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>Official WoW News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o03STclgxSc [Embed] [Embed]
>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brOSi_rpGj4 [Embed] [Embed]

>September Trading Post

Previous - >>492818117
dead game
the new zones are so small wtf lol
I for one welcome our vulpvatarfag overlords
Holyshit spamming dungeons is numbing my mind. some of these places look cool but I wont know any of the mechanics untill heroic becasue all that happens is people pull mobs from wall to wall
the zones are huge, you just fly at 800%
is evoker or druid the most optimal herb and mine class?
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Oh, cool.
God I wish skullfox was my bf
>any of the mechanics untill heroic
heroic is worse
i have no idea what im doing most of the time
im just standing in everaything and max dps-ing as you don't take any damage
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can't wait for snakefags to win next patch
Heroic has mechanics? Since when?
This fox looks pretty handsome, I wonder if he's single.
>yfw he is popping something like shield wall at 20%
high elves for the alliance/ogres for the horde
Free use shemale ejaculation emergency toilets

A good boicuck
we should have gotten snakes in BFA but i'll be glad to get them in now.
about 20 years ago in a non-cursed timeline
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the void has returned
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Why is this dumb cunt using Shadowmourne to farm ore. That thing is expensive, man..
It's made of Saronite, Saronite self restores, it's fine.
Do you have any idea how often I had to bitch slap Arthas to craft that thing? I don't care if it regenerates. If I find one scratch on it I'll make her erp with nightelves.
good. more game for me.
good. travelling sucks.
good. i stand with israel
good. we need retards to bully
good. get filtered early
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is iron man challenge on retail still a thing?
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thunda kings bitches
nice mouse cursor
you had one job
Post YOUR UI, you cowardly fuck!

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better not play a shaman then lol
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WoW is back
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Both foiled, and salvaged, by Darkspear superiority more than once.
Shut up tranny no one gives a fuck
next class is either paladin or monk. i have no interest in healing, i mainly tank and sometimes dps

which one has better/more interesting hero specs?
I live in endless fear of shaman players.
I bow.

>TWO damage meters
Shut up bitch no one gives a fuck
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do you like meeting npcs with old models in retail wow
is there a way to make it stop dressing me up in my profession gear every time i zone in? is there a hide profession gear button for the visuals somewhere?
I can't see very well so I'm not gonna bully u for not being able to read those headers but one is for healing. In dungeons I use one of them for aggro.
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gnomes are for ____
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>It's a collect an item from an animal which every animal should have, but only 20% of the animals drop the item episode
He is correct though, Zandalari have been massive jobbers for thousands of years.
Never in all of WoW have the Zandalari done something successfully on their own and most of the time they're portrayed as bitchmade lackeys begging for attention.
there's also krolusks in the ringing deeps, I think this may be our expac
>the animal have four of them
>drops 0-1
so season one starts in a week and a bit idk if i wanna sit around that long on a single character
whats something fun to level or play at 70 with a boost i have a few of those
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How do I grind levels for this stuff? It feels like I get one lvl every 5million herbs..
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Being the medical doctors of the world because they understand you can't solve every health problem by throwing obscure magic at it.
>smarks still getting worked into a shoot by zhevra hooves 20 years later
God I wish Skullfox was my bf, am I really not good enough :(
i dont know
and nobody here ever answered me when i asked the same thing for BS
there are some books and shit you buy and some purple outline stuff you can find that provide levels
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Where is your Shebull loads taken WA?
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>It's another Dawnbreaker run where people don't know you can fly on the first boss despite it saying that in very obvious text
>It's another Dawnbreaker run where a tank pulls the second boss without clearing any trash or minibosses, making the fight last longer
>It's another Dawnbreaker run where I (survival hunter) end up tanking the final boss because the tank is too fucking stupid to taunt when we land (no seriously, how is this a thing?)
>It's another pug Dawnbreaker run
I can't wait for season 1 where my mythic group can just stomp this dungeon with zero effort.
thanks. incredibly dumb that its some random fucking npc with half hidden text options. why is this not part of the profession/tramsog/options menu?
Sorry I'm gay so not into women with dicks.
the 1st boss is kinda bugged
happened to me like 2 times where i stayed out of the blue circle watching it from distance and is till died to it when it exploded
dunno what weird hitbox this stuff has

Am I able to jupm from character to character and kill rares in search of Warbound gear, or are the drops limited to 1/day on an account basis rather than a character basis?
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sisters? our heckin twitcharonie vieweronies??? war within just came out???
the mechanics of dawnbreaker are not at all obvious when you do it for the first time, and even the ones it spell out for you are going by so fast you dont have time to stop and read them when the tank is chainpulling or the boss has a 10 second to instant death move
>Sto- Krak!
Oh no have I accidentally stepped on a goblin again!
Oh no please tell me I didn't injured one of our precious horde allies!
Hmm I thing I see some blue in this meat puddle...
Huh must have been a gnome?
Oh well nothing to worry then!
Apologies I forgot you are the cuntboy poster.
Let me rephrase;
"Where is your knots per hour meter?"
>Ziv first place
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is this the new beginning for orcs?
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Quick, unleash the Xal'atath thirst traps, we need the coomer crowd!
I mostly enjoy this xpac, and way more than DF but everyone knows that the interest for the game is worse and not as many people play anymore
kuzuha has 47k on youtube too
what's the lore behind her FAT pussy?
>the interest for the game is worse and not as many people play anymore
Why is wow declining I wonder blizzard claimed DF had the best player retention.
can someone help me understand what master of harmony is actually doing?

these tooltips are hella confusing
damn, not even the fanart can make her look sexy, something is just off about her, I guess she just kinda looks like a raisin
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Feet "people" who don't keep their fetish to themselves should be put to death.
Nobody said that, don't put yourself down.
>I wonder blizzard claimed DF had the best player retention.
DF also had 800k viewers when the xpac launched
TWW barely hit 300k
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Get all 8 treasures for 24 points (one time). Get weekly treasures (2 points). Go to the herbalism trainer in the spider city and buy the book (10 points, one time). Do Darkmoon Faire (3 points once a month).

Crafting professions are similar but you get points for the first recipe you craft instead of the first type of each herb you gather. Crafting professions also get 2 weekly points from the quest giver in the building in the dornogal artisans plaza south of the auction house, and up to 29 points from doing NPC Crafting Orders.

The crafting orders are the most important for crafting professions (gathering cant do them) so make sure you do that shit ASAP. some of the orders will either be impossible or ask you to waste 10k+ gold of mats so you can skip those ones.
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barry meltie incoming
MMO's are generally boring to watch and weeb shit appeals more to weeb crowds which are stupid big?
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is this someone's self-insert?
maybe that granny blizz dev who sometimes speaks in the interviews
she says she is a dog mother in her twitter bio
Would you say that wow players are less toxic now than say in shadowlands? Did the social contract work?
women have feet
probably not a grind it's just a weekly limit on each type of thing from each node like all the other professions get their 2 + some supposed catchup that i don't think anyone has tested in beta or been explained. that's it. it's just a timegate to slow bots and keep people subbed filling bars for no reason, not a grind you should concern yourself with.

i haven't heard of any tags like that. i don't see why that'd be a thing when all they do every other patch is give away catchup gear.
I hate the new profession system so much
that you can't respec and catch up or start late
dumpass devs
>player retention
undefined bullshit metric that they just made up, it could mean literally anything, bobby and his jewish friends love playing with words like that for headlines for example you had 900k players at the start of shadowlands, then x amount of time later that was down to 500k, dragonflight had 600k players at the start then the same x amount of time later it had 400k, best player retention! what does that actually mean though? nothing
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this stuff is too expensive.
/wowg/ guild status???
Men have feet too, your point?
>Teleports her pets andherself away
It the caves of Qud Waifus again.
artwork that has barefoot women is not necessarily foot fetish artwork
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Anon, i found a picture of (you)r wife!
What would her feet smell like after a long day of being Queen of the Dragons? Also, I hate when she turns into a dragon...
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>Eitrigg, Gorgonna, and Gorfax leading their clans because there are no other characters left
>Gordul randomly replaced with literal who for some reason even though he's a literal who himself

At least Jorin finally got off his ass and left Nagrand.
wow token killed the "making gold" part of the wow for me
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If your UI doesn't look like this lower your tone when speaking to me
Any reputable gold for IRL money sellers people would recommend?
reminder that garona is still alive
how do I join a semi-mythic guild as a returning player?
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you can make good amounts of gold from crafting.
She will help us kill lightforged garrosh
>What would her feet smell like.
No idea, ask her
>Hate when she turns into a dragon
She can't do it without your consent
Cause she's a Rogue and stays out of everyones sight.
how to say you're a shitter without saying you're a shitter
why not just take a look at the twitch category? it's an event that a bunch of big japanese streamers are doing
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>healing a dungeon on my worgen priest
>tank headpats me between pulls
>all lowercase
Good boy
Because that would mean I'd have to go to Twitch.
the japs should've spent that money on bettering their dead game instead of streamers
>go to
you mean open another tab in your browser
How the fuck wow lost so hard?
It's only has been a week since The War Within expansion launch.
Hahaha alright I can see why furries love this shit.
what proffessions should I pick up?
or is it too late?
japs can't make games anymore, neither can mutts, it's the chinese century for gaming
They should put the Oculus in the M+ rotation
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Nice. Will pat my worgen teammate next time.
if you have strong feelings about the pace your tank is going at, you should do it yourself.
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>follower dungeon
>hunter jumps around, pulls more unnecesary mobs, does shit damage

bravo Blizzard
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Reminder that ZIV averages around 5 (five) thousands viewers btw. Peaking 150k for a single day doesn't meant shit.
doomers were right we only got one cringematic
Anything happened about girls? I mean, in the story?
we got the alleria one too
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>not even 1 million views
what addon should i make?
i feel like all the bags addons suck
I can't decide if I wanna main my humie or my belf...
Pulling more than 1 pack at a time is stressful. DPS cucks wouldn't understand
flying ruins the game
engi should be pretty good for making gold i think. with the craftable BoE mount?
i would have to bother
i would rather sacrifice 30 minutes at work to buy a token
New player here, what should I do with old gear? Should I just destroy them? Or is there like a storage??
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Does the embellishment and missive quality contribute to a higher star level?
All missives give the same stats but the lower quality gives higher difficulty. Isn't that good?
Can I get a 5 star quality item if I provide every material at 3 stars or can I cheap out on something
shut up cunt shut up cunt shut up cunt
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the hag market nowadays is too competitive for washed up characters like that
>136k, 47k
>there's no #ad, #square_partner, #xivpartner or #ffsponsored on their stream titles
>no !DROPS either
Just casually pulling 200k viewers out of nowhere, what's happening?
sell it
Disenchant or vendor it. You'll never need it
At the beginning of an expansion it's more about not stressing your healslut.
yeah but where the satisfaction in that?
if its bind on equip and you dont want the appearance, try selling it on the AH
if its not an upgrade, disenchant it or vendor it
higher difficulty -> needs a better crafter -> crafter will ask for more money
difficulty doesnt dictate ilvl
Does magni anon still post vocaroos?
Crafter won't ask for shit because he is from the guild and I am giving him the mats
Doomers just throw shit on a wall and see what sticks.
Also the Alleria short had more production value than the slideshows.
Also I wouldn't be surprised if they made shorts for the cripple nig and the fat elf, but those were more in line with Danuser's story, so that being scrapped means shorts were scrapped too.
where's faerin's short story btw? did they see the negative reception and scrapped it altogether?
friendly reminder to check warmode world quests for rewards you would miss out on otherwise, dont fall behind pve babies
Post vocaroos of YOUR voice.
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What's Faerins deal?
She's not the leader of her expedition, she's a lamplighter which seems like a general grunt job yet she wears special armor for herself, she was a stow-away, yet has the name LOTHAR, you think she might get some recognition from the ties
even though i think Blizzard gave her the name Lothar to piss off the 'Scarlet Chuds'
Who ever wrote Faerin and Raen for names for characters ion Harrowfall is new to fantasy an RPGs like ''NEW OC DONUT STEAL, RAEN SHADOWCLOUD, DISLIKES RACISM''
it really really depends on the dungeon in this xpac.

in the dwarf or nerubian ones? not that bad. but in the paladin church one, having more than 1 or 2 packs of those stacking consecrate ground effects can be rough, those things are hard to see when the mobs are all stacked up (golden effects on tan brick and golden mobs) and they do like 50% of your health per second and can overlap

i've had more of my DPS players die in priory than any other dungeon so far...well except dawnbreaker but those are more because of the flight mechanics
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What the fuck are these prices for VIALS?
k4sen is a popular streamer who's friends with other popular streamers and organises an event called thek4sen with them every now and then in various games, this time he picked ff14
JC stuff is always unreasonably expensive
Vials cost a stupid amount to make
I liked magnianon's voice...
are you retarded? you buy these from the alchemy vendor for 1 gold
She is going to end up being the child of the Arathi Emperor. Someone at blizz is upset they could never do the Talia and Bolvar reconnection storyline justice so they gotta try it again with Faerin and her Father who we are eventually going to kill.
you gay or something?
>no asmon, taliesin, towelliee, max or other known big GTA V streamers sponsored to play the game
>just random, literally who japanese streamers
I think wow is quite small compared to this if they can do this with some random japanese guys
It'd be hilarious if Faerin introduces herself to Turalyon and he's like
>My CO fucked BLACKS?!
delete this
>She's not the leader
Yet. They went hard on the character, they had to wait to make her the leader but I have no doubt she will be. She is a noble though and seems to have a high rank in the not Scarlet Crusade so the armor makes sense.
>6k views average game
>blows up one day bc of some jap event
>tomorrow it'll be back to 6k viewers
>doomtroons will unironically eat this shit
signature use is against the rules
remember, twitch views only matter when my game has more
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Are you retarded? You need higher quality materials to craft higher quality recipes. JCs are the only ones that can make silver and gold tier vials. Now apologize gay nigga.
tranny barry is against the rules
how i make my cursor easy to see?
BM hunter is too much for me there's so much shit to keep track of and abilities to learn is this class salvageable at all for me or should I re roll
holy seethe
increase the cursor size
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nostalgia made me buy it now I cant refund it
Xal'atath's motivation? She wants the world to worship her feet.
Chris Metzen is a GOAT
is this bait? BM is by far the easiest spec in the game, with the least shit to keep track of.
if you cant get the hang of BM you shouldn't be playing
>blizzard goes all out shilling event for a month to get every big possible streamer to advertise the expansion launch with billions of dollars
>300k viewers
>random japanese guy picks up the game and gets almost same amount of views for other game, it's not a expansion launch or anything
>200k viewers
This is like an embarrassment for Blizzard.

im thingken BFA was not a bad expansion
Just stating the facts, loser.
this is sorta true
no flying doesnt make shitty world content good
but world content CANNOT be good while flying exists
i find it funny we got this
but she didnt really do anything in game
uh oh barry meltie
Cope. Ziv will go back to 6k tomorrow and the rest of the year. Doomtrannies lost.
templar or mountain thane as my second character
im just playing for fun
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TWW is solid
Best expansion since Legion unironically
Fuck /v/ doomers and tourists
uh huh. all of them having the company name in the title is purely a coincidence;-)
what was the view count for ww at launch?
300k peak
very sad
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Reminder to post more Jaina
she killed me like 200 times
paladin can heal so delves and shit will be less ass right?
I've been saying that for years. The worst part of BfA was people's attitudes to BfA making it impossible to openly enjoy the game.
That and the fact noone was doing the old raids.
Dragonflight 800k
TWW 300k

It's dying.
yea I agree for the most part.
wdym, returned? it's always there (in the void)
BFA had fantastic mythic + dungeons, thats fer shure
in game she and her mom decided that her father was a chuddie and she was right to ignore him
The Lamplighters seem like they're half religious order, half vigilante corp, semi-divorced from Hallowfall's military hierarchy (if they're not then it means Steelstrike is more indulgent of Faerin than her own daughter). Like they obey Steelstrike, but not rigidly. As paladin groups go they seem to be much more civic-focused than others we've seen before. They're okay. That said, Faerin's got an atrocious design and an unearned amount of prominence. She's like worse-Yrel.
unironically addons to put a big circle around it
>/v/ niggers think twitch, a dying medium, is the golden indicator of a game's health
oh I am laffin
i wonder how much the early access split audience had to do with that?
neither of you apes have done any relevant content
BFA had some really bad content
Islands were shit
Warfronts were shit
Uldir was shit (mostly Ghuun was shit, but Zul wasnt particularly good either and everything else was forgettable)
Nazjatar was pretty boring

Mechagon was good, 8.3 was good, Battle was a great raid.
Can you explain WHAT is best about it, what makes it a better game than the previous 2 expansions on launch specifically?
I wish she killed me 200 times.
Unironically I didn't even get to fight her because everyone just farmed Gelbin for the mount and then left. I even got the Gelbin mount, looking back I wish I had the option to put it up on a second roll if that group stuck around to complete the raid for me...
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ziv lost. tarisland lost. new world lost. lost ark lost.
Bend your knees, doomtrannies.
Define relevant content.
Global access had DROPS and it was $1400 worth mount, still couldn't get more than 300k viewers.
mythic + and mythic raids
does anyone even like dagran
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>1 million people playing on steam
>24k viewers
twitch numbers mean absolutely nothing
die doomjeets.
>Islands were shit
I wanted to enjoy Islands but nobody else did so I couldn't.
>Warfronts were shit
I was enjoying Warfronts until everyone made it clear they didn't enjoy it and I couldn't enjoy them anymore, also the achievements were too rare.
>Uldir was shit
Would've been fine if there was a quest leading me there but I know what you mean kind of pointless raid
>Nazjatar was pretty boring
I wanted to like Nazjatar but I felt stupid trying to farm pearls instead of learning how to push M+ properly and also the few times there was world pvp the game was lagging and Alliance never won
People keep saying this and I have no clue what the fuck you're talking about. I have 4 filled actions bars and a ton of shit. I have to do research on the best pets and when to use their abilities. Its stressful. I don't understand this BM meme at all. I just wanted a brain dead reliable class to play to do raids and mythics and now I'm doing homework
oh yeah i totally forgot mythic + has those 8 hidden dungeons we've never seen and cant imagine.
I wonder if it'l have a timer this expansion.
Inclusivity means killing off and sidelining all white males.
It’s #herturn
you’re on the wrong side of history
warfronts were literally just boring. They had no failure condition so nothing you did mattered
the dungeons are mediocre as it is and you dont know how they play in mythic +
Charge back
I wish my main (male human paladin) was killed off and replaced by my primary alt (female void elf hunter)... she would be so ANGSTY and have so many FEELINGS over losing her husband... kino storytelling.
Where do you get the mid from. Half of them are pretty good, half of them are decent, overall: good
bought pepsi instead of coca cola, it taste like shit
I'm thinking you both need to kill yourselves immediately.
BFA was some of the shittiest writing ever conceived across all of the fantasy genre.
the 2 main characters of the expansion are straight white males who do not die.

you're full of shit. this whole meme is just baldman farming rage bait for clicks and idiot chuds perpetuating it online
most of your stuff on your bar you barely need to press, you're main rotation is one of the most simple in the game for BM. genuinely, I would try and recommend you a simpler spec but there isn't one. idk how new you are to wow but BM hunter is the brain dead reliable class.

i play BM hunter for that exact reason. i have to play on 400ms on a laptop, so I pick the easiest class
900k of those are ccp bots
the main character of the expansion is alleria who the fuck are you kidding
What are you talking about i have so many abilities its overwhelming
if you cared about shitty writing you would be complaining about TBC and Wrath
nobody cares
Bro I was in Stromgarde, I was vibing defeating the horde at Stromgarde, why does everything need to be a challenge sometimes I just want to compstomp hordefags and retvrn to my homeland. When I want a challenge I go into warmode and get my face raped by like 6 orcs and a forsaken disc priest
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>there are "people" who still watch night media puppet no teeth skelebaldman
>put knowledge in shit specialization
>character PERMANENTLY bricked
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>Go to Hallowfall
>9/10 Arathi are black as charcoal
>Enter dungeon of evil extremist Arathi
>All white
What did they mean by this?
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ANOTHER THING. Why don't the nerubians dig under Hallowfall and attack their crops? Is the town protected by some sort of bubble? I know there was some sort of Aegis mentioned when you first meet them but it's not properly explained or shown, i think?
If the nerubians attacked their crops they wouldn't last as long as they did.
Do the Earthern have mages that know teleportation magic? Because while tragic, I think the use of portals and teleportation should have been easily accessible to these people if they were actively going above ground.
>you dont know how they play in mythic +
yea i'm sure slightly different mechanics and a predefined route really reinvents the entire thing.
Good thing none of those dungeons have ever been m+ dungeons before, that would spoil the entire thing
>was some of the shittiest writing ever conceived across all of the fantasy genre
Only if you were Horde. If you were Alliance it was just ok.
I don't consider the N'zoth storyline though.
they don't know what they're talking about either. when pressed none of them will tell you anything specific. 90% of them don't even know frenzy stacking exists, let alone the current state of frenzy duration or what BM's talent choices & dead nodes even look like. it's just wow culture to bag on those below you and some people want to partake despite not having a grasp of basic game mechanics.
reminds me of that time when canada released an ad for assisted suicide and all the people in it were white
thats all wow classes, but BM is the simplest. its overwhelming at first, but you will get used to it. i dont think you should reroll. you can download an addon called Hekili which shows you what buttons you should be pressing in what order, its good for new players but I'd try not to rely on it.
i dont remember doing hardly any story zones with alleria. she fucks off for almost the entire storyline. meanwhile you a whole zone each with magni and anduin, the latter of which is really the main character of 2 zones stories

alleria shows up for 5 minutes here and there to get mad at xalatath and then dissapears back to standing in dornogal waiting for the devs to let her tell you to continue the story with someone else
>non fat female kul models exist
>not for players
but why
Thrall isn't white and Alleria isn't male.
Harder strata, dig not possible.
you blind retard
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>slightly different mechanics
bro we dont even see the mechanics on hc
>Can you explain WHAT is best about it

Chris is back at the helm, story actually feels like it's progressing and not just Danuserslop)
Warband bank and currency tab make nearly EVERYTHING account wide
The Nerubian lore bleeding into the Arathi lore, connecting the two zones is something executed better than anything Danushit and his team of monkeys could ever come up with. Actual Metzenkino
>Improvements to the UI
Enchanting a piece of gear for example, not only does it darken the slots you can't enchant, but it gives a crisp glow on your character pane after you do it. This is just one example. Love me some dopamine
All blow BFA (Azerite Gear), SL (Choregast) and DF (Gay centaurs) out of the fucking water
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>play my fem did
>want to control things and use others for my gain
>play my mag orc
>want to beat the shit out of everything unga unga unga bunga bunga
an opportunity. vials were good afk bullshit for a lot of df. they were some of the few things you could pump out anywhere without the fucking table giving it away to people. not sure if those are the same tableless craft but they should be good at the other raid patches too.
I think dragonflights dungeons were shit, I think SL dungeons were better.
do you know what the © mark means?
> dig under Hallowfall

the tunnels would flood. shits a coastal town next to a whole underground sea
I don't really want add ons
I have no idea why they introduced the upgrading items system
Why are fucking heroic dungeon crests capped?
Okay, you got me there the way blizzard scaled dungeons they may aswell not exist pre M0.
I can't even cope it's just really a trash experience.
How does any of this shit matter if it's the same FOMO loot treadmill it's always been?
>Thrall isn't white and Alleria isn't male

ah, you mean Mr and Ms disappeared for the whole story only to show up at the end? sure. yeah those are the main characters. alright. whatever fits your talking points i guess
wouldnt want you to have too much fun now would we
>The Nerubian lore bleeding into the Arathi lore, connecting the two zones is something executed better than anything Danushit and his team of monkeys could ever come up with. Actual Metzenkino
what about the kyrian feeding souls to the jailor? that was pretty well explored, they faced tensions with the other covenants for it and eventually were absolved of any true wrongdoing via a public court where all of them voiced their grievances.
hcs are for peepoo dadgamers who cant even turn their characters around
if your spec needs more than 16 buttons to play it's rotation. it's a shit spec.
Play demon hunter, they don't suffer from button bloat and also don't feel like ass to play.
which is rare in wow.
When do I actually get to do dungeons? I'm at the centaurs in Dragonflight.
coolest hunter race? dorf or troll? going to be playing BM since i dont like thinking
shadowlands dungeons were at least more memorable, but tirna scithe can my whole ass
But why? I remember mechanics existing in DF dungeons. Also, weren't delves literally invented to solve this very issue?
A solo go at your own pace, dungeon lite experience?
With how sleeper dungeons have been so far i expect the m0 jump to be really painful for a lot of people.
Are you fucking insane? Alleria is literally the story. Just because she wasn't in some of the leveling zones doesn't matter, that's like saying Jaina wasn't important in BfA because she wasn't around in Drustvar or Stormsong Valley.
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>want to craft a flask? you need a rare herb that drops once in a full moon
wow, nice system.
are you at the quest where you have to bend over and pick up 1 spear that hunter narman dropped? don't do it, your character loses the ability to walk for a an entire week
I wish heterosexuals would stop this tired meme. I take massive cocks up my ass on the regular and have never had trouble walking after
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I'm going to level an alt do i just do world quests? or like is levelling via delves viable and not a waste of time?
I wonder how Genocide Jaina is going to force these guys onto the horde?
What perceived slight bought on another massacre?
You mean at expansion start? Anyone who enjoyed Shadowlands start was fucking coping. The game signalled how retarded it was since Sylvanas girlbossed Bolvar.
at least trannyflight had the tranny flying, with a new race and class as the gimmick, what does shart within have? like actually, feels like a filler expansion not an opener for a trilogy
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What are you missing out on, exactly, mister busswordslinger?
Did I mention there's 29 entire new transmogs to earn that are piss easy to get that look great?
its slow as fuck
>laura bailey is fine with her character getting ran through by a knife ear, a dragon and arthas
>didnt want serana to marry the player in skyrim
Jaina is never going to have any kids is she
Niggers good
Crackers bad
forgot to mention it was in terms of mythic+
it has....
writing and worldbuilding that is allegedly not entirely made by Danuser and his host of cat ladies?
This might be a controversial take, but I think the "click on thing then walk away" mechanic has overstayed it's welcome
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>3 fucking weeks of timegating ALL the relevant content
Imagine if velfs actually looked like xalatath instead of the shitty belf model from 2005
apologies homobro. the logic for my fanfic - I imagined a centaur surprising you with unrequited anal sex would result in painful fissures which would seep blood any time you moved too fast. good to hear you're healthy and living your best life.
If I was to pick up the game I would fear on missing out having the max item level before welfare gear comes out and makes my previous weeks of grinding irrelevant as I get no invites to PUGs because everyone knows that the value of my ilvl can be achieved from welfare gear and therefore I am not valuable. The fear of missing out on not being considered a shitter every day. If you can design a WoW where I do not experience this, I will maybe consider the game to be different now.
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isnt xalatath in a nelf body?
What is the actual argument for this timegating?
Forgot I bought one already, it doesn't show up
so what I do is I do the whole spider zone first for that sweet sweet spider money, then I do all bonus objectives and then Isle of Dorn until I am 79. The last level I usually shit out with profession first time crafts in about 5 minutes.
old world locations are the best
yeah yeah, enjoy your monkeypox and adult diapers, fag
No that's Kul Tiras
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They could dig like this and do a water piping system, you'd think underground diggers would be aware on how to combat water flooding.
>"I get no invites to PUGs"
>list my own group
>literally 150 people sign up for it
>anon thinks he'll get into my group for some weird reason
just run your own group and key?
this isn't rocket surgery
The argument that blizzard uses is that they want all the dad gamers with 45 minutes of gaming per week to have enough time to reach cap without "falling behind".
The actual reason for the timegating is to pad shit out and make you subscribe for longer.
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why the FUCK is mining gear so expensive?????
>popular streamer
This guy is not even that big.
wtf? the sun is triangular and has adapted humanoid features? is this a hint that it's sentient? is it one of the first ones?
When does the season actually start?
Alleria feet when?
It's either a naaru ship or a prison of some kind with The Guardian as the prison guard
11th of september
i think Lorthemar and Thalryssa are a cure couple
2 more weeks fellow patriot, trust the plan
based and Wang Ben pilled, fuck them Wei spiders.
Laura is actually a turbo preggers fetishist, it's Golden who writes her character to be impossible to breed.
Also Kael'thas NEVER scored.
best way of farming resonance crystals?
Solid date for it.
Good to know though, thank you.
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jesus christ man, stop watching youtube videos about the game, your brain is rotting
that's the twitter page for his events, having millions of dead followers who haven't logged in for years is also meaningless
1 week from now
as a hilarious joke blizzard decided that you must use 40 bismuth to make some garbage green
it's actually the tip of a different giant sword that was stabbed into the planet the whole time.
that sucks
sounds well thought outs thanks for sharing anon.
>hit 80
>do normal and heroic dungeons
>do three delves
>nothing to do
I think even WoD had more content than TWW.
just don't be a brainlet and embrace professions. I'm not a brainlet and i think there's too much to do.
The disingenuous argument is giving people time to level and explore

the real reason is to push launch content across at least two sub months
I play tank
>run your own key
>everyone automatically knows you don't have the gear to get invited to a group because tanks are easy to get but your gear is already 40 levels behind the "acceptable" ilvl for normal raids i.e. it's only 5 ilvls above the welfare gear
fuck off
>we designed our economy wrong on purpose, as a joke
Golden was fired
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skill issue
Woah just like WoD.
another advantage of the spider zone is that rumours are basically free mini world quests that give full XP
I made this mistake in DF when I had no idea about the new crafting system and now I'm paralyzed, unable to choose any specialization.
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like wow but refuse to schedule around raids, its over for me
Earthen release tomorrow as an allied race
Are you going to make one?
>meaningful renown prog
>have as many alts as you want
>drown in gold if you play your cards right
just to name one, i'm pretty sure there's a lot more than just professions.
not everything is maze+
the reason you think there's little content is because you play the game too much
stop playing this game like it's a job and just play it a couple hours a week
go develop an actual skill or hobby instead
you are the root of your problems
Finally I can play with my trans dwarves
isn't it on reset? and yes I'll make a monk.
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I miss Venthyr
Fuck off you disingenuous nigger
>OH NOOOOOOOOOOO someone is trying to spark discussion about the game!!!! I'll tell her #ad hehehe that'll get 'em
yes. do we know what classes they'll have yet? i'm guessing warrior and shaman are practically guaranteed, but what else?
Same as regular dwarves
>overhyped marketing campaign
>nobody's really playing
This is WoD all over again, right?
Great, but now what? Turalyon and Alleria split up and Jaina mounts him until she's pregnant? Maybe when Laura gets to write the plot but that's gonna come with the price of everything being a Harry Potter reference.
Fuck no. They are literally the worst of all dwarves.
Dark Iron > Regular >>>>>>>>>>>>Earthen
>replying to trooncord doomfaggots
That was your first mistake.
I wish their racials weren't so damn terrible, in some far-flung future where we finally have all the races that people have requested for years they are a nice addition to the roster.
Steamcharts says there's over 8 milly playing right now though
That's the metric you niggers use right? Just steam charts and twitch viewers?
>just because she wasnt part of 90% of the story doesnt mean she isnt the main character

lol. cope, seethe, etc
Jaina's future husband? Monte Gazlowe, Trade Prince of Steamwheedle.
everything but DH DK druid. you can preview them on creation screen right now.
everything except for druid, dh, dk or evoker afaik
The last thing the game needs is more races no one will play. Since vanilla, the game has needed two races: high elves and ogres, instead we've gotten a dozen furry and scalies.
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hahaha I remember that reference! XD
kind of a bummer they didnt get druid when it feels like they have a good justification for it in the lore
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more like sneedwheedle cartel
ok lads, gonna make me an earthen warrior tomorrow, should i go arms or prot? i wanna pick the Colossus Hero Talents
Prot, easily
I thought Gazlowe is no longer associated with Steamwheedle and now lead Bilgewater instead
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>LOST ark
>new world
Doomsissies are getting uppity again after getting raped so many times through the last 4 years. No wonder they're having daily melties by now.
keeshan and bravo company was good
>back to leveling in scataclysm zones
Earthen should be immune to bleeding
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okay, troon
prot makes the most sense with their 10% armour bonus
Whoops! I forgot to reply to the post I was referring to! Silly me!
This is the post I was trying to reply to, for future reference
Frostborn Dwarves should be a customisation option similar to Man'ari
Levelling is fun.
I'm averaging 7 minutes per level so far
Kinda slow. Slower than I thought. At least, not fast enough to get to 80 tonight and do all the dailies before reset.

Oh well. Dungeon spamming is even slower. As far as I know, the route goes (DH intro) -> Dungeons to 20-25 -> Elwynn/Little bit of Westfall -> Redridge -> Duskwood -> WoD intro & Blade's Edge -> War Within.
Wildhammer Dwarven female should have brisky celtic sex with me.
>didn't watch a single stream since launch
>did all sojourner and treasure cheevos
>got 2 very well geared chars ready to pump
>both classes I main are fantastic to play
>autist in vg is having a meltdown that assman the CIA plant is not paid to shill the expansion

I'm so glad this general turned into a save haven for pedophiles and doomtroons. Reading 2 minutes of this thread and seeing the troll pedophile as well as the same paid doomshills is beyond sad and funny at the same time.
so are professions viable for f2pchads or is it just a case of start of expansion jewmaxxing that'll drop off
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There's something magical about the old zones. I don't know how to explain it but the old world did desolate places and caves better than modern WoW.
Maybe it's the zone design where it doesn't feel 'normal' like the cliffs in Tirasgarde or how the Ringing deeps feels so busy, you won't know if a node is above or below. Darkshore, Tirisfal and Bloodmyst isle are good examples of shorelines full of liminal spaces yet each spot in Isle of Dorn is packed with something.
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Can I make my earthen nigga look like this
no, that is too cool, sorry
jewmaxxing with as many alts as you can since the best r3 crafts require concentration which recharges automatically

"Next-gen" Earthen aren't allowed two color tones.
It's because the polygons are smaller and the textures are lower res so your mind fills in more of the details.
>are you guys excited for #new content (reskin) are you going to #make one tomorrow?
lol shill
We'll see how the patches go.
nope, i will not be taking the voidweaver hero tree as a disc priest. doesnt fit the class fantasy, not using it, dont care if its "better"
7.3 with Argus was the absolute worst offender of this.

They don't care.
uh oh shilltroon meltie
Jaina is post menopausal, she's not having kids.
Jaina is in her 40s
Menopause happens at 60 you virgin turdlicker
>you can spam follower dungeons for Azj-Kahet dungeons and get a 593 weapon that can be upgraded to 604
lmao wtf
nice shillpost shill
Marksman Hunter has some boring looking abilities
I don't understand how to make any money at all. It feels genuinely too late
Blizzard employee meltdown.
what are you saying nigga
menopause happens some time inbetween 45 and 55 and if you don't have any kids, it happens much earlier
uh oh melty
>you can spam follower dungeons
You can't spam them
its a polearm tho
Even if Jaina somehow managed to get pregnant, the kid would be cursed in every sense of the word.
Maybe Med'an will return and she'll fuck him? He's got to be like 28 now or something.
Why are we trying to come up with characters that Jaina could have sex with I mean what do you expect that her genes will get passed down and you can have sex with her daughter? What is the endgame?
why not

Guild: Elysian
Realm: Quel'Thalas
or just put the code oBYVlX7cAJO into the community finder.

You can find the guild in the guild finder tab too (alliance) look for "wowg" in the description.
yes you can, are you stupid?
where are all the good trinkets at
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Gay centaurs
Who was in the wrong here?
Fucking pajeets shitting up /wowg/ again
What the fuck was his problem?
Perfection doesn't exi-
Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.
Mommy Jaina.
*wowhead link to gay frogs*
Why does samefag trigger /wowg/ so much?
/wowg/ BTFO.
WoW lost
WoW won
It's over
We're so back
Would you?
Buy an ad
He did nothing wrong.
Buy xpac.
Buy boosts.
Find a flaw
/v/ is laughing at us again
Fucking shills and Blizzard developers in the thread right now
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that everything is shit?
I'm glad we can all agree on this.
How did we go from this... to THIS?
How do we fix WoW?
WoW 2 when?
reddit space
Redpill me on Faerin Lothar's shield arm
What if Faerin Lothar but white?
What is Ion's endgame?
Christ Metzen's baby
What went wrong?
I unironically miss shit expansion.
the same post you saw for the last 50 threads.
dogging in
What’s the best X and why is it Y?
should addons be allowed?
I just played a class, what did I think of it?
What's the most meta class even though the content is 3 days old?
Here's your panda bro braaaap
I want to fug every female race!
fucking yuropoors shitting up the thread again
Horde players being cringe again
god I wish I was my dracthyr
r8 my mismatched mog
classic chads won
doomgods won bigly
r8 my entire tier set mog
What the fuck were they thinking?
take your meds retard
Decide what I play for me
What's your excuse to not have 100%'d the game by now?
here's an objectively wrong ranking of all classes
how's that twitch eceleb, /wowg/ros? /our/ guy right?
PAY ATTENTION TO ME *avatarfags*
Where is avatarfag?
7 milly
You still play this trash?
>playing non-fotm
*posts AI slop*
Leveling is shit
fuck elves, figuratively
but also literally
When will you outgrow warcraft?
sex or warcraft?

I fucking hate you retards
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What's his name again?
Forgot to add that everyone in the guild is trans btw, not sure if it matters.
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I'll pregnate Jaina
shlomo cuckenstein
I've never did any of this
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Pregnancies after 30 are referred to as Geriatric Pregnancies kek

???????? why would you do this
it seems good for druid tanks
play whatever race you enjoy, anon. if it makes faggots like that mad, even better
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I'd be happy if Argus was in deep ravines like it was in classic. Maybe I'm just getting old but the verticality of the new zones is hurting my head zipping around up and down, around to find a TINY FUCKING NODE OR CHEST OR NPC
Chris Metzen
Keisen Taur
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you now remember that shadowlands happened, what does any of this matter when everyone who dies just goes to smurfland to play with fairies?
>no main stat
you know that people were literally spamming them for the siesbarg mount right?
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now it matters
Auction house is still fucked on EU, why can't they hotfix this instead of forcing us to wait for maintenance? I'm quite tired of being a second class customer tbqh
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>just started playing
>only 11k in the bank
It's over for me isn't it?
Gathering takes forever and gives shit for gold...
Maybe I can get to 30k after grinding all day but it's not enough to afford a token and I have no fucking clue what to invest them in.
I can get more gold by doing the side quests and it would take less time...
they were such a cool race. only saving grace from that shit of an expac
>liminal spaces
I remember turning right out of azure watch a few years back because I saw a wrecked pod in the distance and figured the guy who placed it there must've known some curious fucker would check it out. sure enough, after plodding there at run speed, there was a chest there. worthless chest, mind you, copper ore and cloth and a white cloak, but me and that guy from 15 years back saw eye-to-eye for a second.
I've made a couple draenei since and visited looking for the blood elf rare but I've never seen the chest spawn there again. same with a lot of places in the old world, chests give EXP now so I try to memorize where they spawn but they're rarely there twice even after a dozen visits. some zones must have like 200+ chest spawn points.
speaking of I wanna play rogue and undelete function is still broken so I might run through the old world and scope out some treasures with outlaw's minimap tracking.
the void can ultra mega kill you or molest your soul indefinitely
Shadowlands actually did not happen and Anduin will be a chad again soon, two more weeks.
Switch to survival pets seem less tanky in TWW.
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Funbros, what are we thinking of Monk & Shaman? I want to level an alt to 80 and both look like a good time.
>no danuser
>no golden
>metzens in control
>immediately takes us to quelthalas instead of another magical island
good times ahead
why are female goblins so sassy? its like they are asking to be plapped
everything after crucible of storms didn't happen
nzoth played us like a damn fiddle
trust the plan
mistweaver is a fun spec
Some obsessed simp has been borderline doxing some MG footfreak all morning in Goldshire.
It's pretty hilarious.
Its fucked. Even slaving away all day like its my job can't get me a token
you say he's a freak and hilarious
i say he's based and a hero
we are not the same
Can anyone tell me what the fuck a specialty item is? Does that include cloth like Dawnweave/Duskweave bolts?
what's the point of shadowlands then? why not just have death be, death, like when you die, why is death just a ticket to some fairyland so then you have to introduce mega death which is actual death
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This webm makes me want to get another cat so my current cat has a friend
digging resto/enh, it's enough to keep me occupied for one season at least. ele exists but we'll see what trash and boss kill times look like before trying that one.
Blackrock Orcs are NOT Germanic and are most certainly niggers.
they are asking to be plapped
we gotta plap the goblin girls
i have to use skinning and mining materials to make weapon enchants
both gigabased. but stormbringer enh shaman for me >>>
thats what the warband bank is for
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>See wrecked pod, check it, get shit loot but feel connected to a greater thing, it was the adventure to it.
Pure cinema
It's always a delight to see chests in the old world.
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chat is this real
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>player with honor level 1420
that's some severe autism
why are they so horny
So what exactly is the Void Bank for? I kind of forget it existed and mine is full of old tier sets I guess I put in there in Cata.
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pee vee pee?
yeah its the special cloths
Tell me more

Beast Master and Survival are the specs they care about. BM will run the show in terms of delves and survival is a T0 mythic spec. MM exists.
To store things you will never need anymore.
Cocaine Bear (the 2nd)
it was for back then when you needed the items in your inventory to actually mog them
now it's a worthless and forgotten system
Shaman is good and fun. Enh especially but the visuals of Ele are like candy to the eyes, not like Enh isn't either, but you notice them less since it's melee. The ancestors thing is abit of RNG but good RNG will never not make you smile.
is 573 a good stopping point? i wanna start saving valorstones for when m0 drops
>he didn't abuse the PvP tower world quests in legion
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Id try healing for sure, seems like its stressful on big pulls to keep up with everything thats happening
Id probably play ele and resto, enhancer never did anything for me. Shaman seems pretty crazy, you have what now ... 2 selfbuffs, 1 group buff, 2 shields and totems. crazy shit
I played monk in SL I'm not a fan of the movement skills it was kind of like playing DH-lite.
fistweaving on the other hand is asscancer
What if... you could actually lose fights in the questing and storyline experience. Can you imagine?
>been doing pvp since vanilla
>literally thousands of bgs and arenas
>completely lose any interest in pvp in sneedolands
>honorlvl 33
sometimes you do. i remember the beginning in zaralek where you get dug from under the rubble by the niffaz
>loses fight
>*crybooms on the forum until blizzard accommodates my retarded ass*
They need to just give jaina an orc bf to put as many babies in her as possible already.
I'm gonna make a rock dude
healing is really fun until like level 45-50 when they suck all the potency out of the spells and triple the number of keybinds you need.

healer is the most overdesigned role in the fucking game.
*stuns you*
*teleports away until you unlock the next step in the quest chain next week*
i don't like gnomes but this is hot
If you make a second you will be permanently behind all expac.
I started healing on my shaman in s3 of DF and actually grew to like it, especially in spicy mythics. Shittons of buttons to press and things to keep up make for a good time imo, beats a regular dps rotation.
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Anyone got an idea what the ideal number of mashed out Vamp Strikes is in Vamp Blood? I usually go with 3, then back to my rotation. I feel like any more would cause a total rune burnout.
I run a pet now that lone wolf is only 5% and there are connecting nodes that bypass it. DPS decrease for sure but I accept it for leech, lust, +1 talent point.
they stated MM's strength should be burst aoe. but they missed the mark with the new rapid fire barrage. numerically it's a 50% empowered rapid fire with a 1min cd; costs 2 talent points and doesn't function properly if it hits less than 5 targets. there's opportunity cost to picking it up, I wish it was busted strong.
Both shaman dps specs are unironically more fun than it's been in a long time. t. Shaman main
Well, the situation is hilarious.
Feet are pretty based, but stink is kinda gross.
If you don't make another you'll be even further behind on profession knowledge for your future alt, every second you DONT make it you're bricking your future alt more and more
this is literally the reason I am considering making a second character
fuck professions
I miss these lil niggas, like you wouldn't believe
Redpill me on making money with Inscription
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Hallowfall is just a naga zone in disguise, I fought more murloc men than i did any nerubians.
what happened to the "complete 1 quest and you can specialize in A, B, or C"
The current system is so convoluted and shit it's unreal
post chat
>Genuinely interesting elf mutants
>Could have easily been turned into a cosmetic for Blood Elf Demon Hunters
>Didn't get them
HUGE missed opportunity.
>Could have easily been turned into a cosmetic for Blood Elf Demon Hunters
it was. go look at the tomato red skins you can use for blood elf demon hunters
>brainlets are still complaining about professions
why would they stop? They're still shit
No fuck off. If you can't specifically describe an important way in which the gameplay loop has improved since the Battle for Skinnerbox, you are just a paid shill and your statements have no value to me.
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why is there a purple square on my upper left hand side? does my graphics card have a virus?
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Why are you here? Just to bitch? We're talking about World of Warcraft.
Go and stay go.
Its meant to timegate you while letting you completely and utterly and irreparably fuck your character by spending shit in the wrong specialization
Professions are already fucked one week in.
The poopsocking NEETs and disabled people who play WoW as a job have already cornered all the crafting markets.
The best you can hope for is making crafts for friends/gulides or eking out a modest cash flow by selling mats.

Obvious shill trying to protect the astroturf.
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you're just lazy nigger
theres plenty of markets that are profitable right now
Addon? Trg disabling all of them, see if its gone
I got no idea what blood DK rune gen or even rotation looks like right now vs last xpac but I know blood plague contributes a ton of their damage due to
with that in mind, consider these spells from the sanlayn tree
(mashing vampiric strike + 1 heart strike will force out a ton of extra blood plague damage on the target)
(your random blood beast summons absorb that extra blood plague damage you deal from vamp striking, and explode for even more)

just a theory. maintain 5 coagulopathy stacks from death striking, but try to mash out as many vamp strikes as you can, then blast one last heart strike out after v. blood ends. try it at the dummies and let us know if it results in a ton of damage vs. your normal rotation, or if it's not worth.
t. NEET J. Poopsocker
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EU wowg guild join now!
whats the worst race in the game in terms of racial skills?
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>Realm: Quel'Thalas
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Bro what.
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Not a fan of Aldrachi demon hunter
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Lightforged draenei sadly
guilds are cross-realm now
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Blizz needs to fix their shit scaling already
>next expansion comes out
>all the new female characters take off their shirts to reveal massive huge sweaty hairy ripped pecs and start wrestling while espousing important social and political philosophy
Metzen will deliver, trust the plan
I just rotate heart strike, blood boil, deathstrike.. in that order. Specifically because death strike and blood boil buff each other. It's the same thing it's always been.
That blood beast talent is ass, the ugly thing never procs anyways. So it's usually useless.
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not my problem you didnt level 20 alts in mopmix at 2 hours a pop
it takes me less than an hour to set up a tailor
i have six
buy my bags nigger
We're 1 week away until the ""real"" game starts.
If there shall be a /wowg/ guild, it has to be now.
Is this follower dungeon stuff good for levelling fast at level 10?
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>want to find people to play with
>been guildless for years
>start joining these random guilds people try to get me to sign their charter for or send me random invites for
>its always extremely dead
i just want some people to play content with every now and then. why is it so hard to find a guild that is active, and doesnt have lgbt shit plastered all over it?
when is guild made?
Don't worry about it. By the next patch they'll buff the system into irrelevancy.
All we need is a GM.
Delves are too hard.
If you're doing delves you're a shitter. Literally LFR tier. Learn to play noob.
EU has one
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how many knowledge points can you get from dickmoon faire?
How harsh is scaling in WoW now? Going from 530 ->585 ilvl, things feel pretty much the same, I don't understand.
Is it going to raid mythic?
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>want to play an earthen
>professions will behind if I make a fresh character
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Any guild worth a damn these days requires you to fill out applications and do literal fucking job interviews.
For this reason I shall remain as lonely in-game as I am IRL.
it's the first tier, stats are supposed to feel "scarce", we don't even have good gear.
>level scaling made leveling feel pointless
>not gear scaling makes gear treadmill pointless
what's next? gold scaling?
They had to dial back on this because wow just doesn't have the players it used to have.
>still no mythic+
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I can't choose between arms, retri, outlaw, ww monk and maybe frost for alt, i just need fast and fun melee, but i don't have time to level everything to 80 just to test it..
tldr tldr, vamp strike causes what amounts to an extra tick of blood plague damage on all targets hit by it.
I really don't know whether it's worth more damage than ds/blood boil or worth rune burnout. might be dependant on whether those shadow beasts feel like spawning, number of targets, gear.
I'm getting round to my DK this week and will post preliminary results if you're still here, since people so rarely ask or care.
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>having to do multiple Discord interviews to join a guild
I don't get it.
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>want to play havoc
>dps is based around using fel rush
i dont like that
same, guild and friendless since cata
0 social life irl
im flourishing
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>still no NA /wowg/ guild
stay off my spec then, loser *vengeful retreats out of melee and misses several gcds*
it needs members first, and then we'll see the skill level of people, the goal for now is m+ and heroic raid, its startingf now, as a wowg guild, so its brand new, its not some pre-established guild or anything like that
This doesn't sound like flourishing.
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this is not as much of a thing anymore because of a bleeding playerbase (7 milly subfags are delusional)

most people raid by pugging xserver
You might be gay
Its normal dungeons with ai. Good if you have dungeon quests too
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>open friend list
>offline for 10 years
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I've been in a few 4chan guilds and the skill level is generally much lower on average than you would think.
how are people always ass pulling shit in ara kara? like every time i look around theres a mob hitting someone despite me having threat on everything 2 seconds ago
need worlo retail: remix


ye well if you wanna join, im online for next 20mins then im logging out, >>492858270
If wow storyline is good now why can't you tell me anything interesting about it? Checkmate shillqueers.

what the FUCK was blizzard thinking with this "expansion"

jesus FUCK
I haven’t played since Legion. Can someone explain to me this stupid scaling shit? I ran a couple DF dungeons at LVL 13 just to see them. And I got necklace, pants and ring. That stats I assume scale to me being 13. Are worth keeping in this case because the stats will grow until I get DF level and they will be DF current stats?
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Is there any spec in the game that HATES getting Haste? It feels like the consistently most important stat for actually having fun in this game.
>maye is the GM
just set up a nice keybind to start and stop the script that otherwise plays your rotation for you and learn to use fel rush manually, retard-kun
Should I be saving resonance crystals or spending them on the epic renown gear?
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What would Xalatath's milk taste like?
they've changed ww to benefit from haste more but idk how important it is now
none of the rogue specs care for haste either
>ye well if you wanna join,
>thinking I even bought the expansion
Sorry, but not yet.
the answer was dot classes before they made dot classes scale with haste
theyre so easy to get with alts doing the weekly. you might as well outfit your main with the renown gear
where is the information about character's professions on armory? did they delete it?
not really hates but sub but i think doesn't really give a shit about haste unless things changed since the last time i played the spec
rotten blueberry yoghurt
not like Alleria, her milk tastes like fresh blueberry yoghurt
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Content doko?
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I still remember the white Devilsaur they had it was called Spoons.
When we have our gacha collab.
it's actually worse than job interviews
>speak to an officer
>speak to gm
>speak to all officers and gms in trooncord like it's a fucking war tribunal
>character spec(s)
>current progress
>past progress
>current and past logs
>ilvl has to be high enough too
>explaining why you only have blue because you were assigned to do the gimmick or because the guild took a 5th healer for no reason on that fight
>picture of your UI and they refuse to understand why you want element X in Y spot
>pop quiz about dealing with mechanics like you are going to be the raid leader
>pop quiz about random shit unrelated to the game
>having to deposit random reagents in the gbank because it's communism or something
>you won't be getting any loot for the first month if you jump through all the hoops
>officers will bitch at your low dps because you didn't get any gear
but players turned the tables back on them and embraced the job culture so now any sub hall of fame guild is treated like a stepping stone that you will abandon for the next best thing as soon as you can
What is actually happening
>People can feel your MASSIVE sissy cucky vibes and lack of test knowing for a fact that you will never, EVER be a tank (YWNBAT)
I lowkey like them on a tank because their orbital strike has a decently long range that lets me tag a far away enemy/group and lock on the aggro on them.
nigga raid is on tuesday aswell as m+0
you got 7 days and some hours before you're left behind...

10th September 2024: The War Within Season 1 Begins with Normal and Heroic raid difficulty, Raid Finder Wing 1, Mythic 0 Dungeons, Heroic Seasonal dungeons, a new World Boss, and PvP Season 1
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Who has the best milk lorewise?
My vote goes to Jaina. Yrel probably has prime milk as well.
>before you're left behind...
It's wow, you are never actually behind. It just feels like it.
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>Class designed around doing no damage unless you get Crits, which enables a bunch of procs
>can't get the minimum playable Crit Rate of ~30% until like Season 3
>hero talents further increase dependency on crits (Exterminate)
that's so cool mr metzen can I pull the hairs out of your ballsack with tweezers?
>be euro from ex commie country
>all you need to join a guild is to be from the country and not be a retard
>maybe you'll be even allowed to join mythic progress runs

life's good
hi maye
It can't be worse than a job interview
they took me out to dinner with some of the work group and everyone was asking me what my hobbies were, jesus christ
Genuinely feel like BM beats survival in AoE, call of the wild and kill command spam is nuts
aysa cloudsinger
Imagine getting gently kissed and pegged by your succubus at the inn saars haha
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Well most people play reapers mark. That thing is kinda braindead and deals shitloads of damage. Wouldn't be surprised if they gut it in the future.
thats the eu gnomefag
imagine if they actually did something interesting and made a class that is better without haste
like having high haste would be a bad thing
How do we mod world of warcraft to have big dick energy?
can someone you know... NOT-MAYE be guild master plsplspls
>Mythic guilds to shitters

>Mythic guilds to human beings
Apply, invited, easy CE.
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NA /wowg/ guild enjoyers and enthusiasts, please respond with:
>potential names

<Jaina Lovers>
<Terror Troupe>
<mentally ill>
Do you not have other hobbies? I at least do a bit of hiking and photography, but honestly we talked about video games at my last job interview because I've written a couple simple ones and programming knowledge is valuable as a secondary skill in most fields that aren't purely manual
mentally ill
absolute trash names
u redarded and shidded ur diaper oh fug no no no
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Serious question:
Do you ACTUALLY enjoy mythic raiding?
nice try but everyone knows that mythic raiders are subhuman
they are not normal "human beings" as you claim
they are the scum of the earth
BBC worship!
Free use!
that post is from july and zero people actually joined that guild

fresh one coming soon please give feedback

anyone who doesn't raid mythics? not a human being. probably not even Horde. probably an alliance cuck. kek rape the allaince blueshitter lmao zug zug
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femtaurens, you retard

<Clover Crusade>
<Chuck & Sneed's>

freakazoid dilating and grooming actual kids in rapeshire
then suggest one of your own
>he talks about himself to strangers
Fucking disgusting. Kill yourself, normalfag.
yes I love raiding
>I read random nonfictional literature on random topics when I have nothing better to do depending on my mood
if they ask what just start yapping about some random shit you read on /pol/ or /his/ or /an/ and they won't ask you ever again. make sure to always end your sentences in a vague question that will give the other party an opportunity to to talk about themselves. If they start slowing down ask them to elaborate on one of the last things they said before they are done, interrupt them if you have to
have fun working for the cuck council
oh and have fun roping when mythic raiding is cut next expansion
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thank you for your efforts anon, my future GM.
What level can you solo Kael'thas Sunstrider for Ashes? Do you just nuke him now and one hit or do you still need to do a mechanic solo?
Holy canoli now that's a melty from an ERP freakazoid!
>Do delves
>Get reward
>Look inside
>Random profession recipe for something I don't even have learned.
Thanks blizz very cool
why would I ever want to play with 10-30 of the most insufferable people of all time?
It's ok bro I got a job at a different place, luckily without having to go through that humiliation ritual. Now I just keep my head down, do my job and come home to call you all a bunch of fucking faggot shill alliancecuck bluetard LFR trannies. Feels good man.
Make a new character and pretend you haven't been raiding for years. See how many CE guilds invite you just because you applied
i only get aotc and portals every season
well. and now delves
might dabble in pvp with solo rbgs
I'm not a furfag, retard.
I only drink humanoid milk.
why would they rename every man for himself
>rescue singed teddy bears from the wreckage of dalaran
fuck NO I just wanna maze+
>every man for himself
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ZAMN saving up this ERPedo melty.
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Gemcutting or Jewelrycrafting??
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>TFW all my hobbies are either gaming, drawing, or redneck shit that turns off anyone slightly left of the political compass.
Great for a friend group, terrible for job interviews.
Why is Anduin shorter than Alleria?
>crying about loot being handed out intelligently
gray parser moment
For kino drama
That used to be the case for DoT specs like affliction. It made the DoT countdown faster but not the damage ticks and it would fuck your shit all up.
it's just fun chit chat anon, people aren't usually as insufferable when they're not anonymous
Just bought TWW. Haven't played since BfA, what should I expect?
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>claim mythic raid troon is a subhuman
>hes not using tommorow
go back to classic you stupid subordinate nigger, you will also enjoy working for the cuck council
I have an actual life so I don’t even bother. It’s for the unemployed.
what should i name my warlock?
I try not to put too much stock in outliers at launch, because those get nerfed quickly. more interested in functionality and gameplay loops in the preseason, then I've got a few favorites I can settle on depending on where buffs & nerfs go. besides if they never nerf the clear winners several weeks in then we can just go join them later.
Hobbies? If I had free time for those I would rather spend it sleeping
There is already a /wowg/ NA guild thoughever?
I only enjoy normal mode raiding early tier raids in pugs at the end of an expansion.
I was thinking something like Arms or whatever where you get a slow swing timer, but the slower you attack the more damage you deal and it's exponential. like a charge mechanic or something.
Lol iconic.
Got it, the ERPedomelties are because you dumb niggers apply to 9/9 world 100 mythic guilds with zero (0) experience of any kind and expect a carry.
there is not currently an active NA guild
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>Searching for a guild because I'm a retard and forgot to find one before the xpac.
>See this shit.
This is just code for 'never getting loot' isn't it?
I'd never join them. Sanlayn is just too good.. it finally gives me what I ALWAYS wanted as a bloodDK. Ways to support my team. It gives me a teamwide speed boost and a teamwide leech boost. So I can help the healer out and be like a druid, boosting movement. And ofc now also the talent for anti magic shells spreading to teammates.
I always hated how paladins get to do so much shit and all I ever got was anti magic zone.
elves are canonically taller
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I AM NOT A RETARD!!!!!!!!!

unless they grow up together theyll more likely hate each other than not
So it's not just "apply, invited, easy CE"
Glad we agree
>she doesn't know
What's the leveling spread like these days?
I'm trying to rememeber when each expansion's titles unlocked when I leveled an alt during the prepatch event for TWW.

1-15 Vanilla
15-20 TBC
20-25 WotLK
25-30 Cata
30-35 MoP
35-40 WoD
40-45 Legion
45-50 BfA
50-60 SL
60-70 DF
70-80 TWW

If that's right, you should be able to solo KT by 25 outside of timewalking, but I wouldn't be surprised if Blizz lumped some expansions together and you actually need to be more like 40+.
It's not a bad idea but I think the way the game is set up, it favors burst damage and faster swings because of all the mechanics in boss fights these days. They don't make Patchwerk fights anymore. You don't always have a lot of uptime, have to burst adds down, fit as many attacks in a bloodlust window, etc.
I wish they'd just make the PvP talent baseline, to target AMS on allies and reduce its cooldown to 30s. spreading lesser AMSes is the next best thing, even if it's not the same as giving full magic debuff immunity.
how has this shit gotten worse in the past 20 years? I remember some guilds had you fill out a literal resume to do BWL. Fucking BWL.
Never tried it. Skipped many expansions since it was added and for the ones I've played I didn't play long enough to give them a try. But if I had to guess Heroic would be the sweet spot for me while mythic would be too frustrating and time consuming.
lol good one
He maxes at LVL 30 in normal time but going solo do you get mind controlled? Or can you just one shot all phases?
No they fucking aren't. Darnassian elves are tall, thalassian elves are very short especially the women.
ironically classic era and SoD is even worse than retail
With all magic damage being AoE.. I find the lesser shells way better. Like what boss out there charges a single player with pure magic damage?
>You still can't transmog gloves individually like shoulders.
the 4% leech sure is crazy utility
bro you just posted kekw
It's like applying for a job. I remember tryouts in Wrath. Then with these types, you get in and they just funnel loot to their friends/officers anyway. Raiding has become a miserable experience. It should just be non-tradeable personal loot.
Gemcutting has always been my favorite. Lower barrier to entry.

You're not an actual redneck if you're not pro-worker an anti-cop. You're just a willing peasant.
Actual rednecks burned down the company headquarters when the owners refused to give them fair wages and ran moonshine on backroads to avoid cops sticking their snouts where they don't belong.
How do you trans mog the shoulders individually I cant figure it out
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I've never bothered with Mythic raids. If I can beat it on Normal and Heroic, I'm usually pretty happy with that. The problem with Mythic is that it becomes massively time consuming. It feels like it's for people who have nothing else to do or no other games to play.

I'm cool with playing on the hardest difficulty in a single player game, but I'm not doing it when I have to rely on 19 other people. AND every fight is like a 40 minute study session so you can understand all the modern day mechanics that get more and more ridiculous each expansion, fuck that. Unless you're literally one of the top guilds and you're actively getting paid to play the game, Mythic raids can eat my shit.
Ofc it is. 4% on 4 dudes equals 16% more leech. That's lots of passive heal. I throw that thing out on CD.
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Huh, never realised you can see the sword from Org. Imagine being some boar farmer in durotar when that came down.
disney bloat
they increased the draw distance by a lot some time in dragonflight
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Click this little checkbox.
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>Average WoW player intelligence in 2024
this is extremely misleading
DB Frost can do shit like this with all procs up for like 20s (with lucky Exterminates), but off of CDs does less damage than tanks.
DB + low crit rate turns Frost DK into Outlaw Rogue on steroids.
Sometimes you do what's in your ss, some other times people ask if you're AFK.
>if you enjoy actual challenge you should go back to classic
your IQ is lower than your parses lmao
>they made me be social
If you were normal this would be considered something to enjoy.
we are strong and fit
the soiboys who want femboy pussy shit in wow are weak and fat
why don't we just go out there and beat up every fucking little slopchugger until they're hospitalized? even if some of us are arrested, statistically the number of these gayboys will plummet much lower than ours. even Blizturd can't fake having income from noone, they will have to make the good game for us again. supply and demand. it's the Right Thing To Do, heroic even.
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I only found 1 pull where he didn't at least double the top DD. So it seems to be consistent enough.
Pretty sure its Vanilla to Cata stop at 30, MoP at 35, WoD and Legion at 40, BFA 50, SL 60 and DF to 70.
But then again I haven't leveled from beginning in a while, so I could be wrong.
All startable at lvl 10 through to the max levels, but I don't get why they've made it so you can't just stick to one all the way to 70, it HAS to be DF.
If I were normal I hope someone would shoot me for being a normalfag.
The hardest part about getting CE is having 19 other faggots showing up for raids consistently so you don't have to reprog every night
Put any group of 20 players that can speak the same language, make them raid for 3+ hours 4+ days a week and all of them will get CE before next tier. Dedication is all that matters
Can someone explain to me how I actually make good stuff in a profession? I took mining and jewelcrafting and chose making rings and necklaces but it shows I can only make bronze dotted items, how do I make the giant orange dotted gear?
You forgot the part where you cannot be a shitter, I guess I expected too much literacy from you~
Please stream your raids if you ever do one.
Where there talks of / rumors of a Darkmoon faire revamp?
The best expansion since Legion
well magic debuff immunity, it's useful for debuffs where you're given advance warning. for example the last boss in necrotic wake nalthor the rimebinder. he picks a target then does a 2s uninterruptable cast to shackle them. at the end of the 2s, they'll become rooted and will chain the effect to any nearby allies when the root expires. but if they're fully magic immune once the cast goes off (rogue cloak, AMS, divine shield) the debuff will never happen and nobody will have to move away from them to prevent the effect chaining.
really it's an "if you know, you know" type thing. like shadowmeld. it's got no real good use in some dungeons. secondary shells achieve a similar thing against instances of pure magic damage ye.
And to prove you aren't a shitter you have to jump through all of the aforementioned hoops retard
Ah so you are a faggot too. That explains it
>r. Dedication is all that matters
Sometime in legion I really noped out from all this
>bad legendaries
>every guild was asking really high item level to join their normal runs
>mythic+ was really starting to tire me with those timed runs
>artifact power bullshit
don't be a shitter
be born different or kill yourself

fucking retards I swear
I've been thinking the same thing. It might be slightly better because no Order Hall BS, but the Order Hall stuff was actually kinda fun the first time around, so Legion might've been better for a first character but TWW is definitely better for alts. Especially with the exp bonus.
Has anyone seen where they outline Sunfury over Spellslinger for Arcane Mage?

I know Sunfury is better right now but I'm interested in looking at the data if it's available anywhere.
my guess would be that the tank pulled packs back to back then
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With my guild? fuck no, 75% of them are really bad and it takes way too long to kill one or two bosses because they keep coming in normal or low heroic gear.
Blizzard should open interserv mythic faster, at least with pugs, you get screened out, no bad ilvl no shit parse players.
Post CE
<Convicted Felons>
<Water Boarding Community>
<Glow In The Dark>
<Three Day Vacation>
So it just occured me that mentally ill is a potentially bannable guild name. And knowing blizzard they might take every member for good measure.
at first, yeah, then they'll warm up to each other
How's Affliction Warlock in WW, I've always wanted to play it but it seems so clunky
Had the same shit happen with the machine. Now I'll never know if I actually missed fomo loot or if it's a bug.
I don't answer to shitters
they revamped it to god tier
Do I need to do anything in Darkmoon faire other than the profession shit?
12.0 will be different
>still replied
Struck a nerve I see
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higher than yours, shitter
I never got why wowg didn't just have an in-game community with the invite code in the OP.
its pretty sick, but still suffers mobility issues while other casters have a lot more instants
I'm the tank... that dumb asshole kept pulling more and more into me to where I had to cycle CDs and let my rune of sanguination make me not proc purgatory.
>day 10
>134 posters
dead game you guys are shilling a dead game get real
because there is a small group of autists who have dedicated their lives to ruining any sense of community /wowg/ has left
I think that happens when you use a coffer key in a delve before the season starts.

The game doesn't let you loot the gear reward, so the postmaster tries to send it to you but is also blocked from delivering it. Check your transmogs, especially the Delve set, and see if you have a piece of gear showing as acquired that you never actually got.
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Parses, logs, scores, spreadsheets and multiple difficulties killed wow raiding for me.
listen faggot. im good at wow. so if i read somewhere that sunfury is better and im playing sunfury that means its better. is this time-sensitive? did i magically stop being good because an update dropped? no? I didn't think so either.
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>be me, Inscription main
>my best crafting build is to click the Unlearn Profession button
Those are counting images you buffoon
>newfag read images and thought it was unique posters
>non-tradeable personal loot.
they had that in shadowlands and counciltrannies were seething when they couldn't distribute all the gear between themselves
if you don't want to trade your gear whenever the officer asks for it just don't loot the boss and wait for the item to arrive in the mail
/wowg/ guilds:

<No Fun Allowed> @ Illidan (Horde)
<This Game is SO Hard> @ Illidan (Horde)
<Inner Circle> @ Kil'jaeden (Horde)
<Shrek Your Privilege> @ Kil'jaeden (Horde)
<Rehabilitation Clinic> @ Kil'jaeden (Horde)
<Literal Who> @ Illidan (Alliance)
<RIP In Peace> @ Sargeras (Alliance)
<Muh Raiding> @ Stormrage (Alliance)
<Kings Honor Friend> @ Moon Guard (Alliance, RP)
<The Adventurers Outpost> @ Moon Guard (Alliance, RP)
<RP in Peace> @ Moon Guard (Horde, RP)

<Honestly> @ Frostmourne (Alliance) wisp runeheal or dorfie for inv
<Powered by Centrelink> @ Frostmourne (Alliance)

<Wrench> @ Shattered Halls (Horde)
<Gorilla Warfare> @ Shattered Hand (Horde)
<Shattered> @ Bladefist (Alliance)
<REKT> @ Silvermoon (Alliance)
<Big Guys> @ Silvermoon (Alliance)
<The Fire Rises> @ Ravencrest (Alliance)
<Very Cute> @ Argent Dawn (Alliance, RP)

/wowg/ communities:
NA: https://blizzard.com/invite/3NdPKTMo9
EU: https://blizzard.com/invite/Gd7AgaC9lm
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kek you're right I'm retarded haha

Last chance to get your name suggestions in. Poll will be going up in the next thread
God this set goes so hard, shame it's locked behind coffers.
Wow I actually don't hate that set
>be scribe
>decide to put all points in Vantus runes so I can help my guild

How fucked am I?
I haven't used a single key yet.
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Okay, but how many of those guilds have more than 0 active members
I'm really sad they got rid of the weapon enhancement runes from inscription.
none of them, its an old pasta from like legion or bfa
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<No Fun Allowed>
How are Stone Form and Shadow Meld still not nerfed? 99% of people doing any relevant content are one of these 2 races (ignoring evoker)
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anyone else tried of these fucking newfaf tourists
The Gender Within
Wait what, SEAniggers and aussies have their own servers? Makes sense, but this is the first time I recall hearing about them.
And how many of those use trannycord?
i remember when the draw distance was so low you couldnt see ICC from Dalaran.
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So should I just save my echos, or is it just the same amount of rewards as if I did a normal echo 5 times?
Explain to me how this is good writing in terms that a Cataclysm babby would understand.
Xal'atath feeet
It made the world feel bigger.
good to know i can ignore everything you say
<Wow Gee>
Xalatath tongue
that's ignoring why they're so OP for those players. you would gimp their functionality for the average person because they're OP in outlier situations where the single abilities they're meant to block are oneshotting you several times over.
>although I'm not against meld being changed to the classic version because that was more sovlful anyway
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rate my transmog I spent a long time on it.
Most other racials are completely gimped anyway
Is there no money to be made selling mats? I don’t exactly remember, but I swear Shadowlands had way better returns selling to the AH. I could farm Shadowlands mats for an hour a week and I’d have enough for a WoW token by the end of the month and then some. But War Within is only giving me pocket change.

Think it’ll change once Mythic/raids open? Or am I just wasting my time learning gathering? And while we’re on the subject: what’s the current best way to make gold?
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bismuth is super valuable right now
vaguely remember typical fan blabber about using it for a raid or something. don't think there was any gamefile or blizzard interview acknowledgement. i think brawlers guild is the thing that's supposed to be coming in tww at some time.
>Arathi gives absolute kino gear
>All of it will be overused though
my wife....
I would unironically betray everyone for her
I made A LOT of gold in DF just by crafting mats. Granted, most of it was thanks to the help of inspiration procs and hidden skill value.
Now with literally both of them gone, i don't know if i'll be able to get even close to what i made in DF. Conc was a mistake.
join a boosting community
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Which realm is this?
faggot headquarters
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>the druid and the mounted dude looking at the formations
potentially but they don't seem to do very much about the ones that are ableism in general. more than a few very old names still around that probably wouldn't be if reports were ever seen by humans.
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Xal >>> alleria
good, let the likes of maye (who made a guild with that name before abandoning it) join it and then get filtered by a pahjeet gm

maybe he will then go shit up /lolg/ again instead
you made this slop?
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Jaina >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Both of these knife-eared cunts
Please if you ever make the guild, call it like this
Who cares about whores
Stop posting AI slop

This is barely English and I'm pretty sure you're a flesh-engine powered by cum. KYS.
What would you do if you were Varian and had a faggot crybaby son like Anduin?
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What's the best m+ dungeon that you would run every season if you could?

Freehold for me.
die honorably on the broken shore

Ragefire Chasm
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whichever is the shortest
theres no dungeon I would want to see every single season
but lower Kara would be my pick if they have to
I don't know anon.
Imagine being king and your son is just a bitch.
I would probably do the Peter I thing and execute him, line of inheritance be damned.
Nice generated art
New bread
Does anyone have a simple atonement tracker for 5 man content? I cant find shit. HELP!
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stuff being "overused" is a dumb meme pushed by petty myopic people who are seeking social validation and approval by way of being "Unique and different" and its usually a smokescreen for them being utterly ordinary and uninteresting. They are covering up a boring personality and lack of original though by putting on a show of being "quirky and weird".

Stuff either looks good or it does not, and choosing to disregard stuff that looks good because it is so good that everyone agrees it looks good is brainlet-core.

The stereotype paladin aesthetic is so braodly popular prcise because it is awesome, and this set is one of the most awesome versions of it they've done. 8 gorillion fanboys agreeing that its awesome doesn't make it not. And the impulse to not use it simply because other people are using it is attention seeking teenage girl neurosis.

Men, historically speaking, love a snappy dress uniform and the fact that other like minded men also wear it is good thing. Your social cred comes not from how you change it but from how well you wear it and whether you do it credit or shame.
Violet Hold
just a boss rush dungeon
why the fuck not
would even fit with this expansion seeing as dalaran is fucked up now
say what you want about SL. Tazavesh was Kino for m+.
this but unironically, the second I hit 80 I switched to every single 70 alt I had and got their weekly knowledge cap
Tazavesh streets was fun, it was very hard the first few weeks then got nerfed hard, making it one of the easiest later on.
In my server, it’s dropped to 40G a piece… it’s over for us gatherers.
they'd be OP if similar situations surrounded them
>vulpera nose for trouble
if every trash pack in the game nuked you at start like the old gilgoblins from throne of tides
>undead fear break
if they came out with a retarded affix that feared everyone for 20s every couple mins
>gnome root break
look at the top of the arms warr shuffle ladder right now
>velf port, goblin rocket jump
see wfr autist priests all race changing for razsageth
>orc stun resist
dyou see what I'm getting at? if you sub out normal gameplay for weirdo situations a lot of these racials are OP
advocate for removing racials if you want but realize stoneform / meld is OP cause of a decade-long wank fight happening between devs and top players, wherein more and more danger has been loaded in to a single cast or debuff. the way the game is developed is more silly than the base proposition of stoneform imo.
we need to RETVRN to Maw of Souls
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Why are worlo players so against player housing?
It's called a Garrison, nigga

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