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Emotes when? Edition

>Steam Page

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>Character guides

>How do I get in?
Respond to the invite anchor with your steam profile or friend code. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for heroes in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Stats Tracker
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

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Invite Anchor
so this game has non-binary and other alphabet soup characters, what makes it better than concord?
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hello everyone my name is ABRAM and i am here to have sex with anon
that it's not the focal point of the game
The MOBA-fusion, I guess? Overall it's a fun experience than your boring Overwatch-like hero shooters.
Character design wise it's just Concord but Valve though.
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No fanart of Wraith exists. Albanian Vindicta has more art.
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man I sure do love playing this game with zero experience in mobas
no I haven't touched the tutorial or read anything about the toon i'm playing
dont' know how I keep dying but i'm gonna keep going down this aisle anyway
you'll carry, right?
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hello (You) can increase EU non-slav playerbase by 1
>private profile
who gives a shit, i just want to play the damn game man
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>Albanian Vindicta
delete this
Dude went 21-8, lost, and blamed me.
Haha imagine tryharding in beta.
Just have fun, dude.
my bad fixed
that other guy is not me
when of penis much in lane I fight and kill much of beringue I telling you I telling you man kkkkkk
It doesn't have hideous mocap faces.
felt like i was in the most intense game of my life, got smashed by the enemy, -19 elo on the tracker, enemy team yamatos profile is public and its a 6stack they have 2k rating yet were only 1600????
for the 800th time, it's an early alpha, the matchmaking is trash and they have already announced they are reworking it
Post Vindicta feet.
i want the reddit trannies gone GONE
its less about the ingame and more about the deadlocktracker thinking our team was higher rated than a 6stack with people that have 2k elo on the tracker
Geist has weird scaling. She feels very vulnerable in the start and after you level her 1 to 5 you become a farm machine. After some items she still isn't super powerful, but drags out every match to 40+ minutes.
nuke the discord, ban the streamers, KILL EVERYONE
>that community hub spam
Don't know why my nvidia capture doesn't work on Deadlock sometimes
If I'm getting bullied back to the bitch-shield in front of my tower I should stack health and regen and just try to hold on and salvage as many souls/denies as I can manage right? The guardians in this game still don't make me feel all that safe to be near.
Her grenade stalls creepwave like crazy
It’s nothing like Concord’s designs
monster rounds are also good to clear the waves better when they keep getting pushed in
sorry guys but I don't like my hero and I can't leave the match without getting banned so I'm just gonna jungle and farm lanes for the next 35 minutes
It honestly feels like either everyone else is getting significantly more stupid or lying is much more commonplace. I just don't get how anyone can think like Infernus, Abrams, or Paradox is as shit as any character from Concord
I love the parry/melee mind games you get up to in lane
You're right deadlock is even more woke.
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Who is the worst designed hero gameplaywise in your opinion and why? How would you change or rework them?
Abrams is too simple and easy. Games like this should filter casuals so us hardcore players can thrive.
I like deadlock since spics cannot run the game above 60 fps. This is good. Dota 2 was ruined by the spic hordes that tilt and throw games.
Game seems interesting
Why didn't haze just roll/jump away?
>spam friend invites to any profile I can see with Deadlock play time
I'm gonna get scammed aren't I
Then explain 90% of the game's population being Russian
Wraith because they decided to make a kit that has everything a gun carry could want but in the most boring way possible.
Hook characters are unfun for everyone but the brainless hookfag spamming it on a 5 second cooldown hoping to get lucky
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>mfw come begging for the game here
>find out 5 of my friends have it in their inventory but have not played yet so it does not show up
think russia is a 1st world country compared to peru or some shit
Russians are more human than toothless spics that get upset and throw them game to spite teammates
Russians are flamers.
Spics are sabotaging faggots.
Massive difference.
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Abrams. He is extremely braindead and not even in a fun way, and this is coming from somebody who mains Garen in League. Literally all you do is ult in if you have it, or charge into fights and spam Q until something dies or you die, whichever comes first. I get that every game needs easy characters to play, but it gets old really quick and he's only kept relevant with how disgustingly overstated he is.

Not sure how they can rework him without completely changing almost everything though, or unless Deadlock somehow gets more complicated melee mechanics
holy hdr
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>le 0.1% strimmer doesn't know you can sell items for their full worth, or how the character he plays works
so tired of this clickbait shit

Please and thank you.
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Those quasi-troons play in 6 stacks and claim they're high MMR.
Grey Talon feels like they gave up halfway when designing him so they just made Vindicta with a bow and called it a day.
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Shiv no shivving!
>the guide that is literally called "sexy feet" has over 100k likes
what did people mean by this?
hooking people mid animation is so funny
The best part is that it's also a fucking horrible build.
if you mention Abrams being a problem because he is punching you, sorry but you got filtered
>zero map awareness
wonder what game those retards came from
Melee in a solo lane; fine, balanced, parryable, mindgames
Getting run down by two hood niggas in a duo lane delaying their heavy melees so you can't parry both: miserable, bug abuse, should be banworthy
>Hehe I'm too spicy a negro for th -ACK
>get put in a solo lane against vindicta
what do? just ask to switch?
I think Seven needs a different ultimate so he stops being a omnipresent menace in low MMR games while being a worthless borderline troll pick in high MMR games.
>switch so the ape on your team can feed her 10k souls in 6 minutes
You do your best to not die and deny her shit so she has no power spike
single footedly driving down vindicta's winrate
>le seven is bad in le high mmr
bruh Seven could literally not have an ultimate and still be better than a lot of heroes. His 1 is extremely quick and braindead waveclear and farm that does a lot of damage at all stages of the game, his 2 is a mini Warden stun without needing as much set-up, and his 3 does fucktons of damage in gun builds and melts groups. His ult isn't entirely worthless in high MMR games either if you combo with other ults/stuns on the team or ulting over the patron at the end.
Pocket feels like shit to play.
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The difference is that Deadlock's Negresses look like they have sex with white men exclusively
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i've only played like 10 matches and i'm trying to figure out my item builds. i've been using just top-rated builds thus far but some feel really bad and i ain't learning shit by using them.

what is your go-to lane sustain option?

>healing rite (https://deadlocktracker.gg/items/healing-rite)
feels like a noob trap. i think it's good if you're duo'ing a kill-lane and the support grabs it to reset after attempting pressure. 17 seconds is just a really, really long time to be hiding. if you attempt to play greedily then an errant shot or damage cucks you completely.

>restorative shot (https://deadlocktracker.gg/items/restorative-shot)
just feels way too difficult to be efficient. even at peak efficiency, it's not even that good?

>extra regen (https://deadlocktracker.gg/items/extra-regen)
the absolute zero brainpower option. this is essentially old doran's shield (without the damage block aka the shield portion). i'm very surprised this isn't picked up more by my fellow brainlets.

>melee lifesteal (https://deadlocktracker.gg/items/melee-lifesteal)
this seems good? but no one is using it? it's better than restorative shot though that's not saying much. meleeing to secure creeps is already a good habit to instill and this just double-dips you on the reward.

one dedicated regen/sustain t1 item along with sprint boots (https://deadlocktracker.gg/items/sprint-boots) feels like you're set for all of laning phase. are there options (besides git gud and use cover) that i'm missing? i'm sure as i get better then i can be fine with less regen and rely solely on sprint boots but i need the hp buffer to cut my downtime.
I run Extra Regen mostly
They have sex with Infernus because hes a black man.
i'd appreciate it
thrvth nvke
other coloured items also give you defensive options included regen, you don't have to rush for the extra regen item everytime
league tranny
healing rite + shaman creep
zero downtime
It takes skill and it's funny
>It takes skill
>it takes skill to spam 3 on a 5 second cooldown and win the game cause you yoinked a fed vindicta into your deathsquad
in this clip you missed the hook and only got lucky because vindicta made a mistake
raping people with bebop is the best, seethe more and get that bussy stretched by my hook
But can you target yourself with healing rite ?
I thought it was only good if you are laning with 2 people
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>It takes skill and it's funny.
>95% missed hook
>carried by his stack
What do you use to make webms? Mine look like shit in comparison
yeah, alt-cast it (default M3, you can set it to double tap or using a modifier key in the settings)
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>It takes skill
>presses 3
>presses 2
>presses 1
>>It takes skill
you need to go back (to /owg/)
like most his clips
fuck me haze sucks in lane vs. wraith
Beboptards... our response ?
get that hook out your bussy playa
>He is extremely braindead and not even in a fun way
He is braindead, but in a fun way
For me it's about pinning 2-3 people, Q'ing, then punching them all to death. Baiting out parries. Chasing them down to finish them off.
I will not accept slander against singsing
Also he admits he's playing the shit meme build version of bebop (echo shard) of course he gets carried he's basically throwing every game
Winrate/MMR/ELO/SBMM is literally meaningless right now. It's not a true indicator of skill or talent. The matchmaking systems are broken (confirmed by Yoshi of Valve himself) and should not be taken at face value.
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How are we feeling about the viscous nerfs?
and it feels sufficient for most lanes? an extra 3hp/second is fairly middling when compared to other options but it's obviously braindead and consistent. i'm probably going to try this out in almost every match.

unless you're talking about t2 items (1200 souls), i don't believe there are many other practical t1 sustain items than what i listed. again, better players can probably get away with just running their t1 weapon and sprint boots into a t2 item that has leech but i feel like i need a dedicated item atm.

i've been buying healing rite as my go-to item since i've been seeing it used on streams and it's in the top-rated builds quite a lot as an optional laning item. it just feels like a lot of downtime whilst regening over 17s AND having to wait for it to be off cd. i understand i'm just taking a lot of free damage and that's the issue to address but healing rite feels like a poor band-aid for me personally. smart players also see me run off and tuck behind a corner and just throw an aoe or look for a line to hit me.

you can self-cast it. personally, i have my self-cast on press and hold. it invites a delay which is less than ideal but finding a good key to designate self-cast was hard for me since it feels like you need a lot of buttons for this game.
I'm pretty sure it's permanent?
I've seen 3 today and they've all gone like 10/0 and rolled around being unkillable.
still far more playable than he was last patch
I expected the range on puddle punch to get gutted from day 1
Good. A 60m range almost instant knock-up with multiple charges on a short cooldown was cancer as fuck.
>try splatter viscous against bots
>win in 20 minutes
>try fist viscous against bots right after
>win in 50
Well he's still shit against enemies in the air but he can still fuck up crowds
just use double tap to self cast, it's quick and unless you spam buttons like a spastic you'll never do it accidentally
considering how trash his ball/ult movement is, his punch spam felt like the only fun and impactful portion of his kit.
I should mention though, fist viscous got a significantly higher kdr
Is this even a good way of comparing builds? Obviously playing against bots is different than playing against players, but I think it gives a more consistent environment for comparisons.
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>Guy whose main moves are narutorunning and spilling his fluids all over (not even targeted)
He ain't gotta chance
all these ramshackle MMRs these stat tracking sites are giving out are definitely a farce but your winrate is still reflective of your impact on the game.
hope they add more characters like mo&krill
love that nigga
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Please, really liked the style of the game.
The popular builds are all terrible
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Based or cringe?
>so this game has non-binary and other alphabet soup characters
Does it?
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What sort of hero design you would like to see ?
I would love to see an elder thing like this
>Completly symmetrical, so no turn rate
>Use sound-based weapons based on the piping speech they use in the novel
>Can fly around, almost like a helicopter - kinda like flying snipers or Ivy but heavier
>Super arrogant, think that humans are about to die out in a few years
>black character
>skin is literally tar

Explain this.
Nigger you win against bots in 20 minutes without items. Using bot matches as any kind of metric is useless
What's the utility of Quantum Entanglement? Also, what is the condition that Dynamo keeps talking about?
Not accurate
>perma'd for calling a Kelvin that was complaining a whiney pussy ass bitch and to git gud and telling another seven in my game to stop feeding and playing like shit

I'm amazed, I didn't have to type out nigger or faggot. This might be the most egregious perma I've ever received
What's a good amount of souls per minute?
She's shimmying back and forth. It was likely she would continue to do that as I hooked
>friends badger me into playing this
>the balance is even worse than dota
dead on arrival, non dota addicts aren't fooled by this bullshit anymore
Balance is fucking BORING
a good average is 1.1-1.2k
depends on what role and character you are
it can be used as a save for teammates if you're playing a more traditional support/tank build. other than that, it's just for some invulnerability it feels like.

if you build dynamo as a gun build early then his Q and W allows him to be a very strong duelist.
no, what's boring is automatically losing because the enemy team has haze
you press the hook and aim to the target?
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Anyone complaining about Abrams is outing themselves as shitters he's one of the easiest characters to shut down. All you have to do is buy toxic bullets and kite, double jump over his 2 and he cant do shit half the time.
>B-b-but melee
Just parry you retards its not my fault you panic and parry early when the blue nigger gorilla on top of you. Shiv on the other hand is a fucking pain to deal with.
>nooo stop pointing out that my low skill fag demon is broken as shit
consider the following: sex with paradox
Warden's Ult does not fit him at all and the rest of his abilities are generic as fuck except for the Binding Word
It seems like flat damage buffs to your gun (mystic bullet, toxic bullets, headshot items) add overall more damage than the damage multipliers
Or maybe that's just with the low DPS characters
Is ricochet a meme
hard or easy?
buy Metal Skin faggoroni, every 25 seconds (the cooldown of the item) you can kill a Haze for free
872645333 anyone :(
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It's sad that they might change his design to b more of an alchemist/wizard that his background makes him out to be
Love the british bobby look
if you see me on your team as abrams, you know you lost the match cos i will be playing like SHIT
If he was broken his pick rate would be higher... and so would the win rate....
Kinda odd people are outing themselves losing to the special needs character of all things
He's literally supposed to be a born and raised killer of the supernatural, why is he wearing what looks like a cop uniform anyway, he should be wearing some Van Helsing shit
While I rarely see people buying curse or knockdown to counter problem ult characters, I've seen metal skin bought even less than that.
That depends.
On Haze? No.
On most other characters? Yes.
I haven't tried the interaction between Vindicta's flight and Ricochet in a real game yet after the patch, but I doubt that it's some kind of new viable strat.
Hard ofc i havent even played anything but hard because if hard is such a joke i cant imagine how bad the easy bots are.
How would you design a melee-only character? I want characters with unorthodox playstyles like Techies/Meepo
Can be used for escape in a pinch, although it doesn't go THAT far it's often far enough to abuse the verticality of the map when combined with a double jump. Also having an invincible reload plus an immediate 50% fire rate buff for you and anyone nearby can be pretty strong. Plus as mentioned you can give teammates that are in trouble the succ into your pocket dimension to save them kind of like an ethereal shift.
If you're not Haze or Infernus or Mirage yeah probably
According to the thread you already have one. Abrams.
Sadly yes, sucks cause it's funny with viscous new alt fire but it's literally half the DPS of shooting normally
I would be lying If I said I didn't like the bobby look, I hope they reuse it for another character

This would fix my gripes with the Ult if he was wearing Van helsing shit
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Can someone explain why they buffed haze last patch? If left unchecked they can become absolute unstoppable monsters now
Icefraud is bringing back dedicated roles (Physical DPS Carry)
game is literally unplayable with sprint boots
wish there was a 3k or 6.3k upgrade to them
So do it or get rolled by Haze, it's that shrimple. Also of you have Mo&Krill u can pocket sand her and i'm pretty sure abrams can tackle her out of her ult, etc.
enduring speed
playing as black man and running around off cooldown burning the opps is kind of op bros
I mean i kind of wouldn't, having a literal quick melee range left-click would suck fucking ass, i'd try and give the character am energy/vacuum slice/thrust/punch/whatever or something if i was desperate to avoid giving them a throwing weapon projectile Genji-style. But at the end of the day it would make it hard as shit to lane if they didn't have a "gun".
>almost always win my lane
>almost always have the most kills
>lose most of the time anyways
I don't get what I'm doing wrong.
the question is essentially "are there any good on-hit effects?" the problem is that the good on-hit items are also expensive. the cheapest option that at least seems kinda useful is ricochet + toxic bullets but how often do you need multiple targets anti-healed? ricochet + silencer is just way too expensive for what it does.

in terms of what characters it's good on, it's really just haze. if you're building infernus left-click then it's probably late-game core but my god are you a squishy, sitting duck. seven has richochet in kit already but i suppose having more of a good thing isn't terrible. like infernus, it's probably a second t4 item? seven is more of a lockdown and kill a single enemy kind of concept though, not really your job to stand at range and tickle the entire team during a fight.
the only content creator I've encountered in game is a porn artist
kinda odd that as an Abrams abuser your final cope is meaningless stats from an alpha as opposed to actually using your eyes.
You wear your bias on your sleeve, I hope when valve gut him you kill yourself
>most of the time
what's your actual wins/played in your profile (or W:L ratio in recent games)?
>have played 81 matches
>have lost 53 of them
>lowest hero KDR is 3.08
>lowest hero SPM is 785
>lowest hero ELO is 1550
Is it me somehow?
Am I somehow the problem?
I regularly outplay my entire team and most if not all of the enemy team and yet somehow I lose far more than I win.
the goal of the game is to destroy the enemy team's shrines and patron and protect your shrines and patron from being destroyed
what do I build on paradox? every guide I follow just gets me bodied. I'm 3 games into deadlock and I've not won a single time. I don't even know what stat paradox is supposed to favor
Below 50%. Like 48% or something. Lately though it feels more like I lose like 70% of the games
That's how mobas are
>muh stats
maybe stop looking at numbers that don't mean anything and try to analyze your gameplay
>feels like
look at the actual numbers before asking for advice, you'll probably find the answer yourself
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Hey it's me again, the guy with the character concept for the Canadian ghockey player
I made a commission for his drawing and i'd like to share it with you guys as well as their story and extra gameplay tidbits.
A Fate's Tale.
Levi Belanger is a handsome young man. A Canadian hockey player from Saskatchewan with anger issues, due to this he has been known on the ice as an "extreme enforcer", but little did anyone know just how deep and dangerous his rage is. He secretly takes out his rage on fans who invoked his anger, luring them to his home and beats them to death.
Adoeete is a small, impish dryad coming from a lovely maple tree. Having to deal with humans messing with her tree, breaking its branches and pissing on its roots. She has grown to have a hatred for humans and, behind the backs of the other dryads, has been secretly killing off those who attempt to cut down her precious tree.
One day when Levi's crimes gets outed to the public he hides off into the snowy woods where he stays at an abandoned cabin, but eventually police find him due to his bad habits and he is shot.
Once the other dryads find out about the slaughters Adoeete has committed they have shunned her, and as punishment, weakened her power by tearing her tree and banishing her.
Having escaped the police but slowly dying from the shots Adoeete finds Levi. At first she indented to leave him to die, but after sensing the hatred he has for humans, she found a kindred spirit. With Levi dying, Adoeete weakened and the two's shared rage they agree to join forces to take on humanity together.
The specifics are kinda irrelevant. It's not like you can actually inform me on how to win more
No it's not. A friend of mine (who plays roughly at the same level) has 97 wins and 32 losses. Whenever we group queue (sadly only a couple if times) we're basically exactly neck and neck.

Okay, then what should I look for? Why is my friend who is roughly the same in stats able to win over and over while I lose when doing basically the same stuff and just as well?
this game is gonna run into the same problems as every moba, where 50%+ games feel like pointless stomps
the shooting mechanics also feel pretty ass
at least the movement is ok I guess
when he says "mobas are just like that" he means they're rigged
The two fuse together with Adoeete planting herself inside Levi, saving his life and giving her more power, turning then into, ironically enough, a freak of nature.
You might think turning into such a freak would be haunting for a person, but for Levi, he's fine with it, in fact he's appreciative of Adoeete for giving him such an opportunity and she appreciates having an ally in her crusade against humanity, as well as their shared appreciation of finally having someone who understands their wrath.

Ranged attack.
Levi doesn't use a gun, instead his left arm shoots out big shards of wood at his opponents. It has a small to medium range and takes a while to reload, but it deals quite good damage.
Melee attack.
Levi runs around swinging his axe around with fury slashing anyone who stands in his way.
All in all Levi is a close ranged tank who rewards good accuracy and clever timing.
Kinda like electric and fire affects, Levi has a chance of inflicting a splinter affect onto opponents giving them tiny amounts of recurring damage while slowing them down a bit.
When at full health only Levi's arm is covered in wood but the more he gets damaged the bark starts to grow further onto his body giving him increased resistance to bullet damage the more damage he receives.
Forest Enforcer also becomes more powerful depending on how low on health Levi is when activated.
Adoeete can communicate with Levi and others around them through his left arm. It even glows every time she talks.
When hit in the face with a strong attack there's a chance Levi's mask will break off.
Despite their fused state Levi is still a handsome man underneath his mask. He also still has a female following despite everything he's done, a satire of those who romanticize villainous characters in media.
Nothing. It's the same game, but Valve.
I have used my eyes and all I see is noobstomping
just look at the replays of your matches and spot mistakes and things you could've done better, maybe you spent a minute farming neutrals instead of helping your teammate 2v1 a tower
what i'm saying is that you're being a hysterical woman about losing 99.999% of your games when you're done zero research into what's factually happening, probably never watching a single one of your own replays, and you're coming in here bawling that you don't understand. no shit sherlock.
that's what i meant with sprint boots
What's the most efficient when buying builds? Do I just buy all early game items or pick and choose depending on the situation and what I want to play?
you're calling me hyserical while having a break down. Relax bro, I was just adding text to my webm post
becoming movement god on abrams is so funny
big man shouldn't be able to move like that
Buy what you need in the moment
so since bans are being handed out in game for shit talking
any stories? think you're gonna make it if valve jannies look over your games?
Yeah, it's woke. Chuds need to accept this and move on. You can still play a woke game if you want to.
I'll look for you when he gets nerfed
Yeah no I get that, I just mean nobody seems to build any counter items at all at this point.
cool design
Personally i think active items should also have passive activation modes like in Synthetik 2. For example there is an active-use item that restores a portion of your shields and you can use it any time but if you set it to passive mode then it activates on its own but specifically only on a preset parameter (in this case, when your shields get under 20% or some shit i forget i the number exactly)
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Good news everyone, today I encountered a hacker who not only used an aimbot, but also some kind of damage increase. While playing Wraith, he mowed down 2 people on his lane withing 3 seconds during the first 30 seconds of the match, thats 1100 damage withing 3 seconds as a level one character.. Checked the guys Steam page and he has multiple game bans including VAC ban.
Ever since I learned Deadlock is a TPS MOBA I knew this will happen. I haven't seen any cheaters on NA, but EU is completely infested with cheaters.
This game is absolutely FUCKED, it was fun while it lasted boys. Been an honor to play with you in a secret club but now that they opened the flood gates the cheaters will ruin everything.
the problem with mobas is it's not much of a team game early on, you can be amazing during lane phase but if there's no team chemistry then it just won't work
for a team oriented genre there's many anti-team mechanics
>Haze gets fed by my random retards
>Buy metal skin
>Haze just wait 4 seconds then kills me anyway, or lifesteals off my team so even manfighting her she just doesn't die
Bravo valve, incredible game design
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two more weeks
Post replay I wanna see not doubting or anything but that sounds insane to encounter
so just buy bullet armor + escalating
I must be missing something about how to play this game. So far I am on a 15 game loss streak. I win my lane every time, but all my teammates lose theirs too. I can fight back for a while, but after a while the enemy gets too strong for me to do anything. What am I missing?
>killing geist
>staying away from her
>abraham's comes in to punch her
>he gets ulted
wow valve
Thank you.
the invite system will slow cheating down pretty hard once they detect them, so i hope you reported them.
i unironically think they should keep the invite system forever just so cheaters will eventually have a harder time getting new accounts to cheat on.
hope when they ban cheaters they ban the one who invited as well
I wasn't playing a gun carry
>In the long term
Ye I reported a few hours ago, he's already banned
Play FRAUDbrams it's EZ wins and only needs 10 IQ points to play you WILL win every 1v6 you WILL buckbreak any other character
that's good because escalating is a defensive item
That's why you buy a silence against Geist, even if you're not so retarded as to facefuck her. It's retard insurance.
So Right after Half-Life 3, good to know
I would have to see your replays to help you out anon, there's too many variables to take account off in order to give advice but for the most part just try to outfarm the enemy
anon? your match id?
they need to add voice lines that automatically play when there's a low HP geist nearby.
I get it confused with intensifying magazine, point is all the resists in the world won't change the fact I can't un-rape my team with my own items
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>i must cheat in an alpha game with no ranks and waste 30 to 40 minutes of my life heh that'll show them
>Valve response to bots in TF2
Orange Box 2: Deadlock, Half Life 3, Portal: The Return and a demo for L4D3. 2025. Trust the plan.
The fat ball guy is really fun but his ult kind of sucks to co-ordinate with randos
You forgot Ricochet 2
my post was meant to convey that it's not the game's fault that his teammates were retarded. adding voice lines wouldn't make them any less retarded. you could add flashing text next to a webm of ivy dancing and it still wouldn't help. half of the playerbase is just functionally retarded and shouldn't be anywhere near a computer.
Hidden trailer if you leave the game running on the main menu for 5 minutes.
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shiv is just too much fun bros
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>waiting 5 minutes for the last guy to connect
it's all subhuman vatniks and chinks that cheat they'll never change. Any white cheater is probably a tf2 tranny angry that valve hasnt updated tranny faggots 2 in forever
least greasy greaser
hardware ban everyone in shithole countries and boom the problem is solved
I miss deadlock
Nwo yuo see...
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it's so obvious this #1 mikaelis nigger is on adderall while playing imagine using drugs to play 10 hours per day since launch
They should charge like a dollar for the invites so Russians and gooks don't get in
There should only be 3 lanes.
i WILL punch her
I'd be willing to pay a dollar to not play with other Russians.
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Soldiertf2 but he evil nun.
Agreed, solo lanes are ass
total russian death
nah fuck off duo lane is cancer
there should be 4 lanes with 5 people per team
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>the old Canucks V on the jacket
you hired an artist who knew their shit. this is awesome man. feels pretty cool having gave you feedback on your original concept.
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leave solo lane to me
Why are you people being so rude? This is a general for a woke, diverse and inclusive game, so tone down the language. Chuds need to leave this thread.
checked, trips confirm
>gets ult at 12 minutes due to laning against a mcginnis
Please and Thanks :)
Thank you !
Any tips for playing Paradox at high level? Basic skill rotation? Must have items?
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How long does it take to get the invite?
Should I ask again if it's been 2 days already?
not sure where "high level" is for you, but the most popular russian build is good. skill rotation is fluid and you'll need to learn it yourself unless you're running some gimmicky spirit build
you're a ult bot, that's your role
you ult someone then warp to safety and repeat
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When I'm not playing Ivy, I'm watching people play Ivy.
When I'm not watching people play Ivy, I'm gooning to Ivy.
When I'm not gooning to Ivy, I'm thinking about Ivy.
When i'm not thinking about Ivy, I'm dreaming about Ivy.
When I'm not dreaming about Ivy, I'm playing Ivy.
servers are up NA bros, happy labor day
fucking finally

97942514 , thank you
still have to work today fuck!
if you shoot at the paradox wall and she swaps you and passes through your frozen bullets does she take all that damage all at once?
how does this shit even work? i see some people shoot at the wall and i see some people avoid shooting it.
why does this shit do 10% max HP damage?
i saw a clip where a shiv pressed 2 through the explosion of bebop's double bomba, and didn't take damage. are there iframes on that move?
Do i build infernus as a left click carry with gun damage or just build titanic magazine + riochet and build spirit items so my passive melts them
The latter worked out insanely well for me.
naw fuck off

4 is a mistake
Need invite.
I play support rong time.
which character should I play if I'm bad at aiming
What are the flex slots for?
The third position of different maps with anywhere from 2 to four lanes.
carrying more than 4 of a single category of item
we need taunts
>not sure where "high level" is for you
Are you stupid
Anyone got pics of ivy in a dress
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In here I AM KING!
snacks with abrams
>does she take all that damage all at once?
If she actually touches all of your stopped bullets, then yes, she'll take all of that damage as she swaps into them.
>how does this shit even work?
Paradox's wall briefly stops any enemy projectile that comes into contact with it. This includes abilities.
I think they may have changed something about her wall recently, since it used to heavily slow down projectiles and faster ones used to go through the wall faster than slower ones. Now it seems like each projectile gets stopped for the same amount of time.
Also, Vindicta's crow is no longer slowed by it and just passes through and I'm 100% certain that it used to get slowed.
This game needs higher move speed and more stamina bars. You move painfully slow, imagine the kino moments when dodging skillshots and chasedowns. Missed opportunity.
yeah bro and then we add a an aimbot to the game so 99% of the people can actually hit shit
that's what items are for
play quake
what the fuck does "high level" mean if he's asking for basic skill rotation
seven is a mushroom
He's pretty op
the guardian wants you to get better at the game and is giving you the chance to learn
Why doesn't the game have gibs and blood like TF2. Imagine the funny possibilities
>heavy melee kills punch their heads off
>Yamato slashes and Shiv dash slice them in two
>Infernus skills leave charred corpses behind
>explosives splatter them into pieces
>Vindicta ult and Paradox 3 shooting a huge hole into the body
>Talon arrows nailing bodies to the wall like the Huntsman
what a great idea for a forum post
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How could you run a company built on multiplayer FPS games and not have a robust anti-cheat i fucking can't stop laughing. Steam was literally a server browser for CS
Maybe because the game was never meant to be public yet you colossal retard?
the problem is no valve game has good anti-cheat at all. vac was okay for 2008 but it's barely evolved since then.
they aren't built on multiplayer fps games, they are built on trimming 30% off every game sale on the entire PC market.
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>game was never meant to be public yet
>They let people give invites to all their friends
>They literally officially announced the game
>They let people stream and make videos on YT
ok retard
Can you really "Outfarm" in this game? I feel like kills give so much more souls than lanes and neutrals that even if I afk farm all game, one or two feeding morons is all it takes for someone on the enemy team to bloat
How does the game determine who's laning solo and who's not???
Being as illiterate as you must be hard.
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What did you call me?
it's based on your account's MMR and/or your individual toon's ELO
>racist redhead
she's perfect...
it's also based if you're solo queue or playing in a party
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ult battery
i played 100 hours and haven't come across this

also you might be robbing yourself of enjoying things if this is what you care about instead of gameplay; stop regurgitating what your favorite podcaster says
man I wish
too bad it's that guy's scat porn OC
>Call me that again, and I will pop your nuts like grapes.
Why did he say that bros?
well, riot has done the opposite and released a kernel level anti cheat that causes you to bsod on windows 11
the result is people quitting league in droves and as for valorant I assume they have a similar issue.
People have simply decided that they'd rather have cheaters in their game and have a functioning game than to have slightly less cheaters while paying customers suffer tech issues out the ass from a program designed to "protect" them
a mushroom cuz u eat shit
idk about you but i'm fucking schmoovin whenever i play this game
The more wankery there is around COMPETITIVE GAMING the worse the cheater problem in that game.
>stop trying to harass people as paradox
>stop all early game interaction and afk farm like it's straight up dota for 25 minutes
>run around and start stat checking everyone
I fucking knew it, this game is literally smite but it's actually worse because you have LESS power early game and it's even less skill oriented. Gross
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Pretty please
charge :10bux: a year for a good boy pass that gives you access to a good boy queue, use part of that revenue to fund moderation and cheat research, the rest can be pumped directly into gabe's greasy ass
Which item is best for bringing all these flying fucks down to the ground?
knock down apparently
shit character to have on a team, shit to fight against
but even with range upgrades the vindicta they will be flying far beyond my reach
knockdown, the stun duration doesn't start until they touch the ground so you can shoot them for free while they're falling
if you cast it on someone using magic carpet they're disabled for the full duration
>automatically targeting point and click skills/items
every one of these needs to be a skill shot
skill shot your dick into a cunt
every day
I know, I bought curse and was pissed you basically have to be in melee range to use it
lemme just chuck it out into the open air
skill shot doesn't mean infinite range
is there a single FPS that has "robust anti-cheat"
Not him but they only did this because some butt blasted TF2 youtuber leaked the game because he was mad about bots or some shit.
costing full price is the strongest anti-cheat
How the fuck do people farm like crazy? Do they just go jungle to jungle or something?
File deleted.
how do you go 12-5 on fucking inferno
No because to have robust anti-cheat you would need private servers and to have private servers you wouldn't be able to sell cosmetics.

Also this. "Competitive gaming" needs to die.
the real secret is denies after 10mins
who the fuck calls deaths and assists
idk akazi, you tell me
Who is this game made for exactly
concordbros.. I think we're winning this one
can't have cheaters when there are no players
Every single screenshot has Vindicta hard feeding. What went wrong here
Combination of keeping lanes pushed out and hitting up neutrals whilst on the way to other places, or when you need a little extra cash to put you over the threshold for a purchase.
dota 2 refugees
>icefrog added pango a month ago
that's the last time i ever leave this game on the back burner
anybody got the pic of yamato with her shining head
literally me
List of things that need to happen:
>Remove the last hitting/denying mechanic
>Rail system needs to be expanded or replaced with TP system
>Remove a lane so that every lane is 2v2, or remove 2 lanes so it's 3v3 and more focused on team fighting (Y'know, the thing people want to do)
>Remove Neutral Creeps except for Boss monsters
>Remove Urn Delivery or remove Sewer Runes (Jesus Christ they really threw spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks)
can valve just make a normal boring character that has the most boring kit and most fun gun to shoot, like idk a repeater rifle, or a hand gun, IDK. tired of these abilities from mobas
Agree and to add:
>Remove troopers
>Remove towers/buildings in lane
>Condense lanes to 2
>Shop available only on spawn
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>>Remove the last hitting/denying mechanic
>>Rail system needs to be expanded or replaced with TP system
>>Remove a lane so that every lane is 2v2, or remove 2 lanes so it's 3v3 and more focused on team fighting (Y'know, the thing people want to do)
>>Remove Neutral Creeps except for Boss monsters
>>Remove Urn Delivery or remove Sewer Runes (Jesus Christ they really threw spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks)
in short, kys noskill loser
all terrible ideas
I agree with TF2 Spy, your ideas are dogshit
>ultra aggro tard won't stop spammimg me
>hes barely focused on last hitting/denying
>end up with double his souls just shooting creeps behind tower
>use my massive soul advantage and shit on him
>he leaves game
The point of solo lanes is to incentivize roaming. If it were 3 lanes of 2v2, you would never leave your lane.
Invite me.
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Seven is Black.
Deal with it chuds.
It's OUR turn.
i believe it
>Seven was to be killed for his heinous crimes
Yup, checks out
no, probably debuff remover
I think concord is more your speed. Especially last hit/denies. Are you retarded?
>make it league please
fuck off, the reason this game is doing good is because it's dota and not league but still accessible unlike dota and like league
Pocket is pretty fun when you got a few spirit items going, teleporting around and being invulnerable every 5 seconds is pretty good, and i don't even like p*ck
bro.. paradox is simply one of the worst, most underwhelming champs kn the game. check her win rate, its indicative of larger problems in her kit.
His condition is that he's a singularity in the jar. The rest of his body is just a robot he pilots around from inside the jar.
Yea no shit retard. High APM has been the standard of every moba since 2009.
0 iq mongoloid
>Remove Urn Delivery or remove Sewer Runes (Jesus Christ they really threw spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks)
yeah that's probably because it's still an alpha retard
a single deny in mid-late game is like 120 souls. and more importantly the other player 9/10 times stop shooting soul orbs post laing stage because barely anyone knows yet. hit jungle creeps inbetween lane creeps and suddenly you have like 10k more NetWorth than everyone else
Magic Carpet
Denying with Paradox is hard. Her gun is so bad.

please invite
i want paradox to deny me
why do people recommend restorative shot over extra regen? restorative shot is 5.8 health a second, assuming you hit an enemy hero every 6 seconds methodically (and never waste it trying to last hit a creep, that thing you should be doing always). if you hit a creep with it instead, it's only 1.6/sec

meanwhile, extra regen is always 2.8/sec, even if you arent able to shoot at anything for 6 seconds

the bullet resist and damage on restorative is nice, but not nice enough to lose out of so much regen most of the time i feel like, since i feel like it adds so much mental overhead to make sure you are hitting a hero instead of a creep exactly as it comes off cooldown to not waste it
i always forget how actually good spell lifesteal is in this game
literally just follow build guides.
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i dont visit here often but i need your help
if ivy were kicking open a door ala this image what would she be saying?
something that's appropriate for deadlock
i'm making something dumb
>tfw I play nigfernus and my healing is 1/3 as high as my player damage
guide says buy restorative shot, i buy restorative shot. guide says kill whole family, i kill whole family.
The thing I like the least about resto shot is that you can't pick when you shoot it. On that basis I'd pick paasive regen over it.
bullet resist is scaling EHP, so restorative is for brooling and extra regen is for roaming
care package delivery!
I was only messing with you anon. But yeah if you're really concerned about keeping your dox hidden you should also hide the match ID. It's also poor form to hide your own name and sic the hackers on everyone else, shame on you.
dios mio
spanish gibberish
i can agree with removing urn, its a noob trap
just don't build either and go back to base than build fortitude for mid-late game or rely on your life steal if you have a good spell for it to stay topped up on hp between fights
>abrams going full punch without thinking
>parry him
>3 bullets left in clip so its completely wasted and i'm unable to capitalize at all

many such cases

Les goo
>didn't die a single time in 30 min
stop playing like a scared pussy that's not how you win games
when is jerax streaming again
idk why he cared, nobody is going to remember you in like 20 mins. you really are not as interesting as you think you are anons reading this. but yeah, fuck retards hiding their own names but not the people they want to shit talk, don't be a pussy nigger
I knew you'd like it.
Thank you for the feedback.
when they add earth spirit
have any of you used fleet foot slide distance in situations like these to get infinite ammo to kill someone rather than wait for the reload?
Why do so many people eat abrams charge when you can double jump over it? You can even wall jump too
and other players names because otherwise the scary hacker could sift through the games until they spot the match you were playing in and then they come to your house and kill you in real life
they are bad
you can full charge punch him 2 times
I simply got owned too hard
brain too small
idk abrams deals far more damage just shooting people past the 5 min mark with a gun item or two after a wall charge. i 100-0% people at 15 mins with a single wall charge bang bang bang
paradox is trans
maybe because it doesn't look like an ability you can double jump?
dumbass kelvin dome'd me in with him and got punched to deth
t. abrams
That does sound pretty interesting, never really thought about that. Honestly, it's a good thing this game is still in pre-alpha so stuff like that CAN actually be changed instead of being locked in.
now that we all have at least 100 hours . what's the consensus on pocket?
briefcase nigger
buy leech, press 2 4 3. fun.
Anon genuinely what makes it look like you can’t double jump over it? It’s super telegraphed and it’s always grounded
Slippery little twink that should’ve stayed in the briefcase closet
So what's the optimal Yamato build? All in for Spirit?
me personally i think it's pretty funny that even redditors call him him
excuse me sirs, I seem to have gotten lost, can you direct me to the Concord general plz?
>look up kudzu
>it's some kind of giga-invasive creeper that spreads like the plague and covers fucking everything
Kind of creepy.
the what? cong-kort?
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Can you guys already list the 5 top tier characters?
I want to be a tierwhore in this game.
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The plane? Try /sci/.
It's funny watching players chase your Cloak as you just walk away
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I gotchu famalamasenpai.
I've known what kudzu was for a long time because of Space Station 13. That has "space kudzu" that grows rapidly, blocks everything, and absorbs all the oxygen in the room.
does this gaem have hats yet? not gonna play if no hats
no it's alpha they don't have the finished models to start making hats for it
come back in 2 years
There's no point in tierwhoring in a playtest that's patched multiple times per day.
But if you just want easy wins, pick Seven. He wins for free in low MMR.

It's an invite-only alpha playtest. Wait a year.
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I'll take Places that don't exist for 400
FRUADbrams, literally you cannot fail as him just spam Q to win after a charge (unavoidable second free win button) and free extreme healing passive makes you unkillable
hm, unordered:
>S wraith, warden, pocket, shiv, haze, seven
>A kelvin, bebop, lash, abrams, ivy
>B mcginnis, yamato, grey talon, viscous, infernus, mo & krill
>C paradox, vindicta
Suddenly noticed that some characters have specific stats boosted by Spirit. Seems kinda funny
>Seven's speed is boosted
Absolutely not, get that shit off him now, make him work for his speed like everyone else
>infernus not in SS
Seven has a 60% winrate.
Grey Talon can get over 25 m/s while sprinting.
Infernus low? He's A at least
No way, I love running people down as seven.
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That's Chef Prepping bull to you
>put on Linkin Park
>Grab a beer
Yep, it's gaming time.
he runs in and gets ccd and killed before his ult pops 9/10 because players do not buy or use active items. its mostly a skill issue.
remove active items
absolutely not
how do i break my equal kills and deaths curse in this game
add more active items
even reddit uses male pronouns for pocket because he isn't the least bit androgynous
valve is going to give up and change his pronouns to he/they
play champs that are meant to single out enemies but also play like a bitch so you go positive KD
I still don't know what the fuck this is supposed to mean
Am i crazy or did they changed some announcer's lines?
>le fast niggerman of fast healing
They are ignoring the REAL controversy, Pocket is Korean
what the fuck are you doing
a webm for ants
Wait who's Carlos?
Pocket is not they/them because they're nonbinary. They're they/them because they're literally two niggas.
don't reply to me
any character that can rely on passive abilities and you just shoot people?
it means they won't throw a fit if you use he or they to refer to them
however some particularly deranged individuals use it instead to mean they expect you to refer to them alternatingly using he and they, sometimes in the same paragraph or even in the same sentence
you can observe that in this runescape news post: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Update:Pride_2024#Pride_Event_2024
the fact that this is the opposite of how pronouns work grammatically and that is incredibly confusing never crosses their mind, because this shit has always been about using pronouns as a fashion accessory instead of doing anything worthwhile

this is a cope, pocket's lore clearly refers to Arin Fairfax as they
infernus and haze in low skill matches
>lore explicitly says arin fairfax is hiding their identity
>is thusly referred to as they
wraith has one active but you should buy vamp burst, so two buttons
wraith has 4 actives anon...
yeah but 1 doesnt matter outside lane and 2 and 4 are gimmes
>father who tried to kill him also refuses to use his preferred pronouns
oh nooooo pocket is so oppressed!!!!
>1 doesnt matter outside lane
>1 doesn't matter outside of lane
ur bad
>1 doesnt matter outside lane
i don't play wraith but isn't her 1 a guided missile that explodes in AOE damage and can store 3+ charges so you can spam it?
cope, late game wraith isnt cleaning house with 1
yea but its not something you itemize for or use rely on for damage after lane phase
it not being her main source of damage doesn't mean she should ignore it lmao
Cool design, anon. Really enjoyed the read.
>vindicta players whine about her late game
>her sustained DPS can automelt anyone in seconds outside of a six greens lot mo or abrams

are they bad or retarded?
>I'm in top 16% by elo
I am not good at this game bros... You should be above me...
>abrams shoulder charge with two best in game CC and a transformation that autofucks everyone

kit design is horrible
don't worry, I'm far above you
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yo can I have an invite

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While I think people exaggerate with how "bad" vindicta is, the stuff she does is kind of meh compared to other carries.
I like to think of her as this game's alchemist where she scales much MUCH faster than the other team but she also falls off the harest.
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you should absolutely build improved burst on her, as well as charge
this was only an 1800ish lobby on DLT but card trick will do plenty of damage throughout the game since you can dump 3 cards on in a hard CC (your ult or something else) and it gets even sillier if you have something like a dynamo ult to follow up on
>ivy ability is an obscure 4chan reference
>seven voiceline is a protomen song reference

is valve exclusively populated with 4channers or what
why wouldn't they be old people leave and new ones come in from who knows where
>active items
>passive items that specifically buff an ability of your choice
really glad icefraud didn't go the smite route of removing all complexity instead of adapting it for the new perspective
>queue support with friend in party
>get separate lines
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there are no dedicated supports in the current build, just characters who are more team-oriented
also lane assignment seems to be completely random, i assume it's a placeholder system
my only concern about complexity in deadlock is the kit design. how complex can they actually get with TPS? I've been reading some of the community hero designs and a ton of them just sound like they wouldn't work at all in TPS
sex with Abrams?
if youve managed a good lift or dynamo is ulting and you dont pop 3 + vamp aura and kill with headshots in a micro second, youre not playing wraith. sure, use 1, even quicksilver it, but the late game carry is the gun.
what kind of stuff are you concerned can't be done?
i think TPS can handle just about anything short of controlling two bodies at once
sex with viscous
I hope they introduce different guns per character that you pick pregame like Dota facets. I hate burst fire
Every time I get to play as bebop it's either the enemy team disconnects or I have to babyseat a bunch of baby seals.
>Use Ivy, Dynamo
>Get solo lane
>Use Geist, Talon
>Get duo lane
If you're pretty good with Ivy and Dynamo, its likely that you are typically one of the higher mmr players on your teams
I seem to have lost my ability to report players
>no controlling two units at once

yep, so no meepo. the straight invoker ports also sound awkward and honestly kind of lame. I think illusions could be done, but also be awkward
I am so shit at paradox, bros
i don't really see why invoker wouldn't fit the game
Injoker works because Dota in general is not very mechanically demanding, trying to play him in a TPS game sounds like a carpal tunnel speedrun.
alt tabbing kills your performance so much what a shit game
>full charge him twice
This only it's seven on top of mcnig's wall and the text is OW MY ULT
good job anon
just buy an MMO mouse so you can casts with your thumb
Why yes, I am retarded, how could you tell.

>you punch him twice, bringing him down to 60% hp
>he just starts shooting you until you die because he's still abrams, and you are still in his face, and STILL dont have ammunition in your gun to meaningfully hurt him more before he kills you
I've played a lot of voker and my hand hurts just thinking about that.
>spirit punch works with puddle punch
So that's how you're supposed to do spirit viscous
so disengage if your team isnt with you?
yeah all the melee items work with puddle punch but spirit viscous is still a splatter build mostly
no because the punch got nerfed to shit
sex with ivy
This is what happens when you don't buy enough mobility items, lad. Happens to the best of us.
>57 minute long match
I know that this happens in mobas sometimes, but it's pure torture, even when we win in the end.
NTA but that's what I mean, with the standard 1,2,3,4 ability key-binds doing invoker stuff sounds miserable. I don't think it's impossible, but again, straight port...nah
First source game?
I was going to make an ironic post about how Deadlock needs a Techies hero, but the more I think about it, the more genuinely awesome it sounds.
csgo was definitely not like this, idk about cs2
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aight i'm out
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2 minute shoop
I love it.
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five hundred kilograms
Good work anon.
Really? That's actually impressive. Half Life 2 and tf2 have a tendency to shit the bed when you alt tab out.
just got the dumbest idea for a hero
I mean you can use it to proc stuff like shredder, but other stuff doesn't really last long enough to be worth it.

Otherwise no, spirit viscous just uses the fact that 1 and 4 scale decently and 1 has the bounce and 4 can hit multiple times.
Mines in the juke closets.
Mines at the urn deposit.
Mines on the rooftops.
>Free Palestine
Is this main audience for this game?
That's just the average 4chan user
lmao wtf
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it's so over for Deadlock
this kind of playerbase is going to kill the game
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oh god, not a he/him!
it'd be better if lash were saying it
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I just noticed you can see people's ults on the hud
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>lowest soul count
Of course
average warden player, if you're not being racist in chat as warden you're playing him wrong
Valve games run the political spectrum. TF2 & CS have both the gayest faggots and the most racist racists.
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think again
this is based and i'm not joking
okay @messydork1
Kinda wish I didn't get a solo lane 90% of the time even if I were to lane with a retard
So can I run yamato as a tank like Abrams get something like refresher aegis for cooldown reduction armor pulse been watching a few replays
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Why is it always Kelvin
it's an artist, he posted unfinished drawing on his twitter and went here to ask for the ideas for it
Doesn't your character pick determine whether you're solo or not? Or is it completely random?
yeah I retract that statement
people have opinions and express them online? nooooooo everyone must be just like me!
It's random.
You can post your opinion and also get called a faggot for it being gay and retarded. Like yours.
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That is NOT Yamato.
think about your post for one second
Is there ever a good time to use Krill's ult?
If you use it to let a teammate secure a kill, you're already at least 2v1 was it even necessary?
If you do it solo, it doesn't do nearly enough damage to actually kill anyone unless they're nearly dead already.
The health increase you get from it is negligible considering how few times you'll actually kill players with it.
And the worst thing is that it also effectively stuns you - if you use it in a team fight, you're a sitting duck to the rest of their team.

I would take wraith's ult over it any day.
Does Krill's ult interrupt shit like Haze/Seven ult?
>half the heroes in this game have a 1 ability that throws an orb that does aoe damage and a slow

Bravo valve
Yes. Other dude is just retarded.
You can literally buy an item that will do the same thing and not get you killed in the process
what about it
Can you block the demon guy's charge?
or you can buy the item and use the ult??? like wtf you can say that about any item
Securing kills is good if you're against a faggot with a shit ton of mobility/turnaround potential. And it does a surprising amount of damage with the right items (i.e. torment pulse).

which one of you is this
What the hell is this forum
it's top 5 ult in the game youre just bad dude lol
the official valve one
average russian iq
Hit space twice.
>hardware ban
how are they doing this? you can spoof it right? its pointless again
-1 russian, thousands do go
BRICS countries should be IP banned from steam
This is the official Valve one? It looks like some ezboard shit from 2004
Do you really think these mongrels have the requisite IQ for it?
...and that's a good thing!
you can spoof hwID yes but it's a bit more difficult than just switching proxies so it filters a lot more
>it's that fag that was smug about insulting a hohol in a game
>now he is crying about it on forums and bringing up trannies for some reason
Yep, that's a Russian, surprised he hasn't brought up gay sex yet
they appear very unwell, obsessive even. so yes out of spite
QRD? why do trannies hate russians?
everyone hates russians because they're a blight on the earth
even russians hate russians
russians and trannies hate each other, like alien vs predator
It's funny that so many leftists seem to love the BRICS countries when the conservative lean the internet is currently going through is clearly because people from Russia, the Middle East, and India now getting internet access
can someone give the numbers behind temporary bufs on bridges?
leftists love brazil (because it's brown) and south africa (because it's currently committing an actual no-joke white genocide) but they only pretend to like russia and china because they just pretend to like everyone the US doesn't like
after playing 2 whole games of deadlock my experience is
>haze, vindicta, pocket and Elvis are hilariously braindead op
>abrams, goo guy, seven, bebop are pretty average
>paradox is straight up dogshit
haven't placed the rest yet
how am I doing so far?
alpha-beta testing the game is for feedback. there's a bunch of threads scattered here and there about the heroes having similar abilities. they'll probably flesh them out since this is their next big thing.
It's not that troons hate russians, it's that russians are obsessed with faggotry/trannies and bring it up unprompted in every conversation
I hope they will get banned off every game
Abrams belongs in braindead OP
I have never lost a game with him and it takes 0 effort
Gun; 20% Fire Rate, 40% Ammo
Survival; +400 Max HP, 1% Max HP Regen
Casting; +25 Spirit, 20% Cooldown Reduction
Movement; +2 Stamina, +50% Zipline Speed, +30% Stamina Regen, +3 Movement Speed
pocket and haze are average, abrams needs to be put up in the top tier. paradox can be mid tier but most players suck at her she requires more brain power than avaregae
vindicta isn't OP she just scales really fucking hard
gank her

paradox is like A tier, she's not top 5 by any means but she's a really strong team player if she farms
the #1 player in the world by elo right now is a slav who mains paradox and he's like 2000 elo points above 2nd place
sir, your blind? blind the enemy team before you ult? sir???????
vindicta is strong but you can dodge her snipe if you see her, the scope glows bright white when she readies her ult. Still difficult, but if you have anyone who can jump on her she lies like nobodies business.
Pocket is strong but not op. Shiv (elvis) is really strong, but not op.
Abrams is SUPER fucking strong and forces the enemy to play in a certain way which is strong in and of itself, not even accounting for the ability of the character. Viscous is strong in lane but lategame kinda dookie compared to other heroes. Seven is broken as fuck. Beepboop is fine.
Paradox is fine. Not broken, but if you're good with them they're really strong. If you're average, they're below average of a character.

Touching on Abrams again since I main him, he's really fucking strong if you know how to play him and play around baiting peoples' parries. The only issue is the enemy team, if they're at least somewhat coordinated, will absolutely fuck you upon initiation. If you can lock Abrams down, as in hard CC such as Dynamo's ult, he dies. If you parry him in the middle of your team, he dies. It's on the Abrams to make himself as strong as he can be by avoiding getting parried and avoiding putting himself in a situation where he can be hard CC'd.
Paradox is shit and does no damage.

The guy who plays her at top MMR only wins because he gets competent teammates and plays 6 team pre vs randos.
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WARNING: This user does not go pigmode.
>Seven is broken as fuck
>The guy who plays her at top MMR only wins because he gets competent teammates
that's what they all do, just play in premades of 3+, they literally refuse to play with any less

if that were true he wouldn't be literally the #1 player with a giant gulf between him and #2
s e v e n i s b r o k e n a s f u c k
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I have bad news for you if you've ever enjoyed a piece of fanart
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>the #2 player is a chink with a previous VAC ban
surely he changed his ways and won't do it again :)
>seven at the top of both
jesus christ
Ivy porn.
Because devs shut the fuck up about it.
They don't talk endlessly about their diverse roaster or how inclusivity is a cornerstone of their game design
That's literally that simple.
>win rate goes up at higher skill levels
uhh.... seven downplaybros? our response?
most artists are leftists because the hobby of art requires you to be either massively mentally ill, or a woman
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>play the game for the first time
>wow, you fuckers weren't kidding, this is literally just a moba but in 3rd person and better movement
I don't even know what I was expecting man. I completely forgot how much I hate this genre of games until I played this.
I got filtered and I'm not afraid to admit it. You kids have fun arguing with single digit IQ russians though.
Sex with Ivy.
Love from kazakhstan
bebop, ivy, and viscous confirmed for being good fair heroes that reward skill
what a retarded post
here is a vod of him being spectated https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2239556415
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>First game with the goo boy
>mega fun
Yeah i think i'm maining the anemonigger
what's viscous going to look like when he's no longer a placeholder?
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when's the deadlock cheaters trolled by fake software video coming out
I only died to seven's ult a single time and that was my first game playing against it. Idk why people like to fight and run into it or not play around cover. It's crazy
>russian streamer
no thanks
Seven is good low because of his ult, and he's good high because of his 3 and farming ability
ror, rumao
just won because I dragged entire enemy team on a wild goose chase as pocket while my team ended

tilt is the strongest item
viscous is trans
>hidden MMR so low that I have to wait for a match
it's all ogre
>(Jesus Christ they really threw spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks)
what is an alpha
no surprise there
Seven literally could not have an ultimate and still be better than most heroes
>After some items she still isn't super powerful
I find her extremely powerful near the end of the game. with some penetration items, she can 2 shot people with her bomb easily.
Yoshi told me in a dream that she will be a slime girl loli.
holy moly...
viscous is a boy (male) thoughbeit
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wasn't in the dream albeithough
hopefully exactly the same
I want to play Paradox but shes so fucking hard.

It feels like you need to be a pro Starcraft player to get a single kill while other champs just click ult and auto win.
her scaling is wack. shes good in lane but falls way off
is this a game you can have a drink or two with or is it best played stone-cold sober and CALCULATED?
If you play Abrams or Infernus you get better the more retarded you are.
it's autistic and try hard like any assfaggots
Depends what character
Paradox and Yamato require sobriety
You could have a light drink with Seven or Shiv
If you're playing Warden or Abrams just start slamming shots of everclear
>blunt: lit
>Warden: picked
>Magic Carpet: bought
yep, it's gamer time
idk I think if you're drunk on Warden you're going to forget to use his actives and miss his 1 which are pretty damn important to use/land.
just play lady geist, I always play her when I'm really high and I still have a really high winrate
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This game is stressful and exhausting. It feels like there's no downtime because you need to be farming or fighting constantly.
You can rest when you're dead
>I still have a really high winrate
what does that mean. I don't have a single hero with a winrate above the 50s%
15 death average shiv reporting in to confirm this works
>first time trying seven
>enemy team has both wraith and curse to lock me down every fucking time i try to ult
I missed my chance... everyone knows the gimmicks to out gimmick my gimmick....
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your Unstoppable bro?
it's a great adderall game
>barely any matches played but I know what I'm doing, lead or keep up with souls and stay above an even k/d, do my objectives, gank for teammates, run the urn
>Teamed up with player that goes 0/19 with a souls deficit of 20k, absolute feeder
Where is this mythical sbmm
For some reason the stat tracker is only recording my losses? None of my wins are on the stat tracker? Am I not getting mmr for my wins?
We've seen the model. A starfish on top of a green naked barafat body made for sfm porn
i've only played like 4 hours of this game and I've mostly gotten 4 or 5 kills and 5 deaths idk how someone can be that bad and i've never played a moba. also does anyone ever go for the mid boss what's the purpose of it?
I had ADHD and I tried to play this game after I took my meds and it made my heart beat way too fast. I thought I was gonna have a heart attack.
Mid boss gives rejuvenator buff which cuts your respawn time in half, gives you health regen, buffs nearby minions, and makes minions you kill drop extra souls
Just stun and solo ult for your free no effort kill or jump high into the air and make it so most of their cover is worthless.
oh cool just haven't seen anyone really go for it in the matches i've played
Any advice for getting better souls as Paradox? I've been doing ok on kills and using her wall+ult to fuck over solos but I'm always behind on souls.
deny and jungle, your grenade is very good for jungling
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does she have big tits in this picture or is it just perspective
I find it the other way around.
She's absolutel dogshit in lane but once you get the build going she rapes past the late-mid game.
KC+wall+swap is enough to kill or injure enemies enough that the team can mop up whoever you caught.
>have an air dash you can use at anytime while jumping or falling
>can't use it while getting knocked into the air by an enemy
what is pudge
You have to win first.
Oh that sucks, I was hoping they'd just make it a diving suit instead of a spacesuit.
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nothing's final so who knows
I'd rather have the freak body for variety's sake
>can't use it while getting knocked into the air by an enemy
You're clearly referring to bebop but if you could air dash when he uppercutted you it would make his uppercut kinda worthless
I thought you have to sell items for half worth
full refund if you don't close the shop window
icefrog should fix this and then add a "flat-footed" debuff to all knockup effects that reimplements the way things currently are to make you mad
monster rounds + maybe static charge to farm faster

but you should probably just stop at monster rounds and go gank people with swap + range items
anon I've won like 15 of my last 20 games and none of the wins show up
do not believe any retard recommending monster rounds
waste of money and slot
There are multiple characters who do that, not just bebop. Besides, it really wouldn't be that broken, air dash still keeps most of your previous momentum anyways, but you'd at least have "some" control
I haven't even really faced a bebop recently anyways.
>t. still coping about that apple
sent :)
OK I got in. Any Aussie fags need an invite?
>guys paradox is actually really good the top 0.0000001% are cracked with her
Ok? And? They'd be good with anyone.
Paradox is objectively a bad hero and 99% of people will only be able to bring her up ti middling at best unless the enemy team is mouthbreaters wiping their drool off their keyboard.
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>paradox is objectively a bad hero
I can't believe I'm hearing this twaddle
Thanks. Glad you enjoyed the story.
Too OP?
>Paradox is objectively a bad hero
lol even
Why does Vindicta's ulti do zero damage late game? Is it a just a dogshit skill?
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I've reached a point where I kinda want to play, but I also can't get myself to start up the game. Every match now just feels way too sweaty for what my skill level should be. I can't try new heroes without getting dumpstered by some stack perfectly denying and then deathballig my lane after a gank. Even games where I do well don't feel all that enjoyable anymore.
it's not worth arguing with people who only look at stats, 50 hours and haven't seen a single paradox who did anything
>2 teammates go zero kills zero assists
>2 other go 1 kill 1 assist
>5th guy is 2 kill
>can't leave or surrender
Oh boy a whole 50 hours!

oh so now you agree that only the top 0.0000001% are cracked with her if I didn't meet a single one in those matches?
stop obsessing with sites please and play the game
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made for fub raping vindicta
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You seem upset
>weak early game (good at denying though)
>weak midgame
>becomes absolutely godlike and unstoppable late game
I'm not sure if that all comes down to diviner's kevlar but at that point she can just drop into a fight and win it on her own
who knew that raping dead little girls could feel so good
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*summons one*
>Fights tooth and nail to summon the patron
>"fuck off"
it's the opposite actually her gun sucks for laning and all her abilities require items or teammates to be useful
>tooth and nail
Good one.
>It feels like there's no downtime because you need to be farming or fighting constantly.
that's true. if you aren't, someone on the enemy team probably is and they'll obliterate you if you don't keep up.
total assfaggots new player here
the only assfaggots game i play was heart of something whatever i don't remember

then i dropped it because it was too autistic

but the smoke woman thing character is great, i barely have to think about comboing abilities and i just have to shoot shit that's is exactly what i want

we were 5v6 and we won and i killed many people wow i even did 2v1
when they will fix the fucking hitboxes?
congrats anon glad you found a character you enjoy playing but don't tunnel vision on kills, farming is way more important
wow this game is unbearably boring
we were just sieging enemy throne for 30 minutes and nobody ever died
everyone just has gazillion healthbars and you have to shoot them for a minute to do something, and they just go to fountain and heal instantly
there's zero fun in this
then we died once and enemies just pushed and killed our throne
haha this game if fucking garbage
player hitboxes are fine
they're nerfing talon's arrow by 10% every patch until he's balanced
now imagine if you were on enemy team you'd be all yoooo that was hype we came back from our base lets go time to queue another one
literally more damage to enemy heroes than basic magazine in the lane
>finally get seven
>teammate DCs
>lobby bug
>finally get seven
>play poorly with no team synergy, letting enemy run to fountain and heal
>surprised when you lose
typical shitter
Video games deactivate your amygdala, basically your brain's ability to feel bad about things or afraid. You're never truly "relaxing" when you're playing any video game, you're just doing something that draws a curtain on all your negative emotions and hides them out of sight. They'll still be there waiting for you when you're done playing, and there will be more of them since all you've done about them is avoid them.

It's counter-intuitive, but you deal with feeling bad by sitting with your awful emotions and actively trying to solve whatever's generating them after you pinpoint what's causing their manifestation. Video games won't save you from suffering.
that's not what relaxing means
What absolutely nonsense.
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what is this faggot @492914803 even doing here lmao gtfo you stupid cunt
post match history
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thanks for the help buddy
he's the hero we need
>everyone has a billion hp but we all died
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shadowpool is real
look at this
5min in the game
my entire team is purple lane
don't bitch reply please this isn't /v/ simply don't reply to bad posts
that's not shadow pool that's just what retards do in assfaggots games
alright ill say it
suppressor is a bad item and everyone who puts it in their builds have no idea what theyre talking about
What's the plan?
I watch streamers and my friends play and they have normal games

shadowpool is already implemented
infernigga is a cuck buck who watches as deadlock negresses have seggs
streamers and your friends have higher MMR than you do. sorry lmao
it would be fine in first person, but 3rd person fucks with aim.
objects also fucking suck
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nope it's likely my steam account is just flagged for shadowpool from dota
>team synergy
>picks are completely random
just dodge bro lmao
are you stupid
Abrams has to be the most reddit character. No surprise all the youtube twitch dickheads instantly gravitate towards him
>press f
>he folds
>fuck his wife later
I didn't say he was good
>stand behind cover
>talon shoots over cover
>I die
that's not cover then lol
my behavior score was 7k in dota 2 and I'm not flagged. youre just bad
yeah, that's my point
nah i was playing talon and I could hit people with the arrow without seeing them by abusing the wider than projectile hit registering
I could consistently hit people not visible by aiming close to walls and shit

i dont play him any more cause he's boring and was nerfed so not incredibly OP any more
>behaviour score
The fuck is this
his big fuckoff arrow definitely clips through cover
New Lock
you realize shadowpool literally exist in every valve game right
yes for the bots
I agree unless youre playing against an already slow fire rate champ like warden, then it can be good stacked with other fire rate debuffs

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