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Berserk Collab Edition

>What is BDO
Black Desert Online is a Korean MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss. It features non-tab targeted action combat, RNG, guaranteed upgrade mechanics after you spend 4 times the item's worth, more RNG, brand new fun pvp trust me, coomer outfits like slutkinis, shondoms, infinite grinding on a circle or a private circle, RNG and a pseudo sandbox experience that doesn't matter now that marni exists.

>Latest Patch Notes


>NA/EU Coupon codes

>Interactive world map:

>General utility (Grind tracking, boss timers, imperials, calculators, pearl market info, node setup, etc.)

>Grindspots silver/hr

>/bdog/ Guilds
NA: Jealousy, Sardine
Let's all think about what we would like to see as part of the collab
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BDO Snowboarding!
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game is fucked, but damn do some costumes look good
>inb4 it doesn't
I'm gonna melt him for crons.
that's like, what, 1/10th of a pen accessory attempt
I mount the woman content.
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berserk weapon skin for Dosa
Do most of you have a single main you do most of your grinding on, or like hardest content on? Or do you have a few alts that are similarly geared and leveled to switch between them?
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dosa needs more costumes
Patting a shai's head is good luck
what would be bad luck
finding out she's pregnant
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I have played nothing but striker since I started all the way to 769gs. Every time I try a different class they never feel right, I only tag to move around my main while keeping buffs and to level alts.
I serial reroll to the newest class
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Blacked Desert Online
you are a white guy, what made you like this?
Not necessarily. Behind every BBC post there's a pajeet.
Why? QRD on this? That sounds like a weird and unlikely combination
>both brown
>unlikely combination
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I think I'm done with DR. I think Evasion is back in the upcoming expac.
Why would anyone who isn't perpetually online know the intricacies behind why people who shit in the streets are obsessed with american blacks? Go take a shower
>why would anyone know
summer's over, go back newfag retard
Shai did it first.
Ignore the resident schizo /pol/tard, they're the same one that calls everyone a tranny.
woke retard
You're playing a woke mmo lol
blud be thinkin bout trannies daily he got a sissy clitty in his mouf rn
I got 6 costume preorders this labor day. I may have gotten more if I checked my phone more often.
Whales go crazy of holidays.
>3DPDs trying to mimic yuri contraception techniques
Disgusting hags.
wtf is this real?
Yes and then their lives are ruined because they can't afford to raise 2 children in the current economy, you should avoid sex at all costs.
This is so sad :(
Thanks for the advice anon
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Thread theme: https://youtu.be/fxU0dA0kW2o
do you stick with the newest class until the next one comes?
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Yes. It's how Shai reproduce.

They need to nerf zerker and striker and buff Shai and DK to fix the economy.
>the current economy
Idgi? They can just grind dehkia crescent shrine lmao 1.5b/hr is plenty enough to have a family
>Yes. It's how Shai reproduce.
do have any documentary?
Here you go, anon.
If you don't get it, then your power level just isn't high enough.
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Tiger bois coming thru
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Nice one. Here's a screenshot of my overall loot, I have way over the recommended GS but I wanted to see how far I could push the silver earning since the trash loot is worth so much. That might be where a lot of the extra silver in trash loot form comes from.
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to battle
These niggas need to sit they fuzzy asses down 'fo I start nuzzlin them they ain't bout to do shit all meows and no claws
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good kitty
I've been defeated
>game hit a historically low pop just yesterday
it's over
Well I'm enjoying it, I also like talking to my guildfrens so it's double the fun.
I don't really care if it's lowpop or not.
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Is anyone here going to try out Throne of Liberty?
Or better yet anyone here played it and got some insight?

It was revealed that on /v/ a BBC spammer was some black dude that the mod was protecting even for some reason.
same. back from my POE break and it's fun
>I don't really care if it's lowpop or not.
Nobody cares about the population numbers until it's a dead game kek
Well Vindictus has ~200 players and still receives new content.
>All times are approximates
>Nampo, 30 minute wait
>30 minute sea voyage to Oquilla's Eye
>Oquilla's Eye, 25 minute wait
>15 minute sea voyage to Iliya Island
>Iliya Island, 25 minute wait
>5 minute flight or sea voyage
imagine paying to travel
>Berserk Collab Edition
i read that they did this before. Anyone around at that time remember what it was
Guts' "me big mad grrrr" outfit, griffith plate armor for women and a puck fairy skin.
blud be buyin' the cuck fairy skin lmao
Eh if I wasn't a neet I'd buy it, my only issue with it is that they made him way too big, i dont remember him being that big in the manga.
Skull Knight would randomly appear somewhere in the world for a short time and offer buffs. Zod was a special world boss as well. I still have the behelit alchemy stone but I don't remember how I got that
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>buff Shai
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Buff Shai
I have returned. Returnees get some pretty good deals, 300+350 LT for only 1980 pearls.
wtf i look like that
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welcome back
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Which node do i invest in for darkseeker, the "darkseeker's retreat" or "karasi canyon"? I know it sounds stupid but the rotations are right next to karasi canyon so i'm confused.
Drop rate used to get fucked by whichever location you were in before but they've fixed them to be by mob now. If you're on the grind spot info when you click on their map icon you'll see whatever node affects drop rate when you hover over the little bag on the top right side. Haven't been there in a while and I can't check rn but I'm pretty sure the darkseekers retreat node should be correct.

Jinnaii kicked from the partner program for snapping at Ronin.
*smacks lips*
*smacks lips*
*smacks lips*

what the fuck is this how does she even have an audience? can't understand shit from this solid 0/10 slavic literally who whore
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She's not that hard to understand, come on now.
I've heard parrots more eloquent than her.
Wtf I love Ronin now.
What to do with Laila's Petals if i already have a good fairy?
You can eat them, nom nom nom yummers for my tummers
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I don't know whomst either are. Must be EU
Don't fall for it brother. Wait until Sept 12 to see if Loml 2 kills BDO for good
it will lol
who cares about korean folklore in a fantasy rpg
It's not like you'd care about the history anyway, no matter the theme.
can confirm. They could add any locale and i will R spam through it and not care bout the history or story
>Land of Morning Light: The Greatest Story Never Told
i'd watch that
Nothing but bangers.
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shai main's wallets in danger
This is fake the most atractive bdo streamer is Choice.
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>Look at me
>I am the witch now
Nobeta style variant when?
she's 17 you sick fuck
Out of ten!
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missed garmoth...
Love playing Scholar. She just flows so well and jumping around feels good. Honestly ruined every other class for me for both PvE and PvP.
he has more subscribers than you
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thank god jinnai got kicked from the partner program
Literally who the fuck cares about arilove bot #83503278 she doesn't even do anything besides sits in front of a camera and looks revealing with lifeskilling or grinding on in the background. This game deserves to die if this is what our community managers have been sucking off for the past 4 years.
I like boobies
esl aside it's pretty funny she was losing her mind about not knowing what eod means. these streamers know nothing about the real world. it's also insane to me that these discussions take place on discord in the first place
Are you talking about end of day? I just assumed it was an American/Canadian thing.
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not really it looks like shit in game
The biggest problem with the game is not that Korea "doesn't listen". It's rather that they've been listening to all the worst people possible. CMs in cushy with Kinsworn & Cho. Not so strange then to find Cho monopolizing the server (and killing it when they leave, thanks guys) and Kinsworn acting as PA's on the ground police, going around reporting the OWPvP community.
Which is the most populated server you figure.
I'm sitting pretty comfy on Med 2
kek pay up for berserk slop piggies
>listening to Cho
lol delusional
that'll be $100
its over
I have a bunch of pearls sitting. Hopefully there's some cool cosmetics that get released
The hat is nice
Bent over backwards to give them as many trophies and events as any uncaring multinational might. Then Roots drops his middle finger to the community and peaces. Cho should've disappeared years ago so we didn't have to keep Striker busted as fuck so Divios would stick around. They killed all real competition and were the first to throw in the towel on OW. Shat around in the reworked node wars they begged for, then proceed to partake in the biggest doomposting campaign the game has seen.

Fuck em'.
Is this a witch or a shai in disguise? because is cute as fuck and I won't hold my self to grab and grape
k2 (they're all afk)
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>selling for min price
tfw have 8 jhammers and no idea what to do with them
buy mine pls
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>log in after ignoring game since last free t9 event
>get second t9
>jerk off to character
>logs off
all jokes aside i never hated the game but i just never had time for it either. shame, because there's a bunch of interesting shit i'm proly missing out on
what was the point in letting people list them if people were just going to sell them if they run that much
could get yourself two pen accessories with that kind of pricing
like if you wanted people to use them, should just make it un-listable
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Their intention was to help out both new and old players, new players get free money, old players get a really useful item to enhance their gear. The hammer was never meant to be used by everyone.
I dont see you on the bote...
vell hasn't dropped anything for me for years
dumb fucking boss
>he doesnt know about the moneybote
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milky thighs
kill yourself
holy that is a blast from the past! Best guild.
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>grind dcres and lose connection in 20 minutes
>lose macalod
>fail 27th and 28th t10 taps
Great start to my night!
kill yourself
tfw doosa so braindead to play that its kinda comfy, don't need to press any buttons, but he's a male so how do i cope with that
wait for the microplastics in your brain to turn you gay
>no Berserk boat skin
That was disappointing
Where to see?
>source: my ass
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Dosa's a pretty cool guy
How new are you?
Check the SEA page.
If i can manage to afford more gear I would like to outfit him as a secondary to grind with
They're in the wash rn sorry.
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Happy servers
The dead can't be unhappy
uh oh reddit has started doomsissying with steam player charts, is this the end of BDO?
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Are we getting a free berseker armor outfit box?
haven't touched this shit since they put xniggercode back in, not letting china install malware on my comp
any notable game changes?
Yeah they made it worse with the DR and Evasion changes making Debos the only valid accessory
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Yeah they've forced everyone into the same endgame with nothing left to go for until the cron pit sovereign weapons (that still aren't out until next week) and have made repeatedly hated changes to pvp. Chinkcode actually runs a lot better on Intel cpus from what I've seen and compared on the couple PCs I've got though so that's probably the best change they've made since then lol.
Ok ok, post without panties?
it's up
Shai outfit texture is so shit, feel like they made it 1 week before the event, when will Crimson Desert come out so the good dev team could come back to BDO
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we can't do the even with fishing
are the fucking retarded?
nor cooking
>Crimson not getting an expansion
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I can't belive they want us to play the game.
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If you buy the ~$150 event bundle you get a skin for your Vell's Heart to make it look like a behelit. It's just the icon in your inventory that changes
The sad thing is, plenty of people will buy the bundle just for it.
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But my Splendid preorder will go through eventually
the griffith hair is a separate item from the rest of the set at least
it's over
lol that amout of silver you can spend in boxes at the loyalty shop
>witch gets the griffith armor
>shai gets the witch armor
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Yeah imagine being dumb enough to buy that shit baka couldn't be me.
>berjerk pack
ALMOST makes me sad I quit
Don't, the costumes are ass
You're such a cute silly retard anon.
>Removed down smash from ranger skills
Shit game, Give me the compass part event and i'll play again
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My honest reaction to this event.
Infinite combo was a crutch. Good riddance. Get the gimmick abusers off the class.
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I'm now getting booted off the game while just running around with my horse. What the hell is going on....
only the sex lifeskill can save the game now
>No bbw in the game
Beach volleyball (swimsuit mandatory for entry).
Surfing (graded on style points, bonus points for being hot).
Snowboarding (topless for aerodynamic speed boost).

New guild housing function:
Sell your guild members to allies, enemies or anyone with enough pent up sexual frustration.
only if theres a leaderboard for number of cocks drained
>Open 100,000,000 gamble box
>Get Cron stone
no regerts
Why do you always have tabs on what reddit is saying?
lol no
They do? Where's the playable content?
>fake uni quits and blows up his account for the 6th time
>the GMs will still restore his account like they do every time
He's blowing up other people's accounts
That's other people donating their accounts for content.
>open another 100,000,000 gamble box
>cron stone
starting to regret...
ok that's actually kinda funny
wait till you get 15 mems
ok, i'll do one more. 3rd times the charm
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>open 3rd gamble box
>3rd cron stone
Could someone with Garmoth premium check the class performance charts in Highalnds? Thanks...
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Ok, I just checked.
>Succ DK at #47
Buffs when??
do kuno numbers always skew higher than what the class actually plays because the only people that play her have 1000s of hours? since whenever i see these charts kuno seems to do alright but everyone says shes trash
Well look at the numbers, only corsair is less popular than Kuno
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Thank you bwo
>woosa succ 9k hours
How's she so popular?
Probably because uhhh she's good? wtf do you think
they unironically have to be cooking something up really good after 2hrRspam pt2, like holy fuck this can't be the end i only started playing feb last year
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God fucking damn PA what did you smoke creating that abomination of a Schierke's Grab Outfit? That's probably the worst outfit ever
ez and good
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what would you add to it?
i dunno make it look like real cloth or something and not plastic
>Muskan punches me and knocks me out of my SA 100% BSR ability
I just don't understand why they make some of these bosses ignore the established SA/FG vs CC rules. If they boss is too easy why not increase the damage, HP and animation speed? Breaking established rules simply isn't a sensible way to do it
Make it not look like shit
anon you're asking about the mechanics of a throwaway boss that was made 11 years ago. they haven't changed it cuz they don't give a shit
There are at least 3-4 more regions on the roadmap to be added from what we've been shown. MoEW 2, the "Land of Demons" and the pre-disaster map implied they're working towards a so-called completed map state. Given the aforementioned, it looks like they've at least have a content stream until about 2027-28 or so (a region a year, LoML in 2024, MoEW in 2025, etc.).
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>Accessories start to break 20 minutes in
extremely chill grinding for top tier trash at many spots
buy feathers
That one looks so much better than what went into the game. What we got looks like a polyester abomination you could order for $3 from Shein designed by a special needs kid, look mom I did something.
how do you not have like a million free branding stones
Sure, i have 7, which is enough to cover all the accessories. The thing is, I haven't switched to the deboreka set yet, and Id need to brand them too, considering that all the accessories break at a similar rate (so having 1 unbranded would defeat the purpose of the entire thing)
texture and shading
fun to play and having the rain attacks is pretty cool
looks like shit! i guess could buy it for the hat at least and dye it for a witchy shai but even that is mleh
You can't dye it baka!
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T-minus 20min Zodd
take pics and share
The game crashes more and more after every fucking update.
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the skull knight appeared to help. but desu i couldn't see him.
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calpheon ball better be a banger
i want to believe
toyota collab next
it's weird to think that bdo only got like 3 collabs so far
prius horse armor
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*cries in succ dk*
Guess you can say that succ dk succs diks amirite or amiron HAHAHAHAHA
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>be a streamer
>be brave and say the new node wars are good
>get immediately kicked from your guild
>have the phrase become a minor meme
should have just not be in a guild lol
Nothing but bangers
nothing but bangers
it's crazy how much less entertaining he is than his brother and he looks like an orc
It's meme of the year tho?
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>what would you add to it?
my penis in her vagina if you know what i mean haha
i don't follow
can you elaborate
>berserk "crossover event" was just an opportunity to buy more shit in the cash shop
>the schierke outfit looks like ass
>to get the behelit reskin you need to spend 140 usd
>only changes the icon appearance on your sheet, doesn't even show in game
>autopath ran me into a crate while I typed this
awful game, sad excuse of an event, miura spinning in his grave
Sorry that's the extent of my knowledge, i'm not a virgin but the only fat chick who let me do her used to shut off the lights and ride me into submission. Never seen a vagina IRL i'm just a loser who wanted to look cool...

Hero telling it how it is. Revive uncapped and open world.
Every time we've merced him we've had bangers to be fair.
>open world
what if we switched to closed world.
That's Arsha.
just going to summarize for ppl that dont want to watch a 24 min vid
>what is the core problem with BDO?
>it's always been a long-term progression game
>there is no reason for PVPers to progress
>equalized PVP killing PVP

>how to fix
>remove capped PVP completely
>remove karma penalty
>i love arsha
>reduce servers, reduce grind spots
>add more dehkia
>add unlimited marni
>add more grindspots but with scarcity and high trashloot
>more arsha servers
>and make arsha servers better
>12 people at most in current arsha
>add more arshas
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25 min to zodd again
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thx zodd
What class do you play that you had to repair 20 minutes in the grind? Most classes can do a full hour in any spot (not crypt) without any branded gear.
>24 minute rant to cry because he can't gearcheck tuvala timmies at Blood Wolves in non arsha servers
It's all so tiresome...
>grind for gear
>get checked on by a FOTM reroller with a buff bar larger than your average javascript error line anyway
wow game is saved
If OWPvP were to be restricted to arsha, which sector of society would suffer?
the prostate stimulating paraphernalia producers would greatly suffer
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damn I can't see shit, thanks anyway
oh no the number one compulsive autistic gambler guild is disbanning
Succession Guardian, never had this issue before.
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speaking of panties. It even hides shai underwear and puts on the Mormon sacred underwear and is just a block past that. It's seriously one of the lowest effort outfits I have ever seen.
Thou shalt not lewd Schierke.
where's that whore p?
>avatar of a literal anime child
>is an adult
opinion discarded
What class should I play if I'm a incompetent stupid retard who is bad at games
you should play an evil stupid ugly witch
Witch is perfect for you. Don't fall for Shai, people will expect you to perform and be an elitist jerk. Witches are certified retards meant to obliterate PvE with ease and get instantly grabbed in PvP because flabby wheelchair class belongs on the ground. 10/10 damage & sex, 0/10 brain required.
ack'd because i called him a tranny so much
>if I'm a incompetent stupid retard who is bad at games
>Are you a retard that wants to improve later on?
Pick Guardian if yes, Awak Guardian is a turn-off brain class with huge damage and AoEs and later on you can swap to Succ Guardian if you want to be more effective in late/end-game spots.
>Are you a retard that doesn't want to improve?
Witch awak, everything this anon >>493389797 said is 100% true.
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those bastards
holy shit that guy still plays the game? kek I remember when he sold his account then scammed the buyer
you know the rules
turn around
It's funny you say that cuz he was the equivalent of a tuvala timmy the entire time he played this game years back, he literally never had gear and he was also a shitter who wasn't good at the game. He was a noob who was notorious for rouletting his gear and talking shit while not knowing how to play his class or having any knowledge of class matchups. Don't even know why he's suggesting anything since he's been gone from the game since archer released.
he was also black....
So is Etsu and everyone loves him
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Not me I am a proper racist.
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can you make any webms
and yet he is the only CM that actually plays the game and isn't bad at it or says dumb shit like sweep chimneys to increase max energy
built for big saiyan cocks
ya i can tonight
based negro
Kill yourself.
your tranny god isn't gonna give you the clittymilk in your mouth lil bro stop simping timmy it's pathetic, it's a hairy grown ass man posting pics and you wanna fuck him. get a life niggerbrain
Even reading the shit you write feels disgusting, try taking a look in the mirror so you can finally realize how much of a worthless sack of shit you are. Maybe that's the last push you'll need to finally fucking kill yourself and stop spamming your shit in the thread.
blud got buck broke by the tranny poster lmao
blud is down bad for sissyclit milk
bro that's not milk... that's another man's cum....
nuh uh that's p's delicious clittymilk mmh yummy i love peni- i mean i love p's pictures haha
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>if you aren't a porn addicted tranny porn lover like ME you are WORTHLESS AS A HUMAN
kek how do porn addicts have such an inflated ego about their decisions, you talk like an alcoholic
thanks, also do you like tributes
oh my god P my queen I know you are a 35 year old balding man behind the screen but please just help me goon, gooning is the only thing i have left
why does this hoe cause so much seethe
penis envy, i saw the discord pics and he's massive
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i like butts
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can we have actually useful collab stuff?
new horse skin
>Waiting for Zodd
>Shai with meme DP build
>Flags up and initiates so everyone can attack her
>15+ people dumping skills on her yet she doesn't die
Damn, Shai can really take a pounding
I want some sissyclit milk...
wanting thicc elves...
Broken ass class.
elf ass?
see above
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Play Witch.
what's the difference between sorceress and witch?
sexual kinks and wrinkles
The difference is that I hate fuck sorcs and I lovingly impregnate witches.
they are fictional characters, you are not having sex with any of them because they aren't real.
that's not how you do it, poser
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I will find you and I will have my way with you.
Witch has heals and group buffs
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You won't do shit
i look like that
Okay sorry.
Is Valk dead? I haven't seen a Valk in node wars
Yeah she's basically shit now, her BSRs aren't scary anymore and other classes do what she does but better
rip fatty
Corsair is everywhere now
what a fuckin poser
one more x3
bumping in case you forgot
wats that do?
i love cocking. i have cocked half a million date palm wine yesterday. i'm a cock master like Gordon Ramsteinn
Dekhia Hystria is pretty comfy. Not gonna lie. Kinda enjoyed my time getting the 3 Vodkan parts. Much better than trying to fish for the full part.
divios quit because his massive ego got checked by better players which is why he quit smite. SAD, what a loser
I already do.
>that outfit combo
post it
It's literally just Lahr Arcien.
i don't care
blud speakin some french type shit as an excuse to not post a hoe bitch ass nigga literally just hocked a loogie and named it after his witch outfit unironically hawk tuah'd that bitch without revealing. tragic.
I heard 2 minutes of his rant on twitch before he quit and it boiled down to "i can't look cool in town so people suck my dick and i'm not immortal anymore"
some people are just born too late, he would've peaked in gaia online lmao what a fag
unironically that's what usually happens to washups who take video games way too seriously. apparently he was like some pro player in irrelevant ass smite and bdo was his retirement home kek. people who play video games as jobs and careers are always weird as fuck
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Why is my horse invisible ?
to let us see your panties. based horse

also, lower the angle a little bit so we can actually see your panties.
gangnam style
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shut it down!
They could just add a way for pvpers who want the challenge to opt into uncapped pvp, don't know why this is so hard for them to solve.
I need an Elten piece to make a compass
I need a 3rd Vodkhan piece to exchange for the 3rd telescope part to make a telescope
I need a raw 3rd telescope drop to make a telescope
I'm basically one drop away to making something and two of the possible drops are the easiest while the former third is the hardest.
tfw no yandere lahn gf
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haha yeah
pvpers only want *unconsensual pvp.
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hid n seek
hide or sex
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tru i fell asleep
>want to play this game with high refresh rate and see if i truly get more damage through a faster rotation
>also don't want a space heater when weather is already at least 27c
i can usually run this game normal 60 with both components running at ~60c and it's barely noticeable, but the moment i render anything at 144 hz, shit just skyrockets and it becomes noticeable
it's okay thanks

do you like tributes
ofc dummy
uh oh the homosexual faggots are back at it again
uh oh melty
uh oh gay niggas from atoraxxion
I fought Offin last night, 1am. There were hardly any people there, and I guess because of lower damage it went through many more phases than usual, which were actually quite difficult. My Tuvala-geared alt died quite a few times before I got the hang of the mechanics.
It made me think that some world bosses should be tougher, like Nightmare/Bloodstorm/Stombringer/Thundercloud as a baseline.
They're never going to do that.
Probably not but that won't stop me from saying it
I run a 4090 and I9 and yeah its pretty bad during the summer, extremely comfy during the fall, winter, and spring though. I live in the Midwest so its cold-ish here for a lot of the year.
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>pa does pvp tournament live stream
>everyone in chat just laughing at the state of the game
kek it's over for pvpsissies
I wonder if J is going to get fired at this point, kinda feel bad for him but clearly he's done a shit job. Even the Koreans hate him.
The PvP community doesn't like the tournament. First they did it over a grassroots tournament series for AoS, then they changed the rules a bunch of times from 3v3 AoS capped to 1v1 uncapped pvp. A bunch of people quit and the entrants are shittalking it.
how do they manage to fuck up even the things that seem really easy to do??
isnt he the ceo of pa or smth? how can he get fired? by an investor board?
PA is a publicly listed company in Korea, and their stock value has dropped 25% in the past month. Yes, he can and probably will be shitcanned by investors sooner rather than later.
he's the vice president on the board of directors
Gookland 2 is gonna save J-kun.
gookland 2 isn't going to do shit considering how much of a disappointment gookland 1 was
all it does is gives pa easy government funding
you gonna miss J
Gookland 1 was a huge success.
realistically I think he's done some good and some bad. He made the game a lot easier to get into and kind of brought BDO back to relevancy in the mmo genre. Its easier to gear up now and actually get into the mid game grind now (but the mid game is turbo dogshit so they still gotta work on that). But J has really let the higher end veteran community down, and the problem is BDO has a large portion of its playerbase comprised of higher end, dedicated players.
according to whom? it's dead content, most people gave up on boss blitz already, dokkebi chests were hated since day 0 and the "story" was RRRRRRRRRRRRR
According to the player charts.
>their stock value has dropped 25% in the past month
time to invest, pumpndumpchads
there is no spectator mode for aos so they literally cannot host tournaments in aos lmao
wow the number of players jumped up for content that was extremely hyped and looked forward to for years (port ratt expansion) incredible observation anon. if you think gookland 1 was a success you're delusional, it was a complete failure and it's already dated irrelevant content that barely anybody cares about. nobody recommends bdo to their friends and suggests them to go with the loml start, loml is not a selling point of bdo. it's trash and everybody knows it
Thanks for agreeing that LoML 1 was a success.
blud ackin like the concord of korea was a success
blud really shilling for PA with the black spirit butt plug up in the booty hole fr fr
korean gaming companies are falling off a cliff with few exceptions, wouldn't be surprised if PA goes the way of smilegate or ncsoft
Is just the state of the economy in Korea or is it just bad decisions?
They should make all skills an iframe in pvp so nobody dies
They didn't fucking plan for no spectator like retards
greed and bad decisions
Incompetency and respect for status in lieu of merit.
pvebabs would still cry about it
crimson desert ruined BDO, they put all their best people on it, NA CEO left for fucking NCSOFT of all companies, and they went too far with handouts
the writing is kind of on the wall but I'm still grinding, maybe I'm just autistic
Aside from the ridiculous amount of particle effects on some attacks Crimson Desert looks good and if it's successful maybe BDO will get some love as well.
idk anymore. the remaining cope is that they're trying to finish that shit so they can capitalize on all the development. no idea what PA's plans are for bdubs at this point
Throne and Liberty looks terrible too
it truly is over
Lost Ark amounted to a swift kick in the ass.
T&L is basically a telegraphed gutpunch from NCsoft. If anyone hasn't taken note of the gross mismanagement going on in the Korean MMO scene they're completely blind. All of them are struggling, failing or dead. BDO's tumultuous period since LoML has left the future looking rough.
They only listen to big streamers like Asmongold or Stoppz. Asmon can't even provide good advice for his main MMO because he said covenants were a good thing before taking it back when everyone said it was shit.
>it truly is over
I had a lot of fun at Siege. It will be over if LOML2 is truly shit. Group content better be lit as fuck
Doesn't matter if it's terrible, people are hungry and the market is extremely dry.
it matters after the first month
anon, people still play lost shart. as long as it's not elyon or bless levels of dogshit it doesn't really matter.
>canning big J
>1 month before china release
watch the stock rise 50% with millions of bugs discovering the game

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