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Operation Midnight Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mxr9tL73SNQ&t

Agave teaser: https://x.com/i/status/1823570240636379486

>Snowbreak 2.1 Overview & News

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
Special Chapter 3 "Operation Midnight" is now open. Reach Adjutant level 20 for expedited access
[Aug 23 - Sep 07] Lifting of Fog - boss gauntlet challenge
[Aug 26 - Sep 09] Defense Line Zero - co-op wave defense
[Sep 02 - Sep 16] Aperture Eclipse - wave defense
[Sep 09 - Sep 23] Hero Games - co-op wave rush

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Aug 22 - Sep 19] Vidya - Agave | Weapon: Bespoke Theater
[Aug 22 - Sep 19] Chenxing - Ethereal Cloud | Weapon: Cinnabar Justice
[Sep 05 - Sep 26] Cherno - Enigma | Weapon: Nocturne Fissure
[Sep 05 - Sep 26] Enya - Exuvia | Weapon: Glow of Mystique

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])
followus (new)

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>100 Pity Banner Type Details

>/snowg/ Friends Form:

Previous: >>492645065
chen buy
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chenbai restricted zone
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Do not fall for cheap Chinese tricks
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restrict THIS!
Found the next person who is getting "bumped"
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Hey anon, want some piss?
i posted that
i will not apologize or post my ID to make it fair
>says Wild Hunt
>has a picture of Wednesday
I don't trust this coolant, probably a cheap Edda counterfeit
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So snoggers, how close you are to be a proud whalest of the whalest, a real gacha gamer, an ultimate snogger?
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I can fix her.
Thanks, but no. I prefer my gummy cubes
I'm tired
And it's still only 3pm
take a nap grandpa
I guess I will
I'm playing Love and Deepspace to find out what seaslug is doing wrong
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5nita leaked
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Acacia mating press!
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Fuck you.
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Chen bai
we know you're gay
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Chernosex soon.
>Story event that takes place in an underground laboratory, experimenting on weaponizing artificial manifestations
>Nita goes in undercover alone
>Monsters break containment, everything locks down, Nita has to Resident Evil her way through
>Chased by an unkillable Nemesis in almost every part of the chapter
>Mysterious person drops a case down to Nita in the final episode
>5* Nita blasts the Nemesis with her new Exosuit
>Escapes the lab with a new future Operative
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How can you resist this?
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I am focused on this.
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wut 4
I opened it
It's nothing dangero-
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Should I click this?
wedding the edda
I'd have sex with her feet.
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so her father designed this outfit?
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>You wouldn't get it...
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ojisan general
But does he like playing Counter Strike?
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dayum. mr popo looking good after his transition.
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>This is the best Heimdall has to offer in term of intelligence
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Siris is really smart
Will they ever rerun monopoly? I quite enjoyed it.
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so her mother designed this outfit?
You will get Loverush 2 with double the shoes and you will like it!
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this is our smartest asset
I probably should have used the selector on Tess, but I skipper 5chen and have felt bad about it ever since.
I eviscerated how fucking shitty Loverush was in my survey, and I told them to just go back to Mauxir's patch monopoly and start from there because Loverush was not it. All they needed to do was improve Mauxir's monopoly a little bit, make it co-op, and then we'd be able to play 100% Orange Juice/Dokapon Kingdom in Snowbreak.

Conversely, Loverush could barely even be considered a "game".
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im falling for her
>I eviscerated how fucking shitty Loverush was in my survey, and I told them to
That's nice but I hope wrote that in 汉语 gweilo
I held off on Loverush until the last 5 days of the event.
Knew nothing about it going into it and was blown away by how awful it was God damn.
many such cases
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YOU give me the mod NOW
Natural reaction to being close to Haru for too long
why are you copying my posting style
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Do people even get spooked anymore?
I love haru
every banner we have one or two retards who still roll on the 50/50 instead of the 100%
yeah, I rolled 50:50 banners this time for Vidiya, Chenxing and Snapshot Ace and lost all three.
Thankfully I had the sense to double back to 100 after that for Chenxing's weapon.
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that would be this
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everyday with fenny is a day full of bliss <33. she's such a perfect goddess. how can 3D even compete?
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>5 niggas in a row
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How is it possible for a woman to be so perfect
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She looks smelly
You still get spooked from the box.
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>shows us what we can obtain
>your bimonthly abyss run went from 5 minutes to 2minutes
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Too much jiggle
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When is Acacia adding mounts to Star Master?
I've probably spent around this much across all gacha games I've played. I need to stop.
How long have you been playing gachas?
When can we ride Esther?
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Don't stop, not yet.
That's crazy. How? The first time I quit a gacha I paid for, I tallied it up and it was $500, and that made me resolve to not spend in gacha anymore. I didn't even feel like I got anything for that money.
Since puzzle & dragons but didn't seriously spend until genshin. I was dead serious thinking it would've been a difficult game if not for whaling. Turns out I'm the fool.
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bro someone has to fund the new wave of sex skins
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you were basically tipping for free digital service, getting something out of it is wishful thinking
How is Meursault so effortlessly SEX?
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Nah, snobble is probably the last gacha i'll spend on for a good while.. until I run out of resources maybe lmao

You've got better self-control than I do then. Which gacha did you play?
NA's #1 Girl
>You've got better self-control than I do then.
It's a slippery slope, that's for sure. First it was "oh i'll only spend $25", then it was "oh, it's just another $25" and then it was $500.

>Which gacha did you play?
Sorry anon, I am not going to answer this question in a different gacha game's thread. I hope you'll understand.
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I need a interactive scene with Chen, preferably with her bending over.
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Please enjoy Fenny responsibly.
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mounts in regular Star Master or not, the island already has multiple paths in it that would make for great racetracks
imagine how much fun it'd be to kart around with the bros for snoggermon upgrade materials
Any arab oil princess that play this game here ?
We need to save snowbreak
I hope the summer skins will be dope. Tbh, I think they need better incentives for us to spend. Each operative's M6 isn't really that outstanding..
Haha, that's our Fenny!
Spanking chen's fat ass is my wish for her interactive scene, but it would also cause an uproar that might end the game.
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this game doesn't need saving
corpos behave the best when their product/service is half dead
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>even the chinks recognize nita as (you)r first
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If I can't have it in game, at least give it to me in one of the short scenes they do.
I understand. I asked because I was honestly disheartened by "missing out" on a lot of content from predatory gachas. It had it's effects on me, but times and gacha styles have changed.
It's simply the truth.
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Snobble is making seaslug good enough money. Enough to be safe from EoS and fun improvements, but not enough for them to become arrogant and stop caring about their core playerbase.
It'll be part of the wedding ceremony. Chenwife when?
You get your Chen wife, but her breast size increases by 25%. (y/n?)
Did anyone here built 4Nita yet? Is she complete garbage or can you make her a semi-comparable DPS somehow?
that's a double win bro
As long as her birthing hips and godly ass remain unmolested, I don't care.
She's pretty bad even for a 4*
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so nita has
>snapped at (you) when she was angry in her personal file
>has disobeyed your orders on more than one occasion
>stole your virginity when you were saving yourself for fenny
When is someone going to put this pajeeta in her place?
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Chen is ass focused, all that needs to stay the same is that.
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She can be fun, and useful in coop since she has excellent cc on mobs once you unlock the 2nd attack on her E via manifestation. That's about all she's good for though. Her dmg is really lacking even with a t2 tiny grains.
Guys, If i dont have the girl can i use the 60 points to claim her?
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Fresh Chen
>Is she complete garbage
Of course she is. Her unmodified base ATK at level 80 is 960 (lol, lmao)
Compare to 4Siris at 1567 or 4Fenny at 1668
Yes, seaslug specifically stated that you can use these frags to unlock operatives.
I love freshly made steamed buns.
lol but the thing is their plan to use funding to stall and recycle the first 10 chapters and resell old fanservice is now completely busted
Thanks. I really hope that her 5star version won't be cancelled.
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Have another Chen
HOLY FUCK thats dope, thanks anon
Nita random event? Ignore
Nita in the story? Skip
Nita wants a room? No
Nita 5*? Skip
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Haru sex!
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Meursault wants sex? Accept.
Nita rapes me? Sob quietly and pretend it never happened.
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Sorry bwo, seaslug says you're stuck with nita.
It's good to be a chensexual.
It's hard not to be a Chenthusiast.
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>all this Chen love
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guess you can say seasun really struck Gold with her design.
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bros...what if Elder θ is related to Chen...
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It's simply chenblematic of good taste.
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But I'm a Lyfesexual
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Today, my random base event was Lyfe's post-covenant talk. So it's not gone forever, good.
>Have coronet as my choice on Duty's Command echo.
>100% of Orange-Tier Drop-Rate.
>Get spooked by Fritia anyway.

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Merciless sex with Pi
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Frito exercises a lot!
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MuMu thinks I've forgotten like the rest of you """people""".
Where Agave buffs?
In the trash with her
>Nita just rapes you
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What's the easiest and fastest way to level up comfort, I'm missing a bunch of lego pieces, I have seen a bunch of people with pieces I have never seen
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It's not easy but this is the fastest way
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Are you ready for your next operative?
Never, she's just bait to drain your gem before the next patch
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Please let me pick her up
I've actually never played Genshin.
I forgot to play underground purge...
I wish i knew what they were saying...
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Be a bad person.
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Agave shitted and floped.
Start coping, megane faggots.
I don't like her either but fuck off retard
agave isnt attactive
its why no one posts her and just posts chen skin instead
>replying to herself
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I don't know who signaled the chinese that people like megane characters, but all 3 kinda failed this month
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Vidya! Focus on the mission!
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>that time of the month-fags
Acacia is getting married next
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Chen is the perfect amount of "thick". When people talk about "thick" girls, they are describing Chen. I bet she even has a delicious tummy when sitting down.
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YWNBAI(You will never be an investor)
this samefaggotry is kind of concerning. What causes this mental illness?
How about comparing it to the month before anniversary month?
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I enjoy her delusions
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That would ruin the shitpost though...
>patch was only up for like 10 days of the month
>a couple of days where googlefags literally could not log in
>mixed reception on gameplay power (though this doesnt matter all too much since as busted as Siris is, her patch got similar revenue)
>using sensortower charts for a game where most of its revenue comes from PC
>anni patch before/summer patch likely after
>last few days of the month had a controversy misinfo creep
you can also keep coping about your pvp revenue chart faggot
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What's her plan?
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Let's also not forget all the Agave rape/cucking Chen posts and screenshots of her lines in the game by people who actually read the story too, yes?
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To kidnap (You) and bring you to live in her multi-cat household.
(the multiple cats are all copies of Mauxir)
Are these even worth it, don't they just replace already existing stuff
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I'm a good Adjutant that reads everything, one of my favorite things this patch was the Fritia mail
Im a steam fag and i cant log in
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Retards argue and grab onto bait to distract you from THIS
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>47/100 without getting agave
>no more obtainable echos until next month
>not wasting my digicash on her
sayonara, bitch
>revenue gets a boost from super FOMO fire sale
>Agarbage fags scramble to credit it to their ugly yume
Your panic copes are hilarious kek
Your Chase rewards card, sir?
Yes, (You) can interact with the girls and they give you comfort for the base. These don't give affinity so you have to buy the cheapest one too
>super FOMO fire sale
what is this referring to?
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Plan? Does this look like a girl with a plan?
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good thing I didn't have to go close to those rooms for fragments, haha
Yoga pants/work out skins when?
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Did I miss her rerun?
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Of course revenue was low. The character people are waiting for isn't available yet.
will not be redeeming that one for agave, sir
Can you get spooked by somebody in the 100% banner
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Only by dragon fenny
>1mil global
Let's go bwos! We putting in some decent numbers and it's just mobile!
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Nita was cupping my balls in this scene btw.
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>as busted as Siris is
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>60 rolls right now
Can I make it for Cherno?
Possibly. Don't forget to claim monthly tickets if you haven't.
yeah, you need around 80 for the 100% banner
Siris, 6Lyfe, and Cherno are all of roughly-equal levels of brokenness overall
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Not gonna lie I imagined Lyfe doing tech support and I bursted out laughing
it literally says 50% chance for the uprate in the top left corner, blindbro
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/snowg/ can't read
/snowg/ can't do math
/snowg/ can't consent
man I want to grope some tits
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did they drop any new codes? followus is kinda old by now.
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no, shill harder
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I know that feel, bro.
Did they remove the past BP skins as options for the current BP?
Yes, they nuked the outfits
Posts like this one are the reason why I shamelessly cuck Chernos out of damage in Gigalink. I don't even feel bad about it.
She being as strong as she is doesn't make Siris any less so
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Just read the tweet. So indefinitely means they're gone for good? Why?
>So indefinitely means they're gone for good?
The CCP said so
Cartel used a loophole in the law to nuke costumes from before the age rating change.
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They had to make changes to them because they were sold with a lower age rating so they just nuked them, such a shame but it's better than the alternative
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Fear the rise of Snowbreak!
Why haven't Seaslug made this into a skin yet? I can't see it on my Tess.
what pistols are the best for vidya game? star ocean is the only gold one that i have
wtf do you mean "this"? She is naked!
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Ichel is smart
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Nice mod bro
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never forget...
>he never made a video of the girl's masturbation styles
............how do you press both?
Very carefully, this is not a joke. You may need to wait a bit or position them better
You have to put your allies on it but you have to be precise. You can just push them around until they stand right on top of it.
goddammit I should have bought it
Thanks bros. Seems like you haev to be dead in the center of it to trigger it.
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here ya go bros, slowed down and 120 fps so you can enjoy the animation better
It all makes sense once you realize Acacia outsourced Star Master to Nita.
>your game is too lewd, censor it
>ok but what if we up the age rating instead
>this shit you released while it was +12? Purge it.
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what tactical advantage does this outfit bring
it enhances her powers of misdirection considerably
also, someone post that lobby line of dress 5Haru where she mentions something like 'the less you wear, the more protective it is'
That's bullshit, but I believe it.
>'the less you wear, the more protective it is'
sounds like shit Acacia would say
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>he missed it forever
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Acacia called me a nigger in Counterstrike 3
Be a good person.
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You do that to everyone though
Post the rest please
I refuse
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Eatchel has really cute eyebrows and horns
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Do legendaries always get triple S?
How nice of Acacia
did you deserve it tho
Yeah, I was camping with a semiauto sniper.
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Eatchel has a really nice ass
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The best
I just forgot I was carrying the bomb is all
Haru gives me serious knight vibes. She just needs a ponytail now
my fellow brothers of dark complexion
that long braid is just as hot as a ponytail
EnyA-Posing to assert loveliness
Six logi rolls and two have 10% ATK.
Only the best for my grills!
What's the purpose of gatherer after getting all the buffs
You get in the second turret or you do whatever you want
You stare at your teammates' asses and tits while furiously slapping your meat
I'm white as the chenbai restricted area, bro. Pear shaped girls are the best shape. Give me A or B cup boobs with a nice ass any day.
They may as well let us auto sweep jotun at this point
>thinking on who I should give a room
>between Marian and Nita
>decide to make my choice based on their first affection story (I am still raising their affection)
>start on Nita
Bro what?! That was so much better than I expected! Why did they went so hard on her very first affection story? Maybe it gets worse now but it started strong.
I will check Marian's now but it will need to be really good if she wants a room
She had the benefit of getting her story added later than others, so the touching mechanic was in the game.
The little content Nita gets is very good. Someone at seaslug obviously loves her
Nita was made to camp out in the hall.
marian and nita's dorm stories are among the best ones.
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I love my racist wife.
Canonically, nita would hang out in the hall and crash in your room sometimes.
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How the hell can Mauxir get away with having contaminated stuff in her room?
Mates, "Indefinite" means there's no clear ending. The skins could be gone forever, or they could be gone a year. But it doesn't mean they can't EVER come back.

I could honestly see Seaslug bringing the skins back at a much later date, once all the heat dies down. Then they just have to tweak the designs a little, make them even lewder, and badaBOOM.
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>Get stuck in the floor after using the launchpad
I blame Acacia for this. Good thing I was using Cherno so I could still contribute but still.
Holy sex
Hope she gets a skin that gives her short hair and bare feet again
Small, tearaway fabric allows for quick mating during missions.
Skill issue
Your fault
That makes me love her more.
I knew she was canadian.
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I got Vidyacameragun in 32 pulls
didn't ask
Kiss me
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how much better can she get? i am starting to feel bad for the other girls around her, constantly reminded of their inferiority.
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Nice bwo. Now used the save rolls to get her weapon
I can't wait for Edda to get EoS'd out of the story and make way for a better imouto-type character. DEATH TO ALL SEE THROUGH RIBCAGES!
bad smile
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Nuh uh.
True, but let's remember that Enya shot a communist pedophile.
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Everyone knows what happens when you make localization = 1 but what happens if you make it equal to 2?
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Edda's so nice. Everyone should listen to what she says.
Fully meshed genitals
Enya being both a caring person and someone who will shot first ask later will never not be based.
Don't do this it makes yellow fog.
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Try it!
I didn't ask, but I'm glad you shared. Atta boy, bwo
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Camel toes and nipple bumps
I feel like as a shooter, you keep running out of bullets too easily
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The closest to my heart
Your dear WiFe fixed this problem for (You)
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Do you buy the upgrades for more ammo?
No. Let me break it down for you:
>pick Katya
>pick shooter
>switch to AoE mode
>you can now blow up any crystal on the map, all from the starting platform with the turret
>round 1, shoot all the crystals
>as soon as you get 100, pick the thing that gives extra crystals on round start
>next 100, pick the thing that gives you bullets every 2 kills
>next 100, pick the thing that gives you 30% more ammo
>you should be able to do this all before round 1 ends, or shortly after round 1 ends

>rest of the game doesn't matter, but you will want to buy the thing that slows by 50% when you hit them with the turret, then the 20% chance of aoe damage, then the increased damage perks
>only use turret when you think you need to, but you can probably main the turret if you want, because I usually finish round 5 with 2700+ bullets remaining
Yeah, who needs turrets when Fenny can say "Go Mayo" and gives you a fresh clipazine?
I couldn't agree more.
Oh that anon was talking about Defense Line Zero, my bad kek
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I love our low fidelity frau!
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Do not frown at me you damned vaginal cover.
Frowning will continue until cock is inserted.
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Rolling for 5Enya instead of 5Cherno!
Having sex in the ball while Cherno listens!
I spent it all on base defense since no one else was.
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I just remembered that the Enyaball is what defeated Sartre in Gradient of Souls
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:) 2.2
Did it eat him like pacman?
Headbands are so hot...
That shotgun is not yours, give it back you damn brat
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Base defense upgrades are the last thing you should buy. You're a shooter. Shoot the fucking turret. Kill the enemies before they get to the base. Even when you buy base upgrades, the only ones that are worth it is the one that gives a 20% slow around the base, and then the gunner NPCs.
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This might be the cutest shit I've seen a gacha company put out.
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No, (You) trapped Sartre inside the Enyaball and used the self destruct to kill him
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>"YOU'RE PREGNANT!?" the meeting hall exclaimed
>Tau's expression remained unchanged in the face of the explosive reaction from the Heimdall operatives
>"Yes. If you'll all allow me to finish, I'll continue to oversee operations here for the meantime, but once I begin to approach my due date, I intend to appoint Haru as my interim lead until I've returned from maternal leave. Are their any further questions before we move on with the weekly brief?"
>Fenny: "W-W-W-Wait a minute! Who's the father?!"
>Marian: "Fenny! Asking that sort of thing is a bit..."
>Acacia: "Isn't it obvious? There's really only one answer..."
>The entire room of women turns to (You)
>Katya: "Hah. You dirty dog you...not even the boss is off limits?"
>Fenny: "How could you knock up another woman before your wife! You playboy!"
>Lyfe: "I'm his wife too, you know..."
>Eatchel: "Oh oh! Did you use the 'baby batter' like from when we played house! That stuff was yummy! I want a baby, too!
>Acacia: "'Baby batter'? Just what have you been teaching her, pervert..."
>Yao: "See, I thought I heard moaning coming from Tau's office, but I had just clocked out so...yeah."
>Tau: "Are you all just about done? Really, we do have other matters to discuss..."
>Vidya: "Aaa-djuuuu-taaant~! Me next! Eheheh! I've played out the scenario in my head dozens of times!
>Tess: "Hey, I want Sensei's baby too! C'mon. Today is a dangerous day, but we should still be thorough~!"
>More rabbling from the girls on who gets knocked up next
>Tau: "Enough! No Heimdall Operative is allowed to get pregnant-"
>Yao: "I quit!"
>Tau: "Let me finish!...at least, not all at once. I can't have all my operatives OOC in 9 months at the same time. I'll create a queue and you can all request to be next if you so choose. Priority will be given to operatives whose performance is exceptional during missions."
>And so, in the short span of a month, Rozan was captured, All titans/trees were destroyed, and Edda was corrected. The end.
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Fritter makes better imouto than Edda.
Fritia game
Thanks bro. Gonna try this later
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The end... or is it?
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Did Chen got a buttjob in the new patch
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Chen's fat ass is so distracting. I can't focus on fishing.
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Edda redemption arc and marriage soon
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That's a picture for Mauxir's patch
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I know. I meant she flat here but bigger in the new one
Which girl would pop out the strongest babies?
out of 10
...you think swimsuit Chen's ass is flat? Are you a zoomer? Do you consider funhouse mirror proportions to be normal?
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My wife is too strong!
Haru, her body is a weapon
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newcuties will pull for chernyo without reading GoS
I can't wait for people to get confused by her personal story because they have no context.
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>men only want 1 thing and its disgusting
It's chernobyl
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>vaginal muscles too hard
>baby is squeezed and comes out a manlet
It's Over.
Take the Fritia pill
>undefined muscles and large IQ
>baby grows exponentially more powerful as Fritia feasts on perfectly calibrated nutrition providing meals
>baby's brain is already genetically juiced by Frito DNA
>end up with warrior-philosopher-king child
And this is how Snowbreak became real life.
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>Done with jotun
>it's even easier than before
I skipped Cherno because free Enya was enough, I didn't read GoS either and I won't roll her this month too.
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>Frito has a baby
>Both of them are defeated by a baby lock
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a woman that treats you like Marian does
It's Over.
I'd finally roll for Chen's sig if I definitively knew 2.2's banners, and that supposed leak is not enough.
honestly, she ain't worth it
if you have a built 5Fenny like most people do, she's basically superfluous
#s-wise, yeah I agree, but that's not why I'm interested in getting her sig. Hell I'd have already done it the moment 2.1 went live, but I rolled like crazy to T2 6Fenny's sig.
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Just a random thought about the Cherno rerun.
Back when GoS was released, Cherno didn’t switch into Mersault during the ultimate until they changed it after players feedback.
The Echo animation shows Mersault being saved by the adjutant, referencing the end of her Personal File.
Are they going to change Cherno into Mersault in the echo animation in the next rerun?
It's possible, that was easily the most SOVL-ful pull I have done in any game.
Great moment for Cherno-fags and all snoggers desu
Well you see, anon, they're going to bring back GoS temporarily for her banner, so it's all good.
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How can I get rid of these ugly shadows?"
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Don't give me hope
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I fucked up
Man I hope sniggers enable her story event when her banner is up. Fucking hell think of us newbros!
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I'm sorry bwos I gotta drop this truthbomb
sex with Cherno and Meursault is literally the best sex you can have with any operative because you're literally being double teamed by 1 girl with 2 very distinct bed mannerisms alternating
you can't
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>they're going to bring back GoS temporarily
Just like they did with Chen and Mauxir, right bwo?
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Mauxir can lick your ass while you fuck her
>Cherno grabs and pulls the sheets
>Meursault digs her nails into your back
>he doesn't know
How much longer until Chernyo?
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That take longer than expected.
Probably because shit bugged as fuck
sex a cat
Who the fuck is Mauxir?
Aperture Eclipse is open bwos
Who the fuck is Meursault?
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Who's gun is that? Mauxir? Description sounds fucking convoluted as fuck, but since it's chaos dmg, it seems to me like it's Kot weapon
pr maybe it can be used with Cherno?
I don't remember the game showing a max killstreak notification at the end before, nice detail
Tell me newpup, who did you post?
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Fuck you, I know it's my girl Meurchernosault
5Mauxir's gun, but can be equipped to any SMG user to turn them into a solid support because the buff that Alloy Truth gives is super strong
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also nobody wants to play gatherer in my games
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Jesus, this map is a fucking cancer. Mobs keep getting stuck behind a dispay cases in random corners and you have to find them to finish a wave, breaking a kill streak in the process
I always play gatherer unless I see a Siris
>Play gatherer
>Use all the turret bullets I got to kill Hela in the last round
>A lot of times do more damage than one of the guys
It happens so often, at least one guy always manages to carry
Yao is my type of woman
I hope she can bake
it did before too
man I downright prefer being gatherer
>comfy as hell
>guarantees that the gatherer isn't a retard who doesn't actually gather or pick the correct buffs
>still have the flexibility to handle base defense if my teammates suck
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Nice, 4 easy runs
>It happens so often, at least one guy always manages to carry
Only once has it not happened in my runs. Makes me laugh every time too.

Why is she naked? Where is Meursault?
The base's pet dog
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Ok but seriously I really like Cherno and I barely know anything about her, surely they don't intend to just have newfags just roll for her just because?
How F2P friendly is this game? mostly for someone getting baited by the interactions that keep getting posted across the different gacha generals.
can you get the nurse and brides by saving some type of free currency?
>the nurse
I am so sorry bro....
>surely they don't intend to just have newfags just roll for her just because?
her basic outfit is extremely sexo, and newfags will surely hear by word of mouth that she's ludicrously powerful
what more would any newfag need to be hype for her?
if someone plays gatherer well the person playing turret should do the most dmg. I've done 70% a few times as a gunner. You get so much ammo and with all the buffs you kill hela in like 3 seconds with the turret dps+splash dmg.
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Well I like story and context with my girls, give me the fucking event
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I play gatherer 5Siris every time unless someone else plays gatherer
Fast collecting materials feels so good
Can I at least get the brides for free?
For free? No. They should rerun by the end of the year I though.
Do gatherers give points and ammo to their teammates? I didn't know that
You only need to roll the 100% banner as F2P, if you want to buy the skins with interactive scenes you have to use real money
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wtf bros... aperture eclipse is fun
Mow zer
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The game is F2P friendly, however if you want skins or interactions you pay.
Man I moved her hand like that too
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Who will be the next to outplay Chen after (You) and Vidya?
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Good evening, frens.
Who am I supposed save for now?
(You) again
Acacia and Katya
Leaks doko...
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Good evening fren. Another fine Fen to my collection
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Coming through, desu.
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I suck or is this Defense Line event really hard? In the previous event it was easily doable running around but this time the enemies start overhelming my Wi-Fenny
>perflat chest
Just pick the shooter class. OP as hell
The what?
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Evening bwo
If you're going to use your WiFenny, please ensure she's M1T2, and do pick the attacker class. Then it's a matter of skill. That said, I just pick gatherer as her and have a comfy time.
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>only 3 operatives I don't have now are 5Haru, 5Acacia, and 5Fritters
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Who assed?
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I assed.
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I want to spank Eatchel
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Any tips here? The only single Signature I have is Katya's and there aren't any dual guns for my Wyfe. The selection seems to be narrow.
Good evening.
Do you have 5Fenny? You could try for her shotgun.
I do. Which one would that be?
>The selection seems to be narrow.
It's just standard banner 5* weapons. It's even more jank, because some of the 5* weapons are intended for 4* characters (Chen, Haru/Acacia, Mauxir). The objectively best gun is probably 5* Fenny's (Sunny Payback) because you can still use it. If you like 5* Marian or 5* Yao, they basically need their 5* weapons. And then there's 5* Lyfe's gun, which is okay if you want to do weird 4* Mauxir DPS shit that's not optimal
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Sunny Payback
>The objectively best gun is probably 5* Fenny's (Sunny Payback) because you can still use it. If you like 5* Marian or 5* Yao, they basically need their 5* weapons.
>And then there's 5* Lyfe's gun, which is okay if you want to do weird 4* Mauxir DPS shit that's not optimal
Which one would that be? The Wild Hunt Lyfe's gun
Thanks too
>Which one would that be? The Wild Hunt Lyfe's gun
Stardust Memory
Turret class
What’s M1T2?
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I just finished reading ch.11 pretty kino ngl
Am I supposed to read perilous snowpath next? the first story node made no sense
everything is revealed at the end
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The way you speak it seems that 5* Yao’s gun would be the priority though? I have Marian but I feel I like Yao more. Wild Hunt Lyfe got in disuse after I unlocked Wyfe though
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Another reason I like gatherer is that I don't have to deal with tards getting in my way. For the love of all that is holy and good, cover another fucking door.
I am the main character of the lobby
You bet your ass I am
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I'm a racecar
I go vroom
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Be a good person
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It's funny because we could nowadays.
vidya asses
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I will never play gatherer
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I stand on the middle platform only
I blow up all the crystals
I shoot everything
I solo Hela and the entirety of the 5th wave
i instinctively look away every time I see lyfe3
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I will always play gatherer unless someone else wants to more
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Wtf I don't remember her saying this
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Stop having sex with women who wanted to kill you.
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she's so hot, though...
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Yumes are gross
going to be honest
agave on the main screen is a bad first impression
put lyfe and fenny instead
Old man logistics bro really retired and sent his grand daughter to take his place...
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Just play gatherer as Cherno and drop the engima balls on the enemy entrances so you get peak damage while you gather shit...
This is what I normally do. But If someone has 5Siris I just let them run around instead
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who can beat her on the court?
I didn't know the girls were so racist. Poor Nita
a dwarf with a step-ladder
I'd posterize this stupid little gremlin so hard.
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Pretty much everyone. I mean, who couldn't beat frito in a 1v1? Maybe Acacia would lose
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>Maybe Acacia would lose
The most divine part of a woman's body is where the fold of the ass meets the thigh. It is divine and should always be licked clean. Any operative who lacks this feature does not get a dorm room in my facilities. Sad, but tough love is necessary.
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Daily hag post. She's coming. One day.
Cherno's ball-handling is unrivaled
Siris is too fast and a blocking queen
Marian and Haru's lateral movement would break her ankles all day
Frito has no answer to Nita's height/reach, patented spin move, and extra pair of hands
Vidya rains three-pointers all day
Chen and Tess have insane verts and can dunk on anyone
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Bro we already have a 27 year old right here
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I won't forget what the real siris looked like.
Mama mia. That is a spicy goldfish. But Siris looks like she's 16. A healthy 16, but still. She doesn't act like a hag either.
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nevar 4get
Crazy that we're already coming up on her birthday. Finally the heat can start fucking off.
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So that it makes more sense for Fritia and Mauxir to have been in the academy at the same time.
I am unironically in love with Katya
This is a 3D Waifu Sci-Fi RPG Shooter, if you don't have a waifu you are playing it wrong
the adjutant is my waifu
If you have A waifu you are doing it wrong, you are supposed to have all the waifus.
Is the Cherno rerun objectively just bait before summer?
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But this is a harem game?
You don't get to choose just 1 girl.
Adjutant WILL marry all of them
I will marry Nita and only Nita.
Too late adjutant.
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I am unironically in love with Caroline.
I'm not in love with anyone, I just play because it's fun
Are you ready for Tau's swimsuit?
Will it be a bikini or a one-piece?
skinny dipping
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Rootless and unmarried
Turn your shadow settings to low. That was bothering me too.
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>Yao can't say this anymore after we get married
Was it worth it?
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I love my cat(dog)
I hate that they made the default look on shadow ka so bad to force people to buy her skin
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I was going to buy her skin anyway because I asked Seaslug for delicious brown girl pit goddess and they gave me delicious brown girl pit goddess
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I love my dog(cat)
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I have bad news bwo..
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When will we get new wives seaslug...
dude, what?
her default look is perfectly fine
you have to go all the way back to the standard 5*s and 4*s to get default outfits that are actually ugly
When you faggots stop frivolously accusing Chen of misdeeds.
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Assuming I have every single operative, and their copegun maxed, what is the play here anons?

The only 5* weapons I own are:
>Uninvited Adieu (5Cherno)
>Snapshot Ace (Agave)
>Heart Hunter (5WFenny)
>Star Ocean
>Chocolate Filling

Also I really like Eatchel and really like how comfy she makes the game so I tend to put her on every team I can. Also I heard her gun makes her somewhat viable in solo play, which makes it even more enticing. Which gun should I pick to not brick my account.
What? I already have Cherno and her gun, and you can't even get it from this box.
People have been saying that Mauxir is the meta play, but I picked Eatchel's gun. I, too, have included her on literally every single team I ever use since she first got buffed, and I loved how comfy she made the game, so I gave her the gun so she could buff me as well.

I really wish Snowbreak had a 2nd Eatchel for my other team.
Eatchel is just a glorified 4* star healer without her signature and if you like her then the choice should be obvious.
>get 30 parts
>buy cherno weapon from shop
>t2 it
like that
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I heard that was the play as well, especially because I heard her gun is pretty flexible (whatever that means), but to be honest I don't really like using 5Kot.

Yeah I was just looking at what her gun offers and it just seems like it's nothing but an extra 1000/1800 attack while some other guns seem to offer more but I do like her an awful lot.

Oh my bad, but this seems like a waste when I can just scrap another gun like Olympus and do the same thing. I'd rather get a new gun. Thanks for the reminder though I'm gonna do just that.
>but to be honest I don't really like using 5Kot.
I'm not a Neural Sim autist so take what I'm saying with a grain of salt, but I don't like the phase changes that bosses have now. I just don't like them period, and then for 5* Mauxir they cause her doll to disappear. That's also part of why I like Eatchel so much. She just works. All the time, no matter what, Eatchel is doing something, which you cannot say for any other support.
New Fritia when?
My wife and daughter
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You mean your wife and your daughterwife.
>Katya's genes are too powerful
>all her children are just clones of her
holy BASED
New Promo - h4yi7b2c
ok what cc did they sponsor this time
this is from twitter
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This game needs a denier slider.
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Caroline will not be in my harem.
I only have sex with manifestations
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You only want to have sex with Cherno and Meursault despite being married to 3 women already.
This is so true. Eatchel goes in every team.
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I want to put a ring on her as soon as possible
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Cherno is cute and I liked her story but my preferences are different
I need to put a ring on Haru as soon as possible. Maybe then she'll stop raping me...
>I need to marry my rapist, that'll make her stop.
lmao even.
The only girl I like is Frit but she is shit.
I love Tess.
It appears she may have a drinking problem
Neo-Haru will have TWO swords.
Jobs to my turrett damage
My obedient slave

TurretCHADS are just built different.
Dual gunblades
This excellent post didn't get enough (You)s.
Don't be jealous, bwo. All the girls will get wedding dresses eventually.
Two twinblades with guns on both ends.
Neo Haru should just play like Nero from DMCV. I'm gonna keep bringing it up.
She is so fucking cute
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woo yay
>I don't like the phase changes that bosses have now.
well, I am a NS autist, so here's what I think
If the boss's overall design is good, then the phase changes are good, because they prevent fights from devolving into 'just blow it up in a few seconds and never even see its mechanics'
(the biggest of gigawhales can still basically do that, but in general and in short, the longer you are required to dps a boss, the more important timing and execution are). Learning the small intricacies that allow you to save time and getting as close to a perfect run as possible are where the juice is
Permanently the best support in Star Master timed trial, and if 3 minute boss dps is solo going forward like the current one is, also the best support by default unless the devs put in capsules that reduce cd/restore energy and the like
She's not for bleeding edge Neural Sim times, but she's not to be recommended against anymore either, since she now has optimal uses, and the comfiness is a bonus. Seaslug puts yet another one in the win column by making her desirable
I need to do my weekly attacker run...
Is Trial's eve good for anyone? From the description it looks like a weapon for support 4chen, except it's worse than Strawberry Shortcake.
Trial's Eve is 4Chen's signature, it is better than Shortcake.
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not that simple
T5 Strawberry Shortcake shitstomps T1 Trial's Eve, and has a higher ceiling than even T2 Trial's Eve if your 4Chen's stats are high enough
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I love my autistic wife
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Black Ops 6: Containment Zone
I kinda want omni movement just so I can make some fancy webms and screenshots of my wife
I can't believe Fenny cut up Frito's dress to make her swimsuit
Frito's probably going to challenge her to gladiatorial combat when she finds out
It's a good thing I got a team in 1 second on normal so I can do my attacker run easily.
It's year 2028.
Cherno and Enya get their double wedding
Nita still doesn't have a 5star.
With Omnijiggle physics
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Darkest timeline
we have omnimovement at home
>rolls in all directions
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Nita is the secret emergency money botton. Seaslug knows nitabros will have so much money saved up by then they'll all m5t2 her day one.
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Wyfe's E takes too long to finish the animation.
I want to instantly press dodge 1 frame after starting E instead of having to wait until she finishes her show
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>Watch out, Adjutant! That's the Blue Bolt.
>The Blue Bolt?
>Yes. She carries a variety of crossbow bolts with her to handle any situation.
>Any Situation?
>The bolt she has loaded right now appears to be coated with a powerful chemical cocktail.
>If that hits you, you'll be at her mercy. Don't let her take advantage of you!
Given what he said during the stream, that isn't a comical exaggeration.
we really do need a Mei Ling to tell us various Chinese proverbs
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Hey /snowg/ do you still use the 4* versions of characters you own the 5* versions of? Is there a huge difference in performance between rarities?
Bad smile
I use 4Fenny every once in awhile because she's fun to play and actually just uses her gun. As for supports, whenever I need 3 teams sometimes 4Yao or 4Chen gets used. I use 4Cherno all the time in paradox because her support skill giving you movement speed helps a lot
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i still use 4 cherno because she's the only barefoot waifu, i wish she had some dedicated outfit though
The only 4* I still use is 4Cherno and that's because of Star Master.
What the anons above said is basically it.
Also, if you are new and don't have a 5* shotgun character, it might be interesting to use 4* Fenny because Hardened Bison is a thing.
Understood. Guess I’ll use until a 5* version spooks me or something.
How about the maid Cherno? She wasn’t in any rate-up as far as I saw. Is there a prediction when she will be reavailable?
4* Fritia is a nice damage support if you have no one better.
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I have good news and bad news.
Good news is that she reruns in a few days.
Bad news is that maid is her costume and you can't get it anymore because of cpp.
I use Fenny4 from time to time because she's still a good dps for general use, the rest depends on what they offer, I still use 4Chen for example since she gives consistent healing and buffs skill damage
5Cherno should be having a rerun soon
The maid outfit however was discontinued a few days ago, so no way to get it for now unless you get an account that had it already
>4* Yao's drone doesn't gives no buff
>4* Chen's drop pod gives a buffs
The powerscreep was evident ever since day 1.
What everyone else said, but I use 4* as dps in paradox and sometimes co-op just for fun I'm sorry to all the anons i've annoyed by doing that btw
I sometimes use 4* Acacia because I think her kit is cool.
sauce please?
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Sometimes I like using 4* Haru because she has pic related, and I really like looking at pic related
>doesn't knows how to image search
pretty sure it's from last origin
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Cheona from Last Origin
>last origin
Thanks bros. Didn't think google would give it but not iqdb.
Well I’m fucked then. I got Agave early on but spent everything else failing to get Chenxing. Meaning I would have to make a heavy choice between either of them while I progress the rest of the story.
Power-wise Cherno is the better choice but honestly just roll for who you like. Too bad Cherno doesn't appear much aside from her event chapter so you won't get to know her well.
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Not only 5* Haru lost objectively the best hairstyle ever know to mankind, she also lost the very pretty red brown gradient near edges. What a shame...
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Stop splurting. Cherno has to clean it up everytime.
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I always thought cope guns would be enough but this cope looks like shit man.
thought the same thing but if 2.2 is a big patch as promised, then I'm gonna need all my rolls for it
True end, make it happen Seaslug
Cherno it is then. I have been rolling with my dick most of the time but I don’t have much preference between Chenxing and Cherno. At least without factoring skins, cause then the dragonbutt one would be the tiebreaker but I’ll stay a broke college student for months so…
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Good choice.
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I need more kot
I miss metal gear..
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Skill issue
>try to start this
>need a DMM account
>create it with google
>blocks me
>get a VPN
>it's a free VPN, so I had to keep changing servers at random until I fall on Japan
>finally install the client to get the app
>need to log in with my account
>it doesn't accept an account created with google
>create another email
>create an account directly this time
>email blocked because it's too new, it was seen as spam
>still no Last Origin
that was a terrible morning...
Is there a place where I can find all the stickers, I really want that Lyfe scream doujin
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My condolences bro. If it's consolation it took me about a week to figure out how to make it work.
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The CN bros won't like that...
When I tried to play instead of making an account I accidentally filled up a job form and sent them because I clicked the wrong links.
They rejected me. First time I failed to get a job…
Lmao. But on the other hand, imagine if you were actually hired lol.
smartest general
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>average snogger
To play LO on PC you need stuff like a DMM account and a VPN to run the DMM launcher since western IPs got blocked from that side due to struggles with american liberals.
When it came the time to register my email and make an account to play I seemingly clicked a link that was to register my email to apply for a job there instead. But since it was my first time dealing with one of those japanese sites I just assumed registering an account there has way more info you needed to fill. Later when I still couldn’t login (because you know instead of making an account I applied for a job) I learned I did all that shit from using google translate on a really polite email I received from them telling me they wouldn’t hire me.
I go to online galleries to check CGs and animations of japanese games specifically because of shit like that.
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I can't speak for last origin but I know google made it significantly harder to play jp only games. Used to be able to download them from the playstore with just an account that I set as 'Japan' in my profile. Nowadays I had to use a vpn to set it up, use an address spoofer and fake phone number to get it to think I'm from JP just in order to play. DMM might be different. Also they blocked international cards from spending in a lot of them so I needed to use a proxy card for that too. Sometimes you can install games with an apk without needing a lot of that as long as you dont mind being forced f2p. Personally, I don't recommend it. Snobble made me realize that any game that isnt on pc natively isnt worth my time. I am free now
>"damn those japs sure need a lot of info to play their games" anon thinks to himself as he types out his previous work experiences
I forgive her. This game needs playable evil women.
I like that a lot. I love Esther!
It's worth noting that only some IPs are blocked. I was blocked for about 8 months but one day about a month ago I suddenly wasn't anymore.
Nta, but well, some sites and forums (mostly "illegal" ones, such as piracy) require detailed information and checks during registration there's no glowies or authorities trying to get in.
Also considering it's well known that Korea and China are very anal during registration because of lawns and regulations to monitor their population (e.g. Korean is basically a military state), so it doesn't seem strange to me if anon thought DMM was like that.
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Katya alt will use her chin as a weapon
Surely my office and construction experience will let them know I'm really serious about wanting to make spreadsheets about the thickness of Hongryeon's thighs.
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>be inaros adaptation main
>roll eatchel just because she's cute
>she heals me without pressing any buttons as I just stand in the middle and kill everything in highest difficulty of defense line
I like her
I stopped giving a shit about japslop after finding snowbreak.
Chinks will provide me their services conveniently and in a language I understand with a simultaneous version release. Meanwhile japs will have you go through a gazillion hoops unless they release their sloppy seconds version that's censored and 5 years behind JP or some other shit like that.
At least he didn't have to win a lottery to play the game too, like kancolle used to require.
I remember that, what a fucking cancer
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Well shit it's because I prefer Janghwa over Hongryeon. The job interview was rigged from the start!
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where can I find that one? gotta teach my own eatchel about history
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I'm dyimg!
I can see why you weren't hired
Redeem Code 2: h4yi7b2c
No gems this time tho.
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It's not their fault.
Blackrock and others have been infesting Japanese gaming companies for the better part of a decade now.
SEGA was forced to DEI hire a psycho genocidal tranny, a well known pedophile, an obese mexican furfag and worst of all a woman for their PSO2 community manager team. Keep in mind, PSO2 is basically Japanese World of Warcraft, it goes way back and they just chucked their global release in the bin because of these fucking creatures reposting gay bara softcore porn on their official twitter (not joking).

The execs at SEGA are all old japanese conmen and yakuza, you think they give one single iota of a fuck about 'inclusivity'?
It'll come to China and Korea too.
https://postimg.cc/2qvypJ8C tried to catbox it but I think they blocked it
What does it mean?
Is this what happens when Frito spooks you? https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/122085817
Redeem Code 3: eddagame
Revision Application x2, Energy Cube x10, Bright-Star Ticket x10, SilverBuck x10,777
Thanks Tessbwo
And yeah it's crazy what happened to PSO2, I miss playing it with /v/ on the jp servers..
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Doesn't work
Tess next patch
It will NEVER be Edda Game
Not my problem.
I've been chasing their shadow for 10 years now.
If gooks and chinks offer better games and services then that's where I'm going.
Japs can enjoy their downfall while kowtowing to ZOG
I need more Tess porn.
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It already is
You just don't know it yet
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I miss you bro
>when snoggers want to play a lewd game like Last Origin they try to get a job among the developers first
I’m starting to understand why the Adjutant became a manwhore marrying multiple girls. Which one of you fuckers made it to the dev team?
Just finished the second latest chapter after reinstalling since April
Why is edda helping us again?
She has goals we are not yet privy to
They didn't send me a reply yet. I want to draw one of the logi set..
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If you think about it, it does make sense trying to get a job among the developers first.
Besides the usual incentives and benefits, I know from a friend that certain stores actually have points programs to give stuff to their salesmans (that's how he got his PS2 back in the day, by exchanging some points for it).
So I don't think it would be weird for a developer to get a job in a gaming company for benefits as long as the salary and working conditions are still good and it isn't a black company.
is this an ad for that game the boomer is making
I just think fishing minigames sucks.
It weird how real fishing games are fun, but fishing in games where it isn't the primary purpose ALWAYS fucks.
5*kaguya or 5*mauxir
acacia first.
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You okay there Adjutant? You know you're wearing Vidya's headpiece, right?
5* Mauxir's gameplay sucks. Shooting a stationary doll is the most tasteless and boring thing they ever decided to implement in the game.
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Look at this mature woman
She is the spitting image of maturity
What a fine young lady!
That's why I picked Katya.
Yeah I agree, I'm not telling you to buy their zogged shit anyway.
Just saying that if the boot is removed they'll go back to being cool.
If you look at smaller Japanese companies they do pretty well
Yes! Finally someone that gets me! The difference between being stationary and shooting moving reacting targets is worlds apart.
why acacia first?
Didn't notice Vidya put her headwear on me while we were making out just a minute prior.
nta but even their indie games look like they belonged 15 years ago rather than now. Do you recommend anything?
Pal World is a Japanese indie game btw
I just noticed that I've been only playing CN gacha those past 7 years.
The last Japanese gacha I tried playing was Granblue, back when the official english translation of the game was released, and I couldn't really force myself to play it due to the garbage interface. Before that I tried playing FGO but it played JUST LIKE an adobe shockwave flash game.
And for other interesting ones like BA, I decided to just jerk off to content instead of playing the game myself.
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A goddess has descended upon my screen
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This is my second, I admit I tried Genshit for like a year but I got too fucking bored
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good morning I love katya
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The light… it is blinding me
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The hell is my hag operative Chong? Mumu??
I'm no longer kindly asking. Deliver the hags NOW
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Calm the fuck down, Cherno.
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I want it NOW
Jp still unironically releases flash-tier games even today, they're a lost cause outside of visual novels and some r18 not-gacha jrpgs/srpgs. Kr has BA (reskinned priconne, a jap flash-tier gacha) and Counterside (good but got progressively ruined by bad decisions over the past 2 years) and E7 I guess (not a bad game but only if you're an oldfag or bought an acc). CN's only disadvantage is self-censoring (hoyogames/wuwa can be modded so that's a non issue) and lack of graphic depictions (they try to compensate with graphic descriptions and or analogies but I miss soft-gore stuff sometimes).
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Ok, I'm going to prepare some premium titagen flavored milk just for you right now.
I've been playing Toram Online for a while.
A bit jewy with the gacha, but it's pretty soulful. It's basically a 2005-ish MMO. Has some bad tech problems though.
Also Reynatis looks cool, too bad about the late release outside of Japan but it is a small company. I'm holding my judgement on it until I see the translation. One single sus amogus or mention of capitalism and you can pretend I never mentioned it.
Japanese know that pandering is all that matters, there's no reason to go past vn tier gameplay since traditional gachas are based on vns. They only lost to chinks because they ignored the rest of the word like the retards they are.
Koreans and Chinese are the only ones putting out "ok" mobages these days.
What happened to WW?
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It's over....
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I can bake. Give me an image to use
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