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Cart to win edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Gamescom 2024 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myHFsVMQIYw

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>492777519
Did they really just make the Wilds flagship Boltreaver Astalos but gay and stupid
Wilds is looking pretty good mostly I just really don't like the look of the mount birb lizard thing. I wish we had more options for it.
We havent seen the flagship yet retard
Why do tards here get mad over nothingburgers
They got 6 millions bucks from blackrock to make the game gay and lame.
If they dont make customizations for it or at the very least sell them, then Capcom may be full retard. There will 100% be a chocobo if they do another Squeenix crossover
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Sleep tight, noble beast. While we were once enemies... We now share the same home. May Astera be as restful as it is for me.

For Astera. For the safety of the Forest. For Queen Aira.
I love black people, and respect everyone of you anons no matter what race you are, because are still a human being worthy of basic human rights, go fourth and play Monster Hunter.
But if you play Dos, you are not classified as human to me, and you SHOULD kill yourself!
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I'm starting a fulltime job in 2 weeks and I won't be able to continue watching vtubers much. It's over.
I just want a baggi mount.
if you watch vtube slop its already over
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I tried to start World again from the very beginning but I only lasted an hour
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yes he can
not everything can block
velk has exactly 0 tells on how many strikes he will do until he's already in another attack
>only lasted an hour
That's like, what, when you first encounter the Jagras pack?
what are you gonna play instead?
World is better to play in the long run but FUCK making a new character
I killed Kulu, I had the cutscene skip mod

My regular World save

>better to play in the long run
Zorah is a bigger pace breaker than Rampages, rampages on replay suck but you can at least spam press A to get it over with, the mandatory ones are super easy, Zorah just feels sluggish the whole way through.
Shame because Zorah is a pretty rad concept, basically Godzilla, at least you only have to do Zorah twice in story though, unlike rampages where I think you have to do at least four.
World has a REALLY annoying system of having unskippable cutscenes and the early fights being really annoying or boring. Also many of the story quests or repels are just NOT fun
Like the quest to kill a barroth has you do an escort thing to start with.
Just three from memory, one in village and two in HR hub. Whoever thought they were a good idea should kill themselves tbqh famalam
I've been replaying it on PC
Finally caved and used the defender gear just to speedrun my way to IB
I was thinking more of you talking about the long run parts
>skipping the best part of the game
I love huntresses
There's only two in the hub? I just hit high rank with a buddy and we did two but I thought there was at least one more afterwards.
Bit boring but it wasn't as bad as I remembered it. Last time I played was on switch release.
The later fights are really fun and challenging.
The weapons start to look actually interesting. Idk the game gets better the further you get
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Only the slutty ones
I'm torn between making a new character to learn CB or continuing on my main
Every time the handler calls me aibou I get butterflies I love her so much it's unreal
I'm playing world on PC for the first time, i originally played it on ps4
cutscenes are majorly egregious, its so fucking bad.
>watch 5 min long cutscene
>get back to astera
>go into hunt
>cant queue with friends until i watch another cutscene
>find monster
>watch 5 min long cutscene
>leave quest
>repost quest with friends
>go back into hunt and hunt
>kill monster
>5 min cutscene after
rinse and repeat. Its for nearly every single monster. Not even the games end credits are skippable. I understand I can just SOS flare and they can join, but I like to start a hunt fresh with them.
they're all slutty
God no, you farmed all that shit on your account for a reason. And anything you can do on a new character you can do on your current one. Just craft some low rank gear and do some LR quests if you like, cause there's no way you're gonna enjoy doing the busywork to upgrade your farm, mantles, palico gadgets, find campsites etc
I went through all the trouble to install a multiplayer switch emulator for GU but now I'm too timid to join rooms.
Huntresses in bone armor are pure
How do I get into PC gaming as a console baby?
pure sluts
so do you guys like not play through the older gen games again?
Buy a premade PC with an RTX 3060 and a Ryzen 7 series
Yeah but it lacks the progression feeling of slowly improving your gear and skill. Mind you I haven't beaten Iceborne yet so I may change my mind or just play IB entirely on a new character. That's what I did when Sunbreak came out.
Normalizing being a spineless faggot on the website really did ruin it for everyone. Hope you get better but never make these kinds of posts ever again.
why play old when can play new?
Can you explain screen resolution and refresh?
>the functionality i want to mod into World doesn't exist as a mod
How much of an impact does negative affinity have?
When will Wilds be released? 2025?
There is a lot of Goty contenders being released that year.
I think Wilds will not reach World heights.
I did. I got 2 saves on FU, 2 on 3U. 3 on 4U and 3 on GU.
The old games are fun to replay becauses the progression is cool and crafting decos fixes all your sets.
MHW is the only one I loathed playing my 2nd character because of this stupid design.
what do you want to mod?
I played GU this year. I burnt out pretty bad.
Sorry, but GOTY goes to the new Doom game. You chose a bad year to release.
>RTX 3060
Might as well not even bother.
Just build your own PC for 2000 dollars. Find some work and stop being poor.
>i am 3rd world brazilian pls understand
No i dont understand, stop being poor.
Its sucks to do 75% of your damage randomly
Your attacks do 25% less damage on negative crits. It's fine for fast attacking weapons since you'll get a very averaged out damage reduction but hitting a negative crit on greatsword feels like shit.
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Yeah, but they usually have higher damage, so like is it a better weapon overall?
you're not explaining shit
how do you know what to use in your pc
On average i think so yea
I am still enjoying and playing DOS.
I play MH1 because I never tried.
Tried playing Tri for the Wii but it was just so fucking boring, also online servers are deas as fuck. Around 10 players online at all time on average in Tri, 50 in Dos and 40 in MH.

I thought tendies loved Tri, but people rather play 3U or 3rd.
Depends whether the raw damage of your weapon is high enough to offset the negative affinity and if your set has enough affinity as well, let it for some nerd to maths it out
>Might as well not even bother.
3060 is all you need
do the maths
depends if the game has crit boost
Look up tutorials
Google exists and has better resources than a random image board thread
I used to go back gens all the time but World is such a good game I rarely last long enough on old games before my World itch returns and I play it for another 300 hours
google is plagued by AI shit and links are random reddit posts
16GB Ram
Ryzen CPU // Intel is fucking trash for gaming
Cooling fans // dont be cheap with it or else you love fucking noise
Graphics card go Nvidia 4080 or 4090 minimum 4070, below is stretching and can only do 1080
Storage get a big one to play as many games.

That's all you fucking need
skill issue honestly if you cant handle looking up something basic. use bing, use yahoo. Whatever the fuck. Ignorance is your own fault
love huntresses
i want layered armor to unlock when i craft the normal armor piece, right from the start of the game, like an actual functioning transmog system. such a mod exists for Rise, but for World you can only get mods that just give them all to you at once, for free, and i don't want that.
cry about zoomer
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Snoysisters it's time to get a PC, you are not a child anymore.
Zinogre armor is my favourite for huntresses
>alloy armor doesn't give 1 tier of wind res
>need HR materials to gem it up
this was a waste of bealite

Use this, it'll give you a big red warning if you pick any parts that are incompatible. The big thing you need to watch for is making sure your motherboard is compatible with your chosen CPU, so you'll have to decide if you want Intel or AMD. You need the following at least:

>Power supply

I'd recommend getting a solid state drive since they're pretty damn cheap now and you can get 2TB for 100 bucks or less if they're on sale. If you don't have a mouse/keyboard get one of those, but you can honestly get by with a cheapo budget set. Also a monitor if you don't have one. You might want to also consider a third party cooler for your CPU as the stock ones they give you are usually pretty shit.
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Hey guys let's play MH Rise (PC) and MHP3rd (PS Vita) today guys :)
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my ryzen 7 5800x keeps going up to 90°C whenever i play world, i think it's cos of my shit ass 4000D case
What's the best hammer before G rank in world?
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uh, there's no g rank in world.
Maybe you mean Master Rank?
>lets play bad p3rd and p3rd
why not just only p3rd
Can you connect to the hunsterverse server on the vita?
Get one of those fancy big ass coolers. I was getting like high 80s while playing World with my 5600x and then I bought some big brick cooler and it doesn't go above 65 now.
which one do you have? i bought a water cooler by mistake and its pretty bad.
Such a fucking cool start screen.
I got the same case and I fucking hate it. I've had the side panel opened for months now because the sides get burning hot.
I don't know why it gets shilled so much. My old HAF X was way better than this trash.
PS4 panel is not accurate, should be 1 game
i think it's because its at a decent price point and looks decent enough. the side panel is the most annoying part of this case tho, the tempered glass broke twice on me. once was obviously my mistake but the other one was because the heat, it just shattered. and i'm not the only one who had this thing happened to me. i remember seeing someone's tempered glass side panel just shatter from heat on xitter a few days back.
get a better cooler and set up some fan curves. ditch the front panel if you boughted the shitty solid front version. i got the same setup and I never go above 60 under load
because it's cute retard
im cute retard
try being useful in life, you'll feel better
>tempered glass broke twice on me
Dude. I finished assembling my PC in the living. Picked it up to get to my bedroom and the panel shattered on me.
Contacted support and told them I wanted a normal side panel and the fucking bitch asked me twice for safety with bullshit like "but you can see the inside of your pc through the glass!".
I still got a scar on my right foot from the glass shards.
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Same case and roughly same CPU as you, and these are my temps
tranny feefees hurt? go back to xiv you can do all the tranny glamsmog you can dream of there :)
I bought a thermalright assassin X120. It was like 10 bucks on sale.
is this while you play? or when it's idle? on idle mine is similar anyways.
calm down tendies
When I play.
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Wow! Happy hunting!
P3rd is based and a bad P3rd is still P3rd
I don't think so, LAN play works with other PSP and Vita systems tho.
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how the hell am i getting a fucking heater instead then?
I dunno, what kind of cooler did you get and how many fans did you install in your case.
Welcome to the silicon lottery.
Space heater at idle could mean
>bitcoin miner
>bro, your heatsink goo
Once a modern CPU hits 70-80C it'll thermal throttle which means you're getting cucked performance. Spend the $5-10 on thermal paste and do it again.
Was considering getting a PC but fuck all that. Gonna stick with my PS5
got a h45 liquid cooler, and got fans stacked in this case everywhere.

honestly i noticed my pc also heated up more often ever since i installed Xbox Game Pass. but i should check my thermal paste again.
Very cost effective! Not only is it cheaper than a big expensive PC, but you save a lot of money on games!
I dunno then, I only have two fans on the front intake and one on the back exhaust, plus the two on my thermalright peerless assassin
Maybe you need to fuck around with the fan curves, make them kick in earlier, or maybe reapply your thermal paste.
>learning GS in world
>getting quick pokes with draw attacks when I don't have bigger openings
>uncharged draw attack > roll cancel > sheathe and run while I look for another chance
>sometimes even with that, its enough time during the roll+sheathe animation that I can get hit by the monster's next hit
Can someone tell me what the takeaway is here?
Is the window just too small even for a draw attack if that happens? Or do I need quick sheathe or something (but none of the top builds seem to run it)?
Or is there some gitting gud I need to do
I hate garuga in old gen
>roar spam for roar's sake
>constant charges
>poison on tail spins
>too quick if you are ever poisoned
>roar + wind pressure jumps
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Enjoy your 30FPS thirdworldbro.
>liquid cooling
but why? Liquid is amazing for hauling heat dozens or hundreds of feet, but moving 12 inches over to a small radiator? Just, use a heatsink. It cools everything else in the system at the same time, then pull it off when moving.
roll once to cancel the draw attack animation then roll again to dodge the attack then you may sheathe
Steam Deck can play all existing MH games.
>(but none of the top builds seem to run it)
Where are you looking at top builds?
Wilds buffed Lunastra to give you cooties when she touches you.
And a new gimmick was where you can choose a faction of the guild Skub and Anti-skub.
i fucking love risen teostra
honestly, i didn't know any better back when i made it.
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what about cloud gaming? is it a big meme?
It works okay if you've got fiber and low latency to the closest datacenter. You can get sub 16ms latency at high bitrates if you do it right.
Not sure I'd recommend it though. It's more like a gimmick for trying games out.
Whats a skub
its bad if you play anything that needs a reaction time. Not so bad for something like baldurs gate or civilization or whatver
my wives
>Whats a skub
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skub? I love skub
kill yourself you fucking faggot
So with the frontier server is there a way to get all the old paid content.

It sounds like maybe there's a way to get the gacha stuff on this other server called renewal?
How does it feel to get beaten by your father everyday?
"Lil Taro, Lil Taro! Bossman-sama told us we need to get HH usage rate into the double digits for the next game or we're getting exiled to the Megaman Remake departement! What do we do?!"
"Oh don't worry, with the new dual-weapon feature of Wilds it will get a lot more usage!"
"But even after increasing its attack speed and damage, most players in QA still don't want to use it because managing buff is too tiresome..."
"It's simple... we make the buff persist when changing weapons so they can get switch back to their preferred weapons afterward! Also make attack up XL last 5 minutes! I'm a genius!"
>invest 10+ armour skill points in making your shield work
>it can't block everything, takes chip damage and doesn't always get a (weak) counter move
>invest 0 armour skill points in LS
>counter everything for free all the time, feeding gauges for your strongest moves
no bias thoughever
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It ain't the same without utshushi...
I prefer my huntress to have that boyish, could-get-typecasted-to-play-peter-pan look to them, ya know?
>he doesnt preform perfect guards
Yeah, no wonder you need all those defensive decos lmaoooo what a shitter
I hope for sluttress gear in wilds so I can place them on my hunter.
I need to show off my Hunters body more, ice chest and abs.
this huntress wears wyvernian ears
Is that some kind of ricebug thing?
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No yes
It's fucking dumb because you can even play songs on the seikret with only a small limitation of not being able to do the tri+cir input since it's dismount attack. But white and red notes + recitals work so that's a free attack up you can play whenever moving from A to B.
Considering that we have Rise and P3rd, and Lao Shan Long, there's definitely monster hunter Japan and China, yeah?
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lsGODS reign supreme once again
The solution is simple, give other weapons seikret moves so AuL isn't the only drop of water in the desert.
>prease understandu thousands times folded nippon steel very strong
It's only getting worse with Wilds. I hate weaboos and nips so much.
>I hate weaboos
>*plays a wapanese game*
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attractive girls use hammer
For generation's impact phials, what's better: KO skill or Artillery skill (level 1)
Artillery novice increase your phial damage by 25%
World = MHW
Rise = MHR
Wilds = ???
GStard here, I wanna learn gunlance now. What is the focus and quick sheathe for gunlance?
why are you in denial about being gay?
no abbreviations lil zoom. World, Rise, Wilds, simple as.
Artillery and load up
my main save on FU (which i started after worldborne and base rise) has ~260 hours, though ive made several characters and if i were to include them, and the hours spent studying speedruns, reading & learning about the game, theory crafting and calculating sets, id wager at least 500+ hours spent on that game
ive tried playing the other old games, but theres just something about them that makes it hard for me. i dont know what. i usually lose interest after completing just the village quests
rise is not mh therefore its abbreviation is R
Guard up, Guard (its a separate skill), Artillery. Loadshells/capacity boost
>missing the point
>going out of the way to shit own pants about if a game is mh or not instead of engaging with the question
Meganigger moment

I guess I just didn't look very hard. I had just used the top build on an imgur compilation and in a couple of time attacks I looked at the setup for, I didn't see it being used in either. But with more digging I'm seeing it pretty well represented.
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>it isn't standard practice for frontier private servers to just give you all the paid shit for free

World and Rise are in fact the only released MH games, everything prior was beta testing.
Monhun oldtards be like
and it's kinda funny
>aerial CB
>vs khezu
>vs narga
>vs garuga
>vs 'snarf
pure agony, I admit I swapped to adept hammer to get them over with because fuck them
I'd be fine with it if they made it easily grindable resources, but instead they use some impenetrable, unfindable, unexplained bullshit system that doesn't make any sense
the alternatives are
>not giving you shit, bummer
>make you pay for it, illegal since it's capcom's IP
what where you expecting?
but im not tho
less is often more but you are too bingbrained to realise this
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I think the people who bitch are just newfags who werent aware of the existence/differences between the mainline games and the portable ones
>videogames advanced to the point to where can can move in more than 4 directi9ns
in Tri (15 years ago), underwater combat let you dodge in 5 directions, left, right, forward, up, and down
valor cb is fun, try that
I agree. A 1.5D no-tech monhun would be the greatest. Youre just a dot fighting a bunch of monster lines.
What emu you are using to play Dos?
Any tips for its settings?
Wanna get into it today
What did you miss paying for it?
PCSX2 with internal resolution on 2x and anti-blur turned on, i dont remember if i changed anything else
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Average MH player
>Old monhun was so much harder!!!
>*plays on am emulator and drops a save state ever 10 seconds*
well, considering how good Tri can look despite being on wii, we definitely can do low production value MH without being the trash B team was doing
now movement improvement arn't tied to engine or performance, so we can have a modern gameplay with classic (oldgen stop at FU) game design
why does everyone like Lagiacrus so much?
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I just use Valor GS for everything.
perfectly understandable and based japman faithful to his passion
i like striker CB for matchups where i cant use aerial
Is it really much harder if we are talking about no savestating tho
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>tfw no huntress playing sissy twink monster hunter roommate to comfort when their out-of-wack hormones from the "Femboy Body" diet and workout plan meme they saw on /fit/ causes them to cry over every little thing and snuggle on the couch while beating the hard monster for them
Duckling syndrome or some shit idk
what are you supposed to eat then?
native res + scanline filter
plus bilinear filter set to sharp
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shut up
Do you mean what are you supposed to eat for the meme diet?
Basically a lot of tofu, leafy greens, meal replacements, and cum.

If you mean "as opposed to the femboy meme diet"
Normal food.
im wondering what you define as normal food, what you regard as healthy
Thanks, anons
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nameless dark choco-chan.....
the what what now
So is there a room up or wat
got the jordan shade
>got to the Tower area on FU
Soulschads we're so back
Sorry, can you smile? I cant see where youre standing.
Are the Arena quests in World scaled for two players or am I a shitter? They're pretty hard to get A ranks on
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>scanline filter for a 3D game
Elaborate, I don't know shit about that
>Are the Arena quests in World scaled for two players
They are
they're scaled for two players, you'll notice how some gears leave you vulnerable in specific ways that the other player would have to cover for you and vice versa
I like these, cool drows
I am pretty sure you couldnt toggle off scanlines on a crt if you played a 3d game
good lord, that pic is so cringe and unaware, it's got Reddit written all over it
You don't need it at all for 3D games
Petition to permrangeban every single cat image poster. I have never seen a single good post from them.
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World PC Room
Hopefully not as cursed as the last ones I've made
t. Monster Hunter "Fan"
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As the one who posted the image i couldnt have said it better myself lmfao
What happens if I turn that on then?
I would explain it to you, but that'd be off-topic and this thread is full of a buncha insecure incel snitches.
Ok this one is good
Explain it using monster hunter terms
Im debating looking up the names of all monster hunter world food ingredients for this bit
Don't forget food buffs too
>this thread is full of a buncha insecure incel snitches.
Ok, so LS and Bow are both normal weapons, but when you use them exclusively while eating cum just to floor your T levels and max your protoestrogens, they become meme weapons. Now, GS is a normal healthy weapon, but even then excesive use will become unhealthy. Thats gow it is for all weapons. Swapping out a blast deco for a health deco doesnt really matter that much when your killing 50 monsters in a single sitting. Just use your brain and dont over-hunt and you should be able to have fun with any weapon.
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They let you roll backwards now....monster hunter is ruined....
the screen filter gets applied, just toggle it on or off to see which one you like more
Just play monhun on a crt TV
yeah, 5th gen was the baby gen
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my cat is so fucking cute
Its the anti-food-analogy analogy
You know what i dont understand?
People here will shit themselves over rise
Will shit themselves over world
Some of yall in this thread have said that "Rise isnt a monster hunter game"

Spending so much time shitting your own pants over the differences between a mainline game and a portable one

But yall dont talk at ALL about the fact the monster hunter stories exist.
Like if any game WASNT a monster hunter game itd be that.
>not using a shit CRT filter on something that doesn't need it = tastelet
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>he doesnt know
STEAMCHARTS An ongoing analysis of Steam's concurrent players.


49 playing an hour ago
nta but what if they just like CRT?
>have to go grocery shopping and going to miss the room
it's over
Damn, thats actually greatalos
Stories doesn't advertise itself as a proper MH game. It's very transparent on what it is a pokemon clone for kids
Morld and Rice both advertise themselves as proper MH games but then they're not
Just eat deviled egg salad sanwhiches from 7/11, man
I dunno what this is i dont read japanese. but im sure there are other monhun spinoffs that dont have monster hunting in them. This just further prooves my point. I dont understand why yall throw tantrums about monhun games when shit like this cat game or monster hunter stories exist.
World is a mainline game and rise is a portable game, whats the issue.
Its the dark souls of monster hunter(also title is in filename)
Most of those filters look like complete ass, the only reason they look passable on 2D games is because they'll still approximate that pixel blending effect that CRT screens had and make it look closer to what it's meant to look like. Putting it on a 3D game is just making it look like shit for no reason.
opinion instantly discarded, information expunged from memory
honestly i think mh1 was fun, the difficulty was overstated, except maybe for powderstone deliveries. that was hell.
Oh ok
can they put frostfang in rise pls
it would be so good
I dont like CRTs because when you turn them on theyre all
and the entire time its on its just all
and its fucking annoying.
>refuses to make a single argument
Got it champ
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Pardner... it's "y'all"
You+all, y apostrophe all
t. Texan
2.5x internal resolution, 4x anisotropic filtering
mholdschool private server
breakarts english patch
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I'm not the only one who feels really bad when packs of apceros get caught in the crossfire? I think world was the worst case for me since they have those huddle animations, only for a diablos to still destroy their whole pack like a group of bowling pins..
But that's the soul hums
Its a tinnitus simulator
so now that we can aim TCSs, big bangs and whatnot monsters will be more aggressive and shitzones will deflate your damage even more?
and so called "purists" that won't use focus mode can just git gud?
Ok, but seriously... why do people get so assblasted about the LS?
I think the point of focus mode is letting players visualize stagger thresholds and have a clear indicator of when the next hit staggers, lowering the skill barrier as you no longer have to feel it out
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narcacuga killed a baby aptonoth so i killed that fat cat failing the capture quest
fucker deserved it, not sorry for the host lol
So... smarthunter?
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I don't know why the commission is making me mass extinguish these Vespoids... But by Queen Aira I will destroy them until none are left in the entire New World, if I so must.

For Astera. For Aira. For the Pukei-Pukei who lives here so he can go to sleep soundly.
Every day it becomes harder to play anything but hammer and greatsword. Big numbers make me brain tingle
That's assuming invisible staggers aren't still a thing
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I had such a bad time in MR recently, almost exclusively because of clutch claw, that I'm actually for being able to sheathe mid-air
if the mon can micro-adjust or do anything fucking retarded to make me miss my helmsplitter then fuck it, let me sheathe and re-adjust i dont care anymore

what's that feeling called when the monster gets a bullshit hit on me and instead of re-engaging with the game I just deeply sigh, hold my head in my hands and take fifteen seconds to collect myself before even attacking the monster again
because whatever that is I don't fucking like feeling this way
weapon used to be okay in older games, but now its so shitter friendly even I hate it
Fuck this gave me a good laugh
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I suppose hunting one of each monster starting from Great Jagrussy is kind of silly in retrospect as a reason to train myself in the way of the Gun. I'll just do Beatodus and Banbaro after this then move on the next tier.
Barroth is a classic though, I have fond memories of him since MHTri.
sounds about right, ive seen so many secondary's mantras make it into the game ever since world released
>"wahh the monsters roar too much in world"
>monsters practically don't roar at all in Rise other than their enrage roar
>"i cant hit the monster during their turf war its such a waste of time!"
>remove all hurtboxes from turf wars in iceborne
>"i want heccing epic doggo woofer puppers!"
>suddenly add dogs to rise after having been a cat franchise its whole lifespan
there's more but i can't think of them rn
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For me, its the lance.
Gunlance is so good at breaking parts i love it
What the fuck are you talking about? First of all, it was always braindead. Secondly, it was only really annoying in old games because the retard LSes would constantly trip everyone else, which isn't as much of a thing after it became more of a counter weapon.
Those fuckers deserve it
thanks anon i had been having such a shitty time with World recently that i was almost ready to kneel to Rise and just go back so I wouldn't have to deal with clagger and shitty hitzones but that is a good reminder
what skills do I need for element in rise?
All weapons are braindead
Monster hunter didn't need the trope of anime katana delayed damage after swinging or sheathing.
One mid-combo counter move was fine. Everything after that was retarded and forced
>it was le bad because it le tripped me
online shitters...
>after it became more of a counter weapon.
yeah, thats when weapon went to shit
>stuck at work
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mr intermediate meet mr expert
It's Labor Day.
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Ill join soon™
Still a bit too early to start drinking.
literally what's the point, the deadly floor hazards can't do shit against bing bugs
They should have a special 16 player game special mode
braindead weapons

brain, dead weapons
>sticky lbg
Laborers dont get labor day off.
I agree we need more hub-based group sieging
That's what the Morren siege will be in Wilds, my uncle works at Capcom
greatsword hasn't been braindead since 4U
fight a glavenus in World with greatsword RIGHT NOW and post your time
I know you're not getting a sub 15 when speedrunners to get 3 minutes have to plan ten moves in advance
all world monsters are better in rise
>plan 10 moves in advance
>the only move to plan is TCS
yeah, definitely a big brain complex weapon
more is less and less is more
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The fuck?
Other than the b*wguns what weapons become more fun in multiplayer compared to solo?
so, do it
if you tackle-bunga glavenus without your endgame fatalis armor you will cart since glavenus is always fucking moving
its called being a retard
I do this when I cart and yell at the game instead of sighing like a girl tho
Admitting world is competing with a sped up webm of a psychopath playing in the dullest way imaginable is not great though is it
Alatreon could never
Solo game
I hope they don't bring back wirebugs or clutch claw (I havent been paying much attention so they probably already told us) I did like the grapple hook for getting up places as predefined locations. New ligger mount design is not good but it could be fun to use.
I hate whenever people try arguing that this Webm makes Rise shit when you can do the same thing with IG in world.
They not bringing back either. No wirebussy, no clutch clussy

They added wounds and focus mode instead. Which seems really cool actually. A MUCH better mechanic
Gunlance because you don't care about shitzones which you will be exposed to a larger portion of the time
World GS bros, what layered weapon are you using?
Thank God. that does sound really nice too.
>clagger and shitty hitzones
Modchads have already fixed these game design errors
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>he isn't a solo hunter
Lunastra GS

>World weapon design
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>single digit images of hinoa and minoto lusting after each other while possessed by the horny dragons
If the MH playerbase was as degenerate as you guys say, I'd have way more jack off material.
Lunastra GS is just an Iron GS with a cyan filter
Wyvern Ignition, of course
Im using the kirin one rn, but want a rajang heart for the big bonker club one.
Iron GS looks way better than every other weapon
Despite this being true of all of her weapons, the Lunastra SA is aesthetic as fuck.
Mhmm, wounds will appear naturally during the fight, you dont have to do anything out of the ordinary to break them. Wounds are broken in two ways just hitting where the wounds are with regular attacks, OR using a focus mode attack, something which every weapon has. You can break the wounds for extra damage and will reward you with extra monster materials for every wound broken
That Kirin one looks like that sword from Ace Attorney lmao
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LS moveset feels more like pic rel than mr cool way of the sword samuria guy
I hope it comes back in Wilds
You can also ignore it easier.
Rise and World(IB) was designed around those gimmicks, you can ignore them but every monster is made i mind that you could counter, or take ages to kill without CC.
Wilds it seems optional in such a way that ignoring it won't negatively affect you in anyway.
I won't be hearing any arguments, thank you
ay-yo this niggas deaf
>SA not in cringe
>GL being cringe
>HH anywhere since id depend on how it's used
shit list
>I won't be hearing any arguments, thank you
don't care
Not arguing but why is GL cringe
SA (forma de blanco frontierio)
I won't be hearing any arguments, thank you
It's lance but cringe
I just wanna say
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LMAO good list

Also i want to say i got called handsome the other day for saying im a gunlance main. Feels good lads
here is the only good weapon tierlist out there
>lance annoying instead of detrimental
You've never had 3 Lance gamers run over you
So the bowgun ammunition is just a bunch of acorns filled with gunpowder made from grass?
gunnoid's fault
but lai slash is the only plausibly weeb move the ls has. Everything else is just silly action games bullshit.
lance, gun lance, great sword and a hammer is the peak of hunter team loadouts. Doots get out.
Literally the gayest and most reddit list I've ever seen
>calling a sprudo ref reddit
peak newfag
ray dau is NOT the flagship and they explicitly stated this
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>sold over 2 mil
>still getting anniversary artwork 3 years later
>a spinoff of their most popular IP that isn't a mobile cashgrab
>occupies a genre niche that capcom otherwise ignores
>stories 1 got ported current gen consoles with the JP exclusive DLC to boot
So we're getting a Stories 3 announcement after Wilds comes out, right?
honestly at that point it's based
>is the only weeb move
Its a fucking katana dude the whole thing is weeb. Not even saying this to hate. I dont mind ls. But cmon, youre wack if you dont realize its all weeb
i'm too used to the QoL features from modern games, i cannot tolerate old jank, so no, i do not play them
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Doot-doot, newfaggot
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bro she's not choco she's fucking burnt
I hope so, it's a great game and has a lot of room to grow.
Yeah, stories 3 will be Monster Hunter Stories 3 Talons of hellfire.
Your main monstie will be Ratha a rathalos with slightly bigger talon claws.
the piss 4 doesn't even have 1 game left lmao
Nta but I prefer Black women, as dark as possible.
>its a fucking katana
Umm, maybe by the lossest of definitions only
Youre wack if you think any of those moves are practiced in kendo. No self-respecting wapanese would consider it to be weeb.
There are 2 examples here that fit her
i don't give a fuck if it gives me free damage i'm not taking a gay horn with me and i'm not managing buffs every 5 minutes
>5 minutes
2 minutes
MHW - MH World
MHWIB - MH World Iceborne
MHWI - MH Wilds
she's blacker than all 9 of those combined
>Youre wack if you think any of those moves are practiced in kendo
>knowing what actual kendo moves are
Nigga youre such a weeb lmao. Sorry you had to find out like this.

Never said that the LS was realistic at fucking all. Its weeb in that its a *katana* with big flashy over the top anime moves.
MH World - World
MH World Iceborne - World
MH Wilds - Wilds
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the manga isn't bad but damn this nigga really needs to work on his line weight
kangaroo coded
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But dude, its a katana, a cool katana but a katana.
t. ichii the tranny
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>Nigga youre such a weeb lmao
Which is why I find it hard to identify with the LS. Pretty sure its just called "weeb" because know nothings seethe about it being decent.
It literally uses Iai techniques
You know what 7/10 for getting replies
longsword is closer to an odachi thoughever
>totally get a PC bro!
>you just have to upgrade and swap out $300 parts every 2 years bro!
>shit doesn't work?
>works on my machine bro idk what to tell you
>did you try [8 paragraphs of obtuse shit]
>still doesn't work?
>idk man works on my machine


>put the disc in the console and wait a few minutes for it to install and update
>play the game
just say you like getting cucked by a corporation
>slashing damage
can any lorefags explain??????????????????????
>put the disc in the console
>there is a 0.1mm scratch on the disc
>literally unfixable
>please spend 70 dollars on a new one :)
>Buy a PC
>play the game
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true, im just trying to make a point that its a JAPANESE sword
No shit some weapon models wont look like a typical katana
What you posted is closer to an AXE if anything. Im talking base weapon and its majority of appearances and base model
A man controls his own fate, steers his own destiny.
Cattle obeys.
if i thrust a hole in you at light speed, i am penetrating you yes, but the wound is still a slash wound
It used to do both blunt and slash damage depending on which hitzone you were hitting was higher
They haven't got the technology for thrusting damage yet
wait do lances really do slashing damage?
Also i just realized, is piercing damage a thing in monster hunter????
there's blunt and sharp (and shot)
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>he boughted morld
piercing damage is bullets
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Like I said, the laido lai slash move gets a pass but even that is hecka wack.
Yea but thats just one hit going THROUGH the monster and hitting multiple times, i meant like a different damage category. Like how blunt cant cut tails.
Im assuming piercing bullets do slashing damage now that i think about it
This poster is the same as the "soles hunter" poster and the guy who tried forcing legiana ritualposting. He is currently 14 years old.
there is only blunt and slash
if it's not blunt, it's slash, it's as simple as that
piercing bullets are just multihitting slash damage
>He got Wilds Pre-Alpha(Morld)
How will Morldfags cope when Wilds makes them irrelevant?
What about Lance's special interaction with blunt hitzones though
>bro just buy a console and experience all the same proformance issuse as a modern low end pc so you can pop in the physical disk and download the game from the internet
I like getting cucked by corporations:)
google it
Bitch is a retarded yellow monkey. Don't even try to resonate with her.
I held hands with a gunner once
Bow gunner or gunlancer
I held penises with a lancer once
I only remember his hands being so soft
rude of you to label gunlancers under gunners
Oh, ok. His name was "gunner" I gotcha
I wanna make the distinction AS a gunlancer. I dont want to be associated with cowards
No, actually.
Its an endearing nickname for when youre good enough with it that its become one of your more defining characteristics.
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jesus fucking christ, /fit/ board on my native basket weaving board is just bodybuilders, powerlifting, kettlebell tards, fatasses, fasting and keto cultists and crossfit, not whatever this fucking horrific abortion is
/fit/ is mentally unhinged and I wonder how nobody of them shot up a gym yet
>the game was made by From Software
Its a fucking zoo, I love it there.
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it's shrimple
Bow is cringe though, its my 2nd most used weapon.
Why is Bow in based?
*I press the button that opens the trapdoor beneath your feet and you fall into a pitch black pit before it closes behind you.*
*spins my massive cock and flies out of the pit*
Is the pit bottomless?
i'm not, actually i hate foot fetishists and other kind of furry degenerates with passion and i with they could fuck off away from MH
Yes, but not when it's observed.
good lord, i considered making a post over there to stop being a slob, i guess i'll stay one, sound healthier
There's an Urugaan at the bottom
i don't know, i've never seen anyone using it.
Modern huntresses look like men
And modern hunters look like heman
Modern Hunters look like Women
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Behold - a modern hunter!
I think what I hate about LS is the lack of grace for full anime.
I don't mind a few weeb moves, it's very chuuni but in a good way, Monhun is allowed to get a little silly, but Modern LS is borderline a parody of itself.
I'd prefer it if it was just a swift sword, with a few nice heavy slashes, and one or two Anime attacks. I feel like the Older games balanced this much better.
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This can't be refuted.
What armour set are you using?... Wait you're not playing a huntress are you???
the last one should be "they ARE the pussy"
The valor moveset is the furthest it should have gone tbdesu
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>mine are Charge Blade and Hunting Horn
Yeah this is accurate
Me hunt
Me cart
Me hunt again
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hope you can feed the bird
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LS niggas be like
i main GS and GL, what am i supposed to understand?
also SnS is my 4th most used weapon if that help
>mains GL, HH and CB
this is a targeted offense
That you do pull pussy but don't care probably.
no no wait i get it, considering my teen years i pull pussy but too autistic to notice
LS gets a lot of hate because its popular, meaning its a very newfag weapon as well. On top of that, Longswords have a history of having consistently good weapon changes through the series, while some weapons havent gotten the same love.
There are reasons for people to want to hate on it
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hope there are otters in wilds
>Liked anime moves
>Just didn't want it to be only anime
You can't read, and your native language in not English.
Hunting Horn isn't a weapon
It's a brotherhood
uh brother, doot plz. doot. why aren't you dooting. you brought a dooter right? doot. doot it now my atk up is blinking.
>women like tards they can manipulate, the tiermaker
Who said that?
>blast dash is not in wilds
damn fujioka's reply is literally "just forget about rise"
I use LS and I am very gay
I'm very excited for Wilds. Moreso now that the devs have stated that they're going to keep a lot more content unspoiled.
here's a spoiler: it's shit
oh you mad
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is it worth crafting elemental weapons in Morlo?
forgot your longsword.webm
What happened to that anon that said he was going to play the demo at PAX and let us know how it was? Did we ever hear a report from him?
legends tell that he's still waiting in line
it was a capcop sting and he fell for it
he got shot in the back of his head by capcom while he was playing when they found out he posts in /mhg/
>consistently gets love in every entry since gen 2
>top DPS in nearly every game
>faggiest campy playstyle imaginable
>can now move while shooting and aiming for even more braindead play
>gunners make up the majority of carts than any other weapon due to their low defense and greedy playstyle
>faggots from 3rd gen still crying over roundslash but not siege mode and crag spam flinches
Really makes you think
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LMAO what the fuck is this, none of it is connecting
Bowguns also deserve hate
I can reliably get to phase 2 with fatty and get him down to 40ish-k health, but his head doesnt seem to want to break. I get a lot of other parts for other breaks but after 15k dmg to his head still no evil eye.
I havent killed fatty or alatreon yet
>using overlay mods
you deserve it
I did, which makes me better than you
I refuse to kill fatty or alatreon
I mean, yeah. I guess. The answer is obviously to keep smacking it till it drops, but its also nice to see how much progress Im making with each attempt.
based capcom making the game more accesible for disabled people
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>what a strange dream I was having
>Moreso now that the devs have stated that they're going to keep a lot more content unspoiled
They said the exact opposite though?
I killed old world alah and fatty
Ive killed them both, but not a lot and only after the luckiest of runs.
But enough about ranged players
Is using defender gear to farm a monster you have already hunted cheating?
yes kill yourself never show your face here again degenerate
Why did they remove the Hammer Spin?
Just use it all the time and skip the tutorial
Nah. In fact I have the shop mod installed and buy parts for monsters I've already beaten
If this is the first time you're playing a MonHun game ever, then yes
Ahh man. Guess it's 20 minute hunt time.
Not using the defender gear all the time lets me get good and by not using an obvious crutch.
I've played 4U and Rise. I'm going through World for the first time.
>Knowing how much health is left
what do you do in lumus
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>played Rise
This changes things up
How ingrained is wirefall into your reflexes? Do you find yourself muscle reflexing to the buttons still? Or are you firmly in the World™?
If you're still going for wirefall, then don't go defender
Flirt, ERP, and maybe hunt monsters
ERP and masturbate mostly
No one liked it
I liked it...
Anons above are being inflammatory because your question is pussy footing around
Join the lumu and find out
We hunt monsters
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good honts
is Agitator good?
They didn't though?
Why do people hate Lavasioth?
>Do you find yourself muscle reflexing to the buttons still?
No lol. I miss the elemental burst counter but I haven't been trying to use it for obvious reasons.
Because its a reskin of a limpdick shitmon with a dumb gimmick.
Mainly hunt monsters and get sexually harassed.
Because they're gay
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Why cant I turn this into a layered weapon.
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Because no one likes the egregious weapon bounce?
Lunastra is a psycho, but if she had good hitzones, over half of the complaints would disappear because she is surprisingly easy to topple over
Instead she is FILLED with bad zones, and even zones that bounce on PURPLE sharpness
I think it might be locked behind MR100?
Alright, back into the hunts I go
The GL fight drags on twice as long as it should, is covered in shit zones, and deals a lot of tiny annoying attacks that big dick hunters hate
Shitmon that gets shittier every time it appears in a game
AI post
That's Volvidon
Hmmmm, I think I will go flirt with hunkters in a safi lobby.
honestly, they should stop
Your huntress is a SLUT
I read this post before the one you replied to and then I read it and it made me laugh my ass off, thanks
AI reply
I don't disagree
A slut for GL lures
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Am I a veteran yet?

I'm going to join a lumu and post early high-rank quests which I shall then proceed to do by myself
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>get max wind pressure skill
>Kushala still pushes you back when under it
that's been out for months
Don't play this, it's the same kind of bullshit puzzle like candy crush, unbeatable without using items or getting lucky in later games.
not until you can translate the text
>Am I a veteran yet?
post Lands of Tremors solo proofs
The only way you can negate blackwind pressure is with a HH buff. No I'm not kidding.
uh no its not wind it's DRAGON wind it's like wind++ you need the kushala armor or the horn windproof, or pick a better weapon that doesn't give a flying fuck about wind, like lance.
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Good hunts
Im not a SLUT!!! I just haven't found a hunter bf yet so I flirt and cock-tease a lot until one decides to make me his.
>Lands of Tremors
What's that?
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You just have to store her properly when not in hunts...
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25 skill points in DOS
MHFU guild 8 stars double tigrex quest
kids these days...
Not everyone played the game in english, bub, :^)
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just use poison bro, it counters his wind
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Not a big deal pre-world because picrel
just target its head and stay away from his belly and sides
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>of course there is no blast dash, rise isn't mh so don't compare it with wilds
tendiebros..... it's all ogre....
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so you played it in spanish
Why is that a problem? are you retarded?
Dont need to answer
okay, but hear me out...
gunlance boosted seikret.
>poison greatsword
Even with the Nerscylla weapon looking cool as fuck, I will not
that's fine, gunlance still won
like tank in gta
lumu status?
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You WILL use the Longsword!
consider this:
I willn't
I'm working on some quality shitposts for next thread because I'm bored
>Finally reach sunbreak
>shield tackle
I mean, it's neat, but in what world would you want this over guard dash?
>want to play monster hunter
>too horny to
Hate this feeling
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>want to play monster hunter
>don't want to deal with clutch claw or bingbugs
>want to play monster hunter
>i'm at the elder dragon culling part of the game
Hate this feeling
>More health than Fatalis
>Cover with shitzones
>Hiding in the lava nest for 30 minutes
You tell me
p3rd and fu exist
>tfw thinking about playing monster hunter is more fun than playing monster hunter
what the fuck, fu too bitch ass
>tummy hurts bad because of period
Monster to hunt for this feel?
Odogaron. Theyll be able to smell it and it makes for a really fun time
tigrex looks like a demon here. cool
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Doshuguma because I hear periods attract bears
but dog2 had cute desert sorceress outfits so you had to
>want to play monster hunter
>realize im trans
>play monster hunter anyway
I didnt
post the best of your rajang folders
let me see those funny monkeys
how many times do you retards need to be told that the claw is entirely ignorable
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Quick PC Rise/Sunbreak lobby/lumu/room.
Pass: 7243

Going for quest completion, but the room will only be up for 90 minutes or so.
yeah man just subject yourself to 30 minute hunts with shitzones or mods that haven't been updated since 2021 and ruin multiplayer with people who aren't autistic enough to install mods
>30 minute hunts
you've never played the game, stop posting
the mods were updated tho
joining in 85 minutes
idk about bears but dogs will absolutely ram their nose into your crotch
Mounts! Are Epic!
>there are still people getting filtered by kushala
never change, best elder dragon
You can ignore claw and bugs.
Doesn't mean it's a good idea.
>want to play monster hunter
>actually, no i dont
>i want to shitpost about monster hunter
>and complain about problems that aren't problems anymore because they have been fixed years ago
>but im still gonna shitpost about it because im lame and gay and i have nothing better to do because im a fat loser
You can ignore my nutsack
Doesn't mean it's a good idea
Well... lets see it
this but unironically
vidya with a personal mean of transportation are 9 times out of 10 pure ludo
you are SO mad
clutch claw sucks, I'd rather go play Rise
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I am answering to a shitpost, but I always liked PCs more because you can customize it to your heart's contents and it's used for many other things other than gayming. I enjoy being able to open photoshop while I'm playing something because I got an idea for a dumb meme. Pic related
Rajang nutsack
They should fly so terrain is irrelevant
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Probably my best killscreen ever, post yours
even with the clutch claw Morld is still 10 times better than Rise
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I did
flying mounts force a complete map redesign to be viewable from all angles. once you get off the trail it gets ugly very fast.
A ground running mount is fine, in this case probably for the best. It forces more contact with monsters, and if seikrets can contribute to that then it's good.
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same energy, good meme
>Host(?) leaves
>I'm now the only one in there
It's bleak for Risechuds
clutch claw has been fixed ages ago noob
Weird. From my perspective it looked like you're disconnecting.

Closing this room, I'll remake it.
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mounts are shit and gay
>Boot up Morld
>PS4 melts
I think I am actually having connection problems
It's still bleak though
It's over
Extreme allah...
I didn't say that, don't take over my post chain asshole
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What's that small Sand Barioth doing there?
yeah well I did you try riding animals around me and ill liquidate you ya furry cunt
Room's closed, don't use it.

New PC Rise/Sunbreak lobby/lumu/room.
ID: QYRr7NH0CWH2f286
Pass: 7243

Now even more time limited!

Can you try connecting to this one?
>finally stop being a neet
>people asking me if I'm happy to have a job and place now
The fuck is wrong with people
Of course I'm not
Anon, that's a broken foot.
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I like working in moderation. Like 4-5hrs max.
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I hate gunning and still have no idea why I was messing with one, but this was still a cool screen.
Doesn't look like that's working. If you want to make the lobby instead we could try that?
I tested by connecting to some rando lobby and that was working.
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Morld pee sea lumu doko ? B8MCB2QTJjZa still up ?

If only you knew how many of them I have made
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I hear what you're saying but phones are getting increasingly powerful to the point they can do stuff like that in the palm of my hand and even edit videos and photos

Sir, we play on PS5 here
i only use it to see part hp thresholds, so i can tell how close i am to tailcuts and shit
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yes, and?
IDK but if you make one we can do some GL and maybe even some hand-halding :s
I dislike editing on a phone, even with one of those special pens it feels like shit. When I got a new phone years ago I tried games on it to see what phone gayming was all about, it was utter shit and made me wonder how can people enjoy it at all. Now my phone is just a lurking machine for when in bed and a glorified MP4, besides its basic phone functions
>I am answering to a shitpost
a correct shitpost is still correct
No it's on my end, I tried other lobbies and the same thing happened. My internet has been fucking the bed since yesterday
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I will make a pc lumu in 30 minutes or so and you WILL join
Room is still up, 7/16
Check NAT type maybe.
Nevermind>>492887734 you WILL join this lumu
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just look at him go
I'll be doing a day less per week soon so it will suck a little less
Play hunting HORN then :^)
Quite a simple solution no?
Black diablos. Because its also a woman whos having their time of the month
he pretty much stands still
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What do you think of Lala Barina? I fucking hate spiders
Im gonna need a loooot of r34 with these mounts and huntresses
One of my biggest issues with world is a lack of monster variety. I really like the idea of fighting big bug monsters. So i really like that lala barina represents the bigger variety we'll have when it comes to monsters compared to world
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Monster Hunter?
More like
Monster S..Simp!
periods are being in heat arent the same thing at all
>grab longsword
>go on hunt
>find monster
>fill up spirit guage
>My Love is a Stapler from K-On! starts blasting from my inside my subconscious
I guess it really do be a weebpon
Well duh i know but i wanted to make it sound like it was the same thing. Its the closest thing to a monster period in any game lol
I hunt with my gf, I'm not the same as these people.
I hunt with my twink bf, I'm not the same as these people.
I hunt my gf, I'm not the same as these people.
Im happy for yall
Dumb gimmick. I like the yokai spider in rise better.
rakna kadaki looked stupid af
Im a monster simp for big black odogaron cuts
oops, i dropped the (you) sorry>>492889224
It's a fucking spider, but the theme of the gown dress and abducting little boy in their sleep to rape them is better than dumb spider with a rose for an ass.
Nerscylla remains coolest spider
rakna kadaki is peak shitmon design
>annoying to fight
>relies on a gimmick
>covered in shitzones everywhere
>summons adds
i don't really know which chromosome is at fault for this but i really really like the way she roars
the extra one
some of the sounds she makes kinda reminds me of the angels screaming in NGE
>GS main
>absolutely hate xenojiva
>trying hammer for the first time
>need to farm parts for upgrades
>suddenly the fight is fun

bros i had no idea. you just spin around blowing stuff up.
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I'm afraid it's been... 9 years
volvidon is a bigger shitmon, he makes up for the lack of minions by having three whole annoying gimmicks
he's just arzuros that farts and has has extra free damage windows by slapping his shit when he starts rolling
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switch 2 release?
Doc-Wh-what about Rise? World? Generations?
Right. Good enough.
which mon would be big boss?
nergi would need to have been in the older games tho
Thanks, now Im gonna have David Bowie stuck in my head all day.
it's happening
wilds isn't releasing until late 2025
Nta but youre welcome
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Now hold on, there's not nothing going on here per se
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>Thanks, now Im gonna have David Bowie stuck in my head all day.
idk about big boss
venom is definitely chaotic magala
poopy johnny is congalala
it's a love hate relationship
love that they eat mosquitoes and shit, but get too big and run around outside your web and you get the slipper
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The mount is a girl and is only for hunters howeverbeit
why is espenis two-shotting me through 900 def
I hate both of you
>set on fire and poisoned
Espenis is based. A shame his set looks so ugly.
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furries should wirebug themselves
because you're getting hit you shitter
es-benis :DDDD
>>annoying to fight
Complete pushover more like, you get more free knockdowns than you do fighting Zamtrios
>wondering why i dont have every MR quest unlocked
>missing a bunch of special arena quests because i didn't capture every monster i came across
i havent played in half a year be nice
maybe do your job as a hunter
Kulve Taroth and her consequences have been terrible for the monster hunter fanbase.
Room's now closed, good hunting!
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Do you think grinding will be removed in Wilds?
You need more defense
Honestly they can go ahead lmao but that's the day I stop buying these games and I'm not joking. If i can burn through the whole game and the expansion in less than 500 hours then I'm just not buying. That's simply a step too far
Sometimes I play pretty good and sometimes I spend 5 mins getting hit and healing. Its kinda just whatever at this point
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>rurikhan asks if we can craft decos in Wilds
>Tokuda says that it's tied to the endgame and he can't respond rn
Are you ready for RNG decos again?
rng decos and you have to find rare spawns of monsters in the overworld
I love how in every video the monsters always flinch when an attack hits their head, but when I do it, they just ignore my hit and kill me while I'm stuck in the animation.
It was already removed in Rise (and arguably World if you only look at monster parts)
Yeah. It makes armour choices better. Bonus points for limiting layered armour until endgame too.
>b-but I neeeeeeeed an attack deco
You will never be allowed in the discord tranny inner circle, stop being a gimp.
>Are you ready for RNG decos again?
>mh wilds nexus
>sort by most downloaded
>download the top ranking mod on the site - "MH Wilds Charm / Deco editor"
it's as shrimple as that
so I just got stuck in mh puzzle
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RNG Decos are objectively better than RNG charms/talismans. I'm objectively correct and anyone who disagrees is objectively wrong and is a retarded moro.
Whose genius idea was it to make it so that you can't get crowns from anomaly investigations?
Counterpoint: you've been officially diagnosed with being retarded in 53 separate countries.
>retarded moro
But morlos are the ones who defend rng decos
so I just did not fucking ask
fuck you
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how? all my pieces are maxed
im mr 70 btw
Wilds will be a server-client based configuration and your savefile will be stored on Capcom's server. You will not be able to edit it. I hope u rike!
>look on nexus
>there isn't even a mod to fix it
so that's why i downloaded the crown quest pack mod instead after getting to level 300 for each anomaly
>*hacks into the Capcom servers*
>*gives myself 7 attacks jewels*
>*renames ryozo's character "bozo"*
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>morloids are so mentally ill that tenderizing is part of their ERP vocab
Holy cringe
please say it's fake
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Nowbros, when do I unlock lbg
You don't even have the context behind that image dumbass
Sharpening mechanic should not exist for hammer and hunting horn.
No amount of context could save this.
please say it's real
why are morlogs like this? is it mental illness?
>frauds completely filtered
Based capcom weeding out the PC zoomzoom shitters. Looks like you'll actually have to play the game oh no...
>Ah darn
And if the context is that they aren't even world players and it's just a random discord screenshot?
hunting horn should require a very intricate and time consuming tuning process instead
alright *adds bluntness gauge and bluntening stones*
>watch a MH1 vid
>see a flying diablos
...what in gods fucking name is this
these things can FLY?
making it kinda obvious your trying to damage control spookie
how do i become good at LS like that anon?
the blos family is classed as flying wyverns
While Rise raised the part costs for upgrading a little (still somewhere between 4th gen and how low World was) it also had the very generous shit luck protection from the anomaly coins at the very end of Sunbreak so I don't think much will change
Total faggot death
fucking kek groomers really out here looking like swiper when the kids says they're not ready hahaha

>borelold is so bad its own fans would rather hunt minors on discord than fatty in their shit game
yeah i know but in every game i've played i've only seen him running around like a spastic
don't they still fly today when getting out of a pit trap? pretty sure they do
Both should be craftable FF nigger

They still fly to get out of pitfalls
Tigrex and Narga used to fly from zone to zone as well
worlos are so fucking pathetic holy shit
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Do you guys just do this all day?
you will never be my wife
we're waiting for a new game, please understand it's the only way we can pass the time
new thread?
they should straight up break instead. bluntcucks ought to craft an entirely new hammer or horn after every couple hunts
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>waaaaah I wanna be overpowered with no effort involved
Shut up faggot if you aren't willing to put in the time to grind for it then fuck off. All you PC shitters are the same when it comes to this.
Best part of a monster hunter game is getting to a new rank and then going gathering on all the locales
But its swiftly ruined by the game needing you to hunt monsters again
new thread will be huntress
we really shouldn't have to hunt monsters in this series
24 days until TGS :(
World would unironically be way more fun if it played like Myst

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yeah, and it's pretty fun
alma is an ugly fucking iranian kike
blonde bitch smith is an american whore with triple digit bodycount
If you hit things with a horn, it's gonna get out of tune. Tuning the instrument makes sense.
If you hit things with a hammer, it's also going to get out of tune. Big blunt damage comes from resonance and focusing vibrations on a single point, so tuning the hammer also makes sense.
blunting the hammer makes more sense. It it start out with maximum aerodynamics coefficient, then it can only get sharper as it become malformed
Tremor is such a shit mechanic.
literally just used 70 mega potions and like 20 max potions against blackveil

45 minute hunt
never fighting this shitmon ever again

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