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Translated trailer for MGQP Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSK1EcbLdTc

Castle of Temptation has finally been released
NEW Youmaen has finally been fully translated : https://mega.nz/file/5Z1QnDZQ#4fFLCwIIP5xWrs0e8xVptgGHnmYOx8qNY37-PiWtHmc
MGQP has been delayed to 2024. Further information here: https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/727502
SHRIFT II 2.56 has been mostly translated https://mega.nz/file/KIEAnAAR#gZSP8wYdutRThD3wJkcd1L2mPTgpzUdPyKzdVG4BOKw
New MGQ Wiki: https://mgq.miraheze.org/wiki/MonsterGirlQuest_Wiki
New MGD Wiki: https://monstergirldreams.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Dreams_Wiki
Three Charms Lonesome Spirit collab translation has been updated; Link: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/435693950/#q435711784

Game guides and resources: https://pastebin.com/ATqygPX7

You can get the latest translation of the Paradox Part 3 Demo translation files from ArzorX's Bitbucket:

You can get the Part 3 Demo files directly from Fanza here:

You can read a guide on how to apply the patch at ArzorX's Blog here:

ToroToro Resistance's blog:
Previous Thread >>491896630
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Harpies make everything better.
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>girls virgin
>lack dick
Anyone else notice a small but steady decline in overall thread quality in recent years? Maybe I've just been here too long.
>put dick gnome
>human sex angel probably
>ilias best dark queen
>trust sylph anyway
If you think this is bad you should see other monster girl places.
Quality-wise it's worse than 5 years ago when I started but better than 1-2 years ago, wouldn't call it a steady decline. It's noticeably deader than ever though.
The games come out we just don't really play em. We also lose anons to attrition because it just ain't monster girls unless we divide ourselves into little groups based on fetishes.
/mggg/ apocryphal savefile
>A. News
Very slow progress at the moment unfortunately. Hopefully I'll be finished before part 3 releases proper. I think I'll prioritize the Shirohebi mod though. It's such a small thing to do and can be easily completed for anyone to enjoy.
>B. Current status
Preliminary Stage:
Bonus Round:
Start of NG++ playthrough:
Collab and Time Loop:
Job Leveling:
>C. Ongoing polls
Poll on advanced jobs (max. 3) for all characters:
>D. Basic information
The apocryphal savefile will be the Ilias alternative to the Alice focused canonical savefile, where we do all the things, we didn't want to do the first time around.
Eva is cute. CUTE.
>Eva is archiving the part 3 ready /mggg/-canon MGQ:P savefile:
>basic cum food
>might kill trying pussy
>purified honest anons hot
and most importantly:
>trtr friend
If anybody here is interested in soccer, bring back the /vg/ league. That would inject a lot of life back into this general. I'd do it but I know literally nothing about divegrass

>The games come out we just don't really play em
What games?
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>What games?
I think sequel and shrift both have stuff coming out?
Promestein LOVE!
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Defnitely-Human-Girls Love!
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Situation succ will save this general.
That's arachnophilia mode.
Arachnophobia mode just makes tiny spiders randomly skitter across the surface of your screen.
Does it have a loli succ?
I've really liked Amber for a while now and it's nice that she finally has scenes. She's only rude to you at the start because as far as she is concerned you're just another manwhore fresh off the boat who talks a big game but will end up marrying the first elf that plaps him. Her going from that to mildly impressed once you've cleared the temple and then outright friendly and personable once you make it into the Capital is a nice bit of growth. I just wish her generic shop dialogue changed after that point to reflect that.

I hope she gets an actual romance path in the future and not just scenes
>marrying the first elf that plaps him
The dream.
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No effort edition.

Album of my lewds: https://catbox.moe/c/w5gtyf

Friends commissions: https://catbox.moe/c/vo902u

Big post, still needs updating: https://pastebin.com/DCfArGfe

The latest, Setouchi Angel Alma: Pic related, PSD: https://mega.nz/file/nQ1iwTyI#fPAE84d7RTzhzNYaCQYvJXlwiJr2yG-bjhcnzUOLCJg
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casino never ever
It's over isn't it? Man, All I've got are Innocent Rules and Sequel Thirst now, I gave up on Treasure Hunter Claire after some jackass spoiled the story for me and that I'd have to play through the entire game again for the true ending which apparently is Claire beats bad fake goddess, doesn't get her money so she continues to go on adventures after leaving her new friends behind.

Like fuck man, that took all of my fun out of the game since it certainly wasn't in the h scenes, all of them are rape and doing too many of them gives you the bad ending or evil endings where she goes schizo like it's a SHRIFT game
I assume that's a reference to wows new arachnophobia mode?
The new stuff does sound nice (Even if I don't particularly care for Amber) but man that is some serious, serious seethe. Why even post that?
haha lol
Because he had to unload after people on F5 kept hounding him about actually continuing the plot of the game rather than all the superficial bullshit that the capital has brought on people thus far and he finally had enough. It'd be like if TrTr had a meltdown on here about why part 3 is taking so long when it's still a bug fueled mess and remember, they kinda did get a bit mad when people voted for part 3 to come out sooner rather than wait for TrTr to finish the 3rd route, bug test that then release part 3.

games like this take not only a lot of patience but money, time and autism. especially among the translators as those guys who like Hakika's games are stuck relying on some goober from F5 to translate Innocent Rules, the only thing left are the H scenes and hoping maybe someone comes in for Thirst since Subpar is going back to school, someone on their thread seems interested in translating Thirst but they don't wanna 'snipe' it from Sub par and the F5 translator doesn't want to 'snipe' sub par either so everyone's waiting to see if Sub par will give blessing or stay silent about it. i can't imagine what kind of hell part 3 of paradox is gonna be like trying to translate
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Little monk...
>games like this take not only a lot of patience but money, time and autism.
Something like mgd is kinda like the simplest game you can make in the sense that it's very hard to add anything that doesn't directly translate to more content unless you are fucking up and doing idiot shit like trying to bolt dungeon crawlers onto some half assed made for artists engine.
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>girls remember what I did from my incomplete genocide run that I literally couldn't even finish
I can't state how cool this is but now I'm really annoyed that I couldn't finish the first run. it will be weird that by some point in chapter 2 I'll have normal interactions while anything before is hostile.
2 incomplete and "imperfect" runs. Truly the karma of my actions.
Why the fuck are you getting like that with me, I'm not threshold nor am I making excuses for him. go yell at him on F5, maybe if you're lucky you can mind break him so badly he'll rage quit the game entirely and you can laugh at him.
>, I'm not threshold
I'm not sure.
Even if you only add one scene every few months at least that would be something, there are so many girls that need fleshing out that he could hire some have decent writers for like 20 dollars to write 1k or 100 words
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Fuck off, I'm not yours nor anyone else's misplaced punching bag
you could have asked if shrift was worth it as a genocidefag, and we'd tell you no/meh
is threshold in your walls
feels like a mix of lazy/milking it, and also autistic about it, not wanting to outsource it to someone he doesn't trust
or something like that
a perfect storm
Nah I get that makin' games is hard (I have tried), but putting together that wall of text in response to such an innocuous shitpost and actually hitting submit just comes across as really bizarre to me.
I guess it's what happens when people are too insulated from bants.
They're used to hugboxy toxically-positive places like Discord and Reddit.
Dragon Princess is Hungry
Enatus Radi
Treasure Hunter Claire
Princess Honey Trap
Succubus Prison
SEQUEL series
Innocent Rules
Succubus in Wonderland
Depravity of a lewd Vampire
Parade Buster
Three Charms
Monster Girl Quest
Monster Girl Labyrinth
Monster Girl Quest Paradox
Desire Dungeon
Monster Girl Dreams
Succubus Affection
That game about the shota and his 4 maids
That game about the shota and his succubus waifu where he hides monster girls in his ass with a really ugly artstyle and tons of scenes with gore, farting, shitting, spitting, blood, vore, puke and snuff

Out of all of these which did you enjoy? I ask you because to be honest, the other h game general terrifies me, it feels like it's occupied by a bunch of ugly bastards who'll defile any poster they don't recognize.
Oh yeah and Re:BF even through the creator is a massive schizo who fucking despises 4chan forgot to add that to the list
>feels like a mix of lazy/milking it, and also autistic about it, not wanting to outsource it to someone he doesn't trust
>or something like that
I can understand that, but even if you do it under a pseudo name its still something. Maybe he'll feel that they'll want him to rush more if he gets more writers or maybe he has an autistic vision but is lazy in implementation? I can't say, but writing more scenes for what you love would still be better than not writing at all

>Black Souls
Monster girl bros are pretty chill when not being autistic about fetishes or MGE or whatever. Anyways,
>Dragon Princess Is Hungry
Fucking 10/10 H-game of the year, absolute must play.
>Princess Honey Trap
Not very monster girl-y, but the animations are great. Short enough it's worth a play.
>Succubus in Wonderland
Very good, though you'd better like completely absurd chest sizes.
>Monster Girl Quest
I find it hard to believe anyone who is aware of monster girl culture hasn't played it.
>Desire Dungeon
Has some great ideas, but I found it really boring and grindy. Probably good if you just cheat in gold and exp regularly.
>Monster Girl Dreams
Suffers a lot from being Western, but it does a lot I really like, it's probably my personal favorite.
>Succubus Prison
>SEQUEL series
>Monster Girl Quest
>Monster Girl Quest Paradox
>Succubus Affection

I haven't played pretty much any of the others on the list except for Asylum and L. Depth, and it's not like I hated them, I just stopped playing them for some reason and never went back.

I also liked Forest of Blue Skin, even if it wasn't completed, and Echidna Wars DX, and Succubus Tower 2
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Someday we'll have proper monster girl Hora Horror games with 3D Spider Girls and Lamias who try to eat the player!
I am frightened
he probably could have written a new encounter in the amount of text it takes him to argue with people on discord and f95
Smiling Amber makes me very slightly uncomfortable.
I was actually thinking exactly this, rofl.
I tried Depravity of a Lewd Vampire, but I didn't like the scenes. Not into ugly bastards and full-on monsters, even if they're the ones being raped.
I liked The Three Charms, MGQ, MGQP, Desire Dungeon, MGD, and Succubus Affection.
Haven't tried the others.
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Autism can be self-defeating at times.
Did you actually play these games? why even ask
I ask because I ask, what I do with that information is none of your business.
HGG was right about you then
Shut the hell up, HGG is a diaper wearing shit for brains nudist with a pee fetish!
what did hgg say about anon
who even is this anon
is this the same anon that is making a game with 3D models of MGE girls?
You went to the sex toy specialist and skill vendor. She is wearing a rack of anal beads on her waist, and she's obviously not looking for love-struck virgins. You have fucked up utterly.
>Princess Honey Trap
>Succubus Prison
>SEQUEL series
>Succubus in Wonderland
>Parade Buster
>Three Charms (and sequels)
>Monster Girl Quest
>Monster Girl Quest Paradox
>Succubus Affection
I have played, and enjoyed, all of these. The others I have not played at all. HOWEVER, I would barely consider Princess Honey Trap and Parade Buster monster girl games. Too many humans, too little monsters.
>I'm in danger.
You know I recall this manga where a bullied guy and his friends come across his grandfather's spell for taming demons. They attempt to use this spell to make their bullies chill, but they fuck it up since they know nothing about magic. They think it does nothing until the guy goes to school the next morning, and he bumps into an older girl who obviously has a bad attitude. When she turns around, he squeaks an apology, expecting her to lash out, but instead, her scowl softens into a frown, and she meekly accepts the apology with a blush before awkwardly walking off. Long story short, it makes girls with aggressive, evil, or outright demonic personalities fall in love with him on sight. Even full-on psychopaths are affected and feel actual adoration for the first time in their lives.

I bring it up because I started thinking about how some of the girls from these games would respond to this effect, especially since it's derived from a spell made to work on demons and spirits.
Sofia would be the only real target in MGD. I suppose you could also hit Beris. Most of the cast is pretty tame.
>SEQUEL series
Pretty good lore and cast, but plot itself is weak until Colony. It's one of those games you enjoy more for all else since Hakika plans shit years ahead.
Amazes me Hakika made a 2D thriller game that can scare you shitless like that. He really was flaunting light and darkness with the new engine at his disposal and translated well how to make you on the edge with monsters hiding in the darkness. You would need a good discussion to make sense of what truly happened in the end though because dream and reality get muddy there.
Well... I liked it but holy shit, that game didn't work as a soulslike as much as the Black Souls series did. Really large, sparse maps lacking proper shortcuts and the like. Asylum tires you fast. You learn to enjoy it along the way. Thankfully other anons gave me a simple map that could point me where to go.
>Succubus in Wonderland
Really good retarded fun in a world of horny succs. Play it more to chill as the plot isn't as complex as others.
>MGQ and Paradox
We all have our opinions but agree these are crucial to anyone interested in mosnter girl games. The VN throws curveballs make you cum and make you cry with the plot sometimes while criticizing issues of governance and religion, Paradox is fucking gigantic RPG.
>Desire Dungeon
Clearly made by someone that loved MGQ but wanted less killing. Short dungeon to explore and make amicable rivalries with monster girls while climbing
>That game about the shota and his 4 maids
Which? Tell me!
Will always respect as the OG but I personally think the VN is a little overrated and Paradox is a porn game where the game is far more enjoyable than the porn.
>Three Charms
Strong contender for my favorite monster girl game series. Meh gameplay is carried by its lovable cast. Hakunen best boy.
Sovl. While the art isn’t for everyone I find the way the scenes are animated to be uniquely erotic. Girls are hit or miss for me but when they hit they REALLY hit.
Glacial development aside, MGD is a really fun ride. I wish more games had a system of fetishes and permanent perks/status effects that are gained from encounters.

Some other games I like
>Succubus Academia
Mad Hatter my beloved. The rotating protag system is neat and makes me want a monster girl roguelike. The polish on this is really impressive too.
Fun little game of erotic pac-man made on GZDoom of all things. Currently indev so content is a little sparse but what’s there is really well made. Genuinely baffled by people that say it’s too hard.
>Tag After School
I really, really need more survival “horror” h-games. Japanese ghosts are too erotic.
>Seal of Lutellaria
Futa protag which I don’t normally go for but hoooly does this game have some great designs and animations. Really enjoy the cosmic horror theme too.
A lot of them would be affected, based on the girls who are affected in the manga. Any girl who's significantly violent, manipulative, selfish, aggressive, or rebellious would be affected. Considering many of the girls are fine with rape, I figure they would get hit by it. However, the effect seems to get stronger the worse the girl is, with the violent psychopath being damn near "I will do absolutely anything to make you happy." type of obsessed. Whereas more bargain bin delinquents are more like, "Hey, you're kinda cute."
Most of them are already at, "Hey, you're kinda cute." I guess we'd add the Minotaur, Manticore, Toxic Matango, Mimic, and Kotone. There's a natural safeguard attached to every adventurer, so "rape" there amounts to a small inconvenience.
>Passionate Choco Sweetheart Honeymoon Deluxe Box (25,000 eros)
Thresh, this is gold.
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I love you Youmaen Translator Anon! Thank you for the wonderful translation!
It's a real good thing these girls love you because, damn, some of them are scary.
There's the lizard girl who, upon seeing (You), tries and fails to kill you with a sword. Sure it's because its how her people propose, but still.
Yeah, but what would the effect be? You see how she is.
It's hard to say. Like in the manga, there's one girl whose aggressive behavior is mostly due to her being naive and manipulated. But she is still effected. However, after her morals improve and she is no longer affected, she admits to finding the MC cute, just more in a puppy way, so it's questionable how much it worked on her in the first place.
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Little drunk...
I can dunk her.
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>new update is looking great kek
*instant melty*
this guy is more fragile than luka
>you can't want to be raped, it's not rape if you want it
the heart wants what the heart wants, logic be damned
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You want pretend rape. Not actual rape.
Imagine a world where every place is like Succubus Village...
We would never get to play monster girl games ever again....
But we would have the real deal...
>Burning down potato fields with Eva
Haaah... what a dream
>anal beads
Looks more like a sounding rod.
>enchantment prevents any harm
>this means I can BEYBLADE
MGD's enchantment is kinda fucked up if you think about it. If some random guy walks up and starts raping your wife you have no way of stopping him other than wedging your dick in his ass like a crowbar to pry him off.
>it uh doesn't let that happen
>misdirection and fate and shit
>3 months and 10 hypotheticals later...
>it's become identical to MGE
Bold of you to assume my wife wouldnt enjoy the rape but anyways
>use sleep on him
>throw him into the ocean
>magical bind
problem solved
I think you should get a new wife.
Bee my honey!
I wonder if this line would work to get a bee girl wife.
You can always stop him with a net, or magic or pull him away with your combined strength, then you punch the shit out of him until he cums away.
Seeing how the setting works, I'd bet Vivian would send a succ to take his soul by "accident" or some authority would drag him away just out of the area where the spell affects people and kill him. A rapist trying to take people's wife or husband would go against the island's purpose and might hurt relations, so that thing must be policed in some way.
Likely nobody writing thought about it, though, since who plays a wish fullfilment harem game like MGD and thinks "oh no, I might be cucked!"
>who plays a wish fullfilment harem game like MGD and thinks "oh no, I might be cucked!"
Several of the girls go out of their way to tell you they won't fuck other guys anymore, so someone is evidently worried about it.
>she gets scared because honey = food
>since who plays a wish fullfilment harem game like MGD and thinks "oh no, I might be cucked!"
Incredibly insecure people who infest the monster girl fandom.
>Several of the girls go out of their way to tell you they won't fuck other guys anymore,
See, everyone knows they exist. It's the part of the monster girl fandom that are more against human women than they are into monster girls.
It was mentioned by the creator that the island enchantment also acts like a fate guide, meaning only who you are destined to be with will be found, that's why the lizard girl only encountered (you) and why other notable monsters can't seem to find men or any real relationships
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Bros I love this beautiful, immaculate, radiant, omnipotent, omniscient, and benevolent goddess so much.
How is Ilias so perfect?
Multiple characters imply they can circumvent the enchantment. Most just don't want to.
>Trisha's mom is stronger than fate
I am pretty sure it caters to the same crowd.
>That game about the shota and his 4 maids
>>Trisha's mom is stronger than fate
She was fate anon, as you were the only male to ever visit the inn before.

Its MGE but better since off the island you can do whatever you want, kill steal rape its all allowed. Humans and monsters killing each other as much as you want
>She was fate anon, as you were the only male to ever visit the inn before.
Sure, but she's the one who moves the inn around.
I thought it was the daughter who did it herself? But either way it worked out in the end
Trisha can't control the inn. It moves around on its own. The possibility of Trisha's mom seeing everything that happens inside is brought up, then dropped on account of discomfort.
Still, this is a case of mom knows best (I will give her a grandchild)
Perpetua aside, Trish has the sweetest path in the game.
>Luka: exists
>Every monster girl around: I'm gonna rape this
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For some reason this one specific tile on the Cat Shrine map is walkable, letting you get into this grassy area. There's nothing there as far as I can tell. You cannot enter the forested area on any other map from what I tried, or from any other tile in this map.
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Actually, looking closer, there is also one on the kitsune map, it also doesnt lead to anywhere.
It will have a secret superboss in Part 3.
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Kill foxes. Behead foxes. Roundhouse kick foxes into the concrete. Slam dunk foxes into the trashcan. Crucify filthy foxes. Defecate in foxes' food. Launch foxes into the sun. Stir fry foxes in a wok. Toss foxes into active volcanoes. Urinate into foxes’ gas tanks. Judo throw foxes into a wood chipper. Twist foxes' heads off. Report foxes to Alien x. Karate chop foxes in half. Curbstomp sodomized foxes. Trap foxes in quicksand. Crush foxes in the trash compactor. Liquefy fxoes in a vat of acid. Eat fxoes. Dissect fxoes. Exterminate fxoes in the gas chamber. Stomp foxes' skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate foxes in Hotland lava. Lobotomize fxoes. Mandatory sterilization for foxes. Grind txoes in the garbage disposal. Drown foxes in fried tofu grease. Vaporize foxes with a ray gun. Kick old foxes down the stairs. Feed foxes to alligators. Slice foxes with a European sword.
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Bratty Goddess!!! Needs LOVE correction!!!
Tratritle, I think
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She needs a hug and some therapy.
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Cute, smart cupid. She sells herself short.
Smart angels live in Enrika.
Is the senko game finally coming out.
I would simply perfect parry the rape.
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I-is skyrim a monster girl game?
If you want it to be.
No, unless you add a bunch of monster girl mods
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Skyrim is all games at once. People talk about a video game singularity where one day we will all play a single game that can be anything we want it to be and never ends. Well, Skyrim is that game, we just haven't reached that point, but everyday the modders get closer.
So yes, Skyrim can be a monster girl game, it can have cute monster girls, femdom, rape, CGs, stock music and autism. With enough mods, you'll be able to play Monster Girl Quest in Skyrim.
what does it say that the design on the left is more appealing
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This but Rimworld

You understand Lord Todd's Vision
Hi, is there a guide on how to MTL Paradox?
>spend 5 months fucking around with balancing changes and bug fixes and fishing mini games
>im fairly discontent with the lack of forward momentum on content main story or otherwise
Rape me once, shame on you.
Rape me twice, shame on me.
>is more appealing
You are mentally castrated. You were subtly trained by w*men to hate yourself for wanting to have fun. Embrace the coom fantasies. Be free. Be happy.
what do you suggest
i had an interest in rimworld but anomaly had just dropped and broke RJW at the time
i want to make a monster girl harem
RJW was recently updated again, but its still usable, you can just search for what type of monster girls you want. From mouse girls to foxes
Lets not bullshit ourselves. We want the shame every time, and it'll be a lot more than twice.
I don't think anything like MGQ would be super appealing to a western audience these days. MGQ was novel back in the day but I don't think the hard femdom niche is all that big outside of Japan, hence why monster girl games tend to be much more fluffy
have you had any success with a playstyle as a roaming pc? maybe they get kidnapped and forced to be part of a faction that's not originally the players
You can't really play a PC that isn't part of your faction, but I did play a roamer for a while, With VE vehicles, he was a Space Marine that wanted a harem
Big boobies
boobs too small
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Eden is the bravest of the three seraphs! Enrika is a footnote compared to Snowheaven!
I love you, Preganon!
It's so much hotter when she corners me out of nowhere and has her way with me however she feels like.
>monstergirl rapes you
>"mmn, that was nice..."
>she cuddles you snugly and goes to sleep
>she doesn't budge
I think some anons would be happier if monster girl stuff didn't have rape/battlefuck at all, just skipping the middleman to go straight to consensual sex stuff.
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>consensual sex
so what exactly happens after 1000 years of punishment? do you just get to go free or do you get some kind of parole status or something?
The thought that she loves me, and chose to take me by force, kinda makes me ~kyaaa~.
I'm a broken man.
>so what exactly happens after 1000 years of punishment?
You get the remaining 9900 years of punishment.
Don't you mean 19000?
You're right, we meant 19900. Sorry for the typing mistake.
Where did the extra 900 come from?
Cupid, are you just trying to fit in a little more rape?
It's because you're a bad boy that tried to "correct" an angel and put yourself above heaven and the goddess.
...Cupid, stop fooling around.
20,000 years is the standard duration of punishment.
Don't make excuses just because you're horny.
I want Unemployed to do something in part 3
The crazy part is that the Great War was less than 2000 years ago. Like, I'm pretty sure most of these angels aren't even half 20,000 years.
It will be a secret tier 6 Job.
Heinrich killed most of the angels earlier.
Yes, even for them it's a long time.
They want to indulge in lust for the foreseeable future.
Yeah the setting doesn't make much sense
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>Succubus in Wonderland
Light-hearted fun. I really like the designs and story, but the grind and map layout were atrocious.
>Parade Buster
Downloaded; haven't played.
>Monster Girl Quest Paradox
One of my favourite games of all time. It really scratches the world-space-time creation and RPG hole in my heart left by Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne ft. Dante from Devil May Cry
I taped pic rel of Eden on the wall behind my pillow.
>Desire Dungeon
Downloaded; never played
>Monster Girl Dreams
Just okay. Lillian and Trisha are great characters, but the rest just don't do anything for me. You can also miss a lot of content if your stats aren't high enough in a specific section.
>Succubus Affection
Fun romp, great fighting. My final team was the succubus sister, a golem girl, and the mermaid (kitsune was bland, sadly). There isn't an enemy I dislike, but I'm confused by some choices (ex.: bee girls, yet not a single minotaur)

There was also Monster Girl Black Market, but I don't know if it counts because you're breeding the monstergirls. Okay game with good art, but too much going on. It would greatly benefit from developer controls. I'm looking forward to the sequel.
I am going to boop the snoot.
>Dick has red inflammations all over it
>hurts and itches so bad had to wrap it in gauze
>Now can't cum for the next 5 to 6 weeks

I blame you all and I especially blame anon and his list, I found hot things in nearly all those games and couldn't stop, so for my sake stop posting lust provoking images
did you use lube
how many times did you go at it
Yes, I used Shibari and I only did it like 3 times in 1 week, I think I was thrusting and swinging my hips to fast or something or maybe taking too long, I went for almost 30 minutes the last time before I started feeling pain
Learn to HFO, no more need to touch, you'll cum just from arousal. Become the ultimate mggg protagonist.
Just be like Luka and visit analgen on /d/
Can't tit fuck. 1/10.
You can't?
My penis is large than 2 inches, and my defense stat is too low.
Those are spikes, not fur.
Skill issue
What is the perfect monstergirl for cuddling?

Pros: Fuzzy or fluffy, usually affectionate, typically around the height of average human, give or take, surprisingly prehensile tail for extra stroking
Cons: sharp claws and sandpaper-like tongue that she will no doubt use, may have sudden mood swings like a regular cat being overstimulated

Pros: Wings and tail for extra wrapping, literally built to be as appealing to humanity as possible, knows every single way to make snuggling as pleasant as possible
Cons: She is literally draining your soul by just touching her, most likely doesn't actually love you, will IMMEDIATELY rape you again the moment she's awake, your consciousness is not required

Pros: THE fluffiest tails, often multiple for extremely comfy wrapping of their partner, unusually dedicated to pleasing their mate
Cons: Once cuddling's over, it's either breeding time or time to send you out to farm for tofu, regardless of whether you even LIKE tofu or not.
>game has imp
>imp has the worst scenes in the game
>still unbelievably cocky
Pros: Snake tail can wind around you entirely, surprisingly warm inside said tail coil, also very safe from outside attackers
Cons: Tail is easily able to crush your bones by accident, once cuddling has commenced, there is NO stopping it, Possessiveness also works against you as she may just never let you go

Pros: Typically somewhat friendly and cheery, slimes can hug you back no matter what position you're in, pleasantly cool to the touch
Cons: You can't squeeze her too tight or your body just sinks into hers, some slimes have an absurdly high acidity, and because they're very dumb, she may just dissolve you to death and incorporate you into her. But isn't that the ultimate form of cuddling?

Pros: Cloaks feel like silk or satin and are extremely comfy, the smell is magically imbued to invoke a blissful trance
Cons: You will most likely wind up anemic and utterly incapable of living outside of her cloak after a certain point

Pros: Won't let go, no matter how you struggle, you might actually know this girl from somewhere
I agree, fellow homosexual. I hate it when my penis is squeezed between soft, bouncy tits.
Pros: Malleable form that's just a bit warmer than the room you're in. Can change size at will and reproduce, split, or coalesce nigh-instantly.
Cons: Absolutely unhygienic, with no means of self-care, save passively digesting whatever gets embedded in her and reducing it to coarse debris. Will never wear clothing.

Pros: Soft to the touch. Soothing presence and roundly agreeable. Goes with the flow. Won't leave, even if she wakes first.
Cons: Disconnected hair/wool has a scratchy texture and sticks to your clothes/blanket. Gets everywhere. She dents your floors and will someday headbutt you.

Pros: Lightweight with a nice voice. Soft arms and body. The love is absolutely genuine.
Cons: You will always wake up to an egg in the bed. If it's fertilized, you're waking up on the floor. Physically frail.
Pros: Silk cocoon to make you feel secure and safe
Cons: usually won't let you touch her human half, It's not really cuddling if your arms are bound, also she may just be preparing to eat you

Pros: Lots of tentacles to hold you with
Cons: somewhat slimy, there will be more than one occasion something slips into your backdoor, no matter how much you object to it

Pros: her tiny body won't press down on you too much, may have massive jugs, loves it when you're gentle
Cons: WILL fart in the bed because she thinks it's funny, struggles to understand intimacy and will often mock you for being in love with an imp

>Slug girl
Pros: Very gentle and thorough in her caresses, loves exploring every inch of your body for any weak spots
Cons: EXTREMELY slimy, and there is a strong possibility something will slip into your asshole, and she will NOT remove it until she's finished
None of these are welcome in the bed.

Honestly, it's probably better to assume the cuddling happens after she is sated because otherwise, you're likely to get a few minutes of cuddling at best before it turns into sex.
I think today's lesson is that cuddling is actually the most dangerous game.
napping with monstergirls
MGD update pog
>livewire content
Weird... This fox looks like she would drain my wallet...
It also looks like off-topic junk that doesn't belong here.
You'll forget monster rape next day.
You'll remember monster cuddles for the rest of your life.
Is it really this hard to accept the fact that this game is just another patreon scam that will never finish?
Angels, especially the ones with lots of wings.
If you think about it for a second, angel pussy is the safest place for your penis. It's literally a piece of heaven, no monster can get you there.
...says the winged elf, typing this while fuming monster pussy always gets the human penis
I love Kitsune, so I pick Kitsune. I will produce many foxes and farm plenty of tofu, like a good husband should.
Good man
The only foxes I like are Nazuna and Tzusuri every one I've met in these games are some evil bitches who need therapy and or rape correction
Angel hugs...
Her arms, her wings, even her legs gently hugging you...
>not wanting an evil wife who remains evil but truly loves you
Sometimes I wish I could get exposed to those aphrodisiac powers angels and succs have to cum over and over. If I ejaculate once I have to take a pause and sometimes eat something.
Eh... it really depends on how they're working and how much magic is involved. Multiple orgasms get painful fast and there's even the possibility of actual chafings on your dick after a few hours. Even if we'd assume that the aphrodisiacs work like a well-rounded combination viagra, heroin and meth than it would lose it's effects rather quickly. Some weeks or days, just because your body built up some tolerance to the substances. Also if the dosage would be so high that you wouldn't notice developing wounds on your dick, than you're probably not a good sex partner anymore. And we haven't even started talking about the side effects. You'd probably die after two days. This may not be so crucial for succubi. A one day dose would be absolutely sufficient for a light semen snack or soul vore. But I don't see the 10000 year angel rape if she'd wouldn't cast healing spells constantly on you.

So basically you're asking for a very good high with an elite escort for a day. That should be doable for less than 10k
Why would fairies want humans to fuck angels?
The takeaway from this is that angel fluids have healing properties. Pussy juice will heal your dick to stay healthy during intercourse
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Succubus Prison
Princess Honey Trap
Monster Girl Quest and Paradox
Monster Girl Dreams
The Ragnarok BF games are pretty mixed, but not too bad, and I actually really like some of the scenes in EOY.
The circle tecka are pretty good too.

SEQUEL is on my to check out list.
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Ai generated now, sir. I might even do something with em soon.
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Coconut crab girl?
>Anything left unattended on the ground is a potential source of food, which they will investigate and may carry away – thereby getting the alternative name of "robber crab".
>Although B. latro is a derived type of hermit crab, only juveniles use salvaged snail shells to protect their soft abdomens while adolescents sometimes use broken coconut shells for the same purpose.
That's a mini winged elf
You have been granted one fluffy tail touch. Please report to the kitsune shrine in Yamatai village to collect your prize.
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A prize? I love prizes. I'm sure nothing bad will happen during my visit there!
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Almost like you should put a baby in them so they wouldn’t be evil anymore
Bunny girls are my weakness.
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My bad.
Why would avariel (https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Avariel) want humans to fuck angels?
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I am a vampiraficionado (vampire aficionado)
>no monster
sad penis
happy penis
wen penes met le hekking mon femele bazonga sploge cum wow

do u amaze?
Rangeban slimes, please.
What happened to the ipfs archive?
Nobody cared about maintaining it, so the lone russian that was running it on his laptop eventually pulled the plug.
Nowadays there's https://mggcollection.neocities.org/list and it works far better anyway
Did it feel good when Sphinx kissed you?
What are some games similar to Konko's? I really like the idea of a single monstergirl just pampering/loving the MC
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Slimes can't use computers. The sticky keys would be a nightmare.
Marrying an elf isn't actually a bad thing, right? It's perfectly normal for a guy to lock a girl down...
*for a girl to lock a guy down
>mgd gets another update
>singular typo fix
Great update
You can't say that. It's dev harassement.
Have you seen the game? He clearly wants to be harassed. Especially sexually.
I still don't know who Jora was made for
The wyrm?
She's CUTE.
She's one of the best girls in the game. What do you mean?
I have never thought the thing I most needed in my life was a pegging from a lonely tard.
I still don't believe I need that.
I thought we all liked femdom here.
MGD is full of femdom, but Jora isn't femdom. It's just tard strength attached to a female chassis.
>getting pinned to the ground and having your ass raped isnt femdom
There's a reason we distinguish between domination and rape.
that's hot
>the dick shadow returns
That dude is just begging for a correction, this is the second time he's waved that thing in a monster girl's face daring her to partake in it even through she's resisting.
Monstergirls? Shit
Humangirls? Cute
Humanchildhoodfriendgirls? Perfection
MGD update?
different anon. I like femdom, but don't really care for pegging. I prefer femdom that is dominating me/character in a clearly female way.
Nice try, Sonya
Which monsters provide the best Puff-Puff?
I like femdom that isn't outright mean and cruel, I like femdom that's slightly vanilla
I like Sonya
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Sonya was made to be cucked by all the women in the world... including her mother.
laptop mimics
I am going to ask you to elaborate.
>he doesnt know about the laptop mimic
I'm so horny, yet my dick is in recovery, I don't know what those red markings are but until they're gone I can't satisfy this desire in me, I'm scared I'll end up like the DORTHYYYYY BROOOOO demon from Black Souls, tht dude lives a miserable existence in a game full of characters living miserable existences, It's hard to believe it has h scenes at all with all the schizo in it and black bars, Paradox wishes it had a fanbase respect it's story to that extent
In my case it's my wrist's joint. It has been 3 weeks and still recovering.
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>taimanin snek
i like snek :)
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>pornhub closes
*sad piano music starts playing*
Your kind isn't welcome here, Begone.
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Truly the best fox her company has ever put out.
you can take a hike too retard
Don't be such gatekeeper anon, I thought the brave new mggg was above that?
It's always okay to gatekeep gachatards.
Snek has been in the sun too long. Her scales are melting.
I will hug this snek.
Are you still salty over anons not caring about furries and non-game monster girls.
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was this really necessary to mention?
>no octopus girls (only one plant girl who keeps to herself and joins your party)
>no animals to be seen
It's a joke....right?
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>anons not caring about furries
What did anon mean by this?
It's funny how far some people will go to avoid futa dicks on their monster girls
Why does your woman have a dick?
>Why does your woman have a dick?
For true coexistence, Ask luka
So that they can rape each other instead of human boys.
all the best ones do nowadays
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lime (and supposedly a few other paradox girls) is coming to the next game of he who must not be named
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>It's always okay to gatekeep gachatards.
I don't know who that is.
you know the huge sword guy and the three strong sisters that fight the lilith sisters in the collab? that game series
Glad he's making the collaboration two-way. Here's hoping for Succubus Rhapsodia to have MGQ succubi as party members.
to milk the prostate for maximum cum yield
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/k/ plz go
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What's her opinion on boomerangs?
Secret lovers
Is the mggg games collection still a thing? It's not in the OP anymore. Having a hard time finding some mediocre games that nobody bothered to buy on my usual sites
It's pretty comprehensive.
ty for the spoonfeed anon
>Not making her into a spider girl.
Futa is just really over done man
>play that game
>make a coom build
>didnt realize the pantsu reduces your cum damage
>remove the panties from my accessories
>cum + charm blast insta kills most enemies
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>magical girl Eden
This tickles my youthful mature woman fetish.
imagine the kissies
giving these things human faces while a beat them to death with a hammer would be a huge upgrade
Is this one also going to be on Steam? Seeing MGQ characters on Steam will be weird.
For me, it's making a game using an easily pirated engine, and then getting absolutely shocked and surprised when it's easily pirated.
It happens more often than you think.
Is the protagonist still Venos or is it a new guy? People meme about Sonya being a cuck but Venos's wife is definitely the worst of them, I mean yeah story wise she gets his virginity and gets knocked up but you can get fucked by and fuck a lot of monster girls before the story ends and Venos canonly gets fucked by his teacher to teach him how to battle fuck in the first place, at least Luka's constant sex is always without his consent
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oh no no no
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After thinking about it for a while Monster girls are at their best when carefree and happy, where rape doesn't end up in death and they aren't out for blood, i guess this is why i really disliked Puttel but i feel like those games are becoming hard to find.
Let the poor woman rape you, she goes through enough bullshit every day
her new design is so shit
She really does, I thought Sonya was in desperate need of plapping but Elena has a lot of problems what with having gorilla strength and succubi level libido and worst of all wanting a vanilla romance on orgy island where every guy has 10 or so other girlfriends because you gotta fuck to do get anything done around here

That actually sounds like a wacky premise for a game, being a meat dildo for a bunch of overworked undersexxed office ladies
Every redesign has been shit, I haven't played MGD since before they redid any of the artwork but I hope they add an option to revert back.
>Every redesign
Even Mimic?
Even Vivian?
Even the imps?
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Over the years as I've come to understand what I'm into better, I've realized that the kind of femdom that gets me going doesn't have anything to do with humiliation as much as it does being desired and taken. In other words, less "You like that you disgusting quickshot maso pig?" and more "I'm going to take you home, tie you to my bed, and have my way with you until I'm satisfied."
Huh funny enough I just finished a game where a wage slave angel decides to plap the main character silly for some stress relief. Through you guys probably won't like it since it was futa and while she was gentle at first, lust took over and it became PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP
i'd play it
Dragon Princess is hungry, fair warning tho, you don't get to see her until the end of the game and run around in the post game, Another problem is the game suffers from severe slow down during sex scenes you might be stuck on one for as long as 20 minutes due to the animation, or maybe it could be my shitty laptop, I can't even play SHRIFT games without slow down on it, Ineed to buy a new one, any recommendations?
The lift was destroyed (again), and there's a mountain of paperwork involved.
Happens when you clear the mountain (not the temple) and return to Elena at the adventurer's guild.
A very rude slime has been vandalizing around town and key places for adventurers, Elena is responsible for most of this stuff which is a lot of bueracery bullshit, she's a heavy drinker, very stressed out daily and has a bad temper along with retard level strength, she can pin a man with one hand to a wall and crack a deck by driving her elbow into it.

Thus she tasks you to rape correct the slime and make her stop, you manage to do that but a third party flat out destroys the lift entirely during this event and you have to break the news to elena that while you stopped the vandal the lift is totaled entirely, thus more paperwork, no relaxation and no downtime.

The life if a wagie is painful, Uula knows what I mean, imagine saving the world and still being an underling
What is your price range?
Less than 2000 dollars
DON'T get a "gaming laptop" those things are junk. I have a MSI with a 1650ti and I got it for about 750, its not the best but it does the job.
That would buy you a top of the line pc and you could even play your pixel rpgmaker games in glorious 4k.
Are you able to play SHRIFT without the game shitting itself? I'll use 2 as an example, starting it is super slow because of the fox girl's animation, let alone her little tutorial fight, I actually lost her grab where she actually starts having sex with the guy because the animation was taking so long yet the game was still running so even through I tried to push her off as directed the game never registered my action so the dude got raped and i gained some weird thing, after that I just gave up and deleted it. I managed to get through Dragon princess because outside of the h scenes the game ran pretty alright
I played 1 on my old laptop that had a1050 with 16gb of ram and it played it with no problems I also played MG5 on high graphics with no lag, so my current one should easily play those games if not better. How much ram and what videocard do you have?
No clue at all
Download something called Cupid CPU-Z, it will allow you to see your computer's "stats". Take a screenshot and then post it
is this it
>be chimera monstergirl
>multiple voices constantly bickering at all times
>meet a human
>a moment of clarity
>your hear only one thought
mimic is pretty good
did they confirm or deny the theory that Amber used to be a human and got monsterized by elves
Do Witches count as monstergirls? Or Swamp Hags?
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The seal ran out.
aw dude
How is that machine capable of doing ANYTHING
They only count as monstergirls is the setting treats them as such. Otherwise they're just derogatory female wizards
Bro, I'm sorry, but this is a potato.
Basically-human women in monster girl worlds that have a hankerin' for BHC receive honorary monster girl status. It's why we allow elves, angels, and most forms of succubi in MG threads.
As far as I'm aware that's fanfiction, but I could have missed something.
Depends on what makes them witches. If they are treated as a different species, that's the highest tier. Hags in skyrim and Witches in UnderTheWitch would fit this, lorewise (designs are very human, but they're born with superhuman femdom powers).

Ritualistically or magically transformed is the next tier. Witches in the Witcher would be an example. Roughly on par with elves on the monster-girl scale.

I would say normal humans that are born with "The Gift/Curse" are below elves in the "we can include them in the monster girl game"-tier, and they probably have to have a gimmick like extracting semen for its magic powers to even justify that tier.

If it's just a female magic user that basically just leveled up a few times in a job/class, then it's fully-human tier. They would only be relevant her if they happen to be in a monster girl game. So their status is adjacent hashtags.
Anon, you're running some unsold windows XP hardware.
Sorry for taking so long to respond, my power went out. Anyway, that amount of ram is barely enough to operate your OS, not even counting your graphics card. Your computer is ancient
Only one is mentioned, and that's Catherine.
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looks like she could fit my head in there
gimme that tailpussy
gimme the girl minus the tailpussy
Well damn, guess it's time to upgrade to something much more modern and better, got any brands you recommend? I'm usually an HP Windows guy since those are the brands I'm most familiar with and due to a family emergency the budget shrank from 2000 dollars to around 800 dollars
Bro BRO what in god damn are we doing
I'm a poorfag, It's not like I've ever carried a macbook or something, before this the last computer I had was an 2008 emachine
You'd probably be better off building one yourself if you know how (and I have great reasons to suspect that you do not), or buying a prebuilt at your local Wal-Mart or whatever they have in your country if you don't want to wait.
>he thinks if I'm shitting on hewlett packard then I'm a ibaby
maybe anon just doesn't know what's good/bad in laptops
I sure don't, aside from "don't buy the RGB razer gaming themed junk"
apparently thinkpads are good, but I might be wrong?
Correct u have no idea what the bells and whistles are I’ll read up more after work
Are you looking for a laptop or a desk top?
>we'll become one
mgqs vore scenes all saying this kind of ruined this term for me
That's one S T I C C slime. Also, based Rocket Slime enjoyer.
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Why can't all slimes look like that?
Quality soundpost.
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Dios mio, la goblina es linda
>we'll become one
Anon, she means "sex".
I wouldn't trust that.
That's what they all say.
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Can't draw feet? Just turn into a snake.
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This here is an upgraded version of my current laptop which is a few years old at around the same price, I would recommend getting two 8 GB sticks of ram and a laptop fan because this only has a single fan. I'm assuming that you live in American you need not buy it from best buy, as I would try new egg but its good to show you the laptop anyway, it even has a slightly stronger video card than mine
how much would it cost to have those installed?
My power's gone out again anon, so I won't have internet for much longer. But it wouldn't take that much. May 60 or 70 for the ram a
Before you go, is there one that already has that stuff installed I could buy? I'm gonna start making a slush fund for this eventual computer, I wanna see Sonya plap luka silly decently
can you not just open it up and put it in there
get a cheap set of small screwdrivers that matches whatever weird screws it uses
Bros, it's time for us to accept the truth... all monstergirls games would be a million times better if instead of monstergirls they were just humangirls.
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I will never be convinced that most monster girl fans aren't just depressed human girl fans going for escapism.
I want a healthy mix of all 3, monsters, angels, humans, all trying to plap me gently.
Isn't the monsters' physiological reliance on sex an important part of the premise?
How do you explain that with human women?
>monsters' physiological reliance on sex
A hotly contested issue! Interestingly, no monster girl setting actually sticks with this. They most often mention it then completely discard the issue whenever it suits them.
In the examples I'm familiar with, it's either a central part of racial dynamics, supplemented with a reproductive issue, or brushed aside with the use of a synthetic food source.
I don't think you could capture the conflict using only human women.
>MGQ but now there's no racial issues
Okay but even if you rewrite the whole plot to be something about stopping incels/femcels now you live in this timeline
>Paradox without the Race build autism
Now we live in a world were it's just a shitter FF5. Maybe it would had sold more by actually releasing earlier because it wouldn't have multiple routes.
Think for a moment how retarded the idea of a monster girl only village in mgq is considering semen seems to vary between something they need to function to just reproduction based on the girl.
And MGQ has not only a monster girl only continent but deep sea monster girls that must see dick about once a century.
I'm not sure about mgd but i think it's mostly just handwaved as something you aren't meant to think about.
>Think for a moment how retarded the idea of a monster girl only village in mgq is considering semen seems to vary between something they need to function to just reproduction based on the girl.
Isn't that the reason the harpies kidnapped the men? I'm not sure how many MG-only villages there are in MGQ lore.
>And MGQ has not only a monster girl only continent but deep sea monster girls that must see dick about once a century.
That's where the reproductive part comes in. IIRC, MGQ monster girls only need semen because they can't reproduce without it. They (in most cases) don't need it to survive. They do eat food.
>I'm not sure about mgd but i think it's mostly just handwaved as something you aren't meant to think about.
In MGD, they do actually need it to survive, and that's been the main cause of war for about 100,000 years. Now, they have energy potions and other food sources they can use as a substitute, though potions are about as satisfying as chugging protein powder.

There isn't a single MG in MGQ that needs semen to live or even be healthy. While Semen is very nutritious for them, they do not require it. Some monsters can't even consume semen for energy at all.
So now there's just no conflict at all.
Yes, it's all just ilias propaganda
Most of the conflicts in MGQ revolve around pretty normal things like land, resources, and ideology.
>Isn't the monsters' physiological reliance on sex an important part of the premise?
I think the bottom line is that there's a bunch of predominantly monstrous girls. The absence of monster boys (in some odd and offtopic cases, the complete and absolute absence of males of any kind) tends to highlight that it's a monster girl setting and not just "a fantasy world that just happens to have girl monsters in it."
Strict exceptions I'd put out there are ones from doujins I keep forgetting the names of (because they aren't that good); where the males are either extremely rare in their own species but the girls can conveniently breed with humans, or males are common but have a lower sexual drive, which is a constant cause of declining birth rates.
thinkpads are overpriced but they're not bad per-se
I grabbed a Lenovo Yoga because it's not much worse than my old desktop and it does everything I need it to. You can use it for games, just be careful not to fuck it up by running a lot of high-end stuff and overheat it.
>t. someone who did this and doesn't yet have a screwdriver small enough to lift up the CPU and replace the thermal paste
>Before you go, is there one that already has that stuff installed I could buy? I'm gonna start making a slush fund for this eventual computer, I wanna see Sonya plap luka silly decently
I'm back. Anon, answer me honestly. Are you tech illiterate? I wanna know how exact I have to be with the information I give you
And central conflicts? It's not enough for there to just be men and women who want to have interracial sex in fantasyland. MGQ is propelled by angels trying to destroy monsterkind. MGD is a world in transition because succubi were on the brink of eating themselves out of humans. They're trying to address the implications of their own newfound dominance.
What would the conflict be if you just have a bunch of separate humanoid groups without humans somehow in the middle? The more I type, the more I begin to think it'd just turn into blacked porn with a world attached. I'd much rather the monster girls.
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I am not, I'm as literate as this girl is about magic
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>And central conflicts?
It depends on the theming I guess, I was only stating what it would take for it to be called a monster girl work. It could be some cutesafe kind of thing where it's just cute girls doing cute things for all I care really, but obviously a common theme around here is "they are different from us, can we still get along? Do we even want to get along?"
In my case the answer to the last question is no, I'd unironically rather be a semen cow than engage in the shitty world we've created for ourselves. But it doesn't have to be about my desire to be turned into livestock, monster girls can be used for lighthearted and fairly safe things too after all.
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>but obviously a common theme around here is "they are different from us, can we still get along? Do we even want to get along?"
It's usually, "they prey on us, they're much stronger than us, they present a clear threat, and they have no real will to change. How can we possibly get along?"
It's not just, "would you kill this cute kitsune for $2,000?"
Sorry anon, these laptops are just predesigned and mass-produced, if you want some upgrades you'll have to add them yourself Okay well I'm going to give you similar to what I have for my Laptop and what faults I have with it. It came with two sticks of generic 4 gb of ram, https://www.amazon.com/Kingston-FURY-3200MHz-KF432S20IB-32/dp/B097QJ74WQ?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1 You can get 32 GB of ram for 60, when I paid for my ram like 5 years ago, this was the cost for just 16GB of ram

If you Live in a hot climate you WILL need a fan as this laptop only has a single fan. I'd recommend a cooling pad
Alright, I've saved all the links so when I have funds to go after this project I'll have a benchmark to start from, thanks anon. Now I'll go to sleep because I have to work tomorrow to then come in early Mon through Wed, the life of an underling is tiring.
If and when you get your laptop anon, make sure to let me know in the thread so that I can properly help you
>"would you kill this cute kitsune for $2,000?"
I'm in a bad mood, and I'm gonna take it out on you.
Are devils in MGD based on the demons from Tyrion Cuthbert: Attorney of the Arcane? The description of their powers lines up with what we saw there.
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>I want vanilla monogamy
>sister, plz. the women outnumber men 3-to-1
>don't ruin my dreams
oh no no no
Human women must have some advantage in that world. In all likelihood, they're the only ones who can give you sons, so that alone may be something of a special power by comparison.
The enchantment is only 25 years old, is not told about to adventurers, the moment they land, they're saddled with a huge debt, and if a ship tries leave the continent with a man onboard, it gets sunk by aquatic monster girls. This last part hasn't actually been elaborated on, as when I cheated myself cash to get rid of the debt, choosing to leave just gives you an underwhelming ending where you... just leave.
Did you respond to the wrong post?
No. He speculated about the human women advantage, and I told him that the superiority of monster girls is both recent and very hush-hush.
The superiority of monster girls isn't that recent. Enough time for a trend and ecological threat to be recognized and answered by at least one government.
Also, monster girls aren't locked to Lucidia. The player comes from Fertilia, where they've been fighting monster girls for over a hundred millennia. They came to Lucidia because that's where the Demon Queen lives.
>expecting a fourth surprise child
Evanon is virile! VIRILE!
where's this from
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28th image down or so. The full image size was over the 4 MB limit.
meant to tag >>493471489 to >>493471728
thanks anon
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You are very welcome!
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Would you vote for her?
humans dont need to eat animals to survive and yet they make cow holocaust camps and factories to raise and then butcher animals. monster girls need semen the same way humans need chicken. good luck getting humans to eat the bugs instead of a ribeye
But animals aren't sapient, so it's different.
MGD is set up so the only reasonable conclusion is that humans were made for succubi to consume and play with forever.
Does anyone care about that?
I sure hope that the average person would go vegetarian, if not vegan, if animals talked...
But I can't be certain.
A cow could recite the entirety of shakespeare to me and I would not give a damn. Way I see it, it's no different than if they just lost a speech impediment.
If monster girls were real then the chinese would make monster girl holocaust camps and eat them. Succubi would not stand a chance against those guys
I'm keeping one around 24/7 to be my aphrodisiac tap. Drinking that shit until my heart gives out.
eva pls
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>If monster girls were real then the chinese would make monster girl holocaust camps and eat them. Succubi would not stand a chance against those guys
And yet people here act like Shikibuses are bad girls.
Two different things can both be bad, even if one is worse.
Who knows how many people each shikibus goes through, and how many shikibi there are in SP.
IIRC, someone said SP Earth is just one of many "farm worlds".
I think we have a succ infestation.
We don't. Just don't go to them offering some sort of meat ban. It won't even be a week before you're on the floor with a flag in your ass and only a succubus' thighs to cry on.
We're not giving up meat for the sake of some stupid moral position. If it comes to that, just kill the demons.
Would you really risk death to have meat?
Would you not? I value eating meat more than I value the moral consistency provided by turning vegan just because the succubi made all the cows talk. I'm not even sure if they care that you stopped eating meat. I'm not dropping it. If they want meat abolition, they can tear the last steak on earth from my cold, dead hands.
Good luck trying to eat a shikibus.
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If humans can beat gigantic monsters like this, shikibi do not stand a chance against the yellow hordes and their frying oil.
I'm bringing a Congolese man to that fight, just to make the point that anything we can digest is our territory. They have no right to get between us and protein.
>the succubi made all the cows talk
Wait, what?
I thought this was a hypothetical to show how it's different...
Is this thread interdimensional?
I don't care which it is. Point is, we're not giving up meat, no matter if, whether, or how the cows start talking.
So you're no better than a succubus?
I'm different. I'd win.
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Just saying, if you vote for her
ALL meat is on the menu!
>I sure hope that the average person would go vegetarian, if not vegan, if animals talked...
Then you're delusional because it has never mattered whether or not they're sentient
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>average person is even worse than I thought
Isn't that better applied to you? The only thing keeping you eating cows is their inability to talk. We would've eaten them regardless, just because they're cows, but you specifically do it because they're disabled.
They don't have the capacity for complex thought, it's not just a communication issue.
They can think. Does it matter how complex their thoughts are?
Get over yourself you enlightenment reject
Cows are food literally because they taste good, aren't people, and are efficient (if they're not corn-fed)
Their capacity for thought doesn't and has never mattered. They literally are allowed to live and breathe our air because they are useful to us.
If humans didnt want to be dryfished/vored/drained/soulvored then why are they made of food?
>turning point hellgondo
To me, the definition of "people" involves the capacity for wisdom and reason.
Not just "humans that look just like us".
I know many people don't follow this definition (see: every genocide), but I would hope there's also good people who do.
>reee enlightenment
Oh boy, this again...
Does anyone actually know why we feed them corn? I thought the whole point was that they were good at turning grass into edible foodstuff.
In the MGQ world, humans aren't food for most monsters.
Why would you make mental capacity a requirement for what's supposed to be a simple practical/safety measure? People are people. Stick to eating animals and vegetables.
grass has very little practical purpose. corn is about 80% inedible by mass so its easy to make byproducts from the inedible parts like the stocks or the husks to make into animal slop pucks.
For society:
Some moral/ethical value has to keep us all from killing each other.
This value has to persist despite changes in scientific, social, and ideological understanding.
Extreme and *direct* reliance on "might makes right" by itself is not very stable.
What does it mean to be "made in God's image"?
God is not a physical creature made of matter and reflecting light.
>Does anyone actually know why we feed them corn?
Corn is heavily subsidized to the point that it's practically free to produce and the supply has to be dumped somewhere to keep costs up. It also fattens livestock up faster which means more "productive" livestock and the ability to sell them faster (move more product more quickly = more profit)
the point isn't to save money on inputs (feed), the inputs are abundant and cheap, what isn't cheap is land and time. Feeding corn saves land and time.

Thus I suggest that cowgirls in the wild would be skinny and toned but with large breasts, while urban/domestic cowgirls would have the expected voluptuous body with massive tits.
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>play Violated Hero
>hero gets violated
They don't make 'em like this anymore.
>It's not just, "would you kill this cute kitsune for $2,000?"
>cute kitsune
Pic unrelated?
Anyway, I get you, but the counter-argument depends on whatever the fuck the author feels like. Sexuality is just convenient and easy to get Patreon money for
Kotone bros...
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People give Dieselmine too little credit.
>Does anyone actually know why we feed them corn
Literally it's an American thing. Americans got trained to like the taste of ridiculously overweight cows and corn is ultra subsidized. Also corn is more time-efficient since it's the equivalent of feeding a dude ration bricks and multivitamins every day.
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>Americans got trained to like the taste of ridiculously overweight cows
We're not all like that. I only like the MILK of ridiculously overweight (in her tits) cows, ideally ones who have heavenly blessings.
No this wasn't me shitting on Americans it was an actual phenomenon in the 1800s where Europeans didn't actually import American beef because it was too fat or something
I'd eat her pussy, it you know what i mean.
>Dragon Princess is Hungry
>Princess Honey Trap (moreso than Tower of Alfimia)
>SEQUEL series
Don't remember whether I liked Succubus in Wonderland or not, but I did like Lust Grimm Again.
>Parade Buster, though I find it worse than other excessm games, except for Mines Canaria
>Three Charms
>Desire Dungeon
>Succubus Affection
>Treasure Hunter Claire
>Sequeldev games
>Shrift II
What if you just wanted to rape a cute shota, but the shota said:
>My mother is the Star of Morning, the child of dawn. The star thrown to the Earth shall obtain victory!
Í die
I would buy a fan disc focused on Al and Lily's relationship. Slice of life scenarios and mind-melting romantic sex between the two. Dieselmine gameplay is pretty weak, so might as well make a visual novel.
Stick it in his pooper first.
We do need to actually.
I don't have a problem with monster girls eating my semen.
I have a problem with monster girls eating me and/or my soul.
Sounds like a personal problem.
>Some moral/ethical value has to keep us all from killing each other.
Yes, and hard limits like, "Humans don't eat humans" are both easy to understand and difficult to argue against. The moment you start toying with dumb people being put on the list, you invite every human to be added to it. Best to nip it in the bud with a simple restriction.
>What does it mean to be "made in God's image"?
Read the Catechism of Thomas Aquinas
>and the supply has to be dumped somewhere to keep costs up
*glances at Mexico's annihilated agricultural sector*
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Suwako long tongue play with a shota or Tamamo using her tails to orgasm torture Luka?

>Suwako long tongue play with a shota
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>Fill patch with succubus pheromones, alraune nectar, imp juice, and all five flavors of lipstick
>Apply for transdermal absorption
>Take a swig of the blend to start off
I will either become the most powerful creature on the island for 72 hours, become utterly dysfunctional, or author the first chapter of the Sofioid crisis.
I made a hotpot with wild snake and fox meat.
It's interesting that most people say that they prefer monster girls to human women because the monster is only on the outside then you look at a lot of the monster girls made and most of them are monsters inside AND out
Not in hugbox settings like mgd.
Doesn't even mgd have like two war criminals. Granted, the narrative value of it is more an I can fix them type deal rather than it making them femdom monsters, but MGD actually has content that isn't just femdom and that in of itself is rare
MGD isn't a hug box, if you leave the island you can go right back to killing monsters if you want
Fine, hugbox settings like mge where monsters can't even comprehend cheating.
>get turned into a fucking half-mindless squid permanently attached to your wife
While it's a neat it doesn't carry much truth. Look at succubi, one the posterchild monstergirls and tell me that they're a case of monster on the inside. They're just normal women times two.
When is the content patch coming
>tell me they're a case of monster on the inside
Isn't the archetypal succ's entire deal is manipulating you to either steal your soul or ferment your own destruction, I'd say that's pretty monstrous on the inside
Yeah, I've meant to write the exact opposite of what I did agreeing with your statement. I shouldn't phonepost... sorry. They're the best case for a monster, that doesn't seem monstrous on the outside at all, just like the proverbial human woman
>Granted, the narrative value of it is more an I can fix them type deal rather than it making them femdom monsters
You can't fix either. You're just being a friend to people moving on.
More importantly, the entire cast is written like people either forced or born into an armistice. It's not the natural state of things, and that underlies every interaction.
>Still hasn't played the game
Shut up already
It's a quote that people remember because it's amusing, not an actual argument most people are making.
True, mostly just nitpicking for the sake of discussion rather than any serious debate.
maybe controversial opinion but I liked dieselmine better when they just had games with good art instead of all the animation gimmicks they're trying now
>that doesn't seem monstrous on the outside at all
idk where you get that considering they usually have powers like going invisible, shapeshifting, teleporting, and flying, just from mythology
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Based shikichad. I love Shiki so much its unreal.
Most of that are just superpowers that don't change your appearance at all. And if we look at shape shifting in the context of the games the thread is about, then it's comparable to just changing your sexy whore cosplay outfit. Shikis being the best example for what I mean they shape shift from a normal girl to a somewhat flamboyant e-girl... I wouldn't describe that as a monstrous aspect.
That one is just proof of how MGE cannot have any teeth. You'd think the guy gets turned into a fucked up sex squid forever by an ancient evil girl but no, he can turn back and forth between forms and his wife turns into a blushing mess anytime he decides to turn back into human form.
Some part of me might be getting tired of specifically monster girl settings due to how extreme they can swing, it's either hugbox or masochism hell. At least SEQUEL seems to be more moderate
Are we talking about mythology or about games because mythological succubi often straight up don't have a real physical form period and/or are these ugly hags in multple pieces who may mPreg you by pointing at you
and in games most succubi aren't shikibuses
I think he's saying having a superpower doesn't make you a monster girl. Like saying a human girl breathing fire does not make her a dragon girl just because dragons breathe fire.
Does a spirit requiring human consent and desire to take a physical form at all count? Or does it only count if they have horns?
This is getting too deep into the furry/cosplay and monster girl setting/ fantasy setting arguments in my opinion.
well you could eat bull semen but you eat their wife instead
>not into soul vore
Imagine it though.
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However, I was thinking more about how it would affect girls like Vinum, Cassandra, and the other really bad ones.
I will slam her so hard against the bed that she'd turn into a puddle.
If i wanted a woman to consume and destroy my soul i would just get back with my ex
90% of monster girls fail at this simple test.

You find an unconscious man on the side of the road. Assuming you can't use healing magic, what should you do?
Put your actions in the correct order. Some actions are obviously wrong and shouldn't be included.
1. Leave him.
2. Take him to a the nearest human settlement.
3. Take him to a the nearest monster settlement.
4. Check his pulse.
5. Rape him.
Ah shit. Forgot the 5, 4 before the 3.
Why are there so many crossovers with MGQ? Is it still popular?
5, 3, 5, 5, 5 1, 5, 5, 5, 1...
MGQ did crossovers with 7 different games, but the crossover only happened because 1 of those devs reached to TRTR first to put Alma Elma in Succubus Academia(There was also Fulbeua and a few doujin girls) putting this massive crossover idea in his head. From a poor google translate the article said the dev was about finished with his previous game so he didn't want to advertise the crossover like 4 years ago when Paradox, SHRIFT and The Three Charms did it.
Though if something says if MGQ is still popular it may be the gacha because it has no real need to collab with MGQ besides money, and showing MGQ still sells because they sold Tamamo for like 50 bucks.
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I just finished SHRIFT, how far is the sequel from a full main story translation in months ETA?
F95 says it's 2 years away so I have no idea what to think.
On chapter 2.
I hate losing to Elma. I hate "not-losing" just as much. I want to win.
Pretty sure the main story is already translated, but the actual full game is not out yet, only Chapters 1 and 2
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Why are monsters so dumb?
It's obviously 4, 5, 2, 1.
Anon, your EXs?
Alright, so I don't think many monsters know how to check the guy's pulse, but they will check to see if he's alive. What happens next depends on their personality and the state of the guy, but rape is going to be a pretty high priority anyway.
finally got around to playing through captive als & romeria
>half the game is locked behind a mercy ending locked behind an item hunt
>item hunt practically requires ng+ because you quickly get locked out of some items/the hints are useless or nonexistent, so you get to experience the gameplay of walking around and clicking on glowing spots again
>ng+ still requires a guide for the same reason
>mercy ending doesn't even make sense, you're supposed to want to spare murderous demons because they're Just Like Us but the whole game is about them trying to murder you, your sibling and every other human they can find with zero regrets (not even in a mgq way where it's downplayed)
>once you get to the second half everyone asks why you would do any of this
>at the end, the demons also more or less ask why you did any of this

yeah, I don't know either
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I wish there were more angel girl games or somehow serving the horny goddess directly.
Lately I’ve been having weird fantasies where preaching seraphs and battle nuns make a big deal of (You) to the lower “innocent” angels. And you try to play the part to avoid botching anything up.
But then the Goddess would start some telepathic transmission and secretely leave some backdoor or the cult is listening righr behind the barrier. She makes (You) open up and admit your horny thoughts about all your followers and how you have your insecurities and all while having to control yourself because they are really seductive but don’t want to ruin that image.
But basically every single angel heard that and subsequently they will keep purposefully sexually teasing you and high ranking seraphs will use cheap excuses to milk you dry now that they know you do like them but deep down are still a boy (and that makes it hotter)
>the demons also more or less ask why you did any of this
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>Damage doesn't even show up anymore
That's deep carnage chaos dungeon for you, I suppose
yeah, what I should have expressed better is that I would be fine if the game got out of its own way with the narrative, what I disliked was that it spends a ton of time trying to justify the mercy ending (slice of life scenes from when the demons aren't murdering humans, making the people trying to kill them also blatantly evil, having the main character give a big speech defending them) but it's simultaneously trying to play into the murder demon thing and make them lovable normal anime girls and balancing it much worse than, for example, mgq. I guess the point of the game repeatedly pointing out that the demons are still demons in the second half could be a degradation fetish thing, but in that case I'd prefer if they just leaned into it and wrote it as the mc being too horny to kill them instead of spending 2/3s of the scenes in the game making excuses for why they aren't really that bad
I don't think she means having sex forever anon...
Have you learned nothing of Yanderes?
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>I wish there were more angel girl games or somehow serving the horny goddess directly.
Based taste
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Anyone has the propper res of this image?
Been trying to find it with no success.
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Hm... the cummerbund colors are still a bit off (I didn't notice that they're not simply the inverse of the ones red Shirohebi uses), but the rest seems pretty accurate, doesn't it? Feedback welcome.
I wish this game drought would end
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How far did you climb in carnage?
It never will.
what is the difference between normal and carnage? dose carnage have save points between floors?
Carnage enemies get stronger much much faster. Every 4/9 floor is a boss and 5/10 floors are forced superbosses. You're given better treasure much faster around say floor 30 you're given +lv30 legendary gear almost every chest, but after about floor 100 anything that isn't Slime/Scylla or Pleasure Gravity falls off because enemy stats become that high.
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Carnage scales exponentially in terms of hp. That's how you get values like these. (That's pretty much way past the highest Decillion value, the last one that the game records with a name. so it's Decilliard, Undecillion, Duodecillion, Tredecillion, etc. But iirc there's a stack overflow coming sooner or later.)
what would it feel like to take 736 Sexdecillion pleasure damage?
You, your ancestors, and your future descendants cum and die on the spot.
I feel they tend to lack substance for their H and gameplay, they do have good scenes and ideas though, on occasion at least.
Every atom in your body is individually dryfished
It has been accepted.
I still can’t believe there isn’t a game simple like that. You’d think they’d have made some Angel Girl Quest by now or something similar
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>NEW Youmaen has finally been fully translated
I see that there is an official translation now, and I know somebody had made a fan translation a while back.

Which one is in the link and which one is better? I remember some official translations being pretty bad.
Pretty sure it's the same translation.
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>What do you mean you are tired?
>You have only been punished for 1 day.
>You still must endure for 7,299,999 days.
>My magic will keep you erect.
>Let me assure you my pelvic muscles are very stong, let me show you.
It's the same. The guy contacted the dev, and he added it to the game.
do {
while (True)
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>>My magic will keep you erect.
>>Let me assure you my pelvic muscles are very stong, let me show you.
M-M-Muh diiiick
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Literally the only gacha I've ever spent money on.
Translated Part 3 tomorrow, but it's gacha and you need to roll for all the new companions and gear. Would you want it?
At the end of the day it's RPG maker so I can just mod that shit out. Which would go faster than translating the game. So yeah.
Actually, having a gacha-esque mechanic (with no MTX obviously) to recruit characters might work really well for MGQ since there's a fuckload of them.
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>the Goddess would start some telepathic transmission and secretly leave some backdoor
>She makes (You) open up and admit your horny thoughts
>basically every single angel heard that and subsequently they will keep purposefully sexually teasing you
Jesus christ anon
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>roll for gear
A Paradox Gacha with the endgame still being the LoC would cause most rolls to be for weapons unless they use separate currencies.
I'm on the plants vs insects genocide war. Does the plot ever go somewhere?
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>monster takes off my pants
"o-oh no, s-stop!"
>all according to plan
>she spots my penis (fake)
>ara ara, at least this part of you is honest (or some other cliche girlbabble)
*inserts penis in vagina or other holes, doesnt really matter*
>fake penis releases gallon of very hot hot sauce
*critical quote*
>penis(fake) detatches and activates rocket thruster sending the monster girl flying into the horizon
Anon is the real monster...
holy based
Technology has gone too far.
It's slow on foreshadowing plus you won't know those but it pretty much happens all the time since it's about Luka/Alice's growth at this point
It literally happens all before it ends and hilariously the collabs besides MGQ's own collab.
I cannot understand this post. Just how much longer before something substantial happens? Luka and Alice are still out collecting the dragon balls and spirit girls.
Regardless of game EVERYTHING goes down all at once once you reach the Monster Lord's Castle. If you're playing the sequel Paradox where it's an RPG with party members then it'll happen once you collect all the dragon balls and reach the new continent, but also in irrelevant other games like SHRIFT and The Three Charms which may or may not get retconned later to simplify the story not relying on outside sources.
>EVERYTHING goes down all at once once you reach the Monster Lord's Castle.
I can't spot any differences, and the colour is consistent. You even remembered to watch the shading. Good job!
I had to google what this meant because I have only worn the typical three-piece suit. I believe Shirohebi is wearing a sash.
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I don’t know what struck me the idea just happened by itself
I feel like that would destroy your mind.
Completely hollowed-out soul, wiped clean.
>hardware cobbled together from office dumpsters
shoestring budget angels...
better than buying the new shitboxes they sell desu

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