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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previously on COPEG: >>492744383

This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Helldivers, Vermintide, Darktide, Valheim, Deep Rock Galactic, and Abiotic Factor.

>Latest News/Updates:

Earth Defense Force 6

Ashlands PTB:

Helldivers 2:
PATCH 01.000.404


Crafting rework info
>>Overview Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69zI8J5nnZU [Open]

Vermintide 2:
Versus mode soonTM

Deep Rock Galactic:

Remnant 2:
The Forgotten Kingdom DLC released:

Payday 3 (dead game but whatever):
Patch 1.2.0 Boys in Blue(balled)

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2

>Future games
Killing Floor 3
Den Of Wolves - TBA
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA
The Forever Winter - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
tactical axes
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Ratlings when?
Snipers are superfluous
if you give them a rifle that kills every single thing it hits in a straight line they won't be
oh wait, they already did that for vet
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all i can think of
Exactly. Extra squishy slow snipers who can't see above hordes don't have a place in my aurics. Maybe if they could jump up on ogryn's backs. They could provide security, maybe some toughness damage resist and if they get disabled then the ratling falls off and can possibly free the ogryn
>make the longlas/boltsniper fire faster than plasma, and not have an overheat mechanic
>give them knoifs
woah, now they're just better vets, code it and sell it for $19
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I did it, I beat darktide
Congratulations. You can now afford 8 near perfect weapon rolls
not sure i'm that lucky
How come Space Marine 2 isn't in the OP? Is this another Helldivers situation?
Probably because it's a horrible game and no one here wants to play it, and whatever retards that do should have to segregate themselves.
there's some guy rampantly shilling it on other boards anyway
>thinking he can get 8
>does he know?
Honestly, ratlings would be great if they could ride on ogryns. The ogryns could get buffs for carrying the ratling, they could have grenades that phase through enemies to track elites or specials
I must be using smite wrong because it fucking sucks
why stun a guy if I could just kill him instead
So it's a Helldivers situation then with the autists making OPs holding a grudge because their favourite addiction might not get talked about as much, gotcha.
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forgot to say thanks, thanks
see >>492917459
Were those people not correct?
Weakspot hits have a 33% chance to not consume ammo

Blitz is similar to kerillian waystalker ability

3 snipers
Heavy is similar to plasma rifle
Light is similar to mg12 lasgun except it pierces basic enemies
Medium is not important

Can ride ogryn backs

Go on. Give me more ideas!
Correct in what? That people would talk about other things? Yeah last I checked this wasn't Darktide general, so that's bound to happen when other games release. And if your criteria for games not being allowed here is some subjective projection of "It's a horrible game and no one here wants to play it" then every single game in the OP falls in to the same category.
Nah there's plenty of sniper mechanics that arent in the game yet
unalerted enemy damage, ricochets, piercing with increasing damage, all that type of shit.

like yeah we already have a sniper but it's a 40k game. There can be more than one sniper. Plus Vet is arguably more of a DMR guy
>Correct in what?
That the game was trash and everyone hates it now
So? Most of the games in the OP are considered trash by people.
Darktide just has too many enemies that need to be killed quickly, while enemies are trying to melee you and at short range
Honestly it seems like auric players are mega toxic or expect all meta or gtfo.
Helldivers was in the OP though and was discussed here
why do you try so hard to stir up shit
Are we employing some selective memory now? For long stretches of time you had people here bitch and moan about it being talked about, let alone included in the OP. To the point where they started making separate threads to send people to.
I don't see why that would make a sniper class bad if that's what you're saying. Helbores are fine balance wise and they swap slow as shit and shoot slow as shit. Aslong as it wouldn't be a literal singleshot, need to crouch to shoot tier heavy sniper it would be totally fine. And even that would have a niche as a class ability.
Also even a sniper class would have melee weapons so it's not like he can't make space for himself just like a vet can
Projecting much? You're the one with selective memory
99% of people were just discussing the game on here and there was like 1 post out of 100 screeching about splitting the gens (probably a falseflag too)
Like are you gonna make me dig out the archives? Cause I'll go find /coopg/ from that time and show you if you insist. Try me nigger.
I have hundreds of auric games and have not gotten that impression. barely anyone speaks too
Not me. I don't care who you are, you're not getting in my aurics
The helbore is a very rare gun in aurics and it's even rarer to see someone do some actual damage with it. It's not useless, but if ratlings were basically the squishy helbore class that gets easily bogged down then ratlings would be the weakest class by far
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ogryn can throw them like a mutie
old vet camoflauge?
can steal supplies from friendly players, cuz ratling
can pull out a portable grill and take a few seconds to make a meal in the middle of a fight which restores some health
NA or EU? Or dreaded SEA? On EU I have 700 hours in this game, surely 500 of them in aurics, and I've come across a single person mentioning someone elses loadout ONCE. You know who it was? The same troon the ogryn from here posted a video of once, the german tranny.
Outside of that I have never, not even once, come across someone trying to metafag or anything like that. I mean, plenty of people running meta loadouts and people whine about shit like "STAY TOGETHER!!!" commonly but nobody ever disparages off meta loadouts
Projecting what? You made a false claim that you're now backtracking on. And considering how mad you seem to be over this I suspect you're among the culprits this time as well.
flavor of the month game
haven't experienced that at all, most people are super chill. I have experienced quite a few people ditching the game the instant they die after the penance rework though, no matter quickplay chads replace them pretty fast
>You know who it was? The same troon the ogryn from here posted a video of once, the german tranny.
Lmao. Shame he deleted his channel
play well and don't hog resources/die a lot and idgaf what you bring, just be shit outside of my aurics plz
>Can ride ogryn backs
why only ogryns
I want to ride on vet's shoulders and steal his kills while my shortstack thighs are visible on either side of his first person camera
>can steal supplies from friendly players, cuz ratling
Maybe he could get an amount that equals 15% of the ammo that another player in your radius picked up
There's no such thing as an "x weapon" class. There's no reason he couldn't have other weps too if he didn't feel like using a slow sniper. Even a ratling sniper would have talent tree and I can think of tons of talents to make it worthwhile. I'm just gonna list some shit I can think of that would be cool and thematic, in no particular order:
>tripwires or mines etc
>better dodges, dodging between poxwalkers legs
>old camo vet
>bonuses for killing targets pinged by another teammate for the spotter dynamic
>special killing thematics
>one active could be a bouncing bullet sort of like kerillian trueflight, but more sniper elite themed
>bonuses/buffs for hitting enemeis in the knees/ankles
>bonuses for killing enemies that havent been aggrod yet
>zoom levels for ads like waystalker in vt2 has
>general stealth/deception type stuff that works differently, like maybe a ninja smoke bomb (as opposed to the fog wall smoke bomb vets have)
>maybe a support tree that's themed around buffs since ratlings tend to be cooks and it kinda fits, so like giving someone rations that go into the stimm slot and have unique effects

I think there's tons of thematics to play with. And that's just me spitballing for 5 mins, half of these are probably shit but I'm just making the point that there's tons of potential if they were to actually put the designers on it
that's a way better idea
Hmm mayhaps. I really would like to see new classes and if they really could make ratlings good then i would gladly accept it
Short Legs, Long Fingers

You gain amount that equals 15% of the ammunition that an ally within your coherency picks up.
Okay retard, random example feel free to look at your own

>First game mentioned in the OP for weeks
>active discussion with the occasional darktide post inbetween but mostly HD2 discussion
>very few if any fanbase war posts (guess why? because almost everyone who played darktide also played hd2 at the time)
I tried scrolling through a bit and could find exactly ONE post that's more or less obvious bait calling hd2 players "l4d secondaries"
but noooo you couldn't talk about helldivers 2 here everyone was telling you to leave and go to another thread :( nooooo I am the victim in my fantasy world... nooo...

They will never add new classes. Entertaining the idea is silly.
Yeah, we might have gotten them prior to the class rework, but now each class can spec into the few things that we might have gotten.
You're full of shit dude I played HD2 with /coopg/ at launch for weeks, and it only started dying off after like 2 months
we had constant lobbies posted
Don't be so pessimistic. They could easily add an arbites class
>fairly slow
>shotgun focused
>power weapons and shields
I really like the atrox vii, feels like I'm really swinging an axe. I'll see you in my aurics with it
Who knows man. VT2 got entire new gamemodes and new factions and bosses 3 years after release.
I think a new class would be feasible, all the VAs are still on board as of right now. It would be a lot of VA work but they've already shown they make every VA record new lines on new maps so far.
I'll see you way down at the bottom of my scoreboard
The problem is that class in turn needs 3 viable subclasses. What could an arbites have? One subclass all about the shield and stun stick, one all about shotguns, and one all about pistols and mobility?
Power sword and shield
Blocks while charging heavy attacks like VT2 warrior priest shield and flail

I want it so bad, bros
>all the power sword blessings
>plus the shock maul blessing that stuns attackers when you get a perfect block
That sounds like a pretty good start. Maybe one thats themed around dealing with scab elites and bosses since they're real criminals
I haven't used scoreboard in a while, is knife usually on the bottom too
Nowhere did I claim you "couldn't talk about it". Your strawman goes to show how desperate you are to be "right" about this. Pathetic. Tribalists really are the worst kind of posters.
nice backpedal dude. You said
>For long stretches of time you had people here bitch and moan about it being talked about, let alone included in the OP. To the point where they started making separate threads to send people to.
None of that is visible in that thread. You made it up. You make up your own fantasy world where you're the tragic victim. Truly fucked up brain
Backpedal in what sense? Nothing in that quote claims you couldnt talk about the game, I said people bitched and moaned about it being discussed, and that people tried to push HD2 posters away to make their own thread. All of it is objectively true. Like I said, even when you create your strawman you can't even win this little "argument" you've forced. Hilarious.
>Who knows man. VT2 got entire new gamemodes and new factions and bosses 3 years after release.
teh difference is that Fatshark genuinely loved Vermintide, you could feel it
Darktide altogether feels a lot more cynical by Fatshark and it doesn't feel like they're giving it nearly as much attention as they did VT2
>I said people bitched and moaned about it being discussed
And they didn't, atleast not any more than like 2 or 3 posts per 800. Keep coping retard. You are a fucking sad little guy trying this hard to be a victim, trying to paint it like evil other team was killing your teams enjoyment or soemthing like that. And then you call me a tribalist. Meanwhile in reality people just had fun playing the games with minimal to no disruption.

Get your head checked unironically this sort of delusional shit is not healthy
Like I said, strawman. It's the only way you can have any semblance of a point to make. Stop wasting my time and don't reply next time, loser.
Uh huh, sure.
I'll just link it again so anyone interested can see how deeply mentally ill you are
I like some of you, but not all of you
how much?
>The Forever Winter
Oh yeah
>one guy arguing with himself for... reasons...
>official trailer
>it's really just a guy talking marketting speak over some footage they already showed
maybe they are black owned after all
>All in one shotgun node
>Grenade regen node
>Concussive grenade blitz (decent damage, massive knockback
>stunning enemies reduces ability cooldown and restores toughness
>block pushing with full stamina stuns enemies
>block cost reduction nodes
>no movement speed penalty when blocking
>ability makes you unable to lose stamina and increases your movement speed by 20% (exploitable as fuck)

Any ideas?
And here is the first archived thread where the general split, and one of the many posts of people malding out over Helldivers and trying to start shit. The first /hdg/ thread also has a bunch of drama in it because people didn't want to split.
After they forced the generals to split for a while the raging faggots (like you) who stayed behind in coopg became louder because there wasn't as many helldiver players to drown you out. What's your next goalpost? Or are you done pretending now?
holy shit i don't give a single fuck
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>finally a new grimdark media piece
>it's a fucking extraction shooter
It’s been billed as one since announcement are you retarded
Damn that one post really mindbroke you 7 months ago huh?
Nah, but whatever makes you feel better about yourself lmao
you wanna know the actual truth? I'm the ringleader of the faction on /coopg/ that got rid of helldivers 2. I personally ensured the general splits. That post you linked is literally me.
The best part? nobody will believe you. I am telling you the god's honest truth but everyone you tell this to will gaslight you and tell you it's not true. Just like I did just a few posts ago
It's less general use and more '10 bulwarks and ragers just dropped out of the sky and I need to stun them NOW', you use it on staves like Voidstrike which are already good enough at sniping (BB) and crowds (assail) and just need some wider CC as an emergency in your kit
Daily reminder to thank your Zealots for carrying.
What's the point?
it's mainly to give your self/team some breathing room when getting over run by melee shit, or stun stuff you need to be stunned that's just out of arms reach (IE :shooter packs)
>I'm the ringleader of the faction on /coopg/
no I'M the ring leader... stop copying me
I forgot to mention, I'll do the same thing to space marine 2
Arbites shotgun node

+33% ammo
+25 damage
Reload 2 shells at a time
You fucked with the wrong guy. That's all I can say. Darktide reigns supreme.
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No IM sparticus
not a coop game anyway
>Arbites node
Extra damage and impact against maniac armor because that obviously makes sense for a space riot cop
Mobility or support build around pistols. Does 40k have any pistols that aren't full on bolt guns or laspistols? The stub revolver is the first I've ever seen of something like that out of 40k. Are stub pistols a thing?
>Power Supply Interruption
I leave immediately.
Extra maniac damage does seem sensible for them, maybe unarmored as well if that's not too broad. Or something for extra stagger against pox walkers, not that they're enough of a threat to warrant a bonus against.
Good, that's MY auric
I don't know if unarmored is thematic enough

Zealot has purge the unclean which provides to the monstrous and daemonic and vet has elite damage which fits a marksman going for priority targets
why is the elf bottomless?
Why do people always say "go back to Malice" but never the other lower difficulties?
that would require acknowledging their existence, which they don't deserve
brown people can't remember the other two words lol
It's an antiquated phrase by now
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So what the fuck is the deal with Grendyl anyway? I don't know a whole lot about Inquisitor lore but Grendyl's allegedly a member of the Ordo Hereticus with absolutely zero backing from the Sisters of Battle or even Inquisitorial Stormtroopers. Interrogator Rannick has to posture and just deal with the presence of Tertium's nobles, but the Inquisition hardly gives two winks of a fuck about politics 99% of the time.

Is Atoma just such a backwater shithole with nothing of value that not even the Arbites bother to keep the place in order? Or is Grendyl a Radical/Excommunicated Inquisitor that can no longer call on resources most Inquisitors could or would?
it's from a time when copeggers believed heresy and damnation was too difficult so they sat in malice and farmed for plasteel. whenever they made the jump to heresy they ate shit and were promptly told to go back
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This worth picking up in the shop?
Not quite sure about the combat axes and I only have so much 40koins
>so much
so many*
don't ask
Well my thought was just that a "police" force would be dealing with hive gangers and the like, none of which typically has much in the way of armor. Name the upgrade hollow points or JHPs or something.
Also, I don't know what weapons are typically associated with Arbites, but it would be kind of neat if they leaned more heavily into conventional firearms as opposed to lasguns and plasma.
I've also been saying to add Arbites with melta guns for over a year now
The second half of your sentence is redundant.
heh remember drg? whacky lil game wasnt it?
A massive warp rift (The Cicatrix Maledictum) has cut the Imperium in two. Grendyl has no official back up coming; which is why he had to call in a favour from the Rogue Trader Brahms, and why Rannick has to play nice with the nobles while he investigates them. Grendyl's actual troops are dealing with "important things". We are disposable rejects being thrown into suicide missions, and only if we succeed do they send in the actual troops to secure the location.
Ugh... don't remind me
>Grendyl's actual troops are dealing with "important things". We are disposable rejects being thrown into suicide missions, and only if we succeed do they send in the actual troops to secure the location.
Grendyl really hit the jackpot when that prison barge was hit by the Moebian 6th then. Rejects work in groups smaller than a typical Stormtrooper Kill Team and dish out just as much pain. Only one turncoat out of the whole lot of them too.
>Is Atoma just such a backwater shithole with nothing of value that not even the Arbites bother to keep the place in order?
Atoma prime, and the whole mobian sector, is one of the more important places in 40k for the imperium so it's not that it's a bumble fuck no where, it's that help is stretched thin in that area (and the entire imperium) and none is likely coming soon
>hence the entire recuiting convicts thing
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jfc this shit was annoying as HELL to grind out, but it is done
>I expect updoots
>Only now JUST got untouchable

But yeah behind lines is nigger cancer, good shit
It all seems peculiar, and even suspiciously convenient, that Grendyl doesn't seem to interact with the Ecclesiarchy at all. Instead he cultivates an unusually large warband of Penitents and rubs shoulders with Rogue Traders. The dude's got RADICAL written on his proverbial forehead. The fact he never personally appears or speaks to anyone is outright bizarre even for Inquisitor standards.

I have been wondering about the voice line on the Mourningstar where one of the characters bitches about the psyker messing with the crew and says "Grendyl will hear of this!" The psyker laughs and responds, in a -public channel-, "No he won't." What an odd thing to say.
>0 damage taken
>dog brushes up against you
>teammate shoots barrel next to you
3bh you can run a sedition match in like 10 minutes with a bro to get it ezpz, I got back when I still played on heresy or sumfin when ogryn's feel no pain node was still god tier lol
Is it doable on malice? I can't remember if i got it or not, but i'm at 1.5k hours right now so hopefully i do
Yee, malice and below all you gotta watch out for really is dogs, barrels and the fall damage spots. If you're actively trying you'll prob get it the first or 2nd try no problem
Does anyone want to do the flesh wound penance?
>carrying game pretty hard
>get to end, finally after nearly wiping and nearly wiping
>game dc's me with random server error
>we instalose
There is bullshit and then there is just being a faggot you stupid fucking swedecucks. Fix your dogshit game.
DC is means "Didn't Carry"
Sorry, buddy
have you considered you get what you deserve
ahahah mayne u tolds him mane ajaj
Completely your fault for not winning faster, you took too long. If you were carrying harder, you would have won sooner and you wouldn't have dc'd during the finale.
Skill issue.
Vacuum capsule! Haha, so funny :).
No more room in hell 2. That is all.
is RISK OF RAIN not a part of this general?
It is now.
This is literally the darktide general though?
Are dockets going to be worth anything after the gear changes? I had like 8m but blew most of it on random purchasable cosmetics and Brunts gear
Stub guns and autoguns are generic slug throwing guns that are usually just ripped off from existing 20th century guns. You usually see only gang members aka Hive Scum or Chaos/Genestealer cultists using them since they're cheap to make.
Laspistols are most commonly Imperial Guard standard issue sidearms, and Bolt Pistols are usually Space Marine standard issue sidearms, but some IG/Ecclesiarchy leaders prefer them for their impact even though they have less ammo than laspistols.
In tabletop, stub and las weapons generally have similar statlines. Stub weapons are more often found in the TTRPGs especially Dark Heresy where you're also playing as Inquisition agents.
Brunt's shop isn't going anywhere and you'll now mostly need dosh to shopclick the weapon you want with the stat spread you want when fully maxed.
Trappers in hordes are just bullshit. The horde is basically just holding you down while a trapper one shots you.
I prefer to hold down the trapper and shoot all over her
Actual shit general lol
please go make your own general for sm2, i'm sure it's a great game that deserves its own general with tons of vibrant productive discussion
"Bolter is a bad gun" they said, but then they don't appreciate the fact it can evaporate a crowd and every specialist in it
The ogryn does that at no ammo expense
is there any way to sort my penances by completion date? I fucking hate shitty unintuitive UI design
but does ogryn get infinite krak grenades?
No. I really do like krak grenades, though, to the point that i got the 1 extra grenade and both grenade replenish talents
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oh and finding out I completed several penances after a mission, but no idea what for? can't wait to look through hundreds of icons to see which ones!
there's mod that let you collect all the completed penance with one click
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Wait what happened to OE that is now being kicked on sight on cata?
Apparently some e-celeb's OE build video started being recommended on youtube and obviously all the shitters are copying the build thinking it will act as a crutch for their lack of skill
got reworked and is extremely strong to the point it trivializes things, especially if the bomb talents are picked up. I love playing him now because his mingun received some QOL and the slow firing talent rapes CW.
Give me an actually fun build for zealot and psyker.
I wanna run thunder hammer for zealot but I just end up bogged down on trash, while psyker just feels boring with very little skill expression.
heavy sword 9 revolver throwing knives charge martyrdom
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overbuff into a super strong bombardier that denies everything with his infinite bombs and no ff trollhammer
people obviously do not want to play with someone that is sucking all the thp away by bombing everything
i've seen entire lobbies dismantled at gauntlet of some maps on cata because 2 refused to kick the dwarf and the host + someone else were wounded and with 10 hp
>his mingun received some QOL
did it? where?
one or two months back, when weave skins were made available for normal campaign. Basically you can crank it even with a full bar, also not lost when firing. Some talents got reworked
because diff 1 and 2 are so mindnumbingly easy and boring because there are virtually no enemies on the map, even the worst of shitters eventually move up to malice just because they want more gameplay
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presented without comment
>passive procs
>press 3, right click on a teammate and press f
i fail to see the issue
he never did that, he spent half the match in that state before instantly dying to a patrol
the elf died shortly after because of course and i couldn't 1vs12 CWs since the IB was holding M2 after hitting f
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.. /copeg/... is dying....
No wonder
Killed by darktide spam.
Obsess over better games next time.
space marine 2 will save this general
i'm playing vt2 got no time to respond to shitty /copeg/ bait right now
*if you can play online with a pirated copy
**up until sept 26th, at which point the thread will be briefly darktide copium and then dead again because SM2 will have failed to have any saying power and Darktide's itemization update was literally nothing
Coopg is single-handedly helping me reduce 4chan browsing time since you guys just go on about the same topics ad nauseam everyday unironically like autists.
>can I have build for x
>two retards shitting up the thread over shitshovel or cuckaxe or whatever
>schizo causing an average of 3 to 4 different anons to piss and shit their pants (this discussion will last for about 6 hours)
>more discussion (read unfounded shitflinging) about the minutia of (insert class) (insert meme build) for half the thread
>more autists discussing if the 3% buff to shitfart is better than the 0,8% time reduction for cumfart (this literally has no impact on anything whatsoever)
>youtube celebrity glazing and generally discord-level of hugboxing with anything related to sloptide
I'm not one to complain usually but the levels of cringe while lurking this general is repulsive, I can't wait for SM2 to be shat out for astronomical levels of seething and widespread chaos before the resident screeching autists force yet another coop game general to be created.
***staying power
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>How could this happen to us bros
Piss vision is such a pathetic ability. How would you fix it without making it retarded like the shout? I would:
>Double the ranged damage buffs
If you told me it gave no buff at all I'd believe you, I never felt it make any difference whatsoever
>make Relentless intrinsic
It's laughable that you gotta burn an extra skill point to have it last longer than 5 fucking seconds.
>Headshots extend the timer, maybe half as much as a kill
So that you can't get sabotaged by killstealing in a supposed co-op game
>Bring back the auto-reload
You can just waste your whole ability if you happened to use it with an empty or half-empty gun. It's fucking stupid. Maybe make it a secondary node in place of Relentless or just a big reload speed buff if the swede still fears the bolter
HD2 was the most successful swedoid rugpull of the century, Darktide was the failed prototype that resorted to gacha to milk the pitiful playerbase that considers it a cult classic.
The only problem with it is that it has to compete with Shout, otherwise running it with Columnus/Vraks and just clearing the every unseen shooter in the same postcode as you is actually pretty useful
holy fuck what is with your screen
you're coping SAR
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Either you want it or not, copeg shall prevail.
no shit sherlock, RPing as an ogryn does suit you after all.
good morning sirs
Funny enough, copeg is one of the significantly nicer threads I browse on this godforsaken board.
Why can't it be the 9th
I miss the comfy /twg/ way back when people still posted in AAR format of rome 1 campaigns and anons said nice things of screenshots of massive battles and the usual chimpout about sieges being absolute shit.
The only thing closer to that is /vst/ "generals" but considering the average of posts is 2 every business day there isn't even a point in lurking.
>be excited for sm2
>come to the general to see what others feel about it
>no longer excited for sm2
You guys are some debbie downers.
/coopg/ is the heterosexual counterpart to /assg/ from my experience.
Both generals are supposedly dedicated to a genre of games but remain a chatroom to discuss a specific game.
more coping SAR
Aw shucks, you're making me blush
just wait for the american posting hours
any non tranny pozzed shills review slopmarines 2 yet?
None of what you described happens, fuck off tranny
Nah it's weak as fuck, might be the worst ability in the game. Even ogryn's taunt is better for stopping randoms from killing themselves, and from vet's own tree both shout and infiltrate are waaaaay better. The only reason to take executioner stance is because it's fun to click the yellow heads, and for power supply and ventilation purge.

It'll never save you from a wipe like the other two and it doesn't even help you contest shooters and gunners that much 'cause it does nothing for your survivability or your damage. You still get shredded if you stand your ground and try to outgun those rape rooms that spawn 50 shooters and 20 gunners all on top of each other, even though that should be your one moment to shine. In fact infiltrate is superior in that specific situation, you can just fight them normally and pop it when you run out of toughness to instantly get a full refill plus damage reduction, instead of a highlighter and an inconsequential damage buff.

Actually in all honesty I'd rather all abilities were as weak as exe stance rather than every class having multiple panic buttons, but that's never going to happen so exe stance needs to be brought up to at least being in the same league as everything else.
let me guess, you're the guy who was shitting himself who wants more challenge, but hates more challenge?
It needs some form of resistance to ranged damage (or hell, all damage), bring back auto reload, give it rending, and have relentless built in. THEN it would be SORT OF worth taking for making yourself the dedicated anti ranged/elite blob that it's trying to be, cuz right now if you pop that thing when you face off 10 gunners, you're fucked lmao. Shout does a much better job of letting you handle ranged threats than this piss vision does
All wrong.
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It'll probably be great but no fucking way that the multiplayer aspect of it will have the staying power of a tide game.
But I will gladly be wrong.
debbie downers or just being realistic? I wanted to like it too but after seeing the gameplay I have no hopes for it. It just seems like a dogshit game with pretty graphics.
it also sucks its only really good with high rof guns meanwhile shout just goes with everything
Never come to this thread to look at new games. The resident Fatshark addicts clown on anything that isn't their games. There's unironically been better sm2 discussion on /v/ than here
>The resident Fatshark addicts clown on anything that isn't their games

EDF chads RULE this shit thread!
more like
>decide to check coopg again
all by the same indian guy
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Ah yes, the "indian poster"
Everything went down hill for indian "people" when the simpsons removed Apu
The mask was violently torn off. Sadly women are still traveling to india for their mandated rape & beheading ceremony.
Thankfully their IQ is low enough that you will always be able to spot them online, no matter what. And in real life you'll smell them coming from a mile away
he bought lighttide accidently
Why did no one shill the infantry guns to me sooner
You must have come here at the wrong time. The infantry autogun shilling period has passed. The agripenis and cuckoldus are both very good
Funny you say that we smell when westerners use paper to wipe themselves, leaving they bumhole full of shit.

But oh well..
holy shit people on Champion playing Old Haunts are absolutely god awful, this is like the Heresy problem in Darktide except 5x more cancerous and ultra specific
Yeah theres only one tranny and he gets told to shut up when he starts posting about being trans
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How can I make it okay?
i've been in this shithole for too long and /copeg/ is awful
at least when someone elsewhere disagrees with you they'll call you a faggot, here the faggot won't respond but will spend the next 3 weeks vagueposting about the exchange like a scorned woman
and it is horribly pained by awful ritualposting eceleb shit with faggots obsessing over muh tanner muh telepets shit like that which is always indicative of an ultra degenerate place
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All the guns are good, except the ones that aren't.
Savage sweep to shred and specialist to whatever elite enemy breakpoints you need
ty senpai
why keep infested to
shieldgryn skill on display
wantwoman darktide spacecop megamind
>Used the heavy 2
Your life is already over, big man. Enjoy prison.
It's just one schizo who posts like that and you can sorta recognize him and skip over the post. I prefer it over the cliques in other gennies
the flamer surviving here changes nothing, you'd still end up the same way even if she died
Because at least you'll be mowing down poxwalkers and be more likely to hit dog one shots while getting the zealot's crit synergy with shred. I would still want a new and better eviscerator soon
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not convincing enough, there's no mother/sister fucking accusation and no mention of an onlyfans
fucking kek
the lessons i learned from darktide are fucking me over in vermintide
i'm trained to hyperfocus elites and specialists on sight instead of kiting and dodging them until it's safe, now skaven elites are raping me
a mix of shieldvermin + plaguemonks is more dangerous than a clan of 30 ragers imo
Yes. The rejects are way stronger than the poopersreik 5
Webms like this always make me want to watch with sound. With sound you could tell how retarded the player really is. Suddenly that "mutant out of nowhere no counterplay" has been screaming for 4 solid seconds from the right and the player just ignores it
It would be different now. Currently mutants often sound like they are far away before they suddenly smash into you from the side
Not either of them but new and better is going to be an issue for me. I have several 3/4 good weapons but theres no point in rolling with the update around the corner. So Im stuck here just saving up resources while waiting with weapons that miss breakpoints. I have revolvers with either maniac OR flak and pointblank OR handcannon but none with all 4 and its pain.
>a mix of shieldvermin + plaguemonks
i've got an embarrassingly huge amount of hours in ratclick and unless our team has a crutch the plaguemonks fuck me up too
Muties have been playing the long game from the start. Condition the rejects to only react to loud screams then lower your voice and bam total invisibility. Who's laughing now, raaah
hunter with the revolving cannon abusing free headshot ammo has been my go to but I also dont play on higher levels because I simply havent played enough to reach them. It does however shread pretty much everything but chaos champions very very quickly so Im assuming its a staple build.
What kind of curios should I be using for ogryn?
rats have always been the tougher enemy not the dregs
max toughness or max health, stam and wounds are useless on him
>Wonder why I don't use Helbore's
>Play a match with each variation
>Takes so long to ready and use that it feels completely pointless
Oh, okay then.
If you use the stabby bayonet a ton it's not too bad. I still dont understand why the plasma swaps instantly and other guns don't though
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For me, I've gotten so hugely accustomed to sliding like a spastic on rollerskates that going back to the simple dodges in VT hard filtered me for an hour or so when someone posted a lobby here, i kept eating shit thinking I could extend my dodge for a solid hour straight and then going "oh yeah."
Playing vt2 made me immediately realize just how much I miss movesets that made sense, like heavy weapons that have overhead strikes on their light attacks actually being the powerful attack that's more powerful and does more damage than the horizontal sweeping heavy, something that's entirely absent from poxclick with the tiny exception of the Chax IV being the only weapon I can think of (unpowered at least) whereas every single other weapon has all of its power onloaded into the heavy attack even if it doesn't make sense.
I go for 2 health and 1 toughness
Perks are all health, toughness and gunner resist
my curios are
>3 health curios
>3x gunner resist
>3x sniper resist
>3x toughness regen

Works good, toughness would arguably work good too
I usually go max health, or 2 health 1 stam depending on what weapon I use. But generally health serves you better in the long run because of just how much of ogryn revolves around being able to instantly refill his toughness bar, and having DR that the eventual chip that you have to take is lessened significantly. Going toughness over health hurts a lot more in the long stretches than the other way around I feel.
>>3x sniper resist
wasn't there something that it only counts for their boot kick or whatever. why not toughness or combat ability?
Sniper resist feels like a waste compared to something significantly more consistent like combat ability cooldown, or even stamina recharge.
Getting clipped by a sniper fucking blows, but it being unavoidable feels like a freak occurrence out of every 100 games rather than something you need to prepare for on the offchance you get the 1% chance of it happening in the game.
No, that was true for bombers at some point apparently. Sniper resist always worked. Bomber works now too for the record but I don't really care for it. Sniper res lets me eat a sniper shot with full toughness and my HP barely gets scraped due to how sniper shot HP damage is calculated.

Eh, it's not a gigantic impact but I like being able to disrespect snipers. It's probably preference, it's not like 12% CDR is a HUGE deal on ogryn anyways, who has a 5% CDR per elite killed talent
I wish darktide players were as good at teamwork as that mutant.
It took me WAY too long to come to this conclusion. For the first 100 or so hours I used to run run sniper resist on at least 2 of my curios, same with gunner resist. Unless you are completely oblivious and being hit by sniper shots half a dozen times every mission there isn't a point and you would benefit from almost any other curio perk.

I used to have an absolutely horrible time in melee with anything more than a poxwalker horde but after changing over to perks that help stamina management its night and day. Its hilarious (and very useful) being able to mindlessly revive someone in the middle of a mixed horde and still have stamina to spare afterward. Thats the kind of thing that saves a run.
the resistance only working for melee was for both flamers and the bomber
>had something to do with the fire
is fixed now tho
Sniper Resist was worth it when snipers could spawn, setup and shoot instantly. Now they take awhile before lining up their shot.
anyone have that 253,342,342 dead raki meme?
I have a 100% sniper resist cheat bound to my space bar. Whenever a sniper is about to shoot me I just press the space bar and take 0 damage. I don't get how this hasn't been patched yet.
I have contacted sweden government
Not sure how long ago I started playing but I do feel like snipers used to be way more threatening. Probably a combination of what you said and just learning how to not suck at the game.
Just different playstyles I guess. I don't particularily struggle with anything in melee on Ogryn without a single curio perk for it. He gets so much toughness out the ass that it feels impossible to ever get hurt in melee even when frontlining scab melee only with a shovel
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Even edfbros left, but yeah, it's definitely not this general, all good haha.
holy shit stop whining about people not talking about what you want to talk about here
just go to the place where it's being talked about or start talking about it out of nowhere and anons will answer
you're an obnoxious whiny cunt
>holy shit stop whining about people not talking about what you want to talk about here
>proceed to whine about people not talking about what he want to talk about here
stfu dumb faggot
holy shit stop whining about people not talking about what you want to talk about here
>one anon whining
>another anon whining about their whining
whine general
I like +1 wound because I hate playing in greyscale in the off chance I go down.
Sure you do
well considering you run 3 +1 wounds, no doubt!
Lol this general is just the worst. Can't talk about HD2. Can't talk about Vermintide. Can't talk about EDF. Can't talk about Payday. Can't talk about Killing Floor. None of the actually good games can be talked about. Yet this is the only place to go for them. This is structured so fucking badly. Life is barely worth fucking living as is. Fuck this place. Fuck Darktide.
>Can't talk about
but you did just talk about them all :/
>Can't talk about Vermintide.
why not? i talked about it in this general today and had no bad reactions
The indian is seeking attention, ignore him
And watch there be no discussion whatsoever. It's completely pointless, every time these games get posted about, some asshurt Darktranny just screams over it. Watch, it'll happen again now. It always happens.
Nobody is obligated to reply or engage with you and there is a reason these games do not have their own generals. If you want to talk about EDF that badly there are regular threads on /v/ for it. There's one up right now, actually.
There it is. The Darktranny reveals its true face. You really just want this to be a Darktide general don't you?
Ok Pajeet
not my fault the other games have no traction. You might also want to go to /v/ for your daily dose of space marine's dogma 2
Wow, you Darktide rejects really hate it when people talk about other games, don't you? This general is ruined.
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>hehe Helldivers 2 is the darktide killer, keep seething baby
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>And watch there be no discussion whatsoever
what do you want us to do about it? forcibly talk about other games to keep you happy?

if you want more people to talk about other games on /copeg/ bring in some fresh blood, otherwise winge till the cows come home
Nothing, this general is just totally ruined by Darktide, that's all there is to it. I guess nothing can ever stay good.
same guy btw --> >>493015437
>whining about people whining
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>hehe I can't wait for space marines 2 lol THIS is the darktide killer
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I play
Starship Troopers Extermination
I am mildly interested in Forever Winter
I plan on playing Space Marine 2
I will talk about all of the above here
>this general is just totally ruined by Darktide
if we made a shit tide general, the /copeg/ thread would be completely dead so idk what you're on about lol, throw back to your post >>493013202

DT and HD2 are pretty much the only coop games talked about on /vg/, all the other shit is either dead or normies talk about it on plebbit/the steam forums
>and I WILL talk about SM2 inbetween shit tide posts
god imagine if we just killed all the brown people
who will clean my workplace then?
mexicans (we're white)
We don't have mexicans in europe, we used to have polaks but they think they are people now.
>if we made a shit tide general, the /copeg/ thread would be completely dead
There it is. Darktard completely ruins this general and insists that it wouldn't exist without him. That's only because you drove everyone else out. I'm so, so tired of this.
>i can't go off topic!
No shit
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Space Marine 2 discussion begins at 00:00 IST (Indian Standard Time) and will last for 3 hours, at 03:00 IST, which is when the Helldivers 2 discussion period will begin. Please see the full schedule below. Looking forward to this new arc of /coopg/ where each title under its wing will get their period of discussion, saars. #SAVEGAMING #India

>00:00 - 03:00 IST
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2
>03:00 - 06:00
Helldivers + Helldivers 2
>06:00 - 09:00
Vermintide 2 + Darktide
>09:00 - 12:00
Deep Rock Galactic + spinoffs
>12:00 - 15:00
Payday 2 and Payday 3
>15:00 - 18:00
Earth Defense Force
>18:00 - 21:00
Remnant FTA + Remnant 2
>21:00 - 00:00
Killing Floor
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>throw back to your post
You're talking to 2 different people.
Speaking of SM2, our FAVORITE darktide content creator is making a "pre launch optimization" lis for the class skills! God I LOVE watching tantan!
I would like to converse about a videogame. Aside from knife I don't feel very comfortable in melee playing psyker, are the force swords worth gambling for? Veteran is my most played and the usual rasneed axe/shock maul don't feel the same on my shitty little psyker, devil's claw feels alright though.
>inb4 just git gud
I'm trying
I hope you realize that following some e-celeb ironically is still following him
you're not like above it in any way
I'm going to stop browsing /coopg/ forever now. It was nice until the Darktide posting ruined it. And when I bring up these issues all I get now is mockery by whiny Fatshark shills. I'm just tired of it. Goodbye.
it depends what you're struggling with. dueling sword (mk iv) for killing armor, illisi for horde, deimos for all rounder.
>I'm going to stop browsing /coopg/ forever now
this is not an airport, you don't need to announce your departure kek
>a mix of shieldvermin + plaguemonks
any shielded enemies are cancer in general because they eat your cleave, but you can break a shieldrat's guard by pushing it twice
the problems start when there's a pack of them so when you push twice there's suddenly a new shieldrat in front of the staggered one
monks are easy but you have to be patient, which most gamers aren't - just let them wear themselves out from the combo and attack when they're tired
flails are incredible in this regard but lack in dps
I really wish you would, but you will be back tomorrow. There is nothing else for you, but this
I think stamina might be the biggest part since I tend to block a lot and psyker has less stamina than vet. That one blessing on force swords thats all about blocking peaked my interest.
force swords are very strong and flexible. the first stage of the push is a 360 degree light stagger, second is a stronger cone that builds some peril. they have like 17 blessings and all but two of them are at least acceptable. obscuros is one of the worst weapons in the game, not even fun as a joke. deimos is nominally single target with chained thrusts but it's fast enough it still does okay at crowd clear and heavy 2 has a demented amount of stagger. light light light for horde clear, light heavy for elites. illisi is nominally better for horde clear with horizontal sweeps but i never feel like it has enough cleave without the empower special which is slow, but then again i haven't tinkered with it extensively, maybe bloodthirsty exorcist could be a fun meme. personally i usually go with a deimos with deflector and slaughterer.

consider the dueling swords as well, dueling sword 4 is one of the best melee weapons in the game and would be utterly busted on any other class.

one quirk of psyker melee is that anything a weapon does that would eat stamina instead builds peril with kinetic deflection, including claw parries. you can spend a comical amount of time blocking and parrying if you build for it.
>worth gambling for
I'd say yes but the rework is in 20 days. Just wait for that and then actually have fun experimenting
>it's another "bubble boy cheats the corestone" dive
when will devs fix this bug?
Man, thanks for the breakdown. I'll have to actually give kinetic deflection a go.
poor obscurus, they need to change the special on that or something to make it not so heavily outclassed, hell give it the infinite dodges back again
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>brings up falsely perceived slights
>instead of talking about what he wants to
I play the other games as well I just don't really feel like talking about them often, i'll weigh in on posts about anything I play if it's interesting though. Letting one shitposter ruin your stay isn't going to work anywhere on 4chins. What you really want is for people to stop liking dorktide, which... nah
can they just pull the objective out without waiting for the event or something?
whats the mod called that can force disconnect
born ready, I think?
You dont need thp if you're not getting hit at all.
The game keeps eating/ignoring my inputs. Darktide can't keep up with my APM. It's holding me back.
>presses F while it's on cooldown
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A dawi walks into a legend/cata with this, what are you expecting.
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Ratclickers, how the FUCK do I deal with these fucks in melee?
>shield instantly teleports in front of you even if you're backstabbing the Shield Vermin, even if 4 people are surrounding them to gangbang them
>shield is unbreakable and has the hitbox of a barn door
>they quickly fuck you up if you're not forcing them to block
>if they're within a horde they completely stop your cleave
>"armor piercing" weapons don't do shit to break their guard
>only way to kill them is fire or ranged weapons, or just overwhelming them with more melee punishment than a chaos warrior could tank
Punch their shit, shield bash them into a stagger state, if theres more than 2, pray.
Depends on the class as well, its not a waste to use your ult to stay alive on higher difficulties as much as """Cata'""" plebs say.
push twice, wtf retard even champlets know this
I only play Vermintide out of this list
>if theres more than 2, pray.
??????? you literally aoe push in ratclick, you can stun an entire shielded SV patrol very easily
what is this? darkniggers trying the game for the first time??
>>shield instantly teleports in front of you even if you're backstabbing the Shield Vermin, even if 4 people are surrounding them to gangbang them
Fatshark fixed this for bulwarks in DT but never bothered to fix it for the shielders in VT
Keeping it simple for the nooblet, I know personally how to deal with it. I just use coghammer at this point.
people in this thread are worst than SAURON!
monsters melting in seconds or the dawi goes down 2 picoseconds after a monster spawn because they cant dodge dance for shit
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I swear I've tried doing this but all it does is open their guard, they just close back up after a second. Maybe I'm being a retard though I'll try double shove.
push twice to open, then attack.
Some weapons have an attack that ignores shields; Notably Flail. But also the pushattack on the Sword&Shield and the Sword&Dagger, which can be used to whittle them down

Yes yes I know how to deal with it, my main is krube Mercinary, Relax.
skill issue.
please fuck off back to darktide, all of you.
I've never played Darktide, I'm asking for advice for a game I've picked up there's no reason to be such a cunt anon
When their guard is open just hit them. If they recover push them again. Push-attacks can be useful. Many noobs don't know for many hours that push attacks exist and have different properties from light and heavy attacks, since Fatshark forgot to mention them in tutorial
Dont mind darktiders they think their skinnerbox game is better than our skinnerbox game.
I don't know much about their game, but they clearly said YOUR game was total garbage and your mother a whore
stagger them out of stance, ez
i will be a cunt as much as i want, fuck off
im tired of freeloaders in my cata games
the OE buffs have destroyed my fun
You can backstab the bulwark equivalent in VT.
I had my first EDF 6 death after 270 hours just now, I killed myself with my Wing Diver's Power Spear.
Terrain is your friend against these cunts, they can't keep their shield up while they're climbing. That one DLC mission that's notorious for SV spam in the middle event has a good amount of catwalks you can utilize for this purpose.
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worst offender is switching weapons.
>be psyker @ 100%
>press 1 to equip sword
>press LMB to attack with sword
>sword not equipped
>do staff attack instead
>schizo overload
Anyone here play Concord wanna team up?
>He doesn't know
For me, as slayer with dual axes, it's light light push attack.
I die every mission usually to my friends
FF is such a garbage mechanic, adds fucking nothing to any game other than enabling griefing trannies.
Someones malding the OC shot them to bits teehee
They should make all ammo and health pickups shared too.
>im tired of freeloaders in my cata games
I'm not playing the highest difficulty you sperg I'm still new to the game.
>I'm not playing the highest difficulty you sperg I'm still new to the game.
Hey dont worry about him hes malding that a class makes the game easier.
He doesnt like it and thinks everyone should be busting their balls on his terms.
If he doesnt like it he can queue up with his schizo friends and play a game.
Cata players are a different breed sometimes.
First FF, what'snext? People in MY aurics!?!
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>being so shit at the game you can't carry people
lol, lmao even
I can see the confusion. You get enough time for an anti-elite light/heavy into their skulls during that period and if they close up too early it's because some other retard is hitting them with weak attacks, like a shortbow shot into the armor by the elf.
I enjoy it in the right circumstances, in planetside 2 it prevented explosive spam. The problem is the people who need to respect it are never the ones who do, so it just ends up being a source of frustration for me. I have a 2% tk kill ratio in planetmans and a 15% tk death rate. The punishment for friendly fire should be inflicted on the person doing the shooting imo, not the person they hit.
What portrait frame pro gamers sport these days? I want one that says "Yeah I'm a badass" when you look at it
>Playing Darktide
>magdumping hordes with my autogun
>people try to melee infront of me
>just FF them down
>command realizes what I'm doing and pops my bomb collar, killing me instantly
yeah you better not be, bish. stay out of my cat
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If you don't have the mancunny frame don't even come into my aurics
You're not a real cata player lets make that clear.
Actual worms perform better than whatever elf build you run.
that happens if someone resets their stagger state
Post your banners, big guy. /coopg/ stamp in the chat.
>charge as ogryn
>pop pop pop noises faintly behind you
mmm yes
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oh no no no darkies is this real??!
bow down, peasants
tanner is discussing SM2
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yeah, forgot when they gave that out, was a while ago though. There is some gear as well
He sounds really fucking gay. Like pushes into the dick to please his boyfriend kinda gay.
ok and?
this is 2024, gay is not an insult anymore, stop being toxic
>le femboy trannyfag
femboy or tranny try to make up your mind chud
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let me guess, you're the "kid" who thinks saying "nigger" is peak comedy?
you can go back to the 'cord now sisters, regroup until next thread
Oh I clicked on his channel and he's a fucking femboy.
kill yourself you porn addicted faggot.
why do randoms run off into a fucking side area in auric missions instead of gradually proceeding forward?
plasdeel, I will find all of it, yes I do have every box spawn memorized at this point
I will play all three of these games. Deal with it.
post code so we can play aurics
I don't know. consolesharts also have a really weird way of moving through the map that actually seems random and avoids the regular large chests on the way
Did I hear a RocknStone?
and you shan't again for many a moon
where the fuck is the rogue core alpha
dawis not in vermintide
Going in the book of grudges with you.
It's a goo sack.
we're rich!
It's payday, fellas!
Trans rights!
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>knife zealot in my game
>he rushes past everything leaving us to kill the shit he spawns and doesn't want to deal with, while the director rapes us further with rager packs as we get left behind
>we weren't even going slow, we were going as fast as we could clear things so they wouldn't bodyblock us
>he dies
>finally catch up to him, revive him
>mid-sequence objective
>he goes down, pick him up. He gets dogged, get it off him
>we complete it
>he runs ahead again
>tell him not to do that
>he starts shit talking me and people's builds
>he dies
>argument ensues
>we wipe
>he then boasts that he had the most damage and special kills on the scoreboard in the aftergame lobby (not by much despite him rushing ahead)
Why does this type of Zealot attract these subhumans?
if there is a smite psyker in the game I imagine it's a girl
can verify that this happened, I was the director
It did, had to block him and I rarely block people.
>he then boasts that he had the most damage and special kills
nice larp you can't see this on the end-game scoreboard
scoreboard mod, yes you can.
I shouldn't have to mod for something that should be a basic feature of the game.
did you just buy darktide recently even though it's two years dead? did you at least get a good deal?
I bought it awhile back on sale, and recently began playing
Fatshark got rid of the scoreboard because it just enabled sweaty autism.
Anyone who is actually autistic enough to farm green circles just downloads the mod and does it anyway. All this does is make me suffer because now I can't diagnose my matches without some shitty mod thats hard to read and makes me crash from time to time. You gotta see the realities
i just intuit how well I'm doing
People are surpisingly bad at it

Lots of shitters think they are the ones doing all the heavy lifting and competitive people think they are doing terrible when they are doing well. I have seen both
Green circle fags always ignore "damage taken".
I meditate for 30 minutes before and between each match to account for this
if you've played a Tide game for at least 40h you should be able to gauge whether you're performing well or not simply by instinct and experience
if you wanna know specifics about whether your weapons do good damage there's always the psykhanium and item spreadsheets in the inventory
case in point, the scoreboard mod doesn't even have a total deaths counter. VT2 had it. I suffer
You know this person here is absolutely ruled by confirmation bias across his entire life
whatever you say
Sorry i picked the vet speed aura
I picked the revive talent and curio perks to make up for it
>both speed talents + leave no one behind
>10% + 20% speed when someone is downed
Holy shidd
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get some better plugins
>he has the tl;dr plugin
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>naked knife zealot lvl 7798465161 in my game
>he rushes past everything leaving us to kill the shit he spawns and doesn't want to deal with, while the director rapes us further with rager packs as we get left behind
>I tell him in voice chat to slow down, as there is no "I" in "team"
>the shield ogryn in the group starts roleplaying to lighten the mood a little "haha trains! sar amirite?"
>"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR FUCKIGN GERMAN TROON" the zealot yells "I CAN'T HEAR MYSELF KNIFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING! THERE'S ONLY 2 GENDERS" we can hear farts sounds and what appears to be furious masturbation while he talks
>we shrug and decide to ignore him, carefully clearing all room slowly but surely
>He's already on another map when he gets netted
>I tell him he's too far to be saved, but that should be a good lesson to always stay in coherency!
>everybody in the group, even the smite psyker who was silent so far audibly clap in open mic while laughing at him
> "CURSE YOU ANON! I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE! TANNER FORGIVE ME!!!!!!!" we can hear him shitting himself just before he alt-f4
Why does this type of Zealot attract these subhumans?
Honestly vet auras just aren't that impactful in most cases, even pre nerf survivalist wasn't very good outside of no ammo missions because there's always enough pickups around unless you're shooting hordes like a retard, damage doesn't get you any breakpoints, move speed is whatever
which plugins is that? The bottom part is really good too
This is the gayest shit in this thread so far, and thats an accomplishment.
I saw him post about it on reddit too, that sucks for you anon
fake and gay
true and inspiring
The speed aura with the speed talent gives a total of +10% speed which is good if you use the power sword but want to be able to out-run enemies so you don't get bogged down
>The zealot's name? : Adolf Hitler
and then you replied
thanks king
real I was there (I was the knife)
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I miss versus
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This rat asked about versus
Why the fuck you letting a nigga grab you like that?
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>>naked knife zealot lvl 7798465161 in my game
>>he rushes past everything leaving us to kill the shit he spawns and doesn't want to deal with, while the director rapes us further with rager packs as we get left behind
>>I tell him in voice chat to slow down, as there is no "I" in "team"
>>the shield ogryn in the group starts roleplaying to lighten the mood a little "haha trains! sar amirite?"
>>"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR FUCKIGN GERMAN TROON" the zealot yells "I CAN'T HEAR MYSELF KNIFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING! THERE'S ONLY 2 GENDERS" we can hear farts sounds and what appears to be furious masturbation while he talks
>>we shrug and decide to ignore him, carefully clearing all room slowly but surely
>>He's already on another map when he gets netted
>>I tell him he's too far to be saved, but that should be a good lesson to always stay in coherency!
>> his reaction is predictable "I HATE YOU ANON I HATE YOU SO MUCH I WISH YOU DIE!! TRUMP 2024 MOON LANDING WAS AN HOAX!!!!"
>>everybody in the group, even the smite psyker who was silent so far audibly clap in open mic while laughing at him
>> "CURSE YOU ANON! I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE! TANNER FORGIVE ME!!!!!!!" we can hear him shitting himself just before he alt-f4
trying too hard vro
Good think you quoted every single line from that post or else i wouldn't know to what you were responding
>Good think you quoted every single line from that post or else i wouldn't know to what you were responding
>>>naked knife zealot lvl 7798465161 in my game
>>>he rushes past everything leaving us to kill the shit he spawns and doesn't want to deal with, while the director rapes us further with rager packs as we get left behind
>>>I tell him in voice chat to slow down, as there is no "I" in "team"
>>>the shield ogryn in the group starts roleplaying to lighten the mood a little "haha trains! sar amirite?"
>>>"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR FUCKIGN GERMAN TROON" the zealot yells "I CAN'T HEAR MYSELF KNIFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING! THERE'S ONLY 2 GENDERS" we can hear farts sounds and what appears to be furious masturbation while he talks
>>>we shrug and decide to ignore him, carefully clearing all room slowly but surely
>>>He's already on another map when he gets netted
>>>I tell him he's too far to be saved, but that should be a good lesson to always stay in coherency!
>>> his reaction is predictable "I HATE YOU ANON I HATE YOU SO MUCH I WISH YOU DIE!! TRUMP 2024 MOON LANDING WAS AN HOAX!!!!"
>>>everybody in the group, even the smite psyker who was silent so far audibly clap in open mic while laughing at him
>>> "CURSE YOU ANON! I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE! TANNER FORGIVE ME!!!!!!!" we can hear him shitting himself just before he alt-f4
this is insane
Based for letting me read this kino twice
american continent timezone posting hours
real asian robot won
won what?
real asian robot vids MUST be sent to tantan when SM2 releases to piss xim off
@ (You)
Won bigly
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someone needs to make this a comic... knife zealots always be like that tho fr
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These rats made versus
gonna turn him into raped asian rapevictim if i keep hearing this name
nice try it's still my (You)
This artist has drawn all of those children getting stretched
stretched? like in a torture device?
source so I can avoid where it might be posted
Hope they’re all nice and limber now
I think only the one on the right actually has penetrative sex images t b h
how would you know? do you have something to tell us?
Yes. I don't care much for the tide games (they're shit) but I still come to these threads for cropped rat child porn and helldivers discussion. Please post more.
Shout vet is so good that you can easily ignore the meta talents and just go for that which will affect your gameplay in the most interesting and fun way
>just go for that which will affect your gameplay in the most interesting and fun way
AKA all the grenade talents.
This plus melee tree. Very fun time.
You are literally reading my mind. That is exactly what i did
I know :)
not on e6
Not while you're logged out anyways
I'm logged in, if you search those characters there's mostly sfw pics and the middle one has only sfw
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Oh, yeah that's accurate then. Don't think there's anything hidden away on inkbunny
>when the team was so shit nobody says gg at the end
How much does infernus matter for the vet recon build? What about just going for dumdum and headhunter?
dumdum and headhunter is fine
Headhunter finna sound mighty attractive with marksman's focus (shooting head gives more finess damage to a max of 15 stacks) and shock trooper (lasgun crits don't consume ammo)
I miss playing helldivers and edf with the anons here
Medicae station!!! :3 (Female zealot voice)
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>get a good weapon from mission reward
>it's on the wrong class
fucking fatshark
Vacuum capsule! :D
It's so late no one will notice I'm gay
I like posting to make sure he tells me can it troon. He always gives me the attention I need.
Can it, troon
How can it be on the wrong class, we don’t have Arbites yet
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Thanks anon, I love you <3
I'm serious. CAN IT
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rip paul
>slug shotgun
Actually very fun, you have to press alt fire all the time but if you can click heads it's a blast. The normal fire is pretty accurate up to mid range, too. What blessings should I use?
So should we burn weapons to get their tier IV blessings or save ones with solid modifiers? Not sure what will let me skip more progress when the update drops
the knife zealot kneels to the knife vet
Full Bore and No Respite (Optionally Man-Stopper, if you're running it with a crit build of some kind.)
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it hurts. Only Hickok left now, may he stay alive for many more years.
Bro, your power sword?
i hope he lives to be 300
Way to admit you're a champshitter, anon.
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fatshark is easily going to ban mods from darktide and there is nothing you can do about it
at best you'll get a sanctioned system like in ratclick, maybe 4 years from now
why would they do it now?
because you're being faggot niggers about it, with blatant actual cheats and stuff used to harass others
it's coming, and you know it
the swedes have a limit as well
At least three quarters of the remaining PC playerbase would quit the moment that happened, have you tried playing this game without mods after using them? It's unbearably bad just due to the loading times, before even mentioning any other flaws.
doing that would kill the game and they know it
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>At least three quarters of the remaining PC playerbase would quit the moment that happened
I mean, you were obviously still in highschool when ratclick was released, but still.
i would simply play something else
mmmm tastes like leather
ratclick never relied on a hub with thirty other random players and being forced to wait for a brazilian playing on a hacked ps2 to get his grandmother to send you a permission slip carved into a coconut before you could load the fucking game list
Legends my home usually for casual, if i got friends its cata hour.
Relax on the elitism anon
>lol why would you get hit
>no of course I'm not on the hard difficulty
I never once felt inclined to use mods in my 800 hours of VT2. I use like 15 mods for Darktide. If they get shut off, I'll just uninstall.
That's because darktide is much harder than vt2
the cope of 40kids lmao
This isn't actually a coop general. Its a fatshark general that can't sustain itself entirely.
bait or retarded
So let me get this straight, the new upgrade system is that you are forced to use X weapon for Y hours until you unlock useful passives and upgrade its stats. So this means if you're playing on the hardest difficulty normally and then decide to change weapon, you'll have to go grind lower difficulty to get your weapon up to par.

Or, alternatively, weapon upgrades will be irrelevant (because you can just get gud and play hard missions with unleveled weapons) making the system pointless.

Am I the only one who thinks this entire design philosophy is fucked and makes no sense?
fartshart can't into crafting
I the sound of it. It should work similar to DRG or Weaves.
I appreciate you shitposting sister, you’re doing great.
The only reason I'm at all interested is that it sounds like I'll be able to get some powered up modifiers that didn't exist previously to potentially hit new breakpoints. If that doesn't happen or they go the other way and maxed out weapons end up worse than they are right now I'll probably just uninstall.
Can it, troon
Zip it, fuck boy
If they sanction all the mods that should've been in the base game to begin with (holding parry while chatting/menu, guaranteed button activation, etc) I'll be OK with that.
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This is the first time I have spent $90 for a 10 hour game. The co-op better be fucking good or im refunding this shit. $90 for a damn co-op game what is the world coming to?
>he says while buying the goy edition for that yummy beta testing and cosmetics

Don't forget to give their Twitch channel some views
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is damage a dump stat?
>i just spent 90 dollars to preorder a game i haven't even researched
>also bros why is gaming getting worse?
not sure if shitposting but I went from DT to VT2 and it feels so much harder
in VT2 it feels like with every character i have heavy weights glued to my feet, positioning and blocking/pushing seem to matter a lot more when you don't have sprint/slide and the long dodging given to you by things like knife
DT's panic buttons also seem a lot more reliable, vet's shout is more spammable and stat-heavy than Kruber's shout
i had no issue clearing auric damnation in DT but in VT2 i'm still doing champion which as i understand is the equivalent of Heresy
yeah it's a hard but rewarding game, what matters is finding a build that clicks with you
>in VT2 it feels like with every character i have heavy weights glued to my feet, positioning and blocking/pushing seem to matter a lot more
It's always very easy to recognize a Vermintide veteran in Darktide. You can tell because they waste a lot more energy shoving enemies than the game realistically needs, force of habit.
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>lvl 100 in auric damnation
>have a mod spamming the chat when a medipack/ammo is down
>probably have all the cheats from Nexus like spider sense
>Keeps going down
Sometime I feel like this guy when the only mod I have is buy until rating
V2 really is so much harder. Darktide has so much brute force you can do to clear any mistake you find yourself in and toughness giving you a free hit is literally iron breakers big thing. We’re every type of class career in V2 rolled together. We’re tanky, powerful and have a lot of survivability and team support all at once.
This. You can always tell a Vermintide vet because they never stick with the team and they waste a lot of time dodging and shoving when they could just brute force with their gun and blitz. They are delicate dancers instead of the sloppy spammers that are Darktide players.
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is that talent still bugged ?
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I just had an auric damnation game where ALL my teamates alt-f4 when down. They got replaced by other teamates who also alt-f4. In the end screen it was just me and some ogryn who joined just before the end event.

This shit has to stop
blame the retarded penance system
People still play Bovine Wastes?
yes it's fun and the weeklies shake things up
Yeah people quit constantly in my games. If they get downed, they quit. They die once, they quit. They get dogged... they quit.
You kinda proved my point.
you're so cool anon
It amuses me that I have that effect on you.
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Imma be real.
Space Marine 2 looked great, but the pre-order exlusivity and the previous game are major red flags.
I likely won't even bother to play it, I just know this is another Helldivers 2 situation, but for whales that love to throw away money instead of indonesian poorfags.
>Space Marine 2 looked great
yeah feels like it's overhyped because the vidya landscape is grim, at least no denuvo
>I just know this is another Helldivers 2 situation
A great game dragged down by its incompetent devs?
>I just know this is another Helldivers 2 situation
A good game dragged down by its autistic community?
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>I just know this is another Helldivers 2 situation
A fluke?
The previous game is a red flag in what sense? Yeah if you don't like third person action combat you're unlikely to enjoy the sequel retard.
>I just know this is another Helldivers 2 situation
a shit game overhyped by Sony?
>a shit game overhyped by Sony?
Works for PS fans. Sony 'won' several E3s just by name dropping remakes like KOTOR or FF7. Hell, they did that with FF7 twice in a row, first year just the name, second year they had couple of images with nothing new inbetween.
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NGL, I barely knew about it.
>helldivers 2 was overhyped pre-launch
I see we've entered the revisionist history phase.

Bethesda won an E3 by teasing Elder Scrolls 6, a game that isn't even close to existing still. Nintendo won an E3 by showing a Metroid Prime logo then restarted development twice. Don't let console wars fool you into thinking any group of fanboys is brighter than the rest.
Kek look at them squirm and squeal. The day of reckoning is soon for ALL cheaters. Tick tock.
So true. Aurics without mods are literally impossible.
Wait, you have been playing in MY aurics?
>Cheater thinks he has any sort of authority
Uninstall bro. You'll never make it.
Everyone in aurics uses healthbars and spidey sense. Everyone but me.
i'm pretty sure there's no mod that impacts combat difficulty in any way except the spider sense special tracker thing, which nearly nobody uses
Healthbars, Dodge count and better weapon sights are definetly cheats
Not how it works you can max em before even using them once plus you can still use hadrons system if you lack the funds
plus nothing about an unfinished wep means you have to play a lower difficulty. All mine under the current gacha shit are unfinished, i still carry aurics
they just cant help themselves
Wait so people pay 30$ extra so they can pre-order the game? The fuck is wrong with consumers in 2024, why would you want to pre-order to begin with
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I remember when Darktide did the one week early access and like 60% of players used the fact the game hasnt released yet to refund it
Just be aware that steam policy changed and pre-release refunds are subject to the 2 hour rule now too
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queue for legend ratclick:
>the elf holds W for the entire game shooting anything on their screen with their sam missiles
>the level 28 dwarf cannot keep up and is constantly down
>the kruber half blue half orange gear complaining about the elf rushing everything
>me, the patient saltz WP trying to support this team of retards

queue for cataclysm ratclick:
>the dwarf and kruber know each other and meme together all match, never go down and are always there to help you in any situation
>waste so much time because they wanna ledge the rogre with 5 consecutive bombs
>they start playing soccer with a gutter runner and end up shooting each other only to get themselves up and spam heals
>the elf stays back and helps everyone, barely overextends but to chase specials, returns to the team as soon as they have terminated the threat
>me, the patient saltz WP happy to have found a bunch of people that can deal with my fuckups and are not chasing circles

What the fuck is this? Why didn't you tell me this was how Cata plays?
Would've bought WoM a long time ago, fuck.
I respect lardasses that lean into their frame
This is why people want a difficulty level for darktide that actually filters people, it makes for chill games and a fun community. Right now it feels like every auric is just speedrun attempts
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stealth zealot penances are so grindy holy shit
>kill 150 specialists with a backstab while stealthed
This penance can go fuck itself.
That one as well as the gunlugger ammo refund one. They take so fucking LONG.
I 100% use it for demon hosts. there is no way to know where they are during horde mode. Ive stumbled into so many before I got that mod and I dont feel like ruining everyone game just because I couldnt see/hear it. With poxbomber its just as bad, even with the mod Ill run into DH during combat. I need something more than some mutters and fog/lighting. The first you cant see the second is literally all over the map.
at least the gunlugger one doesn't force me to play stealth
bugged how
bonus dmg not proccing
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We love Strawhat.
I can see and hear them just fine during hordes
do you have to suck their dicks before asking anything in this forum
No aslong as you're polite and your question isnt retarded the CMs do answer
define polite
With the previous CM (CATFISH) you could suck her cock for weeks with no result. But Strawhat is doing her best.
My 10/10 in England wife does NOT have a cock, tyvm.
not being a passive aggressive little faggot about it. They dont have to answer you so if you antagonize for no reason they wont. basic human interactions really
was more a jab at the forum etiquette than strawhat, she (eh) does a good job so far
I believe strawhat is an actual woman for multiple reasons
>types normally and doesnt do any weird mentally ill twitter shit or anything like that
>named after a male character in one piece, a tranny would be named EGOCISSA or GORGEUSINA or something like that
>doesnt post about her own person at all, completely professional
we unironically do love strawhat only non annoying cm I have ever
>there is no way to know where they are during horde mode
..i've never had this problem unless i try to escape a horde by speedrunning ahead
she's also a big Telopots fan and regulary talks on his stream, she even gifted him Fatshark socks
sad derailing attempt
and yet it's all true and on topic
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>strawhat is an actual woman
impossible, she wouldn't miss the opportunity to spam her mug on every single dev blog like some other fish employee
she only did that cause shes a whore coping about hitting the wall
we can deduce strawhat either is modest or young
I resorted to mods for those ones. So I could run with bots, let them die, then mop up the map without worry. Much more tolerable.
>sm2 looked great
genuine slop consumer
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Bugger yourselves ye bunch o' cunts! this lassie is at least a 8/10 in englain. Stop shitting on mah wife!
As expected, a huge hit
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>hit the 'nid with his thammer
>big explosion
>big gor effect
>the "nid is alright and just waddles away
Flavor of the month
who is the vermintide cm
do you trust pre-release reviews
Damn, you would think in a cinematic game like this they would pay more attention to how something FEELS
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>sold out
>Game journalism
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Heh yeah I believe journos are subhumans and the market is paid off, but when the reviews align with my beliefs I will use them for arguments of course
post concord
ogryn penances are somehow more grindy
I don't fucking want to do penances anymore bros...
then don't. free yourself. free yourself from the shop too.
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I need it.
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I WILL make fun off you and kick you from my lobby if you don't have that one frame anon..
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>Show this to HR (he's a bit younger than me) as a joke
>he tells me to "grow up"
It actually does look great minus the added animation freezing when you hit enemies. God I hate that animation lag so much it's unreal.
>Show this to HR
Human Resources? They hate fun. Actually I think they hate humans in general.
I bet you had the perfect comeback right? You weren't beaten by a some HR faggot, were you?
>admitting you have a medical issue if you pay extra to play early
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how is it in there?
so don't, it's not worth it
t. grinded like mad to 4500 and once you start looking at the armor often enough it's just normal
warriors aren't so fragile that they die to a single thunder hammer strike, it's a problem that the gaunts are so tanky
Hating fun is different from groaning at reddit jokes
It's not really about tanky or not tanky it's just how impactless it feels. Even if the thign can take couple hits you'd expect the hammer impact to actually make it show a significant reaction
>you have to gift subs on twitch to be rewarded with a weapon skin
the absolute jewery
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like this?
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>sm2 confirmed for greatest 40k game ever made (and also good as a regular game too)
>better impacts
>better combat
>better clarity
>better form of "hitstop" via occasional slow motion
>better executions
SM2 is a fucking embarrassment
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>tfw SM2 launches with a far higher pricetag than Darktide and even less content
>even more obnoxiously woke design from all the hideous girlboss COs

cope and rope tranny.
it has hitstop but only on melee kills
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Nothing hurts grown men like women dancing and having fun
The twitch skins arent that good, and the sub gift one is the worst desu, so you're not missing much by just ignoring it
still a shit move desu
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the complete opposite has been proven true on a daily basis
imagine watching this shit and unironically defending it
Girls working for a make up company and doing brand exposure with a cute little TikTok trend has made millions of men seethe.

Also lol women’s minor fender bender accidents vs men’s killing entire families in accidents. I will give moids credit. They are really great at killing people. They even wipe out bloodlines on accident. Insane skills.
don't reply to bait
All that jew shit is awful, but marketing has unfortunately become a big part of the video game industry
no you don't get it there's an actual feminist woman here on /coopg/ and I have to set things right with facts and logic
Bitches have killed more people just through abortions and that's even worse because it's their own children
those were not people yet
Someone’s mad his victim didn’t keep his sexual assault baby
to be fair thats kind of understandable, gengis khan got to keep all his
Yeah but he was a real man. If he were alive right now he wouldn’t be playing co-op games he’d be playing PvP. Co-op is a woman’s genre, so what are you all doing here?
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They are going to make thunder hammers OP in the next patch and you will start bitching about them being broken and how th users triviliaze auric missions
he was a bad enough dude to commit genocide across a quarter of the known world and literally nobody could stop him
I don't mind that at all. Give it better damage and cleave damage with normal attacks so i might actually use this shitty thing. Full stacks of martyr, sustained assault, headtaker and slaughter and it still does shit damage, also, why the fuck doesn't the crusher get the same blessings?
this is true, I am shamed & have no defense
I mean they dont need to be any stronger just less annoying to use. Why they can't just give it
>horde clear heavies
>singletarget lights
like the VT2 hammer is beyond me. Why do you use the heavies for everything but the heavies are simultaneously annoying as fuck to use because they're not good at hordeclear somehow anyway?
It doesn't need to actually get powerspiked it'll only cover up this root problem and make the game worse because now you have yet another OP wep. Seriously go play VT2. Pick up any wep. It's immediately clear what the purpose of each attack is. Very few weapons have useless parts of the moveset. Meanwhile people actively block reset with weapons in DT to avoid having to use the dogshit heavy 3 etc.
They better not. Thunder hammers are fine and any stronger would be game ruining. One shot weapons should never be that good.
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which one of you fucks is playing spwace maween rn?
how is it content wise?
>making a weapon that should be fun, fun
lol delusional
why would I pay 30 bucks more just to play a single player game EARLY?
I played the leak and it wasn't good. From what I see from the streams it's EXACTLY as it was except maybe the performance is slightly less shit, but then again all of the e-celeb streamerbabies play on 4090s so it's hard to tell.
Considering refunding, playing on angel of death and it's just button mashing so far. If there isn't actual gameplay before I hit the 2 hour mark I probably will
was for >>493142475
So far the gameplay is boring as fuck I kinda regret my purchase, I guess the crafting rework will improve the game
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is he talking about dorktide?
what happened at pogger's bridge that was poggers enough to warrant the name?
lol nice, I love memes too
make some HD slop webms of the hitstop and thunderhammer before you do, i'm tired of the 500kb youtube footage turned into 250kb webm
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>first CACAdian officer you meet is indian
Keep trying shitposting retard, maybe someone will eventually bother with your bait
>clearly a command rank
>has overly fancy shoulder guards attached to her shoulderpads

Err, she's supposed to be a Cadian, a Cadian commander who doesnt get into actual combat would never waste resources like that. You could make 2 artillery shells from the metal alone, and the circuitry for multiple Chimeras with those shoulder pads.

Glad i decided to wait, skipping this overpriced trash, i might get it when its like ~$20. Its $90aus atm.
is there a repack yet
>the wokegenders infiltrated sm2 and 40k
uh oh bwos
dude this has been the case since at least the release of darktide
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they did it several years ago anon, its joever. The final 3 HH books were a signifier of the terminal pozz infection.
it reminds me of Mass Effect Andromeda where 70% of NPC were indians
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The Future is indian, deal with it.
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it's been very funny watching sci-fi as a genre do the whole uhoh white chuddies gonna seethe the future isn't yours xD thing with bespoke minorities everywhere and also simultaneously refuse to make the future 100% indian-chinese-african

100% white ideology, 0% white people, 10% numerically dominant ethnic groups, 90% well her father was nepalese-inuit and her mother was a bi-gender maori sex worker
going to space is an asian mindset nowadays since most young americans want to be tiktokers :)
nobody uses 'asian' as an umbrella term except second-rate asians trying to include themselves with the big dawgs, so hello miguel christiano linglingling have you gotten your head cut off by isis-p yet
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indians would not support this faggotry anon
pajeets owns /coopg/
But I already kill all bosses including daemon hosts in monster maelstrom; what more could they give it that wouldn't make it disgustingly broken
This. Finishing with nearly 400k boss damage already makes people complain during monster maelstrom. Thunder Hammers being simple decent against everything else is the only thing balancing them.
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Is...is that.....
There is a SpaceX
But no ChinX
cowshit soup,, ooooooh saar you are far too kind to us *head bob* saar please would you hand over the cow piss chaser
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>even in copeg you find autists shitting on jeets
i kneel
China manipulated the internet since 2020 to undermine indian influence worldwide, all you see here are good goys obeying their chinese masters
American posting hours
indians and chinese are two sides to the same shit covered coin
vermin that need to be eradicated and their lands flattened to make room for country spanning nuclear power farms
the real face of china: nonstop parade of people getting mutilated in bizarre slapstick accidents
the real face of india: gang-raping an eight year old girl to death in a pile of cow shit
So, video games of the co-op kind...
I think it's more likely they've just interacted with Indians before
The chinese have been forcing indians to sexually harraass women and cow shit?
good goys
What I'm getting from all this is there's so little wrong with SM2 you have nothing to whine about besides a random NPC's skin color.
more like there's so little to the game that second-rate /int/posting is more fun
this is actually one of the most absurd saaar copes I've seen I might start using it
Have you ever interacted with an indian and seen that dead-eyed animal stare in their eyes? No, you obviously haven't or you wouldn't be writing something so fucking retarded.
actually this is probably the pajeet himself so do the needful and hang yourself
All or nothing (more power with less stamina) can quite easily be manipulated as long as you don't mind playing with no stamina
the real face of america: black people chimping out at a fast food restaurants
In the off chance this post is actually from an indian person, I'll tell you the real reason your country is getting such a shit reputation in the west: your scammers and outsourced workers.
Everyone knows a call from an indian man is a scam. Everyone knows the service from an indian employee is going to be horrific.
I'd rather not
malding whitoids ITT
I'm testing it out and if you are ready to do some weird movement technique where you keep your stamina low without going anywhere and without sprint canceling all of your attacks then +40% power can be all yours!
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>jeet gets shit on
>immediately starts fuming about chinks
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>playing damnation because its too early for anyone to be playing Auric
>Ogryn player with shield, goes down in the first five minutes
>Watch him use taunt on a horde of pox walkers, sits still, then get grabbed by a mutant
>This happens three or four more times throughout the level
>Prefers to taunt the chaff instead of grabbing the batteries for the objectives, the singular good thing even the shittiest of Ogryns can do
>Maybe he's trying to get the block damage penance or something
>Nope, he walked right past the demonhost
>Eventually the director decides to spawn 10 ragers around the corner, who all proceed to go axe first into my asshole and I go down
>Watch the Ogryn "tank" a horde of six pox walkers as said ragers do the same to the psyker
>Once again wonder how such retards choose to play on anything above malice as we lose the mission.

What is it about the Ogryn class that makes 90% of their players so fucking useless? Does the class make people lore accurately retarded? At least larpers that say "SAH" in chat sometimes know how to play, but that fucking shield is a guaranteed waste of a teammate.
They're like ironbreakers in V2, but at least those retards get a free hit every minute to make up for their lack of skill.
>loses regular damnation
>cries about retards
>guys wtf why aren't you shooting the gunners
>you guys gotta do a better job at killing the specials
jeets and chinks are in a "cold war" state at their border, they're also fighting about rivers and territories
>huge populations
>both countries heavily dependent on the himalayan watershed for fresh water
>both countries already suffering from fresh water shortages

we are going to see the funniest possible war around 2035 - a bunch of 5'5" kpop masturbators staggering around the himalayas dying of altitude and exposure and streaming the whole thing live from every angle with chinkphones
I never felt so white.
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wow, not even release and only 209 viewers
next flop after concord
>twitch for game relevancy
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>tfw stuck at ~4300
please... just a few crumbs of penances is all I ask...
Im having fun
promise me you'll post this again in a week so i can laugh when its at 2k
What's an actually fun psyker build? The class just feels braindead to play.
Yeah I remember this one. It's kinda surreal when you think about it. That's 2 nuclear powers fighting each other with rocks and sticks.
I almost had fun going full block psyker. You can block melee and ranged which is a fun gimmick for a pure melee build.
Nobody wants to be the one responsible for escalating and starting WWIII, so cuck warfare is all we have.
Are you guys ready for Sloptide discussion to finally be killed off for good
this is like the third time you've promised this
I am ready for darktide to finally be elevated to the heights of "not bad"
In 2 more weeks yes?
Once the crafting "update" drops and people realise its a nothing burger itll finally stop
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>tantan makes a discord for darktide and the like, for non shit malestrom players
oh cool!
>playing, make joke about trans people, insta banned by his friend
oh cool!
>acting like you're on 4chan outside of 4chan
can't believe the fat faggot weeb and his discord tranny cult aren't down to clown
Tanner is literally a tranny, what the hell did you expect???
He's tanking :)
Darktide is basically dead if Space Marine is a huge success right?
but my mom always said "just be yourself!" :(
not really, no. completely different games.
like saying Tetris is dead because Puyo-pop exists.
darktide is already basically dead, don't think it's really going to change after SM2 launches
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That bad huh
I feel like Swedish people just shouldn't make live service games. They release them then go on vacation for 6 months and everyone stop playing
dakrtide doens't even have 4k people on steam playing it right now, SM2 can't kill it much more than this
the game is literally out now and I still see darktide posts and see very few people talking about sm2
let me guess, two more weeks?
There's literally no way SM2 isn't a flash in the pan.
Remember when people saw that the Smegmar trailer from GW was using assets from Vermintide 2, and were assuring everyone Vermintide 3 was just around the corner
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Hosting a /v/df lobby on Inferno EDF 6, passw3ord is the usual.
Is it over for the Tide style of games that means? I love these games.
>/v/df lobby on Inferno EDF 6,
I have no idea what these words mean, wrong thread?
For the games out now? Not at all, they're making more than enough money off cosmetics whales. VT2 didnt have more players really and they still made DT. It's working out for Fartshart financially regardless of how obnoxious their dev style is for players.
If you're asking if the games are dead, that's not the case either. VT2 is getting actively updated still with new content and there's always players, and DT still just instaqueues into missions and you rarely come across the same people. It's fine for these games

The real question is if the next game will be any good. Combat lead designer left. It remains to be seen what will happen to the gameplay from this point onward. I don't hold high hopes but we'll see.
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>Is it over for the Tide style of games that means?
nah, VT1 struck gold with their combat style and has carried the series all the way till now, and I doubt SM2 will deliver combat as addicting so steal a huge amount of players
he's hosting a game in edf6 for the /v/ and/or /vg/ boys is what he's saying
lol this is a Space Marine 2 thread now stupid bitch
>Combat lead designer left
Is he making games somewhere else?
No, although his linkedin said he's open for offers
I swear no matter where you go half the talk of SM2 devolves into how it's going to be the Helldivers/Darktide killer. And it doesn't even seem to be going for the same genre. It'd be like hyping Gears of War as the Left 4 Dead killer.
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some people are so genuinely brainfogged that they can't tell the difference between webm related and helldivers/tide games
As long as it's a solid title and it doesn't have gay shit like female space marines in it I couldn't care less what the retards are talking about.
Looks genuinely bad.
SM2 has no staying power at all, do you really think people will stick around for static coop shit with godawful game feel like this?
i hope the co-op shit is good but im not holding my breath.
it has female indian cadian commanders in it, and it costs 90 dollars and still has the gall to nickel and dime people with cosmetics and "buy 2 gift subs to get this skin" type of shit
to me that is enough jewish shit to never support this dogshit financially. I'm waiting for the crack
>it has female indian cadian commanders in it,
Guard Officers are basically the go-to for making a character a woman because most of them are from the Schola Progenium. Keep in mind many of their peers went on to become Commissars, Tempestus Scions, and Sisters of Battle. They are the bottom of their own barrel.
>and it costs 90 dollars and still has the gall to nickel and dime people with cosmetics
Full disclosure: I got it free with my 7600 XT.
>that is enough jewish shit to never support this dogshit financially
Fair enough. I'll be honest I saw that $12 price tag for two subs and I was like "fuck that bolt pistol & chainsword."
>play with troons
>make fun of troons
>troons ban you
I'm going to be very amused if it ends up getting better reviews than darktide, which is still stuck at Mixed even after at least 1 "engoodening" (skill tree update).
To be fair I wasn't that bothered by it being a woman, it's specifically the combination. Indian women are vomitous. It doesn't really weigh up against the monetization reason though, I just don't want to support such jewish business strategies so I'm fine waiting for a crack (or if it never cracks, the inevitable 5 dollar sale in 3 years. I'm not in a hurry)

did you just try to link to /v/ like this retard?
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it will have better reviews, but which will have more players? in 3 months? 6 months?
Holy fuck you retard


The SM2 shill who makes the SM2 OP accidentally baked on /v/, where he spends all his time shitposting about space marine 2 killing darktide currently
What an actual pathetic human being
Usually it takes something unexpected to subvert expectations but hey, you're easy to please I guess
>waaaaah waaaaah SM2 SM2
Jesus fucking christ how fragile are you trannies?
I dont get the HD2, Darktide and SM2 comparison.

Yes they're coop vs ai, but thats literally the only valid comparison and its highly superficial. Darktide is extremely individual skill based, the team are basically just witnesses for you. Helldivers is highly team based and you need some basic level of cooperation to win. SM2 is more of a movie game, epic set pieces and press Q to awesome.
True thread
stop spamming every thread with your shit cosmetics you fucking paypig
>making a second thread
The thread...
I played through the full singleplayer, I liked it but from a gameplay perspective I don't think SM2's multiplayer is going to be talked about very long. It's just not that gameplay or action with addictive mechanics the way VT2/DT are.
But I don't
you tried SO hard holy shit
>which is still stuck at Mixed even after at least 1 "engoodening" (skill tree update).
it will no doubt, the tree didn't fix any key issues witht he game, just gave us a good amount of build variety at the expense of never getting new/unique classes like vt2 got
Is it one of these vids where it turns out the player was just holding x on the controller the whole time
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Apparently you only need to buy 2 subs to get the boltpistol skin, which is fortunate because it's the only one I didn't want. I don't know why the fuck twitch's HUD showed the chainsword, pistol, and in-game credits attached to the 2 subs thing but they become their own reward category once you claim the powerfist.
Don't most devs add twitch cosmetics to their games later on anyway? This type of shit is basically just for paypiggies to show off.
Sometimes they do sometimes they don't.
please explain what the hell is going on there

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