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lets play a game edition

Previous trap: >>492729469

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
sans responding to /utg/ sanspedo
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Would you like to play a game?
If you want to be subjective you could interpret that in and of itself as a final recognition that Alphys no longer wants anything to do with either with them and Catty just being too dumb to realize that.
am i going crazy, i can't find the original thing where catty and bratty talk about favorite foods and bratty is worming around saying 'cat'
wasn't it like an old-ass toby's tumblr ask-box question or something? no one mirrored it to the wiki and i can't find it
>ssshhh...the birds chirping.
i think that might just be in the actual game but i could be wrong
On the other hand, I've tried and failed to do an impression of that voice so many times...I couldn't even describe it in words to someone else.
I never realized how they looked strangely similar, I might be legit retarded
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You're not ready for this then
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el wiwi
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good morning /utg/. reminder to report and ignore froggit posters.
gaster is a skeleton

ok i found the worst one they sound like flies
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new livingtombstone song/fnaf 10th anneverserly thing
said fave
cause living tombstone is faves favorite youtube channel
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>give us a call
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You call FUCK YOU Ma money UP YOUR ASS?
Yes, it's a BITCH! *explosion* *explosion* *explosion* dialect.
Uh-huh. What OVEYOUTHE?
Uhhh... upstate BIG MOUTH.
Really. Well I'm from *halloween theme* and I've never heard the phrase Ma money UP YOUR ASS!
No, not in *halloween theme* no, it's an *imovie undercover* expression.
I see.
State of the art in advancement and science t-
oh my god that ladies got some PIPES on her
You know these AAAASS are quite similar to the ones they have at I GOT A BONER.
Oh ho ho, no! Patented CHILDRENburgers. Old family recipe.
...For Ma money UP YOUR ASS.
Yes, and you call them Ma money UP YOUR ASS despite the fact they are obviously YOU PEE GOOD.
this'll be woody boss's text quirk
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im not a pedo.

i can post this and its on topic because theres an undyne at 1:52
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It's not in the game, it was an out of game thing, I think it was a character Q&A meant for Papyrus or someone but B&C took it over starting with "Like, who's that?" and answered the questions instead?

It's the one where the same question was asked ten times and the same post that mentions Papyrus doesn't actually like spaghetti and just cooks it for everyone else. God I'm lucky I remembered it was on Tumblr this shit does not show up at all no matter what you punch into Google.

Yeah, it could be that. Alphys doesn't sound particularly happy about it in the Alarm Clock dialogue, at least. There's a bit of irony there too, I think- Bratty makes the put-down about Burgerpants, not hanging out with him because he seems like the extra-clingy type, and Catty already IS that clingy and keeps showing up even after Alphys has done everything short of telling her "go away forever" now that she has her job back (maybe) and her cool muscle fish wife and all the anime she wants and doesn't want to think back about crawling through a garbage dump with an idiot and a narcissist. Man, it seems like everyone in and around Hotland has some sort of sad dysfunction or busted relationship going on. kind of hate how I still find them all more interesting to pick apart and notice stuff about years later than pretty much any of the Fun Gang Relationship Quadrangle shit going on in Deltarune
Well, yeah, because they're pretty cut and dry. We pretty much can already guess C's tiger mom activity, Susie's abuse/neglect/learning disability whatever, Kris' guilt over...something and inferiority complex. Asking a question about why the worst person in the world would be around a giant idiot and a woman with negative self-esteem and for some reason not take advantage of either of them is far more compelling.
Does every boss going forward just need to randomly say things in caps? Aren't there some other kinds of ways to indicate someone's lost their gourd?
Now's your chance to be a BIG MOUTH!
Be a big
Be a big
UP YOUR Mouth!
t h e r e c o u l d b e a s c h i z o t h a t t y p e s l i k e t h i s b u t i t c o u l d b e v e r y a g g r a v a t i n g
to hazard a guess: catty is, to her, a useful idiot- giving constant praise and hyping her up (c-c-catty's the coolest, b-b-bratty's the best!), feeding her ego and narcissistic traits, while asking basically nothing in return since she's so ditzy that she'll hype anyone up like that. the difference in deltarune is that something happened/didn't happen so they started out as enemies (could even assume that in undertale, it was through alphys at the dump that the two met in the first place); deltarune catty is already willing to overlook bratty's obvious flaws, having fun when she's around and wondering why they aren't friends and looking forward to ukulele duels and movies and whatnot, but deltarune bratty instead feeds and fuels her own self-image by putting down or using everyone around her and doesn't want or need catty's worship because in deltarune bratty's world, she's already the hottest shit around and catty is just competition (bonus here: in undertale, it's bratty who suggests they're both going to marry mettaton and catty who says "actually, he's already MY husband," not vice versa, which is surprising to me since we now know you can see bratty's bitchiness already there in UT and this is a missed opportunity for that)
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spamton is a character that can NEVER be replicated, not the very character or the popularity that he got.
Good night /utg/, hope you all have comfy dreams of fave and get to make the most of tomorrow. I love Chara and want to be able to lay in her arms so god damn much. I'm fucking horny but can't even fap because the need for cuddles is too much.
Trve kvlt blvck metvl boss thvt tvpes like this
So, it's not even necessarily, about what material goods or services one can provide to Bratty, just ego? God, how many times has Flowey killed her just for that?
>You're gonna crumble.
>Idiots are only useful for so long.
>Then, they make ONE wrong move, and everything crumbles around them.
>"Bratty, I, like, totally didn't mean it!"
>"...How did I mess THAT up?"
>"Someone h-help me!"
>Oh wait, that last one already l-left you!
>Maybe she's smarter than I give her credit for.
imagine all the mileage /v/ would get from a character actually saying SOVL in the game
fou uou huys ;ike ,y yyping wuirk o yhink ots [retty vool
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varg in deltarunes
Used to beat my meat to the scene of Goofy getting put in the gas chamber in that one Simpsons episodes fantasizing about what it would look like for him to finally fall asleep
How many years ago did that come out
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chapter 3 is taking so long any and all meme references will be about 4-5 years out of date
but he didnt die
>So, it's not even necessarily, about what material goods or services one can provide to Bratty, just ego?
Honestly yeah, I've never really thought about it that way before but it makes sense, at least in some scenarios. Like getting UT Burgerpants or DR Kris to bring her more free food, to where Burgerpants has the burgers-in-pants incident or where Kris manages to actually bring enough that Bratty makes herself sick from overeating (while she's similar to another mean scaly girl, only Toby's wife Susie has a truly iron stomach, apparently). She didn't need that much, but she COULD, she got someone else to do something for her and got them to keep doing it past the point of necessity and that's probably a huge boost of unwarranted self-importance/self-image.
I knew that so I would rewind the scene by 10 seconds or so replaying it over and over until I came/dry orgasmed, again don't remember how old that episode is.
For some reason it was the choking sounds in particular that did it for me in my young mind
Susie dialogue in chapter 2 upon finding the new dark world and choosing 'go home':
>* Kris, you're right.
>* Like, you said a correct fact.
>* But you made a mistake.
>* The mistake of knowing me.
>* 'Cause when I see a big pit,
>* All I wanna do is jump in.
>* And as long as you're with me...
>* I'm dragging you in too!

In "the business," this is what is sometimes called, "foreshadowing."
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[Chapter 3 & 4].
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well i wanna say im disgusted but i also know that when your a kid you cant really control stuff like that so... uh.... i hope goofy getting gassed doesnt still do it for you
It was the choking sounds in particular, too, same reason I fapped to that one scene with Milhouse getting choked by sandwich wrap.
Don't have any particular traumatic incident in my life to explain this with, really.
sometimes it just kind of happens
i wanna say youre weird but i winged my ding to a vore scene in spongebob when i was younger so i have no place to speak
when catti said to protect noelle from susie, did she mean
>protect noelle from susie's bullying
which is stupid because susie specifically doesn't bother noelle, something anyone in class can see, especially catti as she's noelle's friend AND dislikes susie; or did she mean
>protect noelle from being in a relationship with susie
which is stupid because it relies on catti having seen enough of noelle drooling over susie to think it's an issue (remember she doesn't know about the dark world ferris wheel and bedroom funtimes) but somehow also doesn't think it's a big enough issue to not step in and do it herself, instead entrusting it to kris who is barely on speaking terms with noelle at the time
The likelihood of any one of us dying before Deltarune is complete grows stronger every day
Nah, I probably still out-weird you on that front
The final panicked screams before they pop was usually what I looped
My earliest fap that I remember was to the Pinkie Pie inflation scene but I'm not sure about that
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Hello Kris I wanna play a game Hello
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>People have died this before game came out
>People have had kids before this game came out
>the world economy will collapse before this game comes out
does this do something for you
sawton if he has a cute esl accent
I'm fully expecting myself to
My mental illnesses have only gotten progressively worse over the past few years and I think I'm just gonna snap and bash my brain open sometime
Not really, like I said my younger self liked the noises.
Wish I could hug you through your screen :(
wish i could slap you through the screen
Woah you're just like a schizo boss when Gaster talks to them.
I feel ya.
Two years ago I might have agreed with you but two years ago the tranny virus was working through me so who knows if that applies now
me too (ur ass)
Gayster will go crazy when I feed him my human cum and then deprive him of the flavour
So is that world's Asgore borderline animalistic and the rest of the Underground tends to work around him? Again, how would a man that cartoonishly evil even function as something approximating the Asgore we know pre-Chara?
>says fellfell instead of Negafell
can you read anon?
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fell under the stairs and now i'm stuck.
Anyone got that comic of the kid not being allowed to watch shows with bad words so his mom makes him watch a lot of cartoons that cause him to develop various fetishes like forcefeeding and tickling
that woman has never seen stairs in her life
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Nevermind I found it
she's fat, not crippled
>she's disabled, not disabled
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now i'm gonna kill you
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yeah, we know tangy is fat- oh you were talking about catty, whoops.
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shut up anon, i'll kill you
>just found out that ancient fritz the cat/burgerpants and catty redraw was the same artist as 'based on my aunt'
how fucking far does this dude's reach go
Thats good, you'll get some exercise
it unnerves me how much he looks like my deadbeat dad
He sounds based as fuck.
i read on an unrelated comment chain from google that apparently he regrets the based on my aunt thing super hard since he edited it out and stopped drawing aunt noelle like that, and someone in the chain said it "isn't surprising since he uses the r-word a lot" and there are so many possible "r-words" that i have no fucking idea what the commenter was even trying to say
i'm betting 30 dollars the R word in question is retarded

The R-word and R-worded are euphemisms for "retard" and "retarded," words that are considered offensive and disrespectful when used to describe or insult people with intellectual disabilities or to insult people, places, and things by comparing them to people with intellectual disabilities.

As advocates began to work at changing the medical terminology, Rosa's Law was passed in 2010. The law eliminated all references to mental retardation in US federal law, replacing it with the term "mental disability" and "an individual with an intellectual disability."

New terminology was also adopted for the DSM-5 in 2013 and in the 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) in 2015, replacing "mental retardation" with "intellectual developmental disorders" and "intellectual disability."
The DSM-5: Classification and criteria changes. World Psychiatry. 2013.

Intent vs. Impact of Language
Some people may object to eliminating the R-word because they believe that they only use it in a medical or legal sense as it was originally intended without meaning it as an insult. But language changes and evolves, and the impact of the words we choose to use is important to consider. Using "intellectual developmental disorders" or "intellectual disability" rather than the R-word or R-worded is now considered the appropriate way to discuss cognitive disability
I thought it was rape.
Guys I didn't say I was retarded, I just said it was retarded the doctor told me I had less than 70iq pointers
i wanna fuck swatch while i force all the swatchlings to watch so they can serve customers the right way
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hello frens :D
And they have shirts that say 'I love to swatch'
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it's almost halloween /utg/
we gonna do bunch of halloween art?
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im always doing halloween art
is papyrus's head really that hard to draw for most people or does my autism allowe me to have ann easy time drawing it?
make a cthulu papyrus
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remind me tomorow im eating rn for real for real

its already 100% (raughs)
bratty would probably be the dream wife of guys with feeder fetishes
I think it's the second.

> But lately. She slips...Into the darkness.
>Kris. You walk among the dark. Protect her... From Susie... I'm talking about Susie.

Catti is somehow aware Noelle is falling for "the darkness" and Kris "walks among the dark" meaning they are partners with Susie and are able to keep an eye on her. As partners Kris may be able to influence Susie's behaviour more than she can.
up your ass
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buy more ralsei plushies... NOW!
Fun fact: all of those plushies were once black

the queen was aware of this too
i think the guilt of having pushed dess into the basement that night is starting to eat away at her.
Bratty Undertale is kind of mean but I don't think she's a psycho manipulator
unf... bratty undertale... needs deltarune correction...
hnnnng need humpies me retard

why not, her name is bratty. + her cousin bratty deltarune is a manipulator with the same personality
Hey, I'm a retard. Can't tie my shoe I rely on you to keep me alive
Yeah but it's interesting/hot if she is.
Bratty puppetmastered the Asgore Toriel split to make Mettaton a reality so she could fuck him in the ass
deepest lore
she also called up aizen to do some behind the scenes planning to figure out how to produce the most amount of timelines where alphys kills herself, crazy shit
doughelle and catti mukbang
Shut up, man
>assuming and doxxing
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what is this
>actual game discussion for once
not my problem
smelly telly
How fast will the Chapter 3 and 4 dialogue be dumped
>he plans on pumping and dumping the new chapters as fast as he can
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grim beyond belief.
It'll be dumped down your fucking throte
I won't read all the text I just wanna ctrl + f for a few things before I play
Asriel Sixx
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kiddo what if haha what if kiddo
>before I play
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Now that the dust has settled. Did you forgive him?
Is deveropment going well?
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So I can see if I predicted something
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he looks like he fucks human men
my favorite song by sans is called sans
er err errr err er
er er errr er er er
Can you believe it only 13 days until undertale day
I have gotten sick and tired of waiting
Toby will help you!
By cancelling the game
In this world it's cancel or be cancelled
asriel coming home from uni!
he's so fat!
can't squeeze past toriels door! nngh!
My cock squeezing between his giant asscheeks HNNNG
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His butts so big he can barely feel it!
So deep!
Undertale: a hmoma story
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Temmie posting Final Fantasy 9 art...
Could this be a clue that Tobysoft is developing the FF9 remake?
I think it means she made fan art
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Cool comic
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wobbly obese azzys sweatpants sliding down his butt!
Why is he wearing pants or using chairs when my face exists
obese azzy "accidentally" sitting on you as he watches TV and eats pizza!
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fat blob azzy
human men are chairs for monster men
chairs for every single monster except morbidly obese
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Yeah eh ha
Your ass
Is wider
Than tha
magic barrieeer
Of you
I'm not afraid
I Want a Fat goat

Eat me
A whole pound
Of souls
Finish your whole plate
It's O.K
That I Want A Fat goat

monster souls
With an extra heavy human soul
Every step is like an earthquake
You're so wide!
prince of the All You Can Eat Buffet
I Want a Fat goat

Thin goats they're starvin'
For what we're eating
What they say
Has no weight
Cause I Want a Fat goat

snail Pie
You got that extra cushion
Thunder thighs!
Much better for the pushin!
Slip and slide
Next to you I'm always in the shade
I Want a Fat goat

4chan and the /utg/ screens
Say thin is the way to be
But you can't go the distance
With out some resistance
The bigger the better for me!

Your ass is wider
Than tha underground combined
Eat more
Eat More
Eat More
Eat More

I wanna hear you say
I'm having some throat goat
females are a mistake
Don't want a skinny bitch
women I hate
I'll be a fat goat!

Eat my soul
Please don't leave without more dinner
Extra sides!
Baby sexy isn't thinner
Open wide
Never wanna see you lose weight
(Don't want a skinny bitch)
I Want a Fat goat

Tell me why
You ate nothin' but a snail plate!
You're dieting to lose weight
It's not right!
excersize took all your pounds away
I Want a Fat goat

Cause I Want a Fat goat
Big Azzy ooh nah nah
I am Azzy back from college ooh nah nah
azzy but 5 times as fat as this
>numbers found a new image to spam relentlessly until everyone hates it
>You humans want to eat my WHAT?
The Red Azzy is 3 times fatter
fat azzy and fat ralsei eating everything at ICE-E's P"e"zza
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Not me. I jack off to it everytime I see it
fat albert
my new au where everyone is fat and that's it and it's very funny
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why is he big big slut
You can't see it in this image, but under his ass is me suffocating
force feeding ralsei until his white fluffy fat rips his cloak apart
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what's it like being the victim of the streisand effect?
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>You're the best gentile I've ever met, anon!
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the boyim a goyim.
i need this slut oiled up clapping his ass infront of me so the droplets hit my face
>the german heard people talking about fatties and thought he was being called
Why oil when he his ass sweat can be hitting your face
imagine the smell
fat greasy monster butt...
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I just made a folder to keep some undertale and deltarune related stuff I've made (drawings, edits, writings) and it has about 205 files. Was not expecting it to reach the triple digits.
Sweat from a literal GOD
sweat dripping from azzys fat rolls
>goatposters shitting up the thread
as usual i see, grim telly
Dracula bites into Azzy arteries so full from fat blood he dies on the spot
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Kill all goat posters
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can you kill a god?
if a god can be killed is he really a god?
if he is a god and can be killed, every drop of blood should be preserved, every inch of fur be made into the most excellent of garments and every morsel of meat be eaten by only the most worthy.
>word salad
azzy has no blood, it's just sugar water now.
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Never speak to me again, bitch ass nigga
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goatposting becoming an auto-bannable offense on 4chan when
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we postin bomos?
I'm a God, how can you kill a God?
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fuck you, boethia is better.
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Here's what we're gonna do; we're gonna take all goat posters and tie em down. Then we gonna force em' to take this BMC (big mosnter cock). Then they gonna slurp up this green matrix juice. Get that ass banned.
Lorkhan won btw.
I eat god yumeyum
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based and so fucking hot, sign me up
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that'll shut up the flower
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after seeing you repost this a few times I've realized that there's something exremely off about the anatomy in this image. If you crop it right under the butt it almost looks okay, though oddly it looks kinda like a view from below with Asriel sitting on the viewer. The further down you go the weirder it gets. the legs are too skinny and too far apart, the way the robe tapers inwards is a little strange as well
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That'll shut his arteries for good.
True but idc about logic, I see big ass + plapriel and I lose my marbles and cream loads
flowey salad
yummy yummy
Stim-MING AS usual I see?
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understandable but i have standards for art quality when it comes to depicting my husband
Respectable, that being said his face is very cute in that drawing
floweys veins full of yummy grease!
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undertale is funi
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If you goon a gooner, the amount of gooning in the world remains the same.
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ah hail naw, i see way too much entartete kunst.
Up your ass. Up your ass.
Big mouth! Big BITCH! Up your BITCH. Up your BITCH.
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my tummy hurte
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can you make me a sandvich?
ytp sexer isn't the best spigottan ytp btw
Die a violent death.
I laughed more at pedofiles
>the fire is pure white
>like monster attack
holy shit
that one's good, this one tickles my funny bone the most for whatever reason
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sex with Chara
I hate that whenever people make YTP Sexer references they use the second Bitch! instead of the initial BITCH!
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>i NEED the deer to be a nazi and also straight i NEED to edit gay flags into nazi flags I NEEED to edit images of her and her gf to separate them
>i NEEED the fatass playing card to be single i NEEEEEED to edit
oh god... oh jeez... i'm... i'm NOOOOOOTICING
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rather than refreshing the thread every 5 seconds couldn't you be doing something important?
like getting some real sleep for once.
sleeping would improve your life more than if the game actually released.
big mouth
i'm reporting you for underage b& you big-eared frerf
Ok but Jevil has a big fat ass and I want to fuck him
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>announcing a pizza hut in the garage
azzy being told off by toriel and being called every harmful thing about how fat and lazy he is and he just burps and continues eating in bed
i hope deltasmoon never releases
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Toby fox really asked us 'don't you have anything better to do?' Like wtf was he thinking? We're UNDERTALE FANS!!!!
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who the hickety heck are you?
I hate pizza hut
its not as good as I remember it
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God, I want him to tear me to shreds and just reset and fuck my shit up all over again until I get major stockholm syndrome
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>kraut doesn't know about auto-refresh
insanely grim and telly
my house
and the bear
get all that stuff offa there
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Liquid red determination is period blood
It's period blood
He would definitely have astofolo and felix posters and merch
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i would say, someone does not know about auto-refresh, but who that is, is another question in of itself.
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My face goes in there
thanks kraut, very cool
who the fuck are either of you?
>*Smells it*
Kraut was sliced now there are two krauts
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>low reading comprehension
very sorry to hear that.
i am a very cool anon and i post cool flowery, condescendingly smiling faces and cursed shit.
Jevil if he was the fat dude from the Spawn movie
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two anklebiters! one for each!
Fat Jevils braps just smell of clown food (hamburgers and milkshakes)
Uncontrollable farting from a life of clown food eating.
shizy schizy schizy! schizy? schizy schizy! scisisigyg.. sgchisy? schizge, JEWS! schizee schise... heheh... schisy shcisy...
no understand? LOW READING COMPREHENSION! hehe!
a very telly suspicion
>buckbroken anon
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you wouldnt get it
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Slaughter goat posters
nice gay furry chatroom
don't worry.
i don't want to.
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the toby brothers
the normal peepol
I want Asriel to keep me as a slave and deprive me of everything except bone breaking sex
not my problem
you missed some ass >>492748409
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could be nicer, could use a few more nice gotes...
Fobby is a missed thread misser
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stinky gote
was my suspicion for naught? a mere coincidence? this isnt very good for my dossier...
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Based Asgore poster in a sea of slop. I remember having pic related as my wallpaper in 2015, here's to hoping my nigga gets some redemption in the next chapters.
help me a giant worm of flesh with tobys head at the end has wrapped around me and its squirming and pulsating it wont let go
last thread there was a tasquefag.
was it the elusive tranny that berdlyfag threw under the bus?
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very telly >>492794138
Remember when people actually enjoyed things and poured effort into making cool fanart of stuff?
That's initialfag, newfren
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i don't
>kraut's biggest cocksucker isn't even recognized by him
Good morning, anon!
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fortunately my cock remains thoroughly unsucked.
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I'm feeling emotionally weak and I want to hug him
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I could fix that.
ruined it
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Hey, hello, have a nice day, seeya later!
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i will have to respectfully decline.
i don't need monkey pox.
Why do you want to suck kraut pooner cock???
me too kraut me too
i lose esoteric devientart posts
I'm not Kraut
it's called mpox now you fascist
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He is soft and in need of a good hug anon.
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god i wish.
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Somehow the strangest thing here is that they made some weird character collage instead of just using the logo or one of the console port covers
He's ugly so it's canon
not fascist? not woke? hmm... then you must be a LOLBERTARIAN!
We're all in need of a good hug
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Late reply but I'm not the guy who does the baby speak thing, but I do say ue
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my prince...
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freedoms are a fad that will eventually vanish from our daily lives because a great swath of the population cannot be trusted with them (or so it will be said to excuse their removal)
>Wanna change the font link is wrong again
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Toby will make Lightner plushies but they will be exclusive to Japan
Really? What makes you think that?
look man im not used to making threads
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>the homosuck thread vandalized the op
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protip: I say doomin' in lowercase.
apple cider/baking spice popcorn does sound pretty good though
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All you have to do is copy it from this:
This isn't a mistake. You didn't accidentally go in and replace the link with a completely different link. You intentionally changed it. You're retarded for thinking that anyone will believe your alibi.
Anon, it was the previous Homestuck thread that vandalized the OP
The OP of this thread presumably just copy and pasted from it without looking
they copied it from the homestuck thread which was a troll thread who did change it deliberately and also linked to the wrong thread
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im sorry i didnt know the thread was vandalised
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You'd already used that line.
You have differentiate yourself in this market.
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Aye I mean you no harm
Bitch don't touch that alarm
Put your wallets and your phone in this bag
And lift your arms
Cause I got needs
And there's going to be hell to pay if you don't get on your knees
Do NOT bully Ascafag.
too bad. it's time for your spankings.
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>there are 2 doomer ralseibros now
chat is this real
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Oh so we music postin now
and it seemed like there were two krauts earlier... curious...
wait a second... maybe... they're mimicking each other?
Ralsei's for warm hugs and fugs
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Is this the origin of picrel?
If Toby made Toriel nowadays he would've made her a bird because Tori is bird in Japanese
Yeah, for some reason the original was replaced with a completely different image in the archive so I reposted it
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>they're just like monkeys! To prove it here's an image of a black guy that I edited a monkey face on to!
poltardation cracks me up sometimes.
>He doesn't know
what the actual fuck is anyone even talking about
Two of them.
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how come you're so sure he's from there?
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momma berd...
That's from a restream of ltg
Thank God he's no longer making games
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Wow same
>growing populations
birthrates are going down worldwide.
i preferred the adult asriel cooming
Goat hubby
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there is a large untapped ressource to combat this issue, that governments almost all around the world have made use of already to the great dismay of nation's citizenry.
but what does a government care about what its citizens think when the industry has both a solution to one problem and to create a new class of citizen in by itself?
Goat hubby's goat tubby
Shit games
Wow this thread sure turned to shit fast
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cyot, I'm guessing Chara made him wear that. It suits him
China has a growing population. The population of the U.S. and most predominantly white countries are shrinking. You're a chuddy redpiller, I assumed you would have known that. I guess you're stuck on an older narrative.
Only chuds who believe this are the ones that are a good percentage jewish
oh my god shut up
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Why though? Why do you think that's a good thing? Elaborate on your thought process.
weekend's over, where the fuck are the jannies
They hate us because they anus
>didn't play the game
You lost 2 world wars.
No more undertale/deltarunes in future what a grim future
it's a national holiday and 3-day weekend in the only that matter; enduring through it is all we know, and it makes us stronger
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Male Chara being the sexoest
Only hmofa can save /utg/
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they? us? I'm taking about one anon and his obsession with a skin color. Don't tell me you also have racism brainrot...
this is cancer
Why is it that the first thing I see opening /utg/ is people talking about White replacement and fascism
No, but that anon you were responding to clearly has a lotta hate in his heart
Dustborn is better than deltarune
You actually opened /krautg/ by mistake
That's not the ONLY thing
There's also asrielpedos gooning
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because you're on 4chan
Don't you have anything better to do?
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wrong. milk is good for your bones and muscles. make sure you drink plenty.
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I want to rub my face all over that floof
numbersfag going mask off
gotecide games though
I want to rub your face on sandpaper
Jesus Christ the goatfags are out today
I had this thread open last night and that was the first thing I saw. I'm probably gonna draw in an hour and maybe start making music again if I can get over this damn art block.
They save these threads from becoming like this. Thank them everyday for their sacrifice!
Stop being racist, chuds.
i bet numbersfag caused all this
see, what'd i tell you? proof, these mfs crying hard
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blessed post.
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>lotta ... heart
no way ace atornney reference
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Genocide route was wrong?
In my opinion the pacifist route is evil
added to the dossier
numbersfag did nothing wrong
STOP being mean to him
i'm glad the gotechads are here to stop the politishit with their child ass drawings
oh wait they're not stopping shit because the politicposters don't care
oh nooooo
>gotes spam heavily when the threads at it's worst
>they must be trying to save us
If only you knew
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you've goat mail
Only the all powerful adult asriel posters could stop something like this
I ate gote
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I'm confused. When you say "You," who are you talking about? Both sides of ww1 and ww2 predominately consisted of what would today be described as "white people," so you probably aren't talking about race. The Nazis didn't exist in ww1, so surely you aren't talking about Nazis...
Simple as
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omg hi!
Somewhere, felt a thread opening...!
I don't think the anon you're talking to knew what he was doing, was just something said in a moment of impotent rage
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why are the furfags trying to molest asgorey
Germany started WW1 thoughbeit
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You leave those two alone for five seconds. Just imagine if they were to share a room... and bed
everyone knows, who doesn't hate them right back these days?
they though he was wearing a suit
does anyone have any idea why we got raided with off topic political bullshit
like i know kraut attracts and fuels it but that was unnatural
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WHAT THE [*?§!] EVEN IS [[Live Franz Ferdinand Photoshoot]]???
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Asriel's ass would break all the wooden slats and the bed would be crushed under his weight
>you're not allowed to like these games if you are a chud!
hint: the concurrent pedospam is not unrelated
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yeah probably. racebrains tend to be silly and incoherent. i like trying to be rational with them just to see them stumble over their words and short circuit, it's kinda funny sometimes.

incomprehensible. proofread your post and try again.

different germany thougheverthough
i don't care what your political views are my point is talk about fucking talerune i'd want you to shut up equally so if you were arguing on the opposite side
well what did the rest of us do to deserve this?
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Or they'll just cuddle
>racebrains are incoherent
no, they're faster because they're made for racing.
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>ban evasion
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I mean, if you come to these threads expecting them to be sane and enjoyable, you kinda deserve whatever you end up getting instead.
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beatings will continue until morale improves.
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The most surprising thing to me about all this is that it implies some of you actually have jobs most of the time.
I'm not expecting sane or enjoyable, I'm expecting insane and unenjoyable but at LEAST related to UT/DR or the posters
Arguing about world wars has fucking nothing to do with the games or even /utg/ thread personalities
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more like... the "bleatings" will continue! amirite kraut?
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i like how you want to insinuate how you are sane but others are not.
don't choke on your own cock there from all that masturbatory way of talking about yourself.
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what do you want to talk about anon-sama?
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/utg/ thread personality talk is also off-topic
Why you just evaded your ban
Not canon in /utg/
If you're not a gacha/multiplayer thread and your game doesn't get frequent updates then this rule just straight up doesn't apply
Jannies leave your thread to fester in its own rotting shit until it gets so bad they need to ban the general (even though the lax moderation THEY insist on is why it got bad!)
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huh? me?
Well, I never insinuated that I was sane, however I'm probably more emotionally well adjusted than most of the general, especially you considering how you took my post as a personal attack worthy of a retort.
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the gote butte
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Is this the post that caused it
Is this the striker of gotenerves
wether it was an attack at myself or not.
i still would hate berdlyfag if he liked me because i hate people that so smugly assert their own superiority
you have (on several occassions) attempted to assert a point by never making one yourself, dismissing all input given and calling all those who dared to submit stupid.

i would hate you no matter who you attack and what flag you fly.
jannies, you missed one
Pressing X on that
Stay banned instead
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I'm gonna grab his tail and give him a little scare
stay banned
You smugly assert your superiority all the time
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n-n-n-nyooohhh not the monke
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i am actually just there.
the fact that you feel that i smugly assert myself through my mere presence says more about you than me.
i don't have the ego for that.
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huh? whuh? huh?
>random berdfag mention
>schizo rant about some grudge you've somehow built up about me
I'm so confused lmao
john madden
really fantastic moderation
just superb
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see? i was right.
you can't even pretend to be better.
and yes: you are very much like this cunt.
/utg/ is full of incels (like Kraut) and femcels (like Kingfag) and the only solution is to have fucking sex
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flopzy ears
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Kingfag can go fuck himself.
its all the sex he'll ever get (from me).
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not a valid excuse
>i don't have an ego! I am right about everything! i am fair and just and better than everyone else!
like a character in a comedy skit
test again
test deez
high test
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I'll give him a kiss on the lips to make up for it
we know epstein
low test
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yaye :)
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>smash kris
At your command.
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This thread needs some.... justice.
we know azzie
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oh, you~
>"huh"-poster feigns ignorance once more
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did kraut make up a singular boogeyman comprised of everyone who's ever responded with confusion to his posts
holy life lead
AND a grim telly
he also has started replying to himself as if his own posts are a seperate person. he's having early onset dementia
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bold claim
Spoilers, dude. Do it like this instead: [ spoiler ] text [ / spoiler ] (without the spaces)
I'll never look at Malius the same way again after that hammer Asriel twist.
not my problem
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claim is balding
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"huh"-poster? do you get "huh" as a reaction so often that you think that it's the same person each time? Well, now I know the cheatcode for pissing you off I guess.
sex with adult kanako
you are such an embarrassment
bold claim
maybe on planet retard
I wonder if anybody here actually suffered an IQ drop from this place I feel like I'm taking crazy pills
no one here has played yellow
grimmy dossy add it AND asriel to the dossy
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it's yellover
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The schizos clearly have but any normal person can see the samefagging for what it is
undrtle 9 year anniversary in 2 weeks
toby will we get deltrun
so true throwkrisrieltardunderthebusbro
so true
the fact that its only been 3 days and my cyberstalker stimmy is already tired of this board really speaks volumes about the state of this place
The Coffin of Kris and Azzy
i can see through all your typing styles oooooo i know who you are ooooooohh i am infoobrking you in my dossie wossie full of grim tellies ans stimmies and birdshit blobs oooooo i know where yuo live
not my problem
13 days until I kill myself from disappointment
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i think you are giving yourself a bit too much credit there. (of course you do)
but no, huh-posting (so far) has been a you-thing.
ergo: no its not a cheat code because i know what gaslighting is.
you never have to elaborate on what you believe and how it runs contrary to my ideas when you can pretend to not understand the other side and (here it comes again) smugly assert yourself as superior.

end of discussion. you're a retard pretending to be smart.
This is all Toby's fault and I hate his faggot ass for sticking with GameMaker instead of using a real engine
cant you stay until the 50th anniversary for that
since thats when deltarune is releasing
sad fact: kids born when undertale was released are
this gen is finished
word salad
I'll be long dead by then.
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my point exactly.
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damn half of us are fighting to see deltarune's ending and youre just going to give up? sad
Kraut what do you think about the AfD winning
He delayed chapter 2 looking for a new engine and decided to stay with GameMaker anyway.
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I can tell you that I have definitely been a victim of the opposite effect in which my IQ has significantly increased. Look at the image attached to my post and try and tell me this ISN'T the work of a mastermind genius who has a healthy relationship with these games and doesn't let farfetched tunnel vision fester in his brain until it generates a theory.
high test
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You're seeing a superiority contest where there is none. You're fighting ghosts, man...
nice gote though, i'll add it to my collection.
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"ill add it to my collection" shut up newfag, lurk moar before speaking up
>Well, Dreemurr.
>I've never met you. In my world's history, you crumble as all those you loved watch it happen.
>And now, watching you...squabble like a toddler when perhaps your whole UNIVERSE is at stake,
>Only confirms whatever feelings I have for you.
>Maybe pity? Maybe frustration?
>No, too strong for either of those.
>But whatever it is, I know what I'm gonna do with it.
>I'm gonna break you here and make your family watch you scream, got it?
>I'm genuinely impressed!
>Maybe all Dreemurrs aren't cowards, but they are certainly fools!
>Why am I talking? I come from a line of retards too!
*vore's tenna*
telly in my belly
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>Asriel says as he's worshipping the ground Chara walks on
I see we are on the same wavelength my friend. Clearly by your comment of "high test" you are referring to the fountain, high as it pierces endlessly into the sky, high enough it could perhaps reach heaven. This heaven, our world, has been given a test or survey in the form of the DELTARUNE program. Very clever!
ill add this to my collection
bold claim. I'll add it to the dossier.
bold claim
bold claim
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Very telling
underrated post
not my problem
okay retard.
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Let's debate them!
here in /utg/ we all like making fun of krisrielfren's catchphrases
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medicine time.
>You gonna wallow around in your own sorrow?
>It's all your clan knows how to do, after all.
>I fucking DESPISE whiners like you,
>people who had EVERY right to succeed, FAILED anyway, and ask for MY sympathy.
>What's wrong, Holiday?
>Crying now that your chosen daddy has failed you?
>Gonna cry? Gonna get real quiet? Gonna kiss the ground I walk on and beg to worship ME?
>I don't need followers like you. No one does. They always end up snakes.
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>managed helldivers democracy auto-correcting itself
and people ask me why i dont like democracy.
a bad joke is what it is.
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Remember when Asriel said something along the lines of "Chara wasn't the GOAT..." because I do
okay retard.
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Fish I wish

>"You gonna yellow around in your own sorrow?"
high test
Literally the worst thread of all time
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yeah only after chara fucking died. and you know why he said that? so he can lick another human's pubic zone. asriel definitely fucks human men and theres nothing you can do to disprove it
not my problem
that was the kingposter scat thread
Remember to thank your local /vg/ moderator
are you my dad
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fire can improve a drama into a tragedy.
babe you can call me daddy sansy anytime
Ralsei the buddhist
no, he is a shintoist.
fuck off sansavatarfag
that was not me
offer is good, i accept
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Chara kinda deserved it after getting them both killed
Good thing I'm a human men
Can we summon fobby for this momentous thread?
ASRIEL got both of them killed. the humans were going to attack on sight no matter what. chara knew this and was prepared.
asriel being the pussy he is backed off at the last second, only after they were in range, and didnt let chara save him
really cant accept this disrespect to my fave
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Stop spamming berdshit.
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>finally berdbro is here and the thread can improve!
said no one ever.
>asriel is the bad guy because he didn't GENO the stinky humans off of the entire planet
yikes, racism towards humans will not be tolerated on these threads chud.
oh hey finally berdbro is here
the thread can improve at last
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jokes on you that was me and you fell for my trap
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all my playthings are here~
What's fobby's stance on the jewish question?
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How the fuck is this still up
>fobby is trying to outpace our gote posting with his spam
goatbros? our response?
who are you again
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fobby is more of a pro-zionist.
we all kneel to the children of zion.
i have none.
i am defeated.... fobby wins
he's the king of /utg/

>stuff that can pass on youtube kids
>"how is this still up guys?"
that would be hockeybro

need 2 breed
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I don't know who the fuck that is but
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The image is too precious to be taken away from /utg/
thank you for saving the thread was almost going to turn into a bimbo goonfest

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they're from this cast of loveable family guys
it's nasty funko pop kiddy porn
>hey beater
>wueh faet man!
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bold claim
children stripping.... for an obvious fetish show is precious.....
you know im okay with pedophilia as long as you dont seem like youre brave enough to take it on but,
The one on the right isn't a girl btw
the one on the right is they/them and has a penis
This wouldn't be the first time kraut got genders mixed up.
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Fuck off.
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I have been deceived.
>hockeybro is the king of /utg/
can confirm
Too late, this means you're gay now
are you hockeybro
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Me looking at the drip of content
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i dont know what this post is supposed to mean, but ill allow it
right, just like how doomerbro "decieves" you every night you spend with him.
only good post in over 8 hours
we know diddlerbro
its not my fault that he cums when i beat the shit out of him
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As above, so below. The human being finds himself, or herself, in the middle. There is as much space outside the human, proportionately, as inside.
Stars, moons, and planets remind us of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Is there a bigger being walking with all the stars within?
Does our thinking affect what goes on outside us, and what goes on inside us? I think it does.
Where does darkness figure into the workings of the universe? What really is darkness? Is it a symbol for something else?
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That's Martlet, not Berdly, dummy
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>not even denying it at this point
i know youre trying to roleplay gaster and all but i really cant take you seriously with a file name like that
I thought they were Kraut at first
did you post >>492860045
Kraut isn't that pretentious
>mistaking someone with ABCDEFG-named pictures as me
ever grimmer
Same difference. She's exists purely as berdshitter fanservice.
When did Kraut and Doomerfag break up, I must have missed that arc
martlet was invented before berdly was revealed
Typo, you LOST
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no, i did not post that, although i will give the advice that whoever wants to try impersonate me in the future to use ralsei or hyperdeath asriel images instead.
are you the guy who drew this?
thought not, thanks
Would you stop being a furry faggot FOR ONE FUCKING DAY
he commed it
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i did not draw that, but i did commission that specific artwork piece actually

no problemo
>i'm the only one who can put numbers in my filenames, you're impersonating me!
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Not as bad as making berdly posts.
>while posting berdly (in the ice)
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oh noo i am copying the thread personality's trademarked style. this is so sad.
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what type of whimsical childlike activity would some of the undertale/deltarune characters like?
This but completely unironical
Stop trying to impersonate the pillars of the community
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Stop lying.
probably the first and last time berdly was cool.
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chat is this real
I fucking knew it was (You)!
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fobby start using this image
Letters are symbols. They are building blocks of words, which form our language. Languages help us communicate. Even with complicated languages used by intelligent people, misunderstanding is a common occurrence. We write things down sometimes – letters, words – hoping they will serve us and those with whom we wish to communicate. Letters and words, calling out for understanding
check the date on this tweet (like the sounds birds make)
The duality of wanting the deltarune theorist you're reading to at least consider your theory before going with their own conclusion, but also wanting more people to be shocked if the twist DOES happen. To share or not to share, that is the question.
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I'm not using the shitty berdly website.
what the hell
so toby WAS in touch with the community?
do you think we can find him somewhere in the archives?
There needs to be content to have a drip
Its more like a drought
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nice image for ants, retard.
It's labor day. You guys (most of you are American) should be out vacationing or partying with your families.
still too small, can you make it bigger
share, have no one believe you since toby is a mysterious autist no i am not projecting, the scream I TOLD YOU when noelle is revealed to have caused dess' dissapearance. thats my plan
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Nothing is real, that's why mods removed the IP counter
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their families hate them.
HOW [[BIG]]???
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nice image for ants, retard.
it was nice talking about the game last night
i guess that made the whole crowd of threaddies angwy
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it's labor day, all of the hot characters need to go into labor (the having baby kind)
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This is real
your mom when i buss
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Why did berdshit have to ruin this general with his butthole pedo fetish?
it was really fun to see the recognizable posters go crazy when we were talking about the game in the last few threads. notice how they were all seething in silence with the ball game discussion
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this is real too
You're right, I could go with that. From one anon with a hard-to-believe theory to another, good luck. May the best man get the last laugh.
do you think they would be too busy keeping up with the influx of content when chapter 3 drops? if
It's a shame berdshit ruined everything. He should fuck off already.
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Catty can't have babies because she is obese.

Berdshit isn't even here. I was just falseflagging as him to summon you.
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Don't kill, and don't be killed. UNLESS
Who gave Ralsei a glock. Or perhaps he acquired it through legal means because he's a good boy
he's a real well-poisoner.
they lose their power when the thread is fuller because everyone is too busy talking about the game to notice their definitely not samefagged shitflinging. it's nice.
i'm not sure that's how obesity works, but i'm not a doctor
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Sounds like something berdshit would say.
why are save points yellow?
how does that relate to ballgame theory?
anon... catty is over 600lbs
>testicles game theory
the what now?
what stream/deleted tweet was that stated in?
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Not every color every relates to the Ball Game. Also I don't feel like having this discussion right now because I'm leaving for a PARTY with my FAMILY soon. Maybe we can have more Ball Game discussion later.
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I did not get what the ball game was supposed to mean.
Berdfag made this a furry asshole loving place, current /utg/ is like this because anons are so bored that are willing to play along with 12 year olds that think they are "pillars" as if that meant anything
But alas, everyone gets bored and we'll see another version of /utg/ eventually
Miscommunication sometimes leads to arguments, and arguments sometimes lead to fights. Anger is usually present in arguments and fights. Anger is an emotion, usually classified as a negative emotion. Negative emotions can cause severe problems in our environment and to the health of our body.
Happiness, usually classified as a positive emotion, can bring good health to our body, and spread positive vibrations into our environment.
Sometimes when we are ill, we are not on our best behavior. By ill, I mean any of the following: physically ill, emotionally ill, mentally ill, and/or spiritually ill.
It was revealed to me in a dream and confirmed by comparing photos to existing 600lb women.
what's wrong with loving furry assholes again?

theory that says determintaion is the combination of the six traits

the save point color theory gets from the color of one asgore's flowers being gold like the save point, then determination is gold and red means us. but then why was chara's soul red too? because red is the love trait, and white is the compassion trait

or i think, i made up half of that just now
It's too hot outside and I already am with my family.
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nothing to do with ballgame and probably everything to do with determination
The Ball Game's flags represent each SOUL trait. Because you get the Red flag from using all six of the traits (it literally SAYS THIS), that means that the Red SOUL's trait is a combination of the six other traits. If you don't know the six other traits then you have never played the game and should go play it.
Like all fetishes, what you do at home is up to you
But to make a general centered in that...
Well, its far from being just not for everyone
>you never played the game if you ignored the janky mini-game that doesn't really do anything
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Noellefag is back posting more Horrortale shit! Not that much new art however since there haven't been any new chapters yet, but when October comes that will change because of the Horrortale Waterfall chapter game releasing.
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This is the only soul trait I care about
the rest are ghey
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started working out again yesterday, now my arms are sore...
You're so fucking autistic
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get those gains brotha
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>burns faggot polycoleur
woah there.
soul traits are surface-level stuff you secondaries
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If you do not know that the Yellow SOUL is for Justice, the Green SOUL is for Kindness, and so on, you are a secondary and should play the game.
Yes, and? This isn't even a theory. It's correct, literally stated in game. The only way it could be more correct is if Toby literally comes out and says it.
I did some working out today! It was going up into the hot ass upstairs to get fall stuff down.
That shit was so ass and badly programmed i'm surprised anyone spent the time figuring this out in game. I would've assumed it was only found through data-mining.
Nobody cares about the other SOULs until they get their own fangames

chop chop
You misspelled based
how do I unsubscribe from this retard's blog?
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ballgameanon winning as usual
not my problem
close the tab
actual game discussion is already causing them to seethe.
carry on gents.
You press the unsubscribe button at the top
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Spoken like a true gamer that doesn't work out
>shota porn is going to make it to archive

>if you dont know "stuff that isnt in the main path that you need a quide to even get except for patience and perseverance since they are easy" you should play the game

sorry but i think uh, we all missed that until we went on forums
me i didnt know until a year after i was done with undertale
you should like, say "read the wiki" instead
Eat him.
Says the idiot whose theory is based on the most convoluted interpretation i have ever read, basing on a meaningless mini game of all things, story wise it was made by monsters who know jackshit
>Tobby made everything
And the story is filled with plotholes and contradictions too, so you can't quite get that autistic even if you were baited to do so
They guy that implied determination might be golden has a better point that you
And still, it wasn't used like that, so.. too bad
For everyone, since you'll keep spamming it to the end of the general as a whole
it's still cute every time you remind me to look at it~
Thank you.
I would continue but I can’t. Like I said, I’m leaving soon. I’ll be back for more discussion later.
Okay fine read the wiki. Happy?
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What is she writing?
still better than the time unrelated loli porn made it to archive
i am thank you for making me happy
>The only way it could be more correct
>The only way it could be correct*
Fixed that shit for you
Theories are just that, you can play connect with 2 single dots of the whole picture and claim shit, but that doesn't make it correct, just 2 dots correctly when you ignore everything else
It has the same or less weigh than any other theory in reality
>my sister took the dog!
Clearly a lot of people care, hence why they bothered making a fangame. You do realize that this is a community of people who care about this world and these characters and like to make stories and art and stuff, right? We aren't all just boring consoomers who wait around for games to appear out of nowhere. (you know, like you)
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Something racist
Does are known to be as racists as goats
>"asriel looks like he fucks human men"
Something financially responsible
Only Dess would write that
indie storywriters are really bad at making more than 2 points
the only recent game i know of that had more than 2 was omori and even it wasnt safe from plotholes (which can mostly be covered by a another theory but the reddit population hates it)
>Seething that you got called out as a secondary
Personally he can be tricky to draw until you get some practice in
>more posts deleted
>but still not >>492861163

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