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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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/vm/ janny was throwing a fit so we're here for now

>What's new?
3.24 is LIVE
4.0 got fucking delayed (again)
Citizencon is scheduled for Oct.19-20 in Manchester

>New to Star Citizen?

>General info and useful links

Previous thread: >>491696465
How does anyone play this with MKB and not quit within 20 minutes?
Again? didn't this happen with previous thread too. Might as well stay in VG and remake thread when its too slow?

Though why the hell this thread, plenty of generals in vm. Janny needs to kick them out too.
cause its better in mkb.

VJOY is fine for most of the time but you need to bind the vjoy toggle to mouse for precision. And the precision you get with MKB will always beat any controller. (not that you need the precision for much more than parking)
Looking at VM, there are threads like eog and others. Its painfully obvious the janny has something against Star Citizen in particular.

I think the only way to go forward is to add info about the Janny discrimination to the OP and just keep remaking the thread in VM.
Every now and then something happens to put Star Citizen finances into context. For me, that was that recently and unexpectedly my partner and I had to have our entire roof replaced. For a variety of reasons I'm livid but the total cost was ~40k. I could have (almost) bought the ridiculous space ship jpeg collection for that, instead all I have to show for it is slightly neater looking tiles.
Oct 21, 2020

The real 12 points was the Thug-Friends we made along the way

Inventory is a low-fidelity concept made up by lesser game devs, who most likely were inspired by Satan, ...or Bethesda - and who wanted to fool gamers with lazy illusions and cheats. Instead of having real items, we are forced to interact with text and menus. Who uses UI menus in real life? And what does it even mean, 'to have an item', if you don't actually carry the object with you? Heck, your "inventory" is full of objects, so they say to you, but how are these items positioned there, or interacting with each other?? Immersion breaking. If the weapons you carry disappear the moment you don't use them, how are you supposed to believe anything going on screen??

SC hot dogs are another victory for Chris, bcause this shows we are getting closer (can't wait for 2062 release!) to having realistic food mechanics where you have to hold everything you want to carry. No menus, UI, or immersion breaking short-cuts. Imagine, soon we get to experience the starvation mechanics ... oh and can't forget the bio update when they introduce functioning toilets!
nah I didn't see one pop up so I lazily copy pasted the last one I don't generally create threads.

salvage is pretty fun with vultures and cargo ships I think caterpillar is the best now due to the the door placement.
They might remove the panels or nerf them the detection rate and amount you get out of them is too high filling up a vulture with 4 panels and if you have another scouting you are constantly finding new sources.

Scales up pretty nice if you have a cargo ship since you don't have to transfer multiple times.
Ming has been more fun in the mole though.
MKB isn't too bad honestly. But it's worth noting Chris Roberts himself plays this on a fucking xbox controller lmao.
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Spectrum is on fire lmao.
did something happen? or is it just because cargo shit doesnt work
The patch is awful and they knew about all of these issues months ago so people have had enough. it's also the longest duration between patches in 12 years and the patch they released is shit. People have had enough.
Is the Retaliator worth a damn or did my jpeg gamble a decade ago crash and burn?
Its modularity doesn't seem worthwhile at the moment I'd rather switch between the more stealthy and agile eclipse and dedicated cargo ship if you lose one you are not stuck waiting on a reclaim timer and the stats are better on purpose built ships.
Do you have a minimum of 3 other friends to fly with you whenever you use it? Are you interested in PvP? If not there is absolutely no reason to have the retaliator and you really should have just got a workhorse like a constellation.
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Its a culmination of uhhhhhh
>Poor communication as per usual
>Only 50% of the content shown from citcon made it in as we are going into q4
>The most unstable patches we've had to deal with for a lengthy period of time (not as bad as 3.18, but still unplayable)
>Nerfs to all forms of income that isn't salvage/heaps of broken missions
>Not fixing critical bugs identified in the PTU, pushing for a live release purely for marketing reasons
>Duping RMC just straight up killing the salvage loop since thats the only resource worth gathering. So effectively leaving nothing else to do ingame.
>4.0 delayed yet again
and the tipping point I would say is
>The controversial changes introduced (MM, and the physicalization of the inventory, for example).
In the case of the physicalization route SC is going, this was communicated plenty of times throughout the years, but I also understand the POV of newfags who wouldn't have gotten the memo since the messaging gets muddy 12 years in, so the 3.24 changes definitely came as a shock for many. But on the other hand, the combination of bugs, server instability, and poor UX makes these changes way more horrible and tedious to deal with, just further adding fuel to the fire.

So we have arrived here in September; all the hype built from 2023's Citcon is fucking dead; there haven't been enough tech-preview tests of any 4.0 technology (as they said there would be), and even when they add new things to live, small or large, they break.
>is also the longest duration between patches in 12 years and the patch they released is shit
Nope, that award goes to 2.6.0 > 3.0. A full year not a single update and fuck all content, right off the heels of the worst shitcon to ever happen.
Some stuff looked better, the helmet and UI in first person with that radar looked sick.
rumors are 4.0 heckin server meshing drastically unfucks server fps so Im guessing they arent gonna bother fixing 3.24 into a playable state
I wouldn't consider it a rumor since we've had first hand experience testing server meshing a couple of times this year and the server fps was stable around 20-30. Its a given really.
I find the cargo tali to be actually very comfy. Its also got bucketloads of HP plus if you run front torp/rear cargo you have a very nice surprise up your sleeve for any would be niggers who try and kill you.
Best way to unfuck server fps would be to have cruz bottles disappear when empty.
You know you're right but worse probably legions of people have told Chris that and he's told all of them "no" while the game is in flames.
Say what you want about the man but he's no cuckold.
>Hey don't drive off that cliff you'll die
>No way fag!
>anon: Omg he's so based! I'm so glad he took 500 dollars of my money off the cliff with him
alpha 2.0 my beloved
When is it not
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Spectrum anytime you make a post:
>Noooooo you just have to be patient!!
>Noooooo you just have to wait!!
>Noooooo malestorm will fix it
>Noooooo personal hangers increasing wait times will fix it
>Noooooo next patch will fix it
>Noooooo they are working on SQ42 mainly
>Noooooo respawning anywhere is to save time.. okay? You just don't get it... Making you wait more for your inventory is t... To save time too..
>Noooooo combat isnt the only game play.. ok?
>Noooooo Chris said it's feature complete, you just need to wait
>Noooooo you already saw pyro! It was out okay?
>Noooooo you can't call us cultists
>Noooooo the marketing sales department doesn't hinder our game at all
>Noooooo your ship just needs the quadrouple-double-black-diamond-gold-repass and it will be flyable.
>Noooooo you need to stop complaining, okay? No one else is, everything is fine!
Backed this shit since 2013, this is the worst I've seen it so far
Where's buzzcut and the other for-masters mode fags now?
Weird how everyone was okay with accepting a dogshit game change and now nobody plays, including the people who advocated for it.. funny how that works.
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lol shut the fuck up a1 you babyfaced manlet lmao. Mastermodes are based because it makes faggots like you seethe.
isnt that neandethal like 2m tall
murishart dead hours
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Then where are they?
Where are the defenders of your new game mode?
Where are the streamers that said it was good?
Oh wait. That's right. Not here.
>needs streamers to tell him whether he should like something
Lmaooo betaaa betaaaa! You a beta lil bitch hahaha! Master modes are here to stay you ugly ass eyes too close baby faced faggot. Deal with it.
That's not his point. His point was that there were a massive glut of apologists posting "no trust us it'll be good!" and then it turned out to be the return of a dogshit flight mode they killed six years ago because no one liked it.
desu the #1 cope i hear ingame and out is "server meshing will fix it"

I seriously doubt most of these people even know what actually is "server meshing"
THIS WHAT I'VE BEEN TALKING ABOUT. some element in 2.6.0 is better than what we have right now, and how the fuck this happened is beyond by imagination
>laughs in 2012 backer
me thinking my constellation was hot shit and I'd only need a GTX970 to play it.
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How old are you guys?
CR won
Hosas feels a lot more natural, but they have done a decent job with allowing people to fly effectively even with mouse and keyboard, not sure how good gamepad is though.

Game needs a better menu though for searching for bindings it is currently atrocious.
I backed at the first anniversary sale after my brother talked me into it.

That's why I'm so bitter about the 300i. The Avenger Titan is what the 300i was supposed to be during the original kickstarter and the Avenger previewed during the 1st anniversary sale was a pure bounty hunting vessel. I feel like kickstarter backers got screwed because the ship's role moved to a cheaper ship they couldn't CCU to.
>hmm.. I feel like i should wear normal clothing inside of ship and only wear space suit when I'm going outside, and also i should holster my weapons on normal clothing
>hmm.. how about normal clothing but space helmet
>I wish there was something that would allow you to easily change into your daily clothes and spacesuit.

this game unironically do not allow you to role play
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October 2014, it was already mismanaged by then
>Duping RMC
Tell me more
I hate his beady eyes
It's because they had a more serious and gritty vibe I don't know whether part of it is due to changes in lighting as well.
Trying to pinpoint where the promotional content started changing to a more goofy theme I think it was around 3.18

Seems helmets were removed from your FoV around 3.0 and they introduced some barely visible blue shit at the edges in 3.24. People probably complained that it was reducing and constraining their field of view or something but it gave the armour more character in first person and made it obvious if you forgot to put your helmet on.
The current system with the red circular contact lense UI change grabs your attention well enough but it lacks soul in comparison.
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When 3.23.1 was in its PTU phase, CIG added 2 commodity terminals at the new derelict settlements on Hurston that sold RMC, and this instantly became the default choice for traders, either taking the short trip to the Loreville TDD or the Area 18 TDD for the most money per SCU.

During that same PTU cycle, people discovered a dupe bug with commodities, and iirc it went something like
>buy RMC and head to any city
>store your ship and head to the TDD to sell
>after doing so, head back to the ASOP terminals and retrieve the ship (either by taking the tram or logging out/in)
>head back to the TDD and you are able to sell again, making 2x profit off just 1 haul
>this dupe was known about and reported on multiple times, but CIG did fuck all about it as they rushed it to live for Invictus.

Somewhere in this strat, people were leaving duped C2's abandoned on the outskirts of Area 18's spaceport (not really sure why, it wasn't required), destroying people frames as you can see here.

Reminder that this was the same patch they wiped people's wallets for "economy testing" AND the Invictus event/freefly was taking place at Area 18's expo hall. Just a complete embarrassment overall. Also, for the first time in Star Citizen history (that I know of), they actually banned around 600+ players who heavily abused this exploit. When things calmed down, there was a week or so of people spamming global chat selling all the aUEC they've duped, and I don't expect another wipe till 4.0.
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Abit of clarification, they where only temp banned for 3 months.
Since Citizens are the stupidest, most gullible people ever, i would milk them even harder:

Upgrade mods for ships which drop in missions. With 10 rarity levels, the highest 5 only spawn in encrypted missions, you can buy decrypter with ingame money (mega expensive lol), via a mission which is long and buggy af or via cash.

There is just so much money left on the table, CInoGames really need to step up their "game" (pun detected).
>Spend ages salvaging and loading RMC
>TDD autoload is broken piece of shit, doesn't do anything when committing to sale
>Spend eons unloading boxes from cargo ship to freight elevator and send it down
>My RMC is detectable in item bank kiosk but not TDD, TDD is still a broken piece of shit
>Go back to freight elevator and unload for ages into the cargo ship
>press the store button on ASOP with the ship perfectly center
>Ship instantly vanishes, check ASOP status is destroyed
>cucked out of millions of auec, money stolen
FUCK THIS GAME, its driving me insane taking a long ass break from it until they sort their shit out
>Extra small hauling - 5scm
>Small hauling - 10scm
>Medium hauling - 100+scm
my c1 listed as a medium hauler cannot do medium hauling missions.
Are the cargo modules given by default or purchased?
I'm essentially catching up after forgetting about the game for years.
Unfortunately, they haven't been added to the ingame store yet, but both the cargo and torpedo modules should be available at IAE come November. Basically, anyone who owned the "base" tali before 3.23.1 currently has just a gunboat with no modules if they opted not to shell out the $$ for modules during this year's Invictus. If you owned Retaliator "bomber" beforehand, then you got the ship along with both front and back torpedo modules.
>Modules only accessible with real money
>(Tuesday) Goals for the week: We are currently working on further stability hotfixes for 3.24 LIVE with plans to roll out server hotfixes throughout the week.
>We are also currently putting together a new build for a Tech-Preview RMQ/Meshing test later this week!
FYI tech-preview isnt under an NDA and previous sm tests where open to all.
Like last time where they didn't use the current production code and the test had the old flight model
Since they are also doing this test alongside the RMQ (the RMQ was also tested during 3.24 evocati), I believe that'll mean its going to be on the current codebranch instead of 3.22 like before.
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>I believe that'll mean its going to be on the current codebranch instead of 3.22 like before
Well then, I just saw this right after posting, confirming that the 3.24 branch will be used in this upcoming sm test.
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Ah, right. Yes, I lived through this. Thought it was something new.
I never understood the C2 piece either because duping happened without even doing it deliberately.
I'm also not convinced duping crashed the servers with no survivors.
Side note, the snub fighter docking/undocking on the Connie basically works flawlessly right now.
physicalization is truly a fucking retarded idea with the awful buggy cryengine collision physics in this game. their design philosophy is totally unbound by the real limitations they face
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I dont need to be a streamer to tell you the game is fucked.
Enjoy blowing up in your hangers and being unable to complete missions. Or whatever it is you pretend to do in this game (it's not much). Keke
They stopped interacting because they have better things to do than continuously moan on spectrum.
>Game let's you manipulate objects
>There's a 2 second delay between where you want the object to go vs where it is.
Why though.. because when a c2 blows up with cargo this delay doesn't happen
Large ships should have zero pilot controlled guns and get turret buffs.
A Connie should have two 2xS5 turrets instead of anemic S2s and nothing for the pilot. It would make multicrew desirable and not to mention match reality.
I don't care if it ruins solo gameplay. Fly a Cutty or Freelancer.
It's crazy how much better Void Crew does for crew-based ship gameplay. Even Sea of Thieves does it better.
Other games fake worlds. Star Citizen doesn't cheat so it needed to be organically formed by creating a universe and waiting for life to develop and progress far enough. You'd know this if you knew anything about game development.
You guys ready for 3.25?
The Aurora CL listed as a small cargo hauler can't even do Extra Small hauling missions.

For all their talk about an economy rebalance, everything is completely fucked and obvious placeholders. Flying 7scu from station to surface is more aeuc than flying 32 scu from station to another planet.
I've made about 400k doing hauling missions using a c1. I take multiple small cargo missions that have the same destination and then a pickup mission from that location back to where I've started from. I can get 60 to 80k per 20 to 30 minute run. Feels like I'm a white van guy just driving shit around.
>you're already on server meshes!!!
Wow so the game is fucked then. They're still having big issues with server meshing and the fucking trains as well.
>Actually you're already using server meshing and the servers still suck but it'll get better!
Lol okay time to sell my connie.
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if I had a dollar for every time somebody in /scg/ got mad about something they misunderstood, I could fund star citizen 2
This was me in the hull-c back when it actually worked.
Comfiest, lowest risk game-loop in the world.
Yeah it's good fun. I think until autoloading comes in though having a tractor beam on the ship itself makes it a lot easier.
I watch this and don't even bat an eye, absolutely typical every single day
It'd be astonishing in another game
Kinda, but I just went from a Taurus to an Andromeda. I was worried I would miss the tractor beam but honestly it w as almost always easier to stand on the elevator with a Maxlift
Weapon racks tho
Good times, 4channers dragged npcs to TDDs that killed everyone trying to access them with no counterplay.

Ultimate griefing with no counterplay and completely ruins the game if used in spaceports etc.

Oh. And still not fixed.
CS2 tactic, loot gives chests with random loot with a very small chance to get something good. Allow player trading (by using real money for input and credits as output) then sell the keys. Perfect crime, so good that people want to use your game to money launder.
I can just imagine doing the NPC grief on Pyro Gateway stations
that is exactly what happened during the xenothreat event

Gold ticket event... why am I supposed to be excited?
F8C flies like a brick and they want $300 fresh cash? I guess it has decent firepower but it was the same turn rate as a Corsair.
Why does he look like that kek

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