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Previous: >>492629776

Official: https://splatoon.nintendo.com/
Base: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/character/splatoon/en/
Wiki: http://splatoonwiki.org/
Booru: https://booru.inkgen.moe
Build analyzer: https://sendou.ink
Pool code: inkgen

• Big Run 9/6-9/8
• Grand Festival announcement - Past vs Present vs Future: https://x.com/SplatoonJP/status/1814148407994589645
• Version 9.0.0 patch notes: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/59461/~/how-to-update-splatoon-3#v900
• Sizzle Season is on until 8/31

>Media Accounts

>Map Schedules and Seed Checker

>Gear, Weapons, and Collectables
Drizzle Season 2024 is here!
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Hugs With Callie!
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Sex with that beeb
Holy fuck we haven't had XL mod shirts for a year yet.
Can I get a booyah for the passage of time?
No fatties allowed beyond this point
Who asked?
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Any second now
It has come to my attention that I cannot one trick my main anymore. I will be grinding the Splatershot until s+10 and then I will touch ranked. I am motivated by sheer seething over the fact some pedophile win traded his pedophile shitter boyfriend.
I am content if I manage to get a silver badge
I love Aori. Cannot wait to play SR on grand fest map.
But how does that affect you personally?
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the cooler cap of legend
It's silly and pointless but when you see someone who clearly doesn't deserve that badge, numerous xitter trannies on both NA and JP pointing out their suspicious behavior, it motivates me to actually earn one of those badges
>they (wisely) never gave sloshers burst bomb ever again
>meanwhile carbon
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I know there's a nazi edit but an Israeli edit would be funnier
What are the optimal strats for turf war, I need to practice.
the japanese are going crazy for the datamined utsu hair, i wonder if it'll be the new judd ears
play aero rg and farm booyah bombs
avoid confrontation as much as possible
use said booyah bombs to slip past the enemy
invade their base, distract them there giving your team the window to take the middle, do ink your own base if you see it's not beig inked
but generally just be good at splatting and put as much apressure as you can on the enemy team's base.
turf war is really the easiest mode to do a turn of tables so do not give them any chances
You don't have to spend the first 30 seconds inking base but you should make sure it's inked by the end or you could lose relatively close matches
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Alright, what was that stuff I saw about people getting a shitload of scales, what do I need to do to make that happen?
play the game
don’t ink your base at the start of the match
rush directly to mid and gain turf control
paint a little bit of your base every time you respawn
ngl its funny af seeing people unironically seeth over the "jesusS posts in plaza
like "keep religion out games" is so funny once you notice the clear double standards on these people lol
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maybe this one
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>take mid
>nobody dies 2 minutes in
>now you must sacrifice your strength at mid for someone to go back and ink
>get overrun and lose
if everyone inks spawn together, it takes like 15 seconds and then you never worry about it again. it also allows you to present a defense of 4 people just slightly pushed to your side. if they bring all 4, they're way behind you in inking already because spawn is covered and theirs isn't, if they left someone inking spawn, it's now 4 vs. less than 4.
Stupid fukkin fish is being fukkin stupid again.
what posts?
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You should punt him.
Imagine if there were only two squids left on Earth with no respawners and one splatted the other, wouldn't that be booyah?
i guess different people have different plazas
but tldr theres a bunch of "jesus loves you" and "god loves you" plaza posts in mine and that for some reason bothers some people who are like "keep religion out of games" and "i have traume from religion please stop" and it just feel so dumb every time i see one of those
>muh trauma
>my parents won't let me make life changing decisions before I'm even an adult wahhhh
Every time
the lack of awareness would be hilarious if it wasn't so infuriating. Saw one the other day that was like "Why are you surprised people are mad at you for peddling your religion in a kids game and making people uncomfortable? you deserve it"
a minion died on the cross for me
There is no bearded fish in the sky
There is no woomies.
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Blessed Mother Marie
anyone in this thread like flopshredders?
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Seamen brother
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Best woomies.
Trans posts aren't ok, Jesus posts aren't either simple as
i'm praying for you /ink/
if the plaza post has a nice ceph drawing it gets a fresh
text posts can go and stay go
I'm not saying either of them are or arent
I'm just saying that these people clearly can't see the irony of saying that stuff
Christ is King, sorry not sorry.
Joey you can't say that and post bara Big Man
why? the whole deal with jesus is worshiping a shirtless muscular guy on a cross anyways
Why do you want men to choose what you masturbate to? Are you homosexual?
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Anyone down to slam for a king?
Yeah I could, gotta boot up the game.
Fap to your suicide
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>Not skilled enough to fish with /ink/
>Can't get enough competent freelancers to kill a boss or even get out of profresh
hello i would like to join. booting up my switch
Jesus undoubtedly was a twink
damn nvm
It's a woomy woom world.
this is the first fest that i didn't instantly know what to pick
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>it's been 9 years
don't fap moron
she wears clothes like that because she gets dragged a lot
i hope you feel ashamed
I thought it was because she breathes through her skin
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I don’t know what team to choose. I love all three and feel like I will betray the other two groups if I pick a team
Fap to your suicide
Do you guys feel the "connection improvement" are better, worse, or the same?
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Exact same boat.
Splatoon 2 and 3 introduced the worst fans. Of course I'm sticking with past
ahem, let me try again.
very stupit fish.
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My gut instinct was to pick present and that's what I ultimately went with, but I kept debating between Present and Future before deciding that I didn't have much hope for the future. right now is all we've got.
Future is the only group not full of doomfags, got it.
fests don't matter and there won't be a S4
yep, feels good being a hopechad.
Splatroon 2 and 3 (present future)
SplatSOUL 1 (past)
lol splatroon
You could be playing s1 instead of 3 right now
You could be playing dead game over active game right now
I thought splatoon one service had ended
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It also lets you play as a tako online without getting banned for it
bouncing smallfry up and down like a basketball
He's talking about pretendo which has less than 20 active players
Why was splatoon 1 heterosexual and then splatoon 2 become transexual
Because trannies weren't something you cared about until after the election
Also pretendo isn't a time machine. It won't make the current fan base of the game go back in time before xitter trannies ruined it
Why do you assume present won't win?
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GG's Salmonators!
No mater how much yuri of pearlina you masturbate to ywnbaw
The middle option has always been the Ignorant Masses choice. It’s been filled with the players who are unbelievably casual.
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squishy squid cheeks
Is it possible to perfectly throw a bomb on top of a fishstick and kill all the smallfry that way?
I assumed present would be the most picked since that's when all the trannies started playing the game but based off screen shots it seems at least on /ink/ past is the most picked
>fanbase affects gameplay
Might want to see a doctor about your brain tumor.
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GGss fsherwooms!
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because it’s the lamest possible outcome
Kind of. It started the whole no gendered clothing stuff, and the “choose your style”. I guess you could say it affected the translation as well
because everyone plays Splatoon exclusively for the gameplay and nothing else
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/ink/ is full of bitter old cunts and is an outlier, past isn't the most popular
I don't think I ever implied the gameplay was better or worse for future or past games. I'm just saying things were a lot better back then. I'd rather have some timmy spamming the miiverse about how hot marie is than this time line of trannies grooming minors through the plaza posts
We're talking about emulated Splatoon 1, right? I don't think they went and changed anything.
90% of the reason I play it is for the gameplay, yes. Visual map control tied to movement makes for a very unique and enjoyable game. I wouldn't be playing Splatoon if it were some turn-based gacha game, even if it had cute wooms.
The guy who was a timmy when s1 came out grew up to be a gender politics obsessed early 20s something now, that's just how zoomers are.
>pic related
Yep my assumption were correct. Didn't expect both present and future to be that even though
It goes to Future so the dlc will be a little prequel back when Craig was in his prime.
Because middle option is technically Fyre option and Fyre will never win again
Fuck off joey
That could be true but I think two contrubuting factors are responsible for the current state of the playerbase
1. Splatoon was on the wii u, less popular means less people were on there (twitter tumblr types)
2. Splatoon 2 made it so you needed a twitter account to post in the plaza thus exposing the playerbase to "those" types
Nintendo's fanbase in the west is by and large made of the twitter tumblr types. If anything the console being niche just made them be a larger percentage of its userbasr.
Alot of /ink/ers who went to Team Past never even played Splatoon 1, why are they picking that team?
How do you know what I played?
Shut the fuck up I miss using inkstrike on the wii u gamepad
>They weren't posting here so that means they didn't play the game
Have you considered widening your horizons?
>Nintendo's fanbase in the west is by and large made of the twitter tumblr types
This is true but only after the switch's success
I dont think the game you played first should have any bearing on the way you answer the question
i played cpma in 2002
it was kinda like splatoon
They want to seem like they're OG Splatoon players, like how the mormon keeps brining up old metas from the previous games to make it seem like he's not a tourist.
>yeah remember 99.9 bamboo? remember *looks up wiki* ballpoint getting nerfed several times?
The idols are representing the teams. Squid sisters whole thing now is nostalgia
this isn't an idolfest, though.
>squid sisters are gonna be in their 50s doing concerts for a crowd of 40-something woomoms who saddled their husbands with the kids for the weekend
Idolfags disagree, as always.
So the Squid Sisters don't represent nostalgia?
youre retarded if you dont view this as an idol fest
>Did they really improve the lag? I said it was a paid beta last year, but I'm sorry, it's really a paid beta.
>The theory is that the squid lab couldn't do anything about it, so they brought in people from other departments to fix it.
>It was released in a worse network environment than 2, and now two years later it's just getting a little closer to 2 and getting rave reviews.
>Up until now, I've always thought, "It's selling well, so it's fine, lol," but now that data is showing things like a decline in active users and other things that clearly show a bad situation, it feels like the higher-ups are finally starting to catch on.
>Even if the lag is improved two years after release, people who quit will never come back.
>I've been playing it like crap for thousands of hours, and now I'm told that I can play it in a decent state for the last few hundred hours at the very end of its life. Rather than feeling like I can finally play it, I feel like I've wasted my time playing it.
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you could frame it as nostalgia but it's more like reverence for the past
the first song they did that actually made them popular was just a cover of an old folk song, after all
callie represents dem flops
Been playing Splatoon since it launched on the Wii U. Never knew about this place since mid season of 2.
>Trying to gatekeep a 10% popularity team
For what purpose?
a 45 year old Japanese salary man wrote this
PLEASE tell me which team you're joining I really want to play with you
same, only started posting around the end of splatoon 2
i ve been here all summ3r
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Hit me with a woom, brother.
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at the very least australia's tastes have no reason to be different from the US's
we don't have any hard data for japan like that but I've heard people saying that past wasn't polling well there either
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They aren't polling terribly in japan, but not as bad as in the west. In fact they are kind of ahead of future.
It's just that present has the majority of the votes.
>present t shirts sold out
octo expansion and its consequences have been a disaster for the splatoon community
TVTropes has a surprisingly insightful writeup on the absolute state of the shitfest that is S3 meta (pic related is only the very tail end of it).
Based woomoms
Excuse me but what part of this reads like it's describing a shitfest? A "no meta" meta sounds like a good thing.
who is 2ch picking for the fest?
So if Present wins and past gets 2nd place, we're looking at past getting a dlc scenario, not too bad.
i miss the late fresh season/early sizzle season meta
>Tacticooler remains a must-have
>The rocket-tag pace of the game has been accelerated even faster, with individual fights spiraling into total losses at a quickened pace
>games decided at weapon select: if you or your weapon can't adapt to deal with what the opponents are doing, it will be an extreme uphill battle
tl;dr no-fun-allowed sweaty autist shitstomp insta-loses is the meta, gg no re
If they go that route again, they'll give both losing teams DLC presence.
There hasn't been a "second place" winner in splatfests this game at all.
ranked matches end quickly because compfags prefer splatzones, which is the mode that probably has the most infrequent come back victories when played correctly
crab nerfs any day now
Crab is fine as is
it's ironically most broken in turf war because it can cover a huge swathe of the map by just holding down fire
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SR on the Grand Fest map looks like it might be fun.

Callie hugs are the best hugs.
Average Sourfag
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>forgot to add the news article with the grandfest gear
>sheldon didn't get the new weapons either
I still have my Wii U and the gamepad still works
if by some miracle we do get third kits they’re probably not going to happen until after the splatoween rerun
third kits will come with splatoon 3 deluxe
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The third kits will come in the future
If future wins we'll get a new game new dlc and mew things
If it loses the franchise stops forever and we never hear of a new game ever again
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>If it loses the franchise stops forever and we never hear of a new game ever again
Good, these devs will never make a good game again.
Sister amiibo gear if splatoon was good.
If Splatoon was actually good you could send in the details of your ceph and get a custom amiibo made of it
I think only team future should be allowed to squid roll during the fest desu
Team present and past should have the fuck ass camera controls when swimming up walls as well
will splatoon 4 be better
Yes but there will be an army of doomers who will spend years trying to convince you it isn't to try and validate their eternal cynicism.
>new rotation is on
>"today will be better, last night must have been a fluke"
I didn't want those scales anyway.
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Every game's been worse than the last, what do you think?
proving >>492776536 right
Like clock work, if the game really was worse this retard wouldn't still be here over a decade later with every instalment being worse than the last. He would have left long ago, living proof the games aren't getting worse at all
not having bronze/silver/gold on any SR map at this point is just asking to get fucked because you have to start at EVP 40 with all the timmies
I have them on 3 maps, but I don't like deranking anyway, especially when one of the maps that will reset me back to EVP isn't the next one in rotation.
What headphones do you play sploon with?
anarchy 2/4
Hello Kitty
I could play.
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>oh shit Marie started speaking
>it’s a fucking .png of Callie and Marie, followed by one of Pearl and Marina
Where did the soul go?
small indie nogami
into the rest of the fest?
I have some turtle beach ones with a wireless dongle that plugs into the switch dock. No latency but I’ve played on mute with my own music playing for about a year now
cephalopod hooters
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my fucking god you guys laser in on the stupid announcement jpeg while ignoring the fact that they made an entire fucking lobby for one three day event
room died gomen something came up
DT 770 Pro
just get an amiibo and you'll get to revisit whenever you want
>play with v.edit
>get stuck with two trislosh nouveaus
>nothing but coolers
I hate this game's matchmaking so fucking much
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good night /ink/
I use earphones for clearer directional audio, I don't know how people use headphones
sniffing frye
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Sennheiser HD 58x's.
they and my switch (line-in) are both plugged into my PC since they share the desk.
The current salmon run rotation can't be that bad in freelance, gonna test it for myself
>dude just be a whiny fag like us
sorry im not on team past
i'm one of the biggest doomers here and while i knew they were going to do a regular deep cut announcement, i at least figured on the big man tv they would show the squid sisters sitting in their studio talking, followed by off the hook doing the same thing repping their respective teams. the assets are there - all they had to was animate their mouths or something.

and then they put in a fucking jpg which exceeded my doom expectations.
go jerk off to some jpgs since you love them so much
They could've just, I don't know, did a quick model photoshoot and use those pics for the announcement? But I guess .jpgs are the future, I guess.
I use earbuds to listen to my music while splatoon audio plays from my monitor
it's funny that they've been using that same render of the squid sisters for like 9 years
I clawed my way through all 12 capsules, but pulling teeth would have been more fun. The scales capsules must have brought legions of shitters back in.
Ironically I got 5 silver and 2 gold for all this (2S1G for very failed Zuna at EVP20 lel, plus capsules).
>duuude put more effort into showcasing the idols from the other games
nope, this is deep cut's game.
>skippable jobbers
>had no dialog until 3.0.0(?)
could've fooled me
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I play the game on a drawing tablet and have the audio wired to play through my laptop speakers
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why does the trans community eat up slop and calk you a doomer when you criticize nintendo in anyway
>made a typo
concession accepted
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why does the trans community eat up slop and call you a doomer when you criticize nintendo in anyway

-patch notes: fixed typo where call was mistyped "calk"
30 minutes until grand fest geat
In sorry but for such a big event this is the laziest shit ive ever seen.

Its even worse since they HAVE both studios plus the current model in the game already. Could legit just made it like a video call or smthin squished squid sisters.jpg and splat 2 render.jpg is ass.

Why are you defending the lazyness?
>reddit spacing
ungrateful little chudie you WILL eat the sloppie
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why does the trans community hate proper paragraph formatting
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stupid fucking retard
>thread is 1/3rd over in 4 hours
I hate all of you
Where can I get Grizz statue?
why does the trans community hate progress
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it is 8 am of a monday in japan
surely they'll release the nintendo switch news in 30 minutes right? right?? will they actually make everyone wait til later in the week?
Nah. It's okay to love the game and franchise and want the best for it. Nothing spoiled about wanting an actual animated newscast from all the idols. It's only the biggest event in the franchise. That splatfest announcement was lazy lazy lazy.
spoiled little chud
maybe they could have done a nice announcement if they had made it so each of the three lobbies was actually functioning instead of making you tune into deep cut no matter where you are
im not buying the dlc nogami.
ok why does callie call marie old when she herself is the older one
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You had two years with SS and five with OTH. That’s more than enough.
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It's weird seeing all this back and forth over the announcement because I mashed A through all of it. Would have skipped it if the option was there.
grey hair
tree house when it was kino
Give it up rank is dead
Building towards subs and specials is nigger behavior, only abilities that affect your main and movement should be allowed. QR should have never returned.
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Good bye /ink/, I never belonged here anyway.
remember to set your NSO to not renew since the game is over.
I went in -2000 point debt one season.
You and I belong here, together.
inker femcels...
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god i wish a were a little yibby
They're grooming him you know
Yeblets when will they learn
When does the JP in tentatek league ban go into effect?
it should already be, either they're using VPNs or it's just westerners larping with jp characters in their name
>he doesn't know
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what close friends!
I bet you’re one of those faggots that delete your entire Steam friends list when you’ve had a bad day, too.
Too specific bro. Do you do that?
Wow they did the bare minimum for a final event? Amazing. take my money nintendo
If they cared they would reach out
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Someone redraw this but reverse the hug and make her look uncomfortable. Then it’s realistic enough for me to immerse myself
Why is woomy hugging eminem
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No it’s a vaguely scientific looking human!
>tfw never eat a donut out of a woomy's mouth
why live
>they never mention anything bad
>see my friends list minus one
>notice who is missing
>go to their profile
>0 friends
>expect me to message them and reach out like it’s a movie
Yeah no. Fuck all of you that do this schizo crap.
that's pretty obviously supposed to be his big sister
Guess you never really cared
You guys actually talk to your steam friends? I just added them during random tf2 matches 11 years ago and never spoke to them again.
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Lmao exact same here. I used the play the shit out of tf2 10 years ago.
>the bare minimum
>meanwhile people will bend over backwards to say 2's final fest was better
however 2's final fest actually will be better if we don't get to ride master mega or summon frye's eels on the final map
I have some like that, but at one point I was in a group of friends that would collectively shitpost on /v/. This was before discord and you used the steam group chat. It was a fun few months. Several of them I did befriend and talk to privately all the time, but they all did that schizo nuke muh friend list shit after a while. The only one I’m still friends with is the group leader. He’s still cool. I’m guessing Steam chat use plummeted after discord became a thing anyway.
you lied
>two days into the new season
>Ran into a jap name with 15 crowns in series
Wtf how? Is it possible to be S+ 10 and not rank up?
Whenever I hop on I often see some familiar names sure. But this also happens in 3.
As far as I'm aware it takes more than 10 series to reach +10, so it is possible he's about to hit the cap
You never expressed what was wrong. What did you expect? They’re not mind readers and you’re not their girlfriend.
I want frye's horns and I want them now
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Our attraction would be a shittier version of Turf.
it would be splatoon-themed Go
how is it possible to make a shittier version of Turf?
>You and I belong here, together.
But what's the point? Everyone I saw in the pool got back into S+ within a day. And that's only those who were below S+10 to begin with. I just got shat on for 15 matches straight instead.
It's not fun playing a game where you're unable to progress and get stonewalled before reaching the (arguably) "endgame".
It's not fun playing when I can't even tell if I'm failing due to me playing badly, or due to random chance in matchmaking, team comps, connection, and other factors. I don't feel like I'm in control of my results and progress at all, I could just as well be playing some gatcha shit instead.
>the only constant is you
Suppose it is, and I'm just this shit, so I've reached my skill ceiling in this game. Yet the game does NOT want me to continue playing. If it did, it would be giving me matches that I can win and enjoy, or lose fairly. Not a constant streak of unwinnable bullshit against players way above my level. Why would anyone want to play a game like this?
If you have a deep friendship with someone, you should care if they go awol. If you don't care, then they weren't much more than an acquaintance to you.
All hairstyles rated on a scale of not good to good (Can't be bothered to remember all the names)
Megalobraid: Good
Bedhead: Good
Classic: Good
2 Default: Good
Ponytail: Good
Long single tentacle: Good
Bangs: Good
Flopshred: Good
Woomy hair goodness: 100%
Cornrows: Not good
penis hair: not good
Topknot: Good
2 Default: Good
Buzzcut: good
Hipster: good
Spiky hair: not good
Bowl cut: not good
Yebby hair goodness:50%
Drills: Good
Whatever this is: not good
Tentacurl: Good
Ponytail: Good
Veemo hair goodness: 75%
Octolocks: Good
Mohawk 2: Not good
Mohawk: Good
Afro: Good
Weyyo hair goodness: 75%
I see the area looking like a kids play place, and all the shots and melee weapons being foam. Also it's your Mii's dressing up in costumes.
Even with all the nerf to squeezer, I still see turbo squeezer using macro to fire faster. This weapon is fundamentally flawed
>what's the point?
To have fun, if you aren't you'd be better off spending time on other things. It's good to focus less on the score screen and more on the moment to moment gameplay. If I had some fights with some L-3 on the right flank multiple times, trading kills and having a bit of a rivalry going, I'll probably have fun, even if I lose the match in the end.
Admittedly I have less fun with Series nowadays. Every single game has at least two bullshit weapons (Range Blaster/Splattershot/E-liter/Squeezer/Snipewriter) on the enemy team, and shit got tiring. The nerfs may have helped this a bit, but at this point I'm just burnt out on such an awful meta.
My main squeeze is playing Open/Salmon with the thread now, and in that setting the only constant is us.
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Has their been a player in the history of Splatoon 3 that has used this hairstyle ironically or unironically?
there was a drawfag here who used it that did really cute stuff
Worst hairstyle in the game
>has ANYONE EVER (done mundane thing)
Yes. The answer is always invariably yes.
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I used it for two pictures. Don't have them anymore, gotta make them again.
oh my
Guys I’m too lazy to finish side order please motivate me
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nintendrones dont even play the games they buy
I like it and I always run it...
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>still don’t know which team to pick
>missing out on conch shells
is suicide rushing with quick respawn still the optimal way to play tricolor offense?
>Splattershot fires at me at full health
>I die before the second shot even fires
I thought the update was supposed to make it better
am i a furry if i think this mask is cute
No, but you might be stupid for thinking so.
Need your daily win to get a conch? Heres your teammate GOOD LUCK DUMBASS STAY TUNED FOR SPLAT4
grandfest gear doko?
That was me, gg
I assure you I play as bad as him with far more hours in the game.
Why is it always Splatoon followed by a ton a F2P games and Minecraft
It's a cute mask
pick future already
monday (probably)
average present/future player
im happy the game is getting new blood!
Kids rarely get to buy new games and literally everybody has mineyman
i never paid much attention to any of the salmon run gear so help me choose, ink
angry rain boots or wooden sandels?
which one usually looks cooler on a yeb?
angry rain boots are a high tier piece of gear that go with a lot of outfits, the sandals are relatively limited in their usefulness by comparison
friendship bracelet
Sandals are more unique, lots of other boots.
anyone wanna do some open at rotation?
not enough scales for that
I kinda see it... anyone else wants to add anything to it?
I'm trying to imagine what I could use the sandals for tho. the boots seem to be more versitile then again I do have plenty of boots already....
Go for the Angry Rain Boots, gear that shows feet is for woomies only
>you're afraid of how your choices will affect the future
>you're unable to seize the day in the present
Welcome to team Past, brother.
3 reasons i love dualies
> bullying chargers
> bullying chargers
> bullying chargers
went for the boots. I'll get the sandals some other time!
does that mean pearl bullies marie?
Pearl bullies everyone indiscriminately
I kind of want the radio but nobody looks at lockers or mine for that matter.
every time an off the hook song comes on during a game I can't focus theyre so hot
those chinese desk sitters are RAUGHING themselves to the bank. think of your country's word for "dumb shitstain" and thats what theyd call you to your face in their own. thank you useful idiot for pledging $60 for our 2.5. update. we will now neglect it to work on a time trials DLC
splatzones is the best game mode
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I hate how angry this game makes me, I'm only a few tiers below putz. anyway, yeb.
>Captcha: RRRYY
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He would destroy you in fortnite
If humans eat squids and octopuses would inklings and octolings eat humans?
they'd eat mummies
I mean if humans weren't extinct
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There we go! yknow I think they're pretty slick.
Am I fresh or am I fresh?
squids are British confirmed
You could almost pass for a slav
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Results from the final day of the sydney splatfest shirt sales
>aussies have shit taste
real shocker
I'm telling you this is just going to be another springfest!
Past has no one in it
Present has TOO many people in it to the point it holds them back
and Future will just breeze thru it by focusing on past and letting present sink itself in mirrors and bad players
check the news on your switch anon
i voted present because i want to sex marina
FINALLY-- hey... theres nothing there for me..
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you got good taste
oh nvm it's there! yesss!!! I wanna see your guy's players with the hats, anons!
I chose present because OTH. That's it.
Usually I try to pick something based around what the theme is, but I don't know. I don't like the current state of the game, and I do hope we lose, but put up a fight. Preferably to past, because the three idols in this game suck so much I can't even remember their group name.
Oh right, deep cut. I keep confusing them with the name of older platinum game because of their main theme.
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at losing
what did you expect from a penal colony?
>I don't care about our team, I hope we lose, and I don't like la goblina
can I get a different teammate? I think this one's broken or something
I care about the team, but I don't like the idols in charge of future. They should be team present.
Also, I don't get to play anyways, anon, but it's like not I'd be throwing, either. I always try my hardest. I just don't want devs to accept the message of "things are fine the way they are". They're not. I don't even think they understood the final splatfest in 2. Mad max setting, sure, but otherwise they only toss around the word anarchy to the point where it means nothing. There's more rules then ever. The maps are more limiting then ever. The meta has been stagnant since launch, it's only two years in where they hit two of the top performing weapons in tournaments, and basically never hit the one that was around since launch, those has since fallen off (splash).
I just hope they learn from their mistakes. Or a different team is put in charge, if there is a 4, though I might not be around for that, either, so I guess it doesn't matter.
love this gear!!!! I'm so happy
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I like Frye's horns, Marina's earrings are pretty good too.
Why does nobody here care about my feelings?
Seriously tho I think this might be my new freshest fit ever now haha
bro said haha
sis said said
Quickly find the hairstyle that looks the worst with those Frye flops
holy fucking shit i hate octo expansion
most the masculine ones looked very stupid imo
I don't know why people just lose all brain cells when it comes to this salmon run map
by the way i love the green combo! very army-like
they always ignore UFO boss and Scrappers. then theres no escape
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This one is my pick for worst
>hey cat ears but with tentacles
they just keep making worst versions of the bear ears
I don't think any of you understand, T shirt sales in a single city of Australia mean a lot to Splatoon 3 and who will win. If you didn't pick Present you've already lost, T shirt sales determine the winners of a splatfest
it's not that bad desu but compared to the others.. have you trued the afro??
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massive levels of cope. ive already come to the consensus that splatoon 2 ruined the splatoon community
anyone wanna fish on the hour?
it still improves on the original even if the original sucks ass
I miss inkjet splash o matic
that shit was the funnest turf war weapon ever conceived of
okay this is the best one honestly
The earrings are pretty nice.
Which of the promo headgear will you use for the splatfest?
you're not allowed to use the headgear from any team other than the one you picked
So why do cephs throw gang-signs like it's nothing?
Don't they know niggas die for the rep?
the cap for sure. tho i dont think it hits as hard with the splatfest tee as it does with the white leather jacket.. ill probably also use the callie spikes and big man's fin thing as well cuz they look cool
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this but sploon
Yeah the Callie spike crown or the Marina earrings look pretty good with the grandfest shirts.
3/4 sr starting
you me for the slot
i really wish future had the white shirt
makes more sense for present to be the grey area doesnt it?
i actually dont like the crown as much as i thought i would. its too white. i wish it had more silver and metal going on in it
big man jumping face-first into the asteroid to save the world
What the fuck did bigman ever do to deserve that?
please tell me you have a tweet of this person after team kinoboard won...
How common is the survival suit top + friendship bracelet combination going to become?
that is the post results reaction
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oh hi M, been a while since ive seen you
not very because it looks stupid
Will you get angry even if we play together, fellow yeb enjoyer?
Hello :^)
The first splatfest where I won't be upset based on who wins. I'll be playing for present because I came in through Splat2, but I kinda want Future to win.
>If past wins, then it was rigged for japan.
>If present wins, then it was rigged for the west.
>If future wins, then it was rigged for Deep Cut to get positive publicity that doesn't revolve around Shiver.
No matter which way you slice it, there will be large amounts of complaining and many flatscreens shattered on the 16th. I just hope they fucking do something with the salmonids in Splatoon 4, prequel or not. Or aliens. Aliens would be cool too.
TF2 player detected
honestly.... same.
I still want future to win and present to lose but whatever wins it wins it and I'll just be cool with it.
I'll just be glad that I was able to be part of such a grand event!
So far I've only seen people wear the earrings in the city.
I'll be good as long as Present doesn't win. SS are the best idols, naturally, but Future is the most important theming wise (none of us want a rehash of Splat 3 for 4, I feel confident).
the order weapons really help it haha
honeslty i really really really hope that by next week the entire plaza is full of people dressed in white gear at least til the splatfest starts
The only reason anyone is picking present is the fact the yuri cephs are in it. its just such a bland theme and this is really the only thing holding it up
very cute anon, i love it!
Yeah, one of the reasons I'd like to see it lose. That and the fact that OtH's music is fucking ASS in 3. Letting us understand Marina's lyrics were a mistake, she's got no personality beyond being Porl's cumrag.
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reminds me of that feet girl from street fighter.
i think these also look super good on the wooms with cut floppers
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I can see it
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Statue of Liberty.
Her name is Juri.
I have yet to make a good fit with the spikes but this is creative. is that dress from one of the amiibos? i dont think ive seen that anywhere in the shops
Yes, from one of the octo expansion amiibos.
guys am i the only one that finds the idol flags all over the plaza super adorable? I want them to be a locker decoration so bad
Juri. I don't blame you for not knowing the name, Slop Fighter sucks.
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Her name is Juri from streets
im gonna eat now
ggs fishermen!
GG's C, E, and Moonrunes! Fun rounds!
GGs sr
Sex with hag hobo woomy
The frye flops are obviously the most popular item, it's talked about the most in jp twitter.
They aren't floppy thoughbeit
They used to be...
They gave future the grey shirt because they want future to lose.
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can’t decide between past and future
squid sisters best, and i’m a really sentimental and nostalgic person, but… i want futuristic splatoon 4
Naturally. Future winning means they have to come up with something new. Past or present winning means they can just copy existing Splat games as much as they want.
go for what you want! the past will always be there for you but you're meant to always move foward! in the future you'll be nostalgic for today all the same
>going-outside buyfags heavily represented in present and future
>neetchads romanticizing the past buy no shirt and stay home
sticker board misleading - past will prevail
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I think this is the best I can do for her SFIV design, maybe the new Amiibo gear might be a better fit.
This looks super good actually
They won't be deciding Splatoon 4 based on the results of the splatfest, they made the mistake of doing that with 3 based on 2's results and look at the shit show we got. They gave up on the chaos theme really fucking quickly and put more effort for order in the DLC
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I can fix her
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If it was anything but a canid, no
But since it's a canid, yes
Nothing's a bigger red flag than dog shaped shit
those veemo eyebrows are so comically exaggerated I cant take them seriously
please do, she tried really hard
if you don't, you'll break her small ceph hearth!
ggs turfs
I wanted to say that I noticed you, fellow Hightide Era appreciator.
the frye horns look very cute on hipster woomies
I dont play woomies though so someone else should do that
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The time for weyyos has come.
>kold deleted another one of his harassment post yet again
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go to sleep dumb ass
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Wished he delete you lol
I'm gonna kms you ever do the biggest come back of a lifetime in zones just for a connection error to happen at the last 10 seconds??? God I was on a streaaaaaaak!!
idk what they did but they better fucking fix this before the grand fest
Best band
>just lost a mirror to my main
i fell off insanely hard
Past = Great Turf War game with no playable octos
Present = Salmon stuff
Future = Smollusk returns as the villain and is now an adult with an even bigger ass
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if they existed would you play one?
i hate them
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we got the black & decker drip
will this be the new shitter gear
this is better than any other slopsuit
tweening animation was a mistake
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I love this artist's works. Yeah, I would definitely play as one, and the same could be said in regard to any potentially playable character or species that this series may offer.
is that bot still spamming the passworded lobby notifications?
Finally... the REAL Black Slopsuit. The one in the game since launch is navy blue lol.

No, that distinction will probably still go to woomveems in Pink Slopsuits.
no, it wasn't a bot just one autist and he stopped doing it
if you're a woomy player wearing the now or never earrings, please unequip them
these are for octolings only, they serve as a symbol of liberation and for them no longer needing to be ashamed of their ears
i'm wearing them as a yebby
if his veemo gf lent them to him that's okay
Wanna slom?
Never mind.
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Good night, /ink/.
its actually a good rot if you know how to use eliter. ill hop on if u do. im in anarchy atm. give me 5 minutes
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good night, fellow sleeper
I'm already in bed but thanks for offering.
it’s a weyyo dumb blind anon
>the update made it so when you skip the newscast, it'll randomize between Shiver and Frye saying Catch ya Later in the upper text box as opposed to just Shiver
Weird thing to add in two years later
he meant the veemo on the right
there is no veemo at all?
there is one slightly off screen to the left
Worst update. They're trying to erase Shiver.
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My right, not yours.
if we get 1 billion golden eggs then we'll unlock third kits
do we like john sandwich here
>want to ask friend if he wants to play open
>dont want to encourage bad habits of staying up late
>sturgeon clams
You wouldn't ask a friend that
>want to fish
>dont want to play more marooners
can it just be the weekend already?
holy fuck hop on the rot isnt even that bad
if they're online playing late then they're reinforcing their bad habit and you may as well ask anyway, worst that'll happen is "nah man I should be going to bed" and then you're helping them that way.
t. stays up late
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how does she do it?
Does anyone here like vocaloid and hatsune miku?
>ai slop
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are you guys rotting rn?
I like Gyari.
i've grown out of miku as a singer, but i still like miku as an instrument
ggs you two
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nah, just being more equal, is all.
kill yourself
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time for weyyo come
Just try and make my veemo wear anything but the blue and yellow gloopsuit
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holy shit
is that homosuck?
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fryes big belly poking out
frye burping
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Shivers kissable neck
>they never corrected the octoling imbalance
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the what?
you know, this makes bell pepper octo look actually good, even if it breaks the 8-tentacle rule. also oddly works with tennis ball squid. otherwise disgusting.
It's like Nintendo wants everyone to know they hate Frye as well, it almost makes me feel bad for her that not only did she not get a proper head piece but the THING they did make for her just looks fucking ugly on every tentacle style as well
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it looks fine
ooouguguuh fat frye
too much food fests
ooouugh noticeable jiggle
>the most popular grand festival gear.. is actually the least popular one because headcanon
bait or mental retardation, call it
it's cute
I want to get pegged by the last on on the second row
I finally freelanced to 600 on this marooner's rotation
I still don't know if I'll ever bother making the push from 300 to 999
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all we asked for was a crumb of post launch support
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>bomber jackets mentioned
My beloved.
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Is it just me or did the "net code improvement" actually make it easier to hit people with angle shooter and charger? Or am I crazy? But I also see more teleporting sometimes.
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I wish whoever gets the charger in SR would stop pretending like they're allergic to fish sticks, they can kill them just as fast as any shooter by just spamming shots, potentially even faster because it's much easier for them to ink the whole stick in one shot.
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Available now from the News page.
we know
fuck off
>weyyo on team past
why is he fighting for his own genocide
Black neo nazis exist
I dunno koi still looks fucking fantastic
splatfest reruns and more gear that wasn’t already in the game counts technically
I was talking about side order
past will win
i condemn your woomy to an eternity of retail work
you drew my veem so cute, danke
i condemn your woomy to an eternity of fast food cashier work whilst fat veemo is her only customer
I’m in Europe. Do I really have to change my region to Japan just for the frosty fest gear ?
do you live in the past anon...
cushy job as long as fat veemo has food she's happy
It never showed up for me during the time of the fest and I just stopped caring or that they’d eventually add it
but fat veemo wants
the food
If you haven't made a japanese account yet just for news items after being fucked for two years then idk what to say.
are you sure you check correctly? i'm also EU and i got it right away when they announced that they had added the gear already
fat veemo's order was big because was stalling until the ballas turned up
fat veemo getting on her bike to run away but the bike collapses from the weight of her butt
Yeah spring fest summer nights splatoween it’s all there on the research lab except the frosty fest stuff
Because of Callie!
I will do everything the Callie asks of me.
I am her humble servant
that's super odd then, i don't know what's going on
I forget, was frosty fest gear distributed via the news article or via some twitter QR code?
It’s just gone
Callie sure is popular amongst Weyys...
i had to change my switch region to japan to get it to show up
Does that fuck with anything though? Feels like I shouldn’t do it
Silly Weyys, only one Weyy has ownership of her butt.
i don't think so?
i've not noticed anything wrong at least
i miss brazilanon
i wonder in what general he is raging right now
We already knew he posted in /co/ ad /vp/ because he has accidentally posted his schizo rants there before
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fat frye
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She's already fat, in the ink sacs.
becoming more noticeable in every other part of her body!
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when will the pain ever go away...?
Those cat ear tentacles remind me of those images of Mio from Xenoblade as a ceph
I’m just gonna never get the frosty fest gear idgaf
This show was great back in the day.
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kissable goblina tummy
is there fat in this or not
Default Woomy from 2 looks to be the best for an Anya Woomy.
There was that one episode from the original series where the Girl Scout cookies made them fat.
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Yes, I know, I'm just asking if its returned.
Something about weyyos with so many earrings feels dirty
What did I do to deserve being put in the FLAR queue this morning?
anyone wanna do some open at rotation?
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I'll play for a bit
Return of the king.
My liege
rooms up
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thin man...
Who has the ugliest ceph
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I will not yield
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every single octoling scum
Wrong, it's me
marie tummy.
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very large
she's been getting soft round the edges.
>Wanna hit 15 freshness on the recycle brella II
>At 14.5, just need one win
>Hinges entirely on matchmaking cause you can’t do shit with it
>Game matches me against the same cracked mini over and over
>Go on one of my worst losing streaks ever
>Sink all the way down to 6 freshness before even seeing a win
You’d think this weapon was garbage or that I was bad at using it but matchmaking is just fucking me over. I mean, what the fuck am I suppose to do against a splattershot?
please be nice, she's been depression eating since the incident...
>raising freshness solo
marie stressing eating in the dead of night
well it was nice while it lasted, but the trannyposting has started infesting my plaza again
Knew it was over the moment I spotted Pearlwoomy in my plaza again.
I just have kids complaining they don't have the gear
How do they do it without Twitter likes?
But the Grand Fest is still a week away. Shouldn’t that be the posts for a while?
I just realised rerun cataogs will just be a lot of pointless money wont they
thinking about callies butt
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>never used this weapon
>people told me it was the inferior version of the aerospray
>pick it up souly for a picture
>"yeah sure I could try this out."
>my first huge win streak of the season
I LOVE TRYING NEW THINGS LETS GO!! I'm swimming in conches
Yeah, at least now I can get back up to the max total amount.
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I miss this outfit.
callie is a slut
You're no fun, I'm wearing one until the big run finishes.
Callie wants to show off her thong again but Marie says no.
Based MG enjoyer
Did you pick up all the things you can do? Fizzy bombs pair so well with Reefslider now that the 70 damage ring got extended. Give them one of these, reefslider into them then one more and you're wiping out an entire crowd
kill yourself
I didn't know about that! but ive been getting a dozen kills consistently
It's just really good to put pressure on the other team
Good morning /ink/, may I have some Shiver, please?
Sorry but I like to make my own fun, following along with everyone else's idea of fun just isn't my thing. The new slopsuit looks nice but I prefer some good contrast in game when killing fish which is why I don't own a single "dark" coloured slop/gloopsuit
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why so blue
why aren't you
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>nothing I missed out on in the """"new"""" catalog until level 60
hope I get some good titles, I guess
Give her friendship bracelet
when i play ḇ̵͇́͗̃̃̒́a̴͙̺͕̮̝̬̳̯̒́͌̆͂̀̓͋̃̍̓̄͠ṁ̶̨̢̡̛̖̞̤͇̪̻͇̫̝̘̍̽͐̈́̓͗̕̕͝ḃ̵̯̖̠͚͎̻͈̞̜͆͋̈́̌͛̈́͋͒ȯ̵̢͕͔̩̳̻̰̟̒́̿̔̆̄͌͝ͅỏ̶̢̧͖̼͕̫̤̼̖̓͑͒͆̀̇̃͌̓̕͝z̴̧̖̺̻͇͙͉͚̐̇͂l̸̨͕̼̪̫̣͕̻̳̻̳̻͈̈̈́͂̂͑̉̈́e̷̹̮̮̻̜̭͂̈́̍͗̊̔͘͝͝ṙ̵̢̛̯͎͔͖̈͑̔̊̊́̆̂̿
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You can punish the enemy when they make the mistake of grouping!
dude that's nostalgic I remember using this same image on my phone as a background when I was still in high school wow
Nogummy please save us. Let Sept 13 come now.
Here's a clip from me last night
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>jacket I want to use is off-color from the NoN cap
well, fuck
here's another! having to make longer clips fit 4mb making them all pixelated is pain so ill just...
Live the combo of that jacket with the shoes
the shoes are just slightly off-white enough to work alright, but the cap is close to pure white so it clashes in my eyes. though maybe I'm just being autistic and it looks fine to anyone else
Mama always said Woomy is as Woomy does.
this your goat?
he defines you very well
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Yeah, I like Judas Priest.
who put him up there???
Presentfags are either hedonists or cowards
Pastfags are nostalgiafags
Futurechads are hope pilled
You will still not lift a finger for your own future as you keep posting on these threads
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I'm a presentfag and a massive coward u rite.
You're biggest mistake is thinking chad is more positive than fag.
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LETS GOOO!! We're like a leather gang
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Anyone wanna fhiss I have a full meter so I might do 2 king (rare).
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The new pearl amiibo gear won't have a non-dress variant for the boycephs, will it? shame, I like the look of the jacket
i could fhis
The dress barely reaches the ceph's crotch. It's more of a shirt now.
>people told me it was the inferior version of the aerospray
those people are idiots
there isn't a single weapon in the game that is inferior to rg, anon
mg is reasonably competent, it's still one of the weakest shooters but the capability gap between it and rg is massive
i vote past cause mmmm mmm squid sisters nngghh
Woomin up.
fun fact: there were no spuid sisters in the past. there was a time whewre squid sisters didn't exist... is that what you wanted?
they were the squid cousins back then
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Salmone 2/4
squid sisters are forever
Slot me on in there
Forever has to start sometime, anon
which is why future is the best option
they're gonna outlive us all and be there shining in the future
jeez youre fast anon...I just wanted to say one thing to you!
Marie turning 40...
next splatoon will have callie and marie be old auntie types
retired and cozy somewhere away from the octarian trouble
Why did Splatoon have to be an aging series like Pokemon instead of an eternal one like Mario?
I want to be her.
because unlike mario these characters grow and evolve
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Christmas cake wine aunt squid sisters...
If only you could read
Auntie Marie... chubby, massively breasted.
What sneakers?
>got the golden banner in Season 1
>pulled the rare title in the Season 1 rerun
Holy shit.
with a bit of run speed up, brellas run about twice as fast as splattershots while firing, and you slightly outrange him. just gotta hit him twice.
Those who don't know history are bound to repeat it and it shows by reading this thread
They'll be nice just enjoying retirement traveling
They can still sing for you if you ask politely....
if you like the past so much and forsaking it for the future only makes it repeat.... then shouldnt you be gladly going future? don't you wanna re-live those moments once the wheel does a full spin?
She's gonna take you back to the past
gotta get back
Callie's a little *too* nice around the younger weyyos...
Callie lapdances.
old habits never die
topknot woomies
flopper yebbies
I claimed my new slopsuit and got it in the lobby but I don't see it in grizzco, did I do something wrong?
flop extensions
still going?
You have to go to the lockers to switch outfits.
We got Helldiver suits?!
I can join, full meter.
No you don't. you like squids that look young
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with how terrible the slom grind is I'm amazed they're giving away one of the best suits for free. I feel like there'll end up being a catch where they're taken away after Big Run and you have to buy them back
wave 3 and openin
Thank you friend, I had no idea those existed lol
That's a retarded thing to say and you're going to feel very silly when nothing happens after BR
Callies secret...
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chill, it was mostly a joke
now or never horns are so cute i wish the patterns changed for octolings tho but i can use them for woomy
isn't an octoling wearing the now or never horns the equivalent of woomyface?
Cute woomy, post more of her
I wish Marie was real.
And I wish Marie would be around me emotionlessly, with a tired look on her face at all times.
No...that would be connecting their eyemask across the bridge of their nose
hag squid sisters...
with massive hag butts...
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no, THIS is woomyface
Lies and slander
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Ahem... ngyes.
Odds past
Evens future
That future you envisioned for yourself has already become past by the time you finished writing that post.
Welcome aboard.
welcome fellow hopechad.
but from now on he only has the future to look foward to
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GG's Salmonators!
GGs SR room
ggs kalastaja woombyt :DD
I still haven't clicked future. I feel like I won't be happy no matter which I pick.
past for callie and good memories
present for being able to act
future for hoping you have acted right
Is it just me or did they raise the drop rates for silver scales?
does everyone here hate team present? i just like off the hook
Late GGs
kill yourself
That retarded fish is fucking dead. I'm putting him in my soup.
I like them but frankly I'm just terrified of the idea of OtH eating up the screentime of yet another group of idols, poor Deep Cut.
How did OtH eat up DC's screentime?
present is the worst option and literally the single only reason anyone picks it is because off the hook is on it
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I picked present because I have no future and I hate my past. Fuck idols.
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I'm voting because OtH, I'm indifferent to the themes. Time's just a blur to me at this point.
callie >> frye & the scrote

don't care about any other cephaloceleb
why's she river dancing
kill yourself
>splat2 comes out
>no one cares about OtH and spam #notmysquidsisters
>DLC comes out
>everybody adores OtH now

>splat3 comes out
>no one cares about Deep Cut and focus on the squid sisters more
>DLC comes out
>no one cares about Deep Cut and focus on off the hook more
Deep cut is cool but it didnt grew too much on anybody because nintendo just didn't let them
They shouldn't have made Frye so needlessly weird looking.
So what you want is Deep Cut DLC?
Team Present has 8, you don't want to make her sad by choosing past or future, right?
ggs drop-in turf.
>randos couldn't stay alive at all
>just carry harder
kill yourself
>No one cares
Bitch who? /ink/ doesn't represent shit.
But I am Agent 8.
they're all weird looking lets be real. all of the idols look goofy and catoonishly alien
The thing is that the DLC shouldve been used the same way it was used in 2
to flesh out the new idols and make people like them instead they kinda just wasted it on fanservice yuri and bland story and gameplay that's just enemy spam..
Deep Cut was already in the main story, if you didn't care then you wouldn't care with DLC. OtH were literal whos in 2 until the DLC because they weren't in the story at all.
We're the most iconic splatoon community
deep cut was barely in it only making an impact in the finale
I cared about them but I wish it was more about them than squid sisters
they literally didnt get a credits song until the idol-fest and even then it only exists so they have something to put on the splashback...
They were the main bosses of the campaign, I don't know how much more impact you want them to have as the secondary antagonists without rewriting the script to show off Grizz at the start.
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How much do you care about the octosamurai? he is a main boss in splatoon 2 so surely you think fondly of him and care about him as a character
I'm sure the Octonozzle just means alot to you I mean he is a boss after all
if a woomy wooms into the cold void
does it booyah back?

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