getting deleted kek
FGO itself ending is one thing but this horrifically bad excuse of a story arc needed to end a thousand yesterdays ago.
They announced the ending of Part 2 but I feel like other than the fact that "it's the ending" there is very little real "hype" for it because everything is a fucking mystery box. It's hard to give a shit about fighting the Alien God when we don't know what the fuck the Alien God is other than "Chaldeas." Marisbury is basically a nobody unless you watched the anime special and maybe Case Files. Why are we supposed to care about who shot David Bluebook when we don't know why David Bluebook is important at all? What are we saving Earth from? We don't fucking know shit. We only know some implications to obvious reveals but we don't know how they're even relevant at this point. "Olga is Specimen E," OK, but why? And by why I mean, isn't the whole thing a LARP? Didn't Sion say that the Bleaching is just switching the inside of Chaldeas with Earth? How is Olga being Specimen E still important? It's just mystery pilled upon mystery except we're given no reason to even care why the mysteries are mysteries because their relevance is also a mystery box.
I dont think even the most radical shitposter would have guessed part 2 still isnt done in 2020
They're still adding more mystery boxes like
>Kirschtaria was doing... something
Like who gives a fuck that he was doing "thing", why can't we know what he was doing at this point in the story?
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When did we go from "don't think too hard about it" to "not think about it at all"?
A long time ago.
somewhere around here
Pretty sure the earliest form of that meme is Prilya's "Don't think, Image". So a very ling time ago.
>append skill gate
>Project KV gate
>impregnation gate
Which game had the best/worst August shitstorm?
>Project KV
just googled this lmao is this why the main scenario guy left ba?
The main scenario and the main artists. Anon said it right in the last thread, it's as if Nasu, Takeuchi and let's say Wada left FGO to work in barely legally distinct enough FGO.
we have 15 party options instead of 10?
how long has this been a thing?
Genshin when white girls and some coconut nigghers in Twitter started crying cultural appropiation because of their new nation, but they suddenly forgave mihomo because one of the new events will have fujoshit pandering.
Anni iirc
>Nasu, Takeuchi and let's say Wada left FGO
That would be good
We only need Sakurai and Raita
BBspic for the love of god stop talking about gookgame in here already.
Wrong previous
I’m too busy dooming over my favorite GudaSaba. it’s another anonymous that’s talking about BA
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yeah my bad
I usually do the OP in notepad and I forgot to change it
You need to post a picture of Abby having bareback baby making sex as an apology.
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I don't really have many nsfw images of Abby
Ehh the multithreads last few days were a clusterfuck
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Gay sexo
Where's the dick?
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Gil doesn't like it like that
it's smooth down there and created on demand
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He's the "Ken" of FGO
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You now remember Helena exists
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Why is kot like this?
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>"Good boy!"
>all seven mooncancers have random AI masters who summoned them for the mooncancer war to end humanity
It's such an odd detail when you think about it, unless it becomes important enough to become relavent. In a story already packed with details though it's odd. It's one of those details that's so unimportant that it becomes important.
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Only the unnatural Mooncancers are like this.
>Edison and his soldiers get compressed by passionlip
>After MC group leaves "Haha, since time was compressed I spent a year in theoretical time creating an anti-compression program, in reality less than a minute has passed"
>Actually its been three hours
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I didn't need a reminder
Sorry, but you lost me.
my beloved
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Amongus BB is kinda cute
Sus tits
>All versions of me like the same thing. This shared core is our definition of love.
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You don't even deserve a pity (you)
The only way I'd believe this is if they suddenly announced the next event is LB4 locked.
no one gives a shit about indians in this game
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Why are flat women so attractive?
flat is justice
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it is what it is
I really don't want that to happen.
I like Rama well enough but we all know what to couples on this game, even worse a Sakurai couple
They would go from a one-sided characters to half of one each.
>Game has no NP skip
>Have to put down the phone and wait eight minutes for the enemies turn to be over as the AI cheats its ass off if they ever let the enemy take a turn, which is why three turn farming is so important in this game to begin with because its the only way to stop bullshit wait times.
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hakunon welfare confirmed
I expected Beasts lair to actually know the lore, but they really are no better than Reddit
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The character /fgog/ hates the most and her womanlet chaperone.
The people on that place legit hate Guda, some of them want nothing more than for Hakuno to join and for the extra servants to discard Guda like trash.
Funny that for a place that acts like they care about lore they are perfectly willing to ignore it as long as the one they dislike is getting fucked
>Traum keeps jacking off Zhang Jue as stronger than top rank servants
I don't even know who this guy is
But you don't know anything anon.
>Make it to Zhang Jue's lair, kill him, now we can find out what secret he's been keeping he-
>OH NO the building is collapsing, quick quick run away, run away before we accidentally find out information
>Make it to area 51, now we can finally find out-
>OH NO the building is collapsing, quick quick run away before we accidentally find out information

I hate the retarded cliche way this game is written
I would actually prefer it if one of these times they just decided "Yeah they enemy rigged it to explode but I turned it off ahead of time. Now for once lets actually learn shit without bullshit getting in the way, and without holmes telling us its not time yet"
You might know him by the name Zhang Jiao If you ever touched any DW game.
Chink names are obnoxious as hell and nips localizing them makes everything even more confusing
>Cagliostro and Edmond have history
Why not just make Cagliostro one of Roa's bodies then
Well that user posted the BB Dubai lines tl on Reddit earlier today.
reddit expert
Seven years about BB being all over Guda, literally having an event where her skills get upgrade to (love) versions, to show how her feelings have grown, the original CCC event spells out how she's no the BB from CCC, she's an entirely new BB who likes Guda, trying to pair her off with Hakuno shows you expresely have not paid attention to the lore at all with her, you're just a biased shipfag like the Shiroufags who claim MHXX and Castoria are for Muramasa. They don't give a shit about lore, they just can't get over their bias.

Hakuno specifically had their own BB, who was not the same as FGO BB
The fact they think FGO BB is for Hakuno always shows they're retarded and haven't read anything. Shipperfags are always the people who understand lore the least. I remember when LB6 came out and shipfags kept claiming Castoria went on a date with Muramasa, and that she remembered fate route, only for it to be revealed she went on a date with Guda before going to the opera house, not Muramasa. They always just lie and create wrong headcanon to rationalize their lies.
>Rt7 LB4 rerun
my god
The funniest part is that we have two distinct BBs in this very chapter and people still refuse to accept that CCC and FGO BBs are not the same.
>the most nothing burger gacha ever
the problem with all that is the writers can shift shit on a dime with a single scene or my room line or lore mats line so it's all useless
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when did DUDE become the best gameplay rider?
>Apple and Mana Prism instead of Tickets
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Post servants with no use in gameplay
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I'd like it if this happened. Rama could use a bone thrown at him even if they get reduced to a sickeningly sweet couple (minus chainsawing).
>Rama could use a bone thrown at him
ON the other hand he kind of deserved what happened to him.
He is like an in-game version of one of the retards we have around here that fell for cuckposting so hard that he turned against his loving wife.
Post servants that you hate
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>morgan is gifted a ring
>ereshkigal is gifted a hat
Certainly, club of "We received a canon gift from mastah"
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>Genshit is flopping hard even with a new nation Lmao
The boycott did work, hermanos.

Drunk casual sex with your best friend
OOC garbage
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Reading the thread from that link.. I swear those English speaking low lives are truly retarded.
>t-they're wrong b-because they shit on self insertism!
Yes what an unfair assessment of this general.
The version of him who intentionally cucked himself by creating a clone-son to fuck the woman he loved into becoming a goddess set the standard for a Cagliostro so high that he never had a chance.
OK I enjoy hating on the boy's lovers forum as much as anyone else but that screenshot is just factually right.
It's not like we can get more than a few hours of peace before it starts again
It isn't fair I just wanted Xu Fu damn it
Who do you think actually starts it? The users here simply like to share their favorite girl that’s for (you). I wouldn’t be surprised if those fuckers from BL actually cuckpost here. If there’s one thing I despise about them, it’s their self superiority.
>all this Tonelico and Xu Fu combo
How well they synergize?
Make it stop it's not fair I got NP2 Dob and Ciel but not a single Xu Fu. I'm just going to save what I have left for just incase Kazura is summonable fuck me what a waste of luck and quartz.
Speak for yourself you mentally ill retard
Not everyone is a loser that defines their life with which png is in love
If your hatred of self insert stories biases you so much that you don't understand the lore of the game, you're literally so biased you interpret yes as no and maybe as no, then yes they're wrong. I don't care what you personally want, but the second you're interpreting things wrong out of pure bias or hatred, you are wrong.
Arjuna and Karna shits openly on the streets
That is wrong, they only shit on Guda selfinserts.
Selfinserting as Shiki, Shirou and Hakuno is perfectly acceptable.
They hate FGO while being obsessed about anything type-moon.
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revenue of all gatcha is overall down and yen is weak, therefore in dollars it looks even worse.

still it's reported in 2024/08 72.61億G 15位 vs 2023/08 95.97億G 3.4位 in the other usual site

all are made up numbers anyway, since you can only do an estimate
>they only shit on the soulless slop that is TM turned gacha
Sounds based to me
They could've just made him Roa or Night if Wallachia and not tried to compete directly with Mercurius... and fail
>Who do you think actually starts it?
Go back and read original /fgog/ threads, people thought every girl was for them, there was no shitposting. The first shitposting was Jetfag trying to start power levels shitposting between Lancelot, Vlad, and Heracles; people often forget he's the one who also started meme list shitposting because gilgamesh was originally ranked B tier, until Gilgamesh got an upgrade, then he got angry people kept bringing it up
It was Sanzang or Tamamo or someone who started the original cuckposting, I forget who exactly it was at this point, but once it started that was the end. I look at other general threads; if all girls are accepted to be for you there's peace in the threads, no one even really argues, but the second you have the original sin of cuckposting added to the game, the shitposting never stops. The difference between general threads where self insertion is accepted as good, and self insertion is hated by wannabe cuckposters is night and day, you look what happened to GBF over the years its a massacre. They gaslight you trying to pretend you're the bad element and the cuckposters are merely innocently protecting the game, and really they're the real posters, but if you go back and look at the oldest /fgog/ threads, self insert posters were indeed the originals and cuckposters came much later.

tl;dr - cuckposters and antis who just exist to derail every conversation, with either cuckposting or shitposting, most of whom are schizos are the things that ruined the thread. You can really see it if you go back and read the old threads.
But they're right though? This thread spends 90% of its time arguing about cucks and kizu.
Why are you here? Surely a forum full of excrement huffing, megalomaniacs fits your taste?
>B rank
>newfag who read what other posters talk about and regurgitating it as fact
Appmedia wasn't using letter ranks for tier lists back then, try harder before larping as an oldfag
Gil was 7.5 not B and cuckposting always existed, except sensitive retards like you weren't around to seethe about it, who knew pouring gasoline on a fire spreads it? huh
>Bad story content mixed with gagshit
>Low resolution images because no PC version of the game
>Entire point of the game is to grind up a favorite, but once you do story content locks you into using Mashu + some other shitter
>Terrible gacha rates with the worst pity in the industry
>Outdated 2D graphics with outsourced animations that are low effort
>No content for entire months
>Still #1 ranking gacha
Never let anyone tell you "effort" is how you be successful in life. Remember with below minimal effort FGO has raked in more money than your entire lineages
how many time we have to teach you this lesson, old man?
Twenty years ago you were bitching about cooking scenes in FSN; and now you're complaining about gagshit in FGO
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you first
>The first shitposting was Jetfag trying to start power levels shitposting between Lancelot, Vlad, and Heracles
You are mixing up two different things.
Vlad vs Herc was gameplay shitposting making fun of how bad the 5* was compared to the 4* thanks to arts being shit during the BBB chain era.
Lancelot was powerlevel faggotry involving Herc, Gil and sometimes Karna and Enkidu
You're suggesting bad things don't also take effort which is wrong.
No, it's just you, Georgie.
Stop replying to the larping newfag, him claiming cuckposting didn't exist back then just proves he wasn't around for the first CCC colab
What's wrong with wanting my tastes to be reflected in the MC of the game I play?
legit question
At the very least cuckposting was rarer back then, usually connected to something recent.
I don't think the explosion in cuckposters has anything to do with something that happened in game though, mobage generals as a whole got flooded with cuckposters around the same time.
Around when?
NTA probably around 2016 when election tourists thought spamming bbc cucking was funny.
/vg/ trannitors do a decent enough job to contain bbc so shitposters spam other cuck-adjacent posts, if retards here learn to just ignore it then they will disappear but of course every single cuck post is a direct attack to the stereotypical self-inserter, so they can't help but shit up the whole thread with spam
2017? It was around Agartha release when things started getting really bad iirc
Why are you talking about some irrelevant nigger here? Do you want to make them appear? Who gives a shit about them.
Original poster here. It was Tamamo. The cuckposting broke people mind.
Ever since then we started with the for (You) question.
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the tamago of chaos
How likely is it that Kazura is the welfare at this point?
Either her or Hakunos.
She has a ton of artwork. If she is the welfare then she's likely to be a limited fp welfare.
I still don't know how they determine which servants get to be SSR
They deem Liz to be popular enough for 5 clones yet not one is SSR but ugly ass Arjuna gets two SSRs
You could say the same for the Raitabortions.
Nearly every single liz was a welfare, they never thought she was popular enough to warrant a proper SSR
We still need archer, assassin, berserker, ruler, avenger, mooncancer, foreigner and beast Liz
It was a dartboard from day 1, you had shit like the gorgon twins being different ranks from each other and also outranking half the release cast, or FSN OGs being outranked by newcomer literal whos like AnneMary or D'eon
Whats this face trinna to convey bros?
They are right though
Fgog is the right place all along.
Redditors/Twittards are cuckposters.
Youfag used to be there, now? Those places are just mixed toilets for gay/fujoshit/shipshit.
Beast Lair also full of cuckposters (TMfags)
I'd say its partially dartboard and partially some hackneyed reason between which ones they think will have a more featured skillset and which one should be "rarer" in terms of how easily summonable the servant is according to Nasu.
Schizos who derail the thread with nonsense is a thing that's happened here for a long time though, and we're in danger of it happening at any given moment, it has outweighed fun stuff like fake spoilers, the "make a servant contests" (those disappeared right?) and posting supports for a long time, at least we have people posting good art most days.
>it has outweighed fun stuff like fake spoilers,
that shit stopped being fun long ago, the "make a servant" costed did stopped ever since rikyuu's gudaguda
shit man i need to sleep
>at least we have people posting good art most days.
It's the last thing we have now lol, artists have been moved to other series over the year
Post supports!
>"make a servant contests"
>Don't forget they remove /fgog/ hunger game
Old fgog is soul. Nu fgog is soulless simple as that.
2* Alter Ego?
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It was also some passing shit and nobody brought it up again until Sanzang, which then was shut down in Camelot and then again nobody brought shit up until Tomoe.
>fanbox payment suddenly fails
>doesn't let me pay anymore
Bros, my FGO lewds...
Tomoe was the absolute nuke that shaped everything later on. GOKUUUUUU *cums* is at least a voice line joke.
just move to japan bro
it really is that simple
(until the eternal american credit card company ruins japan as well)
Yeah, Tomoe is also a double whammy because her husband is in SR.
Beasts Lair is filled with people who twist the lore to cuckpost.
Everyone remembers when they did it on one of Olga's lines during LB7 and Neobenedict had to come here to apologize and fix it.
The reality is that they can shit on fgog as much as they like, we'll forever be more influential than they'll ever dream to be. And considering how knowledgeable they are about this place, they know that themselves.
Eh we were twice to thrice more alive back in Shimosa
The influence this place and Beast's Lair hold anywhere is zero, they at least ban people who post fake lore but no one cares about forums anymore so both get more irrelevant as the years pass by
>fgog influential
LMAO is this raikouschizo falseflagging to make the other side appear retarded?
Has to be because:
>Everyone remembers when they did it on one of Olga's lines during LB7 and Neobenedict had to come here to apologize and fix it.
If we had to apologize every time someone here did this half the frequent posters would have back problems from bowing down too much
>Banned from BL and reddit
Now he is using the skill, "Shift the blame, A++."
This time his target is BL.
Nah. That doesn't really matter.
Nobody really gives a shit about him, mainly because nobody gives a shit about Tomoe anymore.
Ultimately people were only pissed because it was a cute looking design that couldn't stop yapping about her husband
There is no way this subplot is resolved in a satisfying way.
What do you think? Lmao >>492809863
He's mad alright.
Isn't it such a funny coincidence that almost every schizo here got banned and/or laughed at on both Reddit and Beast's Lair?
need more raids like Olga desu
finally 120...
Because we didn't give them (You)s so they branched out to other communities and got destroyed. Now Georgie is just samefagging until someone bites his baits.
Tomoe being a cuckbait was funny
At least she get tons of porn as a shitty cuck whore like she is
..do you think that's the reason some make NTR porn with Servants? Because for example Melushit get shit ton of cuck porn those days
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Get splashed mastah
>grailed Melu
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>NP5 BB.
>Those skill levels on Morgan and Ciel.
Boy you have more pressing matters than grailing Melu.
kill yourself lipfaggot
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brute forced the previous super quest with the immortal team
fucking give tickets assholes
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Any of them will work because mods recognize him.
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News Doko?
>tm is donating part of the fgo money to charity
>I steal from my riches and give to my bitches
ah, so that's what the shitposters at appmedia were talking about
Aw, that's sweet of them
Lasengle are planning something.
Provide nutritious meals to my future lasengle pets so when they grow up this will contribute to their healthy growth which will then help us build brighter futures for Lasengle.
i think a good way and EASY to fix BCE is just to make their effects active while self not on the field
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But Mavuika is dead on arrival
>gyaru Nezha again
None, he's for Cu gae bolg only.
I still love the fact that he stole the "Daybit" name from a T***** fag who's also named Daybit as well.
I forgot how fucking annoying berserker Nezha is
>release half a summer event at the end of august
>release the rest at the end of september
Maybe seasonal events were a mistake. The game clearly can't manage it.
An actually good and easy way to fix them is changing the stats from +100 HP/ATK to +1000 HP/ATK.
The problem doesn't lie on the event type, but on the management team.
Just do both of this, it's not like they'll ever make bond CE part of the servant passive, at least this way it's gonna see some uses.
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Cu/Emiya 20 years old fujobait-I mean rivalry is too gay for mihoyo. Hell they even stop releasing their basic cookie cutter homo couple with Natlan
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>love triangle two boys and a girl
More and more is obvious Nasu's a woman.
Back with this nonsense huh
We truly are dead
It's interesting how Koyan who always insults humans, even (you) who she's fond of, has never spoken a rude word of Kirschtaria. She even is exasperated when Ophelia doesn't Get Him.
I guess that's like how animals perceive true kindness.
>2 mil hp berserker Nezha.
>953k hp with decrease on her defense.
>872k hp.
I love big Goghing crits bros...
When there's nothing to talk about, the only ones that talk are those that want to spur reactions into others
I doubt Sita is a *5. Maybe she'll be the welfare or the *4. So which curry can be *5? That Ruler from the SR collab? That could work if they are pushing Servants before OC4.
Adult Rama?
witnessed, my gogher
I hope all this extra garbage gets curbstormed by Space Eresh.
Goghbros... I need another rate up to finally NP5 her...
They did, slowpoke
No, it wasn't. And people made fun of Guda all the time for having no personality. It was when /alter/ appeared that suddenly this general became 'defensive' of Guda.
It's amazing how we went from warrior guy protecting his woman to spineless bland self insert protected by magical waifu.
Truly feels like a degeneration of a new generation. I blame Love Hina.
She deserves a SSR versions
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Koyan's height is pretty normal what do you mean
I think it's sad that they basically only use Arthur and Clae for merch
Ah yes, the random stun, I missed that bullshit.
My Melody is dressed like a slut....
I don't recognize Jannu's...
Sometimes it's nice to see Castorias without teatime
>plenty of original looking males
>two rinfaces
>saber and one of the first saberclones (jannu)
>only original girl is Mashu
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ETERNALLY cucklocked behind a nonexistent story
locked behind SF for now but at least was relevant to the fgo story, indirectly, once
There's an autofill for servant levelling but not for CE levelling, how bullshit
>9 males vs 5 females
Dickfest the game
ce leveling would destroy people's QP reserves near instantly because of how stupid CE exp bombs work
im surprised they haven't changed that shit yet
It's an evolution for all men to realize they need women to keep them safe and protect them as well.
Stuck in two weeks of nothing to do until the next third of the event, what do you expect for the next GUDAGUDA? This long Summer event has sacrificed Halloween again, but they can't skip GUDAGUDA, can they?
The dream is dead.
I used CS revive
Use blue cubes and CS revive, if I can't beat stage after reviving once, I'll close the game and try again after my CS regenerates.
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dumb alter shitters
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>"Our representative, Nasu, realized the importance of food after eating at a friend's house when he couldn't eat at home, and he asked us to create a children's cafeteria."
Ramayana is literally the prototype of Yuusha (Brave) who defeated the Demon King and safe the princess story. He is by all means should have the title King of Braves, Legendary Brave or the First Brave. The fact that he always got sidelined by this Mahabharata rivalry is a crime because to Arjuna and Karna, Ramayana is their bedtime story. So Rama is a legend to these legendary heroes from Mahabharata.
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no u
That's the player's problem. Everyone who knows what a CE bomb is will easily handle it and use the autofill to make bomb making faster.
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Always has been
retard shitter
Yeah sure I'm okay with this one.
I used two CS against Super Nezha for Herc's NP
There's 6 females and 1 clae
>Already dropped more rolls than needed for pity and I still don't have Tenoch
They really need to add a 4* pity.
>update app
>lb4 pv
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don't loose your waaaay
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Arthur a shit and should be replaced by Oberon stat
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I'll trade my 1 City for your BBs.
>you must Mo
wat do
heh I wish
Nah it's good they've left actually, the very first thing they did was revealed they're making m*leshit in their legally distinct blue archive. They are traitors to their fans.
What if we get a new "From Lostbetl" manga, except it's now named "...to Chaldea" and it features the previous servants from previous manga now leaving and their opinions of Chaldea.
>Tenochitlan is all over you all event
>Me seeing shippers claim that's more proof that she loves Izakuri
It's always weird seeing people holding onto a ship years later even when it makes no sense, I blame that lostbelt manga
Like that Tamamo Kintoki shipper who held onto it for half a decade based on one interaction in London
Are all these guys so popular?
Please talk more about this subject.
Who do you think actually buys Sanrio merch bro
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Love this kot
That will still not fix the plotholes and mistakes the author from flopbelt did
Idk what that is but if Ozymandias is in Extella that could be cool.
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>Doesn't know Sanrio
Wtf Kittysisters...
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>Kuromi is my favorite sanrio character
>she's paired with arjuna
Poo rabbit
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Ready? She is coming soon...
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Miyu my beloved...
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BB Dubai already fills the same role.
>the ultimate one
>isn't the final boss
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>Rama is the prototype
Bro nobody knows about or was effected by Rama outside of India. This isn't like Gilgamesh, where the Mesopotamians touched the ancestors of the Greeks, Egyptians, and Persians, and thus went on to influence all the peoples of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa, fucking nobody got influenced by Rama.
Didn't Journey to the West copy Wukong from Hanuman
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It so over before it even began
It's fucking Sanrio merch, only girls are going to buy it, so of course they're trying to appeal to women.
We're specifying Rama here, anon. I didn't say "nothing from India effected anyone else," only that Rama didn't.
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welfares doko
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right here, bro
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Most shipfags dont care about canon and just ship what they like, some weakminded faggots here should learn to do the same.
OC4 (featuring dante from the devil may cry series) WILL save us
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gudaguda when
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How long until the next timelock?
November at the earliest
9 days
Perhaps players want a confirmation for their favorite pairing instead of delusion like most shippers?
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>If you were to summon him as an Archer you'd get him at the top of his game
That's pretty much been soft-retconned since then, and now it's Saber Herc that's getting fellated
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StOp TrEaTiNg ArToRiA lIkE a WhOrE
Alter when?
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>Skadi releases
>Quick is king
>Castoria releases
>Arts is king
>Koyanskaya releases
>Buster is king
>Oberon releases
>Buster is... still king?
Quick doesn't need it
All right time to impregnate this dork
bro lancelot and dantes never stopped being able to 3t farm
you've also got voyager and a dozen other options now
targetable 50% quick up + 30% np gain up
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So is the timeline going to be the next timelock is an Arc rateup and we don't learn jackshit about the welfare or rateup 3 until nearly October? Are we really not getting the 100% confirmed Kazuradrop welfare until late September?
the doujin that broke the Internet
Not going to cut it.
Targetable 50% quick up and 20% NP charge/turn
No it isn't.
Next timelock is a Protea rate up
Did it? All I can remember is Mashu fans throwing an uppity kek
>arts requires specific damage thresholds to 3t without swaps
>buster requires swaps in almost all cases without MLB kaleido, only a few exceptions like Arcueid
>quick just needs skadi + summer skadi and you can 3t effortlessly with a whale on your friend list who has any NP5 quick AoE servant
Quick is still king
Literally who
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I guess Karna is to Elementary girls, what MechaLiz is to Elementary boys.
/fgog/ isn't the internet
I really don’t care about any of this
City bros... Shiptroons.. won..
I don't have a favorite pairing in my mind, most pairs that are not about Mc are bland and boring so there's not much to say. Me?
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Nah, this is just artist delusion, it's not on the level of cuck-shit like Semi, imagine going through all that chocolate event all was to reveal that its, 's not the real Semi, the Real Semi only uses you so she can make some “leftover” for Amakusa.
Now that's is what a cuck event truly about. Or the Circe revealed i g
? there's no shipping there
but /fgog/ told me that the only opinion that matters is theirs
>please powercreep the game some more
it's not easy to find whale accounts with NP5 Dantes
She wants black panther according to 13.4k people
Don't entertain raikouschizo mental illness
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Shuten should be stolen from Sakurai
Nah it's fine i enjoy the shuten x raikou doujins
that is a small areola
Stop doomposting on /bag/ pls
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Flopchan mt beloved
I missed her gacha by a week because of IRL shit...
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My lovely wife.
When are you going to give me back the $11?
Still dilating i see
Is it worth unlocking everything? Idk if 150 is gonna require coins.
only skill cooldow
crits are for CQ content
She doesn't make use of anything here, I doubt that skill CD is going to make a difference.
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Why is Toto-sama such a slut?
Same, now she's forever an NP1...
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You wake up from a brief nap and you are greeted by this sight, what to do?
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Keep with this delusion, i'm sure someone will believe you one of these days
melu rate up when?
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my lover
"dude, space"
Sure thing Aurora.
Is it fair to say that Bungie's Destiny and its associated media represents the sort of science fiction Nasu wishes he could write?
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Cartel's here, open up.
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Tezca would be Chino Antrax
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>still no art of Edmond vs Cagliostro
Failed """rivalry"""
Haven't seen a single person saying that, also:
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The character /fgog/ hates the most and Donald Duck.
anorexic foggsu...
It's stupid but Clown Assassin and Facebook Admin always get a chuckle out of me.
Thinking about ass again
I really do think it's fair.
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I fucked up the linking lol.
>BL users are cringed out by city’s pandering lines
You know, I’m glad the company only listens to the JP fans.
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>yfw the game was rigged from the start
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that whole thing was really confusing
why did she destroy it
why did she never destroy another
why did she have ice powers
was it to show she froze chaldeas and anastasia doing it was a red herring?
you sure love to think hard don't you
Some of the Extella NPs look worse than the FGO ones with effort put into them.
I would take Karna's FGO NP offer his Link one any day of the week.
Just do anime NPs instead of using the models.
>t. Xu Fu
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The writers forgot about it, so should you.
For me it's Gil's CCC NP and Karna's CCC design.
Also, Fox's casual outfit.
Karna's Apoc design is his best and it's not even close.
His worst is Extella where he's lugging Vasavi Shakti everywhere
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Liquid Sakura
Sorry. Nasu and co already forgot.
I don't read moonrunes
any tldr on this schizopost?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what
>expecting Nasu to care about anything but the extraverse
I wouldn’t be surprised if he reaffirms BB only loves the Hakus desu.
Wake up bro new schizo post just dropped
Good. CCC remains his greatest artistic accomplishment in all his career as a professional writer.
Eh, I love his Apoc design too but his 3rd ascension in game makes him look naked.
His Extraverse design is good because I like to see Vasavi Shakti more.
This was a really good summer for me.
Hope you fags got what you wanted too.
This. That's totally why we don't have Extella 3 yet. Nasu is in the writing dungeon cooking up the giga game.
some guy angry at girls frontline
I literally still can't get a single summer servant
speresh doesn't count
bro your melu?
I got spooked by Doomhorse on the Eresh banner, never give up anon. I was empty after Eresh and made it all the way here with just the free gibs.

Already have both at NP1
Are you f2p though?
I haven't spent money in years.
Then that's impressive luck
My luck was really bad this year in my other gacha so I'm pretty happy about FGO still giving me the goods like this.
Galahad warned us,bro
remember when vitch hyped up the lostbelts as hard mode and most of them were fucking nothing?
>coping already
*herbivore worthless men
This is why they are bitchless. They put zero effort and think women will like them.
>I blame that lostbelt manga
But it was there before this? And the chapters weren't even romantic.
most of the roa and edmond art have them kissing and fucking though.
Well there's nothing we can do to stop that.
Daybit already explained it retard.
The lostbelts are on the way. They used (you) to get the rid of them. Was probably Kirsch stalling attempt.
They froze Chaldeas to trick you and kicked you out.
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You're right.
>retard posts as bunch of irrelvant shit because he didn't read
>merlin gave altria a penis
She's a transgirl
she's brave
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I started playing in 2015 and this is my first NP5 SSR ever.
I should be happy, it only took about 260 rolls for this.
Instead I'm just salty that not only I failed to get my target Tenoch I also didn't get a single other 4*.
I'm legitimately F2P so to keep on rolling would be above retardation.
all I can do is hope for a limited SR ticket in a future milestone.
Fgo edmond's 3rd ascension wears gloves but melty edmond doesn't.
What the fuck is going on?!?
The artist got death threats from rabid mashufags over it so at the very least it was not only here.
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Before the thread dies. All morganbros and lb6bros should watch this.
meanwhile I rolled np5 city and only 1 copy of BB but at least I got BB
Should I be scared fgog? Every passing day feels like it’s going to crash and burn badly
>+30 hour thread with story going on
Come back in 9 days then again 2 weeks after that
>uninspiring fillerslop story
>gacha nobody wanted
Come back in New Years
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Why is Nezha so strong
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>how to tell you watched Fushigi Yuugi without telling that you watched Fushigi Yuugi
Space Ishtar is so much better (gameplay) than Space Eresh...
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I love spook art. (This image was originally 18MBs)
Damn dude, I'm actually sorry (somewhat)
An SR ticket is possible but when it's up in the air considering that the next ticket should be a SSR one.
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smell of oil

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