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>Giten Megami Tensei's partial translation patch for PC-98

>Vengeance OST scans

>Atlus Game Music, a portal website dedicated to Atlus music related products, has officially launched

>Shin Megami Tensei The Board Game Kickstarter

>Patch 1.0.2 for SMT Vengeance in the works according to SteamDB, still no details about its content

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Archive of 3DS Texture Packs

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks is now available on digital streaming services

>Old neocities site containing info and useful links (no longer updated)

>Information about the schizo so people are aware to not interact with them in any shape or form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19l6oTnl9qU9mMLXh_Fuo60MUjzUVf1ln/view

>How to filter namefags with 4chanX: /^(?!Anonymous$)/

Previous thread:>>492285773
I want Raidou 3
Made me sad Kaya moved away and wasn't in 2 at all :(
Sex with demon sluts
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What do you think demons and angels taste like after being cooked?
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Same but only if it has more Nagi
What do you think Magatsuhi tastes like anon? Like a metal because magnetite is a metal?
Metaphor won
Nagi was very fun
It looks like it's probably a bit sour and probably bad for your stomach if you eat too much. Probably has a fleshy texture but not difficult to digest, maybe like smoked tofu with a stronger taste. Probably best used as a side dish than as a main.
she has girl autism
Hmmm, yes, yes.
we need more megaten females with girl autism
Yuko also has girl autism, but Nagi's is more endearing
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Ouurrgh alice angel
cropped porn
You should post the full porn
What is her hyperfixation?
Not in the mood for posting porn. Maybe later.
I remember this video sometimes and get sad thinking how atlus caters to these spergs with highschool waifu simulators instead of making worthwhile games. I do like Persona Q1 and Q2 though.
>Part 2 still only has 10k views
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Theres something to this day that still intensely captures my interest about SMT1's dual heroine/reincarnation even if the game itself doesn't do all that much with it outside of like a single GBA visionary scene where the two girls souls merge
I feel that way about the National Defense Divinities in SMT4, it's such a fascinating concept but I don't remember them actually mattering besides a few bossfights and one interesting quest in Apocalypse.
she's a horse girl
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just stroked my cock to yoko
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artemis squatting on my face
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>get sad thinking how atlus caters to these spergs with highschool waifu simulators instead of making worthwhile games.
That's because they actually bought the games and supported Atlus, where nobody did for Nocturne, DDS, Raidou 1, etc.
You have no one to blame but yourself for allowing this to happen.
shitty 2009 tier post ahhhhh
isnt this just kogetsu?
Jaki Nephillim when?


i think you meant to do this, are you okay, anon?

and yes anon that sounds alot like that irredeemable mess made by a pedo called Kogetsu
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Alice the exhibitionist
>VV was so shit that it made /smtg/ more dead than /feg/
Maybe it's finally time for /smtg/ to die until the next SMT title comes out
Maybe it's time for you to die Avery.
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are you the nigga that was obsessed with cumming on her in the Messian HQ?
>everyone simps for vesk
>nobody simps for kamopasta
Telling someone to die won't make /smtg/ less dead.
>and yes anon that sounds alot like that irredeemable mess made by a pedo called Kogetsu
Who? Leave your discord bullshit out of this thread already, you fags purposely are killing this thread
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Why don't the mods do anything about the alice posters?
They've deleted his posts before but he ban evades like a faggot
>Just cheesed the Norn fight by spamming dance of Mara to sweep the Dis and then wailing on Norn herself
>both fujos
>one is normal
>the other is Vesk
>one makes fun art
>other merely scans it
Kamopasta my new waifu
Ngl I've literally been following all of kamopastas accounts even their private for like 4 years and I did not know they were a girl I just thought they were a gay guy lmao
smtg was already dying before that retard shown up
Same lol
I’m too focused on Metaphor to post about SMT.
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The way they handled her was weird, I know Raidou has a ton of "love interests" because cool detectives getting insane amounts of pussy has always been a trope (actually, isn't he one of the most "desirable" SMT protags?) but they felt like they wanted to do something with her specifically only to revert it in the second game for no reason. They hardly even talked when she was still around, she was just some girl with a death wish that was around his age.
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And no glasses for the weirdos
who asked?
If im forced to see alice I will post reiko
I respect that, carry on
I'm not sure if I'm the only noticing this, but it seems like the devs at Atlus really wants the SMT series to move away from the "Apocalyptic wasteland" setting, since you barely ever see the conquences of people living in such a environments and wasteland in V is treated more like a alternative world, similar to the OG Digimon anime.
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Adramelech's concept redesign was way better
I like the idea of moving away from it because the series running for over 30 years with the same basic premise of it's setting for most of the mainline games is getting kinda stale, but at the same time if they move to a new one I don't want it to be full-on "modern day Japan but with (x)" shit because I feel like that's becoming increasingly common nowadays.
More alice always good to see
remember she will be forgotten again after few years
did kamopasta post pussy pics like vesk?
>Doi concept is way better than the final product
not surprising, I'm still ass blasted about his concept Satan designs
not really the drag queen one is better
it stands out better and is also more appropriate it's one of Doi's most Kaneko-esque designs
I still hate that fucking pan
He cooks eggs with bacon
I despise Berbiguier so much
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A french schizophrenic who's where the idea of Adramelek being chancelor of
Hell and Nisroc being a chef comes from
That's a big cock.
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wtf is that? fixed
Sounds interesting. There are a lot of interpretations like that.
Is there anything that increases the chance of ailments activating in SMTVv
it's a classic Japanese ironing method
Loa has a passive ability for it, with Mad Gasser it allows you to almost always poison the enemy until you get Samael who natively with Loa will get almost 100% every time.
Bro how about you stop being a faggot and play the game for real?
So sick of you homos just wanting to spam ailments all day. Go bang your head against a brick wall if you want that kind of mindless gameplay.
I want to do another run of VV but I have so many games on my backlog that I want to play it’s insane
why would you want to play v multiple times?
Ailments scale off LCK, higher your LCK the higher the chance ailments land. Loa doubles everyone's ailment success rate. The magatsuhi skill Omagatoki HIT also guarantees a hit I believe (or it doubles the rate). Omagatoki Dekajeon incidentally resets the ailment susceptibility rate, you can use it to seal spam
It’s fun
have you not played many RPGs?
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What did scat hatch mean by her name?
I’ve played lots of RPGs, why are you being so weird?
stop enjoying things and play fun games like SH2 already
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Ailmentbros will rise again. And it won't be pretty when that happens. Vile sludge melts the skin, vile desires cloud the mind. Bound and mute you catch breath, eyelids closing nearing death.
i’m being “weird” because smt v is genuinely one of the worst RPGs i have ever played. i might even say that it shouldn’t qualify as an RPG at all since you’re walking around barren open land 90% of the time and the combat is braindead. to say nothing of the dreadful writing at that.
SMT is brat
why do you need energy drain when your skills cost next to nothing?
SMT is ludocore. The 90s stuff specifically is keyed, very kafkaesque. The newer stuff though…more locked. Not a banger.
Because this Cernunnos is made to disable an enemy forever so I can use Fundraise on it. He replenishes mana while the foes are vomiting on the floor half asleep half horny while I reach into their pockets 70 turns in a row.
Just finished soul hackers and I think I can confidently say there are no good games in the devil summoner series. Not to say they’re all bad just mediocre to okay at best.
Same but with Raidou
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Lots of new SMT fanart.
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Happily family :)
Based Gnome.
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the image of Nanashi going around ailment shitting and robbing demons suits him so well
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Foul Doll
I want something cute to go inside of me
that's gay bro
purify your soul with death
god i’m so bored i wish demons were real so one of them could rip my head off or something
What's stopping you from ripping your own head off?
nothing’s stopping you from fucking a watermelon but you still look for a woman instead, right? christ…don’t act like you don’t understand.
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>you still look for a woman instead, right?
i love doll joints
Page 10 in an hour. Gacha shit ruined /vg/.
I literally do not understand why mods don't move gachashit discussion to /vmg/, the board designed for gachashit discussion.
Because of Gacha, /vg/ is one of the most top profiting boards for 4chan.
How would moving discussion of it to another board stop them from profiting?
People pay ads for certain boards.
You can't really blame gacha threads since this board was specifically created to contain them.
/vmg/ is for more niche/less popular gachas that wouldn't last long in /vg/. Dx2 and DBL are some examples of this.
Gacha games were not popular in 2012 what are you talking about? They didn't kick off until like 2016.
>Gacha games were not popular in 2012
Bro? Your Puzzle & Dragons?
What's stopping you from summoning your own demons?
They could easily revive Devil Summoner, which was meant to be SMT but not solely focus on the apocalypse. They won't though since mainly is safer.
the devil summoner franchise is mid anyway so it's better left dead.
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>average Alice fan
>average alice hater
>average NINE fan
maybe if people actually cared to make xbox emulation good instead of endlessly making more emulators for the same 5 fucking consoles there would actually be some nine fans.
no one is going to buy an xbox just to play nine and what...halo?
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you're right, this is the true >average NINE fan
Why am I not allowed to like SMT IVA and DeSu2?
Go to church and ask why you're not allowed to fuck another man in the ass.
See how stupid that sounds?
Are you guys stuck in 2012? Xbox emulation has progressed to a certain point that low-end PCs can easily emulate stuff like Halo and JSRF.
It's not really like that.
I emulated NINE but half the time the pre-rendered backgrounds were fucked and would get stuck.
The issue with NINE isn't that it can't be emulated (perfectly), its that no one knows Japanese.
oh god the schizo's here
chat, is this real?>>492931858
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>instead of endlessly making more emulators for the same 5 fucking consoles
You know why it's always nintendo consoles. It's because of the pokemon fans who are loaded with money. You know that before Yuzu got sued by Nintendo, Yuzu made around 1.5 million USD+ from patreon subscriptions by selling early access builds to Pokemon fans and not sharing the code that was required to make those games work for months, right?

One of the devs went on holiday with the sheer amount of cash that that emulator made in patreon bucks and the joke was that another dev bought a yacht with the patreon money.
>You know why it's always nintendo consoles.
Can't blame them when Sony makes shitty movie games and Xbox releases the usual boring multiplayer shooter game
yuh but Sony and M$ didn't do that nearly as much back in the early 2000s which is why we're talking about emulation
That too. Nintendo has:
>version exclusive games locked to their console
>the fact that the consoles generally have poor hardware (making it easier to emulate) compared to something like the PS5 which would require insane specs
You now remember that PS4 emulation is only happening because of Souls fags desperately wanting to play Bloodborne on their PC
PS and Xbox emulation is a sad state of affairs
to be fair i could probably fit a list of all the good games ever exclusively released on sony or microsoft consoles on a few squares of toilet paper. nintendo would take the entire roll.
nintoddler detected
how many of those squares of shitpaper are just Bing Bing Wahoo ver 9374593?
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Why not make it unmid then? It went from a DRPG to an action RPG, it was clearly meant to be Atlus' more experimental series
Raidou sucks.
anon don't you know, internet strangers are the authority on what we can and can't enjoy
Alice sucks off Raidou
The first game definitely. I don't know how much better the second one really is and I have no interest in ever finding out because playing the first one was one of the biggest wastes of time in my entire life.
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oi wot if ASStral Chain butt with damons??
Every couple of weeks I'm thinking about biting the bullet and playing SMT II on SNES instead of waiting for the PSX translation, then I remember how different the dialogues are between the original JP and the Aeon Genesis translations, and just wait
dude stfu about stuff you know nothing about
quote me specifically what shit is different from a transliteration of the nip script to AeonGenesis's work
One's English the other's in Japanese
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>average NINE fan
come to think of it wasn't there someone here that just recently started playing nine? did he give up on the shitty game already lol
I'm contemplating on the play that fantranslated SMT I remake
schizo bullied him and accused him of being another schizo
NTA but probably several. But it doesn't really matter when they're more competently made than something like TLOU or whatever Microsoft shits out.
There's literally nothing inaccurate about aeon genesis' script except a few lines said by lucifer at the very end of the game.
>Shitty game
I assumed we moved past the "If the game isn't available in english, then it's shit" phase
I assumed we moved past the "If no one talks about the game, then it's actually a secret masterpiece" phase
>There's literally nothing inaccurate about aeon genesis' script except a few lines said by lucifer at the very end of the game.
Aeon Genesis added tons of shit that wasn't in the original script and downplayed the cruelty of chaos because he was a chaos fag.
No one said that thoughever you just immediate assumed it even when the anon was making fun of aspects of the game
kys zoomshit
I assumed we moved past the "If no one talks about the game, then it's actually a secret masterpiece" phase
There's no reason to move past that phase when it's essentially true.
theres thousands of great games that arent available in english and arent talked much like the tokimeki memorial series
maybe you should stop consuming popular stuff for once instead of fomo
meant to reply to >>492942312
rude thoughbeit
what should I be doing after minotaur
this snake hoe fucking me up!
Skill issue
my bad ill be quicker in the menus next time
Hop to it son
Unironically I don't actually remember how I did it, but if i can so can you, the game barely even started yet
how does being quicker in the menus help in a turnbased game
I activate my <save state abuse> card
you didn't beat the game
I did all of the IV side quests and I enjoyed them
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>I did all of the IV side quests
someone needs to make an IV side quest version of this pasta
A lot of people here bitched about the sidequestd and almost all of them only did the early "Bring me 4 gryphon feathers" shit and immediately ignored every other one in the game
That is my unfair haughty assumption though of course
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Wait there's a theme here...
yes lol
alternatively, there could be an SMT version of it with all the little girl demons like
>I fused Alice, Moh Shuvuu, etc.
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>average Alice fan's recommended list of kino
It's funny and sorta that 2000s PS2 kusoge is more fun to play than VV
>more fun to play than VV
to be fair that is an extremely low bar
I'm interested and pleased that they actually finished V to an extent with VV but I hated the core gameplay so much that it didn't matter
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I hope I could make something good enough to end up on a list like that one day
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>entered the Empyrean
>tempted to start some demon fusing autism like making an uber pyro jack and uber mermaid
>but dont want to overlevel bino from the mitama grinding

I guess I'll wait until NG+
Second game is an improvement over the first one in almost every way, you should try it.
no thanks, I am not homosexual
Neither am I. I am trans though.
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Suit yourself, totally 100% straight 4chan poster. But you'll be missing out on Nagi and Dahn, two of the best retards of the franchise.
we both love moh shuwuu tho
whys it look like that
who drew that?
She's half-Russian
>who drew that?
My dad
Kaneko erasure...
I thought your dad was good at faces though
i genuinely don't understand how no one looked at this and said "yeah maybe you should redraw that one"
I love Dahn
SMT is truly over
I love lailah. She’s spooky but also cool
She looks like she listens to Culture Club
kamo is an indonesian male, i literally heard his voice
oh my kogetsu
you need to relax, it is a fine design, you just dont like traddom, tradwives dont appeal to zoomers
shut up kogetsu
stop larping as Mizu anon :/
eherm, send this nigga to tonga and lavaboard him in the nearest active volcano immediately!
> muh tradwife

bro just because she doesnt show skin doesnt mean shes tradwife, you misunderstand shes a lesbian queen who makes out with Tae
hi, i am Avery's mother, what is a 4chan and why am i seeing naked women, how do i ban this thing and oh i finally figured out how to post the captcha,

send email To Lenon Kroger,

my husband Our little son avery is on this website known as 4chan

dearfully Klara

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While you all are kinda stupid I think you are also cool.
Why is this thread is so fucking awful, it's /pg/ tier
There is no such thing.
You made it up, its all in your head.
Oh are you triggered you aren't getting constant porn and homosexual circlejerks, fuck off smt is for conservative monarchists now!

Gorbahcv worked at atlus
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Not you though
It’s just a few people who no life here or in /pg/
anon are you retarded?
I don't know any of these fucking names, I stopped lurking for some months and it's just this shit on top of the same usually schizo shenanigans
shut up. conservatives won and this is our thread now!
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Same shit different hole
Best you can do is ignore and hide posts
zhu tun she
me too
smt iv is not real
it's so good it's unreal...
no its not real, what are you talking about.
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>People are more hyped for M&L: Brotherhood than Vengeance
All is right in this world.
Nobody said, but at least they're better than VV
>new game, mario at that
wow shocker
VV is one of Atlus biggest projects. The fact that a Mario RPG that's low budget is receiving more attention than a AAA JRPG is concerning.
>mario at that
reminder that the m&l series never sold well outside of the 3rd entry. infact before brotherhood the previous entry only sold 34,523 copies, which is 20k less than SH2 sales
so brotherhood getting noticed more than VV says something about atlus making a bad product
remake remaster whatever it's the same fucking game again
bro are you retarded? mario is 100x more popular than all of atlus' franchises combined. it doesn't matter if the game was made with a $200 budget it was always gonna get more attention.
Mario is much more recognisable than SMT. It's a kids franchise after all. Like Pokemon. Anyway, everyone already knows what to do to increase popularity
1) Ape Pokemon
2) Ape gacha games with 'master love' where every character in the game is pandering to the player. Fucking hilarious to play a gacha game and it feels as if you are going on a date with two girls and the male character then confesses to you and once you get the antagonist he starts pandering to you too.
I love that guy
publicity=/=sales. do you really think more people know about soul hackers 2 than the bowser's inside story remake? people paying attention to this new game says absolutely nothing about either the quality of vv or how well this game will actually end up selling.
You're actually retarded.
It doesn't matter if M&L never sold well, both Mario and Luigi are characters that are far more popular and famous than the most famous Atlus character by several orders of magnitude.
Even my grandparents know about fucking Mario despite having never played a single video game in their lives.
NINE has interesting negotiation dialogue, talking about types of ramen and music tastes. I think it fits the virtual setting of NINE well.
now I want to hear a 70 year old lady tell me about how V is just trying to copy nocturn instead of being its own thing
What's your opinion on the characters and real world? I really love how NINE is the only entry besides SMT 1 that really shows you the pure conquences of nuclear bombing and the effects it has on people, no different from the Hiroshima bombing. Also I like how the real world section has a constant howling wind, which is something that also happened after the Hiroshima bombing.
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She showed off V before
So far, the characters in the idea space act very normally. Talking about dating, games and such, forgetting about the physical world. The exception is Shinagawa where they talk of a Messiah.

I like the howling wind too but I didn’t know it had to do with Hiroshima.
Looks comfy. Wish I could jap so I could appreciate the game more.
do they have their own fictional pop culture?
Yes lol. An idol named "Urahima Miki" I think, characters talk about her. A Harpy in negotiation has her autograph and asks what you think of it.

I also think it is comfy. The pre-rendered backgrounds are very detailed and I like the fixed camera angles. I haven't played Raidou, but it seems a bit similar.
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Is that fucking red head girl from texhnolyze ? ?

How the f do i play nine?
I think the real world has some Texhnolyze vibes. You could emulate NINE with XEMU, I think it is a little buggy though.
Man this game and these pictures have some serious 90s 00s china/japan lain and texh vibes
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Ţ̸̹͚͛̇̀h̶̡͕̖̀̔e̵̮̋͊͝ ̷͕̈̐̈́̄̈́l̷̡͉͕͔̉̒ị̶̏͋͆͜͜ͅģ̶̢̛͔͈̑̀͝h̶̳͐́t̷̙̪́ ̸͖̯̦͗͒̆c̷̤̭̫̤̈́̍̊̚h̵̹̻̀̐̊̀a̸̢͋̊̇̔̈́n̵͕̤̪̂̏̔̎g̸̢͍̬̽̊͆̚͠ë̷͚̱̬̺̽̒̀̕ͅ ̴̨̛̖̓͐̚ḧ̴̨͇͈̪̋ȩ̶͖̝̈͑ȅ̶̢̖͒̈.̷̗͌̊ ̵̣̰̇Ḩ̷̭͗ͅe̷̜̍̑͊̚̕ĕ̸̮̩͐̄͌ ̷͕̙͊̌́͝͝ĥ̸̢͚ȯ̵̼̣̖̣̰̓ļ̸̤̩̤͉̈́͆͂̈́d̴̳̟͕̭̮͌̀̿͒ ̸̞̳͉͗h̴̛̹̝͙̘̐̄͠ĕ̷͓̘͑̋͠e̶̛̥͑̊ ̸̻̽͊l̶͖̟̰̓͜i̵̡̬͎̍̉̾g̷͓͈͆̌̓͝͝h̵͓̰͌̌̏ͅt̸̡̻͍̬͇̄͗̾ ̶̧̻͙̗͓̽t̷̗͖̖̾͝o̵͚̱̩͉̎ ̵̪͈̪̈́́͂̈́͆ḅ̸̇̀̋̕͝ȩ̶̳̊ċ̶̘͙̥̓͜ȯ̷͙͙̖̟̚m̴͓͎͈̪̆̓ͅḙ̸̢͉̈́ ̶̰̟̭͙͔͂M̷̨̭̖͊â̷̦̏͂̔͆s̶̟̋t̸͙͈̽̂͠͝ȩ̶̛̫͔̐͘͜ṙ̵͖̍̂̒ ̸̛̰̖̫̞͗M̶̱̊͗̐͘à̸̖͍n̷̨̧̹̱̬̾
Yes. We look back and say "those 90/00's vibes" but to the people making the games, it was their present.

On the other hand, I do not see modern games having gen z culture in them. I think that would be interesting to see.
Hee hoo havimg seizure?
why are you constantly gaslit if you say the 90s/00s were better than today. there's constant evidence that shows we're going on a societal decline but nooooooooooOoooOoooOooo you can't say that, nostalgia BAD!
It's usually zoomers who don't know any better or far left culture warriors telling you that making everything shitty and gay is actually a heckin' good thing.
For me, it's
don't even get me started the amount of gaslighting ff7r fans do. I mean I get it's in character for that series but holy fuck, they see things that aren't there.
I lost all interest in FF and stopped playing the games after the 13 trilogy, partly because the trilogy fucking sucks and because everything made after it was either an MMO or derivative Kingdom Hearts slop. I don't know why they struggle to understand that people just want a turn based mainline FF game. They understand this with Dragon Quest where all the mainline games are turn based and spinoffs are other genres, but they can't apply the same logic to FF. Bravely Default showed them that people want this, but still they keep making action sloppa. Squenix is honestly more retarded than Atlus at this point.
>See dumb clip
>Search it up
>Get a well informed video instead
Why doesn't Megaten have this
>smt nine terrifying
More like it's only this guys 90s porn artist artstyle terrifies you
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that fits
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dx2 posting era
>/smtg/'s first SMT is IV

That explains so much
Give it a bit more time.. we're not really in a drought. Not like pre-V
There's nothing wrong with starting with IV
most people who were posting there started with SJ or nocturne actually
you could see it when old archives were up
Why doesn't Atlus hire some good writers for their games? All of their modern games have shitty writing that people complain about so it seems like a smart investment to win them over. It's especially frustrating with SMT considering the foundation of it has near infinite potential for kino.
I think this is the oldest thread we have archived, but I could be wrong
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I like the writing
I don't think it's that Atlus has bad writers. It's that they keep fucking fighting with each other or they have one guy writing "side quests" while one guy's writing "main quests 1" while another writer is writing "main quest 2" and so on. Too many fucking chefs in the kitchen and not enough direction.
They moved to Studio Zero with the old guard.
I didn't know mirai posting went that far back
His artstyle arouses me though
Nine does have some freaky moments from what I remember.
what happened to i mean would you call it horror? how do I explain it, like i don't mind nusmt either im not a hater for that but I miss the smaller stakes, the power scale of your protagonist being quite little instead of literally being god. the fear of everyone thinking they're going to die any second
How would you write a Black Souls crossover scenario?
I would make AI write it
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this dude understands
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SMTV literally has no dedicated writers credited. At this point, considering how small the teams are, the director is the only writer. He is the only one who speaks about the story.

The only other possible writers are the scenario and the event planners but we can't be sure of the extent they handled the game's writing.
This may be a shitshow like Bethesda where a quest designer is the one having to write the dialogue even though they don't have any proper writing experience.

Either way since VV got praise, don't expect any changes to their approach to writing. And also never forget they genuinely think V's base story is good. The probably jerk each other off with VV's script.
A lot has to be done to keep a strong sense of horror in a game, atmosphere, setting, over all tone, SMT especially the modern games are too inconsistent with these factors, unironically SMT is just too silly.
Alice is a slut
V's base story is good tho
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>V's base story is good tho
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hey bro she can larp. she's not like one of those valley girls, she's high class girl who will larp for our fantasies and pleasures and our fetishes will be fulfilled. she really loves her fans, very much
forgot to quote reply!>>493003674
I think that's the main problem, the writing team is stretched too fucking wide. I don't know why Atlus thinks throwing people at a game is a good idea. It's why all the enhanced ports and modern games feel so disjointed. Like damn look at the writing cast between P3/P4/P5.
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Am I kawaii? uguu~
I have never cared about a single story in this franchise other than Persona 3 tbdesu. I just like the gameplay loop of creating new demons. I half pay attention to the plot on the first playthrough then skip everything on subsequent playthroughs. I just want to press the buttons and see the numbers.
Tales of Personia
I love nutting to Alice
What do the orbs taste like?
Wasn't there a recent interview with the director of vengeance, and the guy giving out questions asked how nocturne was connected to V/VV, but the director didn't give him a straight answer but an extremely vague one?
yeah but that's the only excerpt of it online
this looks worse than a PS2 game, christ.
i ate that
so what is the consensus on V Lucy = Nocturne Lucy?
Doesn't his demon haunt dialogue confirm they're the same?
Well that was a fun 1 hour of Giten, too bad the game needs some bug fixes
The numpad controls were pretty easy to get used to once you realize you mostly only use 7 8 and 9
The story was interesting so far. Didn't encounter any sex scenes before the inevitable gamecrash
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Literally the only reason to play those """remake""" is for the coom mods.
Pic related.
I love the far left
Holy shit, VV really did kill smtg
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Doi is the nomura of smt
Nomura knows how to make good character and monster designs though
His demon haunt outright confirm it's the same Lucifer from Nocturne. Vfags can no longer say "Well it's not a Nocturne sequel, it's just taking some elements from said game" when Lucifer OUTRIGHT says that he's raised Demi-Fiend to be the lord of chaos.
I fight for my demons
Doi is the James Turner of SMT, both live rent free in schizos heads.
Why did Vengeance fail?
might as well mention how the demon stock market is going
>Jack Frost used to be 10 dollars, crashed due to acceleration with people selling it at 5 cents, leading it to go to 20 cents with some fags setting it very low when everything was pushed to the 7 dollar amount. Lost profit at buying every jack frost at an average of 31 cents each. If it gets worse, my current supply will be deleted in mass for gem banking to get back some of the investment.
>Cironnup has barely moved. Still in profit range, but nobody buys Cironnup.
>Mothman has barely moved outside doing downwards slightly to what it was beforehand. Still in profit range as of now.
>Pyro Jack has collapsed. All supply has been liquidated to be profitable with gem banking, priced lower than before the short.
>Decarabia has crashed to 20 cents. Still in profit range as each one was bought at an average of 12 cents. If it gets too much lower, then all current Decarabias will be liquidated for Gem Banking. Decarabia's current and upcoming crashing rate will impact profitability for it overall.
>Cost for the short was 10 dollars in total, with most of that being on Jack Frost. So no matter what at this point, pure profit isn't a possibility. Only with Gem banking in mass and getting lucky to offset some of the cost for the meme, which at this point is only stuff used for sales tax.
>vv was so shit that the demon stock market is a mess
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I want to fuck Mirai
nah you want to fuck a hag
smt 1 on snes or psx?
IOS version, unironically
>Highly accurate translation
>Fastest version in terms of gameplay
>Looks the best in terms of visuals and has QoLs from SMT 2
>Those demon names
Those are the actual names for the demons in the japanese script. You can proceed to seethe now.
But not in the guide book that was only in Japan?
Guidebook /=/ In-game text
Has anyone seen long legs? It made me angry that devil summoner is dead because it would've made a cool debisama game.
Nigger, shut the fuck up.
i don’t watch western television/film
Source? Do you any have source to this claim?
Go for PSX
It's the same game except:
Has a demon compendium. Not the type of later games, it's more like a pokedex that lists moves and weaknesses of past demons you've faced
Has optional fiend battles
Slightly better or worse ost depending on your taste. I think it's worse but it works well
Much better graphics while keeping the atmosphere of the SNES version
Better translation, minus the choice of going for the accurately translated JP names and races instead of the localized Atlus version, which fucks you up if you're trying to use a fusion chart
And most importantly, you require only 1 button to check the map instead of multiple button presses
it's sad to see smtg afraid to move on from the tranny localizations
I don't see a particularly big difference between any of the three Nusonas in writing. In fact I would describe them as aggressively consistent to both their credit and detriment.
>tranny localizations
Do you even understand the words you type?
VV is easily one of the worst jrpgs to ever exist
VV is easily one of the best jrpgs to ever exist
VV is easily one of the jrpgs to ever exist
Demons should have their proper names and not their japanese transliterations, eg wukong not goku etc
I don’t watch western television/film
But if it's like smt I'll give it a try
VV is a JRPG
The only one that I need. It's the JRPG for me
>I don’t watch western television/film
Atlus are made up of westaboos. You should atleast watch/read the media that inspired megaten
why? the entire time i’m just gonna think “i’d rather be playing the games”.
besides there’s so many animes that take inspiration from western shit and do it better so if i ever wanted to see what the plot of some western movie was for example i could just watch whatever anime ripped it off and get a better experience.
Foul Weeb
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ya callin' my gf a tranny?
I was just riffing off the other anon, I'm not THAT much of a weeb. I still haven't touched most of the Japanese media that inspired megaten like taito, so that takes priority
Tales of Persona
you said that joke already
I came in at the end of the Hoyposting era, just before Apocalypse got its western release.
Good times. Better times.
that wasn't me but we two are of soul
For nocturne, does focus boost every hit of a multi hit move like deathbound?
>Is that fucking red head girl from texhnolyze ? ?
I wish.
NINE Sumire is hot as fuck.
>tfw no metal cards
It's been seven years and I'm still infatuated with the jouin uniform. Shame they never shilled something like a sweater with the pattern.
Still waiting for a source, by the way. I'm starting to believe it's some SNES fag or Aeon Genesis himself that dislikes Tom's work.
still mad about the absense of flower motif in the final product
also Tao not getting shredded by Daemons along with V-kun
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>Shame they never shilled something like a sweater with the pattern
bro your bomber jacket?
nta but I don't like Tom's race names, they are transliteration retardation
I guess I'm an SNESfag idk
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Ah fuck.
>New messiah
I'm surprised nobody noticed the huge red flags with them mentioning the whole messiah bullshit from IVA
>IVA invented Messiahs
Messiahs have been around much longer then IVA anon, besides it's a post maniax's mainline game of course we're gonna be a malnourished twink with the power to either recreate or obliterate the world.
i'm always shocked when i check out a group of people discussing a game on the internet and find it's a bunch of manga/animefags who talk about nothing but the story like a bunch of old women watching soap operas. it's pathetic guys, come on. i love the demon lore and characterization (and the slutty whores) but i mostly just love the rpg system of SMT. a bit overwhelming at first, but once you understand what all the numbers mean, it is closer to having perfect information than anything except something like fire emblem
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>200MB update for Vengeance on Steam
>literally just bug fixes and new navigators
Arahabaki's passive in SMTVV is fucking broken, just Inflaming Divinity+Tetra/Makarakarn on the guy turn one, swap in the other two demons you actually wanna use, then Omagotoki Critical turn 2. This makes a joke of most boss encounters because you put on a fuckton of damage immediately and can just keep Nahobino and Arahabaki topped up with any decent lategame healer (I was lucky enough to fuse into Kinmamon)+MP restoratives to do it again in a few turns, especially with Evergreen Dance and the Magatsuhi boosting restoring Miracles active.
Balancing was never a priority for this game, the insane amount of advantages the MC has over bosses is testament to that.
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Patch notes here.
Also can confirm that they fixed Arahabaki's passive skill description
Nope, only the first hit, with Attack All only the enemy farthest to the right receives more damage.
>Fixed other functional issues.
I hate how vague these faggots are.
I hope this fixes whatever shader cache-like issue the game had.
Sometimes when I boot it up it has troubles loading all the different aspects for the first time; getting into the overworld, into a menu, into a battle, into the World of Shadow, etc, etc. As if the game was building a shader cache like emulators these days do.
>future updates
Whoa. So it's not just getting abandoned after the standard 2 bugfix patches?
anyone else feel like VV didn't fix the core gameplay of V so it wasn't worth getting?
get a better pc bro
>Several new navigator demons will be added in new updates
So I guess that means more demon voting in the future too.
They made a poll recently to pick what the first new demon navi is going to be, so the game will at least get 1 more update to add whatever demon ends up winning.
Were you not there when they had that shitty demon navi poll?
Literally not my fault.
As I said, it only happens sometimes.
Most of the times shit works normally.
rather it means you're vote doesn't matter and they already have a selection of navigators they plan to add.
The sad truth of video game related polls.
>Voting meaning anything at all
You're getting your Jack Frost/Mothman/Cerberus navigator and you're going to like them
Just got home from the wagie cagie, what's the update for?
>umm magic is bad in nocturne because like, focus only works for physical hits, it's 2.5 the damage dude
>never-mind that (element) boost is 1.5 so you can just attack twice and get a 3x multiplier to your damage, and that hitting with a boosted magic spell twice with 10 mp will outdamage phys moves with literally double the str for like 70 levels, the number that pops out of the enemy is lower and I cant count
they added a hardcore sex scene between v-kun and aogami
Yeah let's ignore the magic damage cap.
I didn't buy V because it was only on switch. Gameplay isn't the best but its still fun, maybe not worth 60$ for.
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>Installed the update on my Switch and PS4
>Boot up the game
>The game's framerate has gotten worse somehow, shit feel like 20-25 FPS now
>Experienced at least four crashes on PS4 if I head into the menu immediately after a battle
What the fuck
>playing on ps4
anon at least play current gen holy shit
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Can you ride the cerberus at least?
>There's no tweet from Atlus about the updates
lmao they even know VV isn't worth their time since it's trash
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>the magic damage cap.
it's true that your level starts to subtract magic damage instead of add to it for 90% of the spells in the game, but it's also true that their base damage is so much higher then physical damage that you can end up with shit like this where instead of focus -> divine shot you can just cast force boost tornado twice and if all 4 hits land then you output more total damage with half the fucking magic stat - once you start getting your magic closer to the required 24 str to get all the magatama you only need to land 3 hits over 2 turns, compared to spending 2 turns on one hit and hoping it doesn't miss
magic is also way more accurate then phys moves btw both inherantly in the stats of the moves themselves + magic accuracy being based almost entirely on your magic stat with a bit of boost from luck while phys needs agility which is a stat nobody maxes out

i'm not trying to say phys is bad (hp based moves get crazy and even just the regular attack has a weirdly huge modifier and you need at least 24 str to get maskados so you're gonna use some of this) but more that magic being bad is massively overstated because people take the autistic forumlas this game uses out of context and tunnel vision on end game bosses like lucifer and noah telling mag builds to go fuck themselves - but its a lot easier for dedicated mag builds to get pierce/focus at the end of the game and slap those guys around then it is for dedicated phys builds to deal with shit like the several bosses that phys phys in the mid game

TLDR: make a mag/vit build with 24 str and some agi bitch
Not surprising. Especially when P3R DLC and Metaphor will easily outsell VV.
>Worse FPS
Singlehandedly one of the worst updates of all time for a game that's not even remotely good.
Vengeance is for trannies that thinks they're a woman so it's good that atlus is trying to mostly move on from that trash fire
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Kek, this shitty game continues to get worse
>>Installed the update on my Switch and PS4
Did you seriously buy the same game twice?
This is why Atlus gets away with bullshit because of shills like you.
V is overhated
So was IV
Both games are unfinished trash that made the series worse in terms of quality. They deserve all the hate they get.
i wanna talk about metaphor why does the persona thread get rights to metaphor
Because of autists here that are still stuck in the 2012 mindset that "If its not edgy hardcore SMT then it's immediately bad".
Cuase /SMTG/ got mad when it was revealed to be nothing like the concept art when it was first announced, so they gave it to /PG/, in all honesty we should be able to talk about metaphor because it also has mainline elements in the game.
Anons here will have no choice but to discuss Metaphor anyway, since we're not going to see a new SMT title until maybe 2027 at best.
It looks like it has more Persona DNA than SMT but people still talk about it, and honestly you should, just do it
>and tunnel vision on end game bosses like lucifer and noah telling mag builds to go fuck themselves
That's perfectly reasonable. Why you want the MC to be useless for the final boss
I have loads of SMT topics to talk about with me myself and I daily for the past ten years, this place is just too shitposty
>Law characters I'm particular are never allowed to be right
yeah, because law = foreigners and chaos = japan, just look at smt1 there pre apocolypse the law rep is an american and the chaos rep is yukio mishima wearing full on traditional samurai fundoshi, why conveniently all of the extremely focused on order shinto deities are actually chaos demons because only foreign gods and specifically christianity can be law
I just think about how the alignmenent system feels somehow both overused and underused.

Mainly because most of the plots end up being so predictable. Law characters in particular always end up playing up the loser role to Chad Neutral or Chaos characters.
I legit don't get why they keep doing this.
SMT V had potential to be a interesting game where Law has the chance of give its argument about why they should have power by showing a world where Chaos won.
But somehow everyone starts ranting about supernatural mumbo-jumbo about how actually everything bad is God's fault and no character has a chance to make a argument against that.
I still laugh sometimes about how in devil survivor atlus realized they actually made a law route that's got literally none of the usual law ending downsides due to the lower scale of the events in that game and how obviously objectionable the chaos ending is by comparison (go terrorize japan on the request of a guy who killed you in a past life lmao) that when they remade that game they had to make sure the law endings 8th day is literally back to back questionable actions on your part
>I legit don't get why they keep doing this.
because the devs of this game are japanese so they support the alignment that was portrayed as "the japanese one" in games released in the early 90s and because they're japanese they have a hardon for tradition so they keep making chaos the japanese and thus correct option in every game.

the only reason they even brought back alignments is because jp fans were unironically a little lukewarm on nocturne at first (tbf pre maniax version of the game is pretty wack) because it wasn't another game about messians and gaians fighting eachother like SMT 1 and 2 were
The hell are you talking about Law both goes to the most extremes and are always the ones running a tyrannical regime, chaos almost always bitchs About Law, and neutral is just there eating glue for most of the game, until the end were they go muh humanity n' shit.
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why do you think the MC is going to be useless for the final boss when you can just splash deathbound/focus/life surge/pierce onto your previously magic build and immediately be a competitive phys build with 40 vitality that literally everyone wants in order to not get 1 rounded by an unlucky combo of lucifer moves
It's insulting how secondaries act like Overclocked is the perfect remaster when it adds dumb shit like that.
>are always the ones running a tyrannical regime
because under chaos you don't have enough people alive in order to even call it a regime lmao
I don't blame them
Law vs Chaos is usually Asshole vs Cooler Assholer, but at least resembles something people can feel identifies.
The Reasons are just completely stupid, with unlikable reps and nothing interesting about them
Changing builds for the Final Boss is something so annoying that even if viable, there is no way anyone is going to do that naturally
I forgot but what did the law route add that made law questionable? All I remember is that some jap demon comes to destroy japan but naoya decides to help the mc and gain a very slight redemption arc. I like how even then law is still good when compared to being naoya's bitch or the government's especially when in this route you know who naoya really is.
low level law = high trust safe community
low level chaos = anarchy and tribalism
high level law = christian god is evil and wants to make everyone mindless slaves lmao
high level chaos = actually lucifer is the good guy fighting against this yeah we read this book called paradise lost maybe you've heard of it
normal = with guns and computers we can wipe all these fictional characters out because they aren't real

same shit every game, alignments are fucking stupid outside of when they directly effect your gameplay by locking out demons/specific stores and there's always some way to game the system to get back on track to get the alignment you want
>Next game has no alignments
>SMT fags complain about how SMT is always about alignments
>Next game/rerelease has alignments due to the complaints
>SMT fags complain about how they're tired of alignments
>tendie nigger shills
>yeah we read this book called paradise lost maybe you've heard of it
Atlus definitely doesn't. There is nothing of Paradise Lost in SMT Lucifer, not even the famous defeat at Michael hands.
Fuck alignments when will we have SMT isekai
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A naked alice patched in
Man poor Michael, endless Lucifer wanking has reduced him to a sidequest demon.
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In the game about dragon slayers. To make it even weirder and dumber.
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Where are these creatures located irl
The pits of hell.
>Dragon Slayers
Oh god, that dragon slayer shit at the end of the Tiamat fight made me cringe to the core of my soul, I fucking hate susano-o thanks to V/VV.
i don't know why they get the "rights" but more importantly i don't know why you'd talk a non-megaten game in the shin megami tensei general
>i don't know why you'd talk a non-megaten game in the shin megami tensei general
true. let's never mention the majin tensei or devil summoner games again.
For being YHVH's right hand I can't think of many games where he's important of even that good except for 1. Too bad metatron literally does everything he should do.
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am i retarded but do i need trisagion if i got heliopolis? i dont know if the difference between affinity and pierces are the same
Did patch 1.0.2 save VV?
NINE quests are really short. Here we just fought some thugs and then we’re done. I guess this is the leftover main quests from when NINE was supposed to be a RPG.
Are the SMT Imagine private servers still working or did they got sued by Atlus and closed?
I remember playing it for a bit back in the good old days, but my machine was pretty bad running it.
I dunno if I should play it again just for the story or go back to Dx2. Dx2 got repetitive after finishing the first story mode, but had a nice gameplay for gacha.
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Indeed. Not to mention turning Naoya into a dindu instead of portraying him as vengeful.
The part where Naoya was revealed to be manipulated instead of killing Abel out of his own jealousy and free will. Terrible writing all around, especially since the whole point of DeSu is that you could decide for yourself the protagonist's standing with the other characters.
They worked last year when I played.
It's the same. Heliopolis is very slightly weaker than Trisagion, but I would say it's not worth keeping Trisagion over it.
The final allignment war quest is Michael vs Belial so I'd say it actually is very much in themee
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New patch is out
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Hidden spoiler patch notr! A nakey alice!
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What the fuck? What's the lock condition they're talking about, that sounds fascinating?
Itsuno will direct Raidou 3
Oh you want microtransactions into your gayme?
What Raidou 3 needs is someone with decent knowledge of combat mechanics but that works on budget titles. Itsuno's Raidou 3 would probably have great controls for Raidou and like 10 demons to fill out the entire roster.
Apparently a lot of people are saying it runs worse now.
Ouka studios's work on Vision has been alright (and the Monster core system van been reworked with a demon catching one).
Shame Netease want to close the studio.
Ctr fucker! You fucking fembitch im so jealous
>good writers
from where?
I want you to take a moment and go through all of the games with good stories you remember from your childhood.
Now look at the writers and look to where they went. The majority of those "I can still remember our depression" era 'writing from soul' boomers are fucking retired.

It ain't getting better than this.
I don't know if the absolute worse is inoffensive shit that doesn't touch the game it'd be an improvement over demon and grinding DLC being sold.
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Holy shit this demon mod guy is on some fucking insane drugs, he added a group magatsuhi skill that applies omnipotent succession to the whole fucking party lmaodyne
this sadly won't do a dent to VV's problems so it's kind of a waste
>Take an already busted magatsuhi skill, and give it to the whole party
This is some straight up unga bunga monkey brain thinking.
I could see this being fun to use if he makes a higher difficulty mod with extra fights that starts making all these busted demons and magatsuhi hes adding actually necessary
Otherwise its kind of a ridiculous level of overkill when you can already cheese the superboss with charge and omnipotent succession
The two things that always baffled me about magatsuhi is why do the bosses lose a whole turn but the the MC doesn't, and bosses can't use thier races exclusive magatsuhi skills in battle but are forced to use only critical.
I hope they release a DLC where they add and experiment with new dungeons for VV.
I'd rather they get experience with the dungeons now and not experiment with VI.
I hope VV is forgotten.
Maken is such a good game.
>Gameplay depth
>Multiple endings and short play time
>In depth story and cast, always keeping you on your toes with each route with the info revealed in it
>Great graphics and music
I wish Atlus made more smaller games. But knowing what they did with Tactica, they would overcharge for it and bundle it with overpriced DLC that adds little to the game.
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you cant forget the best alice design, she made me cum buckets
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The effort put into this mod is really cool, I did download it with the intent of doing a playthrough when he'd filled out the game with a decent amount of addititons.. but knowing the added demons can't be used for further fusion completely kills it for me.
I wonder if hes even realised they can't be used in fusion, because hes said multiple times in his patch notes that hes "added new inheritable skills" (when he added the "_ survivor" skills and vorpal blade) but since they're only on said new demons who don't have essences and can't be used in fusion.... I don't think they can actually be inherited by anything...?
Does he know???
I won't forget
your desperation for creating a narrative around it certainly will be
Akihabara. It seems the towns are set in mid day, evening/morning, or night time. Maybe it’s to represent Light, Neutral, and Dark.

Reminds me of Jet Set Radio’s Shibuya-chou, Kogane-chou, and Benten-chou.

Yes I was lucky to get this crt for free. The owner didn’t want it anymore, so one man’s trash became another man’s treasure.
I will never forget Ichiro Dazai!
The appropriate Nocturne build is Mag/Vit early to mid game then start maxing strength so for late game. You take advantage of the insane oversight of giving you Tornado early then by late game you use ol faithful of focus and Divine Shot/Spiral Viper/Freikugal. Or if you are giga based you go all in on Magma Axis since it doesn't fall off until lvl 100.
>Talks about SNES SMT 1 but shows the PS1 version
>Dicksucks the PS2 era and doesn't even mention about how Atlus was suffering financially during said era
>Acts like IV is some masterpiece
>Fire Emblem 4 fag
>itsuno games only start having microtransactions after literally every capcom game has microtransactions, the company who invented re-releasing the same game with minor tweaks over and over and making you buy it again
>surely its itsuno that's the problem, not capcom
hopefully you're playing the superior DC version instead of the wack ps2 remake
divine shot is pretty bad compared to just using tornado/glacial blast/bolt storm with a boost twice until you reach a level where deathbound exists and is way better for that mag/vit build
Consistency>Yo but what if I hit all 4 times
>not having a gambling addiction
>Dicksucks the PS2 era and doesn't even mention about how Atlus was suffering financially during said era
an atlus that was 'suffering finically' was able to make like 13 games for the ps2 alone, publish a bunch of other great games like odin sphere and the OG disgaea for other devs, put out a bunch of handheld/mobile games while getting a 26 episode persona anime with mostly original characters mad
>publish a bunch of other great games like odin sphere
to devils advocate they almost killed vanillware by sitting on that. I don't begrudge old atlus for that as a hungry Vanillaware made Muramasa.
VV failed because... BECAUSE IT WASN'T PERSONA 6, OKAY???
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>mfw I live in the timeline where Atlus wasted all their money making shitty Ps2 games instead of going all in on handheld games
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magic IS the more consistent option though, at the level you can first get divine shot (well after level 30 where magic "gets worse") boosted tornado does more damage with a single hit then a single divine shot, and you only need to land 2 out of 4 hits over 2 turns to beat a focused divine shot. focus 2 turns and hope your one thing (with a worse inherent hit rate and agi being lower then your str) lands while with the magic build you have 4 chances to do anything and only need to land 2 hits to do better then then the phys build with the potential to do even better.

and this is the most str favoring comparison I can be making, with 20 in your attack stack and the other 20 stat points spread among your other stats (probably all into vit lol) at level 41, except actually the phys boosting magatama tend to kinda suck compared to the magic ones in this part of the game, either giving you noticably less str then the mag ones or just having extremely harsh weakness spreads (you can get +8 str with kamurogi if you buy it from the same shop that gives you divine shot on another magatama, but then you have to cope with being weak to four elements - meanwhile magic builds get +8 mag on a bunch of shit you can get around that time from bosses with one or no weaknesses)
oh yeah, and the 20/20 mag/vit build also gets chaos blade at lvl 40 which is worse then divine shot but "lol what if I hit 4 times" makes its damage equal and it has an aliment rider + aoe potential so it makes a great backup for when you cant just chuck a tornado at a problem till it goes away

vit builds need at least 24 str to get gaea and thus deathbound/masakados and because luck and agility are total memes you can kind of just go 30/30/30 or very close depending on how lucky you get with incense drops and still have fun blowing shit up with end game deadly fury and freikugel, but divine shot is fuckin wack
You can just not fight Lucifer you know
I do believe a magic strength split is optimal but I feel like you aren't considering a few variables here.
>crit chance
Even if I do 100 or so less damage if I generate a press turn that's more value.
>single target vs split
I value Divine Shot highly for the 4 riders fights where I want to focus down a single target.
Not sure why you consider phys accuracy such a downside when Sukukaja and Fog Breath are optimal for every single boss fight.
There are a few bosses that wall phys but on the other hand there is not a single boss in the game that is weak to force so I would rather have phys crits than never generating press turns at all.
being able to pick a specific target is a good point but the reason I point out accuracy isn't for bosses, its for random battles where its really nice to be able to just end it a turn sooner instead of having to fuck around with buffs. magic not critting means you aren't getting press turns as often but you also aren't throwing them away on misses as often because of magics better accuracy and mag accuracy being boosted by mag itself
I want PM Koshimizu to fill my holes
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Dogshit fanart
>Reverse image search leads to Larrue's account
Kill yourself
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God I miss him so much. I wonder if he was reborn in CoV Law ending as a human? I want to believe...
I just carried tornado on my str fiend for most of the game. Replaced it with bolt storm before mot then magma axis when available. Good stuff.
why as a human? it's not the ending that erases gods
He ended up being one of my favorite characters and easily the most reasonable chaos rep in the series.

The Blasphemous might of the PM
>easily the most reasonable chaos rep in the series.
he's larping as a chaos rep
Bringing about order with a pantheon of gods is antithetical to what Chaos has even been
Just beat DDS2. Game was a letdown overall. DDS1 had better world-building and plot. Dungeons sucked too.
Haven't played either one because you can't recruit demons but I heard the reason why the story is worse in 2 is because the main writer in the first game had health issues and couldn't continue the story.
bretty much
I was about to ask "how the fuck am I supposed to decide which demons to use" because everyone seems so useful earlygame. Preta with bufu, Pixie with the heals, the radish chicken with Agi +2, Slime carried me through Persona 5 Kamoshida boss battle, etc..
Just picking 3 is hard

AND NOW I ALSO GET HUMAN PARTNERS TAKING SLOTS? MADNESS. I guess the very first Miracles I should be getting are the storage ones, screw you Atlus. But the worst part is that I do wanna use that new girl in my party, her design just screams Shin Megami Tensei 1/2
kinda hurts how he has little agency in CoV and still is underutilized in CoC but I hope he's a blueprint for future chaos reps
>Chaos reps don't act like they're chaos aligned
Might as well just remove alignments
almost as if it's about an ideology more than an act
The human members don't take actual slots. When they leave they don't leave an empty one behind.
I've done a bunch of allignment themed runs and I can say every demon is actually viable
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Most vengeance fanart is of the little witch girl.
>I hope he's a blueprint for future chaos reps
Please no.
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Any public archives now have a warrant for things to be sued to be removed in the US now for things like art scans. Mainly since the internet archive case collapsed, which the case losing means saying "it's to archive something" has no basis, so anything that has published copyrighted stuff can be taken down without resolve. It also means they cannot lend like a library with stuff now. So expect most stuff with scans to be taken down, at least for newer stuff with bigger name game studios. Mainly since the case will be used to prove against anybody saying they are hosting stuff for archiving.
so many DMCA and copyright shit going on recently
Apparently it was very obvious it was going to fail at this stage, so they began sending copyright strikes to these public sites. Many hosters like Kimcartoon saw it and realized they had no protection anymore. Kissanime is still online at least.
they killed kissasian can't watch toku now
I googled it and it came up I guess they remove the toku only?
the one you probably found isn't the original site
Based. I hope people will learn that piracy is never good and there's some things not worth looking back on.
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You're actually retarded.
Jewish post
Jesus, it's obvious they are doing it for the money but still
the ps2 is handheld in the current year mang
Well, off to back a bunch of stuff up now
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How about you back that ass up instead?
How is this a bad thing? Books has always been edited for countless centuries. Even the Bible been edited numerous times.
There's nothing jewish about how piracy affecting people for the worst. Just think about all of those poor employees at Atlus, putting all of their effort into a great product like Vengeance. Only for you to pirate it.
Doesn't that seem rude and unfair to the employees? That's why piracy must end.
fuckable frost...
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there's no worm on this hook
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Yoko tier post
Of course Yoko would be against piracy, this bitch hates fun.
>no tail
He looks bald without it.

Welp, looks like I have the memory of a dried squid. I don't know why I thought that Tao also wanted to erase demons, must have misread something but the story itself is such a mess sometimes that I'm not surprised I got things mixed up. Still, I feel Aogami and Koshimizu probably have no reason for existing as Proto-fiends in this perfectly normal world. Then again they could just go back to being Susano-o and Tsukuyomi completely instead of existing as beings made with essences of the gods. Maybe even Amaterasu comes back.

Honestly forget he's the Chaos rep sometimes because I'm so used to Chaosfags only caring about strength and wanting to go apeshit when Koshimizu just wanted to make Japan's pantheon great again. But it's Dazai the Lawcuck this time around that's our resident violent retard, which is nice that they're mixing it up a little.
we're in theory territory so no assumption is wrong but since tao is taking a helpful role to humanity and protofiends are essentially utilized for that purpose I don't think they will be erased from Law
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So... Mass produced Aogami boyfriends for everybody?
What would an Aogami gf look like?
Not quite what I meant but good reply, technically you're correct (and autistic)
BASED (she's literally 1000 years old)
so much susanoo juice, how will they get that much?
thought the smirks were pasties
BASED(and you're murican and coping)
live wonderfully in your shithole of laws
I swear there's a fucking ant colony living inside my monitor Jesus Christ. Shin megami tensei.
You need meds bad
You should open it up once in a while to check, bad conditions can allow bugs to live
why is someone posting naked children
read the doc at op
This is a different schizo (probably)
nice try posting words retard
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Make the Aogamis small, then grow them with care like a plant
you need to stop being murican
you need to stop being murican
jewish sheep
why some is NOT posting naked children?
YHVH I love being an American.
I hate obnoxious lolicons
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why feminists posting in here?
how many of you played a significant amount of P5?
>unironic murican posters are a real thing
>unironic shitskin thirdie posters are a real thing
>Adjustments made in Demon King’s Castle
>Removed some wind traps in the 3rd Stratum of the Demon King’s Castle.
What were the adjustments?
>literally removing content
Pretty OP, very nice.
It essentially made the wind puzzles less obnoxious, although the dungeon is still in the top ten of the worst dungeons in the SMT series
beat game very good i like
Didn’t they already remove some wind traps for base vengeance? wtf is the point of continuing to do this? Just remove the entire gimmick if it’s such a fucking problem.
For the base game they removed half of the first main demon king dungeon. It's so retarded
this was 3 years ago
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this nude mod looks like shit
Is Ippon-Datara the best fight-starting navigator or is there anything better?
so its like 6 more years for smt VI?
Yeah and it's going to carry all the issues from IV, IVA, V, and VV because you can't stop consuming Fatlus slop
I didn't buy it though
Predict the day one DLC for SMT VI.
no with the level of intelligence on display it's obvious who it is
Post a good looking nude mod
Either cleopatra and mephisto for the 3rd time in a row or abdiel and nuwa
>P5 skins
>SH2 skins
>Metaphor skins
>macca/exp grinding dlc
>dlc for new doi demons
>Music dlc
>dlc for NG+ content
>Year 2 patch with fixing a game breaking bug no one but (You) found
You forgot:
>Lilith is still using her VV design, fully confirming that she's not going back to her Kaneko design
Sex with Alice
>>SH2 skins
I'm confident that they're tying to act like the game never existed. It was such an embarrassment that it hurts Atlus' brand.
Fucking based.
I never liked frost having a tail
A snowman doesn't need a tail
Dahl's books were already edited during his lifetime
>it's obvious they are doing it for the money but
There's no but, it's always about money
Cute art
I love the SMT fandom and people putting effort into things they love, thankfully as a component to being human there is no one here who would be against that
fuck your mother
you are most likely from germany so yhvh is going to partition bavaria from you
If you could actually read, you'd know that >>493189091 is a vanilla patch notes.
most people here can't even tell you what the plot of v was and you want to talk about reading patch notes
The guy I'm quoting is literally doing that.
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What would be his masterplan if it started raining?
>being aryanloligod is a shitsk*n thirdie thing
Mutts law
The first chapters of NINE is kind of like the beginning of SMT I and II simultaneously. You go do missions for the law organization, but you also come home to your family and go to sleep.
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Theyre all the same. pick alice plus nakey skin and enjoy keeping your testosterone high and maintained
Ah. Miranda has another partner now :/ We get to go with Baraki though so that’s cool.
Well then, are we good lawboys who patrol like we were told or do we go straight to the thugs’ place? Maybe it’s a light-dark choice actually cause both are law. I think we should go.
I love the area themes in NINE. I think Roppongi sounds like an evolution of SMT I.
Welp boss isn’t happy. We pretty much just beat up some punks didn’t really find out anything.. fair enough. Mission complete?
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After beating SJ i will play your game (nine)
Me on the left
gib mod links
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This is epic.
You have to be mental to think its in the top ten worst dungeons of SMT. The entirety of SMT IV, grus, sloth, YHVH universe, the entirety of DDS part 2, etc.
Most DDS 2 dungeons were bland but I thought Meat Processing Plant and EGG 2 were really good. But most were bland. Good vibes though especially The Sun.
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For me there was quite literally only a single unmemorable dungeon in 2, the karma tower (even that had the singular funny set piece of the pseudo save point)
Otherwise the aesthetics were all varied, they each had an amazing ost, past the underwater cable they each started having a pretty memorable setpiece or puzzle and exciting story event happen within, they were all pretty good? Aside from the game in general having a pretty medium to low puzzle difficulty its basically got most of what I want out of my SMT dungeons, definitely moreso than unfortunately pretty much all the games that came out post strange journey up to the present
Hearing someone say the entirety of its dungeons can be considered worst in the series completely baffles me
I just think the dungeon gameplay is bland in most of them, the other things were good.. I actually think the power plant is just boring though but yes good story moments.
>I'm confident that they're tying to act like the game never existed.
My dude, we just had some recent merchandise which featured Ringo. This isn't 2010s Atlus where they completely ignore everything that's not Nusona, they're acknowledging the whole franchise now outside of the NES DDS titles(Only because Namco owns the rights to those games, not Atlus themselves)
They were all dreary industrial hallways and all extremely simple where the rooms look jagged but in reality there is no navigation involved you're just following the hallway. The Sun is the only one that actually manages to be visually interesting and feels like a real dungeon.

But I also think DDS2 is judged extra harshly because it's coming after DDS1 which had great 3D dungeon design.
I would but only around my pc
Did DDS1 have great dungeons? I think Point 136 was fantastic weaving storytelling location and cool puzzles but the others were about the same as DDS2 imo.
>we just had some recent merchandise which featured Ringo.
Sauce? I need to see my wife once more.
The locations were all way more interesting because the setting was still a mystery. I remember the layout was more complex but it's been way longer sincd I replayed 1
Prolly fingerbangs herself in the demon haunt after all the naked navigating makes her wet. Whore
Alice has the best one yet
Alice lolicon talks like a korean
You cant arrest us for being asian ;)
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To stop us you will have to wish us cancer in our dicks.. thats the only way but even then..
Do you think dorotabi was arrested? No the idiotic feminists are dumb and only tried to cancel him but that didnt help and hes back and drawi g masterpieces again. Koreans eat dogs anyway so.
Alice pooper status?
When this post was written, I was in my bed thinking about North Korean kirin and how Dagun would work as a SMT demon
Strange synchronicity
nigger you are muslim get out of europe, fucking nigger
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Full of BWC
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Big Wakandan Cock
Me : )
Forced meme, not real, if it was it'd be in Blazing Saddles
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Forgot pic
I love this thread it really feels like I'm jerking it with friends
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It'd be nice if she had one that let her impregnate men
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Revived and fucked by a black man
V Vengeance had a whole sidequest series about how cool black people are! Really turned my behaviour around and made me stop being judgemental and racist.
Good for you, racism is bad.
Maybe you should draw that
I want to fuck alice as a child or an adult i dont care i want to FUCK but child is preferable
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Adrammelech sex!!
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I don't know about that considering that anansi can barely count to 4
African myths are so funny they all just die if they say the number 5 cause one witch just named herself that and didn't want anyone saying her name
It's safe to say that VV is no different from Xenoblade 3, Bayonetta 3, and Pokemon DP. It sold well and is generally well received with casual players, but brings little to nothing of actual worth to the table and thus cannot produce much discussion.

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Jack Bros. OST

Retarded faggot, the soundtrack is on Youtube
XB3 is the best numbered game. Bayo 3 is still worse than Bayo 1 but way better than Bayo 2 and at least has really interesting puppet mechanics (actually this shit is what you need for Raidou innit?). DP is a trashfire3 worst game in the series.

None of these games have anything in common. Also VV has the best combat and demon building mechanics and really cool 3D movement and vertical designed environments with enemies with unique field behaviors.
Kikesucker, we audiophiles need our flac downloads for our adx5000
but it's more convenient to download it this way than individually on khinsider, or with a youtube to mp3 converter.
>got a 1000$ laptop because old one is virus ridden
>been playing eramegat on it
>check specs
>can play BG3 at highest settings
All this time of me playing old ass megaten games and the porn game I could’ve been playing Baldur’s Gate 3 and larping as a devil summoner. Damn my retarded ass
get malwayrebtyes and take better care of computer, also BG3 has good sex scenes but don't romance shadowheart since she cucks you no matter what
Had my old computer since before college and had a lack of internet knowledge, so needed an upgrade for it. Much more wise now than me when I was 19 downloading eroges and Roma from questionable sites.
>don’t romance shart
Sounds good. I just wanna be a devil summoner or similar, or larp as a chaos/law fag for the fun of it. Thanks though!
BG3, for the romance side, only really has the frog and the demon girl at the start really worth it outside the paid brothels. You can be a summoner which breaks the balance.
Get the fuck out, liberals
I'm starting to realize you're right
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I'm still mad that we've got that Tranformers looking motherfucker
Based, I wish they did a model for P1's Lucifer since it fits more
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SMT based on the dark forest when?
Nah, Meta Lucy is his best look, the irony of being a machine being Lucy's ultimate truth and only way out is *chef's kiss*
Also Mastema is a better sleezy devil than Lucy's ever been, he's the one who should go around in a suit and tie from now on.
Mastema and Lucifer have the same mythological roots.
Indeed, I think they should give Mastema a promotion and let Lucifer retire.
They really should use other deities they haven't used before. Trying to stick with Christianity as the base for 90% of the story removes innovation, and V was a big thing with removing innovation with the series.
It's actually Judaism.
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Is Atlus still desperate to shill VV?

And it's hilarious that the trailer is just the unique animations over and over as the game has nothing else of appeal.
The fact that if you have all the animations on auto-skip then all the bosses are basically the same shit different affinities with nothing unique to them.
It's what Reload is too, they sold it purely on the animations in the trailers alone.
I mean I rarely see game's getting new trailers after their release so that's why I find it weird.

I might be misremembering but Theurgies weren't as large a focus as this.
They were a very big deal.
Atlus sure likes to freeze Tsuchimugo
It's very satisfying. Remember everyone is rocking Mermaid, looking at her tummy as she vaporizes those Tsuchigumo at around that level. A universally satisfying crunch
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We love Alice here
Why do you even like Megaten?
satan fight in v
>unique gimmick
>tests your knowledge of gameplay mechanics
>plenty of room for different strategies
masakado fight in v
>what if we game him a really big hp bar?
Honorary mention https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sngOHeuDlC8
Satan is a cool autist judgeman lawfag
Masakados is nippon banzai oh say can you see neutralfag
I love the demons. And I like the concepts in many of the games.
Also the turnbased combat is probably the best. not a high bar considering other JRPGs

I just think VV is shit and boring most the time. The only good bosses in the entire game are the superbosses and Tehom/Mother. Everything else is a normal enemy with a big health bar and predicable magatsuhi skill.
Maybe when they were showing gameplay they were present but most of the trailers were cutscenes and social link scenes.
I'm looking at playing older games in SMT after having fun with SMTVV.
What are the standout titles?
Are the spinoffs like Soul Hackers good?
>Doesn't have a big health bar
>Summons more of the 4 beasts as his HP bar goes down
>Magatsuhi is skill fucking Megidoloan, predict that

>Body protected by a bunch of weak tentacles
>regenerates every few turns and forces all weaknesses on a target

>Agrat will continue to resurrect and chase you endlessly on the field until you find and destroy her main body

>Ishtar gives herself more press turns for every field device you don't destroy in the map prior to fighting her and at full power she gains a big power up if she has all her turns on her last hit.

How are any of these bosses similar? If you ignore all the secondary mechanics I'm sure every boss from every Megaten game will look identical.
Strange Journey and Nocturne probably the closest to V. I think they're all worth playing, the spin offs like Soul Hackers are too.
Is there a way to summon demons in Soul Hackers 2 or am I stuck with the same 4 dudes in a row?
Dudes in a row. They don't even show up for attack animations like in Persona
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>he boughted Soulless Hacks 2
They are all better outside of Ronde. Not even joking, VV sucks.
why does it suck? it's not as great as the hype, but it's a solid comfy jrpg imo
For fuck sake.
I've got it for free, the store gave me some games. It was that or Madden 25.
doesn't expand on anything the series does beforehand
>>>Archive of 3DS Texture Packs
do these texture packs work on a New 3DS?
certain parts of it drag on for too long
aren't they 4K? probably not
V/VV haters are no-life losers, it's really fun. also artemis squatting on my face
Except the combat. And the demon fusion. And the 3D movement.
in shitty ways
this. except it's alice on my face and amanozako on my cock
You know something is wrong when they don't show off the dungeons or story bits, something that can actually pull new potential players in. Barely anyone really cares for battle animations, since you can always get that shit from other JRPG franchises like FF.
He wants meme fights where every boss spam Dragon Eye.
**expands YOU**
VV is boring because the game gives you many tools and possible builds but not the enemies to take full advantage of those beside superbosses.
Nocturne is unironically the opposite, your builds are actually quite restrained and everyone will pretty much run Tornado + Force Boost in the beginning and then switch to a phys build in the end if they go for the TDE.
Nocturne also has an overreliance on bosses using Dragon Eye.
My wife's butt would kill you.
This but with Mermaid.
as promised
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opinions on my wife
when it comes to blondes, Alice is right there. When it comes to huge asses, Alice is also right there
>VV have good fanart challenge(Impossible)
That's a sidequest.
And Belial is a nobody in V. Lucifer is the only chaos demon who actually is shown to have value
>Bringing about order with a pantheon of gods is antithetical to what Chaos has even been
It really isn't tho.
I actually think his plans are worse than usually believed, but yeah, as far as Chaos reps go, he is one of the more rational.
Does player level effect random demon skill learning in VV? I went on a small grinding spree after getting the 5 prayer miracles in a bid to create an Arahabaki with full elemental nulls, and the shit my guys learned in the hub after I stopped is way better than pre-spree.
Lachesis got Luster Candy.
Queen Medb got Zanbarion and Mahamabarion
Loki got Null Phys
Kudlak got Almighty Pleroma (dunno what this is ranked)
Tao got Impaler Animus (Same)
Ganesha got Hihg Light Pleroma

I had demons of similar power before and they would get like, Agidyne, the onyl thing that really increased was my own level, but still low level demons won't get Barion skills so I know demon level is a factor, I just assumed it was the only factor. Or is there a threshold at 60 or something and once you hit it the top tier shit starts popping?

Failure as a human, Failure as a human...
I wish SMT4 did more with the time dilation there is with Tokyo. A SMT having themes like the forever war would be pretty cool, but it's something mostly only for NPCs with the other Samurai who had families in Tokyo and fully ignored in 4A.
> make a game
> some years later, make a new game that says everything in that game was pointless.
Danganronpa 3
What's wrong with VV
They didn't include a mode where you can have sex in-game with cunny demons
It didn't fix fundamental issues with the original like the boring story and it wasn't worth the 3 year wait for how little was added.
Too new. Too popular. Contrarian lizard brain hate
You may be right, I know demon level definitely drives it but player level affects a lot of background stuff.
Whatever happens after this, you'd better not forget me. Because you
and me are going to make a world where anything can be changed if you have the
>75% of the game is the same regardless of route
>Shakan is just Demon Castle but gold
>Story is still poorly written
>The alignment system still suffers the issues from IV alignment system, where you need to act like a schizo to remain neutral. Also the text for siding with Yoko is baffling("I'm glad you're okay." somehow leads into chaos? What the fuck)
>VV team didn't want to make V DLC free but were likely forced to, so they nerfed all the old DLC demons(Notably Cleopatra) but made sure the new DLC female Doimon is absolutely busted to the point she bypasses Beelzebub innate skill restrictions
>The new characters aren't interesting and some of the old characters got shafted hard(Sahori, Yuzuru) for poor reasons
>There's more options for the player to do during battle, but there's little to none for the enemy. This makes fights boring since you already know that most bosses won't be able to fight back against the variety of tools you have access to
>Godborn is ass. It does nothing but give everybody stat inflation because the devs couldn't think of anything creative for a special mode
>Komori talks about how "The demons are the most important thing about SMT and they're the main stars" but there's no walking/running animations for the new demons that were ported over from P5/SH2. Also every non-Doi demon is still suffering from Soejima face, which shows Komori was just lying out of his ass
>The redesigns are awful. Lilith looks worse and Tiamat has the biggest downgrade since Odin. It's even more unfortunate that these designs are 100% going to be used in future mainline entries like with Satan still using his IVA design
>Players are still forced to play the shitty old routes if they want to use Masakado, who's one of the best demons in the game
>The demon voice filter is slightly less awful this time around, but still present as many demonic characters like Panagia Yoko aren't understandable in battle
>the biggest downgrade since Odin
There's people who liked diaper Odin?
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MegaTen is saved
Yes and SH Odin.
chat is this real??
megaten will be truly saved if you only focus on Alice's tummy
I didn't even realize that was EO, I thought it was just Metaphor's default uniforms
>Hulkenberg is a night
>Only way to see her in a knight outfit is through DLC
That's because EO has no memorable designs
maybe not uniform designs but the general character design aesthetic is iconic
>but the general character design aesthetic is iconic
Only because the characters are literally underaged girls lmao
Costumes suck. Always have. The EO ones look sick though. Actually fit the aesthetic.
So is there a reason for the P3 school to use the BMW logo?
P4 uses mercedes and P5 uses citroen. Hashino and Soejima like cars
>persona gets more costumes than smt
when will they finally admit they don't care about smt anymore
>every single persona title sells well
Gee I wonder why Atlus seems preferential to persona...
I hate the rat
Oh shit I never even noticed the mercedes, honestly can respect that
It's unfortunate that there's still clueless people that think Atlus randomly decided to put all of their effort and time into Persona and not because how the SMT series was doing badly in terms of sales during the early 2000s
Oh, it's an EO reference? For a moment I thought those were Last Bible outfits and strated questioning everything.
Why smt JS has the best fusion system? it doesn't let you pick whatever you thus it's more unique consistent and challenging that way also you have demon sources and it's different from essences in V. sources don't give you the exact sets of skill that said demon has, they provide different/random skills which is interesting. some can be lame or amazing
No one denies persona's popularity you retards
I hate this Alice ESL pedo so much
keep hating the best poster, brwh
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when i posted dds like 1.5 years ago no one seemed to care or complain actually only one person (you) still complained, your brain is deranged and you're limited your thoughts because of muricans forced law thus your judgmental cop behavior is irked. The annoying murican ways, cant see the other's side with more free will. keep limiting yourself, unpedo buzzer
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literally take them yourself with your constant complaining about me, newfag for 4 months. also off topic pic poster. post something on topic next time.
fucking murisubhumans
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I want to fuck Mirai
Why does Atlus never do Nocturne costumes?
Not enough characters
Ms. Takao
Human Lucifer
There's only 2 female characters on this list
Demi-Fiend is the only one who can properly rock the tats, when they gave them to the P5 mc it looked wrong.
>shirtless + cut offs
>jorts and jee-shirts
>early 10’s goth
>office lady
>Good fucking luck
>literally a bath robe
>a bath robe of skin
>suit again
Wow that’s some really cool costumes
For the love of god, he was a one time thing made under extremely specific demands, let it go.
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desu they are cooler than the shitty school uniforms from p*rsona
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Are you sure?
I can see why they aren't doing the Nocturne costumes

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