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>Recent News
Grand Medusa (Earth) & Sevastien (Dark) now available!
Half Anniversary Celebration Campaign - (09/01 - 09/23)
Daily Single draw, 200 crystals daily, CEQ, 1.5x RP/XP (10.5x until cap), ½ AP/EP, ½Off Host costs, 4x Journey Drop buffs, ½Off Side Story Shop, FP Special Campaign w/ Gold Brick, Sephira Gauge Doubled & +1 Defender Gauge etc.
Half Anniversary Skyscope Missions - (09/01 - 09/24)
Outfit: Skysonic Gig (MC) - (08/31 - 09/30)
Extra Drop Campaign (Earth) - (08/27 - 09/03)

Tier V Job Sumaibito - 09/03
Unite & Fight EX, EX+ & NM90 Health increase etc. - 09/07
Side Story: The Art of Mercy - 09/17
Grand Order Summon FLB - 09/17
4 new Manaturas & 3 new Shields - 09/17
Chat Noir FLB - 09/24

Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>September Schedule
08/29 - 09/06 Lone Wolf's Passing
09/07 - 09/14 Unite & Fight (Earth Favored)
09/15 - 09/22 The Strength to Wield (Rerun)
09/21 - 09/28 Tales of Arcarum (Nier)
09/28 - 10/06 Story Event

>How to Start
Go to https://game.granbluefantasy.jp in any Chromium-based browser

>READ THE FAQ before posting - It will answer most of your questions if you're new or learning

>Helpful links - These links contain useful information like important guides and other stuff
Granblue Fantasy Toolbox - https://www.granblue.party
GBF Advanced Search - https://gbfas.io
GBF Grid and Teambuilding - https://gbfguide.com
Wiki Advanced Grids - https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids
/gbfg/ Mega Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/xHkyQTy8
/gbfg/ Crew Directory - https://rentry.org/gbfgcrews

Previous thread >>492728509
The three breeding bulls of /gbfg/
The four breedable sluts of /gbfg/
All shipshit
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wow that 9.8 really saved our asses huh
*triple pakeji
This game will never die
good job slurpers
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grub and "steel chair" dokkan nowhere to be seen albeit
>Kancolle icon
Damn I’m feeling nostalgic
Should I spark Medusass if I have 500 rolls saved up?
Only if you're titanfag for the weapon.
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>grandma vtuber started played grub for Sev
kinda cringe, why can't be she like that jrpg grandma and play good games
is this a real grandma or a larping roon
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The game will never change(except for the worse) because no matter what they do you mfers will still buy the scams.
Like I believe FKHR and KMR were trying to kill the game so they could make Grub 2, but they saw that no matter what dumb shit they did mfers STILL SLURPED so they just gave up
KMR is making red archive now...
*Which* JRPG grandma?
hard to tell, this is her yt account https://www.youtube.com/@Kashio_Kine/featured
>fgo and touken ranbu
Shut up. We had a Touken Ranbu collab as well.
I think he means the old British lady who has an Atelier collection.
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is this a galge
I can assure you it is not.

However, I blame all this homosexuality to people laughing it up the whole Soiya thing.

People thought the soiya stuff was just funny, endearing you know? We didn't know FKHR was actually gooning to that shit...
its not our fault they couldn't figure out the difference between soiya manliness and homofaggotry
>We didn't know FKHR was actually gooning to that shit...
This got a nigga bricked up, seraph here btw
that + gisla daki voters
it was le funny ironic poggers...
But...le wacky meme!!!
This but unironically.
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In time for gw
He is still used right?
If you don't have hrunt you're forced to ougi so yeah.
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>Pant... Pant...
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You know I was just thinking that what grub needed was an old man in a skimpy bikini outfit!
That took forever.
Cerberus remembered...
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can someone explain wtf is this scam? how is this more expensive over a guaranteed scamcha and suptix?
There is nothing to explain. Whales are people with more money than sense.
Cerb looks good in it at least...
why does Sevastien have an ability called "Rapecage"?
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It’s a scam. That’s it. That’s all.
>40 dollars for a dama bar
you vill buy za pakejii
I dont think anyone in their right mind would buy this lol
woofus spotted!
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>you can now get engaged to the bombergirls
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You’re joking.
read the latest comic
bombGODS i genuflect
if only a certain company could learn how to save a franchise
>sell out game sells out more
>sell out game
just because it has cute girls doesn't make it not a proper bomberman game, you know
Finally, I can marry my hotwife pine
>proper bomberman game
>doesn't have bomberman
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Grub might really be one of the worst games out there. How the fuck is bombergirl going to roll THAT out as a 6th anni update but all we get for our 10th is
>uuuhhhhh he’s a ”premium” pass and nothing else, goodbyebye!
>nier tales is september 21
my nwq... they're fading...
definitely a larper. why is she speaking like a 5 year old?
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>lyria is never beating the cuckquean allegations
Why did they make her the main heroine again?
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>Got this cutie in the Half Anniversary Ticket
>Remember the BreedingGate Incident
fits the rest of the game
>barren hag
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We need to go back to releasing hot girls. Our game is literally bleeding players.
Hot girls aren't gonna bring the players back if the gameplay is shit
Hot girls won’t save us anymore. Honestly, nothing will.
Paglleon and Nier already memoryholed?
Nobody should want this game to be saved.
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Speaking of which, I feel I can't go back yet to /bag/ since they are still doomposting about Project KV
Seeing as they didn’t save us, and Nier actually flopped, I don’t blame them.
Medusa's banner is still up, retards.
The sexy tsundere loli can be yours if you roll now
wish those fuckers would post in kvg instead since i have no interest in posting in bag but i'd talk kv with them
I want KV to succeed only so I can feel vindicated about my new worldview.
>Half assed art
>Shit unit
>Maled fate
>Grand for pozzed(not to be confused with Mr.P) element
I'm good thanks. ShadowP shouldn't have canceled the Sara(pregnant) grand.
genuinely what do you get out of treating your games like porn substitutes.
is porn illegal in your shithole country?
>just watch porn
uh oh retard alert
Who said anything about porn? And why did you just reply to yourself?
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We can talk KV here
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This thread is for Granblue.
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We're rebranding, their expy will get out of npc hell faster
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Humanblue Reality
Wow....who could've seen this coming........
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>45 fucking bucks for pixelart party game shovelware with greedy dlc
Genuinely what were they thinking
Woofus, my beloved
They were convinced enough retards like our local Lil roon bought into their "cultural phenomenon" lie lol
G’night, niggas.
nice iroha ripoff
I'm thinking of doing it because theres only two rate up in the pool
Why would I roll for characters I'm unable to breed?
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Sup guy, seasonal here. How's the game doing?
Threadly reminder that if you ringed cog you are a maleringer.
top #1 sales baby (on DMM)
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modest tits
Until the next content drop,
Evens I farm gold bricks
Odds I start my Dragon Quest VII playthrough.
The one that's not under armor looks like it fits nicely in the palm of my hand.
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Best of 3, Ray Ramano and Brad Garret did it, so now I will too.
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I'll accept the outcome as my fate.
>only two things on rate up
>the rates are still 0.3% for both
What’s the fucking point?
Why do I feel slightly insulted...
None which I wanted.
Bwos, can someone post that one Cake gif where she's eating a cake
listen to yourself. you deserved less.
I don't care for the loli, least of all Lunalu, the face of how the game has been derailed.
i bought 2 packs and did 100 rolls and didn't get a single rainbow. Guess i just shouldn't play earth and stick to fire dark and wind
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i didnt realize how dead we were until i started browsing bag
they go through 3+ threads before we even go through 1
do you have hrunt?
no. was saving for it, but now i don't know
i've seen poo archive players irl. from my perspective you sound retarded.
vtumor and kpoop threads are also faster. do you wish you were like them?
God skyCOPE missions are so boring
ennead skip when
6d skip when
m3 skip when
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having fun grubbas?
They bitch less than this thread does.
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I'm starting to think this game doesn't respect my time.
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sup grubbers
Beautiful woman in the middle
Get rid of those skanks on the sides
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Did these niggas just bash Taiga and Shana together.
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thankfully we have the best paid cosplayers.
God I'd pay for her nosejob
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Haven't played the game since the new year's event they added the dog girl, what did i miss?
You missed nothing champ, the game is going to eos
the producers of this game ran away
you should also run away and don't look back
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This woman must have been amazing. She can't be that old if she met grandad.
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>gigacuck fucking RAN and is begging for pity points
yeah? well I think grub sucks more than you!
just fucking quit bro nobody cares that much about you
id fuck the vira
thats a guy....
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>just quit already
I'd bang none of them
Congratulations on coming out of the closet
>those kneecaps
they're all men
I have like 12 fucking Ichigos in my crate. Can I do a burst setup with 3 of them
>kneecap analysis
And here I thought /gbfg/ couldn't get even dumber
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What are some good female earth characters to use this for GW? I don't have Olivia.
almost as bad as maleringing
>letting people choose your wife for you
fucking cuck
ya, but that's a lot of cages.
edens and ixabas were both viable.
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Are all esport choices
to lesser extent cunnygers but you can wait for uncap, they're still used in subaha and hexa solo
Our wife Alexiel of course.
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That was meh, but at least I can FLB Sariel now I guess
How does Full Auto Siegfried even work, I get shit on even through Guard when he Manigances
>I get shit on even through Guard when he Manigances
you rike it?
That raid is like that. You get punished whatever you do.
you get shit on because he has too many stacks which ignore guard because it's supplemental. suball the first one if you don't have the right setup.
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Another day another KV victory
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how do you fix grub?
it's not broken. i can login.
Finally fucking done exploring this shit.
That said Natlan is infinitely better than Fontaine to explore. Natlan made Fontaine look like just an upgraded Mondstat.
And now we're getting a second batch in November.
So rating count now huh?
>09/07 - 09/14 Unite & Fight (Earth Favored)
Literally every Revans raid can be FA'd at this point, how bad are you shitters at this game?
I'm rank 251 and I haven't hosted and beaten Faa yet
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are there any substitutes for halmal in dark for shit like lumi credo FA? i don't have them and almost every setup uses them. the wiki one uses nier FLB which i don't have either
im gated by characters
just use whatever dispelbots you got
jesus that extra xp ran out fast
its tyranno time
Rank 311 and I only ever used journo mode.
>Snowbreak made 10 million last month
I'm going to hold this over your heads because you homos were making fun of it while being the clowns of the board yourselves. Enjoy your EoS though.
Can you guys stop talking about other gachas and post the gif where Sarasa is eating cake...
snowbreak is censored albeit, their future isn't looking bright
>the clowns of the board
you have no fucking clue how hard the competition for that is, /gbfg/ doesn't even come close
>140 rolls for medusa
Should I bother for a second exo? I have 2 sparks save.
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>Lich can’t be healed
>but healing while she has zombie still damages her
>KVfags thinking Cygames could pick it up
does Cygames work as a publisher too?
I have no energy to keep playing grub...
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Kancollab when?
why does granblue get two galge while grub gets zero...
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[Granblue Fantasy] In the event "Decisive Battle! Starry Battlefield" formation introduction posted today at 15:02, there was an error in the weapon formation in the image, so we will correct it and post it again. We apologize for any confusion.
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>>Snowbreak made 10 million last month
hmmmmmmmmm nyo?
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Nice dead thread grubbas
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how do i stop this guy from anally raping me?
keep an eye on the full auto and drop a blue pot halfway.
Alternatively run valentines sandalphon instead of Petra
i don't have him sadly. ill have to bluepot babysit probably then
snoggers? care to explain?
Doesn’t really explain how it happened in the first place. Obviously the devs don’t play their own game but this makes it look like they fuck around with numbers freely. How do they even know if the shitty raids they release are doable at all?
It's an exit scam
You forgot to include the invisible Steam revenue.
I have a feeling shieldsworn isn’t better for FAing Sieg than monk. S1 is great for tanking qual but when you don’t know when he’ll use it, it’s kinda pointless
go tia x luci
Thanks bwo
i worry doing that makes me lose too much defense from boosting garrison/disabling spadas, i'll give it a try, my grid isn't the best and im working on a lot of the important bits

i haven't tried monk yet, but i like it more than nekomancer personally. part of that is probably because im very biased since i love the aesthetic of the class, but we'll see how it works out
Based Faayume (True & Loyal)
how much point do you need if you want to farm gold bar from proto baha?
I have an Ichigo, a Yahata and n AK in my Triple Landslide grid, any I can boot for Medussy's weapon?
AK and Yahata are worthless
>defense awakened MK2 Sieg axe is better than LS in an Exalto grid
My bars…wasted
he's almost done prefarming for lucizero bullet. but he needs about 8000 iron ore as well. good luck.
>Is the exalto worth?
no it isn't , for hl you would still run staffs , and for normal grids ie (gw) you would run sieg daggers , which puts exalto at bottom of priority list in earth , would be still nice to have later but for now its value for rolls and bars not very worth
if you main earth you would still get it later anyway , you dont need me to tell you that
but with how things going , we going double ele mostly this gw so gg
>exalto not worth because sieg dagger exist
Are you retarded?
okay capy
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>get censored
>players leave
I know they are going to talk about the uncensor method but for a fanbase that was preaching about not bending down to the CCP it's hilarious. They are all bark and no bite.
>we going double ele mostly this gw
Wrong, we’re going Bubs x Qilin for Raziel setups
Project K(issing) V(irgins) is going to mog Platonic Archive and Gayblue Fagtasy so hard
they are doomposting it because they know their game is gonna lose some players.
Just play both?
At least Shay won't be playing it since it has no furshit or little boys
that's the point. logic doesn't work for them. they don't want competition. they don't know less competitors mean you, players will be treated like shit. see genshit and grub
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Capy is a certified Dirt expert that will carry Nier! to top2k, carry himself to top2k and carry all the hosted nm250s.

Capy's already impregnated all of your waifus while you cried about being unable to breed.
>Wrong, we are going ele x ele for Raziel setups
ba has a competitor, priconne, and ba doesn't treat its players like shit
the only people who think it does treat players like shit are literal mental invalids who want it to go the grub route of characters releasing and then never getting content again
Weren’t we supposed to get some way to contribute to the raids even after dying? Or do useful features go against shadowD’s vision?
>umas have half-anniversaries too
pyeos soon?
That was always a stupid idea.
> a competitor
Is BK the only dark character who can semi-permanently sub for an ally?
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grubbas so passionate about other games they probably forgot GW is this week
>didn't even get to release before BA got killed
Grim, but Hoshitno really needed that alt
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>playing GW
Hina lost.
even if granblue immediately EOS when KV releases they still ha e 2 years
And she's at the back of the line
Back of the line is Arona with the good Professor being right in front of her.
They cancelled that, said that there was no way to make it work well. They released the EXP/RP bonus thing to old raids and the FP thing instead as ways to get people to join dead raids and kill them
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I kept pressing grub on my phone by accident out of habit so I finally uninstalled it.
cerb sexo
if we're getting muh random shit might as well give that version of her to us
that's so generic might as well be AI-generated
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did they just steal Shana wholesale
You know I'm starting to think Granblue Archive is as much wasted potential as Grub
I'm tired of retarded vtuber designs with trillion inane gizmos and belts and striped hair and pointless accessories. We need to go back to grounded anime designs.
I want to play Core Keeper with my friend but if we start now we may not finish it in time for GW
what do I do
Yeah Shay was right, as always, about there being no on screen sex scenes. That's why KV won.
i'd prob just off myself if i downgraded to ch*nk trash after getting tired of grub. you don't have anything else going for you.
>downgraded to
methinks lil blud is not happy I gather
That’s a nice alternative but doesn’t really help with shit that can still fail
>1 (ONE (UNO (ANRE))) player makes a mistake
>the whole raid is bricked
Getting real tired of this shit
this is probably one of the more grounded designs in gacha
If they made the after death effects actually meaningful they would have to balance all future hard content after it which sounds terrible. And if its just small buffs then its meaningless for the hard raids. So they went for just helping the easy raids die by trying to get players to join them and nerfed some of the old hard raids instead
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>faa0 is dead even during nip prime time
people already farmed it
>every anime girl with red hair is Shana
i still havent learned the raid..
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All of them? There are at least 180k people playing this shit, surely at least some of them are latelets like me
What’s your main element, we can learn together
She also has a katana
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grubs for this feel?
It's like 5k-10k people. The rest of us haven't bothered.
>same hair color
>similar body type
>similar eye shape
>similar weapon
Wow what an original concept. Surely only one character in fiction is allowed to have such traits.
>other game iz making better erunez
That blue hair schizo erune from the main story
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wind but ive been lazy
Collab when
Link to full image?
you can't tell me you're both old enough to know Shana and didn't immediately think about her seeing that design
>180k people
>80% of them are seasonals
Awful. What a downgrade
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they make atelier full-blown waifufag game. i want mana khemia back. atleast there we have cool male characters like picrel
More like 99%, these raids are seriously dead
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>everyone is an adult because they want the game to be "mature and serious"
retards are acting coy when everyone and their mother can see shit's lifted from another franchise
all worze than ryza
because they want to market it to westoid nu-weebs who're allergic to loli
blame snoy and xitter oh and also human rights movements.
Red head is Nice Nature
Stinky erune is Tsurumaru Tsuyoshi
>same artist as grub
granblue archive?
kissless virgin?
why are we talking about an off topic game?
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Please refrain from mentioning my wife in this thread in the future. Thank you.
First Atelier game? They’re always teens and adults especially since people raged hard when they made Rorona a child.
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Remember when they gave maids swimsuits instead of a popular character like Erika? What was with that?
EOP? they literally said in the stream this game is going to be different from the rest of the series, and mentioned word by word how every character was made to be adults
>Sweaty armpits
Who the hell is Erika?
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>popular characters
Infertile style change's adopted daughter
Cute breedable blonde
Her name is the best part of character
>shipshit nonvirgin
>popular character
Yngwie's daughter he adopted from a sexslave he saved.
Erika is her rape child she had with her captor.
>Alster bloodline doomed
>Ilsa puts her cadets in diapers
>Alliah wont give TK an heir
All because Gran can't breed them.
I guess that just leaves Isaac, Gawain, Yngwie and Walfrid begging the singularity to fuck their sisters/daughters.
I just want Siete and Shirou to meet before this game dies.
our last collab before EoS must be FGO
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>Wam is now shipshit with Mugen and Nehan
Why’d they do it?
Alster bloodline doesnt need to continue since they already dismantled the royal family. They will just elect a new leadership to lead the country
Just grubslop things.
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>Danchou, you need to impregnate Cupitan
If you count what is now as shipshit then she was that from the moment she appeared in fuckable form
If a female character is ever in the same room as a m*le character and I’m not around then she’s shipshit.
Nobody tell this anon a man made that female with his sperm.
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Didn’t happen
>granblue archive bleeding staff
>accused of AI usage
>art quality dropping massively
why the fuck are they copying grub
Still makes more than this homoge and had the largest showing in Comiket history. BA is a cultural phenomenon and will remain so. You lost
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But you know who won?
Wet girls
meanwhile in reality new artists like the professor's have done incredible work
A flower back at home
>Still makes more than this homoge
Imagine bragging about this, blud is shakling.
Blue Archive = Goku
Granblue Fantasy = Yamcha
Genshin Impact = Bejita
Star Rail = Tenshinhan
ZZZ = Krillin
What does KV stands for anyway
Katana Virgins
K(ike) V(anquishers)
It’s about Jews controlling the world from the shadows and our plucky protagonist has to stop them
Korean Victory
Keking Varunafags
This isn't a shitpost btw that's the setting's name
>Star Rail is the STRONGEST
yup yup
>Buddhist shit already
Tired of this rerun
>shit we cant have the cool christian/jewish names, whats the next best thing?
>buddhism cause we barely know anything else and what we do know isnt cool/obscure sounding
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What doooo?
Are you already Primal in Dirt or want to go Primal in it? If so then Hrunt since you can always roll 000 but you can’t roll Hrunt
my titan is 0* and i only have 3 galleon sticks and no exalto. hrunting might be useful in gw, but 000 is required for faa0 (except for wind)
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sarya forma erune
Ris canonically says that (while hiding in bushes)
Why is the crystal blue?
Why is the archive blue?
Why is the gran blue?
Why is the dust brown?
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How long did it take people to get over Azur Lane being a copy of kancolle? I never actively followed either game, but there was this fan comic I saw ages ago regarding the matter that I can’t help but be reminded of with all this KV talk.
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(((THEY))) won't stop us from hugging LGs
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Vyrn…you’ve been hanging out with Clarisse too much lately
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the difference is kancolle devs didn't jump ship to work on AL and AL died out quite quickly.
if Kancolle wasn't so fucking mismanaged it would still be quite strong to this day because there was a lot of autismos behind the scene.
And kancolle is still going, pottery
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does kv have harvin?
Kancolle was made by a completely different set of devs/company in a different country so there was always a degree of seperation. Sword Archive is literally made by a split of Granblue Archive's writers and artists.
Reminder Hekate wanting to fuck you the most of all the people means her instincts are telling her singularity cum is the most potent essence.
She looks more like Eris than Shana
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That's right
Other than girls being botes and sirens being copies of abyssals the two games don't have a lot in common, while KV is made by former BA devs.
Some western kancollefags seethed, but there's not a lot of them because devs dont like gaijins playing their game.
Kancolle was already horribly mismanaged then, and AL had a lot better art and more coom as well as being more accessible so westoids welcomed it.
AL declining and being somewhat irrelevant now is another thing though.
Both games are doing fine, but AL doesn't have as much gas or fanart behind it as it used to.
Manjuu doesn't cash in on fan favorites and instead pumps out literal whos, so the game is stagnating.
Either way, people are excited for whether KV can deliver with better gameplay and more erotic content than BA is allowed to do.
I'd say chances are slim if they plan on making it a gacha though, as only fanza, dmm and fucking nutaku would be able to host it.
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how much red rings must i suffer to finally get a gold bar
I wish my wife got an Oath Skin already...
I like when Gran no way fags Hekate, it’s a funny joke.
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But why?
who's your wife, skk?
what else is there to do with pregnant women?
He didn't hesitate to do mouth to mouth and play with her feet...
>I'd say chances are slim if they plan on making it a gacha though, as only fanza, dmm and fucking nutaku would be able to host it.
I don't know what's the ruling on underage panties or pantyshots but I expect both appstores would just deny it as soon as they are submitted.
I know there's a gook saying how "KV is totally a gacha", but if they really are going that hardon the fanservice it's a doubt.jpg from me.
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I'm starting to think your parents should have considered that option.
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>gets no way fag'd by Ilsa
>no way fags hekate
sexo ssr never
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as should every responsible person
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why is lil L nutting out about pregnancy now???
Probably just promo art while ingame content would be nowhere near as explicit.
Already seeing people suggest a steam release, but steam gachas can be counted on one hand
Not to mention they're obviously marketing the game towards nips first and foremost, and they don't use steam.
Even then I think people are just blowing up their expectations, because of one piece of art and a dev going "erotic".
Retards are expecting full on sex scenes and not just pantyshots and stockings.
Isn’t HBR on Steam despite being JP only?
I warned you about maleringers
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what's the point of snek x Kaguya in a non-ougi team? bubz is stronger (and so is pengy instead of shillnot)
iirc mxj2 said he was excited to do porn again
maybe that's just for the C105 thing but who knows
Nah, GBF is Chiaotsu. Genshin is Piccolo. Star Rail is Jiren and ZZZ is Vegeta.
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>Retards are expecting full on sex scenes
Are likely people that aren't very keen on game success so they put extreme expectations to shitpost later
It is on steam as a PC client, yes, but it also is on android and EOS
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I told you he was Satan.
>was about to correct you amd say grub was the lil thing that killed itself for no consequence
>"what is that thing called again?"
>googled it
great minds think alike
Yeah but it's probably the only exception to the rule. Nips really don't like using PCs.
Iirc he just said erotic, not porn.
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she's literally fusion of shana + taiga holy fuark what a sexo design
when is this coming out????
>ZZZ jobbing
you're gonna trigger the foxcuck
that's the plan
they're gonna sell the VN at C105 in December
so it really just is a worse option than bubz+pengy alright
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I don't think there's an exact date so you'll have to wait for more news or c105
Speed. The characters immediately start in their 100% ougi bar animation, which skips certain animations. For example, when pressing Pholia's S1 in that party, it'll skip the usual "pull out weapon" animation.
Yeah I noticed when you're in CA ready stance or when you select said character to click skills the "pull out weapon" animation is skipped
Ahh i see, some nip optimization, that doesn't matter with my 2s ping, thank you
Oh, sounds like a job for Cantate
It's actually irrelevant to ping and speeds up in either case
This setup has 0.33s lockout which isn't even nip-ping friendly
>selectable gender
Granblue Archive wins again
Nope, no unbreedables allowed.
why y'all talking about an all female games instead of our glorious naked males game
can't breed them
nyit's jyust...
nobody cares about homoflops
>12 hour thread
>not even close to bump limit
The leaks.
My seed and their eggs have become hundred percent compatible.
don't forget how more than half the thread is just discussing KV and BA.

we have reached a stage beyond just being "cooked".
I cursed some schizos in this general to get very sick, sorry.
but lil L has always been very sick
he has aids
what was our content for the past week?>unbreedable drama
>3 pakejis with 2 being outright, undefendable scams
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Nyafter cyareful cyonsideration nyand nywith nyo nyintent tyo nyoffend...nyit's jyust.......gyame nyis nyot vyery gyood.
pyosg iOS...
based nexon slurper, surely KV won't kill granblue archive
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Arona giving up her cultural phenomenon rights...
imagine worrying about the future of the better granblue game in the grub general.
why would kivotos victory kill granblue archive?
It’s a simple business card exchange, schizo.
are we excited for sumaibito guys??
i hope it makes raziel, hrunting, exaltos and all the other stuff i don't have obsolete
the class is whatever but at least we'll get to see Raiden again
just rename us to /kvg2/ already holy shit
>garbage for dirt no matter what
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Well it’s not like grub has a future so we might as well worry about something else.
>can't use hrunt
Forever facts
The meme mechanic it has sounds kind of neat but I doubt it'll actually be very good unless it's equivalent to a built in Hraes+buffs.
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where's the R-18
oh, I forgot it's grub...
no that's /bag/
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yeah, looking forward to what it can do and if i can make some neat comps around it
>release ereshgoddess + titcow sexo
>suddenly game rises to the top
Get lost, FKHR.
>rises to the top
Medussy do be printing money like that
One of the most oppressed organic successes
rivals mihomo with ease
Next Mugen alt when?
You can’t be talking about GBF so I gotta ask: what game?
Way too galge for this 4%ge
FUCKING Game/Other
Pretty obvious he means other/game
FGO made more off JP anni than BA did off NA+JP anni
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Oyoyoyo~? Is that Uo Denim?
grubs for this feel?
saucenao says yes
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Clear the new raid yet grubbers?
Remember how Cupitan used to get a ton of art but then they retconned her with her summer version and made her a dyke in an event? What was THAT all about?
Liliya literally soloes her thoughie
ain't no way
new revan looking good
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royar grubbers....
don't look at this....
we have to get others to do the deed instead.....
>*releases her summer version*
>slurpa: Wow, look, FKHR-san, she's getting a lot of fan art.
>FKHR: HUUUUUUUHHHH?!?!?!!?!? can't have that!
>slurpa: what? why?
>FKHR: This is not a galge! Let's make her a dyke and give her an on-screen kiss scene in the next event!
>slurpa: h-h-haii fkhr-sama
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>Kotone is an 11.5
We are so B@CK
marge, trooneraph is samefagging again
JJKGAWD in the house
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Monki Monki
She has guts for sure. After the last chapter I’d be too embarrassed to be seen posting that series.
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JJKschizo, will you play OUR game?
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>raiden is so shillclub he can casually introduce a row V class with his events
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>miracle happens and your draph wife actually gets pregnant with your kid
>everyone will think you are a cuck anyway and talk behind your back everytime you are outside with her and the kid
It's genuinely funny. The fucking first T5 class was just dropped on us casually, but Sumo gets multiple events and more purely because it's attached to Raiden.
what if the kid has traits from both parents?
>cuckposting out of nowhere
don't you get bored, seraph?
am i going senile early or did grub never acknowledge its "half birthday" before this
This is new, yes. Hell they should have done this years ago, Uma is already doing it.
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>Temari has a starve meter
>mechanic where she eats your potions at the start of the raid and all bonus damage heals her + increases the meter
>wipes raid when starve meter reaches max
No you're not going senile. This is actually the first time they've done this.
Why’s Trooneraph going nuts today?
It'd be some kind of flipper-baby so they might believe it was conceived in an unusual manner.
nuts I tell you
Any game that celebrates “half anni” is just code for iOS and they’re too scared of making it to real anni.
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Forgot a couple of things.
medussy will be core and you will all be sorry you didn't spark three exaltos
Limbus bros...
baggot sisters...
BA = Ornstein
KV = Smough
Umasisters.....we're finished.....
Alice Gear is safe albeit.
if you couldn't tell yet, basically every gacha in the last 5 years celebrates half annis.
Ornstein > Smough
KV is better
Absolutely. I still haven’t gotten over a certain other “katana girls” game.
Yes but those games are actually alive and not desperate zombies trying to cling to relevancy by chasing trends.
You can just say Toji no Miko, we all know you’re the one schizoing about it constantly.
Okay, i noticed it was you but i wanted to confirm
Home soon
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grub? lost
Those gachas don't have infinite invisible sales tho...
Why are they so covered up?
There's nothing wrong with trying to stay hip, its just too late for it to matter here.
burka tier
They can't even afford to pay Fumikane anymore
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I love her tail
>copy paste outfits
I sleep.
Is it time to shill other gachas again?
Depends on which one
ZZZlop fell so much we're not allowing it again
They'd be wearing skirts if they were in grub
is it ever not the time?
let's shill our 3x 5k yen pakejis and 10x event ssr ticket
Same, and by tail I mean her booty
dont summon the bikini schizo
New Atelier has a Bocchi seiyuu character
Where's ours?
In a neverever jail
Why shill games that are story based and only in Japanese in a general that’s 99% EOP?
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Do you like suffering and dystopias?
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Hekate pulled the ladder up behind her so we're never getting her.
Yes! But I hate mixed toilets and m*n!
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Chasing tail all over Phantagrande.
That's all this entire thread is. What would you like to discuss. The multiple useless vintage weps you got from the ticket? Dirt GW (LMAO)?
give it to me straight bwos... are we gonna make it to the 12th zodiac?
everyone lost interest as soon as her summon description made her shipshit
Sounds like a (You) issue, didn't get a single vintage weapon from my ticket lmao
if they're really desperate they'll release the last two zodiacs on the same year
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many many many such cases
Koreans are up in arms about KV and frankly that’s a good thing.
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post the JP text, cause I don't see it
> Agony persists as conflicting wills fight for control over this being. After the loss of its most precious friend, it waits for its own quiet demise. But with loss comes grief, bringing forth the desire to inflict pain onto this world that stole its loved one. The very fate of this being's existence lies in the hands of this power struggle.
Nuts I tell ya
>most precious friend
Cupitan all over again.
>precious friend
>loved one
Sure it might not mean anything, but this is grub so let's be real
>precious friend
Not falling for it this time
/gbfg/ will just gaslight me and tell me we always knew she was a lesbian.
Big true
She was just pretending
>/gbfg/ will just gaslight me and tell me we always knew she was a lesbian.
LMAO true
Quite frankly, I think homosexuals have done irreparable harm to society and need to be culled.
Feels like every new character has like a 30% chance of being gay these days
Pure facts, but humanity is not ready to admit this.
>cuckposting didnt take off
>switches to yuribaiting
your break is over, those toilets arent cleaning themselves
30% gay
30% shipped
30% male
Remember that time lil L got Itsuno fired? What was THAT all about?
oppressed for no reason
marge, why is rooneraph raging at galge again?
The only organically popular girls
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I don’t like the idea of killing people but you’re right about the damage they’ve done.
>This is 30% shipped
>5% shilled
>66% girls that can't be filled
>1% fanart
>50% gay
>100% to burn down Cygames
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But gbfg told me...they were the cuck game....
The pozgun enabler
Grub BROKE her
Yeah she's done.
>devs really went and said "Yeah we shouldn't be allowed to impregnate this"
Not with that attitude.
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drang respects that...
>Grub writers took this away from you
>I am LE singularity!!! I have le SUPER CUM
Blud shut yo mouth up
Ain’t nobody wanna hear your corny ass shit
Remember when the grub JP text said crossbreeding is universally impossible but we already have halfbreeds in the game? What was that about?
During pregnancy people will still think something fishy happened
All it takes is one looney troon writer...
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This but unironically, I don't want to hear cope
Non singularity cucks coping
>female: netorase
>I can breed humans!
copers are the worst of them
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lil L definitely can't do that anymore after the transition
do you think drang was watching?
Monkeys and humans are both primates so I can breed monki right?
Can't impregnate this...
Vampy gets to fuck THIS?!?!?
Of course
Does he want to watch?
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Choosing to not have kids is one thing, but physically not being able to impregnate your woman while other men can is so fucking cucked
HIVbrain back to cuckposting, really pathetic.
All sterile men are inherently cucks?
They have no response to this
humans can't breed monkeys
but HIV was originally a monkey disease
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Do it! A mass shootout at grubfe... oh wait FKHR and KMR dont appear there anymore
Yes since if your woman wants kids you're fucked
its just canon ingame discussion
After my daughter was born I’ve started finding incest kinda cringe. Why is that, bros? Like I was looking at a battle harem LN that seemed fun but then I saw it was NBR incest and that just turned me off.
There are not more homoflopknoght grands grand Siegfriedflop next time for sure lool
you'll have to catch one at some Uma event and the other at a gay bar
It doesnt say that its universally impossible tho
Because down syndrome.
NBR is cringe
Older sisters are the best love interests
so you don't want to have one more child with your sister?
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So, what did Cygames mean by this anyway?
The JP text says crossbreeding is impossible period. Which gets btfo by halfbreeds existing. RETARD
>going through a genuine schizo breakdown
holy fuck
Incestual mutations take few generations to manifest
Would you like to get sterilized, then? I'd be happy to do the honors for you.
Medusatroon is disgusting better I save for g Raphael
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How is non blood related even incest? That shit is gay as fuck, I want to beat the shit out of fags that fill incest tags with step shit, as if shit like step mom is incest. It has to be blood related to be incest or else its just regular sex
For me it's imoutos
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It's incest roleplay*
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What crossbreeds?
>inb4 dragons
They can use human forms or something idk. Don't get mad at us get mad at Grub writers for making it canon
It's so very over.
That's for fags
dragons, goblins, ice elves etc
You can still marry your erunes
Japs think familial relations are impossible since they’re all soulless bugmen. They believe you can’t have a good friendly relationship with an opposite sex sibling without there being a sexual nature attached to it.
You're coping so fucking hard lmao. The writers know what they wrote, it's that humans, erunes, harvins, and draphs can't breed with one another. Dragons and crystal elves are fair game though
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Just finished reading the event. What was the generally reaction to no race mixing allowed? Do the devs just hate Stan and Aliza?
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>The writers know what they wrote
Monohorns had the secrets to cross species breeding which is why Bahamut had them wiped out
They hate stan and aliza
They hate drang and sturm
They hate ox, alliah, and yuisis
They hate grubbers since not a single one was happy about it.
>doesn't count
Nah you don't get to cope like that, the statement says crossbreeding is impossible period. Enjoy contradicting yourself since you slurp the writers so much.
>not a single one was happy about it.
Even the nips?
seething, but they're flaccid nips so it comes across as limpdicked as always. Need some gooks to drive a truck into cygames
Goblins have no evidence of cross breeding in the game. Crystalia and dragons are only cross breeding that happens in the game, so you can remove the ETC too. Its a retarded as hell writing decision already so you dont have to bullshit more to it
gooks and chinks always with the right attitude
There's nothing about it to make anyone happy. At best they don't care about grub's shit lore so it means nothing to them. At worst it makes them actively upset if they're someone who was dedicated enough to a character to imagine it like that one Eustace yume or the Sturm Drang artist posted in this thread
You can cope but it's never stopped grub writers before. They made it canon, you can't breed your harvin, draph, or erune wives. I'm just not gonna cope about it and argue about shit like
>well you can cross breed with dragon's and crystal elves but not draphs???
because it is stupid but it's Granblue so of course they'll do the retarded thing and it won't matter because you fags will still slurp up the scams and whatever other shit they put out
Why is it always gooks and chinks that can get shit done? Disregarding their general shit taste in things, they can at least riot hard enough when it comes to video games to get westerners seething or eastern game devs to kneel.
So it happens but the line says crossbreeding is impossible period? Make up your mind
Some random erune obviously wouldnt know about Crystalia who are a race on one island or half-dragons being actually real and not just legends. If the goblins actually had canon crossbreeding then that would be something he should know with how common those monsters are but they dont. So its understandable that he said the way he did thinking of just core races
Tell that to the writers.
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Don't forget that money also goes to funding BL anime
A friend of mine that played Princess Connect said that the way that game handled it was "there are no mixed races, but the kid pops out one race or the other". If true, what was wrong with that? Not like biology has to adhere strictly to the laws of real life science, as long as it's consistent.
KEKYPOW good thing it flopped
I didn't read the event. If it's a universally known fact why did he feel the need to point it out? If it's not how the fuck did it not come up in ten years?
You can cope but you're still contradicting yourself.
Because that would be heterosexual, and that goes against the core values of Granblue Fantasy
...is what you should tell the writers. They made it canon that you can't breed your erune, draph, or harvin wives so decide whether you want to still slurp or move on now because that ship has sailed
You mean /gbfg/? You retards are contradicting yourselves just as much as the grub writers wen the line explicitly says crossbreeding is impossible period but you still think it's sometimes possible.
I don't get why people are so mad about the race thing, nonstop nakadashi sex as long as the girl isn't human.
>or wives
GEG true
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Because this is Granblue
>muh writers
You're all self contradicting retards just like the writers themselves.
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Have you guys really never heard of an unreliable narrator? Or in this case it's more of just an unreliable or uninformed character and statement. Yes, this means that the four types of regular mortals don't seem to be able to crossbreed, which makes perfect sense. But Wolfe wouldn't even be in possession of the knowledge of how breeding works between the four regular types of people and dragons, ice elves and various other types of uncommon creatures. This despite him being quite well read, simply because this kind of information isn't recorded widely or at all.
That said, my seed is so potent that I can breed with anybody.
>but the line says crossbreeding is impossible period
Because its how Sevastian thinks it is, since he doesnt know about the special cases since those arent common knowledge
His wife was acting dodgy around kids so he suggested that they could have some but since they're of different races they'd have to adopt
There's nothing wrong with that, in fact it makes perfect sense. Imagine a male draph female harvin and then the mom has to push out a draph
>Why are you mad that you can have a family with your wife if she's a different race?
You're mad about it but taking it out on us when it was the writers that did it. What stage of grief are you on right now?
But you love to take his words as absolute gospel? So now it's just unreliable narrator? Huh
Just pointing out your cognitive dissonance and you get very upset.
Because if you're someone who liked the idea of kids you get fucked. Or if it's a girl like Naru that'd 100% want kids you're fucked and won't be able to give that to her
That's hot
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This is the future that grubbers want
I would mind raising Mugen and Sarasa’s child.
Because it crumbles the idea of the 4 races getting along at all.
>This despite him being quite well read, simply because this kind of information isn't recorded widely or at all.
how about singularity is that recorded?
So, does Stan share bull with Gran if you ring draphs? Do they play cards in the cuckshed while waiting?
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The cope is crazy, what's even crazier? You'll still buy the scams, you'll YIPPEE and buy the newest sun stone/dama pack.
Not at all
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>got carpal tunnel in both hands
I am so fuck up for next gw, TAKE BREAKS WHILE STUDYING BROS!
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>people can only get along if they can impregnate each other
Do you not have any male friends?
First step is admitting the event had an unreliable narrator. /gbfg/ is almost there.
sis your full auto?
now try again in English
where do you think you are
>shitters will have to click 28 buttons every run
It's actually over for some people
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Why did nobody have an issue with this earlier in the year when she married Djeeta?
This is why singularity breeding anyone is canonically consistent
bwahahaha there are still people who don't use a bot at least for gw??
so KMR is gonna kill shadowP isnt he?
I seriously can't believe gbfg is coping so hard over it that they're trying to now say Wolfe was just wrong. Are we at the bargaining stage? Yeah some of you mfers bought the scam and that purchase feels BITTER now
Djeeta isn't le canon but looks like both of them are in the same boat now
>implying this isn’t peak stats
And so did Yuisis and Alliah, not that the writers know or care
>hammer headed arrows
I seriously can't believe shart is seething after I exposed his cognitive dissonance lmao
>slurpers are clowns
What else is new?
>bUt DjEeTa ThO!!!1!!!
Always with the derailment.
so? why would something like that even matter?
that Yuisis fate ep only happened two years ago too
humanity is compatible and can still barely get along, you think it'd work if we weren't? the animal kingdom is your answer
what happened this time?
I warned you about dxitoons
>still no Mechanic ex2 class where you build and customize your own mech
Is that better?
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Do that to the writers lil blud >>492874329
Are Rein and Cain unreliable narrators too? Doesn't matter to me, I can impregnate my shark maid CANONICALLY if I so wish
In Catura's case, her Ox zodiac power passes down to a daughter.
Again with the muh writers when you're still pushing for THEIR cognitive dissonance?
>male friends is the same as an intimate partner
>how to say you've never socialized without saying you've never socialized
People are coping so hard over the breeding lore bomb that they're now saying Wolfe was just wrong. It's sad to see
Imagine the stats if they added a divorce mechanic for rings now
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They're just a uncoordinated shit group of writers lil blud and that has always been the case. Doesn't make it not canon though
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nah unless your old-fashioned definition of family somehow has to include non-adopted children
Shart is broken after exposing his cognitive dissonance
Doesn't change the fact that you still suffer from cognitive dissonance
Critical amounts of looney in this post
...does Ferdinand HAVE to use his power on a human in order to be brought back? does it not work if he tries it on a draph or erune family?
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so uh anyone wanna save our favorite game?
>foxcuck desperately looking for win after ZZZ just lost 70% of its revenue and was beat by Love and Deepspace
>adopted children
Literally not real children and not real family
I love the "adoption is just as valid" cope because of how hard it tries to ignore there is a reason adoption is always a drama bomb in both fiction and real life
KEKAROO shart do be like that
I was wondering how they're gonna follow up on Catura's uncap fates if she ever gets another seasonal alt but I wonder if it'll just be explaining how she'll pass down the Ox Zodiac powers to her kid since she can't breed with her loved one
brb signing up for writer position
Would enjoy his racist company
ok cool, so? Then either it doesn't, it jumps over to some random other cow or she'll get pregnant after all by a miracle
its unironic homocope, makes sense as they're the only "winners" out of this shitshow
Her uncap is in a different universe. Why would a seasonal need to follow up on that?
She's guaranteed to get more seasonals because zodiac. Let's see what the writers will do about that.
You know how
hope someone in here isnt adopted with the way people talk about them
you can leave the adoption part out, family doesn't need to include children
Foxcuck posted based wincest truth bomb so i will not funpost against him today
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That just proves (You) pandering games always win thoughbeit which is factos
>thought it didn't matter if Catura married Djeeta or Gran because they'd have some way to have children anyway
>actually it didn't matter because Gran couldn't have children with her anyway
and people say they have no master file
Her uncap fates references her Christmas alt fates so I assume they'd either do the same with her next alt or just pretend that the uncap fates didn't happen, which would be lame but not unlikely
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Please come carry
All of those options require headcanon
They were never going to have any sort of follow up to anything with kids since you’re all retards playing mixed toilet trash with a female MC.
Summer Oxy next year will be fun
at least tell your element sis....
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Aren't Mihomo games the exact opposite of (You) pandering? The characters will talk up the MC, but there's no romantic shit?
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>family doesn't NEED to include children
This entire fiasco is proof that there’s no master file, retard.
FKHR is gone so no chance on Catura ever getting more content.
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Come home straight man
Nice catch
I think adoption is a great thing and i have nothing against it...irl.
It just shouldn't be the only option in my fantasy setting, its like dnd wheelchairs.
sad but true
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>family doesn't need to include children
I can’t even with you people.
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What the fuck are these prices?
slurps will slurp
AI costs electro energy
Pay the bills grubber
>zodiac not getting alts
FKTRN has no power to change that. He even got demoted.
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Just remember, slurpers here will tell you ZZZ is the homo game when Medusa got her ass nerded and Belial has more ass than her lmao
yen for a fucking damabar
>you fags will still buy it
Price, which is true
>Medusa got her ass nerded
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>unironically shilling games with furries
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Medusa's ass canonically looks like this
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>back to zzzslop shilling
you won't save your chinkshit mixed toilet from flopping lol
no one shills grub though?
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Yeah, you probably wouldn't.
L eating creature is back at it
archiveschizo going nuts over "le flop game"
i might be game, but I'm not retarded
erunes are furry
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They're like a 2 on the chart, not furry
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You know what's funnier than ZZZ flopping?
"Cultural phenomenon" making less money that wuwa LMAOOOOOOOOOOO
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I can't even imagine
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game isn't even 3 months old btw
I bought this skin
playable status?
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KV would never
see >>492876902
>#6 is a flop now
uhhhh almost every other gachabros?
>Cultural phenomenon
Nobody said that except for the voices in your AIDS riddled head lil L
fgo is so FUARKING strong
>crashing right after honeymoon
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jesus I thought Metera and sutera were a human and not erune wtf i dont remember them with erune ears
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More likely than Fenrir or Polaris.
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Making less money than wuwa while most people dropped the game until GALGEllya gets announced*
There was a rerun and he's still not playable, cope.
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cool a picture of random games with some amounts of money next to them
Tsubaki will actually save the game for a bit
Maybe if brat was 5* it could also help this month too
>can't even beat grubflop pixivbux
Not him and not related at all to the conversation but that sounds kinda like another character this year. What was her name again? Felluca or something?
The hell is afk journey?
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no you don't get it I MUST post my reddit shit here
>is literally less than a week old
>hasn’t even launched
You and him are both dishonest as fuck.
they are just furries with fake ears and tail plugs, like that rat boy
Van helsingbros...
what compels shart to gravitate towards shipshit mixed toiletslop instead of galge games?
>afk journey shills post the chart and ask what is this game every fucking time
I'm so done with this general please someone start banning non-grub shit I'm going to piss and shit myself in anger fucking FUCK
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Wait for release lil bag
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>grubtards laughing at anyone when their game only made like 2 million last month
he's a big homo that wants to fuck little boys? not exactly a secret.
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>janny janny help me im pissing and shitting myself because people are comparing grub to something else!
Trust the plan
there's no comparing
grub isn't in the pics, people don't even talk about grub
>game with furries and faggots
who knows
>lost to snowbreak
There are no grubtards here
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our next harvin
>bagbugs feeling threatened because other games are being shilled in Gacha BattleField General
You love to see it.
Threads are filled with mentally ill bluds posting about other games then asking why "we" are posting about other games instead of grub. Don't mind them.
>Not him and not related at all
blud thought he was slick
I warned you bro
Feels good to be an OniCHAD and rake in all this Onistonks money.
>RoB in top3 trending
Where is this from, what kind of alien planet is this site
KV has them worried
>10.5 year anni
>a FOAZge and two literal whos are trending over us
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It’s literally the Mobage website. Not even trolling.
Ummmmmm delete this?????????
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If it was 3000 each, sure. But I draw the line there.
With the new shitty writer, I won't be surpried if they kill the betrayer and this dude join us, retconning the two last events we had.

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