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The Bard That Was Promised Edition

PC trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuCfkgaaa08
PS5 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wW4Fdh6zFM

Patch 6: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-6-now-live_108
Patch 5: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-5-now-live_99



>Q: How often should I long rest?
>A: Many companion and romance interactions occur when long resting. Some early lower priority camp scenes can also be missed if higher priority ones are queued. To advance companion quests or romances, make sure to long rest often.
>Q: Can I recruit Minthara without going down the evil path?
>A: If you knock her out in Act 1, yes. You do miss out on the sex scene, but otherwise the romance remains the same.
>Q: Underdark or Mountain Pass?
>A: Either, or both. It's recommended to clear both on higher difficulties for the experience and loot. Both connect to the same Act 2 map.
>Q: Is The Dark Urge essentially "Tav+"?
>A: Yes. You get additional content, BUT there are points where if you've chosen to resist the Urge and/or don't complete quests the "right" way, you'll have to pass additional checks to avoid losing companions.
>Q: Are there any consequences to consuming tadpoles?
>A: No, for the most part. However if you've consumed any tadpoles, there will later be a DC21 Wisdom check to reject the Astral-Touched Tadpole, which affects your appearance if consumed.
>Q: Should I enable Karmic Dice?
>A: Karmic Dice will avoid streaks of very low or very high rolls, both for you and the enemy. It is recommended to disable it if you're specializing.

>Romance: https://strawpoll.com/NMnQ5kJXYn6
>Race: https://strawpoll.com/kjn18WPzeyQ
>Class: https://strawpoll.com/eNg69DKKjnA
>Companions: https://strawpoll.com/bVg8o8l3VnY

OP pasta: https://rentry.org/bggpasta

Previous thread: >>492686546
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reverse uno card rapes him
S x H together forever
Actually though. I'm on my first playthrough and I unironically don't use 2 of my party members in battles. Shadowheart does nothing but throw water bottles and rez if someone goes down, but she can 1v4 with guardian spirits and melee attacks if she had to. Lae-zel is strong enough to solo entire fights but I use her as a distraction/shovebot. My sorc and Astarion do all the damage
I'm normally very autistic about optimal strats but camp casting is pure pointless tedium. I would do it on a blind solo Honour run however
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It's up.
-seluneheart is now monogamous and will react negatively to you cheating on her
-you can now convince shadowheart to kill Viconia with a restored cutscene
-saving her parents is way easier, convincing her to kill her parents is now the hard check
-deleted all retconned banter
-fixed some angles in her sex scene
Is there a more basic and pathetic fetish than cowtits?
Can’t tell ya how to roleplay your character, anon
If anything, a necromancer would slurp down every tadpole they came across because it’s more POWAH
What's the whiner's favourite pizza topping?
You are going to hell for being a faggot
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Modchads rise us
Being a poopdick enjoyer
Your piss
>large but realistic breasts are a fetish
I think you’re gay, anon
Those are literally just some normal-sized boobas ngl
With all the sexually-charged cringe ITG getting angry at that is p fucking pathetic
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>denying reality so hard that they have to modify the game to suit their delusional reality in their heads
More like bottoming, judging by his catty behaviour
Modhaters lost the moment Larian wanted players to give Laezel a mullet
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>-you can now convince shadowheart to kill Viconia with a restored cutscene
that's been fixed, you can convince her to kill Viconia without mods.
Why are you gay?
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so here i am
what the fuck do i choose? or maybe mash them together? multi classing isnt that fun by my opinion so now what?
is wizard the one with uber magic missle spell at the end of the game?
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frogger's gate
Need to see this scene but with Tav also looking like Halsin
Dadstarion is the best
Viconia will be double dead then
Let his face trigger the Shart cucks
Lady Shar covers their eyes
mod maker said he's putting in her monogamous act 1 banter too. what a king
Now thats an idea
New player asks for advice. Gets told to install a mod (cheat) to improve the "immersion." Gets told to play the Dork Urge even though they didn't want a Chosen One type of narrative. Gets told to snort every tadpole like a line of coke, it's free power. Society.
what exactly do you find fun?
>is wizard the one with uber magic missle spell at the end of the game?
yes, level 10 evocation wizard, adds your int modifier to each missile's damage
Evocation wizard has “Uber magic Missile”
Warlock is an Archer that gets sles
Sorcerer is a Wizard that burns all of their resources within 2 fights and then begs to long rest and for their rogue to steal more scrolls because they’re useless
He's also restoring cut dialogue lines and might also work on other companions, this mod is going to be a must have in the future
I mean Larian sabotaged her character on purpose so what's wrong with modders fixing her?
versatility but also uber dmg, it seems i cant have both
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You look like you could use some company
I can see it becoming a "Larian featured" on their mod thing
you're not going to do a full Halsin origin run are you
>new player wants specific class fantasy
>they get advice to do so
>’le white male human Paladin’ retard throws a hissy fit
Would you play it?
the author (larian) is the sole decider of her character. it is wrong of you (the consumer) to decide whether a character is sabotaged or not much less alter her character to suit the deranged narrative in your head
Go bears!
>no Minthara
>no Minthara
>no Minthara
>t. mindless company drone
Elon Musk is one of the great thinkers of our time eh? get fucked
She has monogamous banter and lines in act 1. Her lines in Act 2 are monogamous too. They did a heel turn in Act 3. Nothing wrong with modders fixing shit inconsistent writing
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again not the place of the consumer to decide the writer's intention
>versatility but also uber dmg
cleric lol
She has lines about how great Shar is in acts 1 and 2 as well
Should Selune Shart be deleted since it’s clearly a “heel turn”
does anyone have a "beautiful" photo of minthara
One where I can see all her teeth perhaps
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The Really Shadowheart mod is pissing off so many transsexual redditor freaks it's insane your lifestyle will never be normal get over it. The game belongs to the fans, the only canon that matters is mine. Seethe.
His intentions are irrelevant. The shitty and scattered writing can and will be fixed by modders
Nice attempt at a coherent thought but please do try again
does anyone have a "beautiful" photo of minthara
One where I can see the interior of her vaginal canal perhaps
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Here you go
The class fantasy is already present in the base game. Cheating so you stroke your ego and be the edgiest, darkest Necromancer, servant of the Dread Overlord Dracolich the Undead is cringe. Oh, you're also a Bhaalspawn, in case you weren't special enough.
>it is NOT YOUR PLACE to modify a singleplayer rpg to suit your tastes
>ESPECIALLY when modifying a character's writing/preferences to be more consistent with that character's stated interests/tastes

This isn't a compelling argument btw
god he's ugly
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Love ( for Gale Dekarios ) comes easy these days
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no one is "pissed off"
more like baffled someone could be as eternally asshurt as shadowheart simps
if shart had no character arc and randomly became a selunite in act 3 then ya that'd a heel turn
Why doesn't asterion love me back?
Cute post, cute Tav, etc. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
So, just like it is in-game
Give yourself Halsin tag?
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>I'm not pissed off I'm not pissed off please reply to me
Indeed, why is der Nürgler like this?
Shart openly says that she and the other Sharrans used to have relationships with others under the self-justification of it being “seduction training”
Why are you posting such stupid bait
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Thanks anon!
What kind of school lets a tranny be the principal?
If they did the same thing to whoever you romanced, you'd be mad too.
> Select Halsin
> try to talk to Shart
> I already have an appointment
My characters are volcels, no one is more qualified at judging characters than me here.
New player pretends to be open to new ideas. Given advice on how to improve the base experience. Reacts poorly because the new player has very strong opinions about topics they know nothing about and a specific vision about how things should and should not be. Society.
Don't look up the US Assistant Secretary for Health
paying twice the game's price for a post-epilogue children cutscene!
maybe if you stop calling him asterion
Which one of your Tav designs is your main/favorite?
anyone get this weird issue where the arms seem to bend oddly during dialogue? wondering if its a mod I installed or something else
A soft caress as cold as death (cold as death)
I didn't know you well back then
I blame it all on luck and vain (luck and vain)
Your blood like wine, I wanted in
Oh darling, get me drunk and make me feel
It's not my fault
I'm not to blame
These ain't my sins
I broke my chains
There's more to do
And I still want to live (live)
I feel your breath upon my neck
A soft caress as cold as death (cold as death)
I feel your heartbeat in my soul
Our futures bound, our bodies know (bodies know)
Your blood like wine, I wanted in
Oh darling get me drunk, invite me in
It's not my fault
I'm not to blame
These ain't my sins
I broke my chains
There's more to do
If I can only live (live)
I can't go yet
Don't let me die
I'll never stop
Until I'm done
But just tonight
Maybe I'll rest in peace
I feel your breath upon my neck
A soft caress as cold as death (cold as death)
I hear your heartbeat in my soul
Our endings bound, our bodies know
I can't go yet
Don't let me die
I want to live
My only one
There's more to do, if we can only live
The clock won't stop and this is what we get
>no image
she says she was raised and trained to fuck people in the cloister. using child molestation as a justification for her being open to poly was pretty wild of larian
Thank Swen I can ship "companions" but without fanfiction or mods! I like when they kiss.
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Sorry here's the image
Why does Astarion get his own song? What's Wyll's song?
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Nah and I'll give you two reasons why
1. I'm a frog man and she's a wild woman who you need to tame, my kind of woman.
2. I actually have an irl wife so I don't get emotionally attached to fictional characters to the point of getting mad enough to make a mod like that
Borislav ships Astarion with Shart btw
my interest has returned and you have my full attention
anyone who says this isn't astarion's song is a retard
Why did the Wiener do this?
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"This mod is great because it pisses off Reddit" is not a great sales pitch.
Also sounds a little desperate, bringing Reddit into the equation, like they matter.
Maybe it works on the NoAlphabets crowd though. Is that supposed to be the angle?
this isn't astarion's song
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Can you let mizora enslave you if you play as wyll?
Larian's last heterosexual man.
>to the point of getting mad enough to make a mod like that
I mean, shit is basically kept up a person that felt the urge to make dedicate an entire playthrough to just annoy people - let alone keeping up the spam in most threads.
>I'm a frog man and she's a wild woman who you need to tame, my kind of woman
That's Lae'zel's romance now, but what if she kept trying to fuck other characters even in Act 3? What if she kept talking about how much she wants to suck off Astarion when you enter the brothel?
ShartCucks honestly deserve it for bringing Halsin along in the first place. He stays in camp where he belongs.
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You deserve it for denying reality
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You're not getting a (You), piggy. We went through that.
Song about our beautiful vampire babygurl
Yeah, the reason this topic keeps coming up is because other characterfags, mainly the Gortfag, is equally obsessed with Shadowheart as her fans are
I wouldn't call the Gortsow a "person."
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>what if what if
But she isn't written like that. Before she's your woman, she's anyones woman and thats how it actually works in most societies. Once Lae'zel considers you her man, she finds the idea of sharing you insulting.
If shadowheart being a pure virgin anime princess is what you want, the reality is she was never to be written like that, she's a disciple of shar, they FUCK.
Who is "piggy?"
This fat cuckold >>492774416 & the fat gortwhale
>what if
lol, lmao
We are all piggy. Piggy is Us.
I now am reminded why I hate act 3
>shitty villains that just become background characters after taunting you relentlessly when meeting them, are defeated very easily
>you are at the end of leveling when you enter the lower city or even before, spend 80% of the act with nothing new
>the emperor
>every quest takes place in it's own mini dungeon, completely disjointed from the rest of the quests plots
>the only interconnecting questlines are the bhaalist cult and the companions final quests
>city environment is boring and too monotonous compared to previous acts
>nostalgia baiting
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Throughout the main campaign, all companions are open to romance from all other characters, and senior writer Adam Smith is looking to create more complex relationships, with the help of Dungeons & Dragons lore to mess with the players’ heart strings.

“So, Liselle, she’s the Githyanki. And Githyanki don’t really do monogamy,” Smith told VG247.

“So if you sleep with Liselle one night at camp, the next night you might well just find her sleeping with somebody else. And she’s going to be like, ‘oh, that was a bit of fun, wasn’t it? How are you doing?’ And you’re just like, ‘oh!’ Heartbroken!”
>want to use spear+shield
>defensive duelist doesn't work because it's not a finesse weapon
>duelling doesn't work because it's a versatile weapon
>GWM doesn't work because i'm one handing it
>GWF doesn't work because it's not a two-handed weapon
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>muh boogiemen
classic autistic behavior
Did you speedread this argument? This is what prompted this reply chain: >>492772772
>>duelling doesn't work because it's a versatile weapon
yes it does
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You're lumping different issues together. The complaining would be reduced by approximately 90% if the sex pest was removed from the game and it was just the situation of the romance being okay with a night of fun with the drow twins. Which brings us to the question of why you would need the mod in the first place, since you can get rid of the sex pest. That's how you "fix" the game, no modding needed.
The only canon that matters is mine
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am i on facebook what the fuck is going on
Lae'zel was open to Halsin polyamory at some point in development too. Her and Karlach got rewritten.
Hey waddaminute
How would YOU know what facebook looks like, you dont leave this site do you anon?
I would rather be able to use and enjoy my level 12 abilities than to hit level 12 and haha game is over and barely use them
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I love my husband
The mod targets more than the sex pest
I fuck gort gort gort down the river
Gale specifically approves of Halsin joining.
sorry I only deal in realities and not what if situations that you've constructed in your mind
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Take that back troon
So we're just lying now huh
"Why yes my love that sounds DElightful, absolutely magical, yes I think Halsin could stink up your womb and I would just be fine with it !"
he looks like hes going to verbally abuse me
Then why did you butt into an argument specifically talking about theoreticals?
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just what exactly do you gain by lying about this?
He's an NPC who can't picture a red apple
because I hate reality deniers
i-i was joking anon its a joke
this is the only tab i have open i swear
No, and it's incredibly frustrating.
I played Wyll as resentful of his father who banished him and greatful and horny for his sexy seductive patron.
I wanted an option to let Wyll's father rot while telling Mizora I liked our mutually beneficial arrangement.

Larian is obsessing over kissing animations while Wyll's storyline, both companion and origin, is still so half-assed.
Check the combat log, not the tooltip.
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Thats what I thought, now get back to your respective side of the H x S debate.
That heavily depends on who you are
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not him but he does
nigga just hit withers with a spear and a shield then read the log
They seriously made Halsin a companion just to be a homewrecker?
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yes mr withers
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That's a good thing. This character is dogshit and needs as little content as possible.
They're hard coded to approve which clearly shows that this is a last minute retcon. Pressuring him into sex used to be a difficulty 30 persuasion check, you're basically raping him. Feel free to blow your brains out now, thanks. You won't be missed.
only chuds care and making chuss feel bad everywhere all the time is very important
If the schizo is supposedly gone or "reformed," why does it insist on derailing threads?
It's like a teacup poodle next to a rottweiler
yui companion mod when
I now understand why that one anon lumped galesis with all the vile personalityfags, you're obnoxious and have no idea of what you're talking about
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>only chuds care and making chuss feel bad everywhere all the time is very important
Shut it, swine. You don't want a piece of this.
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>whipped out the mig images
Now you know he's mad
that's what i'm pointing out. act 3 made a lot of retarded changes, but keep going on your unhinged rant sis
That wasn't even me though I like Wyll
Soon. Model swaps will let you kill Ketheric with Goku and anime cat girls
I'm Anonymous
I heard people loved Halsin here
You heard correctly
I wish he could hold me
Fellas, let's stop fighting and try to focus on the only important thing: my cute freckled Tav.
Running my fingers in Astarion’s curls
Halsin is the co-protagonist of my favorite act 3 moment
Bearchizo became Shadowheart's greatest soldier in the span of a year what the fuck did I miss
Astarion is gay and bear schizo return!!!
Another day spent wishing I was as cool as Halsin
>TotallyNotMe became the most valuable poster in the span of a year, haha how could that have happened?
schizo died months ago newfag
>Pressuring him into sex used to be a difficulty 30 persuasion check, you're basically raping him
Sorry, they retconned this. Now he secretly YEARNS to be in the chair
reminder that astarion is a top in every sex scene
Yeah hes a alpha
Missionary with Astarion
If fans restore the rape check or god forbid make gale fully monogamous they hate BG3 and are terrible people
Wyll is cool.
i also dream of running my fingers through his pubes
This character is dogshit and needs as little content as possible.
shadowwhore x galecuck is cute and canon. cutting gale's lust for her was a mistake. there perfect together
Someone is upset they didn't go with Karlach to Avernus and got cucked by Wyll in the epilogue.
Wyll is a sweetheart
I do that
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New player here, fresh off the ship, ended up killing some faggy elf (kinda looked like V from DMC5) because he put a knife to my throat, but when I told my sister that, she said I had bricked my save and that I should restart. Is the faggy elf important or is she messing with me? I like the goth girl and the frog girl, though.
Yeha you bricked your game go back
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>became the most valuable poster in the span of a year,
It's very easy to become a valuable poster when the average person here spams cuck fanfics or italian pastas. Just look at this garbage lol >>492778026 like, come on.
Yeah you're supposed to do that, no worries.
I wish there were more interactions between Minthara and Jaheira. Despite wildly different ideals I think they'd be good friends.
uninstall now
Nere for a companion and sexo. Why is Kagha ranked so high. I feel like Hope is more special
Kagha is the Fidel Castro of BG3
she’s just some chud druid beneath Halsin
She's the hero of baldur's gate
She’s never been!
She is in my heart and that's all that matters at the end of the day
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>shartfags having a meltie
>galesis having a meltie
Only Wyllfags have the right to complain
>galesis having a meltie
Why is *it* so desperate to drag one of the last waifufags into the thread drama?
no one's having a melty it's just the gortwhale replying to her very fat and ugly self
Wyll doesn't make a single decision for himself the entire game. Fix this, Larian.
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Going with the full party after all
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No one asked
>post timers
I can't stop nooticing
now lets see shadowheart's response
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Those guilty of sigh-worthy behavior shouldn't sigh.
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>Halsin posting stops
>whiner spam begins
I'm a born again waifufag
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sounds like you want more Halsin
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Dont you think its ironic calling me a whiner when all you do is whine?
>thread slows down
>attention whoring time
I just think that's interesting.
I’m gonna meltie when the patch breaks my mods
I think it's pretty ironic coming from you, yeah.
he's posting things to whine about this says a lot about our society
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Not a problem if you are a pirate chad
I'm good, thanks.
>slopweenie is too broke to buy BG3
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mm daddy
Shadowheart has werewolf genes and wolves are monogamous. Larian dropped the ball
>too broke to buy the game
>too broke to buy a better rig
lmao even
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>buying live service games
Larian should cut off her writer's balls before he's allowed to write another character again
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Are you invited to the githyanki cookout /bgg/?
I'm waiting for the patch to finally start my Durge run.
Does the "Pet Scratch" workaround still let you keep Wyll and Karlach after raiding the grove?
Who are the best Durge romances? Obviously Minthara for Bhaalist but what about resist?
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Anybody who claims to have delayed their run for the patch is a paid shill btw
I bought BG3 for my PS5 then spent 2.5k on a gaming laptop so I could buy BG3 again and play it with my PCMR friends.
The best romance is the one that makes your heart go doki doki, not the one that has 4% more content or exclusive lines. Hope that helps.
John has Halsin tell you he's poly because deep down he's a bear and bears don't mate for life. Shadowheart has wolf genes and now it no longer matters that wolves are monogamous because group sex is John's fetish
You're larian's greatest soldier and we should all strive to be like you
What a shitty fetish
No Minthy, no buy.

>Who are the best Durge romances?
Astarion, Minthara.
Lae'zel works too, she's not into pointless bloodshed but still gets horny by blood.
>but what about resist?
Astarion or Shart
exactly what this thread needed
whoever you love most for resist, all companions get sweet moments
It's lobotomized yank hours
Rent free
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>Lae'zel works too, she's not into pointless bloodshed
Some good anons, some wastes of oxygen.
The worthless pig fuck.
Untitled anon, the namefag.
>varying dimensions each post
Agents of chaos.
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>agents of chaos
All 1920's are to be shot
Shadowheart is pure
Shadowheart IS pure
Shadowheart IS PURE
Who are the good 1920x1080 posters?
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Funniest post you've ever made honestly.
Good list cut it there
There are a couple of waifufags.
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Thank you
uh huh
She is a retard for doing this. I'm on Lae'zel's side
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Never got this camp scene before
A surprise fingering is pretty convincing
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You can get this by spamming Long rest just after recruiting her.
Not sure what event disables it, guess it's recruiting Lae'zel or Artifact being used to break the Absolute attempt to control you.
Oak Father preserve us all.
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I didnt get the Absolute scene yet.
I guess its a long rest before that scene and if you didnt rescue her or otherwise see the artifact (at the Grove)
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Wtf was wrong with this midget?
Shadowheart’s fidget spinner
he's brown
>gaming laptop
With how many trannies are invading crpgs, what are the chances for the next Larian game or even the next BG4 to be woke slop?
chuds, the lots of you
100% for both
There is your answer.
Also why are his eyes red?
I hate septum rings so much
She has a compelling story as some who walked the path of evil with good intentions and is set up for redemption if she us turned from the shadow druids. Halsin had a reason to accompany the party into act 2, but he doesnt grow or is challenged. The only real narrative change to Halsin is that he realizes he is a bad arch druid and decided to hand the reins to someone else.
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mommy issues.
She was a prostitute.
Dont mind my Bhaal skull piercing and creepy red eyes ma'am, just drink the wine please
Are the mod tools restricted pieces of shit?
Does the swine post slop?
u poor?
fool and his gold are soon parted
lol woke slop is already in bg3 dude.
>gay male deep gnome couple
>alfira and lakrissa gay couple
>lora's kid is autistic
>you have options in character creation to be a hermaphrodite
>you can have gay and polyamorous relationships
>astarion whining about how being a slave sucks and how consent matters when asking him to suck some bitchs blood for an amazing potion
>wulbren beung painted as a cartoonishly racist and obvious bad guy
>nocturne (aka rennald) is a literal tranny
wake up. Its not gonna change.
You could have spent the same amount of money on a desktop pc with a form factor suitable for carrying on the go, a 4080+, and even a monitor, rather than a heatsink of a machine with a fraction of the performance or longevity
>lora's kid is autistic
It’s your birthday. Someone gives you a calfskin wallet.
>lora's kid is autistic
Getting eaten by a Hag, being in her stomach for a few days and then being spat out would probably have any normal kid act like an autistic kid for some time.
Youve got to be kidding me. Even after you go back and collect the reward the kid only knows one word. The brat is an actual genuine nonverbal autist.
She's traumatized you retard
She was recently eaten by an otherworldly being, anon
I assumed the kid was still freaked out but you do you bud.
What the fuck are you talking about retard
I'd imagine that if the kid was somehow acting out of the ordinary, it would've been mentioned when her mom gave you any leads about finding her.
Her still acting traumatized after returning to her mother isn't something i take as proof that the kid is autistic.
Missionary on top of Astarions grave
woke in bg3 isnt distracting like some other games
devs take notes
Hehehaha baited them another ruse by the rusemaster
I did that with him
We've had multiple threads get derailed because of Nocturne's existence
I never met Nocturne in my game. I win
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even with context her quotes are insane
I HC that my tav and astarion go back to his grave every year to fuck on his anniversary
I can't decide between mobile and alert. The initiative is huge with how this game does it, but I feel like times when movement just isn't enough are way more frustrating
Clear bait, but the game is "woke." I randomized my female character and I realized late into the game it had given her a dick. And of course, the gay gnomes, the they/them gnomes, the gay gnome couple that repeat "YOU'RE MY HUSBAND" on repeat, Shadowheart's childhood bestie trooning out, gAylin, Karlach, the assorted gay couples that add nothing to the game but are made to be visually prominent and "valid," the orgies, the open relationships. Practically every female character that isn't written to be explicitly unlikable is girlboss coded

Also clear bait, it's extremely distracting. It's somewhat easy to look past until the Underdark. It's intended to be noticed, that's literally the entire point
Weird. How? Are you giving up a +2 buff like a chump?
brain rot too far
You get
>someone to cast longstrider (same increase as mobile)
>get Misty step
>get Boots of speed
instead of mobile
Fair point
I don’t know. I just never found her
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Pointing out to gay gnomes to suggest BG3 is woke slop is kind of amusing. Larian was obviously mandated by WotC to meet some quotas, and they picked a race nobody gives a shit about as the recipient, which is really the best compromise. If you removed all the gay gnomes, did you un-woke the game, or did nothing change? What is the societal implication of a bunch of midget terrorists (freedom fighters) being homosexual? Doesn't quite fit the progressive inclusivity you would expect.
i didn't know nocturne was trans until my second playthrough, just thought she was some bitch lol
Before I silence you, foreva
>Larian was obviously [MADE UP SHIT]
Yeah I am sure the faggots, trannies and furfags at Larian had nothing to do with it whatsoever.
is your second playthrough when you found her
Not an argument. "Woke" is just a buzzword to describe leftist propaganda and the game is full of it. I provided some examples. Simple as
The fact alone that you can randomize a custom character and accidently get a girl with a dick and balls was enough to prove my point however. Don't get me wrong, my friends and I had a good laugh over that, but it's absolutely, categorically absurd

because propaganda quotas are by definition "woke," describing them as such isn't amusing. It's amusing that they even exist at all. Convince some +30 childless cat owners that racism is bad, migrants are good, and chuds are bad using DnD fantasy as an aggregate. Now what?
Her head is comically big for her body
Were the previous Larian games woke? It's a yes or no answer, and if you answered "no" then it must follow that the difference with BG3 was the involvement of WotC. Feel free to install various mods to un-woke the game by turning the gnomes straight and Aylin into a man. We can't let the morally bankrupt progressives have this win.
Really Shadowheart mod just added all the new hugs and [impossible] stay in camp lines in 1.3 update

Midget races are disgusting, yes.
How many "impossible" flags for Astarion are there in the data?
Hugs are already in the game
You will never erase the truth
>there are people out there who genuinely want to hug lines of code
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Put the cheeseburger down, Gortsow.
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patch 7 finally put in the content where shart plays with the owlbear and scratch at camp
True love <3
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nah man i want to FUCK lines of code
a strange desire
>skipped the romance because I don't want lines of code touching my perfect princess

Autism is my superpower
Gort is my hot lover
Everyone wants to hug Withers you soulless beast
He makes me feral
Mod that adds the autism hat WHEN
Seriously though, how fat are you?
Yet again, post wrist anon
It’s a simple thing that proves the validity of your question but you keep refusing to do it
Looks like a ham hock, I imagine
Luckily asterion likes BBW
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We've been over this, I look like Thisobald
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Find one and I'll post her wearing it
The fact that all the gay gnomes are ugly too. Larian was doing a service
Why did Halsins writer write Halsin as a self insert to romance another character he wrote?
Because he is based
He made his perfect waifu. Anons would do the same if they could
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My Tav is living happily ever after ruling Baldur's Gate with Minthara. Officially, the patriars and Grand Duke Wyll Ravenguard rule, but everyone owes Minthara a favor, and she's always present at public gatherings despite not holding a title...her wife, the paladin who saved the city from the Absolute, is always popular and was named the city's protector after the death of Ansur.

Minthara eventually converts to Eilistraee's faith, but she insists it's only because it's because they are a common enemy of Lolth. It works, as many Eilistreeans join her in taking over Menzoberranzan. We used the Gondian designs to create a mechanical army, but no illithid magic involved of course. There was also no shortage of people who hate Lolth who joined up. Lolth's faithful are slaughtered until the remainder either convert or flee, but the actual number of people killed remained small, since the actual clergy are resented by much of the populace. More allies came from within Menzoberranzan as without. Disenfranchised drow as well as several slave races were among the first to join the rebellion. Menzoberranzan is now a center for commerce and opportunity.

Life is pretty good. We have a vacation home in Menzoberranzan where Minthara grew up, but she says she actually enjoys the surface, now that she has a city to call her own. We spend most of our days helping run the city, since Minthara likes to sit in fancy chairs and give orders while I am actually invested in helping the city run smoothly, so we make a good team. Occasionally we get called to complete some quest that is too important for people we don't know or too dangerous for the average adventurer, since we have recently grown past level 12.

luv Baldur's Gate
luv happy endings
but most of all,
luv Minthy

Simple as.
i need to be railed by astarion right this instant
girls with veils are so erotic.
aint reading allat
When Astarion says a "night of passion" my mind goes to wild places.
yea this one does it for me
This is what everyone who mods their games to hug people sounds like btw
Stop sexualizing Astarion
nobody read that
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fuck you
>and then the drow woman married a female surface elf, learned to love the surface, became good, liberated Menzoberranzan(everyone evil died, everyone good lived) and everyone lived happily ever after(especially me and my drow wife)
>also she let her surface elf wife(me) handle all the important tasks and just sits around acting like a caricature

This post gave me cancer
You don't understand her
You can't handle her
You don't love her
Simple as
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Hmm. It's a nice fantasy to indulge in. I can appreciate that.
I regularly host reunion parties for the group but don’t invite Minthara
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how can you do that to someone who literally did nothing wrong
Larian sexualizes him at every opportunity
Memory holing the first runs where I killed Minthara, which doomed the timeline.
made me giggl based
I actually like this one. Post her wearing Orin’s armor
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Derp frog
fat women aren't people
Well Asty likes bbw, so who cares
Big Black Wyll
k. once i get it
I miss the pregnant Wyll poster
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>frog's writer is poly irl
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>he can't separate the art from the artist
What happened to the Gort sisters in my absence?
>it's posting twitter garbage again
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they died from overgorting
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i'm here and i love my sexy blonde wife
You're a cretinous phallus
They’re all in my bed waiting for me to get home from my chef job where I get piss drunk before heading home
This game isn't for right-wing chudcels, go back to your shitty paradox map painters
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the craziest thing about this nigga is that he is hundreds of years old, or just 10
like this nigga is either hundreds of years old or only 10
bhaal only got resurrected in 1482 and the game happens in 1492
this means he is barely 10 or born before he died, meaning he is hundreds of years old
I don't like this post
What happens to Love & Harmony when the swine goes to sleep?
I fuck it
did I repeat myself too much
I was trying to make a point
He’s probably younger than 10 desu
It’s not like he existed during the events of 1 + 2
And I doubt he and Gortash were scheming for 10 years
Which makes you wonder how he has genuine memories and has canonically lived a full life
You're a deep gnome with an inferiority complex
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Good evening. I love my wife.
Asterion had a crush on her
You know she murdered a child, right?
Astarion once crushed her, if you get my meaning
Happens to the best of us
Just one? She's not so bad.
Nobody's perfect
year one of my life: I played with my friends
year two of my life: I killed my parents in a sadistic ritual
year three of my life: I pissed around last light and murdered people there
year four of my life: I returned to baldur's gate
year five of my life: I joined a paladin order to redeem myself, but then promptly slaughtered them
year six of my life: I discovered my identity and became leader of the Bhaal temple
year seven of my life: I plotted with bane's and myrkul's chosen to conduct a nefarious elder brain plan
year eight of my life: I stole the crown of karsus from mephistopheles
year 9 of my life: My sister scooped my brains out
year 10 of my life: I woke up on the nautiloid
He is literally me
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Sir, Halsin has hit the second tower
>Halsin flying to steal your half elf half human gf
wait im actually really into this
what a shitty life, bro
Honestly pretty based. I'm glad to see something other than the usual shitposting here.
year 11 of my life: railed by a vampire twink daily
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my fellow patrician
unfortunately being blonde gives him a disadvantage to INT checks, but thats okay id still ride him
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It didn't happen. And if it did, she had a good reason.
I think dragonborn grow up fast, and I'm also pretty sure they don't live particularly long. If it's one of those, being literally 10 is the path of least resistance, but I guess there's probably some way he could have been made a little earlier?
No they just didnt put any thought into the writing
this applies to EVERY dark urge
not just canon durge
>Psychologically, dragonborn were considered mature as a human adult by age 12, and when they reached age 15 they were considered legally adults in dragonborn society.
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is durge a shota?
Alerting the Flaming Fist that there’s a wandering adventurer party grooming an innocent 10 year old
True, we are all flawed creatures. This should be motivation for self-improvement and atonement, not an excuse to discard the "human aspect of us."
There is never a good reason to murder a child in cold blood.
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Is this program safe to run? My antivirus flagged it as "gay" and "reddit"
Fuck off pedos
>Shadowheart and Astarion both sexually abused
>turn around and do it to another
What did Larian mean by this
>There is never a good reason to murder a child in cold blood.
Agreed. It's a good thing that never happened.
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This is cute and I saved it
the poor innocent necrophiliac ten year old
this is the peak of swen's artistic genius
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>plot hole pointed out
>pedo trannies start spamming
this isn't even pedo
it's literally the timeline that can be pieced together through logic
durge can't be more than 10 yrs old
is the spam in the room with us?
You mean talking about the game?
cancel bg3
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Karlach throwing my gnome is pretty funny, can I invest in something to make my gnome more submissive and chuckable? (he's a bard)
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is Orin the older sister technically?
Stop this and discuss preferred pancake toppings and black people and kissing gale
I'm more of a blueberry syrup guy
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i wanna kiss astarion tho
I think Orin would like raspberries on her pancakes
that's fucking rape bro
child rape even
>American hours
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It’s 10 o clock in America bro, these are Aussie hours
I'm sorry. I just love food so much. Its in my thick, thick blood.
not a pedo btw
it's okay guys he was actually born before bhaal died in the first place so he's legal
a 200 year old vamp-I mean Bhaalspawn if you will
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The Dark Urge is not 10 years old, you dweebs.
Blood in Baldur's Gate takes place in 1477 DR, 15 years prior to the start of the game. They were already a seasoned killer then, making them in their mid-20s in BG3 at the very least.
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>They were already a seasoned killer then
>making them 20s
Anon Durge is a divine creation of the lord of murder, he came out of the womb knowing how to kill
Why would Bhaal even make a Dragonfreak?
to piss you off
how the fuck was he born put of bhaal when baal wasn't even alive in 1477
it's said bhaal SCULPTED him, so it couldn't have happened when he was dead
this means he is hundreds of years old, but just never appeared in the old bg games for some reason
Why u so mad bro?
It’s funny and Bhaal likes a good laugh
out of*
Did Swen use bhaal to self insert? He made bhaal a lizard and dragon fucker in his game
That would be prettyy based im ngl
How literal does sculpting him really have to be?
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granpa durge is 134 years old
Swens self insert is Toobin
Does swen randomly have a black daughter?
Xe is French
bhaal takes PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY for this task
he couldn't have been born out of bhaal's flesh (which he wouldn't even have as a dead god) out of nowhere because bhaal was dead
Literal, it is literally what he does with his own blood
>yeah you gotta make sure he’s got a nice, red, fuckable throat
>”what was that, sir”
>red, intimidating throat
why did bhaal make femdurge so pretty?
to maximize the amount of bhaalspawn she could birth?
whoa she looks spicy hot here....
High T posting recently
I don’t care about durge
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just accept grandfather durge and be happy
It would explain his knitting hobby
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>he plays with virtual dolls
>he dresses them up and takes pictures of them to show internet strangers
>he calls them his "wife-oos"
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dumb whores its pronounced
>why fuuuuus
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Shart and her chudface
>Protagonist is an old white man
>Leftists still like him
how did seen do it?
>I do
>I do
>no I call them husbands
Minsc isn’t that old
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>Protagonist is [HEADCANON]
they aren't dolls they're action figures
i made my dollies take their clothes off today......
Detective Tav died 15 years ago
keep on coping
I don’t want be a edgelord murderhobo!
>Jaded and sexless math teacher, headmistress, etc.
More like lunchlady
Orin can be that dangerous delinquent
can't sleep, so might as well ______
sucking off school janitor Gortash in the supply closet
Kill Alfira!
Kiss Astarion
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You call it medieval fantasy, yet I see no kings, princesses, castles, or knights. So how is it medieval?
give astarion backrubs and tell him its going to be okay
I don’t think anyone who hasn’t been kicked in the head by a horse calls it medieval fantasy
theres no horses in bg3 either
I don't remember calling it that
you wouldn't say that if you saw Karlachs schlong
Yes, you did. You calling me crazy?
Jaheira wants to know about supplies. Will we make it home?
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Burning through our oil, but it should just about do.
Just about?
Still laughing at this
>Zevlor orders the gates closed
>completely willing to leave outsiders to die
>”how could the Druids force us out of the(ir) Grove, don’t they know we’ll die? We should kill them”
What was their problem

Was he planning not to, or just taking too long to do it?
I just don't feel like it really took all that much convincing
There's no time!
Now that I think about it, how long were the tieflings actually at the grove?
Just long enough to get back on their feet, surely
It was always about the goblins being a threat on the road, not them.
goblin sex
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post your yfw when you want the grove to open the bloody gate because the pack of goblins will be on you any second but nobody gets in by Zevlor's orders
I have a bomb and am going to blow up Wyrm’s Rock unless Gortash meets my demands.
1. More frog pictures
Why didn’t Wulbren just use his runepowder bomb to blow up Gortash
We have to walk by him to get to the foundry anyway
It was never about stopping tyranny
Why would he lie
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Alfira nipples, pink or purple?
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Now i want to do a nega-aradin run where my tav looks exactly like him but black
These hours are so comfy
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I'm back
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Is this the place where I can beg for a drawing of my ugly male drow? I would love to partake in art trading with any of the resident drawfags, here's an old request I've done for /v/ but I would add a bit more details and colors this time around.

Also, my friends and I are going to start another run soon once patch 7 drops and I would appreciate some advice on how to build a powerful supporting character, I'd like to be able to heal and buff them effectively.

>>492802930 (this is possibly the coolest looking durge drawing I've seen so far)

Based art enjoyers.
I'm going to bed rn but you gave me a sweet sweet succulent (You) so if you post your drow ill try to draw it tomorrow
I think it’s cool this game has such strong women. And I mean, like, literally strong women. Of the main six companions, the three female companion characters are the strong/tanky ones with the powerful melee attacks and the medium/heavy armor. Legit warriors. The men, meanwhile, tend towards classes that lean more on stealth or brains rather than brawn and are best kept away from the front lines.

It's super different from how things normally go, and that's neat. Sure, having a Strong Female Character is the norm now, but I would have expected them to just have an obligatory female Paladin or Fighter or whichever melee class and call it a day, have the remaining ones be a rogue or ranger or sorcerer or something. But ALL THREE being front-line, scarred-up warriors? Wild.
I also like that the two you start out with on the Mind Flayer ship(Lae'zel and Shadowheart) are both women.
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/bgg/ is /bfg/ (beautiful frog general
>I'm going to be a degenerate freak and also a faggot but also can you please help me with some build advice?
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Ansur almost ended this run. I should have done hoh first.
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Don’t look now but there’s a spooky ghost following you
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Thanks, I would appreciate it if you could draw him with a simple shirt, what can I draw for you in return?

I agree, I romanced her in my first and only run.

Thanks for the warm welcome.
Did you get this from Reddit
No I wrote that
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Holy shit, a hand tailored scene just for one class? I'm sure this quality will continue till the end of Act 3 haha...
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>5. I have a friend, someone who might be able to teach this girl a few things. Let me give her a call.
If it were someone other than that elephant I would probably feel bad about becoming an unholy assassin
Valeria did nothing wrong
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so when is the patch?
Wyll would be occult club leader or some shit.
Lae'zel still best girl as always.
why the fuck is she an elephant anyways
Ignoring a murder investigation to get wasted?
Because it’s funny
Her superiors told her to relax and stop being so paranoid and seditious, then demoted her after she warned them about Zariel. She’s just following orders
do you think the little elephant fucked any of the hookers
You should be able to recruit her to the party on Dark Urge runs
imagine tying lae'zel up after killing orpheus and having valeria stick and entire elephant trunk up her ass while me and shadowheart piss on her, and everytime we get near her face she says "chk!"
That’s a pretty specific thing to imagine, anon
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Ikr? Subverted gender tropes, girlbosses, and gynocentrism in 2024. Shocking. Powerful, even.
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you need specifics to really make the scene come alive in your mind's eye. I can hear Shadowheart's howls of laughter when some of her shar pee gets into Lae'zel's mouth and she starts sputtering and going on about astral whatevers.
Cazador calls Astarion darling in one of the cut lines of the nightmare scene

So that's where Astarion picked up the habit
I love my wife Lae'zel
>all women are strong compared to you
thank god for withers
into the backline where you belong ladies
I get the vibe Mizora is in love with Wyll, she's literally obsessed.
>you can use all of your Illithid powers as a bonus action
that's fucking awesome wtf
Illithid powers are very strong, but nothing absurd barring Cull
Unless you get that buff and then they’re fucking gigabusted
the only power worth a damn is the once a day free crit, once the whole party has it (except karlach, who NEVER takes tadpoles in my games for some reason) it trivializes most fights
Is Pelor even a forgotten realms deity? That sword in Cazador's dungeon is the only reference I remember to him in any stuff that takes place in the setting I know about
He is, yeah. For some reason, 5e relegated their info on gods to a little blurb at the back of the PHB and basically never talk about half of them, including Pelor
I guess I always assumed there wasn't room for two sun gods, and always thought of him as a greyhawk one since that's what most of 3.5's shit was, but they do share some stuff like that
With the 30 years of multiverse they’re leaning into, everything is everything
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well look where being a retard got you
i stood 3 minutes in jail, and you got blown up by my thunderous smite

i looked up what's the general sentiment is towards this situation, and most of them said "well they must steal in order to survive", "it's a harsh world and a harsh environment and nobody's there to teach them"
motherfucker, literally every single tiefling adult is looking after them, even the druids are feeding them
the only message i got from this is that the writers at Larian are incompetent parents raising spoiled children (if they have any)
the only good tiefling child is Arabella because she actually learns from her near death experience caused by thieving.
Meanwhile Mol sold her soul to a devil and doesn't give a fuck about it, and plans on starting a thiefling gang in the city despite them no longer needing to steal to survive.
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Arabella learns something alright
On my first playthrough I thought Lae'zel was Orin during her romance scene because it was so out of character, so I turned her down regrettably.
When people complain about the game being woke because of optional and purely player driven things like the optional choice to play as a lesbian, I roll my eyes. But stuff like this actually is woke. The reason it's done this way is because you're supposed to see all criminals as down on their luck fundamentally good boys who are just trying to survive, and that's the obligated response the game wants from the player even if nothing actually supports it in-game. This kind of thinking runs throughout the entire game's refugee plot, eventually getting so ridiculous that you're treated like an asshole for not letting someone just up and steal somebody's home. A lot of the writing in this game would have been better suited for a rant on reddit.
god shes so hot
>you're treated like an asshole for not letting someone just up and steal somebody's home.
God that quest pissed me off, squatters should never have fucking rights to steal a person's house just cause they were there.
>strawberry gome
ugh didn't you fignish this playgrouggh alrdy?
the healing potions are turning the frogs gay
This says a lot about our society
How does the game treat you like an asshole for getting the squatters out? Arthur rewards you and half the companions approve if they speak up. The refugees don’t like it, but obviously they wouldn’t. You can get them out in like three different ways, ranging from “here’s 100 gold to fuck off” to “if you don’t leave I’m gonna cut your head off in front of your kids”
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>dream visitor who is supposed to be your object of desire cannot be dragonborn

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>a boy
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>You're laughing, laezel writer might be into little boys and you're laughing
>the 4channer declares others to be what it sees in the mirror
I unironically lost my honor mode run right at the netherbrain. I tried to dimension door invulnerability sphere to the crown but emperor's dream visitors can pierce through it
Is there a way to cheat the achievement?
Do people even care if you've got the achievement?
yeah the mind flayers can stun through the globe too iirc. darkness works like a charm though. you could use cheat engine to enable god mode and the game doesn't recognize it as a mod
In planescape: torment the hag attacks you if you say you're a polyfreak. John take notes.
IIRC if gale suicides in act 3, you get the achieve.
baldur's gate playthrough but everyone is a rogue

dated ass post
I've never described any of you as a cute girl though
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Tut tut tut. Kevin is a nasty nasty man. End of story.
listen to her death screams in the pod. theyre pretty visceral and its quite clearly she actually does have some degree of legitimate affection for him
uh I guess good luck with the persuastion checks
Where did you find it?
polyfreaks are literal fags more news at 10
>mentally ill morally reprehensible sexual deviant subhuman
>cat owner

Why is this so common?
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Dog purify the soul, c*ts give you toxoplasmosis
>he gets to have fun and i don't
Rogues are great with it.
He can't stop talking about how depressed and sad he is on twitter...
I kill frog every time. She's ugly and evil. Why should I tolerate her?
she has hispanic female cousin energy and she's hot.
This but her writer
I will not let real people touch me.
I want a greasy /bgg/ femanon
Kevin is neither a daddy or a bear LMAO
you'll have to settle for disguise self
> I regularly host reunion parties for the group but don’t invite Minthara
Our group was my character, romanced Astarion and Minthara. Did she want to be a third wheel?
>Shart’s writer is normal
>Shartfags are degens
>Lae’zel’s writer is a degen
>Laezelfags are normal
Wow… like poetry…
>Shart's writer is normal
I killed her on my recent playthrough cause I couldn't abide another Fighter in the group.
Sure, I could have just respec'd her to something else, but I also RP as my character being racist against filthy extraplanar aliens like Gith and Mind Flayers.
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>Shart’s writer is normal
>Shart’s writer is normal
Yes, Shart’s writer is normal, and your hissy fit reveals how abnormal you are schizo
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>Yes, Shart’s writer is normal
I know nothing about the habits of the various writers and what they post on twitter or whatever. Hopefully I never will
If this guy wrote Shart, we’d actually have a good character on our hands
> >varying dimensions each post
> Agents of chaos.
That's me. I do it to fuck with noticers.
You will because their fetishes will be shoved down the throats of all your favorite BG3 characters
I've already done a ton of runs, and it hasn't been a problem yet
Boring reply try again
I can keep replying if you'd like, but I don't think it will make you happy
Halsin got himself captured by Orin without me needing to mod anything at all. Everyone in camp including Shart seems to have forgotten about him
>fucking overweight ugly subhumans in the ass
>having to manage two mentally ill subhuman personalities 24/7
>having to share my house with 2 overweight ugly subhumans
>having to share my bed with 2 overweight ugly subhumans
>having to prepare food for 2 overweight ugly subhumans
>fecal matter present on every surface
>you’re just jealous of all this FUN

lmfarofling on floor laugh
cat owner detected
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Try again.
Here's another in these trying times
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> Shart seems to have forgotten about him
How do we tell him
>world of magic and gods
>choose to worship the evil goddess of destruction that promises you nothing but non-existence
>her ethos revolves around her sister Selune, the holy goddess of light, that offers an eternity of peace and salvation
>Sharrans do nothing but feel bad about themselves, talk about how much they hate Selune, and eat people

But seriously, what the fuck is their problem? How does a religion this fucking retarded organize?
He'll die, she'll have a one-liner comment, and that will be the end of it
>thread is making fun of subhumans like kevin
>whiner brings up shadowheart out of nowhere
not an attentionwhore btw
And then one night, years from now, you’ll hear her moan “Big H…”
You’ll pretend you didn’t hear it. But you did. And it’s eating you up inside. That bitch. How could she do this to you? There’s only one way to make it so she doesn’t think of him anymore.
Who hurt you?
Someone who’ll never think of Big H again….
>hand tailored
There are no options that result in anything different than other classes, it's just cosmetics, basically the same as something like:

>Ahh, well met traveler! I see you are a <classname>!
>Well, anyhow, we best be off.
Games are made for fun. Larian writers are not gods. They're hacks, game journalists and fanfiction creators. Nothing wrong with replacing the parts of the game you don't like.
I've always wondered, when it comes to evil deity worship how illegal is it?
Like obviously any Bhaal or Shar cults would be shut down by any proper law enforcement, but something more mundane like Bane is that a crime, or are you just known as the kooky Banite who runs the neighborhood watch as a tyrant.
There's a respected Umberlee's temple and she's chaotic and evil.
Perhaps you'd care for a little extra company...
I'm not reading that
Modders get extra hugs and dialogues what do vanillatards get?
We cannot know if Gortash would be a good or bad ruler. What is his tax policy?
Do not disguise yourself as a female githyanki and take off your clothes worst mistake of my life
enlarged shadowheart
elixir of cloud strength shadowheart
Save files that will not be bricked when the next patch comes out.
Reduced person gnome Tav

benis hahaha
I guess it's easier to get promoted in their hierarchy? That's really all they have going for them
Umberlee is tolerated because it's basically them just demanding tribute for blessings for safe voyages or whatever, but really it just varies by location. For the major metropolitan cities that aren't dedicated to a single god, I assume the big lines to cross are direct enemies of the major good gods and gods of things that are essentially just crimes
>Umberlee is tolerated because it's basically them just demanding tribute for blessings for safe voyages
(no guarantees or takebacks)
who is the poster child of bg3?
Nihilists, maniacs, and brainwashed people.
Shart Astarion Gale Laezel and Karlach
I guess I learned something about Githyanki anatomy today
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who's on the front?
karlach and wyll canonically kill each other in their duel and as they're both dying, wyll apologizes profusely
Wyll canonically dies after the brain got destroyed because he can't swim
shadowheart and frog kiss and fornicate during their beach sesh and she learns how to float there. wyll however dies to karlach anyway
Whose idea was it to make Wyll an ugly nigger? Why couldn't they make him actually hot and make him look like Idris Elba or Wesley Snipes? This is chocolate man erasure. There's a reason he's the least popular companion
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Which bg3 companion would enjoy undertale the most?
Shadowheart, due to the autism
Karlach 100%
I want to trick durge players into eating my shit. And I bet I could.
Admist posts about futa gith cocks, cuck spam and chocolate men lust this might be the worst post I've read today
Frogfuckers are into eating shit. Why would they romance her otherwise?
Reminder that Durge is canonically eight years old
Only Wyll and Gale would care about the age of consent
That shit is canonically lying dead in Orin's bedroom.
Not in my game
You forgot the H-Man
If you don't want to eat muffins with Shadowheart's shit, you don't love her.
Any need for racism? It doesn't make you look cool and edgy
there's nothing racist about their post
Anyone playing hot topic presents: faggot as their character wouldn't need to be tricked, just tell them it'll make them look more gay and retarded and they'll jump
Patch 7....where?
Deep in space, the final frontier
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Larian's second project is called Project Sunny
major rapist vibes
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The boy slouches too much to be loved, I would never
How much money did Larian make from bg3? Are they no longer indie?
Sounds like Daisy
They haven't been indie for over a decade
They're indie so long as they aren't owned by a publisher. But they've gone from garage films to a24.
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the best line the game:
>DO NOT SLOUCH BEFORE ME BOY have you no respect for youself?
who tf is daisy
>Astarion’s spent all game trying to get hyped up for confront Cazador
>comes in with weak slouching, immediately looking weak
Unironically good advice from Cazzy
Astarion kissing a woman in front of Sebastian to annoy that faggot
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>he doesn’t know
Any need for queerphobia? It doesn't make you look cool and edgy
Someone tempting you to use tadpoles. That was for the main character. Cazador would turn off most of the players.
>don’t bring Astarion to fight Cazador
>tell him Cazador is dead
>he freaks out, starts crying that I took away his choice
>”As soon as we’re through with the Elder Brain, WE’RE through”
>immediately talk to him again
>calls me “my friend” and thanks me for “what I did for him with Cazador”
What is this dude’s fucking issue
Screw Sebastian. He always dies
Any need to copy me? It isn't cool or edgy
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yes it is
he overreacted
I want an option to free vampires but catch Sebastian and kill him.
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You're just jealous because Sebastian was Astarion's one true love. He even remembered him after 170 years
I really hate how Sebastian is forced on us. It's fucking ridiculous. I get it, Astarion slept with many people to lure them. I didn't need a teenage love story added to the game. Jeez.

"You taught me how". Fuck off!
Very true
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Do you think they fucked again after epilogue if they survive?
Astarion was my first PC and I hated when I was stuck in a gay conversation loop.
patch today or tomorrow?
Nothing but facts.
I wonder if Cazador was as spineless and weak as Astarion when he was a spawn.
it only took him half as long as Astarion to ursurp his master, I would fathom Cazador was a more cunning and defiant spawn than Astarion. He was definitely rebellious and also got worse punishment than Astarion.
He was actually banging coeds from the bardic college daily
They don’t call him Cazador “10 Inches” Szarr for nothing
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>10 inches
Cazador sacrificing 7000 people to get a 10 inch cock from mephistopheles
It’s like a baguette
why do people complain about the black elves and not the asian elves like Cazador
Cazador “Banh Mi” Szarr
Who complains about black elves? Never seen that
Friday or early Saturday realistically
they want people to test it on the weekend
They should never have gotten rid of his fu Manchu
It makes him actually look intimidating
DND elves can look like anything, so who cares
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She doesn't even mention him lmao
Shadowheart goes from a 8 to a 10 with that hair.
Wyll selling his soul to become white
he's a joke character just download the really shadowheart mod and filter his name
/tv/ isn't included, but that's where the most seethium can be found because of the rings of power.
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I prefer this
Sorry Wyll, but i want that BHOOAL buff...
>E A R L Y A G A I N
Most common Shar worshippers treat her as a divine painkiller.
They don't know or care about the more complex stuff.
He left because Welch desecrated his work. She was fired a couple of months later...

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