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Previous : >>492645678

>What is Sword of Convallaria?
Sword of Convallaria is part gacha, part full-length SRPG in the vein of FFT and Tactics Ogre, with very light rogue elements. Originally released in the country of Taiwan, also has a separate CN version, a JP version and a Global version.


>Helpful links and resources

>Current Events
Brawl! Elysium Feast (2024/08/16 – 2024/09/10)
Voyager's Conundrum (2024/08/23 - 2024/09/05)
Upon the Scorched Earth (2024/08/30 - 2024/09/24)

>Current Banners
[Debut] Simona (2024/08/30 – 2024/09/12)
[Destined] Col & Beryl (2024/07/31 – 2024/08/29)
[Destined] LilyWill & Alexei (2024/08/23 - 2024/09/05)

Touch Vlder Tail
Sorceress Hat
Vlder Sanctuary
Apply to a guild then reply to the OP or recruiter ITT with the last 4 digits of your UID and mention the guild you are applying to along with your current profile picture.

Codes (may or may not work)
Stern handjobs from Judge Samantha...
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Reminder doomposter (singular) is full of shit and the game's doing amazing
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We do a little whaling and get rewarded with more Fecal matter
Reminder that only first gacha retards don't know that revenue after top up bonuses are over and the game is past the honeymoon phase is a reliable indicator.
out with the old, in with the nucleus
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>Young himbo raped by a hag tomboy
What the fuck. My dick!
>that hip to waist ratio
Just use it on Momo bro
gentle handjobs from nun samantha
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Can I trade my octopi for anything?
They're breeding like crazy.
Is Devil the best tarot for Rawiyah?
Which Cornucopia weapon are you picking this time?
Heads up for anyone that plays other gacha on Samsung devices. SoC unfortunately isn't up on the Samsung Store but it you play another game that is they currently have a promo where you get 90% off for a purchase 10 bucks or more.
hold until eos
I would say moon
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Whores. Whores, all of them.
Justice to get 80% crit and crit dmg imo
PVP is so easy now
Map is so small that I can finish everything in less than 2 rounds
I hate climbing
0395, Sorceress Hat if they're recruiting, the one with Maitha pic
Yeah pretty easy to turtle as the attacker, towers can't shoot far enough and easy to bait Maithas and Glorias next to ledges.
>manually playing pvp
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I like trapping people in the box and watching the aoe stack up on them.
Just got my 6th true lens. is it okay do break it?
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I keep getting people putting all their characters at the front so their Gloria can chuck her spear into my group right at the start. But they don't seem to count on me having the reposition tactic so I can just warp Maitha being her and dunk her in the river as the first move.
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sitting at 13.5k luxite atm, hope this will be enough to get me sophia
>got two prince charming brothers
>got rape fantasies
>got everyone doting on her
>is the only good ending route
>got a unique skill animation
Someone's having too much liberty...
Starting to think this game sucks to play
I'm at ~16k. We're both gonna make it. Especially if Cocoa does end up coming before Saff.
>30 rolls
>rat boy, guzman, ice dyke

It's hot time right now.
you got a month to save before she comes out
>had 200 rolls saved up for Simona
>got her after 30 rolls
>now sitting on 170 more not knowing what the fuck to do with them
Standard banner my beloved....
I was in the same boat, I got bored and decided to go for about 60 or 70 more and got nothing else
Who is rat boy?
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knock knock
They definitely translated this wrong.
What should it be?
? One is for the attacker the other for the victim and are mutually exclusive.
anon outs himself as an ELS troon
Xavier sex
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>Start up the game ready to play some more SoD
>Maintenance in 20 minutes
Looks like your destiny was...
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>all that saved up stamina being wasted away during manteinance
here ya go champ
Keep doing the gacha part, goy.
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>official material listing the JP VA instead of the Chinese one
You think it means that high attackers and low defenders are both getting the same boost in the exchange?
first pic I found
every CN game knows CN sounds awful and nobody wants it, they only voice it out of obligation
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>Wolf everywhere
KR is also awful albeit more expressive but they don't mind putting theirs in socials.
>can't log in
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh EoS has come.... The doomposter was right.
Free 10 pulls per new banner unit would be good
Do I keep pushing story or rush the event instead?
Which story?
Die Hard: With a Vengeance's story preferably
Miguel's story would be right up your alley.
John McClane isn't a poofter whose problems stem from being too greedy to notice how he's perfectly setting himself up to be backstabbed
Miguel's a dunce
Uhh the main one.
I get that you unlock more features as you go through it, but there's not much time in the event left and usually you want to nab all the freebies you can especially when starting out.

New wife dropped
please post the image sir
The game has official character ages? Gonna need a list of them for all the characters.
>thigh squish
Pandering to straight males is back
>another hag
Stop it
No tail Vlder?
Damn her sprite is so cute
Her owner put rubber bands around it until it fell off
then he touched it
is the maintenance over
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Absolute cinema
Built for her lesbian master.
wait nevermind she's 20
Lesbians can't be masters
>wait nevermind she's a hag
So what's the best weapon for Gloria? Seems like one of the harder ones to pick.
that's the vlderian slave i bought the other day
My wife...
cunnybros.. when will be our time...
this game would sell better if it had children as a unit in it
Double sided halberd for AOE
Unless you going for the meme single target counter build, then Skeleton Spear
Cunnyfags and especially shotafags have gotten completely btfoed by this game.
This is a hag lovers dream
>the only one I don't have is the best one
Why am I not surprised...
>10 million dollars profit
>not a single decent fanart
Explain this, Sockeks
>rich man's game
>no notoriously poor "artists" around
Checks out
Doomschizo here, I said the devs were fucking incompetent retards who obviously wanted to cash out on new servers while abandoning TW during its anniversary.
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Inanna alter soon
We'll own these dykehagfags soon bro, trust the plan.
Shotafags can cope with Alexei
t. Jason Schreier
She's more attractive in that form.
Made for putting in a pillory and venting the common people's lust on.
How she did not get robbed as a refugee is beyond me. There is no normal refugee who's adorned with GOLD.
>121 rolls with only one Teadon to show for iy
This game's gacha is complete slop.
Shota Taair is cuter.

Yeah, I honestly thought she was dressed in rags because her refugee sprite form doesn't do her any wonders.

I already saw one whale give up after spending hundreds for only two Simonas, kek. It's just going to be a big shitshow from now on and maybe even sooner if the devs weren't trolling with early Cocoa.
It does punish too much whaling
$100(bp+60rolls) per month seems to be the sweet spot after you bought all the first buy deals
I guess that's part of the problem, you can hoard for some characters in Hoyoslop but characters in SOC except Saffiyah for whatever reason just don't have solos after you miss them so you're either fucked or turbo fucked.
So what's the problem?
The problem is called 'Why the spenders got pissed off and left the game'.
>4m in china this month
doesn't seem to be a problem
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what's going on here?
the "upgrade" does the exact same but costs more to cast?
It's $550k in CN, and if this chink is remembering things right SOC's debut in CN made 160 million RMB which is around 22m USD. https://tieba.baidu.com/p/9072197576 Source here, they're discussing Global's revenue.
The problem is it feels like shit going to 100 for a fucking character. It also feels like shit having to continuously roll coinflips all the way to 180.
I get they want to make money but I feel less inclined to spend with how fucking stingy the gacha is.
I unironically have more SSRs in ZZZ than I do in SOC and this is supposed to be the gacha with "better rates".
Soc is dead in CN
Tower of Fantasy still surviving invalidates all the EoS doomsayers.
That's what I've always emphasized, even if a gacha is a business a game has to offer something beyond treating its players like shit repeatedly and although I hate Genshit I concede that I could have enjoyed the open world slop without killing my finances, which makes for a huge difference when you feel pressured into spending and the devs just never bothered improving.

TOF has Tencent behind it bro.
ah the 4m is nipponland, Thanks for beta testing! china is the greatest!
I wonder if the server problems will affect how nips see the game moving forward since they managed to contain the damage. TW is the beta test BTW, CN is the failed cash cow and anyone could have told them that they were fucking retarded trying to speed up CN when a lot of the chinks probably still play Langrisser.
>sweeped my regular daily befoare event daily

I now have more than a thousand stamina just from picking up the daily 120 and using some potions that were about to expire.
Can't bring myself to play anything other than Spiral of Destinies, it got so incredibly boring and repetitive I just can't stand it. And even in SoD I'm getting tired of the music on loop...
I'm not gonna make it bros, my time has come.
Protect Iria, protect her smile...
i thought CN would be more because CN hates Taiwan
Only Americans care about the origin of the game lol
I never saw any mention of this, every bit of seethe was directed at TOA, the monetization, XD's actions, lack of QOL, lack of other fun PVE content, signature weapons, spooks and dual banner cancer or problems with the story (Some of it was about the heavy yuri, others was about how retarded some plot elements were). Considering live PVP was already given an easy timed event where you had to fight people in a given time slot I just fear for the extra seethe when XD does XD things and makes ranked live PVP kek.
what other games has XD developed?
Threadly reminder that Taiwan > China
Not sure if all of these were developed by them in-house, there's also this on their website: https://www.xd.com/about-us/?lang=en
There was this salty player who mentioned that he had no trust in XD because of their treatment of Ragnarok: Eternal Love and Eternal City but the only definitive scandal I found was the one where they banned players when they made a welfare into a gacha character and people protested.
They were the publishers not the developers
Ah, thanks.
Was surprised that they were the torchlight infinite developers
I don't care about other servers, the gacha rates suck here. You have a 25% of losing 2 coinflips in a row. 12.5% of losing 3 (THREE) in a row.
The gacha here is absolute shit considering how few rolls you get.
The only silver lining is that you don't have to roll weapons.
Yeah, they have a fairly big portfolio which is why it's even more upsetting that they treated SOC so badly and drove people away.

>The only silver lining is that you don't have to roll weapons.
Yeah, about that...
ToF will outlive your pathetic excuse of a gacha.
skill issue
don't worry chinks when the tw and cn server eos because china invades taiwan we will live on, thank you for beta testing
You do realize Global is the red-headed stepchild that gets killed first if there's no SEA, right? SOC only has JP to bank on because it already flopped in China and KR numbers aren't great for a debut.
Here's your actual chinkschizo BTW.
Retard here, best BP weapon?
Maitha stinks
Are you planning to 5* it? Staff seems fine since you can pass it to your NRG hungry characters and it's Acambe's BIS if you're interested in him.
I think consensus sword if you will have the upcoming character saffi, staff if you don't have beryl
>it's Acambe's BIS
how so?
Acambe is NRG-hungry to the point that you're severely gimped if you're not feeding him, you lose a lot of DPS if you lack 5* Cocoa too.
Maitha stinks, I like
Are normal character has 0% crit rate with no item/skill equiped?
Is crit has 200% value like normal rpg?
does that mean tarot with 15 crit has the best value since it gave you unconditional average 15% damage improvement?
>Are normal character has 0%
Maitha crits sometimes so no. I are want to has more details too if anyone knows
everyone has a base crit rate of 5-10%, actual number unknown
>2.36% legendary rate
>last female I pulled was 160 rolls ago
This game is testing my patience lol.
bricked. just reroll when Saffiyah drops
I shall hold onto beryl and soon cocoa. All the cunny in this game shall be vlder and elaman.
Beryl is annoying
I am at 2.15% for over 400 pulls
unknown by you or unknown in general because it changes?
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Does TW/CN get more of these Luccian units down the line?
weird that the generics are in as enemies
Luccian definitely not yet, the only ones I actually saw were the Hanged Man guys from the Rawiyah prequel.
They even have artwork in the files (the bear guy at least), but I don't think TW released them
>furry soon
No more after Agatha i think
Where did people get all that art anyway?
>Actually bother to do Tower
>It's another fucking Cooling Powder
>Only 2 playable Luccian
>Agatha have playable werewolf form
>Alexei only transform for specific skill and instantly de transform after
It's unfair bros...
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My gems will never, EVER be wasted on this frigid dyke.
Only Irians may have relevance and playable characters in Iria.
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Shut up Lutfi
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Dantalion was right
Lufti should never be allowed to lead a nation
wat is maitha saying about maid
Chingchanga has fluffy ears,tails,clothes, come on everybody!
>"She ate my chicken legs like no one ever did"
It seems the comments from other characters takes place in Elysium
According to google translate Maitha is just praising her for her maid capabilities
Col is about to eat trash but the maid took it from her. Now Col is hungry
Miguel is raising Col wrong
What the fuck is wrong with her
(You) are the danchou
Tell Col to eat Maitha's chicken legs
Col only gets to eat my dick cheese.
Miguel sex
last week I cleared 10-5 for the first time so now I only have to do 5 stages each week and I'll always start from floor 9?
Yes as long as you can clear 10-5 each week
Just clear 9-5 and stop
Then you will drop to 8 next week
Do that until you can fully auto them since the rewards are based on your highest floor
Speak your truth, king.
It says you don't drop under 9 after you've cleared 10
>since the rewards are based on your highest floor
Wait, then If I drop to floor 1, can I still get floor 10 rewards?
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Yes Maitha didn't like me sending her that pic but she mighta
>country of Taiwan
>Scrap some scythes because Seekers can't use them
>Resign myself to trash
>Get Armguard
Bros, I'm not so bricked now!
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>check guild chat
>some random Anon just dropped what hentai tags every unit should be part of
what's wrong with you man.
Also, how the fuck is Maitha f:big areolae and not Rawiyah?
Hmm, sounds about right. He better have given nungal inverted nipples though.
Which guild?
just clear up to 10-1 if you wanna get the floor 9 rewards
you aren't popular enough to know it, sorry champ
Beryl said you are a nigger
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Socks has 1 spot open, let me know the last 4 of your UID if you apply
>people coming around to the fact that the pull/pity in this game suck

This is the only real big problem with the game, you can easily get screwed by a 50/50 and get set back months meanwhile it'll feel awful that entire time. An srpg where you can't try out new units gets stale.
>8000 dust
Damn I just realized BP was a scam
That's not the only issue with the game sadly, the devs didn't bother with more stages either and preset QOLs didn't happen either. Considering the potential shitshow if Cocoa is really first I have this feeling that Global might melt down even faster than I thought but if my reading is right they would have axed Global after a year anyway.
wish I was that high level bro
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Breaking news: drifter aura works on rookie archer summoned with tactic
I bet chinkcels never noticed
It also seems retarded to make investments into unit's abilities permanent. I get that you're trying to sell the item that lets you unlock both skills but requiring the same item for lower rarity units to get access to all of their stuff makes you unable to make something actually future proof and further discourages anything resembling f2p because why would you bother building anything but the best characters in the game with how limited that crucial resource is supposed to be?
That's a pretty big complaint yeah, you either sacrifice potential fun by following what others do or risk bricking yourself hard by using your Castalias.
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Hat given! Enjoy!
I'm willing to overlook some of that stuff for now considering the games development (being non-gacha at first) and also because they released separate servers for CN, KR, JP and global. What they do in year two now is gonna be important.

I've seen the suggestion that non legendary units should have their own Castalia which seems like it would solve a lot of these problems.
Devs won't listen
Not seeing anyone like that
That's the thing though, the CN revenue exposed that they screwed the pooch badly at what should have been their cash cow which makes the simultaneous launch extremely dubious in term of intent. We also saw from the server mishaps and random untranslated/poorly localized texts that this is a rushed job.
I've never seen a CN or TW product so well translated on release... for the first 40% of the game. The rest of it is typical though.
This was brought up during the Steam demo too. Did they cheapen out like the cheapskates they are at the end and hoped no one would notice the shitty translations?
Ok that was overly harsh. Except for one union camp mission it remains better than the average CN translation, though that's not good.
Just straight up introduce lower rarity Castalias yeah. I'd even accept a duplicate character so I could try out the whole opposite skill tree if I wanted. Really it just sucks being like day 17 into the game for me and thinking "Wow I know what I want for Suppression right now. Hope I don't need that other skill for the next time I see a ton of seekers on the map.
it's pretty solid, solid enough that it is really jarring when there is a mistake or weird grammar. prime example is this beryl quiz event
>immediately after weekly reset, there were a good handful of characters running around my elysium
>now they're all gone again except for maitha
how does this fucking work
I've noticed a lot of jank ass translations and it brings down the story's quality so much that I'm second-guessing even the parts that look right.

The fact that the devs did absolute fuck all just gives me no confidence, they did some kind of QOL with the tarots in the menu but none of the things that clearly make active players mad. Having to switch all my fucking gear onto my event characters really blows.
Castalias are in the store and they are probably one of the most purchased packs by dolphins
I don't think they are going to change the system
Ah! Gomen!
Well yeah, all we can do is complain that the devs will never do anything.
You guys have cool ideas but devs won't look at 4chan for these things you know
not that they'll listen lol
Yea they won't listen to any English community ever
I compile all my complaints in a note and wait for a survey to dump all of it.
>coordinated attacks in event story
Is that ever going to become a thing or just event being event?
Timegated event is so boring
Just let me play the fucking game
>>now they're all gone again except for maitha
Danchou is just for Maitha. Everyone else is gonna get GOMEN'd
>Papal Bad End route
WTF, Faycal is kind of based here?
they talk a lot more though, like not the interactable but just the passive one when u walk by

wish they used an idle animation though, would seem like an easy fix
>Easy fix
The degree to which something is an easy fix depends on whether it brings money, and this clearly doesn't.
I bet the original script is just ass which leads to a bad translation in every supported language.
Ok who is the fastest motherfucker in the game
I got 2 of my guys punted into the water before I could even move in clash and it pissed me off. I need to get in before them to use a tactic
I (barely) won the fight but starting with a 4v6 wasn't exactly fun
my simona outspeeds even inanna's summon, maybe try her? she has a push too, could push them off first
>event lets you play with luccian generics
what a tease
Simona or Papal Ice priest
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fluff Agile eye
Probably, the story just feels awkwardly paced and written regardless.
yeah i got so weired out on how inana go from being in rags to pricess so fast in the inana route
>Post on Reddit showing the Cocoa and Xavier/Inanna banner was deleted
Got a link to the deleted posts? You can see those with special sites
Everything is just too quick to happen in spite of the mode being busywork slog. These guys seriously didn't learn a single thing from FFT and its masterclass act in setting scenes, and their stinginess in getting more music is a complete fucking mood ruiner.
Simona, Ice Papal and Xavier i think?
they're the three fastest that comes to mind
People that say Cocoa is bad because she needs investment are retarded like yeah you're definitely gonna keep your safi at 0* with no investment right?
I tried but it said the live view was unavailable, anyway it wasn't a particularly interesting thread except for the leak so here it is again because screw the mods: https://youtu.be/wVc1_4ZyYKM?feature=shared There's a brief part where you can see the banners.
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I just saw it and oh god this dude is actually retarded
He censors the event bar for like the straight 8 minutes of the video but forgets to censor it at the start to do some epic meme zoom in because he's too busy seething over some dumb shit so the banner is very clearly visible if you pause right at the start
>Inanna Xavier
Simona is 100% a skip then
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>Both times he accidentally leaks is because he doesn't know how to do special effects properly
Dude's really putting the XD in XD Entertainment
>new character is a maid girl
Too many girls. we need more males
She's a monster at 5* but she's still the best defender at 0* for comfy clears so yea
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The next one is a male. You know how gacha works, the ratio of male female is almost always 1:5
>He rolled for Simona right before Cocoa
Oh no no no
I want to fuck Agata
>Cocoa, Saffiyah, Auguste
My gems...
Alexei rape
>Cocoa is next and I only have 50 rolls on hand
Sigh I guess I'll buy a monthly
Taiwan won

best weapons are:
newborn blade, void stab, cornucopia blade
hollow axe, tuning hammer, brutal axe
star-raid crossbow, longbow of martyr
resentment broom, focus wand, reorganized cube, starry sky heritage
double-sided halberd, silent guard
>CN tierlist
I sleep
>Cocoa next
Hm I might actually go for Simona now if that's the case.
>mysterious deflection device as my last arena milestone trinket
feels even more underwhelming since i have a fancy hat
cocoa is based and you will be upset when we have 5* and you dont, for active pvp
>Cocoa is next
Time to go all in.
>active pvp
Nice definitely skipping cocoa then
I thought whale sounds were supposed to be relaxing
>active pvp
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>all these animals around elysium
>no chickens
hmm i wonder why
Cocoa next is great because I wanted her the most

Now I can go balls deep and freely toss any leftovers to Safi/August and whatever happens happens
>Rawiyah (A) ranked 9th in PvP

Meanwhile I watched a PvP from a veteran player and the two characters both he and his opponent banned in first round were Tristan and Rawiyah (A) because he said they were the clear best lmao. Nice list.
Have to roll Colonel Sanders
no cows or pigs either
CN tier lists are safely ignored
where? I'm not seeing it
are you legally blind?
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>dispenser but no snacks
I saw the posts below now
I didn't think of looking at those rotating little banners...
They don't need to farm because according to Maitha the expedition boat goes to the seas of chaos and comes back with stuff
>cornucopia blade
what sword character is NRG hungry?
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>hit 50
>babe! it's time for your rank up trials!
with all the nrg regen do they even go hungry is the question
Hope we get a sequel to the "good" endings. Maybe release judge Samantha for the Papal sequel etc.
imagine if you could earn fancy versions (or costumes at least) of characters for completing good ends
Is it know what's the next dual banner?
Skin with no live 2d like Col should've been free lol
Judge Samantha has a different skill set so just a skin would still suck
Safiyyah iirc
when the 2 teams tower comes out can you switch equipment between them?
37k gems and 67 bells if cocoa is first im quitting the game
Cocoa is already leaked to be first, goodbye
Saffiyah, her Anti-Espionage Order is 4 but even for her it seems like people recommend the Newborn Blade
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Is Xavier good? I want Inanna to rape her
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>all these maintenance rewards
>150 gems per character trial
>11 pulls per event
>mini-events that give like 5 pulls
bros...im feeling hopeful now...maybe i can get all 3
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we're all going to make it
rape is a bad thing
>been annoyed that mobile UI is better than pc
>realize there's an option to literally switch to the former
i am the dumb
now if only the BGM wasn't significantly quieter than everything else
some poor bastard is going to hit pity for all three, i just know it
Is either that or letting her lead Iria
What I want to do is for Iria
>rolling for a m*le
Little bit gay, m8.
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whoever else just HAS to get rid of the new notification for the event tactics can learn from my mistake
if it ever matters at all then you'll probably want to go left
it could be you
but it's going to be inanna
So for the cornucopia weapons there's no reason to pick a different one than before since there's no other way to upgrade them right? Just upgrade the last one you got?
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Inanna eats my banana.
Just get Saffiyah and Auguste if you want to pick based on meta. Their damage is insane and we aren't getting anyone near their level for a while in that department. Cocoa is good but general utility/support is something you can mix and match with other characters.
i can't wait for col's pass to end so i have one less thing to click
If you need a good weapon of a certain type the cornucopias are all fine for that but otherwise ya you could just pick the same each month.
is phase XIV of voyage memento level locked to 50?
(the phase before that throws you 8 energy potions I'd rather not claim this week)
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what do you mean? you have to be level 50 to clear that phase if that's what you're asking
what tarot do you guys run on your healer? or samantha, specifically
been switching between the buff removal and the debuff removal ones as needed
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>Don't use the backtrack function
Fuck off
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i only use inanna and i got the lvl 60 extra 15% thing
hes prob doing stamina management the gap from 47-50 is excruciating
oh that could be a handy 60 effect, thanks
i guess i'll just end up with all three at 60 eventually anyways
If you're doing weapon trials early then you probably need devil to tank hits, or the dispel one for the DoT one. Otherwise judgement or healing up are probably fine
was just confused cause it says it right there. maybe he's on the phase before and didn't realize you could look at the future phases or something
youre right as a side note 47-50 sucks, then it showers you with exp for a couple levels
sorry wrong (You) meant to reply to >>492890573
>all my high priestesses, judgment, and empress got terrible rolls
so much for that

samantha's never needed devil for me so far, she either explodes and self revives or shrugs it off
>move Lilywill over to the side so she can shoot at Agata
>game wants me to use a coordinated attack
>blows up the barrel she's next to
>she dies
>Failed despite winning
Well I was not expecting that.
yes, thanks

I can look at future phase but not at details of its quests
oh sorry then, i assumed you could see the details
The mission says to lower her life, not to kill her.
I mean zero is technically the lowest you can go, so I'd say you deserve extra credit.
If you're doing the cake Event mission that I think that is, in each group of 3 'civilians,' the bandit = the one with the highest number (used for denoting turn order).
The Union and Papal routes are alright whereas the Iria route is basically just unedited MTL.
Lilywill died to the barrel that wasn't even in the AOE range highlighted by the attack. Agata was just injured like normal. I didn't expect her to get hit or expect the game to give me a Bros. Attack out of nowhere either.
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Extra credit for not having reading comprehension? I don't think so.
IIRC the Iria route is the one that TW didn't have at first.
>all legendary stats
>at least 2 useful rolls in the first three lines
>not mixed matk + patk rolls
>useful or special fourth line
it's almost impressive how few tarots i actually have that fulfill this
Don't you love the artifact- sorry, tarot grind?
if you stop discarding those with mixed matk + patk outright then you have... still nothing for me, but I guess in theory you should still check them when you don't have better
Perfect tarots is a long-term grind, don't stress too much about not swimming in them after only one month.
Gacha is dying as a genre just like mmos did. Guess its time to move on.
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>Most of the global downloads are from CN wanting to play on an actually good server instead of their fucked one
really wish they'd do a stage or two every day of the event instead of nothing then 6 stages all at once
Just like locusts they devastated their server time to destroy the next one
They're likely playing on JP anyway so not our problem
Blue archive went through the exact same shit comfy plat became hell mode when the chink locusts invaded.
Didn't chinks only invade EU? Other servers are still pretty comfy, globlul just sucks at the game.
>34% downloads
>nonexistent in terms of spending
why is their server fucked?
It's full of chinks.
full o chinks innit
Oh no, that's horrible.
but if they all migrate the new server will also be full of them...
does Blade (the gold papal assist assassin) have something special against AoE that I'm not seeing?
the video I looked up had Blade taking the aoe of weapon boss 1 65 in the face solo, my recruited assassin was taking over twice as much even with the same fancy footwork and I had to share it out
the Blade had 10 to 20% reduction equipment over mine but that doesn't account for all the difference
Fancy Footwork is his AoE defence, anything else is gear and level.
ok but actually why do they want to leave their server for the global one? is it just because they can day 1 minmax on a fresh server and ruin it for everyone else?
you have to unlock everything for the achievement anyway
the common assassin's Fancy footwork should be the same thing though, I must have just failed to catch him in gloria's brilliance and missed another 20% reduction and the rest would be the better stats of the gold unit
>don't actually follow example step by step
>differences ensue
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the character art in this game goes hard
>don't have a legendary seeker
>saffiyah looks like a gross hag
>col is a boy? girl? also autist and lame
crimson falcon... you're all i have...
Threesome impregnation sex with Gloria and Simona
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uhhh t-thanks
where's your lightning
Col is at least confirmed to be a female, lighting on the other hand, now that's a gamble
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this just raises more questions
enjoy your rumored female
Wait, so the one with the shield is actually a girl?
those pikemen ain't female at all
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How can I kill that annoying ass crossbowman, he's too far to reach, and one shots my units from that distance.
I used Col personally but anyone with high mobility could do? Maybe not even high mobility, just tactically reposition someone near it and smack.
i fought much further towards the bottom than you are in that screenshot and it took the crossbow guy forever to get near me, the mission is just to kill teadon right in that map? i dont remember. i think i may have sent col to go harass the crossbow but otherwise i just ignored him and focused teadon
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Manouver + Regroup
Wait that's innana? Shit I really need to stop skipping the story lmao
bro... thats like the first hour of spiral of destinies
I literally skipped the whole thing. It could have been revealed the first 5 seconds and I wouldn't know.
How do you do all the lore questions in the game and events?
well i cant really be mad at you cause i've played plenty of gacha where i've just skipped whatever story there is. but i like the story in this game so i actually read it
to each their own i suppose
I don't know what to tell you. I manage around a 4/5 on Beryl's questionnaire just by going with what makes more sense.
you can just fail the questions and it tells you the right answers then you retake it and click the right answers so who cares
I was aware the story is supposed to be pretty good, but I skipped mostly because of the dawn event. I will definitely take my time with it after I finish this run.
I went with Papal States because Samantha is wife material. I probably will get some sort of band end though considering how much I rushed it.
ive only done one spiral run myself just to clear out the dawn thing like you, got a not so good gloria end. was still enjoyable though. think i should start a new one but between the story parts spirals is so tedious to play
I didn't even finish it yet myself because the dawn event only required me to get around week 36.
I will probably rush it to the end any day now and restart for a comfy run with no time constraints.
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you thought this was a dude?
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So I got the Skill unlock thing and the free rolls
What do I get now?
I definitely won't be able to clear this shit out with my shitter account that can't even do the interval stages
weapon/trinket/legend ore, I got all the watcher cube things because I have half a dozen of them to level
From all the reverse traps in this game, I definitely was questioning her the most. Her face is just a bit too ugly and masculine.
Not him, but I've seen more feminine 'men' designs before.
confused Would
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Butterfly is so good. I leveled her up on a whim and took her into the Spiral and she's kicking ass. Nice buff, can re-position herself and other units, can heal. Just a solid epic.
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the union designs are kinda funny because they look mostly practical, except all the female troops have high heels
sex with fully armored women....
the helmet stays ON
All women should have porn star heels
god i'd hope so...
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it seems vlderian women are the only women who don't wear heels
If they rode horses heels would make more sense but horses don't exist in ToC.
Patiently waiting for the horse Vlderians to be introduced
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last time ill mention it in this thread cause i don't want to spam, Socks still has 1 spot (2 potentially if theres interest)
i will say it's weird, a few weeks ago if we had 1 spot open i'd get flooded by like 100 rando applicants within a few hours, but nothing today. guess the normies who are still playing are in guilds already
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Didn't ask, don't care, your guild name socks.
i'm surprised recruitments stayed pretty relevant for nearly a month
That one is probably the most androgynous character in the game.
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bwos, how can I improve my Maitha for Tarot residual? besides fragments and gear leveling
She keeps dying to physical attacks
Aren't armored heels for horse riders?
that's alright. hope you are having a good day :)
slowing down obviously, guess most of our /socg/ guilds will end up like 20-25ish daily active players. which is still good don't get me wrong i just dont like logging on and seeing us at 29/30 i want it full, hence my recruitment posts
Whatever AI translator they have needs to be taught that "knock back" is not a suitable synonym for "defeat"
dont get hit by breakers
which tarot residual? doesn't one of them have a red boss that does double against her? otherwise if she's dying to hits on later rounds you would do better with coexist armor which works as long as she's healed as opposed to this coat that at 1 star works... basically once, also you should get 5 coexist armor from voyage momento so you would get better stats from that too
if you're comparing to other players, I'm sure people who use her to tank take the other reaction for dmg reduction
and is that the sword that gives more def while you have a shield? maitha doesn't have a shield as far a that item is concerned, it's confusing but in game mechanics a shield is a white or purple bar that shields damage before HP does, unless you have another character giving her that shield this item isn't as good for her as dueling daggers
How the hell do you beat the Cat Lovers Interval? Your units are so weak.
put on the dmg reduction when healed reaction skill instead
yt has the answer
>Cat Lovers Interval
Which one is that?
Nvm, figured it out. Just use Mask to steal the items. Also damn, Momo's kit is cool. Hope I get spooked by her.
Took some tries for me as well, i hate how buffs ran out at the end of your turn instead of at the start of your next turn like i'm used to.
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is there a comprehensive guide on engravings?
should I just enchant leech on every damage dealer or does everyone want specific ones
I just kinda soloed it with Momo, but good job on figuring out your own way of doing it
ranged that stay unharmed will do better with the +12% when unharmed
seekers will do better with +12% from 3 move
So gloria and dantalion's faction buffs effect them even when they're the only one on the team from the faction, r-right?
do you put sword on the trinket then so you can pass them around?
Leech is fine as a general placeholder but eventually you want to shift into bigger boosts since the life gain ceases to matter when everything becomes a one shot or be one shot fest in the late game.
When is Gloria rerunning?
surely not for a while, it would be in a dual and there are more characters whose debuts were skipped in global that have yet to get those
>Just use Mask to steal the items.
huh, it was a sneaking mission? I know Col can do that but doesnt that only last for a turn so you won't be able to get out in time

Since there was no turn limit I just cleared them one by one, attack in detail
lol, lmao. Not any time soon. And when she does it will be one of those god awful dual banners. Better save up 360 rolls.
You can sneak in and out for the one on the right (conveniently, the one hardest for your little green tank to deal with). Also there is a turn limit but it's something big like 20 turns.
Run onto tile with Mask. Run out afterwards. I only had to fight the defenders on left side.
Every rerun will be a shitty dual banner

I'm not even gonna try to pull for Inana because I know I'll end up getting Xavier instead
i remember assist mode gave you a healer so it was also reasonable to just fight the map, and then just sneak col into the escape tile at 3-elite unit ending
Can't you get Gloria with the character selector?
no, nor any new one, that would kill FOMO
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What does that icon means?
works for every role not just the one you're leveling
that works for every class
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Sorceress hat's self-destruct button
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wowie zowie
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wow congrats!
I'm debating whether to pull myself. Got this and it seems good on Xavier at 5 stars, but that'd be cope if he blocks my Inanna since it'll be a long time for more copies.
Is there an Inanna banner soon?
"leaked" dual banner with Xavier
i have 1.8 mil dust, is there any epic gear worth upgrading?
disaster bottles
the green pendant I cant remember what its called, gives you random buffs whenever you heal
That's only worth using in the very early game if you lack real supports. The buffs don't stack.
It's pretty good on Rawiyah.
Disaster bottle, Evergreen Pendant, The Bow that ignores Def is better than a lot of the bad SSR one's that do infection or other bullshit. The Dagger that gives + Def is good enough for tanks that having one at 50 isn't unreasonable

Of course the Mask/Cloak that give one shot protection can be useful in the high level boss/tarot fights.

Depends on which kinda gear you're missing but having 3-5 pieces of Epic gear at 50 (I would never go past 50 cause the breakthrough cost) is Fine
Again, only if you don't have supports. The random buffs don't stack and something like cooling powder or something to improve her durability/mobility is better later on. Assuming you are even using her in the first place, since Rawiyah isn't exactly good.
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If you're talking about the one with the big red guy then you simply don't want to bring maitha, or you need to stack def buffs on her and shred his attack.
>The random buffs don't stack
you can't get different ones going like with the wheel tarot?
I thought it was good for the papal units that need X number of buffs...
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This is retarded
It's just generic buffs.
Simona acquired, lesbian sex is REAL!
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It's easy, just summon legendary characters my dudes it's not even hard.
I only see 1 legendary character and 4 epic ones
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>only 3
post pull count bihtc i flippin douple dipple dare u
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law of large numbers means your pulls will always average out to the 2%. my rate was 6% until I pulled for Simona and had to trigger pity.
you can make fun of me for getting dupes of maitha and edda though.
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you can never have enough buffs
Shit anon maybe you need more Ritalin
sounds good anons, thanks
speaking of buffs, has anyone been investing into Butterfly?
seems like she's tailor made for weapon boss i
i'm very early on, but yes. She's extremely good utility and offense.
How much of each tier of medals does the Watcher box give? The platinum selector chest is only 600 points, this better give a shit ton.
guzzlerchads...i kneel...
I never got her
Why do some low rarity units have low rates than the other ones?
I don't remember specifically, but I think it was something like this per box:

Bronze: 5
Silver: 3
Gold: 2
Platinum: 2
That's ok value if you're building a lot of Watchers from scratch I guess, but if you're trying to rank up your highest level ones, then 2x Platinum & 2x Gold chests is only 1800 points. Thanks for the info.
My Lightning-less ass being unable to have my full lesbian team...
No Lightning, no Butterfly, no Night Raven and I'm pretty sure I'm missing some other King Army units
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non-Butterfly, non-Lightening bros...
>No Butterfly
>No Agile Eye
>No NonoWill
>No Vlder team
A-at least I have my faithful Vlder fuckboy. Cocoa banner can't come soon enough.
lash love!
Iggy forgotten...
>Alright guys, let's roll out
I don't think there are tanks in this setting. Or vehicles at all. Where did they get the phrase from?
Ah, localization team here. Gomen!
Surely one of these niggas in the sea of chaos saw Transformers.
Did they seriously put the event farming nodes at the end of the entire event campaign? Why? I genuinely want to stop playing now because of it.
What are you talking about?
The ice woman (Simona?) event. It says I need to beat the entire campaign to unlock the event currency farmimg.
Retard anon...
How then? It says I have to do every single story node.
You can't do Dioramas?
Tactical update is not the event currency
The diorama too, "clear Chapter X"
Take a screenshot of pressing the Diorama button.
I rushed it to get to Chapter X already, I was just venting. I know someone very FOMO allergic like me shouldn't be playing these games that love using FOMO.
I've beat all the hard stages except the one with the two arguing ghosts, it has so many enemies and they hit like a truck, it gets impossible once they start summoning all those wolves.
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Sure ya did pal
*pat pat*
Send tickets about the localization. They've been good about reading those so start one today and bitch about how bad shit is.
Suppression is built for weapon boss 1. As long as he comes it's just a matter of DPS.
>3 days without legendary drop from trials lv 65
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b-but i did....
>Alexei is surrounded by ladies like Simona, Agatha and Lilywill
>Tryhard pvp defenses are making me not want to play anymore
The first game that pvp has killed my interest. Shit just isn't fun to try and get my wins in.
>Inb4 Don't do it
I need those fucking legendary items since I'm still only on lvl 55 weapon bosses.
just do easiest??
I pummel dudes that are like 30 levels before me daily. They try to set up meta defenses with frost towers and bombs but the insurmountable gap in levels means I can just slap them silly in 1 round
so pick the easy one? theyre going to be autoable until plat
PVP fucking sucks in any gacha where it's more than just a minor side mode.
That only works until you get high enough rank to run out of bots. Eventually even the "easy" matches are more or less identical to the hard ones.
Easiest ones for me are all still lvl 45+, so around my level. They don't give me free bot ones anymore.
bwo I run out of common exp......Im bricked
Suppression will never cum. His monastic training has prepared him to edge till his final breath. A paragon of chasity, by suppressing his carnal urges he gains holy blessings powerful enough to ward against magicks. Hence his honorary title.
he just hasn't found the right slut yet
Justbuy the BP lol
Are you a bad enough dude?
Can I start the game from Steam to see if I like the mechanics/flow of the game first, then if I like it use my phone to reroll, then use the account I like on the steam version. Or am I locked into the account once I start the steam version?
Obviously none of them can get enough of his BBC (Big Brat Cock)
Locked in Steam
You can just use the stand alone PC version instead of steam.
K, thanks.
dantalion is the only character who is brat. i will not elaborate any further on this.
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>always invade into medium or high difficulty
>first turn use maneuver command on gloria then pursuit order to get double aoe on the entire enemy team
>if anyone survives she'll use counterattack
Pvp is fun you just need out cheese the enemy.
Make Suppression cum with this one WEIRD trick! Judges HATE this!
The problem is being sub level 50 going up against 50+s. No amount of cheese is gonna make up the stat difference where I do like 20% damage max while they can one tap.
Lutfi please, stop being jealous of your brother's cock.
Why would I- he be jealous of such a thing? Just because it's ridiculously long and thick doesn't mean it's good, it's probably inconvenient when wearing pants, and has bedroom issues.
How do you tank Furious Wallop? It almost oneshots my Suppression and removes healing which makes him get killed by follow up AOE.
Btw, is there anyway to remove -healing?
>using a magic tank in a stage with physical damage
Teadon? More like Peed-on!
Please Gloria, you have to piss in my mouth to complete your paladin training. It's what your father would have wanted.
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For me, it's Iggy.
Teadon is no Steve Stiffler and he never will be
What? It's physical????
Read the skills. Also you can remove debuffs with Empress tarot, Angel heals, or prevent it with Cooling Powder.
You're supposed to use paypal guard or some other form of damage reduction + unique coat. I used edda next to a box to tank it along with unique coat so when the melee crew dodges to the left before the aoe she can buff the party before going back to tank wallop next turn
the weapon i and ii bosses' aoe moves are really just a big annoying waste of a turn
Which character do you guys use to clear that shitty last interval event in free mode?
Anyone has a weapon guide?
I just used my regular team. You get tactics, so it should be way easier.
Safiyah fucked my Rawiyah with only 1 skill
No way that happened, red is strong against blue
Saffiyah? More like sapphic for Rawiyah am I right? Fucked her with ONE skill!
Can you post you character please, im so tired to do this stage
No they're not...
Then why would someone try such a matchup?
I need to find 75 rolls between now and Cocoa banner end. Assuming I can get 1 roll a day from pass+monthlies, that leaves 45 rolls I need to shit out from somewhere.
There will probably be another event + maintenance compensation, so that's like 5 pulls right there.
Bait out drunkard while you kill hanged men.
Col goes to bait rawiyah, everyone else focuses Saffiyah. Make sure to keep everyone aside from the defenders out of traitor killing order range when she goes to use that, if you do it right she will only get off one use. Past that it's just a matter of making sure to keep nungal and nergal under control.
Passionate sex with Alexei
In that entire post only one word is even remotely an answer to the question
It's really a miss opportunity to add the Luccian generics to the pool alongside this event. Simona and Alexei would be more enticing to pull for if you could at least get some new Silvers units to hopefully synergize with their frosty surface abilities. Even lucklets could at least use the Luccians with the Ice Priests.
The Luccian generics are just cool AF.
We need Luccian and Elaman units in general. Maybe some more Vlder too (not moeslop like Cocoa).
Calm down Lutfi
Passionate sex with Simona
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This week's 10-5
Based. Miring those tactics.
Is there any hope for Beryllets?
Alexei sucks
Flame Sorc works though you have to be more precise with the AOE since hers is smaller than beryl's Nightingale also works with grenade though you may need some help on the right and better liquor placement by edda. On review I should have kited southeast after the dude died to the first ragnarok to get more value from the remaining barrel, think I could've gotten 2 more on the barrel pop
Hag tits
Iggy's knot
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I found a low rarity comp. I don't have blade though and I think nightingale needs at least 2stars for the CD reduction trait. Enemies are dark/green and they'll either avoid the light units or charge straight to your blue units so your dodgetanks can perma dodge the bosses while nightingale sleeps one mob and bottles one to death
I wish Garcia was actually good. Her design is cool.
I think people say she's worse than she is. Like sure there are stronger options out there, but she can still do great damage.
I only use T0 units
I only use cute units that are nice to me when I open their Bond page
I only use woMEN.
Her main con should be the ramp up time and investment (and aoe in the face of characters like rawi alter but everyone falls short vs her I guess). Unless it's an ability that removes all your buffs, getting dispelled is overexaggerated since stacks only dispel 1 at a time and you can 'protect' those stacks by having even more buffs. Best case and worst case for stacks probably both too slow though depending on player/content, but it's not like she doesn't have incremental gains over time since it's not all or nothing.

>Best case
Turn 1 (30% crit chance already active) 2 battle stacks +1 turn stack +1 kill stack
Turn 2 +1 turn stack + 1 kill stack (30% critdmg active post kill)
Turn 3 (30% critdmg already active) +1 turn stack + 1 kill stack
Turn 4 (40% def pen active after turn starts) +1 turn stack (you're capped)

>Worst case
30% crit on Turn 1
+30% critdmg on turn 4
+40% pen on turn 7
I use momo everyday.
Momo sucks
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The game is pretty vague about timeframes in general, but things got pretty fucking out there with the reveal in the Papal route that Inanna remembers Irians being oppressed by the Paps during her childhood from before the Kingdom of Iria gained their independence. If we assume Inanna is around 25, that means that Iria went from being an oppressed vassal of the Papal States, to mounting a rebellion and overthrowing them, to establishing a monarchy that's respected by the people and improving their livelihoods significantly, to going back to tense relations with the Papal States and the church of Light, and then to the current day of the story, all within a span of less than 20 years.
momo, mo problems
Being good at telling the pope to eat shit is how her dad went from a General to King
What's surprising about that? Also I'd assume she is in her teens, so it's probably closer to ten years.
You're still not going to bother with her when stronger Seekers exist and % damage is a big deal.
nah she's for sure closer to 30
I was being generous. The younger Inanna is the more absurd and unbelievable it gets.
I don't see how it's so unbelievable
Sex with Inanna
Doing unwanted sex to Inanna
Cocoa when
How do you think everyone will react if Cocoa is really first?
they already leaked that on test server
This actually makes NonoWill's grudge against Iria completely nonsensical because she's blaming Iria for the Papal States' mistreatment of her people when the Irians were also being treated as slave labour by the Papal States and rebelled because of it. And unless NonoWill is way, way older than she looks, she would barely even remember a time when "Iria" was hostile to her people.
"ez skip"
"Safiyyah never... eos soon"
"I only summon m*les"
Nigga it's fucking anime, she is like 18 at the absolute oldest. Dantalion is probably like 20.
Nah he's for sure closer to 40
Was there any indication of what conflict Maitha and Faycal were orphaned in? Because if that was the war to overthrow the State of Iria then that'd mean it's probably only been around 10 years.
Yes, but what about Saffiyah and Auguste?

The timelines are a mess, I have no clue how much the 992 prequel even expands on shit since they decided to introduce so many new characters instead.
We have official ages somewhere.
Well, we know that Rawiyah left the King's Army around 992 but we don't know when did she adopt the kids. Or was this stated in the Fool's Journey summary?
Maitha is too annoying so her parent left her
Wouldn't the royal family have come to power before Rawiyah left to be a merc which is when she found Maitha and Shit?
No way in hell.
Everyone is dropping the game..
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>People thinking that SOC making 8 million is so great when CN started at almost the end of the month and made about as much as Global, JP and KR put together
>Now it's a sub-million flop
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Also Elaman update confirmed which means we're getting Tower of Adversity soon after kek, good fucking luck everyone.
Brown girl erotic
>he's completely given up on samefagging and is namefagging now
I'm genuinely bored
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I like nice round numbers
>Filenames is namefagging
No content lol
Watching as a recording after the fact makes Clash ragequits so much funnier than when it happens in something like Street Fighter
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>he hasn't noticed
why wouldn't they exit if they check on how it's going and see it's not gonna make it
Pathetic, dude. You really have been here for all of a month.
Yeah, fuck this shit I think I'm dropping. Accelerated schedules are aids enough but shuffled around banners on top of that? Shit is gonna die fast.
>why wouldn't someone be a pathetic quitter
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try not being a metaslave for once
My reaction was to roll Simona last night since I plan on skipping Cocoa.
State an actual problem with shuffled banner releases
I've been lurking around this place for years, retard.

I'm legitimately impressed that the devs are tripling down on the complete assfaggotry that made them bomb in CN, guess it might be true that SOC will be dead before its second anniversary like Archeland.

Do you understand the impact of pushing high level shit like TOA on everyone when no fucking regular player has 12 well-built SSRs yet, let alone officially delaying one of the most popular picks for said mode?
>mixed lineage
Cocoa is a mutt?
No one cares except you
>when no fucking regular player has 12 well-built SSRs yet
everyone will be on the same playing ground then you retard
you never had a chance to compete vs whales anyway
this lmao. And whales don't even care because they already have everyone maxed by now
>I've been lurking around this place for years, retard.
Isn't that even more sad? You've been lurking for years but still can't even figure out basic posting shit?
Just as a reminder, you're supposed to have 12 well-built characters, each with their own weapons, trinkets, engravings and tarot.
You're the retard who thinks it was done on purpose though?
No shit, Voyage Momento constantly reinforces that idea
Everyone knows
If you just stop interacting with it it has to reply to itself and tires faster
Guess even this board has Taptap shills eh?
anon royalty still exists in occupied countries. you can be a king and still be oppressed.
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who's gonna tell her
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I'm gonna buy a harem of vlder girls!
How many nipples do Vlder girls have?
Zero, they are reptilians.
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0 since they don't own them
just applied
5768 with Alexei as my profile picture
Someone was asking about whether character ages are confirmed, so I'll just link it here:
Rawiyah Alter's profile confirms that she's 20, so she's 27 now.
Taair's profile is right before hers but his age isn't stated, so it seems only the characters released in the Crimson Night patch have their ages confirmed (Rawiyah Alter, Saffiyah Alter and Kiya are 20, Layla is 24, Tristan is 23 and Pamina is 34).
>Pamina is 34
Ancient fucking high elf grandma
Damn, the new event story is actually kinda good
are all event stories from now on gonna expand more on to what we saw in SoD?
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i really want this skill
nope, EoS next week.
That's not surprising, Pamina was one of Faris' most trusted generals so she was likely over 30 anyway.

Don't quote me on this but I think it's a mix between being light-hearted hijinks and expansions.
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more freebies
Rawi’s Christmas cake…
Also, bad news for you guys if you hate SOD because the Elaman patch has even more rewards for playing it kek. I can't wait for the translation to be even more shit than Iria, defeating the whole point of quitting TW to play this kusoge.
>Rawiyah is 27
Either age hit her like a truck or Maitha and Faycal are underage
Assuming Maitha and Faycal are 18, there is no way Rawiyah is less than 10 years older than them
living in constant war leaves a toll on you
Why do you assume that they're both 18 when they come across as 14 or 15?
You have to keep in mind that Rawiyah has seen some shit in her time and she almost lost hope completely were it not for Maitha and Faycal.

I think they seem 16 at the oldest.
>age hit her like a truck
She's an alcoholic
Her CN VA is literally a grandma
Good because I made a fucking stupid mistake building my Simona
Now that I think about it, they drink, so they are 18+
I know that's the usual thing for gachas, but the events here shouldn't be temporary, at least keep them without the special rewards and/or allow access to them with special keys or something, this game doesn't have enough new content to keep deleting it.
Do you mean an archive? Some games do that.
I doubt they cared about being 18+ to drink on a medieval setting
Usually games add archives later
Or Iria has no age of majority laws
They might not personally care but the classification board would. Granted, I thought chink games were stricter with this because COTC even changed beer into fucking tea when it was launched in CN.
Just sidestep that by not actually giving their ages or saying that it's booze
it's just sweet barley tea, don't worry
Yeah, now that I think of it COTC does have confirmed character ages from its radio show.

Sure it is bro, sure it is.
>Cocoa confirmed next
niceee I need more furry girls
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Maitha is legal
t. legalist
Im 16 away from 180
Vlder whore
Has anyone bothered extracting the files for clean art and the like?
someone extracted chat emotes >>492737885
where are the MC ones coming from?
Thanks, but I was looking for the clean art.
>Map actually fucked itself into a completely different angle
Cocoa won
>launching before the 2 dps that everyone is saving for
Cocoa lost
>He didn't unlock the MC emotes
>metafags will skip Cocoa because they want Saffiyah and Auguste
I think Cocoa is SOVL
Cocoa is meta though?

Maybe people will start ripping the devs a new one for delaying Saffiyah, not that I have any hope that anyone will do anything or if anything can be done.
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I will roll for Cocoa because I only have 1 defender SSR and I'm tired of raising the likes of Suppression for the Voyage Momento missions
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Why do you need more than one Defender?
I don’t but memento insists…
Is there any castalia priority guide?
Nungal unironically eats several
Gloria takes 1
others I don't know
because the fucking momento keeps making me invest in supression who i never use nor want to use
>Oh no. I'm running out of dust!
>750k dust from the event shop
Oh no. I'm running out of gold!
>3Mil gold form the event shop
Is every event in the future going to be like this one?
it's the spear throw and the buff one right? also is it worth it to use castalia just for the stat boost?
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>suppression instead of paypal guard
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>Doing union route
>This pops up
got a nice chuckle out of me
i wouldn't use him either, meta be damned
supression at least looks cooler
>it's the spear throw and the buff one right?
>also is it worth it to use castalia just for the stat boost?
I'm sure eventually players do that for the ranks that give ATK when they have enough castalias on hand
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Lutfi is such an evergreen meme I still see people asking for him.
>gacha mode has good gameplay loop but barebone story
>sod has full story but shitty gameplay loop
Why can't they just combine them wtf. I don't give a fuck about the gameplay in SoD I just want to go through the story
Because the devs are fucking retards.
I wanna join a guild that's okay with me just playing casually. Are any of you guys okay with that or should I just join some randos?
yeah it’s fine. We’re not the sweaty discord guilds, just do your dailies.
There's nothing competitive right now with guilds, even in the TW version so it's all casual. I think a couple of the guilds in the OP have openings as well.
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Any tips on beating this stage? I tried killing the one that summons the wolves first, but the wolves appeared anyway.
Leonide sex
Just beat the boss
maitha can distract the right while everybody else goes left but having a less reliable healer like butterfly is harder when you're going to get chomped a lot by wolves
she doesn't have 4 move because of your gloria in the back but tactics can fix
Hard mode ask you to kill all the enemies.
just ploay defendsively? you have a beryl man that should be a breeze
Cool. Turned out I haven't progressed far enough to unlock guilds though, so I'll apply to join later.
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>open trusty booru
>search tag
>only 3 hits
>all are official art
I didn't expect Mihoyo-tier numbers, but even Path to fucking Nowhere gets "that" kinda fanart (it's 99% yuriGOD stuff but still)
Surely nips have done some r-right...
Maybe a strategy game doesn't attract the other genre's usual audience. There's the one here but I imagine most just leave after they realize it's possible to not auto win
What about WOTV, FEH and Langrisser though?
What's there to draw?
IP titles.
>coordinated attack
Wut. This should be added in the base game
>Cool shit the devs never bothered to add: The Event

There's probably lots of stuff that people could draw, though I remember one of the reasons GBF fanart isn't that common is that the characters tend to be insanely difficult to draw and it also lacks mainstream appeal as fanartists want clout.
Agatha is so cool...
>Almost at the end of this route
>New recruits are only level 30
Good fucking grief.
Agatha is so sex
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>300k left
Why did my money go!?
look at leg engraving cost
Because you didn't love it enough bro...
>extorts me for all that money and free testing
>not to mention the minigames
>doesn’t even give me the good tactics
Damn brat
>Finished the Papal States bad end
Well, that was a route. I'm now ticked because Edda didn't get killed and Taair did.
yeah what the fuck? would give would've been a cool feature to combine active skills
Don't you love that the devs made signatures not even a year into the game and they only added Irian SRs?
is it possible to not get the thunderstruck tactic at all?
I don't have that yet
I'm almost jealous, it ruins SoD balance
>clearing SoD with thunderstruck
didn't count
Is Thunderstruck that strong in spiral?
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sure love spending time clearing a new level of weapon trial and being rewarded accordingly
at least I learned that Tempest is a fun character to use
Yeah, especially if you do the upgrade that gets extra piercing damage. The enemy Garcia took over 10k damage from mine just now.
the infinite-range full-damage barrels are even more op
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So if I wait for Cocoa's banner I will get her on my first or second summon right?
50/50 on the first check your debut guarantee first
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Almost any battle where the objective is to take down one character ends turn 1 with it as the objective is just to get a character in thunderstruck range
you're guaranteed a legendary, but not necessarily cocoa
a legendary on the first
like >>493000549 says look at what it says for debut guarantee which is different
Does debut guarantee stay between banners?
It does.
between debut banners yes
ok 49 summons then, very doable for Cocoa
How much do you have saved currently? Guess I can pray to spook her because my pity stays saved for Auguste.
a solid 9 summons, so I need to save up 40 more
here's your 60 luxite, no need to thank her
>40 more when she's literally the next banner
Anon, you'd best start hitting the new story when it drops...
It's fine, I have a lot of hard modes left to do
Ah, the way you said it made it sound like you had no easy savings to tap on. 166 rolls here myself, so with 60 left for guaranteed Auguste that puts me at 106 banked plus some left from the tower and hard modes.
>Elaman in 10 days
God damn it what the fuck, are they just shifting around the schedule for shits and giggles? Who asked for this? Metafags get Saffiyah and Auguste delayed and I have less time to save for Hasna and Homa.
I warned you retards that they were going to rush shit to release TOA because they learned nothing from losing 90% of that CN cash cow revenue. I wouldn't be surprised if the real outcome of this shitshow is killing off every server and not just Global after they anticipate that it stops bringing in money.
What the fuck is Elaman, doomposter
Elaman is the next part of the story but that's not the relevant thing, the relevant one is Tower of Adversity that's a whalebait content launched after six months in TW and we're likely going to see it in fucking two months. That shit is everything wrong with this game tuned to the max, it's a reverse tower where you need two well built teams of six with their own gear and it's incredibly toxic to the point even the chinks hate it, and of course the devs never bothered doing any other content besides the Spiral so you have jack shit to do if you don't play this.
i asked for this
it brings me immense joy to watch people get fucked by schedule changes, while the majority and normal/casual playerbase is competely unaffected
>Is completely unaffected
Yeah, haha...
>Elaman is the next part of the story
Sounds cool, can’t wait!
it is pretty funny seeing someone cross server continents just to whine at anon
haven't seen any chinese in global players so far, are chinese characters not available or they just not there?
Enjoy getting fuck all after that until dyke drama.

There's allegedly some chinks who play Global, can't imagine why though because we're probably even more fucked than them.
Bro these aren’t your designated seething hours, go to bed.
If you knew how scummy XD was every hour would be the designated seething hour for them being absolute fucktards that stole Mihomo's monetization, most of Langrisser's systems and just blew up all their goodwill before the year was even up. That's not even going into how they've always been deleting bad reviews, TW had days where the game couldn't be played for an entire day and it's all fucking over once JP gets pissed off.
Thanks for beta testing this amazing game, chinksect
>while the majority and normal/casual playerbase is competely unaffected
Dude I was saving for Hasna, that's not exactly meta chasing.
Having an unpredictable schedule means you can't plan for shit, so everybody is equally fucked. Unless by casual you mean "no thoughts. head empty. I just login and roll every banner because I don't event know about any upcoming characters before it's posted on the official Twitter".
I just sent all my units to left side and fought trough everything that was in the way of killing a boss
You'd best start praying that they delay her since she's not meta.
>want to invest in cuties like butterfly and nightingale
>samantha, simona, gloria, and edda already ate all my watcher materials
maybe I'll sideline some of the latter instead
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ahhhh they all have to have their own gear???
They do, and the three attempts thing still applies so good luck if you get to the end and realize you have to change something kek.
buy out more watcher materials from event shops, and the guild one, it's reputation exchange shop
content catchup effectively killed wotv and it may do the same here lmao. at least gumi had the sense to wait several years before attempting that.
I got her minesweeper mini game once and then i didn't touch spiral for a few weeks and never got another mini game again.
the game can't die without maitha porn, right bwos?
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Comes on everybody
Taiwan is an independent country
so is ToA the EoS herald
You have to talk to her in the haven. Upstairs area.
For this world of piss
Ah, gomen!
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If you have multiple versions of a good legendary weapon or trinket, is it better to level up and use them or burn one to raise stars for another?
Are you out for a walk, too?
>she says while indoors and never moving one inch herself
Does Maitha just plant her ass in the house for eternity? I have never seen anyone else in there besides the 3 I put in.
for weapons raise stars, you won't have enough powder to level multiple of the same thing to 60
for trinkets it depends on what type it is
Presumably she kicked out everyone else.

I have seen Rawi and Dan inside but it’s pretty rare.
No, she goes outside too. Beryl was next to the chalk board for me sometimes.
They state that the monarchy was established after the State of Iria was overthrown.
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>stands suspiciously near the cliff edge waiting for you to talk to her
ah, gomen ne!
baker anons?
save us! I'm at work and can't right now

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