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>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>August Trading Post

Previous: >>492928748
love these OP images makes the threads easier to find
Girlbosses bossing
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>All this talk of professions in the thread reminding you of the fact you specced into the wrong tree on two of your characters and now they are PERMANENTLY bricked and you HAVE to level new ones to do professions.
Can't you just quit your professions and just start over?
no, because you have already used the knowledge points, which you literally cannot get again. you have to start a new profession.
It looks like the PVP WQ "Polarized" in Grudge Grotto has the worms on hyperspawn and people are just farming leather
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Just remain calm and wait for the inevitable respec that will come to all professions. A lot of people are unhappy about this, so.
i'm not making profession alts. my shits just bricked for the expansion
>have an armorsmith
>have an alloy guy
What should I spec my third blacksmith into? Weapons?
>August trading post
Fuck sake you people are useless.
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Night Elf Hunter
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have you tried reading? It's not even 30 words, you can do it!
she has too much cloth on
If they ever add it, it won't be just like that.
When you have branching trees for different armor slots, everyone could just craft a helmet, respec, craft shoulder, respec, craft chest... you get the jist.
I'll update it for next time. I promise.
>post made: November 2022
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>free vault
>achievement early on so week 2 is instant invite
>it's not like you were going to loot anyway in a normal run
>1 month of sub for 2h of play
I hope you have some alts ready for that
Just make it annoying to do, but possible. Besides, we're one week in. The knowledge will come, just chill and be patient.
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i just spec into duskweave tailoring on every character because its net gold positive to level it up and ez passive income
i tried a couple other professions but they were expensive as fuck and annoying so i gave up
Yeah, you can move your mats between characters. Don't mail them. Use your warband bank. I'm just dump all my crafting mats in there, for easy access for all my characters.
i've specced into duskweave tailoring and it is net negative profit for my realm, my character is bricked.
>The knowledge will come, just chill and be patient.
It's meant to fill up completely, it's just time gated.
You're meant to be eventually a master of everything, not a specialist of one. It will just take a load of time.
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Echo are cheap players
Can you craft items with items in the warbank like if it was in normal bank? never tried
Isn't there like some online WoW calculator that can tell you which profession would be best on a particular realm? I feel like we have the technology for that, no?
retard here what are split runs?
That's mail
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>mfw I specced into sharpening stones
>didn't even read into it, just thought weapon oils are plain caster stuff, but they give straight up secondaries
Someone tell me I didn't fuck myself more than I already did (since they require nullstones) and people actually will use them (other than the profession tool ones).
Spending up to 1.5mil gold per run doesn't seem all that cheap.
I dunno what the going rates for this shit is though. I deleted service chat.

Pretty sure you can. Might be wrong, as I haven't been paying attention to that.
is it NA only?
This is so fucking pathetic and embarrassing.
>hey guys can you all be bodies to fill our dozens of split runs where we funnel all of the gear to certain people so all of our raiders are end game geared on the first day of the season so we can push mythic for WFR that literally nobody gives a fuck about? please guys we're important we're not washed out guys please we'll pay you gold please guys we need people please
read the room and call it quits you faggots. Nobody cares.
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Any gobchamps here?
yes, but it is gatekept by tard youtubers selling a course and the chinese alt-army profmax farming bots
Googled it, and it seems you can use warbank mats for regular crafts. But it doesn't work when doing orders.
I find the idea of a shortstack goblin slut so hot, but god damn I cannot seem to make one in this game.
Trying to ERP or what?
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.. make me
probably not possible because bots use a program to quickly list/unlist an item to lower prices so the prices fluctuate rapidly and get all fucked up
you just have to use your brain
in my experience though:
>jewelcrafting is a waste of fucking time
>profession equipment is good money
>bags are decent money
>you cant really craft weapons/armor right now because they need sparks, but they should make insane money later. blacksmithing is expensive as fuck to level though and timegated.
Please don't go away...
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I wish other night elf players weren't so... fucking weird man
get over yourself
randomly got the Tiny Crimson Whelpling while doing wetlands quests
did i fuck up by learning it? is it a pricy pet? im on free trial anyway so i cant even do AH
Maybe you're weird too
Top guilds want their players to be geared, the best way is to make a group of 20 with only few members of their guild and rest filled with "boosters".
You do the raid as usual but when the loot drops, you have to pass and the top guild players will need it, getting those items.
They are doing this to funnel loot, and at the end you'll get the gold.
What do you mean
I am weird but geeze louise some people take the cake
>I wish other night elf players weren't so... fucking weird man
But not you. No. Surely you're a completely sane person, right?
Here's how it is; if you play a female character and you're a bio male, then you are a closeted faggot.
nigga youre a grown ass man larping as a female character youre just as weird
But you yourself are very weird. Seems up your alley.
Also did you race change again holy shit dude get a grip.
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Thinkin' I'm going to roll a nightborne hunter
Am I going to regret it bros?
mats cost double the price of the bags
>endless seethe out of nowhere
Oh it's EU hours whoops
Quote from man that would apparently rather look at overly masculine men with shit animations.
>just learned alchemy and specced into transmutation on my main
how BRICKED am i?
just leveled my hunter to 80 and it was ass they do no damage at all
don't worry, I'd never
really? are you an aussie competing with chink bots or something? on my realm its like 700g profit per bag.
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How much of a man do you see on screen?
>Redditfrog poster
>Is retarded
Checks out.
probably need to reset.
Why is gold making in this game so unimaginably fucked from Day 1 of a new expansion?
>Can't queue comp stomp in a group
What possible reason could there be for this
Because of the WoW token, blizzard's refusal to deal with RMT/bots, and the early access bullshit. Blizz doesn't care about the economy at all
Duskweave bag: 2800g
Duskweave bolt: 599g

This is Draenor-EU. So many chinkbots on this server its unreal
It's not. It's literally the easiest time to make gold. You can make hundreds of thousands if not millions by just selling everything you get and doing basic farms like gathering.
races becoming just a numbers game where teams throw as many bodies as is possible at some encounter and just hope they get it right drains any of the fun to be had in a race.
Blizz has made professions for Eastern players, that's pretty much it. I'm a Brit living in Taiwan, all the Taiwanese players literally ONLY play professions, they don't raid, they aren't mazed, they don't pvp.

They level dozens of alts, and spec into every tree possible and just play with professions all day. It's another gacha game for them
Queue for the brawl then invite your friend, he'll get the queue too.
I'll be honest, I never understood why people got invested in these races in the first place.
which goon troon makes you coom coom
They've been irrelevant for over a decade. People cared who the first guild was to kill shit like illidan in TBC and heroic lich king in WOTLK. I think sinestra in cata was the last time anyone ever cared about who killed a boss first. Nobody has cared since then.
It takes some luck/effort maybe.
Nope. Just enjoying goblins and thinking about making one for every class
bro check eu time
chinky bots
is this work order worth it? it's 2 knowledge but the mat and concentration cost is going to drain me quite a bit.
Sorry if this is a dumb question, I am new to professions
no it isnt worth it and you should instead go to the forums and call blizzard a bunch of retarded niggers until they fix this dogshit system
The patron orders are pretty bullshit now. I would ignore them until they get reworked.
thanks anons!
why is LAUGHING COFFINS so based?
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What the fuck were they thinking?!?
You need 4-6 per one epic plate gear and it's a world rare drop.
I checked leatherworking and they need just normal mats from skinning.
Made for worgen
Where did you get so much sanctified alloy from?
holy fucking based
This. I took one look at the NPC crafting section and these absolutely retarded monkeys want 3+ star crafts on ridiculous items while expecting me to provide expensive mats that require shit like full nullstones each to craft. Completely insane. What's my reward? 70g, 15 artisan mettle? Fuck off how is this supposed to help me level my profession.
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This is your tank for tonight, 1 pack at a time and once cleared, checking details while wondering why the healer hasn't done any healing during the pack.
Fuck off kid
Bold of you to assume there was any thought that went into crafting at all
Dude just make 50 alts and loot the one guaranteed treasure chest with each lmao
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hot ai goth slopwife
it's only showing like that because the quality is mixed
I just do them for the rewards. That makes it worth right? Gold isn't time gated but knowledge/artisan's acquity is right
>the slight blush of pink nipple visible
I absolutely hate the work orders without fully supplied materials. Feels like a kick in the balls, no matter what I gain from it.
>need bismuth made into alloy
>also need raw bismuth in combination with the alloy to craft
Did they do this specifically to piss people off?
Do you get reputation from delve or dungeon quests?
>Turalyon gets turned into a worden
>War Within(tm) him between serving the Light or knotting down Alleria
>does both in a cutscene threesome with Alleria and Xal'atath
>and now you have playable worgen paladins
What classes/specs and races do bio holes play in this game so I can start spotting them? In other MMOs they lean towards support/healer so I can only assume so much. Also where the fuck do I find a guild or a community to chat up outside of you autists
yeah, that and the 3 skill points I'd get from making that thing is what I was thinking, but it is quite a bit of gold
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>community wanted mechagnomes
Yeah I got about 1500 upon finishing a bountiful delve but can't remember whether it was after or opening the epic chest or just finishing it.
It was the Waterworks and it gave me the Collective rep.
Did they gank you a little too hard? lmao
Nobody thought through a single actual decision they made in relation to crafting. They just randomly assigned materials and that's why we're now in the situation where the uncommon ores that are supposed to be more valuable are so worthless you literally lose money going out of your way to mine them.
I don't think he can be turner into worsen
There is so much Light in him
yes well avatartrannies always bake without such images, this is known as "porn op"
man, remember how cool suramar was
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>Tired of gathering
>Go to AH
>pick a popular mat
>watch it for a bit
>buy for 4g lower than the average
>sell instantly for a 4g profit each of a 800 stack
>up 18000g in 10 minutes with 0 flipping experise
This is stupid, why even bother gathering. I'll let the wagies do it and flip it all.
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I have a 70 shaman, and I made another shaman of another race because it fits them better. Do I
>be a retard and buy a race change for the shaman
>level another shaman
>use the 70 boost from TWW on the shaman
>leave it as it is?
Blizz will find a way. We got fucking Light undead, we'll get Light worgen too.
Yea, I guess if one sounds like complete bs skip it.
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Goat night woah gee
i really want to get back into mythic raiding but my 38 year old boomer brain cant handle the 3 hour raid nights
give me the 5 nights a week at 2 hours a night
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>didn't get the worms
Chat is this real??
What worms
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Me too, buddy.. #MeToo.
does turalyon have light tattoos?
ayy stony tony zappy boi xd
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the worms
Wtf no way
are they not tameable anymore
Transferring off Illidan to A52 was the smartest thing I ever did. So weird not seeing chink runes in chat all the time
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Dog Knight
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they are not, 2 day early access premium user only
same with these things
do you faggots really want to make a stone female dwarf with a beard?
Yes. Problem?
>He's not making a stone dwarf named "Hardasdiamonds" or "Rockhard"
You must be very young.
>check Patron crafting orders
>there's one with all mats + knowledge point reward
>have enough concentration to complete it
>accept and craft
>craft again
>relog and craft again
>relog, disable addons and craft again

fuck you then
nope. i was just curious
this race was purely added as a way to tell Alliance players to go fuck themselves, it just doesn't make sense otherwise
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I'm OG btw
best plate set in the game (limited edition)
nah it was added for cripple and amputee represhentatiun
Fuck I had ea and I didn't know they were tameable, darn oh well
meant for
There's pretty much always some botched tame flag at the start of an expac, should join the Secret Finders discord and keep an eye on the hunter pet tab
Petopia forums are ass because the owner snitches on everything so people stopped posting there
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avatarfag loony troony status?
never thought of that, you might be right
it's the only idea of can think of that wasn't just pure spite towards their playerbase
Profane Tibderboxes... do we buy and hope to go to the moon in a week?
living rent free in your head apparently
Good advice thanks anon I'll check it out when / if I wake up
Vulpera. Metzen mains one so its no longer cringe.
based weebs keeping goldshire safe from groomers
Nightborne with wolf pet
Idk who you are, who they are, or why you're posting this but that music fucking sucks ass
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No, I don't like midg races
they are a guild dedicated to killing gooners and groomers on Moon Guard.
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>actually falling for a PR stunt
blood dk knight is kino
Imagine being this gullible. This the type of person that the iPhone was made for.
>It just works!
Brainless fag.
ok so can you camp and grief maye with mammoth/toys and the other degenerates that frequent this general thanks
is there a point to m+ guilds/communities? i pugged to pretty high io last time and was wondering. I was kinda shy about finding a proper group because I rarely know all the mechanics and kinda just heal through the mechanics and pray to god
the heroes that wowg needs UNIRONICALLY
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>you vill never enter hallowfall and bleach all the residents
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I was thinking of coming back to WoW, but i have a few doubts/questions
>Which character should i main
Undecided between Warlock and Unholy DK, maybe even Druid (for the treants) or Hunter. A summoner class in short.
>Which professions and how to spec them
I'm interested in passive/farmable profit, so i was thinking gathering professions.
Also do Dragonflight professions benefit from higher ilvl profession gear? I do have a scribe that could always use more multicraft.
>Delves, can you farm/spam them for a bit of gold?
As in, do they drop mats or vendor trash each run or are the final chests just currency and the sturdy chests hidden only once per character?
Since i'd spam Delves, what's the max Ilvl can reach by doing only that? And is the difference with future Myth gear that big in terms pf solo clear speed of mobs?
I don't give a shit about bigger numbers, unless the difference is so huge that i can clear a dungeon in half the time if i had myth gear instead.

Sorry for all the questions (and probably typos) and thank you in advance anons.
>sink with a tap
Do they have a flushing toilet somewhere?
Has anyone seen an outhouse?
Where do they shit?
basedest person in the thread
redpill me on your guild. are you guys like the sword art online guild?
>I was thinking of coming back to WoW
For your and everyone elses' information:
You won't be speedclearing and farming delves for best gear because the best gear only drops in Bountiful delves, which are on a timer.
So no, the keys are not the issue, timers are.
Bro you should quite literally and unironically play what you like the look of and how the gameplay feels to YOU
I want to go home and play wow.
Or go for a lunch break.
Elemental Shaman is so fucking boring I am not sure why I decided to level them as my first. Is Ench shaman any better?
That's high elven ranger armor.
status melty
running VG M0s as promised tomorrow as soon as servers are up, slots for either 3 DPS or 2 DPS/tank. Will be "VGS EZ M0" in group finder. See you soon bros
So I installed this for the first time and finished the tutorial island
What now?
Do I level with the dungeon finder?
Do I need to do the campaign of any specific expansion?
lone wolf is a noob trap talent
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good luck
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half the dungeon, 2 bosses without healer. The cunt went AFK at the 2nd boss.
Nobody needs those fucks anyways.
Love me Gobs. When G.M.O.D dropped for me two weeks ago I nearly lost it.
I mean it's not but you're only being invited for BL since the entire class is shit atm so I guess it is in a way
M0's don't drop tomorrow
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Do we like Pyro?
Just do what seems interesting to you and if you don't enjoy it then switch to something else
Again, i don't care about having the best gear, UNLESS the difference between the best and what i can get from Delves is so huge that the former lets me solo a dungeon in half the time than the latter. Is this the case?
Well yeah, that's why i listed the classes i'd like to play, but i'll have to choose a main eventually.
Maybe a criteria to decide is: which class summons the most shit to tank for me, or is able to solo content the most? Treants do taunt, and DKs amd Warlocks too qualify, so still need help choosing.
You can do quests or dungeons depending on what you feel like. Quests are pretty easy to do generally and if you've never played before it'll all be new to you so try it out. Dungeons can be fun too but maybe try questing a bit first so you can learn your class.
Nobody plays shaman because they are exactly boring you fucking retard
BM hunter
demo lock
nothing else is even close in summons
kill yourself
>which class summons the most shit to tank for me, or is able to solo content the most
BM hunter across the board
They can solo elite rares by just resummoning their pet and proper play
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This is my completely honest take:
He is a sociopath. I remember back when I tried to grift people for donations by claiming to have been diddled by his uncle or whatever. That's one thing. Then you have his emotional outbursts, like some fucking menstruating woman.
Combine that with onions physique and a lack of skill in addition to his gaping mouth thumbnails and you're left with someone I despise with a passion.
After a shitty run of dungeons on my rogue with tanks who didn't know shit, I've decided to learn to tank. What is the most smooth brain tank that isn't bear?
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what's the difference between a void lord and an old god?
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its so over......my last 3 alts are gonna be leveling slow as fuck now
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This dialogue is fire no kap on god
kill yourself
>zoomshits don't even know that's a real word
no wonder half your generation literally can't read
He calls Turalyon and Alleria war criminals who must be punished. He's pissed at Alleria for getting so much screentime.
>I remember back when I tried to grift people for donations by claiming to have been diddled by his uncle
uhh ..
That word existed before amogus and will exist long after
Uh, i would have tought warlock with Life Drain, Health funnell and Voidwalker would have been better suited, live and learn.

Thank you anons, any info on the other questions?
void lords are higher, they are pure void
I'm mostly confused on what it has to do with learning to tank.
Why does fighting a retpal always feels like shit in pvp
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>He calls Turalyon and Alleria war criminals who must be punished. He's pissed at Alleria for getting so much screentime.
What is wrong with this faggot?
Yeah I have a femgob rogue. They have the best sneaking animation. I love goblins being absolutely realistic, self-accepting assholes and it suits their nature to be rogues.
they're all pretty easy, probably avoid brew I guess. DK if the armada of ranged mobs this expac bothers you and vdh if you want to be hyper mobile. warrior if you want both of those at the same level AND want to be invincible while also doing a dps's damage on cleave
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explain to me this part of the lore, bros
please, please kill yourselves and take your ecelebs with you
Can you faggots not undercut prices by LITERALLY 50%? Do (You) not realize YOU'RE ALSO FUCKING LOSING OUT BY DOING THIS?
Totally skipped Dragonflight, friend asked me to resub to play with him for a bit.
Druids didn't get a Sprite Darter form, huh?
they're baiting other retards that just click and go their full stacks by listing a small quantity, welcome to AH101
I was leaning towards paladin or monk, so I guess I'll do some rethinking. Thanks anon!
>He calls Turalyon and Alleria war criminals who must be punished
Are all bountiful delves on a timer? Can you fail them and lose your keys then?
He's probably angry at how Blizzard has drugged Sylvanas through the mud, while Alleria is constantly portrayed in a heroic light even when she does something problematic or retarded.
just buy the stuff they put out for that much undervalue and resell it.
Is it true that Rytes says gamer words?
Also, using the report button instantly makes you faggots. All snitches should die.
Void Lords are gods. Old Gods are their angels.
paladin is good for shitstomping trash keys and good for premades in high keys but I assume you don't want to do either of those and being ripped in half in mid/high keys is pretty unenjoyable on them, at least that's how it was last beta cycle. they also have two straight up dogshit hero trees. Everything is a joke at live 80 atm tho
it's called body type now, anon
I hate Faerin becaue she is a
with Alleria
Can someone give me an answer on ench shaman?
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Just admit it

she is super CUTE
Elemental shaman is awesome because it's just two buttons
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>He's probably angry at how Blizzard has drugged Sylvanas through the mud
I am angry about that as well, I wish Blizzard didn't decide to rape Sylvanas' character like they did, it was fucked.
>while Alleria is constantly portrayed in a heroic light even when she does something problematic or retarded.
Wanting the same thing to happen to her sister is fucking retarded and he should kill himself ASAP. Alleria, unlike Sylvanas who was portayed as an anti-hero before she got nuked by D*nuser, has always been portrayed as a traditonal heroic figure, even if she was/is a psycho.
which two, I'll level that bitch tomorrow. sick of playing piano
Well shit. And I generally push decently high keys with a premade, but I'd be tanking as something to do when the rest of the crew isn't on, because I'm a neet
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It's goody bag time!
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I do like how bitchy she looks, and how she constantly looks like she wants to kill me...
looks like a boy
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i play it for the foxy totems uwu
Lightning bolt and tempest, which is also just lightning bolt.
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I like her smug face
>she constantly looks like she wants to kill me
She is a renowned troll hunter...
Timer as in there is one bountiful delve per zone for several hours and if you finish it, you need to wait for the next round when another bountiful delve becomes active.
Not timer like M+ is.
What's the easiest/cheapest way to get a vendor on the go? Buy the mount? Get Jeeves (can you use him as a non-engineer)? Is there a toy/pet like the Argent Gruntling?
ok good, better not need chain lightning or eq anymore either
If I meet a boy that looked like that, I'd fuck him until he couldn't walk.
since you're larping as an Alliance troll, you should go to stormwind and read the plaque on her statue in the valley of heroes
mammoth for 16k
yak for 130k (xmog too)
Idk about indoors shit, I just drop a hammer
She is cute.
If she were barefoot like Xal, I would be team Alleria. But Xal's soles have my allegiance for now.
Ah. Thats still dumb, but not as bad. You only get like 2-3 keys a week, right? So its not like we're gonna be trying to grind the shit anyways.
Still retarded to timegate even this.
Why is the only mount at the trading post a crocodile that is objectively inferior to the free croc you get from doing the rewards track?
4 keys a week, maybe 5 some weeks.
can you post full troll mog set and character settings or wow.export file
I wanna add her to my vrchat concubines
The post croc is better because the colors are more muted, and therefore will look better with more transmogs.
Yes, that's why I've been saying hoarding the keys like you will need 20 of them per week is silly.
And I think you get more than 3 a week, definitely more when the game is finally completely out.
Also the pvp quests with warmode on award the shards that you combine into a key.
need that item?
Yes matey, I've played warcraft 2, I'm aware of who she is.
and both are inferior to the one they reskinned them from kek
heres my prediction for expansion lore
>alleria will stop her ways of vengeance and anduin will become shadow anduin
no but im needing it for vendor gold. im poor, you see.
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Can someone explain why Danuser, who supposedly self inserted as Nathanos and loved Sylvanas, decided to ruin her character beyond repair over multiple expansions?
>get the egg with leech rolled on it
>don't response to any whispers so no one leaves
>vendor it
his gf ran away with the bull
enh shammy is fast paced goonery
What's the ilvl req for joining? I'll gladly help them if it means I can earn 200k gold in a couple of hours.
stop being toxic, I need that item it's my bis
reporting you
Because he is stupid daf who wanted to copy destiny lore and personally have no talent in writing anything
they broke up in his head canon
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>there are still people spelling enhancement as enchantment and rogue as rouge 20 years later
so what does blood DK actually do? got mine to 80 and started running heroics and it feels both squishier and less damaging than my moon guardian, and also feels like it has less healing too.

is this just a gearing problem? it just feels worse at every aspect while also being slow as shit
>go for the egg
>another guy gets it
>stay until the end
>get the staff
>guy who got the egg asks for the staff
>tell him to hand out the egg
>"b-but I need it too"
The fuck these niggers think?
must be gear and/or retarded because bdk blows guardian the fuck out in every category but movespeed
when is it goodie bag time for dps?
You'd be surprised by just how retarded the average Zoomer is. You can always tell because they refuse to use capitalization and punctuation..
Oh, wait.. That's you!
Using capitalisation when greentexting is bad form.
Nice bait
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holy newfag
go back
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I did a MC run because I'm bored and I play the expansion with my friend who is unavailable today. Both parts of the binding of the windseeker just dropped one after the other.
Not that I care or want it, but do these just have 100% drop rate now?
René didn't say that.
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Is there a fun warlock spec this expansion? Does demonology run that kino nether portal talent all the time yet?
Source on that claim?
maybe its just gear then. i've raided and beaten mage tower and such, i dont think its a skill issue, certainly not in heroics.

running the full DRW/tombstone/bonestorm talent line if that matters, and deathbringer hero. was trying sanlayn for the flavor but i couldnt seem to get the stupid vampiric strike to ever proc. i was getting like 1 proc a minute outside of vamp blood, it was terrible
HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO MAKE GOLD WHEN ALL THE FUCKING MATS ARE SELLING FOR BARELY ANYTHING? WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED? Seriously debating on just giving up on professions altogether. This shit is no longer worth the time it takes.
Nether portal got removed...
Diabolist is it's "rework" sort of though
how much gold/hr do you want
It's not a gear problem, it's a you problem.
With DK, unlike other tanks, you're the most vulnerable at the start of a pull. You rely on preemptively using defensives, such as Dancing Rune Weapon, Icebound Fortitude and Lichborne.
Ideally you only have to use one at a time, but as the pressure increases you just keep stacking more and more defensives.
Anti-Magic Shell is great for surviving ranged caster damage as you pull, or for generating more runic power at will.

Marrowrend is your builder as you try to maintain 12 stacks. Death Strike is your spender to recover from a blow that takes away 15-20% of your HP.
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Afrasiabi ruined her, Danuser tried to fix her. But he's a hack writer, so he failed.

Danuser also wanted to try again with Alleria, but luckily Metzen came back and brought Alleria back to Turalyon. In Danuser's original plan, she was all alone girlbossing though the whole expansion.
Unironically 4chan came up with that quote.
Reset needs to hurry up so I can run old raids
Get a real job and buying tokens is way more profitable than anything you could do in game
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>Nether portal got removed...
Why... that was the best idea the warlock designer has had for an otherwise boring set of specs
Alleria still acts like a retard at the moment
>brought Alleria back to Turalyon
She leaves him again tho

Does it make it any less true THOUGH?
i dont remember him saying this in warcraft 3
It was either too strong or too weak, but it always was fun
They kinda pumped the idea back into diabolist which basically cycle through a row of super powerful demon that actually change your spells, but it's not as good as summoning an army on your target.
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Thank god Metzen is back and Danuser got the boot
What the difference between fastest dragonflying speed and normal flying?
>Alleria still acts like a retard at the moment
Danuser leftovers. TWW is still his expansion in parts.
I'm too dumb to know how to export file, but I have a wowhead link handy.
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How do I know where the spys are in the spidersville dungeon where you have to find the 4 spys

You follow the smell trail.
>retards are thinking this word is appropriate to use in high fantasy setting

405% movement speed
In Shadowlands, all I had to do was farm for an hour each week. By the end of the month, I had enough for a token + extra. Then I took a break during Dragonflight and came back for War Within. Farmed for about ~5 hours over the course of launch week and didn’t even return 20% of a token’s cost. What happened in the span of a single expansion for the economy to tank this hard?
he will start laughing and call you a faggot if you try and attack him with Arthas in WoC
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Faerin Lothar
>In Shadowlands, all I had to do was farm for an hour each week. By the end of the month, I had enough for a token + extra
can do that with mining/herb easily still, don't forget the truesight
>I've played warcraft 2
said no one ever
Inflation is when the prices of things you buy, like toys or candy, go up over time. So, if you had a dollar that could buy one candy today, but next year that same candy costs two dollars, it means you need more money to buy the same thing. It’s like how a balloon gets bigger when you blow air into it—prices get bigger over time with inflation.

Brought to you by ChatGPT. Retard.
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There it is officer! An ugly negro!
Except she's not a supermodel ingame, she's got more of an ogreish look
unironically replaying it right now because there is nothing to do in tww. tried to start with 1 but it's just straight up unplayable. trying sc1 on the toonworld mod too but it looks stupid as fuck
You need to be 18+ to use 4chan.
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This is your tank for tonight, say something nice to her(female(male in real life))
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Will they tune Voidweaver so it can actually feel as impactful as it should?
Archon is strong but feels weak as shit
it's a fun game, you should try it sometime
So I’m supposed to just farm for literally 40 hours a week if I want to buy a token is what you and Blizzard are saying?
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How dig is that bick, boy?
No, you're supposed to not give a fuck about that and instead realize that the only currency that matters is time.
Poor people trade time for money.
Rich people trade money for time.
Think about it. Flip burgers for an hour and buy a token.
>reply to person calling you a retard instead of person giving you solution
how badly did you get beaten as a child?
>don't forget the truesight
how do you get that
sir this is the coreway
please leave.
11 inches and green
Flask you buy on AH or get from an Alchemist.
I'm retarded and hate to craft but I got both Herbalism and Mining. Figure I can always make cash by selling materials.
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shut up, gooner.
Unironically much bigger than most women want or can handle, unfortunately
There are people born in 2006 who are on this board right now. Accept it, we’re old.
For my server at least, bismuth is selling for 35g and all herbs even less than that. It’s not looking good…
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Another week of this.
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Total Zoomer death. You might think I'm being edgy, but I am serious. There isn't a generation I hate more than Zoomers. I want them all purged. Obnoxious cunts.
fr fr bussin' on god bet fire ngl
oh no no no no LOOK AT THIS DOOD
The products of zoomer and shitlennial parenting btw
Doubtful. I'm a Millennial and my oldest kid is 10.
You know, I thought of that the second I made that comment and I immediately hated life remembering how old I am now...
boomer* oops
zoomer parents are gen x.
Skibidi Ohio Rizzler Gyatt
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>Make a good mog for my orc
>come up with a cool name and wrote a backstory
>excited to play the game
Millennials(us) are worse than zoomers.
Our generation is responsible for all the faggotry we have today.
>Manari just hanging out with Lightforged in traditional Eredar clothing

What a fucking vomit inducing screenshot.
mg or proudmoore
alliance. there are no other options please decide for me.
>Millenial calling zoomers obnoxious
No way, le new generation is LE BAD
Your generation is the reason ours sucks dick faggot and we'll probably be the reason why the next gen sucks even more.
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>Spec blood
>Go into Player versus Player battle combat
Classic Zoomer. Can't even take responsibility for their own actions. It's always someone else that's to blame for your fuck-ups.
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>put up a public treatise order
>it isnt instantly fulfilled
>ever entertaining the thought of playing in proudmoore

moonguard is the designated FUN tranny server
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Finally got the last Legion artifact tints
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What's the easiest, yet effective spec for solo pvp?
Take responsability for what?
probably 50 treatise orders up right now on my server with tips under 200g kek
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Stop guild tripping me
i put a 50g tip :)
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God, why are there so many fucking hot e-thots on wowtwitter and NONE are in my guild, aaaaaaaaa. I'm going guildhopping to find an e-thot
You need to see what's really happening. Shadowlands acts as a get out of jail card for her. Now that we know all the atrocities she commited were "Da Banshee Kween" and the real totally not evil and was there all along Good Sylvanas felt really, really bad about it, we can separate their souls, Banshe Kween gets to Girlboss in Reverendreth, and Sylvanas comes back to slurp Anduin's cock and make Blonde Half Elf babies.
Considering LOTR was written just 10 years before its origin, also British, it's fine and you're just brainrotted
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>make a crest for some random dude
>suddenly flooded with personal orders
help anons im already up 200k im gonna be a millionaire at this rate!!
>throw children into a world with kike owned media, divorce rates nearing 50%, total corporate control and dead communities even down to the erasure of small businesses
>shocked that they turn out maladapted and strange
For being obnoxious cunts who can't pay attention for more than a minute at a time due to TikTok-brain.
For not being able to write with capitalization and punctuation.
For being the most homosexual and Autistic generation ever (unironically).
For embracing woke (anti)-culture.
For trying to force people to use your fucking pronouns.
For embracing nigger-culture and getting perm as a substitute for the nappy nigger hair.
For being physically and mentally weak.
>doubles down
oh no it's retarded
why the fuck is elemental so weak
as enhancement i just hit random shit and won
Every generation is shit that's the point, have you looked outside?
Dude, idk. Shaman has so much fucking Button-Bloat that it's not funny.
It's not. Just make a stormbringer build around lightning bolt and elemental, then just spam lightning bolt.
Marks hunter
maybe you should watch a guide cousin
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Why does Sylvanas, who is directly responsible for tens of thousands of deaths, just get to chill in the Shadowlands and basically be somewhat free while this poor girl has to spend a million years going insane as a conscious yes immobile rock just because she wanted to be rich?
A supreme guide?
good goyim, your children will be nigger cattle and you will like it
>he doesn't have enough gold to buy an e-escort in his guild
get farming peasant
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See now take all of these points, and you'll quckly see that Millenials / boomers are the one that forced this culture, of course it's massive nowdays because the target audience of woke culture were zoomers and now, we're adults.
From what I recall Tiktok's creator isn't a zoomer, is he?
So shut the fuck up you spiteful old retard, your elders said the exact same thing about you back when you were in your early 20's, that'll be my last (You)
you come across as a bitter dumbfuck. it's not a sharp decline. it's been a steady decline since the GI generation. if anything the boomers are the start of all this faggotry. if you want anyone to blame, blame them.
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>cant tell him
fucked up
Literally nothing more annoying than a retard millennial who won’t shut the fuck up
imagine kissing her on the lips...buying her nice victorian-era brushes...finding her nice smooth skins to replace her battle-damaged parts...a nice dress from that dead noble woman...mayhaps...for a kiss on the cheek?
you forgot
>put them in quarantine for 2 years during their formative years over a glorified influenza outbreak
i'm a milennial and i do most of this
daily reminder that idpol is manufactured by capitalists and pushed on everyone
precisely to give the right wing fuel and to distract people from real issues
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Anduin Lothar impregnating Garona could be a possible explanation for Faerin Lothar
I don't care about his personality but his lore theories. He is half based and correct, half insufferable schizo moron who is too far up his own ass to realize that all of his grander theories collapse on top of themselves when you examine their "proofs", which are all shit like "yo that background object star map has rings on the planets" or "eonar was disrespectful to amanthul by saying its time"
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>precisely to give the right wing fuel and to distract people from real issues
>Grinding Maw dailies for TEN THOUSAND YEARS is freedom
Not to mention that in-lore the Maw is the shittiest place to be in the setting so far
Now that they made Dragonlands the new default leveling expansion can I do the emerald dream content before level 70?
You're weird
I accept that.
Crazy how evenn right after an expansion wowg is easily the worst mmo general
we're all waiting for midnight or the inevitable demise of humanity
The irony about people like you is that you're the one that's been subjected to brainwashing by malicious actors that want you to think this way. Idpol niggers like you are the most oblivious retards on the planet, it's why everyone makes fun of you
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not really
lolg gets spammed by blacked porn
Expect to add mend pet to your damage rotation.
>fresh xpac releases
>now waiting for 2nd part of le heckin azeroth soul
go farm invincible and midnight, or gold for the ah mount. or idk, talk bout brewfest
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erm... /wowg/ guild status? raid is out in a week...
>wowg guild
Ummm yikes alert
i don't want to play with other people. i honestly don't know why i still play this game
Who stands to benefit from the way I think? Having a bunch of confused Zoomers fucking each other in the ass seems way more beneficial if the idea is to control the populace, as opposed to angry Millennials that hate and name the Jew at every turn.
>For embracing woke (anti)-culture.
>For embracing nigger-culture and getting perm as a substitute for the nappy nigger hair.
Gee I wonder who got the ball rolling on these ones
You clearly do not look at other generals.
No one held a gun to your head and forced you to get a perm and talk like a nigger. Embrace your Hyperborean heritage and be the change you wish to see!
Not even close, this place is tame as hell compared to the other MMO generals I've been in. /xivg/ is genuinely one of the most disturbed places I've been into on 4chan in over 15 years of being here
it all comes back to tumblr
>No one held a gun to your head and forced you to get a perm and talk like a nigger
The American public schooling system is designed to do exactly that thoughbeit
so you are a newfriend to 4chan in general.
xivg is just full of underages and attention seeking weebs most of the time. wowg is 90% /pol/ack dogshit and hating the game they’re all playing
You mean like every other general on this site? You don't fit in sametard.
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>need a treatise
>see someone on trade
>get so nervous
>send them an order
>they do it
oh my god im fucking sHAKING
That's nigger mentality again.
>Fentanyl is everywhere. I _HAD_ to use it.
Please. Take responsibility.
/xivg/ is like 99% avatarfags, constant ERPing, and the drama there is off the charts. people stalk the fuck out of each other, there was the cutting incident, all kinds of freaky shit. /pol/ retards once or twice a thread is nothing compared to the mental illness present in most xiv threads bro
Which generation voted in mass nigger migration and flooded white schools with niggers again? Was it zoomers when they were negative 40 years old? Take responsibility for your voting and kike worship behaviour. Please.
There you go again. Refusing to take responsibility.
>But someone else did..
/vg/ is finally turning into /tg/, it was only a matter of time
I would but the idea of imminent clique of closeted troons who make it all about themselves puts me off.
>No Millennial ever forced you to suck dick or become confused about what gender you are.
You sound like the most backwater hillbilly this world can hold, for someone that has a ten year old son, you act like you're terminally glued to your media slop
>raffled at the end of each run to 2 people
>UP TO when helping with a full clear
Is the gold guaranteed from method?
NTA but pointing fingers is peak negro behavior.
>no u
Take responsibility.
Professions are so fucking bad.
You first.
You voted to carpet nuke America and then blamed the 17 year olds with radiation poisoning for getting sick.
Read a book.
>my life is shit because of me.
just say this out loud 15x a day until you grow up and fix yourself. GL lil zoom
any strats for getting the weekly profession knowledge? I am not getting shit in my arathi boxes or disturbed earth
>I took the bait for that long
I-I kneel Anon, your trolling skills blurred my judgement...
Name ten books, Zoomer.
Shut up gay retard. The world is shit and it won't be solved by shitting on a group of people that's in the same boat as us. Look up who came up with these generation divides and you'll get what I mean.
Remember when a 50 Hitler Post was an ironic and silly in-joke?
Rather than actually autistically following him?
Remember when "JEWS DID 9/11" was an ironic and ridiculous, obvious joke?
Rather than a conspiracy theory that idiots take with deadly earnest seriousness?

These things were South-Park-style edgy silly jokes. But then a younger generation, raised by the Internet in place of their lazy permissive parents, came along too early, weren't underage b&, and took all that shit literally, cos kids don't have the irony apparatus older teens and adults have. Took the stupidest shit imaginable, absurd jokes, actually literally.

So now you have /pol/, to put it in a nutshell. "Teehee niggers" as a "YOU CAN'T SAY THAT!!!" type jokes became angry humourless racism of the intellectually-laziest type. I dunno, you're a great disappointment, this generation. Millennials or Zoomers or whatever the fuck. Those terms are stupid. I'll just call you fuckin' kids.

Meepsheep's Law. Meepsheep knew. They saw it happening back in the day, and it only got worse.
>entire general is too beta cucked to make guild
>just logged in for the first time since shadowlands
>every character i ever made is in the list
do servers not matter anymore?
>random capitalization
Read a book.
I'll make the EU guild but anyone entering has to suck me off
(I will organize raid night and pretend to keep it alive in exchange)
something something If all you're jokes are about being retarded, your whole community will get infested by retards who think they're in good company
You can get 2 drops from overworld chests etc per week.
I'm old enough to remember when /pol/ was satire and most of them just liked shitposting about ron paul, wanted gun control, etc. Fast forward to today and the stormfront raids actually worked and everyone on there is retarded lel
Vg guilds never work. They always inevitably turn to drama filled shitfests and cults of personalities.
It's not random. I capitalized Zoomer because it's a proper noun.
A zoomer is just a person moving or traveling very quickly.
A Zoomer is a person that is part of Generation Z.
Learn the difference.
Wrong, ESL. Read a book.
same as any guild then
whats the most braindead class i am old and lazy please understand
Any tank.
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This is unironically probably the coolest place in the whole expansion. The concept art must look amazing.
BM Huntard
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>logged off in Dornogal last night
>today I logged in and i'm Stormwind
>nothing weird in the security tab
ermm...what the heck?
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Read any of these, cunt? Guess not, since it's not comic books.
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>Bronze Age Mindset
Ringing Deeps is probably the best zone for me, except the dwarf/goblin parts. It kind of reminds me of Maraudon.
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>white identity
>the art of manliness
>the way of men
>way of the superior man
It's a great meme book :)
Glowies are taking your WoW character for a spin DW about it.
>spend all my gold in flipping
>sell flipped items
>5 minutes later all my auctions disappear from my sold list
>over an hour later and the gold hasn't arrived either
>have to make a ticket and sit here broke because Blizzard still can't make an AH work 3 weeks after launch
great game
Those are the books you recognized? None of the philosophy books caught your eyes? Figures.
can i bet a earthen yet?
i want my mudflaps to be literal
set up authenticator NOW
already have one.
I think >>492972493 might be right
It's not about recognizing them, it's about making fun of the person who owns them
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>new transmog idea
>belt chops half of tabard off
Every book on that shelf is a meme book
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I own hundreds of books. That's the shelf of the most recently read ones. Have you read any of them or are you just jumping on the bandwagon of Zoomer-brain?
that would be really strange
they could just ask blizzard for stuff from the database
btw wow in-game messages are not encrypted at all
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>even their support is broken
has to be bait
bro got dem alzheimers
Anon you could own a gorillion books and it would still be embarrassing that you read and own those
It's more embarrassing to have an opinion on books you haven't read.
Has anyone got the image of the female back looking mountain in winterspring?
Wait you're not trolling?
I thought you were honestly, Jesus fucking christ no wonder the world is going downhill with "people" like you preceding us
That's like saying I can't call Borderlands a garbage movie without watching it. You're a retard
The what?
What will i get out of reading those books?
Your opinions are fed to you rather than emerged as a result of your own experiences. This is why your generation is shit. Read "The Culture of Critique".
>Your opinions are fed to you
No such thing on 4chan. Most of /pol/ is now immune to propaganda and psy-ops.
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>Noo i'm not esl i own le... books
>the art of manliness
This is the own? You're still brown
mounts mogs pvp waiting for vulpera druids you tell me
>Your opinions are fed to you
Wrong, no one told me anything about the movie. Also this is ironic coming from you lol
>your generation
I'm 39. I'm likely significantly older than you.
>go read a book on how to be a man
>duuuuuuuhhh you have no independent thought, you only believe things you're told
where do retards like this even come from, how do you end up like this
do you read anything that isn't insufferably bland?
You're both stupid
what's the arguement about? who read more books?
Night shift burgers are weird
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>put sales until sept 2
>release earthen sept 3 or 4
All the idiots will buy the raceswap full price because they don't know you can use it later. Maximum jewish trick
they usually disable it for new races btw
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>there won't be a /wowg/ guild
no they dont dumb bitch
lyinh bitch barstsf
And that's a good thing, here's why
I think i hate this headline more than anything.
bloody bitch benchod bastard bitch
how much finesse + skill do you need to stop getting 1 herb/ore from gathering? this is getting silly
Is it weird that I haven’t been enjoying any of the quests? They just seem so bland. I just did all the mop quests recently and really enjoyed them but I just can’t get into TWW.
I liked them mostly, I even thing the handicapped black woman isn't awful. SL and SF quests were mostly awful
you are in the minority, since everyone from pvpers to classic andy players have been singing the praises of this expacs questing & world
So are we allowed to saying bad about this girlboss expansion ?
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read a real book

does anduin stop crying at some point?
that was a different guy, i'm the nigga from tekgen and you need to kill yourself
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It doesn't mention the Suramar questline that I was told, but regardless if it's not necessary I'd like to complete it. Is it simply the questline that's unlocked at lv40?
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Swear I saw this comment during the start of SL and DF
stfu retard ure bad and wrong
based sick chad, please show me your lisp interpreter
DF maybe, SL you never did, never

Everyone hated SL from like day 4
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So it seems the Arathi emperor is named Thoradin IX

How big are the chances hes a evil chud/weak manipulated bitch and eventually we will replace him with a wise female emperess, or maybe abolish the bigoted chud empire altogether?
make one yourself
Danuser is dead , so probably low
there's already an EU wowg guild called Elysian
>I'd like to complete it
Suramar is looooooooooooong, like 10h of quest.
You only need to be level 40 and do some fast quest that the pandaren on your screen will give you to unlock each races.
>bro, what if the hack writers at Blizzard have some IQ 9000 super story thats so subtle and clever and deep, 99% of their audience would never even get it
What causes this
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>Sylvanas comes back to slurp Anduin's cock and make Blonde Half Elf babies.
Make this canon Blizzard you fucking cowards.
>thor + paladin
glad they got an 8 year old working on cool names now
A imba permanent icking aura for the vaginas of every single woman around 200 meters within your position
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>start Draenei
>lame bullshit
>start Demon Hunter
Is the Horde questline less corny?
Bullshit that I can't screenshot cutscenes.
Holy lorelet:

shut the fuck up already
Its just a result of giving an ounce of attention to a schizo

This nigga should've never gained popularity at all
maybe you need to read some of dudes books above because your comprehension seems pretty shit
>Thinking Chris can overide DEIs tenents that forbid relevant male characters that arent either chuds or weaklings
have you tried using print screen instead of the baked in ss system?
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What owl looks most like the sentry owl from Warcraft 3? I'm trying to make an elune themed hunter but thats the best pet I can come up with
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>You only need to be level 40 and do some fast quest that the pandaren on your screen will give you to unlock each races.
Thank you.
But what's the Suramar questline prerequisite? It has to be done on a non-shal'dorei or can you do it on a shal'dorei chronologically? I don't wanna miss it.
>Whine about current Blizz making boring names
>Proved the names is litterally 10+ years old
>"Lmao Reading comprension" instead of just admitting you were wrong like any normal person

I have nothing else to say to you. Farewell.
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>muh lore
just shut the fuck up faggot this game has a fucking shit story and always has
It always start like that, someone starts streaming and saying the most stupidest shit possible, lot of retards come in to laugh at the streamer.
Asmongold is exactly like that
Man this expansion is a bit rough as anyone who is not a dwarf / basic human / Kul Tiran.
You look like a clown with that posture
>Void elf
Meme race. Only relevant elf to the plot has the surname windrunner.
>Blood elf
Dealing purely with alliance and mainly with two political fuck-ups / risks like Jaina and Alleria makes it even worse
I fucking pity you bro
>Suramar questline
IIRC is starts in Legion Dalaran. Khadgar want to inspect some device and that will lead you to Suramar, you find Thallysra and so on.
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>instead of the baked in ss system
The hotkey is Print Screen.
This specific lobster? I doubt
The other lobster buried within Zul'Aman, a likely relevant zone for the next void-focused expansion? You can bet on it
Level a shaman
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Did you know that owl scout ability was originaly meant for the Ranger hero unit, before they scrapped her and gave it to Priestess of the Moon instead? It looks like it was based on Alleria, considering the icon for her.
Makes me wonder if they had different story plans for Sylvanas, who ended up using her model, before they decided on her current one in WC3.

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Thank you so much
You need to put yourself in chromie mode Legion, go to dalaran and start
this quest :

The full questline:

You don't need it to unlock the race, you can do it with your dh but you'll be 70 before finishing the storyline of that zone.
Nightborne as a race looks bad, can't have a nice shoulder transmog, they don't fit, always floating.
why did all the replies get deleted
>>Void elf
>Meme race. Only relevant elf to the plot has the surname windrunner.
>>Blood elf
>Dealing purely with alliance and mainly with two political fuck-ups / risks like Jaina and Alleria makes it even worse
Alleria is the most relevant Thalassian elf and their biggest hero alive, how are blood and void elves not involved in this plot?
Just personal preference (normal/rp) and if you prefer more busy servers/AH/crafting orders
Night Elves were developed very late in the game. Its one of the reasons their campaign was the last.
At one point they were at risk of getting cutted/not made fully playable together with other originally planned races (daemons and nagas)
Heh, you didnt level in df or sl
Its overall the most bearable leveling experience since BFA:
Lmao why even bother elaborating further
It wasnt atrocious, and sometimes the low stake adventure feel made it comfy (azure dragonflight arc).But still, it was a largery boring leveling
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>enjoy my ret
>want to try out pvp
>every single ability does half dmg as soon as you enter pvp
>wings effect is also halfed so you get forced to run crusade
>crusade replaces wings and gives you haste instead of crit
why the fuck do some classes just play completely differnetly in pvp? and who likes crusade? i thought they deleted that shit already i dont wanna spam like a furry warrior
na he's right it's extra slop this time around. you do this EXACT formula dozens of times
>accept two quests
>one is to kill mobs, the other is to pick up something
>after turn in you get a new quest to kill a BIG BAD
here's the starting quest:

And the Suramar guide:

I enjoyed Suramar zone back in Legion. Have fun.
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>You need to put yourself in chromie mode Legion
Okay that's way more specific that I initially grasped. Thank bunches.
xalamommy (small dick)
Your opinion WILL BE DISREGARDED if you avatarfag (or play) as:
>Female Human
>Female Blood Elf
>Female Void Elf
>Female Night Elf
>Female Pandaren
>Female Draenei
>Male Orc
>Male Kul Tiran
>Male Worgen
Meanwhile, your post will be REGARDED MORE HIGHLY if you avatarfag (or play) as:
>Female Gnome
>Female Goblin
>Female Dwarf
>Female Worgen
>Female Undead
>Male Human

In any other case, your post will be regarded as usual.
Thank you for your time.
She is a political pariah that has been whitewashed so she won't kill Grug the orc warrior that is trying to play the expansion. Her race is not involved in her personal struggle until she has a windrunner moment and fucking nukes Silvermoon so it can be rebuilt as a neutral void elf city or some shit. Roll a dwarf or human this expansion and feel at home. Play anything else and it feels off.
So what's the best way of gearing rn? Is it heroics?
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do healers enjoy that every dungeon the group just hovers on 20% life constantly?
it would stress me out so hard but most healers in random dungeons dont even complain
i guess its just normal
It's just part of it, yeah.
You don't see dps stressed that they are at 20% with no way to heal themselves, do you?

I like to get on my fresh 70 320 ilvl prot pally and REALLY put them through their paces
dps dont look at their health bar lmao
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oh, so that's why her statue depicts her with a fucking bird
wdym ?
DF is just 1-2 quest at a time before moving on to the next stage in the zone, then rinse and repeat for all the zones
I’ve done all the quests apart from Cataclysm. I hated SL quests from the beginning, Bastion had the worst intro out of any expansion by far and the majority of SL quests were extremely tedious. DF was mainly woke crap but you had some moments where characters would be abruptly killed off.
TWW isn’t bad but I barely remember much of what happened in the main story and the side quests have been fine but nothing really stands out.
>want to try to get the squid mount
>Nyalotha is now soloable
>can't find raid portal
>read wowhead
what the fuck man
>wow doesnt have conten-
Damn you're right, I've already forgotten chunks of the TWW story. Just went through the motions because didnt really care about what tf was going on
>drunk tanked from 70-80
>joints hurt
it's over for me bros, arthritis has come to take me before the season could even start...
It’s normal, if someone dies it’s always their fault because they stood in something
>August trading post
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>[DROPS ON] 2 Gifted subs = Pet #ad
I just want my mount bro I want to run the raid with 27 alts that is already content enough, not traveling around the world doing quests I already did
Can't be a Guild Master...
but I'm already a guildmaster, it's easy anom
i rerolled to destro warlock to save my fingers
cant play those spammy melee specc anymore
>tfw will have to quit once we got too much haste
metzen made wow great again
So great we don't need an auction house, customer service, or actual content in the expansion.
Truly masterful.
whats the best way to farm valorstones?
is there any reason as a prot paladin that i would not want to use shield of the righteous every 4 seconds?

is there a reason i shouldnt just macro it to auto cast after judgement?
see >>492976435
so good I started raidlogging two weeks before raod
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ah dont work, zone changes dont work
shut the fuck up fag
>the leader of the earthen is a schizophrenic who moonlights as a mafia boss
did not see that one coming blizz
What's up with this dragon class in pvp?
It seems like they have infinite mobility and healing + insane damage. Am I missing something?
I see my reflection on the screen, so guess at least one. Also love the better animations and pretty characters overall. Also love pretty women. Do you like pretty women? Seeing them? Because it looks to me like you do not. And dont bring the "its pixels you wont see anything!", because:
a) you do
b) if you honestly dont care for the looks, you are either a robot so deep in wowo wawa shithole you cannot quit, which equates you to a robot, and go fuck yourself with a chainsaw. Peak machine bonding experience of unadulterated effeciency.
na that's pretty much it
Every female tauren is my girlfriend
they are like mages basically untouchable by melee but get 2 shot by hunters
just try to ignore them when you are playing melee and make a hunter alt if you get sick of them
invite to guild
/wowg/... guild?...
sent :)
>play destro
>my spell evolves to super destro bolt
>spell sparkles in my bars
>play ele
>my spell evolves to super thunder bolt
>spell isnt sparkling
why nat
I was planning on leveling a hunter next, nice
>You look like a clown with that posture
femworgs keep winning
you might want that holy power for a wog.
Shield mitigates but it wont save your life, YUGE low hp wog will.
just drop prot pala lil bro it's doooooooogshit
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>hmm this unholy dk is looking good
>i shall play it.
tranny freak
no bro dont do it
save your fingers
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mmmm epidemic
fuck it, im gonna make a male human warrior
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fuck im such a faggot piece of shit somebody rape my face
cute granny
he's aggressively unlikable
She looks like she needs to take a shower
then I'm making a male orc shaman.
Yea just did the questline too. Hes the only Earthen Council member with a personality (and the only male, maybe its intentional)
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>want to start leveling my shaman
>make a fire mog
>look at what the good talents are
>"Lava Burst has been nerfed so far that it is not worth ever pressing the button"
>"Dodge everything that mentions Lava Burst"
now i need a whole new mog reeee
thanks for the guild homies its comfy in here
My exact intention.

shes only like 28, but shes been beat up a lot.
You are minimum 12 renown with each rep right?
How come my pet keeps using growl even though I have it off auto cast?
>Not 15 Renown
Enjoy being forever behind the curve casual, lmao
You are a shit hunter and your pet doesn't recognize you as it's master.
honestly cant be arsed camping rares kupo-desu-ne
ill kill the ones i see but that do be it doe. fr.
crusty cunts come out today right? RIGHT? they wont time gate yet another feature right?
That applies on all characters.
The girbosses are all universally flawless resolving everything with the power of womanship and just being nice.
The only one skardyn female is basically a victim and was deceived by the bad man into getting voidified, her last act was to tell other to flee or hide.
It's so boring.
gemmy time :)
we love gems :)
*eats gem*
gemmy :D
>tfw im not even 80 yet
doen every rare and every questline and every treasure WITH darkmoon buff and im only renown 11 with each
I'm rep 9, it's so fucking over
I haven't even started the fourth zone yet
Honestly of all the women the leader of the nerubian conspiracy its the only one bearable. Maybe because she keeps lowkey flirting with you (or just find you potentially delicious know the nerubian's culinary tastes. dunno)
Usually I populate these forums to troll or flame but this one is hilarious to me

I literally have no job or other occupation and barely go outside, I’m playing this game like 6-8h daily and I feel I haven’t touched a third of the expansion’s outdoor content, did like two delves and am nowhere near to the max ilvl available rn

Like, what ru guys doing? I refuse to believe most of u saying “no content” have actually done all the content. There’s no way. The only people who maybe have are gunning for world first achievements, or as close to it as possible, and are probably glad to take a breather from the giga grinding they had to do

Go roam the world and listen to the music and stop lying on forums u ingrates
is it just me or does boomkin hit like a wet noodle
i feel like frost dk has too many buttons now in the opener
rep 6 bros... granted i've focused on professions and only now been doing rares cuz of retarded weekly reset... at least i haven't done any side quests yet, s-sure i'll catch up with darkmoonfaire rep boost + massive questing...
Technically, RIP in Peace still exists, the leader even played 3 days ago and bought TWW.
>rep 6
You aren't even a human in my books... /spit
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Didn't pay for the early access, missed 95% of rares rep in week 1, it's over.
I got this by doing ALL the fucking quests in the game + chests + 75% of rares in week 2
where earthen
I was too busy leveling my alts so I had no time to autistically farm rares 24/7................
>Tfw EAchads keep winning

Wtf man
You settled on your main yet?
I was thinking demo warlock but fury warrior is pretty tits
nah im like 4-5 on most of them and ive not even done a single heroic yet
is there any dps reason to go for a specific profession
i play only one char so yes
Well there's always season 2
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We lost.
We fucking lost.
Class yes, race/faction no. I'm still alternating between playing 3 chars.
Lost what nigger
grinding renown is fag shit
i feel like every specc has too many buttons
we really need some pruning
I usually play resto but I don't like that they removed Moonkin form because it had some cool mobility interactions, so I might go MW instead since they have that double jump thing
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I mean, I'm average 12 renown... That's good enough, r-right?
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Playing wow for a lot of people literally means opening a guide what to do and doing exactly and only that so as to be as efficient as possible. Otherwise they might fall behind.
They dont care about the atmosphere, the music or whats happening. Just run the process as efficient as possible lmao
>no one is watching a guy do quests, tier 3 delves or heroic dungeons
woah... wow is dead...
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what could have been
only guy itt other than me actually playing the game
im bored..............................
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>playing the game
no you spastics are just burning yourself out again with trying to grind the rep as fast as possible
im at 9 renown on all reps and i ain't gonna run around killing all rares and idk what
only boring people get bored anon......
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been playing since early access
i will not farm rares weekly
i will not buy a contract.
sorry chuds.
i will still get invited to groups.
>preach mike is playing some pedo game about little girls right now
damn i use to like that guy did ffxiv really make him into a faggot tranny?
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me? I'm 4 renown. playing since minute 1 of early access.
I'll start the TWW introduction quest tomorrow. Happy?
you guys told me ele was easy but it has 700 cooldowns and 4 million totems what the fuck
>talking about trannies again unprompted
is it just me or is a very little world quests? I cleared all yesterday and now it's only one wq per zone (not counting pet battles).
It IS easy, like 60 % of your buttons are lbs
why does xiv have that many viewers? did it become a fad again?
aint it funny how lighting bolt is your lowest priority spell?
jap streamers are doing some event thing. twitch is kinda big in japan now.
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>be healer or tankchad
>season 1 starts
>highest renown: 9
>item level: 560
>start own group
>hundreds of micropenis-having dpscels who have been poopsocking since minute 1 of early access prostrating themselves to join your group anyways
>event thing
oh its those guys that did that sf6 shit a bit ago
If there was any more I'd kms. There's so much shit to do I can barely keep up.
>inspects you
>sees you don't have the 584 hallowfall neck, so aren't renown 11
>don't join group
Are new accounts still forced into dragon isles? Can I do chromie time?
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>he doesn't have friends to run m+ with
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>sees you don't have the 584 hallowfall neck
dude even m2 starts at 597, what do you want with your pansy ass 584 ilvl neck????
i feel very sad for those people.
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>wowfriends quit in the shitstorm that was legion-slands
it's okay, we have friends in real life instead
nothing, just evidence of your renown level and therefore whether I want to play with you
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Duskwood is actually insane.

This quest gives more experience than even War Within quests.
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Worgen handholding.
Are delves and pvp a viable endgame strategy for the solo autist?
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i haven't even bought TWW within yet, I need to complete all of the expacs, do every raid and dungeon, max out every rep and finish every single quest on the map otherwise i will not be happy

just got the isle of thunder achievo a few days ago, i was very happy "Stormbreaker" is a kickass title
My healer ass when my worgen tank knots me
60% of my buttons are buffs because I have fucking FIVE of them
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>yfw your irl friends are also your wow friends
what if we made a guild and became wowfriends....?
>join wowg gengeral guild
>get blackmailed with dicks pics and forced to take hormones
>join the /wowg/ guild
>its comfy friends helping each other and memes
genuinely this.
i joined one just to see what the fuss was about and immediately was met with tranny drama. i thought you guys were joking about the whole gooning, erp, vulpera, dracythyr whatever the fuck stuff but its actually disgusting.
i'd only join to do shadowmourne blood infusion. oh wait, i already did that. no reason to join
Prove the Holocaust happened.

You can't.
it seems so yes
no you can only get like 5 drops a week from delves they are random so expect trash
so was it drama or yiff??
how are you guys getting severed threads rep? I feel like I'm missing something, it is 2 levels behind my other ones
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So as a Jewelcrafter (stop laughing) what am i supposed to be specing into. I pretty much just got to 25 so i have most of the points.
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Where is he?
Delves are kind of overrated since you're gated by the amount of bountiful coffer keys
He's a white male so blizzard is hoping we forget about him or saving him for a future expansion where he can learn from a strong woman before being humiliated and killed off.
blizzard locker of characters to bring back when wow dies
I think it's funny that people would say Sylvanas was the new Kerrigan but in term of character and personality, Alleria has far more in common with SC2 Kerrigan. She's practically one bad hair day away from going to the Locus Walker and eating him in order to become the Primal Void Queen and get her Vengeance.
Is the 584 hallowfall neck once per account?
or can I do it on all my characters
DNC called and want their shill back
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/wowg/ is literally r*ddit at this point. in fact it's worse than r*ddit.
next to the broken Illidan "Break in case of emergency" box
they'll find a way to bring him back.
>sargeras escaping
>time bullshit
>echo of the past
Metzen already confirmed Illidan comes back in The Last Titan to play a role in getting rid of Sargeras' sword
Have you considered the possibility that in this day and age it is simply more practical - and therefore more sensible - to align yourself with a radical position than to try to remain an "enlightened" fenceshitter? Being a /pol/tard is the only socially manifest alternative to being a normalfag.
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>a strong woman
A Strong Women of Color*
Also Obese and in a Wheel Chair.
You get one full renown every time you level one of the 3 generals standing. They go from Acquaintance to Mastermind, 8 ranks per.
He's finally gonna canonically plap Maiev and I can't fucking wait
>illidan holding big ass legion daddy on a leash
>lift it
>sargeras whimpers and obeys, lifting the sword
>good boy
You can't convince me they haven't already had sex.
You can't even convince me Maiev doesn't have a kid she's been hiding from everyone the last 8 years.
Illidan is 100% a deadbeat dad
nta but none of this shit matters if you leave your house time to time
It does matter.
Being around other people does not make you less lonely or less abnormal, it just teaches you to pretend to not be.
God I wish I had a hot committed dracthyr boyfriend
in my experience it does make me feel less lonely and realize no one cares about this online shit
i dont mind being abnormal
I can just freely spend my weathered crests without cucking myself right?
i upgraded everything to 4/8 but it probably doesnt matter
I feel kind of baffled that Turalyon is still written to be antagonistic to orcs, I thought the writers would cover him in bubblewrap so he couldn't interact with Horde players at all.
>24/7 being a discordtroon and now grasping on a 5k viewer game getting views because of some jap streamer event

nice life
Cus spider.
Females being in charge of the spider races makes complete sense.
Dark Elves in Forgotten realms did the same thing because they were spider worshippers, whats why they're femdom elves.
me holding the bear tank's hand
I am leveling mining and inscription because my character is a miner and a scribe. I dunno what your guys' problem is.
Weathered is worthless and Carved will also become worthless once m+ starts.
The third one, the one you get from heroic raids & m+3 to 7 is the most important one, don't waste it.
if those are the heroic dungeons ones yea
>>Blood elf
>Dealing purely with alliance and mainly with two political fuck-ups / risks like Jaina and Alleria makes it even worse
Eh. Its not a big deal. We got Quel'thalas coming up in Midnight, so a focus on Blood Elf shenanigans is on the horizon.
Can't wait to see how Blood Elf lore is gonna be raped.
New lore dropped: Anub'arak betrayed the Nerubians to the Scourge because he was an incel male chud trying to defy the rightful Spider Queen matriarchy.
It also made sense for Tyrande to be more in charge of the Nelves than Malfurion because they felt like Blizzards take on teh drow. but somewhere around cata they seemed to have forgotten that and then had Tyrande go full retard in MoP for Varian.
why did healing go from, I can dps if I feel like it.
all the dps are about to die constantly.
one heal bro?
how do I get tha
skill issue
everything went to doodoo with the elections in 2015/2016 and /pol/ got flooded with newfags that changed this site for the worse
before that the site was way more comfy
Umm, healers should heal?
>Her race is not involved in her personal struggle
Having your entire race be involved in your personal struggle would be pretty strange. Her personal struggle does involve something that partially affects her entire race however.
reddit healers asked for it "I'm a healer not a dps" and now you got to heal, on top of that, add the retarded dps standing in aoe.
>comparing two empty husks to kerrigan
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healers should heal. dont want to heal. dont player healer. simple
Tyrande should've known better than think she was somehow the main character of the Human Alliance and done the right thing which is remove the night elves from the alliance and from the alliance box cover in 2004.
>instead of adding low constant group damage they make every mechanic an instant 1 shot without a defensive so you have to spot heal like a motherfucker
>on top of tanks needing constant spot healing AND pulling the entire instance without properly holding aggro
Why should the healer just be a dps but with bad dps?
If the game wants a healer then you get a healer not a half assed dps.
11 hallowussy renown
What would be your dram m+ season?

>Affixes:Volcanic, Bursting, Raging, Storming, Skittish, Entangling
>Seasonal affix: Reaping
>Maw of Souls
Healers fault he let the dps die so they couldn't kill the mobs.
cool girl
I'll grant you that Alleria is a more shallow take on the character that SC2 Kerrigan is supposed to be and Sylvanas is a way, way more shallow take on what Brood War Kerrigan was, but you can't deny the archetypes are very much in the same category.
the game is in an insanely easy to heal state compared to shit like df S2...
you heal everything except for like 10-20 mob pulls with ease
I don't want to see those dungeons ever again
>affixes in TWW
ah so you are a weekly +2 no leavers enjoyer
I don't want to dps as a healer but I do want to debuff the enemy mobs, how do I do that if I'm always spamming my heals?
Sorry never learned how to heal even in M0, I play without addons by the way.
she looks like she fucks human men
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dóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóótttt!!!!! ;D
i miss shadowlands
but also miss not having to work because of the pandemic
Let me fuck
t. fem draenei (hung)
>Affixes: Prideful, Fortified, Storming, Teeming, Entangling
>Shrine of The Storm
>The Rookery
>Maw of Souls
>Grimrail Depot
if you're constantly having to heal it's because your teammates constantly take avoidable damage
even in the highest keys healers only have to heal like 30% of the time, 30% is setup/utility, 30% is dps and 10% is just awkwardly fumbling around anticipating the damage and freaking out
>heroic dungeons that any tank can easily solo are easy to heal in 5man groups
holy shit
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>i miss shadowlands
God have we gotten to the retarded point dipshits will try to romanticize SL.
what happend
Illidan was supposed to be Warcraft's Kerrigan
And some tanks have self heals so it should not be that difficult at least for lower keys.
Only redditors hated it
>6 hours ago
should I become a blacksmith?
>got wow token with 30 minutes of gametime left
easiest +15 bucks ever. these professions sucked me dry.
yea sure need some more crafters that I haven't ignored for spamming in trade
drama. some tranny whining in the discord chat and then people just airing out eachothers business for no reason
I have two more tokens, when I use them I'm out.
Not paying for the game.
You can play until the reset if your sub runs out, just have to relog instant and not log off.
Well his tits aren't round enough and his ass isn't big enough for that.
nooo dont go ur so sexy ahaha
one of my characters was in Oribos when I logged in and I got reminded of how fucking terrible that expansion was
>Not paying for the game.
but there's no chance you can farm enough gold in an equal amount of time as you make from your job. assuming you have a job
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>mom picks up the phone
>get logged out because internet dies
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I wanna subscribe and get to lv45 for the Suramar questline. Should I start with one of these quests, or spam dungeons, or talk to Chromie to go to an expansion geared for lv20-30/40?
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How can I sell my wares without advertising my services?
Last time I tried healing was in BfA stormsong valley temple mythic 0 and I couldn't keep anyone alive lmo this was before the first raid even came out I don't know what I was doing wrong I was a holy paladin with ilvl 338 or something.
I give money for tangible goods and services, not timegated slot machines.
That can't possibly still be a thing
>he doesn't have a paid off house and cars, no job, and a steady $60k/yr passive income with a substantial nest egg in case it ever goes tits up somehow
what are you guys even doing honestly
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Why is Meerah and just Meerah in spiderland?
i cant afford wow and rent
better figure that out quick anon, this badboy ignore list has no limit
Living on the edge, safety net cuck
prostitute yourself
>400 artisan's acuity + tip to even start actually engaging with the fishing line minigame they added
holy fucking shit this expansion is retarded
in game blizzard ignore has a limit? thats retarded of them.
>shitty p2w mobile games ask for hundreds/thousands of $$$$ monthly to just stay competitive
>there's still people bitching about WoW sub being too expensive
yea I made the line then realized I'd either need to power level eng on an alt or dump my mains acuity in the trash, and just shelved it
They should make a reverse public orders tab where the crafters can showcase themselves "these are my specializations, hire me"
she was on dal when it fell and got abducted by spiders
or crafter's districts in the big town.
Cuck. This is the WORLD of WARCRAFT. You played Warcraft or are you a bluetard? In WARCRAFT, the peons must harvest the gold so that the grunts can go into battle. You lazy bum fucks on the allshittance are cringe retards who do not adhere to the simple Volkist national principles of victory. This is why you can never win the Race to World First and achieve the total conquest, and so the Horde always wins, as a community, as a family, because even the loweliest of the low participate in the Great Struggle to win the race for world first. Lok'Tar Ogar, for the HORDE!
New thread:

That wouldn't get rid of the need for spam problem, would just move it to different chat channel.
just let people put minimum quality in public orders, exactly how it works on patron orders
>but anon everyone will be putting 5*, maybe 4* if they know that 5* isn't possible yet
ok great
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>Volkist national principles of victory
>just let people put minimum quality in public orders
You literally can do that already?
zip it crafting hoe and show me the goods.
no you can't
You literally can't
Pick up the chromie time legion and do the quest given, it starts the legion event that will bring you to dalaran. Once you get the portal for Azsuna (broken isles) go to dalaran and talk to the inn to get you a dalaran heartstone.
Then you can either dungeons or quests
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REAL and GOOD new bread and OP

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>you can set it with personal orders, but not with public
Ok sorry for being a retard.
was a thing for me for a while last year because the line got fucked up on the other end of my phone/DSL. phantom phone rings and that old dialup kick with direct calls, even though nothing was wrong at my house. i've got something different now but there are still pockets of people without other options so it could happen.
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>even with guild orders
????????? what the FUCK is the logic behind this.
i dont give a shit what your ideals are, it's just a bad use of your time. also every token you sell is still money to blizzard, just from someone elses pocket

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